#but it started when she was like in her teens/tweens as like a way to be like this is who i am without my father
murdaughter · 7 months
@goodjobsport said: "look at us, back where we started."
a sad, crooked smile crosses emily's lips. "we don't have to go in if you don't want to." the pizzeria looms over them, holding a different meaning to her now than she ever could have imagined. it had once been an oasis, then a place of decrepit memories, of fear and family and wistfulness and guilt. but now this is the place that she died. the place where her father killed her. she's alive, sure, but she hadn't been, for a few moments. that counts, she thinks. horribly, it makes her feel better. makes her one of his victims in a way that feels more real. like dying is a rite of passage, like she owes it to the kids, the other victims. and she does. when emily looks inside herself, she knows she does. "i just don't want to bring abby there if..." a deep breath shudders out of her. "if the kids are gone. and if--" she chokes back a wounded sound. when she speaks again, her voice is impossibly small. "if he's there."
it's a fear she rarely acknowledges. with the kids, it's a little easier. the thought of losing them had been painful, but with the pizzeria so completely out of reach, she'd had no hope of seeing them. emily has elected to believe they've been able to move on, to rest. she hopes so dearly that that's true, that they haven't had to be without her, that they aren't in pain. but if her father is there... her only hope is that he went with the suit. that his unfinished business is died to that damned thing and not the place itself.
the police–– the real police–– had been involved while she was comatose. mike had been the one to explain most of it to her; how with the revelations she'd provided about afton's crimes, a more thorough investigation had been carried out. the place was mostly cleared out, but the building still stood and technically belonged to her now. it's been months since the trial, all of which is a blur. it almost feels like everything must have happened to someone else–– not her, not emily, but vanessa. like someone she was in a past life.
standing here, though, it's all too real. back where we started. he isn't kidding.
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jksprincess10 · 1 year
Mr Miller’s birthday gift || Dbf ! Joel x reader
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Summary: You meet your dad’s best friend at the bar where you’re celebrating your birthday. 
CW: Age gap (reader is 22, Joel is 36). Joel knew her since she was a teenager. oral sex (f receiving), alcohol, p in v, unprotected sex, he talks you through it, praise kink, rough sex, domestic Joel, implied death of a loved one, this is 3k words (you can just skip to the porn, I won’t be mad). 
The bar was already vibrating with low music, the lights were warm and yellowish. It was a busy Saturday night, well as busy as it can be for a small-town lounge. The place was mostly occupied by older gentlemen, except for your group of girls.
It was your 22nd birthday and it was the less sketchy place to have your party. You didn’t love it, but your friends said you probably wouldn’t have to pay for any drinks that night, as the men would shower you with gifts, hoping to get lucky. Anyway, you were thankful to be with your best friends Samantha, Bianca and Allison.
You were probably on your third shot paid by a stranger. You were dancing close to your friends, even though it wasn’t really the bar where people would dance. The soft fabric of your black dress would shimmer elegantly under the lights.
“Holy shit. Is that Mr Miller and his brother?” asked Allison while looking at the door who had just opened to let the two handsome men enter. Your gaze followed hers. The men were… infamous in your neighborhood to be real eye candy. To make matters worse, Joel was your dad’s best friend. They went to school together and they really hit it off even though Mr Miller was a few years younger than him - your dad wasn’t really the mature kind anyway. They had lost each other for a while before reconnecting when you were a teenager.
“Yes. Fuckfuckfuck.” You muttered, before asking for a glass of water, hoping to get down from your slight buzz. You didn’t want him to see you drunk right as he got here.
As you were drinking the lukewarm water, your eyes met with his soft brown irises. You couldn’t do as if you didn’t see him. Especially since he was waving at you. You shot him a smile and your friends pushed you to go and talk to him.
“Hey hun’, didn’t think I’d see you this bar for old men.”
“Well, you know… it’s my birthday so… There are few places where you can party in this awful town.” You smiled awkwardly as you tucked some of your hair behind your ear covered in various piercings.
He slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. “Shit, I totally forgot. I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you.” There was a way he could make it up to you, yes. You blushed slightly as you thought about it.
He would always bring you gifts for your birthday since you could remember. He was a caring man, really. You were totally crushing on him since, well forever. Even though it was really weird because he was so close to your dad, and he knew you since when you were a teen. But… you were an adult now, right? You could do what you want.
“N-No worries, Mr. Miller!” You looked awkwardly at his brother, who smiled at you. “Well, I’ll let you enjoy your evening. Hope Sarah is doing well.”
Sarah was his adorable tween daughter. You would babysit her when she was younger. Joel was a widow, and you didn’t know much about his past, as he didn’t like talking about it.
He went to sit at the bar with his brother. You went back to your friends who were clutching to you like they were hungry for gossip.
“God, what did he say?” Whispered Bianca.
“Nothing important! He didn’t get me a gift, can’t blame him, but he said he would make it up to him. Now, the subject is over. Please fetch me a drink.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You went on with your evening without really thinking about it, until the barman brought drinks to your table that were from Tommy and Joel. You felt like you were melting in the floor, you wanted to disappear. But still, you took the shot, while looking in his direction. He locked eyes with you and smiled. You were starting to feel the heat.
“He totally wants to fuck you.” Whispered Allison.
You spat half of the shot on the table.
“He doesn’t seem like the type to like younger women. He was married and he’s super serious.” You argued.
“Stop being delusional, he’s been looking since he entered the bar. And we all know you’ve been crushing on him since you were a teen, he was like your sexual awakening. What are you waiting for?” Said Samantha.
“Oh my god, stop.” You were starting to get fed up. You didn’t want your friends feeding into your delusions and make you think that this was more than it was.
Frustrated, you got up to ask for more water and of course, you bumped into him.
“Y’okay?” He asked.
“Yes, my friends were just being inappropriate and saying how hot is Tommy.” You lied to get your revenge.
The men both laughed, and Joel patted his brother on the shoulder.
“You still got it. I don’t.” Mr Miller laughed.
You finally got your water.
“Sorry for the bother, Joel… ehm… I mean, Mr Miller.” You didn’t know why you apologized, but it was automatic. You always apologized even though you had no reason to do so.
You went back to your friends and drank your water. Later, you ate a cake that was made by Bianca, and you all kept drinking until it was time to go. Still, you were careful and drank a lot of water. You certainly drank less than the girls and you were feeling okay, but not enough to drive. You felt tipsy, but you could still walk and think mostly straight.
The girls called a taxi and when you were leaving with them, Joel and Tommy were leaving at the same time.
“Hey, y/n, I was just dropping Tommy off, do you also want a ride?” He asked.
The girls pushed you more towards them to encourage you.
“Y-yeah, that would be really nice actually.” You tried to smile.
You hugged the girls before following the men. Tommy let you sit at the front, which made things more awkward for you. You kept fidgeting with your jewelry as soft music filled the truck. You tried looking outside, but sometimes, you’d turn your head to catch a glimpse of Mr Miller’s side profile. He had a nice strong jaw and a bump on his nose that you found adorable. Small wrinkles formed around his eyebrows as he was concentrating on the road.
