#i wish to interact with the gam
phoenixkaptain · 11 months
I can’t… play Genshin anymore… bc it too big…
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myechoecho · 6 months
Goreyo Khitan War, Ep 4
Last episode had me shocked that the whole Dowager and lover schemes, the coup and crowning of the new emperor all took place. This episode made me realize that I have no sense of time at all. The new Queen is pregnant!?! And a couple scenes later she has a baby bump?? I suppose that is show how much time has passed but it still seemed jarring. I wish there was more of a transition.
Traitor Official - I was mostly indifferent to him in the first 3 episodes but I really hated him this episode (and his little sidekick). It was brutal what he did but there was a certain logic to it. It appeared like he wanted what was best for Goryeo which foolish me thought he would be helping the new emperor he installed. Newp. He wants him to be a puppet, which is extremely shortsighted and foolish. Also he knew he was a traitor and how that would look but he still gets offended when people look at him that way.
I loved the scene with him and the king. It was a powerful scene where the young king knows exactly what he's doing and fights back only to be terrorized, threatened and defeated. I've never seen Kim Dong Joon in anything before but he's been amazing in this. He's striking the right balance of young, frightened powerless king but also hints of a strong, righteous and powerful king. He really just needs help and guidance.
We don't get to see much of the new Queen, but I liked her speech to him about while he is powerless now, he will gain power. They seem happy, but this is not a romance drama so not much on it.
I liked the fist two interactions we saw with the emperor and Gam Chan. Gam Chan is the only one willing to speak up. I think I will love their relationship.
I also want to see more the General who refused to leave the border (third billed actor in the drama), the general who threatened to cut off Traitor Official's head and the crazy one making soldiers run up the hill. I feel bad for not quite knowing all their names but THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM.
Honestly, really enjoying this even if I can't quite keep track of everyone.
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dilfdoctordoom · 1 year
ask and ye shall receive <3 is there any dynamic between two characters you wish was shown off more? for example i often think about the sam alexander comic with gam and rocket in it. i’d like to see those two together more!
Gamora & Rocket, for sure, but honestly... Gamora and most of the GOTG. Her and Drax have this fantastically intimate dynamic that got explored wonderfully during Duggan's run -- but I think they've dropped the ball on it since, especially with Drax returning from Gamora killing him.
Peter & new Phyla is a major one for me. Original Phyla Vell died as a member of his Guardians after the whole Magus debacle where he was tricked... so how does he feel about a Phyla Vell that lived because she didn't join his Guardians? They did have a slight friendship in the Annihilation events -- did new Phyla have that with her Quill? There's just. so much there.
Phyla & Avril too but original Phyla for that. I know she's dead I just think that's stupid she died as an avatar of death if Thanos can reanimate himself every time there's an Avengers flick, she can come back too.
Sam & Peter, actually... I'd love to see how that would work with a Peter that's written like a character & not a shitty self insert so the author can fuck Kitty Pryde...
And speaking of Kitty! I'd loveeeee to see her and Major Victory interact.
I feel like it's a crime that nobody has put Angela & Adam in the same room yet? How has she met Nebula but not Warlock it's insane to me. Let Space Jesus meet the Guardian's literal angel.
After Bane of Blastaar, I'd also love to see more of the 2008 team interacting with Mantis. Sure, they seem to have forgiven Pete for the most part... have they forgiven her, though? Like I could see characters like Gamora being concerned at the idea of someone else going into her head...
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ramonag-if · 1 year
Hey, I do not know how I missed your game for so long but I'm very glad to have found it now! It is written brilliantly, I came for the romance and stayed for both the romance and the engaging story. Everytime I thought I knew where it was going there was a new discovery to make. It also works so well with all the different choices you implemented - I had to stop several times to think about how my MC would react. That was especially interesting for me when meeting Salyra. I like to play MC as being really sweet and had planned to reunite with Salyra but I couldn't. My MC (and me) felt very conflicted about Salyra but eventually allowed herself to feel sad and angry and that was a character development in my MC that I did not expect but really liked! And I'm very happy that the Vinia family is there to show MC that there is a way for a family to be loving and affectionate without hurting those around you.
You really succeeded in capturing all those feelings, the lows were really hitting low but I adored the happy and fluffy moments, especially with the love interests, and it made me smile.
On topic of the romance: I loved it. My favourite was Irus, I didn't think I would be into the prince and wasn't going for him originally but... I was absolutely smitten. I loved to see how MC and Irus learn to trust each other and then the small sweet touches to the kisses (and more 😌) were so good. His romance is so well integrated and intertwined with the plot too. Oh and I also really liked that flirty MC is matched by his own bold energy. And even if they say it teasingly they absolutely mean to follow Irus to the end of time - it was really tugging at my heartstrings.
I also loved that you made it possible to interact with Crown several times, it was so sweet! I do have a wish here though: Could you make it possible to get another horse so that Crown will not be alone while travelling with MC and companions? Horses are herd animals and very social creatures, so I'd love for Crown to get a companion of his own. Also I know he is a fantasy horse and especially strong but I can't help thinking it would be nicer for him to not carry the weight of two people all the time (I did enjoy the riding scenes with Irus a lot though 💕). Also I'd like to add for the descriptions that a horse's nose is usually not wet except when they have been drinking or feeding on something wet. I don't want to overstep and I hope I didn't "horsegirl" too much but I wanted to share my thoughts on this, especially because I love that you made Crown not just a mount but a companion!
Thank you so much for sharing your work, your writing style is so good to read and I'm really engaged in the characters and story, I'm looking forward to read more. I'm sending greetings and wish you a nice day dear author! ☺️💐
Thank you so much for playing and I'm really happy that you're enjoying the game 😊
I'm so pleased that so many players who like playing sweet characters rethought the way they were going to treat Salyra. She is a very complicated character with a lot of baggage that's going to make you rethink your responses 😂
It's so strange to know that a lot of players weren't going to go for Irus as an RO because originally, he was the main RO in the story concept and so much of the plot initially revolved around him. He's probably the most fleshed-out but it's only since I love writing his character so much. I'm really glad you're enjoying his route!
