#cinderella rewrite
starry-blue-echoes · 10 months
Oh I had. A thought for the Cinderella Rewrite AU. Because now there's a girl out there who is extraordinarily pissed at Yukako, right?
Well that's great for Yoshihiro Kira who is trying to find people willing to distract the Morioh Gang from hunting down and finding his son. And this girl already has a grudge against one of them? Perfect Enemy Stand potential!
There are so many ways this plotline could go which is amazing. Does the girl learn the error of her ways or remain stubborn, becoming a shadow archetype to Yukako, someone unwilling to settle her feelings in a healthy way? Does Koichi beat her or does Yukako? Does this happen on The Thursday? If so, does Yukako reluctantly drag in someone like Hazamada to help or does she try to go it alone only to fail and need the help of, say, Joseph or Tonio?
Speaking of which, if it isn't on The Thursday, where is Yukako during All Of That?
While I have no idea what her Stand could be, I LOVE the idea of her being turned into a Stand User and getting involved in The Thursday. Maybe she ends up teaming up with Terunosuke in the kidnapping of Koichi and it sorta skews how everything goes. What her Stand is will definitely impact how things are going, but with how we've created her there are. So many possibilities and I'm not sure which would be best. I do think it should be more inclined to trickery than straight up power but other than that I've got nothing
ANYWAYS tho, as for how this ties into things and redirects them: maybe the girl (also, we really need to give her a name don't we) was set up to work with Terunosuke, but under the condition that Koichi and Yukako were hers. Teru does his thing and kidnaps Koichi and Tomoko, but he ends up passing Paper Koichi off to the girl
Josuke, Okuyasu, Yukako and Yuya are all going to temporarily be together and chasing after Terunosuke, but maybe somewhere during the chase the girl ends up jumping them and goads Yukako into a fight. Yukako tells the others to go on ahead and keep chasing after Teru and that she'll catch up later. It only after they've left that Yukako learns Koichi is actually here. I'd imagine their fight is a lot of chasing and shouting, and personally I really like the possibility of Tonio and Joseph getting involved, though I'm not super sure how
Koichi definitely gets freed at some point, and when he joins the fight there's a noticeable difference in the tide. After all, out of the four of them Koichi has the 2nd most combat experience (plus, Joseph's gotten a bit nerfed because of his age) and isn't afraid to pull his punches if he genuinely believes he's in danger. He's had like. Three near death experiences at this point, two of which could be argued were just flat out death, plus who knows how many other fights where his friends were in danger. Koichi knows what's at risk here and he's not going to let anyone else get hurt if he can help it. (Now, he's not going for lethal shots, but he's definitly aiming to hurt)
and maybe that's how Tonio and Joseph get involved? For safety and potential back up, Koichi and Yukako ended up running to Tonio's since it was the closest place and Joseph just happened to be there (Shizuka is fine tho, she's Jotaro at the moment), and they end up getting wrapped into things
for the resolution of this, I'll admit I really want to play into the fact that this girl has no IDEA what's actually going on or how much is actually at stake here, and how her ignorance to it has consequences. She's far from blameless of course, she did do some really fucked up shit in the past and now, but she also had no idea she's gotten involved with serial killers who are looking to do far worse than high school bullying. She'd been so wrapped up in her own little world of getting revenge that she hadn't thought to think Hey Maybe The Weird Picture Man With The Arrow Doesn't Have My Best Interests At Heart
Now does this mean she gets off scott free? No, and to be honest given the amount of property damage and kidnapping and manipulation she's done she's definitely going to be on the Foundation's radar, double especially because she's a User who was again, working for a known serial killer (albeit unknowingly)
but finally, after weeks and weeks of all of this happening, she finally gets to see how there's more to this world that her immediate circle and there are going to be concesuqences for her actions
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annymation · 4 months
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hopeyarts · 23 days
✨What the Message in Disney’s Wish Should’ve Been✨
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If Disney wanted Wish to have their classic magical movie then the message shouldn’t have been ‘to keep wishing’. Like what does that mean? It should’ve been to ‘have faith and do what is good, and your dreams will come true’.
