#cause like i made jokes about his regression as a character but it is like
demodraws0606 · 7 months
I do want to say it is kind of terrifying from an RP standpoint how much q!BBH has devolved as a character.
When I mean devolved, I mean he has completely thrown away what little morals he had that defined him.
I made a joke about it but it is quite unsettling hearing him before Purgatory. While he was certain that he'd hurt his friend if he had to, he was still unwilling to revel in it. Comparing himself to humans who succumb to bloodlust, raising himself above it.
But now here he is, boldly proclaiming that he enjoys tourmenting the Red team, that he is finally cutting loose as though this wasn't a mission to bring his kids back but a fun little murder trip (now this isn't me trying to say his main goal isn't bringing his kids back but i'm pointing out how it conflicts with his bloodlust).
We've never seen q!BBH this meanspirited and vicious against the other islanders. Him taunting q!Slimecicle making it clear that he doesn't respect him and him laughing while stabbing q!Philza with a chainsaw.
He's completely fallen from what little morality he still had, the little sliver of morality of him just doing this for the eggs and not from any kind of malicious intention.
It's not like all of his destructive acts against Red either have been particularly helpful in winning either, some of them were with that mindset but some of it really just ended up being a distraction.
Now this isn't me saying q!BBH has completely lost his wits, cc!BBH confirming that during the tie situation, q!BBH was playing a lot more smart but he definitely has gotten more sloppy in his approach.
What is more particularly scary to me is the aftermath, I don't think q!BBH is gonna able to just switch his mindset back to normal or at least not completely. The only way for him to ever go back is if he ends up feeling guilt which...we know will not happen considering his character.
He has to deal with the fact that he enjoyed hurting his friends, that he had fun. You can't just switch back from that mindset once you're so deep into it especially when you once thought finding enjoyement in it would be the last thing you would do.
He is gonna have to look at himself when he starts reminiscing fondly of him hurting the ones he loved for what he thought once was a noble cause. A noble cause that devolved quickly into pure bloodthirst.
He is fighting for his kids, yes, but it didn't just come at the cost of his friends happiness but also at the cost of who he was.
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huevobuevo · 7 months
ive fuckingggg HAD IT . i am going to talk about gegg qsmp because idk why but charlie slimecicle made one of the best representations of age regression ive seen in media and i am NOT joking.
so i dont rlly post alot about the qsmp on my blog, thus i wouldn't be surprised if this post goes unnoticed or ignored by a vast majority of my friends & followers. for those of you who ARE reading this with no prior experience with the QSMP lemme just quickly summarize some much needed background knowledge.
(Quackity Voice) The QSMP Is The Worlds First Multi-lingual Minecraft Server; it hosts a wide variety of twitch streamers who speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. the beginning plotline of the server (which is where Gegg came into existence) follows the various players as they are grouped into pairs to care for a dragon egg. The main ones that will be talked about today are Tilin, Quackity's egg, and Juanaflippa, Slimecicle & ElMariana's egg. The eggs are, of course, played by anonymous admins, who have given these eggs their own unique personalitys despite only communicating through signs and emotes. The players have quickly imprinted on their respective eggs, as expected, and have gone on to view these eggs as their own children. The rules were simple - each egg had two lives and two lives ONLY. each day the eggs have tasks for the streamers to complete ON STREAM or else the egg could die of starvation & neglect (points at Trump, Maximus & DanTDM's egg).
i will be referring to Slimecicles character in the QSMP as Charlie or Slime for better coherency. from now on i will be referring to the characters, not the streamers.
Slimecicle and Mariana were not the best parents to Juanaflippa, but it was clear that they truly and deeply cared for their daughter. They supported her transition and, especially in Slimes case, did everything they could to make sure their daughter was safe. Juanaflippa had lost her second life due to an accident, which caused Slime to loose his shit and go on a murderous rampage to try and get the literal Minecraft Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come back and revive his daughter (she came back after a court case. long story.)
Basically Juanaflippa was loved, and she loved her parents back- but there was someone else she cared for the most in the whole wide world
Tilin, who Slime offered to take care of once her father had to log off game. There was another accident, and Tilin was caught in the crossfire between Charlie and a few mobs at night. She was on her second life, meaning that Charlie had officially ended his daughters best friend right infront of her eyes. Distraught and ashamed, Charlie ran off into self-isolation and left Juanaflippa in the care of Mariana and their friend Roier. During his "Eggxile" while he was trying to find a way to bring back Tilin, Charlie learnt that Mariana killed Juanaflippa AGAIN. Instead of going on another tirade Charlie just lost it.
He's now carrying the deaths of two children on his mind, isolating himself from what little friends he had on the main island. During his initial stay on the island there were only English and Spanish players, but when the French and Brazilian players arrived he still spent a majority of his time in isolation. Charlie wasn't apart of a good chunk of the main island lore for a long, long time, and pretty soon it began to feel like he was completely, and utterly, alone. He attended a wedding and a few parties, but it was visible how outcasted he was from all the new events and connections. He had regular breakdowns and pretty soon began to believe that Juanaflippa wasn't dead, she was just... somewhere else. He was gonna get her back. He did it once, he'll do it again. Fuck, he couldn't even bring himself to attend her own funeral, and even when he was allowed one final goodbye with his dead daughter Charlie still refused to accept the fact that Juanaflippa was never gonna come back home. He built a campfire on the beach of his Eggxile house with three chairs- one for him, one for his wife (who hadn't logged on in months), and one for Flippa.
TL;DR q!slime is going the fuck through it.
Later on Quackity decided to get Charlie in on a plan to try and steal from other peoples houses. They both lost their families, so it seemed only fair to Quackity that they ruin other people's lives as well. Basically Charlie had to pretend to be Quackity's NEW egg so that he can get close with the other eggs and fuck shit up.
Charlie liked it. Charlie... REALLY liked it, actually. His egg name was Gegg, and without knowing it he began to age regress.
Im calling Gegg a form of Age Regression because not only is Charlie mentally AND physically becoming a child, but through Gegg Charlie is allowed the freedom to escape his grief and explore what it means to be a "child" who was loved unconditionally. On the last Gegg stream Slime referred to the little goopy guy as something that lives inside of him. Gegg takes over him and he just looses himself in the act. He's not just playing a character called Gegg, he IS Gegg.
In the very first stream as Gegg he expressed his desire to learn what having a family was like- a common reason most people have for regressing. When "regressed" to this state Charlie/Gegg is constantly acting as a young child and actually enjoys it! He LOVED being Gegg! Even if it got too far in the end, Gegg was allowed to be open about his wants & emotions. Charlie was pushed back into the lives of the other players and fully reconnected with several people again for the first time since his self-imposed isolation. He gained new friends, too, once Gegg was introduced to the Brazilian and French players.
In turn the players never made any effort to expose Charlie's regression. while at the beginning there was some distrust & confusion over Charlie's sudden egg act it never went farther then a few subtle jokes at Geggs "true" identity (commenting on his backflips, which is something Charlie was known for). Aside from Wilbur, everybody treated Gegg as any other egg-child. He was cared for, his tasks would be completed on occasion, and the French+Brazilian players ESPECIALLY loved him! They supported Charlie's regression since at this point they began to realize how much shit he has been through since the deaths of Tilin and Flippa. Not only that, but the eggs as well played along with Gegg's coping mechanism; Leonarda (FoolishGamers + Vegetta777's egg) was one of the first to try and adopt Gegg as their own baby, while Chayanne (Philza+MissaSinfonia's egg) & Tallulah (Wilbur Soot's egg) acted as his "Geggsiblings" (even though Tallulah sorta got a bit rude to him during their second encounter, im guessing due to a new admin who wasn't around during Tallulah & Gegg's first interaction),
Infact, one of the best scenes of the Gegg Arc was during an interaction between Gegg & Bobby. Bobby was Roier & JaidenAnimation's egg, and he was also close to Juanaflippa & Tilin. The two kids talked through signs, where Bobby confessed that he held a grudge against Slime for what he did. Gegg said that he had every right to be upset, the poor boy had lost two of his closest friends after all. But then Bobby did something that shocked Charlie- he forgave him. he told Gegg to tell that "green guy" that he shouldn't be hard on himself anymore, both of them needed to move on already. Not only was Bobby a child, but he was one of the main eggs Quackity wanted Gegg to kill off first. Bobby was the reason why Gegg existed, the reason why Charlie was given the chance to heal from his trauma, and now he is telling Charlie to his face that its ok to forgive himself for the deaths of Tilin and Flippa.
Bobby knows who Gegg is, everybody does, which is why they treat Gegg with the same amount of love that every other egg gets.
Age Regression has frequently been misunderstood, and very rarely does it get the proper representation that it deserves. It is a very "taboo" form of coping, which is unfortunate due to how common it actually is. Most people feel uncomfortable with the image of grown adults acting as toddlers in diapers, and lump it together with the whole Age Play/DDLG ordeal- yet they fail to take into account what age regressors are ACTUALLY like. while it is something that just about anyone can do, the type of regression I will be talking about stems from people who seek refuge from traumatic events usually in their childhood. It can be voluntary or involuntary, and is a way for people to explore & reevaluate what it means to be a child. it is just that- a trauma response, one that im sure many of you participate in but are too scared to discuss it due to the stigma around it. Children who have experienced abuse regress, Teenagers who struggle with mental health regress, Adults with severe PTSD regress, and yet it is such a misunderstood part of the healing process that is practically unaccounted for in media. There is little to nothing on age regression representation that delivers it in a respectful, honest manner, due to this stigma, which only serves to push it further into the shadows of mental health discourse.
So to see age regression be used on a fucking minecraft server of all places in such a healthy light is so refreshing to see. While ironic at first, Charlie showcased age regression as something that shouldn't be shunned. It actively aided him through a dark period in his life and showed that he deserves a second chance. After Gegg canonically "died" Charlie returned to the island for his birthday and was finally ready to move on from Flippa & Tilins death (and then, yakno, the whole Codeflippa Arc happened)
TL;DR #2 Charlie Slimecicle's Character In The QSMP Age Regresses As A Way To Cope From The Deaths Of Two Eggs & Oh My God It Was Actually Really Fucking Emotional
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wesleysniperking · 29 days
Usopp isn’t an Underdog (TL;DR)
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If we really take the time to look at it, in a very practical way. An a**pull isn’t really an a**pull. Or whatever way powerscalers like to get red in the face for.
I think a lot of people and One Piece fans have been going about Usopp in the wrong way. If you feel you haven’t, that’s fine. But for the past couple of weeks when on my break, I came to the realization after reading a book (I’ll give the title later) that when considering the genre One Piece falls under and who it’s catered to, it has indeed been a hindrance for Usopp, and even the writer, Oda. Why? Because Oda is as predictable as he is unpredictable. The same can be said for Usopp.
What do I mean by that?
Before I even get into how smart and great Usopp is, I want to state a point. A lot of people are right, Usopp is inevitably a target. Forget about the Sanji v Zoro rap sessions, or Gear 5's overpowered characteristics. Because copium or not, what Oda is doing to Usopp is intentional. When people say that Oda intended for Usopp to always be the weakest it sometimes bothered me. Not because I want him to be crazy f**kin strong. Or that my expectations are aimless. But that statement always bothered me because it seemed like those people were trying to make it a point to say that there’s nothing left for Usopp. He’s regressed and is fodder. Those two years spent on that island, Boin, with his quirky mentor Heracles was all for naught. Everyone else got these nice trainers, and Usopp’s wasn’t as nearly cool. This pained me to even just think about it. And all this shade is something I'm quoting, I don't believe any of these bad things said about Usopp. I stress this.
