#but why would i be smart about smthn
phoenixkaptain · 11 months
I can’t… play Genshin anymore… bc it too big…
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hi!! could i request smthn w miguel o’hara based on vampire by olivia rodrigo?? 🙇‍♀️ it can be gn or fem
Interesting, very interesting
*rubs hands together to make the most tear jerking piece ever*
Dream crusher
Word count: 1000
Warnings: angst, lot of angst, antihero x assassin reader trope 😏😌🤭
The argument had gotten to its peak, as he stepped to reach for you, to console you but you took a step back.
The last six months had been tumultuous. Filled every high and every low, stuck in a loop of wanting his affection and trying to convict him for his crimes because that was why you were here. To eradicate him, to end him. And here he was with those dark brown eyes that turned into honey, only for you. And now you were at a crossroads.
But you put out your reasoning, that if you could somehow flip this scenario onto him, if you could get him to break then what you had to do would become easy, to stick the dagger and vanish into the multiverse.
“How’s the castle built off people you pretend to care about?”, you asked him. Gesturing to his lab and the screens that were lit behind him.
“Look at you, cool guy, you got it.”, you huffed to see his emotions flicker across his face even though he did his best to remain placid.
“Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise.”, you let the remark out and it was taking effect. It was breaking him down.
“Why are you doing this? Don’t self sabotage.”, he held himself together. And it cut you deeper because he had caught on to exactly what you were doing.
“I loved you, truly. Todavía te amo.”, his fingers fidgeted for you and it amazed at how much power you held.
“You gotta laugh at the stupidity.”, you huffed as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“How couldn’t you see why I was here, Miguel?”, you furrowed you brows but the anger with which you had arrived vanished. Now, the love you had for him was holding you back getting you to say words you didn't entirely mean.
“Did you think you could live here with such comfort around you? when I have to mourn my world, the one you destroyed.”, you marched towards him and with every step you took, he began to shrink. Till his shoulders were arched, his face downcast.
“I’ve made some real big mistakes, sure.”, you continued with your rampage.
“But you make the worst one look fine.”, you lashed out and he stood there, taking it.
He was letting you pummel him, and you were going ahead with full force as the anger surged but along with it was a voice begging for him to do something. To fight back, to react, because seeing him like this was breaking you down simultaneously.
But you had to do this. For revenge. For all the people who had lost their home. But as you paused, you heard him speak.
“Everyone I talked to, told me you were bad news.”, he said and it made you freeze.
“You called them crazy, Ah dios, I hate the way I called them crazy too.”, his eyes found yours and all your plans crumbled, cause tears were streaking down his cheek.
“How did you lie without flinching?”, he asked his eyes roaming across all the places he had kissed on your face, as he was hurting from not seeing the signs, for loving you without doubt.
“Qué fascinante, paralyzing tragic little thrill.”, he held his gaze, it softened as he said it and with that he looked away.
“Can’t figure out just how you do it.”, he mumbled as he looked defeated.
You mustered your courage. You had a cause. You were doing this for justice. You wanted to touch his cheek.
You wanted to turn his face towards you.
You clenched your fist as you resisted.
“I should have known it was strange.”, you said it but your words were beginning to lack their prior punch. Now they seeped with feeling.
“You only come out at night.”, you didn’t have the strength you thought you did.
“I used to think I was smart.”, you zoned out, all your strategies and plans now failed.
“But you made me look so naïve.”, because his love had transformed you. He had shown you his true self and the wounds he harboured from what had happened.
And as you stood there in the silence, your eyes flitting to his lips reminding you of all the nights he had whispered sweet nothings or the soft longing kisses he gave you, especially the one time he was so happy to have you with him that it had caused his fangs to nip the edge of your lips by accident. But it was you who had sunk your fangs of vengeance into him now and he was bleeding all over.
“You said it was true love.”, he turned to you but his eyes now red, filled with hurt and sorrow.
“but wouldn’t that be hard?”, he laughed cynically.
“You can’t love anyone, because that would mean you had a heart.”, he pushed away from the desk, slowly resuming to stand to his full height to look down on you.
But it wasn’t true what he said, you held your head high to face off against him but in truth you were holding back your tears. The damage you wanted to do to him was useless and somehow with every word he said with his broken heart, it wounded you much more deeply. Because you loved him and you couldn't uphold your cause.
“I have made some big mistakes.”, he reached for you slowly and this time you couldn’t move away. So you stayed, to feel his finger trace your cheek.
“But you made the worst one look fine.”, he said with a sad smile. Because the worst thing you had ever done was what you did now. You broke his already shattered heart.
“The way you sold me for parts and bled me dry of all my feeling for you.”, he didn’t let you go and your body craved his warmth. This plan of yours had failed and now you dealt with it’s torturous aftermath. He was never going to let you get close again.
He leaned down, almost as if he was going to kiss you but stopped as his lips hovered over yours.
“I was going to ask you to marry me.”, he whispered and it sent a chill down your spine.
Instead he clicked his tongue as though he had been met with misfortune.
“Dream crusher.”, he said with a weight and it broke your heart. With that he moved away, taking with him all the love you had only ever dreamed of.
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doodlboy · 1 year
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They're here!✨️
Fusion deets under the cut! [Big Ramble]
So!! Aventurine is one of the most stable fusions in this au, as Mammon and El's personalities mesh very well bc they're both silly goofy lil guys. They are also the 2 that are most often fused for long periods of time because they get along so well, nearly garnet level of permafusion, but they do have to separate more often.
The inspo for them was japanese delinquents depicted in media [ex. Mondo from Dr1, Josuke from jjba], both Mammon and El are troublemakers, and their fusion is no acception to that trait. Also! I designed them to fit each other so they would fit this fusion bc Aventurine came to me before either of them were polished designs, and I really liked the concept!
Because of Elliot's attempted shattering, his gem [and psyche] is permanently cracked and can't be healed by any diamond's healing ability. This will carry onto every fusion he's part of. That's why the right side of Aventurine's sunglasses are cracked, so they can display that trait when the color of their glasses cover their one blind eye.
Aventurine's personality takes after Mammon the most, with Elliot's calm demeanor taking a backseat [unless they're destroying smthn, that usually all Elliot]. That being said, this is one of the more intelligent / tech-savvy fusions as well, combining Mammon's nearly instantaneous calculations and problem solving skills, and Elliot's extreme dedication to learning a new concept or hobby every few weeks and you get a very surprisingly intelligent fusion[to some].
Cocky and a bit of a smart-ass, It isn't uncommon to hear them go "Bow before the Great Aventurine!" puffing their chest out and strutting about the au equivalent of the House of Lamentation [possibly a ship? Currently unknown]. Though they're known to be a harbinger of mischief, Aventurine is a very level-headed and well-balanced fusion, so y'all will probably be seeing more of them sooner than later.
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chapter 2 babes! i'm thinking this will only be like 10 chaps. anyway, enjoy! (ao3) (1)
Chapter 2
Loop 2
Jazz pounded on his door. “Danny, if you’re not ready in 15 minutes, you can take the bus to school! I’m not waiting!”
A time loop. A goddamn time loop. This would happen to him.
Danny sat up, resting a hand on his chin. He and Sam and Tucker had talked about time loops before, what they would do, but that was mostly focused on the Groundhog Day type of loop, where the day being repeated is otherwise innocuous. This loop, on the other hand…
The end of the world. Or, at least, the end of Casper High. That’s what would happen sometime around the end of the school day today.
“Okay,” he said. “What do I know?”
Well, it was ghost related. Figures, really, in the ghost capital of the world, but his ghost sense went off right before the explosion in both loops.
Differences between the loops? Well, the obvious one was that Paulina and Valerie didn’t fight in English, but did that mean they were in the loop, too? Or had one of the subtle changes he’d made throughout the day change that part as well?
It didn’t matter, he supposed. If Paulina was in the loop, she’d be useless. Valerie could be helpful, but he’d almost certainly need to be Phantom for some of this and that always made working with Valerie difficult. Best course of action was to contact Sam and Tucker, let them know what was going on, then investigate what the threat was and stop it before it got there.
He pulled out his phone and sent out a quick text.
To: Sam, Tucker
hey so i think im in a time loop
From: Sam
for real???
From: Tucker
To: Sam, Tucker
yeah i lived today twice already. the bad news is that the day keeps ending with the school exploding
From: Tucker
danny I’m too young to die
To: Sam, Tucker
been there done that
From: Tucker
To: Sam, Tucker
anyway its got smthn to do with ghosts so im taking the day to investigate
any ideas?
From: Sam
go to clockwork dude
To: Sam, Tucker
time ghost
this is why youre the smart one
ill let u know how it goes
From: Tucker
good luck dude
don’t die again
From: Sam
let us know if u need anything
Danny locked his phone, then sent Jazz a quick text that he had a ghost problem to deal with before transforming and sinking through the floor of his room, all the way down to his parents’ lab.
Whenever he went into the ghost zone, it always took him the better part of an hour to adjust to all the green. It was overwhelming in its ubiquity and too long of an excursion always left him with a headache. He understood the ghosts invading Amity Park a little better each time he visited.
Clockwork’s lair was at the far end of the zone, away from most other ghosts. Clockwork had once told him that this was a restriction placed on him to keep him from being too powerful, one of many. The Observants were in charge of making sure Clockwork didn’t go rogue and shape the world to his liking, limiting how often he could affect the time stream, in what ways, for what purpose. Clockwork, for all his power, was a prisoner.
(“That’s ridiculous,” Danny had said. “You’re out here trying to save the world and preserve the timeline.”
Clockwork looked away. “I wasn’t always.”
Danny didn’t ask.)