If you keep the right faith and love in your heart, you will get what is best for yourself and others. Pursue in the effort to put these values in the right power who loves and cherishes you back. Do what is right and more than what you’ve wished for will come true. The real magic of making your heart’s purest desire come true is your faith and kindness. It’s not solely in yourself to make them come true.
I know this sounds Christian to some people, and it is. I’m a Christian. I’m not saying Disney as a company should’ve made everything Christian or religious, but they should’ve taught the lessons they’ve always taught in their better animated movies for Wish. They could have also made a great story with their characters to give a clear example of moving away from an amateur/fraud/false prophet in power (for example, villain King Magnifico) and into the true deity (the Blue Fairy). The citizens who moved to Rosas had lost hope because they see that their desires are unfulfilled, so they turn to a false prophet (evil King Magnifico) to make them come true, when really that false prophet is using their trust for his own gain and power. He is just posing as a higher power, and opposing the traits and values of an actual loving higher power. The true higher power (the Blue Fairy) does the opposite and righteous thing. She blesses those who have faith and are selfless, and guides people who commit their hearts to goodness.
And no, Star is not that higher power in the movie. It is only Asha’s motivation/inspiration to keep going because it’s a light in the dark times she’s facing and is the only thing that *believes in her*, telling us that she’s the true power to making her dreams a reality. It’s a good thing to have people believe that you can achieve something, yes, but Star is only really telling her that the power to make your dreams come true is in yourself only. YOU have the power to make anything come true, which contradicts the lesson in every other Walt Disney Animated film.
The point is to be selfless and to have faith in the true loving higher power.
Snow White showed kindness to anyone and anything, even those who hated her (Grumpy). No matter what trouble she fell into, she showed empathy and love to everyone and everything. She offered her kindness to others, even if it meant falling under a spell.
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Princess and the Frog! The perfect example of finally allowing yourself to have faith in others instead of relying solely on yourself to make your dreams come true. She allowed love into her life, which helped her not only get her restaurant but form stronger bonds and relationships with other people. When she was offered the chance to get what she wanted, she gave up her dream life because she knew that love was what she needed, not a restaurant.
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The Little Mermaid. Ariel finds the goodness in humans and gives them a chance, despite her father’s hatred towards them and despite them killing her mother. She believed that there was love in humankind and that belief helped to peacefully connect the two worlds together and helped her father overcome his hatred and grief. She traded away her life as a mermaid in exchange for a life as a human, even if it meant she’d have limited time if she failed to kiss the prince. Don’t forget that she risked her life to save Eric when his ship burned down.
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Hercules, who was born a Greek god, looked up to some higher power in hopes of finding where he belongs. During the movie, he was given strength and a pegasus and things he would want. But it wasn’t what he needed. At the end of the movie, he decided to give up his immortality and powers to stay with Meg in Greece. He gave up everything he wanted for what he truly needed, and he knew it was enough.
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Pinnochio really dives into having faith and being selfless. He learned that in order to be a real boy, you must learn from your mistakes. You must do what is right, be honest, and be selfless. He earned the reward of being a real boy when he saves his father. He gave up his life to save him, and in return for his bravery and love he is transformed into a real boy.
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Cinderella. She shows kindness to both the animals (even Lucifer) and her stepfamily, no matter how cruel they are to her. She persevered through their abuse and stayed faithful in her dreams. Once she is broken down to the point she nearly gives that faith up, her fairy godmother appears and helps her. Cinderella keeps her faith and love in her heart. At the end, she forgives her family, showing more of her kindness. The entirety of the movie, she gave up her patience and stayed calm and compassionate to others even if they gave her a more than difficult time.
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There are plenty more, but those are some examples. They all have the values of doing what is good *and* putting your faith in the direction. That equals selflessness. So the point of my post is that the message should’ve aligned with what past Walt Disney movies had. While Asha does a good thing in the movie (sort of), her faith isn’t aligned well. The message is beaten down to something so absurd and vague that it’s…💀 ‘Just keep wishing’ is not a good message, especially not for Disney’s 100th animated film.
