gladumf · 6 months
hello trafficblr, I just got a really nasty anon ask so I'm gonna talk about it
there has been a lot of debate over what celestial body Scar is, and I'm here to say to all those who are getting dragged down because their opinion isn't popular in the fandom:
it's okay. you don't have to follow fandom.
I personally really like mercury Scar. This is (according to the polls I've seen) the least popular of the "main" bodies I've seen people suggest. Most of my favorite artists are drawing Scar as Earth.
that's okay!
do you like Pluto Scar better? go for it! draw scar with pluto as his symbol! write essays for it! ramble about how it fits! do you like mercury scar better? do the same! do you disagree with the idea that we should continue with the "sun, moon, stars" theory and should come up with something new? do it!! come up with a new symbol!!
I feel like as a fandom, if you don't comply with what is the most popular opinion, you're wrong. you're not!!! this is a minecraft series!!!! everything is up for interpretation!!!
look at me. you do not have to follow fandom if you have other ideas. do not let fandom control your creativity.
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mortysmith · 2 months
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mishapen-dear · 6 months
reminder for EVERYONE to tag their neg and disco/urse as we come up on purgatory 2! we're all in the same fandom and, as frustrating as xy or z thing may be, it's IMPORTANT to remember that there are people behind the screen with different knowledge and pov bias than you do. and there are people who DO share your knowledge and pov bias whose experience you will ruin if you don't tag correctly. please be kind
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2sw · 6 days
hey guys. I don't mind people reposting my gifs on other sites to express their own love for sam, I love to see it actually, but please do not use mine for archive/gif accounts. thanks xx
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noa-ciharu · 10 months
Discourses over shipping are so funny to me. You can say you dgaf what others ship and get someone so mad they block you and make call out post about how dare you being a reasonable human being and mind your own business online
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butchhatred · 9 months
"we need flawed female characters" yall couldnt even handle rose quartz😭😭😭
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musette22 · 1 year
AITA for getting upset when people reblog posts from me and tag them with ships I blacklisted or with comments that make me really uncomfortable 🥴 I know that isn't their intention and I'm not blaming anyone but still, I'm really sorry if I ever unintentionally do that to someone else lol
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vegaseatsass · 2 months
I'm so exhausted I don't really know where or how to begin my one-day weekend, have spent the day just kind of collapsed into executive dysfunctional confusion when what I WANT to do is post on tumblr about gay tv
#i wanna talk about 23.5 because the latest ep made me feral but for like side couples#i LOVE the main couples but nidabambam and mawinton make me insane#i was rooting for aro ton but now i want mawinton so badly#there's something that happens with the ships that aren't the advertised pairs so whether they happen or not isn't prescribed#i know mawintinh is what everyone on tumblr wants and it's not like i would be unhappy with that ok#but mawinton both obsessed with other people and relationships and oblivious to how they already have a boyf -#thats my shit.#tinh just seems so uninterested in mawin rn too whereas ton is laser focused#and to put a character like charoen into a yuri like come on how many of us who DIDN'T 'just know' we were not into boys#picked a dude to crush on from afar and then went EUGH STOP WHY IS THIS HAPPENING if/when he actually spoke to us#that is way too familiar a narrative to put in a GL and then resolve with her getting with a guy i'm sorry#but her and ton becoming besties who love shipping OTHER people together. hell yes lmfao#that's what i'm talking about! two people who think they like each other but actually just enjoy doing fandom together <3#buddhism fandom and friend fiction fandom#anyway i can't believe i spent that many words on them but i'm truly invested now. FLOWERS AND KNEE TOUCHES FOR MAWINTON#and i don't even know where to begin with nidabambam??????????????????#i thought this would be us projecting headcanon onto some women who had some nice scenes together#i didn't dare hope for ?????? lucky/unlucky protective/clumsy glorious t4t grown woman love story#what the heck i felt like my brain was unravelling as i watched them#they really stumbled(/carefully protected the other from stumbling) their way into a STARGAZE DATE#what the heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i think something magical just happens when you hit a certain point in a story and you've LET the main couples grow and evolve#so they're more or less together and it's hilarious and adorable (oh my god ongsa and aylin taking initiative oh my god)#but they also leave narrative space for MORE LOVE STORIES IN THE BEAUTIFUL ENSEMBLE#and that's where i start to lose control apparently#23.5#23point5#dear diary
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kennys-parka-jacket · 6 months
Tbh I'm glad that sp artists dont do that "reblogs > likes" thing. I was a little worried when a few people put it on their posts a while back, but it died off pretty quickly.
