#choi san horror
kfinalgirls · 7 months
Scream ༊*·˚ Part 2
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༊*·˚Admin Lulu Presents~ ༊*·˚Pairing: Choi San x Lulu (OC) 1st pov x Park Seonghwa ༊*·˚Genre/Trope/Au: smut, horror, established relationship, scream au, college au ༊*·˚Rating: R rated, +18 MDNI ༊*·˚Warnings: mentions blood, gore, death, knives, violence (smut will be included in future chapters), drinking, party going, creep! seonghwa, gaslighting ༊*·˚Kinks: suggestive talk ༊*·˚Word Count: 1,913 ༊*·˚Credits to @cafekitsune for the divider ༊*·˚Synopsis: When a killer begins to target students of my college--and also starts calling me to brag about it--San is there to comfort me. But throw in his creepy best friend and my world begins to crumble around me ༊*·˚Part One ||| All Posts || Part Three
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“San, no, I am not going to some stupid party!”
San and I were having a not-so-great argument. He wanted to go out, I wanted to stay in. Usually I could convince him with a flash of my underwear that it was in his best interest to stay in but tonight he was being stubborn for some reason.
“Come on, Lulu!” He pleaded, “I promised Seonghwa we would go!”
I sent him a look of disgust, “I’m especially not going because of your weird best friend.”
“He’s not weird!” San whined, “He’s just got his head in the clouds a lot. I promise, he’s harmless.”
Harmless my ass. I don’t know how many times I caught Seonghwa staring at me and even when I caught him he never stopped like normal people do. He always seemed to loom at any function that San and I went to. Seonghwa got so close to me sometimes I could hear his breathing. He really really creeped me out but he was San’s best friend and I had to endure it, I guess.
“Please, I don’t want to go. I don’t care what you promised!” I begged. If I had to pull out the big cards, I would. I went on my knees and grabbed a fistful of his pants, looking up at him, “I’ll make it worth your while if we don’t go.”
San looked so good. His hair was soft and he had just a t-shirt and a pastel green cardigan but damn did his shoulders fill out everything so nicely. San cursed under his breath and cupped the side of my face with one hand. “God, what I wouldn’t do for you to suck my dick right now.” He shook his head and steeled himself. “No, you can’t dissuade me. Seonghwa is throwing this party and he was very adamant that we both be there. We have to. Besides, you’ve been jittery since movie night and I want to get you out of the apartment.”
Guess I had to take another approach. “There’s a killer out there, San!”
San rolled his eyes at me, “Then we should go to the party. The more people there the less likely we’re going to get murdered.”
“Fine,” I said stiffly, getting up from being on my knees, “I’m not wearing this skirt though. Seonghwa gets weird when I wear skirts around him.”
San pffted at me. “Who wouldn’t get weird when you wear skirts? I get a chubby just watching it swish on the back of your thighs.”
I stuck my tongue out at him and moved into the bedroom. I ditched my skirt and looked for some comfortable pants. “You’re my boyfriend. You’re allowed to get a chubby when you look at me. I want you to get a chubby when you look at me. I don’t want Seonghwa imagining getting his fingers up my skirts!” I shuddered at the thought.
“But Babe!” San appeared at the doorway. “You can’t blame him. You’re hot. Even Wooyoung admitted once to--”
I threw my hand up and stopped whatever San was going to say. “Please stop, I don’t want to hear the end of that sentence.”
I finished shimmying on the black pants I chose to wear and checked my make up in the mirror. “We will stay for exactly two hours and you better be getting me refills when I finish my drinks,” I said to San, looking at him through the mirror.
San sent me a sunny smile that made his eyes disappear. He was looking all happy-go-lucky just to piss me off, “Of course, Babe.”
I walked to the doorway, looked my boyfriend up and down and said, “I am not happy with you right now.”
“Does this mean you won’t be giving me a bj on the drive there or--OW!”
There were plenty of cars littering the lawn of Seonghwa’s huge house. San had informed me that Seonghwa always had the place to himself and that was usually why he threw parties. Who knew where his parents were--Dubai or did he say Dublin? Either way, the party was well on its way by the time San and I got there.
“I’ll go get us drinks,” San said as he saw Wooyoung in the kitchen from the entranceway.
“Don’t you dare--” And he was gone.
I folded my arms and found a corner to sulk in. I couldn't even bring San upstairs to fool around. Some classmate had told me Seonghwa’s parents had cameras EVERYWHERE. I did not need Seonghwa watching me and San--I shuddered. I did not want to go down that train of thought.
But then I heard heavy breathing and, “You’re here.”
I whirled around and narrowed my eyes down at Seonghwa. “Regrettably,” I said with my lips pursed to the side.
Except… Why did Seonghwa look so good? I mean, it’s not like he wasn’t attractive. I had heard every girl on campus sigh over Park Seonghwa. They thought he was secretive and mysterious and his allure was a legend around the school. But his creepy factor always nulled that out for me. But tonight, Seonghwa was in a long jacket, jeans ripped at the knees and a turtleneck. He looked… sophisticated? Definitely a look I’d go for. I shook my head. No, Lulu, you’ve got to stop that.
Seonghwa had a shy, crooked smile on his face now. Shit. “Something wrong?”
I scoffed at him, “Yes, you’re entirely too close to me.”
Seonghwa chuckled under his breath. “Looks like San got distracted with your drinks. Perhaps I can keep you company instead?”
I looked over my shoulder and there was my boyfriend, playing a fucking drinking game with Wooyoung. That bitch. I turned back to Seonghwa and scoffed at him, “I don’t fucking think so.”
Seonghwa shrugged his shoulders, “San told me you got some creepy phone call? I didn’t think you wanted to be alone.”
I winced. San, must you tell your best friend everything? “I-I’m fine.” The stutter in my voice said otherwise. Fuck.
Seonghwa’s smile became a grin. I took a step back as he took a step forward. “I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. I heard the news say that it seems the killers are targeting students that are in the bottom half of the dean’s list. Aren’t you in the upper half?”
I frowned at Seonghwa. “What do you mean killers? There’s more than one?”
Seonghwa’s eyes widened and then he shrugged again. “That’s their theory, anyways.”
I opened my mouth to ask more when my phone went off. That better be Choi San telling me he’s got my drink or I swear to God…
{10:42pm} Private Number: Having fun?
My mouth went dry and my palms started to sweat. I hadn't received a message from the creepy caller since that day in the Geology labs. If I had to guess, I would have said it was Seonghwa, but he was in front of me right now. So who the fuck was calling me and texting me?
{10:43pm} Private Number: I have another gift for you
I couldn't help but whimper. Did this mean the killer was going to kill again?
{10:44pm} Private Number: Special delivery! {10:44pm} Private Number: 3 {10:44pm} Private Number: 2 {10:44pm} Private Number: 1
I let out a terrified shriek as the lights went out. The partygoers groaned at the inconvenience but my heart was beating out of my chest. I felt a presence at my front and reached out to hit whatever--or whoever--was in front of me. They caught my hand and I struggled a bit. I was about to raise my other hand when…
“Stop, it’s just me,” Seonghwa said softly, “I’ve got you. No one is going to hurt you.”
Like that made me feel any better. “Let go of me,” I hissed, yanking on my arm.
Instead, Seonghwa pulled me closer, trapping me against his chest. “I can protect you,” He crooned, “You don’t have to be scared.” He must have been able to hear my heart going crazy because he said, “It’s like you have a hummingbird trapped in your chest.”
There was a yell and then a loud snap and I jumped. I couldn't see anything and all I could think about were the texts I had just received. “L-let go of me, Seonghwa, please,” I whined, “You’re scaring me.”
Seonghwa leaned forward to speak into my ear, “Are you scared of me or of the situation?” He smoothed my hand over his chest and I could feel his heart beating steadily--not erratic like my own. “Just count my heartbeats and the lights will be back on soon enough.”
Oddly enough, I did just that. I felt his heart beat against my hand and it calmed me. Somehow, just knowing that someone else was there, someone who wasn’t terrified, soothed me. “Thank you,” I whispered.
“Anything for you,” Seonghwa said in a low voice and it made me… feel things I definitely did not want to feel.
The lights came back on and everyone cheered. And then someone screamed.
I buried my head into Seonghwa’s chest, I couldn't help it. I screwed my eyes shut. I didn’t want to see what my gift was. Tears were in my eyes and I could feel bilge burning the back of my throat. I just wanted this to be over, I just wanted this to stop.
Seonghwa brought his hand to my head and started to pat it. “There there, Lulu. It’ll all be over soon.”
“Lulu!” San shouted my name and I jumped out of Seonghwa’s grasp.
I ran towards his voice and then stopped in my tracks. Hanging from the second floor was that stupid bitch that always flirted with San at the parties. I despised her, and yeah, I probably wished her dead a few times when I was fuming but this! Her tongue hung out obscenely and there was the word WHORE carved out on her chest. Jesus!
“Don’t look, don’t look,” San said to me softly, gathering me up in his arms. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
“San!” I cried out and then started to sob into his arms. “I was so scared. You said the killer wouldn’t get us here. What if--”
San reassured me, rubbing his nose against the crown of my hair. “Don’t do that to yourself. The killer wouldn’t harm a hair on my head. I’m not even on the Dean’s list, right? That’s what the news is saying anyways.”
I leaned back to look into San’s eyes. “Weird. Seonghwa just said the same fucking thing.”
San grinned, “Oh, talking to Seonghwa now, are we? What happened to ‘he gives me the creeps’?”
“Do not start with me, Choi San,” I scolded him, “You’re the one that abandoned me as soon as we got into this stupid party and now--” I choked up.
I jumped when a hand landed on my back but I let out some tension when I heard Seonghwa’s voice. “I guess I should call the police. This is a pretty lame party.”
We drove back to my apartment in silence, but there was something that I couldn't stop mulling over. Why… why had both San and Seonghwa made it their top priority to make sure I was okay and… why hadn't they been more spooked about the murder that happened?!
༊*·˚Part One ||| All Posts ||| Part Three
38 notes · View notes
horanghaejamjam · 7 months
Jigsaw - {CS}
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↪   Summary: You are the lead detective in an investigation surrounding one of the most infamous killers the city has ever seen. Unfortunately for you, Jigsaw knows you're onto him and has played you like a game at every turn, threatening the case and your status. Your determination to catch him finally gets you a lead, only for you to find yourself tangled in a special trap that he designed just for you. Let the game begin.
↪ Pairings: Jigsaw Killer Choi San x Female Detective Reader
↪   Rating: M 18+
↪   Genre: Non-idol/Slasher/Horror movie au/ Suggestive / Fluff/Friends to enemies to lovers
↪   Word Count: 5.7k
↪ Warnings/Contents: References to classic horror movies, mainly Saw, Silence of the Lambs, and Scream. Mentions of death/murder/being shot (not detailed). Seonghwa and Mingi both make cameos in this story with a few other members being mentioned. Swearing and implied smut (MDNI). San being a teasing little shit, makeout sessions, fondling over clothes.
↪ Side Notes: To the wonderful @pinkywritings hi darling I was your assigned Ghost Writer for the @atinyhalloweenproject. This is my first time writing for San and I had a lot of fun with it so I hope you enjoy it! Sorry it is so late I wanted to have it out by Halloween but due to the sudden weather change we haven't had power. I tried to make it longer to make up for that so hopefully it doesn't feel rushed and was worth the wait!
I honestly may do a part two to this or an expansion later on because I love the idea of Jigsaw San but we'll see.
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“Police officials are seeking any leads in identifying the man known only to the public as the Jigsaw killer. He is believed to be linked in multiple disappearances and murders that have taken place around Seoul for the past three months. The victims were all found in various handmade traps and had a puzzle piece drawn somewhere visible on their body. At this time investigators have no leads and are asking the public for any knowledge they may have on this public threat.” 
The reporter's voice faded to nothing as the volume on the TV was lowered to zero. You groaned softly to yourself as you tossed the remote to the side, running your hands through your hair as you sat forward on your couch. It had been just over a month since you were assigned the Jigsaw murder case, the last detective backing out after the man in question threatened to target his family. The case was quickly transferred over to you, one of the best detectives in your field, but it was very quickly starting to test your patience. 
Whoever this Jigsaw was, he was a clever man. He left no trace, no evidence, nothing that would allow you to track him down. You went through surveillance, interviewed the family and friends of the victims, tried breaking down his traps for any clues, but any lead always led you right back to square one. You had tried to be patient, hoping that eventually he would slip up and give you something, but it was starting to sound like wishful thinking. Even worse, he knew who you were and started calling you out directly. You would find notes addressed to you, pictures, voice messages, all calling you out and taunting you. It was like he was playing some cruel game with you and you had no choice but to play along or risk losing everything. You couldn’t even walk to work anymore without some reporter chasing you down demanding an explanation or any evidence you had in the case. It came to a point where you only went to the office when called, and the rest of your work you did from home. 
Various evidence pictures and case files were thrown across your coffee table, a few rough notes scribbled in between. You had been looking at the same files for the past couple of hours, dissecting every last word to see if you had missed any connections. Your last victim had been found 72 hours ago, and you knew you only had a day at most before the next one. There were a few things you had discovered about Jigsaw, and the main one was that he worked on a schedule. Once someone was reported missing, it would be three days before their body turned up and the cycle would start again. Whoever this man was, he clearly enjoyed his patterns, and that is what you found yourself looking for, any pattern you may have missed. 
“Working from home again I see?” you practically jumped out of your skin as you heard the deep voice of your roommate behind you, turning around to see his tall frame leaning over the couch. 
“For Fucks sake Mingi you almost gave me a heart attack!” you whined, reaching up to lightly smack at him, “what are you doing here anyways I thought you weren’t coming home tonight.” You and Mingi had been friends for as long as you could remember, having met back in high school and staying together through college and your time at the police academy. He was like a brother to you at this point and you trusted him so you didn’t mind if he saw your work, even if he technically wasn’t supposed to. Mingi always found your work to be fascinating and would bug you randomly about cases, which only grew more when you started investigating Jigsaw, though you assumed it was just because you got to bring your work home now. Just as you predicted, he made his way to the other side of the couch and took a seat next to you, picking up one of the crime scene photos to get a better look. 
“I was going to stay at Yunhos tonight but something came up and he had to cancel,” Mingi explained, running his thumb over the picture he was holding, “ouch this looks like it would have been painful, what is it?”
“That’s one of Jigsaw's latest traps,” you answered, snatching the photo away from him, “I’m looking through it to see if I can find any missing clues.” 
“Have you found anything?”
“Sadly no, he’s very good at covering his tracks. It’s been a month and we still don’t have any leads on this guy, it’s like he’s a ghost or something.” Mingi hummed softly as he continued to look through all the pictures, careful not to mess them up knowing you would yell at him if he did. 
“Now I’m no expert but, are you sure you’re only looking for one person?” he asked, catching you off guard. 
“What do you mean?”
“I mean all these crime scenes you’ve shown me have been pretty big and this says it only took three days, seems like a lot of work for one person if you ask me.” Mingi explained, “and that’s why your patterns wouldn’t line up like you want them to.” You blinked up at him dumbly for a moment as you processed his words, looking back down at the file you had basically memorized by this point. You didn’t want to admit it, but Mingi had a point. 
“You know that’s actually not a bad idea,” you muttered. 
“I can be helpful sometimes you know,” he bragged with a laugh, earning himself a punch to the shoulder. He didn’t have time to retaliate though as you were packing up all of your things and rushing towards the door, “Wait where are you going?”
“I need to check on something, don’t wait up for me!” you called back, pulling on your coat and running out the door as he called after you. In your rush you hadn’t realized that you dropped part of your case file on your way out, nor did you notice Mingi pulling out his phone to call someone as he closed the door to your apartment.
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
You made it to the crime scene in no time, an abandoned warehouse located just on the edge of the city. You parked your car a bit away and pulled out a flashlight as you made your way inside, ducking under the caution tape and pulling your jacket closer to yourself as you looked around. The clean up crew had gotten most of the scene cleaned by now, but the trap itself was still there. A weirdly broken mess of chains and blades that you wouldn’t have been able to put back together if you wanted to, making you wonder how Jigsaw even came up with the idea in the first place. You shook the thought out of your head and made your way to one of the blades, leaning down to inspect it carefully. It was sharp with a curve to it, but almost messy in design as if it was handmade. To test that theory you took a look at another one and noticed the same thing except this one was thicker and less curved despite being set up the same way. The chains themselves were also a bit sloppy when you looked at them closely, almost as if they had been done in a rush. It wasn’t as clean as Jigsaw's normal work, and now Mingis suggestion that you were dealing with more than one culprit seemed more plausible. 
You took your phone out to snap a picture just as the door to the warehouse opened, a new light pouring in and a familiar voice calling your name. 
“Over here!” you called back, flashing your light in his direction so he could see you. Quick footsteps made their way towards you before a familiar figure came into view. Park Seonghwa, a senior detective that had transferred over to your department a little over a year ago and assigned as your partner. You had been against the idea at first since your original partner had been killed only a few weeks prior during an investigation gone wrong. The chief had insisted it would be for the best though since you needed the help and Seonghwas cool and more collected nature would balance you out nicely which would prove to be true. Your impulsiveness had driven the older detective crazy a few times, but for the most part the two of you got along well and you could even consider him a friend. He was wearing a long black coat and matching gloves and his hair was long and falling into his face rather than slicked up like normal, probably because he had been at home resting when you called him. 
“Would you care to explain why you called me out here in the middle of the night when I haven’t heard from you in the last 48 hours?” Seonghwa questioned, unable to hide the annoyance in his tone. 
“I’ll make it up to you but I figured this couldn’t wait,” you muttered, going back to inspect the chain again, “I’m trying to prove a theory about something.” 
“That theory being?”
“What if Jigsaw isn't working alone?” you challenged, “what if it’s more than one person, that would explain why nothing lines up.” Seonghwas eyes widened a bit and you could have sworn you heard him mutter something under his breath, “what did you say?” 
“Oh nothing,” he brushed you off, “what made you so convinced of this new theory? Did you find something?” You froze for a second, not wanting to expose yourself for letting a member of the general public view the case file. 
“Just a hunch,” you lied, “but I mean look at the way this trap was built, it's messy compared to the others, almost as if it was made by someone else.”
“Or maybe Jigsaw just ran out of time and rushed on it,” he argued. 
“Can you just humor me for five seconds Seonghwa,” you groaned, “maybe I’m wrong yes but isn’t it at least worth looking into?” Seonghwa rolled his eyes but gave in, walking to the other side of the trap to get a better look. You were too distracted by your own work to pay much attention to him, meticulously looking through every detail of the trap despite not actually knowing what you were looking for. Your instinct was telling you that there was something there you were overlooking, something that was hiding in plain sight, you just had to figure out what that was. 
“Hey Y/N,” Seonghwa called out after a few minutes, “I think I found something.” Your head shot up and you quickly dusted yourself off before making your way over. Seonghwa was standing in the corner of the warehouse holding what looked to be a tape recorder. “I found it tucked away over here, may have gotten knocked around during the investigation,” he explained. 
“Does it say anything?” you asked, taking the recorder from his hands and pressing the play button. There was only static for a moment before a robotic voice spoke up, like someone was speaking through a voice changer. Despite that, you couldn’t help but feel like the voice seemed familiar to you, but it was hard to tell through the editing. 
“Hello Detective Y/L/N,” the tape addressed you, sending a chill through your body, “these past few weeks you have been running around in circles trying to discover who I am. You have been closer to the truth than you realize but you always end up blindsided by your work and, as a result, you overlook the answer that is right in front of you. I have enjoyed silently watching you up until this point but now it is getting quite boring so why don’t we make this a bit more fun? Do you like games, detective? I hope you do because I want to play a game with you. I have left a riddle for you, the answer to which will tell you all you need to know about who I am and what I do. You have 48 hours to find the riddle and tell me the answer or you will find yourself and those closest to you in a very undesirable situation. The timer starts the second this recording ends, let’s hope you are as clever as everyone says you are. Let the game begin.” 
  You felt your blood run cold as the tape came to an end, barely registering Seonghwas hand on your shoulder as you tried to process everything you just heard. Seonghwa tried talking to you but you ignored him, pushing his hand off and rushing back to your car, your partner not far behind you. 
“Where are you going? We should report this to the office first!” he called after you. 
“What good is reporting it going to do? You heard him Hwa I have 48 hours to figure out who this guy is or we’re all screwed, I can’t waste time.”
“So what you’re going to rush into something and get yourself killed?” he argued. 
