#chadwick boseman x black oc
zillasvilla · 2 months
❤️‍🔥 Welcome to Akhara’s PlayHouse ❤️‍🔥
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❤️‍🔥more playboys coming soon||spam account: akharareblogs
Introduction: Akhara’s playhouse is a male centered fictional world, where they all fight for the attention of the writer. Akhara. Yup, that’s me.
Each play boy is unique in their own way, all expressing different ranges of emotion and skills. However boys will be boys, and Akhara is only one woman.
This is an eighteen plus blog containing: Mature themes, Rated-R content and pure filth. I reserved all rights to block anyone under the age of eighteen.
Disclaimer: Do not copy or repost my works on other platforms. All original characters are my own. All rights reserved to the creators of the media used.
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Roman Reigns:
Rebellion in the Shadows: Joseph Anoai replaces his father as Matai Joseph , and must now navigate his new role as chief, while wondering if his reign could match that of his father’s.
Averi makes a narrowing escape from some dangerous people. She finds her self saved by a mysterious man. Still, she keeps her walls up.
One : Two
Samuelu Island
Jey Uso:
Beyond the Lights: Soraya is a well known artist in the music industry, and her accolades reflect that. While her career may be thriving and successful. She still has a lot to learn as she faces the trials and tribulations that come with the fame.
zero : one : two : three : four : five : six : seven
Nap time
Randy Orton:
Mayhem: A planned feud goes a bit too far when two sisters pitch a story line that shifts the trajectory of the women’s division. co-written with: @keyaho
Micheal B. Jordan:
Dadmonger Series: Erik and his wife are parents to ten-year old twin boys. Come along with them and their little family as they navigate their lives as parents.
winter party : not my sons : school bullies Mistletoe Clean up woman I wish you would He wasn’t man enough for me
Winston Duke:
International Studies Wedding Day
Chadwick Boseman:
Trevante Rhodes: Coming Soon Cody Rhodes: Coming Soon Triple H: Coming Soon Pablo Schreiber: Coming Soon
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Akhara’s Patrons: If you would like to be added, please comment on the master list. I will try to frequently update it as much as I can.
@justazzi @yana3sworld @wrestlingprincess80 @abadbitchblogs @paigereeder @kill-the-artiste @destinio1 @kill-the-artiste @reci1996 @mindairy @jatriciablog @alichesmi @jstarr86 @minsheyaish @wonderingfashion @whatdoeseverybodywant @jeysbvck @jeysbaby @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @keyaho @chaneajoyyy @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @empressdede @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @pimptressss
125 notes · View notes
pantherastevens · 10 months
His Sunshine in the Darkness: I'm Safe in Her Heart
Back again with anotha' one. Welcome to His Sunshine in the Darkness Part Two!
Here is where things start picking up. You should already have idea of what's about to go down in this chapter so I'm not even gonna hold y'all.
Here's Part One, in case any of you guys missed it!
Warnings: Main Character Death
Everything was going so well for Miles... until it wasn't.
It all happened so fast. It was the start of summer, Miles' sophomore year becoming nothing more than a distant sweet memory. His dad left for work that morning, along with his mom. One of the last things he told him,
"Have a good day at work, papá. I love you." Jefferson smiled that good-natured smile, hugging his son in his famous bear hugs as the boy laughed at his antics.
"Will do, son. I love you too." And he was out the door with a large hand around his mom's waist.
That was the last time he'd seen him so alive.
The next time Miles would see his dad was in the hospital, lying on the bed with his mother weeping over his body. He and Uncle Aaron stood behind her. He felt the weight of his tío's hand on his shoulder while he rubbed his mamá's heaving back.
It was the only thing teetering him to this Earth. The only thing that was keeping him mentally here. He could feel the memories of what had happened earlier that led him to this point.
Seeing the building collapse from the window of his room.
Turning on the news to see his dad's body placed in an ambulance.
Reading the news headline, "NYPD Captain in Critical Condition After Saving A Little Girl From Building Collapse."
Seeing Uncle Aaron on the other side of the door, telling Miles they were going to the hospital to see his dad.
Clinging onto Uncle Aaron as he sped through the streets on his motorcycle, silently praying for his dad to be alright.
Hearing his dad's final words as he stood on Death's doorstep. 
"I will always love you, Rio. You're... the love of my life. Aaron, despite... despite our differences, you'll always... always be my baby brother. Take... take care of Rio and Miles for me, yeah? And... Miles... you'll always be my son. My pride... and joy. P-Panthera... is a good girl for you... she'll t-take care of your heart like your mom has done for me... Just know that... Whatever... you choose to do, I-I know you'll be great at it. I... I believe in you. Never forget that... I love all of you... I love you..."
The sound of the heart monitor flatlining in time with his dad's final confession and the limpness on his hand on all of theirs was deafening. 
Just like that... Jefferson Morales was gone. Taking part of his family's heart with him to the great beyond.
The next few days felt like a blur. The most Miles remembers was watching the news, trying to understand why.
Why he now had to grow up with a father. Why his mother had to continue on this journey called life without her husband. Why his uncle had to bury his older brother so damn soon.
Why. Why? Why?!
The answer? A premeditated plan made by some unknown gang. Since being sworn into his position, Jeff had to deal with the steady rise in crime in Brooklyn. He has done a great job thus far, which made criminals hate him even more. What is the best way to solve the problem?
Get rid of him by any means necessary.
The statement left in his dad's office at the station by said gang about his demise said that much.
That stuck with Miles.
While everyone else was enjoying their summer, Miles spent his time rotting away in his bed. His normally pristine room was a wreck from the rage fit he had when he returned from the hospital.
Plenty of his classmates had stopped by the apartment to offer their condolences, but Miles could barely remember who showed up. Miles never felt more out of touch with reality in his short life.
Uncle Aaron and his mother worked together to put together the funeral. Miles never questioned his tío on how he managed to get the funds to pay for everything, and neither did his mother, who was just grateful to have the funds in the first place.
Then the day came. 
Miles was awake in the wee hours of the morning, sightlessly staring up at the ceiling. The boy knew he was nowhere ready to face it.
The physical manifestation that his dad was never coming back.
But he knew he had to.
The mother and son showered, ate breakfast, and dressed in their respective black dress and suit in silence. They went to the local church early so his mother could ensure everything was in order. Miles sat on the steps outside. Aaron arrived soon after, patting the boy on the shoulder, who nodded in acknowledgment, before heading inside to ensure his sister-in-law didn't stress herself even more.
Soon, it was time for the funeral to start. He, his mom, and Uncle Aaron stood towards the church entrance. A lot of Miles' classmates and their parents showed up. Some of his teachers too. Some old friends from his old school showed up. A lot of his dad's coworkers came as well. Members of his mom's side of the family showed up, at least who could on such short notice. Uncle Aaron and his mom did handle most of the conversations. Miles just nodded in acknowledgment. 
Until she showed up.
Miles always considered Panthera to be an angel. But he didn't expect her to come to her to come as one. 
While everyone, including his family, showed up wearing black, she and her father, whom Miles finally had the opportunity to meet, showed up in white with white face paint adorning their features.
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Miles felt a bit of himself return to reality for the first time since the hospital.
Panthera had left Brooklyn with her dad to visit Oakland just a few days before his dad passed away. He texted her what happened, which led to a late-night FaceTime call with her comforting him. A part of him desperately wanted her to be there with him, hold him, and comfort him. But he knew that she couldn't. When she promised to be there for the funeral, it eased his bleeding heart for the night.
Seeing her physically in front of him was like a breath of fresh air after being underwater for so long...
Miles finally tuned in to the conversation being had between the adults.
"No disrespect or anything, Eric, but um... why white," Aaron asked as he took in the outfits of the young man he helped years ago and his daughter.
"It's customary in our culture to wear white to funerals," Eric answered easily. Aaron raised a brow at this but accepted this.
"Well, thank you for coming and honoring my husband in your unique way, Mr. Stevens and Panthera. Your... Your support means a lot," Rio spoke up, her voice shaky. Eric squeezed her hand.
"Please, call me Eric. And, of course. I'm sorry I never got to meet the man himself, but from Panthera has told me about him... it sounds like he was an amazing man and an incredible father..." Eric's eyes focused on Miles. "I know what it's like to lose a dad. Just know you're always welcome in our home if you ever need it..." With a pat on the boy's shoulder, Eric entered the church. Panthera was about to follow her father when someone grabbed her hand. She turned to find Miles' eyes nervously searching her own.
"I... C-Could you sit next to me during the service, gatita?" Panthera's brows nearly kissed her hairline at the sudden request. She wasn't family, so she had no real reason to be with them...
...but she could see that Miles wanted her to be by his side. No... needed her to be by his side.
"...If it's alright with your mother and uncle, then sure," she said softly. The pair turned to Rio and Aaron, who were already observing the exchange. Rio gave the girl a watery smile, hugging the girl tightly.
"Of course, you can. We already consider you to be family, mija. Please, sit with us." Panthera hugged the grieving widow back.
"Then it will be my honor..."
Soon, the group entered the church to start the service.
Aaron acted as Rio's pillar of support, and Panthera acted as Miles' as they made their way down the aisle. Panthera sent a silent look to her Baba, who seemed to understand that she would be with family rather than with him. His eyes softened at the boy walking beside her, knowing he needed a friend, and Eric was proud that Panthera could be that friend. Miles had a death grip on Panthera's arm as they walked through the pews with people staring at them. Luckily, his precious gatita didn't seem to mind, rubbing his arm soothingly as she offered her quiet support. Soon they were finally in front of the casket.
An open casket.
From the side, Jeff looked as if he was sleeping. It's not until you get closer you see the enormous gash on the other side of his head. The suit concealed his other injuries well.
Still, the sight of his body was enough to break Aaron, Miles, and Rio into tears. Miles couldn't cry for days. Upon hearing the news of his father's condition, the numbness he felt seeped into his bones and nervous systems, stifling all other emotions.
But now? It was like the floodgates were broken, splintered into millions of tiny, unfixable pieces. He collapsed on his knees alongside his mother, crying for a man long gone. Aaron stared at his brother's face as he held his grieving widow, tears running down his angular face like neverending waterfalls. Panthera's comforting arms found their way around Miles' shoulders, a few tears escaping her eyes into his hair.
"I'm here, Mi. Let it all out. I'll still be here..."
The service soon started after Miles and his family calmed down. A slideshow of Jeff throughout his life played on a projector in the background. A choir sang. Tears were shed. And the sermon was preached. Miles felt himself zone in and out until the preacher focused on him specifically, bringing him back with sharp focus.
"For the Bible says in Romans 13 verse 4, "...if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer." Young man... Your father died protecting this city and its citizens. I'm sure one of the things he taught you was to follow your conscience... in an often cruel world. Trust in that. Trust and believe in your heart that the criminals who took him away will face judgment."
Miles felt something twist in his chest as he looked at the preacher, giving a slow nod. Aaron didn't have to look to know that his nephew was glancing at him periodically as the preacher continued his message.
He knew there was gonna be a talk later.
When the man was done, it was time for those who wanted to share a few last words to take a stand and go to the front of the church.
Rio gave a heartfelt speech about her husband and how they spent many happy years together in their marriage.