But I’m actually starting to embrace this aspect. No, the haters didn’t cause me to resign to their stupid agenda or hate bon*r. But they made me realize (including the book I just read), that Oda is writing Usopp perfectly. I kid you not. It took a whole analysis on David and Goliath to really make me think.
For starters, in general, us mortals (or humans) have a really twisted way of looking at the odds, or the underdog. We often think that the Goliaths are these powerful beings. We think that when we find ourselves up against these stronger people we’re at a disadvantage. Despite the One Piece fandom having a vague idea of what Usopp’s underdog status represents and how Shonen grades “weak characters”, I think this brings forward that fact. Therefore, Usopp is a weak little a**hole no one gives a shit about, and if they do, it’s to prove a point (very passionately indeed) that he’s nothing but fodder and Oda has forgotten about him. But wait. Due to our twisted way of thinking, this is where Oda is challenging us. From the start we were at first under the idea that Luffy was at a disadvantage a few times when he was up against certain villains like Arlong or Crocodile, but Oda and Luffy proved to us a few times afterwards that this small Strawhat had what it took. He had balls.
But Usopp’s journey is much more unique and complex.
I must admit, the Usopp haters sometimes get to me. I’m human. It happens. But after reading the book and a eureka moment happened, I understood that Oda was baiting the haters, HE IS BAITING THE HATERS. He’s baiting his audience. For the last three weeks, it was as though everyone couldn’t stop trash-talking Usopp, I started to go crazy. I spent 5 days straight arguing with this a**hole on YouTube who just wanted to prove and beat into my f**cking head that Usopp is “the butt” of the crew. “He’ll never be as strong as Luffy”, “He spent two years on an island and suffered from Obesity. A joke my friend”, and “Nami’s even stronger than him. He’s useless and disloyal”. Ugh!!! Anywho, I understood after reading the book that a**hats like him are what Oda wants. He’s making fun of and light-heartedly taking advantage of Usopp getting sh*tted upon. One Piece is a Shonen manga, baby! But Oda isn’t a conventional writer (that’s what makes One Piece the GOAT).
So, Oda is taking into consideration how flawed humans are in thinking what a powerful person is. He knows we think the Goliaths are the ones who have a chance of winning, when in fact, the Davids are just as formidable. If he had Usopp “take a back seat” in Wano, it was intentional.
When David stepped out behind that protective barrier to defend his people, King Saul stopped him and said “Dude, there’s no way you’re winning this.” Saul was wrong because he thought Goliath had this fight in the bag. And we know who really had the fight in the bag. And if there’s one thing to very strongly note, one thing to consider in the David and Goliath battle is that David was a projectile fighter fighting an infantryman. David was so talented with a sling that he could’ve shot that pebble through Goliath's head so deep it was practically a hot bullet—the stone/pebble David used equated to a bullet during biblical times. And he did "stun" Goliath. The worst opponent for an infantry fighter is in fact a projectile fighter because infantry fighters require making close contact to land multiple blows on an enemy. But projectile fighters can counteract that quickly with just one shot. Therefore, Usopp is at an advantage more than we think due to Usopp’s quick thinking and ammo as well. He just needs to position himself correctly up against the right opponent, and bang!
So, in this 20+ years journey, Oda has taken advantage of Usopp’s character. He wants US to undermine Usopp so badly. So that when Usopp has his biggest moment, it’ll break the fandom.
“No way! How could Usopp win that?!” “OMG. What a major a**pull!” “Damn, he one shot the hell outta [insert future adversary]!”
That finicky little word, a**pull made its appearance again. But nah, it wasn’t an a**pull.
Because David was never at a disadvantage when he fought Goliath.
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Related Link 1 (more similarities between Usopp and David are discussed here)
Related Link 2
Related Link 3
photo link credit
Work Cited:
Gladwell, M. (2013). David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants. Little, Brown and Company.
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midnighmoonligh · 4 months
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Voltron Legendary Defender
Keith ; 21 ; He/They ; Little
Lance ; 18 ; He/Him ; CG
⚠Content Warning⚠
Brief mention of age regressor sexualizing themselves & cursing.
Plot Summary
Keith learns about age regression.
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Keith woke up alone. The bed felt really cold. his head pounded from how hard he had been crying the night before. He would've swore he wasn't alone the night before. He wasn't really sure. He rubbed his eyes and pulled his pillow to his chest. He laid practically on it, hugging it and finding comfort in the position. He knew he really should get up, but his excuse is that he didn't feel well. Not that it's a lie regardless. Keith really wasn't feeling well, aside from his head his stomach was upset and his body ached. He needed rest if it was possible.
He slowly closed his eyes again. They felt too heavy to keep open any more. The door to the bathroom opened suddenly, making him hump in response. He peeled opened his eyes and looked over to see Lance. So he didn't dream that he was there, not that he hasn't before. God's he's not making any of this better at all is he.
" Morning, you sleep okay? " Lance spoke up.
He didn't really understand why he suddenly cared for him. Didn't Lance hate him? He rubbed his eyes with his sleeves and rolled over to his other side. He wasn't sure if he really was fully out of the fuzzy mind space or not. He wondered if it was normal. At least Lance didn't bully or hate him for it like he thought he would.
" Okay.. I'll just assume you did sleep okay. Are you okay? You still feeling fuzzy at all? "
" Kinda, I don't know, " Keith finally responded.
It felt like ripping off a bandage. He didn't remember it being so hard to talk. Maybe he really was still all fuzzy. He felt the bed dip near his feet. It caused him to pull his legs up to his chest. He assumed Lance sat on the bed, but he didn't dare to look.
" Hey, Keith can we talk about this? Please. I know you feel terrible, but it isn't like that, just let me help you okay? "
" Why do you care? Why the hell do you want to help me? Aren't I your rival or some stupid thing? " Keith huffed out before Lance could ramble any further.
Lance sighed softly.
" Okay, okay. That's fair, but this is different. I know what's going on with you and I want to help. I don't joke around when it comes to mental health, okay? " he explained in the best way he could.
Keith gave in. He slowly sat up, causing his head to pound harder. He let out an unconscious whimper and pressed the pillow to his chest. He say criss cross while he waited for his vision to clear. He still didn't pick up his head either. He just sat there and stared at the bed.
" Poor thing, you've got a headache huh? "
" Don't pitty me you ass, " he shot back.
Lance laughed. Honestly, it made him smile. He wasn't sure why, but the noise simply cause him to smile.
" Ah, there's your smile. Looks weird on you, " he teased.
Keith pouted.
" Okay okay, let me explain everything, okay? "
He nodded and waited patiently.
Lance wasn't entirely sure how to word all of this to the hot headed boy. At first he had thought he had always known about regression, but the more he thought about it the more he began to realize it had only just started happening because of all this and the war. It made his heart ache for the other. He simply wanted to scoop him up and cuddle him, baby him even.
" What you experience is called age regression, " Lance finally spoke up.
Keith gave a confused expression to the words. He's never heard of it. Then again, he didn't really have internet back on earth, not much for long anyways.
" It's where your mind psychologically regresses to a point in your life you felt more safe, " he explained, watching as Keith took it all in.
" But why? " the smaller bit questioned as he pulled a pillow into his lap.
Lance had chosen to sit on the floor in front of Keith. Keith on the other hand still hasn't removed himself from the bed. Lance didn't mind either, he could tell how much he enjoyed his bed anyways. He found it cute even.
" Usually because if trauma, but sometimes stress or just for fun, " he answered.
He watched as Keith tensed awkward on the bed. It hurt him seeing him react to a word like trauma. He couldn't help but wonder what all has the boy Ben through? What in the hell did life throw at him and make him go through? He couldn't help but fidget with his hands. Lance wanted to ask, but he also didn't want to push. He didn't like it when others pushed into his past or business, so he shouldn't do it to others.
" Okay, " Keith finally whispered out.
" And, there's people who sometimes help people who regress out. Like caretakers, or parental figures. "
" You're one of them? " Keith assumed right off the bat.
Lance had to admit it caught him off guard. However, he still nodded and continued.
" Yeah, that's how I know so much about it. I used to have a little at home, though we cut things off a few days before we left earth, " Lance told him honestly.
" Why? " Keith asked in almost a child like manor.
It made Lance smile. He knew all this talk about his headspace was making him slip. Either because he's uncomfortable or because it was making him comfortable knowing he wasn't the only one. He really hoped that Keith would allow him to care for him, even as a babysitter. However, he knew with all the rivalry stuff it was really unlikely.
" She was sexualizing herself and me, it was making me uncomfortable and I finally had snapped, " Lance admitted as his gaze turned towards his hands.
He stayed there for awhile until he felt warm arms wrap around him and hug him. Lance hadn't even notice Keith leaving the bed. He smiled and wrapped his arms around him. He knew big Keith wouldn't ever do this, so he figured he slipped by now. Maybe he should make a name for little Keith, it would be cute.
" 'm sorry, " Keith muffled out into his shoulder.
He smiled and rubbed his back, carefully slipping the smaller into his lap so he could cuddle him better. He rocked him back and forth slowly, stimming from his own happiness honestly. Though it worked out, as he could feel Keith melting into his touch.
" I know little one, but it isn't your fault, " he reassured.
" Do you want to go get breakfast? Or I can bring it here, " he offered a few minutes later.
" I don want thems to sees, " Keith mumbled with a noticeable pout.
" That's okay, I understand. Let's just stay like this for a little longer then I'll go get breakfast, okay? "
" Yes pleases, " the smaller responded fairly quickly.
Keith warmed Lance's heart. It reminded him so much why he liked him, more than just some kind of friend. He fell in love with little Keith the moment he saw him, he can admit that much. However, he always seemed to how feelings for Keith in general. He just didn't know how to admit them.
Lance had left Keith alone for the time being, mostly just to go and get them breakfast. He wished he had some little gear for Keith to use. Did he forget to mention how cute he is? He's adorable, extremely adorable. Given how much of a bundle of anger he normally was, it was so adorable to see him like this. He wouldn't even think of teasing him for it either and he knew at least Pidge and Hunk wouldn't either. He sighed heavily from the thoughts that ran through his head. He wished he knew how to control them, maybe so they wouldn't be so loud and focus on one thing. He's worried about many things, all surrounding around Keith. Lance wanted to be able to protect his little space, but he wasn't sure how hard it would be with the fact they are at war hanging over their heads.
He shoved open the doors to the kitchen, seeing Hunk happily cooking away. However the affectionate male seemed to notice Lance's strange behavior. He was still trying to make breakfast for the team, not that it was strange. They've all grown used to Hunk making most of the meals.
" You alright Lance? " Hunk asked, catching him a bit off guard. He about dropped the food goo he had in his hands.
" Yes! I'm fine- sorry, half asleep, " he apologized nervously.
Hunk raised an eyebrow at the paladin. However, he signed in defeat and nodded. Quite a few of the paladins are rather drained from missions lately so it wasn't difficult to understand. Lance finished getting the food for himself and Keith. He made sure to let Hunk know that they wouldn't be coming for breakfast. Lance simply made an excuse that they planned on training all day. It seemed to work well enough, so he scrambled off towards Keith's room once more. He found himself getting impatient, so he ended up running down the hallway. His shoes slid across the floor as he attempted to stop at the door. He managed to slide right past it. It didn't stop him though. He gained his balance and managed to get into the bedroom before he fell again. He blamed his lanky legs.
" I'm back little one, " he panted as he looked around the room for the little.
Lance spotted Keith looking out the window and rocking back and forth calmly. He assumed it was some sort of comfort thing. He really wasn't sure honestly.
" Baby boy, " Lance sang as he sat in front of the bed in the floor.
