#child rearing
capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 months
On the changing age demographics
Woke up in the wee hours this morning, turned on the radio, and listened to a discussion on the BBC about the aging population, and how there are not enough children being born in certain parts of the world to keep pace with old people dying, and "What to do? What to Do?!" to make having an raising children more appealing.
And there was much talk about giving families money for each child they have, and raising the retirement age, so we don't have to pay as much in Social Security programs, and easing work requirements for immigrants.
And I lay there thinking: this is one more argument for switching to a 4-hour workday, instead of 8-hours, so a two income family can split the time in taking care of the kids you're bringing into the world. The Japanese government has been trying to promote the idea of people having more children, but their culture is still heavily burdened with the work grind, and no one has the time or energy to raise more kids in a way that the kids deserve.
And also an argument for 15-minute and walkable cities, so the kids can get around town and play with their friends, without relying on their parents to drive them everywhere.
It's not about creating "incentives" for adults to "produce" more children. It's about creating world where children can live joyfully.
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thatsbelievable · 11 months
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ladyhearthkeeper · 3 months
Many of us have been taught that we must be productive or else we have no worth. Thus, deciding to be homemaker isn't a choice that will make us productive.
To that thought, I must say that for starters we aren't machines : we are not here to be productive.
The second thought that arises in my mind is that a warm and happy home is the most essential thing in a human life.
And unfortunately, it does take time to make a living place a home. It takes time to maintain the fire glowing through every day's adventures and surprises.
I was just reading an article on the growing learning difficulties in students. Many of them don't even understand their own language when they are reading a long text. The article is blaming the school system.
I'm not blaming anyone because each case is different. I just remember one thing from my tutoring days : I could instantly see the difference between a student whose parents or grandparents spent time with them and those who spent more time with their screens.
Those who spent more times with their parents were more articulate, could understand written and spoken language more easily, and were more knowledgeable. They were also more comfortable with reading, writing and speaking.
Once more, this isn't parent shaming as everyone has different lives, challenges and situations.
It's just a reminder that a living home plays an important role in a child's development.
It's also essential for the mental and physical health of adults. A good home makes men and women better at what they are doing.
Thus, deciding to be a homemaker doesn't make us passive citizens who have no influence on the world. Our work is very essential.
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halleehalfgallon · 1 year
hello friends 😌 your friendly neighborhood non-tradwife here after a long silence that probably only felt significant to me. I have missed writing and interacting with folks on here very much. here’s what I’ve been up to!
I gave birth to a daughter last month. growing her was hard. I became very sick in the second trimester, spent half the year in pain, and while I was still able to find joy in my family and in nature and all of the usual things, my tendency to be inspired was weakened by what my physical self was experiencing. now that she has arrived, single-handedly lifting the great fog within moments, I have been looking back at all of the places I have been these last 9+ months, at last knowing who I was lugging along.
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there is a wholeness that feels entirely new, and it’s come just in time for almost-spring. though there is fresh snow on every tree limb and hemlock needle, the birds know that now is when the winter begins to turn its heel toward Away, toward wherever cold goes to make way for warmth. soon I will bring my babies out to the mud, to the garden, to the going stream. I feel like I have just been stirred from a 9 month nap. my soul is well-rested and I’m ready to go.
I hope you all have been well in this life. I hope tumblr hasn’t changed too much while I’ve been away!
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
At some point, parents have got to get it through their heads that people on the internet aren't their children's babysitters. Not everywhere in the world is going to cater to children. It's literally their job, as parents, to keep their children safe in this world that's often very much not safe for them.
Adults get on the internet for adult experiences. Your children are literally not other adults' problems. It's your responsibility, as parents, to create an appropriate environment for your children to grow, learn, and thrive. If all you want is for others to keep an eye on your children, then why the hell did you have them? Did you think being parents means you don't actually have to raise your own offsprings?
Look, some of us, we're happy to lend a hand. Gods know, parenting is one of the hardest things knowing to humankind. But at the end of the day? You're the parents. It's on you.
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unterwaesche · 3 months
>Working home ec into the homeschooling curriculum
>Tell my son to go ask Mom to let him help load the dishwasher
>He enthusiastically runs off
>Five minutes later comes back crying
>"Daddy that wasn't what I thought it was going to be like, there were so many dishes" 🥺
>Yes there are, son
>There are so many dishes
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cafe-sao · 8 months
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callmemrscarter · 3 months
Hey mama…
Just take the nap.