Uncle Aaron talked about their childhood and how even though Jeff was a pain in the neck to him, he'll always be his older brother and will always love him as such.
Some of Jeff's coworkers spoke on his leadership, his love for the law, and his heart always wanting to serve and protect those who needed it most.
It took Miles a bit of courage to go up, but with reassuring hugs from his family and Panthera, he made his way to the podium. He shared how much of a loving, caring, doting, protective, and goofy dad he was—reminiscing on all the good, bad, and ugly times in their relationship. How much he loves him, even then, as he gazes at his dad's coffin.
"I remember the last thing I told you was 'I love you.' And... only God knows h-how glad I-I am that was the last thing I ever s-said to you. I know there were t-times wh-where we d-didn't see eye to eye, b-but you were still m-my dad at the e-end of the day... a-and I was still your s-son. I-I hope you're a-at peace, d-dad.Te quiero... te quiero mucho papá..." The boy couldn't hold back his tears, sobbing into the sleeve of his suit jacket. The boy couldn't see past his tears as he staggered away from the podium. Luckily, he didn't need to see.
He felt Panthera's familiar embrace wrap around his waist, silently urging him to lean on her as she led him back to their assigned bench. The girl silently handed him off to his mother, who immediately wrapped him in her arms and kissed his forehead. Through his sobs, he heard the preacher ask for one more person to come up before they ended, and much to his surprise, Panthera gracefully turned on heel and made her way back up to the podium.
She pulled the wireless mic from the stand before turning her attention to address the crowd.
"Hello, everyone. My name is Panthera Stevens. A close friend of Miles Morales... I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Morales towards the end of my freshman year. Upon our first meeting, I could see how fiercely he loved. How he would tenderly gaze at Mrs. Morales. How warmly he would watch Miles speak about our experiences and interactions. How welcoming he was to me, curious and willing to open his home to someone his son befriended. Since then, I have spent much time with the family. They made me feel as if I was family. He spoke to me as if I was a daughter than just a friend of his beloved son. I could see where Miles got his heart from..." The family gazed up at the girl in awe as she spoke. Her eyes were sparkling with unshed tears, but her voice remained steady and resolute. Panthera's warm gaze lingered on the trio.
"What happened to Jefferson Morales was sudden, tragic, and heartbreaking. I know... I know it may seem as if this is the end of life, but I beg to differ. You see... in my culture, my father's culture, my grandfather's culture... death is not the end. It's more of a... stepping-off point. You reach out with both hands, and Bast and Sekhmet... they lead you to the green veld where you can run forever. We celebrate the life the person lived on this plane and the start of their new one in the plane beyond, which is why we dress in white. He may not be here with us physically, but he will always live in the hearts he touched while he was here. If the family permits, I love to sing one song in his honor and memory." Rio nodded to the girl, giving a weepy smile. 
A member rushed up to the front; one quick conversation was all needed before sprinting away.
Soon the instrumental of the song played through the stereo system.
"Stand if you would like. Mr. Morales... Jeff, this for you..."
If you were to ask Miles to describe Panthera's voice in one word, he would say "passionate." He's heard her sing many times before, but this time...
It was like she was pouring out everything within her to sing this song in front of everyone. To say the words his father could no longer say for himself. From the corner of his eye, he could see his mother clasp both hands over her heart, beaming despite her heartache. Aaron's eyes shimmered with pride, happy to see his brother's philosophy performed so beautifully by a girl he would've loved to see become his daughter-in-law. Panthera approached the family, a ghost of a smile could be seen on her lips.
"I just want them to know..." 
She grasped Aaron's large hand with her small one, squeezing comfortingly, "That he gave his all, did his best..."
Panthera moved on to Rio, hugging her briefly but fiercely, "Brought people some happiness..."
She stopped in front of Miles, cupping the back of his neck so he could rest his forehead against hers for a moment. His teary tawny eyes met her warm expresso ones. "Left this world a little better just because..."
The girl turned to face the closed casket, a single tear escaping her eye. "He was here..."
Panthera sang the song's final lines with all she had, laying a single hand over the smooth wood of the casket as she sang the last line. When she finished, the crowd burst into tearful applause, but she wasn't paying them any mind. Her gaze remained focused on the closed lid that hid its occupant from sight.
"Rest in Power, Jefferson Morales..."
The funeral procession made its way to the cemetery. Panthera and Eric ended up riding with the family at the insistence of Rio and Aaron. The adults were talking amongst themselves while Miles held onto Panthera in silence. Panthera mindlessly rubbed Miles' neck as his face was hidden in hers.
"You okay, Mi," she asked softly, not wanting to draw too much attention to them. She felt him nod, lips brushing against her sensitive skin.
"Just wanna hold you..." The girl let out a mute chuckle, relaxing further in the boy's arms, much to his delight.
"Of course, anything for you..."
The burial was a quick affair. When the time came to lay Jeff to rest, everyone was emotionally haggard. When everyone threw in their choice of flowers, Panthera and Eric threw in a single Black-Eye Susan.
Eric and Panthera silently crossed their arms over their chests as the dirt was thrown to cover the coffin.
"Phumla ngoku, joni," Eric whispered. Panthera felt her bottom lip wobble but stood strong alongside her Baba.
"Enkosi ngenkonzo yakho... siyakuthanda," she said quietly.
It was finished. 
Here Lies Jefferson Morales: Father, Husband, Brother, Hero.
Rest in Peace...
It's been about two hours after the funeral and burial, and Miles hasn't moved from his position on the couch for about an hour and a half. Aaron had stepped out for a while, promising to return by dinner. His mother had decided to take some time to sleep before deciding on dinner.
It would most likely be takeout again. Rio Morales hasn't had the energy to cook since Jeff died. The most she'll do is figure out what her son and brother-in-law were in the mood for and go from there.
Miles was mulling over what he could possibly eat tonight when there was a knock on the door. The boy huffed from his position on the couch, not in the mood to deal with any more people for the day. Whoever it was seemingly didn't get the message and knocked again, more insistently. Miles glared tiredly at the barrier, hoping the person would get the hint and go away.
Soon his phone started to ring. LOUDLY.
The song "Hide" played through the phone speakers, immediately alerting Miles of who was calling him.
The boy scrambled to answer the call.
"P-Panthera," he asked slowly, confused as to why she was calling.
"Mi! I know you're inside, get off your ass and open the door before my arms give out!" Miles didn't need to be told twice, as he could literally hear her annoyance over the phone and outside his front door.
He met with the sight of Panthera and his father holding bags and containers. The pair were dressed down, wearing matching black wife beaters, gray sweats, and black socks with black Nike slides.
Miles blinked owlishly as he moved back to make room for the duo to enter his home (shoes off, of course) and head to the kitchen.
"Not be rude or anything, but... why are you two here," Miles asked as they set everything down on the counter or on the floor. Eric gave the boy a smirk.
"Your mom has mentioned to Panthera in passing how you all have been eating takeout more often than an actual home-cooked meal. My little girl has taken it upon herself to change that and make dinner for you all." Panthera glared playfully at her father, smacking his chest.
"Not little," she mumbled, completely ignoring how she was the shortest of the group. Miles and Eric chuckled, choosing not to comment on it.
"Sure, gatita. Thank you for Panthera... for everything." The girl spared a glance at her friend, finding a tired, vulnerable, yet grateful expression on his face. She sent him a small smile.
"Think nothing of it, Mi. Now go to sleep. You look half dead," she said, shooing the boy away. The boy let out a tired chuckle, leaning over to brush a sleepy kiss on the girl's temple before he went on his way. Eric raised a brow at that.
"Baby girl?" Panthera looked up to her father, who had a thoughtful look.
"That boy Miles... do you think he likes you more than just a friend," Eric quietly asked, not wanting to be overheard. 
'I love you, mi vida...' Panthera cleared her throat, pulling the produce she'll need for the recipe she had in mind for tonight.
"What makes you say that," she asked instead, cleaning off the veggies in the sink. A hand landed on her shoulder, forcing the girl to acknowledge her father's presence.
"I'm serious, Panthera. I know he's grieving the loss of his father, and it's wonderful that he has someone like you in his corner. He seems really comfortable with you to be considered just a friend..." Panthera pursed her lips, mulling over her next words.
"...It wouldn't surprise me if he liked me like that... I like him too, Baba. Very much," Panthera whispered, glancing at the slumbering boy on the family couch. Eric could see the soft look in his daughter's eyes as she looked at him. She didn't have to admit this to him. Eric knew Panthera loved the boy. And he could see Miles' love for her, clear as day whenever he looked at her...
But there was something there. Something... darker...
Maybe it was just Eric, but he could see a bit of himself in Miles. He lost his father when he was a young boy, having to witness his body grow colder and colder until nothing but a shell remained. He had to grow up alone. All Eric wanted was to be seen. 
To be heard. 
To be loved. 
But he was left alone, unable to get into contact with the people who seemingly rejected his father—rejected him. 
If he had someone like his daughter in his corner, he would've done anything and everything to keep them in his life. 
Even if it meant getting rid of others that stood between him and his person.
He would burn it all if it meant that one person who showed their love to an unfortunate soul such as himself would stay, be with him, and continue to love him. All because he loved them.
And if they didn't... well... they would have forever to learn to love him again, now wouldn't they?
Eric mentally shook off that last thought and looked at his daughter, who was looking up at him, those dark eyes peering curiously into his own.
"I know you do, inkosazana yam encinci. Anybody would be lucky enough to have your love... just be careful." Eric watched as Panthera's brows pinched in confusion.
"What do you mean, Baba..." Eric sighed, gazing at the occupant in the next room over.
"Love is a powerful emotion. It could empower you, give you purpose, and make this thing called life all the more worth it... but sometimes, it can change one's moral compass. Make them wanna do anything and everything to keep it close. People do unexplainable things when they're in love... I just want to know that the person that falls in love with my little girl can make her happy the same way she makes them happy. Freely..." Panthera hugged her father.
She wasn't entirely sure what to make of his words, but she knew that there was a reason behind it all. Maybe he'll explain it more when she's older...
"I'll do my best to be careful, Baba. Ndiyakuthandana," she mumbled into his broad chest. The man hugged her back, squeezing her.
"Nam ndiyakuthanda..." He kissed her forehead.
"I have to go now. I have another job tonight. You going to be okay," Eric asked softly. Panthera nodded.
"I'll be fine, Baba, I know things are getting worse ever since Mr. Morales died, but you took a lot of precautions to make sure I can defend myself if necessary. Hopefully, I can get home before it gets too late, but if not, I'll see if I could spend the night here and go home in the morning," Panthera said. Eric nodded. It wasn't the first time Panthera had spent the night at the Morales household, so either way, Eric can trust she'll be in good hands.
"Okay. Bye, baby girl, see you soon..." The girl followed her dad to the front door.
"Bye, Baba, see you later."
Miles awoke to the smells of rich spices and seasoned meat a few hours later. The boy blinked blearily, eyes catching sight of Panthera cooking and dancing to the music playing through his portable speaker in the kitchen. Miles sighed dreamily as he watched his little wife-
I mean girlfriend-
Yes, friend, make herself more comfortable in his home. It seemed so natural for Panthera to be there. God, what he would give to have something like this every day...
