#cares very dearly about and doesnt know how to deal with it
arvoze · 4 months
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you don;t get to learn about this one either (you will). if i tell you this thing is about death and murder you would have to trust me
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kibblemode · 6 months
oc for cpcs info under the cut
cecil davis, he/him, cis + gay, 26, mixed (white/hispanic), prims older brother + main protag | battle theme
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cecil is the main protag of the game, he lived in the underworld w/ his mom annie before she sent him to live with his uncle seg in the surface world. externally hes very serious n can be stern sometimes but hes a good guy overall ^_^ he has a younger sister who he'll protect with his LIFE they love each other lots. in fact sometimes he can get a little Too protective lol. he befriends jona and his friends bc seg accidentally shows his true nonhuman form to him while cecil and prim are with him so cecil makes a deal w jona in order to protect their identities (jona is an aspiring paranormal journalist) and thats how the game starts out LOL
prim davis, she/her, cishet, 18, mixed (same as cecil), cecils little sister | cutscene theme
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prim is cecils little sister abd the secondary protag of the story. she was also sent to the surface world by haven to live with seg, since she hasnt seen cecil in person for over 9 years. shes very kind and good natured, but she can have moments where shes a little hotheaded. she loves her brother dearly and has a great relationship w him :] she also has a boyfriend in the overworld and is Not happy w her dad that shes separated from him
jona chen, he/him, trans + bisexual, 25, chinese, cecils friend | cutscene theme
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jona is cecils first and closest friend in the surface world. hes a human but knows that cecil is Not due to seg accidentally revealing their nonhuman forms in front of him. hes an aspiring paranormal journalist and investigator, so hes Suuuuper interested in learning about cecil and prims respective cultures. he also gets permission from cecil and prim to let his close friends see them as they truly are. he ends up being super close with cecil and even asks him out near the end of the game, whether or not cecil accepts is up to the player tbh
gulliver hitchcock, he/him, cis + bisexual, 28, white, jonas friend
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gulliver is one of jonas friends. hes very country and lives in the middle of nowhere. him living so far from the city means cecil and his friends spend a lot of time there. he unknowingly saves his friends from an escaped underworld beast of some sort by hitting it with his truck. hes the second of jonas friends to be introduced in game
daisy evergreen, she/her, cis + bisexual, 30, ugandan, also jonas friend
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another one of jonas friends. daisy is the first to find out about cecils true identity after jona, but thats mostly because she figured it out on her own. shes pretty even tempered and cool in the face of danger, her friends usually go to her for advice. in game she is the first human introduced, cecil walks her home after she gets lost in the towns neighboring woods
seg janson, he/him, cishet, 56, white, cecil and prims uncle | battle theme + cutscene theme
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seg is a rich conman who jointly owns a banking company in the city. before the start of the game hed never met his niece and nephew, but after meeting them he cares for them deeply. he gives cecil a job to protect his identity but accidentally allows jona to see their nonhuman forms like i said earlier. he lives in the middle of the small town jona and his friends live in, in an abandoned church he made into a mansion. later in the game its revealed that he lives in the surface world because he preferred it to the underworld, and he prefers living with humans instead of preying on their weaknesses
misty goodman, she/her, cis + lesbian, 25, white, ALSO jonas friend
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yet another friend of jonas. shes a blogger who lives in the city, and is the last to find out about cecil. she can be pretty rude and blunt about most things, but she also has a rare kinder side. despite her personality she loves her friends and would do Anything for them, even is she doesnt say so. she helps jona with his amateur journalism by using her talent for photography to provide him with pictures to use in his articles. basically his partner in crime
radon, he/him, trans + het, 33, white, weird guy + resident fucked up scientist | cutscene theme + battle theme
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radon is somewhat of an urban legend around the town. hes a chemist who studies radioactive materials in his free time (which he has a lot of) in his lab under his house. he tends to experiment on himself a lot, since he ran out of """test subjects""". he rarely leaves the lab, usually injecting himself with chemicals snd documenting the results. cecil winds up in his lab by accident, and witnesses radon inject himself one too many times, which causes him to turn into a gross monster that cecil kills in self defense
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haven davis, he/they, cishet, 52, hispanic, cecil and prims father + main "villain" | battle theme + cutscene theme
haven is basically god, and rules over the overworld with an iron fist. he can be pretty emotionless and serious, but is still a good dad overall. he is the final boss of the game, his need to protect his family results in him trying to erase jona and friends' memories of everything they weren't supposed to see. this leads up to him being the final boss of the game, cecil stops him by defeating him in a heated battle. hes not a terrible person per se but he definitely does some fucked up shit to humans he considers a threat to the secrecy of both the overworld and the underworld
annie janson, she/her, cishet, 49, white, cecil and prims mother | cutscene theme
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annie is cecil and prim's mom and shes like. literally the devil and is considered head of the underworld lol. shes divorced (her ex husband haven lives in the overworld with prim, meanwhile cecil lives in the underworld with annie) i dont have much character wise but i like to think shes a bit of a hothead but still a decent mom to her kids
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kanatashinkaifr · 11 months
going to talk abt obey me and how they are all extremely neurodivergent!!! gonna go through my thoughts on each characters who stands out to me in one way or another.
Lucifer- he has NPD. dont even try to argue with me about this. from the way he holds himself to an extremely high standard to how hes LITERALLY the avatar of pride, hes just a total narc and I love him dearly. I also consider him to be autistic. half bcuz he shows some signs half bcuz I'm autistic and love projecting onto characters. I think that the way he is so strict and finds being on time so important is extremely autistic of him. he follows a very specific routine, and if said routine is messed with, he is unapproachable for atleast the rest of the day. this is shown in likee late lesson 24 or early lesson 25 I forget. he also has issues with emotions. both showing and I think even identifying them. autistic man. ALSO ptsd. duh.
mammon: adhd. he has adhd. he doesnt have npd, HOWEVER, he totally shows symptoms. he acts like hes on top of the world but the second a minor inconvenience happens he is just. reduced to nothing. I also like the hc of him being dyslexic.
levi: AUTISM AUTISM AUTISM!!! yeah that ones obvious like extremely obvious. stg autism runs into the family or smth cuz it feels like mammon and asmo are the only allistics in that mf house. dont need to explain why Levi is autistic. its obvious. if you really need an explanation just ask. but I also think he has severe social anxiety. like to the point that he gets extremely sick at the thought of social interaction. over the years, and with lots of trial and error medication, he can sort of deal with it now. still freaks him out though.
Satan: I think he takes after his father. like. A LOT. he is so npd and so autistic. I think that he really prides himself on his smarts but like. if he were to fail/get an average mark on a test (especially if lucifer got a high mark) he would disintegrate out of pure self hatred. if lucifer is better than him in any academic topic, you can practically feel the envy and rage coming from him. lucifer understands how he feels, and always tries to help him with his npd issues, but that just upsets him tenfold. "you think that *I* need *YOUR* help??? disgusting!". he has such issues I love him so much. not much to comment on his autism. also quite obvious, especially in nightbringer.
beel: autism. binge eating disorder. ptsd.
belphie: autism. BPD!!!!! B!! P!!! D!!!!!!!! I will scream it from the roof tops THAT MAN HAD BPD IDC WHAT YOU SAY!! impulsivity (especially when angry), unstable relations (mostly hc), uncontrolled anger, chronic emptiness (hc), self destructiveness, fear of abandonment. you look into the DSM-5 and there is a picture of him there. I think that. he might have PTSD too.
diavolo: autism. I dont care what anyone says I think he is an autistic woman who was just forced into masking. c-ptsd due to mainly emotional neglect.
solomon: autism. no canon reason to support this I'm just projecting. c-ptsd. he has very complicated feeling surrounding loneliness and abandonment due to his childhood.
simeon: autism. C-PTSD!!!!!!! I think that. there wasnt nessacarily anything that could generally be considered traumatizing. but a lot of things in his early days were extremely stressful for him. I think that hes always questioned the word of God just a bit. he made sure nobody ever found out, but he always had doubt within him. this has always eaten at him, as he is supposed to be an angel. Angel's do not doubt the word of their father,, so, why does he?
ermm okay I think that's. enough ranting for today...
