#but there is only one flower related to ashes. so
raayllum · 27 days
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So the clue is a creepy ass cover of "Ring around the rosie," a childhood nursery rhyme about the Bubonic Plague / Black Death. Here the lyrics pictured:
"Ring around the rosie Pocket of full of posie Ashes, ashes"
stopping before the infamous "we all fall down." When you lighten the photo, there is also a picture of wilted rose.
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This clue was also released very purposefully and pointedly at midnight, and the release being at midnight was built up. Therefore:
6x08 has to do with Aaravos' history with Elarion
The poem detailing the history of Elarion and his involvement with dark magic is called "The Midnight Star"
Elarion is routinely referred to as a flower/bloom
The Flowers of Elarion is a story in Tales of Xadia shared between Katolis and Moonshadow elves, specifically. It is the only story in TOX to have a dual narrative treatment.
Flowers of Elarion are left as a gift in exchange for stealing by an unfortunate elven thief stranded on the human side after the Exile.
The flowers, unbeknownst to them, turn to ash in the morning. "They never knew their gift was perceived as a curse, not a trade"
Instead, Lasair intended for them to be "a fair exchange of beloved for beloved" whenever they had to take something important/precious from a family
A wilted rose is also a symbol of dead/dying romance
Either all of this symbolism is going to be woven into Aaravos' backstory (dark magic being a gift and a curse, something that takes more than it ultimately gives) quite easily, leading to Elarion's fall as a city and perhaps Aaravos' own fall, too. If it is tied to the present, I expect it to be tied to our respective Katolis mage and Moonshadow elf, for well, reasons I don't think I have to elaborate on. Either way, it's shaping up to be an incredible episode with some very cool symbolism and deep lore, and I am prepared to be emotionally devastated.
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yrbladie · 1 month
—﹒୨` TELL ME GOODBYE (part 1/?)
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˖ ࣪ summary. in which they're gone, but you call them one last time to hear their voice. but instead of the silent beeps and the voicemail message, you hear his quiet breathing. or in which you get one last chance to say goodbye.
˖ ࣪ characters. diluc, kaeya.
( warnings ) around 1k words. angst. gn!reader. heavy mentions of death (his). kind of modern setting since it has phones. mentions of living together (diluc). non-fluent writer
( a/n ) this is based on a book called "you've reached sam" and on a personal experience. also i'm not 100% sure if i should make a series out of this or not, i just had this idea randomly after reading the book and relating to it. and i kind of wrote this in a rush after an entire night awake so... if there is anything confusing or any mistakes, i'm sorry. and yes, i know it's small but i'm starting back slow :')
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It had already been a year since your life had completely fallen apart, ever since your lover's passing. You kept wondering if you had made a mistake somewhere down the line or if your life had simply always been this dull.
Though time had completely stopped for you, the outside kept moving on, only precious memories remaining, like flames that spring to life one last time before being completely diminished to ashes.
Before, it was common to joke that you'd never be able to spend even a moment without his presence by your side, but who would've thought? Now, you'd have to spend an entire lifetime without him.
You, above everyone, knew how unfair destiny could be. But of all people, did it have to be him?
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It's almost as if things hadn't changed much.
Your reserved seat in the tavern is still there, but this time it's Charles who greets you every time, a compassionate look in his eyes. And you don't know why — actually, you do — but you always find yourself waiting for him. Waiting until the moment you'll hear the door to Angel's Share open, and this time, surely, this time it'll be him. And you'd smile at him like you always did, and ask "where have you been? I've been waiting for you all this time!". But for some reason, you can't imagine what his answer would be anymore.
You always look for him everywhere you go, his red hair in the middle of the crowd, standing out like a rose in a field of lilies. Back then, no matter how much you tried to surprise him from behind, he'd turn around and greet you, like he was able to find you anywhere. He always did.
You always find yourself waiting for him to come back from wherever he is — even if you know where he is. Besides his father, in the cemetery next to the church.
On his birthday, his grave was filled with flowers of all kinds, and on most days, there was a single Small Lamp Grass that you'd change every few times. Sometimes, Kaeya would add a pink carnation to the pile on the days you couldn't go visit Diluc.
It was by no means a lonely and abandoned place there. And if you could be honest with yourself, you'd even say that spending your entire day besides his grave was better than to come home to a empty house. The place in which your voice echoed to nothingness and the silence was unbearable. The future, so meticulously planned together, now mocking you from a distance, out of reach.
Walking from room to room, you find bits of Diluc everywhere, your voice barely above a whisper as you try to connect all the pieces back together. As you try to remember how it felt to have him there. And you can't. You realize, with a coldness in your chest and a choked up sigh, that the human mind could be something so fragile.
So instead of dwelling on a life that no longer exists, surrounded by the shadows of a presence forever gone, you call him, just like you used to do. And for a single moment, it feels like you're back to the past. During the days where Diluc would never let it ring more than twice before answering.
And it seems like it rings forever as you wait for the usual voicemail to start playing, his casual voice saying that he'd call again later if it was something important. But this time, you're greeted by silence. And you're about to start wondering if your phone had glitched, before a familiar voice greets you again.
And maybe, you've really gone insane after all this time. Because it was still his voice, in the same way he used to say your name, although now he whispered, almost as if he couldn't believe it himself. Even if this was all a dream, just the fact you could hear him say your name again was a blessing in itself.
So you whisper back, "I'm here".
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You can't help but feel like you've been there before. More times than you'd like to admit. It was like people around you were always doomed to disaster, so much so that it made you wonder whether you were somehow cursed.
"Well, then maybe we should be cursed together." Was Kaeya's lighthearted answer to your worries. Although he had quite the charming smirk at the time, you knew he was being serious.
Kaeya was someone that spoke about forever as if he was talking about the weather. In the way he joked about never leaving no matter what happened, and making promises under the stars.
In the end, you won the bet that neither of you chose to participate, the one you didn't even know you were part of. A bet with fate. It was like it was a cruel and twisted joke from destiny itself. To show you that indeed, your 'curse' would always be your downfall. Because no matter how many times you'd been there before, watching yet another loved one being buried, you still never expected it.
A fool's hopeless dreams. Like a firefly chasing a shooting star. Always looking up for the brighter days only to end up in the rainiest ones.
You had always loved rain. But now all your flowers where withering and your plant pots were overflowing, because as much as water can nurture, it can also destroy when it has nowhere else to go.
Mourning sometimes led people to the strangest places. Some would start swearing they could hear their loved one voice calling for them in their home, in the street. Some would even see them. And you couldn't help but wish this paranoia to yourself, because ever since Kaeya was gone, there was a simple and unending cycle of silence. No matter how much time you wasted waiting for something to happen during the late nights awake, you were never blessed by his faint presence again, created by a mind affected by delusions.
And so, with trembling hands you decided to dial Kaeya's number again. Like it had been on instinct, a habit too difficult to let go of. You heard the familiar ringtone as you took comfort in it. Slowly trying to delude yourself that things were still the same, that Kaeya was somewhere simply busy with work and he would call you back in a few minutes.
But the call was unexpectedly picked up. You wondered whether someone else already had his number, and you couldn't help but be angry, because how could they? But it wasn't their fault. Instead, you decided to speak as if it was Kaeya there, on the other side.
"Why?" You asked. Why did you have to leave? Why did you accept to go on that trip? Why didn't you stay when I asked you to? There were many questions you wished to ask, but knew you'd probably never hear the answer to.
"Uh… shouldn't I have picked up?"
The other person in the line suddenly says, their voice cheerful and so painfully familiar. You wondered if there was anyone else in the world that could have his voice, and now that you paid attention to it, you could hear his calm breathing through the phone, the same one that you used to hear when you'd call each other late at night only to sleep 'together'.
It seemed almost impossible to be him, but this time you wished to fool yourself just a little bit.
And you can swear you hear his quiet chuckle, the one he always did when you said something silly.
"Yes, it's me."
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nrc-therapist · 2 months
in relation to this post
okay so let's see, fighting fairly would mean just physical strength so no magic. for it to be fair, we'd also have to make sure no one cheats, and that one person is only fighting one person, not 5v1 or something
so @/nrc-tea is a savannaclaw student so I think he could put up a good fight
meanwhile @/somerandomdiasomniastudent has eaten a whole pavement, gravel, bones (?) and probably more, and survived. they could survive a nuclear reaction
@/official-nrc-prophet could be a potential winner but he's disqualified since he can't stop using his unique magic
Now if we CAN use magic:
@/official-nrc-prophet is definitely a winner cause I think he could use his unique magic to prophesise what his opponents next move so they'd be able to win
me because of my unique magic. it makes things around me go wrong, benefiting me in the end. who knows, maybe the floor would break, maybe they'd slip
listen listen, @/nrcgardens could bring out any poisonous flower they want. period.
as for @/nrccookingclubofficial, one showing of the cola ramen and everyone is out
FOR THE STAFF: @/nrcstaffofficial could beat us all up, let's be real
@/nrccleaningclub no need to explain to be honest. they go through so much every day
@/nrcmonstercontrol also no need to explain. if they can take down monsters, I'm sure they can take down some students
@/nrchostclub-official IF WE WERENT IMMUNE TO THEIR CHARMS, they'd win. but we all have a sense of immunity on them
@/nrc-danceclubofficial Ash doesn't stand a chance<3
@/nrc-fashion-advice also doesn't stand chance...maybe more than ash<3
@/nightraventherapy, both them and I deal with all of yalls bullshit everyday, don't fight them, give them a break
@/stressedoutcrowlet also needs a break. probably too tired to fight
@/hello-from-nrc-infirmary don't know them
@/diasomnia-gossip I mean, they're in diasomnia, they probably can use magic to beat someone up
@/thoughts-of-an-nrc-student bold of you to assume that housewarden rosehearts would let them fight
@/merlino-anais I mean, probably could win, but I don't think they would
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belit0 · 11 months
Hello!! I'd love to see Madara with a single mama. Baby could be hers and the dad died or poofed, or could be her friends passed and in their will they requested her to care for the baby. With Madaras temperament I think a little girl would be so perfect! She'd put flowers in his hair or share her bows and no one dares say A THING about it. Please and thank you!!