The pet name instantly grabbed the littles attention. He got up and carefully waddled over to him. He almost tripped a few times as he made his way over. Keith plopped down right next to him, thumb in mouth and a tired expression.
" Do you need me to feed you? "
Keith nodded hesitantly. The downside of his headspace was he regressed so young, especially from impure regression. He cuddled into his side and curled up again Lance. It made the caregiver smile. However, before he even could feed the little the alarms began to go off.
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polkadottedpie · 9 days
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Ouma Kokichi as a Vent Regressor
CW: canon typical horror (character death, the killing game, gore, etc.), vent regression/regression from trauma, repression, anxiety, trust issues
Wrote this because I've never seen Kokichi agere content in the actual context of the killing game, which is fair, but it was a concept I actually wanted to think about just for myself. Mentions of Amami Rantaro as a big brother-esque caregiver before his death.
Ouma Kokichi has never been one to allow himself to be vulnerable in front of just anybody, and that goes doubly for his regression. He doesn’t understand exactly what it is, so he doesn't have an exact age range, but he knows he’s not at 100% when it happens and that’s cause for concern. It’s hard to play the part of the Ultimate Supreme Leader of Evil when your head is foggy and you feel so small and your lies get worse and controlling your emotions gets harder.
In a place as dark and scary as the killing game, though, there’s nothing Kokichi can do to prevent the headspace from bubbling up along with all the despair and anguish he’s forced to experience as things continue to escalate. So, if he can’t hide this vulnerability away, the only solution he has is to bury it with more and more lies to obscure it from everyone in plain sight.
Thankfully, it’s easy to hide even the worst lie when you’re already known to be a liar. Kokichi swings hard in the direction of acting like a child, even when he’s not regressed, so everyone just sees him as childish in general. He pokes fun at others, plays practical jokes, breaks out the waterworks at every opportunity, he doesn’t take the game seriously at all, all to both cope with the situation and blur the line between his big self and his regressed self so none will be the wiser.
This becomes a bit of a double-edged sword, as throwing himself into the spoiled brat schtick only makes it easier for the haze of regression to roll in, especially when Monokuma first establishes the First Blood motive and time limit and things start to get serious. He does his best to scrounge up what clues about the killing game he can, but any time he’s forced to interact with one of his classmates and he has to turn up the kiddie act, the danger of potentially triggering himself looms in the back of his mind.
It’s dear Amami-kun, sharp as a tack and ever vigilant around his peers, who picks up on Kokichi’s behavior first.
Out of all of his classmates, Amami-kun was most partial to Kokichi for how his lies always twist the group towards the greater good at his own expense. He’s seen how serious Kokichi can be when he called Akamatsu-chan out at the Death Road of Despair when no one else would. It puzzles and intrigues him as to why he’d insist on acting so childish the rest of the time.
Amami-kun begins to notice how Kokichi’s behavior fluctuates, the thematic differences from his obnoxious kiddie act overshadowing the more genuine flashes of a frightened child looking for comfort and distraction. He may not remember much about himself, but he does still remember his sisters, how the younger ones acted when afraid or stressed out. It doesn’t take him long to put the pieces together.
None of Kokichi’s other classmates would play along with his antics quite like Amami-kun did. Akamatsu-chan and that sheepish detective that follows her around found him annoying at best and outright malicious at worst, and since she’d become the de-facto driving force of the group, most everyone was quick to follow suit.
Amami-kun, however, rolled with Kokichi’s energy pretty well. When Kokichi had the mental fortitude to be serious, Amami-kun was clever enough to brainstorm with, even if he kept a lot of his insight a little on the vague side. When he couldn’t be bothered and broke out the childish antics, he smoothly played along with his games like a cool older brother, and for once it made the fuzzy fog that would roll into Kokichi’s head feel safe and warm. It was the most comfort he’d felt since they’d all arrived at the Academy.
It’s a shame it couldn’t last.
Kokichi’s head was already spinning from the time limit video blaring in his room when the body discovery announcement suddenly played, directing everyone to the library. It was too much, too fast, and the whiplash from one anxiety to another had already put him in a daze when he rushed out of his room.
He had never plummeted so hard and so fast as the moment he saw Amami-kun’s body on the floor of the library, blood spattered across the bookcase and pooling across the carpet from the gaping wound in his head. He couldn’t stop staring, couldn’t hear anything anyone else was saying. He could feel the tears already coming, but the oppressive presence of everyone else in the room choked him up in spiraling thoughts of not safe, not safe, not safe.
Amami-kun was dead.
Everyone who remained hated him.
There was no one left to trust.
Immediately, Kokichi threw himself into theatrics to hide himself in another lie.
If people like it, I might consider continuing this journey through the other parts of the game with agere tones. Let me know if you'd be interested!
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ahappydnp · 1 year
here is a collection of unorganized thoughts i had about the ian interview with anthony in relation to dnp’s working relationship
smosh talking about being best friends who ended up being business partners and then roommates and how bad it was and how they were passive aggressive with each other because they couldn’t fight bc they had to be best friends for youtube 
at first i immediately got sad hearing it but also i do think there’s a slight difference in how smosh interacted, especially them saying they never ever talked about feelings or emotions and their relationship was always surface level anyway
as opposed to dnp who’s dynamic/relationship is inherently more emotion based and vulnerable so talking about what’s upsetting them is going to come more naturally when it comes to the business side
but obviously that kind of relationship in any context is going to be INTENSE and hard to maintain when your lives are that intertwined
anthony talking about growing up individually and then feeling like they had to regress back into their 17 year old selves when they did hang out (“all we did when we hung out was play mario kart and talk about what we were doing”) 
also something that made me slightly sad for a second, especially remembering dan’s whole thing about phil pulling him back and the jokes about regressing bc he’s back on youtube blah blah blah it’s not refined or representative of his growth (which i hope he’s dealing with that whole mindset please dear god) 
but also dnp have grown individually and as a duo and i think they’ve given each other the space to do so while also having the front row seat to that growth that smosh didn’t? 
them saying the new content is NOT going to be nostalgia base and they’re not going to revert back to their old personas is actually really interesting and i wonder what that’s going to look like.
it makes me think about how dan and phil would approach consistent joint content again pcou, especially given the ~vibe~ of the last few videos together (mostly thinking about the 2022 texting video that felt...off a bit? which is so rare for dnp). it’s gotta be hard to not slip back into those old roles especially when being on camera together again is still novel 
ian and anthony talking about how the audience shaped their friendship in their peak and how they tried to play into the characters the fans made for them and it caused resentment/ anthony said being the ‘hot one’ and ian being the ‘funny one’ upset him a lot because it made him question his value. i find that whole section fascinating because i think that’s one thing dnp held onto? like they didn’t let the audience decide their dynamic or personalities 
but dnp also had the added element of more intimate outlets like liveshows where we got to see natural dynamics or even gaming channel stuff while smosh only really did scripted sketch stuff, so the audience got to see a more well rounded version of dnp and not just like....TATINOF stage personas
also and idk how to say this articulately....dnp also were actively hiding a part of themselves and working against audience perspective so they’re less susceptible to succumb to being their personas off camera with each other (especially going back to the first point of their relationship being more complex emotionally than the 2 cishet dudes who said they didn’t share feelings for the first 20 years of their friendship)
smosh talking about their work styles and creative processes and how they mesh well together which i would LOVE to hear more about that from dnp in how they come up with ideas or the details of their process together ESPECIALLY now 
tbh i was never a smosh fan for a variety of reasons and i’ve never been fond of anthony but i appreciate what smosh meant to a lot of people and how big of a win this is for youtube creators in general. it is interesting to hear them talk about this new era and how excited they are for the future of the channel 
maybe other people will have a chat about what a revamped version of a beloved channel that was also a fun project for them could look like, especially without the pressure of making money off of it
please dnp i will buy yet another fucking channel membership off you 
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crissiebaby · 1 year
DiapOut: Chapter 29
DISCLAIMER: This series contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation, hypermessing, sissification, WAM, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. If you haven’t read the first chapter and want to catch up, be sure to check out the link in the description. I hope you enjoy!
“Now, I know what you all are thinking! Round Two was so blushy that it seems almost impossible to think we could outdo ourselves!” shouted Cassi, pacing back and forth across her platform until coming to a full stop on her mark and turning to the camera, “Well, don’t worry, ladies and gentlebabs, because we think we’ve done just that! Once again, I’m your ultra-loveable host, CassiRole, and you’re watching DiapOut! The only show on TV made by diaper dorks for diaper dorks!”
The crowd roared as lights surrounded the players in a very dramatic fashion. For the audience, it was a spectacle unlike any other. But for the contestants, it was as close to staring into the sun as they could get. “Geez, turn down high beams,” joked Cade, placing a hand over his eyes until they were able to adjust to the environmental brightness.
“Speaking of high beams, how’ve you been holding up, Cade?” asked Kyoko, checking in on the status of her teammate as casually as possible after watching Rupert’s collapse. While Cade continued to insinuate that there was nothing to worry about on the subject of any cannabinoid withdrawal effects, she was a lot less convinced. She also was doing her best to course-correct whatever may have caused half of her team to pick her as the one who needed an attitude adjustment.
Thankfully, Cade was a lot more reassuring than he normally was. “I’m good, really. Firing on all cylinders over here!” he said, raising his arms and flexing his string-bean muscles. He may have enjoyed being high more often than not, but no one could sober up from a weed induced-stupor like he could.
“Shhhhhhhh!” said Keelee from the sidelines, holding a finger to her lips as she stared down Kyoko and Cade before gesturing to Cassi, who was still in the midst of her Round Three opening address. She quickly turned her attention back on Cassi, waiting for her verbal cue to bring up the rest of the studio lights.
“I’m sure you all can remember even a fraction of the simpler time that was your youth. A time when you had all the time in the world. Maybe you played kickball or dress-up for your favorite activity. But not me. As a shy, prepubescent CassiRole, my favorite thing to do was to dive into the gaming closet and pull out one of the dozens of board games. Be it Monopoly, Life, Chess, or Checkers, your girl was a force to be rivaled with. But perhaps no game filled me with more glee than the simplicity of Candy Land,” said Cassi, the audience clinging to every word of her rambling monologue like the suckers they were. Perhaps it was the deep-seated rage over the way Keelee barked at her, but there was a sort of aggressiveness to her speech that made her twice as engaging to watch, “Contestants! Ladies and gentlebabs! Welcome to Round Three!”
A series of awestruck gasps broke out as a cascade of lights powered on to illuminate the entire studio space, inviting the crowd, the players, and those watching at home into the jewel-toned world of a children’s board game. However, unlike Candy Land, the board wasn’t decorated with candy paraphilia. Instead, the candy-theming had been replaced by what could only be described as a dream nursery aesthetic. Gone were the likes of the Peanut Acres and that dastardly Lord Licorice, replaced by far more ABDL-appropriate locations and characters, such as Mount Thumb Sucker, Baby Food Brook, and some mischievous-looking dude in a massive diaper with the nameplate, Baron Von Blushy. A single, multicolored path snaked through the various sections of the board, leading up to the finish line, which was marked by a large, Cassi Land sign written in the same font as the classic children’s game.
“Don’t be fooled by appearances! Cassi Land is nowhere near as simple as the board game it's based on. One at a time, each player will roll their dice and move their entire team forward. If your team lands on an event or punishment square, the person who rolled will have to complete whatever task is at hand, or else the team will be forced to return to their previous spot on the board. The players will then rotate, allowing for the next teammate in line to take the next roll,” stated Cassi as the feed cut away to a graphic package, giving the at-home viewers a chance to explore the board before the game begins, “Whichever team crosses the finish line first will win a whopping 40 points. But don’t rush to the end too quickly! Successfully completed events and punishments will come with their own point totals depending on complexity. And with the points as neck and neck as they are, you’ll want to rack up as many points as you possibly can!”
