#but you can't let it control every aspect of your creativity if you don't want it to
gladumf · 6 months
hello trafficblr, I just got a really nasty anon ask so I'm gonna talk about it
there has been a lot of debate over what celestial body Scar is, and I'm here to say to all those who are getting dragged down because their opinion isn't popular in the fandom:
it's okay. you don't have to follow fandom.
I personally really like mercury Scar. This is (according to the polls I've seen) the least popular of the "main" bodies I've seen people suggest. Most of my favorite artists are drawing Scar as Earth.
that's okay!
do you like Pluto Scar better? go for it! draw scar with pluto as his symbol! write essays for it! ramble about how it fits! do you like mercury scar better? do the same! do you disagree with the idea that we should continue with the "sun, moon, stars" theory and should come up with something new? do it!! come up with a new symbol!!
I feel like as a fandom, if you don't comply with what is the most popular opinion, you're wrong. you're not!!! this is a minecraft series!!!! everything is up for interpretation!!!
look at me. you do not have to follow fandom if you have other ideas. do not let fandom control your creativity.
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bettsfic · 7 months
“for so many years i had it in my head that if a process is harder, the result is better. it was that mentality that kept me in a job i hated for a long time. it's hard and i don't like it, therefore it's more serious and respectable. it was unconscionable to me to think that something fun and easy could result in something good.”
I do this^ and the fact that someone else could explain it and relate is so eye opening. I grew up with this mindset. Like I wasn’t smart or good enough unless I was struggling unless it was hard. If it was hard and I got something done, then I was a success. Never treated myself like it but that was my philosophy. If something was easy it was stupid and not worth doing. This causes a lot of issues.
I was wondering, if you’re comfortable. Can you talk more about this? And how you got out of this mindset? I’ve noticed that even in my writing I do this and not just in the work aspects of my life.
i think it comes from a place of learned hatred. in the same way learned helplessness develops when a person spends a significant amount of time in an environment where they have no control of or agency over anything, learned hatred is growing up in an environment where you are simply not allowed to exist as you are and you must change or adapt in order to survive.
when you're in a place where you're constantly made aware of your weaknesses and focus only on how to strengthen them, your awareness of your strengths (and the strengths themselves) atrophy. i think all the time about how in a different environment, at 18 it would have been so evident to me that i wanted to be a teacher. and i would have gone to college for teaching and then gotten a job teaching elementary school english or maybe even kindergarten. like if just one person said, "hey you've got real Bob Ross vibes" maybe my life would be completely different. but no, i had it in my head that obviously everyone wanted to become an elementary school teacher, so i couldn't be one, i had to do something no one wants to do, and i became a banker.
i took an IQ test last year, and i know IQ is bullshit, but i tested into like the 99th percentile of verbal intelligence. that's intelligence i've always had but didn't do anything with until i was 24, and because i didn't foster it by allowing myself creativity or really any self expression, my writing skills when i started writing were, well, bad. when i look at my earliest work from about 9 years ago, i can see that i was writing below the level i currently teach. at 24. with a bachelor's degree, having graduated magna cum laude. maybe i'm being hard on myself, but my point is that i was no prodigy. i could've been a gifted kid but i wasn't. i was too busy being dragged onto a baseball field to work on my terrible hand-eye coordination. i entered adulthood believing my work in this world was to deprive myself of happiness and pride myself in misery.
the attitude that changed my perspective was refusal. i refuse to suffer. that means i do everything in my means to alleviate any pain i experience--mentally, emotionally, and physically. and by "pain" i don't mean sadness, because allowing yourself to feel sadness when sadness is due is healthy, but things like abject dread, hating the idea of waking up every morning, things that can destroy you if you hold onto them for long enough. you have to let them go. you can't be complacent to your own pain anymore. when you get a headache, you take ibuprofen. when you come back up from a bad bout of depression, you drag your ass to the doctor to get meds and maybe therapy so it doesn't happen again. when you want something, you give it to yourself.
it's hard. it's hard because there's a benefit in bringing up your weaknesses. i pitched a perfect game in softball when i was a teenager. i'm more coordinated than i would have been if my dad hadn't forced me into every possible sport. working at a bank taught me much needed professionalism and organizational skills, and gave me stability during a time the economy wasn't stable at all. but on focusing on those things, i neglected to foster the stuff about me that was already pretty good.
you can strengthen your weaknesses, but you can also strengthen your strengths. your weaknesses do not have to be dragged up to the same level as your strengths. i made an okay banker. i was a pretty good pitcher. but i'm a great teacher. it took me years to learn finance and softball, but it took me one semester to get my bearings in front of a classroom. i'm a patient and nonjudgmental person. i love learning and so by definition i love explaining. i have a natural "yes, and" disposition. i respect everyone and take their work in this world seriously. i come from a long line of teachers. and yet somehow, despite all this, i had no fucking clue i was a teacher.
i love writing, but i'm not talented, not in the way i've seen talent in some of my students. having a high verbal intelligence only speeds up the skill leveling. and so writing is a side effect. writing is the subject i know well enough to teach at a university or masterclass level. writing allows me to process my own emotions and express myself creatively. writing feels good and it's fun. but teaching is my work.
who you are is okay to be. without trying, without any effort at all, there's something you're already great at. so keep your weaknesses weak and strengthen your strengths. refuse suffering. seek joy.
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j0kers-light · 1 month
Hiii, how are you Chaos???
I haven't read the comics, if I'm not wrong you have, right? Because you know a lot of things about J and It is just incredible
If you have read the comics, could you explain a bit about how Joker is in those? (If you have based your version of J too pls)
ALSO, you said Frost appears in the comics, but the only Frost I've found is this woman
And the only goon of Joker that I've found is this one (I know Neo and Mac are your ocs but I remember you saying that Frost appears in the comics)
Is this who you based Frost of? I can't find any black man named Frost And he is said to he the mist loyal man
This is the other goon, does he exist in the Chaos universe?
I believe his name is gaggy? I'm not sure
I would love to see his dynamic with Joker/his goons, maybe he is part of Joker's past? Someone he had to get rid off
In short, you would do me a great favor if you explained a little about the Joker from the comics and what parts of him you have taken for your story because I find it very interesting 😭
and his anarchist side too because I don't get why does he do all that, does he simply want to watch the world burn? Just Chaos? Is that it, he isn't power hungry nor he wants another person to have political control? Doesn't he do all that because he believes in something?