Finally, he dropped off Tommy, you gave him directions to the building where you lived as you did some small talk. You texted your dad to tell him you were almost home and safe. You didn’t address that Joel was the one who drove you, though. Your dad was always worried when you went out late.
You were 2 minutes away when Joel got a call. You picked it up for him and put it on speaker. It was Sarah.
“Dad, Lea and I are going to sleep now, just wanted to say goodnight. See you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight baby girl. I’ll pick you up around 10 and we’ll get breakfast together. Love you.”
You hung up for him and he thanked you. You tried to ignore the way you felt your body melt as you heard the sweet nickname. He was a really sweet dad, really.
Joel parked his car behind the building to make sure you’d make it home safe. He didn’t like the idea of dropping you off in the streets. You cleared your throat, feeling your heart thumping loudly in your chest. You wanted to be bold, and maybe the alcohol you consumed helped a little.
“Mr Miller, you know, what you said about making it up to me?” He turned to you, looking at your face attentively.
“Yeah, what about it, darlin’?” The nickname was rolling on his tongue because of his stupidly charming southern accent.
You bit your lip. “Do you…” You leaned into him, elbow resting on the middle console of the car to support your upper body. He followed your movements and you saw him swallow nervously. “Do you want to come inside?” His eyes moved down to your lips, his long lashes covering most of his irises. You took that as a sign and pressed your lips against his. It was soft, timid at first, until he cupped your cheeks with his hands and leaned more into you, his tongue licking at your lips to ask for entry. You opened your mouth slightly to let him taste you and let yourself taste him. He tasted like the beers he had consumed. You couldn’t help the whimpers that died against his lips.
Your lips went their separate ways when you had to gasp for air. Joel seemed like he was hesitating, fingers tapping nervously on his steering wheel. You instantly panicked.
“I’m sorry, I guess I… misinterpreted…” You were opening the door, but he stopped you, holding your wrist.
“It’s just… are you sober enough? I don’t know if you’re just too drunk to understand who I am. And I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
“Mr… Joel… I am. I want this. Please. If… if anything, I’m the one taking advantage of you here.”
He let out a shaky breath. “God. Don’t tell your dad.”
You agreed and got out of the truck, as he followed closely to you. You held his arm to keep him even closer and you almost ran to your front door. He kissed you again in the elevator, hungrily, this time, giving you a taste of what was coming.
On the 3rd floor, you went out of the elevator, and you fumbled with your keys until you found the right one and opened the door. You almost banged it shut. He grabbed your waist to bring you closer, mouth attaching to yours as you were guiding him blindly to your room.
“I always thought you were… so pretty and nice…and soft… but I didn’t want to be a creepy 36 years old man hitting on you…” He said between kisses.
You laid your back on your soft bed, making him hover his body on top of you. His strong thighs straddled your waist, making you feel every inch of him.
“Stop. I had a crush on you since I first met you.”
He laughed softly, a smile accentuating the small wrinkles around his eyes. Your hands caressed the soft flannel fabric of his green checkered shirt, before undoing the buttons. He helped you take off the black t-shirt that he was wearing underneath. You drank in every centimeter of tan skin you discovered there. He was already naturally tan, but the fact that he mostly worked outside brought out the delicious color of his skin even more. He wasn’t the most fit man, and he had a bit of a tummy, but his arms were strong and inviting. Every part of him looked soft.
“You’re perfect, Mr Miller.”
The name went straight to his dick.
“You’re gonna have to stop calling me like that, hun’.”
“Or else?” You asked teasingly.
His rough working hands brushed over your thighs, before pulling up slowly your shimmering dress. You helped him get it off, revealing a black lace bralette and matching panties.
“Or I won’t be able to control myself.”
The dress joined his shirt on the ground, becoming one in the pile of laundry. His hands caressed delicately the skin he discovered, your soft tummy, the smooth skin of your chest.
“I’m okay with that, Mr Miller.” You whispered near his ear, before nipping at his earlobe. You laughed as your nose brushed against his scruffy beard.
He groaned and held down your wrists, moving you away from him and keeping you stuck against the mattress. He bent the top of his body over yours, lips tracing the line of your neck, your chest, your belly, slowly going down on you. He finally placed a soft kiss on one of your thighs.
“So pretty… yet, so fucking bratty.” He sighed as his fingers traced the outline of your cunt, feeling the wetness already ruining your lace panties. A breath got stuck in your throat, your body squirming, asking for more.
His plush lips replaced his fingers, placing kisses on your clothed wetness. Your fingers curled in his soft hair, pushing him closer. He softly slapped your thigh and you let him go.
“Please, Joel. I wanted this since forever.”
He smirked as he looked up at you, brown eyes filled with lust.
“Use your words, hun’. Be precise.”
“God. Please eat me out. Please please please.” You begged, already a mess, even though he barely touched you.
He seemed satisfied with your begs. Two fingers pulled down your panties, before discarding them somewhere in the room. He buried his face between your thighs, and he licked from the bottom to your clit, testing the waters.
You let out a swear word under your breath, hands coming back to his brown curls. He laughed softly, his breath hitting your wetness and making you shiver.
“You’re such a mess already. Dirty little girl.”
You pulled on his curls to bring him closer, and he finally committed to the part, tongue curling around your bundle of nerves, making you squirm against him. Joel put a hand on your lower tummy to keep your body down.
“You taste so fucking sweet, hun’. Knew you’d be so good for me.” He praised, before his tongue pressed harder against you, putting more pressure in each movement. You felt your body tremble under each lap of his tongue, moaning openly for him.
His fingers parted your folds so you would feel everything directly in your nerves. Two fingers collected your wetness and stimulated you, discovering every part of that sweet cunt. He left a kiss on your clit, before sucking it in his mouth. That sent you over the edge so quickly.
“G-Gonna cum, god, please… Joel…” He sucked even harder as you came undone under him, trembling, and closing your thighs under the impact of the orgasm. He guided you through it, being patient and waiting for you to settle down.
His face went back to face yours, before kissing you softly, making you taste yourself on his mouth.
“Take off your pants, I-I want to suck you…” You moaned against his lips, hands clumsily finding his leather belt.
“Not tonight hun’, as much as I want you to. It’s your birthday, not mine. So instead, I’ll fuck you, okay?”
You held his gaze and nodded. You’d let him do anything he wanted. He finally took off his pants and his boxers at the same time. Your gaze traveled down his hips to discover what you had imagined so many times. He was even bigger than you had seen through his tight jeans.
“Like what you see?” He asked flirtatiously.
“Yes. Better than I imagined when I was touching myself.”
“You thought about me like that, hun’?”
You nodded and helped him take off your bra, freeing your breasts.
“What would your old man say, hm? His sweet girl thinking about his best friend while masturbating...” He whispered before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking softly to make it harder. His other hand grabbed your other boob, his fingers pressing softly into the flesh.