As soon as I received this request, I had to write it, because I love Madara's tender side (and having a break from nsfw things is also nice)!🤗💕
This ended up being way longer than I anticipated, I hope you like it!
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(Y/N) finally realized the depth of her problems when she held her baby in her arms, the physical proof that things were not going to be easy at all. Of course, she adored her little girl, and after giving birth alone and unaided, without any support, she knew it would be the two of them against the world.
One night of passion and need turned into a lifelong contract with the one she now carries in her arms, and nine months of pregnancy were far from easy. (Y/N) only wanted to feel alive, experience some sort of sensation, and she made the mistake of getting involved with a man who was only interested in the bounty between her legs.
With no clan, no family, and no friends, she went through gestation on her own, until the physical changes in her body would no longer allow her to work. She couldn’t do anything to earn a living, resorting to begging for charity among the wealthy as her only source of income.
Childbirth was devastating and traumatic, full of uncertainty and terror. The pain was overriding, and (Y/N) had to sneak into an abandoned barn in order to give birth indoors. She didn't know if she or the baby would survive, pushing and struggling alone to finally meet the only bit of happiness in her life. After hours of suffering, hearing her daughter's cry gave her back her willpower, and she forgot all her negative thoughts.
It would be difficult, but the two of them would make it together.
(Y/N) found a new motivation in her little ray of sunshine, and fortunately, people were kinder when donating money because of the baby in her arms. For years, she managed to get by, doing her best to find shelter and food.
When her child was five years old, (Y/N) knew things had to change. Her daughter could not grow up on the streets, exposed to any person or factor that would harm her, and the woman became determined to find a permanent destination for them both.
She asked anyone who might be willing to talk to her about possible inexpensive and friendly places to go, and got information about a particular territory. The journey would be long and laborious, a month of walking at least, but as the person who gave her the information related, "Senjus are the most compassionate and empathetic clan in the whole world, if anyone will help you, it will be them."
Ignorant of the war and all the chaos surrounding that particular family, (Y/N) embarked on a journey to find them, praying the legends about the mighty Hashirama were true.
The first weeks passed without any problem, fifteen days of movement where she met people kind enough to give them both a hot meal and a place to spend a few nights. Her little girl resisted the adversities alongside her like a warrior and never stopped smiling. Her attitude helped (Y/N) stay afloat, fighting against life to reach their destination.
The last two weeks of the trip got chaotic, with hints of war along every road they traveled. Near Senju territory, all the houses seemed to be abandoned, and the territory completely destroyed. Trees had been reduced to ashes, residences collapsed, the skies were gray and filled with smoke.
It was a battlefield, and she walked into it without any qualms.
A feeling told her something was wrong, and her daughter refused to walk in those surroundings, demanding to be carried in her arms out of fear. After a few kilometers of walking, she realized she would find no shelter or help there, and decided to retrace her steps.
They would find a more promising route.
A strange sound sings on the horizon, and (Y/N) can see how the heavens turn red. Clouds seem to bleed, as hurricane-force winds wake up unprecedentedly from the ground. The panorama becomes apocalyptic, triggering panic and terror in the two of them. She hugs her little girl and crouches to the ground, trying to hide her face from such brutal and sudden weather.
Two groups of five people each approach from opposite sides, as if they are about to confront each other. A few meters away from her, they run at impossible speeds, and the attack swiftly begins. Fire and water fly everywhere, screams, and metal on metal.
Smoke and debris fly through the sky, landing near where (Y/N) is reduced. She knows they must flee, and her little girl's cries indicate urgency. She has to get them to safety right now, or something terrible could happen.
Quickly scanning her surroundings, she finds no place to hide, the ground crumbling to dust and ruins. Far from any structure that could shelter them and make them go unnoticed, (Y/N) squeezes her daughter tightly, and hopes those men are too intent on their battle to notice them.
She decides to run in the opposite direction of the battle, standing again on shaky legs and holding back tears. There is so much dust in the air it is impossible to see, and she keeps her child's face hidden in her chest for protection. Holding the infant with one arm, she covers her eyes with the other in an attempt to move forward.
While taking her first unsteady steps, there is an embracing heat coming towards them, feeling almost as if about to be burned alive. Everything happens so fast there is no time to react, instinctively acting. Her first impulse is to scream, clutching her little girl tightly and hoping to shield her from whatever might be happening.
An incredible explosion hits just a few meters from where she is standing, and the shockwave sends them both flying backward. In the air, (Y/N) continues to hold her daughter, an inexplicable force helping to keep her close to her. She has a few seconds to calculate how to position her body and be the one to hit the ground, but it never happens.
Before she can slam into anything, two large hands grab her under her legs and shoulder blades, holding them both and pulling them away from the floor. The event is sudden (Y/N) cannot comprehend what is happening, only seeing the face of a man both handsome and terrifying holding them in his arms, preventing them from falling to the ground.
(Y/N) feels the cold armor the man wears against her body, rising and falling with his agitated breathing. Long, frizzy black hair hides half of his face, and upon making eye contact, she is met with an unnaturally red eye.
At that moment, she falls prey to an overwhelming drowsiness, and can only think of her daughter as she falls asleep against her will.
"That was close, you know..." A male voice booms against her ears, as (Y/N) tries to gain order and command of her body. All her muscles feel exhausted as if she has gone days without moving. She struggles to open her eyes, but when she does, she finds a cozy room, lit only by candles.
A window indicates it is nighttime, and the mattress under her body feels comfortable and warm. Examining her surroundings, the woman notices she is lying on a large bed, and wearing clothes that are not hers.
"My daughter..." she whispers feebly, trying to sit up and get out of her comfortable rest. "Don't worry, she's fine. Last time I went to see her, Izuna was with her buying candy."
(Y/N) focuses her eyes on that disembodied voice, and is met with a heavenly image. A handsome man with prominent shoulders is sitting against the sliding door of the room, looking out into the starry night and admiring the view. He wears a yukata similar to the one she wears, but much bigger. Long black hair rains down his back, framing his defined jawline.
She might have blushed if finding her girl wasn't a priority, and the stranger seems aware of her urgency. "Izuna!" he shouts into the darkness of the night, and another man extremely similar to him immediately appears. In his arms, he carries the sleeping child, who embraces a bouquet of flowers and a small bag of candy.
"Ah... so she finally woke up. Does this mean our fun evenings are over?" the boy presumably named Izuna asks the sleeping toddler tenderly, as if she would answer. He gives the girl to the mysterious man, and carries her to (Y/N).
Hugging her daughter for the first time in what felt like years, she can't help the tears, kissing her head and remembering those events which brought them here. They both could have died in the middle of that battlefield, but life decided to give them more time.
Well, maybe not life, but that man.
"My name is Madara, and this is my younger brother Izuna... If I hadn't been there to deflect his attack, both of you would be charred right now." The younger man scratches the back of his neck guiltily, and sharing a glance with his older brother, leaves the room, disappearing back into the night.
"Of course, it was not purposeful... the colors you were wearing were easy to mistake for those of the enemy. My apology on behalf of us both." Madara analyses her from his position, arms crossed over his chest and a comprehending look. (Y/N) carefully deposits the small child on the bed, and cuddles her between covers for a peaceful sleep. She tries to get up, but her legs quickly give way under her, too weak to support her weight.
Before hitting the ground, Madara holds her, keeping her against his chest. He carries the woman to where he sat a few seconds ago, and takes a spot next to her. The night is beautiful, and a warm breeze is blowing in the garden, signaling wonderful weather. "Would you mind telling me your name?"
"(Y/N) ... I am (Y/N)." The place is exquisite, and the beautiful room she woke up in is nothing compared to her current view. All the clan's territory can be seen from her position, a million houses lit by fire.
"How long was I asleep...?"(Y/N) asks uncertainly. "About a week. We had to resort to the family healers for keeping you healthy. According to their professional prognosis, I was a bit aggressive with the Genjutsu I used on you."
"Gen...justu?" trying to understand the words and the situation, (Y/N) asks almost to herself, "I confirm you are not familiar with warfare in this territory...I assume you must have traveled from afar. What brought you here?"
"The legend about a wonderful clan and the promise of a good life..." There are tears in her eyes still, mentally going over all the troubles and the terrible experiences lived.
"Hm... that must be regarding Hashirama... Well, (Y/N), we may not be the Senjus, but life here is delightful and comfortable. You are invited to stay as long as you wish... Personally, I recommend not leaving anytime soon, Izuna is too fond of that child to allow it."
Madara stands and smiles at her, before disappearing into the darkness of the night like his younger brother.
It's been months since their accidental arrival at the Uchiha compound, but as Madara commented on their first night, life here is nice and beautiful.
(Y/N) found a stable place to live, friends to share with, and a promising future for her little girl. The child begged her mother to allow Izuna to train her, and she started developing in the ninja arts.
She learned a lot about the clan and the family, about their standards and ways of living. Madara did not disclose being the leader of it until a few weeks after she awoke, trying to help her adapt as best as possible and not intimidate her with his position. She understood the importance of the Uchiha family and the power Madara carries within, profoundly respecting him.
The two became extremely close, almost to an intimate point.
