#but no matter what. im glad im painting
12:15am and I got the urge to paint
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faultsofyouth · 5 months
I know artists are capable of creating narratives that are totally unrelated to their own lives but I HATE that "death of the artist" is the preferred way of analyzing the meaning of art. I think when an artist is black or female or living through war or disabled or gay that matters. It colors their entire life. How can you divorce those things from their art entirely? I think the viewers own interpretation of a piece becomes deeper when they incorporate the artists perspective into it, and everyone should be taught how to do so
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oatbugs · 1 year
lightning fried our satellite dish and now we are alone
#old geometry on old walls + her hand flowing along the river delta. sudden stop pulls on stitches#you are not allowed to laugh unrestrained for the next two months. in the next world#i look at the shape of the sun and i the tangerine you offered to your brother. do you feel#artificial ? do you feel man-made? what is more natural than man ? what is more natural than the creation of a natural thing?#do you feel like an organic automaton? will you love me if i change? will i love you if you change? if i prophesise about#not loving you it wont change the fact that i wont stop loving you. you are going to draw again because in a few weeks#you have to paint something sacred along the length of my spine. my friend asks me if im okay#and in my head i want to scream at her IM JUST HAPPY YOU'RE ALIVE. im sorry we were both in pain. im sorry you have to think about#endings. i will think about your beginnings. the air here feels like spring and i think of you every day.#my boy texts me on the train station about the snow and how he waited 4 hours in the underground. he said his hands were shaking#and i thought of how much i missed holding his hands. you were freezing on the train i was burning in the sky.#of course your password is phi. just like her. i miss you all. 10 friends teaching each other how to slow dance#in the kitchen. 10 friends cook a feast together and say goodbye. the last thing i told the boy who was once#in love with me was that i wont say goodbye because no one would care to hear it. the last thing he said was fair enough.#im glad you kissed me when i was drunk. i am visiting my town by the sea for the first time in a decade and i hope to#peel it open and bite again. my love، how do i make you feel? pomegranate cracked open. you saw the blood inside#and you dug your hands inwards. messed up through all the red، you still bit in.#i will make you feel safe enough so you can lose your mind again. you can create again#im sorry i didnt realise how much you had missed me. im sorry i didnt realise thats a part of why you stopped creating#i am not sorry that it matters so much. it matters because i love you. ill be back soon. keep cracking me open. ill keep cracking you open.#world of chroma blue and crimson. a girl asks a policeman for direction without a headscarf on. this was an act of war. i reveal my own#hair in the wind and think of how much i love you. i stare at the policeman through the eyes of the slaughtered.#my lovely economist drinks up the ocean and i think of her beautiful hair with its bloody ends in the wind#chase your dreams. dont say goodbye. politics is an act of love. i look at the killer with the eyes of those he killed and i think of#kissing you over the river kissing you in your bed kissing you before you left kissing you until we were late kissing you goodbye#for five consecutive days kissing you in the train station kissing you in the rolling fields kissing you by the cityscape kissing your neck#until it bled. i love you. i will kiss you until you can create again.#i miss my love i miss my starlights and i miss the sky. one day ill make you tomato soup again.#and now it is time to replace a very old very young self.
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fabled-fiction · 1 year
Hiiii!! Can I request a hobie brown x fem reader where the hobie swings by the readers room and just cuddles with her because he’s tired from patrol and the reader loves it because he only has a soft spot for her! And it’s just very fluffy!
Open Window (Hobie Brown x Reader)
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Summary: Hobie didn't realize how strung out he was until a certain someone crosses his mind.
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: I tried writing in a fem reader and then realized as I was writing I neglected that. I tried going back it but it felt forced, I hope this still suffices!
It felt like he never slept.
When could he afford too? It seemed like every step forward he took in taking down Osborn and his regime, they took three. Every running start he had they moved the finish line.
It was exhausting to be honest.
And now on top of his own problems on his earth, this stupid watch wouldn’t stop beeping with anomalies that needed taking down and tethering back to their Earths.
Hobie could feel the bags forming under his already painted ones.
His head had been reeling recently. Jumping back to his Earth after coming from the Spider Society was never easy no matter how much radioactivity was coursing through his hardened veins. He had a theory that despite having the wristband that helped him jump back and forth, he needed one for his head. The shift in perspective, and what could be perceived as art styles of the different Earths were making his vision hazy. 
Perching himself onto the top of a billboard, Hobie hit the side of his head with the edge of palm. Maybe if he hit his head hard enough or in the right spot he could knock the buzzing in his brain out long enough for him to make sense of where he was. 
On occasion it almost felt like he was back in that stupid spider tower, or another unfamiliar Earth.
Shaking his head, he took a glance about the neon lit streets of his Earth.
Wait, he recognized this street…no wait. No yea he recognized where this street lead to. 
Pulling the edge of his suit wristband back, he pulled up the time on his watch.
Hobie knew exactly what he needed to rejuvenate, to put the rock back in his roll. 
Standing from his perch, he felt his bones begin to ache as they realized where they were about to be. Pulling his mask back over his head, he was about to flip when his watch started to buzz.
The holographic face of Gwen popped up.
“Hey! Hobie, Im glad I caught you. You got a seco-”
“Sorry Gwendy, can’t talk right now.”
“Wait! I n-”
He couldn't swing fast enough.
There was a warm purple light coming from your window, leaking through your curtains like a holy light.
He’d have to lecture you about leaving your window unlocked for anyone to crawl into later, it didn't matter that you were on the 14th story of your building. But as of right now, as he peeled your window open he saw it as a blessing as he tumbled head first into your room.
Hobie hadn’t realized how long it had been since he had seen you.His spider work had always been number one, taking down the rising regime of fascism in his city. Even the Spider society jobs have seen more of him than his own bed. It almost felt like he was more Spiderman than Hobie Brown, his heroism taking priority over everything else.
Well, almost everything else.
But now as he stumbled about, throwing his sneakers and guitar in the corner of your room the only thing on his mind was you. More specifically crawling into your bed that seemed to always be WAY more comfortable than his.
He hadn’t realized how much he missed you.
Hobie was so preoccupied with getting out of his Spidersuit that was growing increasingly more annoying by the second, he hadn’t even realized you were now leaning against your doorframe.
Sometimes you thought he played up these so called spider senses. There was no way he let you sneak up on him as many times as you have.
“Where..I know you ‘ave it somewhere in ‘ere.” He mumbled to himself, digging through your drawers with little regard to your neatly folded clothes there were already in there. 
