#but those two especially. i need to see what all the fuss is about. because at the minute im
chambers003 · 1 year
i need to play oot and mm i think
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Summary: Your Lyon injury
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Pernille shrieks when it happens, turning away and hiding in Magda's arms.
It was hardly the first Champion's League final you had competed at (twice at Arsenal, one win and one loss and last year at Barcelona too) but it still filled Pernille with the same amount of pride every time she saw you on the pitch.
The corner kick came in and the world turned into slow motion.
One of the girls on the opposite team crashes into you, a clear foul as you come out of your goal to grab the ball. She knocks you back into your own goalposts and you go crashing to the floor.
Natalia grabs onto the railings in front of her, knuckles white, when Pernille finally peaks out of her hiding spot.
You're still on the ground when she looks and the whole box is filled with unease.
"Get up," Pernille hears Frido mutter through gritted teeth," Come on, get up."
Johanna has her hand clamped over her mouth as the medics rush on. Zećira has begun to pace slightly as Jessie looks a little sick.
Natalia is completely still, her hand clenched tightly around the railing as everyone watches the medics fuss over you.
You're saying something that no one can quite work out and you wince as they touch your shoulder.
"She'll be okay," Natalia says, looking around wildly," Right? She'll be okay?"
Her eyes are wide with horror and fear as she looks between all of the retired players surrounding her.
"I mean, it won't be bad, right? She's not really hurt."
"Natalia..." Magda says gently.
"No! She's going to be okay! She has to be okay!"
No one knows what to say to ease Natalia's clear distress as the medics helps you up and the ref gives a yellow card to the girl that fouled you.
You return to your goal but keep rolling your shoulder, the crinkle between your brow deepening.
"Something's wrong," Jessie says as play resumes," Something's definitely wrong. Her shoulder..."
"They need to take her off," Natalia says, shaking her head," She bounces back from injuries. It's bad."
No one refutes her as Lyon advances on Bayern's half. No one watches the ball, eyes focused solely on the way you're staring down at your arm like you're confused about something.
"They won't let her back on after halftime, right?" Frido asks no one in particular as Lyon finally break the deadlock.
"They've got no other choice," Zećira says," The whole reason she was loaned is because their other two keepers are long-term injured. Their next best choice is that eighteen-year-old who has a total of, what? Two games of experience? This is a final. They can't afford to not keep her on."
"It's going to get worse!" Natalia insists and Pernille briefly wonders if she ever looked like this, if those times that Magda got injured had manifested themselves on her face like how it was in Natalia's.
Her eyes are wild and she looks seconds away from jumping the barrier.
Pernille understands the feeling.
"She's going to be fine," Magda insists," She'll get checked at halftime and we'll see."
You don't go off at halftime.
Zećira's right.
Lyon has no other option, especially not against a team like Bayern who had knocked Barcelona out this year.
You're powering through it but it takes another knock in extra time to ruin it all.
You've just saved the penalty that one of your defenders had so carelessly given away when the girl from earlier comes storming towards you.
She's yelling at you and you stand firm.
Pernille can feel Magda's grip on her tighten when the girl grabs you by the shirt and slams you up against the goalposts.
The wounded sound coming out of your mouth is load enough that it causes the crowd to go silent for a moment.
Then, they erupt.
You fall to the ground and grab at your shoulder.
Johanna and Frido grab Natalia to stop her from leaping over the barrier and Zećira lets Jessie hide her face in her shoulder.
Magda's grip is iron tight as a similar wounded sound leaves Pernille's mouth in sympathy.
The medics rush on and you sit up.
The Bayern girl is shown a red card and walks off the pitch.
It gives Pernille time to inspect what's wrong. Your arm is lower than it should be and you scream out in pain as the medics touch it.
"Let go! Let go!" Natalia says," She's in pain! Let go of me!"
"You're no use to her right now," Frido replies," Don't do anything stupid."
You're sucking heavily on a green whistle and Pernille flinches as one of the medics pulls your arm up and out in front of you. The other stands behind you, bracing your back.
Slowly, they work the joint back into its socket.
You suck harder on the green whistle.
This isn't the first time you've dislocated your shoulder. The first was during one of your first matches for Sweden, back when you first faced Denmark as a member of the senior team in a round of friendlies.
You'd had your shoulder set after the game finished.
It's the first time that she's seen it set on the field.
Despite the green whistle numbing your pain, everyone can see the moment you feel the bone popping back into its socket.
The medics are talking to you and you keep nodding even as they fit your arm into a sling.
"No..." Johanna says as you get up," They've got to take her off, surely?"
"There's a minute on the clock," Jessie says when it becomes clear that nobody else is going to answer," You know what she's like. She'll wait it out."
It clear that the Lyon girls have the same idea because they don't even try to shoot for goal anymore. They just pass the ball between them aimlessly as the minutes count down.
Magda, Pernille and Natalia are all gone the moment the whistle blows, jumping over the railing as you walk off the pitch.
Natalia gets there first, tucking you into her as you rest your head on her shoulder.
"Does it hurt, amor?" She asks gently and you nod.
"I'm fine."
"No, no," She says just as soft as before," You will be fine. You're not fine just yet and that's okay."
That's what triggers it.
The tears you've been holding back roll down your cheeks as you sob into her shoulder, blubbering out a slew of Swedish and Danish that Natalia can't keep up with.
"It's all going to be okay," Talia says to you," I'm going to take care of you. You'll come home and I'm going to make it all okay, mi vida."
"You scared me, princesse," Pernille says as she approaches," What happened, huh? I though we'd gotten over this sticking out an injury."
You sniffle and look at your Momma from where you're resting your head on Natalia's shoulder. "Sorry, Momma. I...I didn't want to let anyone down."
"Keeping yourself safe isn't letting anyone down," Magda's stern voice says," I've half a mind to bring you home while you recover."
You frown. "But I'm going home anyway? I've been sending my stuff back to Spain for weeks now."
Talia chuckles. "You're so cute, amor. I think your mother means home to Sweden."
Your cheeks go red from embarrassment. "Oh."
Pernille rolls her eyes at Magda's look of annoyance (she never did quite get over the fact that you're an adult now). "Come on, princesse. I think you need to get some scans done before you get your medal."
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cocoreallylovesraiden · 4 months
MK1 characters and sick! reader
(johnny cage, bi-han, smoke +liu kang & shang tsung)
not proof read not thought out not nothing i am SICK and this is my OUTLET (again this is not serious, just goofy stuff)
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Johnny Cage
- sick equivalent of “it’s not uterus it’s uterUS”
- Especially if he doesn’t have much going on in his schedule? It’s like there’s two sick people in the house
- He has ZERO issues laying in bed all day with you- until he decides on a group excursion to the living room couch where you will… continue to lay there! Exciting.
- Depending on how sick you are he’d be more serious, if it was just a little cold and nothing to worry about, expect to have some movies in the back while you doze in and out of his incessant chatting
- (I personally think he can’t cook well) so your favourite takeout is ordered and put into one of those fancy ass bowls to make it look like a home cooked meal. Bless him.
- Wearing matching ugly pjs like the worlds bleakest slumber party
- Says he doesn’t care about getting sick from being close to you, but makes jokes about your ‘heebies’ getting all over him if you ask for any physical contact (he will over enthusiastically oblige)
- If you’re seriously ill, he would be at a loss, especially when his usual demeanour can’t seem to cheer you up.
- Since i imagine his relationship with his parents isn’t the best, he’d probably call one of your family members to ask how to best care of you, and take it from there
- He wouldn’t treat you like a glass vase though, still cracking jokes while he attends to your needs; but in a way where you can tell he’s trying to mask how vulnerable he feels in his care for you.
- Calls you his sicky wicky honey boo boo sugar tits pumpkin pie
- Definitely gets the man flu once you recover no question about it
- As you lay in bed, sweating from your fever with this huge piece of man meat hugging up on you, all you can hear in the back of your head is “BAAAAYBBUHHHHH…. IT HUUURTTSS…” (congratulations! You can see into the future!)
- Also would call his assistant to ask for help. What are they going to know? They just do his accounting!
Bi Han
- You are sick? Have fun not being allowed to do ANYTHING. No chores, no training, no oily food, no Netflix- NO NETFLIX?
- He claims that extended screen time will only agitate your condition.
- He takes it upon himself to care for you; making easy to digest food, offering to help you shower when you feel physically weak, buying all sorts of medicines, etc.
- it would be easier to send someone to do some of these tasks (aside from the showering.) but no. Out of the kindness of his heart? Yes, of course. He loves you dearly. But also because he does not trust anyone to be as competent as he is.
- As the grandmaster gives you several containers of traditional Chinese medicine, you can only wonder if some pharmacist is sponsoring him. If you dare complain they taste horrible, he will GLADLY take a pill or a bit of powder just to show you were being a wuss
- Nags you for not being careful, and at first it’s annoying but you figure out eventually it’s because he’s worried and this is how he shows his love and concern
- During the day he has to be off at work, and as the hours pass those around him see his shoulders tense higher and higher. You’ve eaten lunch, right? You’ve taken your medicine?
- But don’t worry! Once you show the SLIGHTEST signs of recovery, it’s back to the grind.
- You can sniffle and puppy eyes him all you want, but once he deems you fit for daily life, we are back for business! No more Mr Marginally Nicer Bi Han!
- That being said, once you’re back to smiling and laughing, he will admit that it’s nice to see you back to your usual self.
- feels horrible that you’re sick, but secretly proud of his immune system for staying strong; now he has an excuse to show off his hospitality skills!
- sort of like bi-han, expect instead of professional fussing you get excited pampering, gets to the point where you have to ask whether or not he should be at work instead of here
- “Work? Taking care of you is my work!”
- Uses this as a chance to freshen up memory on his hometown; making foods, remedies and tricks he remembers his mother doing for him as a sick child.
- If you ask him more about it, he will gladly go into detail- telling wonderful stories even if he occasionally gets emotional through them
- Cleans your face with a damp cloth and uses it as an excuse to get all close with you- again! He has a strong immune system, so nothing to worry about.
- While he’s off at work, he leaves you notes around the house to remind you that he’s thinking of you and hopes you feel better soon- if you collect all the notes, he becomes embarrassed and acts like he doesn’t know who wrote them
- Comes home and snuggles with you, mentioning even if you did have a fever, it was nice because outside was so cold and you were so warm.
- A little tone deaf, but he’s… got the spirit?
- Secretly upset once you get better because you’re less accommodating to his needy/ clingy behaviour, but it’s also great that you can communicate with words and not pained groans!
- You are WAITING for the day he gets sick. There’s no way you’ve gotten the flu 4 times, and he hasn’t. He sleeps in the same bed as you when you’re sick! Kisses you!
- How did they raise kids to be so strong where he’s from?
Liu Kang
- you don’t get sick.
- flu season? he makes you take traditional medicine to prevent it.
- cold? you’re funny. around him? Liu “Set Off Fire Alarms With His Flaming Biceps” Kang? Haha.
- food poisoning? he Knows if the food is off, and won’t let you get the chance to eat it.
- Papa is going to make sure influenza season hits a new low this year
- Seriously, medical insurance companies are terrified of him.