“Better than doing nothing and getting everyone else killed,” you snapped back, “now if you’ll excuse me, I need to find this riddle he’s talking about.” Seonghwa called after you again but by this point you had gotten in your car and were already making your way back to your apartment. Part of you felt like going home was a bad idea, but you also couldn’t help but feel like something was pulling you to go there. The same feeling of familiarity that you got hearing the tape returned, making you feel more and more uneasy as you pulled into your apartment complex. Like you knew who Jigsaw was and yet the image of his face was blurred any time you tried to imagine him.
Mingi didn’t seem to be home when you got back, his shoes were gone and the light was off. You couldn’t focus on that though, as your attention was drawn to the stack of papers placed neatly on your coffee table. You carefully walked over and looked through the pile, recognizing pictures from all the different crime scenes you had investigated so far, each one marked with red ink. 
‘Y/N, doesn’t this random pattern seem a bit too random?’
‘This is quite close to home don’t you think?’
‘The truth has been in front of you the whole time.’
‘Why do I do what I do?’
‘Did you miss me?’
You ran your hand through your hair as you continued looking through the pictures, realizing that the riddle was basically going to send you on a scavenger hunt. It would take forever for you to go back through each crime scene and look back through everything to find out what he was talking about. Even worse, it was pretty late and you could feel exhaustion slowly taking over you, slouching over the coffee table and eventually laying against it as you fell asleep trying to decipher the riddle. 
You were jolted awake by the sound of your phone vibrating, groaning softly as you sat up and reached into your pocket for the device. You half expected it to be a call from Mingi or Seonghwa, but instead you were greeted with the same robotic voice from the night before. Only this time, you were able to hear his actual voice a bit more and it was one you swore you had heard before. 
“Good morning Sleeping Beauty, I hope my riddle didn’t keep you up all night,” the voice immediately woke you up, straightening your posture as you looked around. 
“Who is this?” you asked. 
“Aww I’m almost offended you don’t remember me, we go way back you know,” the voice responded, “I’ve missed you Y/N, and even if you don’t remember me now I know you miss me too.” You paused for a moment at his words before realizing now was not the time to worry about that. 
“Why are you doing this?” 
“That. my dear detective is for you to find out, you always did enjoy the thrill of a good challenge didn’t you? I figured you would have solved my puzzle by now but since I believe in giving people a fair chance I’ll give you another clue. One of those puzzle pieces doesn’t quite belong, once you find the answer I will be waiting for you in the place we last met, don’t keep me waiting Doll.” With that the call ended, causing you to groan in frustration and toss your phone to the side. 
“I’ve had about enough of these damn games,” you huffed, rubbing your hands over your eyes. You looked through the pictures again before one in particular caught your eye. It wasn’t one of the Jigsaw crime scenes, but instead it was a picture of an older house, one that you recognized from your last murder investigation with your old partner, San. The memories slowly came back to you and that’s when it finally clicked for you, the puzzle and the reason the voice sounded so familiar to you. That was impossible though, San was dead, you had been at the hospital with him when the doctors told you there was nothing they could do. There was no way that San was still alive, and yet you would recognize his voice anywhere. Shaking your head, you grabbed your phone and stood up, calling Seonghwa and telling him to meet you at the house in question as you left your apartment and got in your car. The whole ride there you tried ignoring the feeling of dread that came over you, hoping that your intuition was wrong. 
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Seonghwa was already at the house before you got there, leaning against the wall with a blank expression. “I take it you found the answer to your riddle?” he asked as you walked past him, leading him inside. 
“As much as I hope I am wrong I think I did,” you confessed, “and if I’m right the clue we are looking for should be here somewhere.” Seonghwa stood still in the middle of the room as you frantically looked around, digging through his pocket and following your movements with his eyes. 
“This isn’t one of the crime scenes,” he pointed out, “what exactly are we looking for?”
“Jigsaw said to find him at the place we last met and this place was the only one pictured that wasn’t one of the crime scenes,” you explained. Seonghwa hummed softly at your answer, but you ignored him as you continued looking around. 
“Why here then, what’s so special about this place?” you froze for a moment at the question, an action that didn’t go unnoticed. 
“This was the last place I investigated with my first partner,” you answered, “he was shot during the investigation and I thought he was dead but I’m starting to think I was wrong.” 
“You think it’s him,” Seonghwa stated rather than asked, to which you nodded. 
“I don’t know why he would do such a thing, but it all lines up.” Seonghwa sighed and glanced down at his watch before making his way towards you. 
“I’m surprised you know, you solved the riddle faster than we thought you would, we’re a bit ahead of schedule.” His words made your blood run cold, freezing as your head turned to look at him. 
“What did you just say?”
“I’m sorry about this Y/N,” Seonghwa apologized, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a syringe, “just know I don’t make the rules, I’m just the delivery guy.” Before you could react to his words he had grabbed you and injected you with what you assumed was some kind of anesthesia, your body going limp in his hold almost immediately and your vision going black. The last thing you remember hearing was his voice and footsteps approaching before you completely lost consciousness. 
When you returned to consciousness the first thing that you noticed was that you couldn’t move. Your arms and legs were handcuffed to a chair that also appeared to be bolted to the floor so you couldn’t tip it over. Tugging at your restraints, you glanced around to find that you were in some sort of workshop, various trap parts and gadgets tossed around multiple workbenches. At the front of the room were what appeared to be security monitors, each watching different parts of the city that you could just barely make out. 
“I have to hand it to you Y/N,” a voice said from behind you, “the last detective didn’t make it nearly as far.” The sound of footsteps echoed through the room before a figure appeared in your vision, wearing a full body red and black hood. Even though his face was covered by the hood, you could feel the presence of your former partner.
“How, I thought you were dead,” you whispered, not sure what to feel at the moment. In any other circumstance you would be over the moon to know he was alive, but how were you supposed to feel knowing he was the serial killer you had been anxiously tracking down. Shock, betrayal, anger, sadness, confusion, all of these emotions swirled through your brain like an endless whirlpool, pulling you in deeper and nearly bringing tears to your eyes. 
“Everyone did,” San replied, turning away from you to face one of his work benches, “the doctors said it was a miracle, that no one thought I would make it through the night let alone make a full recovery.” You could hear him messing with something, but couldn’t see what it was, struggling to look past his shoulder as he continued talking, “I tried to find you after you know? I thought you were the only one left that cared about me, and yet even you managed to turn your back on me.” 
“I always cared about you,” you argued, “that’s why I’m trying to understand why San, why did you do this?” It was at this point that he finally turned to face you, pulling the hood back so you could see him properly. He looked almost the same as you remembered, but there was a cold gaze in his eyes that almost made him feel like a stranger. This wasn’t the warm hearted and cheerful person you used to consider a friend, he was a killer. Despite this, however, you couldn’t help yourself from falling for his familiarity, almost as if you could convince yourself the old San was still in there, somewhere. 
“You never realize just how valuable life is until you are inches away from death,” he explained, “the adrenaline and the fight to survive, it almost feels like you are being reborn. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how corrupt the world we live in truly is, because no one really knows how to appreciate the life they are given until it is nearly taken from them. You may not understand it now but trust me my methods will help make the world a better place.”
“You’re killing people because you want them to appreciate life?” you questioned, wondering if he was actually being serious. There was no way a person's mind could be that twisted, right? 
“You think I’m a killer?” San asked, not needing a verbal response since your glare was enough confirmation, “that’s where you’re wrong you know. I have not killed anyone, all of my games are survivable as long as the player has the will to fight for it. Those who failed the games basically killed themselves.” You wanted to argue that putting people in these death traps still made him a killer but he cut you off, “Seven people have won so far, seven people who had that will to live and had the chance to be reborn. They understand what it truly means to be alive and now they help me spread my message. You may not understand me now, but I really do hope that you will be the next.” 
“So what, am I the next person that gets to be put in one of your death traps then?” you groaned, tugging at your restraints. San pouted a bit but shook his head. 
“Your game began the minute you took the case from Detective Kim,” he explained, “you and I always seemed to have an understanding so I had hoped you would pick up on my clues and join without a fight, but you were far too stubborn to listen. Eventually I had to cut my losses so I had my apprentices plant fake evidence to finally get you here, it was the only way.” Your heart dropped a bit at the word apprentices, your mind immediately going back to Seonghwa and how he was the one who brought you here. 
“So you’re telling me the whole time,” you trailed off. 
“Seonghwa was working for me, yes, Mingi as well, they both survived my games and agreed to help with the cause and when you took over my case I knew I could use them to guide you in the right direction,” San explained. He took a moment to glance at a clock on the wall before sighing and making his way over to you. San rested his hands on the arms of the chair and used them to prop himself up so he was leaning over you, “As much as I have enjoyed our little chat I’m afraid we do not have much time. I really do like you Y/N so I will give you a choice. Join me and together we can help change the world for the better.”
“And if I refuse?” you challenged. 
“Well then I guess we’ll have to play a game,” he hummed, leaning away from you, “The second I walk out of this room it will lock and a timer will start. Behind you are two doors, each with a different combination, one door will lead you to the exit, and the other will lead you to me. If you choose to leave then you will be free but you will lose your chance to catch me. If you choose to come after me, then you have a chance to learn the truth at the risk of your freedom. The combinations are hidden in this room and you will have exactly one hour to find them and leave through the door of your choosing, and trust me you don’t want to know what will happen if you run out of time.” San chuckled softly before pulling away and walking behind you, “This is your last chance to accept my offer Y/N, I would hate to lose you like this.” He waited for a moment but when you didn’t respond he sighed, “Very well, let the game begin.” You felt him place something into your hand, which you quickly realized was a key, before the door slammed shut and San was gone. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
It didn’t take you long to unlock yourself, taking a second to rub your wrists as you stood up and made your way cautiously around the room. You did your best to stay calm and not look at the clock as you examined the doors and then looked around for the combinations, which you quickly realized were hidden on his tools. The question was, do you free yourself and turn your back on the case, or do you risk it all and try to go after San. The rational part of your brain was screaming at you to just get out of there and not look back, and yet you quickly found yourself moving on autopilot. Before you could really process what you were doing, you had entered the code for the door labeled “Truth” and ran through it, stepping into a dark hallway and letting the door lock behind you. 
You took a moment to compose yourself before heading forward, placing your hands against the walls to help feel your way through the space. All the doors were locked until you came to one at the very end that was cracked open, revealing what looked to be a makeshift office space, with nothing but a desk and filing cabinet in the room. You poked your head through first, looking around for any sign of life before slowly stepping inside and making your way to the desk, only to gasp as you felt another body pin you to it. 
“I knew you would come after me,” San whispered, spinning you around so that you were facing him. Your body was pressed between his and the desk, his arms caging you on either side as your eyes locked. 
“I can’t let you get away with this,” you argued, trying to wiggle away from him but San was stronger so he held you in place. 
“Come on Doll, you and I both know that’s not why you came after me,” he teased, “maybe it was at first but if that was the case now you would be fighting me harder.” He was right, even if he was stronger you knew you could at least hold your own enough to get him away or subdue him long enough to call for help. Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to actually fight him off, struggling against him enough to save your pride but not enough to actually push him off. “So tell me,” San continued, “why did you really come after me, was it because you were curious about my work? Or, was it because deep down you missed me?” Honestly, you weren’t even sure if you knew the answer, your body having reacted before your mind could catch up. 
“This isn’t right,” you argued, reaching your hands up to push at his shoulders. 
“And yet here we are,” he teased, backing up enough to wrap his arms around you and pull you closer to him. Your bodies pressed together and your arms instinctually made their way around his neck which made him chuckle. “I always knew you were special, you understood me in a way that no one else ever did. Stay with me, nothing will be able to come between us.” San leaned down until your lips were centimeters apart, his breath tickling your lips with every word. You tried not to give into him, knowing that this was wrong, but you also couldn’t deny the thrill that ran through you just from being near him. You had always cared for San when you two were partners, hell there was even a time where you could argue that you did have a crush on him. That was back then however, when he was the sweet and easy going detective that decorated his desk with mini plushies and would whine if you forgot to get him a pastry on your morning coffee runs. This version of San wasn’t like that, even if the allure was still there, he was cold, twisted, and a killer. 
“I can’t do this,” you argued, “you’re not the man I once cared about.” You tried to turn your head away from him, but he gripped your chin to force you to look at him. 
“Yes I am, behind all of this it is still me and I can prove that to you,” he whispered, “just let me show you.” When you shook your head again he huffed, loosening his grip for a moment before it tightened again, “Fine then, how about another game?” 
“I already won your stupid game though!” you challenged. 
“Yet you still haven’t learned,” he fought back, “the least you can do is give me a chance to convince you. If you don’t give in then I will go with you to the station and turn myself in, but if I win then you quit being a detective for good and you stay with me.” You gave him a questioning look, at this point more than positive that he had gone insane. However, if playing his dumb games meant putting an end to Jigsaw, then you were more than willing to oblige. 
“Alright fine, deal,” you reluctantly agreed. You only had a moment to register Sans smirk before he was pulling you against him again and connecting your lips. One hand stayed pressed against your back to keep you against him, while the other tangled itself in your hair, tugging slightly to get a reaction out of you. The kiss wasn’t rough or forced like you had expected, instead it was gentle and passionate, like he wanted to take his time with you. His lips were surprisingly soft against yours, and you began to slowly melt against his movements. You kissed him back and allowed him to have more control, whining softly against his lips when he tugged a bit harder at your hair. Your own hands trailed down his body, tracing his shoulders and chest for a few moments before daring to go a bit lower. San groaned as he felt you palm him over his robe, tightening his grip on your hair and deepening the kiss as his own hand reached down to grab at your thighs and your ass. 
All your resolve melted away at his touch and you found yourself giving into him completely, relishing in the way he invaded your senses. All rationality had left completely, replaced with an unusual desire as San explored your body. As desperate as he was, his touches remained soft and left you craving more whenever he pulled his hand away. San walked you back until you reached the desk, lifting you up enough to sit you on top of it and slotting himself between your thighs as he finally pulled away. You only had a second to catch your breath before you were pushed back slightly and pinned down by your hands. San hovered above you with a knowing smirk, taking a moment to enjoy your flustered expression before leaning down to whisper directly in your ear. 
“Looks like I won. Game Over!” 
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Ateez taglist: N/A
Please see my pinned post to be added to the taglist.
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dramastream · 1 year
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EYE FOR AN EYE│All of Us Are Dead (2022 – ) dir. Lee Jae Gyoo
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maliciousblog · 2 months
Forest God (San)
Warning: All my work comes under the dead dove tag so readers discretion is advised. Read at your own risk.
You were always warned not to go too deep into the forest.
They said magical creatures lay hidden in the woods waiting for innocent little lambs to wander in for them to prey on.
You were outside your cabin gathering wood to light up the snow with winter fast approaching you need to make sure to have enough wood to last your family through the harsh winter that enveloped the kingdom.
As you stacked on piles of wood onto the wheel barrow occasionally throwing glances at your little brother who was putting in little twigs he found strone  across the forest floor in his own efforts to help you.
You couldn't help but smile at the look of accomplishment he had across his sweet Cherub like face as he handed you handfuls of twigs for you to put into the basket which you gladly accepted giving him a little pat on the head in return.
With winter approaching the sun has begun to set earlier and earlier by the day.
You held on to your brothers hand guiding him into the cabin as you begin to prepare dinner awaiting your father's arrival. You often missed what it had been like before that one fateful night that took away your loved ones.
It had been a particularly cold winter's night when you had ran out of wood for the fire which you desperately tried to keep alive with your trembling hands.
You're father was stuck at the lumber yard as the snow storm had left him immobile.
Your mother and sister deciding to grab some wood leaving you to keep watch over your little brother.
That was the last you ever saw of them.
Sometimes you would still catch your father searching for them in the woods in hopes of atleast finding their bones for him to keep.
Sitting by the window you peer out wondering in they are still wandering in search of home.
As you drift away into deep slumber you hear a voice calling onto you beckening you into entering the woods.
You opened your eyes finding yourself paralysed in the woods. The voice calling onto you.
Like an owner calling to it's pet.
You knew better than to give into the forest gods.
You tried to ignore it as best as you could but his voice began to reverberate in your skull.
Making it feel like a thousand shards of glass were pentrating into your skull all at once.
You couldn't give in you had to resist.
You found yourself crying tears of blood.
It was all too much.
You woke up with a start finding the gentle rays of the sun fill in the cabin.
Illuminating your safe space.
Wandering into the bedroom to check in on your brother you found his little frame curled up underneath the blankets peacefully in deep slumber.
Waddling into the kitchen you wondered why your father hadn't arrived home yet setting the kettle on the stove only to realise that you were out of wood.
Slipping out slowly into the backyard to gather some.
You couldn't help shake the feeling of something watching you.
Peering onto the woods you could see a pair of animal life eyes staring back at you.
It wasn't uncommon for a deer of the occasional fox to wander in.
Thinking nothing of it you left to tend to the task at hand making breakfast.
Starting up the stove
Cracking a few eggs into the sizzling pan.
Taking a sip of the sweet tea that smelt of the flowers in the meadow you felt content.
Plating the food you went to wake your brother up.
Only to be greeted by the site on an empty bed and the front door wide open.
This couldn't be happening.
He was all you had left the forest gods couldn't take him away from you.
Rushing outside in an effort to find tracks on the snow you found coloums almost as it someone had been dragged along the snow ocassional disparities indicating struggling.
Your heart clenched at the sight.
The same insistent ringing continued as you ventured into the forest. Slowly loosing sight of your home.
The cold air slicing through your skin.
Venturing in deeper you begin to see a crimson trail begging to take shape but the trail stopped in a clearing as if the person it came from vanished into thin air.
That's when you saw him.
Peering through the dense forest.
His skin as white as ice. Eyes as black as the depths of the nights he haunts you.
Revealing himself he walks towards you
Hands drenched in blood that you only hoped didn't belong to your family.
A smile began to form stretching across his face revealing a row of sharp teeth.
You were frozen
It was the same face that had been haunting you for years finally materializing in front of you.
So beautifully haunting.
You couldn't move as he held you in his arms.
His hands gently caressing your face tilting your jaw upwards as you stare in horror at the lifeless bodies of your brother and father strung up on the tree looking down on you.
As you started wailing historically.
Your body going limp as he gently rocked you back and forth in an attempt to calm you down.
"I'm sorry it had it be this way little lamb but they were keeping you from me.
It had to be done for us to be together.
It wasn't right of them to deny me what is rightfully mine.
My beautiful sacrifice
Now that you are mine not even death can separate us"
 True to his word he had you in his clutches for what felt like forever.
The days turned into weeks turned into months.
Time was nothing but a winding blur.
A never ending nightmare that repeated itself over and over again.
It wasn't all bad.
You hadn't learned to enjoy his company but you at least learnt to tolerate it.
You didn't mind it when he ran a comb through your hair that he himself had carved out of the finest sandalwood he could find leaving behind a sweet scent each time he ran it through your hair.
Or when gently massaged scented oils into your skin his hands working magic as they gently untangle the stiff knots in your muscles soothing the ache that he had caused you from the night before.
It wasn't all bad.
He treated you like a possesion you felt yourself loose little pieces of yourself as each day passed.
He had you bound in his lair.
It had been so long since you were trapped in you were begging to forget what the world outside looked like.
You had begged and pleaded to him to let you out but it all fell onto deaf ears.
"You don't need to go out. You have everything that you need right here.
Haven't I catred to your every need and you still want to leave me.
I would have figured by now you would have atleast learnt some gratitude.
But what can I say I'm disappointed but not surprised.
I spoilt you too much.
How about I chain you down in the dungeon maybe then you'll learn to respect your owner.
The sooner you learn the better off you'll be.
I wont hurt you as long as you listen to me.
You got that little lamb.
It's what's best for you "
With that he locked you in your shared bed room to be alone with your thoughts.
The worst part was that you actually felt guilty for hurting him.
You were truly loosing your mind.....
You didn't know how much longer you could survive before you turned into a brain dead fuck toy for him.
You couldn't let that happen.
If he wouldn't let you out you had to find a way out yourself.
By now you had memoirsed his routine he would stay with you throughout the day and through most of the nights.
But would leave during Twilight to hunt.
You had a window of about a couple of hours to execute your escape.
You had to make sure he wouldn't suspect anything and made sure to pander to all of his requests for him to not lock you up.
You waited patiently when the day finally arrived it was time for him to hunt.
He left you. With a kiss before he bid you farewell. His beloved.
You watched through the window as his silouette dissapired into the tree line.
You prayed for the poor soul that he would kill tonight during the hunt.
But it was better someone else than you.
You managed to slip out through one of the back doors.
You had about an hour to escape before he returned home and noticed your abcesnse.
How naive you were to think that you could escape.