Hey hi anon 🖤✨
I'm doing lovely! omg Chaos universe has me in a spiral!!! I'm popular enough to have my own universe😫what an honor! And DO NOT apologize for yapping! I read every word with rapt attention.
So let's discuss anon! Grab a seat and a snack, we're going in deep!
Yes, I've read most of the comics save for a few here and there. Depending on the comic..... Joker is either a jester who kills for fun, the epitome of evil who thinks killing is funny, or clinically insane and doesn’t see the difference in anything. He just out here ballin’ or all of the above.
The Joker is so complex I could write essays for the rest of my life talking about him. My favorite depiction of J is from The Killing Joke although in the “Chaos universe” (I love saying that) Joker derives from the Nolan trilogy and the Arkham Games. Heavy on the games; they’re my favorites for a reason. So a mixture of all Jokers really 🤔 Here's a chart if you're interested! I've seen/read/played them all except for 2019.
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Anyhoo. Yes! That's Killer Frost a completely different character who is absolutely amazing in her own right. Good call out 😉
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AND CONGRATULATIONS FOR FINDING FROST! Let’s talk about Frosty!!! ❄❄❄❄
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Although this depiction of Frost sorta kinda betrays Joker and ends up being killed for it, I took some creative liberties with making him my own.
Joker's Loyal Three what a concept. Mac and Neo are of course my OC's (I did not have to go so hard creating them 😤but I did)
Frost is actually albino but since I write for people of color.. I made him African American so he’s kinda a OC to an extent. Frost is divorced in my series and he has a daughter which I named Genesis so I'm staying canon but giving him a Chaos spin.
There are some background conversations that reference Frost in Arkham Asylum (or maybe Origins) and I just felt it was the right thing to do to honor Frost and give him flowers. I think details no matter how small really matter when creating a story.
I honestly don't know this third character Gaggy? so no he will not be making a cameo in any of my series 🤣
Now. As for Joker's schtick. Everything to Joker is funny in some way hence the name. Once you take that away aspect, Joker isn't really that much of a threat. He has no superpowers, no advantage other than being unpredictable and insane-- so the reason why Joker "does what he does" (I think) is maintain his one desire. To be remembered.
His ultimate fear (in the comics) is being forgotten and if no one pays him any attention... 🤷🏾‍♀️poof. So Joker pulls these elaborate stunts, he works hard to gain Batman's attention and be the number one villain to stay memorable and feared by the citizens of Gotham. Yes, he wants to watch the world burn, no he really doesn't believe in anything. That's what makes him a threat. He's unpredictable even after all these years.
Some versions of Joker (the one's I like) he knows what he's doing is wrong, yet he does not care. He isn't power hungry, he doesn't care about the average man, he just wants people to see the world like he does as One. Big. Joke.
He's that de-synthesized, that far removed from humanity that if he dies, oh well. Now if Batman dies... now that's another story. No one entertains Joker's mental instability the way Bats does. A world without Batman is another big fear for Joker.
It's also the biggest fight of them all; good verses evil. Batman vs. Joker. Never ending, an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.
Lol, now I'm yapping and quoting The Dark Knight. 🤣😭
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mystic-evangeline · 4 months
Dear God, I want to expose a cult that has been lurking around college campuses. I know this for a fact because I was victimized by one known as the International Christian Church, or the ICC. Telltale signs, for me, that this was in fact a cult and not a product of my imagination: 1. They prey on the weak and naive, or those who are much younger in age and therefore, unable to form proper judgments about life. 2. No room for disagreement or questioning whatsoever at their "Bible" studies. 3. Feelings aren't valid to them. Only God's Word is valid. Now, I understand this to a degree. But to say our feelings don't matter is abusive. 4. I can't explain it, but do you ever just sense that people are hiding something deeper from you, in terms of doctrine, or behavior? I got that sense from them quite a lot. 5. They paint themselves as the sweetest people in the world. And to a degree, they are. They are extremely friendly and open-hearted. But.... beware. Something darker is there underneath. 6. Avoidance of the presence of darkness or maybe "heavier" emotional topics is prevalent. 7. Twisting of the Scripture to fit their own agendas. E.g. We "have" to both "obey" and believe in "order" to be a Christian, when clearly, the Bible doesn't state this.... and "we are different from other churches" because x, y, and z. I find it odd that they think they are above other denominations, and also, have a weird mentoring program. Mentoring is normal. What's not normal is reporting every instance of "sin" or perceived sin to said mentor. 8. Challenges are viewed as immediate threats to reputation, and instantly dismissed as being "valid" since they are "forms of persecution" which is "normal" in God's Kingdom. It's normal, yes.... But not the types of persecution they are referring to and are subjected to. 9. Sometimes I just feel this malevolent spirit trying to harass me every time I talk to the leader. It's set up in this format like, how I'm the lowly student, and they're all the elitist teachers with infinitely more knowledge of the Bible than I have. Bizarre and smothering, also very brainwashing. 10. I noticed at the prayer meetings, how I'm purposely excluded and shunned just because I am not officially deemed as a member of their church. Baptized into their church, that is. It's like, are you about genuine salvation, or are you more about the rituals and the outward manfiestation of that experience? I pray that anyone who has been affected by the ICC (International Christian Church) will AVOID it at all costs and that this church will shut down or at least be brought to saving knowledge of the truth of Christ. Disband this church, Lord, or allow it to conform to safer, healthier practices that do not involve heavy-handed manipulation, browbeating, or Bible thumping. They are in so deep that they are blinded by their own deceitfulness. To them, it's all about "the Bible" but they are living a fairytale delusion of being attached to a church, an organization, under the guise of "let's seek God together." I also heard that they are highly invasive when it comes to private living situations, or that they try to control which members live with one another. That they are only allowed to marry other church members, and that they aren't even allowed to kiss each other until marriage. Just so many strict rules and regulations that God never even said in the first place. God is CREATIVE! His Spirit is alive and active and He isn't "all" about the Bible. Yes, that's important. But it's only one aspect of who He truly is. Please stop idealizing the Bible to fit your standards and obsessing over it unhealthily. I used to do that and it was BAD for me. Pray for these people and don't be swept away by their deceptive practices like I (almost) was. Again, they are very sweet and friendly but it's over-the-top so don't trust it.
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rolling-restart · 1 year
my favourite parts are overall the george toto dynamic, which is obvious but if I had to pinpoint a specific scene I'd say I liked geoge fantasising about what would happen if their affair came to light and how he would enjoy being the victim and getting media attention.