Shang Tsung
- very creepily offers you an elixir and asks you to drink it.
- (Here is the part where I say: but you know he won’t hurt you, so you take it. But, you don’t know. He’s looking at you reeeaaalll funny)
- Notices your glare and takes a moment to re-do his sales pitch, this time a lot less devil-binding-contract and more… human…like?
- turns out, the elixir was just a failed experiment on shape-shifting. he sheepishly offers practical medicine while you roll your eyes.
Kung Lao
- is also sick.
- You both are idiots.
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kairiscorner · 8 months
OFC DEAR, I GOTCHU (sorry i got back to this late, school is ASS)
his girl. (part 1)
summary: a day in the life of being their girlfriend, of them being totally and utterly smitten with you.
a/n: no, you're not in a poly relationship with them unfortunately :')) but i hope y'all like these small scenarios! please don't be shy to request for any haikyuu characters with this prompt!
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* ੈ✩‧₊˚ daichi sawamura
it is no surprise that daichi is the captain of the karasuno males' volleyball team–what's there not to like about him? he's experienced, strong, very friendly, yet he makes it clear that he cares about the members outside of volleyball, that he cares about those he loves as people, not just as teammates or colleagues.
and of course, the same could be said about how he feels towards you, his beloved partner.
one thing to note about daichi is that he is a worrier, beneath that tough and sometimes scary image he has, he only gets this way when he's worried–when things get out of hand; and when it comes to you, daichi can't help but fuss over you a lot, but he is never overbearing, mind you.
he gives you your space when you need it, lets you figure out what you have to do to grow as a person and to let you live a little more independent from him–but he lets you know that, when things get tough, he wants to be your refuge; to be the one you come to seeking comfort in and helping you catch your breath from such awful or bustling days.
"now, now... don't beat yourself up, they were all small mistakes. yeah, sure, some of them might have lasting effects, but i know you're doing everything you can to make up for it; i'm right here for you, so please, don't ever worry about it–we'll handle it, together."
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ kotaro bokuto
he may be a bit immature, sometimes clueless that he is being immature–but can he help it, wanting to live in the moment and enjoy his last year of high school? especially with his girlfriend–you.
bokuto is a loud, boisterous guy with a massive confidence; he's kind of the stark opposite of you, and he loves that very much. he likes being all loud around the rest of the guys on the team when he's talking about you, whining about how the day's way too long for him to not spend every hour with you, and he loves catching your eye when you enter the court during their practice matches to see him play.
he goes absolutely crazy when he sees you in the crowd, he will personally go out of his way and climb into the bleachers just to hug you, to shower you with affection that's long overdue.
akaashi tries to stop him and hold him back from attracting too much attention towards you two, but as long as you're okay with it, bokuto finds no reason to not give the only girl he's made to love all the love, affection, attention and devotion he has for you.
"babe, i swear, i'm gonna win every set for you–every game you come to, you keep me going! i'm gonna make sure we win, not because i want to, but because it'll make you smile, right? so, the opposing team can bring it on, because i'll make sure we win, and i'll make sure you'll be proud of me–every single time!"
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yurislotusgarden · 8 months
Hii! could I request ranpo and chuuya with a fem s/o who makes cute bento boxes for their lunch at work? (I was curious on how this would go, feel free to add any details you want!)
My bento!
ʚїɞ Separately! Nakahara Chuuya, Ranpo Edogawa, Sigma x F!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 1764 (Chuuya - 537, Ranpo - 664, Sigma - 561)
ʚїɞ Have Sigma as an extra bcs my ass forgot it was meant to be Ranpo instead of him after I was done with Chuuya's part
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, pet names are used (barely), reader’s gender is not specified that much
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Nakahara Chuuya!
ཐིཋྀ He loves the bentos so much, well more like the fact that you take time to make them for him
ཐིཋྀ Tries to always eat them
ཐིཋྀ Once, when you started making them, he didn’t eat the food because he was so busy that day, and when he had a little free time, Chuuya decided it was a better idea to go on a stress smoke break (He tries to limit smoking to the minimum he can if you don’t like smoking/the fact that he does it. He knows it’s because you care about his health)
ཐིཋྀ It ended with you fussing over him eating almost nothing that day and he doesn’t like causing you stress or making you worry so he makes sure to eat those bentos😭
ཐིཋྀ He may be an executive but this man is not embarrassed at all to eat those bentos in front of people, no matter how colorful or cutesy the food looks
ཐིཋྀ Food is food, he’s not gonna not eat cause you to worry just because the bento is one that doesn’t look like someone like him would eat
“Lad, may I ask where do you get those bentos from?”
It was a long time since Kouyou noticed Chuuya’s bentos, and she tried to ignore just how much she wanted to try one. The only reason why she didn’t is because she doesn’t know where he is getting them from.
The young woman looked at many shops in Yokohama and saw a few places with similar bentos, but it was easy to see that none of the stores were the ones where Chuuya kept getting his lunch from.
…She really wanted one for herself, especially with how obvious it was that they were delicious, kept quiet about it tho.
Chuuya turned towards the older woman, whom he came to see as an older sister over the years.
“They’re not bought from a shop.”
“You don’t buy them?”
“Not a single one of them. Actually,-”
Kouyou was confused. Where did he get a bento from every single day? She knows the younger of the two probably wouldn’t bother spending his free time making food for lunch definitely a day before, even if he did, it wouldn’t be so colorful or detailed. There were even rice balls decorated as bears and stuff, it obviously took time to make one. But if he wasn’t buying them,  then the only other option that came to her mind was-
“- [Name] makes them for me.”
“She does?”
“Yeah, and she’s yet to make one I dislike.”
It all makes sense now to the red-haired woman. You have more free time most of the time compared to Chuuya, and you were probably aware of the eating habits he had before.
The fact that you take time, quite a lot it seems if Kouyou was to guess, the bentos are even detailed, in a very cute style if she was to say, made a smile appear on her face.
“Mhm, you wanna try?”
“How could I refuse such an offer?”
The food was even better than she thought. Kouyou made a mental note to ask you if you would have a problem with making two bentos from time to time.
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Edogawa Ranpo!
ཐིཋྀ Another reason as to why he’s dating you -you give extra homemade sweets to the Bentos-
ཐིཋྀ He doesn’t even need to try to remember to eat it because he ends up eating it before lunch anyway -the reason behind you making more than one bento usually-
ཐིཋྀ He fucking boasts to everyone about the food😭
ཐིཋྀ “See what I have here? HAHA! Something you don’t and probably never will!” ← totally not Ranpo to anyone else -and totally not him to Dazai and Atsushi about the fact that they will probably never have homemade food like him-
ཐིཋྀ Don’t make the bentos with him in the kitchen unless you have prepared double the amount of food you plan to use. He uses any opportunity to snack on the not-ready-yet bentos
ཐིཋྀ BUT! He will share with you if he notices you’re hungry or just generally wanna eat it <3
“C’mon give me just a little piece!”
“Nope! [Name] made it for me! Make your own if you want a bento at work, Yosano-san!”
“I can’t make such a bento Ranpo-san!”
“Not my problem!”
With a pout, the brunette turned his chair away, trying to eat his food in peace. It’s one of his favorite bentos! You put his favorites in this one! The only thing he doesn’t like in it is the veggies which Ranpo would ignore or throw out but he knows that he won’t get his favorite candy made by you anytime soon if he does (the others will snitch if he throws them out, especially Dazai and Yosano they did that the one and only time he did so. He learned a lesson from that after you didn’t cook his favorite like you said you would that morning)
Ranpo could practically feel the eye-roll done by Yosano. “It’s not like it’s the only bento you had today.” It’s true, he ate a similar one 2 hours earlier. “Doesn’t matter. It’s my bento either way.” A sigh came from the woman.
And right when one would think his problem was solved, another arrived. 
“Ranpo-san! What an interesting bento you have there!”
“Go away Dazai. I’m not giving you a single piece of my food!”
“Oh c’mon! You can spare a little!”
“Nope! Especially not when it’s [Name]’s cooking!”
Seriously, can’t they leave him alone? He knows your cooking is good, everyone at the agency knows that! But he wishes that you’d never let Dazai taste your food. The bandaged man has horrible eating habits, you both know that, and yet he always tries to get his hands on Ranpo’s bentos. The audacity!
Ranpo could tell that Dazai's annoying mouth was about to open again before someone interrupted him.
"I can make bentos for you too if you like them so much, Dazai-san"
Isn't that his angel who came to visit him at his oh-so-tiring job? Lovely timing, if Ranpo was to say, but there was one problem.
Among ‘hello’s and ‘hi’s from others upon noticing you, gasps could be heard, from 2 men specifically.
"You would do that for me?!"
"Excuse me?!"
What is this?! There's no way that you’re gracing anyone else with the perfection that are your his bentos!
“Hm?” It’s easy to see for anyone in the room that you were confused.
“[Name]-chan, if you could be so nice, could I ask for a bento with cra-”
“No no no! Shut up Dazai! She’s not making you any bentos! In your dreams!”
In the end, while Ranpo and Dazai at first thought that you wouldn’t make the taller brunette a bento after your conversation at that moment, you indeed did as a surprise. 
The best detective in the world didn’t like that but he allowed you to after bribing him and reminding him that if you can get Dazai to eat, you will, no matter if Ranpo will allow you to make a bento for him or not.
Dazai's happy scream the next day could probably be heard throughout the whole building.
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ཐིཋྀ He didn’t think he’d be able to adore you more than he already does, and yet you found a way to make him do so
ཐིཋྀ He tries to eat the bentos every day but it isn’t that rare that he forgets about eating altogether when faced with a mountain of paperwork or problems in the casino
ཐིཋྀ He loves how they look and taste. He, at one point, will ask if you can teach him how to cook. Like not even necessarily a bento, just to learn since he doesn’t want the kitchen to end up in flames one day, he’s aware he sucks at cooking
ཐིཋྀ He probably would be a little embarrassed by eating it. Not because of how colorful or cutesy they are, but because of the looks he gets from people who see it. 
ཐིཋྀ The stares aren’t criticizing or anything, others just don’t expect that their boss/the manager of the casino would eat food that looks like that
ཐིཋྀ Someone was probably jealous because he has homemade bentos like that and they have some store-bought sandwiches 💀
“It’s mine actually. Sorry, I forgot to take this from here earlier.”
The man standing in front of the bar was shocked.
He’s been sitting there and drinking not too much for some time now. At one point he noticed the bartender taking out a bento from under the bar, the lid see-through enough to see the food inside. He has to say, the detail and overall look were very cute, it definitely took time to make it look so.
The man had thought that the bento was made by someone for the bartender (In his mind it was a fair thought as he didn’t think that one could buy a bento like that anywhere close to a place like this. Especially if you work there).
The slightly shorter man changed his thought upon noticing that the bartender didn’t touch the food he had taken out (later on the lunch break he took out something else to eat)
Around 2 hours after the lunch break, -the bento still untouched, he noticed- the man decided to finally ask, curiosity winning over after all the time spent at the bar seat.
“Excuse me, who is the owner of the bento? I couldn’t help but notice that it hasn’t been touched at all.”