So when he approached Clockwork’s lair, only to be rebuffed by a shimmering force field, he wasn’t surprised. Upset? Yes. Concerned? Yes. Afraid? Obviously. But after all of Clockwork’s meddling during the Dan fiasco, the Observants had been extra cautious about not allowing him to interfere.
The Observants would let the world end to ensure Clockwork was punished, it seemed.
Danny frowned. No, that didn’t make sense. Clockwork had been ordered to kill him once, to save the world. What pissed the Observants off was that he’d instead chosen to save both the world and Danny. So maybe then this time loop was enough for him to save the world, but the Observants didn’t want Clockwork to meddle any more than that? Or something like that, anyway.
Ugh. Why did everything involving Clockwork have to be so cryptic and complicated?
“Now what?” he said.
He wasn’t any closer to figuring out what was going on. He was alone in the middle of the ghost zone, no allies in sight, enemies sure to find him soon…
Wait. Enemies?
Danny scanned the area. Sure enough, no one was around. This was normal for Clockwork’s domain, but he usually had to fight someone on the way from the portal to here. Skulker chased him past the Infinite Vortex. Johnny 13 tried to get him to smoke with him. Ember wanted to test out her new songs on him. Frostbite wanted to hang out.
He’d seen no one. The ghost zone was a ghost town.
He held his breath and listened for the sound of someone. Anyone.
In the distance, he heard what sounded like marching. 
When he flew toward it, he recognized the direction he was heading in. It took him ten minutes worth of flying before he placed it, though, and he could only hope he was wrong.
As the sound got louder, he knew he wasn’t.
“Oh no,” he said as he approached Pariah’s Keep. “Oh fuck.”
Thousands of skeleton ghosts—Pariah’s army—stood and thudded their swords into their shields as they strode forward in organized units. Above them, from the balcony of his castle, stood Pariah Dark himself, Ring of Rage on his hand but Crown of Fire nowhere to be found. Small mercies.
Behind him knelt the Fright Knight. Last Danny had heard, the Fright Knight was working with Vlad, and yet, here he was with his old master.
This was bad. This was all very, very bad.
“Intruder!” The cry rang out from the assembled army. Danny jolted as a number of the skeletons reached out and pointed at his hiding place. “Intruder!”
“Kill the interloper, Knight.” Pariah’s voice never rose in pitch, yet it carried itself across the battlefield and settled itself as a knot of ice in Danny’s spine. He’d barely survived the last fight with Pariah when he’d had the exoskeleton and the rest of the ghost zone on his side. What chance did he have now?
Danny turned and fled.
Right into the Fright Knight’s sword.
“Sorry, ghost brat,” the Fright Knight said, twisting the sword in Danny’s chest. Danny choked on blood and ectoplasm. “But I don’t have time to play with you today.”
The world faded out again.
“Val, I’m heading to bed. Have a good day at school, sweetheart. I’ll see you for dinner? My shift starts at 8, can you be home in time?”
Valerie drew in ragged breaths. It happened again. She’d seen the world—or at least Casper High—get blown up twice now. That was too real to be a dream. She—everyone had—
“Valerie?” her dad said. “Are you awake?”
“Yeah,” she said, forcing the word through her tight throat. Then again, loud enough for Dad to hear. “Yeah! Sorry, I’ll, uh, I’ll be home for dinner.”
“Good. Good morning!”
Valerie choked down a sob. “Good morning, Dad.”
Valerie gave herself one minute after her Dad closed the door to his bedroom to freak out. One minute to cry and lose her mind. Once the clock on her beside ticked over to 7:18, she took deep breaths, wiped down her eyes, and got to business.
What did she know? She pulled out the dream journal she kept by her bed and turned to an empty page. Sometime during the last class of the day, Casper High would be attacked. This last loop saw her in the classroom instead of outside the principal’s office, so she saw the green glow approach just before the end. Ghosts, then. It was always ghosts, wasn’t it?
The first time, Paulina had started a fight with her. The second time, that didn’t happen. Had she somehow changed the outcome just by knowing what was going to happen? Or was Paulina stuck in a loop with her?
Valerie groaned. As useful as it might be to have some help with whatever was going on, she half-hoped that Paulina wasn’t involved. Her ex-friend wasn’t exactly at the top of the list of “People She’d Like To Be In A Time Loop With” after all.
She chewed on her lip. However, if Paulina was in the loop, it could mean that Danny was, too. They were all in the same place during the first loop; could all three of them be in this together? If so, it might even be worth dealing with Paulina. Danny was easily in the top three of her time loop list, right there with her dad and Star. Maybe the two of them could work together and let Paulina do whatever.
She stopped writing. This was all speculative now. The best way to figure anything out was to head to school. If Danny and Paulina remembered, they were bound to be acting strange.
She started to take off her Dumpty Humpty sleep shirt, then paused. What better way to signal to anyone else caught in the loop that she was stuck too than coming to school in her pajamas? It stuck out enough that someone reliving the same day would definitely notice her. Plus, it would save her some time.
So, instead of showering and changing, she swiped under her pits with deodorant and headed off to school.
Neither Paulina nor Danny were in school today.
On the plus side, that pretty much confirmed that they were stuck in the loop. They hadn’t missed the last two loops, after all. On the downside, now she looked like an idiot for no reason.
She didn’t even realize that they weren’t there until lunchtime. It wasn’t like she shared a lot of classes with them, and she didn’t have their schedules memorized. Only once she saw Tucker and Sam eating alone, Dash and Kwan laughing with Star, but not Paulina, did she realize that they weren’t there. She hit herself in the forehead. Of course. If you keep reliving the school blowing up, you’ll probably avoid the school. That made sense. It wouldn’t work, of course, but it made sense.
She should go check on Danny. The poor guy was terrified of ghosts; reliving a deadly ghost attack must be his worst nightmare.
After fifth period, she slipped out the back door of the school, summoned her Red Huntress suit to the surface, and zoomed toward FentonWorks.
She slowed as she neared the building, always easy to spot with the hulking metal contraption on top (Danny said it was the Ops Center; Valerie said it was ugly as sin). Peeking through the downstairs window, she spotted Dr. Maddie Fenton welding something at a workstation in the kitchen while Dr. Jack Fenton helped himself to a massive ham sandwich.
No sign of Danny.
She hovered up to the window outside his room. It was dark inside; she couldn’t make out if the shape on his bed was just his covers or if he was huddled inside. She rapped her knuckles on the windowpane. No response.
There wasn’t time for this.
She yanked the window up, busting the lock. The suit really was amazing; she’d never been so strong before. Slipping inside, she could see that the bed was, in fact, empty. Oh well. The window would be fixed when the loop reset.
“Where could he be?” she whispered to herself. Not upstairs, not downstairs.
Maybe… the basement?
She opened Danny’s door and slunk through the hallway, hugging the shadows and stepping toe-to-foot to muffle her footsteps. She needn’t have worried: a horde of elephants trampling through their living room wouldn’t have distracted the Fentons from their work.
She crept down the stairs into the Fentons’ infamous lab, lit by the same green glow that preceded the explosion in the last loop. Danny was, again, nowhere to be found.
Did he leave? Just… run away? No. He wouldn’t have left his family behind. He wouldn’t have left Sam and Tucker behind to die.
Would he?
As she turned to leave the basement, she heard a clattering sound behind her. Spinning back around, she saw skeletons, a horde of skeleton warriors, crawling out of the open portal.
She would deny it to the day she died for real, but she did scream.
She pulled out her ecto gun and began blasting away, but there were too many of them. Soon, she was overpowered, trampled under the boots of long-dead soldiers called to fight again.
One of them stepped on her head. She heard a squish and then there was nothing.
Paulina didn’t want to go to school.
School was going to blow up anyway, and there was no point in her getting blown up with everyone else. It wasn’t even a bomb or anything; no, it was a ghost attack, of-fucking-course. It wasn’t like she could do anything to stop it.
So she was staying home. It’s not like there was anyone else here to notice.
She texted Dash, Kwan, and Star and told them not to go to school. They asked why. She couldn’t think of a good answer. Not one they’d believe. She said she was sick and needed company. Star said she couldn’t afford another absence. Dash said he had a really important presentation today that he couldn’t miss. Kwan said he had something special planned today. They all promised to come visit after school.
Idiots. There wouldn’t be an after.
She laid in bed, feeling sorry for herself, eating a tub of low-fat sugar-free frozen yogurt and watching shitty romcoms on Netflix. Not for the first time, she found herself fantasizing about a bowl of real Rocky Road ice cream, but Alma was on strict orders from Paulina’s mother not to let anything with sugar in the house.
The hours passed slowly. Sam and Austin drove off to Princeton. The dancer learned to be true to herself and open to love. One of them had a bear, she was pretty sure. Maybe?
She dozed off at some point. When she woke up, her back was starting to hurt from laying horizontal for so long. She ate more disgusting frozen yogurt. She watched a game show that she forgot the premise of immediately. Looked at the clock. It was almost 3:00. It would be soon.
She threw up her frozen yogurt in the toilet.
Her friends were going to die.
Her friends were going to die.
Her friends were going to die.
Then she heard it. A boom so loud and powerful it shook the foundation of her house. Tears slipped out of her eyes.
“Oh god. Oh god. No. No!”
She looked out her window. In the streets, glowing skeletons marched, killing anyone who stood in their way. She watched as dozens of the idiotic agents of the Guys In White flew in on their ridiculous jetpacks and began firing away. But for each skeletal soldier that fell, five more took their place. The agents were soon overwhelmed, dragged down to Earth and ripped apart.
Paulina threw up again, this time on the floor. She was screaming and crying, she knew, but it all felt distant. Like it was happening to someone else. Like the skeleton breaking down her door wasn’t coming for her, but some other Paulina.
When they cut off her head, she didn’t feel a thing.