He was the master of the forest and nothing went beyond his notice.
He knew from the second you stepped out of the house that he would find you.
But he figured it had been a while since he had a little fun and he might as well indulge you and participate in this little cat and mouse chase that you had started.
He watched as you ran as fast as you could to put as much distance from the house.
Unaware of his looming figure just seconds behind you.
You stopped to catch your breath hoping to have ran far enough from the monster that kept you captive.
Only for him to emerge from behind the woods with a sick twisted smile strone across his devilishly handsome face.
"That was a good try but too bad you'll never be good enough to beat me at my own game.
I'll tell you what I'll give you another try.
Run as fast as you can add if I don't catch you I'll set you free.....
Go ahead little lamb I'll give you a head start.
A little voice in your head told you that it was useless to run away from him.
But you couldn't just let him win.
You couldn't let him see you loose hope.
As you ran through the woods you felt a strong arm slam you into the forest floor knocking the air out of you.
"Found you"
He grabbed you by your hair dragging you across the forest floor not listening to your plea for him to stop.
The floor littering your skin with scarthes drawing blood as he continued to drag you through.
When you resisted. He simply lifted you off the ground and swong you over his shoulder like a rag doll making his way back home.
As he opened the door he threw you onto the hardwood floor.
In a desperate attempt you tried to get up.
He sent a swift kick to your chest.
Knocking you to your side.
You felt metal fill your mouth as you began to cough out blood.
You sobbed. “San.. please ''...
You tried to shove him away but he didn’t relent. He bent over you, sliding back just slightly. He held your chin in his large hand as his other held you down as he pressed his lips to yours and muffled your pleas. 
"San please you're scaring me"...
You're hurting me stop..
" You are hurt what about me how do think I felt when you ran away.
You betrayed me....
I'm all you have....
All I ever did was love you, take care of you and this is how you repay me.
By being a bitch and running away from the one person that actually cares about you.
You're a pathetic little whore.."
He withdrew from your lip and held you down with a hand on your chest as his other worked at your pants. You grabbed his wrist, unable to budge him as your pants reached your knees. He got to his knees and you wriggled to get away.
He caught you and pulled your legs out from beneath him. He leaned them against his torso, your feet at his shoulders. He pressed his thighs around your ass as he reached down between your legs. You squirmed and pushed at his hand. Kicked your tangled legs against him. He grabbed your ankles in one hand and held them to his left shoulder.
He shoved his fingers between your thighs and forced them between your folds. He shuddered and pulled his hand away. Your eyes widened, hopeful again. You tried to move your legs but he kept them firm against him. You looked down as he unbuttoned his fly.
San  You begged. I’ll be good.
“Too late,” He warned. “All you had to do was listen, honey. But you wouldn’t.”
You wheezed as he unzipped his jeans and you looked away as he revealed the head of his swollen cock. You felt him pull himself out entirely and you closed your eyes. You reached down to shove him away with just your fingertips. He ignored you, if he noticed your pathetic resistance at all.
He moved your legs. Pulled them as wide as they would go still caught in your sweats. Not much but enough. He held your left knee and guided himself along your most tender spot. You tried again to draw away but he had you trapped. He leaned over you, bending your legs just slightly.
He rubbed his slick fingers along you, wetted them again and forced them inside of you. He pressed his thumb to your clit and your body stiffened. Despite your fear, your body responded. He licked his fingers a third time, to taste, to add a little more, and shoved them even deeper.
He played with you a bit and then pulled his fingers out to spread your juices along his cock. He pressed his tip to you again, this time he slid in easily but not painlessly. He didn’t ease himself in. He pushed himself to his limit and past yours and you cried out.
You gritted your teeth as you tried to hold back your moans. He rocked against you steadily, each time you winced at the strain. His hands went to your thighs as he brought himself as deep as he could go. He leaned over you, your back curved as he curled your body beneath him.
He planted his hands beside you as he raised himself over you. He lifted his pelvis and slammed it down, each time adding to the reverberations along your spine.
The sounds of his cock gliding in and out of you added to the heat. Filled your head lewdly and carried you higher. You grunted as you were close.
He sensed it and slowed down.
Drawing a painfully slow pace leaving you on your edge teasing you.
Making you loose  your mind.
Your eyes met his begging him to go faster.
" Look at you.
Pathetic little whore , can't wait to cum on my cock.
If you want it that bad beg for it .
Beg for me to let you cum".
He didn't have to tell you twice as a string of pleas and apologizes left your lips.
Once he was satisfied with humiliating you.
He picked up the pace ramming into you.
Causing the coil that had built in you to snap.
The orgasm rushing through your body.
As he filled you up to the brim.....
As you both layed there in the after glow of what had just happened his limbs wrapped around you like a vine.
You realised that there was no escape.
After all he was a god and you were a mere mortal.
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stardragongalaxy · 1 year
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Title: Melody of Red
Pairings: Yunho X San (Platonic)
Word count: 404
Au: Vampire
Warnings: Blood, character death (?), let me know if I missed anything
Rating: 17+
Author's note: This one was inspired both by the picture of Yunho and a slight dream. I thought about a second part, but it's up in the air. Do let me know if you'd like a second part.
Take in mind that I only post on Tumblr. I do not my works plagiarized, reposted, or translated. Thank you and let me know if they are.
Disclaimer: No idols are true representations in the fic.
Taglist: @abiaswreck @toxicccred @cultofdionysusnet @ateezreactionsandscenarios @choisanshine
Dancing to the beautiful music playing at the party, Yunho kept a rhythm to each of his partners. One in particular that he was close with in friendship to be his next,  coming into his line of sight in good spirits. His partner bowing with a dimpled smile.
“You know you don’t have to do that San” Yunho whispered when San stepped closer causing the younger to snicker at his elder. “Hyung, it is in formalities of respect of the dancing partner” San spoke teasing him causing Yunho to smile with a gentle laugh returning the bow.  
“Looks like the music is about to begin” Yunho spoke gently taking San wrist in his hand leading the way to the floor where others begun. Choosing a spot, Yunho and San got into their respective positions. The music started soft and sweet letting San lead. Yunho following suit even when the music picked up on tempo. Being reeled into the flow San created, Yunho was entranced. Being dipped back, Yunho closed his eyes letting his hand flow up above his face, embracing the moment with his friend’s guidance.
San smirked, lulling the elder was easy, but getting this close took time that he was willing to wait for. Eyes flashing red, licking his now revealed fangs. Moving swiftly, San  bites harshly into the elders neck with ease causing Yunho to gasp pulling him out of his previous state of mind. Struggling, Yunho tried to fight back only to be held down onto the ground while San fed with a animalistic growl and claws digging into flesh. Even trying to cry out, only to met with a silence scream.
Weakening in every second his life-force was drained, he continued to fight to hold on. San pulled away after being satisfied licking his neck wounds with a happy hum and a darkened chuckle sitting up. Looking at Yunho in the eyes while moving one hand to his chest feeling the raise and fall of breathing.
“Thank you for the contribution, but this is far from done, hyung. You’ll get rewarded” San speaks with darkened pride, reaching his free hand out, caressing the elder’s cheek tenderly. Yunho shivers at the contact, feeling his heart slow. “Rest now. You need it” San whispers with a soft hum, but a devilish smirk coated in red. Yunho shakes in fear, tears pricking his eyes as they slowly close, meeting the darkness.
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captain-joongz · 5 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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♤ in pursuit of wedded bliss by @fantasyescapes17
regency au, each members has his own story, but they're interconnected
choi seungcheol
◇ push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by @dontflailmenow
camboy!seungcheol, ex's best friend!seungcheol, enemies to lovers
♧ down bad (so so bad) by @lovelyhan
idol!seungcheol x pet sitter!reader
☆ always only you by @honeyhotteoks
brother's best friend!seungcheol, friends to lovers
♤ caught in a trap by @cheolism
brother's best friend to lovers au
kim mingyu
☆ a sheep in wolf's clothing by @rubyreduji
virgin!mingyu x experienced reader
♤ creep by @smileysuh
serial killer!ghost!mingyu, touch starved!mingyu, halloween fic
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◇ skz drabble by @leviackermanscleaningbuddy
a/b/o, cnc, primal play
♧ sharing = caring by @cbini
bf!chan sharing you
☆ camcorder by @tasteracha
bf!minho x reader x chan, a little pervy chan
♤ five for five by @bh-archive
chan x hyunjin x hongjoong x san x juyeon x reader
◇ some things are better left unknown by @roseykat
chan x felix x reader, threesome
lee minho
♧ dilf!minho by @cinhomi
dilf!minho x baby sitter!reader, breeding kink, pregnancy talk
bang chan
☆ bad idea by @hyunsvngs
step dad!chan, getting together, infidelity
hwang hyunjin
♤ dressing down by @jl-micasea-fics
best friends to lovers, mutual pining
lee felix
◇ best friend felix by @ddyskz
best friends to lovers, fluffy smut
♧ felix + thigh riding by @straykeedz
☆ cockwarming by @dreaming-medium
coworkers au, secretary!felix, office sex
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♤ shadows we trust by @remedyx
supernatural au, mystical creatures!bts, dark circus au
◇ masked miracles by @remedyx
hybrid!bts, detective!reader
♧ stay alive by @staytinyville
mythical creatures!bts, supernatural au
☆ trouvaille by @spookyserenades
hybrid!bts, witch!reader, supernatural au, some horror themes
♤ eternally theirs by @imnotlauriane
dragon!bts, soulmates au, knights au
◇ the lucky seven by @riphobisbraces
hybrid!bts, princess!human!reader
♤ emerald gem by @sweetlyskz
hybrid!bts, reader has a farm, strangers to lovers
♧ oh, little red by @jincherie
wolf!yoongi x reader x wolf!jimin, red riding hood au
min yoongi
☆ celestial ruin by @remedyx
fallen angel!yoongi x angel!reader, corruption arc
♤ fxck a fxckboy by @yoongifis
fuckboy!yoongi x smartass!reader
kim taehyung
◇ isn't that what brothers do? by @aris-ink
step brother!taehyung, forbidden romance, dub con
♧ black swan by @aris-ink
step dad!taehyung, manipulation, corruption, cheating
☆new flame by @gimmethatagustd
alpha!taehyung x omega!reader, heat sex
jeon jungkook
♤ family secrets by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, dry humping
◇ icarus by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, risky/sneaky sex
♧ close by @aft3rhrs
step brother!jungkook, forbidden romance
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choi soobin
☆ let's play a game by @anyamaris
soobin x reader x yeosang (ateez), friends to lovers, primal play
♤ closed doors by @last-words-ofashootingstar
soobin x reader x hongjoong, idol au, obsessed!soobin
◇ super shy! by @fairyofshampgyu
shy virgin baker!soobin x experienced reader
♧ i <3 nerds by @enha-cafe
nerdy!soobin secretly a sex god au
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multiple members
☆ drippin' by @ncteez
'00 line x reader, friends to lovers, birthday orgy
♤ cookie jar by @neopuppy
step brothers!jeno and jaemin x reader, stuck in a dryer au
♧ sos by @neopuppy
a/b/o, sex pollen au, pollen induced heat/rut
lee jeno
☆ shameless by @neopuppy
step son!jeno x step mom!reader, infidelity, very dub con
♤ hand kink by @jaylaxies
roommates au, hand kink
lee mark
◇ i can help by @recklessmark
step dad!mark, corruption, manipulation, infidelity
ATEEZ rec list pt. 1 | pt. 2
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frenchkisstheabyss · 5 months
✦ love poem ✦
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✦ Pairing: dad!choi san x pregnant!chubby!fem!reader w/ appearances by ot8
✦ Genre: fluff/light angst
✦ Summary: Being pregnant during the holidays has been hectic. Especially for your fiance San whose tight work schedule has him under pressure. But when his best friend Hwa steps in to ease the burden on him by being there for you, it creates more jealousy than Christmas cheer.
✦ Word Count: 3.5k-ish
✦ Warnings: pregnant reader, occasionally strong language, some quick lusting after San while he's in the shower (nothing graphic), & that's all.
✦ A/N: I really wanted to write something sweet with like the tiniest bit of angst so there's nothing heavy here. It's mostly just lovey dovey shit cause, I mean, I'm a lover girl. What can I say?
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Standing at the entrance of the tunnel of lights, you watch in awe as thousands of tiny bulbs twinkle to the tune of the Christmas music that coasts along the night air. Every year the local zoo holds a massive festival of lights to celebrate the holiday season. During your first year here San had plans to take you to opening night but, with his schedule being as unpredictable as it is, that never did happen. This year though, he promised that nothing would stop you from experiencing this together and he meant it.
As much as San and the rest of the boys hyped this place up to you, nothing could’ve prepared you for how breathtaking it is in person. It’s magical. The carnival rides, the little Christmas themed games, the stalls selling some of the best food you ever tasted. And the displays. They’re pure art. It may be too cold for the animals to be out but the elaborate light sculptures of them make up for it tenfold. Children race through the light tunnels while couples cuddle up in line for hot cocoa. If ever “Winter Wonderland” were a place this would have to be it.
“Stop running!” Hongjoong yells from behind you. Seconds later Mingi and Jongho dart past you in a blur. You turn in time to see the look of defeat on Hongjoong’s face as he approaches with the others close behind. “I swear sometimes they act like children,” he groans, “Take it from me. Don’t have kids. It’s not worth it.” Popping on a pair of knit gloves, Yunho gestures towards the pregnant belly rounding out your thick winter coat. “I think that advice is about 7 months too late.”
Hongjoong gasps in horror, “Oh. I mean, you know, except that one. I’m sure it’ll be a cute little thing.” You can only giggle at how flustered any mention of your pregnancy gets him. Hongjoong hasn’t quite grasped that San’s about to be someone’s dad. Even as your belly has grown, he’s managed to periodically forget what’s happening but he’s trying to be supportive and it’s sweet. Seonghwa pats you softly on the belly, laying his head on your shoulder, “Pay him no mind. She’ll be a cute little baby. Not a thing. I mean, look at her mom”
"Oh, Hwa, you’re too sweet” you blush, patting him on the cheek. “The baby! I think it kicked!” He’s right. You felt it. It’s about that time of night after all. The moment she could start kicking she did. Especially around bedtime. Suddenly they’re all gathered close around you staring at your stomach as if the baby will burst out at this very moment like some alien spawn. Woo kneels down in front of you, resting his hand behind Hwa’s. “Aah!” he squeals, “She’s saying hi to her uncles. Hi, baby!”
By now Mingi and Jongho have circled back, stopping dead in their tracks to see what all the fuss is about. “What’s going on?” Jongho asks, Mingi’s hat clenched in his hand. Mingi snatches his hat back, peering over Jongho’s shoulder, “It’s not happening is it?” Seeing the panic in his eyes, you immediately jump to calm him down, “Not yet. She’s kicking up a fuss. That’s all.” “So much like her dad already” Yeosang teases, just as San appears to push them aside. “Hands off!” he orders, shooing them away, “I go to the bathroom for two seconds and you’re already crowding my kid.”
The others just laugh, not expecting to witness such a perfect example of Yeosang’s statement so soon. “You okay? Everything okay?” he asks, fixing the scarf around your next and popping your hood over your head. “Baby, it’s not that cold.” “Temperature’s supposed to drop 5 degrees in the next half hour. Gotta stay toasty, honey.” San’s always been attentive, doing everything he could to make sure you were taken care of but the pregnancy has kicked it into overdrive.
Taking his hands, you give him a warm peck on the lips and flash a smile that soothes his worries. “I’m okay, Sannie. I promise. Now let’s go.” The tunnel’s far more mesmerizing from the inside than it is simply looking in. It feels like a portal to a different world, replacing the darkness of the night sky with constellations of red and green that guide you to the next section of the zoo. Each area has one unique to the space you’re about to step into.
A tunnel of mistletoe and vines for the flower garden. One built like a giant sleigh for the reindeer village. And that’s not even half of it. How anyone can make it through this place in one night is beyond you. Then again, not everyone is toting another human around in their belly. By the time you make it through the ice tunnel into the replica North Pole, your feet are killing you but you try to hold it together.
Between doctor’s appointments, work, redecorating the apartment, and a million other things that need to be done before the baby arrives, there’s been zero time to do anything fun. Calling it quits this early feels wrong. Especially since San's been so stressed lately. Spending time with the guys seems to be just the thing he needed to shake some of that off.
“How many more lights do we have to see before we’ve seen enough?” Mingi whines, dragging his feet. Alright, so maybe someone else is as over it as you are. Yunho slaps Mingi on the back, taking a deep breath, “Have some holiday cheer! We’re in such a beautiful place. Where else would you rather be?” “Somewhere warm! With food!” Woo adds, backing Mingi up. Jongho jumps it, never one to miss the opportunity, “And drinks! When’s the last time we all had drinks together?”
Hongjoong crosses his arms, throwing them some wicked side eye, until he realizes, “Actually it has been a while since we went out for drinks.” Woo wraps his arms around Yeosang, determined to rope him into this plan, “You in? Say yes. Say yes!” “Yeah, sure fine, whatever” Yeosang laughs, shrugging him off. Hwa clears his throat, preparing to be the bearer of bad news, “Well it’s not just us you guys. There’s kinda a 10th person here now.”
For a fleeting moment, you were able to detect some excitement on San’s face and Hwa’s words wipe it away in an instant. Everyone falls silent, not quite sure what to do with the awkwardness of the moment. “Hey,” you say, lovingly rubbing San’s chest, “Why don’t you go get those drinks?” “What? No. I’m not leaving you. We said we’d do this.” “We did and I’ve had the best time but, honestly, my feet hurt like shit.” “Then I’ll take you home and run some water so you can soak your feet” San insists, guiding you out of the way of an approaching crowd.
“San, please, for the love of god, go” you beg, looking to his friends for support. “I’ll take her home!” Hwa volunteers, “I’m not really up for drinking anyway.” San glares skeptically back and forth between the two of you. He wants to protest but he gets the sense that arguing with you is a losing battle and he’s right. “Fine” he relents, “But text me when you get home. Love you.” The way you light up when he finally gives in is one of the infinite reasons why he loves you the way that he does. “I will. Love you too.” “Love you three!” “Love you four!” you say, kissing him before Jongho begins to drag him in the other direction. “We’re not doing this all night! Let’s go!”
Parting ways is a sea of goodbyes and bickering that continues until you lose sight of the rest of the group. Hooking his arm into yours, Hwa directs you towards a festive snack stand not too far away. “Wanna eat like trash before we go home?” he offers with a mischievous grin, knowing San would murder him if he knew. You nod, playfully tearing up, “I thought you’d never ask.” 
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“Baby, have you seen my keys?” you shout from the bedroom, digging through your purse for the third time. “Huh?” San calls back, the water rushing from the shower making it impossible to hear you. Shuffling down the hall, you pop your head into the bathroom. “I was asking if you’d seen my keys.” San peeks from behind the shower curtain, shampoo bubbles dripping down his sculpted cheekbones. In an instant, you forget all about your keys. What else could possibly matter when San’s standing here dripping wet, every muscle in his defined chest glistening like gold. Snap out of it. This is how you got pregnant in the first place. 
“I saw them by the stove I think.” “Thanks, ya cutie” you wink, ready to skip off to find them. “Wait,” he says before you can make it more than a step and a half away, “You’re all dressed up. Where are you going?” Scanning your outfit, you don’t see anything particularly “dressed up” about what you’re wearing. Some knit overalls with a cozy sweater underneath and your favorite boots are far from red carpet ready in your mind. “Hwa’s taking me shopping for decorations. Don’t you remember?” San frowns, only vaguely remembering the conversation, “Why didn’t you ask me?” “I did but you said you were busy today so Hwa offered to take me.” 
Your phone dings in your pocket. You fish it out and find a text message from Hwa telling you he’s outside. “Ooh, speak of the devil. Gotta run.” Carefully, you make your way across the bathroom floor, giving him a kiss that you struggle to keep innocent with the knowledge of what’s behind the curtain. “Have fun and tell Joong I said hi! I’ll bring you back something!” you sing and you’re off to find your keys. San’s frozen in place, unable to bring himself to move an inch. Even after he’s heard the apartment door close, it takes him a second to get back to his shower.
It’s been two weeks since the light festival and you’ve seen Hwa every few days since. Every time San’s too busy to do something Hwa’s right there to help. When did he become so available? You always come home so happy too. Were you that happy with him? Letting the water wash over his head, he tries to shake away his jealous thoughts.
You moved here to be with him and, in that time, the only friends you’d made were his. Hwa’s just being a good friend to the both of you, helping when San’s unable to. Thinking that it's anything else is ridiculous. All of the long hours spent working must be getting to him. Hwa would never...