And he really chose the worst time to ask that question didn’t he? Right as the person to whom the bento belonged to, came.
“I-It’s yours sir?”
“Yes, why?”
How is he supposed to answer? That he didn’t think that such a cute-looking bento -that if he could he would consider stealing, it looks delicious and definitely better than his sandwich- can belong to the ever so stoic and calm manager of the sky casino?
“No reason! Was just that curious, that’s all! after all, the bento was lying here for the past, almost, 3 hours by now.”
“Ah, understandable then”
The bi-colored-haired man turned to the bartender, who was already giving the box over to him.
“Thank you for keeping it here for me, Shuichi-kun”
“no problem, Sigma-san. [Name]-san also told me to tell you-”
Yeah, the man needs a break from the confusion and shock for the next week.
And Sigma? He’s just happy you leave the bentos somewhere he can take them from when you know he’s busy.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
Do not copy or translate my works on/to any site
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Hi! I just have to say, I love your blog so much!!! And the monster au idea is genius! I started reading what you posted out and loved it! I saw people doing questions on it so here's my own, what would happen if Yuu broke a bone in some kind of accident? Wether it was indirectly their friends fault because they were fooling around or something else entirely and they just "weren't there to prevent it" (I can imagine the researchers would be quite In a frantic panic if they see the only human in their world getting hurt) how would the others react?
Oh goodness, that would cause quite the stir at NRC for sure! I’ve never broken a bone before, but there was one time I got punched in the face by a tree branch that got caught on the bag of the tall person I was hiking behind a few years ago. My nose was okay, but I still experience phantom pain whenever I think about that day! 😂
As a human in a world full of monsters, it’s not hard to imagine that the physical differences are more than cosmetic. Some monsters are more fragile than others, while some are so sturdy that they’re like a moose getting hit by a car—meaning that it’ll take a lot to hurt them. It’s also possible for them to heal quickly if they do get injured, though I like to imagine that they do get assistance when they need it!
Prosthetic arms, legs, tails, or wings? Yes!
Wheelchairs even for those with more than two legs? Yes! (Was I thinking of those videos of paralyzed puppies and kittens in makeshift wheelchairs scootering around? Yes. Yes I was)
Crutches and those scooter things you see where the person has their leg propped up and they’re moving around like they’re on a kid’s scooter (I think they’re called “knee scooters”?)? Absolutely!
All this is to say that—while not as fragile as a human—monsters know how to set and heal broken bones!
Dealing with the fact that their human friend has a broken bone, however, is a whole different kettle of fish depending on the type of fracture.
WARNING: Mention of bodily injury and blood. No major details, but proceed with caution! Under a read more just in case, but please let me know if I need to add any other tags so I can also tag things properly in the future!
Hairline fracture on their foot caused by hooves stepping on them? It’s manageable, though it may take a day or two for Yuu to notice they have an injury unless it’s run day at PE. Once it’s wrapped up in a cast to heal on its own, Yuu notices how any student with hooves (especially Deuce) will be more cautious about how close they stand to them or where their legs are when around the small human.
Dislocated arm from a friendly wrestling match and/or someone fell on top of their arm? Horrified screams all around upon seeing Yuu’s arm hanging limp by their side and their face contorted in pain. Once it’s popped back into place by the medical staff and put into a sling to speed up the recovery, it’s somewhat amusing seeing how their friends look like kicked puppies as they try and help Yuu with things around the dorm or in class. “It’s our fault you got hurt in the first place” is what they’d say if Yuu asked them why they were fussing. It’s sweet, but it’s up to Yuu to tell them to ease up and that they will ask for help when they need it.
Broken arm or leg? I can see this going one of two ways for both cases. If the arm or leg has a closed fracture where they can see part of the bone under the skin but the skin itself hasn’t broken? You can bet that there’s going to be a lot of concern about it. Depending on what the x-rays show, the boys and staff will be even more concerned if the incident resulted in Yuu needing surgery to repair the damage. A compound fracture though? Well…
Let’s just say that the moment the monsters smell the blood, they’ll immediately realize that something was wrong before they even see the bone jutting out from the large wound. This is a worst-case-scenario that—despite their best efforts—the medical teams may not feel they’ve prepared enough for as they search for blood that can safely be used to replenish what Yuu lost during the accident and in the surgery to try and repair the damage…or amputate to save their life.
It’s a highly stressful time for all, to the point many of Yuu’s friends can’t even focus on their work—not that the staff can blame them. They’re just as worried that Yuu might lose their life or limb...
When Yuu does manage to pull through sporting a new cast (if a little worse for wear), Yuu had better be prepared to have quite a few clingy monsters sticking to them like velcro! And gifts. Lots and lots of gifts!
I’d like to take a moment to point out that humans can be hurt by the most ridiculous things and yet in life-or-death situations. They’re able to crawl through snow with a broken leg for several miles, yet the moment they stub their toe on a coffee table leg? Down for the count.
Table: 1, Human: 0. U.U
So can you imagine just how horrified the guys would be to hear that Yuu/one of their relatives/a friend of theirs once broke their leg and crawled to safety in a major weather storm, yet just two minutes later they stub their toe and now they’re on the ground whimpering in pain. X’DDD
Also, to further prove that animals (and therefore the monsters) can have compassion for those who are disabled, just remember that there is a crow couple that’s been together for 12+ years and even though she has a broken beak, he and the rest of their flock protect her. ;;v;;
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sports-on-sundays · 9 months
prince not so charming / CL16 / PART 4
Warnings : Switching between second and third person, Making out, Nudity (not described much), Sexual activity (NO sex. And NOT described much. I do not write people actually having sex- I don't write smut.)
Summary : Prince!Charles x Princess!Reader - Prince Charles finally gets to marries his princess.
Author's Note : Link to Part 3, which has a link to Part 2 attached to it, which has a link to Part 1 attached to it. After this one, there will be one more part, making this a five part story. Funnily enough, while writing this, I was listening to Charles' songs. Tell if there were any warnings I missed. Enjoy!
Requested? : No.
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Four hours.
After the kiss at the ball, it was decided that your wedding should be rescheduled for a week earlier than originally planned, because according to Charles' advisors, 'You can not be doing such open and dramatic things with each other before you're married, and especially not in public."
You don't mind it being a week earlier. It means you can get the wedding over with. It's happening no matter what, so who cares if it's a week early? It's been making you nervous enough for the past weeks, anyway. At least after it's over, you won't feel nervous about it anymore.
You're trying on the dress you'll be wearing for the wedding. At the beginning of courting, you were measured, so that a dress could be fitted for you, but now they're just putting on the finishing touches.
You feel simply gorgeous in it, and you suddenly feel the excitement and nervousness hit about the wedding for the first time.
But there's no time to dwell on it, as female servants fuss over you, making sure you look perfect for your prince tonight.
Four hours.
"Are you excited?"
"Of course!" Charles replies to his older brother. "I love this woman! My God, I can't wait to see her... To put the ring on her finger, and kiss her, and then eat the cake with her and dance and then after the ceremony and the dance..."
Lorenzo chuckles. "I don't want to hear you describe what you two will do after the ceremony and the dance."
But Charles mutters under his breath, "In a way, that's the part that I'm most nervous for."
For, of course, in tradition, after the prince marries his princess, they go into his bedroom and sleep together for the first time. And there's no way Charles is going to be breaking that tradition- he and his wife are already twenty-five, and it's important they have their babies as soon as possible. Many men his age already have three children.
"Well, Charles, I know you'll be fine. Just enjoy your night. Because it's all yours. Now I'll leave you and the servants for you to get ready."
Charles nods, fidgeting with the bracelets on his wrist unconsciously.
"Do you want to see yourself in the mirror?"
"Of course," you nod, standing up. The dress has a sweetheart neckline, and hugs your waist and chest, with embroidered little flowers. It fades out into a flowing skirt, the embroidery flowing out along with it. You twirl in a circle with a soft giggle, excited to see the intense love in Charles' eyes that you know will be there when he sees you.
You lift your veil, which is being held by a sparkling flowery clip, to view your makeup. Your eyebrows are darkened, and so are the outsides of your eyes, making them surprising and striking when the veil is lifted- something Charles will need to do, of course, in order to kiss you. There's pink blush on your cheeks, and your lipstick a light red. All your freckles and imperfections are covered, except for a few beauty marks. You're glad they decided not to cover those. Your earrings and necklace match the clip in your hair, which is tied behind in a complicated braided bun.
There are only two extreme discomforts- one being the heels you're wearing under your dress, and the other being the tightness of your corset. But you figure you'll just have to get over those unconveniences.
Regardless, you can't wait to walk up that aisle to your prince.
Your prince charming.
It's crazy that less than a month ago you were thinking precisely how not charming he seemed.
Now, somehow, he's changed your mind.
Charles listens to the piano play as his nerves rise practically above his head, standing up there in the front of the chapel, in front of all those spectators and eyes, waiting for his princess to come to him. His wife. His...
Yes, his love.
And then, she enters.
And his heart practically stops.
Her in that beautiful dress. He can't even see her face very well from here through the veil, which just raises his nerves even more, in excitement to see how gorgeous her face will look.
Then she makes it to him, and stands, facing him. They hold each other's hands. She's wearing smooth silk gloves. Charles can only really see her striking eyes well through the veil, and realizes now that must be the point. It must be the point, to make him only be able to see his beautiful wife once he lifts her veil.
As they go through the ceremony and the vows, Charles hardly listens, in awe of the princess. The young couple stares at each other, both taking in the electricity called love in the other's eyes.
And then finally, the words.
"The Prince Charles and Princess Y/n may express their love in marriage in a kiss."
And, goodness, does Charles express his love.
He gently lifts the veil, and his breath slightly hitches in surprise when he views his beautiful new wife. But then his hands slip to her waist, and as he kisses her, her arms wrap around his shoulders and neck.
A passionate, slow, long kiss. It goes longer than it should, but neither of you care. You're just enjoying each other's sweet lips, and the sensation of really, actually kissing.
There's so much love and adoration...
It's glorious. The best kiss you think you'll ever receive.
So you savor it.
Finally, he pulls away, looking at you with an intense but gentle, half-lidded look in his eyes, and it hits your heart like an arrow when you finally realise what that look he seems to give you every so often is.
It's pure love in his eyes.
You wish that kiss never had to end.
And then you take his hand, entwining your fingers in his, and you walk down the aisle together. He squeezes your hand, and the guests leave the chapel behind you as you head down the hall to where the ballroom is.
"You're so lovely," Charles whispers to you.
"You're stunning too, you know." He's wearing very fancy clothes. Nothing you haven't seen him wear before, though, but regardless, on this day, there's a look in his eyes that make him look extra handsome.
You head to the table and sit together in front of your cake. He has his arm around your waist, and once all the guests have arrived in the room and are seated, Charles cuts a piece for you, and then for himself. Arthur raises his wine glass and calls, "Cheers to Prince Charles and his new wife, Prince Y/n! May they be blessed with happiness, wisdom, joy, contentment, long life, and many children!"
And at that, all the raised drinks clink together, and everyone drinks to that. Including you and Charles.
