#catching up right now i'm on ep 2
maarigolds · 8 months
You're a good show, Gen V, but you will never be him.
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dramaism · 2 years
2 episodes of big mouth
2 episodes of adamas
2 episodes of today's webtoon
let's see who'd win this battle 🔥
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sarah-yyy · 7 days
Jie jie, what is The Double about?
hahahahahaha i was waiting for someone to ask!! mr r has bailed on me at work again and bossman has the man flu so it's just. me at the office today. working my ass off for partners who are trying to Kill Me™.
what: period cdrama // still airing, we're on ep 13 i believe? // 40 eps, roughly 45 mins each where: youku (standard disclaimer that i don’t watch with subs so i don’t speak to the quality of eng subs) // i think viki is picking this up?
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this is xue fangfei. daughter of a small town magistrate. married a poor scholar for love against the wishes of her dad. this turns out to be a bad, bad, bad decision because he ends up burying her alive in the mountains sometime post-marriage. :)
this all happens in like ep 1, we're just getting started.
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xff ends up being rescued by jiang li, who is the prime minister's kinda-sorta-exiled daughter. jl has been stuck in a kinda-sorta-nunnery in the mountains for the past 10 years because of her evil stepmother.
i'll skip past all the other bits because there is a bit of a backstory about what happened to jl, but long story short!! jl dies (kinda-sorta-because of xff). xff decides to get justice for both herself and jl. her plan is:
1. become jiang li 2. go back to the capital 3. ?????? 4. profit make everyone pay
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this is xiao heng a.k.a. su-guogong (the translation is duke su but it sounds weird to me so i'm going to stick with su-guogong). he chances upon xff while he's trying to catch a criminal.
xff, who is in the process of executing her Escape Plan, decides eh, any way to escape will do and lets s-gg arrest her to take her back to the capital for interrogation.
(yes, this is wang xingyue who played zhang zhe in kunning palace. yes he looks a++++++ in this show. i am obsessed.)
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side bar, counsels, for a bit of very important information -
su-guogong recognises xue fangfei!! he knows 100% that she is not jiang li and that she is going to cause some chaos. he is Committed™ to watching this drama play out.
ANYWAY. this is the loose premise of the show. it's been fun to watch, and i'm enjoying this a lot!! why should you watch the show?
wang xingyue looks so good in this!! the fans? the capes?? i am obsessed!! everyone in the costumes department deserves a raise.
the story moves quickly and doesn't really drag on. so far, it's been nothing complicated and interesting to watch - i wouldn't say this is a plot-heavy show, just a v good 宅斗 for now, but i'm only like 10 eps in.
the torture my ex-husband who murdered me by showing up in front of him and saying all the right things to remind him of me and the fact that he killed me is so good - normally when this happens, the person looks nothing like their former self, but!! xff's looks haven't changed!! so she's just out here going - hi i am jiang li now and oh btw do you know how cold it is in the mountains where you killed me :)
look i'm......intrigued by this whole shen yurong (ex-husband) and the zhang-gongzhu storyline. i want to see how this whole thing plays out!!
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confused-pyramid · 4 months
One Step From Grace | s4
pairing: aaron hotchner x childhood bsf!reader
summary: Hotch and his childhood best friend working together at the BAU: a slow burn across the seasons.
word count: 19.2k
warnings: canon!typical violence, mentions of abuse, mentions of death, abortion mention, implied SA, gun violence, specific episodes mentioned in this part are 4x01, 4x02, 4x03, 4x09, 4x11, 4x16, 4x17, 4x18, 4x23, and 4x26
a/n: Some more tension in the slow burn! I included some more specific episode details in this one, because some of the eps and characters are important to future seasons :') P.S. I love hearing all of your thoughts and comments (it's honestly what makes all of this worth it) so lmk what you think:) Title is from Grace by Rag 'n Bone Man
series masterlist
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"Garcia, is everyone okay?"
You can hear the sound of sirens blazing down the street a few blocks away from you, but you're too far away to make it there in time.
"Oh, thank god, you're alright," she gasps over the phone, her voice thick with tears. "Rossi and Reid called me just now, and Derek's on the line."
He greets you with a frantic urgency. "Hey, Y/N, I'm heading to the explosion site to see what happened."
"Okay, sounds good, keep calling people," you instruct Garcia, before swerving across the lanes and turning at the next intersection.
She calls Emily, who tells you that she's also going to the NYPD's critical incident command posts. When she tries JJ, the call doesn't go through, and then suddenly the line goes quiet.
"Garcia?" you call into the void. "Penelope, are you there? Derek? Emily?" No one responds, and your heart rate spikes again as you pull over in front of the command center and rush inside.
Rossi and Reid envelope you in big hugs when you find them in the main bullpen, and soon after, Emily and JJ join you inside.
"Do we know what happened?" you ask them as you crowd around the city map where Reid pinpointed all the prior crime scenes. "What street was the explosion on?"
Reid opens his mouth to answer, when Emily's phone rings. "Yeah, Garcia, I'm back. JJ's here too."
She listens for a few seconds, before her eyes widen and she glances over at you. Lifting the phone from her ear, she puts it on speaker and says, "Can you repeat all of that?"
"Derek's chasing after the bomber," Penelope says, her breaths coming out in short spurts. "The bomb... it was in Kate's SUV, or under it. Hotch is out there with her."
Your heart stutters and you press your palms against the back of the chair in front of you, leaning over it to get closer to the phone. "Is he okay?" You squeeze your eyes shut for a moment. "Are they okay?"
"He seems okay, but she looks really hurt. He hasn't moved her."
You release the breath you didn't realize you were holding and stand up straight, turning around to catch your breath. If something had happened to him...something irreversible...you don't know what you would've done. Especially after the last thing you said to him.
It's not your place to have this discussion.
Screw you.
"Where was Kate's SUV parked?" Rossi asks from behind you as you rub your eyes and turn back to face Emily's phone.
"2 blocks East of Federal Plaza."
You keep picturing the security camera feed of his SUV blowing up as you rush into St. Barclay's hospital. The moment Morgan called with the update that Hotch was taking Kate there in an ambulance, you all piled into an SUV and drove straight over.
You know Garcia and Morgan said he was fine, but not all injuries are visible. You're the first person inside, and you rush down the hallways until you spot a nurse in the ER. After you flash your badge, she points you to the curtains behind her.
When you push past them, he's standing up, working on the last few buttons of his shirt. His face is covered with tiny abrasions, and there's a piece of gauze stuck to his right ear.
"Aaron," you whisper, not wanting to startle him. He looks up as he grabs his tie out of the bag they put his clothes in. "Let me do that."
You take the tie from him as he sighs and closes his eyes for a long moment. It's silky against your fingers as you loop it around his neck and slide it under his collar.
"How are you feeling?" you ask him, trying to keep your voice soft.
He dips his chin to meet your eye and he squints as he shakes his head. "I'm fine, but Kate's in surgery. It didn't look good."
"I'm sorry," you whisper, forgetting about any prior gripes you had with her. "I'm sure she'll pull through."
He purses his lips and nods, just as the rest of the team pushes past the curtain. You step back quickly without thinking, and you don't miss the flash of confusion in his eyes before he turns to Morgan for the latest update on the bomber.
You swallow thickly as you look at your feet, letting everyone else walk around you. You don't know why you stepped back. Maybe it's the freshness of his divorce. Maybe it's the way Agent Calvert from the Portland office looked over your shoulder after you told him you weren't ready for dating again.
Whatever it was, you know you hated how it felt.
"There's a bomb on the ambulance."
Fear spikes through him as he turns around. "The ambulance which I drove in here." This day has already been longer than any of them expected it to be, but each passing minute seems to bring another surprise.
Rossi shoots him a knowing look that he reflects. "The hospital is their target."
He glances at you and you look back at him, your eyes filled with what he can only guess is fear. His mind flashes back to your interaction earlier, but he pushes it out of his brain as he realizes that they are down a man. "Where did Morgan go?"
Emily turns back. "He went to find the ambulance."
"Alone?" you gape at her, reaching for the gun in your holster.
He figures they only have a few minutes before the cell signal returns, so he grabs his own gun and nods. "Let's head down."
The ambulance is gone when they find the bomber in the parking garage, holding a knife to his throat. Before any of you can approach him, he slits his own throat. He can't help the grimace of disgust that crosses his face as the terrorist falls to the ground.
Once the immediate danger to the hospital is alleviated, everyone starts to relax. The rest of the team stays behind to clear the scene as he sprints up to the seemingly empty surgical ward. He finds the operating room that Kate was supposed to be in, but when he pushes through the doors, all he sees is a few janitors mopping the blood off the floor.
"What happened?" he gasps out. "Where's the surgeon."
A man in a blue scrub cap comes forward and pats his shoulder, a resigned look on his face. "We did all that we could. I'm so sorry."
All of the momentum leaves his body as he releases his breath, his shoulders deflating along with it like a circus balloon. The surgeon leaves the room and he looks down at her blood seeping down the floor drain. He watches as it mixes in with the cleaning fluids, and he can't help but wish that her death could've been less painful.
You wait outside the hotel the next morning, your go-bag hanging heavily off your shoulder. When the doctors told Hotch he wasn't cleared to fly yet, you told the NY agent assigned to drive him that you could take over.
"What are you still doing here?"
You turn around to see Hotch walking out of the hotel, the bag in his left hand evening out his gait after the explosion gave him a temporary limp.
You smile, pushing your sunglasses down from your head. "I'm your ride."
His eyes twinkle in the bright sunlight. "You really didn't have to. The flight is much quicker."
"It's okay," you shrug, before grinning. "Besides, I would never pass up an opportunity to annoy you for three hours."
That makes him laugh, before he winces slightly. Got it. No jokes.
He doesn't complain as you take the driver's seat, and that's when it hits you how much pain he must be in. For as long as he's had his license, he has preferred to be the one driving, sometimes even when he's in your car.
The first few minutes of the drive are quiet, but eventually you need to fill the silence. "I'm really sorry about Kate."
"Thank you," he sighs, his eyes squinting at the sun as you pull onto the highway. "I've known her for a long time." He exhales sharply. "Knew her."
You remember him telling you about a case he worked, years ago, that took him to Scotland Yard. He had sounded almost excited as he recounted the differences in how the British government handled procedure, but he had kept one thing to himself.
"You never told me about her," you say gently, trying to keep the blame out of your voice. You're not angry, you just don't understand why it would have been a secret.
He turns his head to gaze out the window for a few moments, before he looks back at you. "I wasn't sure about how that case would go when I agreed to take a look, but we ended up working really well together. I had spoken to her a few times before, mostly over the phone, but it was our first time meeting in person. We caught the guy we were looking for in just a few days, so before I left, she invited me to join her team for dinner."
You can guess where this is going, but you let him finish, in case you're wrong.
"When she dropped me off at my hotel that night, she made a... suggestive remark that I would've ignored if the implication hadn't been so clear. I shut it down immediately, but I didn't tell Haley when I got back, and I guess I just felt so guilty about it that I couldn't bring myself to tell you either."
Hotch feeling guilty about something. There's a shocker.
You glance over at him with a small smile. "I get it."
The "Welcome to New Jersey" sign flies past as you cross the bridge, and you both sit in comfortable silence as the sun glints off the water and reflects onto the cars around you. You see him looking out the window, and you wonder if he's thinking about Haley again, but then he turns to you with a curious expression. "The unit chief job here is yours if you want it."
Do you want it? You know you like leadership, and you would be lying if you said you hadn't thought about the possibility of moving up the ladder at some point, but now that you're confronted with the opportunity, it doesn't feel how you thought it would.
The thought of leaving this team, when they've become your second family, tastes bitter on your tongue. You know you could assume that other teams are like this too, but when you actually try to picture it, it doesn't feel possible.
"You can think about it," he says after a minute, "but not for long. They need a replacement ASAP."
You glance over at him and a realization clicks in your brain. "Wait, they needed your recommendation before offering me the position, didn't they?" You crack a smile. "You tryna get rid of me, boss?"
He laughs, before it turns into a small grimace from the pain. "No, of course I don't want you to leave. I just know you're destined for more than this. You could be doing so much good work, leading your own team."
The sun peeks out from behind the buildings in front of you, and you reach up to pull down the sun visor. "Maybe one day. But not today."
His eyes flit over to meet yours and you share a smile before you turn back to the wide expanse of road ahead of you.
You've been watching him all day. He was cleared to fly again, but you saw how pained he looked when the jet took off, and again when they exhumed Cortland's grave. The way he's been flinching back at the slightest sound, and cowering in pain after the louder screeches.
You tighten the strap of your kevlar vest and glance over at him again as he whispers something to the local sheriff on the Angel Maker copycat case. You've cornered the unsub in the latest victim's house, and Morgan got her out before she could be killed, but Emily continues to speak to the unsub through her megaphone, coaxing her out and into custody.
"It's over, Chloe," she says calmly as Morgan deposits the woman into the awaiting ambulance. "We have Faye. You have nowhere to go."
After a few moments, the front door creaks open and everyone lifts their weapons. She looks surprised when she sees the dozens of guns pointing at her, but then she lifts her own and Hotch steps in.
"Chloe, drop the gun."
The sheriff, with much less composure, jabs his weapon forward. "Damn it, lady, drop it!"
She takes a step forward and the sheriff fires, taking her down in one shot. Hotch goes down at the same time, doubling over in pain, his hands going up to cover his ears as he lets out a low groan.
As everyone else goes to Chloe, you rush to him, lifting your hands to press them over his in an attempt to help him hide from the external chatter and noises. "Aaron, it's okay, you're gonna be okay."
His body folds into yours as you wrap your arms around his head, clutching him to you, unable to help. "It's okay, it's okay."
It takes a few seconds for him to relax in your arms, and then a few more for him to remove his hands from his ears and stand up straight again.
"I'm okay," he sighs, his brow still furrowed with tension. "Thank you."
"Of course," you whisper, your chest heaving as the stress slowly seeps from your body. "You're not flying home."
He takes a deep breath before slowly dipping his chin into a nod. "It's a much longer drive. You don't have to accompany me this time."
The corner of your lip quirks up. "What makes you think I was offering?"
"Okay," he chuffs, rolling his eyes. You can still see the image of him doubling over in pain splashed across your eyelids, but you manage to push it out of your mind long enough to return his smile.
You look up from the young girl you were interviewing with Emily and Spencer as Cyrus storms into the room with a gun, his second in command hot on his heels.
"What's going on?" Emily asks as she and Nancy Lunde, the state officer you came onto the cult compound with, stand up and approach him.
He squints, scrutinizing each of you. "We just got A very strange phone call from a news reporter. Is there anything you want to tell me, about a raid, maybe?"
You frown, genuine confusion coloring your expression as you shake your head. "We told you, we're child victim interview experts."
He takes another moment to consider your answer before nodding and instructing the man with him to lead you to the tunnels for safety while the raid continues.
You let Spencer, Emily and Nancy go ahead of you as the sounds of gunfire from the back get louder. When you reach the tunnels, they head further in to help the children take cover as Nancy turns back and gives you an earnest look. "I can talk to him."
You're shaking your head before she's done speaking. "No, you can't. It's too dangerous."
You try to grab her arm, but she rushes forward and past the small crowd of children that safely made it out of the school. You run after her as she calls out, "Mr. Cyrus, let me talk to them."
She's too close to the window. You reach forward to grab her arm and pull her back but then another round of gunshots fires off and she drops to the ground in front of you. You start to crouch down, out of the line of sight of the window, when a searing pain shoots through your abdomen. You keel over, falling forward into the wall of the chapel as you gasp out in pain.
It doesn't hurt as bad as it probably should, but the adrenaline coursing through your veins won't last forever. You press your hands against the bullet wound that ripped through the side of your abdomen, and try to calm your breathing as fear washes over you. The team knows you three are in here, they'll figure out how to get you all out.
You know the minimal loss scenario by heart, and the BAU was the one who wrote the CIRG playbook, so it's a small comfort to know that you'll be able to predict their moves. You can only hope that they will be able to predict yours just as well.
Another wave of pain shoots through your side and you grit your teeth as the adrenaline starts to wear off. They better hurry.
He knows he's emotionally involved. They all are, but if his people aren't the ones leading this negotiation, he won't be able to forgive himself for any outcome that doesn't end with the three of you coming out in one piece.
He's listening in as Dave speaks with Cyrus, and he can't help but notice how cavalier his tone is after his followers were just shot at. He continues to rant about the final battle he has foreseen, until Dave manages to get him back on track.
"Now, the four child services workers..." he says slowly. Hotch can hear the concern coloring his tone even as he tries to act detached.
Cyrus's voice is crisp over the line. "One of them is dead."
His heart jumps to his throat. Your face flashes in his mind and he closes his eyes as he silently begs whoever is out there for it not to be you. Not you, not Prentiss, not Reid. Please.
"Her name was Nancy Lunde."
His breath comes out like a gasp, and Dave turns to him with an equally relieved expression. He's so thankful that the guilt for wishing harm on anyone takes an extra second to take over.
But Cyrus isn't finished talking. "One of the other child service workers was shot during the same raid. Once again, by your people."
He looks up at Dave, waiting for him to ask who it was, but he doesn't have to. The next word out of Cyrus's mouth is your name, and his stomach twists with nausea and anguish even as he assures Dave that your wound has been cleaned and properly dressed.
He turns to look at the compound, as though he could see you if he squinted hard enough. Hold on, he thinks, hoping you can hear him somehow. You've always had a way of reading his mind. Please hold on.
You wake up on a small cot, with a woman bent over you. You hiss as she presses down the edge of the bandage on your abdomen, and you bring your chin to your chest to see the current state of your gunshot wound.
You're surprised to see the blood washed off, a clean bandage and gauze left in its place.
"You got lucky," the woman says when she realizes you're awake. "The bullet went all the way through."
"Thank you," you whisper, before turning your head to look around the room. "Where are the people I came in with?"
"I'll take you to them," she nods, reaching her hand out. You take it and let out an involuntary groan as she helps you into a standing position. You try taking a step, but another spike of pain shoots through you, so the woman latches her arm under your shoulder to help you walk.
It takes a few minutes, but eventually you get back to the main chapel, where Emily and Spencer are sitting with the rest of the followers. They turn when the doors open in front of you, and they immediately jump out of their chairs to take over for the woman helping you.
"How are you feeling?" Spencer asks, his eyebrows pinching as he looks at you.
"I'm okay," you assure him, even as your vision blurs from the pain of having to walk so far. "Can we just sit down, though?"
"Of course," Emily nods, helping you sink into a chair. "I'll get you some water."
Spencer sits down next to you when she rushes off, and you don't miss how he keeps glancing down at your stomach.
"It'll be okay, Spence." He meets your eye and you nod again. "We know the playbook. We just have to follow it."
Emily returns with a water bottle that she opens and hands to you, and you chug half of it before setting it down. Hotch, please hurry, you think, wishing he could hear you.
The next morning, you wake up to a knock on the front door of the compound. You peel your eyes open and try to sit up, before remembering what happened the night before. Your skin feels wet as you run your fingers against the edge of the gauze, and you look down to see that you're bleeding through the dressings.
"Emily," you whisper, pushing her shoulder gently to shake her awake. "I need you to get the first aid kit again."
You feel more blood drip down your stomach, and your vision turns hazy for a moment, like a confirmation. She walks across the room to get the kit, and you almost forget about the knock on the door, until Cyrus opens it, revealing a stone-faced Rossi.
They shake hands as Emily removes your dressings before tearing open a new packet of gauze and pressing it into your wound.
"The children," Cyrus tells him, gesturing to the crowd. He then points at the three of you. "And our guests."
Rossi meets your eyes for a split second, and you make sure to keep your expression neutral as he nods and turns back to Cyrus. You're glad it's him who came inside, and not Hotch, because even though you want nothing more than to see him right now, you also don't want him to see you like this.
Rossi tries to get him to release the children, but he ends up leaving with nothing more than a promise to send food and supplies.
"Prentiss, Reid, and L/N are okay," Dave says as he jogs back to the tent outside. He turns to Hotch then. "She's been shot in the abdomen. They've tried to dress her wound, but she's losing blood."
Shit. He shuts his eyes as he tries to think about what he can do from out here to speed up the playbook.
"I have a signal!" Morgan beckons them over as he lifts a few sets of headphones for them to wear. With the bug Dave left on the compound, at least they have ears on the inside. It's not all he wants, but it's something, at least.
"Which one of you is it?"
Cyrus storms into the basement, where Spencer and Emily are sitting next to you as you lay down on the small cot from earlier. After Emily changed your bandages, Spencer managed to convince him to let you rest away from the followers.
"Which one of you is the FBI agent?"
Spencer jumps in before you can react. "Why do you think one of us is an FBI agent?"