I recommend reading @/artist-issues posts on Wish and having faith because that person knows more about it and is more articulate on the topic.
Anyways, I’ve written a character arc for Asha in a previous post so I’ll just be adding some more to it here. Instead of my own take, I’m just going to go by the movie’s storyline to be simple.
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The idea I have for Asha, according to this whole thing, is that at the beginning of the movie Asha is like every other citizen until she somehow finds out that King Magnifico is using their wishes (which in all honesty, these wishes shouldn’t have been wishes but should have actually been their passion/sparks/willing ambition but I’ll say wishes right now for the sake of being simple once again) for his own power and gain. He consumes these wishes to stay in power, and whenever he does consume a wish the original owner of that wish is put into a state of endless grief and depression and would shortly result in death from a broken heart (kinda inspired by Chef Gustaeu from Ratatouille). People wouldn’t know this was happening and thought they died naturally. This ties into how Asha’s father should’ve died. Additionally, she lost her faith in the stars when her father died because they didn’t help fulfill her wish. This could signal the question on how wishing upon a star or having faith in a higher power works.
So anyways, the citizens are gaslighted by King Magnifico that everything is fine because they are ‘safe, fed, and protected’ and that they are ‘ungrateful if they question him because they are safe, fed, and protected’ when really they aren’t safe because he’s killing them, unbeknownst to the citizens. They eventually gaslight themselves about this too because they’re like ‘the king is the king and so he’s right. Right? Any doubts I have about him are wrong because he is keeping us safe’. He is basically luring people into his kingdom with the false hope that he’ll grant every wish and that he’ll keep them safe and happy. This whole consuming wishes thing could be leading up to him having enough power to capture Star in the first place or whatever, but I’m not gonna really get into that here.
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To put it short, King Magnifico is the venus flytrap and the citizens are the flies; his kingdom looks nice and welcoming but has bad-intentions. King Magnifico is the farmer and the citizens are the animals; he keeps them safe for the sake of getting their wishes and consuming them for power. He takes advantage of their trust. These could be people that seek refuge somewhere safe only to realize they’re being exploited for their king’s own gain. He is breaching their contract deal and terms (them giving up their wishes in order to stay in Rosas, Magnifico guaranteeing he’ll grant every wish and that he’ll keep them safe when really he’s consuming them to keep his power).
Asha, however, finds out about what he’s actually doing with the wishes and she sets off to free them all and return them to the people. It is not a wrong thing to do, unlike the movie’s version, because Magnifico has been giving them actual FALSE HOPE and betraying their trust. At this point, she doesn’t believe in King Magnifico anymore. Taking her father’s words, she thinks that wishing upon a star will guide her directly. But no, it doesn’t work that way. You can’t look up to someone and expect that someone to solve all of your problems for you. Asha, seeing that Star isn’t what SHE THOUGHT he’d be, would forget her father’s words and try to pursue her goal herself.
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So she doesn’t believe in Magnifico anymore. She doesn’t even believe in the Star or Blue Fairy anymore AGAIN either. She starts to believes that people have the power to make their own dreams come true *themselves*. Throughout the story, she is constantly being told by the Blue Fairy or Star that what she is doing is good, but her faith, love, and more is in the wrong place. Ignorantly, Asha still doesn’t believe that, showing a form of selfishness and arrogance, and continues to try to pursue her wish herself with or without help.
It is then at the end of the movie she learns a lesson after King Magnifico does something horrifyingly bad like consuming every wish for example. People are on a time limit when they’re wishes are consumed because they’ll die soon. This gives us a risk! And Asha learns that she can’t do this herself BY herself. She learns that instead of putting your faith in the wrong power (King Magnifico or solely yourself), you need to put that faith in the right direction. Let people help you and put your trust in others. You can put in the effort and work into achieving your dreams, but without staying selfless and having the right love and faith you won’t meet your end goal. And this helps the people to realize that they’ve been believing and putting their trust in the wrong power. The lesson learnt is to put your faith and love in the right direction. Accept the help of the people who will forever cherish and support you. Put in the effort and do what is right, and what is best will be rewarded to you. Be selfless.
