#change of plans part two
stayteezdreams · 8 months
Change Of Plans: Part Two
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Plot: As your's and Hongjoong's relationship begins to blossom, you have no regrets about your cancelled blind-date. But it turns out your so-called friend and said blind-date don't feel the same.
-Part One-
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Gn!Reader
-Meet-Cute Series-
Warnings: Jealous!Hongjoong (not toxic). Mentions of being Hongjoongs i.e uses of words like "Your's/Mine" but it's in a cute, romantic way, not in a possessive way. A few suggestive moments including kissing.
Words: 2.7k
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While checking over your outfit in the mirror, you heard your phone buzz behind you. You expected it to be your friend, who you were heading to meet for lunch, but when you saw Hongjoong's name, your heart leapt.
'Everything still good for tonight?'
'Have you met up with your friend yet?'
'No, getting ready now.'
'I hope you have fun, I'll talk to you later yeah?'
You smiled at his texts before you reluctantly put down your phone to finish getting ready. You had known Hongjoong for about a week now, and you hadn't gone a single day without seeing him.
Your mind wandered to the first date you had the night you met.
You assumed your evening with Hongjoong would last another hour at most, having spent a long time trapped together already. But, you ended up staying with him late into the night. Eating, talking, laughing and then wandering the city together.
It was nearly two in the morning when you finally parted ways in the elevator of your building. Even though the parting was reluctant, you exchanged numbers and already made a plan for another date the next day.
"Will you get lunch with me tomorrow?"
"Aren't you tired of me already?" You asked jokingly.
Hongjoong grinned and shook his head, "No way."
You giggled and nodded your head, "Lunch sounds great."
The lunch date ended up leading into a dinner date when you ended up staying together for the whole day. You were slowly discovering it was almost impossible for the two of you to be around each other for less than an hour. And it felt even more impossible to part ways, each of you seemingly finding an excuse to lengthen the conversation for just a little bit longer.
This slowly turned into finding ways to see each other when you didn't have time for another full-blown date.
The next evening the two of you went on a walk together and got late night milkshakes.
And for the last few morning's following, you found him lingering in the building foyer, waiting for you to surprise you with coffee and a muffin before you both went to work.
It was safe to say, Hongjoong was besotted with you, and you felt exactly the same.
Yesterday, he had texted you asking if you had the next evening free for another date. Of course you said yes, though he refused to tell you what he had planned. All he told you was to dress nice and come hungry.
You grinned to yourself as you finished getting ready for lunch, excited to tell your friend all about the guy that made you blow-off the blind date she set you up on.
Honestly, you did feel a bit bad, but you made sure the guy knew it was simply because you met someone else. You were sure he was a great guy, but now that you knew Hongjoong, anyone else would pale in comparison.
You assumed, no, you hoped, that your friends would be delighted about your blooming relationship with Hongjoong. However, you discovered this was not the case when you showed up to your lunch to find her sitting across from a man you did not know.
You cautiously approached, wondering if maybe she had begun dating someone else and wanted to introduce you. Though you were certain she would have mentioned it beforehand.
You felt a nagging feeling in your gut that you knew exactly who this was, but you really hoped you were wrong.
When you approached, your friend greeted you cheerfully before she introduced you to the man across from her.
"Y/n, this is Luca!"
You felt your stomach drop as you were faced with the blind-date you turned down. You smiled, trying to appear delighted to meet him but you only felt blind-sided and somewhat betrayed by your friends actions.
You expressed your feeling in a look to her as you all sat down. You knew she saw it but ignored it as she quickly went into a spiel about the food she liked getting here.
The whole lunch passed by with little conversation about why you were being set up like this. And anytime you tried to bring up Hongjoong your friend would quickly change the conversation. By the end of the meal, you no longer felt awkward, you were angry.
You pulled your fried aside after Luca ran to pay the bill, after rejecting your offer to split it.
"What the hell was that? Why would you blind-side me with him?"
"Because I wanted you to see how great of a guy he is."
You sighed as you took a breath, "Look, I can tell he is a great guy, and we might have gotten along if I ended up on a date with him, before I met Hongjoong. But I was serious about what I said. I feel something with Hongjoong I've never experienced, and there is nothing like that between Luca and me."
Your friend seemed disappointed, and was ready to argue some more, but stopped as Luca approached. She decided to hit you with one more betrayal as she suddenly left to go home, leaving the two of you alone.
Luca grinned down at you, "So I was thinking maybe tonight we could-"
"I have a date." You suddenly blurted out, stopping him in his tracks.
"A date?" He asked a bit perplexed and you suddenly felt guilt wash over you.
You pushed it aside, "I'm sorry, I tried to bring it up during lunch, but when I said I wouldn't be going on a date with you because I met someone, that was true, it wasn't just an excuse."
He remained silent as he nodded, thinking it over. You really did think he was nice, and if you had never met Hongjoong you might have found him more attractive, but Hongjoong was all you wanted now that you knew him.
"Do you like him?" He suddenly asked
You rose your brow, "Yeah, I really do. I mean I wouldn't be going on a date with him if I didn't."
"Do you like me?"
"Uhm....you're a great guy Luca, but I don't like you in the same way."
"Is it too much to ask for a chance? Just one date?"
Realizing that he was serious, you started to grow a bit worried about what kind of guy he was. Was this just him really wanting a chance with you? Or was this a challenge to him?
"I don't think so Luca, I really do like this guy, and I don't want to go on any dates with anyone else."
He nodded his head, but you could tell he was holding something back. "Alright, but if it doesn't work out, I'll be here. Just text me."
You smiled and nodded before you parted ways, your chest tight as you almost fled back home. You knew Hongjoong was busy with work until that evening, but you couldn't wait to tell him what had happened. You knew he would be just as surprised as you at your friends' actions.
As it turned out, surprised was not all that Hongjoong felt.
Sitting across from him on the roof-top terrace of the restaurant he brought you too, you giggled at his face.
"And she seriously thought that was a good idea?" He would seem almost outraged if it weren't for the laugh he held back.
As he sipped on his drink as you recounted the rest of the lunch, and Luca's comments before you parted, Hongjoong felt his chest tighten. Even after your friend learned that you were interested in Hongjoong, she still set you up on a sudden lunch with Luca. And even when Luca discovered you were interested in someone else, he still tried to win you over.