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dinosaurzzz · 1 year
I actually don't think XGaster might choose to actively push Ink away - he has very little against him and doesn't try to overpower him (he's someone who takes no criticism and will snap back at anyone making fun of him, but only cringes a bit at most when it's Ink doing it), I feel like the worst case scenario is that if they come to disagree, since XGaster is focused on getting a specific ending possibly to the point of self destruction, he'd exploit the "Unspoken Plan Guarantee" trope and would leave Ink to his own assumptions and let that possibly drive them apart rather than come clear about his intentions
well, i think xgaster would believe... ink is backing out? hes becoming more and more reluctant to deal with anything.
he's said before that "emotions distract me" at the end of .6 .
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if 21 years is to be believe/is cannon, than he's also thinking ink as a convient friend, and i know this because i cried over this exact panel because i couldnt understand it. like... it doesnt make sense. are they his only friend that matters or what? at this point xg has given ink his soul too. are they just someone to carry a part of him, or does ink hold more value than he wants to admit? and i think ink is oblivious to all of this.
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as ive said in my first sentence (i forgot to put this in my earlier post), xgaster could think that ink doesnt want to do the perfect story/ending anymore (also ink has has hesitance towards xgaster overwriting things). if they were to speak about him hurting himself in this (supposed) tantrum about his perfect world, it would eventually leave them at odds. right?
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maybe its just me but i think xgaster would get either extremely defensive and jump to the conclusion that ink doesnt want to do ANYTHING with HIM anymore, or decide it suits him just fine if he is trying to limit how he feels about ink and others. that is if ink tries to coax xgaster into stopping just for a moment so hes not completely destroying himself.
of course this would freak ink out if xgaster says something of the affect "i dont need you", as it would be utterly terrified if that happened to them, given their existence is based around people wanting to make things, and they have heard the creators abandoning them left and right.
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if xgaster leaves, they now have one less creator to help them, especially one that they care about dearly.
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jakei also just seems like the type of person to do that...?
and like this may seem counter intuitive to my whole ideals and ideas about xgaster and ink's relationships, but i'd actually kind of want to see them fight. i think itd be a cool battle no matter how much itd hurt me to see them do so. (que to chara, frisk, sans, and papyrus all playing the nintendo wii in a basement while their parents fight upstairs in the 2008 recession/j)
and even if they happen to split, i hope that they both regret it or something of that effecr. ink cannot live without creators, without creations, so having xgaster as an enemy would destroy them. xgaster without ink, someone who was so fundamentally important to his growth and development, someone who may have actually given xgaster his NAME... it would be heart wrenching.
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no matter how much you deny yourself and your feelings... it will always come back.
BUT we also dont know anything. anything could happen for any reason in underverse. its still in the works and development and we can only speculate and theorize what jakei may do because we dont have whatever script they are working on. if this series ends with xgaster and ink a broken relationship itd be so... frustrating.
i have seen so many people claiming that xgaster and ink dont like each other (which they do), and if that becomes real than everything, every art, every writing, everything i (and a few others) had worked so hard to give a fighting chance to... it would become moot to cannon.
jakei would be a fool to throw this relationship in the trash. but we dont know anything, and i can only hope they know what theyre doing when they deal with their relationship.
this is obviously its own story and it doesnt have to follow a set of rules though, as is all fiction and all beloved the same, (generally.) we have no control, as its just like when you make your own story and rules involving these characters. your audience generally doesnt get to make the story unless its interactive or whatever.
so whats to say we know what jakei is going to do? besides live streams and context clues?
the ball is entirely in their hand. this giant clown car we're all stuffed into rooting for the next installment is in their control, and we're just happy to enjoy it, arent we?
i believe thats all that i have to say...
apologies for the tangent, im very passionate about them.
i also do not have the best working memory so if anything is inaccurate, excuse me.
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thank you for your thoughts, though!
i hold you and shake you around like a squeaky toy! /j
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
AHHSGHD pleasantly surprised that the random loosely connected thoughts are well received lmao, considering the way i write is all over the place and very very loosey goosey (esp at 2am... which was the time i sent that ask in)
anyways the thoughts be thoughting right now and. hm. yknow the whole concept of "human ascends into godhood"? what if that happened to mafia!reader? that'd be a cool concept to play around with i think
maybe this happens after criminal!stone has already gotten overly attached to reader and basically worships him as is. and then the reader doesnt show up in the office space of the compound one morning... strange, right?
maybe stone kicks down the door after not getting any response, just barely hearing pained gasps. probably thinks this is like a heart attack, with reader sweating and clutching at his body.
i feel like the transformation is painful. its unnatural, it isnt *supposed* to happen to humans. to *anyone*
maybe reader made like a deal with a demon, maybe it was some other forces. or maybe its a sick type of revenge by the ghosts that haunt him daily. but no matter whats the cause, it *hurts* and it *burns* and its completely changing the body and the mind.
maybe reader is rushed to the medbay on the property. maybe *nothing* is helping, nothing is going the way it should, no painkillers can help, they cant even put him in a medical coma to soothe the pain that way
maybe it last a day, a week. month, maybe? doesnt really matter. but during this time, reader changes so much hes unrecognizable.
im fond of the idea of reader maybe being around 5'9ish, so stone is the taller one. but that suddenly changing after this. what if hes ridiculously tall after this. 7 feet, maybe? i dunno.
how do we feel about hooves? fangs and claws? maybe a tail and horns? just small changes to the body to symbolize the loss of his humanity. reader cant easily hide this now, so he has to face it head on. face that he now stands out *so* much in a crowd. face how the reflection isnt *him* anymore
id love to know how stone would feel, but i struggle to get into his mind in this scenario. guilt, maybe? i mean, yeah, probably guilt. he cant do anything! his dearly beloved is in inhuman amounts of pain and he cant do anything!
the existence of godhood implies magic, and magic implies a LOT of fun stuff. maybe reader uses a cloaking spell to at least *look* human. to look like how he used to. but like all magic, its draining. even gods get tired. it takes a lot more for it to happen, but it still does
in short what im saying is hurt/comfort but taken to the next level. how does our dearly beloved worshiper comfort a *god*? what works? what *helps*? massaging the base of the horns? oh fuck nope thats a growl directed at him, onto the next thing we go.
maybe reader turns the entire compound into his temple, all of the goons his worshipers, but stone at the very forefront of it all? yeah. YEAHHH i like that a lot actually
idk i just think humans becoming inhuman is neat :) esp when its awful and suffering-inducing :3
~ xoxo, rusty (he/him)
These were truly such an amazing, magical thoughts to read. Forget Criminal!Stone worshipping Mafia Boss!Reader, I'm worshipping you.
Criminal!Stone would still worship you, hell he'd be like "Your newly divine form is testament to the fact that you were, are, and will always be a god." It was painful to watch you go through that transformation and not be able to do anything, but now he's working on ways to become an even better worshipper.
Stone figures out how to comfort you in this divine form, he ensures the compound, your temple, is taken care of and is fit for the god you are. He ensures the rest of your followers (your goons) are just as reverent as he is, that they stay in line. No one dares to oppose you now.
And he adores how you're taller than him now.
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ghoulish-fiction · 10 hours
For those of you who like my "ghouls are a human and a demon smashed into one" headcannon, here's some notes copy and pasted from my notes app. Its a list of ghouls, in no particular order, and what I think becoming a ghoul was like for them and what theyre like now. Kinda. Very much subject to change. Cut for length. Enjoy byyyyeeee. ✌🤟🖤
Dewdrop: early on the human and fire had an incredibly hard time adjusting, so water had to be in charge. She took good care of them all, but she grew exhausted. Human and fire have finally been able to step up and have meshed nicly. They are waiting for water to be ready to join them. They are thankful to her for what she did for them. 
Aether: human and quint were so compatible and so enamored with eachother that they became one in record time, and their love for eachother, for themself, for their life, has spilled out into their pack. This is why Aether is a lover, healer, protecter because he is a love story. (I wrote this a few days ago and now i kinda hate it idk)
Rain: half joined with human being the more dominant personality most of the time, can be a bit moody because of this. Water is very powerful and lustful. Human shares this hunger but doesnt know how to act on it so they gladly let water take control and sate their needs and desires. This applies to the bedroom and the hunting grounds. On stage, its all human. He loves the spot light. Its what he's always wanted to do. 
