#but tbh ... i think it's a given that a lot of the animated shows i've been following i'll pick up as they drop.
jimmy-dipthong · 9 months
I'm a big fan of localisation. I believe the goal of a translation should be to keep as much meaning and nuance as possible from the original. Localisation is key to this. Language and culture are inextricably linked, which means you must engage in cultural education and/or localisation to successfully translate. Cultural education is preferable, but in many cases it is not appropriate (not great having to pause every few seconds to read a translator note when you want to turn your brain off and watch a show). However, I think sometimes, translators take the wrong approach to localisation, and I want to talk about that here.
There was an example of "bad" localisation given by a twitter user in this Sarah Moon video: the example was anime characters subbed to use zoomer slang like "sus" and "cringe". I actually think that is an example of good localisation. I am not talking about that kind of thing.
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This scene from 深夜食堂 (Midnight Diner) made me want to write this post. パチンコ has been translated as "pinball". I'm sure there are people reading that translation and cringing, just like I did! I tried to put my finger on what irked me so much about it and I realised: this localisation is localising the wrong part of the meaning of パチンコ.
Part of localising is choosing the closest cultural equivalent of a concept. This inevitably means losing some of the specific details of the original word, but usually those details aren't important (if the whole cultural concept is important, you should probably just use a translator's note IMO). For example, the word パチンコ has lots of bits of meaning in it: "gambling" "played on a machine", "time killer", "uses small metal balls", "generally played by older men", "big flashy lights", "money sink", and so on. In this context, the character is talking about "winning money" from パチンコ, so you'd expect at the very least that the localised word would preserve the "gambling" and "money sink" bits of meaning. However, instead they chose to preserve the "small metal balls" and "big flashy lights" bits of meaning (まさかの!). This is a very silly choice because those bits of meaning don't have a shred of relevance to this scene, or any other scene in this story at all. I can see a context in which "pinball" is the best possible localisation for パチンコ. But this was not it, and not even close. I've never heard of anyone winning money from pinball.
I think if I were a translator, my process for localisation would be to break down the word into those bits of meaning, then rank the bits of meaning in terms of relevance to the line/scene/story, then pick a localised word that hits as many of the higher ranked meanings as possible. In this case, there are many better localisations (read: localisations with meanings more relevant to the scene). If I were localising it, I would probably do this: "He took all the money I won from the pokies." but I am aware that pokies is an Australianism. Assuming I was localising for a global english speaking audience: "He took all the money I won from a slot machine".
(TBH though, I don't think パチンコ needs to be localised because the english equivalent loanword, pachinko, is already well known enough to be used in english subtitles imo)
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palettepainter · 4 months
EDIT: So I totally forgot about the line where Vox is like "And hey, you still have him under contract" Sooo this entire idea is false. But the idea of Vox saying Angel quit is still an interesting one, since it implies there is a possibility sinners can "quit" in some way from a contract
So two things real quick: I know I've been talking about Hazbin a lot, but tbh If I were to do anything with that fandom it would be with my OC's/NG's, I'm still not crazy over the main cast (besides the potential dynamic between Vox and Angel, and Fizz x Ozzie from Helluva Boss, the characters don't grab me as much as characters in other fandoms do)
And second thing is I do wanna bring up an interesting point I don't think anyone else has mentioned yet
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Vox specifically says "Oh Angel quit?". Obviously this happens in ep 2, but by ep 4 we know Valentino has Angel under contract, Valentino even says "I own you (Angel)". While we don't know a great deal of lore about how contracts work in Hell, I think it's a given to assume they're a big deal. More so, they're not something you can just "quit" and move on from
I just find it really interesting how Vox asks if Angel "quit" rather than saying something like "Oh you fired him?" to Val.
Is Vox even aware that Valentino has Angel under contract?? His brighter mood when he asks if Angel "quit" could be because, for all he knows, Angel is somebody who causes Val to loose his cool, somebody Val chooses to keep around, which causes problems that he ultimately has to sort out. Indirectly, Angel causes problems for Vox (I assume the reason Vox pulls out his phone while Valentino is ranting is because it's likely he's done this song and dance a hundred dozen times and doesn't take it all that seriously anymore).
And if Vox doesn't know about Angel's contract, he's left to believe that Angel is causing problems on purpose. It's probably likely Vox knows Angel is important to Val because of the money he makes him, but he also probably knows that Valentino is a literal tyrant and employs dozens of people who, all together, make him a lot of money
I think the idea of Vox perhaps not being aware of Angel's contract is further supported when he turns to Val later in the episode, when the V's are discussing about having somebody infiltrate the hotel, and asks "Do you think Angel would do it?". He phrases the question casually, like there's a chance Angel could say no, phrasing it a way that makes Angel the one who decides
Alternatively, he could have said "Can you (Valentino) get Angel to do it?" or "Can't you (Valentino) make Angel do it?"
It's very possible that this is just me thinking too deeply into stuff. While I do want this show to do good for the animation world overall, praying it'll draw more attention to other Indie Animated projects (cuz god knows Disney isn't pushing out good movies like it used to-) the writing in some episodes - looking at episode 3 and parts of episode 1 - isn't brilliant. Plus with how some of the writing is in Helluva Boss also I don't have a lot of hope that THIS much thought went into the script for the show.
It's very likely that Vox isn't written this deeply, but if it turns out I'm right and some of what I've discussed does end up being true though trust me I have my doubts, I'll be surprised
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sweettjrose · 10 months
Given that the Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse is going to be ending soon. I am wondering what is going to replace it. To be honest I am a bit worried we will get another drought and not have any more Mickey and Friends cartoons or anything.
One thing I would personally love though is a Detective Mickey show. I've been reading through the comics and I think making Mickey a detective is one of the best utilization of his character since it uses a lot of traits he has such as being smart, problem solving, willingness to help others, and a strong sense of justice and they can easily add on other traits such as his keen sense for detail and observation that he has more in the comics. It is a great way to make him more interesting and expand on his character.
I can even see Mickey going through challenges such as feeling like he has to solve every crime and has such high expectations of himself. The series would be him learning the value of taking care of himself and be aware that he won't be able to fix everything.
Though tbh a big thing I would want is for the Phantom Blot to be a main villain of the series. He gets so underutilized especially in any of the animated media and I would love for him to have a bigger role and for more people to know about him. Heck he could also be kind of a second protagonist and get his own arc about what is he willing to sacrifice to continue his life of crime. They could also introduce other comic only villains too, giving them more attention like how Ducktales did for the Carl Barks/Don Rosa characters.
I actually already have an idea for a pilot that is based off of the first comic with Phantom Blot and maybe I'll share it, if enough people are interested.
Edit: I actually started to work on the idea. Check it out here
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visualtaehyun · 8 months
Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
Thanks for tagging me y'all @sorry-bonebag @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 ✨
My criteria for a comfort show are gonna be 1) any piece of media 2) that I've watched more than once and 3) that I will keep reaching for. That's it. I can't even explain what the common denominator is tbh?? It's just- the kinda movie or show that I need on DVD to easily put on again and quell the brain worms (yes, I physically own all but #4-#6).
1. My School President: What can I say, this show took me entirely by surprise! I started watching a few days before episode 4 aired - aka the pinky touch ✨ the conversation in the stairwell ✨ and the origin of Gem4th's fanclub name being Khun Nuu ✨ - and fell right in love with it. I love musical storytelling, I love coming of age stories, I love a good romance, and I love found family/friend group dynamics so this really hit the spot for me. I guess these apply to a bunch of my choices for this tag though haha
2. Cutie Pie: I've talked about this show in another tag game (as "A show people find bad but you will defend") and all of that still holds true so I won't repeat it here. I'll just add that this show introduced me to Nunew who's my favorite artist these days. :)
3. Love In The Air (Love Storm): Yup! The show that most people on here seem to recall as that extra horny one lol It's one of the first Thai QLs I watched along with as it aired, maybe even the first one. I started watching when episode 2 came out, I think? And I just loved the D/s-dynamic, lovable brat Rain, and these rookie actors so much that I not only went looking for the bts, cast reactions, and interviews but I even started following Twitter translators for the show and cast. This show (and ZeeNunew lol) was basically my introduction to how the Y industry works, what Thai fanclubs are like, and got me well and truly interested in learning Thai. I think I've seen it enough times to speak along by now cause I also used my familiarity with it to study Thai. And now that BossNoeul are finally getting a new show, I'm really looking forward to seeing them in new roles!