I thinks I'd love more of: maybe a brief toto pov? Maybe when he sees geoge again after what he did to him and he realises that he derives a sick pleasure out of George's suffering....?
things I didn't like: I really like every aspect if this fic but if I had a gun to my head I'd say I don't enjoy reading the chapters as much that dont center around Georgie. But that is just because I'm reading it on a weekly basis and my dopamine addicted brain wants it's george fix. If I read it all on one go I'd be glad for the buffer chapters. as I said I don't have any negative comments but I still wanted to give some feedback.
fav twist: when geogre said toto instead of Daniel when they were at it. That took me out!!! and when the fixer came and when Toto decided to step on George's hands and and so much more I can't decide
Okay so, let's break it down!
Firstly, I think George fantasising about being a public victim was one of his deciding moments as a character. Like he is not a regular victim, but he derives a strange joy from it, which is because he sees himself as a terrible, incompetent person and if the world knew his suffering, that would be an extenuating circumstance for him to feel like he has the right to being flawed. It makes perfect sense. He thinks unless he is suffering something really terrible publicly, he can only explain his poor self-perception with his own incompetence.
I knew you people would ask for more when I was writing the first and so far only Toto's POV. Honestly, I wouldn't attempt it if I wasn't okay with writing more so we might see a double POV chapter. And personally, I think he regards it a bit differently. George is Toto's project to reconstruct Nico. When he fails, Toto feels failed. What failure is is debatable but I think it was a failure of George to not fight back and break like a doll when Toto pushed too hard. I think the more he acts like a controllable Nico, the happier Toto is but it is an oxymoron since what makes Nico attractive is his uncontrollableness.
Also as a baseline, I think Toto loves George in his own twisted way because George belongs to him. I don't know exactly how else to put it.
Your dislike is very understandable. Honestly, I usually write those chapters less enthusiastically than George-focused chapters because they don't have many stimulating elements.
About the fav twist... Okay, so it's one of my least favourite twists because it feels too convenient? Not from a plot flow point of view but more like a creativity point of view. I think I could've been more creative about that but I am glad you liked it!!!
Fixer was good. Like, I liked its implications and George's heartbreak on being abandoned. I like it idk. And lastly, stepping on the hand is one of my favourites because it's just very beautifully disgusting of Toto. He knows George and he knows his pressure points. It was horrible of him to attack him like that and I love it!
Thank you so much! Right when I was craving stimulation, this ask really made me happy and I always like thinking back on thanse story. Thanks for this feedback!
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creativepromptfills · 2 years
[ @creativepromptfills | prompt source ]
A reason why I was reserved about my Arcane powers is that the blood curse bound me. Because of it, I was highly vulnerable to blood magic. Blood mages cast psychological spells often on me, and it drove me crazy like a mad demon. Now that my curse has gone after I killed P, my murderer, I am now free of all restraints related to the curse.
I used this chance to bond more with my Arcane prowess. Luckily, my buddy and disciple Alderman was the head of the prestigious Heddwich Arcane Academy in Pangaxylia, another realm. My insights and the academy’s activities tremendously improved the speed by which Arcane knowledge developed, eventually closing into becoming a pseudoscience.
A crucial aspect of the arcane is the mind of its caster. A spell might produce a highly unpredictable effect if the caster was not in their right mind. There are countless times a small spell I cast turned out to be entirely different when my mind was not right.
When this girl came to my office here on Earth asking me to help her with her Arcane Impotency, I was intrigued to help her. After all, this is the very first time Alderman asked me to help in such a case. He would usually patronise me and do everything from his end, so I’m glad he finally treats me like friends we are and ask me to help him.
Elsa was an Arcanist whose family was brutally murdered by Wusari, a rogue blood mage. She became an orphan ever since. It was was when she was 19 years old.
She had vowed to put Wusari into her place by exacting revenge. Knowing that Wusari would and had murdered countless other families for her blood ritual, Elsa became more determined to end Wusari’s killing spree. Wusari would wander around Pangaxylia every full moon in October, using the blood she gathered from her fallen victims to initiate an unknown summoning ritual.
However, Elsa’s magic attacks weaken if she is angry in any form. She had to control her temper when facing her family’s murderer to exact her revenge. Master Alderman was lost trying to find an alternative for her cause, so he recommended her to see me.
“Purging your emotion is essentially killing your soul while leaving the body intact,” I told her such a horrifying answer when she begged me to purge her of human emotions. “After all, such emotions were why you wanted to put Wusari in her place. If we purge it, not only would you become vegetative, you would lose Arcane, and you would lose your intents. It's killing you inside in a literal sense.”
“So what should I do?”
I demonstrated a fireball spell. It was a small fireball. But once it touched Elsa, a blaze of fire surrounded her—yet it kept a safe distance, so she was not set ablaze.
After the blaze of fire ceased, I gave her the insight I believe she will come to understand later. “Control it. There is always a time and place for everything. Putting your emotion at the right time and situation will incredibly give you an advantage. Don't suppress your feelings. Allow them to go wild but make the time and place for everything. Give your emotions a chance rather than letting them be in a heated conflict within you, and only then would your Arcane benefit from tranquillity.”
-- ** --
“This is such a creative spell. Let me put it into practice.”
I attempted casting the spell Rendra wrote. He was my student on Earth but he decided to travel here after graduating from high school. He wanted to study more about Arcane. I was happy when Alderman and the people of Heddwich provided such a warm hospitality for Rendra. Now I spoke as if I was his parent, but I can't help being caring to my students as if they were my own children after all.
The spell was an attack spell, forming a ray that looks like a chakram above the index finger. The chakram would then be thrown at the target, causing a hot slash wound. After assessing the power, it was strong enough to demolish a twenty-story skyscraper if adequately mastered.
“Let’s give the mantra a refine. Have you learned the properties of sun and heat energy? I think it’ll be beneficial to enhance the natural heat that comes with the spell.”
“That is a great idea! I’ll look into that immediately.”
“Awesome! Keep me updated, ok? Let's try cutting a diamond in half using the chakram and see if material properties play a hand in its impact.”
“Thank you, sir! I’ll be on my way now. I’m sorry to have borrowed your time.”
“No worries! It was also an insightful discussion. Feel free to drop by if you feel I can help!”
After Rendra left, Alderman knocked in. He brought a glass of mango juice for me. “Are you not tired, Master?”
“Told you to speak casually to me like you usually are!” I chuckled lightly as I received his gift. “Thanks, Alderman. I take it that concerned look is about Elsa?”