Phantom: not as young and dumb as everyone paints him to be. He is young though. But also insanely powerful. His youth and sweet personality decieve people. He joined with an absolute power house of a demon. The demon was so powerful that the poor guy almost didnt make it. His body lay comatose for a while. In that time however, the two beings grew to know eachother completely and soon became one. So when he awake, transition was easy mentally, but challenging physically. He's extremely confident and comfortable with himself.
Cirrus and Cumulus: they have always been a package deal in my mind idk why. So they are two humans who were in love who joined with two demons who were in love. They are both half joined like Rain, but Cirrus tends be lead by the demon, while Cumulus tends to be lead by the human. But really its a toss up of who is at the wheel at any given. This is why either of them can have some wild mood swings from time to time. They are a two person polycule.
Phil: demon doesnt have elemental powers but his inherent power is strong, but he is like never around. Just kinda there for the ride. So human takes the lead. That's why Phil is very much just a dude lol.
Swiss: a rare creature indeed. Human, quint, fire, and air. The three demons were part of a large pack, but tragedy struck. In the end there was only the three of them left, with air barely hanging on. They took a last ditch effort and sought to become a ghoul to save air, it was the only way. They were a package deal because they refused to lose anybody else and because air would need their strength. The ritual was sucessful, and all four parties made it. They all bonded easily into one, making our beloved Swiss. His air powers are very subtle because air would never fully recover. 
Swiss is so very dedicated to his pack and insistant on having a good relationship with everyone because of the demons past, but the human had strong feelings about family before too. (I kinda hate this even more than Aether's idk)
Mountain: the human and the demon met accidentally on a fine summer day. The human was out foraging when they saw strange tracks. They thought it was an injured animal, so they tracked the animal with the hope of finding it and helping it. What they found though, was a demon. The demon was longing for its old simple human life. It was exploring the surface, admiring the world they so had so dearly loved, thinking it was far from humans. The two came to know eachother well and decided to join together. Fully joined into one but it was a very long process. They let it happen naturally.
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grumpy-zane · 8 months
((yeah Ill dump about ninjago OCs and save you the space. Its in chunks based on time/eras.
v----ancientish. Older than old. ----v
Hebi: An ancient serpentime who was the EM of water, his egg was altered by the blood of Wojira, making him especially prevvy to the sea. He is an excellent marksman, but looses it when hes too far away from the ocean.
Sun-Ray: second EM of fire, direct descendant of a dragon. She loves the world but her actions often leave many wondering if dragons truly are to be feared and reveared. She evaporated the inland sea, creating the sea of sand.
v----Pre Serpentine War(cusp)----v
Plexiglass: He is a human from Cascadia but spent most of his life in Ninjago City. Hes a history teacher, stage actor, and professional stealer. Hes divorced and has 4 kids, but he doesnt know how they are since he was killed. Mystake sealed him in a compass, for funsies! Hes the EM of Contour, like contour lines of a map.
Favrile: Temporally displaced, he is a railway worker and is Dareths grandfather. The FSM killed his family and so he killed the FSM via train and indirecrly started the serpentine war. He also died via train. Hes fluent in old ninjargon, and may or may not be part Oni.
Mocco: Hypnobrai who is a manager for a famous actor. In his free time he does photography and interviews for the press. He lived in Ninjago City but was forced into the tomb after the end of the war.
Vippie: Fangpyre, she is an actor who often gets casted as evil henchmen. She used to volunteer on the morning exercise show, which focused in on yoga. She lives with her friend Gran't.
Gran't: Constrictai, also an actor who usually plays the serious or grouchy characters. He's very outgoing, but has a bad habit of being afraid of anything tiny(mice, insects, cats, birds, the works). He used to work at a diner before being picked up by a casting studio.
v----Serpentine War----v
Richard: Dareths dad, he is kind of a bum. He resides in stiix where he grew up, and fought on the serpentines side during the war. He likes to take things that dont belong to him, but his gullible nature leaves much to be forgiven.
Maryann: Dareths mom, shes been acting ever since she remembers and thus has a very cynical view of life. She is boisterous and almost too forward for her own good, but it helps get her points across. She loosely fought on the side of the EMs during the war.
v----Modern Day----v
Archie: I gave Dareth a twin brother for fun. Hes an office worker who mostly deals in law. Hes an architect as well, but dreams of running a little flower shop. Unfortunately he needs money and theres not a lot of money in his dreams. Hes a little pessimstic with a short temper, but he cares deeply about his loved ones.
Firma: shes a constrictai who's Archies daughter. She loves digging and the 'Ninjago Legends' videogame series, and rocks, and millipedes, and the texture of bread. She spends a lot of time with 'Miss Uncle Acidicus' during her serpentine lessons.
Odis: Okay Ill acknowledge Odid again. Yes hes a pixane kid, yes hes eccentric, and yes he wil eat every tomato raw. Hes very bad at school and social norms, but he cheats at both regulalry via the power of the internet. Hes very shy, and rather impatient.
Caelus: heeyy, remeber how Favrile was temporally displaced? Guess who *else* is ! Caelus is his brother who shows up and is severely confused. He lives out in a cave, and sleeps through the winters. He loves pumpkins, you could trap him in a large stick-box trap this way. He misses his family dearly.
Pael: Another One. She is less confused and is a little mad that she wasnt the one who got to kill the FSM. Sad! Oh well! She loves reading and taking shortcuts, and eventually works at a pottery repair shop.
I think thats it. I cant rmemever.))
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moss-flesh · 2 years
6 and 19 from the ask game thingie for aila and alistair? <3
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
SOBS !!! Alistair sustains that he loved her the whole time but Aila calls bullshit and always tries to get him to tell her when it happened exactly. He did say one time that he hadnt realized it until after they went to redcliffe. He told her he was a royal bastard and she still liked him, she barely gave a shit in fact. she even went out of her way to protect Arl Eamond and his family, though she had a blatant dislike for them. Once all that was over and he got back to camp his brain would not leave him alone and just kept replaying their interactions together and it was like he got punched in the face. He knew he liked her but thats when he was like oh maker im so SCREWED! According to Aila it happened to her around the same time. Heres this guy that she thinks is handsome and funny, oh whatever might as well flirt and enjoy his company while we go through hell together, its not serious. But then they just have the best chemistry and begin to develop something more, which she has literally never experienced as circle mages tend not to risk love. Still shes lying to herself like “hah i totally could stop if i wanted to.”
And then they went to redcliffe and she continues lying to herself like “yeah sure i could do this an easier way but that would be dumb haha, going back to the circle is much smarter haha..” so then she returns to the circle relives some trauma, and oh yeah kills a specific abusive templar who was being attacked by demons in front of everyone and then doesn’t let anyone ask about it. ANYWAY she gets a little unhinged during the circle quest, but she realizes he still sees her the same way. Hes not scared of her, he doesnt think shes cruel, he still looks at her adoringly, and then he gives her the rose and its all over for her. Thats when shes like oh no… i love him.
19. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
Its very hard for them, but they have to be apart so often now that theyre use to it. Ive mentioned this many a time but they both wear their wedding rings on their wardens oaths and it like their own little connection to eachother. They write letters constantly even if they arent able to send them they just save them up to send next time they can. Aila usually sends some kind of pressed flower or leaves and gives him a little information about what it represents and its uses, like :
“This is embrium also known as Salubrious Embrium, though im never going to bother remembering that. im sure you recognize it as we had to drudge through miles and miles of wilderness many times together. The smell of these little beauties apparently cured some Orlesian lords daughters illness. The healers must of felt right stupid. I hope you can still smell it as it is a lovely smell. I think of you too often, such a headache. Let me know what you think of these when you write back so I can add it to my notes. Love, your beautiful charming Wife.”
He honestly has a more difficult time than her, she misses him dearly but has always been more comfortable in solitude so its easier for her to distract herself. He saves all of her letters and rereads them often, always replying as soon as he possibly can. He tends to be occupied by worries of her safety, he knows she can take care of herself, he knows it well. BUT he also knows that she tends to put herself in danger OFTEN and sometimes his brain just becomes an anxious mess. His worries are always resolved with one of her letters telling him to “relax his pretty head” and that she will be safe for him.