Panthera turned around, finding Miles' sleepy grin there to greet her. She smiled.
"Hey there, sleepyhead. How are you," she cooed, walking over to the couch. The Afro-Latino immediately sat up, pulling the girl into his lap before she could try to find open space on the couch. Panthera raised a brow at this.
"Mi, I'm not a teddy bear, you know," she drawled as Miles nuzzled her neck.
"Mmm... yes, you are. You're my teddy bear," he mumbled, pressing his lips against her throat as if to imprint those words onto her skin. Panthera chuckled, trying to pull Miles out of his hiding place only for him to let out a whine of complaint. 
"Nooooooo..." She could partially feel his pout.
"C'mon, Mi, let me up. I need to double-check to see how the food's doing." As if on cue, Miles' stomach let out a loud growl. Panthera laughed freely, knowing the boy was blushing.
"C'mon, you can come with me, and we'll see if I can feed the beast from within," she teased, poking his belly. The boy let out a disgruntled grumble before releasing the girl, simpering happily as she held his hand to lead him into the kitchen. 
"Smells amazing, gatita. What're you making," Miles asked as he watched Panthera taste-test the dish.
"Injera, Doro Wat, and Gomen, it's Ethiopian Spicy Chicken Stew and Collard Greens served a Flatbread," Panthera said offhandedly, leaning into Miles' embrace when she felt his arms make themselves at home around her waist. Miles rested his head on the girl's shoulder, curious.
"Want a bite," Panthera offered. After a small nod, Panthera guided a forkful of chicken dipped in sauce into the boy's awaiting mouth. The boy let out a happy moan at the series of flavors exploding on his tongue.
"Ohmygod," he groaned, squeezing the girl. Panthera smiled at the reaction.
"Good," she asked, even though she already knew the answer.
"Mhmmmm... I'm so marrying you so I can have this for the rest of my life," he said. Panthera burst out laughing. Little did the girl know that Miles was being dead serious.
"Relax, Mi. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Plus, we're still years away from even thinking about that," Panthera chuckled, plating the food.
"Can you go set the table and wake up your mother? I'll finish plating everything and wash the rest of the dishes." Miles nodded, kissing Panthera's cheek before wandering off. The girl paused a bit, blushing.
'That felt... oddly romantic? I mean, we did almost kiss at his dad's party, but it's not like either of us has really made a move since then. What changed? Could Baba really be onto something here?'
Before the girl could think harder on the matter, she heard the front door open and close, hearing Aaron announcing his presence.
"Umalume! Just in time for dinner," she smiled. The older man looked surprised to see her, similar to Rio, as she groggily trailed behind her son, who immediately helped his friend set the plates on the table.
"Hello, Mrs. Morales. I hope you managed to get some rest." Rio blinked at the table arrangement before on Panthera's shy smile.
"Hello, Panthera and I did, thank you. Wh... What is all this?" Panthera's smile brightens a little.
"After you told me that your family hasn't had a real home-cooked meal since Mr. Morales' passing, I got my Baba to take me to the supermarket and brought some food prep from home to make you all something." A slow smile spread on Rio's lips as she hugged the girl.
"Oh, mija, thank you. You've been a literal angel throughout this time, and I can't be more grateful that Miles has someone like you in his corner. Muchas gracias querida." PAnthera hugged the woman back, heart full.
"Of course, Mrs. Morales. You've all been through a lot. This is the least that I can do," Panthera said. Rio pulled back, hands firmly on Panthera's shoulders as she looked the girl squarely in her eyes.
"Please, mija. Call me Rio. I meant what I said today when I said that we consider you to be family. You are family, Panthera." The girl teared up a bit but smiled, nodding her understanding.
"Okay, Rio. Now come, best to eat while it's still warm." Panthera urged the family to find a seat at the table, taking a seat by a heart-eyed Miles.
Rio and Aaron sent each other a silent look.
'She's good for him.'
'Yeah, she is.'
The Morales/Davis family finished dinner with full bellies and content smiles. They complimented the girl on her culinary skills, who accepted the praise with a blush. Panthera offered to take care of the dishes, which was vehemently rejected by Miles.
"You've done so much today, muñeca. Lemme do this for you." Then proceeds to kiss her cheek in front of his mother and uncle. You could cook on an egg of Panthera's face with how hot her cheeks were burning. Rio and Aaron only smiled secretly, chuckling at the two teens.
As soon as Miles was done, they all sat and chatted, occasionally laughing and joking with each other. Panthera soon looked down at her phone, staring in shock at the time.
"Bast! I didn't realize how late it was getting! I need to go home," Panthera exclaimed, standing up and patting her pockets to ensure she had everything. Miles felt his heart drop to his stomach.
Panthera squeaked when she suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her, pulling her into a solid chest. Miles buried his face in the crock of her neck, not caring if his mamá y tío could see him and Panthera like this.
"Stay." Panthera shivered as the single word was whispered right next to her ear.
"I probably really should try-" Rio interjected.
"No, please, Panthera. Stay the night. Walking the streets alone is too dangerous, especially since crime has been increasing nearly every day." Panthera looked into the pleading eyes of Rio before turning to Aaron.
"Umalume, can't you walk me home? You know I don't live that far from you," Panthera tried. Aaron sighed.
"Sorry, lil cub, but Rio is right. I've been caught in a couple of fights just trying to get home. I don't want to risk you being caught up in that." Panthera pursed her lips in thought. It wasn't until Miles turned her around and cupped her face in his hands.
"Please, gatita. I don't want to lose another person. I can't lose another person in my life. Especially not you. You mean too much to me. Please, stay... I need you..." Damn it, if the vulnerable look in those tawny brown eyes didn't seal it for her, his words did.
"...okay, I'll stay. I'll take the guest bedroom..." Panthera's question trailed off when she noticed the semi-sheepish look on Aaron's face.
"Sorry, Panthera, but I've kinda been using it." The girl smiled at the man, silently reassuring him. 
"No worries then, I could take the couch-"
"No, the heck you not!"
"Absolutely not, mija!"
The girl looked at mother and son with an exasperated expression.
"Then what do you suggest," she huffed. Miles was quick to respond.
"You could sleep in my room. It's not like you haven't done so before." Panthera glanced at Rio, silently asking if that was okay. Rio smiled and nodded.
"Just keep the door open, you two~!"
After a quick and embarrassing escape, a change of clothes, and a quick night routine, Panthera and Miles lay side by side in the dark room. Miles, in his wife beater and gym shorts, couldn't help but admire Panthera in his clothes.
He gave her one of his old t-shirts that swallowed her frame, reaching her thighs. She rejected the shorts he tried giving her, claiming too much clothing makes it harder for her to sleep at night. He didn't put up much of a fight, finding the view she provided quite enticing. He wanted nothing more but to reach out and caress those brown thighs...
"You can come closer, you know," he quietly stated, drawing random shapes on her arm. Panthera blushed.
"You sure? Wouldn't that seem..." The boy raised a brow, waiting for the girl to finish her sentence.
"Intimate?" The boy blinked before giving a little shrug.
"I mean... it would. But I wouldn't mind that... do you?" Panthera chewed on her bottom lip, mulling over her answer.
"I... I don't mind either..." Miles smiled, tugging on the girl's waist to pull her closer. The boy even went as far as to rest one of her legs on his hip.
"Mmm, comfy," Miles asked, finding Panthera's eyes in the dark. The girl nodded, unable to get her voice to work without it coming out as a high pitch squeak. Miles chuckled, kissing her forehead.
"Heh, so freaking cute. Goodnight, gatita. Sweet dreams."
"Goodnight, Mi. Sweet dreams..."
The pair managed to doze off into a comfortable slumber.
Miles stared at the beauty sitting next to him. The pair was out on top of one of the building's rooftops. The moon was out tonight, ethereal light bathing the girl in a breathtaking glow. He could see the stars twinkling in her eyes, creating a new galaxy in those dark orbs. Panthera glanced at him, noting the dazed look in Miles's eyes.
"What are you looking at, Mi," she teased good-naturely, ignoring the warmth feeling flooding her cheeks.
"You, princesa," Miles answered easily, scooting closer to the girl. He took note of the confused blink he received as he cupped her cheek.
"God, you're so beautiful, Panthera. How are you even real," Miles whispered, looking into her galaxy-decorated eyes. The girl's eyes began to cross as Miles approached her face.
"Mi...?" A shiver escaped the boy. He always loved the way that nickname sounded coming from her.
"I love you, Panthera. Te amo tanto, mi vida," Miles sighed, leaning in for a long-awaited kiss...
Only to be shoved away at the last second.
Miles' furrowed expression turned into one of fear. The disgusted look on Panthera's face, the cold look in her eyes.
"What the hell, Miles?! I don't love you like that." His heart shuddered to a stop.
"Wh-what?" The girl stood, backing away from him.
"Why would I ever love someone as needy and broken as you? Be so for real, Morales. I don't want your deranged love. Keep that shit to your fucking self." Panthera turned on her heel and ran inside the building.
"Panthera, wait! I'm sorry, please!" The boy chased after her, heart aching as she remained out of reach. The staircase seemed to go on forever as he tried racing down them.
"Leave me alone, Miles!" 
"No, gatita, please! Don't leave me, don't leave me!" Tears ran down the boy's cheeks in ragged streaks, losing sight of her. The boy took a harsh tumble as he accidentally stepped on his untied shoelaces. After an eternity of rolling, the boy reached the bottom of the staircase. He could see the exit just meters away—the door was left wide open, blowing in the seductive scent of his beloved. Miles stared into nothingness. The aches and pains going off in different parts of his body were nothing compared to the gaping hole in his chest.
He curled into himself and sobbed.
"Panthera, mi amor, mi vida... Vuelve, por favor. Te amo. Lo lamento, Lo lamento..." He begged and cried. Silently pleading for the girl to hear his cries and come through that door. To hold him and say she was sorry. That she didn't mean any of her cruel words and will never leave him...
That she will always love him.
"...les... Mil... Mi, wake up! You're having a nightmare. Wake up, please..." Miles let out a tired moan, his swollen eyes struggling to open. His eyes struggled to focus, but slowly, he could see and worried and frantic Panthera straddling him. 
"P... Panthera," he croaked, his voice thick with sleep and unshed tears. He watched as her face morphed into one of relief.
"Oh, thank Bast, you scared me, Mi! I just slipped out to use the bathroom, and when I came back, you were shaking and crying in your sleep. You were speaking in Spanish, but you sounded so hurt, Mi," Panthera whispered frantically. She didn't want to wake Aaron or Rio with their conversation. Miles shuddered at the lingering memory of his dream, wrapping his arms around the girl, hugging her tight.
"I'm sorry I scared you, Panthera," he weakly apologized, snuggling closer to the girl's warmth. Panthera returned the embrace, running her fingers over the week-old stitch pattern of the boy's braids.
"Shhh, it's okay, Mi. I'm here, I promise," she whispered. He looked into her dark brown eyes, seeing their familiar warmth.
"Really," he asked in a small voice. As much as Miles didn't want to admit it, that dream scared him just as much as he had seen his dad's broken body on the news. The strong potential of losing someone close to his heart scared him. 
He loves the girl. He would move heaven and Earth to keep her in his life. 
He needed to know that she'll stay.