You would never...
Neither of you would...
Right? Right? 
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Pregnancy hormones. They’re the one thing no one can ever quite prepare you for. One minute you’re hanging ornaments on the tree, humming along to your music in a cozy pair of pajamas. The next you’re crying on the kitchen floor, stuffing your mouth with the cookies you baked for the holiday party tomorrow.
It’s nearly midnight and everything makes you emotional. The lights on the tree are too bright, your feet feel swollen, the cookies aren’t as sweet as you'd like, and suddenly you can’t stand the song that’s playing despite it being one of your favorites. You want everything off but then the house would be quiet and empty. You’d be reminded that you’re all alone until San comes home tomorrow and cry even harder.
You pull out your phone to call him but when you see the time you decide not to. His flight is in a few hours and he’s already told you what a long day he had. You’d hate to wake him up, to burden him any more than you feel you already have.  Just as you’re about to put your phone down it lights up. A text from Seonghwa. Some adorable video of a cat dressed up as one of Santa’s elves.
The poor thing looks miserable running around in that costume but it makes you laugh enough to stop you from spiraling. Taking a deep breath, you wipe away the tears blurring your vision and shoot a text back. 
You: Thanks. I really needed that.
Hwa: Why? Something wrong?
You: I’m having a crying thing. Kinda sad tonight.
Hwa: Need some company?
Without thinking, you type out the words “You don’t have to—” before erasing them and typing out something new. "Sure!"
It takes him no time at all to reach you. The streets are empty this time of night and he only lives a half hour away. Even if he lived two hours away—three hours away—he’d drive every single one of them to come support you. When you became someone special to San, you became someone special to him too. He’s never seen San more serious about anything than he's been about you and this baby. As much as he wishes that San would get out of his head a bit more, it’s cute to see him love something so much. 
“Anybody home?” Hwa whispers, his eyes narrowing when he notices that your front door is cracked. “Come in” you sob from the couch, blowing your nose for what feels like the 1000th time since you sent that last text. Hwa follows a trail of discarded tissues to find you curled up on the couch, as curled as you can be this far along in your pregnancy. “Hey, hey, don’t cry” he coos, easing himself down onto the couch and resting your head in his lap, “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
You try to speak but you’re too short of breath to get anything out. Hwa strokes your hair, taking slow breaths in and out, “Follow me, okay? In and out.” You shake your head in protest. The whole room is closing in around you. You can’t do it. “Just try it. For me. Please” he begs so sweetly that you can’t refuse. Deep breath in, long breath out. The same way that they taught you in those birthing classes you went to. “This is total bullshit” you’d whispered to San at one point during the class but it turns out it isn’t bullshit at all. 
After a few seconds, the tightness in your chest eases and the room begins to open up. The world isn’t falling apart anymore. You’re safe. Hwa sits with you in silence as your breathing quiets, dabbing away any rogue tears that drip down your cheeks. “Is San happy with me?” you ask, catching him off guard, “Is this too much for him, do you think?” Hwa laughs, knowing how extremely far from the truth both of those questions are. “Hwa, it’s not funny! I’m serious!” “I’m sorry! I’m not trying to make fun of you, it’s just—if you make him happy or not, that’s not a question. He’s crazy about you.”
Grabbing the small blanket folded over the back of the couch, he opens it up and tucks you in with it. “None of this is too much,” he swears, “You and her…” Hwa pokes your belly, making you giggle. “You guys are everything he’s ever wanted. He pushes himself so much because he wants to be perfect for you.” You yawn, Hwa’s presence and the warm blanket activating the exhaustion you’ve been fighting. “But he’s already perfect to me. Why can’t he see that?” “Mmm, it’s really hard sometimes to see ourselves the way other people do but he’ll come around. I promise.”
If there’s one similarity you’ve come to find between San and Hwa it’s how important promises are to them. If Hwa says he’ll come around then he will. They’d been friends for ages before you came into the picture. They’ve gone through more together than you can imagine. If Hwa's confident about it, then you have to believe it too. You drift off to sleep, your brain still spinning but much quieter now, trusting that everything will be just fine.
Right? Right? 
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“Listen to yourself. You sound crazy!” Hwa snaps, trying his hardest not to raise his voice in the midst of his anger. San tosses his bags to the floor and they hit with a thud that shakes you from your sleep. “I come home to you cuddled up on the couch with her and I’m crazy?” “She texted me last night that she was crying. What was I supposed to do?” “Tell me! And let me take care of her! She’s not yours so stop treating her like she is!”
San’s jaw clenches, the jealousy he’s been harboring turning into true pain for the first time. He thought he had this under control. Those hours of talking with Woo about how stupid his suspicions were had chased off his insecurities. But coming in, tired and cranky from his flight, to see you so peacefully cuddled against Hwa had undone all of it. He wanted to kill him and the knowledge that he was the first one you reached for when you were hurting only adds fuel to the fire currently burning his self control to ash.
“Sannie?” you squeak, stretching out your cramped limbs, “What’s going on?” You sit up, eyes still squinted, to see what all of the fuss is about. Hwa hangs his head, unable to face you, “I think I should go. If you need me I’m here for both of you.” “Wait, no!” you say, doing your best to roll off of the couch and stop him but by the time you’re on your feet he’s gone. Turning your attention to San, you immediately sense his anger. Something happened and whatever it was has him fuming.
“Baby, what happened? You can talk to—” “Is there something going on between you two?” “What?” you laugh, placing your hands on your lower back for support. You keep laughing but the sharpness of his expression never changes. He’s actually waiting for an answer. “Oh god, you’re serious. You’re actually asking me if I’m fucking Seonghwa.” “I didn’t say that.” “But that’s what you’re saying. That’s what you think of me.”
You catch yourself wanting to cry again, only this time it isn’t because of the pregnancy hormones. It’s because you waited for days to see the man you love only to be accused of something like this. San can almost see the moment your heart breaks, making him regret his doubts in an instant. “He’s been helping me because I was worried about you burning yourself out. That’s it. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Your bottom lip quivers and the tears are rushing from your eyes again. “Fuck, I’m so tired of crying” you huff, flopping back down onto the couch. 
San’s at your side quicker than he’s ever been, his arms wrapped around you like he never wants to let go. “I’m sorry! Please don’t cry. I didn’t mean it. I know you’d never do that.” “Then why were you two arguing? Why even ask me?” “Because I’m afraid” he admits, leaving you both shocked at his admission. He’s scared, terrified, so much that it keeps him up at night. “I’m afraid I’m not good enough to be what you need me to be and it was easier to be jealous than to admit that.”
You’re frustrated enough that you could slap him but your body feels so at home in his embrace that you can’t pull away. “You’re good enough for me…for us, San. You have to believe me when I say that.” “Then why do you call him when you’re crying and not me?” “Because,” you sigh, “I’m afraid too. I don’t want to lean on you too much.” “What? Lean on me too much?” he asks, almost offended, “Lean on me all you want. What do you think I work out for?”
You giggle when you feel his muscles flex against you, “San, be serious!” “I am! Lean on me, please. We’re a team. I need you to trust me to be here.” You stare at him, your eyes beautiful enough to hypnotize him even when they’re clouded with tears. “You have to trust me to be here too, you know?” San kisses your forehead, one hand gently massaging your back, “I trust you, baby.” Closing your eyes a tingly feeling washes over you. Is it love? The Christmas spirit? The tingling is chased by a contraction stronger than any period cramp you’ve ever felt.
“The baby’s coming!” you shout, gripping your stomach. San jumps back in shock as if he didn’t know you were pregnant to begin with. “Are you sure?” “You said you trust me!” “I do! I do! Hold on!” Leaning you back on the couch, San darts around the apartment collecting all of the things he’s prepared over the last few months to make you comfortable when this happens. A bag packed with clothes for you and your favorite slippers. Phone chargers, baby wipes, stuffed animals, the snacks you love. The list is endless.
“I’ll pull the car up and come back for you, okay?” he says, propping your feet up on the coffee table as he tries to put your coat on. “Just get the car. I’m okay.” “You sure?” “I’m sure and San,” you say, grabbing his arm. “Yeah?” “You’re gonna be a great dad. The best ever.” San can’t fight the smile that spreads across his face or the slight reddening of his cheeks. You believe in him, you truly do, and for the first time, he does too.
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bvidzsoo · 16 days
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⟡ Husband!Jongho ⟡
∞ Author: bvidzsoo
∞ Pairing: Choi Jongho x female reader
∞ Warning: suggestive, violence, torture, death, cursing
∞ Word count: 2.5k
∞ Genre: non-idol!au, mafia!au, marriage of convenience!au, established relationship!au
∞ Summary: Always hungry for more, in a world full of men who fought for more power, you might have just hit the jackpot by coming to an agreement and marrying the country's mafia leader's son. Soon, Jongho and you will be the one leading all.
∞ A/N: Second part of my so-called mafia drabble mini-series is up, and I quite like this one, I can't lie hihi. Despite the warnings, I haven't detailed anything too much, so it's not very graphic. Next I'll post either Seonghwa or Wooyoung, I'll see who's plot I'm feeling more. I'll point out once again that I won't be starting a taglist for this mini-series, so you'll have to lurk around ^^ Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy, and pls let me know your thoughts about it, I love reading your feedback, always!
⟡ Listen to this before or while reading! ^^
∥ Hongjoong ∥ Seonghwa ∥ Yunho ∥ Yeosang ∥ San ∥ Mingi ∥ Wooyoung ∥ Jongho ∥
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            The quietness of the building would have been eerie if I didn’t know men hid around every dark corner, cameras encompassing the whole building. However, to those unknowing, it gave the false sense of aloneness. In my world, there are eyes on you always, even when you least expect it. And in a notorious mafia leader’s den, you better prepare yourself to face horror upon horror, rats upon rats. And not the animals, but mere peasants—low in the hierarchy of our world—who thought they could outsmart their leader and gain something by ratting them out to other gangs and syndicates. Except, that’s not how it works in our world, at least not in my husband and mine’s.
My heels clicked loudly against the concrete stairs as I ascended them, fur coat slipping from my shoulder as I held my little purse in one hand. It was slightly warmer up here, and more well lit compared to the downstairs. I rounded the corner and was met with two tall men, gazing straight ahead, until I stopped in front of them and caught their attention. Recognition flashed behind their eyes instantly. It wasn’t too often I stopped by the warehouse, I preferred fancy places and not beaten down lairs that had insects crawling around. Both figuratively and literally.
“Ma’am.” Both men bowed their heads in unison, eyes staying glued to the floor as I smiled, allowing my fur coat to slip down my shoulders.
“Do you mind putting this away for me?” I asked with a sweet tone, extending the expensive fur coat towards the man standing to my left.
“No, ma’am, it will be in your office this instant.” The man bowed his head again before he turned right and took off hurriedly, headed for my office. Well, it wasn’t my office per se, but my husband was sweet enough to let me have a decent sized room in this gloomy warehouse of his for when my presence was mostly needed. Like tonight.
“Is he in his office?” I asked as I looked towards the large oak doors at the end of the hallway, but the remaining security guard just shook his head.
“No, ma’am, he’s in the chamber.”
“Ah.” I chuckled, looking down towards the dark hallway on my left, suddenly registering the soft classical music that was coming from the only room down there. The chamber, or, better known, the torture room. For some reason, the men working here avoided calling it that and it had always amused me. Tough, bulky, fearless men uncomfortable to call it the torture room? It’s rather comedic, taken what their jobs in my husband’s empire require most of times from them. I offered the guard another sweet smile before throwing my purse over my shoulder, holding its paper-thin strap decorated with the finest diamonds on Earth, “I’ll be on my way, then.”
The guard bowed his head deeply and as I took off, the sound of my heels echoing around us, the soft classical music louder the further I walked down the hallway. The long sleeve of my dress did an amazing job at keeping the chill in the air away from my body, the fabric a black velvet and really warm. It was a present from my dearest husband, not even a week ago. I had gotten him a necklace filled with diamonds, and so, he felt it necessary to return the offer by buying me something pretty. He knows I have a weakness for long sleeved black velvet dresses with a deep V-cut. I chuckled as I stopped in front of the white door, the screams of whoever was behind the door not so quiet anymore. The music from up-close wasn’t loud enough to mask the pained moans anymore. I gripped the handle and pushed the door open, stepping inside.
There was a stale smell in the room and my eyebrows furrowed as I shielded my nose, the stench of blood familiar yet still disgusting. The clicking of my heels was masked by the overly loud screams of the man as I walked further inside the room, looking to my left. A man that looked slightly familiar was strapped down to a table, a drill buzzing as it rammed against his leg, no less into his bone. I shot him a pitiful look, the man begging louder and louder for it to stop as he noticed me. But in this den full of lions, I wasn’t the boss. It was my husband.
Choi Jongho.
Looking ahead, I was greeted with the familiar sight of him, relaxed into his leather armchair, swirling his bourbon around in his glass. I smiled at him sweetly as I slowly approached him, stepping on black carpet as Jongho watched me with attentive eyes, slightly darker in this lightning than they actually were. It made me grin in satisfaction when I noticed the diamond necklace around his neck, the top of his shirt undone. Well, that certainly was a delicious sight.
I came to a stop in front of the man, grin morphing into a smirk as he further parted his legs, grabbing my wrist to pull me to stand between them. Jongho took another gulp of his bourbon before placing the empty glass on the little table he had by the armchair, letting his head fall back as he looked up at me, sharp eyes trailing up from my legs to my eyes, biting his lower lip once we made eye contact.
“You look pristine for someone who’s torturing somebody.” My voice was low, perhaps sultry for such setting, but then again, I always found joy in toying with my dear husband when the situation wasn’t too fit for it.
“Hoshi just left, I wanted to be the one finishing the job.” Jongho’s usually angelic voice was now low, baritone rumbling his chest. I licked my lips, completely distracted by my husband as the screaming man’s voice became quite bearable after a while. I’ve heard people louder and more awful than him, to be fair.
“Of course,” I chuckled softly and gulped down a gasp as I was yanked down in Jongho’s lap, him sitting up properly as he circled my waist with his arm, leaning incredibly close to my face, “you love other people doing your dirty work for you, just to be the one to finish it.”
“If I have hired them, I expect them to do their part of the deal, you know.” Jongho muttered, eyes glued to my glossy lips. I had decided to try out a new lip gloss tonight, it tasted like strawberries. The man’s pained screams became rather pathetic by now as he continued wailing, the sound blending together with Jongho’s favorite musical piece. My husband has always loved a good opera.
“Care to tell me why the man looks familiar?” I threw a glance towards the tortured person on the table as I reached up, fingers tangling into Jongho’s black roots, softly pulling on them as his eyes fluttered just a little.
“He used to be my intel man,” Jongho’s voice was airy, but he gulped and his jaw clenched when my fingers pulled a little harsher at the hair on his nape, “turns out he was the rat sending information to my father.”
I scoffed, jaw clenching as I turned to look at the man laying strapped down to the table. So, he was the reason why Jongho’s, and subsequently my, affairs kept getting sabotaged, “Took you long enough to find him.”
“Don’t mock me, woman.” Jongho snapped, grabbing my jaw and turning my head back to face him, “I worked faster than your pathetic excuses of goons did, didn’t I?”
“No need to get so worked up, honey,” I chuckled, leaning so close our noses brushed together, “however, you could have been smarter about this.”
When Jongho said nothing just raised his eyebrows, his right hand slipping from my waist to my ass to squeeze, I smirked at him, leaning close to his ear, “You should have kept him alive and fed him with false intel, fucked with your father a little, you know?”
When I went to pull back, Jongho gripped my nape and held me in place, lips brushing lightly against my exposed ear as my hair was pulled back in a low bun, “I would have done that if my father already didn’t know that I had found out about this little fucker.”
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, Jongho’s musky scent mingling with the stench of blood making my stomach tighten as I leaned back, the hand holding his nape sneaking towards his neck as I started toying with the necklace I had gifted him, “So, when are we going after you father?”
“As soon as your brother bites down on our trap.” I smirked, excited for the day to come as Jongho’s large palm squeezed my ass once, before softly making me stand up. I knew what he wanted without saying a word, and I grinned as I grabbed my forgotten purse off the floor, opening it. I made sure to bend down just the right amount in front of Jongho, my dress ridding up but not to the point of showing my ass, and I heard him suck in a harsh breath. Bingo, men are so easy. My favorite handgun glinted in the light and I blew Jongho a kiss before walking towards the screaming man, hips swaying in a way I knew would have Jongho hard in no time.
You see, our marriage wasn’t out of love, it wasn’t even close to that of a forced one. Our marriage was of convenience, both of us hungry for more and determined to do whatever we had to in order to get to the top. Jongho’s father, the most powerful mafia head in the country, and my brother, the second most affluential man of our country, were our targets. Once both were gone, Jongho and I would be ruling over everyone and everything in this damned country. And we were so close to finally getting what we wanted, five years of hard and diligent work finally getting repaid as his father was getting sloppy with his trades, and my brother arrogant to the point he was making banal mistakes even a newbie wouldn’t make. Soon, the empire would be mine—and Jongho’s. Soon, people would be bowing down at our feet, begging for their sins to be forgiven.
I stopped by the man’s side and turned the drill off, his screams ringing for a few more seconds until just his sobs were heard. His body was covered in wounds and bruises as it convulsed, he was as good as dead at this point. I sighed, feigning sadness as I stepped back, walking to the foot of the table, undoing the safety of my handgun. The man’s eyes widened when he registered my presence at his feet, but before he could make a sound, the bullet had already pierced his skull, the silencer on my handgun masking the sound and its lethalness. Claps resounded in the room, the classical music finally over, and I rolled my eyes and turned around. Jongho had an amused smile on his face as he stopped clapping, holding my purse as I slowly walked back towards him, eyes narrowing when he extended his palm, silently asking for my handgun. I reluctantly placed it in his hand and we shared a prolonged stare, our thoughts no doubt the same. If he killed me now, he’d be the next mafia head and yielder of all business. But he placed my handgun inside my purse and then gently placed that on the small table, next to his glass.
As I went to cross my arms in front of my chest and demand to know why he had flown oversees without letting me know first, I was yanked down in his lap again, this time failing to silence my gasp. I steadied myself using his firm shoulders, thighs resting on both sides of his hips, the leather soft against my naked skin. Jongho’s right hand rested on my left knee, slowly gliding up towards my thigh, his palm warm and yet rings cool against my skin. I gulped as Jongho smirked confidently, and quite smugly, leaning up to press our chests together.
“This dress drives me fucking insane,” He rasped, eyes staying glued to my exposed cleavage, “I’m glad I bought it for you.”
I chuckled, but didn’t allow myself to get sidetracked. I already knew Jongho and his tactics when he tried to avoid something, and it was always sex. Well, he wouldn’t get that until he did some explaining.
“Why did you go to Japan?” I raised an eyebrow, glaring down at him despite the way his hands were slowly creeping closer to my panties.
“Had to supervise some cargo before it got sent off.”
At his deadpan voice, I sneered and leaned in his face, glaring into his dark eyes, “Don’t fucking lie to me, Jongho. You have enough men to do that for you. If I find out you’re doing something behind my back, I will kill you.”
“Relax, love,” Jongho chuckled, hand slipping to my ass and kneading the flesh through the lacey panties I wore. I bit my lower lip, hiking myself a little higher up in his lap, “When I made my vows to you, I meant it when I said we’d stay together forever—unless you are conspiring behind my back, about to break my trust.”
“That’s not my style, and you know that.” I chuckled as Jongho’s fingers dug into the flesh of my ass, making me lick my lips just as he leaned up, closing the distance between us. It’s been a week since I last have felt his lips against mine, and I moaned against his mouth as he sucked my bottom lip between his teeth, slowly releasing it with a pop. But I didn’t allow him to pull back as I chased after his soft mouth, our lips moving messily as Jongho’s palm on my ass urged me to roll my hips against his already growing erection. I groaned into his mouth, slipping my tongue past his lips when he opened up enough, our tongues dancing together as he let me explore his hot mouth. His free hand caressed my hip before slowly trailing up my body, cupping my breast and squeezing as I moaned again, gyrating my hips in the right way, slow and teasing, knowing well that Jongho would lose his cool in the next ten seconds. And as I bit his bottom lip, sucking it between my teeth and biting hard on it, his eyes flew open and he hissed, all but almost ripping my panties apart as he yanked them down, urging me to raise slightly up as I smirked, kissing all the way from his jaw up to his ear, taking his earring between my teeth as I licked at his earlobe with my tongue.
The world wasn’t ready for our empire.
