#celebrity kid
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calciumyum · 1 month
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Happy anniversary 3rd life smp! I'm glad I wasn't there to watch you live (I would be broken beyond repair)
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kermit-coded · 5 months
when fantasy high said "you are worthy of love no matter what you do in this world" and when it said "you are not a coward, you have a goddamn medical condition" and when it said "if you choose to care, then the universe cares" and when it said "expectation without love, what's that?" and when it said "here's to getting it right on the next try" and when it said "it's nice to have a person who understands, even if we're not the same" and when it said "work is an act of love" and when it said "it's gorgug, keep going" and when it said "i don't know what i will be, but i like the direction i'm going" and when it said "you don't have to be the same forever" and when it said "i think that the only answer is that you have to keep looking for love" and when it said "it's not about deserving" and when it said "i just wanted to hold their hand when they couldn't see" and when it said "you're easy to love and anyone who couldn't figure it out was a real bozo" and when it said
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ningadudexx · 6 months
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what a loser
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ursamajori · 1 year
god i love being SOOO obnoxious about my ocs everyone should be 50% more obnoxious about their ocs right neow
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celebzall · 2 years
Cara Mia Wayans is an American actress. However, she is popular as the daughter of a famous actor, producer, and comedian, Damon Wayan.
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greatpistachiopie · 8 months
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Fantasy High: Class Switch! What if Fig stayed preppy and chose to be a Trickster Cleric instead?
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feelbokkie · 2 months
the one where minho gets you exactly what you want
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: fluff
pov: 2nd person
description: it's impossible to tell minho no. espceially when you tell him you don't want anything for your birthday.
pairing: boyfriend!minho x reader
warnings: none
word count: 1,207
©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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"Hang on--wait a second--Minho!" You call out as the bag you are looking at is suddenly yanked from your hands.
Minho ignores you, as he continues to make his way to the checkout counter. He walks quickly, not quite running or speed walking. You know his pace, this is the fastest you've ever seen him move when he isn't dancing. And yet, he moves swiftly like he's on the stage.
He's already halfway to the checkout counter when you manage to catch up to him. Somehow, one of his steps is two of yours and you're having trouble catching up to him. His eyes keep facing forward, focusing on his end goal. Maybe you're imagining it, but you think he is moving even faster.
The two of you finally reach the front of the store. One other person
"W...what are you doing?" You try to catch your breath from the unexpected jog you just took.
"Buying your birthday presents," Minho responds nonchalantly, finally turning to you.
"I said I didn't want or need anything for my birthday though." You remind him softly.
It's true, Minho has been asking you what you want for your birthday for weeks, and each time, you've told him 'nothing.' You didn't think much of it when he invited you out to lunch. You thought he would settle with just paying for your meal and drop the subject of getting you a gift altogether. So when he suggested going to the mall afterward, it completely slipped your mind.
"Uh huh," He turns forward again, checking to see if the customer who was ahead of you is still finishing his transaction.
"You paid for lunch already. And I don't need anything--" You try to pull the small brown backpack out of his arms to no avail.
"But you want this, right?" He questions, still not looking at you.
"That's not the point--"
Minho cuts you off by walking up to the counter and setting his things down in front of the cashier. You watch in amazement as you realize that all of the things that Minho is buying are things that you were contemplating buying yourself but changed your mind last minute.
"Did you two find everything okay?" The cashier asks cheerfully.
"We found everything okay," Minho cuts you off. You watch as he pulls his wallet out of his pocket.
Minho makes polite conversation with the cashier as he rings up the items. He's wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black polo shirt that you got him. You can't remember if it was for Christmas or his birthday. His face is covered up with a mask and his hair so he's unrecognizable at first. You know it can't be comfortable. You know how he feels about his hair being in his eyes and how the strings of the face mask always dig into his skin. He's wearing it more for your privacy than his. He doesn't mind running into fans but he knows how some of them can be so he's dressed as inconspicuous as possible.
"When did you grab all of those?" You question as you watch the cashier continuing to bag everything.