He felt a mixture of anger and jealousy wash over him. Anger at your friend for throwing you into that situation even after hearing about him. And jealousy for the fact you ended up on a date-like lunch with a guy that wasn't him. Though he knew it wasn't your fault and he trusted you, he did not trust Luca.
"Has he texted you since the lunch?"
You shook your head, "No. I deleted his number, though I assume he still has mine." You added on, hopeful that he would take the hint and leave you alone.
Hongjoong hummed under his breath and you watched him for a moment before a smirk crossed your face.
"Are you jealous by chance?"
His eyes shot up to meet yours and he smiled, "Not jealous, just..."
You rose one brow and he seemed unable to come up with anything. He cleared his throat and tapped his fingers on the table.
"I just don't want him trying to steal you away from me."
You hummed and leaned forward, finding his disgruntled tone adorable. "Am I yours to be stolen from?"
His eyes met yours and you saw something cross over his features that sent goosebumps up your arms.
A smirk crossed his face before it turned into a bright smile. "I'd like it if you were mine." He leaned on the table, his eyes still locked with yours, "And from how adamantly you've been turning down this Luca guy, I think you want to be too."
"You seem confident." You challenged with a teasing tone
He smiled as he reached across the table and took your hand in his, "That's because I am. I felt the connection between us from the moment our eyes met in that elevator. Didn't you?"
You smiled at him, the goosebumps still present on your arm as he gently caressed the back of your hand.
You nodded, "I did."
"Then does that mean I can call you mine?"
You felt your heart skip a beat as he stared earnestly and hopefully into your eyes. It only took one date with Hongjoong for you to know you wanted to be with him.
So you smiled and nodded, "It does. You can."
He grinned as he stood up, rounding the table to come over to you. You would feel more embarrassed by his actions if you were surrounded by people, but it was just to two of you on the private terrace.
Leaning down, he hooked his finger under your chin as he lifted your face. His nose brushed yours as he stared into your eyes, "I'm going to kiss you, okay?"
You nodded softly, unable to speak.
His lips met yours in a soft, almost shy kiss at first. As you leaned into his touch, he deepened the kiss, becoming more confident that you really did want to kiss him. Your lips molded together perfectly as you got lost in each other, only pulling away once you ran out of breath.
You stared into each others eyes with bright smiles, as no thoughts of jealousy or other people plagued either of your minds.
The rest of dinner passed by quickly, your hands only parting as you ate. But now his fingers were laced through yours again as you walked through a nearby park, eyes set on the city landscape nearby.
Leaning on a nearby wall, you both looked out peacefully at the city. A few comfortable moments passed before you suddenly heard your name called from behind you.
Turning around in surprise, your eyes locked on a figure approaching. He had a bright smile on his face as he didn't even glance at Hongjoong.
Hongjoong though, kept his eyes on the man as he approached, before he looked over at you, quickly seeing the uncomfortable surprise on your features.
As the man approached you, you felt Hongjoong's shoulder brush against yours as he stepped up beside you, and felt instantly more comfortable.
"Luca! What a surprise seeing you here." You hoped your voice didn't sound too forced.
The mention of the man's name made Hongjoongs chest tighten. So this was the blind-date, how had he found you? Was it a coincidence?
"Yeah!" He laughed, "I live nearby and I like to walk through the park, and I thought I saw you, and had to come see if I was right."
You couldn't tell if he was lying, and you really hoped he wasn't. The alternative was worse.
You had mentioned to your friend where you ended up on your date with Hongjoong, which was now seemingly a mistake. You had hoped the idea that Hongjoong had taken you somewhere fancy, would sway your friend into forgetting about trying to set you up with Luca. But that proved wrong, as you feared she may have told him where to find you instead. Their possible teamwork only proved their characters were not what they originally seemed.
With Hongjoong's eyes burning into his face Luca finally acknowledged him with a glance, which you took as an opportunity to introduce him.
"Honjoong this is Luca, Luca this is Hongjoong, my boyfriend."
Luca's eye's flicked back to you at the word 'boyfriend' and you could tell it caught him off guard.
"Boyfriend?" He asked with a somewhat tensed tone.
The look he gave you told you he thought you weren't dating officially, but you didn't feel the need to tell him more, it was really none of his business.
"Yes, boyfriend."
Hongjoong said with a light venom in his tone. You weren't sure if Luca would pick up on it, but he certainly sensed hostility when he shook Hongjoong's hand. You saw a slight wince in his features, as you assumed Hongjoong squeezed his hand a bit tighter than necessary.
Hongjoong then took your hand in his, something Luca did not miss. You were shocked when he seemingly ignored your introduction of Hongjoong as your boyfriend when he plastered a smile on his face and spoke to you again.
"I know you were busy this evening, but I thought maybe we could meet up soon, maybe for lunch-"
"We'll be having lunch then, so unfortunately that wont work." Hongjoong suddenly broke in.
Luca blinked a few times before he smiled, letting out a humorless chuckle. "I didn't say when."
"I know."
The smile on Hongjoong's face didn't meet his eyes and you saw Luca swallow, clearly growing unnerved with Hongjoong's reactions to his presence.
"Well then-"
"No, Luca." You broke in, "I wont be getting lunch with you, or dinner, or breakfast, or even coffee, and I'd appreciated it if you did not ask again."
Luca finally seemed to take the hint as he saw the serious look on your face.
Letting out a soft sigh he nodded "Alright. Have a good night then." Bowing his head slightly as he turned to walk away, you watched him for a moment before you let out a breath.
Hongjoong squeezed your hand softly, "Are you okay?"
You nodded and smiled over at him, "Yeah I'm okay"
"I'm sorry for stepping in like that" He began to apologize as you faced each other, he took your other hand in his as he gently caressed his thumbs over your skin. "I just didn't want him to think I'd just let him act like that, I hope it's okay."
You smiled at him before letting out a soft giggle, making him raise his brow. "It's okay Hongjoong, honestly... it was kinda hot."
Hongjoong's eyes widened for a second as he let out a laugh. "Oh yeah?"
You hummed and nodded and he laughed again as he pulled you closer, your chests bumping into each other and noses brushing. You grinned as you stared into each others eyes.
"I really liked it when you called me your boyfriend." He mumbled softly as he purposefully bumped his nose against yours.
You moved to wrap your arms around his neck as you giggled softly. "So did I."
Hongjoong spoke softly, his breath tickling your face, "Can I kiss you again."
You nodded, barely able to repress a grin. "Yes."
His lips met yours with a delicate passion you would never tire of. His arms wrapped around you as he pulled you as close to him as he could.