“He doesn’t need to know, Joel.” Your fingers tugged on his curls to make him stop. “Stop making me wait. Please fuck me.” You begged.
The older man finally obliged. His hands spread your thighs.
He suddenly stopped to ask. “Do you have condoms?”
“No, we don’t need them. Getting checked regularly and I’m on the pill. I want to feel you. Please.”
His hand held the base of his cock as he inserted himself slowly in your dripping hole. You tried to relax as much as you could to ease the pain. Seeing you wince under his insertion; he pressed a kiss against your mouth to soothe you. His soft brown eyes were looking attentively at your expression.
“You okay, hun? You still want this?”
“Yes. Just let me… just let me adjust. You’re fucking huge.”
“I know, I know, sweet girl. You’re doing good.” He shushed you, caressing your cheek as he finished inserting himself completely. You melted into his touch like you were starving for him.
You concentrated on your breath and your walls adjusted eventually. Joel was patient, caring. As always. You moved your hips to show him that he could start thrusting into you. He put his hands on each side of your head as he expertly moved his hips. Your hands came up to his cheeks to pull him into a soft kiss.
It hit you all at once. You were in love with Mr Miller. But you didn’t say anything, you just kept kissing him, muffling your whimpers against his mouth.
“How do you like it, hun’?” He asked as he let go of your lips to hide in the crook of your neck, leaving kisses there.
“Rough. Hard. Unless you’re too old to provide.” You teased with a smile.
“Watch your mouth, girl.”
His body suddenly left yours, leaving you empty and wanting more. He flipped your body over and held you by the hips to lift your ass up, as he thrusted forcefully back into you. You bit into your pillow to stop yourself from screaming. He seemed amused by your reactions, and he kept a fast and hard rhythm, the sound of your skin slapping filling the silent room.
“F-Fuck, Mr Miller…”
You moved your ass against him to feel him more, and he slapped your butt cheek, hard. You sobbed his name and your body fell back into the mattress. This didn’t stop him. He kept thrusting harshly into you as his fingers held your ass.
“Where do you want me, hun’?”
He pulled on your hair to lift your head and hear your response.
“Cum in me, please.”
His hips stuttered as he shot his warm liquid between your walls. You whined as he pulled his dick away from your hole. Even though your whole body was sore, you managed to get up and run to the bathroom, as Joel looked at you with an amused grin.
When you came back to your room, Mr Miller was still here, laid on your mattress, only wearing his boxers. You found clean panties in a drawer and joined him, your small body finding his warmth. He put his strong arms around you.
“Happy birthday.” He whispered as he smelled your hair.
“Thank you. It may be the best birthday. Whatever dad bought me… it doesn’t beat this gift.” You lifted your chin to steal a kiss from him. You bathed in his warmth and his spicy perfume, refusing to think that this was the last time you would do this. Still, it was in the back of his mind.
You eventually fell asleep in his arms, and he refused to move, not wanting to wake you up.
You woke up before him and you were grateful for this opportunity: you took the time to drink in the sight his peaceful expression and the soft curls sticking to his forehead. You got up slowly not to wake him up and found his flannel shirt on the ground. You took it in your hands, feeling the soft fabric, before stealing it to wear it around the apartment.
You made coffee and the sound of the machine woke him up. He joined you in the kitchen, looking groggy and tired. You sat up on the counter as you looked at him with an amused smile.
“Hi.” You said joyfully.
He approached you and pressed his hips between your legs as he leaned in for a kiss. “Hi, hun’. You look good in my shirt.”
He looked at the time and sighed. “I have to take a shower and then pick up Sarah. M’sorry… I wanted to stay.”
“It’s okay.”
You pointed him to the bathroom and before he disappeared, you said his name. He looked at you through the door.
“Is this the last time, Joel?” It felt weird, intimate, saying his first name now that you were fully sober and awake.
“’Course not.”
You stopped the coffee machine and joined him in the bathroom, leaving a kiss on his lips before disappearing with him in the bathroom.
“We may… have time for a quickie before I leave, hm?”
You laughed and your bodies found each other in the heat of the shower.
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rain-day-today · 27 days
One thing that really rots my brain is the idea of the guild during the og baby fairytail members time and the domesticity of it. Cause like no way was gramps letting a bunch of super powered ( and incredibly destructive) 7-14year olds out of his sight.
Just imagine:
Little Natsu and emo teen Laxus having breakfast while very quietly whispering about their respective hoards collections of cat theme things ( I KNOW LAXUS IS A SECRET CAT LOVER I JUST KNOW IT)
Tiny Gray having an emo phase. Mira (a punk 14 year old) helping him out (after teasing him of course). The two spending many hours and lots of jewel to find and look through dozens of fashion magazines. Eventually falling asleep sprawled on the floor in a nest of semi-laminated paper.
Tween Lissana and levy giggling over the kissy scenes in books and Erza overhearing them. Spitting out her cake into Laxus’s face which makes them burst out into full on cackling.
Little Cana teaching natsu to make card pyramids for 3 hours and when he finally gets it, Elfman knocks it over. Every one thinks Natsu is going to punch someone, but he doesn’t, instead he starts full on bawling. Nobody knows what to do. Little Natsu cannot be comforted. Levy shuts him up by shoving candy into his mouth while cana really quickly rebuilds the pyramid.
Erza and Mira having a dance off on some of the tables ( mira breaks 3 of them in half with her stomping, Erza somehow stabs one). This is how everyone finds out to never take either of them to parties cause they dance like the deaf baby of giraffes and a buffalo.
Gray and climbing a tree to the very top and forgetting that he doesn’t know how to get down? He stays there till the next morning and seethes for the next week cause LISSANA had to carry him down.
Natsu following Gray around like a lost puppy his first week cause “he’s friend sized” and what else was he supposed to do? He knows nothing! Dudes not even from this time period. At least if he follows loud stripper he knows he wont get run over by a car. Gray not noticing or caring that he is being followed cause little guy has his own problems to deal with and “as long as he doesn’t take my food or breath on me.”
Cana having a plague doctor mask that elfman bought for her 13th birthday. She wears it to scare the shit out of everyone at the sleepovers.
Weekly “sleepovers” in the guildhall because it’s easier to do gramps weekly count of them when they are all lined up in their my little pony sleeping bags (yes this includes laxus and mira)
When Romeo is born they have a guild wide contest on whose name he says first (the answer is his own cause the little dude is a true fairytail wizard)
Levy managing to give everyone a heart attack after casually admitting that she hasn’t slept or ate anything but crackers and coffee cause she was trying to teach herself the equivalent of ancient greek.
Laxus and gray not knowing how to hold a baby (romeo)
Natsu “teething” on Erza. Everyone stares in shock cause there’s just Erza sitting there stone faced in full armor while Natsu chops down on her arm like he has rabies. ( he still bites her even when they’re older if he’s really stressed)
Everyone having a default crush on laxus or Mira
The guild kids try to make homemade shaved ice with grays ice and end up covering the entire town with really weird ice sculptures
Mira scaring the shit out of kids with her demon souls during Halloween
Someone stealing Mira or Natsu’s food and ending up with a burn on their tounge followed by natsu trying to “kiss it better”
Levy dozing off on the rafters and falling down onto poor elfman
Spin the bottle but instead of kissing you fight (grays idea)
Laxus has a spray bottle filled with water mixed with really bad smelling cologne that he uses to spray people when they’re bad, like cats.