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lesbiten · 2 years
Hate to hop into your asks and drop this on you but god I am inspired by your walls of text tonight. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. The way that people dumb Fiddleford in particular down to just some hillbilly that dated Ford in a traditional romantic relationship is honestly wrong in so many ways. I won’t get into all of them for the sake of time and you reading this, which if you do, thank you so much. Something a lot of people fail to realize is that especially with the kind of abuse Ford received growing up (from Filbrick primarily but also the other children of Glass Shard Beach), there is no chance he would ever unpromptedly confess to Fiddleford and be like “yeah let’s get in a relationship”. Fiddleford as well is also so complex in this topic. He is clearly interested in women as he does dearly love Emma (keeping a photo of her on his desk, talking about her to Ford, being shown to miss her a lot), but when it comes down to it, he was queercoded. Which yeah sure great but that is not his only character trait! He’s incredibly written as a man in that day and age where mental health was very much taboo and he was doing the only thing he could think of to cope, which does actually link back to his childhood and how he was raised Christian but that’s a different conversation, he knew no other way than out of sight out of mind taken to the extremes which is so tragic in itself. He didn’t feel like he could really confide in anyone his fears, including his wife and best friend. I think the saddest part of him, though, really comes down to the memory gun and how he was so smart, he probably knew it would cause brain damage. Yet he still decided he would rather permanently damage his mind than deal with the trauma he’d received. Anyways there’s my wall of text sorry again. Have a good night o/
okay okay but i really think people forget a multitude of things when talking about the nature of their relationship and its
-its the 1980s in research era. In The United States.
-fiddleford is not only noted to be christian but like. Very christian. like ford puts a big emphasis on it. and obviously being christian doesnt stop him from being queer but once again he grew up during a time when those two things Especially did not mesh together
-filbrick absolutely was the kind of dad to. React Negatively if either ford or stan ever strayed from traditional masculinity. having a parent like that seriously impacts your ability to analyze your own sexuality
but anyways thats not me saying anything against people who don't really care about all that but i find that considering the complexities of the time they lived in as well as their own personal experiences makes their relationship a Lot more interesting than just. teehee they were in love. they r so much more Okay theres so much more to look at and talk about than just them having a regular normal relationship
Anyways . moving along
fiddleford is such an insanely interesting character outside of him being shipped with ford which is something i definitely think people forget. you are very right that him inventing the memory gun and ruining his life with it is a really good (if extreme) representation of how having poor mental health back then was very very frowned upon. to the point where he'd rather do all the things he did than simply confide in the two people closest to him about his struggles.
& yes yes he is Very sad to think about because ur not wrong that he was smart enough to know what the gun would do to him. even if after a few uses it slipped away from him. when he shows it to ford and ford tells him to destroy it, fiddleford straight up acknowledges he could (and doesnt want to) forget his wife and son, before proceeding to erase fords memory and keep the gun. he knows the risks. he would rather lose his life than deal with his trauma and axiety in a healthy way. and isnt that so great and awesome i feel great about it!!!!!! <- dead
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flowermist7432 · 2 years
I like to think Lonnie's personality is one of more favorite ocs i get to write a draw becauss its my favorite character type. LONG Ramblings below,, beware!!!
Lonnie is, to say...He's blunt, everything he says is exactly what he means! He'll happily say "nope!" To your face if he doesnt like what you are saying and keep doing whatever it is he's doing. However he isnt MEAN. He's just honest, although a bit long winded and choppy. Such as
"Im so TERRIBLY sorry my dear man, But i am in dire need your help to find my whereabouts of my location! Im verrrry lost! 8]c"
"Wowie, thats awwwfully rude! Bye bye!"
"Can I see your video playing device, of which i can use for photography means! This small insect on the table, and i wish to capture this brief moment!"
Like, sir you could have said that so much easier!!! But you didnt and thats perhaps very cool if you..
He doesnt facially emote that well and he knows it! All he does is a smiley look so he relys on the things he says and expressive tone or maybe even a crooked brow or squint. Drawing out certain words to bring emphasis on them! Sorta like Emmet, where he too repeats phrases..
If he doesnt like you he'll just say "i do not like you!" And walk away because he..does not like you!!! Being mean isnt his game!
But while people are guided by heart over mind or mind over heart, Lonnie leads with both mind and heart, because logically in his mind he deals with facts and rules he understands and then that alows his heart to do as it pleases!
Theres a point in my story where some very beat up, ripped apart scribbled on doll mocks him asking if he thinks he can just call her pretty and beautiful. She's clearly been scarred and hurt by the loss of her conventional attractiveness and now she's so tied to her own looks she's lost herself in such anger and pettyness! To which he says he doesnt think she's pretty, no. Because he doesnt think she is, but to him thats not insulting.
"No. I do not think you are pretty...!" And followed by a swift "But i do not think that matters. You deserve love and respect regardless of your looks, not in despite of them or because of them! Telling you that you are beautiful will not make you feel better, no... I think you want to hear that but its not what you need!"
People respecting their body regardless of their looks to him are more important than slapping on a simple "you are pretty" over a obviously deeper issue that needs to be confronted. And he sees that! He could easily say "noooo *i* think your pretty!" But it wouldnt have made her any happier since thats not the thing thats needs fixing!
Most of all, Lonnie cares, he isnt stupid. His dopey exterior makes him seem either sarcastic or aloof and dumb. But the truth is, he's incredibly observant and sweet. And logically goes about a situation and leads with his heart! Because in his mind, whats the point of being cynical and mean? It doesnt benefit anyone! He loves learning things, learning is half the fun of living! Lonnie doesnt understand smart people who blame smarts on their reasons for being rude and uppity. For him, he sees knowledge as a reason even more for him to be polite and accepting!And therefore i cant see myself writing him as anything but a relaxed, chilled joyus man with a fondness for discovery.
He reminds me of the lyric from play rehearsal "Most humans do one thing for all of their livesz the thought of that gives me hives!"
Lonnie is terrible at baking, they are edible and probably still tastey but not that presentable i suppose, but he learned it and hes having fun! All cosmetics doesnt matter much. He's a walking wikipedia, ask him about jars..he'll explain the ins and outs of a jar! What about a jar of pickles!!! Bugs! Chairs! How pencils are made now thats a good one! He'll go on and on! He'll happily read you a book the man has nothing better to do!!! He's my special boy and i love writing him dearly,,
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basslinegrave · 1 year
wanted to play some dw6 yesterday but lost interest once i realized i would have to set up my emulator again (will get to it eventually, just lazy)
dont read this is just for me
edit: okay this got too long. and very corny. cheesy. less macaroni more cheese!