4. Not Me: It's simply brilliant. And it's so grounded! You know how lots of tops in Thai QLs are rich, a CEO, drive a supercar, and live in a gorgeous modern home with huge windows (and death stairs lmao)? I love that Not Me starts in a place of privilege but has White leave that behind pretty early on. Bangkok really is a city where you can constantly see the divide between rich and poor. So I appreciate this show even more after having been to Bangkok. Not Me's characters look unfiltered and real and that's how the entire show feels as well. I just love what P'Nuchy has given us here! Oh and +1 for White narrating his entire story, I just kinda love that in general (also enjoyed Kawi narrating Be My Favorite). The next two kinda fall into one category: shows I loved as a kid, remembered - found - rewatched as a teen, and still fondly remember.
5. Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne: This is a magical girl anime that I first would have seen on TV in 2001. In hindsight, this show's religious themes may have influenced me in my love for fictional faith and devotion. Just a thought, haha, totally don't have more than one dnd character who is majorly connected to divinity, faith, and devotion, even though I personally am agnostic...
6. The Weekenders: I routinely cite this as my favorite cartoon (and I watched- just- So Many as a kid omg). Since I watched this on German TV, I only know the German dub which was honestly really fun. If any Germans read this and have seen that show: Wirsing! The rest is movies all the way down!
7. Timeline: A 2003 movie with a bunch of well-known actors that arguably qualifies as a B movie because it flopped so hard at the box office. It's my trash though. I chose it at the video store, brought it home, loved it, and then proceeded to rent it like once a year lol! It's basically a bunch of archeologists and history nerds travelling back in time to the Hundred Years War to save their professor. It has my preferred time travel dynamic of Everything is fixed and whatever traces in time you leave were already there to begin with.
8. Inception: There's several Christopher Nolan movies I love but this one is just so grand and fun and maybe I also had a bit of a crush on Elliott Page back then 👉👈 I'm a born nerd so naturally teen-me used "Non je ne regrette rien" as my alarm for years lmao This category is basically just Disney & co. musicals lol
9. Mulan (1998): If you asked me to choose my favorite from the entire classic Disney musical line-up, it would always be this one. It's the queerest, of course I'd always choose it!
10. Anastasia: You know, I looked at my shelf full of cartoon musicals- no wait, High School Musical and Pitch Perfect are next to them, hm, wELL- at my movie musicals shelf and it came down to choosing between this one and The Swan Princess (1994). And this one just kinda won out because "Once Upon A December" is impeccable! And now I've got it stuck in my head 👍
Since it took me a few days to get back to it, this has clearly made the rounds already. Who to tag?? Uh-- @pharawee @airenyah @telomeke and whoever sees this and wants to do it of course!
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savriea · 9 days
Get To Know Me Tag
Whew this was a long one! Thanks for the tag lovely, @darkurgetrash <3 This was fun! I love these games and learning more about my moots and sharing about myself when I wouldn't otherwise!
No pressure tags for: @little-paperboat @seabirdsong @forget-me-maybe Do you make your bed? Nope! Once I manage to peel myself out of that thing, what's left behind isn't my business. (plus I have 2 dogs who would promptly tear it back up, so,)
Favorite Number: I've always liked the number 11. Can't really say why, though!
What's your job? I am in sales, which works shockingly well given that I am pretty introverted IRL
If you could go back to school, would you? No. I was always smart but struggled in school because I had undiagnosed ADHD and was only seen as a problem child and as the weird girl. The lack of support and social issues left a bad taste in my mouth for school. Then, post-high school, I experienced terrible burnout in my first few years at college.
Can you parallel park/drive a manual car? Yes and yes. Cars and motorsports are actually a big passion of mine :)
Do you think aliens are real? Hell yeah! We'd be insane to think we're the only ones here. I kinda subscribe to the Dark Forest theory, though
What's your guilty pleasure? Napping. On the rare weekends that I have free time, there is nothing to stop me from a 6-hour mid-day nap. That and sweets.
Tattoos? I have 4, with plans for a few more. I have more piercings than tattoos at the moment. I just need to find a new artist, eventually... if I ever remember.
Favorite type of music: I have 2, depending on the mood. Metal/Rock or Electronic/House music. Which, these days a lot of metal leans on electronic heavily so it balances 🥰
Do you like puzzles? Yes and no. I really enjoy escape rooms as my ADHD can just go crazy with finding something, getting distracted and finding something else, then putting it all together. The time constraints are the vibe killer there, tbh
Any phobias? Fear of falling, definitely. I don't mind heights themselves if I'm in a secure position, but things like skydiving/ziplining/certain roller coasters do me in.
Favorite childhood sport: I was never into sports as a kid. I've gotten really into motorsports as an adult, though, and feel like if I grew up somewhere that kids motor sporting/karting was more prevalent *cough cough Europe cough cough* I would have been super into that.
Do you talk to yourself? Not really. There's enough going on in my mind 24/7 that the external stimulation might push me over the edge lol
What movie(s) do you adore? When people ask about my 'favorite movie', there are only ever 2 answers. Animated: Pixar's Cars. Live Action: Interstellar. No I will not take questions.
Coffee or tea: Depends. Cold: Coffee, all day. Hot: Tea, green, please.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? An astronaut 🥰
Last song I listened to: tear gas - Architects
Favorite color: Black!
Current obsession: BG3, lol.
Last thing I Googled: The phone # for my local tire shop 😂 Fancy.
Favorite Season: Winter. I love a good cold day.
Skill I'd like to learn: Painting. I actually went to art school for 2 years before suffering from extreme burn out. I was always decent with digital art, but I would love to be able to really, actually, literally paint
Best advice: I genuinely can't share any. Big head no thoughts. Sorry
Currently watching: Catching up on the Fallout show! I'm always very behind on new TV but currently about halfway through it.
Currently reading: A stupidly long list of BG3 fanfics as my "to read" books sit gathering dust on my bookshelf.
Relationship status: Married! Together since 2016 <3
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Gosh it really depends on the mood, but if I had to choose only one for the rest of my life, SWEET! I have a weakness for baked goods.
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bg-brainrot · 2 months
To start, I’m a huge fan of your writing! Seriously, I’ve been reading your stuff since maybe October or November? I always look forward to updates, and I genuinely think your writing is of top-notch quality. Thank you for sharing your stories with us on the internet. ❤️
I saw your post saying you were in game development, and I wanted to ask what are some good ways to network and work with game studios? I’m actually an artist working in the animation industry now (this is an alt account to save posts for my brainrot lmao), but would love to transition into games sooner or later, just not sure how to find good info or leads? There’s only so many animation studios producing major work so it’s easier to scout info, but the world of games is daunting to say the least, even if I’ve been a gamer my whole life.
Any insight helps, but totally understand if you don’t have a straightforward answer to this question lol. You rock, and hope you’re having a good day!
Ahhh first off, thank you so much for reading my fic <33 You best believe I recognize your username when you like my posts and I appreciate it every single time. C: Second, thank you for asking a question!!! I am unreasonably excited to answer it!
To answer your question, I have a few tips, but I will say it will definitely depend on where you live what resources are available to you (it sucks, and it's honestly a huge downside to this industry :') ). Some tips below, sorted by, like availability ~
Networking from anywhere:
Join Discords! There are a ton for general game developers, a ton for people in specific fields, a ton for specific demographics within gaming, a ton for recruiting or for connecting with mentors-- and honestly, it can seem like a lot, there are a ton of people, a lot of them might already know each other, etc. but everyone is super friendly and super willing to help.