Your lips fit perfectly against his and you fit perfectly in his arms. He thought it might be dramatic that he believed you were meant to be his from the moment he set his eyes on you. But now that you were his, and he was yours, he only believed it even more.
xx End xx
I hit a few rough patches while writing this, but I hope you enjoyed it!
This is the final part of the Ateez Meet-Cute series! I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
General Taglist: @otsilliak
ATZ Taglist: @soso59love-blog
Series Taglist: @bubblesreplies, @halesandy, @why-am-i-sad, @acciocriativity
Part Two Taglist: @sunnyhokyu, @sunnypark00,
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Part I
"Are you free Thursday evening?" Akai's facing away from him, getting out of the car in a hurry. Rei's picked him up from his flat this morning (his mustang broke down, apparently), which is how they're both running late now. It's a good thing the meeting can't start without them.
In any case, Rei isn't - things have been busy in the aftermath of the takedown of the organisation, as Akai should be well aware. He did, after all, just return from a three-month vacation to FBI headquarters in Washington. The official cover story, as far as Rei knows, is Okiya going to the US to continue his PhD, while the authorities prepared to reintroduce the reborn Akai Shuichi to the world. Now he's back for good, officially appointed as the FBI's liaison to the PSB.
While he didn't share what he was up to while he was waiting to be processed, Rei has a pretty good guess - the higher-ups have been expecting all sorts of reports from him, after all, and surely Akai is just as vital a source, involved as they both were. The thought of him doing paperwork is amusing, and strangely domestic in its mundanity. (He'd love to see it.)
So, he'll figure something out. Several people owe him favours, and he has five years of vacation to catch up on. This is the first time Akai is reaching out for a meeting outside of work (not that Rei kept track or anything), and he's not about to let that chance slip through his fingers.
"I'll make it work. What for?" Agreeing without even knowing what he agreed to, he really is pathetic. And yet. He trusts the other won't waste his time or ask for the impossible.
"Dinner at the Myosotis. Seven p.m."
Rei blinks. That rings a bell. Western style fine dining, prohibitively expensive. Waiting lists of half a year, at least. Back then, they were just barely collaborating, surely Akai didn't plan this far ahead? How, then, did he get a table, and why is he inviting Rei to go there? That's the kind of place people go to for romantic marriage proposals; not the sort of restaurant the two of them would frequent, if they do eat out.
"I've already said yes, but... that's quite high-class, isn't it?" Not that he minds - being Bourbon taught him how to frequent places like that. It's just that Akai has never given any sort of indication he might like that kind of place. Huh.
(And really, if he's being honest, any place would be fine as long as it's with Akai. They have a couple of months to catch up on, after all.)
The smile Akai gives him in response is...odd. Small and genuine, private in the way that he's only ever seen Shuichi look at a select few people. Akemi. His siblings. Shinichi. But it doesn't reach his eyes, this time; instead, they're narrowed, burning with something like dread. Rei can't quite make sense of the expression.
"I think the occasion warrants it", is all Akai says before he slams the car door shut, turning his back to Rei. And that's the end of that conversation.
Alright then. Weird.
After that, Rei can't shake the feeling that Akai avoids him outside of work. Takes his smoke breaks alone, leaves immediately after they're done.
In situations like these Rei wishes he could talk to Hiro. It's a best friend's duty to help figure out if he's making something out of nothing, right? Maybe Akai really is just busy. And maybe he truly is in the mood for a celebratory dinner; after all, they haven't really had time to spend together since they came out of hiding, ripped apart by work and duty. They've talked, of course, but now that he's back it seems like the circumstances have calmed down enough to consider such a thing. (Even though a nagging thought tells him the official celebratory gala will be held in a couple of months, marking the half-year anniversary of the operation, and he knows Akai isn't looking forward to it.)
The thing is, that doesn't warrant it the look Akai gave him. That look was charged, it meant something. Through the years, Akai has looked at him a great many different ways. Rye mostly cold and disinterested at first, then with that faintly concealed amusement that still drives him up the walls. Okiya usually observed him with curiosity and caution. And Akai? A variety of expressions. Laughter and pain and gratitude. That bone-deep weariness that seems to cling to him like his shadow. Just once, with surprise. But rarely, if ever, as scared as he'd looked when he'd asked him out.
What was he afraid of? It's not like Rei was going to decline dinner, even if he's a little insulted it's western food. (Then again, he's quite proud of his prowess regarding traditional Japanese cuisine, so really, that would've been a worse choice.) Akai might just crave nostalgic food.
This is the third time this week he's reached this point in the argument with himself, and it really doesn't feel like he's getting any closer to the truth.
In the years he's known him, Akai has never shown to be the type to celebrate. Not that the organisation left much room to celebrate. As Okiya, Rei never got close enough to figure out his preferences. And as for Akai...well, he seemed happy enough, if exhausted, coming back from his sister's birthday party, and that's really the only indication Rei has. Maybe he doesn't know Akai as well as he thought. The idea stings.
Still, it makes no sense. If he wanted to celebrate, the takedown was a team effort, and Rei knows agents Starling and Black are in the country. He's checked their schedules, but neither they nor Kazami are free next week, at that certain hour. (Alright, well, in Kazami's case it might be Rei's fault he's busy, but he needs someone capable to cover for him.)
The Kudos, arguably the masterminds behind the operation, have left for a vacation to the Swiss alps, too. Allegedly, they've taken Shinichi with them to recover in mountain air - privately, Rei has heard through the grapevine that talking things out with Ran didn't go so well. She's asked for some time to think about their relationship, so Shinichi is off bringing crime to Swiss ski resorts for a change.
None of the usual suspects are free, or invited. It seems it's really just the two of them.
He doesn't want to, can't afford to indulge the foolish hope that Akai might've missed him as much as Rei did (his dry wit, his dependability, the scent of his cigarettes and aftershave in their sheets). They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but is it enough for such a shift to occur with Akai?
Their work did keep them too busy to do anything but exchange short texts or calls every once in a while. That little had been a must, for Rei; while officially the organisation might be gone, some stragglers have yet to be found. Thus, he's been checking up on Akai, just to make sure he's still alright out there. (He wants to touch him and hold him and hear his heartbeat, wants to make sure he's alive. Wants too many things he can't have, as usual.)