“Yes. She...” Alderman paused briefly. “She killed Wusari, but the latter’s death caused her to be trapped in the Bloodcursed Realm.”
“Holy crap. Who is the bloody whore’s host?”
“I can not be ascertained, but Wusari’s host might have links to P and the blood mages despising you. After all, Wusari had records of being revived after her leftover victims claimed her life.”
I gave a shocked pause before I stood from my work desk in my workroom in the academy. “I’m going to go murder myself a god. You wanna come?”
Wusari must have been a vessel for someone else if this is the case. I must ensure Elsa does not become a vessel for Wusari’s previous host.
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wiw3 · 8 days
how much is real
that is the query.
Am I really a master of my own fate? Is that a thing you can be? Can you really pose yourself up as the pontificated taskmaster of your own religious persecution? Can you really control who you are in every aspect? Even in the eyes of others? I think the devil can.
I think we owe it to ourselves in life to get as close as we can reflexively-stomach to the devil, in terms of what we're willing to investigate. I also think that I'm full of shit and shouldn't be listened to by anyone trying to have a healthy mindset, physiology, or lifestyle. It's not my dance.
It doesn't feel safe to say, it doesn't feel safe to talk about. I take what I take in order to forget who I am, not when I am. I don't want to be anybody. I don't want to be perceived. I don't want to be witnessed. I don't want to be known. I don't want to exist.
Now hold still while I administer this medicine to myself and force you to watch. This gripping trauma-drama about Doc forcing himself to think about the things that make him uncomfortable.
I think I tend to read between the lines with people too much. I can't see their intentions for just that. I can't listen to their hearts. If I did, I might find some attraction, which is a concession my little heart can't handle right now.
I've been avoiding it, but I'm quitting some things. I have a large handful of vices but I really only have time for about 2-3 of the 5-6 I've been keeping up.
It's tragic to take a break from my breaks on life, but I need to work it down. If I don't do better, and I don't stay driven, I'm bequeathing control of the world to the TikTokers and Snapchatters. I'm 23 years old. Get off my parents' lawn.
Taking a step forward into that, my dry-erase board is posted in my closet, and I've established a cozy, comfy writing nook where I can hide from the world and just be by myself to create. I'll show you what I make when I come out of it, ideally, but maybe it'll be too self-indulgent and narcissistic to ever let the public see.
Today dragged. It's a strange experience to both lose days and feel time scrape on by. The dilation from the drugs I've been taking have me feeling insanely-creative, but with no motivation or drive to put it on paper. So a journaling I will go, until I become less of a hack.
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Mobile Photography vs. Professional Photography
Smartphone cameras have come a long way, capturing stunning images that rival some dedicated cameras. But does that mean mobile photography can entirely replace the services of a professional photographer? Let's break down the strengths and weaknesses of each to understand when to rely on your phone and when to hire a pro.
Mobile Photography: Pros and Cons
Convenience: Your smartphone is always with you, ready to capture spontaneous moments.
Ease of Use: Modern phone cameras have fantastic automatic modes, simplifying the process of taking good photos.
Sharing: Apps make it incredibly easy to edit and share your photos instantly on social media.
Cost: You don't need to invest in additional equipment beyond the smartphone you already own.
Limited Control: While improving, phone cameras offer less manual control over settings like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO compared to dedicated cameras.
Image Quality: Smaller sensors in phones can struggle in low light, and images may lack the dynamic range and detail of professional photos.
Zoom Limitations: Optical zoom on phone cameras is limited compared to the powerful lenses professional photographers use.
Professional Photography: Pros and Cons
Superior Image Quality: Large sensors, high-quality lenses, and advanced image processing create images with unmatched clarity, color accuracy, and detail.
Creative Control: Professional photographers have full control over every aspect of the image, ensuring the final product matches their artistic vision.
Experience and Expertise: They have the knowledge and skills to tackle lighting, posing, and composition challenges, ensuring exceptional results.
Specialized Equipment: Access to professional-grade lighting, backdrops, and editing software elevates the final product.
Cost: Hiring a professional photographer is an investment.
Scheduling: Requires planning compared to the spontaneity of mobile photography.
When to Choose Mobile Photography
Casual Snapshots: For documenting everyday moments, sharing with friends, or posting on social media, your phone's camera is often sufficient.
Limited Budget: If you can't afford a professional photographer, mobile photography is a great alternative
Spontaneity: When you need to capture something quickly and conveniently.
When to Hire a Professional Photographer
Important Events: Weddings, graduations, or any special occasion where you want top-notch memories preserved.
Product Photography: To showcase products with excellent lighting, detail, and appeal for marketing purposes.
Family Portraits: Capture polished, high-quality family photos that you'll cherish.
Professional Headshots: When your image matters for career success.
Mobile photography is fantastic for its accessibility and improving quality. However, when it comes to critical image needs, the expertise and equipment of a professional photographer are often irreplaceable. Consider your budget, priorities, and the importance of the photos to determine the best approach for each situation.
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hindiimages · 1 year
To Anyone Who Thinks They’re Falling Behind
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You don't require more motivation. You don't have to be awed to take action. You don't have to read other lists or posts on how you're not doing enough.
We believe that we're able to study enough books and small Pinterest quotes and the tiny switch in our brains will be able to get us moving. But, in reality, here's something that no one discusses when it concerns success and motivation, willpower and goals and productivity, as well as the many other terms that have become popular the idea that you're as you are until you aren't. You can change at any time you wish to change. Your ideas are put in action during the moment you feel is the best. This is the way it works.
The thing I believe that we all require above all else is permission to be where we are, whenever we are there.
There's no such thing as a robot. You cannot just invent motivation even if you don't have it. Sometimes, you're experiencing something. Sometimes, life happens. Life! Do you remember the way you lived your life? Yes, it can teach you things, and often forces you to go all the way to learn the biggest lessons. You can't be in control of all things. You could get up every morning at 5 am until you're exhausted and broken however if your words, the artwork or the concepts don't desire to take shape it won't happen. You could show up every day with the best plans however If it's not your moment, it's simply not the moment. It is important to grant yourself the permission to be human.
Sometimes, the novel isn't yet ready to be published because you've not found the source of inspiration for your protagonist yet. Sometimes, you'll need another two years of experience before you're able to transform your work into something that is authentic, real, and honest to others. Sometimes, you're not falling in love since what you want to know about yourself can only be uncovered in the solitude of your own. You may not have found your next partner. Sometimes, your heart is shattered since, in the future, it'll be the foundation on which you construct your entire life.