No one in the guild knew how to swim until they turned 16 Lissana still can’t swim.
Its really really common to see elfman or gray duck-taped to the wall (its levy who does it)
Dont fall asleep around teen Mira she will draw titties on your face. (Where do you think natsu got it from?)
They all took a living 101 class when lissana was 13. It failed miserably. Laxus ended up being the grandfather to 6 rats and 3 hamsters
Laxus takes Lissana and Elfman out for brunch once a month because it pisses mira off to no end.
Levy, Lissana, and Laxus accidentally forming an L name club and plan their “meetings” within earshot of Mira and Erza to make them jealous.
“We should get cookies!”-levy
“And ice cream!”- lissana
“(Super smug face) im craving strawberry cake.”-laxus
*sounds of Erza bursting into flames of jealousy*
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phoward89 · 2 months
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Series Masterlist
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Chapter 5:
Coriolanus is at the PK Base in the communications center, sitting in one of the video phone booths. He's holding the receiver to his ear and watching the staticy small screen; waiting for Tigris to answer. He has so much to tell her. In fact, he's over the moon to tell her all about the love of his life: you. He's absolutely positive that she'll be happy for him.
When the static breaks and then clears slightly to show his cousin, he smiles like a madman. “Tigris, it's so good to see you!” Coriolanus exclaims, so much excitement in his baritone.
Tigris' gentle blue eyes widened slightly at her cousin's chipper demeanor. He was usually sullen during their sporatic calls. “Oh, Coryo, you look so much happier since the last time we talked. Did something happen?” The blonde girl asked, curious to know why her cousin was suddenly in a better mood.
“Yes.” Coryo nodded. Beaming, he blurted out, “I got a girl, Y/N, and she's just a perfect sweet darling.” His baby blues were sparkling with pride as he added in, “We’re serious, have our own place and when I pass the Elite Officer's Examine we’ll be able to leave 8.”
“Oh…” Tigris trailed off, her face full of shock. She wasn't expecting her cousin to be so serious with somebody so soon. Especially after he seemed so heartbroken about never being able to see Lucy Gray ever again.
Was Tigris wrong in her assumption that Coryo loved the songbird? If so, then she truly hopes that he's found love with you. But she also knows that her cousin has the genetics that can easily make him become like his father: General Crassus Snow.
Hearing him say that he's taking an Elite Officer's Exam makes her skin crawl. Tigris knows how cold the officers are in the various branches of Panem's military; she doesn't want her sweet cousin to be turned into a cold, heartless, hateful man to be used as a tool for the country.
A country that kills tweens and teens for entertainment disguised as punishment. Gosh, everything about Panem makes Tigris sick. And to think that her cousin, her sweet little Coryo who's a good person, could be used in a way to support the country's propaganda and skewed outlook bothers her. Makes her blood freeze up in her veins.
“Isn’t it great news, Tigris?” The platinum blonde peacekeeper asked, fishing for praises.
“Yes, yes it is, Coryo.” Tigris replied, her smile a bit too tight, too forced, and her voice a bit flat.
Coryo's face fell at his cousin's overly fake reply. “I thought you'd be happy for me Tigris.”
“I am happy for you, Coryo. I am.” Tigris weakly assured her cousin.
“I've found somebody that makes me happy, who needs me; makes me feel powerful, and I'm one step closer to getting us back home, to the Capitol. But, you don't sound as happy about it as you claim to be.”
“Coryo…” Tigris sighed, trying to find the right words to tell him about the hardships that have fallen upon their family within the last few weeks.
“Is Grandma’am around?” Asked the platinum peacekeeper. “I'm sure that she'd be happy to hear about my accomplishments.”
“Coryo, Grandma'am’s in hospice.” Tigris revealed, her tone sad as her face twitched with sorrow.
“Hospice! What do you mean she's in hospice? She was fine a month ago, what the hell did you do to her, Tigris?!”
“Me? Oh, Coriolanus, do you hear yourself right now?” The blonde aspiring fashionista snipped. Shaking her head, Tigris started to explain, “Grandma’am just shut down and started to wither away after we lost the penthouse-”
Coriolanus icy eyes popped out of his head. “Y-you lost the penthouse?! When were you going to tell me this, Tigris? Huh?”
“The back taxes were just too much to pay, so the penthouse was put on the market. But, Pluribus is letting me stay in the apartment above his club.”
“Okay, but what does any of this have to do with Grandma'am being admitted to hospice care?”
“Coryo, having to declare bankruptcy and sell the penthouse; letting all of the Capitol know that the Snow's are poor just broke her dear old heart.”
“She's dying from a broken heart? Really?” Coriolanus asked in disbelief.
“Yes.” Tigris nods. “The doctor said that Grandma’am lost the will to live; that it'll only be a short matter of time before she goes. And she's already in a catatonic state.”
“Are you still working for Fabricia Whatnot?” Coryo asked, his baritone colder than it had been mere minutes ago.
“Yes, I'm still working for her.” His cousin confirms with a nod.
“Good, because I won't be sending half of my pay to you anymore. The Grandma’am will be dead soon, due to her own pride and self induced delusions, and my money, honestly, is better suited taking care of my girl here in 8.” Coriolanus told Tigris in a chilly tone. One so chilly that it'd cause hell to freeze over.
“Coryo-” Tigris began, confusion all over her makeup slathered face, only to be cut off by Coriolanus’ icily steady voice saying, “I'm all my girl’s got, Tigris. I have to take care of her.” Looking at his cousin like he didn't even know her anymore, he remarked, “Unlike you, Y/N doesn't lie to me about how bad things are. At least she's honest, but you've had to have known for months about the past due back taxes on the penthouse and you never said a damn word to me about it.”
“Coryo…I didn't want you to worry about us. I was taking care of everything.”
“Time’s about up, Tigris.” The platinum peacekeeper announced, feeling betrayed and lied to by his cousin, who he viewed as more of a sister then a cousin.
“Coriolanus, you sound just like your father right now.” Tigris pointed out, her heart breaking at hearing the frostiness in his baritone and seeing cold deadness in his eyes.
“Well, I am his son. Perhaps I'll follow in his footsteps; rise to military greatness.” Private Snow told his cousin before saying a curt goodbye and hanging up on her.
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It's getting close to the time that Coryo usually comes home from work and you're in the small kitchenette making dinner. It's nothing too fancy, just a simple stew. But your platinum peacekeeper never complained about what you made. He always ate his supper with a smile plastered on his face. In fact, he'd usually get seconds; pester you into eating another share too (he always said it was in order to build up your strength so you'll heal faster).