Crown was never meant to be a recurring feature in the game. When I write that scene about Irus revealing his name, I think players suddenly fell in love and if it weren't for players asking for more scenes with Crown, I'd never have included so much interaction with him 😂 Thank you for the nose detail. I'm most definitely not a horse girl (I rode them a few times in high school) but I'm used to general pets like dogs and cats so I'm used to wet noses. Ill be fixing these during edits.
Thank you again for supporting the game and I'm really thankful for your kind words 💖
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dykedragonrider · 4 days
(voice of someone who puts off reviewing things for days at a time) finished Inscryption and while I'm not into ARG stuff much so despite having looked into it I won't comment on that, I will comment on the fact that the substance of the game is. Really fucking good actually. I played MTG as a child with my friends and this game hits good because of that, to a degree.
First off. Love the metagame elements with interacting with the exterior world in acts 1/3. That's fucking great. Picking up little items to use along the way as you progress the story, or directly progressing it with them (I popped the fuck off about the eye thing tbh, that was sick). The presentation with the tabletops is also just like. There'll be a recurring thing here that I bring up, that it's exactly what you wish you had when you were playing tabletops sometimes, a whole space devoted to it, and it's all just beautiful.
The roguelike deck building is fun, I'm a slay the spire enjoyer (even if I'm not a Pro gamer:tm: at it), so it was pretty straightforward to make broken and fun decks, and the game knows this, I think the volatility of the cards plus the fact that bosses have bullshit stuff they can do makes this feel like, really earned? You get ideas based on that to break the game further and it's encouraging innovation in such a smart way? Act 2 and 3 do this better (shoutouts to the instakill turrets that respond to something being in front of them, i made one and it was soooo nice), and I really liked act 2 because Grimora's deck had some really cool like, pseudo-infinites it could enter with how it interacted with sacrificing, so experimenting with that felt rewarding as shit. I do wish we got to spend more time with her though, bc I liked her style.
And that's kind of like, exactly what I adored about this game? There's some cool metafictiony stuff and I like the found footage presentation, but the main core of Inscryption I think is done so well through Leshy, the sheer love of the game and playing a character and *making an experience out of it*. It's broken. And that's OK. I like that that even gets lampshaded with Kaycee's mod, tbh. But the ending is what elevates this from like, a solid cult classic to something that has stuck with me in terms of pure sentimentality? When the deletion starts, Leshy takes you for one more spin, purely for the joy of the game. I handily defeated him instantly (trifurcated strike card with 4 power) but he just. "we don't need score" and you play a few rounds, and when you can't go farther, you shake his hand.
Grimora comes next. It's something wholly new! I adored her segment, the presentation the style, I wish I coulda had a shot with this! I'd probably really like this! I did like what was there! But it's over. She's going. And you shake her hand.
Magnificus finishes, and his is this whole spectacle (with its own tongue in cheek reference that, despite not playing that card game, i got). It corrupts itself as data is lost, and he tries to go and shake your hand, but doesn't get the chance. I found myself rather struck by that? It was poignant, I wasn't too fond of the guy with what I had seen, but that doesn't mean that it didn't like. There's a great tragedy here.
And that's what stuck out to me about this, going into personal experience here (not that discussing art isn't invariably talking about yourself imo, but the pretense is being dropped here fully) was as a kid I was a bit of a joyless ass when playing MtG, I liked winning, hated losing, and tried to build decks that could cheese wins from my friends (but was limited by my lack of spending money on them) for easy wins. And as an adult I look back on that with both shame and adoration, I had something I cared about a lot that made me think laterally, it was nice, but it was also... I was going about it the wrong way. It's fine to be motivated by stuff like that, but the love of the game I had early that drove me got lost along the way, and this game captures that *feeling* of the love of the game so well.
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gamdaughter · 6 months
gam gam!! -> @gammother
please don't.. disappear. -> starting posts for multipara rps
see you soon? please? -> ending posts for multipara rps
(1/4) faerie talks -> general interactions
mod is not a fairy 🧚 -> ooc
Apoctis...? -> @dendro-dragon-apep
Could I really hope to call you a friend? -> @kitsune-saiguu
A past I wish to recall. -> significant drops of geegee's lore/past/ancestry/etc
Silliness inherited from Gamgam! 🧚 -> crack (HELP THE FAIRY EMOJI IS SO FUNNYI CANT STOP LAUGHING AT IT)
tba :3
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rye-views · 3 years
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Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. 갯마을 차차차. 8/10
I would recommend this drama to my friends. I would rewatch this drama.
I like Hong's smile, casual attitude, "okay", and fits. I also just think Kim Seon Ho is so cute and hot and beautiful. I like many people's fits.
Kind people wanting people to be kind is new to me. They care about being good and it's stirring something in me.
Uncovering truths and traumas about someone else is always moving.
Shin Min Ah literally looks the same as she did when I was a child.
Beating up the sexual assaulter was so fun. It was funny and badass. Du Sik was cute for caring. I loved how ruthless we were.
Yu Cho Hui is so kind. Ju ri is so funny.
Young Guk confessing to Cho Hui reminds me of smooth and round Spongebob.
The Holy Trinity comment bw Hong and Seong Hyun is funny. The drunken games between them are funny. I love their chemistry and relationship. Omfg at discovering that Eun Cheol and Geum Cheol are brothers.
I enjoyed the dynamic between Hye Jin and Du Sik after the confession. It was a lil cringe, but I thought it was cute. I like how Du Sik lovingly plays along with her being cutesy rather than super cringe and turn her away. I loved when Yun Kyung offered to buy Hye Jin a jjujjuba so that she could split her and Du Sik. I love Nam Sook and Hwa Jeong's relationship. Eun Cheol is so cute around Mi Seon. I love how forward Mi Seon is. I love the Yoon Dental logo. It's clever like the people in cha cha cha in the title logo. Lee Moon Sae's An Old Love, I love. Gongjin is so pretty. I do like the observatory area. I love Mi Seon and Hye Jin's relationship. We got each other's back, support/love/understand and know each other. Mi Seon is also so funny with her commentary about Hye Jin's life and is a great wingwoman by always leaving when men come. Mi Seon is honestly my fav character. I love Yi Jun. He's so polite and smart. Him watching Bora sing is the most beautiful thing. Bora really knowing Yi Jun and supporting him is also very beautiful. I love their relationship. When she came to him when he was crying, I love. I enjoyed the back hug scene with Yi jun's parents. When Du SIk put his colds hands on Hye Jin's hot cheeks, I got butterflies. I loved Du Sik hurrying to destroy the assaulter.