You haven't had the time or capacity to properly profile this man yet, so you don't know if his evasive tactic will work, but you also know he's smart enough to have thought this through.
Cyrus sighs, almost like he's disappointed. "God will forgive me for what I must do." He steps forward and points his gun at Spencer's head. You gasp, trying to keep a look of confusion on your face as you fight the urge to step in.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Spencer says, stumbling over his words. His eyes are wide with fear, and you can't tell how much of it is real and how much is for show.
Cyrus tuts. "One of you does. Who is it?"
You open your mouth to say something, anything, to distract him, but then Emily stands up. "Me. It's me."
The moment of relief you feel when he lifts his gun from Spencer's head is gone as soon as he grabs Emily by the hair and drags her to the door. Your legs burn with the desire to leap off the cot and tackle him to the ground, but you can't move as the door shuts behind them.
It's almost night fall by the time Emily joins you again. You and Spencer were moved back up to the chapel after Cyrus took her away, and seeing her now, she looks awful.
Splotchy bruises of purple and blue paint her neck and chest, and there's dried blood on her temple and the corner of her mouth.
"Emily," you gasp, trying to control your expression so that Cyrus and his diehard followers don't think you know her as well as you do. You hate the feeling of letting her take the brunt of his punishment and blame, but it won't help to expose yourselves as agents too.
Spencer leans over you to get a better look at her. "Are you okay?"
She nods, flashing him a small smile. "Yeah, it looks worse than it feels." You can't imagine she's seen her reflection today, but you still appreciate her trying to relieve his stress.
Right then, the front door opens again and a shipment of food containers are carried inside. Men lift the boxes and bring them around the room to feed everyone inside, and when they set a box in front of you three, you notice a familiar scrawl of handwriting on top of the to-go container. 3AM. They're coming in at 3AM.
When the followers leave to go to bed, Cyrus takes Emily away again to separate her from you and the others. You fight the exhaustion pulling your eyes shut as you sit on the floor with your back against the wall. Spencer has been talking to Cyrus's second in command, trying to convince him that the Bible can be used to manipulate anything, but Cyrus catches on quickly.
You keep glancing at the door, hoping that Emily will find her way back up before 3AM hits, but as each minute ticks by, the idea becomes more futile.
You saw the diehard followers rigging the compound with explosives earlier in the night, and the detonator is clutched in Cyrus's hand like a lifeline. The irony doesn't escape you.
"Something's wrong," the follower reports, his eyes scanning the darkness outside through the window of the chapel.
Cyrus walks over to check, and you use the moment of distraction to lift the edge of your shirt and check your bandages. You're starting to bleed through the gauze again, but it's not bad enough that you need your dressings changed just yet.
When Cyrus realizes that he's been lied to, Spencer tries to distract him by spouting off verses at a rapid pace, but Cyrus just rams the butt of his rifle into his head, sending him to the ground.
"You cannot convert my brothers," Cyrus says before hitting him again. You crawl over to him, ignoring the screaming pain in your side, and clutch his arm for some semblance of comfort. Cyrus looks down at the both of you, his eyes squinting. "No one had to follow. God could have stopped me."
"He just did."
There's a gunshot, and you whip your head around to see Morgan and a young girl racing out of the tunnel before he crouches beside you. "You two alright?"
You nod, reaching your arm up to let him help you into a standing position. "Where's Emily?"
"We got her out of here," he explains, before turning to the girl. "Sweetheart, come with me."
She looks at each of you, her face twisted with panic, before bending down and picking up the detonator from where Cyrus dropped it. Your eyes widen and you yank Spencer in front of you before pushing him down the tunnel. "Run!"
Derek wraps an arm around your shoulder, holding half of your weight as you both sprint down the tunnel after Spencer. You're almost outside when the explosion goes off, pushing you to your knees with a strong gust of air and smoke.
He yells out your name as the blast engulfs the compound. His throat feels ragged as he yells out for Reid and Morgan too, but he can't see anything until three figures stand up from the plume of smoke and stumble down the steps.
He rushes up, meeting you halfway as you collapse from Morgan's arms into his. He grabs onto you as your knees buckle, and he manages to pull you towards him before you hit the ground.
He can't breathe as he clutches you to him, trying to be mindful of your wounds. Your breath comes out in gasps that mix in with his own as he sags with relief that you're here, back in his arms, where he can keep you safe.
He pulls back when he sees the paramedics approaching, and it's only then that he finally gets a good look at you. Your skin is gaunt, and his heart thuds loudly in his ears as he sees you wince in pain.
When they load you into an ambulance, his feet finally start working again and he races after you. "I'm coming with you."
You nod as he climbs through the doors and you reach your hand out over the side of the gurney. Your fingers feel cold when he clasps your hand in his, and he syncs his breaths with the sound of the sirens as your eyes fall closed.
The first thought that goes through your head when you wake up is that it's too bright. You squint as your eyes peel open, and in the few moments it takes for them to adjust to the light, a chorus of quiet 'she's awake's filter around the hospital room.
"How are you feeling?" JJ asks, stepping closer to stand at your bedside.
"You gave us a real scare, Mama," Penelope adds with a gentle smile.
You open your mouth to respond, but your throat is so dry, no sound comes out. Emily darts forward to grab the cup of water on the counter, and you glance over to see the yellowing bruises on her cheekbones.
After a few sips, you clear your throat and say, "I'm good. How long was I out?"
"Just a day," Derek responds from the foot of your bed, where he's standing with Spencer and Penelope.
Spencer chimes in. "You got out of surgery a few hours ago, and the doctors said you can go home tomorrow morning."
You nod slowly, stretching out your arms and legs to test the limits of your mobility. When you push yourself up into a sitting position, it doesn't hurt as much as it did on the compound.
"Ah, you're awake," Rossi smiles as he joins you all in the hospital room. It's not exactly huge, so everyone has to stand to make room, but it still doesn't escape your notice that someone is missing.
You return Rossi's smile before glancing over at the door, trying to see if he's just outside. Noticing your gaze, Spencer walks forward and takes your hand, giving it a small squeeze. "He's on the phone with your father. I think he got a flight for tomorrow morning."
You exhale slowly and take another sip of water. "Thank you." He nods and moves to release your hand, but you grip it tighter, holding him back. "Seriously, Spence, thank you." You turn to Emily, who is on the other side and her eyes shine, reflecting the tears in yours. "That whole operation sucked, but I'm really glad you two were in there with me."
She lets out a watery laugh and bends down to press an kiss to your temple. "I'm glad you're okay."
When you start fading again, the team leaves with promises to see you back at work in a month, and you close your eyes to get a break from the harsh fluorescent lighting.
"Alright," he says into his phone, nodding. "We'll see you in the morning, Mr. L/N. Yes, she's doing a lot better...okay, good, see you soon."
He ends the call and tucks his phone back into his pocket, before walking over to the vending machine at the end of the hall to grab a few of your favorite snacks. He loads up on chips and pop tarts before heading back up the hallway to your room. When he reaches the door, he realizes that the rest of the team has left, so he steps inside quietly and takes a seat in the small plastic chair next to your bed, before gently setting the snacks on your bedside table.
Your eyes are closed and he figures you must have just fallen asleep, so he crosses his arms over his chest and just sits there, watching you. Your face is covered in little scrapes from the explosion, and you still look a bit ashy, but you somehow still do look beautiful. This isn't the first time he has thought this - it was more of a recurrent notion when you were younger - but he can't deny that you're just objectively a beautiful person. But then again, he's not sure if beauty is ever really objective (eye of the beholder and all that), so he pushes the thought aside and turns back to you.
His thoughts are interrupted when his phone chirps with a text message. Pulling it out of his pocket, he checks the name and sees that Haley has arrived at the hospital. He had called her after you went into surgery, knowing that she would kill him if he didn't keep her constantly updated on your condition.
When he finds her at the end of the hall, she pulls him into a quick side hug that's slightly barred by Jack, who is clutching onto her tightly. He can imagine how scary the hospital looks to a three year old boy.
"Hi, bud," he smiles, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, before looking at Haley again. "She's sleeping, but I'll take you to her room."
"She's alright, Aaron." Haley is looking at him like she's worried he may break down, and it makes him wonder what his expression looks like right now. Ever since you got out of surgery, he has felt a weight lifted off his chest, but if he really thinks about it, he doesn't know if he feels all that much lighter at all.
But he doesn't want to say any of that out loud. Nodding, he cocks his head at the other end of the hall and leads her to your room, where you are blinking your eyes open again.
"Oh, sweetheart," Haley coos, adjusting Jack on her hip and walking over to your bedside. "I hope we didn't wake you up?"
You shake your head with a smile, but he can tell you're lying. You look exhausted, and he can see you periodically glancing at the light on the ceiling to keep your eyes alert.
"Well, hello," you grin at Jack as you carefully push yourself up into a sitting position. "How's my little Jack-o-lantern doing?"
His mouth twitches and he reaches his arms out as he lets out a loud, "Good!" You reach forward slowly, likely testing the limits of your mobility, and take him from Haley, who hands him off with a concerned look on her face.
"Be careful, baby," she tells Jack, before stepping back and crossing her arms. "Aunt Y/N is a little fragile today."
To his credit, Jack just slumps down into your arms, absentmindedly playing with the ends of your hair as you turn to Hotch. "Reid said you called my dad?"
He nods, taking a deep breath. "He'll be here in the morning. I assured him you were just fine, but he wants to stay here for a bit to keep an eye on you."
"That's okay," you shrug, much to his relief. After your last conversation about your father, he wasn't sure where you stood and how far he was allowed to push. "It'll be nice to have some company while I'm off for the next two weeks."
"Two months," he corrects with a stern look.
"Fine." The only reason he relents so quickly is because he knows how quickly he would be back at work if he was in your position. "But I'm limiting your field work until you're more healed."
You nod after a second. "I'll take it."
Haley huffs out a laugh and looks at him with an expression he remembers from their marriage. Affection with a hint of exasperation.
"Alright, you two," she smiles, reaching for Jack again. His entire fist is tangled in your hair at this point, but you don't seem to mind. "I should get him to bed. It's already past his bedtime."
You nod and hand him back, before letting her envelope you in a warm hug that you settle yourself into. "Love you, Hales. Thanks for coming by."
"Love you too, honey."
Haley leaves with Jack, and you slump down in the bed, feeling tired, but no longer sleepy.
"I can head out too," Hotch says quickly, reaching for his coat, "if you want to sleep."
You shake your head, and he drops his arm immediately, as though he was just looking for an excuse to stay. The thought makes you smile and his brow pinches in confusion. What's on your mind?
"I'm just glad I met you." You reach for his hand he takes it, giving it a soft squeeze, before taking a seat in the chair beside you.
"I brought you some snacks from the vending machine," he points out, glancing over at the pile he made on your table. "I got your favorites...at least out of what they had."
You grin, feeling your chest fill with warmth as you take in the assortment. "Sunchips and cinnamon pop tarts. You remembered."
"Of course," he shrugs. "You're the only person I know, other than my three year old son, who still eats pop tarts."
You make a face, swatting your hand at him, but he's just out of reach. "It's not my fault toddlers have great taste."
He chuckles as you tear open one of the packages and break off a piece. The buttery, sweet taste brings you back to your childhood when your mom was still alive. She would wake you up with two brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts before school, the sweet smell enough to drag you out of bed at eight in the morning.
"What are you thinking about?"
You look up with a smile, your gaze wistful as the memory slowly fades away. "My mom, actually. I don't have a ton of memories of her, but sometimes the most random thing will trigger an emotion or a memory that I forgot I had."
He nods, his eyes thoughtful. "Like the taste of pop tarts."
"Exactly." You break off another piece and toss it into your mouth, before setting the package back on the table. "Last week it was the smell of this perfume I found at the back of my dresser. It wasn't even the exact scent she would wear, it just had the same base notes."
Your voice trails off, and he looks at you, giving you a moment before speaking up. "What else do you remember?"
"I remember her funeral," you say without thinking, before realizing that it's not a lie. You know that grief is weird, that people usually remember everything or nothing, but for some reason, the funeral only comes back to you in pieces. Your dad crying silently, Hotch holding your hand, your dress being too small on you. You wore it anyway, because she had picked it out for you at the store a couple of years before. "I remember you holding me up."
His eyes flash with something that resembles amusement and he purses his lips. "I remember feeling the opposite. I knew I was supposed to be there for you, but somehow, it felt like you were the one holding both of us up that day."
You shrug, realizing the details don't mean anything. "All I really needed was for someone to hold onto."
He nods and that's when your mind flashes back to New York last month. "Did you go to Kate's funeral?"
"No," he sighs, raking a hand through his hair. "Her family flew her back to London to have it there, and I couldn't take any time off."
You want to apologize, but before you can open your mouth, he beats you to it. "I'm sorry for how I acted in New York."
You frown, but he just shakes his head. "I don't really know why I was trying so hard to protect her. I guess after the close call with Strauss last year, I was less sympathetic to bureau politics, but I still shouldn't have taken it out on you. I should've been protecting you too."
His words are tinged with self-contempt, and you find yourself wanting to take away his guilt even though you were hurt by how he treated you during that case. But that's how the two of you work. The protective instincts don't go away just because one of you is angry at the other.
You remember prom night all those years ago, when he was so peeved at you for convincing him to ask Haley to the dance, even though they had just started talking. She had freaked out and said no, so he was forced to take another girl who asked him after the fact (of which there were many), while you went with Kyle Martinez, who had been showing interest in you for a while. You knew your feelings for Hotch definitely weren't just platonic anymore, but he was into Haley, and he was also Hotch, so you had pushed it aside and gone to the prom with Kyle.
You had spotted Hotch the moment he walked into the ballroom that the school had turned into a Gatsby-themed prom venue. He commanded everyone's attention, and you certainly weren't immune, but you had your own date, so you ignored your best friend and danced with Kyle.
As the night wore on, he had grown bored and asked you if you wanted to get out of there and go somewhere quiet, but you weren't exactly experienced back then.
"I'm okay," you had whispered, trying to maintain your smile. "I'd rather just stay at the dance."
You can still remember the change in his expression when he saw you glance at Hotch, as though it was just yesterday. "What, are you into him or something? You seriously think he'd fuck you?"
You hadn't been able to help it as tears flooded your eyes, and before you knew it, Hotch was standing in front of you, glaring down your date as he asked if you were okay.
"Everything's fine," Kyle had sneered, trying to get around him. "Butt out of our business, Hotch."
He looked at you again. Do you want me to go?
You shook your head, a tear falling down your cheek, and before you had time to blink, his fist was swinging. There was a horrible thump as his fist collided with Kyle's cheekbone, sending him stumbling backwards from the force of the hit.
You couldn't move as Kyle swung back, trying to shove him down, but he didn't budge. He could take physical aggression better than most guys his age, but that didn't make this okay.
"Hotch, please," you had pleaded as he landed another punch. The sound of your voice must had cut through the fog, because he looked up then, unaware of the bruises on his knuckles. You helped him up, and the two of you watched as his date stormed out of the ballroom.
Presently, you look at him sitting in his chair and crack a small smile. "Do you remember prom night?"
He groans and you laugh lightly, being careful not to tear the stitches in your side.
"You never actually told me what that asshole did to you." His tone is light, but you can hear the genuine question underneath.
"It was so long ago," you shrug after a beat. "I don't even remember."
Your dad arrives at the hospital early the next morning right before you're discharged. The papers are quick, and by the time the sun has risen fully, you are being taken to his car in a wheelchair, despite your best efforts to refuse.
"I can walk!"
"I don't care."
"Dad, come on."
He frowns down at you. "I drove up here to be of use to you. Let me be of use."
You huff in frustration as he wheels you beside his car, and you try to get up on your own, but you twist the wrong way. You gasp out in pain as one of your stitches pulls and your dad immediately comes around to assist you.
"I hate your job," he grumbles, taking your arm to help you into the passenger seat. "If I had my way, you'd be working out of an office cubicle."
"I know, Dad," you soothe, turning your head back to smile at him. "I'm glad you're here."
"Me too, sweetie."
The drive to your house is quick, and he takes your arm again when you get out to help you inside. Once you're laying down on the couch, you insist that you don't need any more concessions, but he doesn't sit down in your armchair until after he has brought you a glass of water and a blanket.
"Dad, I'm fine, really." He doesn't look convinced, so you paste on your brightest smile, and he finally cracks, smiling back at you. "What do you want to do today?" you ask him.
"Wha- do today?" he sputters. "You need to rest, young lady. I'm not letting you leave this couch until you head up for bed tonight."
You can tell he's serious about this, so you sink back into your pillows with a sigh and grab the tv remote. "What do you want to watch then?"
He leans back in his armchair and brings his palm to his face: his thinking expression. "What's on?"
You click on the television, and the first channel it opens up to is playing a rerun of Breaking Bad. Neither of you seem interested in watching it, so you keep flipping through the channels, but after 20 minutes of mindless surfing, you eventually end up back on Breaking Bad.
"We could just play it in the background," you suggest with a shrug, "while we talk."
"Sure," he agrees, placing his hands on each armrest.
Two hours later, your eyes are glued to the television after having watched three episodes.
"We should probably do something else," Dad suggests at the next ad break. "All of this meth production is rotting my brain."
"Yeah," you agree, taking your time to reach for the remote before clicking the tv off and tossing the remote aside. "We can have lunch in the kitchen..."
"Nice try," he chuckles, before standing up. "Aaron is coming by with takeout soon, and you can eat that right from here."
He had been coming by a lot after your movie night a few months ago, and while hanging out with your best friend isn't an anomaly, it does reinforce the reminder that neither of you have anyone to go home to at the end of the night.
It's another half hour by the time he shows up, Thai takeout in hand, and by then you're starving.
"Thanks for bringing food," you say genuinely after your dad lets him inside the house. "I was worried I would have to live off Dad's cooking for a week."
"Very funny," he says with an eye roll. "But yes, thank you, Aaron."
"Of course," Hotch says simply, before handing your dad a fork and napkin. "I'm also hoping to convince Y/N to take more time off."
"Not fair!" you complain, feeling like you're reverting to your high school self with your dad and best friend sitting across from you. "I'm not starting field work for a couple of months. I just want to come in soon to meet the new press liaison."
"Is JJ leaving?" Dad asks as he takes a bite of green curry with rice.
"Just temporarily," Hotch says, reaching for the pad kee mao container. You nod, chiming in, "She's due in a couple of months, so she's gonna start training someone soon to take over while she's gone."
"Is she still with that cop from...where was it again?"
"New Orleans," you answer with a laugh. "Yeah, she and Will are still together."
You can feel the conversation getting dangerously close to (ex) spouses, so you steer your father away from the topic by having him try all of the food Hotch brought. He ends up staying for a couple of hours as he explains some of the more tame cases you've handled to your dad, who actually seems interested in the finer details of each profile.
Eventually, he heads home, with the explanation that he has Jack that night, and you say good night to your dad before heading up for bed. You cover the stitches with plastic the way the doctors instructed you to before taking a fast shower and getting into your bed.
You can hear the sound of your father's quiet snores from the guest room down the hall, and for a moment, you let yourself imagine that you're back in your childhood home, sleeping in your pink and purple bedroom after spending the day with your best friend.
It takes a lot of convincing, but at the end of the month, your dad drops you off at work before making his drive back home. Emily had called you before the team's plane took off, and you timed it right so that you'd get to the office just as they arrived.
The elevator doors open on your floor, and you hear a loud conversation happening between Morgan and Prentiss just before they spot you from the bullpen.
"Y/N!" Emily grins, rushing forward to give you a hug. "How's the healing process been?"
"I feel a lot better," you tell her with a smile as you pull back and drop your bag next to your desk.
"You look a lot better," she nods, before Derek grabs you and pulls you in for a surprisingly gentle bear hug.
"You look great," he says, grinning at you. "Are you cleared to come back to work?"
"Not field work," you sigh, pushing your hair back behind your ear. "I'm just here to turn in some paperwork and then I'm stuck to my desk for a few more weeks."
Derek takes the files from your hand and tosses them on your desk before throwing an arm around your shoulder. "You should come out and get burgers with Prentiss and me."
"Tempting," you say, "but I just came by to meet-"
"Hey guys," JJ calls out from the hallway. "I want to introduce you to someone."
She walks up to you all with another woman by her side. "This is Agent Jordan Todd. She'll be taking over for me while I'm on maternity leave."
You grin, clasping your hands together in front of you as she smiles sheepishly at all of you. "Agent Jareau's told me so much about you all."
She turns to Emily first. "You must be Agent Prentiss."
"Yes," she smiles, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you."
Spencer walks up at that moment and Agent Todd nods at him. "Hello, Dr. Reid."