ALL IN ALL—at the start, we know she had lost her faith in the stars after her father died when she was young. She put that faith in King Magnifico, but her trust was betrayed. She looked to the stars again in a desperate moment, and thought it’d solve all of her problems. But because that’s not how it works and she doesn’t know that, Asha gives up in all higher powers and tries to pursue her dreams herself. At the end she got it back and refocused it in the right direction. It makes her selfless and finally see the truth in who to believe in. She does what is right (giving the wishes back to the people) and accepts help. She learns that her effort was right, but the only ingredient she was missing was love and the right faith. Asha is then rewarded; she gets MORE from this (getting a magic wand to help others) and gets what’s BEST for her and the kingdom.
Have faith and do what is right, and your dreams will come true.
The general lesson in Walt Disney movies.
I suppose this is a journey people like myself experienced, especially with God, so you could say this is a reflection of that. I want to talk more about Him and how He has helped me, and I think this is a great way for me to do that. I’m still learning and traveling through this journey with Him, always. 👍🏽
To end this here, have a quote from the song A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes: “Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how much your heart is grieving, if you keep believing, the dream that you wish for will come true.”
Another one from When You Wish Upon A Star: “Fate is kind. She brings those who love the sweet fulfillment of their secret longing. Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through when you wish upon a star.”
There are many Walt Disney quotes both from the movies and himself that I could put here. ❤️
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ROR teen Ella redesign; aesthetic board
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she gives upcycled/thrift store fashion vibes
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
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"And for once,Percy looked forward to the future."
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houseofthelilypads · 9 months
Shrek Princesses Rewrite Edition 🐸👑🍎👡😴💇
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Based on my own headcanons & plans for their roles in my rewrite of Shrek 3. Because if I can redeem Artie and Charming then the ladies deserve that same chance!!
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Had a private tutor during her time at the tower
When food wasn't available she took to eating lava bread and smoked rats and bugs
Is heat resistant
She did venture out the tower when dragon was away
Studied martial arts through books and watching on the magic mirror
Her friends often stopped by to visit her, but as they got settled in adult lives grew too busy
Fiona loves kids and hopes to give her own children a childhood she never had
Does carry some resentment towards her parents she only vents in private tho
She can sing but on a normal range. Any higher it well... The bird scene in the first film
She loves swimming and water activities partly due to being surrounded by lava half of her life
Her favorite colors are green and blue they remind her of nature and to her, nature = freedom
Has bleached her hair a few times
She makes mud based beauty products and sell them on the side
Still listens to Sir Justin's music and has been to his concert
Knows of Artie's existence; they bond a lot over their parental issues
Fiona mentors artie how to defend himself, he has some proficiency in martial arts
Inherited her red hair from her grandmother
The reason Fiona was an ogre is partly due to her father being the Frog prince and guess where frogs live?
It's also believed that one of fiona's ancestors actually married an ogre but VERY long ago; the curse just brought out her genes
Fiona loves to stargaze; she also collected obsidian and volcanic rock
Sleeping Beauty
Is in a long distance relationship with the Sandman
Her dress is green because that's the color her disney counterpart never wears
Is the last one to arrive at a ball and the first one to leave
She has beds in every room but is usually found sleeping on the floor
Doesn't want children because she's too exhausted and fears any potential kids might inherit her condition
She actually understands Fiona dating someone who isn't human nor royalty, she dates the freaking god of SLEEP
Has the most patience with Snow because she sleeps through her nonsense anyways
Just like the video game adaptation of the third movie, she has the power to summon an army
Was the most hurt by Rapunzel's betrayal, they were the closest due to their similar backstories and lack of a biological family
Used to date another prince but he never came back to her tower so she eventually rescued herself. This is why she latched on to Charming in canon (and Bruce in my fanfic)
After getting charged with treason Rapunzel is made to serve community service. She hates it but considers it better than exile
She wears gold to match her hair
She owns a lot of wigs after suffering loss of her real hair (which she shaved off).
