#camp nano 2022
superbeans89 · 2 years
July 1st be like
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
Well, I set out to write 50,000 words of a novel this July, and as of today I've passed 60,000. Let no one say I lack discipline, at least where writing is concerned.
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encrucijada · 2 years
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a camp nano attempt (despite my sanity) !
title: the walk of eurydice
genre & category: low fantasy, dark academia, adult
cw: obsessive behaviour, ritualistic sacrifices, mild gore, mental illness
themes & tone: hubris, love conquers all (at a price), reincarnation, melancholic, atmospheric, tender, yearning
about: classics major and ballerina thea bautista meets the ghost of dylan joyero at a party. in this modern retelling of the myth, orpheus has been dead for twenty years and eurydice must find a way to bring him back to life… if that’s truly even possible.
characters: thea bautista, main character in a tragedy levels of hubris but it’s fine cause she’s pretty | dylan joyero, the ghost of a bisexual hopeless romantic starving musician from the 80s | bailey cabrera, the pylades to thea’s orestes. equal parts no nonsense best friend and primary enabler | leon medrano, the pianist of the ballet group who dresses like he has a formal dinner to attend everyday | samantha vásquez, thea’s closest friend in the classics degree and is the one girl who brings a store’s worth of stationery to class
misc: it says here that as a classics major i have to write dark academia, all i know about ballet comes from the internet, what is this but an elaborate soulmate au, how the university operates is based on my country, the aromantic writes a romance book stayed tuned, book one of a duology, written in vignette/short chapters, dedicated to @rxinbowbright​
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Masterpost and Camp Nano July 2022 Announcement!
After a false start in April (because no one told me their names) I'm going to be working on Scrapbook of the Unexplained for July's Camp Nanowrimo, so I'm putting together a short masterpost with links to character bios and other pertinent information!
Character Bios
Matti Brinkerhoff
Lina Shaw
Jim McBride
Will Bauer
Matti's wolf form (art)
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beedesigns · 2 years
Camp NaNo Tracker Update
Hi folks!
A quick shout-out: I've updated my Camp NaNoWriMo word count tracker for the July Camp in a couple of weeks. Here's wishing you the very best of luck if you're doing camp next month and I hope you find it useful! You can check out my ko-fi post here for full details.
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I completely flopped doing the April camp, but as always I'm tempted to take another crack at it in July. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a NaNo!
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
writing a fic that is so self-indulgent is something that can be so personal
last line tag! from @akindofmagictoo @oh-no-another-idea @rainstorminsilver
this is from the meta-portal rewrite
it's now that Kevin chooses to blurt out that he's actually an assassin but don't worry because he isn't going to assassinate anyone. Sunwoo, having just been calmed down on the whole protective instincts front, immediately pushes Eric behind him, which makes him fall out of his chair.
"you said you can sense danger!" Sunwoo yells at Jacob. "how does this not count?"
Haknyeon pushes his dinner around his plate because he's bored by this and Jisung asked Kevin very seriously if he's ever assassinated anyone before.
"no," Kevin admits. "I actually failed the course because you have to kill someone to graduate and uh, I didn't do that."
our little prince peeks around Sunwoo and says, "aw, man, of course you don't have to kill me if you don't want to," because he doesn't have a lot of brains but he's got the spirit.
Sunwoo pinches his arm. "that is an assassin!"
"no he isn't! he says he failed assassin school!" Eric shoves Sunwoo out of the way a little and puffs up his chest. "as your prince I officially pardon you for having no intention of taking my life."
"you're super chill about this," Kevin remarks to Jisung. "you're not worried about eating with an assassin?"
"I don't think you qualify, sweetie," Jacob says and points at Eric's downed chair. "pick that up and let's finish dinner in peace."
I guess maybe I should tag Lina, huh @blossom-hwa
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vani-is-typing · 2 years
Camp NaNoWriMo for July has officially begun and I, the chaotic bean I am, have made a very impromptu decision to take part just now. Literally just announced a 25K memoir project that I have a very vague idea about. No clue how I'm gonna accomplish this goal since I have done zero planning and hardly have any resources gathered — again acknowledging that I just announced the project on a whim an hour into the official commencement of camp — but hey, how hard can it be right? Right? 🥲
Find me as vani_is_typing in the NaNoWriMo community (official site and forums)!
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littleredhatwriting · 2 years
Camp Nano July Victory!
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7,372 words written for a 5,000 word goal!
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avrablake · 2 years
Hiya, how are you?
Hi Athena! I’m doing well. Thanks so much for asking.
I’m working on a fantasy western AU for Beyond the Darkness. I’ve set sort of a soft goal of 10k words for Camp NaNo this month but we’ll see if life gets in the way. I’m trying to keep it as a low pressure, fun project. I plan to edit as I go, which is not something I typically do, but not get too caught up in making it perfect. I’ll most likely share it when I’m done.