He waves back, and she then looks at you. You reach out first to shake her hand and she smiles. "Agent L/N, I presume?" When you nod, she takes your hand. "I heard about the cult incident."
"Yeah," you let out a laugh. "Incident is definitely a word for it."
Derek drops his arm from your shoulder and Jordan turns to him with a cheeky grin that piques your interest. "And Agent Morgan. Nice to see you again."
He nods, not giving anything away. "Nice to see you, too. So, this must be the good news."
"This would be my brownie."
Emily frowns, pointing between the two of then. "Uh, you two have met?"
Derek doesn't turn away from her. "Briefly."
JJ shoots him a look before steering Jordan away to meet the rest of the team, and you and Emily turn to Derek with matching expressions. "What was that about?"
"I met her at a coffee shop this morning," he explains, rubbing a hand over his face. "She knew my name then, and I guess this is how."
"JJ's about to pop," Emily says, glancing at you with a small smirk. "Looks like it's about to get interesting at the BAU."
Your first case back in the field takes you to Atlanta, where Vanessa Holden was murdered after going home with a man she met on a night out clubbing. Jordan briefs you all on the details back in the office before you get on the plane.
You're still not used to JJ being gone, and you heard all about Jordan's drive from Hotch when he came by your house with dinner periodically over your bureau-mandated leave, but you don't want to make any judgments before getting to know her yourself.
You sit across from Hotch on the plane, and you don't miss the way his eyes follow each of your movements from the second you sit down. Your bandages are still on, but you've regained almost all of your mobility.
As the jet takes off, you lean forward slightly to adjust the back of your blazer, and his gaze shoots to you, his brow furrowing with concern.
You flash your eyes at him, cutting the tension with a small smirk. I'm fine, I promise.
He squints slightly, scrutinizing your expression for a moment, before letting out an inscrutable sigh and turning back to the case file.
When you land in Atlanta, you start off at the police department with Hotch, Morgan, and Todd, and her continued insistence on being the first to meet with the local officials and debrief them surprises you, given JJ's more subtle nature when working with those who call your team in.
The local police let you know that the Holden family has stopped cooperating with their investigation, but the four of you head over to their home to try and speak with her mother and sister one last time. Jordan gets you in the house by sharing a story about her older sister who passed away, and you find yourself feeling awful about your misjudgment of her, until you notice the look of Hotch's face.
"Did you know that about Jordan?" you ask, trying to understand why he looks so miffed.
"No," he says simply, his brow pinched together, "and neither did she. According to her file, she's an only child."
You flash your eyes at Derek.
The conversation gets you a basic profile of the unsub, based on the cocky way he held himself with Vanessa and the way he was dressed when approaching her at the club, but when the moment you exit her home, Hotch corners Jordan on the driveway.
"The information about Vanessa Holden being the responsible sister," he fumes. "Where did you get that?"
She has the gall not to look ashamed, and you can't decide if you respect her resolve or detest her lack of responsibility. "Some of it was online, and some of it was an educated guess based on birth order."
"A guess."
You practically wince and Derek stares at her, as though trying to hypnotically get her to backtrack.
She looks down then, and he delivers the kicker. "And in the process you lied."
You step forward to insert yourself in the conversation (for what purpose, you don't yet know), but Jordan just stands up straighter, ready to defend herself. "That mother was shut down. I needed to salvage some rapport."
Hotch doesn't back down, and as his brow locks into place, you step back again. "I don't know how you did things in counter-terrorism, but we don't make it a habit to lie to get the job done."
"I got you in the door, didn't I?" she spits out one last time. It's both, you realize. Respect and distaste.
"Not only do you represent the FBI, you represent this team."
He shakes his head, and you cock your head at Derek, gesturing for him to head back to the car. You hear the tail end of their conversation as you yank open the passenger side door.
"From now on, everything goes through me."
Jordan gets saved by the literal bell as his phone rings, and when he steps away to answer it, she comes back to the SUV and gets in the back. "So, how bad did I just screw up?"
Derek heaves out a sigh, looking at her with his characteristic stoicism mixed with compassion. "On a normal scale of one to ten, I'd say a six."
He glances at you and you press your lips together. "But on Hotch's scale...an 11."
She rubs a hand over her face and you turn back to face the front, watching as Hotch paces back and forth, his phone pressed to his ear. He doesn't look up until he's back in the SUV.
The profile becomes clear when a new victim emerges: an unsub with a possible scar or birthmark above his left eye, who went to a class for pickup artists. After doing some researching with Garcia, Emily returns with a flyer for a man named Viper that makes your stomach twist.
You, Morgan, and Hotch join her at one of his classes later that day, and it takes everything in you not to sneer in disgust as he describes his approach to meeting women.
"This is the jungle, my friends," Viper finishes off, lifting his hands in the air theatrically, "and your prey wants to be caught."
You and Hotch share a look, and he raises his eyebrows as you cringe. What, not a fan?
You shove his shoulder with yours, but it's not hard enough to actually make him budge. Hilarious.
"Will you listen to that language?" Emily whispers from next to you. "He's training serial killers."
"Great," Derek sighs. "We're dealing with a rampant narcissist and misogynist who's turned himself into a snake oil salesman."
Hotch nods. "That's one more thing he has in common with our unsub."
The class ends soon after, and you get the distinct pleasure of meeting Viper in the flesh. When he approaches the four of you, he makes a clear effort to keep eye contact with only the men, likely trying to use his self-prescribed techniques to make you and Emily feel vulnerable. Instead, it just makes you want to laugh in his face.
"So you think this- what did you call him- unsub, took my class?"
He raises his eyebrows at Emily then, in what you can only hope is meant to be a seductive nature, and she practically snorts. Using his clear attraction to her to the team's advantage, she steps forward and takes control of the conversation. By the time she's finished, she has managed to secure his location for later tonight, and get him just flustered enough that a chance meeting later would have him ready to divulge anything she wants to hear.
'Please tell me we are not giving up on that guy." Emily heaves out a breath as you all walk back outside after speaking with Viper. She was just talking to him, but she looks like she's ready to take another shower.
Hotch flashes his eyes with uncharacteristic mirth. "We're just getting started."
His eyes keep darting back to the door of the locker room. Prentiss is going undercover at Club Aqua to get more information about the unsub from Viper, and when she suggested that you and Agent Todd join her, he couldn't think of a good enough reason to quash her idea.
He knows he's been hard on Todd. He figured it out on his own, even with your furtive glances from the passenger side of the SUV after leaving the Holden household.
He wishes he could say it all came from a place of protecting bureau leadership, but he knows that isn't completely true. It's been almost two weeks since he last saw Jack, and every time he drops him back at Haley's, that feeling settles back in his gut, like clockwork. The feeling that tells him he's just like his father.
The locker room door flies open and he averts his eyes, trying to maintain some level of subtlety, but it's only Prentiss and Todd. Where are you?
His unspoken question is answered when Prentiss announces that you told them to get started without you. He's still worried that you're not ready for this kind of assignment so early in your return to field work, so, before he can regret it, he stalks forward and pushes open the door.
The regret immediately comes when he sees your bare back, underneath your unzipped dress, on the far end of the locker room.
"Oh, sorry," he blinks, turning his head back. "I didn't realize-"
He moves to shut the door again, but you look over your shoulder and raise your hand, beckoning him inside. "Wait, I could actually use your help."
He steps through the door and crosses over to you, where you turn your back to him after a small glance. "Zip me up?"
The bottom of the zipper is at the small of your back, and he tries to avoid touching you as he pulls it up to the base of your shoulder blades. He isn't able to avoid it completely, and he tries to ignore the heat of your skin as he drops the zipper and nods. "All set."
You turn around and he forgets to step back in time, leaving you only a few inches from him as you glance up with a confused smile. "You okay?"
He nods again, stepping back and clearing his throat. Why is his skin burning? "I should be asking you that. Are you sure you're up for this?"
"I'm getting the bandages taken off later this week," you tell him, partly misunderstanding his concern. "It doesn't even hurt anymore."
That's definitely a lie, but he allows it for now. "That's not all I'm talking about. You haven't been in the field in months. I just worry that I'm tossing you into the deep end on your first day back."
"I'm fine," you insist, reaching out to put your hand on his forearm. "I would have refused the assignment if I didn't think I could handle it."
He's not sure if he believes that either, but in this case, the assignment itself seems odious enough that he can let it slide. "Okay. Are you ready to head out there?"
"Yeah, just one second."
He waits as you pull a thin necklace from your bag and clasp it around your neck. When it's attached, you spin around with a goofy smile. "How do I look?"
"Amazing," he says without thinking. "I mean- you look great, of course."
You just smile at him, before patting his shoulder and walking out the door to meet the Prentiss and Todd at the club. Your hair brushes past him as you leave, and the scent of your perfume lingers in the air behind you, a flowery aroma that persists even when the door swings shut.
Emily waves at you when you approach her and Jordan in a crowded part of the club. "Y/N, I'm sure you remember Viper. God's gift to women."
You smile at him sweetly, before glancing at her. "Sure hope he came with a receipt."
"Another friend," Viper says, letting out a weak laugh.
Emily uses this moment of distraction to pounce. "You promised if I met you on your turf, you'd show me something special. So...let's see it."
He starts spouting off some nonsense about chemical signals, and you're about to take Jordan's arm and pull her aside to give Emily some room, when Viper turns to you with a mock-sincere expression. "Does the boss man you're out here, with me?"
You turn back with a frown. "Excuse me?"
For a moment, you forget to mask your emotions and he practically grins as his bravado grows. "What I do for a living is pretty similar to what you all do. I read people...and from what I could tell during your little ambush of my class earlier, there's something going on between you and the supervisor."
You let out a laugh that feels surprisingly forced as it leaves your throat. "I really can't believe there are people out there who pay you for assessments like that, because you're dead wrong."
He shrugs, looking back at Emily, and you roll your eyes at him before turning away under the guise of giving them some space. When you're out of his line of sight, you let out a breath that was caught in your chest. You know you and Hotch are closer than most friendships are at your age, and you're not unaccustomed to people reading more into it than there is, so you're not sure why Viper's words feel like a fist around your gut.
"Hey, you okay?" You turn back to see Jordan approaching you with a glass of water. "He's really trying everything to get under our skin."
You accept the glass gratefully, and swallow a few gulps, before nodding. "Thank you. I think I just needed some air. I forgot how stuffy these clubs get."
"I hear that." She laughs and you feel your chest loosen with relief that she didn't believe Viper's insinuation. "I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm almost excited to get back into my work clothes."
You let out a breathy chuckle, before sending her back to keep an eye on Emily as she works on breaking Viper. Later that night, when you get back to the station to meet up with the rest of the team, you excuse yourself early to head to the hotel, and you allow yourself to pretend, just this once, that you weren't avoiding him, and you really were just tired.
You're sitting in your car in front of the hospital at seven in the morning, because you didn't want to take any work off just to get your bandages removed. You know this is likely the exact sort of thing the bureau mandates time off for, but a small part of you didn't want anyone knowing you were coming here. Or maybe you just didn't want him to know.
You haven't been trying to avoid him. You may be a little embarrassed by how far under your skin Viper got with his one little comment, but you can't help it. The notion stirred something you don't recognize inside of you and you don't want to take the time to think through it.
You take a deep breath and get out of your car, before walking into the hospital and checking in for your appointment. When you called to secure a time slot, the nurse mentioned that, barring any complications, the appointment shouldn't take more than half an hour.
You're a few minutes early, so you sit in the waiting area, flipping through a fashion magazine from the table next to you. After a minute, you're so engrossed in a page about returning trends that you don't realize he is sitting next to you until he taps the side of your foot with his own.
"Oh shit," you blurt out when you see him, more out of surprise than the shame of being caught. "How did you know I'd be here?"
"Garcia saw it in your calendar and told me." You turn to look at him with mock-exasperation, but you're caught off guard by the genuine hurt in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me the appointment was today? I could've driven you."
You open your mouth to come up with an excuse, but all that comes out is, "I don't know." He doesn't look convinced, but the doctor calls your name then and you stand up, pressing your lips together. "Will you come with me?"
He stands up immediately, without another word, and you both follow the doctor into a back room, where she proceeds to remove your bandages and check where you are in the healing process. The wound is closed, and is almost entirely scarred over, but she recommends that you continue to take it easy - a point which you see Hotch take mental note of immediately - and limit excessive physical activity.
"The wound is healing very nicely," the doctor says as you walk back to the front. "Give me a call if anything changes, but as long as you keep applying the salve, there shouldn't be a permanent scar."
You thank her before she heads back to meet with another patient, and Hotch holds the front door open for you as you walk out into the parking lot.
"Thank you for coming," you tell him earnestly, "even though I didn't ask you to. I should've told you."
He exhales through his nose, bumping your shoulder. "Yeah, you should have."
He loops his arm through yours as you step off the curb and you lean your head on his shoulder for a second before unlocking your car. You were stupid to let Viper's words get to you. He's your best friend.
He's your best friend, and you love him.
One of the first happy memories at the office in a long time comes in the form of JJ coming in with baby Henry. It feels like a welcome relief to see her face back in the bullpen, and for a few peaceful moments, everything feels like it's back to normal.
You know firsthand how much this job takes from people, and Jordan's absence in the office now doesn't go unnoticed, even with a sweet baby boy here to take your mind off of it.
Is this my fault?
Rossi had tried to talk her down after discovering that the unsub had killed his entire family in their home, seemingly after her press release, but sometimes the words aren't enough.
I'm not sure I can do this job.
There had been so much anguish in her voice as she admitted to Rossi that she wasn't cut out for this line of work, but no part of you judged her for it. A bigger piece of you almost envied her ability to recognize that she was in over her head - that she couldn't keep going like this.
Looking at JJ now though, you feel a sense of hope again, like maybe this job doesn't take everything from you.
"I thought you could use a surprise," she smiles, cradling Henry in her arms under a swath of blankets.
"He's beautiful," you whisper, stepping in closer to get a better look at his little scrunched-up face.
Penelope comes back into the room with a freshly warmed up bottle of milk, and JJ starts to feed him as everyone leans closer in wonder. "I wanted us to have at least one good memory to hold onto in this room."
Before you can react, Derek is pushing past you and Spencer. "Excuse me, kid. Um, JJ, can I..."
He points to the bundle in her arms and she looks at him with a soft grin. "Of course."
She carefully transfers Henry into his arms as all of the women worriedly chime in with reminders and comments on his form.
"You gotta hold his head up."
"Careful, you're smothering him!"
"I got it," Derek chuffs, before rocking Henry in his arms. "Look at that, what's he doing? He's smiling at Derek Morgan."
Penelope and Emily share a look. "Gas."
He shoots them a pointed glare, before grabbing the bottle from Garcia's hand and feeding Henry himself. "Hey, little man."
You can't help the smile that crosses your face as you step back to give them some room. Your shoulder bumps into Hotch as you step around JJ, and you look back at him, noticing the little curve of his lips. "You're smiling."
He glances over at you with an eye roll. "Gas."
"What's up, Hotch?"
You roll over and turn your bedside lamp on as you press your cellphone to your ear. The alarm clock beside you says it's just past five in the morning.
"We have a case."
You frown, pushing yourself up. "Wouldn't JJ usually call us to come in?"
"This one's different." His voice sounds slightly muffled and his tone is colored by a familiar tinge of irritation. "Dallas AG called me last night to come down here, and it looks like they may have a serial."
"You went alone?" you ask, trying to blink the grogginess from your eyes as you get out of bed. You are distinctly aware of how many questions you're asking, but your brain is still fuzzy from being woken up.
"Yeah," he says simply, before you hear someone call his name from the other end of the line. "I convinced them to bring the team in as well. Anyway, I have to go, but I'll see you soon."
"Yeah, see you-" The line cuts and you sigh, tossing the phone down.
So much for a full night of rest.
Spencer briefs all of you on female serial killers on the flight over, and once you land, Hotch is waiting at the hotel. You drop your things off in your room and meet with him, Rossi, and Morgan to head over to the location of the latest crime scene, when another man is murdered.
"Victim was Joseph Fielding," Rossi explains when you enter the office building. "He was CFO here."
"Poisoned?" you clarify.
"And staged," Morgan adds, glancing over the body. This time, the victim was left out in the open, naked and tied up. There's no way the company can keep the media away from this one.
"Which one of you is Aaron Hotchner?"
You turn around to see a man in a fancy suit stalking towards the four of you. You step back to let Hotch get around you, and he approaches the man with a frown. "I'm Hotchner."
"Larry Bartlett," he introduces himself. "I represent Mr. Fielding and Webster Industries."
Hotch angles himself to stand between the man and the body. "This is a closed crime scene, Mr. Bartlett."
"I spoke to Ellen Daniels," he explains, his eyes glinting with over-confidence. "She said you're a very reasonable man."
You resist the urge to snort as Hotch moves to get the attention of the police officers nearby. "Escort him out, please."
"No, wait! The press is outside, and they can smell blood. Any way we can handle this discreetly?"
This time it's you who frowns. "We're not about to lie for you."
"Don't have to lie," he says, gesturing with his hands as though that will help his case. "Just don't comment."
Hotch looks at him for a moment, before excusing himself and pulling the rest of you aside. "Is there any reason to go public yet?"
Rossi shrugs. "Validating her is exactly what she wants. If we hold back, she's more likely to make a mistake."
You almost smile. "He doesn't need to know that."
Hotch meets your eye for a beat before spinning around and putting his lawyer face back on. "We need everything you have on Fielding. Bank accounts, tax records, emails...everything."
When Penelope uncovers that the victims have all been withholding child support from their ex-wives, Hotch meets with the city's high-profile corporate lawyers to present the profile. You're not sure how helpful this will be, given that their primary motive is to protect their clients' companies, but it proves useful when one of the lawyers reveals that the unsub may have a penthouse to her name.
The apartment is massive. You walk around the living area, trying to find anything the unsub may have left out, but she has clearly been covering her tracks.
When you don't find anything by the bedroom, you head over to the walk-in closet where Derek and Emily are poking around her jewelry box.
"Hey, Prentiss," Derek suddenly says, lifting up a leather bodysuit and holding it in front of her. "Got a whip?"
Rolling your eyes, you smack the top of his head with the evidence baggy in your hands and walk back out to find Hotch. He's poring over her antique book collection when suddenly the apartment phone starts to ring.
You all argue for a few moments over who should take the call, and Derek quickly alerts Garcia to trap-and-trace it, before it soon goes to voicemail.
"Hi, it's me," the woman's voice says brightly in the voicemail message. "You know what to do." There's a beep, and then her voice comes back, more present this time. "Aaron."
Your eyes snap over to him, but he's still looking at the phone.
"I know you're up there," she continues. "Aaron Hotchner."
He reaches forward and carefully lifts the phone with his gloved hand. He walks over to the window as he presses it to his ear. "I'm at a disadvantage. You seem to know my name, but I don't know yours."
You bend down and press the speaker button on the main console as he moves across the room.
"I thought I could trust you, Aaron." Her voice is tight over the line, the tiny speakers still enough to amplify the emotion in her voice. She sounds so...disappointed.
"Who says you can't?" he responds slowly, clearly testing the range of her emotion.
"I want to," she says quietly. "I even looked you up online. I watched the presentation you gave on school shootings...and for a moment, I actually thought there were still good people in the world."
You remember that presentation. There had been a shooting at an elementary school in Virginia, and the moment the news hit, he had been on the phone, discussing procedures to ensure it wouldn't happen again. You went with him that day that he gave the speech, and you could tell he had been thinking of Jack the entire time he was up there.
Hotch closes his eyes for a beat. "But I've disappointed you, haven't I? Just like all the other men in your life who've walked out on their families."
The line is silent, before: "Did you walk out on your family?"
Hotch looks down for a moment and you fight the urge to walk over and pull him into a hug. "No. My wife left me."
You can feel the team's eyes on you as you keep your expression neutral, your eyes focused on him.
"Do you have kids?"
Your mind flashes to Jack, and your chest feels warm as he nods, before muttering a quick "yes".
The woman speaks up again, her voice stronger yet more emotional. "How often do you see him?"
"I try to see him every week."
She scoffs. "Do you see him every week?" Her question is like a jab, trying to push him into doing or saying something that will prove he's just like the other men in her life.
"No," he admits, glancing back at you. You nod, trying to let him know that you're right here. "I don't get there as often as I want."
"I believe you." Her voice softens and you watch as Hotch's expression turns back to his thinking face. He has an idea.
He lets her talk for a minute, listening in to Garcia's updates on the trap-and-trace, until he chimes in again. "But I'm just frustrating you, aren't I?"
You can hear the confusion in her tone. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you wanna show the world all these bad men, and my investigation's just getting in your way."
"No, Aaron," she sighs heavily. "You just want me to disappear, just like they do."
