#but you know everyone wants to believe they have something special about themselves. you wanna believe in your own charm
ultimately i do think my unwillingness to endure the discomfort of really getting to the bottom of what is wrong with me and entirely renovating my personality and inherent idk aura, vibe, what have you to be a likable and lovable-beyond-obligation person early on is going to be a major source of regret for me for the rest of my life but just…. unfortunately i don’t have the strength or discipline to do that kind of work :/
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peachhcs · 5 months
feelings confessed
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will and samy confess the feelings they’ve been dancing around for months at will’s draft party
2.3k words
here’s part 2 to samy and will in nashville confessing their feelings! comment or request what else you wanna see while i continue posting some blurbs and imagines from their timeline :))
au masterlist | part 1
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so many people packed themselves into one of the many hotel conference rooms congratulating ryan, will, and gabe for going in the first round. large smiles sat on each of their faces with every person they talked to and thanked for flying into nashville for such a special occasion. samy and will lost one another when things started getting more crowded and people pulled the blonde away to talk. the brunette didn't mind, though. she knew will had to make his rounds and she'd eventually find him by the end of the night. the two always found one another later on at every party they were at together.
the youngest hughes stuck close to ryan's girlfriend most of the night knowing she was very knew to all of this and samy's done it three times already. the two perched themselves in one of the quieter corners just talking when ryan pushed his way through. he plopped down beside julianne, tugging his arm around her shoulder while samy sent the taller boy a smile.
"finally escape the questions?" the girl laughed making ryan chuckle.
"for a few minutes at least. there's an insane amount of people here. i don't think i even know everyone," ryan huffed out.
samy's eyes flickered across the large room, not even seeing will or gabe because they were lost in the crowd somewhere. "tell me about it. maybe it was a bad idea having a joint draft party?" the girl giggled and so did julianne.
ryan shrugged. "maybe, but we're saving money and we're killing three birds with one stone here," the brunette clicked his tongue along with a small wink.
samy rolled her eyes at the boy, shaking her head slightly. ryan and julianne began having their own conversation, so samy allowed herself to get lost in her thoughts for a bit. she couldn't stop thinking about the way will looked at her earlier. his eyes sparkled in a way she'd never seen before. something about the entire draft was different and she knew will knew it too.
"oh yeah, he's definitely down bad," ryan's voice pulled samy back into reality.
she glanced at him and julianne who snickered with one another. the girl raised her eyebrow, waiting for one of them to explain.
"will. he's so got a thing for you and you do too," ryan elaborated when he caught samy's expression.
her already rosy cheeks flushed some more. "i-i don't know," samy stuttered out nervously. believing it herself was one thing, but hearing someone else say it was completely different. it made it more real.
"oh come on, hughes. everyone's seen. we all know," ryan continued with a laugh.
julianne found samy's expression and the blonde knew exactly what she was thinking. "come on, don't be annoying ry."
"i'm not, i'm just saying," the brunette shrugged. samy just rolled her eyes and stopped entertaining ryan. she knew if she let him keep going he wouldn't stop.
"i'm gonna get another drink. you guys want anything?" samy stood, looking at ryan and julianne still cuddled up next to one another.
"i'm okay, thanks though," julianne smiled while ryan briefly shook his head.
samy began the journey back through the still tight crowd. she wasn't even sure where her brothers wandered off to or even her parents for that matter. all samy knew was that they were somewhere in the mass of people still talking and catching up with one another. she found her way to the massive drinks table, going for another lemonade and sprite mix.
will stood about five people down from where samy was talking with some of his old high school friends that flew down. as soon as the brunette got to the table, will's eyes glued to her. he'd been trying to find her all night, but anytime he got further into the room, someone else stopped him to talk for an hour. this time will was not letting samy get away.
"hey, sorry, mind if just..catch up with you guys in a second?" will didn't even really wait for an answer as he started pushing his way towards samy.
the blonde's eyes were locked in on the girl just a few feet away. samy didn't even see will until a tall presence came up beside her and her gaze quickly flicked to her right.
"oh, hey will," samy immediately giggled.
"hi. feels like i've hardly seen you," the boy smiled some, loving her little giggle.
"i know, you've been caught up with everyone," the girl motioned back to everyone mingling.
will's gaze scanned over the crowded room while samy's fell back on him. her eyes were glued to his slightly unbuttoned white undershirt where his tie and suit jacket got lost along the way when they got in. he looked good and what was once tamed curls were now going everywhere over his forehead and ears.
"it's kind of crazy, isn't it? all the people here," will muttered in disbelief still that all these people showed up for him and his friends.
"i mean..who wouldn't wanna be here for you, ryan, and gabe?" samy giggled a little and will finally tore his gaze back to her.
a little smile appeared on his lips with his flustered cheeks suddenly realizing how close they stood and the conversation that lingered between them. samy quickly got self-conscious under his longing stare, so her eyes darted away, looking at anything but will.
"would you wanna..maybe go somewhere quieter?" will got a little shy asking.
he searched samy's gaze that returned to his own, anxiously awaiting her response. her smile caused his heart to swell as it had been since october. "lead the way," the brunette said.
with will being taller than her, he easily surveyed the area trying to find the best escape path where they (hopefully) wouldn't get stopped by someone wanting to talk will up for an hour again. his search found a small path towards one of the doors that led into the hallways, so carefully, will reached his hand out for samy to take it so he wouldn't lose her in the crowd. the girl flushed as his fingers squeezed around her own and he began pushing his way through the adults.
the blonde's gentle touch had samy's insides doing somersaults. she's dreamed of things like this if her and will ever became something more than friends which was very likely by the end of the night.
finally, samy and will made it into the hallway without anyone stopping them. the two visibly breathed out in relief that they weren't stuck in the stuffy and crowded room anymore. samy's gaze found will's and a small laugh escaped both of their lips like reality just sunk in and will was officially a member of the nhl.
"feels like yesterday when we were kids and you talked with my brothers about getting drafted one day," samy drifted towards the large window at the end of the hallway.
they could see the entire city from where they stood on the fifth floor. will joined her a moment later, leaning against the windowsill. "tell me about it. i can't believe it's actually real now," the blonde mumbled.
samy's eyes were on him again, admiring his sharp jawline and gleaming eyes on the city skyline. "me neither. i can't believe we're not kids anymore," the brunette's smiled turned into a sad one.
the idea of their childhoods being far behind them now was a scary thought. how did they go from playing tag at the lake house to adults trying to find their way in the world? more importantly, when did those platonic feelings turn into romantic ones?
"come visit me at boston this fall?" will changed the subject after a quick silence.
"you know i will. i can't not see ryan and gabe for months on end," samy teased him a little, smirking.
will shook his head. she knew he hated when she made jokes like that. it became more obvious the past few months as samy slowly realized she had feelings for her best friend and his face hardened whenever she'd start talking about their other two friends whenever they were on call together.
"i'm kidding. i'll try to get out as much as i can with what my schedule allowed with soccer," samy answered more truthfully this time.
a grin spread across will's lips. "i except you out there every weekend," will joked this time.
"you know i would if i could," the brunette met the boy's wandering gaze.
the two held one another's gazes and a hundred thoughts ran through each of their minds. will's eyes flicked between samy's while her own glance did the same. the entire reason they stepped away from everyone was on the tips of their tongues, swirling around them. will opened his mouth, closed it, and then opened it again like he was looking for the right words. he broke their gazing, eyes back on the city below them.
"remember when ryan, gabe, and i drove out to see you at your senior homecoming?" will began almost nervously.
"mhm. it meant a lot that you guys came out," samy nodded.
will nervously pulled a hand through his messy curls. "for some reason, i hated seeing that guy have his hand wrapped around your waist. i didn't really understand why i was feeling that way, but all i knew was that i never wanted to see any other guy with his hand on your waist again like that," will admitted sheepishly. he probably sounded incredibly jealous and possessive, but he knew if he didn't say it now he'd never get it out.
a blush rose on samy's cheeks hearing will say that. she had a small inkling that something was up back in october, but back then, she couldn't believe will liked her like that, so she pushed every single one of those thoughts away. at least until senior prom rolled around and she was forced to acknowledge those feelings again.
"i had a feeling," the girl admitted softly.
will's head snapped her way so fast she swore he was going to get whiplash. "you did?"
"i mean..yeah. ryan also..he was talking to me about it like really vaguely..i kind of brushed him off at the time," samy shrugged lightly.
the blonde studied her for a few seconds before looking away again. "lean's always ratting me out," he shook his head with a small chuckle.
"yeah, he's got a bit of a loud mouth," samy giggled as well remembering how the brunette literally brought up will's feelings earlier.
"i never said anything because i just..i thought you'd never like me back," will continued, his voice falling quiet.
"well for the record, i do like you back. i think my feelings started at senior prom," the two began reminiscing on that night.
that night was probably will's favorite aside from this one now. he finally got his wish of taking samy to a dance and being her date. he got to have a small piece of a regular high school experience since all of his focus was put into hockey his last two years.
"i think i've been waiting for months for you to say that to me," will chuckled and met samy's gaze again.
"i just..i don't know. i was afraid to say something in fear that we'd ruin our friendship. i mean i'm still scared we'll ruin our friendship if things don't work out," the brunette admitted.
she knew if she lost her will as her best friend, she'd never forgive herself. he was the one person she knew she could always go to and if they lost that over some relationship, nothing would ever be the same and she knew will knew that too.
"what makes you think things won't work out?" will raised his eyebrow.
"i mean, i'm not saying things won't, but i don't know. you never know. i value our friendship above a relationship, you know that. i just don't want things to get ruined between us if things go south," samy shrugged. she was trying to speak realistically because if her and will tried dating and it didn't work for some reason, the dynamic between their families would get ruined. gatherings would become awkward and no one would enjoy the tension.
will understood. he knew he also couldn't lose samy as a friend because above everything, she was his best friend. his fingers drummed against his glass, mind racing, desperately searching for a solution to what was the hard parts about being best friends and having feelings for one another.
"what about a grace period? we go on some dates and see how it goes. if it's completely shit, we can go back to normal like nothing happened and nothing will be weird," will offered his idea.
even though it was quick, will caught the hesitation in samy's eyes. he knew her too well for her to hide anything from him, even if it was just a split second. "how can we know if we don't try, right?" because will desperately wanted things to work out between them.
he'd never felt such immense feelings for someone before and with samy, everything felt easier. the girl flushed under his stare, turning away before her entire face turned red.
"promise nothing will be weird if it goes to shit? best friends over anything?" samy held her pinky out. will quickly hooked his pinky around her own, nodding.
"i promise."
thus began samy and will's grace period as the blonde pulled her a tiny bit closer to silently request permission to kiss her. when she caught his eyes flicking between her own and her lips she nodded for a yes, he could kiss her.
the feeling of will's lips against her own was a feeling she'll never forget.