If the audience was rambunctious before, they were falling out of their seats to heap praise on CassiRole and the design team for Round Three. Even Misa, who was already dreading whatever sadistic punishments were waiting for them on the board, had to admit this was the coolest set she’d ever seen. Having thoroughly enjoyed Candy Land growing up, she was a self-described master of the game, despite the fact that it was purely a luck game. As uniquely exhilarating as it was to be standing within a life-sized board game, she couldn’t let any of it show, choosing to scowl as hard as she could as if her feigned disapproval made her participation any less embarrassing.
Lelaya, on the other hand, did not share in Misa’s need to downplay her enthusiasm. “O! M! G! This is, like, extra, triple-double amazeballs!!!” she shouted as she began jumping up and down on her tippy toes, unable to contain the excitement that was bursting out of her, “Oooh! Look over there! I think that’s-”
“Shhhh! Calm down, girl. We’ll be playing soon enough,” said Ayaya, placing her hands on Lelaya’s shoulders from behind in an attempt to simmer her eagerness. Looking around at her teammates as she continued to hold Lelaya steady, it finally hit her, “Okay, seriously, when the fuck did I become the team’s babysitter?!”
With a microphone in hand, Cassi joined the contestants on their starting mats, ready to kick this game into motion. “Lelaya, Cade, please join me over here,” she said, prompting the pair to step away from the rest of their team, “As you recall, you two have the important job of being your team captains. So, as your first official task, you will now select the order that your team will roll in. Lelaya, we’ll start with you.” She held the mic forward for Lelaya to speak into.
Wearing a stupid smile on her face, it wasn’t even a full two seconds before the power she was granted went straight to her head. Tapping her chin playfully, she examined her teammates indecisively. “Well, obviously, I’m going first! After thaaaaaaat…hmmm…”
Standing behind both Mia and Misa, Ayaya was quick to gesture to the two people in front of her, pointing to Mia while holding up two fingers before shifting to Misa and holding up three. A few chuckles were squeezed out of the audience as a few of its members caught sight of Lelaya’s back-seat captain.
“...hehe, I was thinking the same thing!” said Lelaya, pretending as though she wasn’t being heavily influenced, “Mia will go next, then Misa, then Ayaya.”
“Excellent deliberation skill! You picked that order fast! One can only wonder where your inspiration comes from,” said Cassi with a hint of sarcasm tucked into her voice. She did her best to withhold her laughter over Lelaya’s adorable Littleness as she shifted the mic to Cade, “Alright Cade, you’ve had extra time so I expect you to be ready.”
Nodding his head, Cade spoke into the mic, “I am. Since Rupert’s hanging in there with some stomach issues, I’ll have him go last. And sorry guys, I don’t wanna throw myself onto punishments if I can help it, so I’ll go second to last.”
“That leaves Kyoko and Zeke,” said Cassi, pulling the microphone back to her mouth briefly as she narrated Cade’s decision-making.
Looking back and forth between his President and Vice President, Cade was racking his brain to come up with any justification to have one go before the other. Both were equally capable, so that wasn’t as much of an issue. Thinking back to how he previously voted, he finally came to a clear decision. “Kyoko, since I voted for you early on that attitude adjustment, you can go second. Sorry, Zeke,” he said, his gaze falling to the floor.
Sighing, Zeke had a feeling that he would be rolling first for his team. Shrugging his shoulders, he did everything in his power to take the pressure off of Cade. “It’s fine by me. The Biggest among us should go first, after all, right?” he said cheekily, earning chuckles from both his teammates and the crowd.
“Perfect! Go ahead and return to your teams,” said Cassi, dismissing Cade and Lelaya back to their starting mats, “Next, I need Ayaya and Kyoko to join me, if you’d both be so kind!
Eying each other up as they approached Cassi, Kyoko was taken aback by how much Ayaya was mad-dogging her. Yeah, they were opponents in this game but she had nothing personal against this girl or anyone on the enemy team.
However, what Kyoko thought was Ayaya displaying her animosity towards her was actually the result of her being caught in the crosshairs of Ayaya and Keelee, who were busy glaring at each other. Their reasoning was pretty straightforward. Keelee knew Ayaya was up to something, and Ayaya, who was indeed up to something, despised Keelee for refusing to get off her back. It was only a matter of time before such a volatile pair inevitably butted heads.
“Ooh! I’m sensing some tension!” remarked Cassi, never passing up a moment to squeeze as much drama out of her cast as possible. Spotting Ayaya’s heated expression, she approached her first with the mic, “Any words for your rivals before we kick off Round Three?”
In an instant, Ayaya’s attitude shifted as she remembered the cameras that were all around her. She’d let Keelee get the better of her and needed to recover without painting herself as a villain in the eyes of the audience. Taking a deep breath in through her nose, she softened her expression into a cheeky smirk, “Just try not to mess yourselves too bad out there when we spank you in front of all these people,” she said, riling up the crowd with her schoolyard taunts.
“In your dreams,” responded Kyoko, her competitive nature getting the better of her as she spoke without the microphone in front of her.
“CUT!” shouted Jackson from the side of the stage, “You need to wait for Cassi to approach you. And you’re supposed to be lisping, remember?”
Groaning, Kyoko bonked herself on the forehead with her palm, having momentarily forgotten about her new acting gig. Scrunching up her face, she was less-than-pleased with the idea that whatever comeback she said needed to be vocalized with a hypnotically-induced lisp. Gritting her teeth, she waited for Cassi to cross over to her with the mic, dreading the embarrassment that was coming her way.
“Some tough words! Any response, Kyoko?” said Cassi, utilizing every ounce of media training she had to keep from giggling at what was to come.
Looking Ayaya dead in the eyes, Kyoko decided to keep it simple, knowing anything more would amplify her faux impediment. “Bwing it on, mushy tush,” she said, her cheeks burning as the audience chuckled and cooed at her “babified” voice. To her credit, she did manage to get Ayaya to blush as well by reminding her of her hypermessing from Round Two.
“Love the energy! You both are gonna need that as we move into Round Three,” said Cassi as she handed out two small medallions with binkies engraved on them, one to Kyoko and one to Ayaya, “You’re also gonna want this! That medallion allows you to veto any one punishment or event and can be used for anyone on your team. Since your teams trust you both so much, I’m sure you’ll make the right decisions.
Dismissing Ayaya and Kyoko back to their respective mats, Cassi rotated 180 degrees and faced the camera that had been positioned directly behind her. As she posed between the two teams, she wondered if she was almost more excited to see Round Three play out than any member of her adoring audience. “The board has been set! Let the games begin!”
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more DiapOut!? Subscribe to my Patreon, where you can get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse at patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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lowel1 · 2 years
Random MCD age headcannons 🤓 (these are what I think the characters ages where when they were first introduced)
Laurance- 22. the youngest head guard known, got his title cause of Sasha’s death and his close relationship to her. He’s new to romance and inexperienced, but never had to really try. His looks and title got a lot of attention. Learnt how to fight younger than most, being an orphan requires some level of self defence from young.
Aphmau-24. Mostly cause Jess was around that age when starting mcd. Aphmau is like a teen in many ways but can be quite motherly. Her knowledge is that of a child in some ways as Irene’s slumber caused her to forget a lot of things. She’s a fast learner though so matured quite quickly.
Garroth-26. Left guard Academy quite late (24) and ran away from home straight away. he acts quite old for his ages, many believe he is in his 30’s before they see his face.
Dante- 16. Fresh out of guard school, lack of a family growing up made him childlike, he’s sorta regressed. Think of him like a 13 year old with heighten anxiety, on red bull 24/7.
Katelyn- 26. While the same age of Garroth, she left guard academy at 16. After that, she was shortly recruited into the jury and forced to flee home. The change from a comfortable life in a big family to a big kingdom surrounded by strangers made her adopt an older alias. She lies about her age and acts similar to someone their 30s. She’s actually childish at heart. She lacks a lot of social skills/maturity.
Aaron- 30. Married young, had a child young, was a lord even younger. Never really got to have a childhood or enjoy his teens. While he’s mature he can break from pressure easily but he doesn’t show it. Many considered him to be the youngest lord they know, sadly his lordship didn’t last very long.
Travis- 18. Lost his mother at 14, been fending for himself since. While he has a knowledge in witchcraft rivalled that of a adult warlock he’s still just a child. Enjoys to joke around, play with children, do some make believe. His combat and magic abilities are far ahead his maturity. (And yes he definitely laughs at toilet humour)
Lucinda- 25. A free spirit, many compare her attitudes to that of a teen but her witch craft rivals that of an old witch. She’s has little to no responsibilities, taking life as it goes- many underestimate the experience and power she holds. Witches don’t normally master their crafts till late in there 30’s/early 40’s however Lucinda is already quite close.
Zane- 25. He’s literally a grumpy old man. Never really liked childish things. As soon as he was 18 he started trying to get the high priest role. When the old priest died from “accidental causes” he immediately took the place. Zane was that kid that Zianna always said to “Zuzu why can’t you be like the other kids? You’re so odd.” Been a menace since birth.
Vylad- 16. (He’s dead so he’s technically gonna be 16 forever) his death is what triggered Garroth to run away to guard academy. Zane definitely killed him, probably was snooping around where you shouldn’t of and got smoked. I’m no expert but being dead and stuck in the nether definitely effects a personal maturity (/s).
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rachelbethhines · 8 months
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - McCoy 9th Review
Question Mark Pyjamas - Short Story
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The Virgin Decalogs were kind of a precursor to the Short Trips of today. An anthology series that at first focused on Doctor Who, that then went on to feature the Expand Who Universe, and finally focusing on original works with no connection to the series.
This is because Vrigin lost the publishing license for Who after the TV movie. More on that later.
Question Mark Pyjamas is the final story in the second Decalog "Lost Property". The recurring theme of this anthology is all the random properties the Doctor acquires through out his travels... houses, land, condos, boats, hotels... ect.
It's an odd theme, but I haven't read the entire book yet so I can't tell you how well it works as a whole, but I can tell you that said theme is front and center within the short story I'm reviewing today.
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A house the Doctor owns is stolen by a alien conman looking to set up a theme park on an asteroid. The Doctor and his companions are held hostage and forced to become a side show attraction for the park. They must quite literally 'play house' and pretend to be a 'normal' earth family for the constantly viewing audience.
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I probably make the story sound way cooler than it actually is with that summary.
In reality the narrative has a very slow first half, an awkward middle, and doesn't really come together until the very end.
Part of the problem is that the Tardis crew just kind of stumbles onto the theme park and discovers the stolen house by shear coincidence. They then get captured by the villain when they try to confront him.
Rather than making the very comedic villain an unstoppable force to be reckoned with, it instead just makes our heroes look weak... especially Ace who is supposed to be combat hardened by this point.
Also they aren't forced to preform for a live audience, but are made to 'rehearse' for the villain who never shuts up.
The tension of the story is basically downgraded.
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But that's alright, this is intended to be a lighthearted comedy piece.
Except it's not particularly funny.
A lot of the jokes fall flat for me. Mainly cause it only seems to have one joke.
Two foul mouthed, 'modern' women are forced to perform sanitized outdated stereotypes that they hate, and they won't shut up about how much they hate it, but quite literally won't do anything about it with out the Doctor's permission. Hardy, har, har...
Oh and the Doctor makes a weird, out of character, sex joke at some point.
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Finally, I just hate how everyone is written through out most of it.
It's like I'm walking into middle of on going argument between a poly group that I have no context for.
Why is everyone in the tardis crew so rude and bitchy to each other at the beginning? What's up with all the awkward innuendoes between them? Why has Ace regressed as a character despite supposedly being older now?