but instead my thoughts travelled to thinking about this AU of sorts (or what if scenario story) for my boys cause im still hurt by gan nings death but its also something needed? like if he doesnt die, ling tong can never forgive him, he can do so only once hes dead methinks but it also shows that ling tong cared about him deeply and him realizing it when gan ning is dying is great, realizing it anytime gan nings in danger is even better, this could build up gradually as he keeps saving him (or rather them saving each other) but in a situation like in 6 where gan ning would be dying it would rise tenfold
anyway for my own wellbeing im thinking about his death scene however he doesnt actually die. it would play out almost the same, except as ling tong cups his face and then gan ning reaches up, he wont slap ling tongs hand away but instead let ling tong guide it up to his face.. perhaps gan ning could wipe a tear away from ling tongs cheek, i dont know how romantic i would want it to be (unfortunately i still have a little guy in my brain telling me whats wrong and right yelling its wrong 😔 but then i see official materials and realize i can be evil and wrong 😈) they could at least press their foreheads together or hug after a hasty kiss.. ling tong could cry and yell but he refuses to let gan ning die, holding him up and bringing him back to get medical help, it would be a near death situation but they would be able to patch him up (hey lets pretend the medicine was good enough) ling tong watching over him and not leaving his side until he got better, staying so he could be there when he properly wakes up
perhaps gan ning wakes up and sees ling tong asleep next to him, not having full energy yet he just smiles and holds his hand dozing off again
ling tong would eventually be embarrassed and stuff (tsundere) but they would become closer after that, skipping over this, i would like to also include gan nings ending and having him leave for a year or so at least, to heal more and clear up his mind.. ling tong goes to see him off and gan ning gives him a bell to wear (i like to think he gave him one prior to that, but this time its a smaller one he can wear for real) of course ling tong refuses to, but keeps it
ling tong takes it worse and gets quite sad, but as months pass he starts receiving small gifts from an anon sender (he knows. we know) sad he cant reply, he keeps everything - here its taking a turn to another 'story' im thinking about a lot so lets go. also this is all heavily inspired by albatross (artist, did some comics i love dearly so im in no way taking credit for any of this!!!! they wrote about gan ning leaving for a couple years then coming back without a proper notice, something like that)
gan ning does get back eventually, not being able to decide if to send a messenger about his arrival as he thought its no use, as they would most likely come at the same time. in the end he comes up with a decision of leaving his men to deal with couple more things and bringing their things back and himself coming back on his own, 'racing' the messenger back to the kingdom, with the men going right after but slightly slower with the baggage
i like to imagine ling tong living in a small house outside of Jianye (inspired by the hideout in dw9 which is my main one) near a river. one night he has a weird feeling and cant sleep. he hears something unusual but thinking hes imagining things, tries to go back to bed. this only lasts a second as he decides to actually go out and check out the sound. he doesnt want to have high expectations, he had no idea when gan ning would be coming back, he never mentioned how long he would be away.. the gifts stopped coming the last three or so months, thinking he either moved on or something worse.. ling tong slowly losing hope but his mind still being filled with thoughts of gan ning, he thought hes hallucinating those faint sounds of bells. he stepped out into the dark, noticing a dark silhouette of a person tying a boat at the riverbank, backlit by the moonlight passing thru the trees.
as a non writer i cant put this all together. but hes like, no way no way no way and runs to him. they meet in the middle and hug, then have a sorta awkward exchange after realizing hugging might be too much, but that clears up and they admit they still feel the same way.
ling tong lets gan ning sleep over at his house, makes him some food and all that. he gets a bit embarrassed when gan ning sees he kept all the gifts. getting told off for not announcing hes coming back, gan ning explains the situation. they immediately jump back into their fuck around (and find out) dynamic and decide its more fun if they keep it a secret until the messenger comes (yes gan ning got in sooner) it only takes a day or two for him to arrive, but by the time the others arrive they got time to just catch up and laze around (and maybe do the do....)
after gan nings arrival is announced, ling tong gets told by lu xun and has a hard time keeping a straight face but keeps the fact hes already back to himself. they want to do a welcoming party but arent sure at what time to plan it. ling tong suggests they can just do it the day of the arrival or day later, but that they would most likely be coming very soon so the preparations can start right away. once thats settled he shares this info with gan ning and they imagine how clueless people are.
during gan nings stay at ling tongs house, aside from sharing stories gan ning pulls out one more gift he never sent. he hands ling tong a small but long and thin object wrapped in some cloth. its a gold hairpin with red stones at the thicker tip. he doesnt know how to react so gan ning, thinking he doesnt like it, tries to lighten the situation by saying it doubles as a weapon (and if he doesnt like it, he can use it right now, to which ling tong responds with smacking him and yelling at him that he doesnt stab his allies, gan ning poking fun at him for calling him his 'ally') note: this ties to another little story i have but being set in dw8 where they need to notify some officers but being unable to use a fire or smoke signals, gan ning taking one of ling tongs hair pins and tying it to an arrow shooting it to the base they needed to contact - making ling tong angry, this would be a way of payback. (but its just a little nod to it as he doesnt wear pins in 6 and their storylines arent that similar except 9, where he also doesnt wear any..)
fast forward to the preparations, they manage to get everything ready just as the ship arrives. gan ning was on the watchout and notified the men about the situation (them being happy he got to be with ling tong, being the ones that supported his idea to go back, with the biggest but unspoken reason being seeing ling tong again) they kept quiet and told the rest gan ning has some things to deal with but will surely be back in time for the celebration if it were to happen that evening. someone would come tell ling tong the party is that night but that hes not obliged to come considering his conflict with gan ning (with said guy hiding behind the door holding back his laughter)
time for the party, gan ning leaves early to come in on time. he greets people all that stuff. ling tong being alone for a moment takes out the pin given to him and really appreciates its beauty. he decides to wear it and goes to the party.
there has to be some conflict and who else could stir some other than lu meng. but this is a bit tricky as him dying is also a huge plot point for these two, but i like to keep everyone alive mostly (even if just for their reactions) he would talk to gan ning, noticing ling tong walking into the room, immediately going after him to push him out to tell him its better if he stays out in case he would think of doing something 'funny'. it was enough for gan ning to notice the pin though, as well as some of his men who started whispering among themselves and cheering on gan ning (they knew he bought the pin and who it was for) lu meng would notice this and go after the men asking them whats with the ruckus. gan ning takes this moment as a chance to slip out, finding ling tong just outside the hall, leaning agaisnt some railing, watching the sky
i will stop here, but they would probably chat for a bit, maybe ling tong would rest his head over gan nings shoulder as lu meng would walk out and see them, not knowing if he needs another drink or should sober up because what is going on
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vincent sinclair-breeding
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you have been in ambrose for awhile now. You cant really remember your life before ambrose. Your positive no one remembers you and or misses you. Yes bo is a huge asshole to you, and vincent is always your saving grace when bo is in a shitty mood. and lester would also be a huge saving grace as well, but hes always away doing god knows what.
Bo was huge on killing you because he didnt see any potential in you. but vincent wanted to keep you, and lester liked having you around also. So bo let you stay with vincent. Bo made it clear that your vincents pet and that your vincents problem. If anything bad happens to you vincent would be cleaning up the mess and dealing with your body. But vincent would never let anything bad happen to you. He always keeps you by his side and never lets you out of his sight.
He fell too deep in love to let you out of his sight let alone going to the bathroom. Vincent absolutely hated it when you sneak out of the room at night. He was extremely paranoid that you would leave the house and run away, and tonight just happened to be one of those nights. you were currently laying in Vincent and yours shared bed. you were locked in the bedroom in the house while Vincent worked away in the house of wax. you couldnt escape through the window because he had bo bolt it shut. you stared up at the ceiling determining whether you hated vincent or not. He kept you trapped here, and would never let you leave his side. But you deep down were very in love him, and you tried to hate him because you couldnt ever deal with the rejection from him.
while you were thinking away your worries and anxiety in the bed at 2:23 am. Vincent was also busy thinking about his worries and anxieties while he was drawing in his wax cave under the house of wax. He stopped drawing a long time ago because he began to focus on the thought of you leaving while he was trying to draw, and now thats all he can think about. So he sat at his desk and thought really hard about what could make you willingly stay without him having to force it upon you.  his biggest turn on's he had with you was your size. you were smaller than him and he found that cute and a huge turn on.
He wanted to take good care of you and give you flowers and give you baths. but he already does that. he already gives you a roof over your head and feeds you three times a day, and gives you baths and every morning he gives you flowers. But he also went to bo for advice on how to keep you close, and of course bo being bo said that he doesnt give a shit about what vincent does with you because your not his problem. But bo did suggest getting you pregnant so you could stay with vincent and it would also give him an opportunity to show you that he can treat you well even when your pregnant and be a good father to the child.
Vincent thought long and hard while he sat at his desk. And he chose that he will get you pregnant so you could stay close to him and rely on him. He wants to do it out of love. Because he loves you dearly. he loves you so much that hes willing to kill his own siblings that hurt you in any way or form. He huffed out of exhaustion and closed his sketch book and cleaned everything up, and shut off all the lights. He headed through the tunnels and made his way up to the trap door that opens to a room in the house. he opened the trap door and hoisted himself up out of it and walked through the house to get to his room.
he opened the door to your and his shared and room and noticed that the light was quickly shut off and you quickly got into a fake sleeping position. he sighed and closed the door and kicked off his boots. he walked over to the bed while taking off his wax covered apron and tapped your shoulder. you got scared and jerked and looked up at him, not expecting him to touch you in any way or form.
"what where you still doing up?" he signed to you.
"i was asleep" you said fake yawning.