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musings-from-mars · 2 years
@dragonslayer-week 2022 Day 2 (July 26): Nerd Yang / Jock Jaune
(High School AU)
Whatever the deal was with these guys, Jaune would never know. He has spent all summer practicing, preparing for football season, but even with how much he had improved with his catching and route running, his "teammates" did not seem to like him at all. Four in particular. Was it because he'd improved? No, it's not like he would be taking any of their spots on the team. He was good, but not better than them.
But every day of summer workouts, Jaune would arrive to the locker room and either receive the cold shoulder from them, or receive short, combative warnings from them, about staying out of their way, "Don't look at me, Jaune boy."
His coaches weren't much help. "They're just being competitive." Again, Jaune knew that wasn't it. Why be so competitive with the 3rd string tight end?
It was Friday, scrimmage day. Jaune was having a good practice, having not dropped a single pass thrown his way, unless you count that throw that ended up intercepted because that definitely was not his fault. A few teammates were encouraging, but those same four guys, Cardin, Dove, Skye and Russel, could not stop making him feel uneasy.
After a particularly rough shove from Cardin, during a minimal-contact run-through, Jaune finally had enough. "What is your problem with me?!" He asked, pushing himself back up to his feet. He did not want to get into a fight with this guy, but Cardin was advancing towards him. Other team members and a coach had to step in.
The question was genuine. He really wanted to know why Cardin and his buddies were so hostile towards him. Jaune didn't think he'd done anything to them. In fact, he generally avoided them for obvious reasons. He didn't get an answer. The coach told Cardin to go take a seat on the bench for the rest of practice. He'd get a talking to afterwards.
After practice, Jaune waited on the curb near the field as usual, waiting for his ride home from his older sister (he could not wait to get his own car, whenever that day would come). Saph was notorious for running late, so he would probably be there for a while. And in this heat? He was fine with just sitting here instead of getting a little extra practice in like other team members often did. He just sat under this tree, on his phone.
Jaune: Practice is over. Now the wait begins
Yang: Lol nice. Wanna hang out later
Jaune: Maybe after I shower. And nap. And eat like ten hamburgers or smthn. Probably shower twice
Yang: Stinky
Jaune: Hey
Jaune: You're not wrong
He had been friends with Yang since they were kids, when his family would take vacations to Patch. Then Yang's family moved here, three blocks away from Jaune's house. That trip between houses was made many times on bikes. Or in Yang's case, on bikes, then on motorized bikes, and as she had been working on for a long time, eventually a proper motorcycle. She'd been saying she wanted to finish it before the school year started, and she promised she'd start giving Jaune rides to and from school. He wasn't completely up for it, given Yang had a reckless streak, but riding a motorcycle definitely sounded fun, even if it definitely would get him in trouble with his parents if they new about it. But Yang was wildly smart, so he wasn't worried about anything with the bike itself (he was still amazed that her dad let her build one).
This was an unusually long wait. Maybe Saph was occupied with her college classes, or studying, or Terra. He had probably been here for about an hour when he noticed someone walking his way. It was Cardin and his crew.
Yang: Hey, wanna see something cool?
Jaune didn’t have time to respond. These four were heading his way with a purpose. A purpose he was not excited about dealing with. He stood to his feet, trying to seem brave, but much like when on the field, he didn’t like his chances against four big defenders.
“You’ve fucked up, Jaune boy,” Cardin said. He towered about a foot taller than Jaune, and significantly wider too. He could probably squeeze the sap out of a tree trunk.
“What did I do?” Jaune asked, curious of what he’d say. Again, he legitimately wanted to know.
“Like you don’t know,” Cardin said, slowly closing the distance between them. Jaune instinctively began backing up, onto the empty road.
“I really don’t,” Jaune said. “You guys come after me for no reason.”
“There’s plenty of reason, pussy,” Cardin spat. “You think you’re all that, you think you’re better than me, well I’ll teach you, get you to know better.”
“What?” Jaune never considered himself better than Cardin. Football wise, anyway. They played two completely different positions. As a person, though? He was definitely a better person than Cardin.
“That girlfriend of yours,” Cardin continued. “No, actually, that bitch of yours.”
Girlfriend? This was news to Jaune. Wait… “You mean Yang?”
“Uhhh ‘you mean Yang?’” Skye mocked, chuckling with the others as they stood behind Cardin.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Jaune said. “And she’s not a bitch, either.”
“Oh yes she is,” Cardin said. “She never told you? What she did to me?”
Jaune tilted his head. “Huh?”
“She stood me up, for you.”
Since when did Yang agree to go on a date with Cardin Winchester? “What?”
“She just needs to see who the real man here is,” Cardin said. “Not some piss rag like you.”
“I don’t know what you’ve convinced yourself is true, but Yang would never want to go out with you,” Jaune told him.
“That’ll change.” Cardin grinned and clapped his hands, rolling his shoulders as if warming up.
Jaune considered running, but where to? Besides, there was four of them, and Skye was especially fast. He was stuck here. Would he really have to do this?
“What’s it gonna be, Jaune boy?” Cardin said, standing and waiting to see if Jaune would step up. “Fight like a man?”
Jaune remembered something his dad once told him. “Men don’t fight, but children do.” Too bad Cardin was being a very big, very angry child right now. He swallowed down the lump in his throat. Yep, he had no choice…
“Pussy,” Cardin said and set on Jaune, stomping forward. Jaune began backtracking, evading Cardin’s attempts to grab and punch him. Jaune managed to shove him away, but that wouldn’t keep working. Fuck, where was Saph? Or the coach? Anyone that could stop this? Jaune just wanted to go home.
Cardin landed a glancing blow to Jaune’s temple. It didn’t exactly hurt that much, but triggered reflex tears in his eye, which steamed down his face. “Yeah, cry,” Cardin taunted, only for Jaune to quickly lower his shoulder and block him backwards. Cardin was surprised and stumbled back, falling to his butt.
Jaune took a shaky breath and stepped back. Maybe he’d stop now?
No, of course not, and now Cardin was even more angry. She got up and grunted, breaking into an almost-run towards Jaune.
It was then that Jaune heard the sound of a motor quickly approaching. He turned to look down the street. It was a yellow motorcycle, the rider wearing a very recognizable flaming gold helmet.
“Yang?” Jaune muttered, only to get punched in the face. He partially dodged, taking it just under the eye instead of the nose. He fell to the ground, but when he looked back up, Cardin’s attention was turned toward Yang, who had skidded to a stop and dismounted her newly completed motorcycle.
“Oh hey, look who showed up,” Cardin said, grinning at Yang. He cracked his knuckles. “Don’t worry, hun. Just settling some issues.”
Yang was dressed in a brown jacket over an orange tank top and black jeans. She slipped the helmet off her head, letting her hair fall and revealing a very angry expression. She kept toward Cardin.
“Yeah yeah, that’s it, bring it in, cutie,” Cardin said, arms outstretched as if expecting a hug.
He instead got a helmet to the teeth.
Cardin stumbled to his knees and roared in pain. He held his mouth, blood dripping on the street. “Whath the thuck?!”
Yang looked at the other three, all wide-eyed and frozen in place.
“Oh, shit.” Jaune muttered.
“Fuck outta here,” Yang grumbled to the three, and gestured to Cardin with her helmet. “And take him and his teeth with you.”
“Thuck you!” Cardin cursed as he stumbled to his feet.
“Come on, let’s tell coach,” Dove suggested.
“Yeah, tell your coach a girl knocked your huge gopher teeth out, tough man,” Yang said with a smile, flashing her silver braces.
“Thut the thuck up, bisch!” Cardin yelled, his voice breaking. The four turned and left, likely to get Cardin home and call a dentist.
Yang made sure to watch them leave, then turned in time to see as Jaune got to his feet. She shook her head. “What the fuck happened?”
“Apparently,” Jaune said as he watched the four leave too. “He’s pissed about you standing him up?”
Yang leaned her head back and groaned. “Seriously?”
“Since when do you like dickheads like him?”
“I don’t? But he just would. Not. Stop.” Yang paused and poked Jaune in the cheek. “Does that hurt?”
“Ow— Slightly.”
She stepped closer and looked at his eye closely. “Hmm.”
“I see you finished your bike,” Jaune said with a chuckle. “Good timing.”
“Your eye looks fine, I think.”
“I think it was mostly my cheek,” he said, acknowledging the annoying throbbing along his cheekbone. She was still looking at his face closely. He could feel her breath on his face. Hair was sticking to her forehead from wearing a helmet in this heat. “What’s with the red contacts?”
“I can’t wear my huge glasses under my helmet visor.”
“But why red?”
“I’m a weeb.” She nodded, then coughed and stepped back. “Yep, you’re stinky. Well…” She gestured to her bike. “Want a ride?”
“Maybe after you explain the rest of whatever the hell Cardin was talking about.”
“He would talk to me every day between classes last year,” she said. “And I kept saying no, no, fuck off, no. I think he just thought I was playing hard to get. Which I was. I was very hard for him to get, but apparently he’s no quitter.”
“And so you eventually agreed to go out with him?”
“No! He walked up to me, handed me a movie ticket, and told me to meet him at the theater at 10pm to see that Jay Hawk movie.”
“The one we went to see?”
“Yep! I took the ticket and brought you instead!”
Jaune blinked. “Well no wonder he thinks we’re dating.”
“He thinks we…? Well no wonder he tried to fight you. He’s an insecure little weirdo.”
Jaune chuckled. “Thanks for saving me, by the way.”
“I mean, thanks for giving me an excuse to knock the guy’s teeth out.” She looked at her helmet and sighed, pointing at the top. “Left a mark.”
“My condolences to your helmet on its injury,” Jaune said sarcastically, smiling at her.