The Uchiha adores her little girl, and (Y/N) admits embracing him as a father figure every time she witnesses how the young child fills his hair with flowers or paints his lips bright red. Who would have thought one of the strongest men in the world could have such a soft and tender side for them both?
Seeing the leader of the family stroll around the compound decorated by her daughter was definitely a wonderful scene, especially as no one dared to comment on it, except Izuna. His younger brother was dedicated to teasing him from the first time it happened, until he fell victim to those little hands himself, and had to walk around full of flowers and paint in front of everyone.
Madara was right... they might not be the Senjus, but they were even better.
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epicspheal · 4 days
Not Yet! We can fight on! An Iris Analysis
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Ah Iris…I remember when we first got information about her through anime leaks how Serebii.net forums were going wild. A dark-skinned female as Ash’s companion? I was fighting for my life trying to defend her because people were…not that accepting of her to say the least.
I like Iris, both her anime and game counterparts. But this analysis is going to be centered on her game counterpart (since this blog is mostly gameverse centered). While our time with her in both Black/White and Black 2/White 2 is overall pretty limited we can still gain a lot of information about who she is in the game’s world
Let’s start with her name. Fun fact! Iris is the only champion (bar Red) whose name is the same in both English and Japanese. The name Iris comes from the plant genus named Iris which actually comes from the Greek Goddess of Rainbows, Iris. Now this Greek Goddess doesn’t have a whole lot of mythology around her, but her key role was to be the connection between humans and gods. A divine messenger of sorts. Given Iris’ ability to understand the hearts of dragons, the Tao Trio being revered in Unova, and her being from a Village that lives as one with dragon types it makes sense why this is her name. She’s a bridge between humans and dragon types which I think is really sweet.
Now back to the Iris flowers, we know Pokemon loves floral and plant symbolism. And the Iris flower has no shortage of symbolism with it meaning faith, courage, valor, hope and wisdom. Iris as a character certainly has a lot of courage being a dragon tamer of some pretty fierce dragon types at such a young age. She has a lot of faith and hope in her and her team’s power. She shows plenty of valor by offering to be Bianca’s bodyguard in Castelia city and stepping up against Team Plasma in the Plasma Castle. And as we see in Pokemas, she is growing in her wisdom.
But wait there’s more! Even the individual colors of the Iris flower (of which there are many) also have their own unique meanings. Since Iris is very much related to the color purple, let’s use that one for more analysis. The purple iris symbolizes royalty, wisdom, strength and courage. Wisdom and Courage are repeated themes for Iris as we see. Strength and Royalty can be tied to her status as champion as they’re the strongest trainers of the regions and (especially in places like Galar) can be seen as royalty among the league.
Now let’s take a look at her team. For this I’m going to be only using her normal mode team
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We see here that she uses a mix of Dragon-Type Pokemon and Pokemon that are dragon-adjacent much like Lance. However unlike Lance, she doesn’t repeat any species (which is mainly due to Unova having more variety in Dragon Types). She uses 12 of then (at the time) 17 types with a fair spread of both physical and special damaging moves showing that she does value coverage a lot. She has a lot of coverage for ice types with fire and fighting to combat ice, and fire, fighting and ground to combat steel which resists dragon moves. Even though the fairy type had not yet debuted, it seems like Iris was already future-proofing her team with the addition of Aggron. She also tends to favorite spread moves (Surf, Earthquake, Rock Slide) and some high-risk/high-reward moves (Double Edge, Focus Blast, Endeavor, etc) which gives the impression her style of battling is very high-powered and likely means her champion room needs to be pretty sturdy to withstand the level of her attacks.
"I heard this lady's scream and ran after the thief as fast as I could. But this city is so big and so crowded… I'm afraid I lost them. […] But that's so bad! Taking people's Pokémon is really bad! 'Cause it's really nice when people and Pokémon are together! They each have something the other doesn't, and they help each other!"
This is our first introduction to Iris after she helps out Bianca after she gets her Pokemon stolen from her. We can see right off the bat that despite being young she’s very eager to help others, which gives me the vibes that in another universe she’d be a perfect Pokemon Protagonist. Also we see that she truly values the relationship between people and Pokemon which again tracks since she not only grew up in the Village of Dragons, her empathic abilities that allow her to connect with Dragon types at a deeper level would increase her love on the bond people and Pokemon typically share.
We also see in the Castelia City events that she does struggle bit with getting around the city, but that seems to be more of a result of Castelia being so unfamiliar to her versus her being like Lillie or Leon who have more overall struggles with with direction, since she can navigate Opelucid City just fine.
"That single Dragon Pokémon, along with twin heroes, brought a new region into being. And people and Pokémon had happy lives!! In its pursuit of truth, the white Dragon-type Pokémon sought to usher in a new and better world… Its name was Reshiram. And the other, the black Dragon-type Pokémon, sought ideals and to usher in a new world--a world of hope. Its name was Zekrom. But, but… The two heroes' sons started the battle again! And an instant later, Reshiram and Zekrom destroyed Unova with fire and lightning! Then, they disappeared! But, but… If people work with Pokémon in the right way, we don't have to worry anymore about the world being destroyed. I mean, Reshiram and Zekrom worked hard for everyone and made a new region! So, it should be all right, I think."
Iris is also the one in both versions to tell us the origin story of Reshiram and Zekrom showing her deep knowledge of Unova cultural history. Now here we get a bit of a divide where in Black she is Drayden’s apprentice and will teach the move Draco Meteor to your Pokemon, but in White we actually face her as the gym leader.
"The pain of my Pokémon… I feel it, too!"
Here we get a glimpse of her powers in action, albeit subtly. It’s very clear she’s an empath and that the bond between her and her Pokemon is so strong that she can feel when they take hits. Which when you think of the attacks she puts on her teams, shows that she tries to finish battles quickly to minimize the shared pain.
We see her again at N’s castle bravely fighting against the seven sages so Hilda/Hilbert can face N, once again showing her courage and I swear in another universe she was the BW protagonist. She fits the bill so well
"Sometimes I think about the village where I was born, but I'm totally OK! Because I met lots of Pokémon--and all of you!"
This quote comes from Caitlin’s Villa where she remarks about her time in the Village of Dragons, showing that she doesn’t mind being away from it because she’s made so many new friends!
"… Looking for Team Plasma? But Team Plasma disbanded two years ago!"
Fast forward two years in-universe and meet her once again in Castelia City as Hugh and Nate/Rosa are giving chase to Neo Team Plasma. As she helps them to the sewers we can see she’s gotten a better grasp on navigating the big city as she no longer complains of getting lost. We can see though, she is taken aback a bit by the claims that Team Plasma is still around, but nevertheless she still helps out.
"Yahoo! I haven't seen you since I ran into you in Castelia City! Are you here to battle Grandpa? Yep! Opelucid City's Gym Leader, Drayden, is my grandpa. We're not really related, though! Oh! The Gym is that way! Before challenging it, you might want to go to Route 9! Still, your Pokémon really respect you! I feel how much fun your Pokémon are having, even from inside their Poké Balls! Good luck!"
We meet up with her again in Opelucid City where we see in both versions that Drayden is now the one gym leader for the city which is foreshadowing that Iris has ascended to a higher position. But also we get a confirmation that Drayden and Iris have a grandparent-grandchild relationship even if they aren’t blood related. And once again we get a bit of hint of her powers as she can sense the fun the player’s Pokemon are having, showing that although her powers seem most related to draconic , she can still sense the feelings of other Pokemon too.
"Know what? I really look forward to having serious battles with strong Trainers! I mean, come on! The Trainers who make it here are Trainers who desire victory with every fiber of their being! And they are battling alongside Pokémon that have been through countless difficult battles! If I battle with people like that, not only will I get stronger, my Pokémon will, too! And we'll get to know each other even better! OK! Brace yourself! I'm Iris, the Pokémon League Champion, and I'm going to defeat you!"
I really love this quote in particular because it shows how much she looks forward to tough fights as it helps her deepen the bonds between her and her Pokemon. This is in contrast to at the time, the only other kid champion of the series, Blue, who was more concerned about gloating about his tactical mindset in assembling a powerful and versatile team. It shows the different mindsets we see between the two child-prodigies (thankfully though, Blue does change his mindset). The fact that we both began and end the 2D era of the franchise (Gen 1 to Gen 5) with the champion being a child is a nice way to bring it all together for that time of Pokemon.
Iris’ pre-champion fight quote also ties into a quote you can only access in the memory link cutscenes
"I've already decided! I know what kind of Champion I will be! There's a myth in Sinnoh that says that the reason why Pokémon jump out is because they want to thank people. I'm sure that we and Pokémon have helped each other and enriched the world since ancient times. These memories have been engraved in each Pokémon's heart! So, I want Pokémon and people to get closer and closer! As the Champion, I want to tell that to everybody!"
Here we can see once again how knowledgeable she is about myths, not just in Unova but Sinnoh as well. But also we can see how this helps inform how she wants to be a champion. That she wants to help facilitate the bonds between Pokemon and People. This really shows her mindset as being quite mature for her age as she’s not focused on showing off her strength as much, even though yes she still doesn’t like to lose.
"So, this room is the Hall of Fame! Your name and your Pokémon's names will be recorded here so these important things will never be forgotten: That you are an excellent and kind Trainer! That you are considerate toward your Pokémon, and you give them your whole heart! And that your wonderful Pokémon believe in their Trainer with all their hearts, and together you have a strength that knows no bounds! Hey, c'mon! Oh, excuse me… ! To the Trainer standing before me! And to the Pokémon at your side! Your beautiful bond has grown strong through battle! In order to make this bond an eternal treasure, your names shall be recorded here!"