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⚞ Masterlist ⚟
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↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaa
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@yusalterego @arigakittyo @slowee00 @jaerisdiction @hey-syia
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
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byeolbeloved · 4 months
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Make me forget -choi san
pairings 》 mafia!san x reader
genre 》 mafia!au, smut, angst, tiny fluff, forbidden love
warnings 》 mention of guns/violence/blood/abuse, cheating (not on reader,) sexual content, MINORS DO NOT READ
summary 》 choi san was a cold, feared mafia boss who knew nothing outside the world of gore and killing. Thats when he met you, the girl who showed him love. But what stands in his way between having you to himself is his arranged marriage. That still does not stop his feelings for you.
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Everyone feared San.
Apart from him being in the Choi family- one of the biggest mafia family trees in the world, San was a nightmare. His reputation was filthy ever since he was young. He trashed anywhere he’d step foot at, petrified whoever he spoke to and spat on his victims lifeless bodies after smothering their blood onto the walls- all with an emotionless look on his face.
But San feared you.
He feared you because of how lovable you were. How easy you smiled to people. How you’d drop anything you were doing to help people. How you cried at other people's pains. But most importantly. He feared how you weren’t scared of him. He knew if he were to ever pull a gun to your head, which god dammit he would pull it to his after, you’d smile at him. That smile that made his black heart excited. The only smile he could smile back to. The only time he smiled.
It was moments like these where he’d realise, although he has seen all the horror and gore of the world, he knew nothing about living.
Laying you down on your baby pink bed sheets, throwing some plushies that got in the way off the bed for you to pick up later. Your bright bedroom. Your simple quiet life contrasted his. His life of screams and gunshots. He liked it. He loved it. Because with you he felt like a man able to feel. Able to love.
He didn’t think it was possible for a human being to be this cute. The way you whimpered at his nibbles and breath on your neck. Your back arched, full body touching his when he played with your nipples. Your trembling hands gliding his back when he connected his lips to yours.
Cute was never in San’s vocabulary. But ever since that day he saw you at the cafe, serving pancakes to a customer with a bright smile, holding your belly as you lightly giggled, he used that word for the first time in his life. “Cute.”
His legs moved on their own. His hand pushed the door open on its own. Suddenly there you were right in front of him, the same smile on your face as you asked what he wanted to order. Although now, he could see the way your cheeks puffed up with a light blush, your nose scrunched when thinking about what to make him when he told you to order for him, the way your eyes sparkled. So shiny he could see his reflection through them.
His dirty, filthy, monstrous reflection.
But that was far from what you thought of him, after you handed him a cappuccino with a cat drawn on the foam with cocoa powder. “No need to act tough, I know you think it’s cute too” you told him with a giggle. And yes. He thought it was very cute. He thought you were cute. You wouldn’t think a man dressed in an all black, gelled back hair, tough build with sharp facial features could be in a cafe with pink wallpapers and flowers decorated on the walls. But for the next 4 weeks, San came to your cafe everyday. Ordered the same things. Sat at the same table. He’d stay until closing time and you two chatted anytime you weren’t preoccupied with other customers or cleaning up. He was surprisingly very charming and funny considering his dark visuals. You naturally felt comfortable with him which led you to venting about anything and everything to him. Whether it was about how you think mint chocolate is underrated or how complicated your love life is. He listened to everything. Soon later he started dropping you off at your house. Always walking you up to your apartment and occasionally giving you a kiss goodnight on your forehead.
San was never this slow with anyone. He could get any girl he wanted just from eye contact. But with you, he wanted to be proper. He wanted to feel you slowly, afraid he might break you from how fragile you were. He wanted all of you. But there was something that got in his way from that.
San was a married man.
“Did she…. Did she do this to you?” you said with a horrified expression, afraid to touch the burn mark on his back. San sighed sitting up from the bed facing you. “Y/N… it’s nothing, I’m okay” he gilded his thumb across your swollen bottom lip from your makeout session a minute ago. “San, look at your back! You barely got any skin left!” you lightly raise your voice in concern. “You’re not going back to that house. You can’t let her do these things to you San, you can’t!”
Park Seoyoon. Daughter of Mr.Park- one of the most feared Mafia leaders in the game. She was a fox. Elegant on the outside. Everyone loved her because she was so beautiful and bubbly. Her pale-milky skin stood out from her dark black hair. She was tall and slim. Her face was next-level beauty- although also 50% cosmetic. Everyone thought of her as the perfect wife. But under that mask she was nothing but a sly manipulator and abuser who got whatever she wanted.
Their fathers arranged their marriage for money and power. Which is why they are so respected as a couple in the mafia world.
San hated her. Despised her. She’d bring home multiple guys throughout the day. She threw water at her servants. Her voice was obnoxiously loud and annoying.
The beginning stages of their marriage Seoyoon tried her best at seducing San. Only to get ignored by him so she did everything to ruin his life. She knew he could not fight back at her, because one word to daddy and San would be dead meat.
First it was teasing- hooking up with his friends and purposely getting herself into trouble. Then verbal abuse- which didn’t do much to him since San never reacted to harsh words so it quickly turned physical. Her tantrums included throwing plates in his way but this time was too far when she threw boiling hot water at him neglecting whatever she said she wanted.
“I want to help you Sannie…” you felt helpless seeing him come home with bruises you couldn’t stop him from getting.
“You’re doing enough Y/N, being in my arms is enough baby” he pulled you from your waist to move closer to his body, never breaking eye contact with you he tangled his hand into your hair. He has you on his lap now slowly grinding your bodies on one another.
“W-wanna make you feel good” your voice was above a whisper, gently gliding your nails on the back of his neck sending shivers down his spine.
“Make me forget Y/N… Make me forget her and show me you’re mine” he says before clashing his lips onto yours, not roughly but passionately with hunger, as if he has been starved from your touch for decades.
Clothes were off in seconds. Both of your body heat grinding on each other could start a fire. A fire that will destroy the world. Destroy this world for not allowing you two to write your story. For not allowing him to hold your hand out in public and show you off to all his friends. For not allowing you to show him off. For not allowing you to plan your kids names and whose eyes they’re going to have. San could burn the world for you. Maybe it would be better for you two. Maybe you could finally do the things you wanted to do.
That fire could turn the world into the sun after you slowly slide yourself on him. Adjusting to his length you rest your forehead on his and whisper “Use me San… I w-wanna be yours in every way…c-claim me.”
Without another word he pushes you up, only to guide you down again causing your whole body to shudder. This goes on till he’s now thrusting into you from below, grunting at every thrust.
Your body rocks at every thrust, holding onto his shoulder for support, hair bouncing as he moves the strands from out of your face, looking at you with nothing but pure love in contrast to the lustful movements he’s doing beneath you.
“You’re so good to me Y/N fuck mine. mine. all mine yea I don’t deserve you like this fuck”
He doesn’t mean it. San has never felt insecure in his life. But part of him hurts knowing he can’t be a normal lover to you. It hurts him that he can’t live a normal life with you- because his life is far from normal. You’ve told him many times in the past how you don’t care. You like the way things are between you two. Because you love him and that's enough for you. But part of him can’t believe he could ever be loved.
“I love you San” you manage to get out between moans. His pace is now rough, fast, hard. Your walls are clenching onto him. Afraid he’ll slip out. Afraid he’ll go. Afraid it’ll end. But he holds you. He pulls you closer to his chest, face in the crook of your neck as he bites down.
“I love you my Y/N”
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sanjoongie · 11 months
Breed! Chapter 2
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ღPairing: Reader (f) x Park Seonghwa x Kim Hongjoong x Choi San x Jung Wooyoung
ღGenre: smut with no plot (if you squint, there's fluff)
ღAu: alien!teez, s2l, established relationship
ღWord Count: 2,757
ღWarnings: bdsm (tied up San), voyeurism, exhibitionism, jerking off by machine, virgin! seonghwa, corruption kink, reader is always cock hungry okay, penetrative sex with no protection, breeding kink, using cum as lubricant, m licking m cock, colored alien cum!, territorial! hwa, m orgasm x 2, degradation kink
ღRated: 18+ MDNI
ღDedication~ @thelargefrye you can blame smalls for hongjoong and wooyoung being included @mejuii @downtoamagicalland for being my ever-supporting beta readers
ღChapter 1~ Abduction
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Slithering white rope-like strands suddenly came out from the ground and wound themselves around San. San yelped at the sudden attack and started to pull and grunt in an attempt to save himself. "Seonghwa?"
"I will take up your offer of data gathering," Seonghwa replied.
San momentarily stopped struggling and you watched with horror as the ropes slithered along his skin, tightening against his bronze skin. "Wait, really?" His face was both surprised and curious, "You're gonna fuck her?"
You stood up quickly, your skirt falling against your skin with the change of gravity. "What are you doing to San?" You demanded. Suddenly the severity of being kidnapped by aliens was starting to dawn upon you.
"We have observed that human males tend to get territorial with their mates. It's better if we restrain him while I…" Seonghwa licked his lips, "...how did you put it? Fuck her pussy full of my cum?"
You whimpered. You knew Seonghwa didn't know how dirty those words were, but that somehow made their effect more lethal. "San, look what you started!"
San was completely immobile now, only his pecs and shoulders peeking beneath the ropes. "I'm sorry I like watching other men fuck you?" He mockingly apologized, making you scoff.
Seonghwa cocked his head, stepping towards you. "Do you not wish to volunteer? We can find another suitable unmated female--"
"No," You cut him off rather firmly. You cleared your throat when San began to snicker in amusement. "I mean, it would be more efficient to use me, wouldn't it? You won't have to waste the time to explain it to another."
That sharp foreign language punctuated the air again. Seonghwa sneered a bit but quickly smoothed his features. "The others will join us now."
"Others?" You squeaked, twisting your fingers together in anxiety, "More are coming to watch?"
San started to cackle, throwing his head back. "Oh, this is getting better."
A hole opened up above and a disc descended with two individuals on it. They were shorter in stature than Seonghwa but not by much. They also simply appeared as two human males; both had faces that you couldn't read.
"I thought only Hongjoong was coming to replace me?" Seonghwa said in a tone that seemed to you like he was not impressed there were two of them.
"Wooyoung insisted," Hongjoong corrected Seonghwa. "He wants to try after you."
You began to stutter and moved closer to Seonghwa. "Seonghwa?"
Hongjoong laughed dryly. "The female is amusing in thinking that you would save her from such a fate."
Seonghwa’s arm, nonetheless, curled around your waist. He tilted his head at you. "Why do you search for solace in my arms? Is it because I chose you to mate with? Was it my tongue inside of you? Is that the appeal of this animalistic urge you humans endure for offspring?" Seonghwa pulled you closer. "Do you seek protection from other males penetrating you?"
You cleared your throat again. "Actually, I was wondering if you would allow it."
Seonghwa blinked at you profusely and then Wooyoung and Hongjoong broke out into laughter. "She wishes for more cocks. Clearly the more diverse DNA she absorbs, the better her child will become."
San was snickering again and you sent him a scathing look. "San!"
Wooyoung strode over to your restrained boyfriend. "You no longer struggle. Is it because Seonghwa licked your cock? Do you feel a sense of connection with him?" Wooyoung turned back towards Seonghwa. "Was that another part of the breeding process? Perhaps another must respect the cock that penetrated previously."
San coughed and blushed and stared high, high up to the ceiling. "Why didn't I think of that?"
Seonghwa’s fingers tightened on your body. "I am next. I have observed and now I will attempt to replicate."
His robe dropped to his feet and you let out a low moan. His body was more slender and flatter than San's but your fingers smoothed over his chest in appreciation nonetheless. "I should remove my clothes as well."
Seonghwa’s eyes were hooded and his cock bounced angrily against his abdomen. "Is it the proper way to do so?"
"Me and San just fuck with clothes on because it feels more forbidden," You admitted quietly.
Seonghwa kept his voice to the same level yours was. "This is quite forbidden."
"You should speak louder," Hongjoong interrupted. "If you're going to replicate, we need to hear everything for our turns."
You swallowed and found there was no moisture in your mouth. "How…how many are there of you?"
"Six of us,” Hongjoong reported, “It is not known how many of us should learn. In case it is decided that without enough data, we cannot make a concise choice, so the more data we all gather, the better."
"Surely the more data the better," San said in a slight squeal, trying to sound serious like the aliens but beyond excited. Was it going to be a gang bang? San knew you had always secretly wanted that experience, although you were plenty happy just fucking San.
"Precisely, human," Hongjoong smiled dangerously.
"I shall begin!" Seonghwa announced. 
His hands cupped your face and he brought his lips to yours. You held perfectly still as they danced along yours with such feather light touches that you whined and pushed up on your tippy toes. You wrapped your arms around Seonghwa’s neck and slanted your lips over his. His eyes widened in surprise before he closed them and let your tongue take over in dominance. You whimpered when he melted under your touch. You suddenly wanted Seonghwa everywhere at once.
"You don't have to prep me, like San did," You whispered against Seonghwa's lips, your foreheads pressed together, "His cum will work fine."
San moaned in his spot. "Fuck, that's hot," he said as he bit rather harshly on his lower lip.
Seonghwa turned you around easily. "Then shall you bend over for me?" He asked.
You shook your head and turned around back to face him. "We can try a different position."
Seonghwa's eyebrows furrowed. "You use more than one position?"
That's when San started to struggle in his restraints once again. "Let me out! I won't be bad, I'll just help!"
Wooyoung bounced on the balls of his feet, looking ecstatic that the show was about to begin. "He's not entered her yet. Let's be safe and keep you confined."
"I love having my dick squeezed but this is not the interpretation I prefer," San grumbled in an adorable pout.
Hongjoong snapped his fingers and suddenly San yelped and panted. "Wh-what are you doing?"
"Mingi thinks it's a good idea to acquire pure, unmixed cum from the male," Hongjoong supplied to the room.
"Who---hhhnnnnn--okay that--wow!" San was a whimpering mess and you knew that noise. 
"San, are the ropes pleasuring you?" You demanded.
"Your mate will be fine, human," Seonghwa insisted, drawing your attention back to him. "What do we do next?"
"Well, I guess--" You managed to pull your eyes away from your boyfriend whose features were contorted in pleasure. "I'll need to wrap my legs around your waist--!"
Seonghwa placed his hands under your ass and leveled your lower half with his cock. "Like this?" He asked with raised eyebrows.
"Wait," Hongjoong commanded, stepping closer. "I wish to observe you penetrating the female."
"Female or human is kinda clinical to refer to me as, don't you think?" You whined pathetically.
"The male called you Babe?" Seonghwa tilted his head cutely.
You shook your head. "That's what San addresses me as. I want something different for you. Please?"
Seonghwa looked at a loss for words, face truthfully unsure. "What do I do?"
"Interesting. The female seems to want a further connection with you, Seonghwa," Hongjoong observed out loud.
"Mingi, adjust the bindings," Wooyoung said from his spot beside San still. "Let's see his breeding in action. We can collect more data with him outside of the pussy."
San choked again. The ropes adjusted until they revealed the ropes convulsing around San's very happy cock. "Fuck, I thought you were the only one that was going to have fun after this," San said, clearly directing his words towards you.
Hongjoong abandoned his post near Seonghwa and walked towards Wooyoung and San. "Figure it out, Seonghwa. I will begin the ritual by licking the male's cock and then yours."
"What?!" San and Seonghwa exclaimed at the same time. 
"But I thought I was going next!" Wooyoung protested.
"Is there something you adore in your world?" You asked gently.
"There is a moon that orbits our planet. It is the most beautiful pink color I have ever had the pleasure of viewing," Seonghwa responded solemnly.
You pressed your lips inwards. "Will you call me your moon, then?"
"My moon," Seonghwa tried out the words carefully.
You smiled at the cute moment before giggling as San cursed loudly, which is usually what he did when he got his dick sucked. Hongjoong walked back to your side with a thoughtful expression. "He tastes interesting." Hongjoong locked eyes with Seonghwa, "Will you taste differently?"
Seonghwa let out a garbled gasp as Hongjoong gripped Seonghwa’s cock between the two of you and licked the head daintily. "Different but not in a bad way," Hongjoong observed. When Seonghwa simply stared at him in shock, Hongjoong directed Seonghwa with a jerk of his chin, "Focus, Seonghwa, you have to fuck the female!"
"My Moon," Seognhwa tried out the nickname again, "I'll use San's cum as lubricant and fuck you?"
You nodded eagerly and it all started up again. Seonghwa slid into you, with no restrictions. The look of pure enrapture on Seonghwa’s face made you realize, somewhat belatedly, that this was Seonghwa’s first time. He came at it with such an analytical mind that it made you forget he had never had sex before.
"I have discovered why humans copulate in such a way," Seonghwa said with reverence. "This pussy is so good."
Hongjoong stared up at Seonghwa, eyes studying the taller alien's faces. "Explain."
"The warmth and the wetness give unfathomable pleasure and comfort." Seonghwa's hands tightened on your ass and then began to move you up and down on his dick, like you were his own personal fleshlight. The moan he let out, the way his eyebrows furrowed like he was in pain, Seonghwa was pussy drunk on his first pussy.
"I told you there is no greater pleasure than fucking that pussy," San spoke up.
"Speed it up, Mingi," Wooyoung commanded, "He’s close."
"I don't think--!" San's back bowed as the ropes contracted and released around his dick. He was a babbling mess at that point and Wooyoung was quite interested in the whole display. 
Hongjoong gripped Seonghwa’s jaw and turned his head. "Your mind is unraveling, what is wrong with you?"
Seonghwa shook his head and fucked you enthusiastically. The way he was hitting the end of you was making you feel some type of way as well. "You must experience it! That is the only explanation."
Hongjoong stepped back and was about to remove his robe. Seonghwa snarled almost animalistically towards Hongjoong, like he was snapping his jaws at Hongjoong to stay away from his meat. “You will not interrupt me until I am done.”
Hongjoong smiled pleasantly. “Seems like it is not just the human males that become territorial. Theory confirmed.”
Seonghwa appeared stuck between the pleasure he was experiencing and his role as researcher for data. His head swung towards San’s direction. "How do you STOP fucking this pussy? How do you not procreate all the time?"
San laughed and sighed at the same time. "My point exactly. I tell her all the time that it’s a crime we don’t just stay in bed all day and fuck."
Seonghwa sent you a wounded look. "How dare you deny him this?"
You laughed in amazement. “I guess males are all the same, regardless of the planet they are born on.”
Seonghwa grew serious. “I will complete my research now.”
Hongjoong clucked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “You’re starting to sound human. Be more patient! I would have you observe how you’re feeling more.”
Seonghwa shook his head, looking almost nervous. “I don’t believe I have a choice.”
You couldn't help but smile in pride. “Are you going to come so quickly, Seonghwa? Are you that pussy drunk that you can’t help but come inside of me just like that? I didn’t know it would be so fun to fuck a virgin.”
San’s cries began to crescendo and you watched, along with Wooyoung, as San tossed his head back and spurted across the room. His noises were like music to your ear, only making you even wetter, impaled on Seonghwa’s dick. San panted as he came down from his high but still he was not released. “Can I take these rope things home with me when you release us?”
Hongjoong scolded him, “Wooyoung, you were supposed to collect his cum! This is not a leisurely pursuit!”
You clenched down on Seonghwa and he let out a choked gasp at the feeling. “Please, do not do that! I am already close.”
You decided to play into your devious tendencies. Teasing Seonghwa was almost too much fun. “Come for me, Hwa. Fill me up with your cum. I want to be the first one to receive your cum. I want to be the first one to watch your pleasure written over your face. Come for me, Hwa.”
“Hwa?” Seonghwa’s eyebrows furrowed as if he was feeling intense pain, “Th--” He made the most wonderful moan as he came for the first time. His features were etched in bliss and your eyes captured it all. 
You bit down on your lip. You thought that you couldn't get any wetter yourself, but regardless of all the cum that was filling you up right now, you quickly knew you were going to get addicted to seeing these aliens come for the first time within you. 
“And?” Hongjoong prompted, not even giving Seonghwa a moment to breath.
Seonghwa ignored him and instead focused on you. “Is it customary to shorten your partners name when speaking to them during the fucking process?”
You felt your heart flop a bit. Who knew Seonghwa could be so cute? “It just felt natural. Did you like it?”
“It--” Seonghwa cleared the potential whine from his throat, “It urged me to come.”
You smiled happily. “Good.”
“Good?” Seonghwa frowned in confusion. 
Hongjoong began to huff at being ignored. “This was an utter failure. Seonghwa you can remove yourself from the female. Wooyoung, you will send down Mingi to observe, you’ve been useless.”
Seonghwa pulled out of you and it was your turn to be confused. Green, shimmering, viscous liquid pooled out of you, mixed with San’s pure white cum. “Oh,” was all that Seonghwa could say.