Once the meal is over, Charles gives Y/n's waist a little squeeze, before whispering, "Care to dance, my love?"
She seems to blush, and giggles softly, before nodding. "I'd love to, Prince Charles."
He nods and takes your hand, and the two of you stand up. He takes you onto the floor, and right away the music starts. Other couples enter the dance floor as well when they see the two of you beginning to dance. But once again, just like the last time you danced together, they all seem to disappear, and it's just you and Charles. Since you've already practiced before, right away Charles twirls you and dips you and swings you, and there's no shame having all eyes on you as he kisses you more times than you can count throughout the night, because this is your night.
And it's lovely.
As the last song slows and comes to an end, and you look into his eyes, you know this is a night you will never, ever forget.
Soon, then, he thanks everyone involved with the ceremony, before saying as he dismisses himself, holding your hand, "Now me and my wife will be going to my bedroom to be left alone." And he picks you up, carrying you bridal style (this time you actually are a bride), and carries you out of the room.
And this time, as he walks, you decide not to tell him to put you down. You are married, after all. And you're tired after all that. Your feet ache terribly, and many times you felt just slightly light-headed from the tightness of your corset.
You lean your head against your chest as you brain rushes through everything that has happened in really the last month.
It's scary.
You went from single and happy to married to the most handsome prince on the continent.
You went from walking in dirty, wearing servants' clothes, to being carried in this man's strong arms, feeling more beautiful than you've ever felt in this wedding dress.
The quickness of it all is frightening.
But you suppose there wasn't much you could do to help it.
The only thing you can think to reassure you is if he saw you and loved you even when you were dirty and in a peasant's outfit, he saw something within. So hopefully he didn't make a mistake.
Soon enough, you're at his bedroom door, and he opens it, setting you down gently. You wobble on your aching feet, and as he's shutting the door, take off your heels.
Then Charles comes back to you, and immediately, his lips meet yours once again. You kiss each other, and apparently he was pushing you forward in the kiss, because soon your back is against the wall.
Finally he leans away. He sighs deeply, before reaching behind your back, starting to untie your dress. You swallow. "So... We're going to do this."
He just nods. You can't tell if he wants to or if he doesn't.
Either way, you nervously look him in the eyes as he slips the veil clip out of your hair, setting it down on his dresser. He looks your face over, before taking all the pins and pieces out of your hair, unraveling it, so that it's down, over your shoulders.
Then he slowly slips your dress down, and suddenly you get a pit in your stomach when his eyes widen, looking at your body, which is still covered by your underclothes- bra, corset, underwear. You don't have enough time to think about what the look on his face could mean, before he says, "What is this?"
Oh, God, no. No. No, no, no. "What is what?" you manage.
"How do I get this off of you?" he says, putting his hands on your corset. "I know it's a corset but... It's squeezing the life out of you. Did they make you wear this?"
You sigh in relief. His reaction wasn't disgust about you. It was disgust about the corset. "Yes, Charles. Many women wear them. It's nothing to worry a-"
"Yes it is," he says, immediately going to taking it off of you. "Surely this is terrible uncomfortable, and for your wedding day!"
"Charles, it's not like the heels are comfortable either... I had to look beautiful for you."
A look of confusion with the slight disgust that's already there forms on his face as he shakes his head. "I personally don't think my love suffering when it should be one of the best days of her life is a beautiful concept at all. You're beautiful either way, whatever you wear! You don't have to destroy yourself in order to 'look beautiful for me'. You're already stunning to me, without even trying! Curse whoever made you wear this! I'm going to be having some words with them!"
"Charles, no," you say softly, seeing how fired up he's getting about this. "You talking with someone isn't going to change anything. Most men would be disgusted if their wife wasn't wearing a corset on her wedding day. You're different than most, which is good, but still, that's a minority. It wouldn't do anything good. It would only give people an even lower opinion about you. It's just not worth it."
He shakes his head, throwing the corset on the floor as if it's the Devil himself, saying, "I don't think you need that. You don't need to wear that for me, at least. I don't want you to. It looks like it hurts."
"It is quite tight..."
He nods, putting his hands on your bare waist gently, which gets your heart rate up faster. He looks into your eyes. "You're much more beautiful with a natural waist than with that thing. You don't have to go through the pain for me. I don't care about high heels, either. You don't have to wear those things for me."
You nod. "Thank you... You're... Every day, I like you more and more."
"For me, I'm at the point of love," he says softly, stroking your cheek.
"I'm approaching there too... I think. It's just crazy this has happened all in one month. A month ago, I didn't know you. I hated you. I had so many incorrect judgments about you."
He chuckles. "Well, I'm glad you changed your mind."
He then slips his coat off, hanging it up next to your dress, and unbuttons his vest. You sit down on the side of the bed. He lights some candles around the room, and closes the curtain. Then he gets some incense burning, before finally going to unbutton his last shirt. You stare as his toned chest slowly becomes revealed to you. You stand up, walking to him, before your kiss meets his bare shoulder. You kiss him all along his collarbone, before looking back up to him, staring into those lovely eyes. He's smiling softly, and kisses your forehead. You sit back down on the bed, as he slips off his pants. He ruffles his hair a bit, before looking to you.
Suddenly, he pushes you onto the bed, leaning over you. He makes out with you, slipping his hand under your bra, you slightly gasp into his kiss, but he ignores it, and keeps kissing you, more aggressively than he was before.
You feel yourself heating up as your heart beats quicker and quicker. There's a bubble of nervous anticipation and excitement in your chest, which is spreading out to your whole body. It causes you to giggle into his kisses at the beginning, before you settle into the love that he is showering over you.
Finally, he pulls away with a soft grunt, before whispering softly to you, so that you can feel his breath on your ear, "Are you ready to go further now, ma chérie?"
You find yourself panting as you nod. "Do whatever you want to me."
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milesmyrales · 10 months
my eyes on you
mikage reo x fem! reader, slight nagi seishiro x fem!reader narration. not proofread, this was something i wrote at 3am so pls bare with me 😞
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being good friends with mikage reo wasn’t easy. you both were always rumored to be dating, but none of that were true. but despise all the rumors, you would expect yourself to be receiving hate notes or atleast one of those letters that would say “stay away from reo”, but none of that ever happened.
maybe it was because they all knew how he looked at you, maybe its because they all know how he always searches for you and how his eyes always lit up only by seeing you walk pass by.
but you werent his.
instead, you were dating his bestfriend. nagi seishiro, who would have thought? he couldn’t ignore how he could see your smile reaching from eye to eye when you meet your boyfriend, he couldn’t ignore how much you talk about him. maybe other people didn’t bother because you were already dating nagi.
and he couldn’t stop wishing that it was him.
and now you’re in front of him, fussing about how you’re searching for nagi’s birthday gift. of course you asked reo, he’s his best friend who knows nagi more than himself. he was trying to help you, he really was but his thoughts just kept on drifting away. would you do this too if you were his boyfriend?
“hey reo, don’t drift off. are you still with me?” you snapped your fingers in front of his face making him slap back into reality. reo chuckled, slightly embarrassed that he was caught daydreaming. he quickly hopped back into the topic you both were discussing.
sometimes people wonder, what is something mikage reo can’t buy? which leaves 2 answers, the world cup and your feelings. if anyone knew his current feelings, they would think “if feelings could be bought then reo would buy name’s feelings so she could fall in love with him.”
but reo thinks otherwise. reo thinks that feelings are precious, especially love. love is such a beauty, such a rare feeling that appears for the right person in life. no money on earth he has can buy love.
in his eyes, your love for nagi is so sweet. too sweet for him that he feels sick, sick of his own thoughts. he should be happy for you right? his two best friends ended up being together and they’re both happy, who wouldn’t be happy? but then again,
who would he be happy with?
as much as he loves you, he wouldn’t confess. ever. not when you’re dating his best friend and not when you’re single. him confessing felt weird for him, if you’re his best friend, someone who makes him feel comfort more than he would with anyone and then suddenly goes wrong, where would he seek comfort next?
but would he have regrets if he doesn’t confess? sometimes people say that “regrets are things people didn’t do.” he’s never been this confused, why of all people on the earth it just had to be you? he never chased on someone before, its always been reversed and he would be rejecting girls left to right like it was nothing.
now it came to him. the fear of you rejecting him, if he ever decides to confess of course. was this what people experienced before confessing to him? were they even scared of rejection knowing there will be a 99.9% chance that they will get rejected?
he waited so long for you. he loved you the same as he loves football, that was already special. but you never knew. he waited years, after you finished high school and found your own ways. he never took his mind off of you, he was desperate. you and nagi were still going strong until one day reo got a call from you.
you never called him unless it was important, like that one time you needed a ride back home from a party but nagi was out of town, he was there.
he picked up the phone call “hey, whats up?” reo asked, slightly worried that you needed his help again on something. you told him you just had some news to share, which reo was curious about. what kind of news could he be expecting? will it finally the news of you and nagi breaking up? he definitely wasn’t wishing on that one.
3 words. 3 words was what you said. he wished from the bottom of his heart it was “we broke up” but he would be a bad friend if he did. instead you said the news to him in a happy voice “we’re getting married!”
reo was shocked but not surprised, he knew this time would come, he just didn’t expect it to be this soon. he wished he could have time for him to move on but this was so sudden. pausing for a few seconds, trying to act happy at the news was hard.
“i’m so happy for you both, congratulations” but he wasn’t. he wasn’t happy about it, he felt so many emotions at the same time that words can’t even express. the thing he wasn’t happy about was how he could have told his love for you before you dated nagi. he should have took his chance way back then, if he did, will things change?
you thanked him and ended the call shortly after delivering the news to him, reo sat in his office looking out at the window. he would remember the times where he first fell for you.
you and him first met on the school rooftops, he noticed on how you intensely gazed through the skies and school grounds. “why are you so focused, its not that entertaining watching this view” reo said, looking at you.
you noticed what he said but you didn’t avert your eyes from where you’re looking. “and why is that any of your problem? besides, im sightseeing and it pleases my eyes” you replied, still gazing through the skies.
“all of the girls i know are sightseeing with branded handbags and clothing” reo shrugged but he decided to join in on your little “sightseeing”, it was simple yet calming. he never thought of just appreciating the view at where he’s at.
then he looked at you, gazing at you the same way he gazes into the beautiful light blue sky, its like as if you’re a beautiful scenery from the garden with wonderful bright flowers. that was what you are to him, soothing. its like he knows you enjoys the little things in life.
he adores you for it, he adores you even more when he starts to get closer to you.
the day of your wedding with nagi comes, of course reo being the best friend of the groom he gets to be the best man. it was a simple wedding, nothing too fancy which is definitely something you would have chosen out. his head turns when he noticed the doors opened and you, the bride started to walk down the aisle.
you walked seeing familiar faces from friends and family waving to you, smiling and you smiled back. of course you would, this was the happiest day to you after all. reo gazed down at the white gown you picked out after months of deciding. reo and you made eye contact, you smiling from eye to eye looking as happy as ever. reo returned the gesture by smiling back.
he was in awe but he hit back into reality again. you married him, not reo. you’re gonna be happy with nagi. he watched as you and nagi stare at each other, watching nagi’s lips mumbling a “pretty”
reo bit his inner cheek trying his best not to cry at the vows, but he let it out anyways just like everybody in the room did. he cried. because of now that you’re happy with him, now that you’ve finally found your happily ever after with his bestfriend. he wouldn’t ruin this just for his own pleasure. he stayed quiet the entire wedding.
once the ceremony was over, reo stood silently at the side of the altar waiting for all of the guests to go home, the reception will continue tomorrow evening. you walked over to the purple haired man who looks like has been waiting for you guys to finish accepting all the congratulations from the guests.
standing right in front of him, he hugged you tightly. he sobbed, so loud that hes glad everyone already went away and its just you, him and nagi. you never saw him this vulnerable. slightly surprised, you tried to calm him down by patting his back. but that only made him cry louder.
he has so many regrets but he wouldn’t want to admit it.