I also find this quote really endearing as you can see that even though she’s giving a serious impactful speech, she’s still just a kid and sometimes slips up a bit. She is really trying to live up to the role of being champion which we see impacts her a lot in one of the Pokemon Masters EX events- The Shining Hearts of Dragons
Is he saying…I'd be an embarrassment to Unova?"
Oof…if ever I wanted to jump through my screen and throw hands with NPCs, it was those jerk adults who were calling Iris an embarrassment. It seems being a kid does not protect you from the harsh criticism of people who keep an eye on the league. We see Iris definitely feels pressure as being the youngest champion at the event. All of the other champions are adults (or in Blue’s case an older teen) and she’s coming off the heels of Alder who is a wise veteran champion.
"It's just…Diantha is so pretty, calm, and mature… […] Diantha is amazing…I wanna be that elegant and cool when I grow up, too."
You can see of all the older champions she definitely looks up to Diantha the most. Which is very fitting considering it’s Diantha who ultimately mentors her to help her get out of the funk once her Hydreigon goes berserk thanks to the actions of Team Break
"I wanted to make sure people knew me…and accepted me…I just wanted to make everyone happy. I wanted them to know that I'm the proud Champion of Unova… […]"I remember thinking I'd become a great Champion, just like Alder was! But I don't think I can do it anymore…I don't have the experience…and I'm just a kid…"
We can see how much the incident (and Lance’s stern warning) affected her. Hydreigon going out of control was also a hard blow because we learn in her “Day with Iris (Champion Alt)” story that she struggled to control it initially (again drawing more parallels to Blue as he also couldn’t handle his Aerodactyl at the start of his journey). So having Hydreigon act up again right when she was trying to show how capable she is as champion was a huge blow. She wants to be seen as mature and to be accepted. The acceptance part likely stems from her being from the Village of Dragons which has a vastly different culture than Unova and how she likely feels like an outsider at times. Poor Iris, she needs a hug.
Thankfully though she manages to find her way and get back to her peppy self by the end of the event. Feeling more confident in her abilities as champion. Which is important once we see her in the multiple Unova Neo Champion events where she presides as the main judge. In all the events she definitely seems to prioritize how people and Pokemon connect via their hearts and their ideas of strength
While Iris has certainly stepped up to the plate in showing her ability to be a mature, albeit young, champion. She thankfully still has time to still be a kid. A lot of her dialogue in the Pokemon Center talks about playing and having fun. But more importantly she got to get a whole bunch of candy, and new friends in Allister and Naganadel in the “Otherworldly Encounter” Halloween event. It was really adorable to see her team up with a ghost type expert like Allister who also happens to have supernatural powers much like her and just be able to hang out and enjoy getting a bunch of candy.
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“But I can tell how it's feeling! I bet it was just afraid because it came to a place it doesn't know well!  was the same when I moved to the large cities of Unova from the Village of the Dragons! I was really nervous since there were so many tall buildings–and a lot of people."
I really liked this moment where she stands up to someone as domineering as Lusamine in defense of Poipole as she could relate to how the ultra beast felt being in an unfamiliar place.
“Yeah! I bet a concert with Roxie is gonna be so much fun! I understand how you feel, Roxie! I have an important dream as a Champion too...So I think I can sing with the same feelings as you!"
Lastly, I wanted to point out this small bit of dialogue from “Who’s the best singer” Where we see that Iris not only enjoys Roxie’s music but that she has a bit of musical talent as well. I really love instances like this in Pokemon Master’s where we can see characters step beyond just their defined role in-game. So not only have we gotten a chance to see her play with kids around her age and get candy, but we also get to see her sing with a rockstar! All in all, Game!Iris is a really incredible character who I’ve enjoyed since I first played White all those years ago. She’s certainly gone through a lot in her young life and I’d honestly love to see how she’s grown up since the events of BW2.
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five-rivers · 1 year
A Page from the Diary of Sam Manson
July 21st, 20XX
Thanks to our ~wonderful~ mayor, I now know that some plants do… things.  To ghosts.  Even if they weren’t grown by ghosts.  Between that and Undergrowth…
I’m going to start a log of different plants and their effects on ghosts.  I’ll be using ethical and scientific methods, unlike some people.  I won’t say their names.  
Jack and Maddie Fenton.  
Oh, no~ Did someone hear that?  Someone said some names, oh, no~
I’m never going to be able to let Danny see this.  
July 23rd, 20XX
I did some research and I have some simple things that are supposed to affect ghosts.  Evil spirits.  Whatever.  I don’t actually believe this stuff changes what it does based on the morality of the ghost it’s being waved near, but who knows?  Ghost stuff is crazy, sometimes. 
I’ll make a list of what each thing is supposed to do, and then once I’ve tested it I’ll come back and make a new list.  Also going to count stuff that’s supposed to ward off fairies or witches, because why not.
Rosemary - Supposed to ward off evil spirits, the evil eye, and witches, sometimes dropped into graves to keep loved ones from being forgotten.  
Sage - Wards off spirits.  <- Apparently this is only white sage and it’s usually misused.  Hold off on this.  
Mountain-Ash (Rowan) - Keeps you from getting lost, wards off witches, fairies, or other supernatural things.  Works as a ‘portal’ between this world and the next.  Definitely check this out.
Wormwood - Wakes the dead.  Also in absinthe.  Hallucinogenic, maybe.  Ew.
So much crazy poisonous stuff.  I’m 99% convinced they only thought this had anything to do with ghosts or spirits because it would kill you dead.  
Also hallucinogenics.  
I’m not feeding Danny anything I know is hallucinogenic.  
Actually, I shouldn’t feed him anything at all.  
Elder - Makes ghosts angry if you burn it.  Apparently because witches live in it.  
I don’t know.  A lot of this sounds really stupid, now that I have it all written out.  
Ugh.  I’ll try it anyway.  
July 24th, 20XX
Got Danny to cooperate.  
Rosemary - No effect on Danny either way.  Did not help him remember his English vocab.  Actually, he got worse.  Also, he ate it on a dare from Tucker.  
Mountain-Ash (Rowan) - Gave Danny a branch, which initially seemed to do nothing, until he started waving it around like a wand and said ‘open sesame.’  Then he passed out and a huge natural portal opened and didn’t close for an hour.  
I’m exhausted.  
July 31st, 20XX
Convinced Danny to help again.  Bribery always works eventually.  Even if they say ‘never again’ at the top of their lungs a hundred times.  
It’s for his own good, anyway.  
Wormwood - Got Danny to go to sleep and then threw some on him.  He stayed asleep.  Even when Tucker squished some up and held it under his nose.  
Now I feel bad.  He doesn’t sleep very much.  
I’ll leave elder for tomorrow.  
August 1st, 20XX
Elder - Danny just stared at me like he was really tired.  His ghost sense went off like a second later, but I’m not sure that’s related.  
August 2nd, 20XX
Rosemary - Handed some to the Box Ghost after asking if he wanted some.  No change.  Brought it home to his ‘wife.’
Since when is he married?  And why is Danny making that face every time we bring it up?
August 7th, 20XX
Had a wonderful talk with Dora!  Got a few new things to try.  She said that funeral flowers make ghosts sleepy.  It might be a little hard to test this with Danny, seeing as he’s always sleepy.  
There are a lot of different funeral flowers, though.  I’m thinking I’ll get a bouquet of one each and see if that makes Danny fall asleep faster or slower.  I should probably test a few different times, too, to get an average.  
I want to test: lilies, carnations, mums, glads, roses, hydrangeas, and forget-me-nots.  
August 8th, 20XX
Lilies - 10 minutes to naptime.
August 9th, 20XX
Lilies - 30 minutes to naptime.  
August 10th, 20XX
Lilies - 25 minutes to naptime.
August 11th, 20XX
Danny has pointed out that we should measure how long it takes him to get to sleep without the flowers, first.  He has a point.  
Tucker’s going to set something up on his PDA to monitor things better.  I’ll still write the results in here.   
August 27th, 20XX
August 28th, 20XX
Danny thinks the funeral flowers have to be ones from an actual funeral.  How do flowers know they were in a funeral?  That doesn’t make any sense.  
September 3rd, 20XX
Apparently the funeral flowers from actual funerals do work as advertised.  Just.  Why.  
At least I got this before school started again.  
September 29th, 20XX
Dora sent me a book on ghost herb lore.  She says she’ll try to get me some ghost plants, too.  
I really like some of these.  But others just freak me out.  
Ghost-nip - Induces euphoria in ghosts when they eat the stamens.  This somehow makes the ghost start producing pollen????  For the plant????
Tattoo rose - Grows under the ghost’s skin and bursts out when it blooms.  At least it’s not a perennial?  The heck?
Blood poppies - Blood blossoms, but they put the ghosts to sleep instead of torturing them.  Doesn’t sound completely horrible, but ghosts exposed to them don’t wake up until they’re removed.  Keep Danny away.  
October 1st, 20XX
Turns out tattoo roses come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors.  In related news, guess who’s going to the Far Frozen for emergency surgery?  It isn’t me.  
We might be here a while, because he got really stabbed by that one guy, so the seeds are deep. 
Borrowing some books from the Far Frozen library.  
Winterbloom - Kind of like snowballs in the real world, but bluer.  Only grows when it’s freezing.  
Iceflower - Kind of flower that only grows around ice-core ghosts.  Apparently it is a flower and not just a type of ice formation.  Frostbite gave me some seeds.
Snow strawberries - Also called blood-on-the-snow which I like way better, honestly.  The yetis use it for deserts but also food dye.  They’re vegetarians.  All their meat is fake.  
Take that, Tucker.  Maybe I’ll eat some just to freak him out.  
Extra note: Tucker successfully freaked out.