Hongjoong’s eyes were on your cunt, watching everything. “Our cum is a different color than the humans. Interesting. Mingi, make sure that’s recorded. We will extract Seonghwa’s sample another day.”
“I will be back,” Seonghwa whispered to you before carefully settling down on your feet. Even as he picked up his robe and put it back on and walked towards the disc that would take him upwards, he still sent lingering looks back to you. Had the alien formed a bond with you since you were his first?
“What about me?” San pouted. He did tend to get clingy after a climax.
Hongjoong’s eyes moved up and down San’s restrained body, San’s soft cock still out of his confines. “Two climaxes should have subdued you.”
Wooyoung snickered and drew Hongjoong’s attention. “I told you to leave,” Hongjoong commanded.
Wooyoung kicked at nothing, sulking immediately. “I’m going after you!” he shouted rebelliously as he walked to the disc to join Seonghwa.
“You’re going to be as useless as Seonghwa, I can already tell,” Hongjoong muttered under his breath.
You held up a hand as Hongjoong made to disrobe. “I need a break. Please. Water and food would be appreciated.”
Hongjoong pulled back up his robe and you were almost sorry you said something. Hongjoong almost had as nice of a chest as San. “Very well. You should gather your energy and then we will come back. I will find out if there is no greater pleasure than fucking your pussy.”
Somehow the sentence coming out of Hongjoong’s mouth felt more like a threat than a promise, but it made you even wetter. New kink unlocked
Tag list: @hijirikaww @flowerboykun @kitten4sannie @starillusion13 @flurrys-creativity @stardragongalaxy @a-soft-hornytiny @the-flavour-of-deaths-ass
ღChapter 3: Experiment
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kfinalgirls · 6 months
Scream ༊*·˚ Part 3
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༊*·˚Admin Lulu Presents~ ༊*·˚Pairing: Choi San x Lulu (OC) 1st pov x Park Seonghwa ༊*·˚Genre/Trope/Au: smut, horror, established relationship, scream au, college au ༊*·˚Rating: R rated, +18 MDNI ༊*·˚Warnings: mentions blood, gore, death, knives, violence, blackmail ༊*·˚Kinks: phone sex, verbal instruction, public masturbation, fear kink, masochism, sadism, dirty talk, cheating by masturbation, drunk!san ༊*·˚Word Count: 1,989 ༊*·˚Credits to @cafekitsune for the divider ༊*·˚Synopsis: When a killer begins to target students of my college--and also starts calling me to brag about it--San is there to comfort me. But throw in his creepy best friend and my world begins to crumble around me ༊*·˚Part Two ||| All Posts
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"Sannie," I couldn't help but pout, "You're not really going out?"
San ruffled my hair. "Me and Seonghwa planned this a month ago. I can't cancel now."
I bit down on my lip. "But surely since things are different now. With the killer-"
San rolled his eyes dramatically. "It's always about the damn killer with you. Really! I told you, you don't have to worry about him."
"But I'm still getting--"
San slung on his jean jacket. "I'm done talking about this with you. I'll be there for a few hours and then I'll be back." He kissed my forehead and then he was gone.
I knew I couldn't stay in my apartment by myself so I went to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients for my own supper. I had barely grabbed a basket and strolled down a few aisles before my phone rang. And my heart began to beat as I saw it was from a private number. I contemplated not answering it before coming to the conclusion that there would probably be repercussions because of it.
"Hello?" I asked after answering the call.
"Hello, beautiful."
My blood ran cold and I could feel a layer of sweat bead my forehead. "Why do you keep calling me?"
"I love when you get whiney for me," The weird voice chuckled. "Why do you think I call you?"
"Because you're obsessed with me," I said into my phone. I had to sit down.
"Ding ding ding! Wanna know what you win?"
"Stop it."
"But you like it, Lulu. You can't pretend with me." My phone dinged and I started to shake. "You should look at the picture I sent you."
"I don't want to," I whimpered.
"Come on," The voice cajoled, "Look at it for me?" 
I took the phone from my face and opened the text message. There was a male student from the dean's list with a kitchen knife held to his gut. I gasped in horror and almost dropped my phone.
"Is your heart racing? Do you feel scared right now?" The voice pressed me. "How about this? Remember that little conversation we had the first time I called you? Why don't you touch yourself for me."
"No!" I said, "that's--"
"Someone's life is on the line, Lulu. You don't want them to die because you weren't being reasonable, do you?"
I whimpered but I dropped my basket and went to find a bathroom immediately. I could hear my heart beating in my chest, it was thrumming. I unbuttoned my pants with a shaky hand and felt myself through my underwear. Of course there was a wet spot there. Something about a complete stranger knowing everything about me but that I knew nothing about him just flat did it for me. I was scared but I was turned on.
"I'm, um, doing it," I said and winced at the timidity in my voice. 
"Talk me through it, beautiful," The voice encouraged.
I pushed my forehead to the stall wall, cradling the phone between my ear and my shoulder. "So wet," I mumbled.
"Then you should be dipping a finger into yourself," the voice on the phone encouraged.
I whined in embarrassment and felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. "I shouldn't be doing this! I have a boyfriend you know!"
"Oh, I know. And doesn't that make this more dirty? A stranger telling you to fuck yourself with your fingers or another man will die?" The voice chuckled, "Isn't your cunt soaking wet because of this?"
"No," I denied in a small voice.
There was a large pause and then I knew I had done something wrong. "No?" Next I heard a hoarse yell and then a shing. "The next time you defy me, I'll cut off a finger instead of an ear."
"Please, don't," I hissed into the phone.
"Better get to pleasuring yourself, Lulu. Otherwise I might get bored and accidentally stick this knife into his heart." There was no wiggle room now. I had to do as he commanded.
I pushed aside my panties and swiped up some moisture with my middle finger. "I'm so wet for you," I said in my best baby voice, "I wish it was your tongue tasting my cunt instead." I cried out as my finger flicked at my clit. "Want you to eat me out after you've just scared the shit out of me. Want to sit on your face and get fucking wrecked by your tongue and lips and nose." I whined as I felt my climax build up. This needed to be fast so I could get the hell out of here and find San. "I want adrenaline running through my veins, wondering what you'll do next and I wanna hit my high at the same time." My voice started to rise in pitch as my finger swiped across my clit, my hips starting to move on their own accord.
"Lulu, you're not going to cum without permission, are you?" The voice cut through my white-noise brain and I had to push my finger inside of me to avoid chasing my high.
"No-no," I denied, sniffing and trying to hide my frustration, "I would never."
"Now add another finger inside of you since I know by the tone of your whining that you already have one in you. Fuck yourself with your fingers and pretend they're mine. Pretend that I have you pressed up against that bathroom stall with a knife at your throat. Pretend that I have fingers inside your mouth to keep your moans to a minimum and my fingers are pressing on that rough patch inside of you."
"How do you know all these things?" I wondered, mouth going wide as I could feel my orgasm coming for a second time.
"Because we were made for you, Lulu."
"We?!" I had no chance to question the voice further because my orgasm was ripping through me. I had to bite down on my fingers, keeping the whining and panting to a minimum, but making sure it was all directed to the speaker of my phone. I'd hate to find out what would happen if that wasn't good enough and have to do it a second time.
The voice on the other side tsked at me, "What did I say about cumming without my permission?"
A loud shriek echoed through the phone and then a soft grunt. "Too bad for this guy. He had to listen to that whole conversation and ended up gutted still. Oh well."
I ripped my hand from under my pants and smashed it against the bathroom stall wall. I had fucked up. That student had died because of me. 
"Temper temper, beautiful. Don't tempt me to seek you out in person or your dreams might come true."
"Wait, you wouldn't, would you?" I giggled nervously and then the phone went dead. Fuck fuck fuck.
I rushed out of that grocery store without buying anything needless to say. As soon as I got in my apartment I went straight for the shower. I wanted to wash this feeling off of me; this feeling full of shame and betrayal. Had I really gotten off in a public washroom because of a stranger's voice and had they really killed someone because of me?
I scrubbed and scrubbed in the hot water for hours. I couldn't get rid of the feeling of how I enjoyed the thrill of touching myself in public for someone who wasn't my boyfriend. Didn't I have any pride? I loved San, I knew I did, so what was this new feeling? I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I never heard the bathroom door open until the shower curtain was roughly pulled back.
I screamed and turned around and then clutched my hand to my heart. It was only San. He cocked his head at me curiously, "What's got you so jumpy?"
"Why are you the only one acting like there isn't a killer on the loose? Why are you so calm?" I couldn't help but shout back at him.
"What's wrong?!" Seonghwa jumped into the doorway with one of my kitchen knives and had a full view of my naked body thanks to San leaving the door open and pulling back the shower curtain.
I screamed in frustration and jumped behind the curtain to shield me. "The fuck Seonghwa?"
Seonghwa stammered at the door, turning on his heel. "I-I’m sorry, I just heard a scream and I didn't think I just--"
"Don't worry about her," San dismissed me, "She's just jumpy about the killer still."
"Why did you bring Seonghwa back with you?" I demanded shrillingly.
"He's the one that convinced me to come back. I told him you were worried about being alone and we had a mini fight and--"
"--can you stop telling Seonghwa everything about us? It's like he's the third in our relationship!" I scolded San.
San peeked around the shower curtain and sent me a look full of teasing. "I mean, I didn't know you were interested in something like that, but we could talk it out."
"BOTH OF YOU, GET OUT!" I shouted with finality.
I couldn't look at Seonghwa the entire time we ate the wings the boys had brought home. Thankfully, he excused himself after eating and said he wanted to have an early night. San dissuaded him from leaving and insisted he slept on the couch at least. I left them nursing alcohol and muttering to each other across the table.
I turned in first, truly wanting this day to be behind me. I wasn't able to fall asleep though, being so jittery and my heart beating at the thought of what I did today. I faded in and out of sleep. I jerked awake when San's hand touched my back as he slid into the sheets with me.
"Babe, I'm sorry about today," San slurred into my back. My boyfriend was already touchy-feely as it was; add some alcohol in his system and he couldn't keep his hands off me. His nose rubbed against the back of my neck and his hands snaked around my waist. "Do you forgive me?"
"I just wish you would stop leaving me by myself. I hate being by myself," I whispered to him.
"I can make it up to you," San cajoled me, fingers playing with the waistband of my sleep shorts. "After you shower, you don't wear underwear to bed because it's healthy for your cute little pussy, am I wrong?"
My breath sped up but for all the wrong reasons. Why did everything have to come back this afternoon? "I-I forgive you," I sputtered out.
San huffed a breath of laughter against my neck. "Did you play with yourself in the shower? Are you sensitive down there now? Sometimes you rub yourself so desperately you're a little raw afterwards. Want me to use my tongue instead?"
"I wish it was your tongue tasting my cunt instead."
I shuddered. "Just wanna go to sleep," I whined.
San relented but couldn't help getting one last shot through. "Alright alright, we won't give Seonghwa a show to jerk off to. We aren't very good hosts, you know."
"San!" I spun around in bed to face him. "Wasn't he seeing me naked enough or do you not remember that?"
"Oh yeah," San said with a wry tone.
"Oh yeah," I mocked him, "Now he's gonna get even creepier with me."
"You're the one that thinks he's a part of this relationship," San raised a point.
"No, I said it felt like he was, seeing as how he knows everything about us," I corrected him.
"Come on, let's get some sleep. You can wake Seonghwa up with a blowjob tomorrow if you still think he's a part of this." San closed the conversation and snuggled his body further against me.
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cherrysoojins · 11 months
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ghostface! choi san & ghostface! jung wooyoung, oneshot/drabble (no pt. 2), horror themes, subjects of murder, underlying yandere themes, for mature audiences ( no smut ).
🔪 — : the annual frat halloween party hosted by your two best friends was not supposed to turn into a actual halloween horror movie for you.
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this was not how halloween night was supposed to go.
party music loud and blaring, drowning out the screams and the slaughter as everyone finds just one more person dead.
not just another person, but another person you slept with. another person you dated. another person who looked in your general vicinity. every male with at least some correlation to you, you realize, have all become victims of a murder in that house party.
how many people have died at this rate? you’re not too sure.
having your phone in your shaky hands as you hid in the cupboards under the bathroom sink, you texted someone— anyone, hands moving frantically against the electronics keyboard. calling someone didn’t seem like a safe option, knowing you wouldn’t be able to keep your shaky voice at bay despite the blaring music.
halloween was not supposed to be like this. halloween was never supposed to actually be scary. halloween horrors were not supposed to actually come true.
how did you get here? what brought this upon the night? why were people who were involved with you dying left and right? was it a coincidence? were people still dying as you hid under the sink, encased in the darkness, relatively safe for now? why couldn’t people get out? could people get out?
should you get out?
like any normal person in a situation like this, your mind raced back and forth with possibilities, what if’s, and or’s, what should you do, do you save yourself or other people?
the latter was the easiest thought you had. albeit selfish, but it was always you. you came first.
people would keep dying and you would stay hidden.
until you couldn’t.
until the door to the bathroom creaked open, heavy thumps of boots sounding out, close to you. close to your safety.
turning the phone off, encasing yourself in the complete darkness, you stilled. other things like extra deodorants and razors, common bathroom necessities littered around your body, but you refused to be the dumb blonde in horror movies.
so you didn’t move, you held your breath.
“come on, y/n,” san’s voice rung out, tantalizing, dark— so different from the voice you hear everyday walking around campus.
deep down, you knew none of those guys’ deaths were coincidences.
you just didn’t want san to be the bad guy.
“you can’t keep hiding, times limited, baby.” his voice cooed out, banging his fist against the wall loudly, looking to freak you out and give yourself away.
you didn’t. keeping calm and breathing deep, you just had to play it cool. you just can’t be scared.
you could hear a frustrated groan following a tear of the shower curtains being roughly pulled back, a kick to the bathtub. he’s losing patience, you’re losing your mind at how close he seems to be getting.
but he was never that thorough, he was just a stupid frat boy— or so you thought until now. used to think that he wasn’t very capable of much besides throwing big frat parties and serving as a pretty face, he always used to be a little clueless in a lot of aspects.
but what if that’s a front and he checks every goddamn inch of this bathroom, proving how thorough and smart he actually can be?
footsteps walked around the bathroom some more before you finally heard them disappear. where? you don’t know, but surely far enough away.
turning on your phone once again, your fingers frantically texted anyone within reach— ‘call the cops’ ‘murderer’ ‘think i might die please hurry’, anything you could. anything to save yourself.
“gotcha.” a voice perked, yanking the doors open to the cupboard, making you scream. hands immediately shot out and grabbed your ankle that was bunched up under the sink, harshly yanking you out to where your head slammed against the tiled floor.
“oh, man. you can fool san, but not me.” wooyoung this time. shock taking over your body.
words can’t formulate the feeling. the dread. anguish. fear. betrayal.
they were working together.
they were working together?
“come on, baby. places to be, things to do.” san piqued from the doorframe, leaning on it in his all black attire that matched wooyoung’s, two ghost face masks in his hand, lifting them and jiggling them around as if he was taunting you with that dimpled smirk on his face.
“you… the people…” your voice trailed off, looking back at wooyoung.
“dead or they left. let’s go before the party gets busted.” wooyoung joked, grabbing you by the waist and slinging you over his shoulder.
you didn’t fight back. how could you against your best friend?
lifting your head up to look at the bathroom you were once safe in, eyes meeting your other best friends who still had his dimpled smile along his features.
“we’re gonna have so much fun, baby.” san said, the ghost face masks still dangling in his hand.
halloween was not supposed to end like this.
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not proofread lol 😝🫵🏻
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junkobato · 6 months
Upcoming Kdrama December 2023 💚
1/12: My Man is Cupid with Jang Dong Yoon, Nana, Park Ki Woong. 16 episodes; rom-com, fantasy. Trailer
1/12: Sweet Home 2 with Song Kang, Lee Jin Wook, Lee Si Young. 8 episodes; horror, sci-fi. Trailer
2/12: Welcome to Samdalri with Ji Chang Wook, Shin Hye Sun. 16 episodes; rom-com. Trailer
4/12: Night Has Come with Kim Woo Suk, Choi Ye Bin, Lee Jae In. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, horror. Trailer
9/12: Maestra: Strings of Truth with Lee Young Ae, Park Ho San, Lee Moon Saeng. 12 episodes; music, thriller, mystery. Trailer
15/12: Death's Game with Seo In Guk, Park So Dam, Go Youn Jung, Kim Ji Hoon. 8 episodes; thriller, fantasy. Trailer
20/12: Like Flowers in Sand with Jang Dong Yoon, Lee Joo Myung, Kim Bora. 12 episodes; rom-com, youth. Trailer
22/12: Gyeongseong Creature with Park Seo Joon, Han So Hee, Wi Ha Joon. 7 episodes; Action, Thriller, Historical, Sci-Fi. Trailer
30/12: My Happy End with Jang Nara, Son Ho Jun, So Yi Hyun. 16 episodes; thiller, psychological. Trailer
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What a great way to end the year!
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mi-rae07 · 27 days
Choi San : A Marriage Not Of Love (Part 3/3)
Pairing : Choi San (Ateez) and named character (Kim Sowon)
Tw//: Mentions of self-harm and blood.
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3 weeks later :
Sowon felt utterly helpless, it had been 3 weeks since she saw san. She'd asked the maids whether he'd come for meals and they had said that he would come here and there once or twice a week for an occasional breakfast, but that was all. Sowon had also asked san's assistant whether he'd come for work and she said he was even working overtime now, which explained him barely being at home.
Sowon felt guilt for what she had done, the reaction she had given san when he tried touching her arm. He was only trying to get her to eat something, and she had recoiled away from him like he was about to kill her. Now it was 3:30 am and sowon was sure san would be in his room, somewhere she hadn't dared enter after all that happened. But now she felt desperate, and so she stepped out into the hallways and walked up to his room.
She knocked on it, once or twice but there was no response. And so she let herself in, eyeing the empty room as her heart dropped, san wasn't here. She was just about to leave when she heard noises coming from the bathroom, noises that worried her. And so she opened the door to the bathroom without knocking, immediately wishing she hadn't as she saw the horrible sight in front of her.
San, covered in a pool of his own blood and tears as his arm filled with cuts kept dripping blood onto the floor. Sowon gasped in horror, her hands coming up to clasp her mouth as san looked up at her with wide teary eyes
Sowon : no…
San flinched as he dropped the bloodied razor onto the floor, standing up as he hid his arm behind him and said
San : you shouldn't be here.
Sowon felt tears in her eyes as she stared at him before asking in a broken voice
Sowon : is this because of me, san?
That one sentence was all it took for san to regret ever having taken that razor. Sowon shook her head, a sob falling from her lips as she said
Sowon : oh god, your-your arm.
San shook his head desperately, not daring to step forward worried it would scare her like it did last time. Sowon could see that hesitation in his eyes, how he kept himself from moving in order to not scare her. And sowon had gotten her answer, she had broken him.
San : this isn't your fault, none-none of this is. Please, sowon-ah don't-
Sowon : why would you do this to yourself san!
San stared at her with teary eyes, sowon's frantic eyes darting around the large bathroom as she asked
Sowon : how long…
San : sowon please-
Sowon : how long has this been going on, san.
San looked away as he said in quiet voice
San : since…since that night I came into your room asking you to eat-
San cut himself off as sowon pressed her trembling lips together, her hands now shaking as she felt immense guilt wash upon her. She had done this to the only person she loved in this world, how was she different from san then? At least he never hurt her.
San looked at her desperately, tears flowing down his eyes as he said
San : please let me come to you, please I need to hold you sowon.
San's voice broke as he asked her for permission, knowing she was scared of him. That broke sowon even more, her stepping back as she said
Sowon : you shouldn't, you shouldn't when I did this to you.
San : sowon please, you didn't do anything. This isn't your fault, nothing is please listen to me-
Sowon : then whose fault is it san!
San : mine! Mine all mine everything is my fault. I ki-I killed my mother, I deceived you into marrying someone like me for my own selfish desires, I was cruel to you, I took everything away from you and I caused you pain and harm. This is all my fault, please.
San didn't care anymore, he'd do anything to make her not hate herself. Even if it meant making her hate him, making her believe that he deserved this pain. Maybe even more than just this.
Sowon : stop-
San : no. you know this, you know I killed my own mother in cold blood when she tried sav-saving me. You know I tricked you into this loveless marriage and you know I destroyed your life and happiness by binding you to my fucked up life.
Sowon shook her head, sobs wrecking her body as everything in her screamed at her to go and hug her husband. He looked so broken, he looked as if he was hanging by a mere thread. But she couldn't, she felt too much for him, too many emotions.