Cleans her own home
Lives in a smaller house compared to the rest
The others tease her for it but understands it's to make it easier for her to clean; having spent her whole childhood cleaning a giant estate
Is a master at blacksmithing and glassblowing; what she didn't JUST clean her home she had to do repairs too
Carries some cleaning supplies
Is VERY careful in leaving crumbs
Dislikes rats and cockroaches; she has a cat named Chandelier for this reason (my twist on Disney's Cinderella)
Is working to unlearn her people pleasing
has a better relationship with her stepsisters as adults
Her prince suffers from face blindness and as such gets her confused with other ladies. He even mistook Shrek for her
She doesn't mind kids but she rather work on reconciling with her stepfamily and heal from the abuse than pass down any baggage
The third strongest princess due to years of heavy lifting
Had the closest relationship with Fairy Godmother; was even considered a potential suitor for Charming but Cindy didn't like his vanity and immaturity.
When Cindy finds out about their plan to break up Fiona's marriage she is saddened but not surprised given Charming's past behavior
Snow White
She's my least favorite but I can explain why she acts like that
Developed an Ice Queen persona to protect herself
Living with seven bachelors rubbed off on her
Love rock music
Trained her animals to fight; found the larger animals surprisingly easier to tame
There's another Snow White but she is younger and has white hair.
If she ever sees her MGA doll irl she would be impressed that it's the only doll that managed to stay the most accurate to how she looks. She'd cut the hair
Does feel a little guilty for her mean girl attitude especially after it pushed Rapunzel away so post canon she works to be a little nicer
Her prince is actually the huntsman sent to kill her; he disguised himself as one to warn her of the evil queen
Still visits the dwarves time to time and even lets them live with her
Chose to reconcile with Cinderella after taking a good long hard look at herself
Is the girly girl of them all
The first thing she brought with her first paycheck was a purple dress, she couldn't afford the color after losing her home
Doesn't like to talk about her mother
After Fiona she is the 2nd physically strongest Princess
Knows every beauty trick in the book, every ingredient, foundation shade, even which brand of Lead
Shaves her legs using a sugar and lemon wax method, she doesn't use razors
She knows my OC Gwynn from when Gwynn was a teenager first arriving at the Poison Apple
She still has a crush on Charming, but tones it down after he starts dating Gwynn
Her friction with Mabel started after Doris expressed desire to make up wth Cindy, Mabel didn't see what they had to apologize for.
After Shrek 3 Doris works at the Candy Apple, which is an extension of the Poison Apple but FOR KIDS
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patheticbatman · 25 days
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Win a Commission! Guess the book, win a drawing!
To be fair, this is a fanon interpretation of the above characters. The book covers usually depicted them as white. However, a friend often imagined Addie to look like her, and Meryl to look like her older sister. So to give you a fighting chance at guessing while I enjoy drawing my fanon, here are some hints to help.
The first day’s picture has more hints, but here is today’s:
1. There is a curse laid by a dragon’s dying wish that created a plague upon the land
2. Addie likes to pretend to be sick while Meryl pretends to search for the cure to the plague.
3. Meryl is inspired by a mythic hero from her world, Drualt.
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bastart13 · 10 months
(i might be jumping to conclusions here but i think i missed something-) so you're fiddling around w renpy? are you making a visual novel? :3
I learnt python in university for my degree and I've always wanted to know how to make a visual novel so the past year I've been learning how to apply my skills to ren'py
I've practiced writing with 7 chapters of a Lovestruck rewrite, practiced coding by converting some IFs into visual novel format, and I've practiced drawing visual novel sprites.......... unfortunately I haven't found an idea to piece it all together yet. I feel cursed, in some ways, that I can never find something that combines all my attentions
Ideally, I'd do a visual novel jam or something similar just to get something out there but rn I'm struggling for ideas
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midnightmah07 · 7 months
Rewatching once upon a time due to nostalgia but ending up getting a random daiggie idea for a proposal??????? Hello?????????????