“thank you for everything, reo” you thanked him, giving him a genuine smile.
reo stopped crying for a second to look at your face, trying to trace every detail so he would remember this smile by heart.
reo had many regrets, but he was grateful that he could be someone important to name’s life. that i all he could ever wish for now.
even if she isn’t his to love.
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Teaching Evasive Maneuvers
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Author's note: More of Symith in mermay.
Summary: Symith and his younger brothers and cousins are patrolling, he spots a new arrival coming in. Realizes it's a Custodes and teaches rapid evasive maneuvers and gets them all back to base before the Custodes makes a splash.
Warnings: ... Let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Symith is with the same mixed squad of Ultramarines and Space Wolves, all of them younger than him by decades, how they got here, was usually due to battle- and the strange twist of circumstances that had them from one breath to another There to Here. He's not one to ponder who gets chosen or why, and from what he's heard, even Custodes have been dropped onto Ancient Terra, not many, Thank the All-father, for they are far more dangerous than even the worst of Rampaging Khornate Space Marines.
He's heard the stories of whole pods of Space Marines being torn asunder, Loyalist, Renegade, and Chaos, because the Custodes deemed them unfit for Life, or because they wouldn't listen to the words of the Loyalists, explaining when and where they are. He suspects that they are trying to seek out the much younger version of The Emperor. Which, well- he wonders if they'll find him or not. He wonders if them being here will effect the time line, or if they are now in a new timeline, or if this will just be a temporary thing and won't actually affect things at all. Or- one of the younger space marines swims over to him with a concerned frown.
"You're bleeding from the nose," The young Apothecary with them says in concern, "Did you hit your head or something?"
"Ah- just got a wicked headache," He says waving the youngster off.
He had been... thinking about- oh, bad nope, not going to try going to think or poke at what is for Witches and Rune Priests to deal with. He's good at teaching and protecting and fighting, among other things. Such navel gazing and thoughts of philosophy and causality and other fancy-smancy nerd shit is for those of a higher intelligence than him. He allows the young Apothecary fuss over him as the Warp wipes away his thoughts on things that he should really not try to think too hard about. It just is.
"You didn't have to fuss so much," He says with a mild grumble
As they continue to patrol this area of the seas, on Ancient Terra, there had been some Excitement, some Idiot Chaos Psyker had tried to do some Great Working and it had twisted and gone wrong, and potentially really cursed an underwater cave system nearby.
Exactly where, he's not been told, mostly so he doesn't go poke at it with his bolter and get bitten by something Nasty. Also, another thing, there was some rumblings about a Nurglite Infestation that had nearly destroyed a Coral Reef ecosystem, that too, was being handled by those who are qualified to handle it. He had his squad are to try and see if they can find other Strange Things that might be happening, or Chaos Bastards who aren't where they are supposed to be.
Also, he's unsurprised that the Chaos Marines are Up To Shit, and Causing Problems On Purpose for everyone else. It's what they do, they are, after all, Chaos Marines. He has Opinions on this 'armistice' between the two sides, especially since he knows that certain factions within the Chaos Marine pods and shoals aren't doing their part of the deal as well as they should. The larger Chaos Marine Pods would claim that it was smaller shoals that aren't a part of the Alliance that lies at fault, but he's got his doubts on that. Even odds on whether it's true or not. He swims to the surface and looks up- he'd spotted something glittering and sparkling above him and then swum fast down to where the Scouts are.
"Boys!" He calls sharply.
Gratifyingly they all turn towards him swiftly. "We need to move out of the area- a new Custodes is landing in these waters."
They all seems startled and start to whirl, "Move it lads! I don't want to become shark chum from a raging Custodes having a fit from their arrival. We also need to let the Chapter Masters in the area know so they can decide on the approach. Now- get moving!"
They are all loyalists, but depending on when the Custodes is from, what they were doing, and where they were before coming to Ancient Terra... being Reasonable is Not something that was designed by the Emperor within his Golden Host. So- they are swimming, fast and in the deep and in a circuitous pattern- he's barking out orders to them to help them with evasion and hopefully, staying unnoticed by one of those Stuffy, Uppity bastards who were more likely to kill, than listen to anything anyone said, or pull their weight and bully any and everyone who knows exactly what they are to their advantage, taking more in supplies and resources, and knowledge faster than they usually allowed new arrivals to have.
But such was the Custodes- catering to those bastards whims.  New Custodes, are very likely to be Unbonded. Trying to risk sending a message to one of the Bonded Custodes about their newly arrived brother, usually they would deign to speak with their brother and explain things. Which was a better way, in his opinion, let the Bonded Custodes deal with unbonded Custodes and leave them out of it.
He thinks it had worked, none of them are dead without realizing it, and he's not heard the whale song- and booming crooning calls of a Custodes on a hunt, when they decided to be noisy. Informing the Captain in deck of what was going on had been fun, but since he's done his job, and now that problem is so far above his paygrade it isn't funny. He grabs his squad of Scouts and tucks them into one of the shared nests to make sure they are all safe, alright, and most importantly, do not be stupid and try to catch a glimpse of a Custodes. His boys are safest where he can see them, scruffing the Apothecary and tucking him into the middle of the group.
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delopsia · 1 year
Bestie i need more headcanons on cuddle bug rhett 😭🐛
I feel like I could go on about Rhett being a cuddle bug for HOURS
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When you first get together, Rhett is very, very hesitant to touch you. Not out of a dislike for it but because he tends to forget how strong he is, and he's mortified that he'll hurt you. He's had a lot of instances in the past where he's hugged someone a little too hard or otherwise caused some sort of accidental harm.
But once you establish that you're not breakable! and that he isn't going to break your spine simply from hugging you from behind; all bets are off.
He used to always argue that he's not touch starved, saying something about lack of physical touch not bugging him in the slightest, but in reality, he's just grown so used to it that he doesn't see the signs anymore.
That argument went out the window when one day, you reached up and cradled his cheeks in your palms, and his face softened with a realization that he'd never had before.
Touch is a very intimate thing for him. He never had a lot of it growing up, and for a while there, it was only a thing he could find in his weekend hookups. It's something that makes him feel safe, feel real, like he's not just an invisible being whose only purpose is to work.
Rhett's favorite thing is to have you lying on his chest. There's just something so comforting in having you on top of him, safely secured in his big, strong arms. He could lay like that for hours if you'd let him.
There is a designated kiss for every occasion. Hello and goodbye kisses, just picked you up in his truck kisses, cheer-me-up forehead kisses, bedtime kisses, I didn't expect to run into you here kisses, giggly nose kisses because it's cold out and our noses feel like they're made of ice. For everything you do, there is a reason for a kiss or two.
Kisses your injuries, too. From bruises to cuts to old scars, they all deserve kisses!
He loves it when you kiss the scar on his chest. He's never really paid much attention to it until you started doing that, and now its become one of his favorite scars.
Autumn and Spring are his favorite seasons. Not because of the weather but because sometimes you misjudge the weather and wind up snuggling into him for warmth.
Laces your pinkies together when you walk. It's subtle, just a loose little link that doesn't result in hot, sweaty hands after a few minutes.
Drops everything to cuddle with you if you ask. It doesn't matter what he was doing beforehand; he's already halfway across the room with his arms open wide. Do you want to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie? Go to bed and take a nap together? Hell, he'll even carry you there!
Recently, Rhett's been introduced to the theaters with big couches instead of tiny seats, and he's been hooked. A movie with his sweetheart, in a comfy loveseat where he can cuddle with you and not spill the popcorn?? Sign him the fuck up.
It's a bit of a drive, considering Wabang is close to nothing, nothing, and more, nothing, but he doesn't mind it. That just means he gets to spend more time with you!
He won't admit it, but he really enjoys being the little spoon. Especially if you let him tuck his head up under your chin and go to sleep there. It's nice to feel small and delicate every once in a while.
Turns into a damn glue trap when he's drunk. Once you let him touch you, he's not coming off.
The good thing is, that means he's the last person to go missing in a bar. The bad thing is, you literally cannot get him off of you. He's hugging you from behind, sleepily kissing your cheek as he fusses about how he's sleepy and wants to go home.
And what do you mean that he can't snuggle into you in this booth because you're in public? That couple over there might as well be having sex against the wall at this point, and they're not bothered! So why can't he cuddle you??
"Just one kiss?" Rhett pleads, batting those pretty, long lashes of his, "please?"
"Rhett, I've already given you one," you regret the words the very second they come out of your mouth because his eyes drop to his lap, disappointed. You might as well have just backhanded him.
What's worse is you know he's not doing it intentionally. He just doesn't know how to control his expressions when he's drunk. If he's feeling it, you can see it written all over his scruffy face.
Reaching over, you take hold of his jaw and tilt it up, pressing a soft peck to his lips.
The corners of his eyes crinkle as he giggles.
It even works to get him out of those petty bar fights. All you have to do is run your hand up his back, speaking gently, and he's backing out of it. Might have a few more choice words for who he's angry with, but it works. Perry calls it the Magic Touch.
In the event that you tell him no, he does one of three things, he either pouts, accepts it, and moves on, OR he turns it into a game of 'who's gonna crack first.'
He always cracks first.
All you have to do is cozy up somewhere, open up your arms, and he's gone.
It's rare that he gets to join you, but bubble baths are his favorite way to wind down with you. It always starts out with him sitting across from you, legs tangled up as you talk about everything under the sun, but as the water starts to grow cold, he scoots over to sit next to you.
Play! With! His! Hair! There is no quicker way to make the man nearly purr. Sleepily blinks at you and smiles all big and wide while you do it.
Shamelessly loves the sparkly bath bombs you use every once in a while. he gets a real kick out of seeing the glitter on his skin the next day, and you usually get a picture of his shimmering hand with the caption, "darlin', I'm sparkling in the light again."
This past summer, Rhett got the big idea of putting a hammock behind the house, tucked safely into the shade of the trees. Really went all out and got one of the bigger ones because, hey! Potential cuddle spot!
Sometimes you'll find him out there, knocked out cold with his hat flat on his face, and you'll climb in and join him in his afternoon cat nap. He's too deep of a sleeper to notice your arrival, but he's always grinning like an idiot when you wake up. "Didn't expect to wake up with an angel in my arms."