She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “I’m sorry that douche hit you. That’s so fucked up, honestly. You didn’t do anything.
“Well, I don’t think he’ll mess with me anymore. He might think my girlfriend will come after him again.”
“I’ll take any chance he gives me,” Yang said honestly. “I just…really hate him. I hope he has that coin slot in the front of his face forever.
She led him over to her newly completed bike. “Well, what do you think?”
“You seriously built this whole thing all on your own,” Jaune said, not really asking, more just expressing his wonder. The bike had a yellow and orange color scheme and chrome accents. It was the coolest thing he had ever seen.
“With a little help from my dad.” She lifted the backseat and pulled a spare helmet from the hidden compartment. She tossed it to Jaune. “Safety first.”
He caught the helmet and laughed. “All that studying paid off then?”
“I taught myself how to build a motorcycle, and then I did,” Yang said with a shrug.
“Just as a fun little project.”
Jaune would never not envy how smart Yang was. “So humble.” He said with a smile, then put his helmet on. “So, do I just…?”
She climbed onto the bike and started the engine. “Just climb on back.”
“Do I need to, like, hold onto you?” Jaune asked as he awkwardly got onto the bike behind her.
“Sure,” she said, having to yell over the engine. “If you really want to.”
He rolled his eyes and sighed, encircling her waist and locking his fingers together in front of her, because he didn’t know where else to put his hands. “How fast does this thing go?”
“Dunno, shall we find out?”
Yang laughed. “JK, I’m taking things slow with her.”
“Her name’s Bumblebee.”
He patted the side of the bike. “Hi Bumblebee.”
Yang laughed, leaning back and nudging him with her shoulder. “Shall I get you home so you can shower and nap and eat your hamburgers?”
“Yes please.”
“I could join you.”
“You want burgers?”
“No, to shower and nap with you, duh,” she said sarcastically, nudging him again, and making him blush. “We aren’t actually dating, remember?”
“Well, I mean…” Jaune began, muttering softly enough to where he assumed she wouldn’t be able to hear.
Yang giggled and revved the engine. “Off we go!” She took off down the street, accelerating much faster than Jaune expected. He yelped and leaned back, jabbing Yang in the stomach with his locked hands. She shook her head and for some reason, began driving in a serpentine manner, making Jaune wobble side to side. “Just getting you used to it!” She yelled.
“Ahhhh,” Jaune responded in the most respectable way he could.
Yang laughed again and accelerated. He was a bit more ready for it this time. As she got on a busier road and sped up, he couldn't help but laugh. This was awesome! And terrifying!
But if Yang was being truthful about giving him rides every day, he would surely get used to it eventually.
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i have a kind of plot??? idea?? thought up about a ride the cyclone hunger games au, because i wanted angst and have been thinking abt the hunger games recently.
in the idea its the 25th hunger games, also known as the first quarter quell and the one where they vote the contestants in, because i think it would be a cool addition as it makes it a lot sadder. there could be a lot of bitterness about that
the main six get voted in from their districts, and end up in the hunger games. i don't have any solid districts in mind, but currently ocean is from one of the districts, maybe one ortwo, bcs her song is abt her being better and so she. should live which in my mind links to the careers and how the upper districts have a better relationship w the capitol other than three n look down on the other districts. mischa is from district eleven or nine bcs im p sure ukraine exports a lot of grain. noel is district twelve bcs i think he'd hate it, and it fits the whole let me. out this place is so stale and numbing, all dull and smokey and suffocating. ricky is from district three so i have a way to make it make sense that they have an aac. penny is from district ten because its the livestock district (livestock? lamb? get it? i'll stop now). and constance is from district eight bcs idk why not, or nine bcs grain makes bread and her family runs a bakery.
i will not lie i can only see karnak as the interviewer. sure hed work as a mentor but i keep seeing him as caesar (i think thats the interbiewers name). he has a flashy purple suit and a purple interview get up.
i have a few costume ideas but they r very basic and not that good tbh. pls keep in mind i have no sense of fashion
penny has a fluffy coat and white dress for the lamb imagery, it could fade into red to symbolise slaughter or smthn. red accents
noel's designer focuses heavily on smoke and he comes out in this dress type thing that looks like it leaves a trail of smoke when it flows. he def has a pipe as well.
rickys designer goes absolutely ham and creates an outfit worthy of the space age bachelor man. wires and funky colours and everything. very out there
ocean is dressed all smart and presentable, very put together. since i havent got a solid district i dont have many ideas
dont have many ideas for constance or mischa tbh
mischa's whole angle with the public is that he's strong and has motive to win in talia, so he has a fighting chance and more motive than the rest. ocean is portrayed as cocky and intelligent, and she will win because shes determined and won't let herself lose. penny is mysterious and odd, she stands out and makes an impression. constance is nice and charismatic and they use that to make the audience attached so they want her to win, and public approval is everything in the games. ricky is smart and crafty and his mentor tells him to lean heavily into that bcs ppl will write him off bcs hes disabled (in the au they let him keep his crutches which plays with canon a bit but i justify that with the capitol want things to be interesting and so at least try to keep the contestants alive. let them keep their crutches capitol pls). noel is interesting and they focus more on his ability to draw the audience rather than his ability in the arena, and his whole want to die tragically and want for things to be interesting is used to try and resonate with the capitol as a kind of "keep him alive he wont be boring promise pls dont kill him". idrc about the other tributes so they could be ocs or contestants from the book idk. theyre just sorta there.
i dont have many solid progression ideas, but basically one branch is nischa team up because i do in fact ship them. they talk briefly before the contest and sorta confront eachother in the arena but dont kill eachother, maybe one tells the others about poison berries or some other type of knowledge or they just see eachother and agree on a team up, and they go about in the arena trying to survive and defend themselves against the rest of the tributes. many injuries and bonding moments later and they make it fairly far. but since this was an au made with angst in mind at least one of the two dies, and the other gets all guilty about it. it can be. this big dramatic thing and if we're going the romantic route it could be they confess their love right on the brink of death and the other just has to deal with that finishing the games. sat grieving a love they can never explore or see through because the other died in their arms.
ngl this whole idea came about because i imagined nischa in the arena and noel dying and having this whole angsty moment in his death where he makes mischa promise to win and get back to talia. or he was like dying from an injurt and mischa refused to just leave and tried to drag him and there was angst about how noel truly didnt think he was ever gonna win anyway and how hes glad he met mischa and got to have at least some good before he died.
also ive thought of multiple conversations where they talk about why they want to go back and mischa obviously wants to go back for talia and his mother (in this au shes not dead yet but she is dying) but noel doesnt rlly see anything for himself and just sorta wants to die interesting. also their mentors were definitely screaming at eachother to just stab the other when they sleep or smthn.
doesnt rlly link to the past paragraph but i like to think noel got his hands on some old books about france and paris somehow and thats how monique came about. hes very careful abt mentioning this in the arena bcs they can and will murder his mother for that im p sure books from before are forbidden in panem oops.
theres so many angst oppourtunities as well. you could go down so many routes. fear from almost dying. guilt from killing someone. physical pain. anguish. the shock catching up to the contestants. the realisation theyre about to die. because theres no way in hell any of the choir was genuinely ready to kill someone or watch someone die. so much angst.
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kgbird · 6 months
Did I tell y’all that my class did a “superlatives” thing? Like I never had that in high school or college or anything. But sga sent a google form out n asked people to vote stuff for other classmates.
And I was like ok another popularity contest. And I briefly worried that I would be nominated as greasiest, ugliest, weirdest, worst fashion/style, etc.
But they ended up doing one for everybody which whatever. And none of them were hateful so that’s something.
Mine was “most mysterious.” Like ofc I don’t care but I was like just say you don’t know me and let me go home. Its just a less rude way to call me the weirdest.
Other peoples had cute drawings on theirs and what not. I got scribbles and “the payback on yt” and I really don’t think it’s the James brown song. There’s a channel by that name but it is odd and has very few subs. And I srsly cant think of anything I’ve done to any of my classmates like I’ve never been mean to them or done smthn sneaky or literally anything. So I didn’t think that’s what they meant by payback. Also there was a picture of sunglasses and the yt channel uses those same glasses. I haven’t watched the vids but they look odd and maybe true crime which I don’t even like so I really don’t know. Insight welcome.
But anyway I would have preferred to have not gotten anything at all frankly. They didn’t have to include everybody. Just let it be the popularity contest it’s supposed to be. At least I didn’t overtly get called out and ik I’m the only person who remembers it.
Like I know I’m weird and off-putting and awkward in social situations but I mean… whatever idk what I expected
What’s weird is that I know at least two people who put me in for “best music taste” which was super sweet and that’s what I gotta focus on is the people who DO care to know me. But like if two people said that, why did you just… not use that? And instead actually think and work to come up with something to deliberately jab me. And the YouTube channel like idgi.
Kevin got most likely to answer every question correctly and idk why everyone loves him even tho he’s just as awkward as I am. Anyone I’ve talked to abt it says it’s bc he’s a guy. Like literally my therapist was like the hades gif “he’s a GUY!”
Mackenzie got “most likely to work in the ER” which, she hates the ER. But that is what she did for hours and I guess that’s the only thing ppl know abt her. I def think the two of us are on the bottom of the totem pole, but it doesn’t matter really cause it’s no big deal in the grand scheme, and this year I won’t be seeing anyone anyways. Plus there’s not as clearly defined social strata like high school.
Lowkey Mackenzie was trying to get in on my pity party about how no one cares about her either. And on one hand true igi but the other I was like,,, at least they knew SOMETHING about you to say… so let me have this lol.
So it’s whatever idc but I’m afraid that when I finish this rotation and any of my classmates get assigned to the office I’m at now… technically we’re not supposed to talk about each other in the clinical setting but. I have a feeling that one nurse in particular would talk to this theoretical classmate of mine and whoever it is will dump on me or whatever.
