#can’t fall asleep
swooshwoosh · 2 years
Me at 3am: Creating fake scenarios in my head to fall asleep.
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buggachat · 6 months
something so fucked up about Chat Noir’s whole deal is that he is in a lot of ways Adrien playing a character. Like Adrien picked up his miraculous and was told he’d be a superhero so he was like “ok, time to act like a superhero!” and he lets himself have fun w it and play up the role and let loose and kind of just allow himself to be silly and goofy and have fun and for once in his life not care about performing Perfection™.
But. But none of the other characters KNOW THAT. So everyone just sees Chat Noir and is like “look at this guy’s ego. He’s so full of himself. Surely it’d be fair to knock him down a few pegs” without being aware of how few pegs he actually HAS. He’s like the “insecure character who overcompensates in ego” trope except he’s really not doing it unironically, he’s just having a fun LARP pretending to have self worth in his off-hours but nobody else is on the same page about it being a game and he refuses to tell them. He just dramatically pouts about it and lets them laugh and pretends like he’s not internalizing it and it is almost 3 am and my brain forced me to write this instead of sleeping I’m gonna take a melatonin
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mortalityismylove · 8 months
Y’all, I listened too the first two episodes of a horror podcast called “Scare You To Sleep.”
The name was deceiving to say the least…
Best all nighter I’ve ever pulled! I highly recommend!
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brilover3000 · 1 month
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Now that we have two Silvers, this is basically inevitable
Also, take a wild guess as to who started the fire
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i just wanna be protected and cared for like i'm a tiny kitty with abandonment issues
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doctorsiren · 4 months
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Was trying to come up with an outfit for Phoenix for the Mia Fey Trilogy AU because it’s lame if he’s just in the same outfit as Maya
Also funky tattoos because :3 I said so
Bonus: someone on YouTube asked me if I could actually draw him as Doctor Strange, so here we go
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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letitbehurt · 4 months
Whumpees who used to be notoriously heavy sleepers, but after their captivity they hardly sleep at all and the smallest sounds jolt them awake.
Caretaker hardly dares to breathe when Whumpee falls asleep around them. They silently threaten anyone within earshot not to make a sound. They protect Whumpee’s rest with a vengeance, because it’s so rare.
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nerdsandbabyteeth · 1 year
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sableeira · 2 months
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oh Dazai definitely drove Chuuya crazy when they had to share a bed during missions.
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troutsoup · 8 months
domestic bloodweave scenario in which as gale ages he becomes obsessed with finding magical ways to extend his lifespan, cripplingly afraid of becoming obsolete in astarion’s immortal eyes
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clockwrkpendrxgon · 4 months
Thinking about girldads firstprince in bed after a long day finally falling asleep when their little girl comes telling them that she can’t sleep so Alex lets her crawl up onto the bed until she is nestled in her dads’ arms while henry tells her a story to ease her into sleep. Alex listens intently, fingers lazily brushing his daughter’s hair and he ends up falling asleep to his husband’s soothing voice with so much love filling up his heart.
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marragurl · 26 days
Not the first to say it, but damn can’t believe Galladay really went from toxic yaoi to doomed tragic yaoi.
Alright fellow Galladay trash, where’s the modern AU fix-it fics?
I need to see Gallagher single dad with Misha plus their dog/cat Sleepie falling for entertainment company CEO Sunday. Don’t ask me how they met, fuck it, throw in bodyguard AU Gallagher who works part-time at a bar, boom there that’s how they meet, idk I’m making this up on 3 hours of sleep.
You’ve heard of slow burns, now get ready for Galladay blaze it.
They’re speedrunning the relationship from hate -> annoyance -> mild disgruntlement -> weirdly vibing -> ok wow never knew I needed that in my life -> Sunday is way too ok with spoiling Misha -> ok so we got married -> alright we’re dismantling the government now -> Sunday went to jail for 5 minutes for attempting “peaceful” world domination, don’t worry we (Gallagher) forgave him -> Sunday’s stepping down as CEO to run a coffeeshop idk look someone get him some therapy -> Robin is president now while she still goes on tours -> Misha won an engineering competition while this was all going on
Bottom line: Robin is out living her best life while Sunday is in the back somehow having the most insane week of his life. I have no other notes for her here except that she is happy, and successful, and is Sunday’s last remaining brain cell. She and Misha are having some fun Aunt/Nephew bonding times while Galladay are accidentally-on-purpose committing multiple war crimes.
No, we don’t have time to unpack 2.2 and all its trauma, we cope with modern AU :)
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buggiebite · 4 months
Long Day at School
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Daddy! Peeta makes my heart melt. Figured everyone needed some of him to withstand the winter.
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valeriele3 · 2 years
TWST x Reader who falls into a long sleep randomly once in a while
It was just a normal day in NRC or well..As normal as it can be
Everything is good, life is good, not that stressful
But then, slowly everyone started noticing how the Prefect and their little cat(Grimm) has been missing the entire day..
Panic soon arises in the school grounds and almost everyone in the school looking for their dear prefect(and cat)
A whole day passes with no sign of them..Then a week, a month, and almost 2 months
Everyone is starting to loose hope. What happened to them? Did they get hurt? Are they safe? Did they leave? Are they back to their original world? If so, why didn’t they say goodbye..? Were they really that unimportant to them?
It was another day of looking for prefect. They all decided to search again in the city and the nearby forest with another plan to meet up in the plaza at 8pm to report their findings
The clock strikes 8 and again, no news..But wait, one group is missing. The Adeuce is missing
Then suddenly, they all heard someone scream “Y/N! I FOUND THEM THEYRE DEAD!”
Panic, shock, horror, sadness, and anger is all they feel..They quickly rush to the area where they heard Ace scream
Once there, they find Deuce standing and crying, regret for not being with them in his eyes, Ace crying hysterically while holding onto a “dead” Y/N
After everything was set, it was finally time for Y/N’s funeral..Some expressed their sadness and the others tried to hide it to keep up a front and look unbothered
They were just about to bury them when suddenly..The casket is making pounding noises? And someone screaming..Something like “Hello? Where am I?!! Is someone there!”
“Oh I can still hear their voice..” Deuce said sadly
“Same..” Ace replied
“Wait guys— Stop I think the prefect really is alive..!—“ Someone in the crowd said worriedly
The top/cover of the casket gets destroyed by Readers fists and they sit up still a bit sleepy
Everyone is shocked. Did the prefect just come back to life??
After a bit of celebrating and etc they asked Y/N who killed them and the prefect answers with “I was never dead. I was just asleep” they smile brightly
‘Asleep?? What human sleeps for that long?!’ The guys think
“I have this thing that I don’t really know but I randomly fall asleep once in awhile. It only lasts for a few hours or a day if I’m lucky but if it’s severe for some reason it’ll last for a few weeks or months!”
And everyone starts celebrating the return of the prefect again
~The End~
“By the way guys..Where’s Grim?”
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