You're stirring the pot, making sure that nothing sticks to the bottom, whenever a faint knock appears at your door. You almost don't hear it over the sound of the radio, that's how light the knock is. Not wanting the stew you worked so hard on this afternoon to burn, you turn off the stove before going to answer the door.
“Ashlie, what're you doing here?” You asked your brother’s former girlfriend as she stood in front of you.
“Some of the girls at the factory are worried about you; I said I'd stop by and check up on you after my shift.” Ashlie answered as you heard the sound of Coryo's boots clambering up the building’s staircase.
Nodding, you simply said, “I'm fine.”
“Are you, Y/N?” Ashlie pressed.
Nice of her to worry about you now, but where was she before?
“There's been rumors that you've taken up with that blonde peacekeeper. That he's been living with you.” Ashlie all but hissed in a shameful tone.
“It's not a rumor.” You told her while noticing Coryo's tall denim clad frame appear at the top of the stairs, right down the hall.
“Look, Y/N, I'm sorry about not being around as often as I should, but if you need help gettin’ away from that peacekeeper I'm sure that Declan can help smuggle you out of the district.”
Smuggle you out where? You don't have any money and you're all alone. How are you going to survive hiding out in another district? Districts you're sure are just as bad if not worse than 8. The poor, lower end districts are all clumped together and, frankly, they seem to get worse and worse as you start going between them.
At least with Coryo your rent's paid, you've got enough food to eat, and you're not cold anymore. He’s decent company, when he's not in a condescending mood, and he seems to be devoted to you despite not knowing you that long. With Coryo you're comfortable for the first time in a long time. For once since moving to 8 you're not tempted to do a swan dive off the bridge into the toxic river surrounding the district.
You'll take your chances with your peacekeeper.
Shaking your head, as Coriolanus trudged down the hall, you told Ashlie, “I'm fine here with Coryo. He takes good care of me, so you don't need to worry.”
“And what happens when he gets bored of you; tosses you aside for another girl?” Ashlie asked as your boyfriend got closer. “Y/N, sweetheart, don't be a fool and trust him. He's a Peacekeeper for Christ’s sakes.” Berates your once sister. “One bred straight from the Capitol as I understand too.” The brunette spat out in disgust, right as your platinum peacekeeper appeared behind the girl that's slandering him.
“Darling, is this ratty whore bothering you?” Coryo coldly asked, his icy eyes narrowed at the girl blocking his way into the apartment, as he came to a stop right by the door.
His frosty timbre startles Ashlie; has her jumping out of her skin. Coryo's tone of voice doesn't bother you one bit. Why should it? His coldness isn't aimed at you.
“She was just leaving.” You assure your boyfriend, only to give Ashlie a look that reads ‘you need to go, now'.
“Well the girls at the factory are worried about you; hopefully you'll be able to return to work soon.” Ashlie remarked instead of leaving, like she should’ve done.
“She won't be returning to work at the factory.” Coryo bluntly announced, pushing himself by Ashlie and literally shoving you inside of the apartment. He blocked your view with his tall, sinewy frame while standing right in the doorway.
The platinum blonde's head lifted up in superiority. His glacier blue eyes bore into the former Seam girl with disdain as he explained, “As Y/N’s man, I take care of her and pride myself in treating her the way a proper Capitol born man treats his girl.” Gripping the door so hard that the wood began to splinter and crack, he barked out, “You're not needed around here. She's got me, so leave or else I'll bring you to base and turn you in as a rebel.”
Ashlie's Seam grey eyes widened in fear and horror at hearing Coriolanus’ words. With the rumors that she's heard about you being kept under lock and key by the platinum blonde peacekeeper, who by now everyone knew was sent from the Capitol; was a second generation military man, Ashlie was starting to worry about you. And when the girls that worked with you on the looms in the PK uniform factory’s weaving room started to express their worries to Ashlie, well she decided to pay you a visit.
Offer you some much needed support. A lifeline out of the predicament you're in.
But the brunette wasn't expecting you to turn down her help, to insist on staying with your oppressor. She also didn't think she'd be threatened by said oppressor, the pretty boy peacekeeper from hell itself. Ashlie feared for both her own safety and yours.
Maybe she should've came around more often, then maybe you wouldn't have become such easy prey for a peacekeeper with a cold hateful glint in his eyes.
“And the next time you show up to my house I'll have you hanged off the bridge’s trestle.” Coriolanus darkly promised, his face a mask showing no feelings, before slamming the door shut in Ashlie's face.
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Coryo was quiet as he shed his coat, hanging it up on the hook near the door. “I made stew. I'll go dip it up.” You told him while he began to unlace his boots.
“It smells good, darling.” Coriolanus complimented, slipping out of his black boots, as you grabbed some bowls from the cabinet.
“You say that about everything I make.” You teased, portioning out the stew into a pair of bowls as Coryo pulled off his denim fatigue shirt.
Walking over to the table and laying his denim overshirt on the back of his chair, the platinum blonde simply said, “Because it's true.”
The atmosphere in the room wasn't heavy per say, but it wasn't light either. You felt like something happened today, something to put him in a sort of mood. And not a good one either. You really didn't want to stoke his mood into a roaring fire of unliveable sassy attitude, so you didn't say a teasing word back to him.
No, you just carried the bowls of stew over to the small table as Coryo took his seat at it. You couldn't help, but slip on a smile at the sight of your giant of a boyfriend dwarfing the sorry excuse for a kitchen table you had. Hell, the table looked more like a small school desk as he sat at it.
Silently, Coryo followed your every move with his icy eyes. He watched as you set the food on the table before fetching the bottle of milk from the fridge. Coryo knows how luxurious fresh milk is, so he's proud that he can buy it for you. He himself went without it for so many years in the Capitol.
The Snow family always seemed to go without; to struggle within the safe borders of the Capitol. Something that he was supposed to change. Coriolanus was supposed to dig his family out of poverty, but instead his family's been torn apart.
All because Tigris lied to him about how bad things really were.
He would've found a way to get her the money for the back taxes, to avoid a foreclosure on the Snow ancestral home, if she would've only told him that she couldn't pay.
How could Tigris, his own cousin, do that to Grandma’am; to him? And most of all to you.
Who he promised to whisk away to the Capitol once he was able to. Now where are the both of you going to go when he gets clearance as an Elite Officer to return home: to the Capitol? He sure as hell can't bring you to the above club shoebox apartment Pluribus gave Tigris.
And to think that his Grandma’am's dying from a broken heart because her home was taken from her. Her beloved rooftop rose garden that was her joy is now withered if not destroyed by the highest bidder. To think that the old lady's in hospice, due to no will to live, all because Tigris couldn't be honest about the back taxes.
Damnit, fucking bitch should've worked a few corners to come up with the money. Anything to pay the past due taxes; keep the Snow family penthouse in the Snow family.
Where it belongs.
The sound of the milk glasses lightly clinking against the warped wooden table tore Coriolanus out of his thoughts. Watching you sit down next to him, he grabbed his spoon and told you, “Darling, let's promise not to lie to each other. Shall we?”