"Of course, I promise. I love you, Mi." Miles let out a shaky breath when he felt those full lips press against his clammy forehead. God, he wanna bask in this moment forever...
"I love you too, Panthera..." Miles couldn't help himself. He kissed her clothed chest, right where her heart was. Panthera allowed herself to be maneuvered to Miles' comfort. She laid on her back with his head on her chest; his ear pressed against it to hear her heartbeat. Miles' long body was nicely accommodated by the softness of Panthera's thighs over his hips. The featherlight touch over his hair and eyes coaxed the boy into a peaceful slumber.
Panthera watched as the boy slipped back into unconsciousness, her mind wired.
She wasn't expecting such a drastic reaction when she returned from using the bathroom. Miles was sleeping so peacefully when she left...
She also didn't tell Miles she heard her saying her name. She had an okay understanding of his mother tongue and could help but blush at the parts she did understand.
'Panthera, my love... please... I love you...'
She wasn't entirely sure what Miles was begging for, but whatever the dream version of her did left him with an empty, scared, and heartbroken look in his tired eyes.
Something about that look unsettled her. She never wanted to be the cause of that look; she loved Miles. She wanted him to be happy...
The girl let out a tired sigh.
'Sleepy, sleepy...'
She looked down at the boy sleeping on her chest and bit her lip.
As carefully as she could, she tilted the boy's head up. She watched fondly as his face unconsciously scrunched up and let out a whine at being moved. Only to be silenced when she gently pecked his lips. She had to suppress an amused giggle when a dopey smile crossed his face, and he snuggled up to her.
"Goodnight, Mi..."
The rest of the year was very busy for Miles. When Panthera left that morning to go back home, and his mom went to take a shift at the hospital, he spoke to his Uncle Aaron about his "business dealings."
"Miles, I don't think it'll be a good idea-"
"Tío, please. You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important to me. I want to be able to protect the people I love. What if papá wasn't enough for them? What if they manage to get to mamá or even Panthera? I can't lose anyone, Uncle Aaron, I can't. I won't let those bastards get away with what they've done to my family."
"...alright, kid. Lemme take care of a few things first, and we can start...."
It took a couple of months of training and remodeling a suit, but soon Brooklyn had a new Prowler. 
The newcomer was just as good as his predecessor, if not better. And he was always in high demand.
Miles was proud of the name he had created for himself in the crime underworld. The business was doing well, so he could support his mother at home and at her job. With the extra bonuses he and his uncle received, he would save most of it, spend a little on himself, and hopefully soon, on his precious gatita.
With it being their junior year and his new mantle as Prowler, Miles had difficulty spending time with her outside of school. He missed the days when they would spend their days together, whether they drew in their respective sketchbooks or curled up on his couch watching "Spirit: The Stallion of the Cimarron" for the 50th time (it was Panthera's favorite movie, he wasn't going to deny his precious kitten anything). 
The last time they spent real time together (like for more than an hour) was toward the end of summer. School was supposed to start in less than two weeks, and Miles was still training but was about to take up his first assignment as the Prowler in just a few days. Miles had stopped by Panthera's apartment to ask her to come tagging with him. What resulted from that was a mural of his father. He remembers staring up at the smiling face of his papá. At that point, it's been over a month and a half since Jeff died. He wanted a physical reminder of what he was doing this for...
The comforting feeling of having Panthera's arms around his waist warmed his chest. Her words rang sweetly in his ears.
"Whatever you do, I know your dad would be proud of you, Miles. You will always be his pride and joy..." Miles allowed his hand to find hers, intertwining against his stomach.
"Thank you, Panthera... it means more than you know..."
In the months since then, the two would spend time in class, studying, or spending a rare Saturday together. Despite their limited time together, Panthera could clearly see the difference in Miles. The coldness in his stare. His aloofness to the majority of their classmates around him. The silent, almost predatory vibe in his stance and walk. 
He morphed from the Summer Child she knew from their freshmen and sophomore year until a Winter Soldier.
Their classmates had noticed this, some choosing to stay out of the boy's way while others flocked to him, finding this change cool and finally worthy of their attention. Guys soon began calling him their homeboy, while girls batted their eyes at him with flirtatious grins on their glossy lips.
Miles remained indifferent to this attention. Only seeking the attention of one person.
He knew his precious kitten never liked having so many eyes on her, and ever since he became "popular," he was hardly alone. There were a few moments when he could snag her away for a few minutes of solitude. Panthera would always find herself in the boy's lap. His arms circled around to keep her close. He would normally find his face buried in her neck or resting on her chest to listen to her heartbeat.
She was his small piece of heaven.
Miles had found his eyes straying to the couples in the halls during passing or in the lunchroom. Often times imagining himself and Panthera in the same setting. His mamá y tío have been waiting for him to finally take the leap of fate and ask her to be his, officially. 
He decided their junior year would be the start of their love story.
Neither of them anticipated how bloody of a start it would be...
CLIFFHANGERRRRR! Sorry not sorry lol. P.S. I know the font with Miles' dream is off, I honest to God don't know what Tumblr is on.
Dedicated to @444morales and @l0v3morales
Mija : Darling
Te quiero... te quiero mucho papá : I love you… I love you so much dad
Muchas gracias querida : Thank you so much dear
muñeca : doll
Te amo tanto, mi vida : I love you so much my life
Panthera, mi amor, mi vida... Vuelve, por favor. Te amo. Lo lamento, Lo lamento... : Panthera, my love, my life… Come back, please. I love you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry…
Phumla ngoku, joni : Rest now, soldier
Enkosi ngenkonzo yakho... siyakuthanda : Thank you for your service… we love you
inkosazana yam encinci : my little princess
Baba : Father
Ndiyakuthandana : I love you
Nam ndiyakuthanda... : I love you too...
Umalume : Uncle
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
Do you know of any Halloween/fall M’Baku or T’Challa fics?
shadows in the closet- @supersizemeplz
risky dreams- @eerythingisshaka
wakanda as warewolves imagines, wakandan supernatural au’s/imagines, willing heart, your worst nightmare- @youreallyshouldtalkmore
the arrival series- @muse-of-mbaku
girl of his dreams- @tchallasbabymama
three king of dreams (ft. erik and m’baku (for christmas but still a little spooky), a single prick series- @supersizemeplz
fictober 27 “remember, you have to remember”;  “fictober 29″ at least it can’t get any worse”- @eerythingisshaka
wakanda as warewolves imagines, wakandan supernatural au’s/imagines, your worst nightmare, noble intentions- @youreallyshouldtalkmore
ever after- @wakandan-flowerz
crossroads blues @tchallasbabymama
howl- @hearteyes-for-killmonger
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tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
Best superhero/villain casting in your opinion? Doesn’t matter if it’s Marvel or DC.
Won’t comment on the DC tv series cause I don’t watch them. Only listing the casting which I think or can’t imagine anyone else pulling off the role just as well.
Christopher Reeves - Superman
Michael Keaton - Batman
Hugh Jackman - Wolverin
RDJ - Iron Man
Sir Patrick Stewart - Professor X
Ryan Reynolds - Deadpool
Michael Fassbender - Magneto
William Dafoe - Green Goblin
Alfred Molina - Doc Oc
Chadwick Boseman - Black Panther
JK Simmons - J Jonah Jameson
Dafne Keen - X-23
Dan Stevens - David Haller
Aubrey Plaza - Shadow King
Michael B Jordan - Kilmonger
Paul Rudd - Ant-man
Tom Hiddleston - Loki
Elizabeth Olsen - Scarlet Witch
Charlie Cox - Daredevil
Vincent D’Onofrio - Kingpin
Kevin Bacon - Sebastian Shaw
Evan Peters - Quicksilver
Josh Brolin - Thanos
Anthony Starr - Homelander
Margot Robbie - Harley Quinn
Lauren Ridloff - Makkari
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ororowrites · 6 years
“42 Reasons: Chadwick x OC: Chapter Two
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Author’s note: I apologize for the long wait! Life catches up with us sometimes, I guess. I should be back on track now. Here are the previous chapters in case you need to re-read:
Synopsis - Introduction-Chapter One 
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety 
Two Weeks Later 
Atlanta would be Holly’s home for the next several months. Filming would begin in the next couple of weeks after their table reads and screen tests. She was still in shock and nothing had completely set in for her about her new endeavors. Fans did not know what they were about to receive and Holly was under lock and key when it came to her new job. She wasn’t even allowed to share the news with close friends or family until Marvel officially announced the cast for the Black Panther sequel. 
Holly was glad she at least knew Chadwick and had someone to lean on once they began the filming process. She had met some of the other cast members in passing but did not have a relationship with most of them. 
Her first day in Atlanta consisted of getting settled in her new apartment that Marvel was renting. Attempting to make it feel like home, Holly sent for some of her furniture and items that made her space feel warm and comfortable. While hanging some of her art, her elevator bell rang, signaling a guest. 
“Who is it,” Holly pressed the call button and spoke into the mic. 
“Take a guess,” a voice called back. 
“Hmmm, I don’t know. Denzel , Will...” Holly joked, beaming from ear to ear without even noticing. 
“Even better. Now open up unless you want me to keep all this chicken and waffles to myself,” the voice replied back. Holly could hear his grin through the door and ran to buzz him inside. 
“Chad, you know I don’t play with my food. Come in,” the actress buzzed, waiting for the doors to open before she snatched the greasy bags from Chad’s hands. 
“Knew that would get your greedy behind to the door,” Chadwick chuckled, placing a kiss on Holly’s cheek and helping her sort out their meals. The simple act seemed very natural, though Holly’s breath hitched in her throat when his lips touched her skin. 
“Thank you. You came right on time, I’m starving,” Holly said gracefully moving around the space to find plates and silverware. 
“Lucky you. This will probably be your last unhealthy meal until after the film,” he replied. 
“Says who,” the actress quizzed, cocking her head to the side. 
“Says me,” Chadwick winked. “I can even hook you up with my trainer. He kicks my ass but he’s good. That’s if you want to use him.” 
Holly grinned, “You calling me out of shape, Boseman? I’ve been boxing for the last few months. You need to watch what you say to me.” 
The two friends shared a laugh before Chadwick answered, “No, I’m not saying you’re out of shape. Just offering some fight training. Since we’ll probably by fighting side by side.” 
Holly took the clue right away. “Say you want to spend time with me. Geez,” the actress teased, honestly honored by the generous offer. This was one of the things she adored about Chadwick. He had a big heart and when he truly cared about you, he didn’t hesitate to show it. His warmth and gentle spirit made him even more attractive and made him a people magnet. Anyone that spent time around him commented on his humbleness. 
“That makes it a win-win situation. You get training and time with Chadwick. This offer is only on the table for 24 hours,” he beamed, impatiently waiting on an answer. 
“Yes, I’ll kick you ass, I mean, I’ll train with you. But if I die, you’re responsible. Got it,” Holly threatened, pointing her fork in Chadwick’s direction. 
Her co-star held his hands up in fake surrender, “Alright, deal.” 
“Let me get this last cheat meal in before you torture me,” Holly complained biting into a crispy chicken wing. “I’m going to miss you baby chicken wing. Mr. Boseman is a big meanie and will take away all my meat and put me on this wack diet. I’m sorry.” 