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nayeonie99 · 4 months
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Nayeon x Sana / Cam Girl
Nayeon's POV
"Mmm". I heard from the speakers of my laptop. My hand was moving up and down my cock.
"You like watching me?". The cam girl gasped out while she was sliding two fingers in and out of her pussy.
Her fingers were glistening with her wetness.
"Fuck". I gasped out and started pumping faster. If you believe it or not, it was coincidence that I got onto her page.
I mean I'm a perv I won't deny that, but I'm not that much of a perv to watch some strangers fuck themselves on the internet in front of other strangers.
But this girl, which I've never even seen the face of, was just mesmerising to me.
Her voice especially.
She let out another moan and started to play with her nipples. I had to bite my lip while I was still pumping my hand up and down on my dick.
"I wish you could fuck me right now". She cried out and spanked her pussy.
I mean, everyone else watching right now felt probably exactly like I did in this moment. Totally turned on and desperate for her touch.
She gave you a feeling of being something special and that she is only doing this for you. Maybe that's why she was mesmerising me so much.
"Let's cum together". She rasped out and after a few seconds she reached her climax and so did I.
"Fuck, that was good. I hope you enjoyed it as much a I did. See you next time". She said and waved into the camera.
I was left staring at the screen on my laptop. My cum still sticking onto my stomach. I grabbed some tissues from my nightstand and cleaned everything up.
I was getting ready for bed when I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up and saw my best friend calling me.
"What do you want?". I asked and put her on speaker while I was putting moisturiser on my face.
"Hello to you to". She responded and I could literally hear her eyes rolling.
"Don't roll your eyes at me". I said.
"How did yo- Nevermind, I just called to ask if you wanna hang out".
"Sana, it's almost midnight".
"Please?". She asked with her cute voice.
I let out a sigh.
"Fine, but you come over. I already got ready for bed".
"Okay I'll be at your place in like 15 minutes".
"Alright". I said and hang up.
While I was laying on my bed waiting for her, I heard a knock on my door.
"Finally". I said when I opened the door and saw her smiling at me already.
"Aww did you miss me so much?". She asked sarcastically. I playfully glared at her and she smiled even more.
"So why did you wanted to meet?".
"What? I can't see my best friend ?".
"Yes you can. I just wondered because it's so late already".
"I just wanted to hang out a bit. Watch some movies, eat some snacks you know?". She said and sat down on my king sized bed.
"And I love your bed". She sighed and laid down on her back, lifting her arms up her head which made her shirt slide up a bit. I automatically stared at her exposed skin.
"Y-Yeah okay umm well, you can choose a movie already. I'll make us some snacks".
"Yeah okay". She said and I walked into my kitchen to put some snacks in the bowl.
When I came back into my room she was just staring at the screen of my laptop.
"So have you found something?". I asked and placed the bowl down on my nightstand.
I turned the laptop to the side so I can see, but when I saw what she was looking at I felt my whole face starting to burn with embarrassment.
"Omg this is so embarrassing, holy shit". I rambled and quickly closed the page where I was watching the cam girls live earlier.
"You watch cam girls?". She smirked and stared at me.
"I'm definitely not going to talk with you about that". I mumbled.
"Why not? It's nothing forbidden. It's not like you can get arrested for this". She said and giggled. I just glared at her and she stared at me.
"So...tell me. What do you like about cam girls ?".
"I don't watch cam girls. Only this one". I said and blushed even more.
"Why only this girl? Is there something you like about her? Have you watched other girls as well?".
"Why are you so interested in this?".
"Just tell me". She said impatiently.
"Jeez okay. I just like this one. I tried watching other girls as well, to see if I was just being weird or whatever. But this girl has something that mesmerises me. You know what's funny?". I asked and she just kept staring at me.
"I never saw her face but I feel like she is such a beautiful woman. I feel close to her, I don't know, it probably sounds weird to you...". I said and fiddled with my fingers.
"Why do you like her so much?". She asked and her voice turned a little raspier.
"I like the way she talks to me, the way she makes you feel like it's only the both of you right now and not like thousands of other people watching. Or the way she touches herself, so soft and gentle like she would break any second. But what I like the most about her is her voice". I said.
"Her voice?". She asked and I nodded my head.
"How come?".
"I don't know. I just love how her breath hitches when she hits this specific spot when she touches herself. Or when she tries to say something but it gets caught in her throat because she is too turned on to build full sentences".
"Sounds like you really like her". She said and I saw how she pressed her thighs together.
"Mhm". I hummed and she bit her lip.
"Have you ever thought about how she would look like?". She asked.
"No not really. But I just know that's she's beautiful. She has to be".
"Have you fucked yourself earlier watching her?".
"W-Why should I tell you?". I stuttered out and she smirked.
"So you did?". I blushed once again.
"What if you would meet the girl in person? What would you do?".
"Let's be honest here. I don't even know what she looks like, neither her name or where she's from. So I will definitely not meet her".
"But what if. What if you know her? What would you do?".
"I don't know. I've never thought about it".
"Would you fuck her?". She asked.
"I mean...I jerk off by imagining fucking her, sooo...yeah probably".
"It's actually really hot, knowing you jerk off by watching me". She said and slid her hand up my leg.
"Hahahaha yeah-Wait what?!". I asked shocked and stared at her with wide eyes.
"The cam girl. That's me actually". She said and smirked at me.
"Stop Sana, that's not funny". I said and pushed her hand off my leg. She sighed and stood up from the bed. I just stared at her with pink cheeks. She started taking her shirt off and my eyes widened.
"W-What are you doing? Are you crazy?". I said and stood up. She came closer and slid her hands under my shirt which made me gasp.
"Since you don't believe me by words, maybe you believe me when I show you". She pushed me down on my bed so I'm sitting on it.
"Now be quiet and watch me". She whispered in my ear and it made my whole body shiver. The next thing she took off was her black bra. Her boobs were perfect. I felt my cock starting to get hard, I couldn't take my eyes off her.
"You know...". She began and started unbuttoning her pants.
"The way you talked about me made me so wet". She said and I had to bite my lip.
She kicked her pants somewhere in my room and the only thing she was wearing now was her black thong.
"Do you recognise me now? My body?". She asked and climbed onto my lap. I couldn't find my voice, it's like the words were stuck in my throat.
"What? Cat got your tongue?". She asked with a smirk on her lips. I just nodded my head, which made her grin.
"You know you can touch me, right?". She asked and slid her hands behind my neck.
"You can actually do anything you want with me tonight. Everything you pictured while you were fucking yourself every time you watched me". She said.
"Anything?". I asked.
"Well look at that. She can speak". She said and smirked again.
"Shut up". I said and had to grin.
"Make me". She whispered in my ear and kissed the space under my earlobe. I turned us around and pushed her against my pillows, so her head is rested on them. I wanted to quickly take off my shirt but she stopped me.
"No, I want to watch you this time. Take your clothes off but slowly". She said.
I did what she told me and started lifting up my shirt. Since I didn't thought someone would still visit me this late I wasn't wearing a bra. So when I took my shirt completely off she was met with my bare chest.
I looked at her and the look she gave me made me even harder. I slid my fingers into the waistband of my sweatpants and boxers so I could pull them off in one tug.
My cock hit my stomach and I threw my clothes on the ground. I was completely naked now.
"Come here". She rasped out and her voice was just so sexy. I crawled towards her and hovered right over her face. She pulled me down so our chests were completely pressed together. My cock was sliding over her clothed pussy.
She grabbed my chin between her fingers so I was looking straight into her eyes.
"Kiss me". She breathed out and I leaned down to press our lips together. Her lips were so soft and fitted perfectly with mine. I gasped into the kiss when her hand wrapped around my cock. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and started pumping her hand up and down. I bit her bottom lip with my teeth and let it go.
I kissed down her jawline and neck, then took one nipple in my mouth and she let out a quiet gasp. I took her hand off my cock and pushed both of her wrists above her head.
"Don't move your hands". I said and she bit her lip while nodding her head.
"Good girl". I said and pecked her lips once more. I kneeled in front of her and slid my fingers under the waistband of her thong, to pull it down her long legs. She instantly spread her legs for me, which made me bite my lip as well. I leaned down on my chest and parted her legs even more with my hands.
"Fuck, you're so wet already". I groaned and parted her slick lips with my thumbs.
"Shit". She hummed out and bucked her hips up a little bit.
"Please". She begged.
"Please what?". I asked her teasingly and started kissing the insides of her thighs.
"Just do something". She said.
"I am". I said with a smirk on my lips.
"Eat me out". She said while staring directly into my eyes. With that said I dived right in.
"Oh my god". She gasped and clenched her hands into my hair. I told her to not move her hands, but honestly I didn't care anymore.
I just wanted her.
I sucked her clit in my mouth and slid my hands up her chest to grab both of her boobs.
"Fuck, this feels so good, please don't stop". She moaned out and started fucking herself against my tongue.
I started humming which made her feel even better and after a few seconds she came for the first time.
"Holy shit". She gasped out, her chest lifting up and down heavily. I kissed from her stomach up to her lips, to give her a kiss.
"My turn". She breathed out against my lips and pushed me down so I'm laying down. She grabbed my chin into her hand, kissing me again.
"Mmm, you taste like me". She said and kissed me again. My arms wrapped around her waist to keep her close.
"I can't wait to feel your cock inside of me. I had a feeling that you were big, but to be honest, I've never had a cock this big".
I had to smirk and she smirked back at me.
"I've never had someone who tasted this good". I whispered in her ear and felt her shiver.
"You make me so wet". She groaned out.
"Let me fuck you baby". I said and she bit her lip.
"Can you call me that again?". She asked and pushed me down again.
"Baby?". I asked and she nodded her head with a slight blush on her cheeks. I pulled her down for another kiss.
"Ride me baby". I breathed out against her lips and she nodded.
She slid the tip of my cock through her pussy, coating it with her wetness and then sank completely down on it.
"Mmm fuck, no one ever took me so well". I moaned out and grabbed her hips into my hands. She placed her hands on my stomach and started moving on top of me.
"Omg babe". She moaned out and threw her head back. I slid my hand up her neck to choke her. With my other hand I slid down between her legs to play with her clit.
"Fuck yes". She choked out and I started meeting her thrust.
"God damn". I moaned out because she got tighter with every thrust. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she pressed her head in the crook of my neck, moaning right into my ear.
"Does it feel good baby?". I asked and spanked her ass. She gasped out and nodded her head.
"Use your words. Let me hear you baby".
"Yes it feels more than good". She moaned out and clenched her hand into my hair.
"Are you close?". I asked and spanked her again.
"Y-Yes". She shakily moaned out.
"Cum for me baby. Cum all over my cock". I said and grabbed her ass into my hands, pounding into her so our skin was slapping together.
"Fuck Nayeon". She moaned out and climaxed the second time this night.
"Cum inside of me please". She said and sat up staring at me.