Rei has promised himself he'll never act on these feelings; can't destroy this careful balance they have managed to attain. But if Akai's the one reaching out, who is Rei to decline? If after all they've gone through Akai still wants to stay by his side, Rei doesn't have the strength to push him away for his own good.
Throughout their relationship, it's always been Rei asking to meet him to exchange sweaters and information. For Akai to take this step now, and in such a grandiose manner, leaves him reeling, uncertain of the other's intentions. Among the living, he's probably the one who knows the sniper best, and yet he just can't figure out what this means. The uncertainty is maddening.
Damnit, really, what is he supposed to think about Akai inviting him to a high-class dinner? Just the two of them?
Hiro hasn't contacted him either, since that time in the Kudo mansion. He'd assured Rei he was safe, doing alright. Sorry for not being able to meet. And that was that.
(In a moment of weakness, Rei's asked Akai for his number. But Akai had revealed he'd only gotten the contact info for a burner phone, worthless after that one use.)
He's missed Hiro before, when he wasn't sure whether he was alive or dead, but somehow, knowing he is out there and not being able to reach him is worse. Hiro was supposed to have his back, and now he can't even help him out with his uncertain thoughts and feelings regarding one Akai Shuichi. Traitor.
Rei's fretting for hours about his look for dinner. (When was he last out on a date that actually mattered?)
It's not like he's lacking in confidence. He knows he cleans up nicely, and working with Vermouth for years has left him fashion-conscious. He's perfectly aware of how to dress up appropriately for a venue like the Myosotis. Honestly, he's more concerned (and quite frankly, intrigued) how Akai will fare.
Still, he wonders if the red tie is perhaps a bit too much. He's added it on a whim, for a splash of colour, but now he's considering whether it's too bold, wearing Akai's namesake openly. He's probably overthinking it. It's not like Akai to pick up on such clues.
He's triple-checked, by this point, his nails and hair and teeth. His suit is crisply ironed. It's perfect. What could possibly go wrong?
Rei finds himself at the restaurant a quarter hour early. A waiter shows him to the lovely window seats Akai has reserved for them, looking out over the city's lights. It's beautiful. The place is pleasantly quiet, a separée creating an ambience of privacy. Bathing the space in warm light is a cream candle, placed on a perfectly ironed tablecloth. After a couple of moments, the waiter returns with a bottle of quality champagne, chilled for their convenience.
Myosotis couldn't be more stereotypically romantic if it tried, and Rei finds his face burning as hot as the flame in front of him. It's a good thing he's a little early; he'll need time to steady himself to face Akai. Maybe have a glass of cool champagne to calm his nerves.
Rei runs one last check, refreshes his cologne on neck and wrist, and waits.
A couple minutes go by, during which he tries several different grounding techniques, to limited effect. He still perks up when, from the corner of his eyes, he spots Okiya's pastel pink hair - though it is in confusion, the excitement dying down quickly, replaced with fury. The posture of the man is incredibly familiar.
Conscious of where they are, and what is appropriate, Rei gets up from their table to greet him.
"You've kept me waiting long enough."
And with the brightest possible smile he can muster, he slaps his best friend across the face, hard.
"Yeah, I guess I deserve that." At least it's his own voice. Hiro's awkward smile looks off on Okiya's pretty face, and Rei has to fight the urge to throw his arms around his neck. Whether to hug him or strangle him, he doesn't quite know, himself.
"You..." 'deserve much worse than that. Deserve much better than that. Are an asshole and an idiot and it's so good to see you-'
People are noticing the commotion. Bourbon's reflexes kick in, uncomfortable with the attention. He finds himself closing the distance and hissing at Hiro.
"Take a seat before we cause even more of a scene."
Hiro-as-Okiya follows him into the separée. A waiter comes by, pouring him a glass of champagne too. The mood is as frosty as their drinks.
Hiro makes no move to continue the conversation. Great.
"...would you care to explain", Rei asks through his best Amuro smile, "what exactly you are doing here?" He considers adding 'and why you are dressed as Akai's ridiculous cover', but figures that one's self-evident.
"I wanted to see you, so Akai helped me out. The paperwork is taking its sweet time." He says it nonchalantly, as if it is that simple. As if he hasn't been MIA for half a year, and presumed KIA for years before that.
He's willing to bet this meeting was Akai's bright idea. Rei's all too familiar with his idea of 'help'. Doing what he thinks is best in the shadows, without talking to the person he's allegedly helping out.
It sucks, because he knows the FBI agent meant well. He probably thought this was a pleasant surprise. (And it is, just a little.)
It just very much does not help that Rei had quite different expectations of how this evening would go. He was expecting something much nicer than spontaneously having to decide whether he should make use of Hiro's shellfish allergy and poison him right then and there. (The answer is no, will always be no, who is he even kidding.)
Hiro's blue eyes stare at him from across the table, illuminated in warm candlelight. They clash horribly with the pink hair. It makes Rei nauseous. He looks down at the table.
He manages a strangled "I would have appreciated a heads-up." For this situation in particular and the fact that Hiro's alive, in general.
"Did he not tell you?"
"No. And it's not like I expected anything of the sort from him." 'You, however, should have known better.'
"Look, Zero-" Rei's withering glare makes him falter for a second, but he presses on. "I couldn't let you know. It was too dangerous at the time, for myself and Rye. And you."
Oh, great. Another person looking out for his supposed well-being. Except, it really only was about the success of their mission, wasn't it? As if that was ever worth his best friend's life.
He clenches his fist under the table, tries to calm himself. Fails. "I get that. I really, truly do." He rises, slams his hands on the table, leans across. Stares at the farce that is Okiya, just a lie this time.
"But it's been three years, Hiro." Then, quietly: "I thought you were dead."
Countless nights spent visiting morgues, checking if all bodies matching Hiro's stature were accounted for. Checking international flights. Investigating the ruins of the exploded building, in hopes of finding evidence of tampering. Looking over the remains of the body, burnt and crushed, with only the totality of the destruction hinting at foul play. Years and years of hounding Akai, trying to get answers from the one person who had to know, only to not make it in time. That terrible night Gin had sent him a gift, Akai falling lifelessly back into the video's frame, joining Scotch in a violent end; his last lead going up in flames and smoke. Mourning Matsuda and Date, alone.
He fights down the bile rising in his throat with practiced ease. His eyes sting and burn, but he won't be embarrassed now by giving in.