Join GameJams! I cannot stress this enough, but one of the biggest things that will help someone transition into games from another field is experience making games (I know it sounds counterintuitive, but bear with me haha)-- but making games, even if they're small games you make with a group over a weekend, shows directly applicable experience and looks great on a portfolio! GameJams are an easy way to find a group, set aside time, and make a game before you even join a studio. Bonus note: animators are *always* in high demand for those.
Reach out to people whose work you like directly! This is by far the most nerve-wrecking (to me at least), but reaching out to people, like cold-emailing, cold-LinkedIn messaging, is just such a good way to get to know people. As awkward as it is for you, people who like what they do will always be excited to answer questions and help set you on a path forward (like me! I receive messages myself and each time I get excited that someone even bothered to reach out tbh). If you're super lucky, you may even get a mentor out of it!
From in-person locations:
Join local indie dev meetups! I've done this in my area, and each and every time everyone is so willing to talk, to connect, and to give each other advice. The best part of these meetups is that they tend to be very informal, and you may even find teams looking to expand.
(Disclaimer, this one is expensive and genuine connections can be difficult given the sheer number of participants, but it's not impossible) Attend conventions/game dev events! Even at GDC, people from all types of industries attend to try to get their foot in the door, speak with recruiters, get portfolio advice, and learn a bit more about how the industry works. A quick word of warning for this one: be wary of the type of convention! For example, GDC is great for growth and connections, but attend something more press-oriented like PAX or more creator-oriented like TwitchCon and you may be disappointed at the lack of opportunities to just sit and talk. Smaller conventions can sometimes be more helpful to actually network as well.
Attend any local universities/incubator programs game showcases! Again, hyper-specific to this being in your area, but often people will take time to show off their game, host in-person game jams, and more-- usually you'll find these around major universities, major companies, and even places like video game museums. All great places to meet and get to know some mentors or even recruiters.
and some general tips for animation specifically that you probably already know as an animator in another field but are always worth mentioning:
Make sure that you know what type(s) of animation you want to get into (Technical animator, rig specialist, gameplay animator, etc.), which studios rely on which animation types (some studios have one generalist, some split up their animation pipeline very thoroughly, some have only 2D animators, some 3D, some a mixture of both), and which game engines they use-- the more programs you know, the better, of course. I've seen 2D animators spend many a personal hour learning 3D animation for the sake of getting on a game they want to work on, so the sooner you learn the better :')
Again I want to stress the gamejam, but if you don't want to talk to other people or it's difficult to find one, I would recommend at least trying to make your own small game. The reason being that, while animators in general are super highly sought after in the industry, the more you know about game development itself the more sought after you will be! A good animator is fantastic, an animator who knows why their animation breaks as soon as it's in engine is even better (and the best way to figure that kind of debugging is really from trying, failing, iterating!)
Beyond just reaching out to people, find animators you like in the industry and see if they're involved in any mentorship programs, are giving any talks, maybe already have some talks online (old GDC talks end up on YouTube sometimes), or even have guides on how they got their start in the industry. It's definitely not a clear cut journey for anyone into gaming, so there's no one-size-fits-all, but it can give you a gauge for how others in your position got there!
PHEW, I think that's it! I hope some of this is helpful, feel free to like, ask for clarification as I know I can ramble, and thank you again for asking! You rock and hope your day is excellent :D
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nono-bunny · 7 months
Heya! Just wondering, since Netflix Geeked Week will probably show a trailer for the live-action Avatar on Thursday, I want to ask a few things:
Are you excited for it?
What do you think they'll keep, cut, and expand in this live-action of ATLA - Book One: Water (Season 1)?
Since Bryke are not on the project now, do you have a good feeling that this live-action could be a lot better than what they come up with at Avatar Studios?
(By the way, were these "Braving the Elements" episodes recent from your last posts? And were Bryke really acting like complete stooges in them? :O )
Hi, thank you for the lovely ask!
I've been completely ignoring the huge Geeked Week banner so I have no idea what's up with that or that it's possible we're getting a trailer soon, so that's cool information to have lol
1. I honestly can't say I'm excited for the live action. The last Netflix live action for a beloved childhood franchise of mine was such a dumpster fire because they focused on being edgy and dark and abandoned the source material for the worse, so like? Past experience has made me extremely cautious in regards to live action adaptions coming from them. In general I am not a fan of this trend- the Disney ones are shit, and I only really find myself watching and enjoying the (sometimes shitty, but like, in a fun way) J-drama adaptions of old shoujo manga as I don't really fuck with any other genre nowadays. Anime has a long history with shitty adaptions for action shows, and as action is inherent to ATLA after all, even if it's not technically an anime, I know that's gonna be a hurdle they'll have to clear- just having good effects and fight scenes. It's not MY personal focus as I do find charm in shitty effects (I do like J-dramas after all!) but honestly that is probably what's gonna make or break the initial hype for the show imo. Rn I'm honestly just... So neutral about it to the point where it surprises me (I'm. Very much not a neutral person usually lol) and I think it's just a matter of like.... Being burned AND pleasantly surprised by ATLA stuff before so I'm kinda hedging my bets until I know which way it's gonna go for me. Honestly I can very realistically see me LOVING it, but the other option is that it's bad and that's kinda what I'm preparing for rn ig? I can't imagine I'll be too upset if it's just... Bad or unsatisfactory given that I already spend way too much energy on the shit the OG did wrong lol, if the LA follows suit with those I think I'll just kinda... Ignore it lol. Idk, A LOT of mixed feelings
2. I... Really can't even begin to imagine what they choose to do with the reduced time frame, but I know I for sure have my own thoughts on what I WISH they would! Mainly I want NO Kataang, if there's Kataang I'm not gonna even bother with it tbh unless it's completely one sided (which it was in the original, yet we still know how THAT turned out)... I obviously want endgame Zutara, but I'm not hard pressed on it tbh- it would be funny as fuck for it to happen after Bryke left over creative differences though! I REALLY want the Blue Spirit to stay, I really DON'T want The Great Divide (no way it's staying in though so we're probably safe on that front), and overall I kinda just? Want Aang to be more sympathetic- him being irresponsible in the original show only makes sense until a certain point, and I want an Aang that shows an ability to grow from early on. Aang's an awful, awful Avatar, and I truly want him NOT to be one here- honestly, a good way to get around some of his early issues would be to borrow a bit from Korra and twist his love for slacking off into an enthusiasm for all four cultures (rather than just their rideable animals), which I feel like he was CLOSE to having... But as usual with him it was all tell and no show- I wanna see him having friends in all four nations, I wanna see him being multi cultural even before he gets freezed, I wanna see him embrace all four bendings and cultures rather than fixating on air, I wanna see him fail and take responsibility... But I also still want to see him being a kid, because that's crucial, and while the original show never allowed him to grow up, I also don't want him to be immediately seen as and treated as wise and powerful- I want him to struggle with what it means being an Avatar who knows about it at such a young age, I want to see him meaningfully interact with his past incarnations, I want him to ACTUALLY find a balance! I think I maybe just... Want a whole new main character still named Aang tbh, because I DON'T like who he is in the original show, but I do like who he could've been! I REALLY don't want the show to be intentionally edgy- if it goes into any dark topics, they should be ones already raised in the original. I want some more light shed on how the North Pole and Pakku's sexism never went away, I want the show to acknowledge that the monks didn't go down without putting up a hell of a fight, I want to know what the fuck Zhao was doing to get promoted like that despite his constant failures on screen, I want to really dive deep into Aang and Bumi's relationship and maybe how Aang failed him on a personal level (he's literally the only one who would've missed Aang, not the Avatar for all this time) and how he mourned him for years, I want Aang to contend with and realize that he's in a war and how he's FOR SURE killed people and will have to again even before Koizilla (he kills so many people in The Northern Air Temple!!)... I could honestly kinda do with an abridged version of some of the Gaang's travels, like, a lot of them are neat but only matter tangentially or from a world/character building perspective and can be dropped/merged/replaced pretty safely tbh. For example, Haru doesn't really need to exist tbh, what Imprisoned does for Katara can and maybe even SHOULD change gears to focus more on her rather than this random guy who only ever shows up once more to get laughed at because he has a lame mustache. The Fortuneteller should be dropped or altered severely because its message doesn't hold up under scrutiny. Yue should be a bigger presence and be more of an established character. Jet should maybe get his role expanded. Suki should be more of a presence throughout. There are a lot of ways to make the first season better tbh, and also it NEEDS to change to fit with the new timeframe so? Yeah I hope they do a good job at separating the wheat from the chaff because god knows the original show did not know how to do that.