Placing your cup of water on your nightstand, you perched on the edge of your bed and watched as your once clean-ish room transformed to match the thought process of the sleep deprived Spider in front of you.
You knew what he was looking for, Hobie had a tendency to leave shirts in your room whenever he stayed over. He said it was for convenience, it made it easier to switch from Spiderman to Hobie Brown. You couldn’t count the amount of times on your fingers when you had done laundry and realized nothing in the basket was yours. He almost had a full drawer in your dresser.
“Try the very bottom drawer.” You yawn, a few joints popping as you stretched out whatever you could stretch out.
Hobie turned his head to look at you for only a moment, and you hadnt even realized that he had discarded his mask somewhere into the clothed chaos that was hurricane Hobie.
Falling back onto your bed, you let out another big yawn as you made yourself situated. You could hear Hobie shuffling about your room, making himself more than at home as he slammed the window shut. A very loud click of your window lock followed by a thunk of a thwip made you chuckle.
“You seriously need to considah lockin’ your window. Could’a been an unsightly fella.” He muttered as he reached to fully close your curtains.
“Well I know who to call if I see one of these so called unsightly fellas.”
There was a grumble that came closer to your bed, and what you swore you was the gulping down of YOUR glass of water followed by the creak of your mattress.
It was like a second nature to the both of you even though you hadn’t physically seen eachother in what felt like months (in reality it was only a week but you too were too clingy to admit to each other it had felt longer). Molding into one another was easy for you too.
Hobie’s arm easily found its way over your waist, pulling you as close to him as he physically could. The minute he had his head resting on your chest he swore he could feel the color coming back to him. Feeling your hand run over his wicks, and eventually come to rest on the nape of his neck made him break into a hazy smile.
But then his stupid watch started buzzing. Didn’t he take it off?
He tried ignoring it for a moment, hoping whoever was calling him would get the message.
When you had started to pull away was when he had enough. 
Ripping the watch off his wrist, he threw it across the room and webbed it to a random wall. Before you could even protest that he had yet again left webbing that would take months to come off, he wrapped his arms around you and flipped around so that you were laying ontop of him. His arms basically locked around you, and solidified that you two would not be moving for the rest of the night.
He needed this, and he could tell based off the way that you melted into him that you needed this as well.
“Hobie shouldn’t you have answered that?”
He could deal with the consequences later, right now he was exactly where he needed to be.
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purplerabbite · 6 months
i know capitalism is trying to suck every last bit of money out of every last one of us and that war/civil unrest is happening everywere all the time every second of every day but you know what else.
im gonna cook and paint and maybe finish my verson of a stitched quilt blanket thing i saw at target for too much money that i liked the texture but hatted that it was like 100+ dollars for a white comforter with black stitching all down it.
i made the same one out of 2 cotton sheets my grandma had and i got rainbow thread its 1/4 of the way done and everything is over priced and on fire but i got that beautifulthread from an estate sale that had ended and the queer man that ran it said he couldnt sell the old womans yarn and that i could have this ( 1) rainbow ream of thick thread if i would take all 6 boxes of yarn that that woman probaly had collected for years.
i gave the yarn to my mom and told her a nice man gave it to me and she said he probaly didnt want to see sit in his shop for ever and she was glad the womans collection would get used. im sure that woman would be happy to know even though shes gone theres kids that have hats for winter now. old people got blankets and my mom can crochet for free so she didnt mind one bit giving away nearly everything she made.
nothing is free and everything cost money and people die and are selfish.
sometime tho it isnt ture and people arent and even if bad things happen I have a blanket and a hat. those things dont matter but what i feel about them does and no one can take that away from me.
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punkitt-is-here · 11 months
How can I cultivate the same, "just keeping making stuff all the time" kind of energy you have? It's very impressive and something I wish I could do!
well, theres a couple reasons i think! one is that i just found ways to be satisfied with small amounts of work. its in part because of my ADHD, but my parents were always trying new things (motorcycles, leatherwork, acrylic paint, collage art, photography, video editing) so that definitely rubbed off on me; i had a great example of people just wanting to try stuff. i keep making stuff all the time because i love trying out new things; you don't have to be an expert to try something new! you just have to have a desire for it! wanna make a zine? google it! wanna write a comic? give it a shot! wanna get into woodworking? buy a carving knife and find a stick or something! i think theres plenty of ways to find entry points into interesting stuff and you gotta let yourself be okay with making shit that sucks just because its fun. which leads me to my second point!!
im okay with being dogshit at stuff! i try new things, i kind of suck at them, and i think it's either 1. cool that i made it this far or 2. kinda funny that this is what its like at the moment. i know that sucking is never permanent, everything can be improved with time, and rarely does anyone ever magically get good at something first try. i think of myself as a talented artist, but its over the course of 2+ decades of drawing; im always improving, and no matter what im going to find things i want to get better at, so why fault myself now for not being perfect? a couple of months ago i really wanted to try woodcarving, so i made spoon with my dad. did it turn out great? not really! you cant even use it as a spoon! but im glad i tried it, it was fun, i had a great time with my dad, and now i know a little bit more going in next time. the idea that you have to be perfect or make tangible progress every single time you try something new is a recipe for burnout. i promise you, it doesnt matter if something doesn't come out like God's Gift to Humanity! Did you have fun? did you learn something? are you satisfied in some small part? good!
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(pictured: tha spoon)
last, im just really easy to please myself! I'll make a doodle or implement an idle animation in my game or color a piece and go "wow! thats so cool i did that :)" and it really is just a matter of realizing that its fucking COOL to create stuff, no matter how small! whatever you made didn't exist before you, especially in your own unique way, and now it does! doesn't that rule?! i'm obsessed with it! even if its just a stick figure, its a stick figure you made, and it wasn't there before. thats fucking awesome!!! art is so cool!!!! i think that being happy with small goals and victories is a great way of trying out new things and showing off cool stuff u made, no matter what skill level. :) this turned into a whole big thing, but i hope this helps! tl;dr is try things if they seem fun, be okay with not being good at them, and find stuff about it that makes you happy or satisfied!