We are all aware that our perceptions can't always be altered. However, we do not pretend to know this fact. We strive to control and manipulate our lives, to turn our creativity into a game in which we be successful, to slash the process because of what others claim they do, and to deal with the emotions and uncertainties as if they were linear processes.
It is not possible to play the system that governs your life. You can't. It's impossible to have control over every single aspect of a situation as a means to never surrender to the uncertainty and inevitability of something beyond what you know. This is the essence of being present being present as you are right now and let it be enough.
However, we do not act in a manner that is supportive of this kind of lifestyle. We fill our time with productivity tools and 30 point lists of ways to unleash the the natural human impulse. We tend to forget who we are until we're no longer. We're all the same until we're transformed. We can take that change slightly by setting up healthy habits and by showing how we live our lives in a way that promotes development, but we cannot be a game-maker. Timing is the only thing we frequently overlook to give up.
Things can be dark until they're not. The majority of our discontent originates from the notion of living lives that ought to be different from what they currently are. We think we can control our lives -but our self-loathing as well as self-loathing stem from this belief that we have the power to modify our lives or be more attractive, richer, or even happier. Although self-responsibility is beneficial, it is also a source of anger and bitterness we do not need to hold in our own lives. It is essential to make our best efforts , and then allow everything happen as it will and not feel as strongly and vulnerable to the outcomes. Chances don't always appear as we imagine they are going to.
There's no need for additional motivation or motivation to live the life you'd like to live. You should not feel embarrassed by the thought of not doing enough. You must not listen to those who have completely different situations and life levels than you. You need to stop telling yourself that you're not doing enough or aren't good enough. It is important to let the timing do what it's supposed to do. It is important to look for the lessons you can learn from obstacles. It is important to realize that what you are doing currently happening can be a source of inspiration later on. It is important to realize that where you are at the moment is the basis for your identity in the future.
also read: Koi Kisi Ka Nahi Hota Quotes
Sometimes, we're not quite the person we want to be to control the desires we've got. Sometimes, we need to allow ourselves to evolve to the position where we're able to let our desires take place.
Let's simply claim that whatever you'd like you're adamant about it. In fact, you're suffering to get it. How about relaxing? Maybe the reason you're doing it isn't the issue, but rather that you push the boulders up a hill which only gets bigger as you press.
There's a mysterious force beyond our comprehension that acts in ways that we're not able to comprehend. We cannot play it. We can't 10-point list it. It's impossible to control. We must allow it to happen, to stop and take a break for a second and stop beating ourselves into oblivion, and let the wheels turn according to their own schedule. In the future, this moment will become clear. Don't be afraid to believe that.
You can trust that.
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creativeae · 2 years
How Does Smart Home Automation Enhances A Property's Value?
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If you want to raise the value of a property, you might be tempted to paint the walls or make improvements to the landscaping. While these changes may increase the curb appeal of your home, one that you may not have thought of but that has the potential to enhance the appearance and value of a property is smart home automation. Here are some reasons why adding smart home technology Dubai to your property should be high on your list of priorities:
What is Home Automation?
Home automation systems let you remotely operate several aspects of your house, including the lights, heating, outside security cameras, and even specific appliances. In addition to being a convenience that may help you maintain your house throughout the day, this is a feature that prospective buyers are eager to have in the house they buy for comfort and security.
In contrast to homes without home automation systems, some forms of home automation can raise the house's total value.
Buyer Want Convenience
All age groups and demographics are interested in smart home features that increase home comfort, from voice-activated gadgets to intelligent blinds and shading. It's simply useful and gives you location flexibility because you can control some parts of your house when you're gone on the weekends or traveling to and from work.
When it comes down to making an offer, any house that can provide potential buyers with that degree of independence and accessibility will be more appealing. In addition, the fact that the property already has these systems installed is a perk that other properties can't always offer because these are technologies that more and more people are investing in for their houses.
Greater Security for Owners
For every buyer, a safe and secure house is of utmost significance. Home automation may help. You may want to be able to close the blinds or curtains and turn on the lights in the evening to give the impression that someone is on the property to deter intruders. Still, there are security cameras that can be controlled remotely and doorbells that will allow you to see who is at your property even when you're not home. Systems for home automation let you manage your property more efficiently and keep your house and its people as secure as possible.
A Greener Home
At present, energy efficiency is a hot topic, and using smart devices may result in large savings. Furthermore, these automation systems are a wise investment since they may assist property owners in managing their daily energy use while saving them money over time.
Installing smart home technology will appeal to tech-savvy and environmentally aware buyers looking for properties that are as energy-efficient as feasible. However, several appliances may affect your home's green credentials, ranging from thermostats, boilers, and plugs to smart lighting employing LED light bulbs.
Home automation technologies may enhance your property's usability and convenience for you and potential purchasers while you live there. These fixtures not only improve the curb appearance of your house, but they may help lower electricity costs and your home insurance rates. In addition, smart gadgets can communicate with one another, so you don't have to use numerous applications to manage your heating and lighting; instead, you can easily control your entire house from anywhere.
Are you planning to relocate this fall? Our Creative Automation members are there to assist you at every stage of smart home UAE.
I have done this change after plag check
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blueeyedheizer · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet - Cassie Howard
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(gifs not mine ©television + ?)
WARNINGS: smut, mentions of drugs
A/N: okay so I cheated a bit and left out the letter Y because I didn't know what to write for that one :')
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A = AFTERCARE (What they’re like after sex)
The first time you hooked up, Cassie was surprised by how loving and caring you were with her. You made sure she was okay, checked for any accidental bruise you might've left on her skin from gripping her hips. Cassie expected you to leave without a word, like most guys did after they were satisfied. But she quickly realized you were different and she immediately felt safe with you. It's important to her that you know how thankful she is, therefore cuddles after sex is a must.
B = BODY PART (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Cassie thinks her breasts are her best features but she loves her eyes, too. She loves to experiment with make up and try different creative looks every day. It also helps greatly that you compliment her on her skills. Speaking of you; Cassie loves your hands. She can’t get enough of them. If you ever want to get her in the mood, it just takes a few touches.
Your favorite thing about her (aside from the obvious) has to be her hips. You love to hold them as she rides your thigh and rub your thumbs over her soft skin as you watch her reach her climax.
C = CUM (Anything to do with cum)
Receiving oral is her favorite way to come. She prefers it over toys or getting fingered.
D = DIRTY SECRET (a dirty secret of theirs)
She'll probably never admit it, but the thought of calling you "mommy" in bed crosses her mind very often. She almost let it slip once, when you had made her feel so good her mind became too fuzzy to think.