Du Sik realizing Hye Jin misses her mom made me tear. Hwa Jeong yelling before the divorce was so heartbreaking. Yun Gyeong's birth situation got me crying. I felt for her pain when she was yelling at her husband. I felt so sad when Bora was crying as well. All this empathy was too much for me. Gam Ri interacting with her family makes me so sad. I only wish I got to meet my grandparents. The elderly are very often not taken care of. I expected Gam Ri's death, but it was still so sad. To have a person like her around must be so beautiful. Everyone supporting and caring about Du Sik after he gets called out by Do Ha is so unreal to me. Especially Gam Ri and the food. It made me tear. It's so beautiful and I'm very jealous. I cried so much when Yi Jun cried.
Memorable Quotes: "무슨일을 하던 밥부터 먹어야지. 그보다 더 좋은일이 어디있다고." "눈에 잘 안보이니까 자기자신 아니면 얼마나 힘든지 잘 모르거든요." "눈치가 좀 없는 타입이구나."
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Growling back  (Seven brothers)
Hello there!!  So I was reading @midnight-dome​ headcanon, this human writes so so so beautiful that inspired me to create this HC, Midnight-dome, if you are reading this, as in my home town will be saying “Gracias por tanto perdón por tan poco.” AKA: Thank you for so much, sorry for so little And Notice me senpai!
This HC, it´s actually not only for a Latin!Mc but for all Mc´s in the world, plus is GN!MC. 
He is mad, it´s more than just being mad, he is furious. What were you thinking?! Staying with Mammon and actually following him was the stupidest idea you had in your exchange year.
He was looking straight to your eyes, clearly in demon form, his fangs make Mammon shiver and run away, while you little human stared right back at his red eyes, that made him angrier.
And suddenly he growls, the sound was divided in two, in one hand it was marvelous watching closely that mouth and those fangs changed your perspective about him, it was a lifetime experience.
In the other hand, you started to get angrier, sure you might or might not have being doing some gambling with Mammon. B U T He does not have the right to growl at you. And if he wants to communicate with growling’s you will answer back.
 When you do the growling, something pops inside him. Pray that the kneeling doesn´t long that much.
§  MC was eating at RAD´S cafeteria, of course surrounded by other demons that were they´re pals, it was a nice lunch break, until MC forgot something.
§  Today they needed to eat with Mammon, the brothers developed a weird schedule for MC, on Mondays they shall ALWAYS take a break lunch with Lucifer, Tuesday Mammon, and so it continued for the whole week, seven days for the seven brothers. And today… today´s day was Tuesday.
§  Mammon entered into the cafeteria blowing smoke out his nose, He was the first for MC Which words does they do not understand?!  He was angry, as soon as he enter he reached the table were MC, was sitting.
§  He became such a drama king, until he growled at them. Something was odd about it, no matter how cruel his brothers were with him, he would calm down himself and just laugh about it, but when it was the MC, he loses his mind as quickly as a thunder.
§  MC was petrified, but they were an independent human being, so N O they will not allow anyone to be disrespectful with them, so they growled back at the demon. Mammon was impressed, you looked fearless, stronger, even thought they didn´t have fangs, Mammon needed to understand, they were not some easy human beings. They will fight for a place in the Devildom.
Levi :
·         It was gamming night, yep The MC and Levi have a gamming night just for the two of them. The game? Devil cart. Of course, the team up games were too easy for them, it was like a nice walk in the park, even if Levi does not like to go out.
·         So, they decided that night was going to be different, it was going to one vs one, while screaming and buffing the night became morning and Levi couldn´t win against the human next to him.
·         The most common idea in his mind right now? “Mc was cheating” even though they weren´t cheating Levi couldn´t believe that some normie actually beat his ass in devil cart.
·         He confront them, Mc was confused when he transformed into his demon form and hiss/growled at them. And of course they growled back.
·         Levi was on shock, after seeing the eyes of Mc, he came back into his normal being, and a new door has been unlocked.
·         Both were reading in his room, it was part of a normal day, until… Mc spoiled the end of the book.  
·         It was subtle, or at least that was Mc thought, suddenly the atmosphere of the room felt heavy, and a strong aura was making them quite sick.
·         Satan was in a full demon form, and he glance at them, like a predator ready to kill his small prey, that was an interesting moment. Maybe if he wasn´t to busy trying to murder them he might end faster his book.
·         And like a mind reader, Satan just growled at them, his fangs were big enough to bite their neck and not letting go. They were like a cat fang. Even if they were cute, they were a deadly weapon.
·         When Mc, growled back, the room instantly became so quiet… That means danger, so Mc leaved the room as fast as they could. Satan did not spoke to them for the whole week.
·         If they think Asmo is easy to have a growl from, then they´re so wrong. Asmodeus actually cares so much about his throat that he will never (or at least that´s what he says) growl at anyone.
·         But Mc will growl at him. He stick to Mc so much that sometimes they wish a little of space, just a tinny amount of that. One day they were at their limit and growled at Asmo.
·         “You do not need to be rude.” Aka: he actually liked that, so do it again.
·         New kink now open for Asmo, he will make anything in his hands to make them growled again. They do not like to be hug? He will do it. Just don´t dare to bite him. Or he will get outrageous
·         “Mc… Roar.” Yep, he found the meme, that´s the only way you will listen to him growl, and in savage sex… but that´s a topic for a different conversation. ·         
·         Both of them were eating at Mc´s room, of course Beel took half of the food inside the freezer just to eat with the Mc. He asked nicely if they would want something, and they said “No, help yourself better”. In an common mind that would be all of the actions, but Mc ain´t common, they are quite a weird mind.