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lunargrapejuice · 7 months
Oh wait! A request idea did just pop into my head! How about making out with Kaveh for the first time? I'm curious to see how you describe his kisses😌 (also you're so valid for writing knight!Kaveh, knightXprincess dynamics are my favorite)
making out with kaveh
kaveh x reader with no pronouns used
kissing kaveh is a need 😭🩷 im yearning and pleasee knight!kaveh - i will never be over him<3
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outside the walls of the scribes house the city streets grew quieter as the afternoon bustle came to an end and everyone began to settle back into their work or studies but the occupants inside, you and your sweet architect, paid no mind to returning to your own duties. the high sun shone through the painted glass windows and bathed the room in light that reminded you both there was still much more of the day to get through, blueprints on the work station near you requiring his attention commissions to finish before the end of the day, but it was impossible to focus on anything else but each other when you had both been feeling that growing yearning for the other the longer you were apart. 
thanks to an upcoming deadline kaveh has been worrying about, only days after he had confessed to you, your newly official boyfriend had been out of your reach until today when you showed up at his front door with a loving smile and a bag of fresh fruits, asking for just a little bit of his time. though really, before you could even get a word out he was pulling you through the threshold of the door and straight into his arms with a relieved sigh of your name. 
he had hardly even let you go for long enough to cut the fruit while he straightened up the small mess that might be telling of how much time he’s actually spent hunched over his desk trying to get this project done to perfection. but the moment you came into his room, he didn't let you escape his arms, pulling you into his lap on the couch that he had moved closer to his desk so you could be nearer to him as he worked when you came over, because he would be having you over much more now.
comfortable in his embrace, feeding you both what you worried was kavehs first meal of the day, you caught up on the events of days past and snuggled close. though you can’t call strawberries and zaytun peaches a meal, you were glad to see him eating something. he kept his arms around you, one at your back and the other over your extended legs. long fingers caressing your hips and thighs, pink lips kissing your fingertips with nearly every piece of fruit you feed him until you’re finished with the plate and his head moves to rest on you, listening to your heartbeat and gentle voice.
he missed you so much and had learned that being apart from you, even if only for a few days, was incredibly bad for his heart.  it certainly wasn’t something he would be doing again anytime again soon, no matter how dire. while it could potentially be very distracting to have you in his proximity come crunch time on projects, your presence had an effect on him like no one else; calming him, washing away his woes and unworthiness, bringing beauty back into those nights that were filled with frustration, loving him as deeply as he had loved you for so long and ever deeper still. 
sweetly, you call his name when you notice he’s been quiet for a while now, breaking him from his thoughts of how utterly in love with you he is. you might have thought he’d fallen asleep, and wouldn’t be surprised if he needed it, but the way he keeps pulling you closer, caressing you and peppering kisses where his head lay on your chest tells you he’s far from sleep and has missed you just as badly as you have him.
at the call of his name he looks up at you with soft, sparkling, ruby eyes that stalls your breathing, the emotions held within them pouring into you until they are spilling over and encompassing the whole room in love, pure and immeasurably special- only for you. 
your love was too only for him and like only you could, you lean down to kiss him. with one arm around the back of his neck, your other hand caresses his cheek the moment before your lips meet and move into his blonde locks at the press of your lips against his. his own grip on you grows tighter, lithe fingers sinking into the plush of your skin where he’s holding you secure in his lap.
each kiss you share deepens more than the last; eager and claiming, your hand in his hair tugging lightly at his roots with need when his tongue swipes across your bottom lip. kaveh groans lightly at the touch and when he parts your lips with his tongue, met eagerly with your own, your own saccharine mewls can’t be held back. 
he tastes sweet, lingering hints of fruit melting against your taste buds with every movement of his tongue against yours and you were completely intoxicated, clinging to him for purchase because surely you were melting at the love and longing you felt as he kissed you and stole every breath with each movements of your tongues, every muffled moan you shared.
your bodies are tingling with love that lay over you like a thick blanket and you are gifted with the most lovely shade of pink on your beloved's cheeks as you move to straddle him, only breaking your lips apart when neither of you could go without air any longer. his lips are glistening in the afternoon light, head resting on the back of the couch trying to catch his breath, hands holding your thighs, eyes full of desire and devotion. like you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, what he could not live without.
truly, it was exactly how he felt but to you, kaveh was the most beautiful person. in looks and heart, no one had compared to him and now that he was yours, you would never ever let him go.
with burning fingers you caress along his blushing cheek, watch with an eagerly beating heart at his fluttering lashes and the rose colored eyes that look back at.
he leans into your touch, laying his hand on top of yours and holding it in place so he can kiss your palm and another to your inner wrist. callouses from his many days of work rub along your hand and down your arm, bringing it to curl around his neck again so he can have you pulled close once more, not wanting to be apart from your lips for another second.
a confession of his love for you is breathlessly whispered as he leans forward to close the distance between you, the words seeping into your skin and making your lungs burst into a million tiny butterflies that beat their wings in time with your erratic heartbeat. and neither would settle anytime soon with how kaveh kept showing you the truth of his love, holding you against him, kissing you deep, his tongue hot and heavy, his heart all yours.
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genshin impact masterlist | main masterlist
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stargirlie25 · 4 months
Me having a conversation with an e/riel. Feel free to fact check by looking at the books.
Me: Why do you ship Elain and Azriel?
E/riel: Well for starters, he was the only one to go save Elain when she was in hybern.
Me: First of all, Cassian offered first. Second of all Feyre was also there and saved her (what Elain said)
E/riel: Ok but still it was romantic
Me: But it was not. Because her sister ALSO saved her :) Feyre went to UTM and got tortured,SAed,killed people and died all for Tamlin anyhow...
E/riel: Well Madja said a mate knows whats wrong with their own mate and Az figured out that Elain was a seer.
Me: Elain being a Seer was not what was wrong with her. Also Rhysand figured out Nestas power.
E/riel: Az gave Elain truthteller when he had given it to no one ever.
Me: Only because Mor begged him with tears in her eyes to stay back. Cassian offered her first (again) and then Az offered her TT bc he would not have to use it. Not to mention, Elain only took it when Feyre assured her she would not have to use it. She gave it back without a glance
E/riel: Well Feyre imagined Elain and Az as ´´Death and his lovely fawn´´
Me: Okay. Well did you also catch when she said TT is the only connection between them? Not to mention something admirable about Elain is that she is always full of light. What literally takes away Light? Darkness=Azriel. Not to mention, Azriel is death and his home sucks the life from Elain. Not that Feyres aesthetic painting mind matters anything to me :)
E/riel: What about the fact that Lucien thought Elain was crazy?
Me: What about the fact when he travelled all around to find somebody on a quest so dangerous and the only confirmation he got was from Elain?
E/riel: Elain was wearing Cobalt blue the first time she met Az.