"I can be sneaky too." He pats the top of your head without breaking his concentration.
"You don't have to get me anything for my birthday. I already know that you love me." You mumble as he slides his wallet, getting ready to pay.
"You should let people do nice things for you every once in a while. Not everything has a double meaning. I'm buying them for you because you want them and I love you and it's your birthday. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. You deserve nice things so let me give them to you." He hums softly.
You clench your fists, knowing he's right. But you really don't need anything for your birthday. Spending time with him is enough. All the little things he does for you are enough.
Your eyes glance over to the cash register and zero in on the balance.
"Hey, Lee Minho!" You quickly grab his wrist to stop him from paying.
Minho turns to you and blinks a few times. You stare at him with pleading eyes, trying to convince him to stop.
"Eh erm," He grunts before taping his card to the card reader, your grip having no obvious effect on him.
You sigh as you release his arm, defeated. Minho thanks the cashier and takes the back from him. He throws his left arm around your shoulder and leads you out of the store. You can practically imagine the smirk on his face underneath his mask.
"You're going to use the things I got you right? And they'll make you happy?" He asks quietly.
"Yeah," You mumble.
"Then I don't mind spending that much on you. I would spend more but I know that it would make you uncomfortable. But I also want to spoil you because you deserve it." He says loudly as you exit the store. It's not crowded out, there's less of a worry.
"I already feel spoiled dating you so I really don't need much else from you,"
You're not sure how you got lucky to have a boyfriend like Minho. Who, while being a bit more on the quiet side, is the most attentive and caring person you've been around. He always seems to pick up on your moods before it even registers in your brain. And he tends to do little acts of service for you like cook you food for work or pick up a copy of a book that you mentioned being curious about once. He's already given you so much, there genuinely wasn't anything else you could think of to ask from him.
He stops walking, forcing you to slightly jerk back. He holds up the shopping bag in front of you, "Just take this. You can think of me whenever you use the backpack then. Put a little Leebit on it and my photocard or something. That way I'm always with you. You can even use that picture of me with the prop gun so it wards off other guys. And when you tell them that it's a picture of your boyfriend, they'll just think you're a delusional fan and back off. Now say thank you and give me a kiss."
"You're ridiculous," You laugh, taking the back from him.
"What was that?" He teases, pulling down his mask to reveal his infamous mischievous smirk. He stares you down and taps on his lips to give you a hint.
"Thank you, Minho. I love you," You give in, the heat in your body rushing to your cheeks.
"You're forgetting something,"
"Ah, you're a brat," You gently press your lips to his. Only momentarily in case someone spots you.
"No, that's you. Now let's go home and rest, I ran today and I'm tired."
"Yes, yes, I saw. Surprised your old body can move that fast still."
"You want to talk about old? You're the one who aged today."
"Don't start with me."
"Hehe," He giggles, pulling his mask up and dropping his arm to lace your fingers together. "Happy birthday, jagia."
Buy me a coffee?
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Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@amyysfics @berryblog @jaydebow @junebug032 @boiohboii @heistheavatar @lieslab @rainbae-anon @k-cock @hamburgers101 @mrswolfiechan @soulboundauthor @weird-bookworm @thisisnotjacinta @seungmyynie @halesandy @kpopsstuffs @honeydew93 @dandycharmer @stay278 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @babrieeee @brain-empty-only-draken @tenmii @blueforte @jihanlovic @felixglow  @nuronhe @soonyoungblr @phtogravi @jiisungllvr @puppyminnnie
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faunandfloraas · 3 months
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Happy international Women's day 🤍
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peachbang1 · 1 month
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his smile y’all 🩷
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tittyinfinity · 7 months
I just remembered that up until 5th grade, all of the sports teams I was in weren't separated by gender. I played basketball and baseball with boys. And we did just fine.
It wasn't until 6th grade when they segregated it by gender. It didn't make sense to me. I was now in softball because of baseball, because "softball is for girls" and "baseball is for boys" (which confused me bc my dad was on an adult softball team).