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the-spaced-out-ace · 4 months
rereading the half finished novel i put on ao3 that was pure fairy tale fanfic like. i was onto something but this shit needs a complete rewrite
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thegrimdog13 · 8 months
Halloween Day 6! 👠
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Jane the killer as Cinderella
Look at her ❤️😌
hope this is good enough ❤️
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
finally some well deserved cinderella hate on my dash!! couldn't agree more with your post (though even yukako literally losing her face didn't feel satisfying cause her biggest flaw wasn't *forgetfulness* for fucks sake)
so I was wondering how would you fix this episode if you could? I'd say get rid of it entirely but I really like aya as a character :(
I'm not a writer so it's hard for me to figure out
though I like to imagine a scenario where after aya's death cinderella stops working and koichi comes to his senses and it turns into a big complicated mess real fast ^^
I ACTUALLY DO HAVE A REWRITE FOR IT that I really want to make into a proper fic :DDD
In almost every scenario of Yukakoi I kinda just. Mentally replace Cinderella with this even though it technically ends on a more platonic note but still djrbvjbvs
basically, aside from Aya and Cinderella The Stand (which I've made some minor changes to) I've almost completely scrapped the whole episode and rewritten it in a way that I think fits way better. This is my Cinderella Rewrite :D
So it's been a few days/weeks since everything went down, and Yukako's been doing a lot of self reflection. She's been thinking, questioning, really just trying to figure things out. Admittedly it's a bit hard because she doesn't really have any friends to bounce her thoughts off of, but She's Trying Her Best
then she meets Aya. Hears her promises of love and how with her Stand, she can make it happen easily
and Yukako does accept the changes, albeit hesitantly. Cinderella changes her body, and for those precious 30 minutes, Yukako gets to experience Koichi loving her
......only she doesn't feel the happiness she thought, she hoped, she would. Doesn't feel the euphoria of love and care being given back to her and reciprocated
instead, it makes her sick to her stomach
because this isn't real. The glimmer in Koichi's eyes, the flush of his cheeks, the stutter of his words, none of it is real. There's a sense of wrongness to it, and deep down she can't help but feel like he isn't acting like Koichi would. His eyes, normally so sharp and clear, have a hazed over look like he isn't actually seeing her, and his smile is sweet but blank. It's not genuine and it makes her sick that such a terrifying expression could ever be on his face
this isn't love. This is a trick, an illusion, a false reality
when the effects of Cinderella wear off and Koichi looks at her the same way he did before, when he looks like himself again, she can't help but feel relieved. While his wariness hurts, it's far preferred to the sickly sweet smiles and dazed eyes
and this is when everything finally clicks for Yukako. It comes crashing down all at once and she begins to slowly, properly understand what she did. And with this realization comes a sort of acceptance. She draws connections between the reaches she was willing to go and Cinderella literally manipulating reality to make these things happen, and starts to see that it..... really wasn't healthy
For the first time, she finally puts Koichi's feelings before her own and stops pursuing him
........but as I said before, I said this episode was being rewritten. Not completely averted. And with Yukako chilling out..... who will be the antagonist?
Well :)
remember way back before Yukako kidnapped Koichi and was being unhealthily possessive she set that one random girl's hair on fire?