·         So they might have touched Beel´s favorite dish. It was so beautiful and looking at Beel eating just means that the food was good, and they wanted just a little piece of that.
·         Beel took their hand, both of them looked at each other, face to face and a growled came from the 6th old, even if he wasn´t in his demon form, his fangs where huge, no doubt why he eats so fast, those fangs will tear apart any type of meat, veggies or bones.
·         Being growled back was new for Beel, he always growled at his brothers (except Belphie of course) and not even Lucifer bother himself to growl back, so Why would a little human do that? After a few minutes of processing the things out. He just gave a piece of the food to Mc.
·         He needed to think at night with the fridge about being growled back and why he liked it so much.  
·         He growls while he is sleeping, which makes this so much fun for Mc, once a week they stay at the attic and waits until Belphie is asleep so they can start growling at each other.
·         The brothers are enjoying the communication their younger brother and the human have. It´s like to watch a tennis match, and it´s hilarious.
·         Mammon, Levi and Asmo will record the interaction and maybe use it like a black mail for the youngest. Once Belphie wakes up no soul actually talks about what happened while he was taking a nap, not even Beel, he thinks that it´s so cute to have his two favorite persons of all times communicating throw some growling’s.
·         When Belphie finds out he´s mad, how come he didn´t knew about it? That´s why he dreams about a cat once in a week? Mc… thank you, those are the most spectacular dreams he has in all the week.
·         JK, prepare to die human, or at least prepare to lost Belphie in the house while he takes a nap.
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kokoro-koro · 4 years
Chapter 5 Journal Entry - Kokoro-koro
Those living kids sure seem to get up to all kinds of drama. Watching them for the last few months sure has been a whirlwind. Honestly, I’m kinda impressed how many of them are willing to kill, but I guess that’s the point of this game. Anyone can be pushed to the brink. Nice.
It’s probably kindaaaa my fault for starting things off with a bang, but oh well, am I right?
Gotta say, it definitely brought a tear to my ghostly eyes when I saw everyone mourning Kliment and Liya. I mean, those two idiots didn’t really deserve all of that, did they? How the hell did they both manage to kill each other? I mean, I get both planning a murder, but managing to target each other? Mad respect. A little sad that Ivy didn’t get one of those statues too. She’s definitely the worst victim in all of this.
Wasn’t my call. If it was, the entire palace would be flooded with statues of the wonderful Kokoro-koro’s likeness, ufufu.
Probably the wildest part of all of this was getting to come back to life for a bit. I mean, not life life, like actual life, but manifesting as a physical being. That was pretty cool. I think the other ghosts were all pretty stoked about it as well, not gonna lie. Can you blame us? Anyone stuck in an afterlife with Takeshi Taro for months on end would be thrilled with some new interaction.
Getting to see Airi again...I’m glad. It was a nightmare watching him destroy himself and struggle again and again for no reason. I always felt like I was calling out to him and he couldn’t hear me, but now he can.... I just wish he would’ve heeded my requests so much sooner. Did it really take me rising from the dead to get him to stop with the self destruction? What a dummy. I missed him, though. I’m just glad he’s still alive.
Loved seeing my darling dearest roommate again too. Ricardo sure is a card. He’s so fun to mess with. He just makes it waaaay too easy.
Seeing all the living kids get to reunite with their lost friends was honestly just so heartwarming. Brought a tear to my ghostly eye. Everyone definitely seemed confused by the newbies. Roll Call! Midori, Hana, Mika, Roseanne, Roshan, Saruhiko, Towa, Yuko, andddd...ugh, I guess Takeshi too. Almost all of them are just adorable. I think the living kids found it hard to take their eyes off us.
Especially when that damn owl made us all pretend to be in Luigi’s Mansion. She really put us through it. Who wants to get sucked up into a stuffy vacuum? Still, I think everyone bonded pretty well. Can’t believe I lost to Hanae of all people. At least I helped her secure that win. Among the humans, both Yuu and Hanae won. They looked so funny in their stupid hats. For the ghosts, Gam, Yuko, and Roseanne all failed to be captured. I expected Yuko, but that humbling idiot Gam sure was a surprise.
Before that god awful lion exorcised is all, I’m glad I got the chance to hold that event to find Airi a new best friend. I knew Raiouji wouldn’t let us stick around forever. Everyone was just too happy, but I’m glad Airi was able to forge another bond. Seeing him relate to Hanae and seeing him realize that people are always open to forgiveness was really eye opening for him. And seeing him find someone to lean on made it that much easier to leave.
Just like Karaju! Seriously, all the other bird servants died. Guess she got tired of waiting for the inevitable and peaced out. Watching that grumpy look on Raiouji’s dumb face was sooo worth it.
She wasn’t the only one trying to leave though. I have no idea who told them it would be a good idea, but Yahari tried to host their escape plan by ziplining out of the alchemy room. It baffles me they thought it would work. It really broke my heart, you know. When they tried to escape and Raiouji ruined that all. They’re just lucky their wounds weren’t worse. Can’t help but feel bad for Yahari, though. Their leg had already been in bad shape, so adding another break to that had to hurt emotionally. Though I can’t imagine Yuu or Mari had it much easier. Arm injuries are a pain in the ass. Limits everything you can do. I’d like to think Cai recovered pretty well from his concussion though! Even if he was confused at first. Having to guide Ricardo to help was such a pain though. I get he has a blood thing but still. 
We all should’ve expected Raiouji’s fun new motive. Getting exorcised was not a fun experience, I can tell you that much. I missed everyone so much, so being torn from the seams of reality felt like a bitch. Back to the same ol, same ol, getting to watch everyone from afar without them seeing me. I was already prepared to witness more dumb decisions.
And I was not disappointed! Almost immediately Airi threatened to kill Ricardo for the motive and he actually tried not to long after. Never thought I’d see a twink overpower a himbo with rope and then leave the himbo for dead. It was almost impressive. I’m at least proud of Airi for not actually going through with the murder…? The little victories.
There wasn’t much time to celebrate, however, because Azumaya’s body was found not too long after. And in the most extra way possible, too. I’d expect as much from someone of their ilk.