And I don’t dislike the nurse he’s just a kid so whatever but he’s also super smart in the same way kevin is. But even the other nurses or the other providers or anything! I KNOW I’ll never hear from them again but I’m scared that they’ll all talk about how weird I am. Or, to a slightly lesser degree, they’ll like my classmate a lot more than they like me and think they’re smarter than me and better w patients and not such a little crybaby. I really try to be nice at word and all that but I literally can’t help being weird like I’ve tried to be normal, but it’s so stressful bc I’m afraid people will see through it.
And I know: so what if people you’ll never see again think you’re weird? What’s the worst that could happen/whats it to you? And idk how to answer that because short of failing the rotation, that feels like the worst thing that could happen. Like if there was something I could actively do to prevent that I would. But like I said when I try, I get extremely stressed and frustrated and overwhelmed and depressed. Idk ig if the yt thing makes any sense to you, lmk.
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jeansmarts · 3 years
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sardonicsergeant · 3 years
Me: I have mild dyslexia
Everyone: haha, lol, ur such a kidder
Me: *tries to spell anything or pronounce a word I've only seen*
Everyone: ???
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explosivenebula · 2 years
Hello, how are you doing? I wanted to make a Hawks x fem!y/n request. Where y/n has a natural talent of deduction, kinda like Sherlock Holmes. We all know that hawks can hide Secrets and emotions pretty well, but y/n just knows EVERYTHING. Like, Their first conversation could be smthn like her explaining how she knows he has been through a lot. And hawks is just 🤯
You can do whatever you feel with it. No pressure! And also can i be your 🍙-anon?
'Natural Deduction' Hawks x fem!reader HEADCANONS {REQUEST}
PAIRINGS: Hawks (Keigo Takami) x reader WARNINGS: none GENRE: none POST TYPE: headcanons
Ahh this was actually super fun to write! I love the idea of this, I would really love to write a one-shot for it in the near future. This was so long oml, but I do hope you're happy with it, lovely 🍙anon!
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Keigo Takami
❀ Keigo is extremely secretive about his life. Not many people know his past and what he's like outside of the bubbly 'Hawks' personality, so it's difficult to truly get close to him. His emotions say otherwise when it comes to how he's feeling, and it's almost impossible to truly call yourself a close companion of the hero.
❀ When he met you, it was like every other meeting he had with people coming in and out of his agency, those working or not. Although, things didn't quite go the way he expected them to. You were taking a job as a strategist, overseeing different plans and infiltration proposals for the hero. It was quite out of character to find him holding such a high work rate, considering his usually rash way of doing things, but for someone like yourself, it wasn't hard to understand why he would keep precautions so closely measured.
❀ Your first conversation with him was...interesting, to say the least. He'd walk into a meeting room or your office, dismissing assistance with a closed-off smile and striking up questions about work rate, dropping in the occasional compliment or joke. It wasn't until you called him out on the fake personality that he froze, intent on listening to what you had to say. He'd stare at you in awkward silence for a moment, before moving to a more sincere smile, asking you softly what you meant by the accusatory words.
❀ You managed to list a few key points in his life that helped you explain why you believed he was acting this way; bringing up events - without specific details - that he hadn't told anyone but himself through the mirror. The way your eyes seemed to assure him of your trust and confidentiality while spilling his guts in front of him was perhaps one of the strangest experiences he had ever been through, one that he would never forget.
❀ At first, he had small thoughts about your loyalty to him. Your employee status didn't list any quirk or background job that would have given you the skills to find that out about him, especially such detailed life experiences. He does test you, occasionally, slightly afraid you might be affiliated with the League or Commission. But, of course, he's a smart guy. And when you give him enough evidence to prove your trustworthy attentions, his demeanour completely changes.
❀ It confuses him how relaxed he's able to feel around you, not understand why he would catch feelings for someone so quickly. But he does make it clear he appreciates your time and doesn't hesitate to show you off. When he's not bombarding you with cases and strategies he wants you to crack using your natural talent, he likes to play small games with you. Asking questions and giving the wrong answers, smiling when you pick up on the lies straight away.
❀ After a while, you are his most trusted person. Not that he had a choice, considering you could practically retell his entire life like a storybook just from giving him a single glance. He tells you everything, knowing you most likely know it already. Your skills are something he can't pass by and isn't afraid to ask you when he needs your opinion on something. Your honesty is one of the reasons he began falling for you, and he does everything in his power to never let you go. If everything else in his life was a mistake, keeping you by his side was the first thing he did right.
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impending-day · 2 years
ok since at least one person wants to hear my Afterlife SMP Boogeyman's Curse AU im gonna do a quick summary of what i have. yes i am palnning on putting this bad boy on ao3 i have 1600 words i wrote in one sitting wink wonk!!
vague summary time!!
yknow how the sound of the uh. the pre-boogey message comes with thunder. like the one that says _ minutes untin the boogey is chosen. yeah its raining when that first hits
the message says like "the boogey will be chosen in 60 minutes" cause i want everyone to meet up before the boogey(s) is/are chosen
so they all converge upon their spawn island and theyre all like "bro wtf is going on." joel, scott, lizzie, and jimmy are the only ones who know the weight of the message and theyre kinda in hysterics to figure out why its here in the first place
they argue?? about it? somehow?? idk havent written that part
because i feel like it, im making joel an Empath and hes like "oooboy there is something not good approaching and its not just the 10 minutes left on that clock"
then from a tree: boom. eyes. shubbles like "OUGH WHAT" (hint: her origin is a shadow smthn right). and then some stupid mysterious speech and who is it?
its. its grian
why is he here you ask? 1. self indulgence. 2. hes the admin of last life and thus has access to the boogeyman curse's code. 3. hes a watcher yeah thats canon here too. he even calls it his "origin" and i think im pretty smart
anyways the last life folk are all screaming at him (at least internally) and everyone else is like "howd you even get here" except for shubble cause my watcher lore says that watchers are from the void which, according to shubbles origin, she was there for a few hundred years so. yeah
im mildly tempted to bring the Entity into this but idk how exactly
i also dont exactly know why grian chose to spread the curse into afterlife rn sorry lol this is all self indulgence because im Not Over Last Life and dont think i ever will be
joel naturally is furious at grian right? like they were allies on last life and now grian is pitting everyone against each other. he feels absolutely betrayed.
scott is like. dying inside. because he cant handle going through those feelings again after resisting the curse and falling to red due to his failure. he just cant do that again.
jimmy is confused on why grian keeps calling him timmy. but hes also more confused on why the boogeyman curse is back. hed gone through a server with that once. hes concerned it followed him over to afterlife. canary in the coalmine, after all.
lizzie is scared. shes not particularly strong; shes much better at hiding. being the boogeyman would be really bad for her, but someone else being the boogeyman would be bad too. potentially worse. her mind has already switched back into survival mode.
and everyone else is like "bro wtf is a boogeyman"
the thing is, to not drop 9 lives, the boogeyman has to kill someone every week
yeah so joel gets into an argument with grian and its getting heated (haha im so funny). and then joel tries to attack grian but. naturally. it dont work. and grian takes joels first life before the curse is even implemented
the sun is setting, joel just died, grian is tormenting them, yaddah yaddah yaddah. grian goes to pick on scott as "payback for not following the rules correctly last time." and everyone is trying to keep scott away like a game of hot potato or something but its not going so well
UNTIL joel teleports across the water and stabs grian through the chest. cause hes enderian now. why? plot. i make the au, i make the rules
grian goes away and now its night. spawn is lit up nicely but everywhere else. is not. mwehehe
i have more but i wanna get a more solid idea first (laughs in im just gonna go make a part 2 if ppl want it) (because i already have a solid idea but its even More self indulgent)
anyways yeah thats. pretty in depth honestly damn. but expect it to be Better because im actually gonna format this stuff into a proper piece of literature one day lol
thanks yall for being so pumped abt this tho!!
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limerancy-fics · 2 years
Anonymous asked: I've read your thread about people mischaracterizing venti, and before the HordeTM of people saying "its not that deep 😭😭" or "touch grass" comes, let me tell you that I overall agree with it. No because, where does the interpretation of him being stupid even come from? I genuinely don't get it. He's one of the most intelligent and perceptive characters in the game. The fact that he taught himself music (as you said)? The fake treaty to (obviously) purposefully trick the military into turning against the aristocrats (that wasn't even outed as fake until several centuries later)? Manipulating Jack into believing those random sword and shield were Vennessa's? His obviously huge talent with words and messing with his own nuns by fabricating stories about himself (that they can't even deny)? Him coercing Kaeya into buying him expensive cider from Diluc? etc Tf are people even on? Imo, I think that since Venti is not conventionally attractive the way Raiden and Zhongli are, then people that take everything at face value are not even going to bother paying actual attention to him and so retort to (often negative) extremely surface-level or even fanon traits to interpret him, constantly dumbing him down to a joke and even unironically referring to him as a "meme archon", and not positively nor joking, discrediting his entire narrative weight and character. If he looked and sounded like Zhongli or was a girl and looked like Raiden, I bet my ass half the people on twt that constantly shit on him for his personality, being 'weak', 'lazy', a ''''''bad archon'''''', etc, would probably be simping lmao
— THANK YOU. venti is SMART. venti is SO SMART. just because he's a prankster or not as constantly serious as zhongli and baal, or likes to have fun, doesn't mean he's an idiot. nor does it mean he's incompetent. i highly doubt celestia would've settled w him (as rebellious as he can be) as an archon if he wasn't the best one for the job. he's not powerful. he's admitted that. he's fine w that. freedom at the price of power is a small price to pay in his mind. his lack of power actually keeps his people SAFE. so he has to use his wits, cunning, strategy, intelligence to survive. if signora hadn't come at him head on, he probably would've outsmarted her. so WHY do ppl like to think he's dumb?
this isn't even an "oh ppl aren't writing him exactly the way i write him n i hate it" rant. bc venti's not the same every time i write him! he's different, bc different circumstances create different personas, even if only slightly. no, this is an "almost all of fandom seems to have accepted that venti is Dumb, and most often make him v sexually active or super horny along w it" (which....can u see the issue here??? the 2 do not go hand in hand, ppl). make venti horny! cool! idc! but don't make him dumb just bc he's a lil slutty or can dress like he is (which...his archon outfit, yeah. but his bard outfit is actually somewhat conservative compared to what it could be). making him dumb is like....not even writing venti. bc he's not? it'd be like making childe an uwu soft boi or making kaeya imperceptive. venti's intelligence is integral to his character!
he likes to have fun! he drinks! he plays pranks! he's a wanderer! he's a storyteller and a musician! a poet! a teacher! he's friends w almost everyone he meets! and he's REALLY FUCKING SMART.