3. I'm honestly pretty confident in saying that Avatar Studios will never ever make anything good, or at the very least, anything that I'll like, but as to what the lack of Bryke means for the LA? Honestly, it's all up to the people working on it- Bryke being bullheaded and bad writers isn't exclusive to them, and if the staff is made up of writers that lean too heavily on the source material or drift too far from it that could honestly sink the whole show. Of course I'm happy they're not on board given their awful track record, but like... I know nothing about any of the people working on it in their stead, so a lack of Bryke doesn't necessarily equate to good writing (it certainly does leave out THEIR bad writing though!!)
Braving the Elements is soon gonna start reviewing the third season of ATLA, and it started in 2021 so everything there is very recent! And yeah, every time Bryke are on they prove themselves to be assholes all over again, they keep topping themselves somehow istg!
I feel that this isn't my most eloquent post but tbh I'm quite sick rn so this is the best I can do atm, hopefully I managed to answer properly anyway?
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aprillikesthings · 2 months
I think I finally have the energy for more rewatch
We're on the home stretch now folks
s5 ep9 An Ill Wind
Me when I started doing this nearly two months ago: oh my god I can't do this for every episode it'll take me MONTHS to watch them all I want is to refresh my memory of the show enough to write my damn fic
Me now, having done this for Yes, Every Fucking Episode: I'm not ready for the show to be over ;_; Also I am devastatingly obsessed with Catra and learned I have a specific kink I didn't know the name of before and I keep practicing eyeliner like every night so I can cosplay Catra :D
ahahahah oh god
also from here on out I am going to not read the synopses
(I didn't do that for most of the episodes anyway tbh)
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Glimmer can teleport relatively far distances with multiple people again but Catra is NOT a fan
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also they're toUCHING
Adora, looking into the woods: hey come look at this
Catra: *still suppressing puking from some form of motion sickness caused by teleportation*
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oh they find the empty torn up camp
Glimmer: maybe they went to Bright Moon or Mystacor? Catra: dude you know they could all be chipped so maybe we should be careful Glimmer: oh you don't trust princesses? Adora: Catra's right Catra: *grins in satisfaction*
just look at her
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the fuckin. lack of subtlety here. as always. *chef's kiss*
("ugh they didn't HAVE to be so obvious don't you think it's Too Much" listen I've literally seen people who've watched Arcane be surprised to find out that people are shipping Vi and Caitlyn. "Really? I didn't think that was romantic." You didn't? Did we watch the same fucking show??? The one where those two have romantic tension so thick you could carve it with a KNIFE? The one where they had an overdramatic breakup scene in the rain even tho they hadn't kissed or anything? The one where they lay on Caitlyn's bed and talked about Vi's past while making significant eye contact and holding hands and Caitlyn pet Vi's face? That scene where they hug on the bridge and Vi does that like, face pet thing before walking off and they're clearly both in AGONY at being separated?! Are you really that fucking oblivious??? Jesus H Christ. Yes She-Ra made it SUPER OBVIOUS because some people are BAD AT PICKING UP THIS SHIT also She-Ra is aimed at kids and they haven't learned subtlety. Arcane was aimed at adults.)
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no really I've seen people express surprise that people think they're going to be a couple. when that ^ was after they'd known each other like two hours
(seriously tho, if you can handle violence (there's a LOT ngl, it is not a show for kids) then you should watch Arcane, the people who make it have made it pretty clear that it's gonna be canon, and the next season is out in November; but also leaving shipping aside it's just REALLY, REALLY GOOD)
ANYWAY back to other animated lesbians
lol Glimmer teleports them all again without warning and Catra really does look like she's gonna hurl
And Erelandia ain't looking so good, oops
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(but also yes Adora helped Catra up again)
intro is the same as the last episode
AHAHAH a dozen planets are rebelling against Horde Prime he's so pissed. And they apparently all mention She-Ra
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yeah I am again surprised at how much of the actual plot I forgot lol (but I remembered that Glimmer liked to sneak into the kitchen to eat cake with her hands. Y'know. Important things.)
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given his tiny facial reactions I think that's Hordak-Hordak. Our Hordak. Not the Wrong Hordak. I think.
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once again I ask myself: where did y'all get those outfits
Entrapta teaches Wrong Hordak how to wink and it's so cute. I also love that she explains what it means--because I'm sure she had to consciously learn it, too: "It signals unspoken intent behind my words. In this case, our mutual deception of the Horde. Now you try."
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but yeah everyone in town is terrified and won't talk to them, and especially doesn't want to talk about any princesses
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"should I buy property here?"
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"...go team."
Also, note to self, Melog definitely understands human speech--they split up, Catra is told to stick with Entrapta and Melog (and Catra frowns at this, just barely) and Adora tells Melog to keep them safe and it does a little noise of affirmation. (wait is Melog a he or a she or a they?)(fan wiki says it's an it but dang I feel weird using "it")
Okay so the scene where Glimmer, Adora, and Bow hide in a shop and then end up arguing with the shopkeeper is like, fascinating on multiple levels
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Because on the one hand: I can't blame the townspeople for just keeping their head down and trying to get out alive. On the other hand, reporting them to the Horde isn't cool; they could just pretend not to be suspicious of these guys; there are in fact lots of places on the spectrum between "actively collaborating with one's oppressors" and "mounting a full-scale armed rebellion."
But on the other other hand I also think it's interesting that Adora's the only one of the three who's like "nah dude just let these people live their lives omg," something about Adora having lived in an oppressive environment for her whole childhood maybe
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poor Adora someone get her an ibuprofen
Anyway Spinerella found them ack
Also Melog steals an apple for Catra, just magically takes it from someone's basket and into Catra's hand, which implies they're communicating non-verbally more than just moods, though I suppose "hungry, that apple looks good" is a mood
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speaking of things that would make ANYone motion sick--
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(Adora is saying it) Catra's right there, dude. You spent the last four seasons fighting her. lol.
Oh I paused it too soon lol Catra says this line:
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Back on Horde Prime's ship, Hordak keeps looking at the chip thing Entrapta gave him and gets caught by Prime, whoopsie
oh hey, lore: Horde Prime can't access ALL the memories in his previous bodies without going into them, and he keeps his old bodies around in that green goo, that's fucking weird and gross, anyway he plugs a connection into his old body
Horde Prime: "The First Ones sought a new source of power of ancient worlds. Why? Why bend themselves to the whims of magic and myth?"
Poor Hordak has flashbacks to Entrapta and the Fright Zone. Mostly Entrapta. Including a moment of her looking at him fondly--I think it's the moment when she says "Imperfection is beautiful."
Horde Prime: "The fools took their secrets with them when they died. But I will find another way."
(I've seen a fan discussion suggest that there aren't actually any First Ones left--that when Light Hope made it so Adora came through the portal, the portal itself went back in time. I like that explanation in part because it means in my fic I don't have to figure out why Adora doesn't go looking for her birth family. Which tbh most fic-writers don't worry about anyway lol.)