Me: Considering Elains devotion to Graysen, there is a high chance of her wearing that color for Graysen because his crest is cobalt blue. Even if its not true, Lucien wears a coat that´s fawn brown (exact same shade of Elains eyes)
E/riel: A smile and blush bloomed on Azriel in regards to Elain.
Me: Dont care. Thats just an action. Although since you say that, did you know that a smile bloomed on Elains face after her father died (who she loved dearly) in regards to Lucien?
E/riel: What about when a charged glance went through Elain and Azriel.
Me: Sexual attraction. Lots of characters have it like Feyre and tamlin,Aelin and Chaol,Azriel to Mor....
E/riel: Well, Azriel jacks off to Elain every night while looking at the gift he got for her.
Me: Dont be shy you dont have to say a gift. You can say he jacks off to headache powder. No problem. Almost like when Nesta slept with multiple men. Trust me, that does not affect me!
E/riel: Elriel is true mates because Az was the only one to smell Eluciens bond.
Me: Bryce smelled Nessians bound, Ruhn and Lidia smelled bryce and hunts bond, Tamlin smelled feysands.
E/riel: Gwyn is a lightsinger because Az chest sparked because of her.
Me: Well than ig Lidia and Bryce are lightsingers too. Get those evil bitches away from Hunt and Ruhn right?
E/riel: There is nothing romantic for Gwynriel
Me: Thats literally just your penny for thought. Why would i care when SJM provided common banter, mate language and history for Gwynriel, and scenes where they challenge each other when she said history,sparks,conflict,and challenge all makes a good couple.
E/riel: Elain gave two gifts to Az. Not lucien
Me: Headphones for Az bc Nesta and Cass fuck so loud? So romantic i cant! Im so glad my girl SJM is saving the good,meaningful gifts for Elucien.
E/riel: Az waited for Elain to come to the table and told everybody to not eat until Elain came back.
Me: he was thinking of his mother being a slave. Thats what the situation of eating when Elain was tending to everyone reminded him of. How his mother was treated. Its not romantic but it is a very sad thing to think about.
E/riel: Azriel loves Elain. He only has not thought about a future with her because he does not allow himself to!
Me: Honestly i don´t mind that you think that! Although that is not canon. Sleeping with Elain is the only thoughts he PLEASURED himself to. Not allowed himself as some say. Again, that´s just your penny for thought. He says ´´He hadn't gone that far with his planning´´ Meaning sexual thoughts is fine but anything further is like nope, nope,nope,nope,nope too far.
E/riel: Elain literally loses her newfound boldness around Lucien.
Me: There is so many more reasons that we could come up with than what meets the eye. Have you considered it was because she didnt know what to do. Or she saw the look on Lucien ´ s face and shrank because she did not intentionally cause it and felt bad? Or maybe she FELT Luciens pain and shared it because of the bond? So much possibilities to think of especially considering we have limited text and not the actual characters POV. Also i wonder how far she will shrink when she finds out about Az and Rhysands conversation in the bonus chapter. Or maybe she heard it already?
E/riel: Azriel actually gets Elain.
Me: The way he literally does not though! When Elain begs the IC not to kill graysen Az says its best for him to be killed in acosf. When Elain says nesta cant make choices for her and then Az says she should not be exposed to the innate darkness even though later we figure out Elain is willing? When Elain says she is not a child to be fought over and than Az says he will defeat Lucien in a blood duel with her?
E/riel: Scrying is dangerous! Of course Azriel did not want her too.
Me: Yet, he said ´´Nesta really should do scrying´´ but not Elain because he underestimates her. Which is the ONLY thing SJM provides to what Az could have been doing.
E/riel: Azriel listened to Elains laugh probably because he loves the sound!
Me: Maybe its because Elain never ever laughs like that around him or the ic He was literally monitoring them which means to keep tabs on someone which directly relates to his fricking job 😂. So many words to choose from and SJM chose monitoring.
E/riel: Az gave Elain a rose necklace.
Me: Ok and? Elain gave it back. She does not want that shit. He gave it to another person. It felt wrong to clasp it around Elains neck but it sparked something in his chest and made him smile for Gwyn.
E/riel: Lucien only sees Elain for his mate but Azriel sees her for her.
Me: Nope. His reason for wanting to kiss Elain was simply ´´What fi the cauldron was wrong´´ and refers to Elain as the 3rd. She is literally a theory or more so a possibility to him. One he has not thought through in the slightest. Also, Lucien was going crazy in hybern in regards to Elain before he knew of their bond AND Elain has not accepted the bond yet he still cares for her.
E/riel: Elain called Azriels scars beautiful.
Me: first of all, its a 50% chance she called his scars beautiful. Feyre said she was not sure which one she was complimenting, the scars, or the big glowing cobalt siphon atop his hand. Second of all, even if it was 100% fact that she said his scars specifically was beautiful, it seems he does not believe it at all. He tries to not to look at his hands. He does not want to taint her with his presence or touch her beautiful skin with his scars.
E/riel: His shadows vanish around Elain and lightens. They also do that around mor who he was in love with for 500 years. Also his shadows are like snakes ready to strike in regards to Elain.
Me: Shadows lighting and vanishing are the same thing. Light takes away darkness as darkness takes away light (another reason why they are horrible together) His shadows are losing its darkness around Elain and Mor. Mor was wrong for him. The amount of pain it caused him to be in Love with her? Want that to continue with Elain and Az? Azriel does not need his darkness to be hidden. He needs it to be embraced *insert Gwyn*
E/riel: SJM would never pass on a good angsty trope like forbidden love!
Me: firstly, the only thing forbidding e/riel is Elain herself. If she rejects the bond, she can be with Az all she wants and NO ONE has a say on that. Not Rhysand. Not feyre. Not cassian. Not Lucien himself. Although she hasnt after 2 years. There is an answer to why. Its not like Elain knows she has to wait until her own book to reject it. Second of all, Forbidden love is the absolute WORST trope to give BOTH of them. For Elain, she has always hid in the shadows of her sisters in the series and the fandom. You really think Elain Archeron always full of light wants to hide in the darkness and play out Azriel´s fantasies? As for Azriel, he has been secretly silently in PAIN loving Mor for 500 years. So you want him to go through it again with Elain? No. He wants the bond nessian and feysand have. The love they share. The joy of being with your equal. The connection of a mating bond. Being proud to showcase it to the world. Forbidden love would just tear them apart.
E/riel: SJM does not write about virgin romances! Plus Gwyn is a virgin!