He shakes his head, turning to look out the window. "Truthfully, I'm only interested in finding you. You don't know who to trust. Am I right?"
There are tears in her voice as she quietly whispers an acknowledgement.
"Come to me and turn yourself in." He walks back to the living area. "I will make sure that you get the help you need. I won't let you disappear."
His voice is a comfort, and for a brief moment, you think that he could probably convince you to turn yourself in if you had to.
There's a beat of silence, before a small rustling sound. "If we met under different circumstances...I could believe that."
The rustling continues, before her tone changes completely, going from soft and meek to strong and icy. "I won't let you cover this up."
There's a gunshot right before the call cuts out.
You follow Hotch and Derek into the hotel room, checking behind you as you aim your gun out in front of you. Once Garcia found Megan Kane's address and client list, everything else fell into place.
The room is empty, except for a gun and a bottle of champagne placed theatrically on the center table.
"Hotch," Derek whispers, pointing out at the balcony, where a figure is laying down on one of the lounge chairs.
His brow furrows and he lifts his hand. "Wait here."
"You sure?" you ask, stepping forward to get a better look.
He nods. "It's over. She knows it."
Derek steps out to call 911, and you watch as Hotch approaches her slowly, tucking his gun into his holster before sitting on the chair beside her.
"Nothing will change," you hear her whisper, her voice overflowing with despair. "They'll just go back to doing whatever they want and they'll keep getting away with it."
He shakes his head. "Not if I have anything to do with it."
The response is almost corny, but his voice is so earnest that you find yourself believing him anyway.
He reaches forward and takes her hand, holding it tightly as her head lolls to the side to look at him. "How could your wife have ever left someone like you?"
He doesn't say anything, but you can feel the sadness permeating off of both of them as he comforts her in her final moments. Haley is one of your good friends, and you know she would've made their marriage work if it was something she could control. This job just isn't that.
Megan lets out a soft sob and you avert your eyes, feeling like you're intruding on a private moment. "You're the first man I ever met who didn't let me down. Will you stay with me?"
He doesn't hesitate. "Yes."
"I promise."
He holds her hand for a long time, and he doesn't stand up until you're certain she's been dead for minutes. The walk back to you is slow, and you can see the extra weight on his shoulders as he trudges across the hotel room.
You open your arms and he all but falls into them, letting you pull him into a tight hug that you can tell is holding him together right now.
"You did good," you whisper as his face presses into your shoulder. "You kept your promise. It's the last thing she wanted, and you gave it to her."
You feel him nod, and a moment later, he stands up, letting his arms drop like deadweights. His hair is slightly disheveled, so you reach up and push the front strands back from his forehead, before resting your hand on his cheek for a quick second. "Let's go home?"
He nods again. "Let's go home."
It's snowing. You don't realize it until you step out of the car and onto the sidewalk in front of the Georgetown brownstone where the priest was taken in.
Emily and Derek caught him in the middle of an attempted exorcism, and you didn't arrive with the rest of the team until they were already bringing him out in cuffs. She looks shaken as she leads her friend out of the house and to the ambulance waiting on the street.
Once the paramedics take him from her hands, her body all but deflates, and she exhales deeply, as though releasing the pent-up tension from the day.
"Em," you whisper, approaching her slowly. "Can I drive you home?"
She doesn't look at you at first. Whites flecks of snow dance across your vision and stick to her coat and hair as she stares at the ground. After a moment, she shakes her head. "I'm gonna walk for a while."
Her feet don't move, and you're reminded of a conversation you had years ago, when she comforted you and offered you a quiet place to just be. Gently looping your arm through hers, you ask, "Do you want some company?"
She nods almost immediately, and you let her lead the way as you walk away from the red and blue flashing lights. You can't imagine how tough this case must have been for her, especially because the people she loved were so deeply involved.
The walk is silent, and you look down, watching the patterns the soles of your boots make in the snow. You only stop moving when Emily does, her sudden stillness tugging you back as she stands in front of a small church that she must have seen from down the street.
She lets go of your arm as she turns her face up to the sky, hugging herself in an effort to stay warm or shield herself. Maybe a mix of both.
"You don't have to say anything," you say softly as you turn to face the church as well, your shoulder pressing lightly against hers, "but if you want to, I'm always here to listen."
Emily glances up at the church, her eyes shining in the cold, and presses her lips together as she takes in a shaky breath. "My friend...who died...Matthew. He knew the Bible inside and out, and one day he started to question everything."
You think you know where this is going, but you don't want to interrupt her when she's letting out emotions she has clearly kept inside for years.
"We moved around a lot when I was younger, because of my mom's postings, and when you're 15, it's really hard to get accepted."
She's silent for a few moments and you take the opportunity to fill in the gaps for her, so she doesn't have to say it out loud. "You got pregnant?"
She nods, taking a deep breath. "Matthew wasn't the father. It-it was...something else. But I didn't know what to do. He told me to talk to our priest, but he just said that if I had an abortion, I wasn't welcome in his congregation."
Your throat tightens with tears and you blink them back, swallowing thickly. "What did you do?"
"Matthew found a doctor." Her arms tighten around her abdomen, and she lets out a small shiver. "He took me there, and he stayed with me. Then, when we got back, he held my hand and walked me into the church." Her voice cracks as she continues. "Father Gamino actually stopped his sermon, but Matthew told me to hold my head up and we walked to the front pew."
Her arms fall then, and you look up to see the wetness on her cheeks, pink from the cold. "Matthew saved my life. He made me feel like I was worthy of...love, and friendship, but then his anger and questioning started." She finally looks at you, and her eyes are wide with grief and anguish. "He saved me, and it's my fault that his life unraveled."
You're shaking your head before she's even finished speaking. "Em, honey, it's not your fault. He was your friend. He loved you, and everything he did for you was his choice. Anything he discovered after that was already within him."
Another tear falls down her cheek and you reach forward to pull her into a hug that she accepts gratefully. "You're one of the strongest people I know."
Her hands clutch the back of your coat as she cries silently into your shoulder, and you don't let go until she finally stops shaking.
Hotch is ending a phone call when you step into his office. He sets it down and nods when you step inside, but you can see the lines of tension just in the way he's standing.
"Is everything alright?" you ask, walking inside and standing in front of his desk. "What was that call about?"
He doesn't look up. "Shaunessy died last night."
"Oh, Aaron, I'm so sorry." You squeeze his forearm over the desk, but he still won't look at you. "He was your first boss here at the BAU, right?"
He nods, before clearing his throat and straightening his back. "He was sick. This isn't a surprise, but there's something else we may need to talk about-"
He's interrupted by JJ coming into his office, a case file in hand. "Sorry, but you wanted to know immediately about any unusual Boston homicides?"
You see his jaw twitch as he takes the file from her and flips it open, scanning the first page quickly. JJ glances over at you, a confused expression on her face, but you can only shrug.
He looks up after a minute. "We're going to Boston."
JJ sputters. "Wha-what, but we haven't been invited?"
"We will be." He grabs his coat and sidesteps the two of you, before booking it out of his office. You're hot on his heels as he grabs his briefcase and alerts the team that they need to be ready to leave within the hour.
"What was that about?" Morgan asks, turning to you.
You shrug again. "I have no idea." You turn to the glass doors swinging shut behind him, and rush outside before you can second guess your actions.
"Aaron!" you call out, forcing him to hold the elevator for you. "Tell me what's going on."
He sighs as you step inside, and he sets the briefcase on the floor. "It's the Boston Reaper. He's back."
"The Reaper?" The name sends a shudder through your body. "That was your first case as a profiler, wasn't it?"
He nods, and you wait for him to continue. "He offered Shaunessy a deal that if he shut down the investigation, then he would stop killing."
His words take a moment to register, but then your face falls. "He took the deal. And now that he's dead..."
"The Reaper has started killing again."
The next crime scene comes in the form of an older couple, who were killed in their car on the side of the street. When you arrive, you discover that the unsub left behind the previous victim's watch, as well as a note.
You sidle up next to Hotch, bumping your shoulder against his to alert him to your presence. "Looks like he went through her purse. Any idea what he was looking for?"
He's so focused on the letter in his hands that he doesn't respond, so you lean in and read it from beside his shoulder. "The question mark is new."
"It's for us," he says suddenly, dropping his hand and looking at you. "He's saying it's not fate. He's saying we had 10 years to save them and that these latest ones are on us."
You frown, trying to scrutinize the lines of tension on his face. "You got all that from one question mark?"
"I may know him better than I've let on."
Your brow furrows and you grab his wrist, bringing his attention back to you. "What does that mean? Aaron?"
"It means that there is a profile on The Reaper."
"You said you were called off before you could make one-"
"We were," he cuts you off, shaking his head. "I had just started the profile, and then he stopped killing, so officially we were done, but..."
You purse your lips. "But this case stuck with you."
He nods. "I kept coming back to it over the years, and I worked on it alone."
You can imagine young Hotch, in his first years at the bureau, poring over the case file late into the night, because he couldn't put it away when the unsub was still out there. You realize, all of a sudden, that it reminds you of Gideon.
Looking up at him, you release his wrist, letting your fingers drag on his pulse for a moment before letting go. "We need to hear your profile."
After he gives the profile alone, you all head back to the hotel to get some rest before the long days ahead of you. In your heart of hearts, you know that no one will really be sleeping tonight, least of all Hotch, so you go up to his room with him to keep working on the case.
"Can you imagine living with the fear that the man who killed your fiancee, and nearly killed you, is still out there?" Your question is mostly rhetorical, but Hotch still lets out a soft grunt from the bed where he's poring over crime scene photos from the last few victims.
"It explains why Foyet went so underground," he says with a frown. "The multiple residences under different names, always taking the bus...I just wish he had taken us up on moving him to a safe house."
"I think that's actually the one part I do understand," you muse, looking up from the file on your lap. "Part of the reason why I came back from my dad's house so soon after Jeff died was because I needed everything to return to normal. I needed my life back."
He glances up at you then with a slight raise of his eyebrow and you shake your head before looking back down. It's okay. Not now.
He looks like he wants to say something, but then the hotel room phone goes off, piercing the air with a high ringing sound. He gets off the bed and picks it up, answering with a stern, "Hotchner."
He's silent at first, but you only look up when you hear him say, "You've misjudged me. I'm the guy who hunts guys like you...I'll see you soon." He slams the phone down on the receiver, and even though you know exactly what that was, you still need him to say it.
"Hotch, what was that?"
He rubs a hand over his face, pacing back and forth across the small space in front of you.
"Was that him?"
He doesn't respond, instead mumbling something under his breath that you can't make out. You stand up and cross the room, before grabbing his forearms so he's forced to look at you. "Aaron! What did he say?"
His eyes are frantic as he finally meets your eye. "He offered me the same deal...and I didn't take it."
"Six bodies, not including the driver. He put 'em down with the gun and finished them off with his knife."
The scene inside the bus is horrifying. Blood is dripping from each of the seats, and the words "No Deal", along with a series of numbers, are painted in blood on the windows.
Rossi comes up beside you as you watch Hotch survey the scene, an eerie stillness to his composure. "What's going on with him?"
You glance at him, before turning back to Hotch. "The Reaper called him at his room tonight, offering the deal...and he hung up on him."
Rossi nods, before patting your arm and stepping around you. He nods at Hotch, grabbing his attention away from the scene he hasn't been able to look away from for minutes. "Y/N told me what happened earlier. So, what, you think this is your fault?"
"It is." His voice is shakier than you'd expect based on the resolution in his choice of words.
"Okay," Rossi shrugs, reaching for the gun in his holster. "Here, use mine." Your brow furrows and you step forward, making sure you're nearby in case this gets out of hand. You love Dave, but he can be a bit heavy-handed sometimes.
"You convinced me," he continues, shoving his hand forward. Hotch shakes his head, but he doesn't let up. "No, no, you hung up on him. You practically killed them yourself. Go ahead, get it over with. Don't worry about us. We'll get this guy without you."
Hotch closes his eyes for a moment, and when he opens them, they're shining with tears. You realize, with a shock, that you haven't seen him cry in decades. Not since the day after his father's funeral when Sean shut himself in his room for hours, because he truly believed that his brother didn't care about their family.
When he looks at Rossi again, a few tears have fallen down his cheeks. "I had ten years to do something about it."
"Look," he says simply, lowering his gun, "if you want to end up like Shaunessy, like Gideon, blaming yourself for everything, then you go ahead. But that voice in your head, it's not your conscience. It's your ego."
Hotch deflates, and you reach forward to wrap your fingers around his wrist, maintaining a steady connection. He looks at you, and you dip your chin into a tiny nod. It's not always your fault.
He looks back at Dave with a heavy sigh, but he doesn't pull his hand from your grasp. "You can put that away now."
Rossi raises his eyebrows as he tucks the gun away. "You sure?"
Hotch shakes his head, unable to hide his smile, and you let out a little chuckle. "It's a little dramatic, don't you think?"
"My wife always said I had a flair for the dramatic."
You and Hotch speak up at the same time. "Which one?"
Rossi shrugs. "All of them."
You laugh, before squeezing Aaron's wrist once more and letting go.
George Foyet is the Reaper.
You can't believe it even as the words circle around your brain. The team was able to catch him before he killed Colson, the journalist who wrote a book about him, but the victory still doesn't feel sweet.
I'm gonna be more famous than you even realize.
His last words before Derek cuffed him and handed him off to the police. They won't leave your head even as you step off the elevator into the office. Emily and JJ are chatting about some new restaurant in town as they step out ahead of you, and you walk to your desk in a trance, unable to figure out why you aren't able to let out the breath you've been holding since you left for Boston.
Your question is answered when JJ runs back from her office a few minutes later, her phone clutched in her hand and a panicked expression on her face. "Foyet escaped."
It takes a while for Derek to get over the Foyet news. He took his badge and credentials when he knocked him out, and even with the replacement he was given, you know the knowledge that Foyet is out there is still irking at him.
Hotch isn't much better. He's been throwing himself into work extra hard, and you're worried he's going to burn out or simply combust if he keeps at it.
This is exactly what Foyet wants, you want to scream. He's trying to get in your heads and mess with your life, without even being here.
But you don't say it.
He's been so immersed in work that he doesn't really get to talk to you until a case in Oregon, where an unsub has been killing people by hitting them with his car.
You're grabbing a cup of coffee at the local police station, pouring in an uncharacteristic packet of sugar, when he approaches you, perching on the edge of the counter. "Sugar?"
"I know," you sigh, tossing the empty packet into the trash can next to you. "I just wanted something a little sweeter today."
"Can't argue with that," he says softly, making you smile. It drops almost as fast as it appeared, and he scoots closer as he hands you a wooden stirrer. "How are you holding up?"
This case can't be easy for you, especially knowing how your mom died. You don't talk about it often, but when you do, he can tell it's because you need to let it out. He's the same way with his father, only the feelings he is hiding from are different.
"I'm fine," you say quickly, like it's an automatic response. You both know it's a lie, and you close your eyes for a beat, dropping the stirrer into your cup. "I should be fine, but...I don't know." He follows your gaze over to the open case file across the table, and notices how your eyes hang on the crime scene photos. The car wreckage. The tread marks on the road. "I don't know why this case is affecting me so much. I didn't even see the crash when my mom died."
He reaches forward and closes the file. "Grief works in interesting ways." If there's anything he has the authority to speak on, it's grief. But then again, so do you. He doesn't know if he would've gotten through the aftermath of his father's death without you. Thinking about it now, he doesn't think he's told anyone else the whole truth about his family. "Anything can be a trigger."
"What was your trigger?" you ask suddenly, turning to look at him. "After your dad died?" Your eyes are full of curiosity, and for a moment, he wonders again if you really can read his mind.
He takes a deep breath before answering. "For a while, almost everything was. The smell of his beer, the material of his favorite coat...it all made me so angry."
"I remember," you whisper, setting your coffee down, "but soon after, that changed." You look at him with a small smile. "You met Haley."
His jaw twitches and he realizes that he wasn't even thinking about her. The first person that came to mind when he thought about his healing process was you. Haley was everything to him, but she wasn't built for the life he grew up with. She wouldn't have been able to understand the rage flowing through his body when he thought of his father's death. The anger and hurt he felt, that somehow always transformed to guilt when he went back home for the night.
"Yeah," he says after a moment, accepting your judgment, even if it is a lie. He doesn't want to talk about this anymore, so he diverts back to the original subject. "Your mother was different. She loved you exactly how you deserved to be loved. Even if it hurts sometimes, it's just a reminder that you had something great."
That makes you smile, and he feels warmth fill his chest. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
He nods, patting your knee. "It's been known to happen."
You're in the passenger seat next to Derek when you see it. You watch him swerve his SUV into the unsub's truck in real time, but you still don't believe what you're seeing until the cars come to a stop, smoke billowing out of the front.
Derek screeches to a stop and there's glass everywhere as you throw yourself out of the SUV and race towards the collision site.
Aaron is stumbling out of his car when you reach him. There's a gash on his forehead, dripping blood down his face, and another on his arm. He tries to reach for his gun, but you grab his arms, holding him against the SUV.
"Sorry," he mutters through gritted teeth as you reach up to swipe the blood off his forehead before it falls into his eye. Your hand stays on his face as you survey the rest of him for any other wounds that may need your attention.
Once you're certain that he'll be okay, you turn back to him with a glare. "You scared the shit out of me." Your thumb is unconsciously rubbing circles on his jaw as he looks down at you. You are well aware that danger comes with the job description, but he also knows you would kill him if he ever put himself in serious danger, especially when it wasn't necessary. "Don't ever do that again."
He takes a deep breath as you pick a piece of glass out of his hair. When you return to meet his gaze, he reaches out to grab the strap of your vest. "I'm sorry."
You tug each other forward into a hug at seemingly the same time. You don't get the chance to be careful with his wounds as you collide into his chest, but you forget about everything else the moment his arms close around you. He's okay. He's alive.
"You don't get to die on me," you whisper into his collarbone as you tighten your grip around him. "Promise me."
You know it's not fair. You know it's not something he can control, especially with the kinds of people you chase on a daily basis, but it doesn't matter, because he knows you. He knows when you need the facts, and when you need reassurance, so instead of uttering a funny quip or a painful truth, he just says, "I promise."
Are you sure it's okay that I'm coming?
You type back a response as soon as you see the message on your phone. Of course. Dave invited you and Jack, and I would love to see you too.
A few minutes later, you get a simple Ok, so you set your phone down on the table and stand up to join the rest of your friends. With summer around the corner, Dave wanted to host a garden party, and after the last few months, you definitely don't mind the respite.
"Come get some more food," he tells you the moment you approach them by the edge of his huge yard. He's standing with Derek, Spencer, and Penelope by a long table adorned with steaming dishes of bread, pasta, and salad.
"I'll explode if I eat any more," you say with a laugh as Spencer stuffs another piece of bread into his mouth. For a small as he looks, he can be a bottomless pit when it comes to good food. "Have you guys seen Hotch?"
"He isn't here yet," Penelope notes as Derek wraps an arm around her. "I'll keep an eye out though."
"Do you think he'll bring Haley and Jack?" Spencer asks as JJ approaches with Henry in her arms.
"I told her to come," you say, tickling the baby's chin with the tip of your finger. "It'll be nice to see everyone together."
As though conjured by their questions, the door to the backyard opens and Jack steps out with Haley and Hotch right behind him.
"You're here!" You walk across the lawn and give her a quick hug, before bending down and lifting Jack into the air. "What's up, Jack-o-lantern? You're so big now."
"Yeah," he giggles, wrapping his arms around your neck. You press a loud kiss to the side of his head and he bursts into a fit of giggles as you tickle his belly with your free hand.
"I'm so glad you made it," Dave says from behind you as he comes over and gives Haley a hug. "We love having you here."
She raises her eyebrow at Hotch, but there's no intention behind it. Divorce seems to have treated them well, reminding them of all of the good that was there before everything else got in the way. "Thank you for inviting us."
"Seriously, thank you," Hotch agrees, before reaching out to take Jack from your arms.
"Any time," Dave says sincerely, before nodding at him. "Come help me grab some more wine from the cellar."
They disappear into the house, and you pull Haley down with you into two of the chairs by the edge of the sprawling yard. "Hotch and Jack are sweet together."
She nods, looking wistfully at the door. "He loves any time he gets with his dad."
"It can't be easy," you say slowly, hoping you aren't breaching a boundary unknown to you. "I've seen firsthand how busy the job has been getting recently. I haven't been home before midnight in over a week."
She's silent for a moment, and you worry that you crossed the line, but then she just smiles. "He's trying so hard...and that's all I can really ask for, isn't it?"
You suppose she's right. Not everyone is lucky enough to find a person who fights as hard as Aaron does to get home to his family at the end of the day.