(n yeah. i also feel like if venti was a girl, or signora was a man, ppl wouldn't be as quick to dismiss the weight of her stealing his gnosis, nor say he deserves it) (which i have seen n makes me vastly uncomfortable) (guess what. masc presenting ppl can get assaulted too. and by women, too. it's not smthn to joke abt or dismiss as unimportant. that can have rlly rlly rlly bad irl consequences, n some of ur friends will quickly realize they can't trust u)
Anonymous asked: Not saying Zhongli and Raiden don't get mischaracterized tho I just think it's a different kind of mischaracterization, yknow? Idk if that makes much sense
yeah it is. even tho they get mischaracterized, ppl still take them seriously. ppl don't go "haha zhongli so stupid n useless" bc he seems like he could be autistic (infodumping? knowing so much abt subjects? remembering things so clearly? not quite getting social cues or being able to read ppl? havin a complicated relationship w gender? needing to follow rules? getting frustrated when other ppl don't follow clear cut rules established previously? im just sayin. diversity win (this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke i am autistic this is a joke dear god)). they don't discredit his losses or his achievements. same w baal
the issue is that venti's never rlly taken seriously, when that's such a discredit to his character. being serious isn't fun! he likes to have fun! if he was serious all the time, he might actually collapse under the weight of it all! he's a free spirit. it makes sense for his character to be light n playful like the wind. but guess what? decarabian also used wind. andrius uses wind. xiao uses wind. wind can be smthn dark n scary n serious n heavy. i live in a valley, so i know this well. umbrella? not anymore, that shit's broken cause u held it at the wrong angle for just a second. VENTI can also be dark n scary n serious n heavy. but i think being fun is his way of trying to cope. he's just a lil guy that was thrust into divinity right after he lost everything he had. he's not even human
baal and zhongli get mischaracterized, but they're still taken seriously. venti isn't. like, ever. n it's v frustrating. making him nothing but a meme rlly discredits n makes light of the suffering he's been through, past AND present (which is a suffering a lot of ppl go through, btw. it's never just fictional)
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isolctions · 2 years
raja, making a brief (i lied this wasn’t brief MY BAD) & somewhat cohesive headcanon post? unheard of! here’s a cool, shiny new muse i created on impulse bc vanessa is my comfort fc, i like vampire lore, & because why not.
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before we start! trigger warnings for death, mentions of c*lt like behavior and g*nocide in the loosest term, & i guess i’ll go ahead and add st*lking as well bc luciano is fucking crazy & a terror in all my vampire lady’s lives.
so fun fact. charon is very loosely based on one of my current sims 4 save files i like to play. within that, she’s a vampire sim named contessa vita balda who came from an established vampire family in the 1200′s, lives in a huge ass pent house in san myshuno with way more rooms than she even needs in a single person household, is basically the equivalent of a vampire socialite as she holds meetings at her crib with the v/atores and weirdo ass v/laudislaus, & has mastered the entertainment career in the musician branch. she maxed out the piano skill, nearly maxed violin, and is level 5 pipe organ skill with some mxiology skill. she’s very cool. she’s also very hot. but enough about my fun save files! time to talk abt charon.
she was originally born with the name arpina, which means rising of the sun, and she came into existence in the 1000s to a rather large vampire family which i call clusters for personal lore purposes. at the time period she was born, vampires were not exactly stigmatized or anything to be weary of , exactly — but they also weren’t exactly going around admitting they were vampires either. like, if you knew one, you knew one. if you assumed someone to be, it would go to the rumor mill or something, but they weren’t actively hiding themselves from the general public. (in my head, i feel like majority of the gossip depended on what cluster family you were apart of. like ‘oh, is so & so apart of the western cluster? don’t they feed on like, snakes?’ or smthn like that, bc i’m not in the mood to look up whether ppl in 1100 knew what the fuck a snake was at that time.) arpina’s cluster resided primarily in the northeast. of where? couldn’t tell you. but they tended to roam & own territory within northern africa, greece, italy, the netherlands, and france.
arpina being a pure born vampire gave her not only physical strengths, but mental ones too. she was very smart. looked to as the sort of guide for her cluster, as she knew a lot of necessary things regarding land and humans, as well as supplying knowledge on where & when to hunt. due to this, her cluster was able to live very easily among mortals & appear more human passing than others, so arpina developed a lot of human interests. she really liked astronomy & the cosmos, but it was still largely a dickfest and it was hard enough for established astronomers getting everyone on board with the concept of the sun & moon. so arpina settled for the arts instead. she enjoyed dancing at parties & contributing to the oral passing of songs and stories, and she also found interest in instruments & painting. not many places allowed her to express this. but for those who knew of her cluster, she was able to become an apprentice under many sculptors, painters, & musicians. she just couldn’t have any of her work credited. (millennias have passed & arpina still has beef regarding the s*stine ch*pel. that ceiling? she was behind that!)
time passes, she settles in between the countries of her cluster’s territory, & arpina is more respected as a woman of the arts. in comes our atrocious human-killing fuckboy. the year is 1580, she’s painting in her studio, hears commotion outside and arpina discovers a badly injured & dying young vampire by the name of luciano. his original cluster have since fallen into irrelevancy, and his surrogate cluster has just been slaughtered as tensions between mortals & the supernatural continue to grow. arpina takes him in, nurses him back to health, keeps him company with many stories & portraits & songs, and offers to spar to rebuild his stamina once he’s able to. arpina saw this as simply helping another supernatural prosper. luciano saw her actions as an act of love, and began to court her by entering surrounding areas & brutally wiping its’ people out, saving a handful of mortals he’s turned with intentions of creating a new, powerful family with arpina as his wife. arpina was very perplexed by his actions. she attempts to dissuade him, he interprets this as arpina requesting more vampires to turn. he continues slaughtering small towns with poorer populations, which in turn increases the human wariness against vampires & other supernaturals, and she is not in love with this man by any means but she has got to get his ass to stop. and he won’t! he just keeps professing his love to her & keeps trying to woo her with this nonsense! finally, arpina is forced to fight luciano and kicks him out of her home. luciano goes ‘that’s fine. :) i’ll just come back later with the rest of our new family. :)’
talk abt a crazy ex. the town she’s in begins to suspect her & arpina is forced to flee. from every single area she moves to. because luciano keeps tracking her movements, following her, & murdering / turning anyone she tries to develop a bond with. at this point, it’s like 1818, and arpina is fed up. she goes back to her estates. gathers all of her information, all of her relics, all of her supplies. purposely injures herself, stages a kidnapping & killing by supernatural-fearing townspeople, sets her known-cluster estates ablaze after gathering her important documents, & officially kills arpina. it was pretty traumatic, but hey, luciano finally stopped following her after believing arpina to be dead. instead, he’s decided to name his children & followers in her namesake, dedicating his mission to giving mortals salvation through eternal life — all to serve the rising sun & reunite his family with arpina. in time, minnie o’day would become his newest fixation & wife on december 24th, 1922 & falls victim to his ideology as well before unknowingly taking a page from arpina’s book by defecting & changing her name to jaira black.
after declaring herself dead to her cluster, arpina settles near the new york-canadian border, claims an extremely large area of wooded land overlooking a cliffside rocky beach & decides to rebuild her estate & its’ large, vast library of her centuries of acquired knowledge & original texts, relics, and artwork. it is heavily fortified, rigged with traps, & is very much a maze both inside & out. she would complete this twenty-five floor estate in full in 1953 before changing her name to selinofoto charon — charon being known as one of pluto’s moons as well as the ferrymen of dead souls crossing the styx, and her chosen surname of selinofoto meaning moonlight. she chooses this name out of remorse for the souls being taken & ruined by luciano in her name, and also because she extends her estate to other supernatural creatures in search of information as well as in the event of needing a place to recover or lay low for some time. she is infamously known to many other immortals as the librarian or the historian, or as a more malicious nickname, the silent dog. (because charon is very docile & fair tempered as a vampire. this makes her much more unpredictable, and remembering her status as one of the oldest living members of a strong vampire cluster causes some to view her as a very dangerous elder. many have attempted to take advantage of these traits, and none of them survived encounters with her. good thing she doesn’t like to fight a lot!)
these days, charon spends time tending to the grounds & surrounding forest and beach of her estate, building the contents of her library, painting, & playing instruments — she excels in piano, harp, flute, cello, bass, & violin. occasionally she will venture outside of her estate to hunt / feed & to engage in actual interaction with actual people, however this is minimal due to luciano still being such a sprung piece of shit. charon also tries not to feed on mortals without exclusive permission to do so, therefore she herds sheep & cows to feed off of before cutting & selling the meat to local butcher shops.
in the event that all of that is a bit...Too Much, i have leaned towards a human verse as well. these details are mostly the same, but more consistent with being a human — her ‘cluster’ is just a well known renaissance family of painters, chefs, musicians & historians / professors / writers. she herself is a very intelligent woman with genius level IQ, summa cum laude degree from julliard, & she currently owns one of her family’s libraries that she occasionally works in as well as being a concert pianist. she also will be having an undetermined alternate fc, bc as much as i love vanessa, not everyone is fond of her current source material LMAO.
anyway. get u a mysterious, sexy vampire lady today. bc all vampires are bisexual to me on default.