#1) 'always reblog every single piece of fan art you interact with' wouldnt really work in this fandom since liking sp is considered-#-taboo on tumblr. Reblogging sp fan art requires admitting to your moots that you like sp. That's why a lot of popular sp fan art has-#-really high like to reblog ratios#2) from what i've seen most of the artists doing the 'reblogs > likes' people are fresh from twitter and mostly only care about the numbers#-tumblr is getting more traffic now than it did a few years ago; but it's still not where you want to go if reaching a lot of people-#-is all that you want#3) not too long ago i was in another fandom where begging for reblogs was common practice. Let me tell you how that turned out. -#-first it started as 'reblogs > likes' on every piece of fan art. Then it was posts going around saying that 1 to 10 reblogs to likes was-#-a pathetically sad ratio. Then it was 'always reblog because you are singlehandedly responsible for an artist's mental health'. -#-then it was putting 'please reblog; likes do NOTHING' on every fan art. Then it was begging for even more reblogs because-#-1 to 2 likes to reblogs ratio was pathetically sad. Then it was 'by not reblogging you are telling an artist to end it all' gaining-#-traction among rpf proshippers.#Look. I get it. I'm not as public about it anymore; but i'm a fan artist and fic author too. I sympathize with working hard on something-#-and wanting a lot of people to see it. But if people quiely appreciating your work is affecting you that much then maybe you need to-#-work on yourself instead of trying to control what a bunch of strangers on the internet do.#Also you need to learn how to enjoy creating without caring about the numbers. Because if you're creating just to watch-#-the numbers go up then you will never be happy. It's a miserable; joyless way to be an artist of any kind
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lawyeryuri · 10 months
ok rewatching season 2. aziraphale IS kindof an asshole isn't he? he keeps cutting crowley off and stuff. tbh it kind of DOES seem like aziraphale sees crowley as inferior in some way. i think that perhaps the divorce scene WAS in character. its no secret that aziraphale doss think heaven is better than hell
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loumauve · 11 months
#running face first straight into every single rejection sensitive wall atm and it's so frustrating#like. can we just not do this rn brain? I'm too tired to deal with this on top of everything else#all it does is make me alienate myself from people I care about and make me feel like shit afterwards#and it doesn't fix any of the underlying issues either. (like. I've been upset about ppl not doing what I do)#(as in read all of my fic like I try to read all my friends' fic usually. but like.. not everyone can and not everyone wants to)#(but it's one of those irrational things of 'if they cared about me wouldn't they also try' even tho that's not a fair ask)#(and like.. most people don't read random fic for fandoms they're not even in so this is entirely stupid to be upset about)#(but here we are anyway)#just.. me. raw to the very nerve and too tired to fix anything that might help alleviate it#I just want to feel normal again. and like I have control over my emotional state#but between 'dude fucked up bc of his borderline being triggered by grief and letting out all his frustrations on me for weeks'#and 'other dude grieving but not processing and not even taking a break to figure out where he's at emotionally..#..therefore dropping all of his unprocessed baggage and his part of the group work right on top of me' I'm just having a heck of a month#and idk. it would have been nice to talk to sb about my fic even if it's older now and not the best perhaps#(doesn't help when everybody you know writes really great fic and you're just outside the door scribbling some ideas into the sand)#idk. usually I do better in disconnecting self-worth and accomplishments and stop myself before the comparisons with others start#but rn it's all too much and I'm drained and exhausted and nothing feels good or helps much at all.#anyway.#it is what is I guess. and what it is is fucked and I doubt it's gonna change anytime soon.#that's not me being unrealistic or depression talking. it's based on how things have progressed thus far#there's another year and a half of this kind of stress which will likely get worse when our group grows from 18 to 31 in October#and then I'd have to start working proper again which I haven't in over two years bc of all the rehabilitation I've been going through#and it's terrifying and I'm already exhausted and worn down and worn out and I just don't know how normal is ever gonna be my life again
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yazthebookish · 2 years
I'm here to release unhinged fandom energy especially about my favorite ships and book stuff.
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carbonateddelusion · 1 year
oh no I'm realizing all the research I'll have to put into shit I wanna write about in order to make it accurate
SEE THIS IS WHY. I CAN'T HAVE HISTORICAL AUS OR MAFIA CRAP. my brain will drive me absolutely insane if I don't get every single detail as accurate as I possibly can. I can't just have them speak normally They Must Use Slang And Grammar And-
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katyspersonal · 1 year
@ For the anon harassing my mutual:
Tumblr media
"You do not understand! It doesn't matter WHY someone says something or where they are coming from! Their WORDS are against the script as written in the book of the Good Beliefs, therefore they are HARMFUL! WORDS is what matters, not experiences or intentions! We should STOP them before they harass and shame people over who they are... Well, they never did such a thing, but they HAVE to sooner or later, because we are GOOD and we know how BAD people work... I mean, when WE publicly shame them and harass everyone in contact with them, this is DIFFERENT, because we are PROTECTING people... We are CONCERNED! about everyone's safety! People are innocent and gullible as little lambs, they CAN'T just read those... those... BAD words and choose to disagree and move on, they will get INFLUENCED! They will contract the HARMFUL opinion! Because that opinion could not belong to someone PURE of heart!!!"
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pechikka · 2 years
god the lobcorp lp is still so good
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mommalosthermind · 2 years
@staff. I am begging you to go back to having tags be yelling into the void instead of having them on main. Or at least be able to toggle that off. I’m not digging having folks either attempt to tag police me on how I reblog random shit or having *their* yelling into the void stamped onto my retinas.
‘You’ve clearly reblogged this image of an egg and you tagged it ‘almost chicken’ and that morally offends me’—‘you tagged this character in a way that annoys me,’ —‘how dare you use this ship tag on your reblog that doesn’t even show up anywhere but your own blog but I don’t like that ship and since tags are now slapped right onto notifications I’m going to harass you about it,’ —‘can you not express your own opinions on anything ever thanks,’—‘ I read and then wildly misinterpreted some random anecdote you threw in the tags and now imma be weird about it,’
I’m talking. To myself. Because when I melted into the puddle of goo that cannot leave, tags were silent, unless you actively went digging. Like. Maybe I’m the grumpy one here, but I miss that.
Unless I am an idiot and there is a way to turn off visible tags, in which case: I am a whole ass idiot.
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