"I want to feel your cum inside of me, filling me up". She moaned out and with that said I couldn't hold back any longer and came inside of her. I pulled out of her and saw my cum leaking out of her pussy.
"How about we take a shower?". I asked her and she looked at me with pink cheeks. I stood up from my bed and turned around to look at her.
"Are you coming?". I asked.
"I already did babe". She said and winked at me. This time I was the one blushing.
"I-I can't stand up right now". She mumbled.
"How come?". I asked and smirked.
"Yah, stop teasing me". She said and let out a cute whine.
"Come here". I said and she crawled to the edge of the bed. I picked her up and carried her into my bathroom. We showered together and washed each other. I gave her some clothes of mine.
"You look really good in my clothes". I said and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Yeah?". She asked and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Mhm". I hummed and pecked her lips.
"So do you want to watch a movie now? Or do you want to sleep? We didn't really got to watching a movie after all". She asked and smirked at me.
"A movie sounds good". I said and she pecked my lips again. She grabbed my hand and walked with me to my bed.
And for some weird reason my heart hasn't stopped pounding since my phone rang and her name was showing on my display.
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year
Isn't hilarious how Heiji parents are a lot more similar to Shinichi (much more composed and professional) and Shinichi ones are more similar to Heiji (much more eccentric and bizarre)???
I maybe find it a bit sad!
Both boys seem so disconnected from their parents. Episode 263 reveals that pizza bagel mom didn't even know that Heiji is the kendo captain for his school because he "doesn't tell [them] anything at home."
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And at the end of Episode 221, we learn that she purposefully didn't go see Heiji in the hospital after he got shot (in Episode 118)!
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Meanwhile, Shinichi gets poisoned and nearly killed, and he doesn't say a word about it to his parents. In "The Desperate Revival," there's a rare bit of emotion about his parents' absence, too. He expresses that he is upset that they've left him all alone in Japan for the past three years (Episode 192):
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And of course the treatment that Heiji and Shinichi get from their parents may have nothing to do with a personality clash... but maybe it does. Maybe Heizo and Shizuka and Yukiko and Yusaku find that their children are nothing like they expected, and they distance themselves as a result.
I will say, though... I think there's something particularly tragic about Yukiko's few appearances across the series (that I've seen). The first time that she lays eyes on Conan, she looks absolutely distressed—as though she didn't want to believe that her son had nearly died and told her nothing about it, but she can't deny it any longer when she finds herself face to face with the truth (Episode 43):
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And while it's maybe more overt in anime-original material like Episode 418, the plot-heavy Episode 345 does reveal that Yukiko worries about Shinichi... but she doesn't approach him. In that special, we learn that she's been hiding in their house and watching Shinichi secretly (and then promptly terrifies him when he investigates). In 418, it's practically the same scenario; Yukiko disguises herself and spies on Shinichi because that's the only way she believes she'll really know how he's doing. If she were to ask, she knows he wouldn't be honest with her.
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I get the sense that Yukiko knows she's screwed up as a parent, but she has no idea how to "fix" it, and she goes about trying in... some less-than-ideal ways.
This is all long and rambling, but I was recently able to digitize my Detective Conan VHS tapes, and—at the moment! I've ordered the ones I'm missing!—that includes six of the eight Shogakukan Illustrated Encyclopedia Series releases (which you can find more information about here). They're kind of obscure Conan content because they were released on VHS only, and, well, spoilers from here on out, so do stop reading now if you don't wanna know.
But the ending of "A Written Challenge from the Pyramids!" got to me. I can't say I super understood the story, but I did understand that Yukiko seemingly can't announce to Shinichi that she's returning to Japan. She has to send riddles for him to solve rather than just say, I wanted to see my son.
And, sure. Maybe I'm thinking too hard. Shinichi likes solving codes. But I do find something kind of sad about how Yukiko feels like she has to connect with Shinichi through games and pranks rather than, you know, honesty.
Also, these tapes are a wild ride. I feel like everyone needs to experience this ending.
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
Personal Vegas - Part 2 - No One's In The Room Mini Series
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Series Summary: Jake and Ryleigh find themselves stranded in a remote location when a mission goes sideways. Injured and dependent on his help, she gets a glimpse of the man beneath the façade of ‘The Terminator’. Once they are rescued, the bubble of their personal Vegas bursts, and Jake struggles with new emotions while Ryleigh hopes he will finally see the man she came to know when no one else is in the room.
Summary: As much as Jake would like everyone to believe he's the terminator, Ryleigh doesn't buy it. Stranded for a few days, she tries to discover who he is when no one else is in the room. Jake worries about being vulnerable and doesn’t make it easy for her.
Warnings: angst, cheating mentioned, bad family relationships.
W/C: 3.2k
Characters: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, Ryleigh ‘Rodeo’.
Pairing: none for part 2.
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch
Graphics: made by me on canva.
Catch up here.
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Personal Vegas
Jake set the table, including a jug of water and a tumbler of whiskey for himself, leaving the bottle in the middle. Dishing up the chili into bowls, he heard Ryleigh’s stomach grumble and quietly chuckled. She must have been starving for her stomach to be protesting the way it was.
When he’d reappeared from his shower, she was sprawled out on the sofa, features relaxed, a steady rise and fall to her chest as she slept. He hadn’t wanted to disturb her, but she needed to eat and move to the bed, which he assumed would be more comfortable and better for her wound in the long run.
“Ryleigh,” he whispered, gently shaking her shoulder, “wake up. Dinner’s ready.” She shot up so quickly that he had to jump back to avoid headbutting her, her gasp getting lost in the sound of the movement. “Easy, easy,” he soothed, “it’s just me.”
She looked around, eyes finally landing on his face, and she seemed to remember where she was.
“Your stomach has been talking to me for the last ten minutes,” Jake informed her, “wanna eat here or at the table?”
“Table,” she replied, voice still groggy with sleep as she rose to her feet. “Ow, fuck,” she yelped, lifting her weight off her leg, and Jake was quick to take her arm to help steady her. 
“Sit down,” he suggested sternly, his arm wrapping around hers and supporting a portion of her weight.
“I can make it,” she protested stubbornly, “I forgot for a second, that’s all.”
He helped her to the table, shaking his head along the way, helping ease her into the chair and making sure she was comfortable before taking his seat across from her.
Jake waited with anticipation, watching as Ryleigh shoveled a spoonful of his Grandma’s special chili into her mouth. He wanted her to like it. He needed her to know he wasn’t the one-dimensional asshole everyone thought he was. Sure, it would be good for his ever-expanding ego, but sometimes it was exhausting to constantly be ‘on’. It was no secret he wanted to impress her, but only enough to get her into his bed, so the need for her to see him differently surprised him. He didn’t have time to put much more thought into the reason behind it before she’d finished savoring the first bite. 
“Mmm. It’s good,” she hummed, eyes slipping closed. “How’d you learn to cook like this?” 
He hesitated, his spoon dragging through his bowl. It’s not as if it were a secret, but it was a detail about his life. It was personal, something he’d never shared with anyone, and if he offered the information willingly, it opened him up to further questioning.  
She sighed, chewing and swallowing three more spoonfuls in silence. “I told you I’m afraid of needles, and no one else knows that. Not the dagger squad, none of our superiors, no one. But you won’t tell me one little thing?” she asked. “Who hurt you?”
“I’m the terminator. It’s impossible to hurt me,” he countered, sipping his whiskey. 
“Come on, Seresin,” she coaxed, “we’re gonna be stuck here for a few days. Let’s get to know each other a little better. I wanna know what makes you tick.” 
“Fast and loose women and even faster jets,” he smirked.
“You wanna pretend you’re that shallow? Go ahead,” she shrugged, “but I don’t believe it.”
“Why do you care?”
“I wouldn’t say I care. I’m curious.” Ryleigh explained. “We’re partnered for work, and it would be helpful to know things about each other. Why don’t we play a game, and whatever we say in this cabin never leaves here.”
“Like our own Vegas?”
“Exactly,” she said, reaching over the table and offering her pinky finger. 
He shook his head but latched onto her promise. What harm could it do? She’d have no proof to back whatever he revealed or lied about. “What’s the game?” 
“Let’s pretend this is our first date, and we’re getting to know each other.”
He wagged his brow, “Or we could just skip to the fifth date and really get to know each other.”
“It takes you five dates? I never took you for a prude, Seresin.” 
“Touche,” he laughed, grinning. “That tells me a lot about you that I didn’t know.”
“Whatever,” she chuckled, “So c’mon, whose is the chili recipe?” 
“Grandma’s. It’s not the exact recipe, I didn’t have all the ingredients, but it's close enough. She’d put on some Sam Cooke, and she’d teach me all she knew,” he recalled, smiling fondly. “But it never felt like she was teaching me, y’know? We were just having fun.” 
“Is that the tune you were humming, Sam Cooke?”
“Yeah,” he smiled, the most genuine she may have ever seen from him. “It helps me remember.” 
“Are you close with your family?”
The smile fell, and he sighed, “This is dumb.”
“I’m not close with mine,” she explained, recognizing the revelations had so far been one-sided. “My dad skipped out when I was still in diapers. So it was just my mom and me, but she was too busy chasing emotionally damaged men she thought she could fix. She moved me all over the country. The only one that lasted more than a couple of months was Maverick.”
Jake felt the shock on his face, and her smirk showed genuine pleasure that the revelation stumped him.
“Yep,” she nodded, “I lived with Maverick and, lamentably, Rooster for the last three years of high school. When the inevitable break-up happened, Mav told me to look him up when I was ready to be something other than my mother’s daughter. He’s the reason I joined the Navy.” 
“So you and Rooster?” he implied.
“Maybe. But of you, Rooster is one fine-ass dude.” 
They laughed together, and Jake had to admit - if only to himself - that he liked not being at each other’s throats. 
“See, I know so little about you. I don’t know if you're being serious or not,” Ryleigh stated when the laughter teetered off naturally.
“That’s not an answer.”
“No, we’re just close friends. Rooster’s not my type.”
“What is your type?” 
“Assholes like you,” she said, reaching over to clink her glass against his, which he obliged in good spirits. “If we weren’t colleagues, I’d have let you take me to bed that first night we met, and then I’d have kicked myself for falling for the excessive charm and Hollywood smile.”
He winked, “good to know.”
“Never gonna happen, Seresin. So c’mon, you deflected. Are you close with your family?”
He sighed around the lip of his glass. She’d given him an insight into her life and revealed things he didn’t know. He should return the gesture. But how much was he willing to divulge?
The silence stretched, and she stared at him expectantly. She’d extended an olive branch. All he had to do was accept it by giving her something. But the proverbial cat had his tongue; it stuck to the roof of his mouth like overcooked oatmeal.
She shook her head, clearly disappointed, “Maybe you really are the terminator.”
He’d made the claim himself, sometimes thrived on it, and took pride in being emotionless or, at least, appearing that way. The way she made it sound like a slur, though, got under his skin. “Why are you even here if you hate me so much, huh?” he asked, not attempting to hide his ire.