Oh boy, something definitely happened to him today. You didn't know what, but his remark about lying to each other tipped you off that he was lied to and he's upset about it.
Picking up your own spoon, you tell him, “I promise I won't lie to you, Coryo.”
“And I won't lie to you, Y/N. Which is why I have to tell you something very unsettling.”
Something very unsettling? What the hell did he do, shoot somebody during target practice? Murder somebody for a spot on the Elite Officer's Examine roster? Hell, the suspense is killing you.
Not literally, just figuratively.
“Today I talked to my cousin, Tigris, on the phone in the base’s communications center and I learned that things are worse than I thought they were back home: in the Capitol.” He revealed in between eating his stew.
Having a bad feeling, you asked, “What's wrong, Coryo?”
“The Snow penthouse has been seized and put into foreclosure for unpaid back taxes.” Coryo spat out, his eyes full of anger, as he held his spoon so hard that it was about to bend between his fingers.
His family home foreclosed due to back taxes. Oh boy… You weren't expecting to hear that. You can only imagine how high priced the taxes are in the Capitol considering how pricey things are in the districts. Capitol City, Panem is full of rich elites or wannabe rich elites, so…Yea…The price tag on things in the Gem of Panem, the Capitol, is surely higher than in the rest of the country.
“Tigris told me that everything was fine, but she lied.” Shaking his head, he tossed his spoon in his bowl, causing a loud clang to ring out. “I've been sending home money, assuming that Tigris was using it wisely, but now I don't even know what she did with it.” Reaching for his milk glass, he dryly added, “She didn't pay the taxes, that much I know.”
Reaching forward and placing your hand on top of his, you gave him an empathetic look. You felt for him, for his family. “Coryo, I'm sorry she lied; made you think everything’s ok when it isn't.”
Your boyfriend threads your fingers together, holding your hand, as he sips on his milk. He can't help, but feel lucky to have you. You're being so supportive and understanding about his family's fall from grace.
About him losing the Snow ancestral home. The home that he was supposed to take you to.
Placing his glass down after drinking from it, Coryo shook his head while gritting out, “And now Grandma’am's in hospice, dying of a broken heart, because she was forced out of her home.”
Poor Coryo…
To lose his home, his grandma, and to be lied to by his cousin.
“Seems like we've got more in common than what meets the eye.” You told him, letting him know that you sympathized with his situation.
“It seems we do, darling.” Coryo nodded. Picking his spoon up and scooping a portion of stew out of his bowl, he repeated, “It seems we do.”
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You're washing the dishes whenever you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. Coryo's right behind you, hanging on you, but you don't pay him any mind. You just keep on washing the bowl in your hand with the sponge- a sponge that has seen better days.
Your boyfriend nuzzles his nose into your temple, inhaling your scent. Kissing your cheek, he swears, “I promise, once I'm an officer and get into a wealthy position I'll buy back our home. We'll live in it once again.”
“Don't make promises that you can't keep, Coryo.” You advised him, rinsing out the bowl and setting it aside on the makeshift drying rack (which was a cookie cooling rack resting on a dishtowel).
“I intend to keep that promise, baby.” He told you in between peppering kisses up and down your neck.
“Coryo, stop that. I still have dishes to do.” You sighed, trying and failing to wiggle out of his hold while starting on the second dirty bowl.
“One day when I become President and make you my First Lady you won't ever have to lift a finger to wash a dish ever again.” Coryo smoothly murmured, kissing the sweet spot right below your ear.
“To make me your First Lady you'll have to marry me, Mister President.” You sarcastically pointed out, rinsing soap suds and bubbles out of the bowl.
You're placing the bowl onto the drying rack whenever Coryo spins you around. Tipping your chin up, making your eyes lock onto his baby blues, he seriously tells you, “Once I get my officer’s stripes I'm going to marry you.”
The weight of his words comes crashing down on your head like an anvil in an old cartoon. “You really want to marry me?” You asked, not quite believing the situation to be real.
You're just some district girl that he got into trouble and felt pity for. Yes, he takes care of you, but making you his wife's a whole other story. That's a lifetime commitment considering divorce was abolished in the early years of Panem's creation- which was after the end of both WW3 and the 2nd Civil War, which coincided.
“Yes, baby.” The platinum blonde nodded. A wide smile spread across his face as he cemented his fate with the words of, “I'm going to marry you and give you the life that we both deserve as Snows once I get my officer's commission.”
“You know, people in the districts have different ceremonies then Capitolites do for marriages.” You informed him; knowing that you're going down a path you can't turn off of as you do. “Couples in 12 do a toasting by breaking bread at the hearth over a fire they stoke.”
“Too bad we don't have a fireplace.” Coriolanus seriously pouted.
Oh wow, he's serious about this marriage thing. Lucky you.
“Yes, too bad.” You half heartedly agreed with him. Resting your hands on his chest, you decided to explain what you learned about weddings in District 8. “I've heard that here in 8 most weddings are typically held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in November and December.”
Your boyfriend’s brow rose with interest. “December you say?”
“Yes.” You confirm as he strokes your cheek with his thumb. “The bride sews her own dress, which is typically blue or purple, and makes a large amount of food for the guests who stay for dinner and then a late supper. While family and friends are gathered at the house, the couple’s joined hands are bound by a strip of cloth; then they recite words or poetry to complete the ritual.”
“And this ritual’s binding in the eyes of District 8?” Coriolanus asked, holding your gaze with his icy eyes. Eyes that were filled with both trepidation and hope.
“It's binding in all of the districts. I'm not sure about the Capitol tho.”
Bringing his forehead to rest against yours, he simply said, “Mary me on Thursday. I'll bring Sejanus home with me and we'll do the 8 ceremony.”
Believing it impossible to marry so soon, you react with, “But that's in 2 days, Coryo. I'll barely have enough time to make a dress. Plus I have to cook food.”
Bringing his other hand up to your face, so he was cradling it between his large calloused hands, the platinum blonde told you, “I'll bring home some material for your dress tomorrow and the only guest you need to cook for is Sejanus. You don't need to cook up our entire pantry.” His lips ghosted over yours. “Let me take care of you; marry me, baby.”
If you say yes to this sudden spur of the moment wedding you'll be giving up your freedom. In the districts’ eyes you'll become Mrs. Snow, wife of a Peacekeeper. One who's certain he'll become an Elite Officer. Is that what you want?
You honestly don't even know what you want. But you do know that you refuse to go cold and hungry ever again because you're alone and can barely get by.
So, for survival purposes, you give Coryo a smile and tell him, “I’ll marry you.”
Without warning, Coryo kisses you. His lips hungrily pressed against yours, as if he was a man starved and his only fulfillment came from your mouth. You moved your lips against his, which only caused him to deepen the kiss by slipping his tongue into your mouth. Your fingers twisted and dug into his white T-shirt as your tongues intimately danced while your lips clashed, pushing and pulling for purchase.
You let out a little breathless sigh as Coryo broke the kiss, pulling back slightly so the two of you could catch your breath.