San : sowon…
Sowon did not say anything more as she walked away, san sobbing as he fell back onto the floor with a gasp. He had a 100 cuts on his arm, and yet nothing compared to the pain he felt right now.
2 days later :
Sowon was now packing her bag, putting whatever she found inexpensive into it as she prepared to leave this manor forever. She had found another job, another place where she could stay and work without bothering san. He could marry again if he willed it, but sowon wasn't going to stay anymore. She was hurting san, not just mentally but now physically too. She would rather leave than watch him slowly crumble like this.
It was pouring outside, the rain beating mercilessly against her window glass but sowon didn't care, she was going to leave. She finally pulled the suitcase towards herself before taking her umbrella, stepping out into the hallways and then down the stairs to the main door. She opened it and stepped out into the rain, opening the umbrella as she started walking towards the gate.
She didn't look back, because if she did she was sure she wouldn't be able to leave. This was the only house that had ever really belonged to her, and now it was gone.
Sowon had been halfway through the gardens when a loud voice interrupted her
??? : SOWON!
Sowon paused on her tracks with wide eyes, turning around as she saw san running up to her in the rain. He did not have an umbrella, he was drenched in the rain already.
Sowon : s-san?
San paused a few feet away from her before eyeing her suitcase, breathing heavily as he looked back at her face before saying
San : no. no, you can't.
Sowon : don't try stopping me, it won't work.
San shook his head as sowon turned around, starting to walk again. San rushed up to her, blocking her path as he stood in front of her before saying
San : please, it's raining so bad and the roads are flooded. It is dangerous for you to be walking out like this-
Sowon : I don't care, san. I'm leaving.
Sowon walked past san, making him let out an exasperated breath as he once again rushed up to her before saying
San : sowon please! Please don't do this, please don't leave me like this!
Sowon : go back inside san, and leave me alone.
San : NO!
Sowon paused on her tracks as san screamed at her, him now staring at her with pleading eyes as he said
San : I told you it wasn't your fault, then why…why are you leaving!
Sowon : because I am hurting you san! You…you self-harmed because of me-
San : I used to do it before as well, you didn't start it. I just…relapsed.
Sowon froze, her eyes widening. He had done it before? Sowon stared at san, the rain beating down on his body as he breathed heavily. San let out a shaky breath as he tore his shirt off, sowon gasping at the sight of his bare upper body. There were cuts all over it, not new ones but old healed ones that had left a scar. It looked terrible, she couldn't imagine the pain he had to go through to attain those scars.
Sowon : s-san…
San's face contorted into that of pain and frustration as he said
San : I…I just…please don’t leave. I would die without you sowon, I would…
San cut himself off as he sobbed, shaking his head as he wiped his tears with shaky hands before saying
San : I don't care if I can't touch you, I don't care if you fear me or if I have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life. I don’t care whatever happens to me I just need to keep you safe. I need to know you’re safe and doing well and I can't fucking do that if you're so far away from me.
Sowon stared at san as he said exasperatedly
San : the entire-entire time I've been trying, trying to protect you despite everything that I had to-
San cut himself off as he breathed shakily, sowon frowning as she gripped the umbrella tighter. She didn't know what to say anymore, why was san acting like this?
San : if you go away he might do something and that-I would never be able to live with myself.
Sowon : he? Who is he?
San's hand clutched his hair as he said
San : I shouldn't, I shouldn't-we shouldn't be doing this. I can't say this I've held myself back for so fucking long!
Sowon could see the way san was panicking, his eyes frantic. But she couldn't understand him, why was he still pretending? It was aggravating.
Sowon : san what is wrong with you! Why are you saying all of this when I know I mean nothing to you-
Sowon flinched at his words, her heart freezing as her eyes widened. He could never, he wouldn’t, right? He wouldn't do that to himself if he loved her, it couldn't be true.
Sowon : no. no don't you lie to me-
San sobbed in exasperation, shaking his head as he said
San : I love you, I have always loved you and I will always…always-
San cut himself off as he cried and fell to his knees, realizing that he'd said the one thing he had tried so hard not to say the past few years. He had finally given up, his walls crashing down.
San : I'm so sorry, sowon. Oh I'm so sorry I have no idea what to do…
San sobbed as he covered his face with his hands, his body shaking against the rain as sowon felt tears fill her eyes once again. All this while, all this while he had loved her?
Sowon : you…you told me you didn't san.
San : soohyun…hyung he threatened to kill you if I ever loved you.
San couldn't believe he was finally saying it to her, but he couldn't anymore. He couldn't handle it anymore.
Sowon : what?
San : I…sowon when I was young…someone kidnapped me and lock-locked me in a basement. For a month I was there, I was starved, tortured. It was so…so dark and scary I had no idea and…and then-and then my mother she-
San cut himself off with a sob as he tried to breathe against his tears, failing miserably as he continued in a shaky voice
San : someone suddenly opened the door and stepped in they-they were wearing a mask and I thought it was my captor. So I just…I took the knife lying next to me and stabbed them. I didn't know…I didn't know it was my mother until she-she…
San cried as sowon dropped both her suitcase and the umbrella to the floor, rushing up to san and falling on the floor as she wrapped her arms around his weak body. San shook his head she he tried pushing her away before saying
San : don't, you shouldn't-
Sowon : san, please!
San sobbed, weakly trying to fight against her hold on him as he said
San : no. no no you-
Sowon cut him off as she held his face in her hands, staring into it as sowon said
Sowon : san, let me hold you for once please. You've done so much…so much for me let me at least hold you.
San cried at her words, his trembling hands struggling to grasp hers as he said
San : but hyung wants to…take revenge. He told me that he would kill whichever woman I loved and so I…so I had to pretend-
San cut himself off as sowon placed her hand against the back of his neck, bringing his face to her chest and wrapping her arms around his trembling body as she said
Sowon : I'm so sorry, san-ah. I'm so sorry I had no idea, oh god.
Sowon felt her heart break at how miserable san had been, how miserable he had let it be just so he could protect her. He had brought hell upon himself just so she could live, just so she could be happy and she had no idea and had hurt him even more.
San clutched sowon's shirt in his hands, crying against her chest as he said
San : I'm sc-scared sowon, I'm scared he'll find out someday and kill you. I couldn't bear it, I couldn't bear seeing you hurt let alone die.
Sowon rubbed her hand along san's back as she whispered with tears in her eyes
Sowon : I won't die san, I'll be right here. He won't do anything to me.
Sowon looked at san's arm as she realized he hadn't bandaged it up properly, the blood soaking through his white shirt because of the rain beating against it. He must be in so much pain. Sowon was just about to cover it up with her umbrella when san brought his palm to the top of her head, shielding her head from the rain as he said weakly
San : you'll catch a cold.
Sowon shut her eyes as tears streamed down them, feeling like she wanted to hide san somewhere and never let anything happen to him. She hated herself for all that she had said to him, everything that had hurt him.
Sowon : you're hurt san, stop caring about whether I'd catch a cold when you're bleeding.
She held san's hand that was on top of her head before bringing it down, kissing it as she said
Sowon : you-you don't deserve to be hurt like this san, you haven't done anything to be punishing yourself like this.
San : I killed my mother-
Sowon : that was an accident.
San : I destroyed your life sowon-
Sowon : you were just trying to protect me, san.
San looked up at sowon with his broken teary eyes as he asked
San : why are you being so understanding?
Sowon : when you love someone you try your best to understand their actions, san. Do you not ever try to understand me? The wrongs that I have done-
San : you have never done anything wrong, you never can.
Sowon shook her head as she rested her head on top of san's, her arms wrapped tight around san's figure as she rocked him back and forth just the way he had done when she was sick. That had felt like a dream to her, too good to be true. And she'd thought it was, because there was no way san could take care of her like that.
But now she realized he'd been doing it his entire life.
San wrapped his arm around sowon's waist as he buried his head further into her chest before saying
San : I'm so sorry I hurt you, sowon. I should've done better I'm so sorry.
Sowon : don’t you dare, don't you dare apologize san. You've always only done your best.
Sowon pulled back slightly as she looked at her cracked wedding ring that hung by a necklace around san’s neck, her touching it as she asked
Sowon : this…you-
San : I didn’t want to lose it.
Sowon looked at san with teary eyes as she took the wedding ring from the necklace, putting it back onto her ring finger as she said
Sowon : I will never take it off again, I promise. I will forever belong to you, san.
San sniffled as sowon hugged him tighter before whispering
Sowon : I love you, san.
Sowon kissed the side of san's head as she closed her eyes and said
Sowon : we'll figure a way out of this, together, you and me.
And for the first time in his life san had had someone to share his burdens, someone who could hold him when he broke. Someone he could turn to without being afraid of hurting them.
San : I love you too.
And this time he had meant it, like he had every single time. The only difference was that sowon felt the love in his voice for the first time. And god knew she would do anything to protect it.
Sowon was now bandaging san's arm as he played with her fingers, the both of them still drenched from the rain. But the fire crackling gave the room warmth, and for now that was enough.
San : your ring it's…it's cracked.
Sowon paused, staring at it as she remembered throwing it at san and the way he'd looked at her with pain when she'd done that. Sowon felt guilt wash over her once again as she said
Sowon : I'm so sorry-
San : no won-ah, I was just saying that it's cracked, so I'll buy a new one for you. A better one even.
Sowon looked up at san as she shook her head and said
Sowon : nothing will be better than this, because this was the ring you put on me on our wedding day. It might have been just a wedding for everyone else but for me, san, it was the best day of my life. I had been no one's my entire life, no parents, no siblings nothing. But that day, I got you, I finally had someone, a family I could come back to. This ring is a promise of that. I don't care if it's cracked or broken, it still means the same to me.
San stared at sowon with teary eyes as she said
Sowon : please don’t take that away from me.
San shook his head, holding her hand in his as he said
San : never, I'm sorry I even asked. The ring is yours-
Sowon : ours.
San gave sowon a small smile as he said
San : ours.
Sowon nodded as she started putting the final bandage around san's arm, her eyes focused. San stared at her, her blonde locks damp and sticking against her forehead as the fire cast a beautiful glow on her bronze skin. She was beautiful, she has always been so beautiful to him and yet he'd hurt her. When all she wanted was a family, he'd hurt her.
San : won-ah I'm sorry.
Sowon : you don’t have to-
San : no let me say it. For three years I…you had to suffer because of me. Every time I pushed you away instead of holding you close, saying cruel things to you when I should've praised you every single second, slamming the door in your face when I should've kissed you, I'm so sorry sowon. I've never been a husband to you but you've always been a wife to me.
Sowon kept the bandages away as she looked at san, him looking elsewhere as he whispered
San : I'm so sorry.
Sowon's eyes softened as she laid her hand against san's damp cheek, him leaning against it as sowon said
Sowon : do you remember what you told me when we first met?
He had told her many things when he first met her, it was when he could speak openly without being afraid of soohyun. He had disappeared for a year before he came back and threatened san.
Sowon : you told me that I reminded you of sunflowers, because they were almost the same shade as my eyes. And every year, on my birthday you had the gardeners plant sunflowers in the main garden. But you never let them water it, you thought I hadn't seen it but every day after you come back from work I'd see you watering those sunflowers yourself, no matter how tired you were.
San pressed his lips together, he had held himself back from celebrating sowon's birthday because then the maids in the house would inform that to soohyun. He had no other choice except pretend to forget her birthday.
San : you told me they were your favorite flowers as well right after.
Sowon smiled as she nodded
Sowon : I never complained about you missing my birthday because I noticed this about the sunflowers, even though you slammed the door in my face and hurt me you always took care of those sunflowers. You never let any of them wither away, that was enough proof for me that you loved me at least a little bit, san. It was the only hope I had, no matter how pathetic it was.
San : sowon.
Sowon : and on our fifth date, I told you my favorite color was golden. Two years later, on our first wedding anniversary you repainted this entire manor golden, had them drape golden curtains, buy golden headboards for the beds. Even though you told me it was for a party I liked to think it was because it was my favorite color.
San smiled as he said
San : it was because you liked golden. I would never have done it otherwise, I hated golden before you. Too bright.
Sowon chuckled as she sat up on the bed next to san before saying
Sowon : and this…
Sowon touched san's ear piercing before saying
Sowon : was this because I told you I liked men with their ears pierced? This even goes against your company protocols too, doesn't it?
San's grandfather hated men with piercings, he thought it was feminine and never allowed anyone to do it. San had fought with him to get this on their second wedding anniversary. San scoffed as he said
San : do you notice everything, kim sowon?
Sowon : why else do you think I stayed this long sannie? Actions speak louder than words anyway.
Sowon held san's hand in hers as she said
Sowon : you've done so much for me, san. So much without telling me or asking me. That is enough of an apology for me choi san.
San rested his forehead against sowon's shoulder as he whispered
San : so you…you're not angry at me anymore?
Sowon : if you'd just told me the whole truth I never would've been angry at you in the first place. I am still annoyed that you didn't tell me the truth but after hearing what had happened to you in the past, with your mother, I can't stay angry at you anymore.
San let out a sigh in relief as he said
San : thank you.
Sowon smiled as she runs her hand through san's hair, making him close his eyes as they sat like that for a few minutes.
San : won-ah?
Sowon : mhmm?
San : I love you.
Sowon paused as he said those words, that being the first time san ever told her 'I love you' instead of an 'I love you too'. She looked at him, his red eyes staring back at her as a small smile spread on his lips. Looking into his eyes sowon knew he had meant those three words with every fiber of his being, and she felt sudden joy erupt in her heart.
Sowon leaned forward, kissing san as his eyes widened. It had been a while since they kissed, although they had been married for three years it never got to this stage. San supposed tonight was different.
He tangled his hand in her hair as san brought sowon closer to him, tilting his head as he kissed her back passionately. He felt sowon get on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as she whispered through the kiss
Sowon : I love you too.
And that night sowon kissed san's scars that he had always considered ugly, sowon making it seem like it were the most beautiful thing on earth. She had healed his wounds, san knowing it would still scar. But he didn't care, because sowon had healed them.
San kissed her again and again, finally showing her all love he had wanted to for so long, he told her how much she meant to him, how much he loved her and would protect her until the moment he took his last breath.
And that was the day when a marriage not of love, turned into one of love and comfort. Their vows were finally fulfilled.
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arafilez · 3 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ▰ ▰ ✶ WØRLD EPISØDE FIN: WILL ⪨
ㅤㅤ➛ ㅤv.ㅤ CRESCENT PT 2. 𒉽 choi san❛ 𓇿
🥂̸̤ㅤㅤfluff s2lㅤ ✸ㅤyou are lost and confused and suddenly a person is offering to help you? why are you even trusting him?ㅤㅤ───ㅤㅤ w: fighting, blood, injuries ㅤㅤ»ㅤㅤ wc: 3kㅤㅤ𠈔ㅤㅤ moodboard
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ❛ running home to your sweet nothings ❜
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San sets up his fighting gears quietly in the back room as the chatter in the main room fills his ears. Yeosang has brought a girl or in Wooyoung’s words “finally scored a chick” and she is supposed to join the fighters. San has no issue with that because when Hongjoong has given her the green light then she is absolutely fine.
The only thing San feels is solitude. Maybe he is overthinking but he can’t help but feel it. He feels alone even when he is with his friends who are such a big part of his life. He feels alone when he is in training even though they joke around a lot.
He feels there is a lack of something in his life. Something that will make him feel complete. And he knows he can’t find it his friends who have already provided a lot for him.
”What’s up pouty face?” his thoughts get cut off by the voice of the only other woman in the fighter team as she speaks up behind him. He turns to look at her standing at the door one eyebrow perched up.
“Go to Seonghwa hyung,” he says and her laugh echoes the room and she walks towards him crossing her arms. Sitting beside him she looks at his droopy figure and asks, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he pouts shaking his leg and fiddling with his hands.
“Come on,” she nags and he looks up at her and says, “You all have someone to kiss and hug, except me.”
The girl looks at him for a while trying to process the words he just said before laughing loudly and saying, “You are salty because you have no one for that, Choi San?”
“Don’t laugh.”
“Shut up.”
“Wooyoung doesn’t have anyone either,” she hums looking at him and he deadpans.
“He had the best until he lost her, so let’s not talk about that brat,” he speaks and she shrugs knowing he is right. Wooyoung messed up big time before.
“Well I am not the person to provide emotional support or anything, but you will find someone, don’t worry,” she says softly at the younger male who just nods. She excuses herself as soon as she hears Seonghwa calling her and San is left alone, again.
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What is this place? You look around finding banners of weird paintings with ‘Z’ written in them. You rub your head slightly, look around and walk slowly. Every footstep makes a crunching noise making you cringe but your feet take you towards a larger road.
“Capture her,” you hear a voice speak and your eyes widen at the voice. Is this ‘her’ you? You quickly back yourself up to the nearest wall heavy breaths leaving your shoulder even though you have not even run. Panic surges through your body as the steps come closer and you close your eyes, clamping your hands over your mouth.
You are scared. Your breaths feel heavy as you pant trying to figure out what was happening. How did you even end up here? Who are these men? When you hear the footsteps moving away you peek from behind the wall and see cloaked men dragging someone as they harshly flail their arms around and you put your head on the wall and shut your eyes again.
You will figure this out, you chant to yourself whispering every word. A blood-curdling scream leaves your mouth as you open your eyes and see one of the cloaked men in front of you and your first instinct is to run.
It is a futile attempt since he grabs your hand, his strong grip accentuating on your veins and you look back at him in horror. You fight back at him by kicking but not even a punch seems to work as his grip just becomes stronger by every hold and you look at the dark structure beneath the cloak.
And then you kick the person in the stomach. His grip loosens for a fraction of a second but that feels enough as you run as fast as you can. You hear intense screams behind you but you don’t dare to look back. The air feels slimy and thick and you feel like you are in some weird dystopia but you don’t let that affect you as you keep running.
This is stupid, your brain registers but you don’t have any time to think before you see a small alley.
Running at the fastest pace you can muster you take a sharp turn and you are instantly met with a dark alleyway. Squinting your eyes you look back debating on which way to go when you get thrown to the ground harshly.
You feel the metallic taste of blood in your mouth as you groan trying to get up and you see a cloaked person again and you kick the person back. It feels useless as the strength is no match for yours and your hands feel tied as he holds you by your neck and you start choking.
You feel light-headed at the pressure against your neck till you are deprived of your senses and realise you are done for good. This is how you will die, with no defence left in your system as your lung loses every bit of air.
Your eyes roll back in pain, having difficulty to breath but the grip loosens suddenly and you fall.
You inhale a chunk of the air that smells like rust and metals and you look up to see what changed your attacker’s mind. Your eyes trail over a stark figure in a black overcoat and short hair as he extends his hands towards you. Beside him, the person lies in what looks like a heap of trash bags.
You don’t betray your senses and your mind clouds with confusion. Who is this man? Is this a trap? Is he just helping to kill you? Maybe he is pretending but he is one of them.
You can’t accept help from a stranger.
You are in a fight, in a world you don’t even know about and you are hurt. You definitely cannot accept help from a stranger. You try to get up by yourself and a sharp stinging pain hits your legs and your face contorts as you fall back down
The man in front of you shakes his head before walking towards you.
“No, don’t come near me,” you whisper at his approaching figure looking at him with scared eyes as he kneels in front of you. He isn’t wearing a cloak you have seen since the beginning of your week. The dim light accentuates his features and you squint lightly as his eyes rest on yours.
You stare back at him taking in his cat-like eyes that held a gentle gaze in them and a hint of trust. In a week of you trying to find your way out of here, you felt relieved. Someone has finally found you. You can go back to your world from whatever this hellhole is.
“Are you from the A-dimension?” his deep voice rings your ears and you nod slowly, still a bit reluctant to his attitude. Something in your mind tells you to trust him and even though you hated your instincts they were usually right.
“Okay, we don’t have much time, so come with me,” he says again and you open your mouth to protest with the little confusion left but a gunshot resonates in your ear and you scramble up in his hold and walk along the path he goes to.
Holding your arm securely against his body he muttered something along the lines of “Hongjoong will kill me” which left you wondering who was this Hongjoong.
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“Are you out of your mind?” Hongjoong screams to San who stands quietly in the elder’s room looking down at his feet. “She can be a spy for all you know,” Hongjoong reasons and San looks up at the frustrated captain and says, “How do you know the one you visit is not?”
“T-the on-one I-“ Hongjoong stutters out and San shrugs and continues, “You have a gut instinct, that’s how. I have intuitions too and I don’t think she is a spy, she is just lost here. Besides, what else did you want me to do? Leave her there? You know she would be killed.”