To his credit, Hiro has backed off as far as he can, shrinking under Rei's glare. Familiar blue eyes lock with his, and Rei needs to focus on them because everything else about the Okiya getup gives him whiplash he doesn't know how to deal with. Hiro takes a breath, steadies himself.
"Zero." A warm hand is gently laid atop his own. So familiar, so comforting, even after years apart. Rei wants to run, or fight, or both, but finds himself anchored in place.
"I'm sorry. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, as many times as you need me to."
As if any number of apologies could erase years and years of grief and guilt and loneliness. If he'd just been faster, if Hiro had just trusted him, they would've found a solution, it was never worth his life-
"...why didn't you come to me, Hiro?" Idiot.
Because after months and years to contemplate it, that's the root of the problem, isn't it? The start of the betrayal. The broken promise from their academy days, splintering even further. 'We can handle anything, as long as we're together.' And then fate had ripped them apart, one by one, counting down to zero. Except Hiro had had a choice.
"I'm sorry. I did what I thought was necessary." He wears his emotions on his face.
And for a split-second, Rei doesn't see Hiro. He sees Akai, a week ago; his small smile, his pained eyes. Denial and self-sacrifice. Just what in the world made Akai look at him like that?
It's disorienting enough that he finds his spiralling thoughts interrupted, blinking at Hiro. He backs off, sits back down.
"Promise me, now, that you'll never run off like that again." Please, he can't say, but tries to convey through squeezing Hiro's hand just slightly too hard, before he pulls back in time for the waiter coming in with their entrées.
"I'll try."
Rei glares at him. Not good enough.
"Okay, okay, I won't." Hiro laughs, and oh, how Rei has missed the sound. Some of the tension bleeds out of him, and he finds himself joining his best friend, helplessly.
This isn't over, the pain isn't gone. It's unlikely it ever will, and there surely will be more arguments in the future (and sparring. He really wants to knock some more sense into Hiro). The trust they're missing will be hard to rebuild.
But Rei has had no choice but to live without Hiro for three years now. Has missed him painfully, every single day. If he's going to live in pain either way, might as well have it caused by Hiro's continued presence by his side.
If he gets a second chance at life then Hiro deserves one, too.
Part II
Dinner after that is slow, but pleasant.
Akai has apparently pre-ordered roasts that need several days to be prepared for them, and while the quality is good, the style of food just isn't Rei's favourite. Hiro seems pretty delighted by it though, so that's something at least.
They leave charged topics carefully untouched. Since Hiro isn't on active duty, Rei can't really talk about his PSB work, and Hiro isn't at liberty to talk about his cover either. So small talk it is. Rei shows Hiro pictures of Haro, and he's immediately taken (as he should).
By the time they've made it past the main dish, they're running out of idle chitchat. Hiro's bracing himself, seems to be working up the courage to ask something. Rei can already tell he won't like the upcoming conversation.
"So, Zero." He folds his hands together, and leans on the table, looking inquisitively. "Do you mind explaining what's going on between you and Akai?"
"Nothing." The answer comes too quick and too pressed, he's not fooling anyone. And that's without accounting for the fact that Hiro knows him too well, even after three years apart. He smiles, faintly.
"Of course. Nice cologne, by the way. I'm sure Hagiwara would approve of the selection." He taps the fingers of the hand he's wrapped around Rei's wrist earlier on the wooden table. Rei feels embarrassment well up. Hiro, as usual, is annoyingly perceptive. Still, cologne is not too out of the ordinary. He tries to cover his choice up with professionalism, and even almost believes himself.
"Yes. It's only proper for an establishment such as this one."
"Yes, yes." Hiro concedes, too easily. His eyes narrow, aiming for the kill. "And I guess red just happens to be your new favourite colour?" The crimson tie around his neck feels too much like a noose, suddenly, restricting his airflow. It's probably the damn candle's fault too, burning all their oxygen. He flushes, despite his best efforts.
"Not my favourite, but it felt appropriate for a celebration", he gets out. It really doesn't help that Hiro is wearing Akai's second skin, the one he's too comfortable seeing. Though the eyes are different, he has trouble shaking the reminder of certain evenings in the Kudo manor. Drinking their sorrows away, just the two of them.
"And you were going to celebrate with a romantic candlelight dinner?" Hiro's arched eyebrow could reach space.
"Trust me, that is as strange to me as it must be to you."
"Oh no, it isn't - I've seen the look he gets when you text him."
And Rei hates himself, hates his traitorous body that perks up at those words, hates the burning curiosity. Wants Hiro to explain, wants it to be true. Hates that Hiro knows how to play him, still, judging by that infuriatingly kind smile. Hiro is so lucky they're in public. He'd very much like to wipe it from his face.
Rei wonders, briefly, if that's why Akai selected the location, and didn't tell him the truth - if he'd asked, Rei's not sure he would have agreed to meet Hiro, the betrayal still too painful in his mind. Not that this kind of secrecy is appreciated. He really thought they were past that, by now. He'll need to deal with Akai, properly, later.
"Do I look like I care about what the FBI idiot is up to?"
He knows a tactical misstep when he sees it, and he's walked right into this one.
"To be quite honest with you: yes." Hiro hides his smile behind his glass of champagne. Badly. His eyes shine with amusement.
Damnit. What's the point of pretending when Hiro just sees right through him anyways? Rei's so tired of fighting himself at every step.
"Alright, fine. Make yourself useful, then. What did he look like?"
"He lit up like his phone's screen whenever a new text arrived." That, at least, is soothing. There had been quite a few texts. He'd assumed, after all, that he was keeping a bored and lonely Akai company. Just how long has Hiro been with him? Did Akai just ignored his best friend during their flight in favour of chatting with Rei? Asshole.
"If I dare say so, it was quite cute."
Rei doesn't bother to dignify that with a response. His burning cheeks probably provide more of an answer than he would like to give, anyways.
"Alright, I won't push you if you don't want to talk about it. Just know that I'll have an open ear for you, if you change your mind." He slips a card with a handwritten phone number in it. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. Rei memorizes it, then burns the paper.
"By the way." Hiro seems a little concerned, fiddling with his glass. "Akai gave me a couple of odd looks while we were flying back. Any idea what that's about? He went out of his way to sneak me into the country, and we had some good talks, so I struggle to see why he's upset with me?"
At this point, the waiter brings in their dessert.
A medium-sized chocolate cake, heart-shaped. A fork is delicately placed on either side.
Hiro shrugs in response to his questioning look. Amuro's customer service smile slips on easily enough. "I'm sorry? I think you've mistaken the dessert for this table."