“Cause the Great and Mighty Hangman,” she said, puffing her chest as if she were him, “decided he wanted to try a two-seater. Someone had to be your WSO. So everyone drew straws. I lost.”
“Sucks to be you,” he jeered, standing up to clear the table.
She followed, collecting the used glasses and taking them to the sink. She shoved her full weight into his shoulder, pushing him aside. “Where I come from, the cook doesn’t clean. I got this.” she leered at him, daring him to challenge her. 
He decided against it, grabbing the whiskey bottle and taking it to sit on the couch.
He liked Ryleigh, not just in the sense of trying to get her into his bed but as a colleague and a person. She was smart, funny, and stuck up for the little guy - usually, when Jake was teasing one of their fellow aviators - she wasn’t easily offended by his jokes, and gave as good as she got. If he’d thought opening up to her could have paved the way for her to his bed, perhaps he would have, but she wasn’t that easily fooled. Revealing a personal detail wouldn’t have made her swoon and drop her panties like most women because she wasn’t most women.
However, could opening up, even just a little, make them a better team? Anything that could advance his career was a good thing. So why was he so apprehensive about telling Ryleigh something real? He found no answer in the amber liquor or by the time Ryleigh finished clearing up. He’d drunk a fifth of the bottle as she passed to sit in the armchair directly opposite him. 
“See, you learned something else about me,” she said condescendingly.
“Why do you care about getting to know me?”
Ryleigh sighed. “I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.” He flipped her off but didn’t comment, so she continued, “Because we work together, I like to know who's got my back. Plus, I know a lot of guys like you, dated most of them. I wanna know if there is something more underneath that hard exterior.” 
“There’s some trauma there,” he said, “wanna talk about it? My shoulders are good for crying on.” 
“Fuck you, Seresin,” she snarled, “but that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You put on a good show, devil may care attitude, but I think deep down you care more than you let on. You’re a womanizer because you crave affection and love and think one-night stands will give you that. Maybe it does, for a minute. You tell them just enough to show them you're not just a pretty face, whisper sweet forget-me-nots in their ears, and on the rare occasions you stay until morning, you promise to call. Sometimes you do, but there’s always some bullshit excuse why you can’t meet up again, so you ghost her. You're afraid to get close; let anyone know the real you because you’re scared when they do, they won’t like you. So you play the asshole, make reckless decisions, and reject everyone before they can reject you. But all that trauma, all that baggage you have, you bring it into the air, too, and it’s dangerous. That’s why we call you, Bagman.” 
Fuck. He managed to keep his expression neutral, but his heart rate increased, and he felt the tickle of emotion that threatened to blur his vision. Everything she’d said hit so close to home that he pondered if she was some kind of psychic. Or was he really that easy to read?
Instead of reacting in a way he thought she’d take pleasure in, he smirked, “You think I’m pretty?”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes, “of everything I said, that's all you heard, isn’t it?” she shook her head, rising to her feet. “Everyone has a weakness. Yours seems to be that you think you don’t have one,” she said, walking toward the bedroom. “I’m going to bed.”
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Ryleigh lay staring at the ceiling. She should have learned her lesson by now - don’t engage with a fool. But she’d tried, she honestly had, but Hangman clearly didn’t recognize a peace offering when it was extended to him. She’d been curious about him since they met, and, as she confessed, she wanted to know what made Jake Seresin, Hangman.
The persona of his call sign couldn’t be who he was, in the air and on solid ground, but after this evening, she was beginning to wonder.
She heard him shuffling around, doors and windows rattling, so she assumed he was checking they were locked, water running, probably brushing his teeth, the toilet flushed, and then silence.
She strained to listen, wondering what he could possibly be doing. Seconds before she was ready to investigate, he called her name softly from right outside the door.
“Yeah,” she called out just as quietly.
“I need your help.” 
Had he not sounded so sincere, she’d have expected to open the door to find him nursing a hard-on that required her help. What she found wasn’t anything she’d have ever expected.
Hangman frozen in place, wide eyes fixed on the floor.
“Seriously,” she snickered, following his line of sight, barely containing the full-on body laugh. She looked from the spider to the terrified expression of the half-naked man. “You’re scared of spiders?”
“Yes,” he said, gritting his teeth, gaze never leaving his adversary. “Yes, I am. You’re afraid of needles, and I’m afraid of spiders. THEY’RE SMALL AND UNPREDICTABLE AND RUN REALLY FAST, OK?”
She bit her lips to keep from laughing. Jake Hangman Seresin, full of bravado and seemingly sculpted by marble that she admired while he kept an eye on the enemy, was afraid of a spider not even the size of her thumb. 
“Happy now?” he asked, finally meeting her eyes. “You know something about me-oh fuck. Where did it go?” he jumped to press his back against the wall, scanning the hallway.
She wanted to laugh so desperately that her stomach muscles hurt from restraining it, but she knew he’d never reveal anything to her if she did. “He scurried into the bathroom,” she told him, taking his hand. “I promise.”
He seemed to freeze again, looking from her face to her hand but hesitated only a second before interlocking their fingers and allowing her to tug him into the bedroom. He comically fast slammed the door shut as if that could stop the minuscule creature from entering. Regardless it seemed to calm him, and he climbed into his bed without further comment.
Ryleigh followed his lead and climbed back into her bed. The silence seemed deafening, which was odd. They were supposed to be sleeping; silence was required for such a task.
As the sun had set, the temperature dropped, and the furnace either couldn't keep up or was on a timer. The room had lost some of its warmth, and Ryleigh shivered. She pulled the blanket tighter around her, but it was thin, and she wondered if there was a supply closet with a thicker comforter. 
“I can hear you shivering from over here,” Jake grumbled. 
“It’s cold,” she moaned, teeth chattering. “The quilt is thin.”
He sighed, slipping out of his bed, and she lifted enough to look over at him as he pulled the quilt from his bed and threw it over her.
“May I?” he asked, lifting both sheets.
She scooted over to give him more room. He accepted the silent invitation and slipped in behind her. An arm draped over her stomach, pulling her back against his chest. He was like a portable heater; warmth radiated from him. 
She fought a contented hum, instead snipping, “Of course, you're the big spoon.”
“You wanna lie on your bad leg?” he asked tightly. “We can swap.”
Ryleigh smirked, enjoying that she had irked him. “No, just shut up and go to sleep.”
His hot breath tickled the base of her skull as his breathing evened out, but it was obvious he wasn’t sleeping or even trying to. The wind whistled outside, and he pulled her tighter against him as if it had made her colder.
“I’m close with my sister. And my mom, when my Dad isn’t around,” Jake admitted to her back. “My life was planned out for me. School, Navy, pilot, admiral. But I fell for my high school sweetheart, Amber.” He paused as if reliving the memory, and Ryleigh held her breath. “I changed all my plans to follow her across the country. My Dad disowned me - told me I was wasting my life, and I was no son of his to be throwing away my future for a girl. I got a scholarship, so I didn’t need his money. I worked three jobs over the summer to save enough to buy a car and put a deposit on an apartment. I wanted to surprise Amber. I showed up at her house in a beat-up old Jeep, ready to start our life together. I walked in on her fucking her brother’s best friend. I took that Jeep straight to the recruitment office and never looked back, but my dad never forgave me.” He took a deep breath, and Ryleigh felt the pain in it as if it were her own. “Nothing was ever good enough after that, I graduated top of my class at Top Gun, but my score was ten below the guy the year before, so not good enough. I have two confirmed kills, two more than him, but I can’t tell him that because it’s classified, and he’d see it as a breach of confidentiality and, therefore, treason.”
She waited for a beat in case he wasn’t finished, but the only thing to be heard was the howling wind. “Now it all kinda makes more sense,” Ryleigh said as if she’d just discovered the meaning of life. “Cheaters are not a reflection of you. And your dad is a jackass. He’s not supposed to disown you for your decisions. People aren’t supposed to claim to love you and then betray you, Jake.” His muscled arm across her stomach tensed and remained while she continued. “You pushing people away or acting like an asshole just means you’ll get more of the same results. But ultimately, you’ll end up alone and sad. Eventually, you’ll need to let someone in.” 
He remained quiet and tense, and she wondered if she may have angered him.
“That’s the first time you’ve ever called me Jake,” he noted in a hushed whisper. She laughed just as quietly; he was probably right. It was quiet for a long time, and she could practically hear the cogs turning in Jake’s brain. 
“You up for another game?” he asked. 
“How about while we’re stuck here, we play at being friends.”
“I’d like that,” she said without hesitating. She cupped the hand over her stomach with her own, pulled it to her mouth, and kissed his palm.
He dipped closer, kissing the base of her neck, breathing his words into her skin, “Night, Ryleigh.” 
“Night, Jake,” she said, and his tense muscles relaxed.
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Part 3 - Vacation Plans
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Love in The Air: the end of an era
Quick commentary of the special episode
So, why does the intro of the special episode slaps harder than the actual intro??? 
Okay but I love how touchy Sky got with Pai; like when Pai takes him out of his brother's hands and Sky is trying to ease Pai I find it so endearing how he is also hugging Pai back and playing with Pai jacket. 
Pai angry>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Sky teasing Pai >>>>>>>>>
Literally any scene with Rain on it (he looks so cute and beautiful with the hanbok)
Phayu in any time of clothes hits so hard honestly. He is fulling every one of the fantasies ever made (mechanic, architect, doctor, pilot, korean prince)
Likes and the defending of my favorite boy
There’s a lot of things I liked about this episode: Pai switching his tone of voice between angry with his brother and soft and lovely with Sky, Phayu talking with his friend (which, yes, I do love their chemistry, how tf Boss gets to do that?), Rain and Sky jealous and possessive over their boyfriends and also being horny and giving up to them. 
What I liked about it too, something we also see in the series in general, is both part of the relationship focus on pleasure the other: Sky knows how to play physical with Pai and Pai loves to worship the fuck out of Sky when they fucked. Phayu and Rain deal with a lot more of D/s tones, focusing on Phayu giving Rain pleasure and therefore Phayu enjoying the reactions of Rain, I feel like their relationship in this episode got more room to develop and make the watchers understand their relationship more. 
I love how this series emphasizes the importance of giving pleasure to both parts and is not just the “top” giving and doing all the stuff. 
I will stand on this hill and defend the shit out of Rain no matter how much the show tries to make him look like a comedic relief, mainly because I love those types of characters. I will like to briefly talk about the structure of the episode being built on jealousy and insecurity. Things we had seen more in the Pai and Sky relationship. Here’s the thing, Rain is insecure dating someone as cool as Phayu as everyone else might be, like, Phayu is literally a god to everyone's eyes, Rain included. So it makes sense that for once Rain wants to keep him to himself. 