Now, my brother's all-male team didn't win a single game. My all-girls team won every single one.
They presented the boys' team with this HUGE trophy, and if you wanted replicas of it, they were $30 each.
My team was presented with a very small trophy. Extras were $5.
That's when I decided gender-segregated sports were bullshit.
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klaineownsmysoul · 5 months
Sometimes I like to sit and think about how much Arthur Fox would have loved Alex. Loved his charm and his effervescence, his intelligence and his sense of humor. Mostly though, I think he would have loved how fiercely and passionately he loves his son. How he loves and wants the man Henry is and not the prince he was born as - the poetry loving, Austen quoting, witty and thoughtful letter writing man. He'd love the way Alex wants to love Henry out loud. How he isn't ashamed to want to hold his hand in public. He'd love the way he looks at Henry - like his whole world has narrowed down to one person - and how much he hates being separated from him.
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He'd love the way Alex gets Henry's snarky sense of humor (and is ok being on the receiving end of said humor) and know that it's a sign of Henry feeling comfortable enough with Alex to let his walls down and let him in. He'd love that Henry has never been or will ever be a notch on his bedpost, NDA or no. He'd love the way Alex fights for him and them and so desperately wants Henry to realize that he's worth it and that his feelings and desires are valid and not something to be pushed down and aside. That he matters. He'd love the way Alex isn't afraid to tell the entire world that he's in love with Henry and that loving him has made his life better. The way that all Alex has to hear is Henry telling him he's not ok and he's dropping anything and everything to fly across an ocean to comfort him and remind him that he is loved and not alone.
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He'd love the way Alex has no qualms about standing up to anyone - including the actual King of England - to defend Henry. I have a feeling he'd be tempted to throw hands to anyone who even deigns to look at Henry in a way he dislikes.
He'd love the way Alex's naturally outgoing and extroverted personality deflects and absorbs the spotlight that Henry doesn't want or feel comfortable in - much in the way that his friendship with Pez works.
Conversely, he'd love the way that Henry takes care of Alex. The way he keeps him watered and fed and not subsisting solely on coffee and a reheated piece of pizza every other day or so. How he calms the noise in his head but never makes him feel like he's too much. How he loves the fire and passion that Alex does everything with and always wants to hear what he's thinking. He'd love how perfectly suited they are to each other and he'd be so happy that his sweet Henry has found someone who knows exactly how special he is and loves him for just that reason.
Yeah...so this might have gotten away from me a little bit. I probably should have started with "in this essay I will..." because I am incapable of summing up my feelings in any kind of short and condensed way. I love these characters, this movie, the book, and all the extraordinary fanfic written about them. I'd warn you off me if they ever announce a sequel, but I'm pretty certain my behavior will be no different from the last 5 months.
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morganbritton132 · 10 months
I absolutely love every time other people find something out about Steve and are just like ???
I wonder if any of his student’s parents are fans of Eddie’s but have no idea their kid’s teacher is married to him (perhaps finding out at career day 👀)
I love the thought of some rock n roll dad (aka: the guy in the minivan blaring Rage Against the Machine during morning drop off (aka: aka: my dad)) meeting his kid’s teacher during open house and seeing a picture on his desk of him and guitar legend, Eddie Munson.
Steve’s in the middle of explaining the curriculum for the year when Rock N Roll Dad points to a picture of him and Eddie backstage at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame last year when Eddie presented like, “You like that guy?”
Steve looks from Rock N Roll Dad to the picture and then back, “Yeah, you could say that.”
Then he goes back to talking about what they should expect in terms of homework and that was that until parent/teacher conferences.
The first thing Rock N Roll Dad clocks in the new picture on Steve’s desk. It replaced the Eddie Munson one with a new one of the two of them in the parking lot after a local show. Steve’s got his arm thrown around Eddie’s neck, both of them smiling wide, and Gareth is in the background giving them bunny ears.