Coryo's icy blue eyes were nearly black with lust as he looked into the windows of your soul. His large hands still cup your face as he confessed, “I’d love nothing more than to bring you to our bed and fuck you right now, but since we're to be married in 2 days I'll wait til the wedding night.”
“Oh, so you're going to make an honest woman out of me first before you corrupt me?” You asked, your tone a bit light and teasing.
What difference was a couple of days? It wasn't like you're from a rich aristocratic family that needs to see the sheets in the morning for proof of innocence lost and consummation.of marriage. You're a district girl, nobody in the districts care about purity til marriage, etc.
Besides, even before you agreed to marry him you knew you'd be fucking Coriolanus. He's your boyfriend, it comes with the territory. The only question was when.
Now you have your answer: this Thursday night- your district style wedding night.
Leaning his forehead against yours, Coryo steadfastly declared, “You can't corrupt someone who's willing to drink from the silver cup, my darling.”
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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damagedcoda6669 · 25 days
how did youknow youbhad bpd? what were the main "symptoms" ?? soryif it comes off as personal or uncomfy you dont hsveto answer
(im rlly rlly rlly autistic abt bpd PREPARE 4 AN ENTIRE BIBLE ABT HOW I DISCOVERED I HAD IT)
ive exhibited symptoms of bpd my entire life (it usually starts 2 present in childhood or early adulthood, it comes from childhood abuse/neglect) i only started 2 notice something was wrong in my tweens/early teens, when malachi became my favorite person and every1 was calling me mentally ill and weird and obsessive. ive known my entire life i was neurodivergent (first started therapy at 6 or 7, diagnosed with bipolar + autism + adhd + depression + anxiety RLLY early on) but there was something else that felt wrong 2 me. at that age i didnt rlly know what 2 search 4 or who 2 talk 2, so i just went on google and searched "love disorders" and obsessive love disorder came up (which isnt even in the DSM iirc) and i posted on google plus saying i likely had that and was shot down IMMEDIATELY 4 "self diagnosing" so i didnt revisit it again until a few years later.
after my breakup in 2021 i felt like it hurt WAY MORE than was normal. i stumbled across a video abt bpd during that time period and it resonated with me way 2 much. im impulsive, i have angry outbursts, im constantly suicidal, i self harm, i have extreme mood swings, i dont know who i am and ive always just mirrored other ppl, i dissociate, i have black and white thinking, i view ppl as all good or all bad and i split, i have consistently unstable relationships, i get attached 2 ppl more than i should be, and i have a paralyzing, nauseating fear of abandonment. i have every symptom in the diagnostic criteria.
i brought up the possibility of me having bpd with my mom i think (i had no one else 2 go 2 becuz all of my friends abandoned me and my parents took away my internet access) and i was shot down again, with my mom saying the CLASSIC "(insert family member) has bpd and shes crazy. ur normal. stop pretending theres something wrong with u. if u had bpd u'd be vindictive and petty and evil. do u think ur those things?"
once i figured out how 2 get my internet access back, maryland dude forced the bpd label on2 me becuz he wanted 2 explain my "abusive" behaviors (he was abusing me but tried 2 gaslight me in2 thinking i had a victim complex and that it was the other way around) and i became uncomfortable with the label becuz he made it seem like if i had bpd then i was a bad person. i continued researching the disorder becuz it still resonated with me even though i was now insecure abt it.
i became comfortable with the label again after he abandoned me, and i brought it up with my therapist. my therapist would HEAVILY DENY that i had bpd, telling me that "if u had bpd u would be attempting suicide 4 attention" "u fit the diagnostic criteria but ur autistic so all of ur symptoms can just be attributed 2 autism srry" "ive had clients with bpd and if u were like them u wouldve had an outburst in my office and be yelling at me by now" and she would even smile at me whenever i brought up my bpd becuz she thought it was funny that i thought i had it, i think. the first time i brought it up with her she told me "its rlly irresponsible 2 self diagnose after reading liek two articles online abt some extreme disorder becuz u think ur broken. ur not broken. dont self diagnose with bpd" and i had to EXPLAIN 2 HER that i wasnt self diagnosing and that id researched it in depth 4 years actually and that she was making assumptions. horribly ableist towards ppl with cluster b disorders, this is a MASSIVE RED FLAG but i didnt switch therapists becuz i was still living with my parents at this point and i felt out of control in every aspect of my life 4 this reason, i didnt even see switching therapists as an option.
then in 2023, while i was homeless, i got evaulated by a psychiatrist. i discussed my bpd with him and finally got diagnosed. i told my therapist i was diagnosed with bpd and she said something like "well im not always gonna be able 2 catch everything" BUT I WAS TELLING U ABT MY BPD 4 MONTHS!!!!! so glad i dont have that therapist anymore but now i dont have one at all, so liek.. hrmmm >:c
im gonna end this by saying.. self diagnosis is valid!!! its so hard 2 get a bpd diagnosis becuz its so demonized and stigmatized, that even those in the mental health system r ableist towards the disorder and those who have it. diagnosis is not always an option with disorders like bpd, and thats so frustrating. its so hard 2 find help becuz every1 thinks ur crazy. but ur not crazy!!! i love all my fellow bpders, i know how agonizing and it is 2 live this tormented life. if u suspect u have bpd, the bpd community welcomes u and supports u!!! and i do 2 :3
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howtofightwrite · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts on making characters like Kim Possible more realistic for stories aside from aging her up? While still keeping the spirit of her, that is.
You can't make Kim Possible realistic because the superspy genre runs on implausibility, the superspy aspect of her persona only works in the genre's unrealistic space. If you try to run a superspy in a realistic world, you either get a dissociative psychopath or Jason Bourne (from the books, not the films) who is still pretty close to being a psychopath rather than your regular spy. To write a “realistic” Kim Possible, you'd end up with your run of the mill, hyper competitive, adrenaline junkie cheerleader without any superpowers or supergadgets and a school board that's not particularly thrilled with her antics. We're talking Buffy levels of burn down the high school. (Buffy did burn down a high school.)
The imporant thing to understand about Kim Possible if you want to deconstruct her character and pul her out of the genre where she currently works is that Kim isn't a character aged up. She's a character aged down and reformatted for a tween to teen audience. If I aged Kim Possible up, I'd have Get Smart's Ninety-Nine or a member of the original Charlie's Angels (take your pick) or a non-powered variant of Shego. Her contemporaries are the girls from Totally Spies, which are also a Charlie's Angels riff, and arguably even more insane than Kim is. To fully grasp Kim Possible as a character you want to write rather than a piece of media you consume is you have to understand her archetype and where all the pieces of her character come from. Those pieces are derived by material that proceeded her in the superspy genre.
This is what author's call a Lit Review.