Yeah that's the real disappointment here. I know the NAs had nothing to do with the Professor and Ace audios, but it's still disappointing to go from one story where she shows actual character development to another story where she's even more immature than she was on tv.
Like the character's main conflict in the story is that despite being in her 20s now, Ace is forced to play 'the child' for the attraction. Except she is childish.
She's rude, bratty, calls her own supposed friends names behind their backs, paranoid, self-centered and more concerned with 'having fun' then actually rescuing her friends.
The narrative makes a point to say that she's 'a woman now' and 'old before her time' but then has her behaving like a spoiled 13 year old.
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But it's not all bad.
As I said, things pick up as we head towards then end. After Ace decides to remove the stick up her butt and help out, we get several cute scenes.
Ace escaping the house on a motorbike, driving through the amusement park with killer robots chasing after her, laughing all the way, is just unfiltered concentrated Who.
The Doctor and Benny cooking lunch together is adorable, and I love the pay off at the end regarding the roast.
And Benny's pure joy at getting to raid the Doctor's wine cellar full of antique alcohols from around the universe is perhaps the most realized the character has ever been to me.
Like counting this one, I've only read/heard three stories with Benny in total and the character never really clicked for me until this moment. Where she's cradling a wine bottle like a baby and cooing at it, going on and on about how much she's going to enjoy drinking it.
That's hilarious.
Hopefully that humor follows her into the Benny spin-off series which we'll be covering next.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Shrek: Forever After (2010)
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After Shrek the Third, I suspect many didn't even bother with Shrek Forever After but this final instalment in the series ties up the franchise in a pleasant, satisfying way. It’s not on the level of the first two. What it does well, however, does make it worth seeing.
Shrek (voiced by Mike Myers) has grown weary of his present situation. The monotony of home life with Fiona (Cameron Diaz) and the three ogre children make him pine for the days when he was a “real ogre”. When Shrek meets Rumpelstiltskin (Walt Dohrn), the imp tricks him into signing a contract that alters the past. In the new present, Shrek never rescued Fiona and Rumpel rules the kingdom of Far Far Away.
This story isn’t all that original. It’s yet another take on It’s a Wonderful Life. It still works. The previous film introduced many ideas that would’ve hampered any conventional sequel. The number of magical creatures to keep track of ballooned with the introduction of the three ogre children - essentially non-characters -, Shrek regressed emotionally by going back to his swamp and no one wanted more of Arthur or Merlin (neither of which are even mentioned in Shrek 4). Putting Shrek in a situation where he’s all alone is a good move. He and the audience get back some of that magic from the first movie when Smash Mouth’s All Star played and the green-skinned terror was doing whatever he wanted. Then, we remember the growth we’ve experienced since that first adventure and want it back.
A big part of this film's success comes from Rumpelstiltskin. The character is hilarious. Walt Dorn's voice tells you everything you need to know about him instantly, and his mannerisms make him a great, memorable - and original - foe. Every time he’s on-screen, he steals the show. He’s a great addition to the series, much more than the numerous ogres introduced - part of a resistance against Rumpelstilskin's dominion. They feel like a cheat because they come out of nowhere. It isn’t as though previous movies dealt with other ogres besides Shrek. How would him not being born make them spontaneously appear?
The previous chapter made it clear the well of jokes at the expense of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and nursery rhymes had dried up. Well, almost. This film shows us two stories we haven't seen before: Rumpelstiltskin and the Pied Piper. Those aren't enough to carry an entire 93-minute running time, which is why the bulk of the jokes offered come from the franchise itself. We see an alternate version of Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) who, from lack of adventuring - has become fat and domesticated. Shrek meets Donkey (Eddie Murphy) for the first time again but now, Shrek is the clingy one. The ogre must get Fiona to fall in love with him, which causes us and the character to remember how well the love plot was executed in Shrek. At this point, it feels right to use nostalgia as a tool and our expectations being turned on their heads make for clever gags.
Shrek Forever After doesn’t quite have the same magic as the first two movies. The story isn’t as inspired, the musical choices don’t hit the mark the way they used to. By focusing on nostalgia and the love story, it makes up for these flaws. Although this is a more serious story than we’ve seen before, the laughs come consistently. It’s a fitting conclusion the fans will be pleased with. (October 4, 2019)
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
Is rhato really not worth reading? :( Honestly I was interested because I wanted to see red hood jason run around with friends (also dog... That's so sweet I love that he had a pet) but I just saw ur post (thank u for it btw ur doing the good work, intense boost of serotonin from all the dog) and was wondering if all its faults are really egregious enough to make it unreadable? :0 hope ur having a good day!
Honestly, it depends on your tolerance and attachment to the characters.
I'm going to spoil a bunch of stuff so if you want my spoiler-free tl;dr: the second series might be worth it. Mileage may vary. The first is absolutely not--just read a summary. Recommendations for Jason reading in the last couple paragraphs of the post!
The first series centers around Jason, Roy Harper/Arsenal, and Koriand'r/Starfire.
The characterization isn't great. Jason gets dumbed down, makes some off-color jokes, and feels like he's just an "edgey protagonist". Basically a mouthpiece for Lobdell and Lobdell is a sack of shit.
The characterization of Roy Harper is...not great. It's not necessarily inaccurate, but it's honestly only accurate for early Roy Harper. Like, decades and decades of character regression. They also in New 52 changed his backstory like...a decent amount. Like, I think initially his Navajo heritage was removed? And then it was made that he might have accidentally killed his Navajo foster father while drunk??? It's yikes. They also changed his self-destructive weapon of choice from heroin to alcohol. And removed that he was pretty much fully recovered from addiction and actually spent a lot of time volunteering to help people struggling with addiction. It also very much removes how close he was with Dick Grayson. They grew up together, formed the Teen Titans together. They were tight. Dick actually helped Roy through a relapse, was one of the few who would help him. And the biggest issue? The lack of Lian. Lian caused a huge change in Roy's behavior. Before Lian, he was, tbh, a fuckboy. But pretty much as soon as he learned about his daughter, he single-mindedly tried to retrieve her from her mother and was the best father he could have possibly been while being a vigilante (ignoring Devin Grayson's Arsenal run where he let Lian play with guns wtf). Everything he did, even in part the people he saw, was connected to Lian. She was his entire world. And y'know what? Jason was present--as Robin!--when Roy learned he was a father. And that's never mentioned.
As for Kory, it is absolutely awful. They give her gnat-like memory and face-blindness and make her hypersexual. Kory has never been a prude, but she's also a romantic, not one to just sleep around, and they made her pretty much all about sex. It also changed her backstory and made her more...angry. Kory has always been a being of emotion and is prone to righteous rage, but she was never fueled by anger the way she could be in RHATO. It also almost completely--and this seems to be the trend!--erases her relationship with Dick Grayson! Which is probably her most important relationship period, just maybe edged out by her relationship with Raven or Donna. Barely. And she has completely forgotten all of them. It's incredibly dumb.
The New 52 as a whole, is godawful with a handful of exceptions. You're better off reading the summaries.
The second series swaps out those two for Artemis Grace of Bana-Mighdall and Bizarro Superman. It is overall marginally better...at first.
Artemis is also sexualized, and there ends up being a somewhat-forced romance between her and Jason. Could there be excellent chemistry between them? Yeah. But she suffers from "Men Writing What He Thinks is a Powerful Woman" Syndrome. She's not awful, though. She's wlw, very much in love with her deceased childhood best friend that she essentially had to kill because she lost her shit. She also does not take Jason's shit and it can occasionally be funny to watch them interact.
Bizzaro is incredibly difficult to fuck up. He's (initially) got toddler-level intellect. He speaks like a caveman. "Me am Bizzaro", y'know. Then he nearly dies and Lex Luthor manages to save him but he's temporarily a super-genius, which isn't...too bad. But then he's essentially made an addict to synthetic Kryptonite, which he literally bathes in like a Lazarus Pit like???? It's bad. And then when he finally stops being a genius, it gets worse. Like...ugh. But Jason's relationship with Bizzaro is actually sweet; it's compared to Jason being a big brother to him. He literally starts their relationship telling him everything's gonna be okay, and then buys him a stuffed Superman doll that Bizzaro names Pup Pup (mimicking Superman's "Up up and away" thing) and it's really cute.
Under the second RHATO run umbrella is Red Hood: Outlaw, which is Jason going solo for a bit. I wanna talk about that, but first I really need to talk about the ooc trauma conga line that came just before it.
So, Jason just found letters Ma Gunn had kept that Jason's dad had sent him from prison. It's a whole thing. But through this, Jason learns that his father was put away not for any of the awful shit he actually did, but as a fall guy for the Penguin. And Jason kinda...loses it. He hunts Penguin down, reveals his identity, and shoots him point blank in the face.
(Don't worry he got better)
But we all know how Bruce feels about people killing in his city. He has been allowing Jason to operate in Gotham, despite his general disapproval, so long as he doesn't kill anyone. And Jason almost killed the Penguin, and definitely tried to.
Bruce Wayne's parenting skills vary wildly between writers. Some people making him a loving and affectionate, if emotionally stunted, parent. Some make him emotionally and physically abusive. He has, admittedly, hit his children before. It varies widely enough that I think it equally valid to say he's a good parent or a bad parent due to your personal canon. But what happens here is out of character despite even that, because the one constant is he always loves them.
The Goddamn Batman hunts down Jason and very much brutalizes him. Like, punches him hard enough to break his helmet. Like, completely shattering the front of it so you can see Jay's whole fucking face. He's yelling about how if Jason left it would be his own choice and not Bruce's, and saying shit like "No more Red Hood!" and it's...disgusting. Really bad.
Jason manages to get away long enough to discover that his HQ is falling apart. It's kinda complicated, but basically to save them and entire Gotham block, Bizzaro drags their HQ into another dimension, and Artemis goes after him. So, Jason just lost two more good friends. (for note: he hasn't heard from Kory since RHATO, and he quite literally broke up with Roy at the end of Red Hood/Arsenal, "it's not you it's me" speech and all, and the most he's heard from him is second-hand from Waylon Jones aka Killer Croc who is his addiction recovery sponsor like????) And then Bruce does the thing where he appears behind you. And he proceeds to attack Jason again.
Out of nowhere a savior arrives: Roy Harper! He has a knockout gas arrow that knocks them out and carries Jason to safety.
He takes Jason back to the island they stayed with with Kory as Outlaws and helps with his recovery, and Roy lets Jason in on a drug trafficking case he's been working. Partway through, Roy goes separate ways from Jason because he's going to "superhero rehab". Jason teases him but is supportive, and they go separate ways.
And then Roy fucking dies at Sanctuary because Heroes in Crisis was even worse than RHATO!
You know who comes to tell Jason that Roy's dead?
Their whole interaction is actual fucking bullshit. Not because what is written itself is bad, but in the context of their last interaction it rings hollow and disgusting. They hug. Like??? That is so fucking tone deaf I can't even--
Jason just lost Ma Gunn (who's missing), Bizzaro, Artemis, Bruce, Gotham, and possibly the rest of his family. And then Roy on top of that who he has not one, but two series with establishing their closeness. And Roy died, as Jason says, somewhere he was supposed to be safe. He actually calls Roy's phone and leaves a message that starts with "Hey, it's me. Jaybird." This man pretended he hated that nickname; he once told Roy to "choose between Jaybird and your trachea. You can't have both." and like--fucking ow. Throughout the rest of RHATO, it is repeatedly brought up how effected Jason is by Roy's death.