Me: Yes she can. Gwyn already lost her virginity against her will so biologically she is not going through the bleeding and the actual losing her physical virginity. Although it is a fact she has never slept with someone. The scene where Cassian *ahem* first enters nesta is very descriptive and SJM describes the pain of Cassian entering her......So yes she can for sure write about Gwyn having sex. This is also goes against the statement that Gwyn cant have sex because of her trauma. False. She is interested in romance books and asks Nesta if the sex was good. I think Gwyn would enjoy sex with someone she trusts in and out.
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folkloresthings · 10 months
northanger abbey + sebastian vettel + enemies to lovers or at least one sided enemies to lovers because rbr!seb was a little shit and he was so cocky and this trope made for him 😭😭
rbr!seb was so hot. im also a sucker for a teammates trope. also female!driver <3
SCARED TO LOVE. ❨ sebastian vettel x reader ❩
when you joined formula one, snatched up by red bull, it made headlines. a female formula one driver — the third to race in a grand prix in history. it was a heavy weight on your shoulders, a weight met with backlash and criticism.
too delicate, too emotional. not brave enough, not built the right way. you had dominated your formula four, three and two seasons. you were just as qualified as the men you raced against, but you were not a man.
red bull were a little more forgiving. but you knew there were still whispers about your position, if you really deserved it. your new teammate, sebastian vettel, was at the heart of them. he had a reputation for being a womaniser, a line of girls waiting for him after every race.
“what do you think of your new teammate?” he was asked one day, after your first race together. you’d come P5, a shock to everyone. sebastian didn’t mind having a female teammate, but a teammate who could be better than him? that was a threatening prospect.
“oh, y/n?” sebastian smirked. “i’m just glad i have someone pretty to look at every day at work.”
it was a low blow, joining the swarms of people who diminished you to only your looks. but you were used to it, unfortunately, and knew how to handle such prejudice. you kept your distance from sebastian, no matter how much he teased you. he was irritating, and he found you prideful. two teammates couldn’t have clashed more. frankly, you hated him.
it didn’t help that you were beating him significantly in all of your races. on the podium, right beside him, taking P1 too many times for his liking. it made him look bad, like he was falling behind. behind a girl, of all people. while sebastian swore he didn’t agree to the misogynistic narrative that painted formula one, he couldn’t deny how he despised you.
but you carried on. you did your duty, won points for the team, smiled for the photos. but everyone could tell — you and sebastian couldn’t hate each other any more.
it hadn’t stopped raining in budapest since you’d arrived. the track was wet, wheels spinning through every practice and qualifying race. but the FIA insisted it go on. sunday was just a wet, if not more, and the track was barely visible as you raced around it.
but you were in pole position, and held it strongly. it would be another good race for you, and for red bull. not so much for sebastian, who was stuck in P4. you had to keep pushing, ignoring the warnings in your ear.
then, it happened before you knew it. the wheels spinning out of control, your grip on the wheel helpless. the car was spinning too, upside down and back again. it was loud, your radio crackling in your ear, bangs of the metal scraping against the ground deafening you.
when it fell quiet again, you could barely move. your seatbelt was jammed, the smell of gasoline and smoke rising. your heart was hammering in your chest, the real world sounding distant and blurry in your mind.
the sight was terrible. your car sent hurdling along the track after skidding against a puddle. the crowd was silent, quiet gasps and mutters rising after a minute or two. the engineers got to work quickly, deploying the safety car and as many medics as possible. your radio wasn’t working, so no one knew if you were alright.
“fuck!” came sebastian’s mic, watching the scene ahead with wide eyes. instructions came through his radio, but he paid them no heed. the other red bull car, pulling up behind the tragic sight of yours, screeching to a halt. clambering out, sebastian practically sprints to your car, ignoring the smoke to reach into the drivers seat, pulling you out of the crushed car without a second thought.
“y/n!” he called, cradling your weak body in his arms once he’d safely removed your helmet. he didn’t care who was watching, or telling him that he needed to get back in his own car. you weren’t responding, but he couldn’t bare letting the medics take you from him. “please, talk to me.”
your eyes fluttered open, coughing up some smoke that had gotten trapped in your throat. a silhouette cleared above you, one that looked awfully like your teammate.
“oh, thank god,” sebastian nearly cried, cradling your head, a paramedic kneeling now at your other side. you didn’t look at them, eyes fixed on sebastian. strangely, he was the only face you wanted to see.
“i crashed,” you said, voice hoarse. “you could’ve won if you kept going.”
sebastian shook his head, laughing a little at your comment. “i don’t care about that. i just — i needed to make sure you were okay. you’re okay, right?”
you nod, straining a little as you sit up. “i’m fine, i think. thank you.”
he has to let you be taken away now, into the ambulance to be checked. as much as he wanted to hold on, keep you close to him and away from any danger. he looked around, all eyes on him, and sighed. what had come over him? he hated you, had since the moment you stepped into the red bull garage.
but the second you were in danger, he was afraid. afraid of losing you, afraid of never really knowing what he felt. he knew now, everyone did. he loved you, too much to have ever known.
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cr4yolaas · 1 year
— what do they associate with you? . various bnha x reader
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synopsis . headcanons of the little things they associate with you and your relationship.
characters . izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, shouta aizawa, momo yaoyorozu, ochaco uraraka
warnings . not proofread
notes . i caught up with the bnha manga. im not okay ☹️ i lowk hate this but i love the idea ugh 😭😭😭
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- whenever he comes across some good-looking stationary (good-looking by your standards, at least), he’s most likely going to give it to you
- doesn’t matter whether he found it on the floor or in a store, you’re getting it !!
- you don’t exactly share the same passion for note taking with him, but he knows you gawk at the cute animal-shaped pens and erasers every time
- so he makes it a priority to get you a pack of cat sticky notes or pink pens when he gets the chance
- between you and me, it’s just an excuse for him to fuel his obsession with taking notes by buying more pens
- when you first met, he offhandedly compared you to the rain — one of the many things he genuinely dislikes — because he couldn’t stand you.
- the fact that you’re dating him now is a tell-tale sign his feelings changed quite drastically
- he doesn’t like the rain any less, but whenever the sky turns glum and small droplets make their way to his skin, he can’t help but think of you
- so, when it starts to pour while he’s sitting in his dorm, he decides to send you a picture of the weather from his window
- "thought you might like it" his text reads
- and you do :)
- he can’t exactly pinpoint why, but when it comes to buying you flavored or scented things, he always chooses berries.