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
Vyrthaal-Verse driving canons, because why not!! This got really long, so I'll be putting it under a cut.
This is possibly some of the most fun I've had developing characters :3
OG! Vyrthaal: A very responsible and polite driver; follows the speed limit exactly and always uses his turn signal, never cuts people off if he can avoid it. Always gives motorcyclists the right of way, changes lanes completely to pass bicyclists. Drives with the radio very low to the sure he can hear sirens/horns/etc. Never drives at night if he can avoid it, asks for a ride if he absolutely NEEDS to go somewhere after sunset and always has gas money or gives big tips if he takes a cab. Probably drives something like a smart car or another 2 door vehicle.
Vampire/Mara! Vyrthaal: Almost the exact same as OG Vyr, but Only drives at night. Because less people r out at night tends to play the radio a little louder, but turns it down at stop lights. Sometimes goes a little over the speed limit if it's really late but that's very rare. Also drives a little 2 door vehicle primarily but he'd also have a big ol SUV when he opens his orphanage so he can take kids places.
Serpent/Boethiah! Vyrthaal: Will tailgate you and Will pass you obnoxiously loudly. Has run from the cops before and Will do it again. Yet they're very respectful driving thru residential areas and school zones; drives the exact speed limit, doesn't pass people, turns the radio down or off altogether if it's late. Surprisingly cautious of pedestrians and bicyclists for how rude they are normally. Whatever car they drive it's definitely got lots of dents and scratches, and they've probably modified it to give it a bigger engine and a loud annoying muffler.
Jay/Jyggalag: Illegal street racer. Built her car from the ground up with an emphasis on Going Fast. Always breaks the speed limit and is that asshole constantly weaving around cars going dangerously fast, yet always signals and has never once gotten in a wreck. Plays her radio loud as FUCK, they're the motherfucker you hear three cars away. Her car probably has a flashy custom paint job or vinyl wrap. But she's also the person to pull over when they see someone needing help with their car, helps em replace a flat or gets gas for them or whatever, so I guess she's not the worst driver possible.
The Craftsman/Malacath! Vyr: Also built his car from the ground up, but isn't a flashy dick about it like Jay. Very polite driver, and the Vyrthaal most likely to pick up hitchhikers. Also pulls over to help stopped drivers along the side of the road. Probably goes to car shows for funsies (and because Jay would enter her car in competitions and he wants to support her). The Vyrthaal that the other Vyrthaals would most likely call up for a ride. Would be really into old cars too, just doesn't drive one himself because he would be Way too worried about it getting damaged.
Merri/Meridia! Vyr: Drives either a Big Fucking Truck or Hummer. She has Also put her heart and soul into her car, but didn't build it just mods it and does all the repair and maintenance on it herself. If you touch her truck you Will die. Definitely belongs to a car club or smthn and goes to meet ups and such. Loves off roading. Tends to speed but not like an asshole, but she's still Very intimidating to drive around. Plays loud metal music occasionally interrupted by hyperpop and Minecraft song covers. Has cute bumper stickers too. Out of all the Vyrthaals shed be the one Most likely to hound you for gas money if she gives you a ride, but to be fair it probably costs her 50 bucks or more to fill up her tank. But she'll also give you the Aux cord/CD player, and the other Vyrthaals won't, so that's a plus.
Reaper/Dagon! Vyr: Another polite and respectful driver. Obeys speed limits, keeps the radio low, never forgets his turn signal. She also drives a big truck but it isn't a very flashy one like Merri's, he just feels safer in bigger vehicles. It's very well loved and he also maintains it herself. LOVES going for early morning drives as the sun rises.
The Scryer/Mora! Vyr: A little speed demon but not as bad as Jay, they don't race they just Go Fast--usually because it's running late as Fuck lmao. You would THINK the Vyrthaal that can see the future would know when to leave so they'd arrive on time but no, somehow this motherfucker is always like 30 minutes late to Everything. It also forgets to signal more often than not. Not the best driver, kind of a miracle they have a license at all, but they at least let you skip songs on its playlist if you don't like them.
Nocturnal! Vyr (I haven't thought of a nickname foe her oop): Strictly adheres to all driving laws and gets mad whenever anyone cuts her off, is speeding, etc. Will lean on her horn at you if you cut her off, take too long to go when the light turns green, etc. Drives in dead silence; no radio, no talking, Nothing. Isn't good at servicing her own car but knows where the best and most reliable mechanics are, and goes to them the Second her car needs fixing. Probably got a new car like 10 years ago n has been meticulously making sure its running perfectly since then. It wouldn't be anything big or flashy. I can see her in a Prius or something actually.
Mephala! Vyrthaal (I also don't have a nickname for her unfortunately): An impatient driver. Tailgates people, honks the second the light changes if you don't go Immediately, speeds through yellow lights, etc. Definitely has gotten a few tickets. Her car, like Serpent's, is definitely scratched and dented to hell. Another motherfucker that drives with the radio all the way up.
Sheo! Vyr (I had a nickname for him but i forgot it, which is why I don't try to OC brainstorm when I'm intoxicated anymore): Probably got taught how to drive by Haskill, and is a very good driver because of it. Likes listening to quiet music and keeping the windows down while he drives, and like OG and Mara! Vyr he probably also has a small-ish 2 door car. Is the only Vyrthaal that doesn't get cranky and impatient if he ends up driving during rush hour. Has painted every part of his car a different color and bedazzled at least one of the doors on it.
Morning Star/Azura! Vyrthaal: Doesn't like driving, uses public transportation of any sort or gets a ride from a friend any time she can. An overly cautious driver that accidentally drops below the speed limit, signals too early, stops for too long, etc. Probably has to pull over and collect herself a lot. Listens to quiet music to keep herself as relaxed as she can. Azura probably got her a fancy stupid car like a Tesla or some shit, and she low key Hates It.
Nightmare Kid/Vaermina! Vyr: Another horrible speed demon. The motherfucker with a busted up car held together with duct tape from driving like shit, and it's a small miracle that it still runs. Would probably siphon gas from her neighbors. Plays loud music constantly, so sorry if you're her passenger and want/need to talk to her (: Has the decency to stop at intersections and won't honk at you if you take too long going after a red light though, so at least there's that.
Sanguine! Vyrthaal (I also had a nickname for them, and I also forgot it. It was something edgy though, like the Tormentor or smthn idk): Surprisingly polite, follows the speed limit and so forth, but will Also race if challenged or another driver is being a speeding asshole. Definitely drives a sports car with a custom paint job like flames along the sides or something; very flashy and eye catching. Would at least let their passengers choose a genre of music bc they're Actually one of the people who likes every genre of music, but you Will listen to her faves of whatever genre you pick. Don't like it, too bad.
Malady/Peryite! Vyr: Probably hates driving and takes the bus wherever he can, but when he does have to drive he would be a responsible and law abiding driver. Very good about maintaining his car on his own but takes it to a mechanic for any major repairs and maintenence. Is the sort to keep spare parts and equipment in his car on the off chance he suddenly breaks down or sees someone else needing help. His car is actually probably quite old and something he bought used.
Clavicus! Vyr (I don't even have an idea of what he'd be the Demiprince of let alone a nickname): Surprisingly a decent driver, but absolutely never remembers to use his turn signal until he's halfway into a lane or already turning. The motherfucker to ignore his check engine light until his car breaks down who has no idea how to fix anything. Somehow managed to scam a shady used car salesman out of a really nice car tho, so that's pretty neat. Doesn't like having passengers though, it makes him Really nervous, but if you're a close friend of his and need a ride badly he'll take you somewhere, provided you're okay with sitting quietly so he can focus.
The Chaurus Mother/Namira! Vyr: Unable to drive due to very poor vision but I wanted 2 make sure she was included uwu If she needs to go somewhere she can't get on foot she has a massive chaurus that she rides. Like a big horse. He's very curious though and will occasionally stop or skitter around to explore things, which Vyr doesn't mind at all.
Hircine! Vyr: With the Chaurus Mother in the no driving squad because he's putting off getting his license due to anxiety about driving a Big Fucking Car. He does however have a bike that he takes everywhere (and the leg muscles of a God because of it.) Goes fast and is an expert at weaving thru pedestrians and other obstacles, and is probably one of those people who have the little carts to get people around in for big festivals and such (I forgot what they're called). Super friendly and chatty and plays fun music when doing this, people would love riding with him and give him hella tips. Not afraid of riding in cars tho, so he's more than comfortable taking a cab or bus to get places he can't reasonably bike to.