(Which makes me even more mad when he comes back to life and doesn't fucking tell him like??? Fuck the people writing Roy rn let him go back to Gotham and find Jason and Lian I am begging)
But other than that, the earlier part of Red Hood: Outlaw is pretty good. Funny enough, the time that it's good is pretty much the duration of Dog's appearance. It's honestly coincidental, but she does make everything better. But Jason kind of does what he initially planned to do! He's practically running crime in Gotham from the Iceberg Lounge, which he stole from Penguin! He's a semi-legitimate business owner! And the art is still decent there, and damn, boy looks good in a suit.
After the departure of Jason from Gotham (and Dog from the comic :( ), is an era called Generation Outlaw. It's written sooooo bad. Jason accepts a teaching job from Lex Luthor to train the next generation of supervillains. Like??? The premise itself sucks.
The kids are worse.
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First off, the art is ugly. Second, only two of them have actual names. The rest are only known by their "villain" names.
One of them is literally a genius baby and her zombie "mom". She has no actual name, just "Baby in Arms" and "Mombie". Dumb as shit.
What really gets under my skin is DNA. DNA is referred to as nonbinary. What's the problem? Well first of all, it keeps being brought up, like it's one of their 2 personality traits. The other? They literally identify as a multiplicity rather than a singularity. Like, they refer to themself as "we" and "us". This is first of all, annoying, and second of all, reinforces the trope of enbies being amorphous inhumans. I hate it and I hate them. (However at least Jason treats them with moderate respect unlike Roy who repeatedly misgenders Stitch in Titans Academy and god do I hate that characterization of Roy)
And it just goes further down the drain from there.
Honestly, if you want Jason content that's not Death in the Family, Lost Days, Hush, or Under the Hood, (cuz they're all old and technically a different continuity, sort of, it's complicated) Batman: Urban Legends is where to look, followed by Task Force Z (though maybe read the run-up to it which is in Detective Comics 1042 I think? there's a few issues). They both have pretty good grip on Jason's character. It reinforces his anger, his general emotional-ness, and his empathy. It also reinforces that he's intelligent, clever, and plays dirty. And it finally tries to address the distance between him and the Bat-Family, which is entirely Bruce's fault. And it makes his vow to not kill based on his own moral choice rather than appeasing Bruce! And it's not that he thinks killing is wrong, but that he's faced with the fact that even killing the scum of the earth can have innocent collateral. It's so good.
He's also in a few crossovers with his family, like when all the Robins show up in Robin to catch Damian, it's great. Robin as a series is pretty great actually. And before that I'm pretty sure he appears in Joker War. I think specifically in issues of Nightwing. Jason is also in Batman Secret Files: Clownhunter, and in the 2017 Talent Showcase has a story where he's training Duke Thomas.
Also if you don't mind Elseworlds, Wayne Family Adventures on Webtoon is honestly so good and it does Jason great justice. He is a dramatic bitch, a book nerd, makes jokes about his death while also demonstrating accurate trauma from dying, and due to the premise being essentially Slice of Life, he can have actual healthy relationships with his family and it's so cute. Also Alfred's there and alive which is always a bonus.
But yeah. RHATO is kinda yikes.
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indigo-villin · 2 years
I watched someone play the whole game of bendy and the dark revival. I absolutely love it!!!
Bendy is amazing.
Audrey is a great protagonist.
The new artstyle is gorgeous.
Porter is hilarious I wish we saw him more.
Heidi is a BEAN and no one will harm her under my watch.
Betty is adorable and ditzy and I love her.
I hate the keepers.
I despise Wilson.
Nathan arch was a bad father, but that doesn't mean Wilson had the right to do that.
Seeing Henry was SUPER cool, as was seeing Sammy.
Hearing demon bendy speak was...interesting (this is an sfw account)
Carley is terrifying, like jeez...
Also I just want to say, I saw the story of subnautica below zero recently and I thought bendy and Audrey would end up very similarly... I don't think they did, but I'm not sure...
Also I just want to say I was RIGHT, I knew bendy would be the demon around around the halfway markish, so I'm kinda proud of myself for figuring that out.
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the real Joey Drew for what he did to get Audrey... it answers the end of the first game's questions, but I hate what that doesn't answer and I don't want to know the answers.
I headcannon Heidi as being a previous "Audrey". After all she's very childlike. Canonical only adults are in the studio, so the only way childlike characters would show up, is if they were put there from the real world....to suffer...
Yes I'm an age regressor, and headcanoning her as being one as well is applicable, but I feel she's more stunted at being a child rather than being regressed...
Also the game has a lot of talk about OCs and I'm not sure how to take it... like are they complaining about OCs? I will admit I have a lot of ocs, so I can't talk a lot on the subject in certain respects... but Carley was a character all other characters hated, yet she's an optional enemy with her own form... We have a small quest to collect some guy's oc drawings and he has an entire page long issue with whether he should share his art with the world or not. Audrey is an OC daughter for Joey Drew who went through many physical retcons. And at the end we have Wilson's colored OC that he believes could stop bendy... I feel like the creators are either making jokes about "how dumb OC arguments are"...or they're making fun of people who have OCs that they try to protect their rights over...
Do the bendy creators remember the characters in their game franchise are their OCs? Like literally, even the Meatly himself (specifically the puppet) is an OC...
The oc thing is honestly my only complaint, like Wilson using his colored character, that part is fine as a scene. The idea of a properly fully colored character in the bendy world just feels wrong on its own anyways, so him pitching the idea at all feels wrong enough to justify the oc thing too.
My last note, I hate seeing so much color in the world. Like the weird electricity using color was fine, it was minimal and didn't feel all that bothersome, it was a Wilson based thing and felt like something he'd do or cause. Seeing color on the walls, on Wilson posters, on the floors, it just felt soo off-putting... I hate that Wilson made color a thing in the world somehow...like HOW??? I also didn't mind bendy with a red bowtie at the end, both because normal world AND the fact it was an accent piece. He was still monochrome, he just now had a colored bowtie.
Honestly I just hate Wilson... which is good with him being the antagonist, I feel no remorse and was viscerally BEGGING Audrey to push him into his stupid plan thing to kill her. I was shaking and swinging my t-rex arms around just wanting her to do it. Yes I was stimming, badlyy.
I wish Wilson would get a worse fate than Joey put fake Henry though. Take the yellowing paper color of the world away and leave him there to go through what ink Henry initially went though (ya know, without Aliison around, or any kind to him character).
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empress-of-snark · 1 year
So the Ted Lasso finale was a mixed bag, but series finales usually are. I definitely wouldn’t say it was bad—there were really just a couple of bits that I didn’t love/wish they’d done differently
1. I’ll never understand why they made a running joke out of Beard being in a toxic relationship when the themes of the show are positivity, healthy communication, boundaries, etc, etc.
Him ending up married to such an emotionally abusive woman is not a happy ending for him, and I don’t like that the show presented it as one. IIRC, there’s one episode in which Higgins expresses concern about Beard and Jane’s relationship, but it’s never brought up again. Why?
I’m a feminist and I recognize that men are statistically much more likely to be abusers, but that doesn’t mean we should treat it as a joke when a woman is.
2. As others have pointed out, the Roy, Keeley, and Jamie plot was not handled very well. Having the men essentially regress to their s1 personalities and get into a physical fight over her? Jamie boasting about the leaked video that caused her so much pain just a few weeks ago? Not even giving it a definite ending?
Officially putting Ted Lasso in the same category as Stranger Things s4 called “you already resolved this love triangle ages ago and you don’t need to bring it back just because the guy that got dumped went through character development and is a fan favorite himbo now—she’s happy with her grumpy loner boyfriend, leave her be”
I’ve seen people argue that the ending was left ambiguous so that they could hint at a polyamorous resolution, but I honestly didn’t get that impression. I think it was just bad writing, and I’m annoyed that Roy and Keeley spent almost the entire final season broken up and barely interacting.
3. I wish that Nate had gotten a bit more screen time. I feel like his ending was rushed, especially for him being such a major player this season. I liked his scene with Ted, I just wanted a bit more.
Other than that, I’m not overall unhappy with it! I know some fans are upset that Ted ended up going back to Kansas, but that always felt like the natural ending to me. A huge theme of the show (especially in regards to Ted) is parenthood, and I feel like a lot of people are trivializing his relationship with his son just cause they’re mad that their ship isn’t canon. Ted’s story was never about romance, and this wasn’t an out-of-character decision for him to make.
Yeah, Rebecca’s ending felt a bit rushed, but I’m okay with her ending up with mysterious Dutch guy and becoming a stepmother to his daughter. Any ending where Rebecca is happy and loved is a win in my book!
While I still think it was an odd choice to give Colin such a big storyline (just because he’d never been a very important character before), it did end up being one of the best of this season and I’m happy he got to kiss his fella after winning a match 🥺
That’s pretty much it! I’d still rate this season as a whole below the first two, but I’d give the finale a solid 7/10. Not perfect, but a decent ending overall.
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blazedhs · 1 year
Some orv thoughts
was it even a real thing that happened, that people didn't see dokjas face so they thought he is ugly or was it sooyoung's joke through entire orv book to call him ugly cause she is still mad at him. she did say she threw in squid comparisons out of spite. he is also so annoying and so full of himself despite also being a poster child of self hatred that she probably needed something to put him down a little bit after writing two books to help him survive out of great love, cause imagine the big head he would get from that.
another thing, I believe that the first time dokja split was after killing his father. od is the one that remembers and the one who was created with this memory dokja gave away. as dokja didn't have a writer stigma to create avatars yet, OD was made inside with his sub consciousness, after some time it found TWSA and it became sentient. sorta like a did system. It probably got pulled out of him when the part that was created by memory about what really happened with mother got remembered by dokja and they became one, but OD was already another entity entirely. there is only one dokja before the epilogue split, so OD is not little og dokja, OD is OD. he does live as another dokja when plotter and the outer gods from 999 take him with them, but he is not a part of % that make a whole dokja, because he is a product of sub consciousness, but not sub consciousness itself.
I don't think dokja shipped joonghyuk × seolhwa. he is respectful enough to treat it as necessarily canon when he believes they are in 3rd regression, but the way he dismisses seolhwa through the book for me makes it clear she is not one of his favorite characters. If he was happy with the pairing he would not be making up a super beautiful girl OC jang hayoung and trying to insert her in the plot.
pretty sure dokja started dissociating in the train in the first chapter when he describes gilyoung laughing happily with his "mom" sitting in front of him.
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Nothing in the Parenting Books Prepared Me For This
21. Daycare
Synopsis: A look in at an average day at daycare for Loki and Sylvie.
Word count: 2,860
Stand Alone?: Yes
Warnings: accidents, abandonment anxiety, pull-ups/wettings
Notes: I really hate adding OC's into this fic, but shoutout to Ms. Vaughn for being the first. I would've used another Marvel character but this isn't enough of an AU for that. In hindsight, maybe Wanda would've made a good daycare teacher.
Read it on AO3!
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Loki and Sylvie arrived at daycare and excitedly said goodbye to Mobius, giving him butterfly kisses.
Loki was about three, and still in pull-ups, but Sylvie was four or five. They ran to the circle mat to go start the day with a song and a fun little “question of the day”. Today’s was “if you were an animal, what would you be?” which caused Sylvie and Loki to use all their willpower not to turn themselves into cats or snakes or foxes or bunny rabbits. All were true, and Sylvie made that known by saying all of them as a strange sort of hybrid animal which she made up off the top of her head. “An’ it would be purple and green and have big wings!” she ended on. It would look like a Mexican alebrije if you tried to draw it, which she did afterwards. 
Loki didn’t know what to say as Sylvie had taken all of his ideas. He thought for a moment about it, sitting quietly as everyone stared at him. “Um… kitty,” he decided after a long moment. 