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chiekorita · 5 months
✨ chiekorita's palletshipping recs ✨
my will always re-read list. not a comprehensive list so i will add on as i go thru the fics again.
ratings listed in front of title. (c) means completed.
the unfinished collection by misswonnykins (ratings varied w each chapter)
as title says, unfinished but they're all *chefs kiss*. fav is the first chapter. ash wooing gary unknowingly pls read
[t] a pokemon trainer's guide to romance using modern technology and terrible pick-up lines by bgtea (c)
ash and gary being menaces w each other thru terrible pick up lines even in diff regions. the puns are amazing ok and v funny and cute.
[t] after all these years by archwriter (c)
the story of how they break and keeps on breaking until they come back together. the emotional rollercoaster this got me thruuuu like destroy me. can be read platonic.
[g] tying loose ends by archwriter
sequel to after all these years. ash's role as the chosen one coming back one by one and his recovering relationship with gary on the side. the way everything in his life is written and having gary mixed in naturally like that. i still reread this since years ago.
[t] my brilliant friend by afoolserrand117
gary a professor and researcher being made to do a friendly battle w ash to raise funds for his research. more gary focused esp w his mewtwo related ptsd (which i don't see much explored so it was niceeee). we get to see a more confident ash as opposed to gary. pls this is so good and cute and fun.
[m] a call to arms by feranelia
pacrim!au. the pokemons are jaegers. ash and gary butting heads thru their first, second, third consequent meetings and ended up being drift compatible. prof oak best shipper btw. arts for this also chefs kiss
[t] and into love go streaming by laniekayaleese (c)
high school!au. more on the coming of age movie feeling. boys discovering feelings. this is very vibes.
[m] find it, fix it by tayeah (c)
gary in saida labs getting a visit from ash. gary running from his feelings only to run back into them basically? angstyyyy and delicious.
[t] romantic by misswonnykins (c)
ash trying to pull off the best proposal ever with the help of his friends. super cute and fluffy.
[t] this dear thing called heart by salvations (c)
music!au. shigeru joins a satoshi's band after prof ookido's death. angsty stuff. mostly friendship focused but a good dose of palletshipping thru out.
[g] the sweetest betrayal by essence_of_silence (c)
little moments of ash's two fav partners being bff with each other more than with him. super cute. very sitcom/romcom vibes. i come back to reread this a lot bc of pikachu picking his pipichu over his pikapi.
[g] honesty by silver_fish (c)
hanahaki!au. gary starts coughing up flowers. more often when he's around a certain trainer. everything i ever wanted in a palletshipping hanahakiiiii my fav tropeeee read this one too pls
[t] [series] operations 101 by estelle4ever
ash's friends trying to set him up gary and made up a whole operation. operationS. funny shenanigans of well meaning friends and just cute stuff. it's a series but the main part of them getting together is done ✅.
[m] intuition by evie warner
prof oak's past coming back for him and gary's the target. ash caught up in it too. going off from the glitch in the games w missingno. this one is abandoned but it's still So Good. got me reading thru this in one sitting.
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rfurny · 1 year
Recently I reflected on why I am such a hardcore Pokeshipper and didn't fall into amourshipping.
Honestly, I like XY and I like Serena. She is a nice character and her feelings are relatable in many ways. It doesn't even bother me that she got Ash's first real kiss. Not everyone's first kiss is with their soulmate/future person. Did Ash like her back? I don't know. He let her leave without saying anything to her. Then he went home and there were baby's breath flowers on screen as he returned home? People say that baby's breath flowers mean everlasting love so that means he has everlasting love for Serena? After one series? After one kiss? No. There are dozens of flowers that mean everlasting love/romantic love. There are also other flowers that mean 'innocence' as the writers claim it meant. The writers did not have to choose baby's breath which is synonymous with Misty's Japanese name, Kasumi, but they did! They know how to work symbolism. It was deliberate.
Now you can call it character development or whatever, but Ash became the experienced trainer when Misty left which watered down some of his rougher character flaws that made him interesting. Hoenn Ash and onward was smoothed around the edges. He was flawed yet by the end of each episode he was the perfect hero again. Serena "fell in love" with this new ideal Ash while Misty fell for his raw, original portrayal. To me this made pokeshipping feel real for both characters. There is also the little fact that Misty is the only person of whom he was ever outwardly jealous. So when Misty came back in Seaside Battle it was fascinating to see him revert back to OS Ash who automatically regained his personality around her. He was annoying, smug, and cocky, but that's alright because Misty was hot headed and loud right back. AND PIKACHU. I believe Pikachu represents Ash's true feelings. Pikachu sees through Ash's facade and straight up disobeys for his love of Pikachupi. There was no choice to be made. Misty belongs with them and Pikachu knows it.
I think the biggest sway though is just how similar the two characters are because opposites may attract, but similarities are the foundations of a successful relationship. All of the screenshots of them making the same damn faces and gestures in Seaside Battle are unbearably adorable. You also better believe that Ash and Misty would be the kind of couple that would settle matters with a battle. Who's going shopping? Battle. Who takes out the trash? Battle. Who feeds the Pokemon? Battle. Whoever first said that Pokemon battling is their love language isn't wrong.
After Seaside Battle, I just can't see a future where Ash and Misty aren't together.
And now I need to channel this Pokeshipping excitement into my fanfics.
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angelicdevil · 7 months
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So I’ve been busy making some TADC OCs, and I’ll probably be drawing their dynamics with other characters and each other. Info on each under the cut
Ash is of course my self insert. They’re a witch and an artist that tries to look out for everyone and be kind, a compassionate face can make things easier. They’ve also thrown Jax from one end of the map to the other. He’s one of the strongest members despite being part of the shorty squad. They’re deeply in love with both Ragatha and Pomni, and their poor best friends (Gangle and @snowmiserboio ‘s Tommy) have to deal with this nervous schoolgirl crush routine until Ash makes a move.
Midnight Moon is a TADC version of my favorite Sonic OC. The clowns are a pretty tightly knit group so they all get excited when a new clown shows up, like Pomni. Midnight is cheerful and energetic, and so so fast. He likes to do tricks and often does prat falls, cracking the ground with her helmet often. Considering its skill but also all the unexpected obstacles that get in xir way, it’s not always clear if these falls are on purpose or not. Fae is also taller then Jax.
Flip and Iron are also versions of my Sonic OCs and also sisters, so they entered the circus pretty close together. Not at exactly the same time but it was clear one was following the other. Haven’t decided what order though.
Flip is an acrobat and I decided to do a boot off an angel motif cause it’s cute. She’s also friends with Ash so they’ve don’t angel and devil routines for fun. They are incredibly sweet and best friends with Midnight. Though it can’t always match his energy, it always enjoys his company. She’s graceful and beautiful and can actually fly with the wings on their bow. It’s also very kind to the NPCs.
Iron is of course a strong man with a costume that’s the wrong compaction, but those muscles really do work. She’s also good friends with Midnight and Primma too. She’s also protective of her sister, who in turn is protective of her. She also loves her hair, especially her mustache, and her muscles too. She has a lovely singing voice. Her main taste in women are butches.
Dim Dim is a very friendly clown with a skirt that can produce anything. So she often pulls out game models in order to play games or build something. It tries to provide distractions for when people don’t have the energy for an adventure. She also has a thing for cowboys. It is also part of the tightly knit clown group of course, and is probably the friendliest member. It uses its hair as a third hand as practically as one can use a giant hand.
Primma Donna is a tightrope walker that’s also completely full of herself. Hard not to be when you’re beautiful, elegant, and have the most beautiful singing voice of the cast. She often gets on everyone’s nerves, but being self absorbed is how she copes. So it can be hard for her to admit when she wrongs others, but she has apologized. She doesn’t WANT to cause others true pain, she’s just scared and is in turn scared to show that she’s scared. She fucking hates Jax though, she’s hit him with her parasol before.
Rosa Felt is probably one of the most irritable out of the group, only beat by Zooble. He likes most of the others, she just tends to have a short temper. Partially because he’s not allowed to smoke. Or have a real gun most of the time. She probably wouldn’t use it on anyone but he thinks they’re cool. So she has to settle for a tooth pick and several water guns and whatever shooting related carnival games are available. He’s an excellent shot, though. And has the Duke Nukem sound effect. He has had to build up a tolerance for nonsense, but folks like Jax can easily tip her over the edge into anger.
Florita is the youngest at 20 years of age. And acts even younger. She of course spends a lot of time doing plant related stuff, gardening and such. They’re very cheerful and make flower crowns for their friends, and show anyone that needs or wants to how to care for the plants. Her favorite is a little baby monster “Venus flytrap” (the kind that don’t resemble real ones) that she’s named “Audrey III” for their favorite horror musical. She’s also not too fond of Jax and has straight up kicked him before.
Thread is believed to be related to Ragatha, but no one is sure how. She is VERY sweet though and crafty, often using her needle fingers for cutting and sewing. She also loves cats. She’s one of the few people that likes Jax, taking his assholishness as jokes. She’s best friends with Dim Dim and Rosa, and likes to mess with the NPCs is harmless ways. She just likes to see how they react by the boundaries of their programming.
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theink-stainedfolk · 15 days
Bad Love
Have you seen a monster? What did it look like? What did it say? What did you feel? Did it have a smile? Were its eyes empty? Was it a human? Who was your monster?
Narcissus sat in the investigation room handcuffed.
"I don't understand the reason for being here." He said. "Why am I here? What did I do?"
"Listen, you won't be here for too long, that is only if you speak the truth." Inspector Gregory Rothchild said as he sat on the chair.
"Let us ask some basics, okay? State your name."
"Real name."
"That is my real name. That was what everyone I knew called me, that is what I remember being called. I was an orphan Inspector, I never had a name." Narcissus argued.