- candles, lip balm, car fresheners, candies, you name it
- berries aren’t exactly his favorite, so it confuses both of you
- regardless, it makes you giggle a little every time you notice it
- but when he starts to notice that berries have become a “trademark” of yours, he starts to enjoy them a little bit more
- his normal 2-in-1 hair wash turns into a matching set of berry-scented shampoo and conditioner from a fancy beauty store
- before you know it, you’re both smelling like berries
- an oddly specific one, but she can’t help but draw museums back to you
- whether its a history or art exhibit, she makes it a priority to bring you there, which results in a lottt of cute museum dates
- "there’s an art exhibit in the neighboring city this weekend, we can take the train there and visit the cafe next door afterwards!"
- if you’re an artist, that’s absolutely the reason for the connection
- but if your interest lies elsewhere, it’s probably because she likes experiencing the atmosphere of a museum with you
- her favorite pictures of you are ones where you’re admiring something in one of the many exhibits she takes you to
- she probably compliments you like, “the beauty of these paintings don’t compare to you :)”
- call her cheesy, but whenever she sees heart shapes, she thinks of you
- will send you a pic of something that just barely resembles a heart out of nowhere, just bc she couldnt help but be reminded of her lover
- this leads to her collecting and buying a bunch of heart shaped items to gift you, ranging from stones, to seashells, to a necklace she found on the floor, to socks with heart patterns
- you never really questioned it and she’s glad bc her reason is cheesy cheesy
- "i mean. . . well, i love you a lot, so i guess it’s just my way of reminding you every now and them without actually saying it?" she’d admit with her face all red when you do ask
- just be prepared for valentines day — she’s going all out 😰😰
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sorencd · 5 months
hellooo can you write a fic about todd comforting reader after a fight w her parents please? thank youu
ARMS TONITE— i fellll in your arms toniighhtt
todd x reader drabble , idk how long this is , angst/fluff , im like so sorry this took so long tho lol
todd was always the person you’d run to when you know you couldn’t keep the tears in anymore. sometimes, when you’re having a bad day, a hug from him was all it took for you to have a smile on your face again. a gentle squeeze of reassurance from him was all you needed to gain a bit more confidence in whatever problem you were facing. his glance, always full of love, was all you needed to get throughout the day.
and today, you needed all of it at once. your hands, resting behind his back, squeezed and gripped his sweater as you poured your heart out. tears that had sorrow and disdain laced in them fell on the soft fabric beneath your chin, painting it with wet patches, but it was never a problem for todd.
“i just don’t understand, n-no matter how many times i tell them i’m not comfortable yet when it comes to talking to them about how i feel, they always take it as a sign to be offended?” you furrowed your eyebrows, furiously wiping your tears away in a moment of anger.
“they’re just so… hard sometimes, but i love them so much, i love them too much. i love them to the point that they could scream at me like i’m some annoying bothersome street dog and i’d still look at them with love.”
now you were full on crying, snot and everything. and todd just held you, in his arms, in his warm comfort, just being there for you. he understood where you were coming from. and he wanted you to know he’s there, listening. he rubbed circles on your back and gave you time to speak your mind, todd knew how much unsaid feelings and emotions you were bottling up.
“and it always hurts. that every time i have to conform to what they said and agree that they’re right. and they have this… talent. the ability to move on like it was nothing to them so i’m forced to just do the same. it’s tiring, you know?”
your voice was so small, barely even above a whisper. you were amazed at yourself for being able to form a coherent sentence with your choked sobs. and it hurt todd. it pained him— seeing you cry, seeing your face so full of dejection, cheeks all red and tear-stained, eyes puffy from relentlessly crying and a vice-grip on his back.
“yeah… parents are sometimes too much. i-i sometimes too just wanna run away from it all, not have some dumb responsibility looming behind me or-or when i’m mad at them too for getting shouted at because of the littlest things. i understand where you’re coming from, (y/n).”
you parted from where your face hid on the crook of his neck begrudgingly and rubbed the back of your hand against your eye, trying to wipe off the tears as todd pushed away and stray hair that was blocking your vision.
“thanks for listening, todd.”
“of course, i’ll always listen, i’ll sound like a broken record at this point, but i’m so glad that i’m one of the trusted people you tell all of this to-“
“the only person i tell all of this to.”
he softly laughed, “the only person you tell all of this to, and i just want you to know, i’ll always be here for you, okay? even if i’m… fighting off charlie or on the other side of the world, i’ll always find a way to be here, to wipe your face dry and make you smile.”
“you’re really so sappy sometimes. will you ever not be?”
“i love you too, (y/n).”
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ackermonie · 2 years
hiding away
request by @luna0713hunter : If…its not too much, may i request a gojo x female reader, where reader is dealing with some huge matters in her life and keeps on a strong face but one day when she's alone she breaks down and gojo finds her? something hurt/comfort,soft and sweet?
(The reader is one year younger than "toru and is a grade one sorcerer.)
Im sorry for the trouble,but im facing some major problems rn and i could use some comfort?
a/n: i hope im not too late, and i hope you’re doing better!! i’m actually going through a rough patch myself so writing this was comforting, so i hope it does the same for you!! i hope i did your request justice<3
you’re strong. everyone knows so, you’ve proved so many, many times before, so it wasn’t unusual for the people around you to watch you maintain your position and keep a straight face when they know well just how much you’re enduring.
they must’ve either gotten used to it, or just plain got tired of trying to ask you if you need to talk or let something out, and you’re fine with that. in fact, that’s the whole damn point.
pressure eventually suffocates you more. you see your work eventually go south despite your constant attempts, and the higher ups only have you to blame.
and as much of a grade 1 sorcerer, you’re still human.
this was a test for your new breaking point. you were waiting, feeling the weight on your chest get heavier until you eventually have to explode, and you were oh so glad it happened when you were alone.
or thought you were alone, at least.
but it was dawn. you just received a couple of videos of a curse scene, blood everywhere, and the taunting, fresh crimson paints your failure in the cement.
you’re sat on your awfully empty bed, not bothering to reach for gojo’s side because you know you’ll be landing on nothing.
he’s been away for almost a week, held up somewhere in another continent, ripping you away from the only source of comfort you have.
you lock your phone, dropping it somewhere to your right, and your hands climb up to your face. you try your best to keep it in, to convince yourself that no, this can’t be where you break, but your brain spirals out of control.
and you can’t take it anymore. you just can’t. your body physically grows more shaky the more you keep your emotions locked in. you hide your face away from the emptiness around you, feeling the glass finally begin to crack, then it shatters all together.
once the first sob is out of your mouth, you can’t stop what follows. you bend down, silent tears involuntarily escaping past very heavy eyelids.
you think you’re finally at the point of hallucination when you feel the bed dip from your right. it wasn’t long after that a hand lands on your back while another tries to sit you up properly, and you, realizing that this touch is too vivid and familiar to be imagined, attempt to turn your face away. 