Before they could get to trial, Mukuro made everyone play the most baffling game of Never Have I Ever on earth. It’s almost like it had to be postponed for some reason. Weird. I think Yahari won, but I wasn’t paying much attention. I was more focused on, y’know, the murder.
Eventually they made it to trial and discovered dear little Tsuguyo was the killer all along, though she refused to admit it to the very end. Gotta admire that stubbornness. Poor kid was executed too. It wasn’t easy to watch the baby of the group suffer that fate, but there wasn’t time for anyone to rest, let alone myself. After Tsuguyo’s tragic death, Raiouji threatened to kill everyone. I think it was a joke but it didn’t matter. 
Momo just deadass exploded. Like what the hell is up with that? Tsuguyo just died! Can’t we get a break? Apparently not, because Raiouji made everyone investigate yet again for another trial. Typical bastard lion. 
And in the upcoming trial, everyone came together to discover Yahari was the culprit. Apparently the original plan was to kill Raiouji, but Yahari panicked and blew the bomb up early. That’s so sad, dude, Momo trusted you and everything. Raiouji had no issue sending Yahari to their death and everyone could only watch as it happened.
It’s become routine here.
What a miserable existence they’ve all found themselves in, but...I take solace in knowing they’ll find peace eventually. And, before I fade out, just one more thing.
I eat mayonnaise straight from the jar.
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anagentinwriting · 5 years
Subscribe - Part 11
Summary: (Modern AU) Peter was your college sweetheart until a certain event led to your break up. Seven years later another event brings you two back together, but this time a little girl is in the picture. Will listening to your podcasts be the reason you two get back together or be another reason to keep you apart?
Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader
Word Count: 2423
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, slight angst
Subscribe Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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On the flight back to California, you kept replaying the weekend over in your head. Saturday was a busy day filled with meeting fans and having a Q&A at a local coffee shop. Wanda and you were both surprised with the turnout, and the fans had a ton of questions. Some were about your children, products you’ve used, tips, and of course, a couple of questions about Star-lord. For the fun of it, you decided to record the event and upload it to the podcast page once you got back. 
After the meet and greet, you and Wanda did a little exploring, like stopping at a few toy shops that sold Potts of Honey products. You walked through Central Park and stopped at a few souvenir shops and bought a little gift for Mer. It was a fun and productive trip. 
Peter promised to keep Meredith for a few hours longer after you got back, so you could get stuff settled at home before he dropped her off. You put in some laundry, vacuumed, and sat down at your desk to get some work done.
A sharp, dull pain shot up the back of your neck as you let out a groan and opened your eyes. Ugh...what time was it? You lifted your head off your desk and noticed a piece of paper sticking to your face. You sighed, pulling it off and stretching your neck back and forth. You heard Meredith’s unique laugh, coming from the kitchen, they must’ve got here while you were sleeping in that uncomfortable position. You walked out of your office, letting out a long yawn that made your eyes water. 
“Daddy, you're gonna burn the grilled cheese. Mommy won’t eat them if you burn them.” You stepped up to the kitchen doorway and leaned against it.
“It will be fine, Twig. It’s hard to burn a grilled cheese, and the tomato soup is going to be delicious,” Peter replied, standing over the stove with Mer sitting on the counter beside him.
“It’s from a can. You can’t mess that up,” she blurted out, forcing a chuckle out of him. 
“I’ll let you in on a little secret.” He leaned in close to her.  “Your mother burnt tomato soup once,” he said, making Mers mouth drop open.
“In my defense, I got distracted. It happens,” you confessed, making yourself known. Peter turned around, shooting you with his boyish smirk as Mer jumped off the counter and ran over to you. 
“Mommy!” Mer jumped into your arms, and you held her close. You tighten your grip around her, squeezing your eyes shut. “I missed you!”
“I missed you, too.” 
“Did you get me anything?” Mer asked with innocent eyes as you two pulled apart. 
“How about you go get my bag from the living room, and I’ll show you,” you told her, making her eyes light up and take off to the other room. You stood up, watching her leave with a side smirk on your face. 
“I’m happy you’re home, too,” Peter nodded as you turned around. “She can be a handful on the weekends. Whew!” 
“I tried to tell you,” you chuckled. “I hope you were able to keep her under control.” You stepped to the other side of the room to stir the tomato soup. Peter licked his lips, keeping a watchful eye on you. “I want to thank you for watching her again.”
“It’s the least I could do after everything.” He cleared his throat, biting his lip.  “I figured cooking you both dinner would be a good idea since you were passed out in your office.” You punch him on his bicep, feeling your face heat up. 
“Got your bag,” Mer grunted, dragging it into the kitchen. You leaned down and opened it, handing her a stuffed teddy bear with ‘I <3 NY’ sewed on the belly. “I love it,” Mer squealed, holding it tight to her chest. She rushed over to Peter and hopped back on the counter. “What do you think, daddy?”
“I’m jealous I didn’t get one,” he smirked at you as Mer giggled next to him. “As I was saying, YN. You go relax. Me and Mer will finish cooking dinner.”
“You sure?”
“Positive.” Peter turned back to the stove and flipped the grilled cheese. You walked out of the kitchen and took a chair at the dining table in the next room over. You weren’t one to eavesdrop, but Peter was so sweet to her you couldn’t help but listen in. 
“I told you! I knew you were going to burn the grilled cheese. It’s like you got distracted or something,” Mer joked, making you crack a smile across your face.  “Are you going to join us for dinner, Daddy?”
“Wish I could, Twig, but turns out I have to go to New York tonight for a day or so.”
“Awww, man,” she complained, letting out a loud sigh. “That means I have to go to daycare with all those babies!”
"I'm sorry," he breathed a soft chuckle. "I think you can survive a day or two.”
“I don’t know, dad. You don’t know what it’s like in there. It changes a person,” she stated with a straight face, forcing him to shake his head unable to stop the smile gracing his lips. “What is in New York?”
"I'm going to listen to the girl from Queens, she's playing at a local coffee shop there. I remember a certain little girl mentioning how we should listen to her live-in person and see if she is as good as her demos are."
“Yesss! She’s so amazing.” 
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it was kind of a last-minute decision."