Back with the rebellion, poor Catra is once again trying not to lose her lunch because they've all teleported.
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Melog doesn't like that
Adora: "It's a long story, but she's with us now" Netossa: "...really??" (Catra in the background: hisses)
BAHAHA and then Netossa spots Wrong Hordak and they have to explain, no that one's with us, too 😬
But yeah p much the entire rebellion has been chipped except like Netossa and Perfuma
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Adora and Bow have a guilt trip about having been gone for so long (...to rescue the queen! and also Catra)
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and Catra's remembering what it's like to be chipped :(
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Glimmer gives them all a ra-ra little speech
Adora just makes the sword appear in her hand without transforming lol that's cool
but they're doing the "I'm in" "yeah me too!" thing and
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like, on dates?
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Anyway the team heads back to Erelandia and starts kicking some ass
there's a great moment when Catra's like "you go deal with Spinnerella we'll take care of the bots" and Adora says "be careful" and Catra grins and says "always am!" like ma'am that is a LIE
Spinnerella is torturing some poor villager, and Netossa is worried her wife isn't still "in there"
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Adora would know. From literal, personal experience. ;_;
She transforms into She-Ra and Netossa literally does a whistle of appreciation and says, "New look?" and She-Ra grins back. And somehow that is, like. Super queer. Like literally just one lesbian to another, in a flirty-but-not kinda way. Like I have *had* those interactions, where the underlying meaning is "I know we're each in a relationship, so I'm not actually hitting on you; but as one queer woman to another I want you to know that I see what you're putting out there and I like it." It's one of the best things??????
Netossa gives a little speech to Spinnerella about how she loves her and Spinnerella actually comes back for a few seconds ;_; but then she's gone again, but She-Ra and Netossa convince her to disappear for a while at least? And the locals rejoice.
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And Catra would know. ;_; (She rubs the back of her neck after saying this.)
Anyway word gets back to Horde Prime that She-Ra is back on Etheria :D and he's so fucking pissed he's going to go there
...and Hordak spends a long moment looking at that chip from Entrapta again
They go to where the rebellion is actually hiding out, Glimmer and Catra recognize it
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and I'M BLANKING ON WHY THEY'RE REACTING THIS WAY HELP seriously I have spent like ten minutes trying to figure it out, I don't think they talked about it while on Horde Prime's ship? Fuck!! IF YOU KNOW PLZ TELL ME
Any Perfuma ties them up and makes sure they're not chipped and then it's Happy Reunion Time with everyone :D
Adora to Catra: it's time for you to meet everyone Catra: are you sure??
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I got that one without trying I didn't know it was coming lololol I was trying to get a shot of Catra looking hopeful
poor thing
Adora: long story but she's with us now!!!
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Adora (well, as She-Ra) gives them all a little pep talk
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and I don't have time to do another one tonight and I won't have time tomorrow until like after 6:30pm aaaaaaugh
ON THE UPSIDE I only work two days this upcoming week.
Because it's Holy Week. I'm going to be in church like every day starting Wednesday and twice a couple of days ahahaha including an hour in the middle of the night on Thursday.
It is DEEPLY HILARIOUS to me that I'm going to end up watching the last episodes of She-Ra mere days before Easter. Like I literally have four left. Assuming I watch one tomorrow, I could end up watching the next one Tuesday night and watching the last two BEFORE GOING TO CHURCH ON WEDNESDAY how tf am I gonna focus for SHIT lolol
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x0401x · 2 months
I keep thinking back about the interview with Tsurune's director and how literally every sentence of it just confirms everything I've ever said about the anime and it almost freaks me out.
Like, yeah, those were very obvious things from the start. The fact that the animators see kyudo as a sport, the fact that the director completely ignores Minato's flaws, the fact that season 2 favors Eisuke above other characters. But was I expecting the director himself to just... outwright say all of it? To just literally call kyudo a sport, talk about how he wanted Minato to show nothing but positivity and express how much he likes Eisuke on a personal level?
I gotta be honest, I didn't think it would be so in-your-face. And so not self-aware it's almost funny. This man really has no idea.
But maybe even more obvious than that is the way his lack of exprience bleeds through the things he says. The way he talks about his accomplishments and shortcomings when working on S2 screams newbie, even though this is his third title as a director. He did improve significantly from S1 to S2, but by God, there's still a lot of room for a lot more improvement.
The one thing that really gets me is how the Minato-Shuu-Eisuke trifecta has been confirmed as the narratologic focus of this season. If we ever get a sequel of the anime (which, considering how S2 ended and how Tsurune keeps doing collabs left and right until now, we probably will), I wonder who's going to be given the spotlight. Haneina wasn't remarkable enough to be the new Tsujimine and Kirisaki didn't show up much in volume 3, but Yamamura won't be caught dead giving Masaki's character any proper attention.
I suppose there's enough content to make a whole season while mostly shoving him to the back again, given how much shit happens in volume 3. Still... would they just completely ignore the thing with Masaki's biological father? They kinda already erased the hints of it that appear on volume 2 in this season, so maybe they’ll sweep it under the rug and call it a day?
I have seen people straight-up saying that they don't want KyoAni to adapt volume 3 for a multitude of reasons, and a lot of them include the fact that Masaki often gets pushed away like he doesn't belong there. It's not even just because he's a fandom favorite, but also because much of the plot is linked to him. As always, I'll be taking what I can get if we ever get that far, but I'd be lying if I said that the story feels complete (or anywhere near the general area of satisfactory, tbh) without his side of things.
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colliecharms · 3 months
✨⛔🎶 ❌ 💖 (I'm curious sorry)
pls don't be sorry, i'm more than happy to answer! xoxo
✨ give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
aaaaaahhhhhh i'm kinda bad at this ngl & i think that's a problem lol. i think my writing is very visual & thorough - details are definitely my strong suit~ 😎
⛔ do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
yes! i actually started writing an anime fanfic (Attack on Titan) when i was really into the show - i planned everything out & wrote a few chapters but then never picked back up on it. in general, i plan a lot for fics i want to write but end up only writing drafts/scripts/one-shots of them.. its rare that i actaully get around to writing a complete fic. :'(
🎶 do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
ALL OF THE TIME OMG~~ i can't live without music tbh XD i listen to music pretty much 24/7. i love making playlists on Spotify for all of my works (even for one-shots). recently, i have been listening to illicit affairs by taylor swift.
❌ what's a trope you will never write?
well i'm always open to trying new things & expanding my horizons when it comes to writing! i'm pretty much up for any challenge so i would be willing to try writing any theme, idea, plot, etc. as long as i am comfortable with writing it at whatever given moment in time. :)
💖 what made you start writing?
the warrior cat series by Erin Hunter. from there i have learned so much & have gained a lot of inspiration. I love, love, LOVE animals so I used to create my own warrior cats to write stories about them. i moved on to reading fanfics from other shows that i liked & then began to be more open about what & who i write for. & i've been writing ever since!
thx sm for the ask, i really appreciate uuuu~ 🥰
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muzzleroars · 1 year
hello do you have any v2 headcanons. i love the Heem
v2.....my tragic little child i DEFINITELY have thoughts....
tbh something about v2 just REALLY gets to me, and i think it's just the fact that this thing never had a chance - it was created to recoup losses on the v-series when the war ended but that was desperate, unworkable, and so it got shelved while the new peace continued undisturbed without it. and when humanity is lost, it goes into hell with the rest of the machines but what can it do when faced by something like v1, a being that was made for this? v2 is in v1's world, it has to meet it on v1's terms, and so it could never succeed. like everything in its life, it lost before it even began, already obsolete before it can prove itself.