But she keeps this fantasy entirely to herself, too embarrassed to share it with you.
E = EXPERIENCE (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) 
Cassie knows what she is doing, having a fair amount of partners over the years. And although she had never had any experience with a girl before you, she was quick to learn.
F = FAVORITE POSITION (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
She could spend hours riding your face. The way you hold her hips and press her closer to you, the way everything feels so much more intense than when you're eating her out the regular way... this position always brings the strongest orgasms out of her, she's on cloud nine every time.
G = GOOFY (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
There's lots of giggles, especially when you're both high. But it becomes more serious once you're fully into it, pleasuring each other and moaning each other's name.
H = HAIR (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Cassie keeps everything well trimmed. She does so mainly out of habit but she knows you won't mind if she ever happens to forget.
I = INTIMACY (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
She's a hopeless romantic. You can be sure she'll bring out the candles on special occasions like anniversaries or birthdays. Lots of "I love yous" during the moment, too.
J = JOURNEY (What gets them going)
When you kiss her neck. She's so sensitive there, that's an instant turn on.
K = KINK (One or more of their kinks)
Choking. When she's in control, Cassie's hands almost instinctively wrap around your throat, squeezing just enough to lightly restrict your breathing.
L = LOCATION (Favourite places to do the do)
She's not very picky. In bed, against a wall, in the shower, all is good. Although she must admit, the thought of you going down on her or fingering her on the kitchen counter turns her on so damn much.
M = MASTURBATION (do they masturbate? how often?)
Cassie masturbates a lot. It's not that you don't satisfy her, far from it, but masturbating is a good way to relieve stress. It's something that she likes to do, especially when she's bored or she can't sleep and you're not around.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that involves pain is a huge no.
O = ORAL (Preference for giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Cassie prefers receiving. It's a selfish moment for her, really. She loves it whenever you start kissing her neck and sink down on your knees in front of her, looking up at her with a smirk before getting to the best part of the night. There are nights where you'll spend hours going down on her, being pretty merciless in terms of teasing, backing off everytime she's close and waiting until she calms down before diving back in, this time only stopping when you feel that she can’t take any more of your tongue.
P = PACE (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on the mood, really. If you're in a hurry, sex will be rather fast and messy. However, it'll be slow and sensual if you're in a more romantic mood and have all the time in the world.
Q = QUICKIE (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
She doesn't mind them. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.
R = RISK (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Hell yeah. Cassie isn't necessarily scared of getting caught, so she’s willing to try anything as long as you’re okay with it.
S = STAMINA (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Cassie reaches her climax pretty easily. She'll usually come within two or three minutes, it depends on how worked up she is before you start going down on her.
T = TOY (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
She has experience with toys from her past relationships, and she likes to use them as long as her partner is comfortable with it. If toys are a no for you, then they're a no for her as well. She'll definitely use them to masturbate though.
U = UNFAIR (how much they like to tease)
When she gets to be in control, Cassie teases you a lot. She gets so much enjoyment from watching you squirm and become impatient, it's hard not to.
V = VOLUME (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Cassie sucks at keeping quiet. She can’t help herself from loudly moaning whenever you’re eating her out. She's always whimpering, whining, gasping and praising you in between heavy breaths. You're just that good.
W = WILD CARD (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Cassie loves to mark your thighs before going down on you.
X = X-RATED (Dirty Talk)
Cassie loves talking dirty to you, especially when she's on top of you, her hand around your neck. She'll whisper filthy words in your ear, getting you all hot and bothered.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Cassie feels super relaxed after sex, so she falls asleep shortly after she finishes. Bonus point if you play with her hair, she'll be fast asleep in no time.
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overseer2020 · 2 years
Criminality 101
(...As in, How to BE a Criminal.)
There is a potential pitfall in designwork/creativity, an impulse to put every idea you have into one big masterwork. I consider myself lucky to know that such an issue exists so that I might avoid falling into this trap. This is why I initially tried to split my superhero idea into two sets, so that the themes and mechanics I have in mind can shine. It is my hope that by further bifurcating the idea, I can both desaturate the mechanics and allow more space for mistakes to make lesser impacts on the overall project. In fact, I've already pulled one aspect of Crimeworld out in favor of using it at a later date, potentially as a "fifth set", or even in a "Part 0" prequel.
Which all brings us to Heroes & Villains Project Part 1: Crimeworld.
As I said previously, "If I'm going to justify the existence of superheroes, I'm going to need to design a world that needs superheroes." So, a world of crime was in order. But what does it mean to commit a crime in Magic? Well, I reasoned, it means doing some of the nastiest things the game has to offer. Stealing your opponent's permanents. Blowing up their creatures. Denying them mana production. Forcing cards out of their hand. Overwhelming them with superior numbers. As an adversarial strategy game, there is no shortage of egregious things one player can do to another, so how do I work that into the game? (edit: "...and make these "criminal acts" powerful, central and important to gameplay?")
Well, I like tribal gameplay, and simply color-coding the various strategies a player could employ didn't seem like enough, so I identified five creature types that could best embody the various ways a creature could perpetrate a crime.
I don't remember whether the chicken or the egg came first, but since this was my first build, I also decided that I would focus on just five creature races (which became six, since humans are EVERYWHERE). I eventually worked these race choices into the storyline/setting in a satisfying way that I will describe later.
For now, I will outline the five villainous creature types:
Rogues (of course), representing blue and green
Assassins (again, of course), in black and green
Minions, propping up red and blue
Mercenaries (controversially) in both white and black
Masterminds, available in any color.
If you're wondering, "what about red/white"? Well, those are the colors of law enforcement -- corrupt law enforcement who will eventually have a legitimate problem with powered individuals taking the law into their own hands. To us they may be superheroes, but to the Lawbringers of Ethra, they're just Vigilantes.
While it may seem like a break in the pattern, you will eventually see that red/white is just about as villainous as the other four enemy color pairs I'm using to represent the actual villains.
Also, I should point out that I'm using some Dominaria-historic tech to batch together the five villainous creature types I mentioned above. Heroes are batched, too, but we'll talk about them when it's time.
I'm running out of words again, so let me quickly run down the reasons these color pairs were chosen for these creature types.
Rogues are my master thieves and are therefore an easy fit for blue. Historically, official Magic has slotted Rogues into blue/black, and that is a fine choice, but if I'm going to employ my creative license, I can't blindly hold to precedent for precedent's sake. Besides, by making my Rogues blue and green, I can do things blue/black rogues can't do AND I can expand the Rogue player's horizons by giving them a third color to dabble in.