Does that thing where he places his hand on your lower back as you step past him. He doesn't even intend for it to happen; it just winds up there, gently pressing into you until you're out of reach.
Nuzzles you with his nose like he's a dog. It's the first thing he does once he's got you in his arms, nose wiggling against you as he finds himself a nice, comfortable spot. It tickles, and your giggles only make him do it even more.
Who would have thought a cowboy could be so cuddly?
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 3 months
Random anon here, we’ll to those who are mad at Chris, let me ask you all, what should he have done?
It’s easy to say not gotten into This mess, duh, but he’s in it and deep in it.
It’s easy on the outside looking in to say just leave but umm like the marketing anon stated….it’s a business and one thing you don’t fuck with is people’s money especially those with more power and influence than you.
See I’m not making any excuses for Chris but I see people ragging on him but never stopping to realize we don’t have the full scope of this, huge missing pieces are left out and many are inserting their opinions and speculation as facts.
Be mad sure, but had Chris said no who’s to say this man wouldn’t have ended up blacklisted, lost everything he’s worked for etc. also he’s human and the pandemic scared at lot of people, even Scott stated Chris was worried about money during a podcast in 2020, Scott laughed but I never forgot that. Pr is easy money I’m sure. Things start out looking simple and then go left, again it’s easy to say well he would have said no, at least he’d had his integrity and morals, okay…..but if he ends up on a where are they now and homeless, severe drug addiction or mental issues due to losing everything then what.
My point is we don’t know shit and it’s easy to act like we do. Chris isn’t an idiot so I assume there’s more to this and he’s stuck because no way in hell things would be playing out the way they have nor would he be looking like a shell of his former self if he had power to end this or if this were real.
He’s human, be mad but don’t act like you haven’t ever fucked up in life either. I hate the high and mighty bullshit posts from people over shit you have no knowledge of.
Hollywood is a fucked up place and let me drop a bomb on you all, majority of the shit people sit online discussing is purposely created to keep people engaged from random headlines to bs from tv shows, news stories, movies, celeb drama, we’re all entangled in the web.
Example: Marketing is creating a story about two celebs fighting or dating and in reality the celebs never met but the rumor is now out there and they test to see the reactions.
Many feel Chris image is fake due to this mess but was it? I’m sure he would have revealed himself years before this mess if this was who he truly is.
Use your brains people, don’t fall for bullshit and don’t waste time fussing and cursing Chris everyday because you think this is some simple PR stunt he chose to do or that he’s actually with her.
Truth always come to light so don’t take anything personal and sit back and just watch until it all explodes. Lies can only last so long. 💅
An🫶n, you make an excellent point. And I wholeheartedly agree with you.
Chris may be a celebrity, but he's also a guy who needs to keep money flowing in order to live.
A big possibility, purely speculation, but the PR contract must have been tied to a lot of money. Money that post pandemic, he definitely needs. So, he's selling this, failing, but selling to get the check. And as shallow as that is, he definitely needs the money like any other grown up with bills.
So, let's cut Chris a little slack. And let's not wish him harm, because I heard from the grapevine that someone in the Fandom has wished him harm.
Not naming names. But that's fucked up, and you're no better than the people on the other side, whoever you are.
As for the fans that only want the best for Chris, let's ride the waves, hang in there, and continue to call 'em out! Or ignore certain tantrum-like antics. Whatever the occasion calls for 😌
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Flufftober 2023
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Day 28: "You're the love of my life, of course I came." [Reader x Kakashi Hatake] {Naruto/ Shippuden}
Mission after mission after mission, it felt like it would never end. You knew it likely wouldn't end, though you didn't know how much longer you could keep up with this break-neck pace. Yes, the Village needed the money these jobs were bringing in, but you were starting to get severely burnt out and it was showing with how little control you had over your chakra.
Which was how you wound up captured by a group roaming nin. You weren't sure what they wanted you for, you weren't even sure if they could ransom you in any form. What you did know was that this was some serious trouble and all you could do was wait for an opening.
And hope you could escape...
You were waiting for the embers of their campfire to die down, cloak you with just enough shadow that you could loosen the rope tying your wrists back. Enough wiggling should get you out of here without having to worry.
But before you could start wiggling, you felt a presence behind you. A person cloaked in nearly complete shadow, kneeling behind you to avoid the dying glow of the fire. Based solely on the feel of the chakra, you knew they were friendly... but that was all you could tell. Whoever it was seemed to have mastered lowering their chakra to something nearly indistinguishable from a small dog.
"Just stay still until they fall asleep." That was a voice you recognized so well, it took all your restraint not to relax or squeal a little, "I already poisoned their drinks with something to speed up the process, just give it a minute."
You couldn't nod or give any real indication that you understood. But good gracious were you relieved Kakashi had come for you. Not that the two of you were traveling together at the time you'd been captured, but you were supposed to rendezvous with him for the last half of his mission. It meant so much that he'd come for you... especially since he usually didn't wait around when you were late like this.
But as the roaming nin started to drop like flies, you scooted back. Getting far enough away that standing wouldn't wake them. As you entered a small glade, there he stood. Silver hair glinting in the light of the moon sickle, looking just as nonplused as ever. And yet, there was something about the way he was standing that made you think he had been so worried about you.
"You came for me this time."
"You're the love of my life [Name]," Kakashi sighed, "Of course I came looking for you. Not that we should let our personal lives dictate how we act in the field, but I knew that something had to be wrong when I didn't see you a few minutes late."
You stopped short of hugging him, "You mean to tell me that you can see me coming and you just keep going without waiting for me to catch up!?"
"Yes, but only because I know you will catch up." He only felt comfortable taking your hand at the moment, leading you onward to the next mission, "Though, you seem to be wearing yourself far too thin to be caught by a group like this. Is everything okay?"
"Yes and no." You were just able to fall in step with Kakashi, "Lord Third has had me going back out on missions as soon as I return to the Village, if he doesn't just assign me to a second or third mission right after I wrap up one in the field. I get why, and I'm by no means complaining about it. I'm just getting a little tired is all."
"Well, I'm going to complain about it." Kakashi muttered a little darkly, "There really isn't any reason you should be running double and triple missions while Anko and Genma are sitting around doing nothing."
"Kashi, you really don't have to kick up a fuss." You tried tugging his arm to persuade him, "I'll be fine."
"You're not going to win me over with puppy eyes this time. My mind is made up." He huffed, "And you clearly aren't fine if you're being captured by the likes of those idiots. You need rest and I will lock you in your house if I have to."
Kakashi was glad his mask covered most of his face, the way you giggled at him. He would always be a little overprotective, even if it was like pulling teeth to get him to admit to it out loud.
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milky-fixx · 2 years
seven deadly sins; valentine’s day dates ft. meliodas, ban, and king
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tw: meliodas’ is suggestive at end. 18+
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the dragon’s sin of not showing he cares enough
He’s really not the romantic type, in the sense of flowers, chocolates, or declarations of love. Meliodas’ brand of romance is a shared beer by the fireplace, inside jokes, and knowing glances. But if you make enough of a fuss about it, dropping hints here and there, he’ll make you breakfast in bed.
Which would be cute… if the Captain wasn’t infamous for his terrible cooking skills. The pancakes he makes look absolutely delectable, but one bite has you wanting to hurl. But hey, he tried! That’s how most of his romantic endeavors go—down south.
Even if you say how much you want flowers and such, Meliodas acts oblivious. Or maybe he really is oblivious. His thinking is, if you really want flowers so much, you silly thing, why don’t you get them yourself? He doesn’t see the need for trite displays of romance; isn’t it enough that he loves you in his own way? If you persist though, he will show up with a bushel of flowers for you. Literally, the entire bush, roots and all.
While he’s sorely lacking in the romance department, you do notice that your tasks have mysteriously disappeared throughout the day. Chores? All done. Cooking for the Boar Hat? He’s got Ban on it. Feeding Hawks? His bowl is full of scraps the entire day. Meliodas may not be great at showing you he cares, but that’s kind of how he likes it. He shows his love by doing things for you in the background, without you even realizing it.
It takes a comment from King or Ban (“For a guy who’s so popular with the ladies, you think he’d be less clueless,” or a “Pfft, and you said I was unromantic?”) before Meliodas has the idea to ask you if you would prefer he gets you gifts, or grants you sappy declarations of affection. It’s not really his style; he prefers to keep the lovey-dovey talk under close quarters, But perhaps you notice Meliodas hovering closer by your side, his arm draping over your shoulders. These seem like casual shows of affection, but Meliodas only gets touchy with people he feels strongly for.
Once the day is over though, and you’re teasing Meliodas about his utter lack of grandiosity, he’s genuinely confused.
“Oh, do those things really matter to you? I didn’t know.”
As you splutter in indignation, Meliodas adopts a thoughtful expression.
“Huh. Sorry about that.” He sends you a crooked grin. “The... day isn’t over though. Want me to make it up to you?”
Your Valentine’s day ends with with a bang--or rather, banging. Ban, whose room is next door, complains about how you two need to learn to turn down the volume if he’s going to get any shut-eye.
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the wily fox sin who loves one thing more than treasure
Ban gets a kick out of teasing you about the holiday, especially if you’re excited about it.
“Valentine’s Day, huh? You got a boyfriend or somethin’ to spend it with?”
He plays coy. He acts like he has nothing planned, because he likes seeing you get worked up about it. Of course, he knows there are expectations around the holiday, and he knows that you have expectations for him, but he wants to hear you say it.
He yawns, rolling over onto his side and trapping you underneath him. As usual, Ban sleeps entirely nude, and the press of the hard lines of his body against yours has you flustered momentarily. He notes your embarrassment with a smirk, trailing a finger across your cheek idly. “What’s the big deal, anyways? Isn’t it just like any other day?”
You argue back, that it’s not just any other day, and Ban snorts, rolling his eyes.
“What I mean, babe, is... don’t I love you enough every day? Why do I gotta prove it?”
He acts like it’s an annoyance, but he already planned on making you your favorites for breakfast. Ban can make a solid 5-star meal out of any ingredients, but it isn’t until Gowther mentions his particularly good mood, and speculates upon it, that you find out it’s his birthday as well.
“Ban! Seriously? Were you even going to tell me?”
He shrugs. “Like I said, it’s not like it’s a special day.”
But knowing that it’s his birthday makes you determined to do something special for him. It takes you all day to find the connections, but you manage to find him vintage ale imported from three towns over.
Ban is surprised to see a gift. He really does mean it when he says that he doesn’t expect anything special; his birthday was hardly a big deal for most of his life. If it weren’t for the fact that it coincided with a holiday, he would most likely forget it was a thing.
“Tch, I said you didn’t have to get me anything.” The edge to his words are softened by the tender look he gives you, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “Twerp.”
Sappy declarations of love come easier to Ban, because for him, they aren’t embarrassing. They’re just his honest, unfiltered feelings.
“I’m lucky enough to have you in my life as it is.”
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the fairy king who’s a hopeless romantic
King doesn’t even realize that it’s a human holiday until he’s strolling around town with Elizabeth and he comments on all the red and pink decor, the flowers in every window.
When she informs him, he nearly falls off Chastiefol’s floating pillow form.