Rock N Roll Dad points to the framed picture like, “Pretty cool to have met ‘em.”  
“Yeah,” Steve nods. “It’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”
Rock N Roll Dad is not gay himself but he is not one of those ultra straight Corroded Coffin fans that liked to pretend that half the band isn’t queer. He was actually watching the MTV Music Awards show that Eddie publicly came out at by declaring his love for some guy named Steve, and actually.
Rock N Roll Dad thought it made a lot of sense that Eddie Munson was gay because well. A lot of his songs were… phallic.
So, he knows.
He knows that Eddie Munson is gay and that he’s married to some guy whose name isn’t even listed on his Wikipedia page, and he knows that he lives in Chicago, but what he doesn’t know is why he never put two and two together and got Steve Harrington.
There’s a different picture of Eddie Munson on Mr. Harrington’s desk when Rock N Roll Dad goes to talk to him after his kid gets detention for being a little shithead. There is framed original concept art for CC’s first album on the wall behind Steve when Rock N Roll Dad checks in on his kid during a zoom study session.
Hell, Rock N Roll Dad follows Eddie on Tiktok.
He has seen the ass shots that Eddie has posted of his husband in his running shorts, and he did think, yeah, that’s a great ass. He didn’t know he was thinking that about his kid’s math teacher!!
It’s not even Career Day when he discovers it. It’s the day before when they can set up their booths in the gym because Rock N Roll Dad may be a heavy metal fan always, but he’s also an accountant from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday thru Friday.
 He’s struggling to keep his poster board up when in walks guitar legend, Eddie Munson. He’s carrying a box, following behind a guy carrying an iguana.
Rock N Roll Dad abandons everything and walks over to the booth across the way. He can hear the two bickering with each other but before he can say anything, Steve Harrington is there and he is distressed, “Why do you have that?!”
“Her name is Leia, Steve,” Dustin says, “and she has separation anxiety.”
Steve opens his mouth like he wants to complain but doesn’t even know where to begin so he just accepts it, “Is she going to eat somebody?”
“That happened one time!”
Eddie Munson, infamous guitarist that lived on Rock N Roll Dad’s walls as a teenager, uses the opportunity to slide up next to Mr. Harrington and wrap an arm around him. He kisses his cheek, “Baby, we’re here to help.”
“You’re here to guilt me into letting you be a part of Career Day.”
“I can multitask, babe,” Eddie grinned, still so close to Steve that his smile touches his cheek. Steve just sags against him and Rock N Roll Dad thinks, oh. He thinks, oh, shit.
“You have a fan,” Steve mumbles, pulling away a little. It takes Rock N Roll Dad a second to realize that they’re talking about him and then he thinks, fuck.
“Hey – Hi. Uh.” He stops, thinks about lying and saying he needs tape or something, but settles on, “I didn’t know my kid’s teacher married you.”
“Technically, I married him.”
“Technically, I married both of you,” Dustin pointed out. “I officiated the wedding.”
“Ah,” Rock N Roll Dad says because what else is there to say. “Big fan.”
“Yeah, I can tell.”
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byuntrash101 · 4 months
3k celebration - are u a (p☆rn)bot?