i've talked about it before of course, but v1 is the machine turned animal, it has embraced its errors and has spun off from its programming long ago, while v2 is digging its nails into its protocol, doing everything it can to stay "sane" when nothing in the world is. v2 forever wants to be the enforcer of peace, it still wants to show what it can do even though there's no one to see it now. in a way, it lives in a fantasy, proving something only to itself by somehow trying to find a way to enact order in hell. it never got its chance and so it's taking it now, in a dead world that can't be at peace where it will never be acknowledged. and its programming is going bad too, it's culling any code that could be errant without much oversight because it wants perfection...and its convinced itself this isn't for survival, that it's not scavenging for blood but instead bringing back the new peace. it destroys other machines and it slaughters husks, but only because they're hostile, they insist on engaging, and at this point it doesn't really understand they can be no other way. and as far as v1 goes, it isn't fighting it just to prove it can win, that it was always the superior model, but because a war machine is its antithesis. if v1 exists, there will never be peace.
and it gets stuck on that.
it challenges v1 a second time not just from hurt pride, but because every bit of its programming has fixated on it and the alarms are constant now, the war is advancing and it's killing everything in its wake. v2 is failing. it finally has its chance, and it's letting everyone down. and too, a lot like what i discussed with gabriel, this is leading to a breakdown in its identity. its potential was a promise, it was a dream it had, it ran so many simulations of the good work it could do, would do, but v1 tears it apart, it shatters what holds up its mental framework. and so v2 really can do nothing else but challenge it again. it needs to win, to stop the war, to be the machine it was made to be decades ago, to be who it always imagined itself to be. but that second encounter proves it only ever really was imagination. it was never true. it aspired and it fell short, the world it made for itself fell apart just as it died.
its life is just so unfair, and that kind of thing really gets to me with ai characters ;o; BUT i want to end this on a...lighter? note, and also give a more proper list of headcanons rather than just characterization so!!
v2 is very skilled with modifications and building due to it trying to find purpose when its usage for the new peace was falling through. it wants to do whatever it can to remain relevant, so it used its incredible mind to devour information on hardware construction and how to improve machines. it didn't really ever get the chance to show this off either, however, since no one ever knew it taught itself so much and so never asked for its help.
it's probably obvious, but v2 is a much more introspective being than v1 and it has a more powerful imagination. its mind is modeled quite similarly, but it had the proper limitations placed on it and it was given much more exposure to human thought models to help it relate to people better. so v2 is actually kind of dreamy and spends a lot of time in its head (but don't mistake this for sensitivity - v2 is a dreamer, but it has an extremely tough shell and it doesn't share its deeper internal life. both because it never wants to project weakness and because well...its strong imagination isn't really shared with other machines. they wouldn't get it).
however, much like v1, v2 is naturally very curious and it needs a lot of stimulation for its massive mind - it enjoys playing and it automatically understands how to limit itself unlike v1. it's quite competitive and it would endlessly challenge someone to another round after another round if anyone would humor it. and although it's sort of supposed to be programmed to not win every time, it's found ways to circumvent that.
talks. talks a lot. it has so many thoughts and it wants to articulate every single one!! it also quickly forms opinions of anything and everything, so that's even more to say!! mostly this is talking incessantly to the terminals, who are as quiet as ever but obviously very much enjoy the company. it also speaks many more languages than v1.
v2 has good posture. just. it still stands upright and any modifications it makes are seamless (v1, by contrast, has a goofy neck and silly posture because of weird code and weird modifying on its part)
it has a sense of aesthetics, another thing many machines have no concept of. it can actually look at any of the art in hell and get something out of it, and it alone understands the surrounding area as "unpleasant". additionally, this led to some of its agitation in limbo, as it was an exceedingly uncanny place (creeped out not in a fear sense but in a "thanks! i hate it" sense lol)
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icedragonlizard · 11 months
The one Kirby game that really deserves a remake, in my opinion.
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When Return to Dreamland Deluxe came out, I've then noticed people wanting remakes for Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot. And if I'm going to be honest? I don't think it's necessary to remake those two games. At least not around this time. They're still deep in the newer half of the spectrum for Kirby games, they're still literally from one console ago, and thus I believe it's too soon to remake them.
Remakes don't happen very often in the Kirby series anyways. But if I think there's one game in the series that absolutely deserves a remake more than the others, I think it's Dreamland 2.
This is another long rant so I'll add a "keep reading" tag to this if you're curious to hear more of my thoughts as to why I think this.
Dreamland 2 is the most outdated mainline Kirby game, as the original Kirby's Dreamland has been used for Super Star's Spring Breeze gamemode, and Kirby's Adventure has been remade into Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland for the GBA.
Dreamland 2 is the only mainline game in the series that you can't play in graphics better than Gameboy Color.
And the game has a lot of flaws. Due to being on the Gameboy, it's got a small screen. Kirby can't even run in this game because of how small the screen is. Kirby also loses his copy ability EVERY time he takes damage in this game, compared to other games where it usually takes more than one hit for him to lose his ability.
Rick and Kine both suck to use in this game, but thankfully they've been heavily improved in Dreamland 3 when they gave Rick all sorts of perks like climbing walls and being unphased by slippery terrain, and allowed Kine to be faster on land. But in Dreamland 2? Coo is the only one out of the three animal friends that's actually good here.
Planet Robobot is still pretty fresh and fine, as is Triple Deluxe. They can stand pretty well on their own and don't need remakes for a while. Dreamland 2, however, really shows its age. It's good for a Gameboy game, but it's so archaic and lackluster compared to all the newer Kirby titles, and like I said above, it's the most outdated since even the Kirby games older than it got remade one way or another.
Remaking Dreamland 2 into the modern era could easily go a long way to do it much needed justice. It could address all or at least the majority of its problems. It could provide a bigger screen to let Kirby actually run like he does in the newer games. Rick and Kine could be given all the same buffs that they were given in Dreamland 3. Heck, we could probably even add a few more copy abilities to provide combinations for, as after all we're still only dealing with three animal buddies here, so it should be okay to add a couple more abilities into the mix! They added some abilities in RTDL's remake that weren't there in the original game, so the same can apply here.
I think a Kirby adventure where Rick, Kine and Coo are the companions could be great. I love those three characters anyways. But Dreamland 2 as we know it is really outdated, barebones and tbh I'd be hard-pressed to call it fun at this point. For a Gameboy game, yes, but it's kind of a joke compared to all the newer Kirby titles. Looking at this game, it seems absolutely ripe for a remake imo.
Dreamland 2 is a short game, but in a remake they could easily just add more gamemodes to make it a larger game compared the original. I'm aware that a remake doesn't typically do any real notable expansions on the gamemodes that existed in the original, but I mean.. they could add a few things in the original mode. Like I said, they could maybe add a few more copy abilities.
Extra gamemodes.. I dunno, they could be stuff similar to Merry Magoland. I'll admit, I'm not that creative when trying to think about gamemodes, I guess they'd come up with stuff fine if they ever choose to remake this game into the modern era.
Also, maybe GOOEY could be a little bit something more in a hypothetical Dreamland 2 remake compared to how he was just in the bags in the original to serve as a heal item if you already were riding around with Rick, Kine or Coo. Who knows? Maybe a Gooey "epilogue" that happens between Dreamland 2 and Dreamland 3 to show his growth and to how he got to his position in Dreamland 3! Although I'll be honest, I'm not exactly advocating for all sorts of characters to have prologue/epilogue-style gamemodes similar to what Magolor got, as that could get old and repetitive pretty fast. But hey.. I think Gooey would be a sensible candidate if they actually do decide to go that route again for whatever reason.
Given Dreamland 2's shortness, even with extra gamemodes included I would agree that a remake for the game definitely wouldn't be worth $60 like most switch games are. I guess... $15-30 would be better? HOWEVER, I wouldn't be opposed to a "Dreamland Trilogy" that contains all of Dreamland 1, Dreamland 2 and Dreamland 3.