What I find interesting is the reason why Rain got “really” mad with Phayu; one might think it would make more sense for him to get angry at Phayu cosplaying for everyone (because as they said, cosplaying is something Phayu does for Rain, and only him). But, nop, our boy got mad because Phayu was talking with our beautiful girl Natsu. And is more weird when you focus on what Phayu said to Rain when he was confronted: Rain said Phayu was kissing that woman, and Phayu said that’s something he only does with him (aka he only kisses Rain). 
Look, we have the var way to high for dealing with Phayu mocking Rain most of the time so I maybe my biases toward Pai and Rain makes me wanna grab Phayu and making him understand that Rain needs verbal validation AND backup when they are with people and not only when they are by themselves. Like, the boy is crying because he always gets made fun of and Phayu goes and does that. 
But overall, Phayu does know how to approach Rain and make him feel good not only physically but mentally too. He knows how to get on Rain's good side because he understands the reason why he got mad is important to him. Also, I am going to fully believe (I will in fact pretend the scene where Rain confronted Sky and saying stuff along the lines of “you knew they were coming all along?” is not a scene perse and just a fever dream BECAUSE I WANT TO) Rain did all of that - ignoring Phayu and going on a trip with Sky-  because he wanted to have something more spicy in their lives and what more can he give to his boyfriend than a perfect honeymoon and unlimited sex in the beach? Exactly, nothing can beat that. 
I don’t have to brag and talk about how beautiful it is to see our Sky have confidence in himself and brag about his boyfriend but also see him struggle too with his known insecurities. I am obsessed with it. I don’t know if I say it but this show actually goes in depth with how the parts of the relationship worked in individuality and then they go about their relationship in pairs. Love is not about finding a boy who will fix all our problems (we wish) but to give us encouragement and support to actually get to that place where we can be fully ourselves. I like that Sky wasn’t automatically “fixed” after him and Pai became official; the nightmares are still there, the insecurities too, are not all gone just because Pai is there. They got better, yes, but not faded. That’s a work in progress and the part in the beach where Pai says he will wait until Sky is ready and even if he is not, he will still be there OH MY GOD, PEAK CINEMATOGRAPHY AND SCREENWRITING. Nothing, and I say, nothing in the BL universe will ever top that scene, sorry for all the BLs to come but my heart has already sealed that place with that scene. 
Also, I think the idea of Rain and Sky planning the trip beforehand and doing it for their boyfriends makes more sense than thinking they were just living in the moment. Like, for real, we are talking about architecture students. I don’t really think they have a bone of spontaneity in their body when it comes to things like their boyfriends. Why else will we have not only Rain BUT Sky too give his boyfriend the time of their lives? Like, they had some planning to do in their free time away, don't get me wrong; they do enjoy it for a while but they do get really into giving their boyfriends a surprise because they both knew they were coming to get them. 
Last thoughts
Anyway, I will say I love this episode more than the entire series all together because of how much I love already established relationships and their dynamics. However, I also think it is a good way to end both couples' stories and show how they work after all the drama they have been through. I love PaiSky more for the emotional support, the slow-burn and the reverse meeting (fucking then feelings) but I like PhayuRain for comfort and cuteness; more from Rain tho. Overall, the story and the elements work really well most of the time and the weather is such a great element present all over the series and gives it a more strong feeling and is a hint on how much the story took effort to build.
Now, let’s go find another show to hyperfixate and write shit about.  
Plot: 8.5/10 
Directing: 9 (first half) - 7 (last half) /10 
Acting: 8/10 
Satisfaction: 9/10
Overall: 8.5.
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tutchando74 · 10 months
Murder Drones ep 6
Okay, so a lot happened in this episode, likeusual, and I liked all of it, but I do have a problem with somethings. Let me talk about it.
Firstly, robot raptors with medusa powers, this is awesome and really creative. Their design is awesome, and really liked how they interacted with everyone, being fucking animals. But I do think they weren't used at their max, of course this is the problem of having just a few episodes to work with, but still.
Same problem applies to the 2 robots from down there. I think they could have an entire episode just for them, but because there's so little episodes to work with, they had to be thrown to the side. The two by themselves are really interesting, mad scientists that goed insane because of the solver and being alone with the raptors, really cool.
J, as I said, didn't really participate in this, but Tessa, oh God, Tessa. She's an awesome character. Her personality is so fun to see, her movements can be a little strange, but I don't care, her presence is enough to make me ignore that. I love Tessa, my favorite character, sorry N and Cyn.
Talking about Cyn, now we know more about the fucker. So the Absolute Solver is a decease, just like my AU, what is it's purpose is unknow, or at least I didn't get it, but it destroys planets and infects others to continue. Cyn has to be more than just a host, considering she (them? IDK) has been in 3 hosts by now. Also, NORI IS FUCKING CYN, wtf, or at least for some time Nori was Cyn, and Cyn better have taken over Nori after she had Uzi, because, if not, we can count Uzi as N's niece if you consider Cyn and N siblings. Over all, I really like this idea, there's a reason to why something similar happens in my AU.
Since I talked about N, Nuzi is more than cannon now. Twitter, sorry X, will burn now, specially if the thing of blocking accounts being deleted is real. I can feel the hatred running through my veins, and I like it.
But now it's time to talk about the last thing I want to talk about
she died
I hope she didn't die, I really hope she didn't. I didn't see the body, so I'm not believing until I see it. Actually, better not, I don't wanna see her dead for real.
We now know V did really know about much more, wich really makes her an asshole. Like, I get it, she's trying to protect N, but he needs to know these kind of things and be able to actually overcome this, so hiding it is only making it worse. Having said all that, I hole heartedly forgive her. Her last moments were incredible and made me genuinely tear up. Hope she didn't actualy die.
Fuck you Glitch. Fuck you Liam (Don't actualy mean it, just a joke)
I want to say more about V and how I loved the way she died, but at the same time really disagrees the way she acted to protect N, but I'll just suffer alone in my room.
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solivagant-muse · 2 years
I apologise in advance, please don't feel obligated to answer every single one, okay? <3
I tried to restrain myself but I wanna know everything about everyone
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)? - Patron, Iris
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying? - Finley, Patron
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any? - Odile, Patron, "Alice"
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily? - Finley, Iris, "Alice", Odile 
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings? - Patron, Finley
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"? - Finley, Patron, Odile, "Alice"
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep? 
food & drinks 
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast? - all 
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it? - all 
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat? - all 
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it? - all 
plants & nature 
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite? - ALL 
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it? - all 
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion? - Patron, Odile
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? - all
🌹 ROSE - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before? - all
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people? - all 
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood? - (I am so sorry, kinda) Odile, "Alice", Iris
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? - ALL 
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for? - all
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of? - Patron, Iris
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame? - Odile, Iris, Finley
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why? - Iris, Patron 
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them? - all 
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel? - Patron, Finley
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum? - all
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact. - all 
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them? - Odile, Finley, "Alice"
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value? - Patron, Odile 
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem? - ALL 
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon - all
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self? - Odile (I'm so sorry baby), Iris, "Alice" 
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon - all, but especially Odile because I wanna hug her
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make? - all
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right? - "Alice", Patron, Finley
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight? - Finley, Patron, Iris
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? - all 
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food? - Odile
I've sprinkled the asks all over my blog because it would glitch the more I wrote.
Just search under the tag "oc emoji asks" here.
Also, sorry for the grammar mistakes I didn't notice.
👁 EYE - what color are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them? (shows emotions easily, literally magical...)?
Iris: Her eyes have this purplish blue tint, and if you look closer, you'll see one is a darker shade than the other!
What's odd about the is that her pupils become unnaturally large when preying. She is enjoying the hunt, after all. 👀
Her eyes are inspired by the eye color of Elizabeth Taylor. Also, her name is inspired by the iris flower that has a similar shade to her eyes.
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The Patron: A really vibrant emerald or forest green. His eye color seems to shift between different shades of green so it's hard to determine the color.
At some angles, it seems to glow ominously, much like the eye of a cat.
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Finley: No, a terrible liar but he can manage with a lot of struggling.
His tells are that he sweats a lot and avoids eye contact.
The Patron: YES, he is too good at lying... And considering he wears a mask, it's even harder to tell on his facial expressions.
However, if he starts enunciating his words a lot and talking slower means he's trying to convince you hardcore of his lies.
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
Odile: She definitely believes in ghosts. Has seen them, many who were her former victims and... him.
The Patron: The ghosts of the past? Sure. That houses shift, unaccustomed to new visitors? Yes. Real life apparitions? Not really. If he sees one, he'll believe it.
"Alice": is of the mindset "wants to believe but feels everything is bullshit." She enjoys watching ghost-hunting videos and believes the shadow people she sees are totally because of being sleep-deprived.
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
Iris: No. Doesn't cry.
Not before she was a killer or after.
Finley: He cries more out of frustration and anger rather than sadness.
Making fun of him or embarrassing him will do the trick into making him spill some angry tears.
Odile: cries at the drop of a hat. Extremely easily, too. She even cries when she's happy, angry, overwhelmed, etc.
Doesn't take much to make her cry. However, take her crying as a good sign because it means she feels comfortable and safe enough to cry openly in front of you.
"Alice": When she is drunk enough and alone in her apartment at 2 A.M.
In public, she'll only cry if someone makes her burst into laughter after a funny joke.
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Finley: Only child and his relationship with his parents is bad. Finley actively hates them, and they've become estranged after he left home for university, but he still goes to Christmas to keep appearances.
The Patron: He has a family but lives alone and holds absolutely no contact with them. That's all I'll say. 👀
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Finley: Flight then freeze
Odile: Flight unless she can't, then fight
The Patron: Freeze then fight
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep? 
All of them are sleep-deprived, night owls that sleep at unholy hours so no.
What helps them sleep?
Iris: White noise. (aircon, cars quietly driving by, etc.) Absolute silence too.
Finley: A nice mug of hot cocoa with nutmeg and cinnamon, watching a bad movie/reading a crappy horror/crime novel late at night.
Odile: Being held and feeling warm, and safe. Being swallowed by blankets and pillows is a must.
The Patron: Soft jazz music from the other room.
It gives him such nostalgia for the simpler days of his parents doing fancy dinners at home, with classical or jazz music softly entering his bedroom when he was younger.
Drawing and reading helps too.
"Alice": … Listening to boyfriend ASMRs of guys who have nice, deep voices. People just whispering softly to her.
Needs background (rain noise, crackling of fire) noise to sleep.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Iris: good old fried eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, bread with fruit hagelslag (sprinkles), and pancakes with butter and honey. Coffee, black.
Finley: black pudding (sausage) with scrambled eggs and throw some waffles with a lot of maple syrup to make it unhealthy. Hot cocoa, too.
The Patron: integral bread with pâté (meat paste with herbs) or camembert cheese, and cranberry-pomegranate juice/almond milk with honey and nutmeg.