Hongjoong sighs deeply knowing San is right and sits down on his bed, looking at San and he speaks up, “Fine, but good bad anything, every single thing of her is under your supervision.”
“Yes hyung, don’t worry,” San says, a small smile creeping up his face and Hongjoong nods.
He walks towards the room opposite to his own where he knows you are residing. He knocks lightly on the door and hears your shaky whisper. He enters the room and takes in your quiet eyes trained on the bedsheet, the small pile of clothes the girls of the team had given to her lay in a chair at the corner of the room.
“Well, I guess, thanks for saving me,” you murmur and watch as his eyes turn to splits and he smiles cutely. Rubbing the back of his head he awkwardly nods his head making you shocked at the large man’s shy demeanour.
“Who are you guys?” you ask finally letting off the question bubbling inside you and he looks at you with wide eyes frankly surprised at your straightforwardness and says, “We are a rebel group called Ateez.”
“Ateez? I feel like I have heard it before, something about some pirates,” you scrunch your eyebrows along with your face trying to remember. San feels bad and decides to save you from the complications of their lives and answers in a different manner.
“True, but we are here to save these people,” San says and you nod trying to follow his words. He just grins and you smile back before he leaves the room for the night.
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The new few weeks are the best of your life. You actually made a group of friends, you felt like a family amidst all their bickers, care and attention for each other and always helped each of them out whenever they needed. You had the energy to wake up the next day just from the adrenaline of the day before and it made you happy.
You were finally not alone.
But you would be lying if you did not wait for the end of the day, looking forward to the conversations you and San would have. You would have the weirdest talks while laughing and falling into each other arms while you sat in the grass in the enclosed area.
It was a serenity to both of you and often you would just lay there and trace your eyes along his face. His nose-bridge, his jaw, his eyes and finally his lips. You would let your eyes linger there before snapping yourself to reality and listening to a ridiculous story all over again,
Sometimes you would fall asleep on his shoulders, your cheeks pressed against his pads and a soft smile would make its way up his face as he would carefully brush away the loose strands of your hair. You would shift a little at his touch and then nuzzle your nose on his neck, soft breaths echoing in his ears and San would wrap an arm around you pulling you closer to himself.
Today was just another of those days!
You lie down on the dimly lit porch of your room. For a spy base, you have to admit, Ateez has made it homely, somehow. Which is weird but acceptable. Your eyes trail over the bickering due of Jongho and his partner and you chuckle at them. Light footsteps take your eyes off them as they train on a smiley San with a pack of cigarettes in his hand.
“What are we, rebellious college-goers?” you joke making San grin lying down and you put the stick between your lips. San lights his own before turning lightly and lights up yours. “Considering I never went to college properly, wouldn’t know,” he replies and a puff of smoke leaves your mouth as you stare at the small rings above.
“Good you were saved from countless miseries,” you reply and he lets out an amused laugh at your deadpan face. You two lie there and talk about various stuff, unimportant stuff but you don’t stop him. The more you hear his voice the better. You find yourself in a position to question the weird tug on your heart.
An unsettling feeling that scared the hell out of you. You can’t fall in love that easily, can you? Hell, you can’t even like that person. But San, San is like a warm cloth after a cold aftermath and you have known that since the day he saved you.
Your gaze stays heavily on his soft eyelashes as he tells some story about Hongjoong and his old fling but you can’t pay attention as like every other day your gaze droops down to his lips. Heck, it ashamed you how obvious and desperate you looked. San, however, doesn’t notice and says, “You look sleepy.”
“Yes, I am,” the lie rolls off your tongue lazily and easily as he helps you get to your room and you decide to suppress your feelings for yet another day.
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“So that is the gear, this is the control-“ you list to yourself sitting in the car and try to remember your potential job at the team. You have been under the training of Mingi as the getaway driver for a while and sometimes you just practice by yourself.
“Boo,” San speaks through the car window and you roll your eyes as he giggles and you let him in the passenger seat. He gets inside nodding his head happily as you try to focus on the controls rather than the man beside you.
“Come on, pay attention to me,” he whines and you shush him as you figure out the details of tomorrow’s mission which Hongjoong has handed to you earlier.
San doesn’t deal well with the lack of attention so he snatches away the copy and you stare at your blank hands and gasp. You look at him making a face and he shrugs, hiding the page behind him like a child.
“Choi San, you give me that back right now,” you fake scold him as he sticks his tongue out at you shaking his head to a no. A disgruntling sound leaves your lips as you lean over to him to grab it.
“No, not until you give me attention,” he says trying to get the papers out of your reach in that confined space and you laugh at his futile attempts.
“Come on Sannie, hand it over,” you giggle as he makes a face and he laughs back nodding his head and playing around with it. You slap his thigh and he fakes a hurt expression and you deadpan at him.
“Hongjoong will kill both of us if he finds out we even lost a bit of that information,” you hiss at him but the giant baby doesn’t pay any attention to that and only makes kissy faces at you.
“You little-“, you didn’t complete your sentence and jump from your seat over to his as he yelps out loud. You hold his hand and he struggles to laugh at your angry expression as you press your lips together and you finally grab the paper and huff in victory.
You smirk and look back at him to rub it in his face but it becomes awkward as soon as you realise how close you two were. The position was also questionable since you are now basically straddling his lap and his face is mere inches away from yours.
You look in his deep brown eyes that look back at yours and you can feel the heat rising your cheeks at his gaze. Quickly clearing your throat you get off him and sit back down and he blinks rapidly looking away.
You look away through the window and look at the reflection of you two on the glass.
It is now or never. You have to do this.
You turn at him and ask, “Hey San, does Z-dimension have any kind of café?”
“You are kidding right, of course not,” he looks at you, his voice betraying his joking words and you nod slowly.
“Well then I guess we have to wait till we get back to go on a proper date,” you fake sigh and his eyes widen at your words. Did you just say ‘date’?
As in with him?
A date?
“Stop staring at me like I am some kind of alien,” you scold and watch San hyperventilate before squealing out loud and wrapping his arms around your figure.
You laugh at him as you hug him back and he grabs your face in his hands and looks at you. You gaze back at him with adoration and he breaks into a smile and asks, “Can I kiss you?”
“Should you kiss me before a first date? Hmm,” you pretend to think making him groan at your antics and you laugh muttering a soft “yes”.
His lips softly press to yours as you kiss him back. He smiles in the kiss and so do you as your lips mould together in perfect harmony. He trails his left hand on your cheek while the right holds your hand caressing it softly and you fist his shirt with your left hand. Deepening the kiss you love how you had found him, the one to complete you.
San believes the same, the other part of him his friends could never fill was you.
And you love how he reminds you of everything you love. His lips taste like your favourite sweet and his hair like the softest pillow of care you ever had.
His eyes, are like the crescent moon you love.
And he smells like your favourite emotion in the world. He smells like love.
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✸ㅤ ara's notesㅤㅤ───ㅤㅤ guys no there isn't a part one it is just the name of the song lol ㅤㅤ»ㅤ series mlistㅤ ateez mlist ㅤ main mlist ㅤ naviㅤㅤ𠈔
✸ㅤ taglistㅤㅤ───ㅤㅤ @haneagerr @tunaasan @evidive @huachengsbestie01 @philijack @atiny-lizbeth @chxnnii @nakiiko @therealcuppicake @weird-bookworm ㅤㅤ»ㅤㅤ comment here or in series mlist to be added or removedㅤㅤ𠈔
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© arafilez on tumblr. please don't copy and repost my work as your own ▰▰ ✶
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atxxzist · 1 year
wouldn't change a thing | c.s
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pairing: choi san x f!reader
genre: teen pregnancy, fluff, angst, suggestive, slice of life?
word count: 3.2k
warning: slight mentions of minors engaging in sexual activities but nothing too detailed!
a/n: this is not the oneshot i was talking about writing but i wanted to write this one too. enjoy.
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you and san fell in love young.
it was sophomore year, starting with a visit to the school library with your friends during lunch time that you caught the pretty boy seated at the table across from you.
he had the most beautiful set of features you've ever seen on anyone; sharp eyes, a straight and honed nose bridge, and oh that jaw. but his dimples were your favorite. those deep indentations whenever he smiled always sent your heart into overdrive.
it was, in the most cliche way, love at first sight. and after all the yearning and sneaky glances toward one another, san asked you out.
the first few months were full of innocent and small gestures; two fifteen year olds learning to settle into their first relationship, completely infatuated with the other, but only daring to go as far as holding hands.
holding hands eventually turned into cuddling, then small pecks to the cheeks until the awkward first kiss happened after school in the quiet hallway where your lips didn't move for a couple seconds at least.
but awkward kisses didn't take long for it to become an everyday thing where his lips were on yours and moving comfortably.
then came the curiosity and urges of being a teenager. from being so emotionally attached to someone that holding hands, cuddling, and kissing just weren't enough anymore.
you lost your virginities to each other near the end of junior year.
san had gotten a condom from one of his friends and you snuck him through your bedroom window since your parents were strict and had rules against you two being alone for this exact reason.
but even then, being too young and too unknowledgeable never scared you. you loved him and he loved you. that was all that mattered.
that late summer, just a few months after you both had sex for the first time, the curioisity, urges, and stupid naivety came back one night and left a long-lasting consequence (later consequences) that would forever change yours and san's lives.
you guys had sex without any protections.
you remember missing your period and absolutely panicking about it since you were already on the fence and had been feeling super anxious about the entire thing to the point that you even refused to sleep with him again until you were sure you were just overreacting.
you told him at lunch time in the quiet hallway, and being the sensitive and emotional person you were, breaking down at the smallest of things, you were already sobbing into his chest before the end of the school day.
he took you home with him later and went out to the nearest convenience store to get a pregnancy test.
it came back positive.
the sheer horror on your face along with the loudest wail from you that day was unlike anything san had ever seen before.
in the small space of his bedroom, you just cried and cried. san didn't know what to do or what to say to comfort you because he was equally as scared.
how could you guys be so careless? why didn't san just wait until he had a condom on him again? what was going to happen now? so many things ran through yours and san's heads.
and you guys could've argued, pointed fingers and shifted the blame. maybe you or san did considered it at one point, but what would come out of it?
you wouldn't talk to him for at least thirty minutes, the only thing leaving you were whiney sobs and the clogged throat and runny nose that was the result of it.
he left the bedroom first to tell his older sister. she comforted you for some time until you were finally able to form strings of coherent sentences again. then she told their parents, then their parents told yours.
you couldn't even look them in the eyes when they arrived, all sorts of feelings like shame and embarrassment taking over because ever since you were a little kid, all your parents talked about was education and the importance of it.
how, they moved from the old country to this one so they could give you a better life so you didn't have to struggle like them.
so how could you look at them without feeling like you were just a big disappointment since you were now carrying a child before you were to even get a high school diploma.
and they were upset, but only for a short while. at the end of the day, you were still their daughter and they still loved you, knowing you needed supports more than anything at the time.
the idea of a grandchild was warmed up to pretty quickly by both yours and san's parents. and you were glad for that, because soon enough, both of you were also excited for the new arrival; mostly san because he couldn't stop talking about the possibilities of names.
but though your life at home came to accept the changes, it wasn't easy at school. it felt like you had grew up before everyone else, walking the school ground to and from your classes with a belly that only got bigger as the day passed by while all your classmates were getting college acceptances left and right.
and while they attended the graduation ceremony, you couldn't because you went into labor a few days before and gave birth to the cutest little boy. but you still finished in spite of everything, and you were so happy.
the wedding took place shortly after and it wasn't anything fancy or extravagant; only attended by close friends and families, and it was short, but very sweet.
you both took the year off and didn't go straight to college like everybody else, instead scrambling for money that were either earned through a part-time job during high school days or saved up until now, and got a small one bedroom one bathroom apartment not too far from san's parents.
it was tough. aside from the fact your youth left before your eyes, you weren't all that good with kids, and san wasn't any better.
you would often stay at your parents for a long period of time because you didn't know what to do when your son wouldn't stop crying.
but a couple months later of sleepless nights and changing diapers, you finally felt capable for once, able to read your son well and what his needs were without having to wake your mom up in the middle of the night.
then san landed a more secure job at a small company and was promoted within only a few months; then came your remote job as well, and suddenly school came around again.
things were starting to look a lot better.
you both went back after the year long break, and san was working full time while also going to school full time. you on the other hand, were only taking two classes a semester and working part-time from home because you still had to look after your son.
you could leave him at yours or san's parents in order to take more classes or get a full time job, but you were already doing that when you go to campus for the two class.
you know they love their grandson and wouldn't mind, but they were also getting older and you didn't want to bother them too much.
after all, it was your kid and your responsibility.
a semester later and not much has changed. san's still working and going to school full time and you're still only taking a few classes while looking after your son who is almost going to be two years old.
you absolutely love both of them.
your son with his cute little button nose and high-pitched bubbly laughter that always bring a smile to your face that you can't wait to go home and see him again.
and san. you are still so in love with him as if you caught his eyes in the library just yesterday.
they both make you so happy. you are happy.
it's just that you're too young and get too bored and lonely when you're stuck to the same routine everyday with very little variety on social interactions aside from your classes.
you wake up, drop your son off at either your parents or san's, go to campus, come back and pick up him, start your job from home, do your schoolworks when you finally get him to sleep, and the rest of the day is spent in the apartment unable to help the melancholy that would loom over you.
san is rarely ever home because he's always pushing himself, whether at academic achievements or work, even staying overtime most days, you can see how absolutely worn out he is when he comes back.
but that's if you stay up late enough to catch his return, since you've been sleeping a lot earlier due to your son and schedule. if you're not getting sleep now, you're not going to get any at all. and you don't want san sacrificing his because he's had a harder day than you.
fortunately, you can still tell whenever he's back because the bed would creak and the empty spot next to you would sink due to his weight. and every single time, you will scoot closer and throw an arm around his showered body, talking in your half-asleep voice, "hi san."
he smiles in response and move the hair covering your tired eye.
"hi baby."
"how was your day?"
"good," he answers. he always tells you it's good. "and yours?"
"it was... good, too." the way you drag your word brings out a giggle from him before he places a kiss to your forehead.
"i'm glad."
and he always makes sure to pull at the blanket and adjust it tightly around your body because he knows how much you move during sleep.
"goodnight," he whispers, turning off the light and snuggling you in his arms. you always feel so safe and so warm in them, wishing time will go just a little slower because you hate waking up to the spot now empty again and coldness all around your skin because he's no longer here to embrace you.
the routine continues, and that melancholy feeling grows bigger each day.
it definitely doesn't help that with so much loneliness and attempts to find any source of entertainment to fill it, you will sometime stumble onto social medias; that deep sink in your chest every time you scroll past one of your friends from high school and seeing just how happy and content they are.
you don't talk to most of them anymore, having grown distant overtime because you were trying to get your life together, and the fact you weren't very close to most of them in the first place was only natural a drift would happen.
but it's been a big insecurity of yours for a while now, feeling like you grew up before everyone else, but at the same time, it's also as if you're behind everyone else.
and with the isolation and lingering sadness, the insecurity only seems to have intensified, seeing all your old friends attending frat parties, taking pictures of themselves at their college dorms, and going on fun little trips like any young adults at your age should.
the crisis sits there for days--a mix of loneliness, insecurities, and just you being a mother too young, because you're still so immature at heart and still long for these things as well.
like everything you've went through the last few years finally showing its true weight on your shoulders, so close to sending you into a breakdown.
you drop your son off at your parents one morning, them unsuspecting of anything thinking you're going to classes like you usually do. but instead, you drive around town, stopping at the most convenient shop to grab a cup of coffee before heading to a local park.
you sit at the bench facing the small pond, listening to the sound of birds flying high in the sky and the fish moving through the water. then you drink your coffee... then you cry. over and over again.
you don't even know how long you've been here but it's long enough for your parents to be concerned; a call from your father first, then your mother. calls that go unanswered because you still don't feel like talking to anyone.
then comes another call, neither from your mother or father. it's san, and he has also sent in a series of texts asking where you are and if you're okay.
you reply with only a short "i'm okay." getting up to head back, receiving a response from him immediately saying he already picked up your son and for you to just come home.
the turn on the door knob is slow and awkward, a part of you embarrassed for making everyone so worried just because you're selfish and didn't want to go into meltdown in front of your loved ones.
san is off the couch and running to you the second he hears the door, his figure standing tall and a look on him like he's seen a ghost; even his breathing is harsh.
you notice he's already managed to put your son to sleep, having made a little bed for him on the other couch.
"you're back," he says, his tone unreadable.
you shut the door behind and just nod like a little child that's in trouble.
he steps up to take you into his arms so fast, the side of your face bumping against his chest and his hands roaming the back of your head in a circular motion before he speaks again.
"i was so scared, y/n. oh my god."
the guilt piles up in your stomach at how his voice breaks, a frown on you until you just start sobbing, throwing your arms up to wrap around his waist.
"i'm so sorry," you choke out your words, most of it slurred.
he caresses your hair at that, his fingers moving in between the strands softly.
"what happened, baby?"
you swallow lightly, moving your hold from around his body to only your palms at his chest, pushing slightly to back up and look him in the eyes.
"i just... i just miss you a lot." your lips wobbly while thinking of what to say next and how to say it because you guys already established a rule so long ago that you wouldn't keep things from one another.
"and i just really haven't been feeling great these past couple of days."
the guilt on you seems to transfer to him, the way his eyes doe and his chest deflates like a sudden realization hitting.
"oh gosh, y/n... i-i'm so sorry. i haven't been spending time with you and our kid at all."
you shake your head, the reflective light from crying before makes you look adorable, san thinks.
"it's not your fault. you only work hard so you can provide for us."
whenever classes are getting too frustrating and his boss is a pain in the ass to deal with, he always think back to you two and it gives him the strength to push forward no matter how difficult it gets.
because at the end of the day, he's coming back to you and his son, even if you're both asleep most night (you being half-asleep), the presence is comforting and welcoming.
the presence of his wife and child. his family.
"still, i shouldn't have been as neglectful as i was. i was leaving you all by yourself with our kid. even on the weekends, i was always sticking my nose in assignments or--"
"--san," you stop him, tugging at his shirt with one of your hands. his rambling halts immediately and he glares down at you.
"it's okay, baby," you assure him, your hands moving to brush the soft skin of his cheeks with a smile.
his own hands come up to rest on top of yours, the apprehension on him wearing off and his features calming because of your words.
"i'll call in today, and we can do something together."
you pout, shaking your head passionately.
"i don't want you missing work just for this."
his grip on your own tightening at that like he's trying to get something through to you.
"i don't care about any of that right now. i didn't even care about my class when i left it in the middle of a lecture. i care about you the most. when your father called me to ask if i knew where you were since you weren't back yet and wouldn't answer your phone, i got so freaking scared."
"because what if something happened to you? what would i do now? without you?"
a small, lone tear falls from him and it's all it takes for you to start full blown crying, san feeling awful at first knowing how sensitive you are, but then it just turns into amusement and adoration watching your lips tremble along with the tears wetting your cheeks.
"i-i'm sorry. f-for worrying you." you sniff, attempting to keep the snots out though san's witnessed you in worse states.
he smiles. "alright, no more apologies. you're here now and you're safe."
you slowly nod compliantly, a short silence before leaping yourself back into his chest, his heartbeat in your ear loud and clear.
"also..." you add, prying away to glare at him again. "i was on instagram the other day and it made me feel bad that my old friends were having so much fun. i-i want to have fun like them, too."
the default pout on your lips is accompanied by a raise of an eyebrow when he chuckles in return.
san pulls you back into his embrace, his chin on the top of your head and you can feel the vibration when he speaks again.
"of course we can have fun like them, too, honey. together. we still have so many years ahead of us, and so many more things to do."
some of your anxiety and worries is put to rest at his soothing words.
"you think so?" you ask.
"i know so."
you nod and breathe out a sign of relief, choosing to believe him, your eyes moving to the dark stain on his shirt where you were crying into before.
whenever there's any tears from you, san's shirts would always have to suffer the consequences since you have a bad habit of burying your head and crying onto his chest.
"i made your shirt dirty again," you mumble, picking at the spot.
"it's okay."
and when you start feeling a little better again, offering to make dinner and your son waking up at the perfect time, the smile playing on your lips as you watch the two can't be helped.
san's trying to make him laugh, and when he finally let loose that cute laughter you love so much, the way he resembles his father and has those cute eyes in the shape of a crescent moon makes your heart melt.
so, life has been tough for both you and san--all the struggles and hardships faced, all the sorrows and tears shed, and so many more that's yet to come.
but there's not a single thing you would change about it.
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