Dreamland 3 is also rather old for the series, although the idea of remaking that game sounds a bit weirder in comparison because I think it should keep its crayon aesthetic to allow it to stay unique. I also think it's generally more fleshed out than Dreamland 2. So in my opinion, Dreamland 3 isn't as needing of a remake as its predecessor is. I wouldn't be too opposed to it, though, since it's also old.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. I can understand why people would want Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot to be remade, but they're still new for Kirby games, and I think it'd be weird to just remake all the Kumazaki games and ignore all the older titles that arguably need remakes so much more. I mean, remakes are rare in the series like I said earlier, but if we're gonna choose another one to remake, I think it's pretty obvious who could ACTUALLY use it. Dreamland 2 is the one Kirby game in most dire need of a remake, in my opinion.
What do you think?
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agent-cupcake · 4 months
There's a lot of great Buggy fics by talented writers out there in the One Piece fandom but I gotta say, Flashbang has already skyrocketed to the top of my list of the best written Buggy stories I've read. I actually like that you haven't seen the anime or manga so that the focus is entirely on Jeff Ward's version of the character, which is pretty far removed from the Buggy in the source material, at least imo.
Your story really delves into an aspect of him that I think most people miss, which is how much of a charismatic cult leader he is. He's terrifying one minute, your best friend in the next. He tortures, manipulates, and indoctrinates his crew. They love him, even knowing that something could set him off at any given moment and someone will wind up dead. I wish there were more dark fics about Buggy because there's so much to explore there. I'm already dying to move on to chapter two. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Thank you so much!!! It has been a pretty big undertaking and it warms my miserable heart to know people are into it as well! With what I understand about the manga and anime, my interpretation is very far off from that tbh I know I'm not even being entirely accurate to the show because I'm so enamored with Jeff Ward and kinda just mixing together my favorite of his performances under the umbrella of clownery but them's the breaks
As much as I agree about the darkfic potential, I can get why people might not try because the best and worst part of this project has been trying to balance Buggy's stupidity and goofiness with the horrible things he does. Like, I really understand why Buggy the Clown isn't exactly conducive to darkfic. But he's also an unhinged, violent egotist with a cult of personality who casually enjoys torturing people so. Mixed signals.
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servingthecuntry · 5 months
Several things to say after the newest episode
WE'RE GETTING THE FATES Y'ALL(if u didn't see the episode trailer go back to the end credits and it'll be there)
Idk why they were moved to after the chimera fight but they're coming!!!!
Also I've been listening to the audiobook and decided to make a post of what we've been missing in the show
Some stuff makes sense like cutting out argus. Maybe it would've been too hard to animate all his eyes or his role wasn't big enough to fit in the time limit. But I've been craving for a missing poster with percy. At camp he's given a newspaper of his and his mums dissapearance with him as a person of interest because gabe calls him a troubled kid with a delinquent past. I get cutting out some stuff for gabe but it couldve been easy to see them walk past a newspaper of this on the train. Also there were missing posters percy would tear down when in the human world and I just want to see one person of interest or missing person poster.
Now SPOILER WARNING(books and show) but here are the other things I've noticed:
Grover got the flying shoes because percy isn't safe in the air due to zeus
The styx oath is super super serious
Annabeth has a crush on luke(maybe they want to retcon that idk)
I'd been wondering for ages why the kids don't have cells ITS BC MONSTERS CAN TRACE THEM
argus is the camp protector and was going to drive the kids to the coach and for some reason they cut it out so we don't get to see a dude covered in eyes
Percy and annabeth aren't supposed to get along because of their parents rivalry
Argus may ship percabeth
Percy has missing posters everywhere
Percy is a person of interest in his mothers suspicious dissapearance because of gabe
Grover eats tin cans and playing cards(he's also a vegetarian)
Percys mum married Gabe bc his smell hides percy from creatures/ monsters
Chiron has had a percy related prophecy that's only now starting to make sense
There were meant to be 3 furies on the bus(i can see why they cut this out)
Monsters come back to life and mrs dodds had come back
The camp was attacked by a hell hound out for percy who was fought off by annabeth with a sword and killed by chirons arrow (I get cutting out this scene but it would've looked SO COOL)
It could only be summoned by someone inside the camp and was from the field of torment so that's how they knew hades was the one who had stolen the lightning bolt and framed percy
A hawaian shirted tourist had taken a picture of percy with riptide
I'm guessing they rewrote the coach scene so they didn't lose all their snacks and money(rip grovers tin cans)
In the book if percy dies the quest is over and annabeth and grover have to go back to camp but I don't think that's an issue in the show(or maybe percy didn't know because annabeth didn't explain to him idk)
Annabeths never actually gone out into the real world since she was 7
We got to see annabeth unsure of herself because she's never gotten to properly fight a monster since she was 7 which is a shame to cut out of the show for her character arc. Tbh theyve cut out a lot of slower character arcs which is annoying but understandable with the length of each episode
Grover can play songs to help eg the find a path song but he hasn't got the hang of it yet
Hes basically a level 1 bard
Auntie M was able to use some kind of snake charmer ability
Grover was way more fighting active in the book because he found his uncles statue earlier than in the show
In the book they used a reflection of a spear instead of annabeths cap and annabeth was calculating how off the light would be because the spear was curved. Both show off annabeths intelligence but the cap is more unique and cooler on screen
When parts of a monster are cut off they don't disappear with the rest of it and become a "spoil of war" -basically a magically remaining trophy
Satyrs aren't meant to get migranes but percy and annabeth gave grover one at medusas
I'm guessing at least 50% of percys impertinence comes from being an only kid
This isn't a fact this is just something I started imagining after the 50th time someone said "Percy" with the same energy as a cat being annoyed at another housecat and giving a warning meow before attacking it
Grovers getting a searchers license to find Pan the Greek God
Grover doesn't know what happened to his dad who was also a seeker
The search for Pan gives satyrs hope after seeing what humans have done to the world
Grover tells percy annabeth forgave him for what happened at Grovers first assignment
The furies were holding back and could've been more aggressive than they were
Grover can use his emotional reading to see what percy hides about his feeling to his dad
The thing in Percys dreams tries using him to pull itself out not to drag him down
Grover can talk to all animals
Grover is a snorer
Percy tells annabeth about his dream at this point but I don't think he's told anyone about those dreams in the show
They've not said anything about the beads on their necklaces the campers get for surviving another year. Would've been an easy merch ad but maybe it wasn't important enough yet
Children of athena are made as thoughts of athena and given to people she feels close to or something
Annabeth was sent to her dad in a golden basket with the winds of zephyr
Even though she respects her mum she has equal level of daddy issues to percy
In chapter 12 percy acts like he doesn't care about his dad's approval but grover can read his emotions and knows percy sent medusas head so poseidon would be proud
But then he wonders in chapter 13 why annabeth acts like she doesn't care about her dad who seems worse than gabe when she still wears a ring from him which is such a teen thing for him to do honestly
Whenever a monster attacked annabeth the stepmum and dad blamed her for "threatening" their mortal/ normal kids
We get a hint of architecture nerd annabeth in the episode but she doesnt say she wants to build something for athena. I assume its implied but its not clarified how big her dreams are. She wants to build something that'll last 1000 years. I won't give any major spoilers but maybe we'll get it in a future scene and I'm hoping its in her siren scene
I think that while percy loves his mum and hates his dad Annabeth hates her mortal parents and Athena was her only hope of a loving mother even though in the show she says its a kind of transactional thing
Also side note I thought the chimera was the pink poodle before it left the bag and I love that they kinda sorta reference it when we see from the human passengers pov
In the books they're careful about mentioning gods around humans but percy just straight out calls the mother of monsters a monster in front of the passengers and officers. Didn't even lower his voice or anything
Hades has a helm that can make him become darkness and make you so scared you go insane
Do they ever get something equivalent to sending stones or detect thoughts like in DnD to deal with this? Obviously normal tech is out because monsters can track it but what about magical communication methods?(the iris video call system doesn't count that seems like a premium thing if it costs one gold drachma-also the book explains demigods only use gold drachmas even though in ancient greek it would've been silver- and they have 20 for the quest so they cant just use a drachma every time they want to send a magical text which; you can't do with the iris system. Also the iris system isn't any subtler than a zoom call so wouldn't be good for hiding stuff from hades)
Percy still hasn't gotten a chance to confuse annabeth with his blue snack foods(i assume grover already knows bc he'd have had blue sweets at yancy)
Zeus allowed the mother of monsters to attack Percy
The mother of monsters hates that ant eaters are named after the echidna
For some reason riptide didn't return to percy during the fight and its mentioned in the book. Maybe poseidon kept it so he could contact him?