“What?! I had no idea it was a holiday!”
He’s freaking out. Why didn’t you tell him? Did you really have such low expectations of him? How could he not have known?
“W-Why didn’t you tell me it was a special day?” he wails once he finds you. You giggle. “I had no idea! I don’t want you to think I didn’t–I didn’t care.”
Fairy-human relations are already complicated; much less when holidays exist in one tradition and not the other. Thankfully, King is a romantic at heart, and even if he wasn’t, fairies have their own holiday that involves cherishing their loved ones. He draws from that tradition in finding you the perfect gifts.
He darts all over the country to collect an assortment of flowers, each with their own meaning, all of them speaking to deep adoration and affection. King also collects fresh berries and makes you an array of pastries and sweets. The usually lazy Grizzly Sin of Sloth exerts himself more than he has in awhile, all to prove the depths of his feelings for you.
By the time he presents his gifts to you, the sun is going down, and King struggles to catch his breath. But then he presents to you the scene: a picnic for two laid out in the clearing of a forest, where the sun’s rays catch just right on the foliage surrounding you.
King is absolutely relieved when you take kindly to the pastries and flowers. He’s a bit shy to give you his last gift though, a collection of poems and lyrics about you that he’s been compiling. He’s too nervous to recite them out loud, so he hides one of the notes inside your bouquet of flowers, his face turning redder than the sunset once you read it, and express your adoration.
The rest of the day is spent cuddling on Chastiefol, King tucking one of the flowers behind your ears, and you doing vice-versa.
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astrobolical · 1 year
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When the truth spills forth-
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Content Warnings: Pining, Alhaitham’s version of fluff, Kaveh’s obliviousness, mentions of their history
I wasn't sure if I was gonna post character x character, but here we go. Why not?
I adore these two, especially Kaveh, and think they deserve the world. We all know they’re married even if they don’t know it (Alhaitham does, Kaveh might not).
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Living with one’s heart on their sleeve, laying their emotions bare for the world to see, it was something incomprehensible to Alhaitham. What benefits could it bring? What could it do but bring you troubles and eventual pain? Yet Kaveh was exactly that, brilliant, bright yet incredibly transparent. Almost unbearably.
His eyes told the world his truth, no matter what he tried to hide. It was tiresome to witness, Alhaitham could only imagine it was exhausting to exist in such a state. Kaveh persevered, however, regardless of how haphazard that perseverance was. Every step he took forward held the danger of tumbling back down the rocks he’d dragged himself from. He’d come so far, yet it was clear how much he was truly trying to balance, and the impact it had on the architect.
Alhaitham knew that their situation was only contributing to Kaveh’s unfortunate circumstances, for reasons far beyond the scribe’s control. No matter what he said or did, Kaveh would see the world in a vastly different way than himself. Alhaitham, contrary to his roommate’s belief, was happy with their arrangement. It had become his norm, an expectation to come home to Kaveh fussing over some new decoration, hearing his chastising and endless complaints. As blunt as Alhaitham was in return, it was never out of malice. 
He’d always cared about Kaveh, in his own way. Even in the past when they’d gone their separate ways— what he’d said had been the truth, spoken only to try to make Kaveh see reason, see how the way he was going would end in his detriment. Softened blows or flimsy words were not Alhaitham’s forte, he had always been brutally honest with Kaveh regardless of the consequences— perhaps more honest than he is with anybody else. 
While he could walk away from the majority of people within Sumeru without a second thought, Kaveh was someone who held a value he couldn’t measure. To Alhaitham Kaveh was something to ground him, keep him thinking, and surprise him at every turn. Kaveh was everything Alhaitham was not, just as he was everything Kaveh was not. A balance that was uniquely them. Something that couldn’t be replaced, something that Alhaitham had no desire to lose, even if Kaveh was blind to it.
Just like when he’d spoken his truth all those years ago, Alhaitham had been there again for Kaveh when he was needed. Despite the distance between them, the unyielding silence that had persisted. Alhaitham’s home had become Kaveh’s, despite his senior’s protests. Though it had begun as a way to keep his senior’s head above the proverbial water, Alhaitham had quickly come to adjust to their situation. Faster than anyone in Sumeru would likely believe given his reputation. 
The noises he would normally drown out were welcomed when they were Kaveh. His space being invaded was only okay when it was Kaveh. 
It was simply because it was Kaveh.
But he knew that if he voiced this to the architect he’d freeze. His mind would go into overdrive, working to its breaking point and creating problems that didn’t exist. He’d find a way to blame himself for a misfortune he didn’t cause. He’d burn away internally until he couldn’t withstand it anymore, succumbing to his own negativity and self doubt, and he, inevitably, would flee the situation in a vain attempt to make the situation ‘better’. 
So the scribe remained quiet about the way he felt, keeping his actions subtle, behind the scenes. He continued to chastise and speak bluntly with Kaveh as he always did-- just a tiny bit more forethought to his words so that he didn’t give Kaveh too much to think on.
In some ways, Kaveh was like a skittish desert fox. Eager, curious-- oddly adorable-- yet incredibly easy to frighten, startle or deter. 
If it was anyone else, Alhaitham would have declared them not worth his time and efforts, left them behind to continue their lives without him… but this wasn’t anyone else. 
So he lived, ignoring his growing affections, keeping the same distance that Kaveh seemed to need. When he’d find himself covering a sleeping Kaveh, passed out on his desk, with a blanket he resisted the urge to press a kiss to the top of his head, to indulge in the impulses he held deep down. Because if Kaveh knew, he feared that Kaveh would choose to leave. 
So when he returned home and was greeted with the sight of boxes in the entryway Alhaitham’s first reaction was fear. His normally rational mind, ever-calm and logical gave way to the feelings deep in his chest-- surely Kaveh hadn’t found a place so suddenly? Why? Alhaitham grit his teeth, his jaw clenched as he made his way by the boxes, he could hear Kaveh deeper within the house and he made his way there without a moment’s hesitation.
Kaveh’s room was in disarray, furniture moved about and out of place, the architect standing in the middle going through drawers that hadn’t been opened in months. “Kaveh?” He questioned, leaning in the doorway. His expression gave away nothing of his internal turmoil, stoic and calm as always.
“Oh.” Kaveh looked up, almost sheepishly as he looked around at the mess. “I didn’t think you’d be home so soon. Don’t worry, this will be packed up soon and you’ll have your precious space back.” He spoke more calmly than Alhaitham anticipated, expecting a level of defensiveness over his actions-- Kaveh would never truly apologize to the scribe, nor would he bring himself to thank him for anything he does. “I’ll be out of your hair soon enough.”
The question left his lips with the same brashness as the day he’d destroyed their friendship, but Kaveh just looked at him, a confused expression settled on his face before he rolled his eyes. “Seriously? Come on, it's not like I need to explain myself here.” 
His back turned he began to go through the drawer he’d been looking into again, ignoring Alhaitham’s stiffened form in the doorway. Alhaitham’s mind worked quickly, almost in a panic as he debated what to say. I think you do. You’re just going to leave like this? Can you even afford the place you’ve found long-term?
But he bit them all back, instead stepping forward and making his way through the room. He felt too warm, his heart racing against his chest. “Are you just going to stand there all evening?” Kaveh quipped, never turning to look at Alhaitham again-- perhaps if he had Alhaitham could have better controlled what he did next. Stopped his hands from reaching out, stopped his arms from encircling around Kaveh’s shoulders that rapidly stiffened. Stopped himself from pressing his forehead to the man’s hair. “What are you doing?!” Kaveh’s own hands found his forearms, confusedly pressing against the offending appendages that gently held him.
“Stay.” He breathed, feeling overwhelmed by his own movements, like the room was too warm, their bodies too close but yet not close enough. The truth he’d hidden for so long edging dangerously close to the ledge, teetering towards the dangerous abyss of making it known, letting it out into the world and risking it all coming crashing down. “Stay.” He repeated, for once unsure what else he could possibly say.
“Wha- What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?!” Kaveh was stiff in his arms, but his protests were light, clearly more perplexed than anything, not that Alhaitham could blame him. He, too, wasn’t sure what he was doing. “What do you mean ‘stay’?!” He grumbled. 
“Don’t leave.”
“I got that! Don’t leave where, Alhaitham?” Kaveh’s voice was becoming higher in pitch, cracking in the middle of his sentence.
“Here. Don’t move.” Alhaitham didn’t dare to let go-- he’d trapped his skittish fox within his arms, and if he let go now he was sure he would flee to hide within the sands. “Don’t leave.” 
There was a tense moment of silence between the two men before the architect finally wriggled free of the younger’s grasp, turning to face him before he realized how little space was truly between them. Instead he was face to face with a solemn looking Alhaitham, his back trapped against the dresser he’d been emptying. 
His eyes were wide, his face as red as the fabric he wore and Alhaitham knew he didn’t want to go back to coming home to an empty house. He couldn’t return to a time before their tentative reconciliation. 
Kaveh’s mouth opened, but no sound escaped, instead he closed it once again, eyes averting to look anywhere but his roommate. The silence was palpable, tension growing between them in a way they’d never experienced before. “Where did that even come from?” He finally muttered, bringing his arm up and shielding his blushing face with his hand, as if the red didn’t peek through, moving back towards his ears. 
“I want you to stay here.” Alhaitham reiterated, despite the unknown situation, how little he’d thought this one through. How unlike him this was. “I know you feel like you’re a burden to me, but I want you here, Kaveh.” 
“W-what the hell? Come on, Alhaitham quit joking around--” 
“I’m not joking.” He closed the distance between them more, barely a breath apart, almost close enough for Kaveh to feel his racing heart. He reached towards the hand that covered his roommate’s face, pulling it away and looking him square in his ruby eyes. “Kaveh, you don’t need to leave. Please.” 
“Kaveh.” He interrupted, leaning down just enough so their noses touched. “I…” 
All the days of silence, protecting Kaveh’s peace of mind in his own way. Withholding the truth that would send the architect running. Everything he’d held in came rushing forward as he was faced with the reality of Kaveh leaving. It was a reality he knew could happen, he’d expected it to come up now and then, but somehow with it being so real in front of him it was frightening. Every carefully hidden gesture, every snide remark covering a look of endearment, everything was coming undone in just a few moments. 
Alhaitham knew there was no returning from this, no turning back from what he’d begun. He could only hope and pray that Kaveh could handle his truth. That his skittish fox would find a way to not blame himself for this somehow. To not hate himself. To accept the truth for what it was.
“I love you.” 
Kaveh’s mouth was agape, eyes wider than before, breath coming out in ragged puffs as he undoubtedly fought down whatever panic was rising in his own chest. Sputters of attempted responses left his lips but formed no words. The distance between them was filled with nothing but silence and an inexplicable static-- like a spark waiting to ignite something further. 
“You-” He whispered, voice failing once again. “You… you can’t be serious... Don’t make a joke of something like this, I thought you… that you’d be better than that!” 
He moved to leave, to flee just as Alhaitham knew he would, but the scribe gripped his shoulders. “I’m not joking, Kaveh. I’m being serious.” 