Similarly, Minions are often black creatures, but not every criminal element can be Mr. Black. To this end, I took a look at Minions of the past and decided that I wanted to flavor MY Minions as master manipulators. Fanatics, cult leaders, con men, snake-oil salesmen and with magic now in the mix, Minions are also mind-controllers. Each beholden to some greater power (usually greed, but sometimes an ideology), thus the name "Minion". Yes, it's a bit of a stretch in places, but it works and it uses an existing creature type that doesn't see this much use. (That is, until New Capenna came along.) Slotting them into the passionate/cerebral color pair makes the most sense.
Assassins kill people. THEY get to be black. And while a case can be made that white is the second best color at killing stuff, I went through a bunch of methods of dispatching enemies and I figure big bodies, deathtouch, natural poisons and snipers (archers with reach) made more sense in green -- a color that had trouble finding its criminal identity in every other potential configuration. (And I tried all kinds of combinations to land on this admittedly imperfect color pie distribution, so back off.)
Finally, the elephant in the room: Mercenaries. I always figured Mercenaries got thrown out with the baby's bathwater when Rebels proved to be far too powerful, predictable and unfun in Mercadian Masques. While Rebels could 'fetch' increasingly bigger/more expensive creatures, Mercenaries were relatively tame, being only ever able to call up similar/cheaper creatures. Sure, they still had a bit of a predictability problem, but that can be mitigated through superior design. Also, I'm not sure how the fetching mechanic in Mercadian Masques was supposed to invoke a Mercenarious quality. With the advent of Treasure tokens (which I wanted to be Gold tokens, but THIS level of inertia, I could not fight), I believe my Mercs will feel more like hired help. Black and white are the Orzhov colors, and have thusly already become associated with wealth, greed and Treasure tokens, so this works for me.
Masterminds are the "brains" of any operation and are thus not bound by any color scheme. If you're wondering why you've never heard of this creature type, it's because I made it up. The closest thing to a "smart guy/leader" creature type was Minion, but that word seems to imply someone in charge above the Minion. Noble wasn't a creature type when I started designing this project, but that word implies legitimacy and could be used to describe heroes as well. ('Sup, Bruce, the Socialite?) Note that I could have invented a whole slew of creature types, but I wanted this to feel like a true Magic set as well as play nicely with official cards that already exist.
(Okay, so I've exceeded my word count allowance for this post, but I left you hanging last week, so I feel I owe you the complete story.)
Finally, I should also say a few words about my law enforcement colors. My Knights are red and white because those are two common colors for Knights to appear in. The next best color would have been black, but we've already talked about that. (Haven't we, Mr. Orange?) Next time, I intend to expand on how each color within each faction approaches their role in the sphere of criminal enterprises Ethra has to offer, but for now, know that white Knights are (mostly?) on the up and up, while red Knights often give in to their emotions and abuse their positions. Also, Knights are not the only Lawbringers. They just represent the upper tiers (aka "brass", Lieutenants and Captains of precincts). In addition to Knights, the inclusion of Soldiers is guaranteed since they are basically patrolmen. And even if I only end up with a handful, Scouts (detectives and forensic specialists) are almost certainly going to appear, though I may not be able to mechanically support them the way I would like to if law enforcement were a larger theme. If I were to do a full-on police force set, I would also have Archers as SWAT, but here, I can barely envision working Scouts into the rotation.
Okay. I'm putting my laptop away for now. Hopefully, I will add more posts before the week is up. I'm currently ahead, but not by much. If I don't I hope this extra long post is satisfactory until I do get back to writing.
Next time: Criminals and Colors
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digitaldandelions · 3 years
Why you can't talk about the Gentry on Facebook.
"Why should I care?"
You are concerned about Gentrification and its effects on marginalized peoples.
You want a strategy on gaming gentrification to benefit your neighbors.
Let's get started.
Facebook helps me keep track of my Digital Village
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I have a lot of friends on Facebook from different walks of life. Mainly composed of--
Family, friends-of-family, and former classmates who have been working for the community for years to decades (keep pressing forward, fam!)
Friends I made while studying at North Carolina A&T State University (AGGIE PRIDE!!)
Friends I've made while abroad at Korea University (SHOUTS OUT TO Y'ALL!)
Community members I've found while working in every borough in NYC (MARLS, BlaQue, and various kinhood spirits!)
All of my people are really active in the community in some way, shape, or form. My Digital Village has various insights that make my Facebook timeline an engaging and enlightening place. I am very thankful for this and appreciative of the people who make up my village.
However, many in my village have been banned or barred because Facebook is not a free place to communicate. As many Facebook users will confirm, this platform bans any mention of White people, especially White men.
Go ahead! Try it for yourself. Facebook will take down your post because it violates Facebook's Community Terms of Service (ToS). It doesn't matter who you are. --To quote one of my favorite people, "I am White people!"
Facebook is a Private Company: They can do whatever they Want.
Investigating the legalese Facebook uses to protect White People's right to never be mentioned on Facebook would be fascinating. However, it's irrelevant. Facebook is a private company, and they can do whatever they want. More importantly, trying to challenge Facebook could potentially give them more power than we intend. We don't need Facebook to establish itself any more than it is now.
Therefore, our collective solution to this problem is to use coded language to foul up Facebook's "Community ToS" AI. My village has taken to using terms like "🌾," "⚪," or "the Gentry." It's a colorful and fun way to express ourselves on a very wide platform. This works for now.
Once you get tired of using coded language, moving to other platforms deflates Facebook's power.
Even more importantly, Facebook's ToS caused me to use other platforms that support my community. Pointedly, I use platforms like Tumblr and Discord, which are committed to supporting people in my Digital Village. This is how you game a "free capitalistic market" for now. Remember: MySpace only became irrelevant because we all moved onto other platforms.
Who exactly is the Gentry?
"The Gentry" is a cute term I personally use on Facebook to refer to White people. However, it's a term I use facetiously. For a modern, American, definition: the Gentry can refer to anyone who moves into a gentrified neighborhood, thus causing Gentrification.
"Gentrifiers" can be affluent, thrifty, White people taking advantage of the cheaper property values in a marginalized neighborhood. However, anyone can be affluent and thrifty in this economy: Asian Americans, Black people, anyone. I have even qualified as a Gentrifier in a lot of cases! I'm a country girl transplant to NYC. I lived in Seoul, South Korea, for a year. What matters is that the person moving is from outside the community.