"You're good for him, you know." You look at her as she crosses one leg over the other. "You always have been."
"You are too."
"I know," she says, before shaking her head. Her expression is warm as she smiles at you. "It's not the same, though. Even when you weren't around, you were in everything he did."
You don't know exactly where she's going with this, and you're acutely aware of the choruses of laughter floating over to you from across the lawn as she reaches out to squeeze your arm. "He loves you."
Your face transforms into what you imagine is a look of confusion. "I love him, too. He's my best friend."
Haley looks at you for a moment, before shaking her head with a nearly inscrutable sigh. "Anyway, thanks for convincing me to come. I'm gonna get some food."
Eventually, the sun sets, and the string lights in Dave's backyard turn on, along with the soft sounds of Ella Fitzgerald and Sam Cooke. He helps Derek and Will push the tables and chairs aside to make room for a dance floor, and soon, Haley is in his arms as they swing along to the lilting tunes filtering out over the yard.
It feels natural, dancing with her like this, but at the same time, he knows it's different now. He holds her firmly as she tilts in his arms, loose from the wine that Dave made sure was pouring all night, and she lets him swing her around the lawn, no care in the world.
Soon, the song changes, and she looks at him with a dreamy smile. "You love this song."
It's a soft tune by Sam Cooke, one he can't remember the name of right now, but he smiles at her as he nods. "I'm glad you're here. You and Jack."
"I missed you all," she says, before cracking a smile. "Mostly just Y/N though."
That makes him laugh, and before he knows it, Dave is walking over, with you on his hand, asking to trade partners for the song. "I haven't gotten to talk to Haley all night."
It's not the best excuse, but Haley doesn't seem to mind at all. "Of course, I'd love to dance."
Dave whisks her away, and Hotch holds a hand out for you, pulling you into another steady swing.
"I love this song," you whisper as the two of you fall into a rhythm. "I Wish You Love."
Right, that's what it's called. His hand settles on your waist as you grip his shoulder, and he can tell you've had a bit of wine too, but only because of the red tint of your cheeks.
"This is nice," you say after a few beats of silence. "We don't get to do this often."
He nods, turning you to make room for Derek and Emily, who are swinging heartily across the yard. "It's nice to see the kids together." He glances over your shoulder to peer at JJ, who has Henry and Jack in each of her arms. She has jumped head first into motherhood, and it suits her.
The song changes to something a little slower, so he steers you to the edge of the dance floor, taking control as your feet glide after him. Maybe you've had a bit more wine than he first assumed.
The thought makes him chuckle and you look at him with a quizzical expression. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing." He shakes his head, and clasps your hand tighter to hold you to him. He glances over your shoulder again and finds an excuse for his laughter almost immediately. "Garcia is trying to teach Reid how to dance."
You tug his arm immediately, spinning the two of you around so you can see the situation he described, and your face breaks out into a wide grin when you spot them a few paces over. "The poor kid has no coordination."
As you watch them dance, he watches you. The way the string lights glance over your exposed shoulders. The sparkle of your eyes under the waning moonlight. He realizes, not for the first time, how beautiful you are.
He could give himself the usual excuse, that it's just the time of the night, or the single glass of red he drank a few hours ago, but tonight, he lets himself just be there.
You're his best friend, and he loves you. He's here, dancing around the grass with some of his closest companions, and you're with him. For once, he can just be.
You can't the pile of shoes out of your head. Derek and Emily were able to find the girl before Lucas Turner killed her, but even after arresting him and getting her back to her mother, the case is still sticking with you.
89 pairs of shoes.
You shake the thought from your head as you get into Hotch's car in the field office parking lot. He insisted on driving you home after seeing the look on your face in the plane, and for once, you didn't argue with him.
"I can't stop thinking about them," you whisper as he pulls out of the lot. "So many lives that are forever changed because of two men."
You saw how Derek reacted when he found the box of muddy shoes. You saw JJ's face after she had to shoot Hightower for murdering the man who experimented on his sister.
"I'm thinking of giving everyone a few days off," he says, glancing over at you. "We all need some time to get away from this job. I'll put the request in tomorrow morning."
You nod, unable to voice your opinion. You feel depleted, without having even witnessed the horrors you know occurred up on that farm.
It takes a second, but eventually you regain the ability to speak. "Do you think it's worth it?" Your voice feels like sandpaper, but the question hurts more than anything else. "This life, I mean."
He mulls it over, and you notice his grip tighten on the steering wheel in front of him. "I think it has to be." Your brow furrows, and you don't know whether you want to scream or cry at how terrible that answer feels right now, but he isn't finished. "We have put too much of ourselves into this job to allow us to forget about all of the good that has come out of it too. If we choose to forget the good, then none of it means anything."
You look at him in wonder, realizing he has voiced exactly what you needed to hear. You're constantly awestruck by how he always seems to know exactly what to say to bring back your sense of purpose.
"You're good at this whole leadership thing," you say softly, cracking a smile when he looks at you. "You help me grow."
He pushes you just hard enough to help you transform into something so much bigger and better than you hoped you could be. His chin dips and he turns back to the road as your neighborhood comes into view. "You help me grow too."
You lean your cheek on your palm as you snuggle further into the seat. "I called Josh Cramer, over at organized crime."
His eyebrows raise with surprise and he glances over at you. "Jeff's old boss? How did that go?"
During your last interaction at the BAU office all those years ago, you weren't ready to see him yet. He still reminded you of the hate and anger and guilt you felt over Jeff's death.
The last few months have been kinder to you, though. It doesn't hurt as much when you think about him.
"It went well," you sigh, looking out the window at the houses passing by. "Even though it'll never really be the same, it felt more like old times, if that makes any sense."
"It does," he says simply, providing you an acknowledgement before letting you fill in the spaces yourself.
You take a deep breath, feeling the air fill your lungs, before letting it out again. "He told me a story from before Jeff went undercover. It was just a dumb story about some night his team went out for burgers after wrapping up a case." Your breaths get shallower, but the tears you are expecting don't come. "Apparently, he made the team go to three different burger spots, because he wanted to bring me back curly fries, and none of the places were selling the kind I like."
You clear your throat to dispel the tightness, and when you look back at him, the car has come to a stop in front of your house.
"That sounds like him," Hotch says, smiling at you as you chuckle to yourself.
You nod, closing your eyes for a beat. "I guess I just wanted to say that, yeah, our lives are sometimes changed inalterably, but...it's not always bad. I met him, I loved him...and then I lost him, but I still wouldn't take back any of it."
His eyes crinkle and he looks out the windshield for a brief second. "Me neither."
It's already late, and you don't want to take up any more of his night, so you bid him goodbye and shut your door after making him promise to actually get some rest.
Your front door shuts behind you, and you hear the sound of his car driving off as you exhale heavily. Your house feels big with you here alone, but for once, you revel in the solitude. Finally, a few days of peace and quiet.
TAGLIST: @citrusiove, @yiiiikesmish, @mdanon027, @alice-w0rld, @beata1108, @bakugocanstompme, @raely-study, @himboelover, @hermionegalathynius, @rousethemouse, @calif0rniadreamin, @tolerateit13, @delusional-13s-blog, @madesavage05, @littlemisskavities, @love13tter, @domithebomi, @guacam011y, @averyhotchner, @silver-studios (message me to be added!)
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gay4abby · 7 months
Hi sweet can i request something about sleeping with jordan? like if they would be big or little spoon, if they snore... i bet they murmurs when you leave their arms and smile when see you peacefuly sleeping ❤️‍🩹 I saw someone saying on twt that there is a glimpse of Jordan with his leg over Marie's body when they wake up together and I'm still thinking about it damn 🥴
When You Sleep !!
iiiiii REMEMBER THIS!! EP 5 i rewatched that scene so many times im pretty sure my cia agent was concerned so glad u sent this in hope u enjoy! (y/p stands for your pronouns ☺️) ‹𝟥
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⋆ Contrary to popular belief, Jordan is both a little spoon and a big spoon.
⋆ When you guys are cuddling, they like to make sure your head is in between their shoulder blade and neck. Having you as close as possible was always a must for Jordan.
⋆ The pair of you like to take naps together in either dorm room, planning on sleeping for only 2 hours but then waking up and realising it's three a.m.
⋆ It's funny actually, you'll miss class and then you're both sweaty from all the maneuvering which means you have to take a shower. And what better way to get cleaned properly than having someone there to make sure you got all the right places.
⋆ Jordan likes to have their hand cradling your neck while they sleep. A lot of time you'll feel their hand brushing along the nape of your neck, drawing circles along the hairline. Sometimes it’s fine unconsciously, others is when they’re anxiety is through the roof and they need some grounding.
⋆ Whenever you’re sleeping, Jordan sometimes lays watch just to study you. They actually can’t believe they’ve met someone as divinely perfect as you and it sometimes makes them second guess themselves.
⋆ Jordan doesn’t snore, but they do this thing where it seems like they’ll stop breathing for a second and it scares the living shit out of you that they have to tell you it’s completely normal and they can’t really do anything about it.
⋆ They have full blown conversations in their sleep! One time, you guys were napping and you thought you were dreaming until you turned around to see Jordan just…talking. Like as if they were awake.
⋆ “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” “It wasn’t supposed to go there and now you’ve gone and fucked it all up!” “You’ve ruined the surprise what if (y/p) doesn’t like it anymore ):” AND YOU’LL SEE THE FROWN TOO RIGHT AFTER THEY SAY THAT.
⋆ Their dreams are very vivid and you’ll catch them reenacting whatever the fuck is going on in their heads. It’s nothing ever traumatic, just sweet wholesome dreams that consist of them always wanting to do something for you.
⋆ “Babe, you were talking in your sleep again.” “I was? Fuck! Did I say anything embarrassing?”
⋆ They’re so clingy!!! You’ll wake up from your over extended nap and find your limbs completely tangled up with Jordan’s. And depending on which form they take during that time, like their male form, you’ll find yourself smothered by their whole body.
⋆ Getting up to pee is a workout. Even though Jordan is much smaller than you in their female form, their strength is an unbeatable match. They’ll have their arm secured tightly around your waist and when you try to move it’s rock solid so you’ll just bounce back with a huff.
⋆ Blanket hogger Jordan Li! My god, trying to share a blanket with them is like participating in a tug of war match. You love sleeping with them, so that’s why you always make sure to have your own blanket when you take your nap sessions.
⋆ Jordan smiles in their sleep, A LOT. Like sometimes you think you’re going crazy, but they be cheesing and you always wonder what’s going on in that pretty head of theirs.
⋆ Jordan likes it when you fall asleep first because they want to make sure you’re safe and sound before drifting off. They’re always on high alert before your nap sessions and they sometimes thinks it’s too much, but you always reassure them that you love it badly.
⋆ So, Jordan talking in their sleep. Let’s get back to that. If it’s not full blown sentences, you’ll catch them just softly saying your name over and over again. Like a mantra.
⋆ You’re in class and Jordan has a day off, you’ll get a string of texts telling you to come back to their room when you’re done with classes because they have something prepared. And you walk into their dorm to see a mountain of clouds (it’s a bunch of blankets) on the ground with a makeshift awning.
⋆ “Surprise!” “What’s all this?” “We’re barricading ourselves in my dorm for the entire weekend and you can’t say no.” “Wasn’t going to anyway, baby.”
⋆ You both wear each others clothes before you take a nap because “it makes you feel closer to one another,” you guys are disgustingly cute.
⋆ Jordan in their female form cuddling you is so adorable!!!!! because she has both arms wrapped around you from the back so even if their arm falls asleep they wouldn’t care. She quite literally disappears when she’s behind you.
⋆ Depending on the length of your hair and texture, Jordan would sometimes play with the strands while you sleep (and if you don’t have any hair at all, they’ll just massage your temples and give you head rubs ): I’m choking).
⋆ Jordan moves a lot in their sleep. When you both started your nap sessions, they were hesitant because they hope that didn’t bother you. After you guys woke up, he asked if it did and you looked at him confused like ??? What the fuck are you talking about?
⋆ “So I didn’t move at all?” “Jordan, what? We were in the same position for 2 hours.” And alarm bells go off in their head like !!!!!!! you’re my cure!!!!
⋆ Since your naps span on for hours, you’ll both wake up thirsty and sweaty, prompting them to dive into their mini fridge to get you both cold water bottles.
⋆ Jordan doesn’t like the pillows you have because they said that it’s not as comfortable as it is laying on you. So when they’re the little spoon and the nap session is happening in your dorm, you are their human body pillow!!!
⋆ And when they’re the big spoon, they just bring their own pillows lol.
⋆ Nap sessions have become tradition with you both since you’re both always so sleepy. Jordan never passes up the opportunity to be able to nap with you, it’s a different level of intimacy that Jordan isn’t used to.
⋆ You make them crave domesticity, so the naps give them a semblance of that. You are their home and they feel comfortable being able to sleep however when it’s with you.
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loves0phelia · 27 days
hi could you rewrite the scene in ep 6 season 2 where Electra (now y/n) and Matt kiss to not get caught by security but add your own twist please? :)))
Faking Kiss
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Summery: After years you and Matt meet again during a mission?
Words: 3.1k
Warning: Spicy (not smut), violence, grammar mistakes.
A/N: Thank you for requesting i love this scene!
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While girls your age were learning to ride bikes or learning how to count to one hundred you were taught how to take a punch. 
The people who had taken you from your family had taken away your childhood. You never got to dress up for Halloween, to go out and knock on people’s doors for candies. You never fell asleep to your mother singing you a lullaby. You never got to sit in a class along with other kids to learn.
You watch kids do all those things while you were perched on a roof with a sniper in hand. You dreamed of being like them. You needed to be free.
As you grew up you started gaining interest in law and justice so you stole books from local libraries while you were supposed to be on missions to kill and read, read and read again. You taught yourself everything you needed to know.
At the age of 17, you took the opportunity to run away. After reading various magazines about college and teenage life you created yourself a name, a life. Before that, all you were was a number amongst others.
During a mission, targeting a wealthy man, you removed the tracker in your neck, changed into civilian clothing, and stowed away your black leather suit in your backpack
Immediately after losing contact with you, the men you worked for began looking for you. For two years you stayed hidden, away from the radar, until at 19 you applied to college.
Since your escape, your once-short hair had grown long, your body changed, seamlessly blending you into society. With fake birth certificates, you became Y/N Y/L/N without any complications. Your fraud skills even secured you a spot at Columbia University in New York. Admittedly, it may have been risky, but you desired more than anything, to pursue law and justice, to help others unlike those who had disappointed you.
During college, you made your first friends. Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson. It was everything you ever dreamed of.
A very drunk guy with dirty blond hair laughed loudly as he swayed side to side with a white walking cane he held for support. 
“Watch out everybody! I'm blind, Matt Murdock!” he laughed, still walking like he had 5 shots of vodka in his system.
“Most people just say- Matt Murdock” The brunette who wore sunglasses, held his stomach as he laughed. 
“I look like most people?” he asked genuinely.
“I don't know, I can't see” The blind guy answered in a cocky way, proud of his joke.
“Well at the moment that might be a blessing, because I'm the only one who can see the beautiful girl in front of us”  That's what made you look up from your newly bought law book, that you had bought with your very own money. It was the first book you didn't steal from the library since you ran away and you were fascinated by it. 
“Oh?” The blind student stopped abruptly just like his friend had done.
“Hi,” The blond said, catching you off guard. Nobody had yet to try and talk to you on campus since school started about a month ago. 
You looked behind you to make sure he was talking to you and when you realized he was you answered his greetings. Your voice came out more like a whisper.
“Are you studying on a Saturday night?!” He yelled when he noticed the book on your knees that you were previously reading. You nodded and he gasped.
"Hey, Foggy, maybe we should give that a shot too," suggested the other, the extroverted one objected immediately.
“So beautiful lady, I'm Foggy and this boring one over here is Matt what's your name?” his eyebrows wiggled like gummy worms as he flirted making you giggle. 
You didn't know that Matt was starstruck by you. Your laugh, your scent and your aura were something right out of his dreams. 
You gave them your name and like you guys were friends for years, Foggy extended his hand down to you asking you to accompany them on a night of, and you quote, “mischievous adventures”
You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up to your feet before you guys started walking nowhere but everywhere at the same time.
As the night ended and the sun started waking, you walked to their dorm and when you entered, you watched Matt help Foggy into his bed like a toddler who had fallen asleep on the ride back home from the amusement park.
You chuckled as you watched him struggle, and a few minutes later, Matt and you quietly slipped out into the hallway.
“Hopefully we'll see you soon?” His hand brushed yours. You thought it was by accident but if only you knew how Matt had desperately tried to touch a part of your body all night. 
“Of course” Your smile was shy. You couldn't understand the strange fluttering feeling in your stomach as he looked at you. It was like something you had never experienced before.
After that night you three spent the integrality of the college year stuck together like glue. Every Saturday day was destined to hang out. Matt and you came so close to admitting your feelings but just as you were about to, they found you.
Freshly graduated, diploma in hand, you strode proudly toward the rendezvous point Foggy and Matt had designated. As you rounded the concrete wall outside, you spotted a car with tinted windows. Even though the car seemed inconspicuous, your heart sank as you noticed four men standing beside it. Locking eyes with one of them, a chill ran down your spine as the man pointed directly at you. Without hesitation, they all sprang into action, sprinting in your direction.
You dropped everything. Your diploma you were so proud of, your backpack with the books you had bought and your life.
Each passing year saw you found yourself in new cities or even countries, determined to evade their pursuit. But fate seemed to have other plans when you discovered yourself in Hell's Kitchen at the same time as them. Now, it was your chance to turn the tables and finally catch them.
You mapped out their plan and you found out they were organizing a gala to target parents with children they could steal and turn into their hit man.
You dressed up in the prettiest silk white dress you could find, your hair, now dyed in a different colour, was half up and half down curled and even though your features had changed a lot since your college years you applied makeup to make you unrecognizable.
You entered the gala with no problem. You were trained well you knew better than to get caught the first second.
Soft music and the clinking of champagne glasses rang in your head as you slipped away from the scene. You had to find out where they were keeping the children and you needed information. You knew exactly where to get it.
In a vault, in the boss's office. You would find the exact location.
You spotted a bodyguard, guarding the elevator as you made your way to it. You could have taken the stairs but you needed to be the least suspicious possible.
"Sorry, ma'am, but upstairs is off-limits, restricted area," he informed you, eyeing you up and down, prompting you to fake a pout in response.
“Ugh, the bathroom downstairs is all taken and I have to fix my lipstick, really bad” You crossed your arm under your chest purposely putting on display your breast.
You smirked when his eyes shifted to take a look.
“If it's just for lipstick I guess I can make an exception.” 
"Seriously? You're an angel," you beamed, giving his arms a playful rub as he obligingly pressed the floor button. With a ding, the doors slid open, allowing you to step inside. As the doors closed behind you, a smirk crept onto your face. It was too easy, as always. 
Now on the upper floor, you began looking everywhere for what could be the main office.
Your heels echoed loudly on the floor, earning a frustrated groan from you. Why did they have to be so loud?
You tried walking more discreetly until you bumped into a muscular body. The impact made your hair fall in front of your eyes, shielding your vision. His hands grabbed your forearms and before you could try to beat the man you were pushed against the wall in a dark hallway.
As his hand loosened, you quickly pushed your hair out of your face. Your eyes widened in surprise as you recognized the man you had bumped into.
“Matt?” You barely finished the word before his hand was on your mouth preventing you from uttering another word.
“Someone is coming” You stopped mumbling beneath his hand to be let free after he whispered in your ear. Everything was so silent you thought he was crazy until you heard the faint sound of boots approaching.
The guard paced down the dim hallway, clutching his weapon tightly, while you and Matt stood in the shadows. After he passed, you exhaled in relief as Matt gently released his hand from your lips.
“Matt,” you said, dumbfounded. Between all the people you could've run into it had to be him. The guy who you left behind without any explanation.
“You shouldn't be here y/n, it's dangerous,”  He said and your brows furrowed. How had he recognized you? 
“How did you know it's me?” you asked and he shook his head.
“It doesn't matter, you need to leave. These people who organized this gala are bad.” 
“I know Matt, I'm here to stop them” You admitted it wasn't time to come up with a lie. Even behind his glasses, you could see the confusion etched on his face.
“How did you know about them?”
“Why are you here?” You both speak over each other and before you could let him talk again his head snapped to the side, listening to something you couldn't hear.
“One of the guards is talking about you”
“How do you know that-” he shushed you and continued.
“He says you went to apply your lipstick but never came down?” he said, making you groan, you had taken too much time talking with him.
“It's a dumb excuse I used to get up here. Now if you would excuse me I have something to do” You pushed him gently out of your way and went to walk out of the hallway he had pulled you into. His hand quickly grabbed on to your arm again tugging you back.