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no need to check the little certification box. you are a bot! i am a bot! this a simulation. and im celebrating 3k by writing more filthy fanfics inspired by twt p☆rnlinks ♡
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PICK ONE (1) IDOL (i write for ateez, stray kids, the boyz, nct +wayv)
PICK ONE (1) NUMBER aka spicy link (list below)
WAIT for me to run the matrix calculations and voila
EACH LINK WILL BE USED ONCE. check this post regularly to see what links are still vacant. i'll add the idol + link to the fic one by one
disclaimer: this is all for fun. please be kind. i reserve the right to choose the requests i go through with. that being said lets have fun ♡
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divider by @cafekitsune
clit stim + mirror [RESERVED]
floor sex + spanking [RESERVED]
face slapping + fingers sucking [RESERVED]
oral (f) + sub!idol [RESERVED]
huge dick + size kink | bangchan - big bad wolf [PUBLISHED]
cnc + rough [RESERVED]
public + oral (m) [RESERVED]
mutual masturbation | yeosang - pretty in pink [PUBLISHED]
fingering + size training [RESERVED]
riding + rough + switch!idol and reader [RESERVED]
oral (f) + semi public (+optional sub!idol) [RESERVED]
daddy kink + panty fuck [RESERVED]
fingering + squirting + quiet [RESERVED]
thigh fucking [RESERVED]
edging + orgasm denial [RESERVED]
cosplay (maid outfit) [RESERVED]
mask kink + outdoor (+optional primal play) | yunho - behind the mask [PUBLISHED]
blowgang + bukkake | yunho, mingi, san, seonghwa - cheerleader [PUBLISHED]
face riding (oral f) [RESERVED]
riding + nipple play (optional sub!idol + mommy kink) [RESERVED]
gamer!bf + oral (m) [RESERVED]
fingering v&a (f) + squirting + kitty slaps [RESERVED]
deepthroating (oral m) [RESERVED]
daddy kink + rough [RESERVED]
gamer!bf + backshots [RESERVED]
handcuffs + backshots [RESERVED]
breath play + free use [RESERVED]
pet play + leash [IN PROGRESS]
brat taming + fingering (f) [RESERVED]
sex worker!reader + hotel room sex + rough [RESERVED]
creampie + overstimulation (m) + sub!idol [RESERVED]
double penetration v&a + toys [RESERVED]
sloppy oral (m) + spit kink [RESERVED]
huge dick + bulge kink [RESERVED]
boobjob [RESERVED]
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woosansang · 1 year
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jazzy’s 4k follower celebration 🎉💜
@aroaceupmysleeve asked: god’s menu or thunderous
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feelbokkie · 2 months
the one where chan "forgets" your birthday
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: slight angst, slight fluff
pov: 2nd person
description: in which chan thinks he forgot your birthday...but you just never told him
pairing: boyfriend!chan x reader
warnings: swearing, mention of eating
word count: 1,169
©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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You slide your ID out of your wallet and hand it to the waiter. He skips over Chan for a second, ignoring the ID being held between his middle and pointer fingers. His elbow resting on the table, palm facing up practically begging the waiter to take his ID too. The waiter glances at him and finally takes the ID from him once he makes eye contact.
You fail to stifle a laugh at your boyfriend's misery. It's a thing that happens often now when you two go out. Almost every date the two of you go on where the occasion arises for the two of you to be carded, Chan normally doesn't. Especially when he's been working long. The only times you don't get carded and he does is during your very occasional trips to a club. But every week, without fail, the waiter will ask you for your ID and not him, much to his dismay.
Weekly dates, guaranteed time with Chan where you two go out and do some sort of couple thing. Not often do you two order drinks while out, but it's been a long week. Chan's been stuck at the company since your date last week and you were busy with work. The two of you hardly had time to text each other. How you two managed to find time to coordinate this week's date is beyond you.
You place your elbow on the table and rest your chin the the palm of your hand, watching Chan as the waiter double-checked your IDs. He looks better than he did last week. He looked beyond tired, his face paler than normal and the dark bags under his eyes more prominent than you're used to. It's why last week you two just spent a quiet night at your place, cuddling on the couch and watching movies until he fell asleep halfway through the second one. But he looks much more well-rested today. His face has a little more color to it. His black curly hair slightly framing his face. Finally healthy after years of dying and redying. He stares back at you with soft eyes and a smile wide enough to deepen his dimples. He quietly takes your free hand into his, squeezing slightly.
"Here you two are, I'll be right out with your drinks." The waiter hands both of your IDs back. You quickly let go of Chan's hand to take yours back and slip it back into your wallet.
"Thank you," Chan smiles as he puts his wallet back in his pocket.
"You're welcome. Feel free to take a bit longer to look at the menu." The waiter is just about to turn to leave before he suddenly stops and turns to you, "Oh, and happy birthday."