"bullshit" he signed.
you rolled over facing away from his side of the bed. vincent got into comfy clothes and slid into bed and put an arm around you and played with your hair until you actually fell asleep. a few hours later you woke up and had to go to the bathroom but vincents hand was wrapped around your waist. you knew he hated it when you left the room at night. but you had to pee very badly.  
you very carefully moved his arm and slid out of bed. occasionally looking behind you to make sure that hes still asleep. you looked over at his night stand and seen his mask. It made your heart melt and you smile. He was confident enough to take off his mask around you. you looked at the ground and seen his discarded clothes, and that kinda turned you on a little bit, and you looked at him and seen that he was wearing plaid boxers and a korn shirt. his long hair was all over the pillows, and his body was wrapped up on the sheets. you admired one of his strong arms behind his head.
you quickly turned around and tip toed to the door. you quietly turned the knob and realized that he locked it. you felt stupid for forgetting that he locks the door at night as well. you tip toed to his nightstand and opened the little drawer it had and grabbed the key. He doesnt know that you knew the key was in there. you walked back to the door and quietly unlocked it and went to the bathroom. after going to the bathroom you walked back to the room. you stepped into the door way and seen vincent still sleeping. so you took this advantage to go downstairs and get a glass of water since you didnt get a glass before bed.
you walked pass a sleeping lester on the couch to get to the kitchen. you didnt want to wake him up either. not that he would hurt you or drag you back upstairs. you just didnt wanna wake him up from his dream. he looked extremely exhausted. you went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and opened the fridge to get some fresh filtered cold water. you filled the glass, and took a few huge chugs. you walked passed lester again asleep on the couch and you noticed the front door. sure vincent would be awake for awhile. so you stepped out onto the front porch to have fresh air. and you didnt realize that you were out there for more than ten minutes.
you heard a noise and turned around and seen vincent fuming angry behind you. he was breathing heavy and his eye brows were furrowed. he grabbbed your arm and pulled you through the front door.  he dragged you up the stairs while thinking about what to do with you. because you just flared up his paranoia about you leaving.  as he reached the top of the stairs, he picked you up and carried you to the room. he set you on the bed and grabbed the key out of your pocket and locked the door. he angrily slammed the key on the dresser. he looked at you wondering what to do.
he thought about what bo said. But he wanted to do it out of love when you were ready and not force. But he realized that he had to get you pregnant in order for you to stay with him. Besides he really wants a kid with you, but he knows that you dont want any with him, at least he doesnt think.
you deep down wanted his kids but you never said anything to him. He stared at you while he thought about how to deal with this, but knocking you up seemed to be the only thing on his mind. fuck he wanted you to have his kids. he walked over to you and pushed you down into the bed.
"vincent. i wasnt trying to leave, i promise. i was just getting fresh air" you said. but he shut you up by kissing you. and lifting you shirt. you swatted vincents hand away. but he slid his hand right under your shirt and groped your chest. the small moan you made was all vincent needed to continue. he roughly slid off your pajama pants and stood back up admiring the way you looked so small and vulnerable for him. he loved how you were so much smaller than him. that makes him feel more confident. He bent down and kissed you passionately. he unbuttoned the crotch area of his pajama pants and took his cock out, without taking off the pants. and he plunged into your soaking wet cunt.
he began at a fast angry pace.
"v-vincent" you groaned. he only thrusted faster. grabbing your thighs and pushing them to your chest as he leans over you and pounds you into the mattress. after awhile he reached down to your cunt and began to rub your swollen nub. making you scream in ecstasy. when he thinks you've squirted enough, he pulled out and signed for your to get on your knees. once you did, he signed for you to open your mouth. you opened your mouth and he grabbed his cock and slid in. throwing his head back as he began to fuck your mouth like he did your pussy. pre cum and spit began to drool out the sides of your mouth and hit the floor and run down your chest. his wet balls were smacking against your chin. every moan you make, made him shove his big hard cock deeper down your throat.
after a few minutes of the wet sounds of his cock balls deep down your throat. he pulled out and laid you down on the bed with your head hanging off the end and he slammed his cock back down your throat. he absolutely loved the way his cock made your throat bulge. he wrapped his hand around your throat feeling the way his cock pumped in and out. he quickened his pace and you felt his balls smack your face over and over. you gagged out pre cum and drool out of your mouth around his cock. he slowed down just to hear the pre cum and drool hit the floor.
he pulled out and flipped you back around facing him and he plunged back in full force making you scream. he fucked you faster than ever before making you see stars. the only sounds filling the room was his balls smacking your ass and your loud moans. he looked down at you signed
"do you want my kids babygirl?"
"yes. yes please. i want your kids so fucking bad. knock me up good baby" you moaned. and that was enough for him to bury his cock deep in your sopping cunt and shoot his seed. he then leaned down and kissed you deeply.
"i love you" he signed.
"i love you too vincent" you said as your forehead pressed against his. he looked surprised that you said that you loved him. but kissed you deeply shoving his tongue down your throat.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the next morning you walked down the stairs and seen bo and lester staring at you and vincent. you blushed and vincent held the small of your back as he walked with you to the kitchen. he sat you down at the table and went to the fridge to get you something. you know they heard you and vincent last night.
"fuck loud enough?" bo said shooting you both a dirty look.
"fuck off" vincent signed.
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
Riku for the character thing! (And Junpei? Maybe? I think that'd be interesting °•°)
!!!!!!!!!!! putting this under a cut bc i Cannot shut up abt these two in particular bless u
favorite thing about them: gayass (affectionate) the way that hes so devoted to his best friends that it can easily turn self destructive (or otherwise generally destructive) with one wrong turn is just So. Yes. also im stealing his gender
least favorite thing about them: i wouldnt say i Dislike this bc thematically it fucks but its funny that kh1 is basically just a chain of the worlds' worst decisions bc this poor dumbass doesnt know how to deal w his feelings for his besties. he went from playful teasing on the island to getting straight up possessed how the fuck do u do things this badly
brOTP: Riku n Terra, or any of the wayfinders tbh, and the novel trio (Riku Axel Naminé) OH AND REPLIKU OFC. let Riku be the big brother figure he always wanted to be and give him more friends im begging
favorite line: "at least the waves sound the same..." always hurts me,, he spent all that time trying to escape the islands, then avoided going back there to face everyone. and now when they have no way to get back, no way of knowing if theyll ever even leave this place, hes exhausted and in pain and just.. happy to have that one last reminder of home. ok i need tp go cry now ,
OTP: Sorikai!!! and any 2 of those 3 together, Soriku is obvious but Rikai is SO sweet i love them dearly. Rikuroku is also up there because its funny
nOTP: him with any adults??? and im not a fan of Namiku tbh
random headcanon: hes nearsighted n needs glasses but is too stubborn to get his eyes checked. it only got worse when he wore that blindfold for a whole year and his friends lovingly make fun of him for it (especially Repliku, who didnt inherit his shitty eyesight lmao). also hes demi
unpopular opinion: i do think theres something big/special going on with him but im not convinced its as.. deep? as a lot of people are theorizing but it IS kh so what do i know and i really dont think disney or squenix have the balls to make him canonly/explicitely gay
songs i associate with them: unsaid by flor, Leo by Eve, A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers, and like. anything by Jaymes Young bc thats peak sad yearning music right there (ESPECIALLY MOONDUST. stripped version also. god.)
favorite picture of them: oh this one is easy. soft lil dude..