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oh-dear-so-queer · 11 months
Same-sex pairs in many species (especially birds) raise young together. Not only are they competent parents, homosexual pairs sometimes actually exceed heterosexual ones in the number of eggs they lay, the size of their nests, or the skill and extent of their parenting.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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femme-dor · 9 months
I don’t know what WOC Christian Tradfem needs to hear, this but it is absolutely ugly to call single mothers “masculine”, especially if she’s poor and/or you were raised by one! Y’all can’t bring yourselves to actually hold men accountable let alone consider individual circumstance, so you blindly pass judgement & condemnation onto women stepping up to provide for her children & not the busted man who actively chose to opt out.
She could be a Christian woman whose ex-husband ditched her & the kids, so she does her best with little finance. Maybe she escaped an abusive relationship to protect her kids & succeeds at providing for them herself. Y’all don’t care about that. You’ll log on to call them “masculine baby mommas” & write cruel, condescending lectures about how they failed at keeping their men, because its really about you getting picked in the end.
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Like how come its okay for men to not want to have anything to do with fatherhood or how men can easily walk away from fatherhood & not want anything to do with kids. But women on the other hand are always automatically expected to want or crave motherhood even if said woman clearly doesn't want to be a mother. Like why is it so difficult for some people to get that not every woman is maternal or better yet not cut out as parental material , just because someone has a uterus or can pop out a baby doesn't mean they'll be a good parent because of it. You got plenty of abusive and shitty parents out here...both fathers and moms that treat their biological born children like garbage and can seriously fuck up their kids either physical , emotional, psychological for life. Yet you got those that still think every woman must yearn motherhood as the ultimate goal in a woman life or else she'll be a "unfulfilled, incomplete woman".
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theexodvs · 5 months
I don’t know about you, but I will teach my daughters to sock boys who attempt to get handsy with them straight in the mouth.
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mysticalcoffeequeen · 2 years
I’ll never understand society’s obsession and appalling glee of hitting kids. First off, if the child is in distress or experiencing extreme emotion, how does hitting them solve anything? Oh it makes them quiet? It teaches them better? It commands respect and obedience? If you don’t then they turn out “spoiled”? “Just wait till you have kids”?
Poor Excuses.
Hitting kids does more for you than them and you know that! You’re taking your exhaustion & frustration out on a small developing human you lack the mental fortitude or patience to handle to gain instant peace. In any other circumstance, like with a pet, spouse or loved one, this would count as assault and abuse but in terms of children, y’all get defensive & in your egos, spewing denial that it’s not abuse and you’re actually a “good parent” because you manage to raise a child without killing it.
Any respect or obedience a child displays as a result of pain is completely manufactured. That respect was forced, not earned. They fear and mistrust you, not respect you. They know you’re volatile and prone to hostility so that “well behaved” kid is just cleverly avoiding pain & hostility. Only thing you’re teaching them is to suppress their emotions or lie effectively & keep a lot from you as they grow. “But I explain before hitting them and then show love afterwards, so it’s fine.” Pumpkin that’s called trauma bonding which physical abusers do regularly in relationships. See the slippery slope here?
A child is a small human which, like many humans you wouldn’t hit because that’s considered assault, you can talk to them. You can teach children right from wrong and the consequences of their actions without inflicting physical/mental/emotional pain. “But you can’t/ It’s impossible” Shut up! YOU ACTUALLY CAN, & it requires patience & communication you should have with this growing human who legitimately does not know any better and looks to you for that! And if you can’t be bothered with the bare minimum of parenting then why’d you have kids? No Seriously.
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patheticcryptid · 2 years
Way back when I worked with kids for a while my colleagues asked me about how I got them to quiet down and listen so quickly whenever I was alone with them.
I just told them I didn't know because I thought it was embarrassing to admit that all I did was channel my inner Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir of Isildur and Rightful King of Gondor.
I simply held my hands out palms down, and said, in a deep, quiet voice.
It was always met with complete and utter silence and a bunch of kids staring at me, confused.
Try it.
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montyluvsjasper · 22 days
Putting a significant other before children isn't "feminist" or "radical" or "part of a healthy marriage". It's patriarchal bullshit that puts children in danger. Don't have kids with someone who doesn't understand that.
If you divorce or pass away you would expect/want your spouse/partner/co-parent to put your child before a new significant other or spouse. If it's important for children's well being under those circumstances it's ALWAYS been important. You or your significant are just self centered.
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misforgotten2 · 2 months
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Baby's first words were "Seig Heil!"
Parents Magazine - December 1944
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