Odile: Not necessarily breakfast, but her comfort food would be zeama (Moldovan chicken soup) and plăcintă cu dovleac (moldovan pumpkin pie) with a nice and sweet chamomile tea.
"Alice": Arepas (dish made from ground corn dough) with a lot of cheese or tuna salad and pink lemonade.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Iris: Tres leches (three milks cake) and blue raspberry slushees
Finley: Brownies, sweet/salty popcorn and sour rainbow strips
Odile: Anything as long as it isn't sour or bitter, but she loves cotton candy and strawberry shortcake
The Patron: eclairs and crème brûlée
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Iris: Nothing of importance.
Finley: a dog plush that was gifted to him by his paternal grandparents for his 4th birthday.
It has his name sewed on its collar. It has lost most of the stuffing inside due to excessive hugging.
He still sleeps with it. If he lost it he would most probably be distraught by it.
Odile: She already lost all her childhood memories. Her dress is the only thing she owns of her past life.
She wouldn't know what to do if she lost it.
The Patron: An old children's book with fairtyales from all around the world. It is filled with beautiful illustrations on the inside.
He doesn't remember who gifted it to him. They wrote a little note dedicated to him when he was younger.
If he were to lose it, he would stop at nothing to try to at least find a copy of it.
"Alice": Her Nintendo 64 with many games. She worked various side-jobs to save enough money to buy it herself.
She'd probably pay crazy amounts of money to buy one again if she lost it completely.
🌹 ROSE - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before?
Iris: She's indifferent to it. It's just another irrelevant day.
She has never really confessed to anyone but has gotten 1 or 2 confessions in her lifetime.
Finley: Hates Valentine's, finds it dumb and unnecessary. PDA (others doing it) makes him gag, and he gets more bitter than he already is.
Has been confessed to and has confessed to 1 person when he was like 9.
Odile: Likes Valentine's, the pretty colors and the meaning behind it!
Has been confessed to as a joke and has made confessions to a lot of her prince charmings.
The Patron: Loves Valentine's. It isn't necessarily a "couple's only day" for him as he takes himself on dates during it. It has artistic, cultural and historical value in his eyes.
Has been confessed and given confessions before.
"Alice": Indifferent but brings little sweethearts boxes to give to her acquaintances.
Hasn't been confessed to but has confessed multiple times when she was younger.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Iris: Nothing... However, she wouldn't like people delving into her past.
Finley: People finding his... questionable pictures or the shady websites he goes to. Being thrown in prison, being hurt.
Is scared of elevators and forgetting to lock the door and windows.
Odile: Being alone, being hated. Not finding anyone who would truly love and accept her. Her prince hating her.
The toaster freaks her out a little and big, dark bodies of water.
The Patron: What is worse? To know there is something after death (Heaven - Hell) or for there to be nothing? He's bothered by that.
He is easy to startle, so hiding and then jumping from your hiding spot would make him freeze before getting upset.
"Alice": Absolute darkness or getting doxxed.
She is scared of puking, more if it's done publicly.
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Odile: is very volatile in her emotions. If she senses anything that might suggest you might leave her or your affection isn't up to par with how you treated her yesterday, she spirals HARD. Her anger is more directed at herself than anything. She doesn't tend to be violent to others unless they physically hurt her first.
Just hold her tight, and she'll ease down quickly.
The Patron: I answered this for him already! But TLDR: Takes a LOT to make him angry, but when he snaps, it ain't pretty.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
Iris: fishing and camping with her dad...
Odile: OH BOY... there are a lot of them she remembers, many of which are bad memories.
A "light-hearted" bad memory: When the girls in her orphanage snuck a dirty magazine in her schoolbag and then told the nuns about it, she got punished quite severely afterwards.
Good memory: when she was gifted a sewing and embroidery kit from the priest that saved her, her first prince charming.
"Alice": Playing Super Mario 64, she would be glued on her screen for hours or days.
Also, when she saved enough money to buy a big kuromi plushie.
Bad memory... getting locked inside a school bathroom for hours.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Iris: Being seen as weak or not terrifying
Finley: Being seen as a creep/freak
Odile: Being seen as a monster
The Patron: Being seen in an undignified position/flustered
"Alice": Being seen at her lowest mental state
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
Iris: Indifferent.
But if she has to do it, I guess she'll comfort them if she has to.
Finley: If he really cares for the person, he'll be worried and offer silent support. He'll do what he can to ease their misfortune. If he is to blame, he'll feel guilty and ashamed.
Odile: ABSOLUTELY LOSING HER MIND AND WORRIED SICK. She'll immediately blame herself even if she had absolutely nothing to do with it. Gets even more upset if she can't help.
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
Iris: You take a picture of her, you die.
She is also not interested in photography.
The Patron: He doesn't like looking at pictures of himself or appearing in pictures. If he, for some reason, appears in one, he looks extremely tense. Standing straight, legs together and hands clasped behind his back.
However, he loves photography! His favorite things to take pictures of are of abandoned places and museums! Also, his muse <3
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
The Patron: YES. TOTALLY.
He would happily smooch on any/every romantic spot <3
Finley: Pfft, that's soooo cheesy and cliché... but he would be lying if he didn't want to do it.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
Finley, you aren't your parents. You'll never be your parents. Ease down and live. Truly live. Not everyone is out to get you.
Don't search for those irl gore videos as well. Those aren't good for your mental health. They're not going to make you tougher. They'll just traumatize you more.
Odile sweetheart, you are still a human. You were treated terribly and felt betrayed. Everyone lied to you, even if their intentions were good. But despite your actions being horrible and unforgivable, you deserved tenderness.
I am sorry.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?  
Iris: "I have nothing to say to myself."
Odile: "Don't hurt others... please... please."
Alice: "Lmao, things are going to get soooooo much worse, buddy."
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Finley: A geek, a boring loser nerd. A socially inept person who can't read the room and is oblivious to everything, forgetable. The little grey man. And they're right! Kinda...
He is pretty resentful and petty. He acts oblivious, but he is super aware of the things people say about him. A hypocrite and edgy. Can say super messed up and tactless stuff if provoked.
The Patron: Suave and charismatic but also extremely creepy. His presence is suffocating and ever-present. Eccentric. Probably a serial killer and rich. They're right.
Just a tiiiny warning... he can be quite sadistic even to those who are kind to him, likes to see them sweat and stumble. Might even mess with them by misplacing personal belongings or slightly moving furniture for them to trip.
"Alice": Comes across as a manic pixie dream girl: No sense of urgency, bubbly, quirky, and excited about the world.
However, this is a mask for her to hide her true feelings, which are much more nihilistic and pessimistic in nature. Don't let her attitude fool you. She has social anxiety and is very worn down by life. Secretly hates everyone and herself.
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight? 
Iris: Huh, ideally... someone that goes with the flow (ride or die preferably) and isn't needy or clingy. Someone who gives her a lot of space and can handle her coldness. Doesn't demand too many things of her.
Lust at first sight? Yes.
Love at first sight? No.
Finley: Someone really patient, and that shares his love for movies and horror. Isn't turned off by his mood swings or his cringe behavior and would stick with him through thick and thin. Someone he doesn't need to prove why he needs to be loved. They just love him for him...
No, that's dumb. You can like someone, but not love a complete stranger.
The Patron: Intellectual and passionate, eager to learn and teach. Open and understanding, in a way, a partner that checks on him to see if he is doing well as he tends to disregard his health at times. Firm but compassionate. Loves art and history as much as he does.
Yes <3
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Receive: Acts of service
Offers: Quality time
Receive: Quality time and gift giving
Offers: Quality time and acts of service
Receive: Words of affirmation, physical touch, and quality time
Offers: All of them
The Patron:
Receive: Quality time and words of affirmation
Offers: Gift giving, physical touch, and words of affirmation
Receive: Acts of service and physical touch
Offers: Quality time and physical touch
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food? 
Odile: Anything you offer the sweet girl she'll happily take. But she adores long hugs that last minutes, nuzzling, cuddling, handholding.
Kisses all over her face will make her feel happy and more if she's allowed to return them.
Talking to her in a soft baby voice.
She just needs to hold and be held.
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noelleai · 1 year
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It was a typical day at school, as far as any of them could tell; the only difference being that it had been snowing all morning long. It wasn't anything special for this time in December: they'd probably get another three or four inches by lunchtime today if things kept up like this...but still! The white stuff falling from above made everything feel so much more festive than usual. And now, with everyone bundled against the cold weather outside, there were no complaints inside either. They weren't even sure what to do next after their last test on Friday—they hadn't really done enough studying yet (though Noelle seemed confident she would have gotten an A+ without ever cracking open her textbook). But there would be plenty to occupy themselves until then anyway. Today was just one of those days where you wanted to take your shoes off and run around barefoot, even though there was nothing but carpet under foot.
"So," Susie said to Noelle as she walked over beside her desk to join her friend's conversation about who knows what. "How're we gonna celebrate Christmas?"
Noelle looked up at her and shrugged.
Susie sighed. She was trying not to sound annoyed, but it was hard when it came out sounding like that.
The other girl shook her head and smiled, putting a hand up as if to stop Susie before the latter could say something else. "It'll be fine." Her voice was calm, placating—and yet somehow reassuring at the same time. "We've got all the time in the world...we can make our own traditions if you want...it doesn't matter that much right now..."
She trailed off for a moment, then continued with renewed enthusiasm: "Besides! We have the whole week off from school!" That last bit made both of them smile; they were very excited by this prospect, having been cooped-up inside their classrooms since early October.
"I know," Susie said with another sigh of exasperation...but she didn't have any choice now but to go along with it anyway. "Okay," she agreed reluctantly. "You're probably right. It's just—"
"Hey, look," Noelle interrupted. She pointed to one side of the room where Kris had taken his seat at an empty table. He was still wearing his uniform, but he'd added on some new accessories today—a pair of red glasses that looked like they belonged to someone else entirely. They reminded Noelle of Ralsei's sunglasses, except these ones weren't so dark and sinister looking (though that was certainly what most people thought). She wondered if anyone else noticed how much better they suited him than the black frames did. Probably not—everyone was too busy staring at the weird stuff going down over in the corner.
Susie followed her gaze and rolled her eyes again before turning back to face Noelle once more. "Whatever." The other girl sighed and shook her head, as if she couldn't believe she even needed to say this out loud in the first place; then she turned away from the window to stare straight ahead at nothing in particular for a moment or two. Finally she spoke up: "So...you wanna get something to eat after school?"
Noelle nodded slowly; she hadn't really been thinking about it until now, but she could see why Susie would ask. Her stomach rumbled loudly enough that she knew everyone around them must've heard it, but she didn't care about that right now either.
"Sure," she replied with enthusiasm. This time Susie actually smiled at that—she seemed genuinely happy by that response. It was strange seeing that expression on someone else's face...but still nice. { TYPE: Short-form story * M2 }
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anshikapandeysblog · 1 year
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When i think about the word love i get these pure feelings
I mean everyone says love is confusing love is blind, love is hurtful, love is pain and what not
And i totally totally believe the alternative.