Almost everyone was surprised when Scott answered his turn not with “ant”, but with “dog”. 
Bucky answered his turn shyly with a gentle “dada calls me his li’l bear.” That one was very much expected, as Bucky had quite the collection of bear themed things. 
The rest of the answers weren’t internalized as Sylvie and Loki simply didn’t care about the rest of the littles. They weren’t interesting: They couldn’t shapeshift. They didn’t have a metal arm, or tell awful, dumb jokes. 
For once, Loki didn’t have to sit in the baby area during unstructured playtimes. Nope, today he got to play with the big kids. This was mostly because today was special: a new scenario had been set up in the pretend area and Loki, ever one for novelty, wanted to play in it with his friends. For a while it was a school, and then an airport, and a kitchen. He couldn’t wait to see what the game would be this time. 
Today it was a baby doll pretend scenario. It wasn’t quite “house”, nor “daycare”. It was more of a fictional nursery game. There were signs to prompt actions and games for littles and their dolls. Sylvie tried to pick Loki up so he could be her baby, but he struggled away. “Bi’ boy!” he insisted. 
He grabbed a doll like Bucky and Scott had. Sylvie begrudgingly grabbed one, too. Playing “mommy” with a doll was fine, but it was much more fun to help Mobius take care of baby Loki, who could actually somewhat vocalize his needs, even with little baby coos and whines. 
Sylvie was holding her baby doll in a hug, while Loki held his dangling from the hand and Scott cradled his properly. But Bucky looked at his concernedly, then held it awkwardly by the armpits, away from him. “What do I do?” he asked, looking at it. He didn’t have any children, he regressed older, and he didn’t have any little siblings (not since Steve at least, and Steve was always 2-4) so he didn’t actually know where to start. 
“I dunno about yours but mine is hungry!” Loki said matter-of-factly, trying to mimic Mobius.
Sylvie got his bad impression and giggled. 
“Mine wants a nap!” Scott said, sitting down by a doll cradle. Sylvie and Bucky seemed slightly lost, despite little cards with pictures next to the words that said things like “give baby a bath” or “feed the baby”.
Their boredom with the game was broken the second they saw one station. This one had doll strollers, which Bucky and Sylvie raced around the room while making mock engine noises until Ms. Vaughn stopped them and gave them a five minute time out for running in the classroom. 
The two crossed their arms and grumbled and Sylvie kicked her legs in the chair.
Loki played quietly and kept his pacifier in his mouth a lot of the time, even though Sylvie had told him “three and a half is too old for a pacifier.” He seemed to like mimicking how Sylvie and Mobius cared for him while trying the different scenarios with his doll. But he got to one station where he wasn’t sure what to do. It was filled with books, and the sign had a graphic of a child reading to their doll. There was a problem; Loki was too small to know how to read. Maybe he could identify letters and some phonics, but that was about it. He grabbed one of the books and brought it to Sylvie in the time-out chair. 
He handed it to her and she looked up at him. “Read,” he said simply. 
Sylvie shook her head. 
During this interaction, Ms. Vaughn noticed Loki talking to the littles in time out. “Loki, Sylvie and Bucky are in time-out, do you think Scott could help you with it?” she asked.
Loki looked disappointed as he thought about it. Then, he held the book out to her, instead. “Aw, honey, I need to watch over the group and make sure there’s no trouble, but that’s very sweet of you.”
Loki ran back to the pretend play area to find Scott. He held out the book. “Read. Please?” he asked. 
“Uh, sure. Whatcha got?” 
“A book!” 
“Right, but which book?” Scott asked rhetorically as he took it from Loki’s outstretched hand. “Alligator Baby,” he said the title to himself. The area was loud, so Scott brought Loki to the reading corner. Sylvie and Bucky joined them when their time-out was up. 
Loki tried to give the baby doll his pacifier but Bucky stopped him. “That’s how you get sick!” he said, interrupting Scott’s slow and phonetic reading of the picturebook. 
Loki stuck the spit covered binky back in his mouth and huffed, leaning into the beanbag to be absorbed by it. He hugged the baby doll to his chest like the rest of his friends were, and got as close as possible to them for cuddles. But in the middle of the story, a little bell rang to alert the class that it was time for a new activity. 
It was art time, the first of two that were planned for the day. Loki sat with his small group of friends as the craft was explained: winter names. A long sheet of paper was rolled out across the tables and littles were given big sponges to paint with, in shades of blue and purple. 
At first Loki and Sylvie were apprehensive of the lack of green, but they warmed up as they flicked paint everywhere and stamped, rolled, and brushed the sponges on the table. They got paint all over their hands, faces, and clothes like most of the children did. 
When each person decided they were done, they were let loose to go play outside after washing their hands. Loki and Scott grabbed strollers and were allowed to bring the baby dolls with them while Sylvie and Bucky played pirates on the large playground. One of the aides watched over them as Ms. Vaughn changed the really young littles and got them ready to go outside in the designated baby area. 
After a few minutes, Bucky was tugging at the aid’s shirt with Sylvie holding his metallic hand timidly. She crouched on the ground. 
“How can I help?” the man asked. 
“Sylvie had an accident,” he told him. 
The man helped Sylvie up and looked at her soaked overalls. “Can you take her to Ms. Vaughn?” he asked.
Bucky nodded and dragged Sylvie by the arm to the changing table. 
“Ms. Vaughn, Sylvie had an accident,” he said to get her attention. 
She turned to Sylvie after helping the last little down. The poor girl looked incredibly distraught and tears were welling up in her eyes as the daycare teacher unbuckled the straps of her overalls. “Aw sweetheart, it’s okay, accidents happen.”
“I’m gunna go check on Loki, too,” Bucky said as an excuse to leave. 
“Poor thing probably needs a change as well... Thank you Bucky,” she praised. 
Of course, Loki also needed one, but he was a big boy! His pull-up hadn’t even leaked! So as soon as Ms. Vaughn handed him a pull-up, he walked into the bathroom and put it on all by himself. He washed his hands all on his own and rejoined the big kids out on the playground. 
Sylvie’s rather nice, long overalls had been replaced with a pair of Loki’s sweatpants, which were much too big for her and had a big yellow lion printed across the bum. It was obvious Mobius had expected Loki to have an accident much more than he had her. Her big-girl underwear had also been replaced with a pull-up from her bag, which she looked at apprehensively.
Soon, they were called in for naptime. The daycare did have a few small cots for babies, but most littles were expected to sleep on the floor on top of glorified yoga mats with blankets they brought from home. Loki always took his from a pocket dimension so it wasn’t weird that he was already lying down with the blanket covering him and his mat pushed next to Sylvie’s and nearby his friends. What was irregular, was that Sylvie wasn’t looking for her blanket with everyone else. She was over by the cubbies looking through her bag. This behavior was noticed by the instructors. “Do you need something, Sylvie?” the other aid asked. 
She nodded and let them take the bag out for her to look through. 
“What are we looking for?” 
“Pacifier?” she mumbled. “N’ stuffy,” she added.
The helper found her a yellow sparkly pacifier, as well as her pegasus and Loki’s alligator. 
“Thanks,” she said as she rushed back to grab her blanket before the lights turned off. She snuggled next to Loki, not close enough to touch him though, and sucked on her pacifier with her stuffed animal in her arms, facing away from him
While the littles were asleep, the paint had dried enough for the adults to begin tracing out letter shapes and cutting out letters for each little. One for the first letter of each person’s name. 
When the littles awoke, they were excited to find lunch was ready, as well as the second part of the art project. 
Loki and Sylvie were given tangerines with crackers and hummus for lunch, which was surprisingly filling, even though Loki wouldn’t touch the hummus and wanted to just eat the crackers alone. As soon as they were done, they found their “S” and “L”,  and glued them down to construction paper. 
They showed their pretty letters to the teacher. “Those look great! Can you write your names using the big letter?”
Most littles used their non-dominant hands to write, but being gods, Loki and Sylvie didn’t really have a non-dominant hand. They held the marker in a tight and deliberate fist as they scribbled their names onto the paper. When they were done, the littles hung their pretty artworks up around the classroom from a clothesline. It was a quick project, but all of the art looked nice and caregivers would surely enjoy it. 
After getting their art hung, the littles were allowed to continue their indoor play. Loki, although very much a big boy of three years old, had a habit of looking over at the baby toys. The bright colors caught his attention from the corner of his eye and he just couldn’t keep focused on whatever Sylvie and her friends were doing. He felt Sylvie pull him into her lap. 
“Bunny, look!” she said, directing his sight to a playset that Scott had found. 
“Yeah, look at it!” 
The bright, princess-pink castle wasn't smoothed and babyish like most of the toys Loki and Sylvie kept at home. The details molded into the plastic made it feel almost delicate. Unfortunately, the set did not come with dolls to use in it, so the group had to make do using some bionicles, which couldn’t fit through the door, zoo animal figurines, no doubt taken from shared shelf between the baby and main area, and a few Lego people. 
They played what would be called a “vibrant” game. It was loud and weird, and had no story line, making no sense. (Almost like the story you’re reading now.)
But soon, they were told to gather close for story time. One of the smaller littles got to pick today, and everyone was delighted to hear The Rainbow Fish. Loki sucked on his pacifier contently while sitting in a bean bag chair and looking at the pretty pictures. 
The bell rang almost immediately after Ms. Vaughn stopped reading. “Unless you’re walking home, I need you to stay here and wait for your caregivers,” she told the class. That meant only a few older kids were allowed to leave with the bell. 
Loki and Sylvie waited for Thor or Mobius to come get them and gently roughoused with the older boys while they waited.
They looked out the door for their caregivers whenever a car drove into the lot, only to notice it was raining. Not a hard rain, but enough of a drizzle to warrant an umbrella. Loki and Sylvie lingered as the number of littles around them dwindled. Even Scott got picked up before them, and he lived across the country. The two started to worry. 
“Oh, honey, I’m sure your daddy will be here shortly,” Ms. Vaughn said after Loki started to hyperventilate and cry. Mobius was never this late. And he always gave Thor an earlier time so he wouldn’t be late, either. 
He hugged his Croki and materialized his blankie. Then, Sylvie wrapped herself around him in a hug from behind. He chewed sadly on the pacifier in his mouth until more distraction would come. “Would a song help pass the time?” Ms. Vaughn asked. 
Loki nodded shyly. 
“Okay, can we sing ‘the waiting song’?”  
He sang with her and Sylvie about how patient he was through babbles and tears, but it seemed to help. Sylvie clapped his hands as they ran through another. This one was called “Smile in Your Pocket”.
“There we go, no more tears, huh? I bet your daddy will be here real soon. It wasn’t long ago that you two were spending a couple extra hours each day with me anyway. It’s not that scary, is it, little one?” she asked. 
Loki nodded, letting the tears dry on his face and sticking his pacifier back in his mouth. He shifted back and forth until Ms. Vaughn asked if he needed a change.
A nod. 
She helped him up and Sylvie kept her spot on the ground, but Loki reached out a hand to her. “Seevee, too!” 
“Does Sylvie need a change?” 
Loki and Ms. Vaughn looked at her but she shook her head. “I’m a big girl,” she bragged, “Big girls don’t have accidents.” That was a bit of a stretch, but alright. 
“Seevee help!” Loki tried again. 
“You want your big sister to help?” 
Loki nodded and Sylvie followed them. Anything to pass the time would do at that point.  While Loki got situated, she looked through his bag for something else for him to chew on. Maybe Mobius had packed some mystery toys for them. She found Loki some teether keys and held them over his head for him to grab at. She even kissed him on the cheek as he giggled and Ms. Vaugn changed him into a diaper instead of a pull-up. It was a little more comforting for him, and practical.