"I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. So, your occupation?"
"I am a dancer, a singer, an actor. I do all of them, I do shows, and the circus. My main job is a magician. I do magic, I can do it all." Narcissus smirked.
"I'm impressed." Gregory returned the smirk. "Let me tell you the reason for being here." He said and began placing pictures one by one on the table. The pictures of crime scenes and daffodils next to the body.
"....I don't understand. Do you want me to pull out the flower from the picture?" Narcissus asked.
Gregory leaned close to the table. "These are daffodils, also known as Narcissus. "
Narcissus scoffed. "So the flowers being next to the body, the flower named Narcissus being on the crime scenes, ultimately points out me as the murderer, does it? Am I the only Narcissus in the world? Or you picked me Because I was easy? Do you think this is a joke?"
"But you belonged to Sector 386, didn't you?" A voice from behind Gregory called out. A man with a long coat strode towards Narcissus and placed 9 pictures in front of him.
"Each picture has a letter on them, except for the 3 pictures." He said pointing "It wasn't hard to tell what it was saying, but as far as the world knows, or has been told is that Sector 386, was a home to orphans, but unfortunately due to some electrical issues, the place was burned to ashes. Only 5 survived out of 8. One is you right, Narcissus, aka 02?"
Narcissus scowled at him. "Who are you?"
"Oh, I'm Detective Keenan Pratama. Nice to meet you? But let's exchange formalities afterwards, I'm curious about your housemates. Where are the rest of them? Do they know Hades too?"
"Hades?" Narcissus whipped his head at Keenan. "Why do you call him Hades?"
Keenan tilted his head in confusion. "What should we call him then? He leaves Narcissus on the crime scenes, usually his victims receive Narcissus from either someone or they are left at the door or in the house somewhere. Sometimes he carves Cerberus on the victim's body, these are all, somehow related to Hades, the god of the underworld. I named him that, for the time being until we get a hold of his identity. Why are you surprised? Did I hit a bull's eye?"
While Gregory tried to calm him down, Keenan looked at him amused. "So I did hit a bull's eye." He mumbled. "It's a pity, Mr. Narcissus, you can't leave this place for the time being. I'll be taking you with me."
"What?!" Gregory turned at him. "Detective Keenan, that's dangerous!"
"Apart from a sleigh of hands, what else can he do? He may try to get away in the darkness of the night but I have insomnia. " Keenan beamed.
"That's not it! What if he tries to kill you?"
"Then I'll trust you to take revenge for me." He said, patting Gregory on his shoulders. "Let's go, Narcissus, we can chat on our way or when you are comfortable."
He cuffed his own hand and Narcissus' hands together. Narcissus scoffed. "Do you think this handcuff can stop me?"
"No." Keenan looked at him. "I absolutely do not doubt your ability in escaping me, since you've been doing those acts at shows, you know and you can escape me. But I believe that the thought of Hades will blur your mind so much that escaping would be hard. I know that you know about Hades. And I know that too, that you want to know about him too."
Narcissus was silent throughout the journey. The thought of Hades was indeed on his mind. Whatever the detective said was true. Was his monster Hades?
@cssnder I hope you find it interesting 😁 and please tell me if or if not I offended you by tagging you.
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viky-somebody · 1 year
pretty cool fic list
dog at the door - fluffy_papaya (absolute fave. Red King)
I still Bleed When i Fall Down - Paranoid_Pug (MCC gets attacked by watcher hunters)
And The Universe Shifts - aayaptre (fandom history)
this is about a stuffed bird - Bee_4 (apocalypse, Mumbo and EX dynamic)
fixed and dilated - iamsolarflare (Hypno & xB special hybrid powers shenanigans) 
Cause We Are Whole - ooFFFF (Tango becomes a robot and finds a new friend)
Nothing But Flowers - nho (Etho & myceluim resistance +nho references, sadly unfinished)
Still the Echoes Give Us Light - doctortrekkie (VERY good watcher grian series, HC + Traffic life series events.)
Eldritch Horror Keralis - MawoftheMagnetar (exactly what it says. but also oh so much more)
prometheus and the livewire - storm_warning (Ren the king is struggling. Doc is quiet and theres no news from him)
They say that the world was built for two - GardenerGulfie (Ren and Martyn keep meeting in different lives. also aromantic Ren pog)
Torchlight - Skelew (Ren is a god of a dead city stuck in the form of a torchlight and Martyn is his only follower)
the last days of the free angel of carrows - Bee_4 (Joe Hills and Zombie Cleo run a paranormal activity agency in a modern city. Cleo is a literal undead, Joe is a renowned angel, and together they get tied with a conspiracy against the city mayor.)
Lady Cleo, King Ren, and the Trials of The Midwest - storm_warning (Cleo and King Ren get teleported to Ohio)
Against The Clock - Leopardmask (Set in season 8, Evil X got possessed and the Horse Head Farms plus Wels and Jevin decide to deal with that) (Jevin is a slime & vex hybrid)
The Sky Weighs Heavy Tonight - MaoftheMagnetar (pilot au, set in a world with genetic mutations caused by a past war. gone emotional)
Joehills' Moderately Haunted House - zombiiehorse (Modern au, Joe buys a new house for a suspiciosly low price)
Monsters Splitting Hairs - Silverskye13 (Ren, Doc and Gem live in a village, forced to disguise as humans, bc of the history of the town) (great worldbuilding)
Lonesome Dreams - doctorletmebebrave (Jimmy Solidarity gets separated after the dragon fights and accepts a deal from the Listeners)
Lend Me A Hand - SolSearchingNights (Ponk sneaks onto hermitcraft and vents to Doc about their relationship with Sam)
Redstone and Skulk - Silverskye13 (Tango's helsmit Tanguish & Helsknight, delicious hels worlduilding)
Åttiofem - MawoftheMagnetar (Iskall has a terrible day getting kidnapped and finally discovers something about his past) (slight Stresskall shipping)
there are many downsides to being a marine biologist - donnerstag (modern day au with hybrids, Doc is a scientist studying a siren!Martyn whos been newly caught for their facility) (DOCMARTYN FISH YAOI LETS GO)
Ad Nauseam - mycelium_menace (Dawndragon) (Joe Hills is stuck in a timeloop. One day, a wild Cleo appears to shake him out of his apathy)
Black skies have changed into blue - GoodTimesWithScar (Oli Orionsound finds a wild Martyn, whos been reverse isekai'ed back from the datastream)
(i'll tend to the flames you can worship the) ashes - darubyprincxx (amazing post-rapture season 1 empires work. Fwhip and Gem survived and are on the run. They find a Pixlriffs, who's been missing for 8 years.)
Ad Astra - Moonsetvoid (Secret Life, the Watchers take a special interest in Scar. He ends up teaming up with Grian again.)
misc., *mostly* smaller fics
Empires & related
Ghosts in the Sky - trafficpose (space au Martyn/Docm)
Kids in empires, what will they do?  - Faffodill (Hermes, Michael and Grumbot messing around)
food IS a love language and i will fight you on this - darubyprincxx (Hermes overhears a discussion between his parents)
Empires Strike Back - Leopardmask (A retelling of the Hermempires crossover)
Count fWhip Fails a Blood Test - darubyprincxx (set in empires season 1)
survivorship bias - Bee_4 (Jimmy wakes up in a city of New Pixandria, after the season 1 Rapture, with little to no memory of who he was before)
Fuck Around and Find Out - Moonstone_Kat (Sheriff Jimmy wants to finally end all the jokes about him being a toy and decides to pull off the most elaborate prank on his friends)
a not so calculated catch - vexberries (Mermaid Scar and a sceptic Cub, who does not believe in mermaids but gets a crush)
Four Hearts - PieOfDeath (Jlethubs valentines day fluff)
Wind Back The Clock - guy56 (Bdubs and Etho have existed in many worlds and timelines yet they still keep meeting each other)
Hermit City Heroes series - 2point5 (Superhero AU) (actually pretty long)
What's The Letter That Starts The Alphabet (Ayy!) - Darubyprincxx (Team STAR look at Rens Very Bad presentation)
Joe Hills, Joe Hills, Joe Hills - leopardmask (the guy gets possessed)
The Rising Moon, The Setting Sun (series) - Dillbug (Watcher Grian, worshipper Xisuma, runaway s9 Pearl + Bonus Drista)
We're not that different, you and I - swemae (grian and scar talk about vex magic)
cmon mumbo dont tell me youve never heard of a stable time loop - Sixteenthdays (Mumbo gets his soul back)
bad things come in small packages - kiwinatorwaffles (Jimmy is a Watcher and vouches for Grian to become one as well)
Found - sparxwrites (Grian saves Scar from the Boatem hole)
I lost the old, guess I need something new - SkyWillSomeTimesWrite (Grian needs glasses)
What Does It Mean To Truly Live? - Wrenny_Fang_03 (an okay Watcher Grian thing where Xisuma is also an ex-Watcher. not my thing tbh but it was alright)
A Dog's Nose - dontrollthedice (Ren asks about Etho and Beefs relationship)
Guys and Dolls - Leopardmask (cool Doll Grian concept)
Sticker War - darkleweather
Name-Calling is NOT supposed to suck this badly (One chapter with a cool concept. Grian hears everyone who says his true name)
Buddy System - (Ren & Grian in the End)
Healing Is a Four Letter Word - Hypno_cat (Grian is a cryptid, joins hc in secret and hides in the woods)
an observer in a land of none - jaysflight (vague fantasy, watcher Grian (Veld) and Scar) (really loved this)
Inversing Allocation - Interjection (5+1 watcher Grian stuff)
Following in Pandoras footsteps - Paranoid_Pug (Grian gets a surprise present)
send me a wave via subspace - FangirlOfPower (Joe is stuck and communicates with Cleo via voicemail)
When This World Is No More (The Moon is All We'll See) - Silverskye13 (Season 8 moon crush, sad)
To Convey a Certain Brilliance - Bee_4 (Joe dies repeatedly while trying to find hermits after the moon fell)
An Inhuman Waltz - MawoftheMagnetar (Jev stole one of Cleo's armor stands for unknown reasons)
It Takes Two to Tango - EyelessFog (Tango realizes he might be a system)
The Guppy Geiser's Miraculous Return - simplydm (the guppy geiser returns!)