Because you know for me love is comfortable, love is crystal clear and visible... you can sense it love is supposed to make you feel like home it isn't supposed to make you nervous it's supposed to make you feel free and forever young, u shall like being around them and not because you like their presence but also because you value it..u value every second you spent with them it's like this beautiful dream for you
When you're in love you don't feel the need to be perfect..you don't feel the need to hide.
You just know that the person will accept your scars no matter how brutal or deep they are.
Love is supposed to heal you not hurt you,
Love is something which is supposed to last long, because when you are really really in love u would never want this thing to get over. Some of these things that I'm saying are so unrealistic in this world.
I feel like people have lost the meaning of true love they don't even wanna know.
Every time I see anyone defining what their definition of LOVE is... they always somehow end up giving it a negative aspect.
U aren't supposed to FALL in love u are supposed to BE in love..you are supposed to FEEL the love... you are supposed to be comfortable with feeling that way.
You aren't supposed to FALL in love...i read this in a book Reminders of him by collen Hoover and it said --
" People say you fall in love, but fall is such a sad word when you think about it. Falls are never good. You fall on the ground, you fall behind, you fall to your death. Whoever was the first person to say they fell in love must have already fallen out of it. Otherwise, they’d have called it something much better."
Yk there are a lot of different aspects of love and i don't wanna deny that love can't be hard,
Of course love can be real tough sometimes
And it's okay and somewhere i just know that if your love is TOUGH that can only have two reasons
1. Maybe one person loves another more.
2. Maybe one of them isn't healed enough for a healthy love maybe they just need time to figure things out for themselves before stepping into a commitment
Here i never used the word people could end up making it hard, and the reason is because i think that, it is never in other people's hands to ruin something as pure as love.
They can make things hard for "THE INDIVIDUAL" but can never make LOVE as a whole "feeling" hard
Cuz loving is easy... when you're with the right person everything just feels right and everything feels slow and soft like u are sitting on your little picnic carpet watching sunset with them feeling comfortable, him coming over because he was bored, watching our comfort show to together..summer midnight rides , winter coffee special, tea while watching the rain... making random stuff... having a all dressed up photoshoot... sitting in silence just enjoying each other's presence and I CAN GO ON AND ON AND ONNNN....
Love can make u feel a series of emotions but every emotion you would ever experience while being in love will never make you sad even the anger, the ruthlessness, the arguments, the ignorance NO FEELING at that time would make you feel bad about "LOVE" cuz u just know that it all comes with it...it's like this whole package, u get every emotion together sometimes it sweet, sometimes it can get salty, sometimes spicy but NEVER bitter.
Love can never be bad it isn't supposed to be bad
We can never compare it with anything "bad".
Love is passionate, love is adventurous, love is like a magic box which is filled with MANY different feelings.
Even the crazy nonsense feelings that u would never wanna experience but you just do it anyway and maybe while you are feeling it you might feel that... nah maybe this isn't right i don't wanna feel all this it comes with responsibilities I don't wanna burden myself with all of this and whatever.
But trust me when you're ACTUALLY REALLY IN LOVE u just feel free you don't feel the sense of burden you feel complete you feel genuinely content and i just can't define how beautiful it can be
I will never let the reality of gen z ruin my thoughts over love
I know it can't always be rainbows and sunshine
But it's about the view darling
Some people see scars on the moon beside the fact that how beautiful it shines even after that
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this-is-spn20 · 2 years
Day 2 of Christmas: Call up an old friend.
You couldn’t say that you loved hunting. I mean sure you loved the people you met along the way, but hunting itself wasn’t exactly your dream job. It was just something to do until you took your last breath. Your last adventure. The day you started hunting wasn’t because your friends and family had died to vamps. You were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. You were hanging out with your best friend in a mall until they closed. Having a grand old time running around from store to store, trying on things, and buying only a few of those things. You two decided to walk home after the mall closed and you said your goodnights and spilt when your friend reached her street. You were close to your home when a werewolf jumped out from an alleyway and wrapped his arm around your neck and his other arm around your stomach, holding you close to himself. Your eyes were wide with terror as you saw another man in a flannel shirt barreling towards you. 
“You come any closer and I’ll claw her fucking throat open!!” You whimpered as your brain processed what he said. At that moment, the man in the flannel (who you would later come to know as Harry), took out a gun from his jeans and took aim. You begged and pleaded with him not to shoot, all he did was tell you his name and assure you it would be fine. Finally, Harry shot the werewolf and his body dropped to the ground, taking you with him. Harry helped you up and walked you the rest of your way home. All the while explaining the supernatural and what hunting was. Telling you to not tell anyone, and giving you his number, just in case you needed help again in the future, or if you wanted to join him in this life. 
Of course, after the whole thing, you told everyone you knew. Of course, they didn’t believe you. They started worrying about you when you became obsessed with the supernatural and hunting. You still talked to your friends and family. They knew what you did, they just acted like they never heard you say that before. So your friends and family were safe. They knew the protocol. Sure that meant they’d always be in some sort of danger but they assured you that they could handle themselves. Especially since you basically forced them into self-defense training. You also made them study the basic monsters like werewolves and vamps so that they weren’t completely in the dark. They had all your means of communication, and as much as they didn’t like it, they knew what to do with you and your stuff when you died. 
All that was well and good when you were on your own. But then you met the Winchesters. You then knew that your family would need extra protection. You and the boys warded all your friends and family’s houses with the help of Rowena. You also made them bracelets with anti-possession charms on them for a little extra protection. Sam and Dean always made sure you were protected. Saying, “You’re the most important person in our little family. We can’t just leave you hanging.” You appreciated everything they did for you. Which is why you were doing this for them. 
You’d called your Best Friends, Mother and Father, Sisters and Brothers, and Harry. Asking them how things have been. Filling them in on your life, recent hunts, and your holiday plans. It was a few hours well spent. Meanwhile, you told Sam and Dean to try contacting some friends and just talk. Sam got in contact with a few friends from college and talked to them for a few hours, leaving out all the supernatural stuff of course. Dean called Jody and Donna and talked with them, setting up a time when all of you guys could come together and hang out. 
No you guys didn’t do anything special today. But it was enough for the boys, which meant it was enough for you. 
TAGGING: @fooshigoomies @of-a-chaotic-mind @naturalswifty89 @imaginestuffs
Wanna be added to the tag list? Send an ask and I'll add you!
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tkeyahwrotethis · 3 months
Like a Virgin, Touched for the Very First Time
It may seem like I talk a lot but I'm actually a GREAT listener because people LOVE to talk about themselves. I really get to know people by listening. & believe it or not, even the silence can be loud. What people choose to share vs keep private is telling.
I joined group, for single moms. I'm just an observer right now, all the main characters are very loud and want to be seen and heard and feel important. I'm here for it. I don't want to just blurt out what's going on with me & my daughter to everyone. I like to talk to one or two people personally.
But I can't get one of the main character mom's outta my head. I learned something new from her today. "The Madonna Complex"
*Break off into groups of 2 and get to know someone today*
We sit down in a corner I have a little snack and a sprite
We start with small talk...
I'm like hey girl what's up what do you do for work? how old are you? how old is your baby, and vice versa, I'm not really ready to talk about my babydaddy but I'm here for you if you wanna talk about yours. & she was.
"We met about 3 years ago and we just started as friends. It was slow and we really got to know each other. Trust was really important to me because I had been burnt in the past. He was perfect, thoughtful, and romantic. He was so easy to be with. After we both got tested for STD's & everything was good, we started living together and I got pregnant shortly after. We got engaged and he just made me feel so special and beautiful like his perfect little family and his prize wife and mother of his child. He didn't want any more children and he got a vasectomy, he didn't ask me to alter my body in any way and I thought he was selfless. One night after putting baby to bed he was watching TV on our bedroom TV so I just watched Netflix on his iPad. my curiosity got the better of me so I started going through his iPad and I'm not sure why because we were so happy and our family was so perfect I really had no reason to snoop.
He had many many messages to phone numbers but no saved contacts. I checked them, all the women asking "Do you need me tonight" " Do you need company tonight" ESCORT SERVICES! My perfect husband is seeking out escort services, I'm sick to my stomach. he seemed so perfect for all these years. We had sex OFTEN he was always so sweet and attentive to me we always made each other cum. im so confused is he some kinda nymphomaniac??? I dig a little deeper he's only paying women for anal sex. all these women he's having hardcore anal sex with them and paying them money for it.
(now personally, i'm thinking to myself, that nigga is a booty warrior, sis, you dodged a bullet tf? but I can see the pain and the hurt and the betrayal so I just quietly keep listening)
I threw that iPad at him and this nigga is staying at MY HOUSE so I got up and immediately headed to the closet to pack his shit I feel like I floated there I was not even thinking clearly I was in SHOCK I was completely blindsided. Then he actually had the audacity to justify his behavior. He claimed he was using them for only one thing- anal sex. I'm his wife and the mother of his child. They are just whores for anal sex it means nothing. He would never treat the mother of his child that low. He thought he was doing a good thing. Madonna complex. Sex workers are there for this reason and it's not an affair. He's apologized and tried to fix things and tries to see his kid but he will never have access to us again. I know he's hurting but I'm hurting too, what do I tell my family? his family? our child? I've blocked him on everything and he keeps trying to contact me. I just want to move on, I thought I could trust him, but he disgusts me."
I hug her and we begin showing each other pictures of our families, hers a once happy trio, mine of me and my daughter. I told her at least she tried to have a family and was almost a wife and maybe over time he will change & you can still get your fairytale because in his own twisted way, I think he still loves you.
I give a little about myself, I tell her my situation is so small compared to yours. I barely know my child's father it was a one-night stand from a random Tinder hookup & we never spoke again. I'm just trying to get child support now but that's about it. We never had a family dynamic or a relationship. We were never in love. But you had love with your ex-fiance, I think time might heal this situation between y'all.
She is convinced it's over ... but who knows.
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anemia-rp · 4 months
I do believe there a quite a few things that can mess with how your brain is wired and I also do believe the damage and severity of it differs from person to person. What will break one person might barely scratch the surface of another. Who knows maybe day goblins lose their soul too once they turn into one. I also have no idea how souls work and if there really do exist. Strangely enough I think they do and everyone has them. There surely is something that gets us to like and dislikes things. And there surely are more things in the mix than we might imagine.
I think having your own ideas for what to sew makes it a more interesting hobby. And I don't doubt it does take skills. I imagine you can be either fully focused on this task so no other thoughts have room or your hands are on autopilot so you can think about everything and nothing. It is like this for me if it comes to drawing. Maybe at some point you can show me some of the things you made. I'm simply curious what ideas your mind comes up with if it comes to fashion.