"It's okay, Dad," Mer replied in a comforting tone.
“Would you mind buttering some more bread since I burnt this one?” 
“On it, Grilled Cheese Burner.”
You returned to work, and things couldn’t have been busier. It was a crazy week so far, and it felt like it was flying by. The schedule you and Peter created was working out like a charm. You couldn't believe how much easier it was when two parents were involved. You hated to admit it to yourself, but you loved observing their interactions. You felt yourself falling for him all over again, and you hated how fast it was happening. What if you get hurt again? What would happen? How would you move on? He knew about Mer now so he would continue to be in your life. But damn, he was so good with her and it only made him more irresistible.  
You got off work early and decided to go to the studio to pick Mer up. She wanted to ask Peter to the father-daughter dance happening on Friday, but she was nervous. You figured if you left work early, you could help her build up a little extra courage and ask him herself. 
Walking into the studio, you waved at Mantis, and she pointed to the offices to the left while she continued talking on the phone. You nodded, making your way to Peter and Bucky’s office. You stopped by the doorway, seeing Peter and Mer playing together. A sincere smile formed on your lips, watching them interact.
“Hi, my name's Korg,” Peter said in a gruff accent, shaking the toy. “I run this place around here. What's your name?" 
“Daddy, you're so funny,” she giggled, leaning into his side. You didn’t miss the heartfelt smile that spread across his face. It wasn’t hard to notice that Peter enjoyed being a dad. He loved spending time with her, and he was turning out to be a great father. 
“Hi, YN.”
“OH SHIT!”  You held your hand to your chest, turning around. “Hey, Bucky.”
“I’m sorry. I thought you heard me,” he chuckled, coming to stand next to you.
“I didn’t.” You punched him on his arm. “I forgot how sneaky you can be.”
“One of my many skills,” he smirked, glancing into his shared office.
“Mommy!” Mer came running at you and wrapped her little arms around your legs, pulling them into a hug. You leaned over, patting her back.
“How was school?”
“It was so much fun. My math is starting to get challenging, and I like it.”
“What like it isn’t challenging enough already,” Bucky mumbled beside you.
“That’s great. Why don’t you go pack your things, and we’ll go have dinner at Auntie Gam’s tonight?”
“Yes…okay,” She paused, chewing on her bottom lip. “Uncle Bucky, I’m gonna need your help, come with me.” She grabbed his hand, forcing a laugh out of him as she pulled him along to get her bag. 
“Hey,” Peter greeted, walking up to you. “How are things coming along at Potts of Honey?”
“It’s good. We’re hoping to start building on the New York property in the next month or so. It's all happening really fast.  And turns out, the podcast is more successful than we thought it was on the east coast.” 
“Yeah, I listened to that Q&A podcast you did at that cafe. It was fun to listen to. You and Wanda are inspiring so many people.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
“Are you kidding? You’re incredible at what you do.” 
“Thanks,” you gushed, feeling a blush tint your cheeks.
“And the whole New York facility sounds exciting, too. You're something else, YN,” he confessed. “Do you know who is going to be running it once everything gets settled?”
“I don’t know. That’s a good question. I haven't....” Meredith interrupted you as she ran down the hallway shouting with her backpack strapped on tight. 
Saying quick goodbyes to Mantis and Peter, you and Mer headed out to your car. You buckled yourself in and watched Mer strap herself into her car seat from the rearview mirror.
“Did you ask your dad if he wanted to go to the dance?”
“Um…no. He wouldn’t want to go to some stupid kid thing anyways,” she sighed, looking out the window.
“You don't know that,” you replied, unbuckling your seatbelt. “You know what, we're not leaving till you ask him...let's go back inside?”
“No, I don’t want to.”
“Yes, you do. I know you do,” you said, turning around in your seat. “I'm not asking him for you. You’re a big girl. You can do this.” She shook her head, staring at the front seat. You stepped out of the car and opened her door. “He will say yes, but only if you ask him.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’m your mother. Now come on, Meredith.”
“Finnnne,” she whined, unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of the car. 
“Hey, Peter,” you greeted, walking back through the entrance. He glanced in your direction as he leaned against the front desk, chatting with Mantis. “Mer wanted to ask you something? She’s nervous you might already have plans, but she has been wanting to ask you for a while now.”
“Is that right? Okay. Hey, Twig.” He walked over and leaned down in front of her putting his hands on her shoulder.  “What is it? You know you can ask me anything right. No matter what it is.”
She looked at you standing next to her, and you nodded. “Did you want to go to this father-daughter dance at my school on Friday night?”
“Friday you say--” he hummed, thinking it over “--I’d love to go! I’ll have to rearrange some things, but I’ll be there.” She smiled and wrapped him into a hug. He put his arms around her little frame and squeezed her tight before pulling away. “Do I have to wear a tux?
“Yes,” she giggled and hugged him again. You smiled down at them. “Do you promise?” She asked, holding up her pinky finger.
“I promise, Twig.” He hooked his pinky with hers and swung it around, forcing a loud giggle out of her.
“Now let's get going, Gamora is waiting for us. I'll text you about the dance details, Peter, and figure out a game plan.”
He nodded. “Sounds good, YN. See you two ladies tomorrow.”
Mer smile, waving goodbye. “Love you, daddy,” she shouted before walking out the door. 
“Love you, too, Twig.”
“She is so cute, Peter.” Mantis commented.
“She is going to be a heartbreaker when she grows up,” he smirked, resting his elbows back on the front desk. Mantis chuckled, agreeing with him.
“When are you going to tell her the truth?” Nat asked, walking into the room.
“Excuse me?” Peter questioned, looking up from the paperwork in front of him.
“About how I work here." She twirled her finger in the air. "I hate hiding when she comes in. It's ridiculous how after all these years you still don't have the balls to tell her what happened.”
“It's a sensitive subject." He furrowed his brows together. "Besides, I don't want to ruin what I have been trying to rebuild with her.”
“You think this will ruin everything. You’re an idiot. This will clear everything up beside when I was watching the security cameras I could tell she’s still into you,” Nat added, crossing her arms.
He scoffed. “I doubt it. I mean, she...she doesn't even want to talk about what happened.”