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another-dra-anew · 3 years
Should you fight the beta dras?
under the cut for length that's it
Maki: No??? she'll beat your ass she doesn't even need the rifle. you have no advantage. if she likes you she'll beat you worse to try and hide that she likes you. do not fight miss maki
Higa: yeah lol. it's not gonna go well and he'll probably beat you but odds are you can get some good smacks in and he'll get embarrassed by that no matter what, so yknow. do it. take one for the team, the pride of embarrassing him will prolly be worth loosing
Tomori: no. if there's a reason tomori fighting you, you deserve it. you'd have to be decently athletic to beat her, and even though you deserve it, shes still gonna feel bad after beating you. why are u such a dick man she's so sweet. don't be the sort of person tomori would have to beat up, for your sake, and more importantly, her own
Hatano: mmmm. maybe. she's strong but i don't think she could really take a hit. however i can't see her fighting anyone??? whatever your reason is for wanting to fight her, she's just gonna throw you off her and run before questioning you later and then you're gonna be embarrassed so?? yeah i'm gonna have to vote no
Inori: hm. yeah do it. but do it in private or smthn don't attack her out in the open. if it happens in private she'll fuck you up a little but her biggest weapon is her teeth, and her lack of restraint, so if you're also the type who will bite people, go for it. the key aspect is that if it's in private she'll be chill with you after but if you embarrass her publicly she's gonna get her revenge. and it will hurt. so yeah it'll prolly improve ur relationship with her but be smart about it
Yamaguchi: ....a tentative no. you could mess him up some and he prolly deserves it but when he keys in on what's happening, he's gonna grab you and pick you up by your collar, smack u back if you need it to stop, then once you're done, his big brother instincts will kick in, and he'll question why you did that. similar to hatano, you're just gonna end up getting embarrassed, and even tho you have a good reason this time around, hes not gonna understand ur reasoning and the only way ur getting down is by apologizing and promising to not do it again so?? i'd have to say no
Uehara: No?????? why tf did you think this was smart dude. the man is 6'6 without the platforms, and those platforms? he uses to curbstomp people at the drop of a hat. also like. he's a sweet boy you have zero reason to try and fight him. his biggest crime is that he'll fuck you up.
Kobashikawa: You probably don't have a good enough reason to. hes skinny and spends most his time at crazy altitudes that will fuck u up physically but he's another one who won't hold back, and dude he's got rings on all the time so... depends on ur resilience but you've got a strong chance if he did something wrong, then he'll forgive u but if he didn't do anything wrong, and you win? he's gonna find someone to sicc on you so like... yeah. and he rlly doesn't do stuff wrong very often so good luck justifying it to the army of simps that will come for u
Iranami: How dare you even think of this. could you? yeah. her physical capabilities are mostly flight based, not fight, and she's used to getting shoved around, but there in lies the issue. she's so sad. and she's done nothing wrong ever. why the fuck would you fight her?? doesn't she get enough bs already???? you could absolutely decimate the poor girl and she'd let you. but what do you gain? you monster
Kurokawa: Yeah! fight her! do it so she can record it and post it on social media. you'll become meme of the month as she beats your dumbass up. she'll probably help you up at the end, be sweet and kind and offer you a cake pop to eat as she grabs disinfectant but there's no healing the bruises to your ego.
Kisaragi: youre not fighting him, you're fighting kurokawa. you could tap this man on the side of the head and he'd crumple, but before you can float about your victory against this poor little kid who hasn't moved from his desk in four days, kurokawa is there to deck you. she is not going to help you up this time, she's gonna knock you into next week. fight kisaragi, and win, but at the cost of everything.
Taira: Sure! but it's gonna go down like that one mushroom post. if you're fighting taira it's because she's inflicting psychological damage to you for fun, and while she knows the name of god, she's not gonna tell you, because you can't kill her, not in a way that matters. so yeah fight taira! you two are in this together now, if you win, she does too.
Maeda: i guess??? i don't think you'll win. this dudes hobbies include hopping fences to hide from people and using his baseball bat to. not crack skulls, but leave decent bruises. i don't think you'll be able to beat him, but i don't think he'll beat you. you two will just tire each other out and call it good because. what reason do you have to fight him? he's long established that he'll throw hands with a kid then have lunch with him twenty minutes later. this is maedas fight, we play by different rules now
Mekaru: sure! why not. she's not meaaaan? but odds are you won't feel too guilty, and irregardless of her physical capabilities, it wouldn't be very lady like of her to throw hands, and that's kinda her priority so. why not
Ōtori: mmmm?? i??? guess??????? but he runs the student store and stuff and he's a good friend to have he'll take good care of u. he made maeda snacks bc he was worried abt maeda eating even tho their some other interaction involved him thinking maeda was talking shit so? you can, and depending on physical ability, you may win, but there's no reason good enough. the loss does not justify the win
Tsurugi: What the fuck is your issue? You cannot sneak up on him. try anything and he will knock you to the floor, restrain you so you can't attack him, then gently soothe u as u realize how much it fucking hurt to full body slam into the ground. he's such a sweet boy and i already know there was no reason for you to fight him. you we're screwed over from the start, and now you feel bad. the only thing youve gained from this is that he probably hugs u as u start to feel really guilty because "shhhh no it's okay we all have bad moments it's alright i'm not upset" but u could've gotten a hug anyways?? so???
TL;DR: don't fight most of the betas they can fuck you up and they're perfect kids so like??? you'd gain nothing even if winning was a possibility (Exceptions may apply)
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lebrookestore · 3 years
I think ur a great writer so I wondered if I could request smthn? Could I request a short detective!johnny Drabble? the genre is ur choice hehe :)) btw don’t feel obliged to write this 💕🌸
thank you for sending this in Jessi! I’m sorry this took so long, I was trying to get a plot, and tbh idk what it is either. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
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Pairing: detective! Johnny x reader
Themes: slightly sherlock esque, inspiration from one of the episodes of a series of unfortunate events
WC: 914 words
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“It’s quite obvious”, the detective deadpanned, taking a long slow drag of his cigarette. You rolled your eyes at his antics. Johnny was always one for dramatization, but you didn’t think a murder as gruesome and complicated as this one needed any. 
The officer sighed exasperatedly, “John, this isn’t the time”
“Have you sent the samples to the lab?”
“We did, nothing came back”
“Incompetent fools”, he muttered, “Of course they wouldn’t get anything, the culprit is too smart”
“Smarter than you?”, you quipped, causing him to look at you, lips twisting upwards into a smirk. His dark eyes scanned your figure, making you shift uncomfortably, “No one is smarter than I am”, he said, “But I suppose you have theories, Watson?”
You glared at him, “I am not your Watson”, you stated, even you knew very well yourself that the relationship the two of you had was very much reminiscent of the great detective Sherlock and his friend. 
You had known Johnny for three years now, solving several crimes, from petty to impactful and sometimes plain annoying. You knew him better than anyone, and he had been a constant in your life, however annoying.
He was a proud man, but rightly so, for his intellect was unmatched in the whole of Seoul. But he was difficult and stubborn and refused to admit defeat. Granted he was usually right, when he made mistakes, he somehow blamed it on another, or used them to his advantage.
Johnny Seo was brilliant.
“Didn’t she have a snake? I thought we had agreed that she had died from its bite”, you added, taking a sip of the tea you had. He clicked his tongue, “No, the bite marks are too precise”, he picked up the pictures of the victim, looking at it intently. You took a moment to admire your best friend, before recollecting the fact that there was a murder to solve.
You bit your lower lip, realizing that this was happening more and more often. You would find yourself spacing out, thinking about Johnny. Sometimes it would be idiotically obvious, it was a marvel he didn’t notice.
You were undoubtedly in love with Johnny Suh.
His eyes lit up, you could almost see the gears in his head clicking in place. “Taeil, take me to the scene”, he said, “I want to see something”
Officer Moon Taeil nodded, grabbing his coat. You got up to get yours, but Johnny handed it to you instead, not sparing you another glance as they walked out. You sighed, shrugging on your coat and following them out. 
After all, every Watson followed a Sherlock.
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Johnny picked up the needle that was on the carpet, inspecting it in his gloved hands. It was pretty thick, slightly curved and extremely sharp looking. “Of course”, he muttered, turning towards Taeil, “Take this to the lab and have Doyoung examine it”, he instructed, “I believe I know how our victim was killed.”
“Do tell”, Taeil urged the man, putting the needle in one of those clear bags for later. You inspected the place, looking around, at the cabinets and at the frames.
“We’ll need more proof first”, he mused, “So until I’m sure I won’t say”, he turned to you, “Tea at Kim’s?”
“Sorry, I have some writing to finish up”, you explained, “I’ll be off”
He nodded, “Send that to Doyoung”, he repeated his instruction, he turned to you again, “See you later”
You bid him farewell, leaving the scene of the crime.
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Johnny felt quite stupid, which wasn’t something he was used to. 
He looked at his phone, at a picture at the both of you. You were smiling, and he was staring at some sort of device, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He sighed, rubbing his temple. 
You walked into the room, throwing your coat on the couch and standing near the window, pulling out your phone, “Hey”, you greeted, “Were you right?”
He smirked, “Of course I was. The murderer was clever”
“Complimenting the murderer?”, you asked in mock surprise, “What has he done to achieve such high praise?”
“He created a device, with needles, a mix of a syringe and gun, to mimic the snake so the blame couldn’t be placed on him. Of course, in his hurry to get away, he dropped on of the needles, leading me to my conclusion”
You raised an eyebrow at this, “You and your far fetched deductions that somehow are always right”, you tsked. He stayed silent for a minute, walking over to you. You froze slightly as you felt his arms wrap around your waist from behind. “But I can’t see what’s right in front of me right?”
“Hmm?”, you hummed in question, looking behind. He smiled.
“With all my deductions, I never deduced your affections for me.”
Your eyes widened, your mouth opening and closing like a fish. He smirked, resting his head on top of you. You didn’t respond, realizing there was no way you could deny it, especially not to him. 
“Do you”, you paused, your mouth feeling quite dry all of a sudden, “Do you-”
“This is why I’m the detective and you’re my Watson, I suppose”, he mused, “I’m the one who gets stuff, no matter how late.” You stayed silent, not following, mind still clouded by the fact he knew. Instead, you waited for him to say something, anything honestly, but when he did, you were left speechless.
“I deduce you will go on a date with me?”
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