You fight the urge to roll your eyes and just plaster on a small smile. "Thank you,"
You watch as the waiter nods happily before walking off to tend to another table. You shake your head as you put your wallet away.
You don't notice at first, the way that all of the color in Chan's face leaves, turning him chalk-white. Or how his eyes quickly grow impossibly wide as his lips part in silent terror. You can't hear how fast the gears in his head are turning or how hard his head is banging in his chest. Not until you return your hand to his now limp and clammy hand.
"Chan?" Your furrow your eyebrows as you look up at your boyfriend, "What's wrong?"
"I...am so fucking sorry," He speaks with a suffocated whisper.
You tilt your head to the side and squeeze his hand to reassure him despite your now growing concern. "For what?"
His voice cracking and tight, "I forgot your birthday,"
"You--" You start.
"I'm so, so sorry--" Chan pulls out his phone and begins looking for something.
"Chan--" You try a little louder this time.
"--what kind of boyfriend--"
"Chris--" You try again.
"How did I forget it was your fucking birthday--"
"Christopher--" You place your hand on his, trying to get him to look at you.
"--I normally don't forget things like that--"
"Bahng Christopher Chahn," You nearly shout, finally getting his attention.
Chan stops and looks up, his eyes red and on the verge of tears. "I'm really, really sorry."
You look around the restaurant, taking in the atmosphere. The lights are dim creating a calming ambiance. The other patrons quietly talk amongst themselves. You can barely hear them over the soft classical music playing in the background. You and Chan are in a more secluded area covered by a plant to give you privacy from prying eyes.
"You don't have anything to be sorry about. You didn't forget my birthday," You say softly, stroking the back of his hand to calm him down, "I never told you when my birthday was."
"You...never told me? How is that...how did that even happen?"
Truth be told, it just never came up. You met after your birthday and started dating shortly after. With both of your busy schedules, it never really came up. You know Chan's birthday because of all the posts you see circulating on various social media sites by fans. His birthday is hard to miss, it's practically a national holiday.
"I don't really celebrate my birthday. It's...it's a long story. I'll tell you one day. But to me, it's just another day. You know I don't like that much attention on me anyway. I rather just let the day pass, without much of a fuss."
"That's understandable. It scared me though. I thought I forgot and I don't ever want to hurt you like that. You're really important to me. Everything about you is...even your birthday. But if you don't want to celebrate it, I won't push you." Chan takes both of your hands in his, lacing your fingers together.
"Thank you." You smile, "And I should have at least told you so you didn't have to panic like that. I'm sorry,"
"It's okay," He smiles, his dimples reappearing on his cheeks. "Want me to say something to the waiter so they don't do the whole dessert and singing thing?"
"If you don't mind." You sigh, relieved that you’re not going to have to ask Chan to do it for you later.
"I'll tell him when he gets back with our drinks." Chan presses his lips together into a fine line, “Can we at least go get ice cream or something later? I promise not to sing 'Happy Birthday' or anything. I just feel like you should still have something special today.”
You crack a smile, trying not to laugh at your boyfriend’s sudden sheepishness, “Yeah, we can go get ice cream.”
“Can’t I get you a gift? A small one?” He suggests.
“Chan,” You sigh, ready to argue back.
“Sorry,” He runs his hand through his hair. “I just feel bad still.”
“We’ll talk about it more later. For now, let’s just figure out what to eat.”
Buy me a coffee?
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@amyysfics @berryblog @jaydebow @junebug032 @boiohboii @heistheavatar @lieslab @rainbae-anon @k-cock @hamburgers101 @mrswolfiechan @soulboundauthor @weird-bookworm @thisisnotjacinta @seungmyynie @halesandy @kpopsstuffs @honeydew93 @dandycharmer @stay278 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @babrieeee @brain-empty-only-draken @tenmii @blueforte @jihanlovic @felixglow  @nuronhe @soonyoungblr @phtogravi @jiisungllvr @puppyminnnie
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