"You follow me," he growled into your ear and then started walking. You couldn't quite explain why you trusted a blind man to lead you, but you did.
Almost like he knew exactly what you were looking for, he pushed open the door to the main office you were targeting. Flipping the light switch, the room flooded with brightness, light bouncing off mirrors to create an almost blinding effect.
You began opening every door, every drawer looking for the piece of information you needed. But you saw no signs of a vault or anything of the sort. You grabbed your hair in frustration. 
“What are you looking for?” he asked.
“Information where the kids they have captive might be. It was supposed to be in a vault in this exact room but I can't find anything”
“How do you know about the kids” 
“Because I was one of them” he listened to your heartbeat, he knew you weren't lying.
He wanted to ask more questions but he knew it wasn't the right time. You were running out of time, not gaining.
As he concentrated on the beat of your heart a harsh buzzing interfered with the soft sound.
He walked and touched the bookshelf with his fingers. He could hear the electricity travelling in the walls. 
He felt an interruption in the current when his finger grazed an old Shakespeare book. He pulled it down, and a secret door revealed itself.
“Holy shit, how did you know?” you smiled and walked into the tiny space the door that previously opened allowed you to walk in.
“I could hear the signal”
“Through the walls?”
"I can hear a lot of things. Look in this drawer," he directed, saving you the trouble of opening every single one by pointing you to the correct drawer.
 The paper with all the information you needed was on top of the files and books. Not very well hidden.
“We have to go, now” You folded the paper and quickly shoved it inside your bra.
You both ran in the main hallway but before you could get to the elevator an alarm started blaring and blue lights flashed. Matt grabbed your hand and dragged you to an empty conference room and through the frosted glass you could see multiple shadows with guns searching for you.
“You have to stay behind me okay? I don't want you to get hurt” You say before tying your hair up. 
"Oh, I know how to fight, sweetheart," he declared just before the men barged into the room where you were hiding. Without hesitation, Matt slid over the table and delivered a kick to one of them in the face.
Impressed but confused you had a sudden surge of energy, you sprang into action, fists flying and they clashed into jaws and noses. The room echoed with the sound of impact as yours and Matt’s strikes landed with an intense force.
Your movements were fluid and precise as you used your kicks and punches against the attackers. You and Matt fought as one, your movements synchronized almost perfectly.
And when the last men fell, defeated and broken, you both stood almost unarmed. But not for long.
you ran to the next level almost getting caught once again. However, you managed to hide again in another room. That's when the idea came to you.
“Kiss me” you whispered as you started to pull down your hair from your ponytail, making them cascade messily down your back.
"What?" he asked, his brows furrowing as he struggled to process what you said. 
"Kiss me, Matt, please," you pleaded. Without hesitation, he captured your lips with his own. 
As you kissed, you instinctively reached for his tie and pulled it. Your hands unbuttoned his shirt and you whispered against his lips.
“Act like we're having sex and act drunk” his lips went to your neck and his tongue laid against your pulse. You moaned loudly, exaggerating it a little.  Without needing to say anything his hand gripped your waist and lifted you on the table you were leaning on. His hands went higher and higher until he was pulling down the straps of your dress. At the same time, you lifted your leg and put it around his hip and his free hand grabbed it and squeezed the skin. His mouth came back to yours and he kissed you until you couldn't breathe.
You let out another moan of his name when the guards entered and put you both at gunpoint. 
“Don't move!” he yelled.
You and Matt put on a show of surprise. Giggling, you swayed on your feet, mimicking the unsteady movements of someone who had too much to drink.
“We are so sorry,” Matt said out of breath and tried buttoning his white shirt.
“We thought we could sneak in here… we'll be right out of here” he laughed before turning and the man grabbed his collar and pushed him roughly. Your heart rate elevated when you saw this.
“Be careful with him!” You said as you tried to wipe the red stain of lipstick that had smudged on your chin.
As the man restrained Matt, he aimed his flashlight directly at his unseeing eyes, prompting an eye roll from Matt that spoke volumes.
 Meanwhile, the second guard firmly gripped your arm, holding you in place. With a nod, the guard said in his walkie-talkie that the situation was under control and that neither you nor Matt was a threat.
“You need to leave,” he said and Matt continued apologizing before earning a firm “ Now!” from the man.
You grabbed his hand and walked away from them with a small laugh. You both walked to the now working elevator and entered with nothing opposing, 
“I don't know what you are Matt Murdock but you're not human” You laughed when the door closed. “You can hear through walls and fight while also being blind?” You heard him snort after you finished your sentence.
"We have a lot to talk about," Matt murmured as the doors of the elevator opened, lacing your hands and sharing a light-hearted chuckle at the absurdity of the evening. You both walked out of the Gala.
Making your way to your car, you glanced at Matt, wordlessly telling him your desire for him to join you. Without a word, he understood, falling into step beside you as you unlocked the car door.
You settled into the driver's seat, and he quietly took his place beside you. A moment of comfortable silence passed before you broke it with a teasing tone.
"Are you going to tell me how you did all that?" 
He met your gaze, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Are you going to tell me why you disappeared?"
 "If you spill your secrets first." you shrugged.
 "Fine, I'm Daredevil," he confessed.
 "What?!" your eyes grew three sizes and he simply nodded.
“I have so many questions,” you said as you wondered,
“Your turn” he grinned.
"Remember I told you those men raised me as a child earlier?" you began, your voice trembling a little. "Well, I ran away, and on the day of graduation because they found me. I had to leave everything behind. I loved you guys so much, Matt. I never wanted to leave, but I didn't have a choice."
With each word you spoke, he could feel the sincerity in your voice, and not once did your heart falter or deceive.
His hand grabbed yours for the millionth time that night.
"I was so lost without you," Matt confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Me too," you replied softly. 
"I don't want to lose you again," Matt admitted, his voice filled with a quiet intensity.
You intertwined your fingers in a silent promise. "You won't," you assured him.
At that moment, as you sat together in the car, you knew that you had overcome the past. Nothing would separate you and Matt. If anyone or anything tried to pull you apart you would fight it together.
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fountainpenguin · 8 months
Scott, Gem, and Martyn Secret Life Ep 1 commentary:
"Geez Scott, why are you so creepy?" / "Everyone needs a hobby <3"
Crying at Scott booking it across the grass to break up Scar and Jimmy as fast as humanly possible and they just start huffing and grumbling.
Scott after running into Pearl, Cleo, Jimmy, and Martyn - "I've bumped into every single one of my exes already..."
slkdjf Skizz apparently cut himself saying "I just wanna cause problems" out of his own POV but Scott got it all on tape
Skizz staying within 10 blocks of Gem is even funnier from Scott's POV because he needs Gem to hold his hand while he follows Scott around a corner... The delicate balancing act of obeying Scott's come hither but also pulling Gem along.
The dead silent push in on Scott's face when he notices Gem inching her base away from his and he's dreading starting his "obnoxiously attach your base to someone else's" task over.
Impulse: "Scott, is my cottagecore-ing okay? :)" / Scott, sweating his pretty little head off as he speed-builds so Gem doesn't catch him in the act, not even turning around: "Yep- looks great!"
Gem, emotionally trudging across the map with Skizz and Scott hanging off her.
I appreciate Gem's commentary of "How much room does this man NEED??"
Gem watching Scott un-merge their bases: "Oh, thank you" / Scott: "What do you mean by that. Why is that a relief to you."
Impulse and Gem going over the cliff is funnier with the context that Gem's task was to convince someone to "take a leap of faith while also ensuring they take no damage."
Mental image of Gem begging Impulse to take a flying jump into the water while Impulse is grabbing her by the shoulders and trying to force her into a cherry wood boat because it's cherry wood it's amazing Gem come on slkdjf
Gem: "How much more iron do you need for a chestplate?" / Impulse, taking a moment to pretend to count: "... 8 :)"
Gem, addressing the viewers: "And Skizz follows me around for an uncomfortable period of time."
In Scott's POV, he's just watching unhappily from the distance as Gem starts taking down her wall, but in Gem's POV she actually asked him if she can move her base over and he's just like "Yeah... Yeah, you can if you want to :')" slkdfj
Underappreciated irony in Scott being the one to make a big deal about how clingy Skizz is when he's literally fusing his base's roof with Gem's
It's spawn egg-topia!!
Scott: "I'm making the executive decision to separate our cottages." slkdjf Scott recovers from being possessed by the spirit of clinginess and wakes up like "What HAPPENED last night?? What is this garbage??"
Holy cow Martyn dropping from 30 hearts to 12 within like 20 minutes.
lksdjf Martyn: "Let's see if there's any response in the chat to my Cover Me With Diamonds achievement :)" / Gem, Scott, and Impulse immediately triple enchant / Martyn: "Oh :'D"
??? Custom zombie spawner? Neat
He started at 30 and went down to 5.5 hearts?? Geez, dude.
It's funny because in Double Life, I didn't notice Martyn taking that much damage compared to anyone else, but I feel like now I understand why Cleo was so irritated with him lskdjf
Martyn at the start of this episode: "Ew I don't want cherry wood" / Martyn trying to complete his secret task: "Where is all the cherry wood??"
Martyn speedbuilding in panic and quiet, then Joel cracks a joke and Martyn laughs and you hear Bdubs offscreen going "You got Martyn with that one" <3
sdfklsjdf I like how Martyn's idea of copying Lizzie's house involved rushing over to hers and destroying her bed to match the fact that his copied house did not have a bed
Wheezing at Impulse being just 2 steps from pushing the success button but Martyn starts trash-talking cherry wood and Impulse immediately goes "Take that back, take that back right now!" with this guttural snarl and starts stomping towards him because he wasn't cured from his cherry wood obsession yet... Beautiful.
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notfreetoday · 10 months
My Personal Weatherman Ep 2 Tidbits
I'm really enjoying the adorable awkwardness with which Yoh acts around Segasaki, and it comes across not only in his behaviour but also in his speech pattern. I watch without subs, so this may have been conveyed, but just in case it wasn't I'd thought I'd share a few cultural/language tidbits here.
Teruteru Bouzu first - you'll probably have seen one before if you watch slice-of-life anime. That little doll/ghost like thingy that Yoh was folding with the tissue is used like a charm of sorts, to chase the rain away, or just as a good weather charm that you'd hang by the window. You'll often see these hung up by the kids in Kindergarten cause that's the age when rain sucks hahaha
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I loved this because it shows that Yoh really does miss Segasaki, even though he doesn't want to admit it. The way he smiled at it and then violently threw it away when he realized what he was doing 🤣🤣🤣
Later in the episode, Yoh's emotional withdrawal from Segasaki due to his building jealousy is emphasized in his speech patterns - he awkwardly drops in some "polite" words/patterns (which he didn't in Ep 1, although, granted, he hardly spoke to Segasaki in Ep 1 lolol), which makes his sentences come across as slightly more stilted. This first happens (and is clearest here) when Segasaki joins him for dinner after realising Yoh had waited up for him. He catches Yoh staring and asks "Hmm?", to which Yoh replies says
"あ、いや。なんでもない…です" (Ah, iya, nandemonai…desu) aka "Ah, no, it's….nothing".
"Desu" as you probably know, is an ending particle used in "polite" speech, which he tacks on as an afterthought (the polite form of "iya" would be "iie", if he had wanted the whole sentence to be polite from the get go).
After dinner, when Yoh tries to wake Segasaki up but doesn't know how to, he tries by saying "あの…" (ano…) a few times - which is a common sound you use to get someone's attention but don't want to sound too demanding - this actually isn't being polite per se, because Yoh's certainly not going to go all "Oi!" (which is rather rude) at Segasaki now, but it does show the hesitancy with which Yoh approaches him. Then, when he says he's going to bed, he says
"じゃ、俺は寝るので" (Jya, ore wa neru node) aka "So then, I'm going to bed, therefore…"
The usage of "node" here doesn't quite make the sentence "polite/formal", but it certainly is a little less colloquial than using "から(kara)". The same way that "therefore" doesn't make a sentence polite/formal in English, but is definitely less colloquial than using the word "so" in English. Also, I just find it funny that he uses the informal "ore" pronoun for "I" here with "node" instead of the more formal "boku". Both this, and the random -desu he added earlier, just make his sentences a little more stilted/awkward, and individually don't deserve much mention at all, but together, and in the context of his jealousy, show just how unsure of himself Yoh is around Segasaki.
Btw, the full line he said was
"寝るなら部屋で、とおもって。じゃ、俺は寝るので、あの、その、そういうことで、おやすみ。 aka If you're going to sleep then, (you should sleep) in the room - at least that's what I thought..... So then, I'm going to bed, therefore...um... that... with that... night!
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(If the text in the speech bubbles wasn't subbed) The manga drawing on the computer, shown right after Yoh's internal dialogue of "But, if I said, 'no' then… it would negate the 'hate' that I said earlier so…" has the words "suki da yo, chanto" in speech bubbles, essentially "I do like you, (you know?) Really."
I'm really enjoying this show 😆 😆 😆
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lutawolf · 10 months
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 2
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I got my regular inbox from @notfreetoday I adore you. Thank you for always taking the time to explain things and cheer me on. So let's start this post off with some info from them. Also, if you haven't read ep 1 first, that can be found here.
"Oh oh @LutaWolf 💜 you might want to know - about the whole dryer/only 1 bedsheet thing - The author of the original manga clarified through a tweet that the line "it's been 3 years since then" that was posted in Ep 1 actually meant it's been 3 years since the convo they had in the library - at this point in the story they've only been living together for a few months. Hahaha, too many people were confused by how they've been supposedly together for 3 years but seem relatively new to each other"
For further elaborations from notfreetoday check out their post here.
Poor Yoh, he's already missing the D. Bless him. I personally feel this is a valid response to a lack of sex. I would likely have skipped making the cute doll and gone straight to the priest. But that's just me.
As soon as Segasaki enters the house, he's looking for Yoh. When he looks around and notices a dark home, he goes right to his room. Yoh is concerned because he thinks this must be due to Segasaki wanting food, but Segasaki immediately corrects this.
There is a lot going on. First, Segasaki knows something is wrong with Yoh. Okay so, it's been three years since the conversation but a few months of living together. Yet Segasaki already seems to catch on to things concerning Yoh, which I would expect from a Dom but not this fast. It makes me wonder how long Segasaki actually had been watching Yoh prior to even approaching him with the deal. Also, he left the door open when he left. Like offering up an invitation. Come out here. Come be with me.
Then in the next scene. There he is, immediately sitting down and being with Yoh.
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Sure, he makes excuses as to why, but only Yoh doesn't realize their excuses. He's also being super considerate. He could demand Yoh spend time with him, but he's trying to find Yoh's boundaries. Then when Yoh goes to fix him a plate, he immediately stops him. Though it's in such a stoic way as to confuse Yoh.
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A Dom can feel insecure too, and that's what I feel we may be seeing from Segasaki. Which is why we are getting attention seeking demands from him. That Yoh once again completely misreads. Segasaki wants to feel connected to him.
Again, he notices something off with Yoh and asks, but Yoh doesn't talk. And he doesn't push. The drink. I freaking love that he drinks from Yoh. I do this so often but have never seen it represented in a show or movie before, it tickles me.
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These two are both so in love with each other, but they're both just stupid. Waking him up to make sure he goes and sleeps in a bed. Segasaki's sadness at being late and likely missing the Yoh making him dinner. You can see Yoh's instant sadness at being told not to make dinner for him. For all he complains about being a "servant" he sure does get upset when the duties are taken away. And let me repeat, in my opinion he is in no way a slave/servant, that's just how he views himself. It is not how Segasaki views him, and for a slave/servant he is given far too many liberties.
Here is the thing about M/s relationships. The master owns the slave. Slaves have absolutely no power. The best example is actually Hira from My Beautiful Man, prior to them developing a relationship anyway. Now, outside of fiction, the submissive 100% consents to this. This is not what we are seeing with Yoh. He is giving off all kinds of brat vibes, and Segasaki is allowing it. Which is why I'm saying what I'm saying about Yoh.
In general, M/s and BT/b won't be in the same room. We have a whole different view on D/s relationships. A Brat Tamer and brat will likely have experience in M/s relationships, but a M/s will have zero experience in BT/b relationships. Did I lose you? A Brat Tamer and brat when entering the kink community will often explore themselves and all the D/s spectrums, but once landing on BT/b, they stop. They've found themselves. A Master and slave will never explore BT/b, we either disgust them or confuse them.
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I adore how he realized what he was doing and threw down the teruteru bouzu like it was going to contaminate him.
Ugh, why we got to talk about a woman's cleavage. Especially as another female. Why put a female down over fucking tits? I get that this story line is meant to sure as initiating the jealousy from Yoh. I personally don't appreciate it, though. They could have easily established it without discussing how a female should or should not dress. Honestly, though, I think they did it in order to put the woman's tits on display, and I'm not mad at it. I hit the pause button and gave suitable appreciation for the support that bra was giving her.
Segasaki is completely oblivious to anyone other than Yoh and given the opportunity of getting home early to him. He is taking it. Sorry party lovers.
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OH, that look Segasaki gives after the initial "huh!" is a look that I'm sure had subs alike backing up from their screen. That look, is a Dom's I'll be damned, look. I personally got giddy over it. Yup, "You have the nerve to do this when someone is holding back?" The fact that he was allowed to push him away, and rather than getting punished, Segasaki begins cleaning up after him. That's a Brat Tamer and brat. Each Dom in my opinion has a different type of patience. You can't beat a Deep Dom when it comes to play but lifestyle, that's hands down a Brat Tamer. We are more likely to be charmed and amused by things that would set other Doms off. But there are no doubts that he is Dom. He said stop drinking, and he isn't backing down.
Oh, that shut up takes him by surprise and pauses him. His face tightens in annoyance, but he waits and listens to Yoh. He is not too happy when Yoh says that he'll make lots of money and get out of there. He wants an explanation, but his brat pushes him away. These two are a shitshow. A train wreck that I can't look away from. Drunk Yoh is a brave and talkative Yoh. On the bright side, we are getting mush needed things said.
Oh damn, there is lots of anger there. Yoh is very pushy, and let me say that only a guilty Dom would put up with that shit. "You never smile at me like that."
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"I'm tired. I'm tired when I'm with you. I hate it."
And I have just fallen in love with Segasaki as a Dom. I've been falling since the first episode, but now he has cemented it. When Yoh says this, Segasaki becomes self reflective. Sure he's sad, that's expressed in facial expression and body language, but he isn't mad, and then we see that he's appreciative. Which he expresses to Yoh.
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He rubs his head, "You talk a lot when drunk." Then he smiles. Ohhh, I was wrong about the rain. It happens people. I still maintain that he saw Yoh's anticipation and enjoyed it, though. You are not going to convince me otherwise. Segasaki was trying to respect a boundary. Meanwhile, Yoh is like, "Can't we buy a dryer." Bro isn't good with just going and buying an extra sheet. No, homeboy wants a dryer so he can get that D on the regular without worrying about sheets.
OMG! I love these two so fucking much. Segasaki is like, you accepted my proposal, and now you're saying you don't want it. Giving a whole new meaning and light to it that has Yoh scrambling to catch up. Segasaki calls him an idiot. He also asks Yoh if he hates him and when Yoh says nothing, he says whatever and rubs Yoh's head. Though this time it's not affectionately. I think he knows that Yoh doesn't really hate him, but he doesn't know how to get the relationship on track either.
The next previews look promising and I'm excited!
Hope you guys enjoy! 💜💜💜
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
Cookie Run Webtoon EN TL
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NEED TO SHARE THIS HERE... A few days ago Korean cookie run fandom was buzzing because 3 chs of an official cookie run webtoon had been uploaded... the pages have since been taken down (there's speculation that they might've been released too early by mistake??) BUT someone archived them so they can still be read!! And I did a (rough) english translation of all 3 chapters!!! (it was fun🥺 pls enjoy)
(Link to Ch 1) (Link to Ch 2) (Link to Ch 3)
CH 1:
note: Roguefort cookie's name in Korean(괴도맛 쿠키) is literally Phantom Thief(mysterious thief) flavor Cookie, and this 괴도 is the same thing Kaito Kid from Detective Conan is called (괴도 키드)
🌶:Yep, I really am a genius.
🌶: uhaha! instead of robbing a bank, it's much faster and easier to just rob bank-robbers, ya know~!
🌶:With this, my bounty will go up another level...
🌶: what, what's going on? (suddenly)
Reporter: As for Roguefort cookie's previously announced target, a 60 carat Yellow Diamond:
This jewel has been passed down from the Golden Cheese Kingdom for generations, and is said to be a symbol of good fortune, bringing(lit: wishing for) prosperity and longevity to the nation.
🌶: (Hmm, that's a puny gem.)