“no, baby,” you hear him say. “don’t hide from me.”
you shake your head, a sad whimper accidentally escaping your throat, and you try to push away from him.
he can’t see you like this. you can’t be like this.
“it’s just me,” he holds your hands down skillfully and moves you further towards him. “it’s only me, sweets. don’t hide from me.”
“i-i can’t!”
he tries to pull your face towards him, and you notice that his blindfold is off. you can’t help but gravitate towards the free sea within, helplessly letting him look deep within your soul as he asks.
“can’t what?” a thumb swipes at a soaked cheek. “talk to me.”
“i can’t…” you trail off, head shaking frantically as if to shake the emotions away. “i can’t do this anymore!”
“i know,” he nods, and your fingers wrinkle the material of his shirt. “keep talking.”
“i keep fuh-fucking trying, satoru,” you hiccup, eyes frantic, wide, exploding. “i keep trying over and over and fucking over again and it’s always fruitless. i end up getting blamed. i always end up-“
you stare at him, sadness and disappointment consuming you to the core as you spell the next words out loud.
you attempt a mocking shrug. “i always end up a failure.”
satoru’s lips turn downwards in some unexplainable emotion. “we both know this isn’t true.”
you shake your head, weak limbs once more attempting to pull away from the strongest arms, but they don’t budge.
“don’t turn away from me,” he says, but the softness of his voice makes more tears pool out of your tired eyes. “let yourself cry, y/n. at least allow yourself this.”
“i-i can’t, ‘toru,” you whimper. “i can’t just—“
“you can. you already are, and i’m right here. you can be as vulnerable as you want to be.” he nods when your features break once more, one heavy, massive sob breaking out of your chest. “i’ll always find you when you need me.”
he pulls your hands together at his nape, hands trailing from their and down to your waist where he pulls you on his lap, and that was your cue to loose the remaining of your composure.
he leans his back against the headrest. a hand is massaging your scalp while the other rubs up and down your back, and you let yourself cry in your lover’s arms.
“always, baby. always.”
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octuscle · 1 year
Customer suport?
I need some help please quick.
Im a canadian on a work trip in the deep Southern America. I was walking past a construction site when my phone started scanning the site. Then it said downloading new specs. Im feelung very weird. Please help i can make it stop.
There were professionals at work. Not only did someone perform a remote installation on your phone. The changes made can't be canceled or undone either. There was even a block configured for all changes to the executed profile for the maximum duration of 30 days. This means that I actually can't do much until the transformation is done.
You try to see anything unusual about the site. But there's nothing to see. The construction fence covers everything. Posters tell something about a club that will open here in the next few days. Las fotos muestran a hombres con el torso desnudo. Parece un poco gay.
In the hotel you are glad to finally get out of the suit. You have to look at yourself in the mirror for a moment. Even if you don't notice it: you look hotter by the second. The tattoo on your neck looks really good. And your hair is jet black by now.
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Whoever took control of you is an artist. As you're getting changed for dinner, you realize that everything in your closet is black. And a lot of it is shiny. Satin shirts. Leather pants. You choose a T-shirt that looks like it's painted on your body. Plus black track pants with gold stripes that perfectly match your necklace and watch. No one in the lobby, the hotel bar or the restaurant speaks to you in English. Everyone speaks Spanish to you as a matter of course. Y nadie se pregunta por tu acento porteño.
I don't follow your development all the time, unfortunately there are other support cases. But when I look at your account the next morning, you are lying naked on the black satin sheets of your apartment in San Telmo. You live not far from the club where you work. And in three days it's opening, until then your choreography must be perfect. After all, you are one of the main attractions.
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The moment you put on your leather pants, the transformation of your body and your mindset is complete. Now I could still make changes to you. But I don't know what else I should change. For me you are perfect!
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theywantedplayer · 1 year
“You smiled! I saw it, so no denying it.” and “You’re definitely the only person I would do this for.” with mat barzal forcing him to join you doing your makeup or skincare routine and him secretly kinda liking it ?? :)
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Ive alwasys loved the grumpy x sunshine trope its my fav so I went off that.
You made Mat do many things he “Hated” like putting a fluffy bunny headband on and painting a hot pink face mask on him, but he always ended up doing it no matter how much he said “no”. Like right now he was siting on the edge of the bathtub as you painted a face mask onto his face. 
“You look so cute” you laughed ruffing up his hair
“Mhm” he hummed 
“I know your enjoying this” you laughed turning to grab some items 
“Sure” He said
You turned back around holding an eyelash curler.
“Hell no y/n Your not coming near me with that thing” He told puting his hands up 
“Come on Mat its not gonna hurt” you tried
“I see how you do it, going into your eye its…..its scary” he told, you took a couple steps tawords him, standing inbetween his legs.
“Mat it doesnt go into your eye ok and Its not scary” you said tilting his head up to look at you. You brought the eyelash curler to his eye, he flinched when he felt the cold eyelash curler touch his eyelid.
“Mat you haft to stay still” you told grabing his chin to make him stay. He mubbled somthing under his breath so you rolled your eyes in response. Mat had longer eyelashes an you did so when they were curled he just looked so pretty.
“Ok done” you steped back admiring your work, You loved when Mat Joined in on things like this,it made it a little more special.
He got up and you both walked to the mirror, when Mat saw his reflection the side of his mouth twiched into a smile.
“You smiled! I saw it, so no denying it.” you laughed grabbing his arm.
“I look like a girl” He laughed 
“A pretty Princeness?” you suggested 
“Sure what ever you wanna say” he smiled at you in the mirror till he turned his head to looked at you “You’re definitely the only person I would do this for.” he said kissing the top of your head.
You  looked up at him and smiled back “I’m glad im the only one who gets to see you like this”
“Me too” He grinned back at you pulling you into a hug
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ganondoodle · 24 days
I just wanna say firstly that i adore your artwork and takes6on Zelda in general! Secondly, much as I wish you never had to deal with the frustrations of creating (especially when you tack on the stress of being on any kind of social platform), I'm glad you talk about your struggle. I've heard people talk about art block every day since I learned what Art was, but nobody ever mentioned "painting oneself into a corner". It's such an apt description that is so infuriatingly relatable that I had to stop eating to thank you for putting it into words. I really appreciate that you're willing to talk about your setbacks in a place like Tumblr, and still share your arts and thoughts. All the best from US of hellscape A, i hope you're doing well.