Sylvie picked him up after Ms. Vaughn pulled his shorts back up and yanked the skirt of his dress back down. She took her little brother and read him a book. She stumbled over her words and babbled some of them, but did the best she could given the circumstances. 
The rain picked up even more. 
There was a thunderous knock as Mobius stepped through the door. 
He wore a floor length black wool cloak and put the hood down after he grabbed their bag. Loki ran and hugged him. “Daddy no leave me!” Loki nuzzled him. 
“Hey, no, I’d never leave you,” he said sadly, hugging the little back. “I just got stuck in traffic with the rain.”
“But Sam picked Bucky up!” Sylvie argued. 
“Well Sam can fly, honey,” Mobius informed her. 
She crossed her arms unwilling to forgive him as quickly as Loki had. 
“What do you say to make up for it, I’ll make you guys hot cocoa and I’ll bake cookies. The house would benefit from the smell, anyway.” 
Loki nodded and Mobius picked him up. Ms. Vaughn smiled at them before beckoning Sylvie to go with him. 
“Can you say ‘thank you’ and ‘bye-bye’ to Ms. Vaughn?” he asked the littles.
“Buh-bye! Tank yoo!” Loki loudly said with a babyish wave.
“Bye-bye Ms. V! Tanks,” Sylvie said more casually as she tugged on Mobius’ cloak, stumbling down the preschool stairs and back to the car. 
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amane-by-together · 3 years
Umbrella for the Autumn Rain || Teru Minamoto
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genre: ???
pairing: teru minamoto x female! reader
summary: teru and [name] used to be close as children until years go by [name]'s inferiority complex got the best of her making her avoid teru. will she finally face head-on to her childhood friend?
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[Name] watched from afar while Teru slains the supernatural so flawlessly, he moves his katana as if it was a part of him. Teru is an expert when it comes to exorcising evil spirits which envied her since she cannot do the same as him. He can even produce black lightning that seemed almost impossible to do.
Teru was her childhood friend. Both of their families knew each other due to being exorcists. The two of them had worked together, exorcising countless supernaturals until the present time. Practically, they grew up together yet how come Teru was better than her?
As [Name] notices his excellency throughout the years, she decides to distance herself from Teru to improve her skills as an exorcist by herself and hoping to surpass him one day. Teru and [Name] often work late at night, depending on which type of disturbance they were tasked to vanish. No matter how many days she trained to master her skills, Teru was always one step ahead of her.
“[Name], I need a hand.” Teru called.
“Got it.” She replied, running towards him to see what he needed help with. “Do you want me to freeze him for a while?”
“That’ll be great, thanks!”
[Name] unsheathed her katana and stabbed the supernatural as it slowly freezes till it cannot move anymore. Teru sliced the supernatural with full force before it disappeared in black smoke. He sighed happily when the job was done for the night. “I’m kinda hungry,” Teru mentions, putting his sword back to its scabbard. “Do you wanna grab something to eat before going home?”
Teru chuckled. “Cold as ever, [Name].”
“Was that a pun?” [Name] asked, not amused by the joke he made.
“It wasn’t intended.” Teru wiped his jaw using his knuckles. [Name] shakes her head, she has no time for eating with her childhood friend and she needs to train for their next exorcism together. [Name] despised her parents for making them work together all the time, especially when they compare how good Teru is as an exorcist.
[Name] remembered when she and Teru went to the Star Festival together a few months ago. She can still recall what she wrote on her tag before hanging it to a tree. She wished that her relationship with Teru could go back to its normal state instead of what they currently have. Ever since the festival happened, both of their bonds are slowly regressing to their state when they were children.
“I have to go now Teru.” [Name] picked up her katana and sheathed it back to the scabbard. “Make sure to walk home safely.”
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“[Name], sweetie.” Her mom placed their dinner on the table. “You and Teru-kun seem to be kind of off lately, is everything alright between you two?”
“Everything’s fine, I guess…” [Name] answered. She couldn’t tell her mom that she was evading Teru since then. The time she will be approaching him head on once she feels like she can surpass him. During her train of thoughts, a certain wonder came across her head.
How does Teru feel about her? Did Teru ever notice their relationship changing? They used to be so close but now they hardly have anything to talk about. And it’s all because of [Name]’s inferiority complex towards Teru.
The next day after that, [Name] usually avoids Teru in school but she does talk to him when he asks something about academics. Even at school, he’s always better than her and it's frustrating her even more. “[Name]!” The female turned around and saw Teru walking towards her, waving his hand. “I was wondering if you’re free later at night since I needed help in defeating this supernatural.”
“...I’m not going to join later.” [Name] crosses her arms, looking in the other direction.
“Huh? But you usually don’t miss it, right?” Teru questions, getting confused at her unexpected reply.
“Teru… I said I’m not.”
[Name] clenched her fist and slammed it against the wall in disheartenment, causing Teru to flinch at the impact. “I’m not going to go later!” she shouted. Good thing they’re alone in the classroom or else some student might interfere. “I don’t want to!”
Teru was shocked, this isn’t the first time [Name] got mad at something. [Name] retracted back, holding her arm in dismay and looking at Teru one last time. “S-Sorry, I don’t feel like talking right now… I need to be alone…” [Name]’s voice slightly cracked, then hurriedly ran away from Teru.
“[Name]... What’s wrong?”
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You’re being a burden, [Name].
Why can’t you be like Teru more?
Are you scared of what he might do when he realizes you’re avoiding him?
Running away from Teru is the one preventing her from changing. A measly little wish from the tag won’t work if you don’t do something about it. If [Name] is going to distance herself from Teru a little longer, she won’t be able to make things right ever again.
[Name] does not fear supernaturals, even the sickening looking ones and the ones who brought the biggest of curses. But facing Teru head on, is her biggest fear. Just thinking about talking to Teru made her stomach sink.
“I wish Teru and I were more honest and closer with each other.”
That’s what she wrote from her tag from the Star Festival. [Name] knows she’s the only one who can make it come true. “I made my decision. I’m going to talk to Teru.”
The rain started to pour heavily, grey clouds enveloping the once blue sky. [Name] quickly placed her bag above her head and ran to a nearby shed. A lump formed inside her throat, then tears started to run down to her cheeks. She squatted down to the ground and continued crying, hating herself for not changing and hating herself for avoiding Teru.
“I didn’t think you’d be here.”
[Name] looked up and saw Teru, standing there and putting an umbrella above her head. “Teru? Why… why?” She asked in a soft whisper. If only Teru knew that she reminded him of the sun after the rain but she was too prideful to say it out loud. Her face was full of regret at that very moment. How dare he treat her with kindness even though she treated him like he doesn’t exist?
“[Name], come on.” Teru gently takes her hand and helps her stand up. Looks like the students weren’t wrong when they said that he looks like a prince. “Let’s get you home, it’s raining.”
No matter how many times [Name] has pushed Teru away, or even avoided him to an extent, he’s always by her side. Teru was trying so hard to get their closeness back, and yet [Name] was being stubborn of not letting him. [Name] started to tear up once again. “[Name]? Are you okay… did I make you mad again..?”
“...Teru I’m sorry…” [Name] cried. “I’m so sorry…”
Teru smiled slightly at her. “I know…”
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Teru decided that [Name] should stay at his house until the rain stops. Her mom brought the key with her so [Name] couldn’t go inside her house. It’s been a while since she went to their house so some furniture arrangements had changed from what she remembered.
Both teens sat there in silence, mentally asking who's going to break the awkwardness. “... I apologize for what happened recently Teru.” [Name] spoke, remembering that she shouted at Teru that she didn’t want to go exorcising with him. “It’s time for me to look you in the eye and be honest.”
“I’m sorry… what?” Teru questioned, his tone was a bit dreadful which surprised [Name]. He’s always been so fearless, at least that’s what she thought by looking at him. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve developed an inferiority complex because of you.” [Name] started to speak, trying to let her feelings from her chest go. “You were always better than me whether it was about academics and exorcism. I didn’t want to be compared to you, I just don't want them to rub it in that you’re better than me…”
“I started to distance myself so that I can improve myself. Then one day I’ll be able to surpass my parent’s expectations, then you as well. No matter how hard I try, I see no effort in my improvement because you’re still better than me.”
“[Name], that’s not-” Teru blurts in.
“I have to…” [Name] raises her hand to prevent Teru from talking further. “If I don’t tell you this I won’t be able to change and let this stupid thing go.”
“I watched you fight countless times. There are times I would look away when you do your job because my thoughts will taunt me by saying that I’m a burden and then my hate for you would go stronger.”
[Name] painfully smiled at Teru, her eyes were puffy from crying. She sighed and kept on talking. “I made a wish from the tag that one day we could be more open and closer like when we were kids. I tried to get along with you, and started to fight supernaturals alongside you. I believed that there’s no point in relying on the stars to make my wish come true so I did it on my own.”
“I just… can’t take this anymore…”
“I’m disgusted by myself, avoiding you at all costs just so that I won’t be able to see you being the best at everything. To the point that I don’t want to do exorcism at all—”
“[Name]... you… You lied to me!” Teru shouted out, his voice slightly breaking. Everyone knows that he’s always laid-back and reserved, and seeing this side of him was out of character. “You said that we’ll always work together no matter what happens. We both sacrificed our childhood for fighting off supernaturals and you dare to leave me alone just because you thought I’m better than you?!”
“How could you?” Teru felt betrayed knowing that [Name] has always been distancing from him from the start. He thought he was just a change of attitude, he wanted to think it was a change. “I don’t think of you as a burden! Your skills are graceful as it is and I saw your fighting improving everytime we fought together.”
“I didn’t realize that I was hurting you…” Teru tried his best to hold back his tears, sniffling at the process. “I’m sorry [Name], you can hate me all you want but please don’t leave me alone in this hellhole…”
“I wanted to be close like we were back then and I guess it won’t be happening…”
[Name] sees that Teru was looking down on the ground, contemplating on what he did in the past few years to hurt her. The truth is that [Name] was actually hurting him. She took his hand, wrapping with hers. “Despite the fact… that you surpass me… you actually stopped and waited for me to improve.”
“How could I not?” Teru laughed lightly, placing his hand on top of hers. “I can’t leave my dearest friend like that, you know?”
“Even though I was sometimes strict towards you, you were kind enough to hold the umbrella to protect me from the rain.” [Name] said, squeezing his hand softly with a gentle smile curling up from her lips for the first time. “And of course, I’ll continue to fight alongside you. I’m not leaving you that easily, Teru.”
“You know, you were better than me in other things.” Teru sheepishly rubs the back of his blonde hair. “I can’t do household chores and I can’t cook.”
[Name] chuckled. She finally had closure with Teru, had blurted out their feelings and now she was able to walk by his side because she wanted to. “Teru, promise me you’ll wait for me.”
Teru pulled out his pinkie finger. “I promise.”
Then they both linked their pinkies together, sealing their promise. [Name] started to feel funny in her stomach when Teru’s face started to get closer, somehow he radiated warmth. Before they did something, the door suddenly opened.
“I’m home, Teru-nii!” Kou announced with a big smile on his face with sparkles all over along with his little sister, Tiara coming in. [Name] and Teru scooted away from each other and whistled innocently. “Ah! Nee-chan is here too!”
“Kou-kun, long time no see.” [Name] walked over to ruffle his hair, then she bent down to the little sister. “Oh my, Tiara-chan is all grown up.”
Teru and Kou watched [Name] carry Tiara in their arms. “Nee-chan seems to be in a good mood, did something happen to her?” Kou whispered to his big brother.
But Teru can only smile as a reply.
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a/n: even though i red the umbrella event story of sayo and hina many times it never failed me cry ;-;
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