The Black Panther star’s boisterous laughter filled the semi-empty living room, echoing off the walls. “Leave me alone,” he said through cackles. 
Becoming tickled herself, Holly snickered until tears spilled over. 
A week later 
The process of becoming Ororo Munroe was not an easy task to take on for an actress. Ryan Coogler, the sequel’s director was very serious about presenting accurate representation of different African cultures, accents, traditions and even clothing. He traveled the continent soaking up as much knowledge as he could manage. Holly respected his drive and knew she would have to work extra hard to make his vision come to life. 
As soon as Holly got the word that she would be playing Storm, she began her own research journey in an attempt to become well versed on different cultures on the continent. She didn’t want to be ignorant about what she was getting herself into and that served as motivation to study and learn. Wanting to know her own background, Holly ordered a DNA kit to study her lineage. 
Today, the cast was meeting for their last chemistry tests. Ryan did not put up with complacency. He wanted his actors to always better themselves and strive to be more. Holly and Chadwick were up first since they were the leads in the next film. The acting pair began with Ororo and T’Challa’s third scene that took place in a Harlem apartment. 
“Aight, we’ll start on page 3 and go through page 4,” Ryan called out to his actors. They followed orders and turned their scripts to the 3rd page of the second act. “Annnd, action.” 
“Ororo, come back to Wakanda with me,” Chadwick began, getting into characters immediately. 
“I have a life here. I can’t pick up and go,” Holly read, trying a new voice for her character. Ryan didn’t seem to mind the change as he knew the perfect fit for Ororo Munroe would take practice.
“Your life hasn’t always been here,” he continued, moving in closer. “I don’t think you want it to remain here.” 
“What makes you think that,”Holly said, her eyes meeting Chadwick’s as she took on Ororo’s quiet sex appeal. 
Closing the space left between them, Chadwick placed a hand on her cheek. Moving his face closer like the script demanded, “You aren’t happy and you’re running.”
Even though it was just acting, Holly somehow felt the double meaning in Chadwick’s words. This was the exact situation  that got them in trouble while filming ‘42′. Things got too real and it made separating reel from real difficult. When Chadwick became a character his entire being changed. The only problem was, T’Challa and Ororo could be interchangeable with Chadwick and Hoilly, which complicated things. 
“I’m not running from anything,” the actress whispered, feeling the heat from Chadwick’s body engulf her space. Their lips touched as they both juggled their acting and attraction. When their lips connected, Holly tried to stay in character but her mind drifted. His lips felt soft and warm against hers and she couldn’t shake the butterflies forming in her stomach. When he pulled away her lips were still parted. 
“Cut! Nice job, the chemistry is exactly where I need it to be,” Ryan complimented. “But...you have to tone it down a lil.” 
Chadwick and Holly chuckled, “Sorry,” Holly blushed, taking the hint that their onscreen kiss was a little too hot for a Marvel film. “Gotta do it for the kids.” 
“Hey, that was all you,” Chadwick laughed, wrapping an arm around Holly’s shoulders. “Chill out, Raye.”
“Dude, hush.” Going back and forth with each other, the two leads caught the eyes of a few of their cast mates. Their old romance began the same way. Without either of them noticing until things became too heavy to ignore. Cast mates and crew saw the small interactions and felt the chemistry. Some even teasing them occasionally. Now they had come full circle, only to repeat what had began years ago. 
The Black Panther sequel was officially in production and Holly’s nerves couldn’t have bothered her enough. With this being her first gig in years after the scandal on her previous job. 
Holly had to wake up at 2 AM for hair and makeup that would take more than a couple of hours to perfect. Like many trailers, the space was full of makeup products neatly organized against one wall and hair products on the other side. In between there were different variations of wig glues, eyelash glue and a few random items like stress balls and a bag of licorice. It looked like any other makeup trailer on a set but the vibe was different. 
Tiffany and Nadine Landry were a sister duo who had been working in the business for years. They made anyone who sat in their chairs feel like family which was one of the main reasons Ryan and crew wanted to keep them around. Their positive energy and talent to match spread throughout the cast and crew, contributing to the mass success of the first film. 
Holly was greeted by the sisters with a warm embrace and jokes. “We are here to make you the best Ororo Munroe that Marvel has ever seen,” Nadine said, gently pushing Holly towards Tiffany’s chair. 
“Nay, that was shady. Be nice,” Tiffany answered, calling her big sister out on the obvious shade to the previous Storm before the Disney deal was completed. “Don’t mind her Holly, she’s a mess but your face will be beat after you leave her chair.” 
“I trust you two. Besides, you have Ryan and Kevin to answer to if I walk out of here looking like a BAPS reject.” All three women slapped hands in laughter. 
The actress relaxed into the chair as Tiffany massaged her scalp, loosening the thick curls towards the crown of Holly’s head. 
Five hours and many looks later, the team had finally completed the new Ororo Munroe. The original hair and makeup options got trashed once Tiffany and Nadine slightly altered their initial plan for Holly. 
They settled on a straight, mid-back length wig and a neutral makeup palette that didn’t overpower the blue contacts and white wig.  
The big reveal came when Chadwick was brought into the trailer to see his co-star who had completely been transformed into the future Queen of Wakanda. 
When he stepped into the trailer, the actor’s laughter filled the small space as his excitement grew. Clapping his hands, his smile spread from ear to ear. “Look at you,” he exclaimed, gazing in awe. She was beautiful on any day, but there was a certain glow and confidence she was giving off. 
“Do I look good enough to be your Queen, T’Challa,” Holly teased dramatically, flipping her white locs. 
“You may outdo me in my own movie. Ya’ll trying to make me look bad,” Chadwick accused. 
“She makes it easy,” Nadine added, squeezing Holly’s shoulders, “She slays naturally. Sorry Chad.” 
Chadwick’s toothy grin widened. “Clearly.” His eyes fell to Holly, their gazes holding each other longer than they should. Look away, look away, Holly’s mind screamed, but her hormones were already betraying her. Those eyes were captivating and she couldn’t look away until Tiffany and Nadine interrupted. 
“Alright, out you go, Boseman. We need to finish her up before set call,” Tiffany gently pushed the actor towards the trailer door. “You can admire her when we send her out for your first scene.” 
Holly chuckled when Chadwick complained about how he was being treated by the crew. “That man is something else,” the actress shook her head.
“That man is feeling you,” Tiffany sang lowly but loud enough for Holly to hear. Today, she decided to ignore the truth and waited for the subject to change. Here we go, she thought. 
Later that day, when Holly had a small break in her schedule, she was faced with a situation and person she thought she had escaped. One of the old executives from the network she worked under years ago, was making a set visit. Supposedly, he was working for Marvel Studios under the same position. Holly’s stomach immediately dropped to her feet. There was no where to running, forcing the actress to face her fears in panic. Feeling helpless, Holly took off towards her trailer, praying no one saw the tears streaking her cheeks. 
Slamming the trailer door shut, Holly tried to take a few deep breaths. Ben Wiseman was a person she wanted to avoid for the rest of her life. He was responsible for a very dark time in her life and career, driving her to almost end it all to escape the pain. Ben was a Devil in a fancy suit and charming smile. Power and money made him untouchable and people flocked to him because of his title and reputation in the industry. Holly knew the man behind the suit and it put great fear in her heart that he’d been working right under her nose. 
The air in the trailer thickened causing the actress to take shorter breaths, making her panic more due to the heaviness of her chest. Over the last several months, Holly was able to keep her panic attacks to a minimum. After enrolling in yoga/meditation classes, she was able to learn different techniques to manage her stress. Counting to ten in her head Holly attempted to control her breathing and put her mind and spirit in a more positive realm. 
It took Holly 20 minutes to get back into a good place and for her breathing to calm. Going back outside meant risking running into Ben, though there was no way to avoid him. She gave herself a pep talk, prayed and dried her eyes before leaving the trailer. 
“There you are,” Chadwick said, walking up to the trailer with two cups of coffee in his hands. “Figured you’d need a little pick me up before we head back. Hey, you alright?” 
Worry was written all over Holly’s face, though she nodded with a fake smile, “Yeah, I’m good. Fell asleep in my trailer and woke up a bit confused.” 
“You sure, looks like you’ve been crying,” Chadwick pressed, holding the foam cup in her direction. 
“I’m sure, geez,” Holly faked laughter, doing a terrible job of hiding the pain in her voice. 
Chadwick was not buying her act and wasn’t going to allow his friend to go on with her day without getting to the bottom of this. “Raye,” he replied, his tone serious. Holly hung her head in defeat. “You want to go somewhere and talk? We have a few minutes before call.” Holding out his hand, Chadwick waited for Holly to accept it before leading her back to the trailer. 
I will begin working on the next chapter tomorrow, so it won’t be another month until I post again. lol Let me know of you want to be added to the taglist. 
Taglist: @wakanda-shit-is-that @lavitabella87 @destinio1 @airis-paris14 @babygirlofwakanda @siriuslycollins
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melodyofmbaku · 3 years
Like a Cream Puff (T’Challa x OC)
Prompt: “You deserve some sex.”
Word Count: 1,072
Warnings: Domestic Fluff & Implied Sexual References
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She caught sight of the box from her favourite bakery and sat right up.
“Did you get the one with the —“
“Lychee? Yes.” He replied busying himself around the room and plating the large cream puffs.
His back was turned as he shuffled around the various takeout bags on their chest of drawers.
She caught a glimpse of the Popeyes bag in his hand and bit her lip in anticipation.
“Did you get the chicken mild? Because the spicy one —“
He cut her off. “Gives you heartburn? I know that mama.” He replied in amusement, back still turned.
“And I asked for lemonade. The one from —“
“Burger King? It’s right here.” He continued lifting up the large cup and shaking it lightly.
Perspiration beaded on the exterior of the cup and Corina heard the ice meet the sides rhythmically. It soothed her.
She was probably doing the most but she couldn’t help it.
When he shot her a look over his shoulder she smiled sheepishly.
He walked over with a plate of cream puffs and chicken tenders and placed them on the nightstand, before sitting on the edge of the bed.
He grabbed her hand in his. Admiring the smooth skin
He pinched the inside of her wrist softly and her eyes shot up to meet his.
“I listen to everything you say. I may not say much but I lock it away right up here.” He pointed to his temple with one hand while rubbing circles on her hand in the other.
“I know… thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She leaned forward and placed a grateful kiss on his cheek.
“Go ahead.” He encouraged her to eat what she had asked him for.
She reached for the plate, settled it on her lap and paused.
Her eyes began to water. What had she done to deserve this man?
It was 8:30pm on a Sunday night and they had just packed in for the night. Corina was 7 months along her second pregnancy but never got less demanding when it came to her cravings.
So when she tried (and failed) to curb her wants she had sheepishly asked her husband for the snacks their baby demanded.
T’challa got up without complaint to get what she wanted even though he had a slew of meetings the next day.
Without question.
“You always take such good care of me”. Before she could stop them tears were rolling down her face, she tried to blink them away rapidly.
Her damn hormones had her crying *all* the time.
He had an almost baffled look on his face.
“Of course I do. You’re my everything. I’ll always take care of you and your needs. You’re my woman. It's my job.”
He brushed away the tears that slid down her face with his fingers.