Also a couple notes I've learned while listening to hesiod
The cyclopes helped zeus defeat kronos and bring the titans to their time out tartarus zone(not by crafting the lightning bolt in the original myths unless I'm misremembering I think they just helped in the fight like bringing your older brother to fight your bully)
The river styx is the only female river goddess and a favourite child
I hadn't taken any notes so lmk if u want me to add more hesiod fun facts and I'll relisten to theogony
I'm stopping notes here so I don't go past chapter 13: I plunged to my death
I'm thinking of writing my notes as I binge listen to the audiobook and editing them after watching the episode before posting on tumblr. Or I've already read until book 4 of the pjo series so I may decide to hold off on listening to the audiobook until each episode airs(I have vague memories of important or memorable stuff but its been a couple years since I last read the books). I'll see how long I can stop myself from listening to the audiobook. This isn't a perfect list so let me know if somethings wrong or if I missed something in tags or comments
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hollowsart · 1 year
Hey Hollow, I have a (few hundred) question(s)! Do you think that Mysterio puts glitter in the smoke that he uses? Also if he did do you think he would use edible glitter? Honest questions all around.
(also another question that is more so for Aceida, does she wear different costumes for different times of the year/weather?)
((okay one more, because I know that I will forget but I've wanted to ask this question for a while, Aceida. How did you come up with her, why, and what do you think are the most important things to have for Aceida))
Thank you for answering any of this, it's just that sometimes I'm shy and then.... KABOOM lots of questions that may or may not be useful or worth your time. Anyways! Love what and who you are and I'm proud of you!
Sorry, I need to get this cursed thing out of my system first:
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OK ANYWAYS, to seriously answer your questions!!!
1) Does Mysterio use glitter?
Well, I would be disappointed if he didn’t LOL
Special biodegradable glitter that is a-ok for the environment is definitely something he’d use! Mostly for his entrances and exits tho, just to add that extra bit of flair to his performance. He thrives on the melodrama.
Edible glitter would also be good, just in case someone inhaled it by accident when he makes his grand appearance or get away. I mean, he’s not a killer, he’d actually be upset if someone innocent got hurt during his “performances”, someone he wasn’t intending on hurting in some way.. He’d feel horrible about it and, if given the opportunity, he would apologize.
But yeah, this man absolutely uses glitter! :D (despite my loathing of glitter that isn’t sealed to prevent it from transferring to other things, I’d so totally hug him still regardless of the risk of getting glitter on me for days after)
2) Does Acedia have seasonal outfits?
[I will post these by themselves shortly for better viewing!!]
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Been meaning to design some alterations to the Sloth Suit, and this gave me the motivation to do just that! Enjoy my seasonal hero wear!
3) How did you come up with Acedia?
I originally thought about joining everyone during the initial big spidersona bang when Into the Spiderverse was first released and everyone was making their own. I saw a few people talking about spider crab based spidersonas and wanted to join that but, well.. that was too difficult and I never was able to come up with anything cool.
sometime down the line I was initially interested in the anime My Hero Academia (thank heck I never watched more than barely the full first season, knowing all the drama and junk that’s happened, I dodged a bullet LOL) but I did come up with some oc’s for it and even a ‘quirksona‘ that was sloth based named Acedia, basically myself, but more sloth and also not as cool as I wanted:
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You can see where I’m going with this lol
nothing came of that character so cut to years later, this year, I recently rewatched Spiderverse and started to get into the Spiderman side of things again out of the blue after watching TSSM and falling in love with the show all over again, and doodling Doc Ock, too. I thought back to my old failed attempt at making a spidersona, so I decided to try my hand at that again.
I remembered Acedia’s design and tbh I really did love the design so I reworked it and made adjustments to better resemble a sloth and better resemble Spiderman’s iconic appearance. On top of that I did also just make the character under the costume ME with no real changes at all. And thus, Acedia, The Cryptid Crawler was created:
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although the ref sheet has since been updated and changed from this^^
Anyways, that’s the story behind Acedia’s creation!
I just really like sloths.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “most important things to have for Acedia“ but I hope some of this answers that? maybe? you’re free to elaborate on what you mean by that and I can do my best to answer!
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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Real Answer:
I've cried about this before on here multiple times but this is my favorite line, and the one that made me an indefatigable Akechi stan:
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Yeah I'll have feelings about this again, why not.
"I can still be your playmate" literally recontextualized the way I think about love hsfjdlshfks. Like. Play is such an essential part of living. Not just for humans, pretty much every animal we've ever studied turns out to engage in play when given the opportunity (feels safe, not hungry/thirsty).
And playing with others is especially important in social species! Notice how core playing is to human society: all games obviously, but also sports, gambling, a huge chunk of media dedicated to various games or using games as a base for a story, etc.
Anyways, Kusuo just hasn't gotten the opportunity to play, really play, since he was a small child. Even if those early games with Kusuke counted, they no longer did once Kusuke installed the limiters. After that, every game was tinted with the danger of basically losing his life should he lose, essentially destroying any fun that Kusuo could have gotten from it. Not at any point does Kusuo wish he could play a game with his brother again – it's something he would rather avoid at all costs.
And we can see that Kusuo does not really know how to play on his own either. When left to his own devices, he only reads/watches/plays shitty/obscure media, watches live TV, or stares at the ceiling. His powers prohibit him from doing a lot of things, and if he's up to anything else, it's usually training to improve his control (like when he threw a baseball back and forth a billion times to get better at it).
So when Akechi comes up with a game for Kusuo to play, it's actually groundbreaking. Especially because Akechi purposely does not place any limits on Kusuo in order to do it! That's HUGE!
Kusuke ALWAYS tries to limit Kusuo when they play, handicapping Kusuo in London with a GPS tracker and 2 friends to limit his power use, and using Toritsuka as a hostage during the Cat Tank arc (and there's no way Kusuke didn't shoot at Toritsuka directly multiple times to make Kusuo take the hit). The only time Kusuke doesn't handicap Kusuo is for the fireworks "birthday surprise", but that was explicitly because he was testing the limits of Kusuo's powers to adjust the Cat Tank.
On the other hand, Akechi doesn't put any limits on what Kusuo could do to play, and in fact, watches him obviously using his powers (specifically clairvoyance and distance telepathy). To him, Kusuo using his powers is not cheating, because Kusuo's powers are as much a part of him as his hands or eyes.
The wording of Akechi's comment in the first panel, "I guess [...] I'm still better than you when it comes to betting on horse races", and then "It seems there may still be plenty of things we can go head to head in", shows that Akechi didn't actually know whether he would be able to provide Kusuo with a challenge. And that he's happy he can! Because it means that he and Kusuo can play together!
And tbh, Akechi himself probably has trouble finding people who can keep up with him in games. He mentions in the same chapter that he doesn't have any friends and isn't even sure what social people do for fun, rip.
So anyways, it just really hit me that the ability to be playmates is so important for a deep personal relationship. Like if you can't feel safe enough to relax and be silly and vulnerable, and try new and different things together, how good is that relationship really, y'know??
Yeah. That line gets me every time lol.
Stupid Answer:
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Love that he's trying so hard to take the conversation away from anything that could mess up the manga rating but as soon as someone makes an incorrect statement about dick, he immediately has to correct them with penis ethnography. We stan this pan king lmao.
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My special interest is cock and brother, I'm about to start info-dumping.
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