"Ah, no, gentlemen. All dishes have been prepared according to the requests of the person making the reservation." How odd.
They thank the waiter, wait until he's out of earshot.
Disjointed information is snapping into place.
"Hiro, you've seen more of him recently. Please tell me this is Akai's idea of a joke."
Because the man has a keen sense of humour, even if it's often only for his own amusement. Gods know as Bourbon Rei wanted to strangle him for his quiet mockery.
But surely he can't be implying what Rei thinks he's implying.
"Hm." Hiro pauses for a minute, bless him, actually contemplating the issue while taking an appreciative bite from the chocolate cake. Which they will not be sharing, like that. Rei cuts it in half with his fork, dragging one half towards his side of the plate.
"I don't think so, no. It's hard to tell with him." 'No, it's not', Rei wants to say, 'you can tell by the barely visible laughter lines around his eyes.' He wisely keeps his mouth shut. It wouldn't help his case about how little is going on between him and Akai.
"But I'm inclined to say he was painfully sincere. It was his idea to arrange this dinner, and before he dropped me off, he wished me good luck. I assumed, at the time, that he was concerned about me walking back out alive without my head bitten off. Now, I think he might have somehow gotten the wrong idea about us."
Rei shoves a piece of chocolate cake into his mouth. The icing melts pleasantly on his tongue.
Akai set him up on a date with his best friend.
The FBI agent can be so smart when he needs to. How is he so hopeless whenever interpersonal relationships are involved?
That's going to be a fun talk.
Sweater Weather AU masterpost
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vampiregokudera · 9 months
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They're still a work in progress but so far we have:
Cosmic lasso for Cassie
Shadow staff for Tim
Skybat for Kon
Lightsaber for Bart (he can't control the energy properly yet so it's more of a lightning sword atm)
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poolpvrty · 2 months
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(3/10) Marlene as Briar Beauty and Dorcas as Lizzie Hearts!
( og post/concept )
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mariocki · 9 months
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Patrick Troughton - billed as Pat - helps the stricken French nobility (and flashes the audience) as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes, a staunch ally of the title character in The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel (ITP, 1955 - 1956)
#fave spotting#patrick troughton#the adventures of the scarlet pimpernel#doctor who#classic doctor who#two#itp#itc#1955#I've had a nice rhythm going lately with pairing a 50 min series (usually The Saint these days‚ tho not for much longer...) with a shorter#25 min one to dip into when I've less time or whatever. with The Adventurer over (adieu and farewell Gene Bradley you insane#multi talented everything) i thought I'd change it up a little and go for a much earlier itc series for a different tone. so early in fact#that they weren't even ITC yet; the company was then known as the Incorporated Television Programme Company‚ ITP for short‚ but be not#fooled; this is in every way the Lew Grade led company that would come to dominate the commercial tv world in the decades to follow#The Adventures of Robin Hood is usually identified as the first ITC production but in fact it beat this series to the screen by only#3 days and the two shows were presumably in production simultaneously. Hood went on to be the making of ITC and Lew Grade and lasted#a whopping 143 episodes over 4 years; Pimpernel made it to only 18 despite being planned as a 39 part series (standard length for these#early itc shows). exactly what went wrong i dont know; Goring was heavily involved in production as well as starring and maybe that played#a part‚ or maybe the popular success of Hood meant this show was no longer affordable. idk im just speculating but from#what I've seen it's fairly fun. starting on ITV just a week after the network commenced transmission‚ it's safe to say this didn't capture#the public imagination like Hood did and it does seem to have been rather forgotten about. Pat is actually a series regular and these#pics come from a few different eps among the first few. he isn't in the very first (nor is the Pimpernel's other faithful companion#played by Anthony Newlands) and i do wonder if that was a pilot (it has Robert Shaw as the Pimpernel's right hand and to my#knowledge he doesn't reappear; he'd make up for it with a starring role in one of ITC's next series‚ The Buccaneers#but yes he's here and he's fantastic and gets to be dashing and heroic (tho never moreso than Goring of course). he's also the one of the#three heroes who best suits the powdered hair look (Newlands looks quite unfortunate). and of course i know what im doing with that#last shirtless pic.. you're welcome Pat girlies (gender neutral)#maybe I'll make another post after I've seen a few more eps but i wasn't going to commit to a Pat post for every episode im afraid
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tswwwit · 2 years
Bill being forced to say the truth is such a fun concept though. I imagine Ford's the most likely candidate to hit Bill with a truth spell. Now he can expose Bill's nature once and for all! And find out what secret evil plans the demon has involving his nephew. 😠
Only it completely backfires because Bill acts the exact same as he usually does? After all, Bill usually doesn't have a reason to lie to the Pines family. Will he omit the truth? Totally! But rarely does he outright lie.
(But anyway, the plan backfires and Stan and Mabel are not convinced. "Yeah Bill's a jerk but he's not actually harmful", they say, with no knowledge of the countless atrocities he's committed.)
So Bill continues to act like his usual asshole self, completely unaware that he's under the influence of a truth spell. Until he sees his husband do something smart/cute/whatever. Before Bill even realizes, he's saying the sappiest, most gooey sedimental shit any demon has ever heard. Like "You're perfect, I love you so much". Completely unfiltered thoughts. The stuff he even lies to himself about. "You make me so happy. I'm so glad I met you".
The best part is that the situation is even worse (for Bill) the angrier he gets. "I hate you" comes out as "I love you". "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me" comes out as "The best thing". At one point, he accidentally says you're lucky I love you when he meant to be threatening. Everything is terrible. Dippers trying to figure out a cure and Bill can't help because he's to busy throwing up his organs. All the sedimental bullshit is making him sick.