“No more crying please.” He requested.
She laughed in a watery fashion before quickly wiping away her tears. She sniffed.
“Now eat your chicken before it gets cold.”
“Yes sir.” She threw up a mock salute.
Ignoring his direct request she went for the cream puffs instead. Grabbing the large pastry with a delicate hand. She lifted it to her mouth and bit into the cream puff and couldn't contain her moan.
The cream had a slight tartness to it and the crisp of the pastry created a melody in her mouth.
She heard him laughing quietly to himself.
“That good huh?”
“Uh huh.” She nodded as she licked some cream from the center of the puff.
He watched as she did a little happy dance before taking a chicken tender in her other hand and biting into it.
She shimmied her shoulders as she chewed.
He loved seeing her like this. Happy. Fulfilled.
“T’challa you deserve some sex. After this I’m going to give you some.” she promised shoulders still moving.
He shook his head at her, adorning eyes admiring her.
“Sounds like a plan.” He said knowing that as soon as his wife finished her food she would knock right out.
When she made it to the end of her tender she did the most pregnant woman thing ever. Almost like she was fighting an urge she dipped the chicken tender in the cream and popped it in her mouth.
T’challa worked hard to school his features, but had to turn his head to the wall to prevent himself from teasing.
“It’s good.” She said defensively.
“I’m sure it is mama.” He pat her leg before standing up and heading to his closet to change back into his sleepwear.
It gave Corina enough time to polish off her snacks and wash her hands.
She had just finished settling into the bed when she saw her man approach.
He was shirtless and wore a pair of sleep shorts that hit his mid thigh. Quite frankly he was dressed like a slut. She wanted some of that.
She stared at his thighs hungrily and he was completely oblivious to her oogling.
When he settled into the bed and reached to turn his lamp off Corina's hand stopped him.
He turned his head slightly.
“What’s up?”
“It’s your turn.”
She leaned over and slipped what she could of her hand around his torso. Her bump restricted her movements but she was a woman on a mission
He covered her hand with his in comfort.
“It's time for you to fill me up like a cream puff.”
T’Challa gave her a blank stare before cringing.
“That… that was so bad.” He snickered.
“C’mon baby. I want it.” She pouted, sliding her hand over her husband's package.
She rubbed him gently before trying to slip her hand down his shorts.
“Cor —“
He turned around and grabbed her hands, now he was facing her.
“What’re you doing?” He asked esparated.
She looked down. “This one may want some company in there.”
She rubbed her belly looking up at him with wide eyes. She watched him swallow. She decided to press forward.
“You never know.” She shrugged.
Now they both knew that was very impossible. But T'challa's dick liked hearing it anyways.
He groaned.
She knew how much he loved her pregnant and this was all she needed to use to get him right when she wanted him.
Inside her.
A/N: Hope you like this one. I have some one shots with Erik on the way :) Not much progress on In Between the Lines but working on it! Always open to requests ✨
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raynnawrites · 3 years
Troubled Highness
Warnings: Fluff, comforting, swearing
Synopsis: After two years on the throne, negativity starts to get the King. Good thing he has help.
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“Well, well, well, look who finally decided to get out of bed!” T’Challa teased as you dragged your feet and sat on your usual spot.
“Fuck off.”
T’Challa faked an offended look.
“My, my… so early and already in such a bad mood. Might I add that disrespecting the King has consequences?” The King spoke again with a smug smile and gave you your usual cup of coffee.
“My best friend’s under that shitty crown.” You replied, opening your sleepy eyes and seeing T’Challa’s small smile.
“Indeed he is. But, since I am a friend and not a King here, tell me… what did you do last night?” T’Challa asked you, taking a sip from his own coffee.
You sniffled and chuckled.
“Me and Nakia went out for some drinks. Do I look that fucked up?” You replied as T’Challa laughed.
“No, ‘Mani. Not at all. But, your eyes are red and tiny.” He smiled, seeing you groan.
Once you finished your coffee and had breakfast with T’Challa, you both headed out and started your usual busy day.
“I have a meeting with the council in 5 minutes. We still have a lot to talk about!” T’Challa told you, as you nodded, “good luck!” You teased as he sent you an annoyed glare and rolled his eyes. You laughed and kept working on the reports he had sent you before.
You walked over to the office you were lucky enough to share with the Wakandan King and transferred the data to your desk, where you opened a bigger screen and continued to work.
Not soon after, the sliding doors opened to reveal Princess Shuri, T’Challa’s younger sister.
“Good morning, Amani! You look beautifully radiant this morning!” She smiled, making you chuckle and sigh.
“What did you break?”
Shuri gasped.
“Me break something? Never! I just wanted to see where my beloved brother was.” Shuri replied, “where is my brother?” Shuri then asked as she looked to his empty desk.
“He’s in a meeting,” you replied, seeing Shuri frown. “So early? Those elders will make him go grey sooner than I thought.”
You laughed at Shuri’s comment.
“But, nevertheless… When he is done, tell him to come to my lab! The updates for his suit have been completed and he needs to try it out. Oh, and tell him to bring you with him. He’s already kicked enough things in my lab.”
You chuckled, “he’ll bring me anyways.”
The Princess left and you remained alone, smiling to yourself.
Shuri was always kind to you, but not so much to her bigger brother, all in sibling fun. But you couldn’t help but to wonder what type of update she came up with now.
While you typed away, checking and answering reports, your eyes grew tired of staring at a screen and sighed. You rubbed her eyes and took deep breaths, fixing your posture and continued with the work.
Time passed by and you were able to get a good chunk of work done. Proud of your progress, you found motivation and kept on typing away what you were allowed. Certain paperwork was for the King only.
“Bast…”, you heard in a husky voice.
You looked up and saw T’Challa, who seemed as annoyed as ever. You couldn’t help but to giggle.
“These elders need help.”
“Tell me everything, T.”
T’Challa sat at his own desk and began to tell you everything.
You laughed most of the time, but felt bad for your friend.
“You don’t happen to have any pills there, do you?” T’Challa asked as you checked in the drawers, “headache?”, “yes.”
You gave the pills to the annoyed King and bottled water.
“I am starting to think they doubt I can be a good king.” T’Challa suddenly said, sad face in full effect.
You felt your heart sink.
“And you believe that?” You asked him, seeing T’Challa look up at you. That sad face made you tear up. Already you missed his usual smile.
“They constantly doubt me and my rules, Shuri does the same and even Mama. Whenever I ask her if I am doing a bit better she remains quiet… I don’t think I am cut out for this…” T’Challa spoke, voice low and shaky.
T’Challa then stood and rushed out.
Shuri could wait, but for now, you needed to help this troubled king.
You saved everything once more and rushed out as well, looking for T’Challa.
“Okoye!” You called, seeing said General turn and smile.
“Have you seen T’Challa?”
“No. Is everything alright?”, Okoye’s grip on her staff tightened.
You sighed, “he’s okay, but he’s going through a tough time. If anyone asks-”
“The King is unavailable. I know.” Okoye replied as you nodded and kept looking for T’Challa.
You then got an idea of where your best friend could be. You ran to the gardens and found him in the gazebo. Catching your breath, you slowly walked over to the gazebo, going up the few steps.
“T’Challa?” You called softly.
Said man turned and revealed crying eyes.
“T’Challa… you don’t have to go through this! You know the elders criticize everything! That ain’t your fault!” You cooed as you got to T’Challa’s side and rubbed circles on his broad back.
“It is not just the elders, Amani. It is everything. I have been at this for two years already, and I see no change. I do not feel any different. If anything, I feel worse, I feel… I feel like I am not good enough.” T’Challa admitted, tears rolling down his eyes.
You felt anger bubbling in your chest. T’Challa has been one of the best Kings Wakanda has ever had.
He was intelligent, kind, humble, and strong. The people loved their humble King. As a son he had more than just fulfilled his role and he was an incredible big brother.
He was also an amazing friend.
Composing yourself, you took a deep breath and felt T’Challa lean on you. You welcomed him and held him as he softly cried. You hated seeing T’Challa cry, but if it was needed to cleanse, then you were here for him. As always.
“T’Challa, you’re better than whatever they think. You’ve been an amazing King, brother and friend. Please stop listening to those old fuckers.”
T’Challa laughed at your last statement.
“It’s just… hard.” T’Challa said, as you sighed, “I know. I’ve seen what you had to do, but take it from me. Forget everyone else, you’re an amazing King, son and best friend. I promise. I’m not lying.” You replied.
T’Challa trusted you, and believed you, feeling himself calm down and stop his crying.
“Come on, let’s get you back to your room.”
While you went up to his room, he hung on to your arm. Once you reached his room and saw him enter, you saw that he stopped from closing the door.
“Stay…” he whispered as you gave a hesitant nod. You walked inside of the King’s room and went to his bedroom.
“Want some tea? You know it can help you relax.” You offered as he nodded and started taking his shirt off.
As T’Challa changed, you went to his kitchen and got the tea bags and kettle. You filled the kettle and waited.
Once it began to whistle, you poured the water into the mug, along with the tea bag and let it sit for a few minutes.
When the tea was ready, you saw T’Challa behind you, staring at you with tired eyes.
“Cheer up, T. I cleared most of your work and now you get to rest.”
T’Challa chuckled, “I would love to stay in for the day, but after this I must head out once more. The day is not over yet.”
You gave him a glare.
“The King isn’t feeling well. If anyone fucks with you, I’ll just call Okoye so she can spear them from behind.”
T’Challa laughed as you gave him the mug.
“Come on, back to bed with you.” You then said as T’Challa laughed again. It felt good hearing him laugh again.
Once he got to his bedroom and then his bed, you turned.
You turned back around to face the King’s bed.
“Stay… here…?” He begged.
You only sighed and closed the door and went to the bed, seeing his eyes shine. You blushed furiously, but thanks to your rich, dark melanin, the proof was nowhere to be seen.
You styled your curls into a comfortable bun and laid under the covers, feeling T’Challa’s arms wrap around your waist and keep you close to him.
“Thank you, mhlobo wam. It means a lot” T’Challa suddenly spoke, making you smile, “of course. Anything to make you feel better. But I’m going down there and givin’ those ol’ fucks a piece of my mind tomorrow.”
T’Challa chuckled, “it shall truly be a show. Okoye must record it.”
You shared a laugh before calming down and drifting into a calm sleep. But before you fully succumbed to the slumber, you couldn’t help but to feel a blossoming warmth in your chest.
Unbeknownst to you… T’Challa felt the same.
mhlobo wam = my dear
A/N: This is my first T’Challa one-shot! Let me know what you thought and if I should write more for T’Challa.
If you would like to be added to the “T’Challa Taglist” let me know!
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renaissance35 · 2 years
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This dashingly charming kid with great style, and a great taste in music, and fascination for the modern outside world, is Chris. As a cool jokester, and a bit irresponsible as he may seem, he is actually very responsible, mature, steadfast, and calm, and accountable in a heavy situations. He’s not his father, but he looks up to him very much and and he hopes to be as great as a king as his dad is.
That black, and purple earpiece sits on both ears, and it activates his mask that forms over his face His gloves has built in claws that are retractable He also wears "Sneaka's" made by yours truly, his Aunt Shuri 
I hope you love him as much as I love this beautiful boy😊
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airis-paris14 · 4 years
Yalll, I’m at a loss for words...