“She's trying to protect herself, doofus. She doesn’t want to relive what she went through because it was hard on her, especially because she was pregnant.”
“In my defense, I didn’t know about that part,” Peter stated, forcing Nat to roll her eyes. “When the time is right I will tell her, but not right now!”
“Fine, but now is the right time.” He shrugged, chewing on his lip. “Buck and I are going to dinner soon, did you want to come?”
“No, I should stay here and catch up on some things.” Nat nodded at him as she walked back to her office. 
Peter smiled at the paperwork in front of him thinking about the father-daughter dance. Would he still be able to fit into the silver tux he bought forever ago? Does he get her a corsage? Or a bouquet? Sure, he would have to cancel his plans with Bereet, but that was an easy fix, and she’d understand, right? Peter’s mind continued to be filled with questions, but there was one that lingered in the back of his mind. Was Nat right about YN? Did she still have feelings for him? Nat has always been super observant, so could she be right?
AN: Awww...now who's excited about this dance! The reader might be catching feelings, but how long will it take for her to realize he might feel the same? Slow burn, am I right? Nat seems to know the truth about why they broke up...hmmm...I wonder what it could be? As always thanks for reading!
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zamancollective · 4 years
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Writing Between Tongues: The Calligraphy of Ruben Shimonov
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Ruben Shimonov’s hybrid identity as a Bukharian, Sephardic, and Mizrahi Jew continuously informs his work as a community builder, educator, and artist. He is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Sephardic Mizrahi Q Network (SMQN), a New York City-based grassroots organization building a vibrant and supportive community for LGBTQ+ Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews. Between his work with SMQN and the Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Committee, Ruben has designed an innovative interfaith Arabic-Hebrew calligraphy workshop that he has facilitated in numerous community gatherings around the world. 
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Interweaving Arabic and Hebrew, Ruben’s multi-sensory calligraphy installations, which include audio, video, performance, and interactive components, create a space for these two Semitic languages to encounter one another in familiar and new ways. Often focusing on cognates, his work explores the ways in which these languages, their complex histories, and their rich ties to spirituality intersect and interact with each other. He also frequently incorporates another West Asian language that is dear to his identity— Farsi. 
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“veyasem lekha shalom” - “May G-d grant you peace”
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Passages about the city of Bukhara, taken from the classical Persian poetry of Rudaki and Rumi- ‎
“oh Bukhara! be joyous and live long! your king comes to you in ceremony.” (Rudaki)
“Bukhara was a mine of knowledge, of Bukhara is he who possesses knowledge.” (Rumi)
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A verse from Shir Hashirim (the Song of Songs) - “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine,” in Hebrew and Arabic.
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“eshq” - “Love” in Farsi
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A verse from Pirkei Avot - “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? But if I am for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?”
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“ani” / “ana” - The pronoun “I” in Hebrew and Arabic
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The Jewish name “Miryam" and its corresponding verse from Mishlei (Proverbs) - “The light of the eyes makes the heart happy, and good news fattens the bone.”
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Above: "bri’ut” - “Health” 
Below: “gam ze ya’avor” / “in niz bogzarad” - “This too shall pass” in Hebrew and Farsi
Two appropriate wishes for the world this season.
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Ruben Shimonov is a Jewish educator and community builder living in New York City, by way of Seattle and Uzbekistan. Prior to establishing SMQN, he was the Director of Community Engagement & Education at Queens College Hillel. Ruben has lectured extensively on Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry, including at Limmud conferences in New York, Seattle and the U.K. He serves as Vice-President of Education & Community Engagement on the American Sephardic Federation's Young Leadership Board, as well as Director of Educational Experiences & Programming for the Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Committee (MJSC). His calligraphy (linked here) has been featured in various exhibitions across New York City.
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Published April 3, 2020.
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dilfdoctordoom · 1 year
adam for the ask game 🤔
Oh my other wife
one aspect about them i love: EVERYTHING but more specifically i love his development like it's very interesting to see warlock in his first appearance vs starlin warlock vs 2000s warlock
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: if one more mcu stan calls him boring I'm hunting mcu execs for sport.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: scared of women but is that really a headcanon.
one character i love seeing them interact with: thanos <3 phyla <3 gam <3 pete <3 drax <3 pip <3
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: angela let's have the space angel meet space jesus
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: adam and thanos. gay.
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badmusesarch · 5 years
💕 for Lucas
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// I would give a lot for Bish and Gam to be explicitly canon, and I wish marble would give their characters more relationships and develop their interactions more than “this one dates this one, and that one is mucking it up for them” ya know? Like I miss the era where the X-Men read like a found family instead of folks merely working together unless there can be se.xual tension.
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memetrash-coyote · 6 years
Vaska - 1, 5, 10, 16, 23, 31, 36, 50; Andune - 4, 9, 14, 24, 26, 38, 42, 47; Adelita - 7, 12, 18, 22, 28, 32, 35, 48
VASKAWhat’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?Vaska Sharkskin of the Jut-hai clan, but she never bothers giving her clan’s name. The title Sharkskin was given to her by a crewmate are seeing how she is with sharks, and her scale and gills tattoos soon followed.
Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?She has a older half-brother (orc) but doesn’t know much about him as she only met him once or twice.
Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?She’s had little interaction with children and honestly have no clue how to deal with them. Please don’t leave your child alone with her.
Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? She collects shark teeth sometimes. She likes to wear them as pendants.
Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?Her memory is decent, but she has trouble describing them in either Common or Orcish
Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?She enjoys a mug of grog from time to time, and it helps her be more social. She’s used to handling drunk crewmates that sometimes that need to be taken away from the grog and jokes to them in her own form of teasing. Sometimes it unintentionally ends up in a bit of fight.
What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?Other than tossing sharks? She actually likes to stargaze. She more chants than sings.
If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?Hmm. Probably her cutlass, a hunting dagger, a change of breeches and good boots honestly. She’s used to not having much.
ANDUNEWhat is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?Aw shit I don’t know about her relations to her parents. Something tells me she tended to be a fighty teenager when she was growing up.
Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?She actually really likes bats and would try to catch one if she’s near it.
Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?Hmm… stuffed mushrooms tend to remind her of home.
What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?If she was allowed, she would actually sleep in the day time and run around at night, and she actually likes a soft mattress.
How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? She gives a “well I’ll be” kind of smirk if you make her day.
What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?It’d be hard to hear it from her, but she does admire folks that are comfortable with themselves.
What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?I guess her main goal is knowledge, since she’s basically willing to sacrifice her sanity for it.
How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?She was taught how to handle formal events, but it won’t stop her from trying to burn it all once she gets bored.
ADELITADid they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? She had a couple close friends as a child, but she’s bad at keeping connections sometimes.
What is their favourite food? She really enjoys sweets like pecan pie and paçoca.
What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything elseShe actually gets a kick out of Bozanza type of shows and paperback romance novels. Especially when the romance novels have a weird 
What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?Her default is to call someone an ass or one of various Infernal insults Bruno taught her.
What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?She fears disappointing her mother Maria, and currently feels like she has. She’s also scared of scorpions. Her Flight response is usually very strong and make sure she’s away from what’s spooking the shit of her, and she’ll curse up a storm if she’s forced to stay.
What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?(Goodness there’s so many parts to this question) She currently dresses in a dusty set of slacks, button-down and vest for easy travel, but she has worn dresses before. She’s used to buying inexpensive clothes or even second-hand. She would like more embroidery in her clothes, but she doesn’t mind her simple look currently. Honestly nothing if it’s a regular bed, but she tends to just sleep in her traveling clothes if she’s on the trail. Why bother with makeup when you have red skin? Currently her hair is wild and untamed, but it actually used to be wavy when it was long.
What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?Her main ones are sugary sweets and lighting matches just to smell them
Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? Of course she enjoys parties! Especially when there’s food and booze there!
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ak-weblog · 5 years
Still ♥️ u
I have always wanted you. Felt some connection is there .Maybe it was one sided. Always felt it when i was with you. Now relaizing i was wrong , now when its all over between us.Whatever happens happen for good -made me move forward in life.
Each couple has unique interaction ,friendship and empathy for each other. Just hope your be happy wherever you are and with whomever you be.
People around us influence our life a lot .Blessed are ones who have good person around them. Wished at my +2 i was blessed like now.
Time has passed ,who knows what future uphold."kabhi kisi raho mae uhi takrayngae bas yahi meri kuwayish hai ,us pal ek dusrae ko bura nah kahe,itni si bass umeed hai"
Galtiya toh hoti hai chotte mae par hmara tha kch alag .un galtiya pr bhi sari galtiya tha tumko paane ki khuais.
Khaer bit gai baate pr zakm abhi hai naye jaise .bhulne ki kosis toh kafi kiye,pr bhool nah sake.
tarike bhi sare apnay.thak gae aab hum apna kar.
Kaboola tha hakikat ko to bahot pehle hi hamne .bss ye gam ko aj tak mitta nah sake.
17 feb 2017.
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eliaspsuedo · 7 years
Act 5 Done!
Add Enemy Dread Fighters, that solo level with Alm, the having to hit Jedah on the 4th hit, just trying to get the last hit on Duma, and my indecisiveness on which two of the Gray/Tobin/Kliff and Lukas/Forsythe/Python group should I ship, to my list of things that can go to hell.
- Well, down into the depths of hell we go. The longest dungeon crawling segment of the game (so far). I can only bring 10 with me throughout the dungeon, which makes it pretty hard for any last minute grinding for changing classes... which only Clive wasn’t promoted yet.
- Berkut’s been pretty interesting as a villain. Finally, some better developed villains. Jedah was someone you’d love to hate, but Berkut just felt like someone you could like, but all his actions has driven you two to fight. Whether he is complex or done to death is in the eye of the beholder. Just wish I knew more about Rinea. She does sound like a character I’d like to get to know more.
- I knew there was something up with that opening. Celica had white, shining blood! That means she was a robot, and thus, means this was a fake-out or something. Where was I going on with this? Oh yeah, I found it pretty refreshing this wasn’t the end and she got revived. Hey, I’ve been on a Gundam binge this past few weeks, I need something positive! While it was expected, the VA’s managed to make it convincing and the scene with them giving each other a kiss just made me smile.
- So I don’t get to play Celica’s army with Alm’s army until the final battle? That’s a shame, would’ve like to see the two groups interact before the end. Jesse did save Silque according to the Memory Prism, so I want to see some reunions.
- Thanks to those who told me how to beat Jedah! Now he can BURN!
- So to beat Duma, I have to hit him with Falchion right? So why the hell was I spending so many turns trying to get a that last hit in when he was less than 40 health? I know it’s his magic that was nullifying my attacks, but when I tried the Falchion it didn’t work? It has to be a total hit then right? So Alm got Lucky with the Critical then.
- All’s well that ends well I guess. I actually find Alm’s and Celica’s romance arc to be a very good one. The best part was that they could operate independently from one another. And I’m not talking about them being physically seperated, but the moments they did things without even thinking of the other.Some of the best romances is the ones that improve the other, I can imagine Alm and Celica never meeting one another in their quests but I can’t imagine they’ll be better people without the other. They complete each other, in short.
- Speaking of romances, Faye still creeps me out, in a good way. Maybe I just like creepy girls. I mean I like Tharja, but Faye... is really entertaining despite her obsession with Alm. I guess because it hits all the classic Yandere traits: Constantly talking about Alm, check. Definitely stalking him, check. Innocent demeanor, check. LOVES it when Alm sorta touches her hand, check. Will kill and HAS KILLED IN HIS NAME, check. and finally, will never get over him, BINGO. And for me, she’s creepier than Tharja, so that must be good! In all honesty, her obsession with Alm was some of the funniest moments in the game. If she was just some false flag, I would be ranting, but I’m not. I was thinking she was a parody of some FE archetype, and it’s reminding me of those “Sumia is secretly evil and only wants Chrom” interpretations that I remember around when I was playing Awakening. If it was meant to be played straight, at least I’ll never forget her..... Alm is cool. Now please let me go, Faye.
And thus I’m done with the gam-Act 6? Archanea?
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