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favorite thing about them: he is literally just some guy. like the most just some guy character ever. he did NOT ask for any of this he just happened to be dragged into it for reasons he almost couldnt comprehend but were also completely unavoidable. he is ridiculously observant of his environment and other people. he absorbs information like a sponge, which is impressive considering hes a college student fighting for his life and id legit just shut down. he is rational, but tends to act based on emotion when it concerns someone else and at his core is a helpful n caring guy. his ability to joke in a life or death situation is also something between impressive, endearing and worrying. his ability to Very Easily manipulate people is even more worrying. if he werent generally a nice dude id be afraid of him. hes a walking bi disaster and i love that for him. i want to be his friend
least favorite thing about them: horny. also didnt he become an alcoholic or something in the next game is he ok
favorite line: lowkey tempted to list every quote from his wiki bc holy fuck this dude is funny but this one killed me
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(although the "people liquid" bit that i do Not remember encountering is up there. and his bi awakening by the elevator)
brOTP: his interactions w like.. idk basically everyone in 999 is so so good but if i had to choose id go w him n Aoi, Snake, n Clover
OTP: i.. dont know what to put here other than Junepei?? i dont rly even ship him with people i just think he needs therapy right the fuck now. or that Carlos guy he flirts with in one of the other games (i think??)
nOTP: idek just the obvious stuff i guess??
random headcanon: that dude is Not neurotypical. i dont have any evidence or anything i just think hes neat and i relate too much to his whole "idk what im doing in life im just kinda here" thing. and the fact that he carries damn near every puzzle he encounters and the 999 puzzles make my brain go brrrrr. shooting him with my adhd beam
unpopular opinion: uhhh.. what counts as a popular opinion???? what is the general consensus on this guy. will say that im afraid to touch the other ze games bc of whatevers going on w him but thats the only thing i got here
song i associate with them: ive been thinking very hard abt this one for thr past few days and i actually cant find anything that clicks here which is. surprising. if u squint i guess some of the songs i put for Riku could fit tbh..
favorite picture of them: i wanted to put that one shot of him during the true end looking at the sudoku puzzle but then i found this concept art of him n .. it appeals to me
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astralglam · 3 years
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
1. What does your muse smell like?
without soap or perfume, 683 smells bizarrely sterile, chemical-ish, like a dentist’s office, bleach or cleaning supplies.  like hand sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs.  they have that faint smell of powdery clean cosmetics, only because they wear so much foundation, face powder and setting spray.  humans like things that smell less artificial, so 683 takes to using cheap perfume (think a teenager who just learned to douse themselves with axe or bath and bodyworks spray), which is artificial in a slightly more palatable way.  their clothes (which are almost all second hand) have that mothball-musty smell of a thrifted dress that hasn’t been washed yet, like an old book.    
2. What do your muse’s hands feel like?
cold, frigid and icy, almost like a mannequin’s if you left the mannequin in the freezer. their skin is tight over their tendons and fingers, with almost waxy, plasticy skin stretched over their joints and knuckles, which makes them seem very fragile.  sometimes their palms are uncannily clammy.  their skin on their palms isn’t rough or calloused but they’re starting to get scars on their fingertips from their voyages into the realm of string instruments.  they used to have very neat, clean and unpainted nails, but nowadays, they have divots and cracks because 683 is clumsy with the strings.  
3. What does your muse usually eat in a day?
683 is often at the mercy of when their friends will decide to cook for them/buy them food.  they don’t have any cooking skills and can barely wash and cut an apple (this isn’t because they’re stupid, on atomina they were used to communal dining with a designated set of people who cooked for everyone in their unit).  683 is naturally accustomed to eating plant matter and (unlike us humans) has a way better digestive system for breaking down cellulose and gets a lot more out of their vegetarian diet than you might expect (two stomachs aint for nothin).  left to their own devices they just eat Whatever (orange? handfuls of spinach, unwashed, pesticides dont hurt them.  microwave a tomato and watch it explode.  brave cutting open an avocado and just eating it with a spoon).  dinner is when priscilla either buys him take out or sid cooks something for him (and sid is an amazing cook!!!).  sid isn’t vegetarian, but his family is, so he knows how to make all kinds of dishes perfect for 683 -- substitute the dairy for nondiary alternatives and 683′s getting matter paneer (with tofu instead), malai kofta (with coconut milk), and aloo gobi (no butter), all sorts of things !!! 
4. Does your muse have a good singing voice?
sort of.  683′s voice, by itself, is nasally and weird and a little grating, but their devotion to music lets them make the most out of their “strange” voice and almost use it to their benefit to sound unique, different, super far out !11!11111  their lyrics, instrumentals and emotion combined is what makes them a talented musician rather than just a good quality voice.  so while they might not have a very pretty voice, they’re still a skilled singer due to their delivery.  
5. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
im assuming this is about bad (physical) habits rather than personality deficiencies (of which 683 has many).  683 stares, like, really just stares at people with reckless abandon, they havent figured out it’s rude.  they arent good at even pretending to listen so if they’re disinterested in what you have to say, they’ll look elsewhere, pick at their nails, mumble or interrupt you.  always finds a way to make the conversation about themself.  very disorganized and messy, has a hard time taking care of objects even if they value them (ex. dropping his guitar, misplacing jewelry, yanking a belt off and breaking it).  definitely self pities and has no problem trying to guilt you for everything and anything.  is a pretty frequent smoker, but is polite enough not to smoke if you ask him not to.  
683 is always a little nervous so their nervous ticks are just their baseline state of being (wringing hands, stammering, talking really fast, making insane gestures all around you but being too afraid to touch you, etc)
6. What does your muse usually look like / wear?
683 looks very put together at all times -- not necessarily polished or professional, but very intentional, in that you can tell they definitely made a conscious choice to dress the way they do.  he wore the same dumb uniform every day for the first 20 years of his life, so he’s very excited to try new clothing options.  
more femme-ish clothing preferences go to boxy, sleeveless a-line dresses, miniskirts, bright floral patterns, big plastic earrings, headbands, scarves, etc.  they like clunky platforms and prefer to wear boots.  very 60s mod and colorblocked.  she loves bright eyeshadow but tends to go for more neutral lipstick.  can never figure out what to do with her hair so she usually leaves it down or does a half-up half-down bun kinda deal.  
more masc clothing preferences are bell bottoms, button ups with butterfly collars, paisley print, turtlenecks and fringe jackets, etc. earthy tones and weird nasty olive green.  very late 60s / early 70s. prog rock flavor or glam rock flavor.  never got into the disco style only because he cant pull it off because he’s so scrawny and twitchy and has no chest hair to impress the ladies.    
one thing about 683 is that he hates tight long sleeves and goes insane if he has to wear them.  his uniform was sleeveless, so even short sleeves feel really weird and horrible on his arms.  prefers sleeveless, can do with short sleeves, 3/4ths sleeve or loose long sleeve, really tries to avoid tight/constricting long sleeves.  
i have a pinterest board of potential fits for him although i havent updated it because i barely know how to use pinterest.
7. Is your muse affectionate?  How much?  How so?
to most people, not really, he’s kind of a weird cagey asshole.  oscillates between fascinated with physical touch (suddenly wanting to hug his friends or snuggle with them or grabbing strangers when he’s trying to talk to them) to despising contact (cringes if you touch his hand when you pass him a cup).  he didnt grown up with a culture very big on it, so he isn’t sure if he likes it or not yet.  
to people he does care about, he tends to take his friends for granted but overperform affection for those he has romantic interest in.  not that he doesnt also dearly love and adore his friends, he’s just not the best at expressing his care for them other than random bursts of kindness and dissolving back into his weird normal self.  his understanding of romance has come from a very commercial, media-influenced place (he learns about it through television, novels and commercials, it’s not really inherent to his species) so he thinks romance is about buying flowers, holding hands, staring into each other’s eyes for three hours, etc. if he has romantic interest in you, he will constantly over and over again tell you how much he likes you and your company and you are soooo funny hahahhahhfhh, and will be unusually touchy (clings to your arm, sits RIGHT next to you, drops his head on your shoulder, etc).  
8. What position does your muse sleep in?
683 didnt know what blankets were until he came to earth (or deep space nine) !!! his old room was perfectly temperature controlled and he already has a lower natural body temperature, so there was no need for blankets at all.  human beds with big pillows and blankets are THE COOLEST, so he either curls up underneath a blanket with only the top of his head poking out or he sprawls out like a starfish to take advantage of as many pillows as possible.  his special move is to roll up in the blanket like some kind of little alien lumpia.  
he’s a fitful sleeper so if you sleep in the same bed as him, he’ll punch you or kick you on accident.  he does appreciate company, though, and will also plaster himself up against you and leech your body heat with his weird cold body.
9. Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
depends.  they have a very average speaking voice and aren’t necessarily very loud (plus platforms dull footsteps), but if they were excited, they might raise their voice or yell or exclaim something.  and then they’re very shrill, so yes, you would hear her.  