The jewel's owner adds that they will compensate the cookie who captures Roguefort Cookie, a payment of 1,000,000 coins as a reward to whoever captures this phantom thief...
(jolt)🌶: (A million coins?!)
🌶: (Then Roguefort cookie's bounty is higher than mine, isn't it!!) (1000000 vs 700000)
🌶: (I'll have the pride of a thief and steal it first!!)
(Title:) Who is the best thief?
Ep 1: Who is the best thief?
-That night
🌶: WAIT, YOU THERE! (suddenly)
🌶: I heard the yellow diamond was at this mansion. Know where it is?
butler: (EEP) ch, chili pepper cookie?!
butler: This is a very tightly guarded place, How in the world did you get in?
🌶: Psh, this is mere child's play to me. (lit: chewing gum)
butler: I'm calling the guards/security.
🌶: ......
🌶: What are you doing? Roguefort Cookie. (pause)
Roguefort🧀: A sloppy disguise, I suppose.
Roguefort🧀: ...How did you know?
🌶: A thief's intuition?
🧀: Haha... how interesting.
To think you'd see through my disguise. (riiip)
🧀: Then I guess you're also aware that I have the jewel with me.
🌶: WHAT?!
GHH! (whish) (whish)
🧀: I wonder if you can catch me?
I am the best phantom thief who has never been caught to this day, after all~ ^^
🌶: Don't make me laugh, I'M the best!!
🧀: (heh) If so...
🧀: How about we admit that the cookie who steals this jewel is the best thief? (sparkle)
🌶: Heh, think I won't be able to snatch it from ya?
🌶: You'll end up regretting this.
🧀: We shall see.
!!! (pause)
(🌶) You?! Cheesecake Cookie?!
🌶: This place is your mansion too?;; (Just how many mansions do you have?!)
🧀: How did you know we were here?
Cheesecake🧀🍰: With all this terrible noise you've been making, wouldn't it be weirder to not know~?
Cheesecake🧀🍰: Apparently, it seems like you want to distinguish who is the best thief between you, but...
🧀🍰: Haven't you two already stolen all the decent treasures anyway?
Try stealing something a bit more difficult~
🌶&🧀: more difficult?
(grin) 🧀🍰That's right. If you're a real thief...
🧀🍰: How about trying to steal someone's heart?
🌶&🧀: !!!
(end of ch1)
cheesecake🧀🍰: How about trying to steal someone's heart?
🌶: someone's... whuh?
RF🧀: Heart. someone's heart.
🌶: What's so great about stealing someone's heart?
🧀🍰: Stealing something tangible is too easy~
Why, don't think you can do it?
(frantically/fiercely) 🌶: WHADDYA MEAN!!
🧀🍰: And you, Roguefort?^^
RF🧀: (Heh) ...Seems like it'll be interesting. Though stealing someone's heart is also too easy for me...
🧀🍰: huhu~ Good, good!
🧀🍰: Then make sure both of you come back here at the same time again tomorrow!
I'll explain the details then~
🌶: ...an invitation to a ball?
🌶: (Where's Cheesecake?)
🧀🍰: Oh my~ Welcome, Chili!
🌶: What about Roguefort?
🧀🍰: Roguefort already arrived first and got started~ (hoho~)
🌶: WHAT?!
🌶: They beat me to it?! I gotta start quickly too, who's my target!?
🧀🍰: Wait, before that- (snap)
🧀🍰: Let's get you changed first!
🌶: GUH? (grab)
🧀🍰: Take her to the dressing room~ (what is that state you're in?)
(thump, crash)
(title: Who is the best thief?)
🌶: What the hell is this!
🌶: guaah!! This dress is too stuffy/suffocating!! (creak creak)
🧀🍰: Oh my, is that so?
🧀🍰: Hold on-- Now where would my new Chocolaté Collection be... (toss toss)
🌶: ...By the way
What are you two doing here?
🥛: A part time job!
🥛: I have to buy Dark Choco-nim's goods, you see~ (hehe!)
💪: They released new protein, so I need money! (flex)
🌶: Ah...
🧀🍰: Chili! Try this on~
🌶: Phew, I think I can live now~!
🧀🍰: It suits you well~
🧀🍰: Here, take this.
🌶: What's this? ??
🌶: A mask?
🧀🍰: Tonight is a masquerade ball, you see.
🧀🍰: Your target is wearing a cat mask.
Between the two of you, the cookie who wins their favor first will win.
🌶: How would we prove that we won their favor?
🧀🍰: You just have to receive and bring back one of their things as proof/indication of winning. (You musn't steal it!)
🧀🍰: I already told Roguefort the same thing, so you should probably get going right away?
🌶: (A cat mask she said... where in the world are you?)
🍮iii: Can't I hold that for a sec?
🧙: No.
🍮iii: just once~!
🧙: No-!!!
🌶: Excuse me...
🌶: By any chance, have you seen a cookie wearing a cat mask around here?
🍓: ! (gasp)
🍓: Huh? Uh...
I, I... (th, that...)
🍓: I-I saw someone that way... (blush~) (note: speaking formally)
🌶: (whish) Ah, thanks!
🍓: 😳.....
🍮iii: trade with meee~!
🧙: I said no!!
🌶: ! (Over there!!!)
(loud footsteps)
RF🧀: ...So as I was saying...
🌶: Hi! Nice to meet you! (whack!) (shove)
🌶: For you to play dirty and go first...
(/ch 2 end)
🌶: ghh...
🌶: (I butted in all confidently but...)
(awkward) 🌶: (what the heck should I say?)
🧀: The moon is flying unusually high tonight... It must be because she is jealous of your beauty.
🐱: Oh my! 🌶(dripping down)
🌶: (Are they crazy?) (I can't say something cringey like that!!)
🍮: 'scuse me!
🌶: Huh?
🍮: She said she's got something to say to you!
🍓: U-um, well...
🍓: I-if it's okay with you... May I have this dance? (lit: will you dance 1 song with me?) (note: speaking very formally)
🌶: No, I...
🐱: My, you musn't refuse an invitation to dance, you know.
Please go on ahead! (lit: go and come back)
(zoned out)
🌶: (Dammit, I can't just leave Roguefort alone like this though-!!)
🌶: At this rate, I'm gonna lose..!
🍓: U-um, excuse me, by any chance...
🍓: Could it be that you didn't want to dance, but reluctantly agreed and forced yourself to for my sake...? (lit: ...pointlessly because of me, reluctantly came out)
🌶: Ah, it's not like that
🌶: To be honest, I don't really know how to dance. Today is my first ball, ya see.
🍓: I-is that so?!
🍓: Wh-what should we do, It's my first too tho...
🍓: I'm so sorry for making things troublesome for you...! (dashing off)
🌶: W-WAIT!
🌶: Are balls such a big deal? We just have to move to the beat, right?
🍓: B-but...
🌶: Look! Those guys are all enjoying themselves dancing, aren't they!
(🍮: You really can't dance!! (stomp stomp) )
🍓: Ah...
🌶: Let's just enjoy ourselves as well!
🍓: ...Okay!
(Wheee~) (/giggle)
🐱: ......
🧀: Pardon me,
🧀: The lobby is rather chaotic, so it seems like dancing might be difficult... shall we move to a quieter place?
🐱: Yes, sounds good. (footsteps)
🍓: Whew~
🍓: I had fun, thank you so much!
🌶: Me too! (hahaha)
🌶: (Gasp) (This isn't the time for that!)
🌶: I totally forgot I was in the middle of a bet. I have to quickly go back to stealing hearts... (whish whish) Where the heck did they go?
🌶: Hey, have you guys seen Roguefort Cookie?
🥂: Roguefort Cookie..?
🥛: Ah, I have!
🥛: I saw them go out to the garden a little while ago.
🌶: The garden?
(dashing footsteps)
🥂: Roguefort Cookie came to tonight's ball? They're not trying to steal something, by any chance...? (That was Chili Pepper Cookie just now, right?)
🥛: Ah, I heard they're doing a bet with Chili Pepper Cookie.
🥛: I encountered them while I was changing clothes... they really did disguise themself perfectly!
🥂: Aha~
🌶: What garden is this wide? (Seriously.)
🌶: Ah, there they are.
(/ch 3 end)
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akaashiwaifuuwu · 8 months
dress - taylor swift
Lee felix and fem reader
Warning : smut, yn ex is a jerk, very fluffy, last part is inspired by friend (season2 ep 4), being called slut (that's it ig)
(An: I have exams going on its my half yearly, it will end tomorrow plus it's durga puja knocking was very busy with shopping and all I hope you all like it, please interact with my works as it helps me !!)
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you broke up. It's done. All those things just flashed infront of your eyes, the memories, the kisses, the I love yous, it's all gone, he was cheating on you this entire time.
It meant nothing to him, but it meant everything to you all those 4 years went to a vain, he was manipulating you, mental and physical abuse which you ignored because you were so in love with him. They say in love every wrong becomes rights.
"Excuse me, you will catch cold" your dull eyes meet a boy who have freckles. "Are you okay?" He was holding the umbrella above both of you and you nodded yes "tell me, what's bothering you" that's it. You broke down.
He was scared "can I touch you?" He asked and you replied yes causing him to hug you and you cried harder. "Let's get you home, you will get sick yeah?" You nodded.
"I don't know where you live" that guy said "oh, I'm felix, lee felix" he smiled at you "im y/n and I live here" you pointed him your block "no way, i live here" he smiled "your smile gives comfort" you looked down "well, see you soon" he said "don't you wanna come in?" You turned around
"wouldn't it be a problem for you?" He looked at you "not really" you look dull "well we can-" you were cut off my him "I can come some other day okay?" He smiled and went back waving you goodbye.
It has been 3 months since the break up, will you say you're over him? no. You haven't met that guy since that day, you wanted to show him your gratitude.
"Oh my God, we met finally, I was waiting for you to call me, I'm hurt that you didn't" that voice. You turned around to see it was your ex. You wanted to run away. He grabbed your wrist "let's go yeah?" You grabbed his hand which was holding your hand "you're inflicting me pain".
"Me? i could never ever hurt you" He yelled "it's you who hurts me, you know I love you" you were going to give in but his grasp was so tight, you were pretty sure you have bruise now.
"Look she is hurt, let her go mister" ah that freckle boy you saw, he had 7 more ppl they all look so strong "okay whatever you got new people to fuck, enjoy being a slut".
You were crying, again. You were hurt, again.
"I dare you to say that again" the freckle boy said "she is a-" he stopped "whatever, she is a pathetic whore" uh oh "that's it" felix walked towards him and you tugged him, his eyes soften.
You were there, you can't hear anything. "Hey, yn you're okay?" You smiled and walked away. You were so dumb, stupid, so in love.
Felix ran upto you. "Hey, let's go out" he said, the freckled boy heard a whimper as he turn around he saw you crying. Soon you bursed into tears
"Was I not good enough?" You dont know him, yet you trust him.
Here you are, it has been 2 years since that messy break up took place, you and felix have been extremely close, he is studying computer science and you're doing law.
It's peaceful being with him. Comfortable silence you know? It's not awkward.
"Yn" he called you out
| say my name and everything just stops |
"Yes?" You looked at him. Oh how you melted. "I bought KitKat for you!" He exclaimed smilingly. "You remember?"
"Obviously baby" ah. That nickname which makes you wanna scream, yell, rip off your hairs, you were flabbergasted. He held his hands out "let's go?" And you hold his hand back 'webtoon typa shit' you told yourself.
You were walking peacefully when felix told you to go back you were confused and you heard someone call out your name as you turn back, him.
you were in shock. Felix pulled your hand and you both started walking away. "I didn't feel anything" you were dull "I moved on" you smiled and felix wiped your tears.
It's okay yn, you did it, you thought to yourself.
felix was knocking at your door while saying "yn yn yn yn yn yn-" you finally opened the door "oh my god what do you want, it's 3 am, 3 AM!" You looked at him "it actually 3:15 am but nevermind I saw your lights on so I thought to check up on you" wow, wait what? "What were doing late night?" You looked concerned "Stop making that face or else you will get wrinkles".
Deadass. "Okay okay I wasn't able to sleep" you stopped blocking the door and he let himself in, he saw all the notes, books scattered "Woah there, you're cramming?" He looked at you "im sleepy" you said "you ain't wearing a bra?" He was flabbergasted "buffon, I will sleep and you expect me to wear bra while I'm at my room?".
Fair point.
"Let's sleep" felix took your hands and turned off the lights "you can sleep?" You looked at him "my room was cold and I guess I need something warm enough" he smiled while you both lay down. "What are we?" You both looked at eachother, he replied "anything you wants us to be" oh that stupid smile.
| I don't want you like my bestfriend |
Your head was resting on felixs arm. You both were close. Very close. But you were too sleepy to notice anything. Once you closed your eyes felix heard your snores and you turned to him while grabbing his waist. It's normal for you both to cuddle.
In your dream you both had a family and cute little family, where he took care of you both. It was amazing.
You woke up and saw him holding you tightly as if you were a glass which he doesn't want to let you go and slip so that you will break. The way when you broke he picked every piece of you. He is holding you so that you don't break again.
Your heart flutters, bestfriends feels like this right? Once you removed his hair covering his forehead "yes angel?" He looked at you. You are stucked. You just wanna be his.
Today's class was so hectic "lix" you yelled while hugging him and you saw his friend circle "ayo how's you" minho looked at you, you smiled at him.
Oh how jealous he was "soooooooo" hyunjin came and looked at you "Are you dating?" Hyunjin got a no from you "let's go on a date then".
Felix stopped working. "Well I like certain someone if something doesn't work with them, you can be my side chick" you winked at him.
"If he can't fuck you, you're most welcome to come towards me, I bet my fingers will help you" he smiled "anyways" you looked at felix "why don't we watch some movies".
Felix. His name gives you endorphins. You just want him to hold you. "Morning" you heard while you met him on your way to shopping market "youre coming with me" he smiled at your command "Where are we going?" He laughed.
While you were trying on cloths he was taking your packages "how's this dress?" He looked at you "wow, you look amazing" he whispered as if something took his breathe away "look at the back it's so pretty" backless. It was backless.
Right now at the party you were wearing the same outfit with heels and red lipstick. People were looking at you. Felix was definitely flabbergasted.
| only bought this dress so you can take it off |
Here you were kissing him while holding his collars and his knee on between your legs. You were at his place. While whimpering and grinding on his knee while he was kissing you "you looked so pretty, hard to touch". He said as he started removing your heels.
From lips to legs he kissed every inch of your body. "You're so ethereal honey" he removed your dress, you felt so surreal. "I love you" you said it, you were vulnerable and you did. "I love you too, my love"
"Fuck youre this wet?" You were shy "im sorry" you looked away "why are you apologizing?" He looked at you "my ex told me being wet is bad, it means im a slut and get turned on by everyone" you looked at him.
"Oh fuck that bitch, being wet is good and normal there's nothing to apologize for, my love" he took you to his bed.
"Ethereal" he look at your face, "I can fuck you better than hyunjin".
"May I have your consent?" He looked at you "yes darling" he took off his cloths and your bra and panties "wow, I got no words, I'm so mesmerized by you"
He played with your clit causing you to moan, and then he licked your pussy while playing with your clit, you grabbed his hair, while trying to close your leg between which you were unable to due to his head.
"I will come please please" he smiled while inserting the finger and playing with the clit.
Your head rested on your bed "oh you came" you smiled and you looked so fucked up, "how do you feel?" You were not able to answer at all "your leg is still shaking? You won't be able to handle me take rest baby".
"No no no I need you please" you grabbed him while crying "okay okay okay, have me all you want" he said while wearing the condom.
He said while inserting himself and grabbed him so hard, it felt amazing and you screamed, "aw are you feeling good?" He said while thrusting himself "you're so cute" he smiled.
"Felix" you moaned and clenched so hard "fuck baby, you're clenching so hard" you're about to cum and he is too.
He went deep and slow "felix" you screamed and came and he came inside you.
It's morning, "sleeping beauty smh" hyunjin was walking while you woke up and you had cloths on? How? "hyujin, how many times I gotta tell you? This is real life not some texting shit" minho glared at him "whatever" hyunjin threw his head back "180 degree, 20 minutes" once hyunjin heard it, he shut up.
"Yn you're up" bangchan looked at you the atmosphere was too serious "okay I pull up" you said thinking it will lift the vibes "that's the worst way you can try to change the atmosphere, yn you have skill issues" minho walked.
"So are you two official?" Changbin interrupts "what are you talking about?".
"You're wearing his clothes the hell bro?" Jisung said while drinking coffee, you layed down on his bed and turned facing his bed while kicking your feet and giggling, "are you stupid?" Seungmin added "stupidly in love with felix" you mumbled but you were pretty sure no one was able to catch it as your face was pressed into the bed.
"Pardon?" Jeongin asked "nothing" you got up "where's felix?" Once you looked at the guys, you saw they guys closed their eyes, "yn wear pants" chan scolded you "im wearing look" you lifted your shirt but they still didn't open their eyes.
"You know what I will find felix" you sighs heavily, while walking towards kitchen "you're awake" he made a comment "so about yesterday, what are we" you asked him "clearly not bestfriend" he laughed.
"Gimme kiss" you pouted "brush your teeth" he looked at you "okay daddy" you walked away.
Once you were back you saw the guys at the kitchen "you both had sex?" chan banged his hands to the table "okay okay it happened but I like her and she likes me too, it's mutual" chan saw you.
"You didn't even said that to me?" Chan looked so hurt. "You didn't even said you liked her" chan looked at you "I thought I don't have chance so it would've been better".
"You betrayed me" chan looked at you "you know the time, when we heard chan moaning it's cause he was sending a girl memos of him moaning and she gave him money" everyone gasped "how did you know?" Chan exclaimed while pointing at felix "who told you" the pointing fingers turned into minho "you're a death meat" minho looked away.
"Minho have a third nipple" chan exclaimed "you bitch" minho gasped while everyone looking at him "hyunjin pays money to girls to tell him he's a bad boy, and degrade him" minho pointed him "if im going down im taking everyone with me" minho smiled proudly.
"Guy's we are forgetting felix and yn are dating" changbin reminds "okay so we didn't confess but yn would you like to be my girlfriend?" He looked at you "I can't comprehend what just happened but yes I would love too and minho you have a third nipple?" You smiled "don't remind them" minho whispered.
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coccinelle-et-chaton · 4 months
Thoughts on NATLA so far (up to ep 5)
I'm really loving it!!! There are some parts where the pacing gets a bit slow but it makes up by hitting you out of left field with the feels.
Episode 4 is my favorite so far.
I absolutely LOVED this rendition of Sukka. What bisexual disasters, the pair of them.
I absolutely LOVE the background story on the fire nation family, particularly the bond between zuko and iroh. It is presented completely different than in the OG, since the 'show don’t tell' of the original happens in Book 2 and here they use flashbacks, but it works. Still ended with me in waterworks. Also, I understand the logic behind showing all of the cards from the very get-go being that Netflix can cancel the show before it is renewed for another season, so it needed to make the best impression possible, show all the stakes but not reveal them in ther completion. I think they did that very well so far.
his expressions and reactions are just peak comedy. He is the embodiment of "😫😟" and I love that for him.
Dallas' performance is definitely one of my highlights.
The thing that is the most foreign to me so far is the decision to improve Sokka's emotional stakes at the expense of Katara's. I like it but this has to be the element where the adaptation departs the most from the og. Like, in the cartoon it is Katara who bears the brunt of the responsibility taking care of the water tribe and her brother, which is why Sokka's sexism as a character flaw worked there. I can see now why they chose to drop that. With the script flipped like this, with Sokka being the main caretaker and provider between him and Katara, making him stay sexist would've been a bit too much. It is very different, but I like how they flipped the script between them.
What I did not like about this flip is that the change seems to affect Katara's character for the worse. She is not as outspoken or short-tempered as she was in the cartoon. It's almost the complete opposite. But I can definitely see the shyness and insecurity being the deliberate starting point of her arc. Now in ep 5, you can see her becoming more confident both in personality and bending. I think this was a conscious decision, but I still wish she had been written to be more headstrong from the very beginning.
That being said, I really appreciate how different the dynamic between Sokka and Katara is. I love how Katara is trying to get her independence while Sokka is still caught on the fact he has to be her protector, almost parent figure, which is a cool change of pace. One of the things that kinda bothered me as a young girl watching Avatar was that Katara was always stuck being the mom and sort of getting teased for it despite the fact no one else could or wanted to step up to that responsibility. It's cool to see Sokka bearing that responsibility as the eldest in the adaptation.