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cvptainbucky · 2 years
WHY WOULD THE NANOWRIMO SITE MAKE ME ANNOUNCE MY CAMP NANOWRIMO GOAL AND CREATE THE PROJECT ONLY TO NAME THE GOAL "CAMP NANOWRIMO 2022 GOAL" BUT NOT ASSOCIATE IT WITH THE EVENT it's 10.30pm of the last day and i just spent half an hour manually copy and pasting 31 days of daily updates to the new project associated to the event instead of the one i was using so it'd count me as a winner i am
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flowerprose · 2 years
Camp Nano 2022: Day III
we made it, babyyyy. i’ve written 5k in three days and it feels good (because it has nothing to do with school or work; just a project i love.)
also, none of my pov characters have connected yet. it’ll be interesting to see how they fare once they do.
Favourite passage from today:
The flower is large, unusual. Monstrous-like in its dirt bed. Persephone imagines an earth, undisturbed by man, efflorescent with this mawing carrion. A hollow cave in her body yearns to let it burrow, nestle, then grow within her gut. She gently nurses a petal, but her hands come back sticky and red.
“It’s dead, my queen. Let it be,” a daimon tells her.
“Let it rot?”
“Let it go,” it replies.
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
July is here, and with it Camp NaNoWriMo. I decided -- at the eleventh hour, as is my wont -- that the time has come to put my education to good use and write a historical novel set in ancient Greece. Specifically, the early fourth century BCE, during the disastrous Spartan hegemony over the Aegean that followed the Peloponnesian War. Time to bust out Xenophon's Hellenika and get to work.
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whirlsofwords · 2 years
There is so much gray,
so much wiggle-room.
So many understandings
that weren’t understood at all.
So many people ready
to start running
with something dropped
they only thought
was a ball.
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fey-touched-trilogy · 2 years
30 Days to 70k - Camp Nano July 2022
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Post nine, for July 11th & 12th...
July 11th did not happen.
We're not even talking about July 11th.
Suffice to say it was another zero word day.
On the other hand, July 12th went okay.
I wanted to get around 4k, I managed 1,833 words. I'm willing to take it and not complain, considering how the previous few days have gone.
The UK is also in the middle of a heatwave, to concentrating through the soup that my brain has become is... troublesome.
I'm going to try and get my seven day lead back for July 13th, but frankly, anything over my minimum needed word count (which is currently sitting at 1,642) I'll consider a win until this temperature eases off a little.
And that's my update, now someone pass me a ice cream...
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Camp Nano Update Day 3
Total words: 16025
Words written today: 836
Other info: Spent an hour and a half of writing time coming up with a plot point that I then had to discard completely due to it not making sense with my worldbuilding after all. Fleshed out my concept of Roggenwolves to include them taking on characteristics of whatever is growing in the field they attach themselves to, getting larger in creature form as the crops grow, and changing coat color to blend into their surroundings as the field matures.
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
if you listen closely you can hear my brain screaming
last line tag! look, I don't even know anymore. sometimes this is how it gets done. take away the thing I would use to write, and I instantly want to, and then actually do. so now I can fill some tags! because I have written! isn't that neat. I have a large backlog so I guess I'll use up @oh-no-another-idea @lunarmoment @abalonetea 's tags
from the fic that attacked me out of nowhere and is now demanding a sequel, Good Brother:
It's five in the morning. Kim can't stand being in this bed, in this room anymore. He doesn't want anyone to see him, but he can't stay here. He leaves the confining space of too much empty space on unsteady legs and creeps out of the house.
The garden is quiet and the sun isn't up yet. A line of pale yellow lurks at the horizon line, waving hello. Kim knows his movements are being tracked. There’s no true solitude in this house. Just another reason why he hates it. He chooses to be alone, but he fears it.
Kim stands in the garden, shivering in the early morning despite the heat already sitting dead in the air. He’s good at being alone. He despises it.
Footsteps sound from behind him. Someone is going to break the illusion. Kim doesn't know whether to be grateful or not.
"I hope you know I don't get up this early for just anyone."
Kim pretends he isn't startled to hear Tankhun's voice. He certainly wouldn't have predicted it. "No one asked you to get up."
"I did," his brother sniffs, coming around into view. "Kinn said you were sick and I told Arm to wake me if you tried to sneak out, which I knew you would do."
"I'm still here," Kim points out, feeling too tired to argue further.
Tankhun rolls his eyes, something he's good at. "You want to run out, though." His tone is matter of fact.
It is fact. Kim just shivers more.
A blanket is draped around his shoulders.
"Thank you," Tankhun says to someone behind him, drawing the edges of the blanket together and securing them in Kim's hand.
Kim needs to say something, snap out a witty retort, shove his brother away. He accepts the blanket and turns his face a little. It's just as hard to look at Tankhun as it was to look at Kinn.
"So if you're not going to run away, come back inside. Eat breakfast with me."
Kim frowns at the thought of having to deal with the inevitable chaos that accompanies everything Tankhun does.
"Just us," Tankhun promises, voice much softer than his usual shrill affair. "Although if Kinn also wanted to know when you snuck out, he might join us. But just us brothers, okay?"
It still seems too much, but Kim can't shake the cold that sits against his skin despite the summer around them. Tankhun places a hand on his back and Kim allows himself to be lead inside, back into the house he hates.
The house he hates, but the brother he loves. A hard thing to admit, and nothing he can say out loud. But Tankhun probably knows. He usually does.
@drabbleitout @mr-writes @the-finch-address @myhusbandsasemni @artbyeloquent or anybody. or nobody. are you writing? steal a tag, it's healthy.
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