Yeah. Yeah her
She was pretty upset after everything that happened and ends up concocting a plan for revenge
I kinda want to play with her and Yukako and their reactions, but specifically in how similar I can make them, specifically in a "your feelings by themselves are fine and valid but the things you are doing to satisfy them are not" way
It wasn't hard for the girl to put together the pieces and realize Yukako had been the one to set her hair on fire, and understandably she was really pissed about it and went about planning some kind of way to get back at her
more or less, it boiled down to Get Hirose Have A Crush On Me And Lead Him On To Crush Yukako's Heart
now, there are three important things about this girl:
1) she had no idea about 95% of the stuff Yukako had done. Her knowledge was pretty much limited to Yukako Likes Hirose, Yukako Didn't Like I Was Talking Shit About Hirose, and Hirose Doesn't Reciprocate Yukako's Feelings. If she'd known just how far Yukako had been willing to go and what exactly she'd done to make Koichi so wary of her, she would've hard noped out of the situation
2) She is Just A Normal Person. She has no idea about any of the magic or Stand things going on. Because of this, she also assumes that Yukako lighting her hair on fire had been a preplanned thing instead of an impulsive decision
3) She Is A First Year In Highschool and first years are petty assholes who can be kinda dumb sometimes when trying to be petty assholes
so yeah, that's going on now. Maybe in between Yukako's first episode and "this episode" there could've been moments where the girl made slight background appearances and stuff as a sort of build up
Unfortunately (for her at least), Koichi doesn't have much interest in her and mostly brushes it off. Plus...... he's admittedly a bit on guard after everything that happened with Yukako, and so are his friends. This is then how Aya and Cinderella tie into things again. Fast forward a few more weeks to when the episode actually happens, and this girl pays Aya a visit. Now, she had no idea Aya was actually magic, but she didn't really question it because it got her the results she wanted. And Yukako..... actually does notice Koichi's "affections" for this other girl, and while it does hurt she stays firm with herself and stays away. She should be happy for him after all
.......but then she keeps noticing things. It wasn't on purpose, but given their proximity in school they're bound to pass by each other every once in a while, and what she sees.... she doesn't like. Koichi's behavior is...... off and weird and familiar for some reason, and the way his affections are received is even worse. This other girl brushes him off, disrespects him, her attitude almost seems mocking at times, but Koichi seems either completely oblivious to it or entirely uncaring
Yukako is then given a bit of a crisis. How this girl is treating Koichi feels so wrong, but she genuinely isn't able to tell if these feelings are lingering jealousy or Hey Something Is Actually Wrong Here, and she really doesn't want to risk it being the latter because that will just hurt Koichi even more. Following Koichi around to gather evidence is exactly what she's trying to avoid doing, but she also doesn't know any other way
so after a lot of mulling and debating and trying to figure out what the hell is happening, she ends up going to Josuke and Okuyasu
and while at first they're on edge and suspicious...... they can't deny they've noticed what she has as well. Have noticed it for a while, but they haven't been able to do much. They think Koichi's acting weird, but the girl isn't a Stand User (they've tested it a few times already) and they're really not sure how to go about this. They don't trust her, not by a long shot and they're honestly not completely sure she isn't going to stab them in the back when it's over, but they're willing to work with her on this for Koichi's sake
Yukako's honestly fine with their suspicion, she's just happy she wasn't making things up like she feared
so they set up a trap of sorts. Yukako's going to confront the girl (without violence, just verbally) alone about this under the guise she's still in love with him while Josuke and Okuyasu hide nearby to eavesdrop
So they do! And this was exactly what the girl was waiting for. She tears into Yukako, insulting her, pointing out how Koichi was nervous around her, maybe bringing in her home life (which I headcanon to be Nonexistent At Best), and really just pointing out every single one of Yukako's insecurities and throwing it in her face. Josuke and Okuyasu feel...... really awkward for that part of the conversation, but then Yukako finally manages to steer it to the whole reason why they were here
Yukako points out how the girl clearly didn't love Koichi, hell she didn't even seem to like him, so why was she keeping him around?
And the girl just flat out admits to what she's doing. How she couldn't care less about Koichi, how seeing him trip over himself to try and get her to like him is hilarious, how the whole reason she's doing this is to hurt Yukako, and how despite the fact she's said everything she wouldn't be able to do a thing about it because Koichi's wrapped around her finger and no one would ever believe her :)
so she leaves Yukako slightly shell shocked in the middle of the room with a VERY murderous Josuke and Okuyasu, all still reeling at what this girl just said
so now they're a bit stuck. None of them had the foresight to record the conversation because they didn't think she'd spill everything like that, and if Josuke and Okuyasu hadn't been able to convince Koichi before, Yukako joining the mix wasn't going to make it much better. The two boys were honestly surprised there weren't any Stand Shenanigans going on. They knew she wasn't a User, but it was still wild that this was all happening naturally
.......and it's with that comment things finally click with Yukako. She recalls the Stand User beautician she had visited all those weeks ago, how Koichi's behavior is almost exactly like what it had been during that half hour, how this girl would've had access to Aya's services, and everything falls into place
the three of them BOOK IT over to Aya's and prepare for a fight...... only they don't get one. Aya's naturally really confused about what's happening and asks, but when she learns the situation?