When these new people move in, the gentrifying process looks like this:
The gentrifiers bring with them a demand for expensive products and services that the locals can't afford.
This demand irreparably changes the neighborhood to meet those needs.
The increased value of the neighborhood prices out the Locals-- e.g., through increased rent, taxes, etc
Local families and businesses are forced to move out because of the increased rent AND cultural displacement. i.e., The gentrifiers complain about the locals' habits because they perceive them as incompatible with their lifestyle.
What causes Gentrification?
I have lived and worked in nearly every borough of New York City. I also grew up in Winston-Salem, North Carolina-- where one side of the city has always owned the other side of the city. Subsequently, I have also lived on either side of Winston-Salem as well-- the more affluent West-side and the "Ghetto" East-side.
Can you guess which side of Winston-Salem owns the other?
The primary aspect of Gentrification is that the locals do not own the land that they live on. The East-side of Winston-Salem was primarily Downtown and apartment complexes where poor families rent their homes. That meant a lot of things, particularly that it was difficult for the poor families to have control over where they lived.
Property improvement was up to whoever owned their home on the West-side. Since the owners did not live in the neighborhood, they actually didn't care about upkeep. They only care about extracting money from their renters.
If you can recall your Social Studies class: this is a similar configuration for imperialistic powers and their colonies. Imperial governments didn't care about the people in the colonies and their quality of life. They only cared about extracting the wealth out of the colonies. The sole purpose of the colony is to enrich its imperial counterpart, facetiously called the "Mother country." In addition to being patronizing, this configuration left the colonists had no control over their own country. The lack of self-governance systems is why we see formally colonized countries still struggling to compete. In some cases, the country is in tatters hundreds of years after their imperial overseers have left.
Gentrification and Colonization has a lot of the same Economic Patterns
Again, similar to colonization, gentrification ensures that there is very little opportunity for self-governance. Locals do not have the economic resources to improve where they live or dictate the sort of business services are available for the locals. For example, we always had to go to the West-side of Winston-Salem for banking services. The only thing available on the East-side were predatory pay-day loan parlors and expensive Western Union transfer points.
Gentrification reduces economic opportunity for locals, but what about political representation? In Colonization, local representation was virtually non-existent: the Imperialitisc power would install governors to keep the colony in check. Does Gentrification share this pattern too?
Gerrymandering: Gentrified Neighborhoods Literally Dwell on the Margins
Back to Winston-Salem: for families on the Eastside, the only control they had was electing people to represent them Locally, at the State level, or at the Federal level. However, Gerrymandering made this impossible in a lot of cases at the Federal level. Gerrymandering ensures that marginalized neighborhoods have a splintered vote. Having a district border run through your neighborhood means no one from that neighborhood will ever represent you. It's impossible to petition the person who does represent you because they will always see you as a minority, at best. This is literally where the term "marginalization" comes from.
The result is that the locals are barred from resources to improve and profit from the land that they live on. Once developers and actual landowners want to take advantage of the devalued land, the locals are priced out. Their target market is the Gentry: this is why their preferences and services are prioritized.
As predicted, 20 years later, since I've lived in Winston-Salem, most of these families have been priced out of East Winston by Gentrification. I see many realtor websites that describe my old neighborhood as "up and coming," with glitzy pictures of cafés and bars. None of these businesses were there when I was growing up. You see this same process in NYC.
New York City has a very similar problem as Winston-Salem, NC, exasperated by the fact that there is a larger culture of renting. One of my Digital Village members' attempts to purchase a house was curtailed by companies who could quickly snatch up the property. -Even when she was trying to purchase in the outer boroughs of NYC (Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx)!
Most small-scale LandLords are old New Yorkers who owned the property before the 2000s. Either the owners had property before the Real Estate boom or inherited their property and decided to keep it for rental income. Even my little Landlady. She is an old New Yorker who moved out to Throggs Neck but kept her old house in Jamaica to rent out to families and reliable, young professionals.
How much property the Locals own where they live and work determines how the neighborhood will change.
What can I do about Gentrification?
Remember: Gentrification is determined by what realtors think that the Gentry wants. There is a lot for both (1) locals and (2) their new neighbors to lessen the effects of Gentrification.
If you are moving into an "up and coming neighborhood":
Learn about who has been there and what their culture is. As someone who would classify as a Gentrifier in many cases, I had a much more colorful experience by learning about the culture I'm entering. My Digital Village is so expansive because I took the time to learn about others. Not only will you reduce the chances for Cultural Displacement, but you'll also live a more enriching life! There are many things the neighborhood has to offer, many that may be outside your comfort zone. I promise, taking a chance on what your local neighbors have to offer will change your life for the better.
Support Local Businesses that are run by the Locals. As a gentrifier, my first step in moving to Jamaica, Queens, was finding a solid burrito spot! Shout out to Bella's!
Think of other creative ways you can support the community. Join a local Community Association. Ask about what their needs are. After doing your research, you always need to ask your neighbors what they need. They will tell you.
If you are a Local in an "up and coming neighborhood," look into obtaining a piece of the neighborhood through collective investing! Beyond purchasing land yourself, collective investing the fastest way to set down your stob. Getting your piece can be done in a few ways, including:
Asking your Landlord if they are interested in converting your housing into a Housing Cooperative. Essentially, you get shares of the house you live in. This is beneficial to your Landlord because they can get many tax benefits, depending on where you are. It benefits you, especially if you are a good tenant. You can get dividends from the profit every year, making your place of living more stable.
Look into investing in another Local Landlord. If your Landlord isn't willing, find another whose opened to receiving investments. Some of them need to make ends meet. You can invest as little as $1,000 a year and get dividends from your investment.
Look into investing in a Local Small Business. You can even diversify your investments by looking at local businesses to invest in! Your investments will help your favorite business get more resources to serve your new neighbors coming in. The money you get back will also help make you and your favorite business more solvent. At the very least, increasing the business you do with them will significantly help.
How do I start Investing in Small Businesses?
Let's say you are a local looking to invest in your local business. You could also be the Gentry, who has some disposable income to invest in your Community Association's local investment campaign. In either case, you must start with an Investment Agreement! Investment Agreements are written up by Business Lawyers. They state how much you invest in the business and how much dividends of profit you get back. Either the investor (a community member) or the investee (the small business owner) can draw up an agreement.
To learn more, feel free to book an appointment with me! We'll help match you to the resources you need to get started for free:
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