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#This much sincerity is terrible for a demon like Bill#It's like he's got a terrible cold as well as throwing up all the time as his organs rebel against the honesty#Bonus: Ford DID learn Bill's horrible plan for his nephew. Eventually#Except what Bill ended up saying was something like#'I'm going to keep him until the stars burn out of the sky and this entire galaxy crumbles into dust AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME'#He hissed it out while hugging Dipper to his chest so tight that he almost squashed the guy#Trust Ford to focus on the 'can't stop him' part and not the rest of that statement#Dipper absolutely caught the rest of the implication though#Dipper already knew he was in love himself but hearing all of this is just. So Much.#It's so so nice. Really nice! But also waaaaay overwhelming for him#Anxiety and overthinking go hand in hand. Stress from Ford being around and trying to fix Bill exacerbate it#He knows it's honest but it leaves him confused#What the hell did Dipper do to cause this? (deserve this)#Is there way to fix Bill?? (is he ever gonna change his mind)#He's happy and he's worried. Again he's overthinking#He's flustered and he fumbles and wow he *really* should cure this before they both die of embarrassment somehow#I bet these two assholes still find a way to miscommunicate during a bout of magically-induced honesty#But THIS time it's all on Dipper#SMH my guy he's your husband and he loves you#Too bad overthinking gets in the way of enjoyment.#Also Bill puking a lot. That puts a huge impediment in the way when Dipper can't find an outlet for his feelings#His FIRST impulse was to kiss Bill senseless but since he couldn't do that his brain got stuck in a loop of unexpressed emotion#What a shame; he probably wants to do it so very very much#answers#Once Bill is cured he's grumpy. Turns out he loves Dipper even *more* because his human doesn't want him to suffer just to hear ily#How Dare He love Bill back so purely. He's never going to escape for that sentiment
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rosieshipper · 8 months
I am emotionally unwell from the Fiona and Cake finale
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Spoilers in the tags
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needylittlegirl · 2 months
theres a 99% chance we’re gonna move so i have to start packing little things now cause it makes the transition easier but i hate it i dont want to
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mikesbasementbeets · 9 months
just realized all three boys' parents are standing behind them at will's funeral
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these are clearly meant to be lucas' parents, who were then recast for s2, when they took on a more significant role. and mike's parents are behind him which means that these two people on screen right:
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are meant to be dustin's parents
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scuffedcd · 29 days
I’m gonna be pathetic real quick,
#I miss her so much#dealing with a one sided crush on one of my closest friends no less has not been easy#we haven’t really hung out this year not bc of the feelings stuff but bc I was tired of always being the one to plan hang outs and outreach#this has always been our dynamic#she’s just not the initiator type#which was fine at first#but for me the more I put into a friendship the more I expect in return#so it was hard not to take it personally when things didn’t change after we talked abt it#anyway she graduated college today#and idk if it just really sunk in that this is very likely the last time we will ever be in proximity to each other#but something abt it just kinda hit me today#a part of me wishes she had reached out#but maybe this is for the best#I feel I shouldn’t have to ask for what I need every single time#the down side is that knowing that doesn’t cancel out the years of friendship#I’ve always had a hard time letting people go#a part of me almost always cares about them for a long time#it’s hard bc my college experience was largely knowing that while I had friends I likely wasn’t their top choice#or part of their larger group#I floated around a lot which was cool sometimes and lonely other times#but if there was any person who I would have expected or I guess even just wanted to put in more of an effort it was her#personal#rambles#vent#it is complicated navigating friend expectations vs crush yearning#but I like to think that I can be rational enough to distinguish between the two#and so not ask for anything that is outside the reasonable expectation for friends#idk man it’s been an emo day overall ig
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brightblueflare · 4 months
1850's - early 1900's - The Clans are formed, and the warrior code is created and expanded.
Summer, 1914 - Flystar's Reign starts.
Spring, 1919 - The destruction of SkyClan's forest begins.
Early Fall, 1919 - The Law of the Wild is added to the warrior code.
Late Fall, 1919 - Flystar dies, and Cloudstar succeeds him.
Early Winter, 1919 - SkyClan attempts to retake a patch of the forest that now belongs to ThunderClan. War breaks out, and the starving SkyClan cats, despite their persistence, are no match for well-fed, healthy ThunderClan warriors. In the future, this event is known as Cloudstar's Last Stand.
Mid Winter, 1919 - SkyClan has now lost most of their territory, and Cloudstar opts for the diplomatic route and asks the other leaders for help during the Gathering. However, none of them are willing to help. SkyClan leaves the forest. Only Birdflight, Cloudstar's mate, and their kittens Spottedkit and Gorsekit remain behind, taken in by ShadowClan. SkyClan swears to never look to the stars again.
Late Winter, early 1920 - Larkstripe (WC), Molepelt (ShC) and the other seers protest SkyClan's exile. Larkstripe, fully supported by Molepelt, goes on strike.
Early Spring, 1920 - Swiftstar's (WC) successor, Dalestar, separates Larkstripe from her kitten, Ripplekit, in an attempt to break the strike and discredit her for having a kitten, frowned upon but not yet forbidden by the law. This is the codification of the Seer's Vow. Birdflight nurses and raises Ripplekit in ShadowClan.
Mid Spring, 1920 - SkyClan reaches the gorge.
Fall, 1927 - Dawnstar passes, and her new deputy Ripplemoon becomes Ripplestar. On his first Gathering as leader, he stated that something had to be done about SkyClan. Either the Clans would give up their territory willingly or Ripplestar would make room. Start of Ripplestar's Riot.
Late Summer, 1928 - Gorseclaw betrays Ripplestar, and the Battle of the Full Moon takes place. Clanmates fight each other, littermates shed each other's blood, Gorseclaw kills Spottedpelt, and ultimately, StarClan themselves made the fifth oak, the symbol of SkyClan, fall on Ripplestar. The fall of the tree killed him, and put and end to his rebellion. Three laws are added to the warrior code, to ensure a riot like his never happens again. Gorseclaw joins ThunderClan.
Summer, 1932 - SkyClan disbands. Only a small number of cats remained in the gorge. A network was created to maintain the former Clan connected. This is called Spiderstar's Plan.
Spring, 1935 - Late Fall, 1940 - Redstar's and Cloudstar's descendants and their allies face each other in the ThunderClan Civil War for their Clan's leadership. The result is the death of many warriors, and Flarestar's, granddaughter of Redstar, victory.
Spring, 1942 - The cats of the gorge start receiving outside influence from towncats and travelers. The seer role is split in two.
Late Summer, 1942 - Formation of the Skybloods within ThunderClan.
Winter, 1950 - Amberheart, descendant of Cloudstar, is chosen as Flarestar's third deputy. Her descendants (Oakstar, Pinestar and Tigerstar) would rule ThunderClan for many seasons to come.
Summer, 1953 - Amberstar becomes the first Skyblood leader of ThunderClan.
Spring, 1963 - Froststar of ThunderClan takes Sunningrocks. Applestar of RiverClan fights her on it.
Winter, 1975 - Mapleshade's Vengeance takes place. Furious at Mapleshade's kittens exile, Darkstar of RiverClan suggests a new law: Queen's Rights, or the Kitten Protection Law.