Tagged by:  @sampati im sorry i took like a week it was really fun i love to type letters and words on the computer Tagging: @dynaura or @pataparty (for whoever you want) / @phantombs / @ofgentleresolve (for lamon? or anyone you want, really!!) / @bystcrdust / @kyrieleisen / @baelends / @bup1957
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kingsephir · 3 years
My mom was talking yo me the other day and honestly making an effort to understand me. But like, she just can’t. But she said like, “I feel like I don’t even know you anymore” (not in a harsh way more in a oh im realizing this sorta way). And this evening I was thinking about it at first like, aw maybe we are becoming closer and healing? But then I realized the reason she doesn’t know me anymore is because she blocked me and wouldn’t talk to me during three of the most formative months of my life. (Accepted getting a job in Japan, getting married, healing from my first ever surgery, working through dealing with a pandemic etc.) And then when she started talking to me again I just unfriended her. Because of her horrid attitude and how she treated me when I needed her. Well, I decided that I didn’t need her. And that’s why she doesn’t know anything about me.
I wish I could have told her that or talked about that instead. It was my last chance to really… and one could say, why don’t you just forgive her? And idk if I don’t forgive her or not, it’s more like I just don’t trust her anymore. She doesn’t like me as a person. She’s said it before in so many words. That if she wasnt my mother and we were the same age we wouldn’t be friends. So, I just gave up. I cannot go through a disappointment like that again. I would not be able to handle it. I mean I would have to handle it but I wouldn’t let me get into that situation again… Never.
My mom said my dad was crying because I won’t come see them. But they wont get vaccinated or take necessary precautions. My mom will not wear a mask. (She just doesnt go into places that require them she’s not a Karen lmao) and they wont get vaccinated. I just want to forget the pain. I almost wish I could forget about them- I know it sounds terrible but it hurts too much. It’s too bothersome. I have too much to deal with that isn’t them. But I can’t, and I love my Dad dearly. He’s smart too so idk why he’s so afraid of vaccines. I don’t get it and I mostly try not to care. I can’t change their mind. It’s also not my job. I don’t/have/ to do anything.
My MIL keeps talking about me visiting after im in Japan for this holiday or that. And it’s like, my husband can go, and I love you but I have a family and limited time. If there is a holiday I will be with my parents. I like, can’t not. They wont get a vaccine and are both high risk so like, how long will it be? Will I ever be able to see them. It’s like those people who protest that requiring vaccine proof will cause inequality. Right now it does. It’s not necessarily that I like being here more. It’s that I am safer. If i go anywhere until the Japanese quarantine thing is gone I gotta quarantine to get back into the country and that’s plus 14 days to my trip. You know? Not gonna happen. I know she is sad and excited. I feel bad for taking away her son but I also know they are proud of him for going and starting something for himself. My family always kind of looked down on people who moved away. Left their parents alone. I keep saying James can come visit anytime he wants he can go anywhere he wants. And they’re like oh he can’t leave you and it’s like yes he can. And he will. He will go see his family he deserves it and he needs to. I keep saying 50% is better that 0%. No I can’t go anywhere this fall or winter. It’s the same answer everytime. No I don’t want to spend all my vacation in Turkey seeing people I don’t know. I want to see my family and then spend time alone.
I’m more and more introverted since covid. So much so that often times when I come home from a gathering I cry because I’m so overwhelmed. Im not sad or anything just overwhelmed. Jamey is a little upset by this becuase I was so outgoing before. But I’ve been traumatized in 2020/2021 because of the pandemic because of my surgery and because of my mother. And on top of that I’m moving to a different country and making a huge change. I’ve never been much good with change and yet im constantly seeking it out. So I’m just dealing with things. As an only child I need to be alone and though he is a delight and very easy to be around it’s not the same as being alone. I’m almost never alone anymore and that makes my ability to socialize even lower.
These are just things im thinking about lately… :<
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
You shouldn't have said "no such thing as too many hc requests from you". Because you know I am always craving your good good content. So anyways... Pls give me good good content for my dumb Irish son. Because Sean is baby.
"you know I am always craving your good good content" aCK MY HEART ASDFGHJKLQEYRUTOOYZVXBNC
but bean, seriously, I will fucking write whatever ya want if it makes ya happy. besides, kinda owe it to ya for dragging ya into this godforsaken rabbit hole :')
• we already talked about this bean but imma just add this for the others
• Sean met his [Name] when he was new to the gang
• failed to kill Dutch but Dutch found him funny and sees some great talent in him
• so he was invited to join and he did
• [Name] could careless for Sean to be honest
• he didnt really care much and only went to see the new member was because of his growing curiosity
• he saw Sean still on the ground
• a bit daze and bruised up from the events that just happened (trying to kill someone but thay someone defeated him and offered him a family??? da fuck???)
• [Name] being taught actualy manners by Hosea offered his hand to help Sean up
• that gotten the Irish man's attention as he snapped out of his stupor and saw [Name]
• [Name] may not believe in love at first sight (anymore) but fucking hell-- Sean did
• Sean had that stupid grin on his lips as he took [Name]'s hand and pulled himself up
• Sean being Sean then, he talked
• a lot
• [Name] sighed in annoyance as he asked Sean something
• he regretted it
• because Sean is thirstyyyyy
• "do you ride?"
• [Name] asked as Sean looked him, head to toe and grinned
• "yes"
• Sean tone was something [Name] immediately caught up on
• [Name] sighs again as he rubs his temple
• he could already feel the migraine coming up from the upcoming days he'll have to deal with this thirsty bitch
• "i meant the horse, boy"
• Sean just continue to grin at him as Dutch and the rest laughs
• but anyways! since we got that out of the way
• Sean is like a lost, yapping puppy with his [Name]
• i know you know about this CN my darling but asdfghjjklkbcn I JUST NEED TO ADD THESE OKAY?!?
• Sean was a loudmouth
• he knows it
• [Name] knows it
• hell, the whole fucking camp knows it
• but yeah
• Sean yaps a lot and let me tell ya, if he aint talking about his da or how great he is, he will be talking about [Name]
• like fondly talk about the [Hair color] haired outlaw
• couple or not
• he wont stop talking
• people must know that [Name] is a goddamn amazing man
• [Name] both appreciates it and annoyed by it
• like, jesus christ Sean shut up for a second
• but back to the headcanons!
• Sean loves kisses and hugs
• just touch him
• dirty or not
• just pay attention to him and touch him
• he wants attention
• like a lot
• give him praise?
• f u c k
• he will be beaming the whole day
• be the first one to initiate any affectionate thing?
• he will fucking be a puddle for it
• Sean is definitely the one who always starts to be affectionate
• tackling his [Name] for a hug, especially when they haven't seen each other for awhile because of their duties for the gang
• Sean will smother his [Name] with kisses as he tells his [Name] he misses him dearly
• like, each word Sean plants a kiss on [Name]'s lips or cheek
• and its a lot of kisses because this boi doesnt know what shut up is
• the only time you can get Sean to shut up is either shoving something into his mouth
• be it a cloth or [Name]'s dic--
• am I allowed to write nsfw here? (<- says the one who liTERALLY wrote some minor nsfw headcanons for Kieran Duffy)
• should I?
• ... f u c k
• but whatever
• Sean will still not shut the fuck up
• like, he just talks and rambles es a lot
• [Name] finds it cute and annoying
• but he loves this Irish bastard too much
• anyways... imma add some kinky shit
• when having sex with Sean, do know that he is loud
• very loud
• his normal chatterbox volumes triples
• he just want the others know he is claimed by his [Name]
• such a bastard asdfghjjkl
• anyways, Sean also loves to give praises to his [Name]
• he just want his [Name] to know that he is a great guy
• Sean also likes to ride his [Name]
• like a lot
• they first time he met his [Name], he LITERALLY said he wants to ride the guy
• so... yeeeee
• ahem, back to this shit again
• blowjob? Sean is a TEASED
• he would moan onto his [Name]'s member and would also stop to give praises to his [Name]
• god, [Name] loves and hates it
• but yessss asgdjfjndbenbbdbf
• also, I mentioned this before but Sean is a sucker for praises
• he has a praises kink so his [Name] praise him?
• fuck, he is putty
• he also enjoy dirty talk
• like a lot
• give him praises in dirty talk? he will come undone
• Sean wpuld be weak
• absolutely weak as fuck
• but avsjjsjbdjsjdjsjd its all good
• he wants it anyway ;3
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