oh yeah, she's P I S S E D
after all, Aya does genuinely want people to find love. She wants to be their fairy godmother making their wishes for love come true, wants to give them a happy ending as long as they're willing to put the time and effort into making it happen. So learning this girl was using it for revenge? That she was toying with Koichi's feelings to get back at someone else? Yeah she's ready to go fucking ballistic
she cancels Cinderella's ability on the girl immediately and they all run back to the school to see if it worked, and it did :D....... but both parties noticed immediately and are now having a rather loud argument because Koichi's understandably freaking the fuck out because his mind was being messed with and the girl is pissed that Koichi's finally realized what's going on. For a second things looked like they might escalate even further, but the gang steps in, call her out on her bullshit (maybe the girl tries pinning some of it on Yukako but they shut that down quick), and take Koichi home. Aya explains to Koichi about her Stand and profusely apologizes for her unknowing role in all this, and tells the kids they're welcome any time
and they finally just. Have a moment of calm to take a breather. They all start walking home with the three explaining everything Aya didn't to Koichi and making plans for the next day to make sure the girl didn't try anything else
and..... I'll admit, I'm not too sure how, but eventually, Koichi and Yukako are going to be left alone, and the following dialog is said:
“W-wait…… look, I won’t lie…. what you did before wasn’t okay. You hurt me, and I was scared. But….. but you have changed. You’ve grown, and you listened to what I told you. You saved me because it was the right thing, not because you wanted me to give you anything or because you wanted anything and….. thank you.
I…. Before, at the cafe when you confessed to me….. I don’t hate you, and I don’t think you’re ugly. Actually, I think you’re very beautiful. You just…. caught me off guard. The last thing I was expecting was a love confession. I didn’t know how to respond, and suddenly you were yelling and I-"
*a deep breath and a moment of silence*
"....I don’t know if I’ll ever love you like that, and I'm sorry. But.... maybe we could try to be friends?"
and after everything that had happened throughout the last few weeks. After learning more about herself. After learning about how..... nice it could be to have friends who you could trust to look out for you
Yukako accepts with a few tears and a soft, happy smile
(also, if in retaliation for using her Stand in such a way Aya ended up rearranging the girl's face into something much less attractive..... well, no one needs to know it was her :))
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wings-of-sapphire · 6 months
Hello, loves!
So, people seemed to like my Wish rewrite; and actually, I’ve written rewrites of a bunch of movies before. Well, like four
I was wondering, since Disney’s Snow White comes out next year, would you want to see my adaptation of the story? It won’t be exactly like Disney’s, but it will still have a romance and actual dwarves. Prince Florian still exists, but he’s more present in the story to form a relationship with Snow (and he isn’t like three times her age). Some Princess Bride inspiration, but mainly follows the plot of the original Snow White.
Thanks for participating, darlings~
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princess-ibri · 7 months
I'm a huge fan of yours. The brainpower it takes to worldbuild the Everrealm is insane. I have a question, tho. Did you ever do a Canon Descendants post for Cinderella's children? And if you didn't, which fairytale would it be based on?
Thank you so much!
I did! Right here:
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greenornaments · 2 years
“Ok, but what if Cinderella was just a total bitch 🤔 “
-ALW rewriting the lyrics to Bad Cinderella, probably
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antihibikase-archive · 10 months
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I wanna say I’m in love But I wanna save those words for when I’m cute enough! Don’t you know it’s not alright? Won’t you wait for me, my charming prince in shining armor?
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