It's true that most people hope that they villain will treat them differently of all people. Some of them may hope they can change the villains ways and others might hope to use them to get revenge on people that wronged them. Feeling special certainly is something people long for. A tiny part of me wonders what it might feel like, but I don't have high hopes I will get to experience feeling special or make someone feel special.
I have some lose wires and I enjoy simply not thinking now and then. But in fights and games in the other world I like to calculate too and make plans. I know how to use my brain and I enjoy using it. I personally feel there are times where using your brain is required and times when you can let loose. The same goes for bedroom activates, huh? So you plan out what you will do or do you mean you plan when you want to start such fun?
I think there is truth in what you say about dominants being the best submissives you get them to submit that is. They surely will keep having their own will in some way even though you can make them bend to your will so to speak. Loving someone requires to take some risks so to speak. You can't know how long it will take someone to show you all their sides. Humans can't wait years and years to decide whether they like all of the sides of someone. But maybe if you really get lucky that person will show you all their sides naturally and rather quickly so you can feel this is a deep and real love.
I enjoy technology, but I will admit that I dislike the idea that only robots and artificial intelligence will stick around. Supernatural beings on the other hand doesn't make me feel that way. And humankind surely overestimates itself, but technology is still pretty flawed in certain ways.
I came to learn that a lot of people just fight for themselves in extreme situations. It's strange to see what things you are capable of you feel like you have no other choice. And yes you can win a lot of them games if you use your brain and sometimes it also requires to work in a team. Other times strength will help.
Pretty sure there's some scientific explanation for why we like and dislike other things. Some is certainly caused by influences, but dunno. Having a soul sounds nicer actually. I like to imagine there's some core inside you which roots can't be changed.
It's like that for me to some amount when I'm standing behind my DJ kit. It's a great feeling to have power over people just through some beats and basslines, to make them dance and let them have a good time. I love it, otherwise I couldn't do it almost every night. The music is my number one. My clothes are pretty gloomy, and my label is called Seen Better Days 666 so guess that already tells about the vibe.
Guess I'm something special for lots of people, but everything starts with finding yourself special. I agree with them, yeah, however there are situations when I don't wanna feel like standing alone on a pedestral because I'm so fucking special and no one can reach me. It's about some weird kind of balance.
Nope, I don't plan bedroom stuff. It becomes shitty if I do. Some people, especially when it comes to BDSM stuff, have something like a choreography in mind I guess. It would feel too much like a performance for me when dominating someone. I just do what I want and feel like doing at the moment.
And once I read somewhere the best dominant is a submissive. Anyway, who knows if everyone even /has/ the abilities to love someone truly? Or themselves? Guess at first one gotta has to open up to themselves about the things they really crave, even if it's embarrassing at first.
Would you prefer to be around all kinds of supernaturals or rather humans?
Guess lots of people would grow on the challenge while others would break. And maybe that's something the soul determines, too. How much it can endure and so on.
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xxlelaxx · 10 months
Situations have situationed cause God forbid my family be normal about stuff...
But I've had some interesting conversations yesterday and am now considering how to proceed in handling one Person.
The issue is that they are mentally ill and mentally ill people do stuff they regret.. but at the same time I've had it. And they've had it rough. I know you do stupid shit when caught up in stuff..
but at the same time... I think I spent a big chunk of my life getting manipulated by that person and I'm not sure that they even care... Like they suffered and were hurt, yes, but they keep blaming everyone and ignoring the things around us. Hell, my sister and I got told that we are the reason for them developing an eating disorder cause they would horde all the "special snacks" (we didn't have a lot of money) and refuse to share while we always did. All we wanted was them to share and stop being a selfish ass (an issue this person still has). My sister has long lasting issues with this cause they kept stealing her food??? And they complained about being locked up as a kid (definitely wrong) and being made to feel like an animal (also very wrong) but they would attack us in a very scary and feral way. Like we had no choice except them hurting us a lot unless we locked them up. It was wrong but nobody was helping and at some point you're over being hurt. They refuse to acknowledge that they used to hurt us... like they would kick us (mainly my sister I kicked back) and threaten us with physical violence to the point. At some point I started fighting them for fun so they would get it out of their system. Like consensual beating between siblings (also wrong, but nobody knew and it helped). They even sought me out to have those fights cause they helped them calm down and we had signals for when things got too heated or personal. That doesn't make the things that happened okay, but it's not like everyone was evil and just hurt the little baby. And now they keep having angry breakdowns and destroying stuff and making us feel bad about it even though they got themselves into that situation and they refuse to take responsibility for anything they do. How is it our fault that they have anger issues??? I've told them before that I get anger being too much but this could be seen as something being manipulative (which I had forgotten about but this also isn't the first time). It is starting to feel like they do it on purpose cause this just happens when they don't wanna do stuff. (Same as with using self harm as a way to pressure us to act like they want). And now supposedly it's our fault for triggering them??? But they ignore the well established and known triggers of others? Like there have been situations where they purposely triggered my sister and they never really apologized??? And we haven't even been rude. We've been very nice about this situation which many people would not have been in an attempt to save their relationship with some friends they met in the last year. They keep backstabbing us for other people but going off about loyalty as if they even know what that word means. And they also talk down about us sometimes cause a therapist made the mistake to tell them they had a high IQ. Now they believe they are so much smarter than everyone else but are not able to do their own resume for a job they needed half a month ago because they struggle so much with their ADHD... Which at this point I also can't hear anymore. Like it's disabling but can you please stop pretending that everyone else is beneath you when you literally cannot do anything on your own and rely on those people you shit talk to do things for you??? You're not better just like they aren't better for being able to do things you can't do. This is just rude. Also everyone around you not behaving like you want to is not because they are stupid but because humans are different???
Like we've apologized for what we did in the past several times but I'm over being blamed for everything cause someone can't make real tangible progress in 5 years of therapy... And especially for things that just aren't my fault or they refuse to communicate. We're not here to be punching bags and fixing their mistakes and never really getting anything back. That's not how life or relationships work.
Another thing is that I know this therapist was someone elses therapist and they did the exact same thing. They were told multiple times their behavior was manipulative and they were aware of it and kept doing it. Also because they were "so smart". So I think the therapist might be enabling this behavior.
I really wanna be supportive and understanding for their sake but I don't know for how long I can listen to being blamed for everything while everyone pretends they do no wrong... Cause honestly they broke a fucking chair into six pieces and blamed us for self harming while this situation is fully their own responsibility.. like they are a grown up. Not a kid anymore. This was preventable if they had acted according to the role they assumed in this whole situation. This is the second time we are going through this and the first time they agreed to taking up that role. A role that was obvious they would have to assume to get what they wanted out of this. If you can't handle the responsibility you don't get to reap the benefits. That's just how it is. And if you know you are not capable of those things, don't get into those situations.
Like for once in your life take accountability instead of pretending everyone else is to blame and out to get you while life has been giving you chances for free just cause you are male presenting and have a very supportive family.
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Honestly, I always feel bad when I gripe about my current situation, and feel the good old classic 'I must be faking it' when looking at the fact that I'm still very much in the closet despite finally 1) not living with certain family members anymore and 2) working in a "progressive" city. I'm well aware of how bad things can be. Thhee-en something comes up and the immediate mental response is "Well, duh, coming out is a really really bad idea at this time. Did you forget how things are actually irl despite what the internet says about this place?" Well no, I just keep hoping I'm missing something (despite dealing with this city for 30+ years).
…aw crap. This whole shctick comes from constantly being told throughout my whole life I'm being overly sensitive/just wrong/scared/etc? Only for the later realization (insanely constantly, usually years late) that no-o I was right/fine/reacting appropriately. Even with hard evidence… but that's just it, isn't it?
I'm looking at the fact of how much crap I've now had to deal with dealing with this city (and everyone else I've talked with in person) and… I've seen literally every issue buried. Hidden. Local health department calling out the city due to some shit? Expect anyone reporting on it to have it taken down within literal hours. Some nasty crap happen? Dig up some similar shit on one of the neighboring cities and go all out on the news crews, all while ignoring the exact same thing or much worse is happening on a much larger scale in your own city. Yes I'm bitter. Almost every time I hear of this place online is saying this city is good for queer/black/fill-in-your-minority-of-choice. And it's become very badly obvious over the years how much that image is… cultivated. As in, that description is EXACTLY what is forcibly shown online. You notice the almost? The one place I've seen it shown even slightly otherwise was… apparently a shock for one of the city dwellers. I didn't participate in the conversation, but they brought up an interesting note I didn't think of - a good portion of the city is chronically online. They themselves had been unaware of anything happening "in their backyard" that didn't deal with the image they had in their head, and were genuinely shocked at the old, hard evidence in front of them saying otherwise. The others in the conversation were people also in the area but not from this city, and were simply unsurprised. Which l guess why it took me so long to let me believe myself that things aren't okay here for me (and others!), and it wasn't just me. Because I've been hearing for the longest from those within I wanna say a 500km radius or so (wild guessing from people saying rough locations, it's not like I can read people's ips) this place is supposed to be special… and on the ground it just isn't. I don't expect things to be magically better when I move - I just want the backstabbing/hiding the shitiness to stop. I know it can be better - heck, most of the surrounding cities are I know from experience (still in a bit of a pickle with the current situation so alas how it is). It just… drives me insane seeing about here online and having a very, very different experience irl.
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scarletfishbones · 1 year
i think its time to put all my focus on myself because there were so many moments where it can feel like people trample all over me and forget what i did for them. I care more than what they think... im not the best at expressing but you can sort of tell from what I do you know. Im trying in my own strange way. I give people a lot of care and attention but then most times it feels like i don't receive that same type of thing in return. Everyone's so busy with themselves... im starting to notice everyone only does something because its what is better for them and not necessarily for others. Can someone just lend an ear and stay quiet? But then again I also feel like maybe im just this overly sensitive person....i've always denied being sensitive my whole life but now im slowly starting to accept it. Its the INFP in me i guess.
I've also noticed that im just so bad at playing pretend..... its like i really cant read the room. I never get it..... sometimes im a little too slow at jokes. Im stupid aren't I? Sometimes trying to heal brings out all the worst traits of yourself that makes it harder to love me...its like i find more reasons to hate myself. It just feels like I disappoint and let down everyone... and of course me as well. I feel as if i have more cons than pons. I feel like a walking failure. I know in my head i need to stop saying that to myself but if thats what i feel then let me express how i feel. I really need to learn how to live with myself even though i wanna shoot myself every second of every day. This feeling of wanting to die constantly is also what brought me into becoming religious.... i checked out buddhism just because maybe I would feel enlightened. It did to some degree.. it wasn't as powerful because I already felt like I was already believing some of their principles. And obviously having this common ground is great but i need a new perspective.... I even thought about going to church and kneeling down and whispering to myself all the things I want to happen to me. I can never hate on religion because it looks too beautiful and special.
I really wonder when will be the time I get to actually live life.
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