Investigative Journalism - jaz_it_up (Pix and Sloy explore ruins of the season 8 world to find if anyone survived)
Heart Storm - Duchess_Of_Dumpsters (one cool chapter of Joe and Wels shipping)
The guy who conquers death- ooFFFF (Zedeath tries to hunt down Joe)
The Orange Promise - bloop_im_a_frog_now (Cub and Scar are forced to get engaged by Cub's rich parents)
dream smp~
passerine - blujamas, thcscus
His Curse of Binding - bari_astralis (greek mythology themed au with reincarnation into modern times. the events of the early dream smp seasons are ancient history) (cried my eyes out)
Incarnate Inchoate - underoriginal (Dream is sent to hermitcraft and is forced to rethink his life choices)
Up For a Fight? (Tommy escapes the server to live a life by a fighting arena, changes in a lot of ways) (some typos in the text)
Black Bird Fly - MollyPollyKinz (everybody has wings and magic powers and tommy is a kidnapped prince)
It Feels Like Murder (Dream finds Sams body in the prison)
something you can’t bottle up - doingthewritethings (Tommy is slowly dealing with trauma)
Watch Untill The End - Noem (Dsmp fic in czech, a small reimagining of how the server was created, tied in with Evo and Tekkit lore)
that one time aztro went to space and came back with an alien - SDMP Backstory
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raayllum · 23 days
Been thinking about the 6x08 title being "We All Fall Down" since I was off base with my guesses ("Flowers/Ashes of Elarion"). That said, I want to talk about why I still think that forms a foundation for the episode itself and what we may be able to expect with the new title in mind.
The first assumption I'm making is that we were meant to read into things further, given the extra clues that weren't needed for the episode title to be found.
The song (sung by Aanya's VA) is well known and only loosely about flowers and more so attributed to plague and sickness. It cuts off before the most famous part of the song, which is the second part of "Ashes, ashes, / we all fall down". The point I'm making here is that the song itself as a clue would've been suitable for the meaning.
So what are the extra clues? Well...
There's posting the clue specifically at midnight, which is probably the most noteworthy. Thus far in the canon show text, there's no mentions of midnight for anything. Dawn is consistently negative (2x05-6, 4x04) and the phases of the moon play a role sometimes, but I don't think a character has ever even said the word midnight outside of the Midnight Desert. However, the clue was still notably posted at midnight and this was no accident. I don't think we're getting a midnight desert callback (that would be kind of random) as the one piece we have that does mention midnight is The Midnight Star, a poem that also gives Aaravos his moniker besides a Fallen Star. A poem that spends most of its time talking about the city of Elarion and ending with Aaravos' influence over it / humans / and magic, seemingly (poem analysis here).
Another noteworthy thing is that that poem mentions Elarion fearing the wrath of the dragons, and we know from canon (3x01) that Sol Regem's ultimatum was "Give up dark magic or I will reduce [Elarion] to ash".
Now, there could be other factors that play a role here. Ashes/a song commonly associated with the plague could show a tipping point with the Sunfire elves being infected as a dark army thanks to Pharos. However, there's another extra clue that seems to point towards Elarion:
The wilted rose you only see if you lighten the video picture. Again, the song itself mentions posies/roses, so the flower indication there is clear and points toward "we all fall down". The wilted rose is likewise unnecessary to reach that conclusion... so why is it there? There's a few options I think:
People have pointed out the wilted rose bears a resemblance to Aanya's red flower necklace, and her VA is the one singing the creepy cover of "ring around the rosie". If Aanya falls in battle with the corrupted Sunfire army, say, that would certainly work for 6x08. If the army is Aaravos' puppets or it's supposed to be the darkest point of the night (midnight) that would also loop in the other unnecessary clue.
However, one of the only other pieces of information we have about Elarion from Tales of Xadia are rare and beautiful flowers that turn to ash when dawn comes. This directly pulls in both the song, Midnight, and flower related clues. "We All Fall Down" could likewise evoke Aaravos chasing his revenge to make the other Startouch elves fall in the same manner that he did, of sorts.
Basically: I'm prepared to be booboo the fool and believe that 6x08 has something to do with the history of Aaravos and Elarion until S6 proves me otherwise, and this is why <3
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ranahan · 5 months
ad (‘child’—but also many other things)
Ad is one of the most prolific roots in Mando’a. Let’s go through a few of the different ways it can be used in Mando’a words, grouped loosely by different senses ad can take. Again, this is not an exhaustive list, but I’ve tried to include large enough a sample to justify my conclusions.
Let’s start with the obvious: the dictionary definition and immediate related senses.
Ad (n.): child, daughter, son
That’s the dictionary definition. A child of any gender.
Adiik (n.): a child aged 3-13
ad, ‘child’ + diminutive. A child before their verd’goten, you can take the years as a rough guideline or species equivalent.
Ik’aad (n.): baby
Ika + ad. Interestingly, I think this is the only word where the diminutive ika acts as the base of a word, rather than as the suffix.
Bu’ad (n.): grandchild
Probably bah-ad (bah dissimilates > bu, similar pattern as in lots of other words).
Rather like English “man”, ad can also mean “a person”.
Ad’ika (n.): little one, son, daughter, of any age - also used informally to adults much like *lads* or *guys*
Ad + ika, a diminutive suffix that is also used affectionately.
Adade (n.): personnel
This is a reduplication of ad + a plural for good measure. Other reduplications seem to be in the singular, so this is kind of a double-collective, like “peoples”.
Adate (n.): people, persons
The singular “person” is probably adat < ad + nominal suffix -at.
Mando’ad (n.): a Mandalorian
Traviss translates this as “son/daughter of Mandalore” (that’s one way Mando’a forms possessives: by smashing together the possessor and the possessed, like “Mandalore’child”), which would give ad the sense of a child in relation to their background, not just a child in age. But if that was the construction, wouldn’t it be *mand’ad? But mando is ‘Mandalorian’ (both as an adjective and as a noun meaning “a Mandalorian person”), so perhaps a better way to translate mando’ad would be “a Mandalorian person”. Either interpretation works for me, though.
Alor’ad (n.), captain
Alor, ‘leader’ + ad. A leader person, a person who leads.
Akaan’ade (n.): army
Akaan, ‘war’ + ad + e (plural suffix)
Ramikad (n.): commando
Probably “raider”. *Ram-, ‘an attack’ > *ramika, “a little attack” i.e. ‘a raid’ > ramikad, “a raider”.
Kyrad (n.): corpse
Kyr, ‘end’ + ad.
Anade (pron.): everyone, everybody
An, ‘all’ + ad + e (plural suffix)
Ashad (pron.): someone else
*ash, ‘other’ + ad.
Tion’ad: who (lit: what person)
Question word tion + ad, ‘person’. That “lit: what person” is word-of-god from Traviss, ‘nuff said.
Then we have a bunch of nouns that have nothing to do with people. Ad here probably has the sense of “one” or the patient of an action.
Copad (n.), desire
Cop- + ad, “the wanted one”.
*Gaanad (n.): choice
Gaanad isn’t in the canon dictionary, but gaanader is to choose, so gaanad is probably ‘a choice’. Gaan, ‘hand’ + ad, “the hand-picked one” or “the chosen one”.
Jorad (n.): voice
“One who is carried”. Several Mando’a words related to speaking utilise the metaphor “speaking is carrying” or “speaking is carrying the truth”.
Sarad (n.), flower
Probably sar- + ad, “the blooming one”. It’s the only word from this root in the dictionary, but that’s how it would fit the pattern of other words of this type. Therefore I would construct the verb “to flower, to bloom” as sarir, not saradir (not that there’s anything wrong with saradir as a construction, sarir is just a bit simpler and shorter).
Munad (n.): elevation, height
Perhaps “one who is lengthened (~raised, as *mun- is both ‘long’ and ‘tall’)”. Or simply “the tall one”.
Yilad (n.): array
Possibly *yil-, ‘arrange, put in order’ + ad > “the arranged one”.
-ad adjectives
So far, all our words have been nouns. But -ad also appears in two adjectives: janad and jiriad. There’s two ways of reconstructing what’s happened here: either -ad can also function as an adjectival suffix OR these words are originally nouns that have undergone zero-transformation and have been turned into adjectives without a corresponding change in form. There’s a whole bunch of Mando’a adjectives that have miscellaneous nominal suffixes instead of the usual -la or -yc, so I think the latter explanation is something that best explains these random noun-looking adjectives as a whole. However, one could still analyse -ad adjectives as a pattern that could be extended. I like to think the -ad adjectives have the sense of “essential quality”, but that’s just my suggestion.
Janad (a.): spicy
Possibly from *jan-, ‘spice’ (or perhaps ‘herb’, as janad is probably a milder kind of spice compared to heturam or hetikleyc) + ad.
Jiriad (a.): white, chalky, ashen-faced
Possibly from *jiri, either ‘chalk’ or perhaps ‘any chalky, powdery, mealy substance’ + ad. We already have words for white (cin) and ash (rang), so chalk is the sense I’d use for reconstructing this root.