"Mapleshade may have brought them to the river, but it was your foolishness, your short-sightedness and your cruelty that put them in that situation in the first place, Oakstar. No kitten should die for the crime of being born."
Early Spring, 1976 - Oakstar launches Crusades and attacks the towncats. Houndstar from ShadowClan joins in.
Winter, 1980 - BloodClan is formed in response to the Crusades. Towncats start fighting back against the Forest Clans.
Early Spring, 1981 - Houndstar falls back, and agrees to codify Darkstar's proposed law. Three kittens dead is, after all, a great loss.
Fall, 1982 - Heatherstar from WindClan ends tunneling and starts the WindClan-ShadowClan War.
Summer, 1984 - Pinestar's Choice begins.
Summer, 1986 - The Great Hunger in ThunderClan takes place.
Fall, 1989 - Yellowfang's Secret and Tallstar's Revenge begin.
Winter, 1991 - Pinestar becomes leader and ends the Crusades.
Spring, 1994 - Bluestar's Prophecy and Crookedstar's Promise begin.
Winter, 1996 - BloodClan's leader is killed, and Pinestar leaves both to find the peace of being a housecat and to aid BloodClan during their political crisis. Sunstar becomes leader of ThunderClan.
Spring, 1997 - Tallstar becomes leader of WindClan.
Summer, 2001 - Bluestar becomes ThunderClan's leader, and Crookedstar RiverClan's.
Fall, 2001 - Raggedstar dies, and Brokenstar becomes leader of ShadowClan.
Early Spring, 2003 - Into the Gorge begins.
And that's the timeline before the AU kicks in. Rusty/Firestar starting his journey on 2003 sounds about right.
Birdflight and her kittens take shelter in ShadowClan, not ThunderClan, after Molepelt, ShadowClan's seer, offers them a place in the Clan. Dawnstar is the least adamant that SkyClan leaves the forest, and considering Redstar's attitude and the previous battles (which in this AU is total war) with SkyClan, it seems unlikely for him to take Birdflight and her kittens in. Plus, ThunderClan can't be the "good guys" Clan like in canon, and MisunderstoodClan deserves good things from time to time.
The Law of the Wild (the "warriors reject the soft life of kittypets" rule) wasn't created because of Pinestar's defection, but because Flystar was tired of his warriors leaving the Clan to live comfortably while the rest of them starved.
The Seer's Vow is made maliciously. Dalestar (prev. Darkstar, CotC) argues that Larkstripe (prev. Larkwing) is breaking her vow by having a kitten. However, back then, while taboo, it wasn't forbidden by the law. This was made to discredit and hurt her, and to control the seers.
Ripplestar (CotC) isn't fighting for power, but to free territory for SkyClan to come back to. He's also Birdflight's adopted son.
The three laws that were added were the Leader's Rights (to not be questioned), the First Tasks (visiting the Moonstone as an apprentice at least once, and sitting vigil after obtaining a warrior name), which were tradition but not codified yet, and the Full Moon Truce (no fighting at Gatherings)
Time was added between Cloudstar's Journey (and Ripplestar's Riot) and Mapleshade's Vengeance. This was done simply to add more drama related to SkyClan's exile and the descendants that stayed in the forest.
The "a queen can choose not to name her kittens' father" rule that was forgotten after the first arc in canon is made into a consistent law. Done in response to Mapleshade's kittens being exiled because of their parentage, and hotly debated even decades after its creation. Watch out for those that argue against it.
Heatherstar starts a war with ShadowClan to conquer a part of their territory she was interested in, and ended tunneling (a harmless/defensive tradition) so her Clan could focus more on fighting on the offensive.
BloodClan is formed earlier, in response to the Clans' raids. They're also a neutral entity, not pure evil.
SkyClan hasn't been forgotten by the Forest Four, but their exile is treated as justified and deserved.
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megarywrites · 1 month
Worked out the chapter titles for part one of book one today. Love that for me.
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mossyace · 1 year
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The Answer: Part 6.2: the end of part 6.
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
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someone here is making stupid kissing sounds while the other is pondering a tête-à-tête between a punch and the prior lovebird's face. i love them your honor
i was tagged by @denerims to do this template, thank you so much emily!!! <3
i'm tagging: @uldwynsovs @arklay @devilbrakers @nuclearstorms @shadowglens @morvaris @girlbosselrond @faarkas @indorilnerevarine @risingsh0t @druidgroves @stormveils @reaperkiller @jillvalcntines @aelyosos and whoever else wants to do this!!
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theygender · 1 year
I'm now OFFICIALLY permanent at my new data analysis job which in addition to being super cool bc I get to autistically play around in Excel for money now ALSO means that I can get my next piercings since I no longer have to wear a headset for ten hours a day and I am vibrating in excitement. I can finally get more holes stabbed into me
#ive been wanting to get more ear piercings for YEARS#but that is not a good idea when you work at a call center#i can FINALLY get my next ones done tho. im gonna be getting two more helix piercings on my left ear (for a total of three)#once they heal enough for me to change the jewelry ill have so many options to make them look cool#i cant really buy a lot of cool jewelry bc im allergic to most metals which is part of why im just sticking to ear piercings#but with them all being in a line like that i can mix different 'plain' pieces in cool ways#three barbells in a line is already gonna look cool but imagine three jeweled studs in a line#or three captive ball rings kinda draped over each other#or MAYBE if i can find one thats the right type of metal even one of those spiral piercings that goes through all of them#the possibilities are endless#after those heal completely (i am NOT gonna have both of my ears healing at once i would like to be able to SLEEP bro)#i plan to get an industrial on my right ear#im SO excited yall ive been waiting for YEARS & now im finally gonna have my plans for my left ear finished hopefully within a week or two#and then in about half a year or so i can get my plans for my right ear finished too#a year after that ill be fully healed and either be completely done or ready for the new ideas i came up with in the meantime#im going to become the cool dyke with a lot of piercings that i was always meant to be 🙏#and healing is gonna be much easier now that my sides are shaved. less chance of getting my hair caught or getting shampoo in it#this is gonna be great#rambling
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bhaalsdeepbat · 3 months
my ivy has been having to literally grab me and force my body to turn the way i need to walk during one part of our routine, and it actually looks way better to have that little bit of "ivy forcing harley around" but hoLY FUCK WHY AM I SO DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED.
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