You know, I don't hate this change. Aang and Katara's interactions are still pretty wholesome, and once they start catching feelings for each other, it will be super cute because you see where the love is truly coming from. It's not just Aang's childhood crush/Katara's "destiny", as it was presented it the cartoon. Besides it would have looked a little weird, considering that the age gap between Gordon and Kiawentiio is way more obvious on screen than it is right now when you see the interviews with the cast, because that kid Gordon is growing up SO fast.
I am enjoying it very much! The adaptation is excellent. Despite some changes being quite big, they managed to capture most of the show's essence. I do believe it could have benefitted from a bit more balance between the comedy and the seriousness, particularly when it comes to Aang because he is mostly just weighted down by his responsibility in the adaptation, I don't see him joke as much, but in general and all limitations considered, I think they did an excellent job! It won't be for everyone, for sure, but I can say it has managed to bring back that feeling of watching the show for the first time again on some parts :)
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note-boom · 11 months
I'm trying to catch up with BSD s5 now that I have time and I'm less than 2 minutes into ep 2 and already I'm going insane and shaking someone's metaphorical shoulders because, because -
"I trusted my soul."
"Actually, I had no way of knowing if they'd believe me."
That's how a story WORKS. The story only has power over you so far as you give it power over you. And if you are a reader or the author of a story, you have that choice to break free from the narrative that's entrapping you. It's like when we get so invested in a piece of fiction and it starts taking over our lives and we have to take a step back and go, right...this is fiction. I know what reality is because I am an individual soul, not a narrative's character and plaything and this story only have power over me as much as I give it power. The characters in BSD might be the characters of the BSD narrative, but they are not the characters of the Book. They are people. Unpredictable, beautiful people that even Ranpo - who CAN predict everything that follows the pattern of a story - cannot fully predict. Because you cannot predict a person's actions or thoughts or future, you can only trust in them
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ivy-diaries · 29 days
‎ ⁎ ‎ ‎ 𓍼 ‎ ‎ ๋ ‎ ◜ &.&. THE IVY INCIDENT S1 ep #2◞ ‎ ... ‎ ‎
˒ wc! 3k
˒ starring! Ivy Kang , Yeonjun Choi
˒ taglist! @stealanity @alixnsuperstxr @riikiblr @skz-libby @escapetheash (lmk if you wanna be added)
˒ desc! on this episode of "The Ivy Incident" ivy welcomes her husband, TXT'S Yeonjun as the first guest of the season where they talk about their relationship, wedding and much more!
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The Ivy incident intro plays and ivy is once again seated in the same place as last episode but this time, the camera is just showing her instead of the whole setting. Ivy smiles and leans in so the mic can catch her voice nice and sound.
“Hey guys!! welcome or welcome back to the Ivy incident! if you didn't know already this is a podcast where I invite my friends and close people to come on and just have a good chat for sometime! if you guys haven't done all the basics about adding this pod to your favorites and giving it a review of your choice, do it right now and putting all of that aside, let's begin!” she grins, claps her hands together and looks at the camera. The grin is somewhat a naughty one. not the kind you think… get your mind off the gutter!
She chuckles and continues, “last week for our first episode, we had no guest and it was just me and Diane in the studio by ourselves but today, we have a very exciting and probably the most requested one after I asked who I should invite here. and probably I should mention this too, this person was the most excited to be here too!” There's a deep chuckle heard in the background and Ivy looks off camera and smiles. 
“So without further ado, let's have the first guest of the season introduce themselves!” she adds on and the camera pans out and TXT's Yeonjun comes into frame with an identical mic set up as ivy. He chuckles before speaking, “hi everyone. this is tomorrow by together's yeonjun or in this scenario jen's husband and just like she mentioned, im very excited to be here” 
A few claps are heard behind the camera, probably from the couple's staff members and the couple start laughing at that. “Thank you so much for that guys, we're honored to have that kind of a welcome” she laughs and the scene cuts to a small video of yeonjun just to introduce him and a small snippet of ivy and yeonjun’s wedding video.
“So! how does it feel to be here finally? and how have you been? update us on recent life happenings!” Ivy asks her husband and smiles lovingly at him as he stares at her with the same if not more affection than her stare.  
“So the first and obvious thing is that I got married to my beautiful wife and yes, married life is so great! And other than that, we’re preparing for a comeback as a group and for a tour if i can say that yet… and that has been hectic but it's fun to be back with the boys after a while.” he answers ivy with a smile. 
She smiles in return, “That's so nice to hear! Although it's not fun to watch you come home late and tired, it's nice to hear you're having fun with the guys! So we got a lot of questions from moas, soleils and the viewers of this pod who have subscribed to the email newsletter. There were a lot of repeated questions, I heard.. So we’re gonna do the ones that were frequently asked! Are you ready to begin this husband?” she asks him and smiles at him (for the millionth time) 
“Yup! I was born ready! Also, I love it when you call me your husband if I'm being honest.” he answers and gives her a lovesick smile which makes her giggle in return. 
“Okay! First question! This is too funny to not read it verbatim oh my god! It says, What was the man's first impression of Ivy? “ ivy reads it and laughs 
“Not the yeonjun slander again oh my god” yeonjun says and laughs with her but stops laughing eventually to answer the question 
“I think at first, I was just intimidated by her sheer talent and the fact that she was a senior. Like if we go back to the beginning and before we both met each other, she had already established a name for herself at what? The age of 14, 15? To think of it now is pure insanity! Wait.. i think i’ve gone off topic here, but yea, to me she was a cool senior and even though she was younger than me, she was the most talented person i’d ever seen. When I saw her on that monthly evaluation, I still remember the date by the way, I fell in love instantly. The way she carried herself was and is still mind blowing to me.” he concludes after yapping for a bit.
Ivy looks starstruck at his explanation and chuckles. “I knew you’d have stuff to say but I didn't know you’d say so much! And for the record, I do too remember the date of the day we first saw each other and actually it's more memorable because i had bought my polaroid camera with me that day and a few of the trainees asked me if they could take a picture with me and he was one of them and with him, we took two pictures and i took one polaroid with me and he took one with him. Mine is still in my photobook!” She tells the camera her side of the story and a few awws are heard from behind the camera and the couple just laugh.
“Okay, so I will read the next question! Who said "I love you" first? Oohh okay a classic question” yeonjun reads it off and looks at ivy
“He did. Although I felt that I loved him, it took me quite some time to say it out loud.. He said it to me when we were “cooking” ” she air quotes it and laughs “we were making a mess literally. And then we were suddenly slow dancing and then we started giggling and then through the giggles he suddenly goes oh my god i love you and i freeze. And then he realizes he's said it out loud and then he freezes but he’s quick to recover. He gives me a smile and says like it’s very true but like you don’t have to say it back just cause i've said it now.. Take your time and stuff and all of this is not going into my head” she laughs “it's just going in one ear and off the other. But like it took me a few more months to muster up the courage and finally say it. And when i did, he cried” yeonjun laughs at her words recounting the scene in his head 
The couple take a few moments to recover and then they're back with the third question. “Ooh this one’s a little spicy “Have you guys ever been caught in the act? What was your guys’ reaction?” ” she reads it out and looks at her husband.
They hold eye contact for a good 5 seconds before bursting out laughing. “Poor beomgyu has seen stuff way more times than he should've '' she says.
“But like yeah.. Like all couples, we’ve been caught doing some stuff a few times.. I mean thank god not in the middle of the act but like we’ve been caught by beomgyu i think thrice? And once by my mum and thankfully that's it.. I don’t wanna explain this any more than that since we have a lot of young viewers'' Ivy laughs before concluding
“Ok! Fourth question? “how did all your friends react when you told them you were engaged?” That is a great question cause we have footage for all of these! I filmed it and stay tuned for it guys, the wedding series will be posted soon! It's just that I'm having a hard time editing and working at the same time so I don't know how long it’ll take but I’ll try my best to finish them asap! But anyways back to the question..” 
“Okay for starters, they were really happy but they were all really reactions” yeonjun says and Ivy laughs remembering them. 
“To start with the boys, they were all very happy for us and you know since they’ve been with us ever since we started dating, they know everything that went down, they kept saying that we really belonged to each other and made each other the better version of ourselves. It was really nice to hear it actually” ivy says and yeonjun nods agreeing. 
“To say I received threats from all of her friends is an understatement. And to make matters worse, they're my friends too.” Ivy laughs at his words. 
“The pandora girlies were mostly really happy for us although some of them pretended to have a sob party over this” ivy laughs. 
“Lua, obviously, was very sweet about it, she congratulated us and wished us the best as always.. Jeongie however, was the one we were all looking out for you know, since i’ve known her for a pretty long time, and as i expected, she teared up making a few of us tear up as well.” she laughs at the memory. 
“The funny thing is, me and her were like hugging each other and crying and like that was it, and the next day i hear beomgyu going like “yeonjun hyung is gonna sleep with both eyes open cuz he made jeongie cry” and the even funny part is enha didn't even know why she cried but was like “hyung what did you do” and the whole time i was just on the floor laughing” ivy laughs. 
“My misery is so funny isn't it?” yeonjun asks and laughs “oh that wasn't even the bad ones, just you wait” he says looking directly into the camera making everyone laugh.
“Rin went absolutely wild. She was jumping, screaming one second and the next she was like all serious and was like “omg what would happen to your careers and stuff” and we had to remind her that like the public would not be mad if we got married but would absolutely come for our throats if we didn’t and then she was back to being unhinged and took like a million pictures of my ring in a million different angles.” ivy laughed and showed the camera her ring
“Can i just tell you how offended she got because i didn’t ask her for jens hand and like her opinion of the ring? She was out for my throat. And at one point she tried to drunk fight me.. Like actually throw hands and i'm not gonna like i was terrified” yeonjun says making everyone laugh 
“She threw me a party for like my promotion to fiance from girlfriend where she was just asking me every single detail of the proposal” ivy laughs
“Inka had almost the same reaction, she pushed me away to give jen a hug, again, threatened me with a "if you hurt her i'll kill you" look but to my surprise, by the end of it, she teared up and like genuinely congratulated us” yeonjun says smiling 
“The others were all really happy and like gave us the biggest hugs and like you could tell they were all really happy for us by their reactions.” Ivy says. 
“Okay, next question, what is this the fifth question? “Who first brought up the option of marriage? Was it an easy topic?” that's a great question”
“Hmmm… the first time I think we ever brought up marriage was when we were stuck in lockdown together and had nothing better to do..” ivy laughs “we had both agreed we were not ready yet and would wait a year or two more to even get engaged and that timeline worked perfectly i guess.. But surprisingly every now and then I get a few comments from people that I got married too young? I mean relatively i am young but i was not too young when i got married so i don't really understand their point” ivy says and yeonjun nods. 
“Next question, this question is really interesting “What made Ivy and and yeonjun realize that they're in love with each other and what was their big 'oh I want to marry this person' moment???” ” ivy reads of the question 
“Okay i’ll go first.. I think my big moment was, this is kinda bad if i say it out loud oh my god” yeonjun laughs but continues nonetheless and ivy just gives him a raised eyebrow
“This was on our second anniversary.. I had big plans for us not gonna lie.. Even if I think about it now, the eighteen year old me had some rizz.. So naturally I was very excited, but when I went to pick Jen up, she was as sick as sick could get. She was throwing up and stuff and I could not just stand there and watch it happen. I threw off my blazer - yes I wore a blazer.. I spent the night taking care of her and I actually liked it.. Like it made me realize that I'd give up on anything to make sure she was okay and I think that's when I realized I wanted to spend my life with her” he concludes with a soft smile. 
Ivy is seen with a smile and glossy eyes and she laughs when a few staff point it out. “I know this because he mentioned it when he was drunk once and I sobbed over it. But it never fails to make me tear up. Uhm.. it's kinda funny because my realization is the morning after this” ivy laughs as she dabs her eyes with a tissue her husband handed her. 
“I woke up the next morning and was obviously a lot better and just saw him on the side of my bed sitting on a stool sleeping.. And like for a moment i was very surprised and then it hit me that like i was sick on our anniversary and had ruined it… but when i looked around, i realized that he had taken care of me and i don't know how to describe this feeling but i was very grateful that he had done that for me and it was only after he left my place that day and after my schedules, i realized that i actually hated living alone and not coming home knowing he’d be there waiting or he’d come home to me as well.. Does that make any sense? We wouldn't live together for two more years but still.." Ivy says and turns to yeonjun and gives him a loving smile. 
“Seventh question! “Have you guys ever thought of having a family?” oohhh” yeonjun reads it and looks at ivy
“We have but not anytime soon…. I’d love to have a family one day but not now because truthfully i think we’re both doing really well career wise and we have a few more things we want to accomplish before you know, taking it slow and have a baby.. Plus, we’ve talked about it and we don't want to raise our child in the city because as much as i love the city vibes, it’s not my ideal place to start a family if it makes any sense” ivy replies
“Everything Jen said and like at the end of the day, it’s her body and just like Rachel Green said, no uterus no opinion.” yeonjun says and the staff bursts laughing. 
“Third to last question!! “Who cooks and who washes the dishes?” these questions are freaking everywhere omg” ivy laughs 
“Well it depends on who gets home first! If I get home first, I cook or if he does, he cooks! It's simple in the choi household!” ivy smiles 
“Second to last! “Who's the closest to their in-laws?” That is a good question isn't it?” yeonjun says. 
“Well we’re both very close to each other’s families so I wouldn't really compare who's closer.. But jun is very close to my brother cuz they're the same age and they match each others vibes and i’m pretty close to his mother and i'm so thankful for this but like she makes me vegetarian friendly dishes of like actual korean dishes so i can eat them too and it's soo sweet of her and i love her for it” she says giving the camera a hand heart knowing her mother-in-law watches her videos. 
“Last question “what were your vows? And how was your wedding day” oh no..” ivy laughs as she reads the question. 
“Okay we’re not gonna answer this right now because we have a video of it but we’ll give you like little insights of it” she says 
“I wrote stuff about our past and what we promised each other when we were young.. I mean we were and still are pretty young but we were just kids when we started dating. I mean she was 16, I was 17… and I mean we are still just 24 and 25 but we were literally just kids when we met and we had so many dreams and things we wanted to achieve individually and together and I think we are doing pretty fine compared to what we started..” yeonjun says smiling 
“I mean it was really emotional and we made almost everyone cry hearing it and we still cried looking at the video when we got it back from our photographer.. I’d say we had a pretty normal wedding for people who work in this industry. Because we had like a few ceremonies” ivy laughs 
“The first, we had it in Paris where we had a little private wedding and then we came back to korea and had, not a wedding but we had like a reception or a large dinner party you could say because most of our friends and jun’s family lives in korea. And then we had our final ceremony in the US because most of my family lives there. The one in Korea was somewhat public but the other two were not and I'm really thankful for it if I'm being honest. Because we know how some people are from just seeing airport footage of idols these days. So like I was saying.. Am I yapping now?” Ivy asked and it made yeonjun laugh. 
“No no you're fine go on” yeonjun laughs 
“As I was saying.. We had a really fun time at our wedding! Our vows were really emotional as we were saying in the beginning. I’ll try and tell you guys what they were because i don't think we have them right now” ivy looks at her husband and he nods in agreement. 
“So yea I guess that answers the question.. I don't even know what I said.. I think i was yapping mostly so im very sorry for that” she laughs 
“But that concludes today’s episode!” yeonjun groans at her words “he doesn’t wanna go home.. But please tell us your thoughts about how you felt today!” ivy laughs 
“I had soo much fun today.. I mean I always have the best time when you're around so this was the usual.. Okay okay i’ll stop flirting!” he laughs as ivy threatens to throw a pillow at him. “As I was saying, I had soo much fun and I hope I can come back one day! Thank you so much for having me here and this has been tomorrow by together’s yeonjun so far! Thank you!” he says and everyone claps
“That's it for this episode and I hope you guys enjoyed today where i had a great time talking with yeonjun and stay tuned for the upcoming episodes and this has been ivy so far and thank you for listening to the ivy incident! Have a great day or good night!! Byee!!” Ivy and yeonjun wave and the outro plays with clips of Ivy being cute throughout the episode.
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˒ priya talks! the edit of the cover is not mine!! credits to the creator and pinterest where I found it!! if you've read this far, cuz this is pretty long, reblog with a 🧸!! let me know who you guys want to see next on the episode!! love ya!!
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missveryvery · 7 months
I want to know wtf is going to happen with the dub of ep 4 *_* in the meantime, while I wait to know how high to turn my anger dial, Ep 5 thoughts under cut.
So many tiny things!
I yelled when Shi Qingxuan landed and his arms were so jacked, holy shit, what?!??!?! He's so BIG.
I thought Hua Cheng swinging his sword around looked awkward ;0; but all the other weapon usage looked good?! Why was e'ming animated at 2 frames a second ;0;?! That's e'ming secret power, lowering the frame rate.
The little twitch in Ming Yi's hand really made it seem like Shi Qingxuan started fighting because he was mad Ming-xiong was hurt instead of just practicality. LOVE THAT.
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Xie Lian gripping Shi Qingxuan so hard it left marks ;0;?!?! Xie Lian loves Shi Qingxuan? Must protecc him? ;0;?!?? They're such cute little friends.
Feng Xin being the god on duty and coming before merits were even used. Immediately dropping his hesitation about speaking to him when Xie Lian is hurt.
Mu Qing rolling in like a huge bitch "so what if he's hurt, we all get hurt on patrol >:V" like he's NOT WRONG. Probably, if Xie Lian was any other god Feng Xin would be less freaked out. Mu Qing continually gets pissed off when Feng Xin falls into loyal dog mode. Which is actually him being pissed off at himself for falling back into loyal dog (cat) mode. He loves bitching at people for doing something stupid and then doing it himself right afterwards. Which is exactly what he's going to do in the next episode (assuming it follows the book, the manhua left that part out). "What are you looking so concerned for? >:V *is there, also being concerned*"
We finally got real dialogue out of these two, jfc.
Mu Qing healing Ming Yi!!! And picking him up!! Touching his chest!! A++++!!! Were those 4 dudes who carried Ming Yi away supposed to be his? I wouldn't think so except they made Mu Qing get so handsy there and their outfits reminded me of his blueberry boys from season 1.
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Mu Qing looking manic about the idea of Xie Lian killing the royal family! in the book, I thought maybe this was the narrator misunderstanding his facial expression but they really did make him look fucking excited about it. So if he IS thrilled, I'm guessing this is "oh sweet, he got revenge!"? On the other hand, when Xie Lian fesses up to it, he seems as shocked and horrified as Shi Qingxuan and Feng Xin?
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He's pleased he got revenge then changed his mind about being pleased once they got the details and then was freaked out
He's pleased Xie Lian is being accused of something fucked up but doesn't think he'd actually do it so he's freaked out that he did
He's pleased he did it, loves that for him, and is freaked out Xie Lian admitted it because he'd prefer he get away with it
He wasn't pleased in the first place and that was just his fucked up facial expressions
(Ohhh he has eyeliner now!!!)
Shi Qingxuan catching Taihua's sword with his whisk, why is he so rad. I love that he thinks in practical, social terms, he considers consequences. "If Hua Cheng hassles you about this, make sure you blame me, it's all my fault" "throwing out merits is way more effective" "you two weren't going to do anything so let me be the bad guy".
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djarins-cyare · 8 days
Get to Know Me tag game
Rules: Answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Thanks for the tag, @mosssbawls. I'm sorry it took me so long to do this (I literally save everything I'm tagged in until I've got time to do it, lol). Maybe it's been so long that this will restart the tag game??
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Favourite colour: Teal when I'm feeling bold, duck egg blue when I want something softer (she says, putting up a pink-themed post).
Last song: It would've been on the radio in the car last night, but I don't remember the last one. I know I was singing along to Fast Car by Tracy Chapman at one point in the journey, so I'll say that.
Currently reading: I'm hopping between some great fanfics right now. Let's see... Lovers' Crest by gingerlurk, Second Chances by DjarinMuse, and Back to You by Kyberblade. All are fabulous!
Currently watching: Well, The Acolyte is premiering… like, now, so despite it being the early hours of the morning here, I’m gonna check it out. Otherwise, I'm rewatching Bones from start to finish (one ep per evening while making dinner), and my current commuting entertainment is The Bad Batch (rewatching season 1 so I can binge seasons 2 and 3). I don't watch nearly as much stuff as I used to; these days I spend most of my time writing.
Currently craving: Sleep! Always tired, never sleeping!
Coffee or tea: I had to give up caffeine last year when dental surgery forced me to drink nothing but water, so neither these days. But I hate the taste of coffee, and I'm British, so I have to pick tea. It’s, like, the law.
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I'm going to tag the folks whose fics I'm reading, bc ily guys: @gingerlurk @djarinmuse @kyberblade (no pressure 🫶🏻).
I know the rules say 9 tags, but I'm too tired to choose any more, so anyone else who sees this, consider yourselves tagged!
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