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streetdogsthecomic · 8 months
TW: Blood, implied violence, dead character
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Concept doodles of a part of Azura's backstory, as well as 2 more characters, Dimitri and Lucinda
A BIT OF LORE: Around the 18th century, Azura was living in a village along with her coven and all were very protective of it, since Monsters' attacks were much more common around that era One night, the witches got notice of a serial killer that had decimated more than 8 nearby villages and was coming to theirs next. Preparing herself with her sisters for their arrival, Azura met the said serial killers, which were a vampire lady and 2 recently turned children; newborn vampires who still had little to no control over their own thirst and were therefore quite dangerous. Their "leader" seemed to be very aware of that, and it was precisely why she had them both with her to take over new territories. After defeating the vampire lady, Azura noticed that both kids were actually pretty scared and rather lost at what to do without a "master". And so, in order to avoid further conflicts and feeling sympathy for the poor souls, the witch decided to take them under her wing for a while
Lucinda and Dimitri learned how to deal with their new, vampiric nature along the years they spent with Azura and her coven, teaching them all about it and helping the siblings to control themselves. However, after 4 or so years of peace, avengers of the siblings' past victims found them and decided to take revenge on the surviving killers. Their home was burnt to ashes, but the witches managed to evacuate the scene with the kids without notice. Sadly, once far enough from the danger zone, they all noticed that Lucinda was shot in the heart. While Azura tried her best to revive the little girl, Dimitri was taken over by rage and returned to the village on his own when the witches weren't looking, just to kill their attackers. When Azura finally caught up, it was too late, Dimitri had already murdered them all
Centuries later until the current days, Dimitri was still living with Azura and grew into a depressed man, who's constantly anxious about losing control and hates himself for his past actions. He does not blame anyone but himself for his killing spree, despite now being well aware that he and his sister were under the manipulation of their former "guardian" Nowadays, Dimitri tends to Azura's garden and helps her with the flowershop, his favorite past-time is reading and tending to roses, which were his sister's favorite flowers Despite being a vampire, Azura taught him a bit of botanical related magic - per his own request - so he could be a more efficient gardener. He also said that the studying could help him keep his mind off things, which Azura did not oppose to Dimitri thinks about Lucinda quite often, trying to erase the imagery of his sister dying in front of him and only wishing to see her one more time...
If only he knew...
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howdoesagrapewrites · 11 months
C̸̨͙͍̠̙̩̫̱͕̤̓̄ŏ̷̭̰̃̐̃̃r̸͍̮̗̠̃͌̋̿̿̃̽͐̅͘r̵͈̔̄̃͌ṷ̵̹͓̀́̆͂̀̎̀͝p̴͈̳͍͙̖̫̭̻̠̤̐̈́̇̃̂̑̄̈͊͝ţ̴̢̯͎͇͙̮͆͜e̵͔̙̥͈̖̰͂͂̉̆̒̒̄̂͐ḍ̸̛̠͒́̕ ̴̲́̾͠͝f̵̦̣̠̩͉̖͚̜̆į̵͖̫̞̓̎̍̚͘͝l̷̛̞͊͒̄̌͂̑̐̏͠ê̴̺͈̤̭̋̈́̚͝ ̶̞͎͑̈́͊̽̓́̒̍ͅ[̸̡̨͙̙̜͗͂̒̓́͠1̴͎̮̣̩͘͝]̶̗̩̙̜̟̜̊͜
Cw: ??????
Dimly lit room, red and yellow screens appear in the office, the only thing keeping it from getting lost in the sea of darkness. The scenery is depressing, cigarette ash on top of the piles of paper, multiple undecipherable stains on the desk, paper bags with various logos of fast food restaurants. And so much alcohol. The room is plagued by the recognizable smell of alcohol.
"There's an awful lot of them appearing out of thin air, I need to know if something's triggering it"
"Miguel, you should really put the screen down and I don't know, sleep?" Lyla says, putting her pink sunglasses slightly lower so Miguel can see her eyes
"I'm just doing my job, and you're my assistant, so you shouldn't get in the way" he scoffed
"Looking at variants of your dead ex isn't work, and I'm also programmed to look after you" she says shrugging her shoulders, she's so direct. No one else would dare to talk to the big boss like that
She doesn't understand, this is not about his feelings, is strictly work related, so many of these universes are just popping up, like nothing. Is there a trigger in some universe that would create this many ramifications? He doesn't want to discuss this matter with Pavitr, he's a simple minded teenager that would put his crush on top of the fate of the multiverse, he still remembers what happened he tried to talk to someone about the canon. None of them understand how things are supposed to work, in a society full of geniuses, it seems like he's the only one with a functioning brain. You cannot escape the canon, your feeling don't matter, their lives don't matter. The one scripting this multiverse is the biggest asshole to exist, and he creates people who are meant to die, sometimes it takes the only two people who have ever made your eyes spark disappearing in your arms to realize it, that's what it took him.
It never stopped hurting, but it hurts more to know you were meant to die in his arms. Because now he sees you in their arms, alive, well, happy, unaware. He sees the universe where they mistreat you, trap you, hurt you. He takes another sip of his glass, half full of mezcal.
He didn't treat you like this, so why? Why does the canon go this way? Why did you die on the loving husband, father of your child, and are still alive for the lovesick bastards that have you prisoner in your room counting yellow flowers?
It wasn't fair.
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outofangband · 11 months
Thinking about the differing reactions between Morwen and Rían with regards specifically to trauma and pride (I’m always thinking about this but I started writing this up like a month or so ago for @tolkiengenweek day one)
I will actually make something less extremely rambling for day one later
Rían is gentle and seemingly fragile. She’s a singer and songwriter, she loves trees and flowers. I think with her craft there is an element of preservation. Is she trying to gather what few memories of home she has, like cupping water that will slip through her fingers? Or create something that will be remembered if her own being becomes ash and smoke
I imagine Rían as being, like her nephew and brother in law, as quick to pity and to quick to tears. The sorrow she has endured has made her response to the sorrows of others softer.
Morwen is stern and proud and is not moved to pity like Húrin and Túrin. She is sharp and severe and wants nothing from anyone.
I’ve said before, I headcanon that Morwen and Rían have an extremely close relationship that is generally healthy. Except there is a part of both of them that never entirely gets out of the headspace of being on the run and among strangers, sometimes hostile ones. They are both very protective of each other and very mistrusting of others and of authorities of any kind, even years after they’ve seemed to settle in
Only half formed thoughts at the moment but I don’t really think that Morwen’s pride especially with regards to Doriath and with Aerin can be looked at without the context that Morwen has already lived through this. She has already once come to a place, two places! with nothing and been forced to rely on strangers for shelter, clothing and safety, without a clear expectation of what they might want in return
When Morwen as a child let the people of Hithlum give her their clothes, house her alongside them, offer their own food, she was forced to allow these to take the place of her own. Perhaps more acutely did she feel this in Brethil. Her clothes, possessions and home were lost to the flames. The flora and fauna that made up her peoples food were killed or scattered too. She cannot grieve these things while being expected to perform gratitude in a certain way.
Morwen never fully accepts or understands what they might want in return. She knows what happens when people’s kindness turns, or when the object of their pity becomes unappealing to them. (I’ve talked about some of the struggles related to this in both Brethil and Hithlum and how much it impacted Morwen). I think a lot about her being contrasted with Túrin specifically with them being “quick to pity” because she was “stern with others as with herself”.
There is just…such a lack of control that is involved with young Morwen as a refugee and I think that is one aspect of her pride that is very important.
That and the monumental legacy that she and Rían must preserve, being among the last of their people alive.
And I think about too Rían’s response to this. Rían is never noted to have this same pride and I think unlike Morwen she is quick to pity and compassion. But while she might not bristle at the idea of being pitied but I don’t think she likes it much more than her cousin. Rían tastes a darker undercurrent to it and she can never completely relax.
They are never truly settled, they are always afraid, simultaneously, of being hunted, driven off and of being trapped and imprisoned.
(Morwen knows she is viewed as proud and has accepted that the alternative is worse.)
I’ve been thinking a lot about Morwen and Rían’s relationship lately and how devastating Rían’s flight must have been for Morwen especially after losing Húrin. It’s only the beginning of the story in the Narn but the sense of tragedy and loss and just unfairness is so palpable to me here. Morwen and Rían arrive together after, as the text says, the ruin of the Bragollach. They are both orphaned refugees in a completely unfamiliar world with each other being among their only connection to their home and family.
And eventually Húrin gains Morwen’s trust and friendship and later her love and then after only a few years he is taken. While Rían who has only been married for a month or so experiences the same loss. Once again they are together in grief and trauma and this time Rían is more than old enough to understand what has happened and what will happen. She doesn’t remember the invasion of Ladros in much detail but she remembers the fear and urgency and the exhaustion of fleeing.
And this time she runs again. Afraid and desperate for news. I wrote a bit more about this here, it’s difficult for me to put my thoughts on it completely into words. And Morwen never finds out exactly what happened to her. She knows Rían is dead and feels that any alternative is likely worse.
Rían would not do well in captivity. Morwen knows this as much as she knows anything.
And Morwen is alone, occasional visits from Aerin her only connection to others and of course these are always entwined with other fear and grief.
Note: I do not mean at all to insult or condemn Rían for fleeing and, like Morwen I have to wonder if things would have been worse for her had she remained in now occupied Dor-lómin. But I just wanted to explore this particular grief of Morwen’s
Anyways consider this drafting while I make an official complex trauma post for Morwen because being overly analytical about suffering is what I do. Also I want to rewrite my post about how the descriptions and examples of Morwen’s pride read so vividly as descriptions and examples of a form of complex trauma
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