Thank you!
i used to call it artblock as well, its the most normalized term i guess; i randomly started calling it painting myself into a corner when i got stuck or frustrated on a painting bc welll, it sure feels like it, you painted the walls all around you and dont know how to get out now
it usually happens when i stop having fun and just draw what i want and instead keep subconsciously forcing myself into arbitrary rules; in my case its usually trying to be too perfect, i try to adhere to the sketch, i try to make every block of color have a perfectly clean edge, separate the drawing into way too many layers and am afraid to delete or erase anything, i tense up my whole body as frustration builds bc of impatience as this method of painting does not work for me at all and in the end lose motivation on it all and my nerves are stretched thin (i work best when i think as little as possible, just kinda loosely letting my hand do what it wants on few layers and no specific plan, after losing that its hard to get it back)
having those low moments with your art is normal as your skill grows, but even knowing so, and having gone through it countless times, it never stops making you feel like shit, and its especially frustrating when it happens when you just got enough time to work on stuff or have alot of ideas but you cant get it to work
(and funnily enough it also tends to happen after another work of mine got more attention than i thought .. even worse when it was just a sketch bc now i got the pressure on me to actually finish it and the fear of it doing worse once done looms over the whole thing- which doesnt mean i dont want people to interact with my wips, bc that also has an extremely demotivating factor to it bc it makes me think no one cares or it sucks and doesnt deserve the time i would need to spend on finishing it; also .. alot of my wips stay wips forever, which is fine, but like .. you cant always expect a finished tm version to happen)
i do find it a little funny you praise me for talking openly about it bc i am notoriously unable to shut up ever and only recently got better at NOT talking as much about it when i feel as shitty as this bc it doesnt really help anyone and gets annoying really fast xD (im also notoriously unable to not post absolutely everything bc i got no one to show it to and otherwise it will just collect dust on my harddrive so i might as well throw it out there no matter how much i might hate it, someone else might still enjoy it anyway)
and greetings back from the -not really much less of a hellscape- that is germany o/
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welcome-back-home · 1 year
Hi! Noticed your asks are open, (and also, I love your recent work! The dynamic is so cute!!) and I want to request a wally x reader who is a popstar, I wanna see your take on it!!
Also, Have a great day! 💜💜
thank you so much! im so glad you liked my work! i really appreciate it ^^ you have a nice day too and happy reading!
link: puppet reader
note:this is a massive story im so sorry
the day started like any other...at least at first, wally does his daily painting routine at his favorite painting spot, underneath a tree with a easel in front of him. the painting he was making resembled a apple cut open with many colors inside in a lemony yellow backgound. he figured his beloved would enjoy it. no matter what personality, they always loved his work and almost immediately hangs it on their wall.
he then paused, mid motion of dipping his paint brush into red paint...now thinking about it, he hasnt seen you all day or hardly anyone for that matter. normally you would show up to say hello or he finds you during his journey to his painting spots, but he was so caught up in his own little world to notice that...time passed and you still haven`t shown up.
a chill goes up his spine at the thought of something wrong might`ve happened, getting a breif flashback of the time his beloved developed a daredevil like personality and they almost got themselves killed.
he looks at his painting as he set the tools down, "it can wait" he thought, as he ventures off to find you.
walking to your home he noticed the design has changed again, it was covered in colorful music notes and fake plastic vinyl records here and there and music is playing from inside. a pleasant musical theme. however over the music thats playing inside was the sounds of construction behind the house and friends talking. wally thought you where back there building something. so he walked behind the house to not see you, but sally, julie, and howdy. the three are apparently working on building a stage, it looked to be almost done as its firmly standing tall and decorated with star covered curtains and fairy lights.
the neighbors have been busy most of the day making a mini concert for you, a treat you 'the famous pop star' wanted to give to the community as a thank you for being great friends. of course you didnt ask them to make the stage, they offered to make it for you. the three of them was having fun putting the last finishing touches on the setup while frank gets chairs, barnaby gets snacks, and eddie finishing his final mail run for the day, poppy was nowhere to be found. wally wonders where both you and poppy could be...but he figures the both of you are busy with something else important for this setup. so instead he went to say hello to sally,julie, and howdy.
"hello friends!" wally greets the trio while he waves "wally! where have you been? you was about to miss the show" sally asks with a smile, a bottle of glue and a jar of glitter in her hands, she was making glitter covered shapes on the stages platform to give it extra flare "im sorry, i was caught up with my painting and did not notice the time" wally sighs as he confessed where he has been most of the day, embarrassment and a hint of remorse in his tone "thats ok silly! you`re here now!" julie speaks up, understanding that anyone can lose track of time when they are doing something they enjoy, "am i still able to help?" wally offers, even if its kind to late, howdy holds out a paintbrush to him thats coated with green paint "can you help me paint the rest of the stage?" howdy smiles, even if he had it covered already with his four arms, he would love to have some help.
with a grin wally accepts the brush and helps howdy paint the wooden stage. everyone else returned from their tasks and soon the set up was finished, poppy showed up after a while to sneak someone behind the curtains of the stage and took a seat with everyone else in the small crowd.
and then the show begins.
the curtains open to reveal you on the center of the stage, the fairy lights illuminating the stage and makes you shine brighter then anything in the world in wallys eyes. you was smiling, dressed in pop star getup, and face framed perfectly with the new hairstyle you have for the day. you looked like a angel standing on that stage.
"hello neighbors!" you said cheerfully into the mic thats on a stand in front of you "i wanted to give you something in return for the never ending kindness you've always given me since ive moved here" you continued, a spark of confidence in your voice "i`ve written this one for someone special, i hope you all enjoy it" you say as a song starts to play from the speakers.
as you began to sing the world practically stood still, your voice was so beautiful it practically made wally swoon. his heart sped up and his face grew warm as he rests his head on the palm of his hand, never taking his lovestruck gaze off of you. a song you have made for him you`ve sang with all the confidence in your very soul, each lyric and note he will forever know by heart. he has never fallen as hard as he did at this moment...
and even when the song finished he never took his eyes off of you or even stopped listening when you started the next song, he hung on to every word. just enjoying every second of your beautiful performance...
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