Chadwick Passed today... like Wtf is 2020.
I’m... in mourning rn.
RIP Chadwick
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
Y’all wanna know what story still breaks my heart?! 4am series by my very good sis @dramaqueeenamby 😭. She was gonna hear from me after reading the whole thing! Actually she did!😭.
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asphalt-cocktail · 5 years
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Winston Duke for Esquire
📸: Carlos Serrao
OP: twitter @/alilmayo
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ororowrites · 6 years
“42 Reasons” Chadwick x OC: Chapter One
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Chadwick x OC 
Hey readers, here is the official first chapter of ‘42 Reasons’. I posted the introduction a couple of weeks ago and it’s linked below. I’m beginning a tag list for this story. Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters. 
Taglist: @wakanda-shit-is-that @destinio1 @lavitabella87
Synopsis, Introduction
December 2019
That lunch with Chadwick never happened. Time got away from the two friends once again and they didn’t stay in touch.
Time seemed to fly and December 7th had finally arrived. Holly packed the remaining items she had sorted out on her bed. Her heart rested in her stomach as time ticked by and she waited for the black Cadillac Escalade to pull up in front of her apartment. Nervousness built up inside of her coupled with a bit of doubt. Getting this role was not even about the money for Holly. She needed it for her well being. To build her confidence and allow her to finally breathe again. A role like this would erase all that had happened a few years ago. Maybe it would even set her free from those demons that still ate at her soul. 
The ring of her doorbell interrupted her thoughts and she drug her suitcases to the door. 
“Ms. Wood,” a woman greeted her when she opened the door. “Your car is waiting outside. I’ll help you with these.” 
“Thank you. What’s your name,” Holly asked, extending her hand. 
“Maggie. I’ll be assisting you while you’re in Atlanta during your audition,” the red-head introduced herself, quickly shaking Holly’s hand. 
“Cool. Thanks Maggie,” the actress replied, closing her door and locking the three locks. “Got to get used to leaving for flights this early again.”
“Yeah, but I’m sure it’s all worth it in the end,” Maggie beamed. When the two reached the front door, a driver was waiting for them. He grabbed the two suitcases and placed them in the trunk before shutting the back doors. 
There was no turning back now. Not that Holly planned on it or wanted to. 
Sitting in the conference room surrounded by warm hues of blue and ceiling to floor windows, still didn’t relax Holly’s nerves. Her hands grew clammy as she tapped her manicured nails against the glass table top. 
“Holly Raye Wood,” a voice boomed from the doorway, sending Holly into a scurrying frenzy to stand on her feet. 
“Yes,” she exclaimed with a bit too much enthusiasm. Get a grip, girl. 
“I’m Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios. Nice to see you in person,” Kevin introduced himself with a warm smile, calming Holly’s nerves for the most part. “Take a seat and we’ll get started.” The actress took her seat in front of the President’s chair while he poured two cups of coffee. “Cream and sugar, Ms. Wood?” 
“No, I like my coffee black, please,” Holly answered, quickly thinking Kevin would find a double meaning in her answer. Kevin didn’t even seem phased and placed a coffee mug in front of his guest. Thoughts of what happened with her last job still plagued how she auditioned for other roles. Sadly, she had already been blackballed once for being too political and pro-black as the network put it. 
“How was your flight,” Mr. Feige questioned. 
“Great. Very comfortable, thank you,” Holly replied, taking a sip of the hot liquid. Hopefully Kevin didn’t notice the slight shake in her hands. 
“Good, we try to make everyone as comfortable as possible,” he began, pulling a pen from his shirt pocket. “I’m sure you’ve heard that Chadwick Boseman put in a good word for you by now.” 
Hearing that name made her take a deep breath. “Yes, I heard. I’m very grateful for that and hopefully he said all good things about me,” Holly joked. 
“Oh yeah, he did. He spoke highly of you and your work ethic. I must say that you two had amazing chemistry in ‘42′ and that’s one thing that very important for this role. Introducing Storm into the MCU is huge, especially in a Black Panther film. Obviously chemistry is important between whoever plays Ororo Munroe and Chadwick. We hit the nail on the head with Lupita playing Nakia, now we have to take it to the next level. So I’m glad he mentioned you.” 
Holly nodded as she listened to Kevin explain the importance the role. “Storm has always been one of my favorite Marvel characters. I know she is powerful not only because of her abilities but the type of woman she is outside of that. I understand her relationship with T’Challa is one fans have been waiting to see onscreen for awhile. If I had the opportunity to take on the role, you wouldn’t be disappointed. I can promise you that.” 
The President appeared to be impressed and scribbled a few notes in his planner. “Cool,” he smiled, tapping his pen against the notebook.
After the interview and first audition, Holly was allowed to go back to her hotel suite. When she arrived in her room, a large vase of flowers was sitting on the kitchen counter with a note attached. The actress frowned, pulling the note off to read: 
I didn’t forget about our coffee date, Raye. Meet me at the coffee house downstairs at 4pm?-Chad
Holly’s heart seemed to skip a beat when she figured out the person behind her beautiful roses. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of the roses and typed a message to her ex co-star: 
Holly: Thanks for the roses. Hope your ass doesn’t stand me up this time. 🙄 
Chadwick: Don’t be like that. I’m heading over now so I don’t have much of a choice, do I? 🙃
She playfully rolled her eyes at his reply, freshened up and headed downstairs to the coffee shop. Thankfully it wasn’t as crowded as she thought and her anxiety vanish when she spotted her friend in a corner of the shop. That infamous toothy grin was already on full display and there went her heart to her stomach for the second time that week. He looked as handsome as ever. Smooth dark skin, accompanied by broad shoulders and toned arms. The man was fine as hell and only seemed to get finer as he aged. 
Holly shook her head, hoping to loosen some of memories that flooded her brain. Don’t think about those nights, don’t you even do it girl. Memories of his naked body- 
“Raye, Raye,” Chadwick sang, grabbing his old friend’s hand and pulling her into a hug. His body still felt the same. Warm, toned, and like...home. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Holly squealed, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. “It’s been forever.” 
“Yeah and it shouldn’t have been. You look good, girl,” he complimented Holly, moving back so he could get a good look at her. “How you been?” 
“I’ve been okay, good times and bad. You know how the business is,” she explained, taking a seat in the opposite booth. “I don’t even need to know how you’ve been, King T’Challa. Congrats on the movie, man. I’m proud of you.” 
One thing Holly always loved about Chadwick was his humbleness. He waved her off with a shy grin, “Thanks. It’s been crazy out here but I’m glad I can at least come in here without doing the Wakanda salute.” 
“Oh, should I have bowed before sitting down,” Holly joked, bending her head. “How rude of me.” 
“If you don’t stop,” he laughed. “But seriously, I’m blessed. It’s definitely been a ride and I’m enjoying it. Enough about me though, what have you been up to?” 
Holly’s face instantly fell but she tried to cover it up with a smile. “Can’t say I’ve been too busy after what happened with my show.” Chadwick nodded sympathetically. He had heard rumors of what happened and how the executives left Holly out to dry. All because she spoke up about how she was being treated as a black woman on a predominately white show. Little did Chadwick know, there were other reasons why the network forced his ex co-star off the show. 
“Sorry to hear about that Raye. These networks can be shitty, but things happen for a reason. Maybe there’s something bigger out there for you,” he said, reaching across the table for Holly’s hand. The tenderness of his touch instantly sent chills throughout her body. Those memories once again rearing a head. 
“I hope so. It hasn’t been the same since and I’m starting to regret getting into this business. Should have taken my ass right back to Howard for grad school,” Holly huffed, staring at their intertwined fingers. “I’m 29 years old and still going at it to only come up short every damn time.” 
“Okay and I’m 42 years old. I’ve been in the business for awhile and people are just now starting to respect my talent. Trust the process. The fact that you’re still trying let’s me know you still want it. And there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll have a big break. Your dedication and faith will lead the way,” Chadwick comforted Holly, drawing circles around her knuckles with his thumb. “I respect that about you. Hang in there.” 
Her eyes got misty and it was hard to hold back her emotions. The actress had been through hell and back though people only knew about her controversial firing. 
“Hey,” he said softly. “Things will get better.” 
“Thanks,” Holly sniffed. “I needed to hear that.”
“You know I always have your back. Even if we haven’t been as close as we used to be,” Chadwick added, squeezing Holly’s hand slightly. Their eyes connected for a long second before they were interrupted. 
“Hi, Mr. Boseman, can I have your autograph,” a small boy asked, barely able to see over the table. His wide eyes were full of innocence and awe. 
“Hey little man, sure thing,” Chadwick cheesed, reaching down to grab the torn off notebook paper from the boy. “What’s your name?”
“Dontae,” he replied shyly, looking back at his mother who was watching from the coffee shop entrance. 
“Alright, Dontae. Here you go,” the actor wrote a short message and signed his name to the paper. 
“Thank you,” Dontae expressed, a wide smile taking over his small face. Holly couldn’t help but smile at the scene before her. It was truly a beautiful moment. 
“You’re welcome. Wakanda Forever,” Chadwick responded, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Wakanda Forever,” he cheesed, running back to his mother with excitement. “Mommy, he signed it for me!” The young mother waved in Chadwick’s direction before grabbing her son’s hand. Dontae didn’t take his eyes off his favorite Superhero until they were out of sight. 
“Wow. That’s something,” Holly hummed. “You probably made that kid’s day.” 
“You know I’ve always loved the kids, Raye,” he beamed, causing the two friends to burst out in laughter at their inside joke. 
For once, things were looking up for Holly.
Two Months Later 
Auditioning for the role of Storm had taken a lot out of Holly. The process was long and at times rough when she didn’t hear back from Marvel for days. They were finally down to their last three possible Ororo Munroe’s. In all honesty, Holly was afraid she would be beat out for the role. The other two ladies were new to the business without the tag of ‘Angry Black Woman’ attached to them. 
Two months had gone by and she had not heard from anyone about the role. Thinking the worse, Holly tried to forget about the possibility and started thinking about her plan B. Maybe Hollywood wasn’t for her and this was her last sign. 
Pulling out her laptop, she searched for graduate programs at her alma mater. Back to the regular life she went. When she got deep into her search, her cellphone rang from the bedroom. 
“Hey Angie,” she answered, putting the phone on speaker. 
“Holly, I’ve got good news,” Angie piped, barely able to speak clearly. “Congratulations, you’re the new Ororo Munroe. You got the part.” 
Suddenly, time stopped along with Holly’s breathing. “What...what did you say?”
“You’re Storm, Holly. Marvel wants you to play Storm in the MCU,” Angie explained to her shocked client. “I know you worked hard for this. I’m proud of you and I hope you’re ready for this ride. This is huge!” 
“Oh my God,” the actress whispered. “Are you sure I’m not dreaming? They want me to play Storm for real?” 
“White hair and all, Holly. Congrats honey,” Angie added. 
Tears of joy rolled down Holly’s cheeks. “Thank you so much. Thank you.” 
When she hung up from Angie, she opened the text message notification from Chadwick. 