Watery red eyes met turquoise, as if searching for any hint of a lie from the man who was holding him. Yet from the expressions on his face Alhaitham knew that the reality of his words was beginning to settle in. “What the hell…” Kaveh murmured, looking away when he was seemingly satisfied. “That’s not fair at all…” 
“Not fair?” Althaitham questioned, voice low, trying to keep himself calm, to retain a sense of logical reasoning, to keep himself steady in the revelation of what he’d just done. 
“You always just say whatever you want, it’s not fair.” Kaveh huffed, pushing against his shoulders in a vain attempt to gain some space. 
“Is there something you want to say to me…? Just say it.” Alhaitham dared not to let himself hope, he’d long since accepted that his feelings were one sided, that there was little to no chance to repair what he’d broken in the past, let alone further it. “Just say what you want to say.” 
“It’s not fair!” Kaveh whimpered, biting his lip. “Even things like this you say so casually.” Kaveh stopped his pushing, instead Alhaitham was shocked as the blonde moved forward, resting his forehead on Alhaitham’s shoulder in defeat. “Even something I should have said first.”
Alhaitham hugged Kaveh close, long hair tickling his nose as he nuzzled his face as close as he could manage. Quickly discarding his headset when they hindered how close he could get. It felt like a dream, like he’d wake at any moment and find himself back to square one waiting for this day to come again where he’d face losing Kaveh. The only person he could bring himself to have this close, to invade his space, to hold. 
They remained like that for a long, restless minute. Only the sounds of Kaveh’s hands gripping onto Alhaitham’s clothes, of his little whimpers as he let himself be overwhelmed with the situation. The thundering pulse of Alhaitham’s racing heart in his own ears. 
“So… you’ll stay?” He questioned, barely willing to break the quiet atmosphere between them, the calm in the midst of whatever storm they’d begun. 
At this Kaveh did push him back, abruptly and far more roughly than his initial attempts. Alhaitham could see the tear stains on his cheeks, how red his eyes had become and the watery shimmer of tears still threatening to fall. “I wasn’t leaving! You moron!” He hiccuped, gesturing wildly to the messy room. “I was going to put things in storage!” 
Alhaitham blinked, slowly, as the words settled in his mind. “What about the boxes in the entryway?” 
Kaveh glared at him as he wiped away his lingering tears, and Alhaitham felt relieved--it was still the Kaveh he knew, things hadn’t entirely blown up like he’d worried about. “They’re for you. God knows you could do some spring cleaning.”
Alhaitham nearly laughed, a breathy huff escaping him at the sheer audacity of the situation. “Ridiculous.” He muttered, ignoring the indignant retort Kaveh threw back his way in favour of bringing him back into his arms. “You’re ridiculous.” 
“And yet you… love me.” Kaveh whispered, his nose just barely missing Alhaitham’s at their new proximity. 
Alhaitham didn’t bother to answer vocally, simply staring with the same, bored gaze he always gave the architect. It earned him a smack to the shoulder and a huffy, embarrassed man in his arms. “...I… love you, too.” 
Alhaitham was the one to breach the shallow distance between them, pressing a chaste kiss to Kaveh’s lips, enjoying the noise of surprise that graced his ears as he pulled away. Adoring the way that Kaveh chased the sensation. Alhaitham denied him the press of his lips, a smirk on his face. “Well, shall we do some ‘spring cleaning’ then?” 
“You’re an ass.” Kaveh groaned, but didn’t protest-- if Alhiatham really was willing to help him with the daunting task of cleaning their home, he surely wasn’t going to argue the point. 
They laxed back into a comfortable rhythm, if a little tense with that spark that remained between them. Perhaps remaining a little too close to one another, their skin brushing more than they ever would have allowed before.
Some things had surely begun to change, but Alhaitham felt relieved to know that his truth was shared with Kaveh, and that the two of them would work through whatever turmoil faced them in the future. Together. 
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ravenloop · 1 year
Woah hang on, we got the Thor and Odin dating someone who had amnesia BEFORE they met, can we get one AFTER they started dating?
Headcannons: Thor and Odin w/ S/O who got amnesia after they met
AN: I like the way you think, anon 👀 so have this as a token of my appreciation. It's much more angsty than the last one lmao
It was perfect, your relationship with Thor.
Sure, it took you some time to get used to his family. Many of them weren't that nice either, but it worked out well.
Thor was happy with you, he found someone that he could trust and talk to without feeling the need to worry that you would use his words against him.
You both were in love and also had quite a stable relationship, what more could you two ask for?
And then it all changed.
Both of you were sent on a mission to Midgard to retrieve something for the Allfather.
There were a lot of enemies - it was expected. After all, something that the Allfather needed couldn't have possibly been left unguarded.
It was incredible how fast both of you got overwhelmed by them, you especially.
In the mist of enemies, you managed to lose Thor and had to fight them all on your own while Thor fought others.
You did quite well on your own, for a little bit, but after a while you were forced to use a powerful spell to kill of all your enemies. It was too powerful, and knocked you unconscious after using it.
When you awoke, you were back in Asgard, no memory of what happened.
Thor was right by your side when you opened your eyes, he fussed over you, but it just confused your mind further. Why was Thor there? What happened to you? Why couldn't you remember anything?
The lost look in your eyes only worried Thor more, he tried explaining everything that happened but you couldn't remember anything - not even the fact you two were a couple.
Your confusion only frustrated him, he loved you so much but you... Didn't love him back. Not anymore.
It didn't take long for Thor to fall back into his old drinking habit after you lost your memory. You had helped pry him away from drinking, but now that you had no recollection of ever being with Thor, you didn't stop him.
Still, he tried to help you. He would tell you about those you fought, the things you made or the spells you casted. Anything to help you remember. But each thing he told you only left you more confused.
You apologize to him, saying you don't remember those things or the apparent fact that you were ever with him. Your memory had snippets of your time in Asgard, there were also a few memories you had where you and Thor would talk, but nothing of you ever being his partner crossed your mind.
He becomes more stressed, more impatient, angrier, but he's angry at himself for not saving you sooner, for not telling you to stay behind and that he'd handle the mission himself.
And now look what it cost him, the only person he found solace in.
Originally, Odin only married you because of the immense power you held.
Just like he did with his other wives, he planned on using you for all you had to give.
But then you did something to him. You made him fall for you.
He's so certain at first that you casted a spell over him, making him see you as someone he truly loved. That's how he copes with his emotions at first.
Then he finally accepts that he might be in love... And he honestly doesn't mind it after the initial acception. The two of you had a peaceful and happy time together.
But then, the mask and Loki came into play.
The kid was nice, caring too. And despite you being Odin's wife, he trusted you... To a point. When he left Asgard to clear his mind and soon returned to finish finding the mask piece, he still trusted you.
Odin then decided to send you with him to find the last piece, so you'd be able to keep an eye on him.
It went well for most part, your powers combined with Loki's archer skills helped defeat the monsters you crossed with ease.
It wasn't until the last piece had been found that everything went downhill. Odin joined you two in the realm to take the mask, but Kratos and Freya had ambushed you three. Loki had betrayed Asgard and escaped with his father, but before the three could leave, Freya managed to cast a spell on you. Leaving you unconscious.
Odin took you back to Asgard where you woke up with not a single memory of anything.
You didn't know who you were, where you were, what powers you had - the spell turned you into a lost soul.
The first time you saw Odin after the spell had been casted, you screamed. Confused and afraid of where you were.
Your dear husband tried his best to remove the spell, but it didn't work. Not even the best witches could rid you of the spell. Freya's spells always has a catch to them - but he didn't know what this one was.
Even if he did remove the spell, he wasn't entirely sure if that would grant you back your knowledge or memories.
You couldn't even use your powers, for you didn't know what they were anymore. You were a Goddess of great power who has been reduced to a mere mortal, or something like one.
And as much as Odin hated to say it, you had become a burden to him. And he the starts to remember why he chose to marry you in the first place, for your powers, but now you couldn't even use them.
You had no use anymore, but yet a part of Odin - a part of him that still loved you - couldn't just let you go. But now he had to make the choice...
Get rid of you, or keep the woman that a part of him still loved?
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cyanightmars · 2 years
F7 sleeping habits headcanons!
Because i have nothing better to do and i want to share my thoughts, alright let's do this
- doesn't sleep on any specific side - somewhat restless sleeper, has probably rolled off the bed at least once throughout the years spent with the gang - i get the feeling he would talk in his sleep from time to time, he'd be mumbling bits of a spell he'd memorized and every other person sleeping in the room would have to suffer through that - whoever is sharing the bed with him is going to freeze because this mf would 100% hog the bed sheets, don't even try to argue with me, he would - wears your regular old shirt and pants, nothing too fancy - either goes to bed at like 8pm or a midnight, no in between - wakes up around 9am-ish (usually, otherwise he wakes up at noon)
- sleeps on his back - lays perfectly still - doesn't make a sound - looks like a god damn corpse 💀 - at least one (1) person thought he was dead when they first saw him laying so still - always looks deep in thought, that or he looks mad, depends on who you ask - even the slightest noise could wake him up, pranking this guy would be impossible - goes to sleep wearing pants and a very loose shirt (imagine like the white shirts that vampires are usually depicted wearing, something like that, I'll make a drawing of that at some point-), otherwise it's pants and no shirt - goes to sleep at 8pm, maybe even earlier on days where he's especially tired - "if anyone wakes me up before 8am i will end their bloodline" - idk if he'd wear one all the time but he definitely has one of those silly sleeping masks, man needs his damned beauty sleep
- sleeps on his side or on his back - switches between those two every 5 minutes - rolls off his bed at least twice a week - you know that one clock app audio with the very loud snoring, yeah that's him, that's Arthur - his head touches the pillow and he's out cold, gone, no thoughts just sleep - sleeps like a log, nothing wakes up this man (except food, that would probably do the trick) - sleeps shirtless (with pants ofc, probably loose fitting ones) - goes to sleep around 10pm-ish - as funny as it would be for him to only wake up from 10am forward, he'd probably wake up at around, 7-8am i think
- sleeps on his stomach or his side - probably goes to sleep that he's laying on his stomach and wakes up on his side - very sound sleeper, doesn't move a whole lot - i feel like he would be able to sleep even with someone yelling in the room right next to his (if it went on for a while tho he would definitely get up and see what the fuss is about) - occasionally snores, but very rarely, plus i don't think he'd snore very loudly - he'd probably sleep wearing some kind of vest, something sleeveless, and pants (ones that reach his knees usually) - goes to sleep at around 9:30pm maybe, occasionally later but that doesn't happen very often - wakes up at the crack of dawn, mans gotta start making breakfast
Pino, Noki and Kio
- sleep on their sides - move around a decent amount, but that's their default position to be in - curl up into a ball and bundle themselves up in blankets - an explosion could happen and they probably wouldn't wake up - they get in bed and for the next hour or so their brain is still fully alert and filled with thoughts and ideas despite their best efforts to fall asleep - sleep wearing full on pj's, it's either that or regular old shirt and pants combo (both usually loose fitting) - go to sleep at 10:30pm - that is, when they do go to sleep, half the time they stay up till the next morning inventing or fixing something - despite this they cannot sleep in, they always wake up at around 7am
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