Congrats, my Queen. What did I tell you? Things will get better, right? 😍🙌🏿
“You were right,” Holly muttered, holding her phone to her chest. 
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tallulahchanel · 5 years
Tallulah C.'s Masterlist (Updated 5-14-2023)
Writeblr Introduction
Rose of Wakanda (T’Challa x Rose) [Masterpost]
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Kia and Kya Forever Series (Nakia & Kya) [Masterpost]
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Sour Dolls (Original Fiction) [Chapters Dropping Soon]
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Dope cover made by @arrthurpendragon
Info + Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Borderline (Zora x Hakeem fic/Empire x Greenleaf crossover)
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Friends.....Maybe More
No Ordinary Love (John Watson x Lita Cox)
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Info + Characters
Life with Aly: Wedding in Toronto (Original Fiction) [Masterpost]
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Chap-stick (Original Fiction)
Natalya (Original Fiction)
Recluse (Original Fiction)
Non-Witerly Things:
The Mutant Academy Podcast
Episode 1 - Selah is still the Hero
Episode 2 - Zora Greenleaf: A Neglected Character
Episode 3 - Tiana Brown is Unlikeable, and Here's Why
Episode 4 - Celebrity Worship Syndrome, and My Struggles with It
Episode 5 - "The Walk" Did Not Give
Episode 6 - Black Panther: The Recast Conversation is Draining, and Here's Why
Episode 7 - Selah and the Spades: I've only seen it a few times, and here's why
Episode 8 - Zora Greenleaf Isn't Fast, She's Emotionally Neglected
Episode 9 - Wakanda Forever: The Fair and Trash Takes
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babygirlofwakanda · 5 years
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With your vision cloudy and body unstable, you could vividly see the haunting images of deception flashing throughout your mind. Pressed against the rim of the toilet you could taste the vomit staining the inside of your mouth as the bitter taste rattled in your throat with every cough and breath you took.
Glancing around the bathroom you could see the floor and bedroom peeking in filled with empty, half-full and even broken bottles of wine. With your ruined marriage lingering on your mind you could only focus on the way your three kids would react. Knowing that they had to depend on you, you knew M’Baku would pay for sacrificing your family for a quick fuck.
Chapter One — The Betrayal
Chapter Two — The Manipulation
Chapter Three — The Consolation
Chapter Four — The Revelation
Chapter Five — The Humiliation
Chapter Six — The Gentleman
Chapter Seven — The Stimulation
Chapter Eight — The Return
Chapter Nine — The Confrontation
Chapter Ten — The Rehabilitation
Chapter Eleven — The Opposition
Chapter Twelve — The Resolution
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blackandfair · 5 years
Black&Fair’s Masterlist
Here is the list of all of the fics, headcanons, text fics and other types of writing that are associated with this profile. Enjoy it all :)!!!
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More Precious than Vibramium series( Not complete)
The Meet
First date 
Small talk
Loyalty 1
Loyalty 2
Mama’s Having a baby child
Good Daddy 
Chapter One
The Big Meet 
Date with a king
T’challa, the king of Wakanda meets and falls for Luna Jordan, an eccentric, best-selling author with magical powers. 
Face Claims 
More on Luna 
Chapter One 
Chapter Two 
Chapter Three
Chapter Four 
Chapter Five 
Chapter Six 
Chapter Seven 
After her relationship with king T’challa almost cost him his life, Onixa decided that the best thing for them was to call it a quit. But was she did truly for the best or a huge mistake?
Face Claims
First date (Before the events of Yesterday)
Chapter One 
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Baby Shark(Baby Cree)
Baba & Cree
Chadwick Boseman X Black! Reader
This is my first time attempting to write a Chadwick fanfic. Hopefully, I do a good job. 
Chapter One
kinky little shit 
King’s Trip(2)
GF Abusive Parents
How dating Killmonger would be like 💗
How would T’challa eat out a BLACK! F!reader
Royal Groupchat
* This Masterlist is subject to changes and Updates. 
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airis-paris14 · 5 years
The Wedding Pact 4
Sorry this is a little on the short side, but I need to keep the next section together. Hope you enjoy! Reblog and comment please. Let me know what you think!
Summary: He made a promise, she didn’t expect him to keep it.
(Search #theweddingpactfic for all chapters)
“Baby wait,” Chadwick’s voice echoed down the hall. “May, why would you do that?” Your father’s eyes clouded. “Because I will not condone this marriage! It is obviously a cover up for something. Those two never showed any interest in each other, now they wanna get married? Is it so hard to believe that she’s pregnant?” Your mother fired back.
“Is it so hard to believe that someone would want our daughter if she’s not pregnant!”
“Nobody wanted me!”
“Damnit May! This isn’t about you!”
“Baby let me in,” sun filtered in slants into the back hallway. Empty rooms lined the halls. The empty rooms staring Chadwick in the face. His hand ran over his face. The faint click of the door calmed the actor. “Baby, his hands pressed the withered wood open. His eyes zeroing in on your form. “Hey,” he shut the door behind himself.
“Why don’t you come tell big daddy what’s wrong?”Chadwick balanced himself on the edge of the tub. “Shut up,” You sniffled.
“Come on. Tell me what’s wrong babygirl.”
“ I knew she would be upset, but after your parents, I started to hope she would take it as well as they did.” You sighed, allowing him to wrap your hands in his. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t know why the took it that well,” his thumbs ran circles on the backs of your hands. “But they still took it well. I’m just tired of every major milestone coming with a lecture.”
“She’s just trying to protect you baby,” he soothed, running his hands over your shoulders. “From what!” You threw his hands off of you. “You’re a good man. I’ve lived my whole life for her, now I try to do one thing and she won’t condone it.”
“Well I guess you need to ask what is more important, your happiness. Or your mother’s expectations.”
“May, He is a good man!” Your father argued. “So was James,” she glared. “Stop covering for him May! He left you.”
“I do not want to have this conversation here!” Your mom hissed.
“We have waited too long to have this conversation May!”
“And I will not have it in someone else’s home!”
“We are not running may! Ever since James left you have been running!”
“How dare you!”
“What is wrong with you May! What are you so afraid of!”
“I will not have Chadwick leaving my daughter!”
Chadwick’s mother shot up, “now with all due respect May, you will not tear down my son in our own home! We raised Chadwick better than that. Just as you raised your daughter!”
“I think you should take her home,” Chadwick’s father advised yours. “Your babygirl doesn’t need to hear this conversation.”
Your father nodded in response, “let’s go May.” He turned back to the elder Mr. Boseman. “Tell my babygirl I’ll be back. I’ll leave her stuff here.” The other man nodded. “Well take care of her.”
“I’ve always wanted everyone’s approval,” you began.
“If you do that, then you sacrifice part of your own happiness.” Chadwick fingers traced the side of your face. “I know,” you mumbled.
“But trying does not make you a bad person. If your mother’s approval is a deal breaker then we can end the engagement,” the actor sighed. You quickly jumped off of your seat on the toilet and straddled his lap. “Hey, no,” you reassured him. “I want to be with you. My mom can’t change that.” You grinned, pulling his face gently between your hands. “No one can change that. ” You gently pushed his eyes up to yours.
He nodded, a small smile gracing his lips. His forehead came to rest against yours. Your head tilted slightly before your lips met. This kiss just as magical as the first. Your hands found their way to the nape of his neck. Fingers tangled in his coils, he pulled you closer. His hands gripping your waist as he pulled you down, grinding into you. His tongue tracing the seam of your lips. With a sigh, you granted him access to your mouth. Your hips grinding onto his.
The opening of the bathroom door startled you both apart. “Y’all young kids really don’t care where you are do you?” Chadwick’s father grinned down at you. You buried your face in Chadwick’s neck, his hands slowly venturing from under the back of your shirt. His laugh tracing the edge of your ear. “Thanks for knocking pop.” His hands running circles on your back. “No problem. Now. As much as I would love to let you “love birds” finish what you started, this old man needs to use the restroom.”
“Understood Mr. Boseman.” You smiled, Chadwick helping you off of his lap. You walked out of the bathroom hand in hand. The creaking of the wooden floor the only sound as you ventured down the hall.
“You know I always hated this hallway when I was little.” the actor admitted. “Why?” your laugh drifted down the hall fingers tumbling with Chadwick’s. “It’s so long, in the winter there’s no light in this hall. The trees used to cast shadows and I always thought they were big hands reaching out to grab me.” Chadwick pulled your hand into his. His thumb tracing circles all along your knuckles. “So the great Chadwick Boseman is afraid of stuff that goes bump in the night.” You teased, stopping and pulling him into you. Your fingers toyed with the buttons on the front of his shirt. He reached a hand out to caress your face. His fingers lightly tracing the the outline of your face. His full lips leaned into your ear, his breath brushing the side of your neck. “Shhhh. It’s our little secret.”
His breath traced the edges of your ear. A shiver ran down your spine, giggles tumbling out of your mouth. You bit your lip, nodding your head in agreement. “Ok,” his laugh filled the back hall as you tucked yourself back into his side.
“Ok.” you laughed, both of you heading back to the front living room of the house.
The white wooden arches of the house’s living room welcomed you as you rounded the corner. Tucked under Chadwick’s arm you floated into the living room. “If it isn’t the couple of the hour.” Chadwick’s mom smiled from the kitchen. The wooden floor creaked softly under your feet as you padded into the kitchen with Chadwick. He pulled himself away to help his mother grab a pot.
You smiled softly at the scene before glancing out the window. Your finger gently nudged the curtains apart, noting the absence of your parents car. Chadwick’s hand on your waist shocked you. “Hey, you ok?” He frowned. “Yeah, Yeah,” you shook your head, trying to clear the fog.
“Mrs. Boseman, do you know where my parents went?” You turned back to the window, Chadwick’s hand covered yours glancing out as well. Her hand stilled over the stove, one immediately reaching for the kitchen towel stowed on the handle. “Well,” her dry hands began running through the towel incessantly. “Your father said he’d be back soon,” his mom offered.
You nodded in reply, fighting back the tears.“ Well, do you need any help in the kitchen?” You squeezed Chadwick’s hand in reassurance. “No baby I’m good, but you all should get started on wedding planning. While you’re away from prying eyes. It’d be a good way for you both to bond.”
“Well. Honestly I don’t even know where to start.” You admitted, settling into a chair at the kitchen table. “Google it,” his mom offered.”I mean y’all google everything else.
“She’s gotta a point,” Chadwick teased. “She’s got a point,” you mocked, settling down into the kitchen chair. “Shut up big head,” he smiled back.
“I love you,” he smiled. “Love you too,” you smiled back goofily. “Wedding planning. Remember?” His mother reminded. “Right.” You turned away from his gaze.
Taglist: @almostpurelysmut @blackbypurpose @nyneebee @hutchj @tchoking @sisterwifeudaku @wikiwakanda @royallyprincesslilly @90sinspiredgirl @strictlyashley @afraiddreamingandloving @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @kumkaniudaku @queertrex @kaciidubs @halfrican-heat @skysynclair19 @dramaqueenamby @gorjiss @kreolemami @mzbritt @yoyolovesbucky @derangedcupcake @builtalongthewayside @ilcb7 @chaneajoyyy @lalapalooza718 @ororowrites @leahnicole1219 @dopegalkk
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