When you find a character you like and want to use, instead of trying to copy what you see you go deeper into deconstruction. Deconstruction is just a fancy word that means you break everything down to it's base components and take it apart to understand how it works and functions as a whole so you can rebuild it in your own image. In the case of Kim Possible, a simple deconstruction isn't enough because she isn't a character, she's genre loci. (It fun play on genius loci, it means she's a personification of the genre rather than a person or place. She is by nature a formalistic entity, which means she only exists as part of the formula. That's why you're having difficulty writing her as a “realistic” character. Formalistic entities do not function in the real world.)
To understand Kim Possible as a character, you have to understand Kim Possible as a formula. Worse, you have to study two different genres because she's fusion of two different formulas that are both equally unrealistic. Fortunately, the superspy and the superhero genre have enough cross-bleed that you only need one. You'll have to do a comprehensive review of both the superspy genre and the teen dramedy genre (Saved by the Bell, 90210, Boy Meets World, Sweet Valley High,you know, the John Waters version of high school. If you've been consuming mainly CW dramas like the current iteration of Riverdale you have the wrong era and will have to start all over.) For a comprehensive lit review, you have to go all the way back to the beginning with the original James Bond and watch them in sequence, then watch Get Smart (by the time you get here, you'll have the same degree of contempt for Bond as Mel Brooks so that works in your favor), pay special attention to Ninety-Nine the original avatar of the female superspy, and then watch Charlie's Angels, the original TV show not the movies. By this point, you'll understand all the pieces that went into Kim's creation and then you'll be able to independently pull them out keep what you want.
If that sounds like a lot of work, you're right. Picking one isn't enough because she has pieces of all of them, and they're all influenced by their predecessor. Ninety-Nine is a direct reaction to the treatment of women in James Bond, and Charlie's Angels are an adaptation of Ninety-Nine as James Bond. A lot of female superspies are direct references to James Bond (whether they want to be or not) and Kim Possible is no exception. The show is full of James Bond injokes and many of her villains are direct references to Bond villains. The old Sean Connery Bond villains. (Much as it's in the name, you don't need either the original Mission Impossible or the film remakes. If you want to watch the Peter Graves era for an even more comprehensive experience, go right ahead.)
You don't understand Bond? You don't understand Kim.
Teenagers don't make for good spies in a realistic world. They're not emotionally mature enough to do the job. That's not an insult. When you're a teenager, your brain is still maturing, you're halfway to being an adult, but you're still growing into yourself and a lot of what you're experiencing you're experiencing for the first time. Experiences that feel like the end of the world to a teenager, are just Tuesday to an adult. You don't feel emotions the same at sixteen and twenty-five, or sixteen and thirty-five, part of that is experience and part of it is the intensity of our emotions decays over time. Adults are also better at hiding what emotions they do feel. These are all reasons why adults seem so unfeeling to teenagers.
Worse, for the realistic Kim, she comes from a stable home environment. She's got loving parents, appreciative, supportive friends, and lives a happy, well-adjusted life even without saving the world. She doesn't have the cynicism, suspicious nature, mercurial adaptable behaviors, and survival instincts that broken homes and abusive environments train in young. In the real world, evil passes itself off as good. There's no colorful costumes or villainous laughs or soundtrack to point out who you can't trust. The friendliest, nicest people are often the first to stab you in the back. Appearances deceive and ingrained biases cloud perception. Spies are not well-adjusted people or emotionally healthy. It's a lot easier to talk someone off a cliff if you are also on a cliff. The point of a spy is that they're a bad person. The superspy genre is an escape from the realities of being a spy and it was originally written by a former spy.
The kid from the broken home learns early that people behave differently in different environments, and they need to be wary until they determine if the person they think they can trust is someone they can actually trust. Often the most well-intentioned people make bad situations worse trying to resolve conflicts they've chosen not to understand. At the same time, people wear masks and not all secrets are nefarious. To be able to determine the difference between someone acting supiciously (hiding a secret) and someone who is actually nefarious takes practice. This is even a common subplot in teen mystery dramas for teenagers (and adults) to be misled by their own prejudices and their inability to tell the difference between types of suspicious behavior. There's the secrets that don't matter and the ones that'll get you killed and they can be the same secrets. Understanding the faceted nature of people, fully analyzing their personalities so you can predict their moves without being a fully mature person with your own experiences to draw from? That's hard. It's a difficult ask for adults who are professionals.
You can't keep Kim's optomism and turn her into a traditional spy. The traditional spy needs to both be able to see the worst in someone and then use that dark nature against them. They collect secrets and vulnerabilities so they can turn the average person into an asset later. They can't do everything themselves, they need to be comfortable with using people and with the part where using those same people will get them killed. There's elements here that do mimick high school, but it's a much more dangerous game with much higher stakes and a lot less room for error. A teenager this manipulative this young is either a narcisscist or a sociopath, and even then they won't have refined their manipulation to the point they can carry it off like an adult. (If you hav e a difficult time comprehending this concept, you are stilll a child. Enjoy it while you can.)
You also can't really do Kim Possible in the CW mold while keeping her Kim Possible. The same problems as the spy to superspy genre apply. The Vampire Diaries approach to teenagers is antithetical to the John Waters high school. Someone's going to have to be the cynic, half the cast are lovable assholes, evil will prevail over good on a regular basis, and everyone in the CW's world will be varying shades of gray with dark secrets. CW teenage dramas are gritty (and not particularly realistic either, even if they are entertaining.) You can't put James Bond and Frank Miller's Sin City in the same place and play them both straight. Superman's ideals and morals don't function properly in The Boys universe. That optomistic view of humanity isn't supported. If you want optomism in your narrative, you need to fight for it.
An optomistic character can succeed in a cynical world and keep their optomism while making tragic mistakes, but they need to be supported by the author and story's structure. A careful balance has to be maintained between hope and darkness, and it is very easy to go past a character's point of no return. It's easy to become cynical, it's easy to embrace nihilism especially in the face of tragedy. Kim Possible is not a character designed around the idea of moral fortitude. She's not a character who has to fight for her beliefs in a dark world. She doesn't have articulated morals or a philosophical outlook, she just does what she thinks is right. A character doing what they think is right in a cynical story sets the stage for events to fall apart in a tragic ending.
The question is, do you want a realistic version of Kim Possible or do you want a version that you feel is going to be more serious, and literary, and will be accepted? As much as it's currently in vogue, cynicsm and nihilism aren't automatically better or more mature storytelling.
Kim Possible is accepted. Kim Possible being unrealistic is not a failure of the material. She's supposed to be a teenage comedy pastiche of the superspy genre. She works because she embraces both genres in all their corny cheesiness wholeheartedly and without irony. Even when Kim Possible is at its most tongue and cheek, Kim herself is never the joke. The mirror between Kim and Shego is intentional. It's good practice to have your villain be a jaded, cynical, dark version of your protagonist (with better comedic timing.) Shego is cynical so Kim can be optomistic.
Kim's ideals and morals are designed for a more hopeful world than the one we live in and that's fine. James Bond is one of the most iconic film heroes of all time. Get Smart and Charlie's Angels are both beloved to this day. Kim Possible and Totally Spies were successful media properties. A market exists for teenage superspies. While Harriet the Spy is probably the closest to a “realistic” Kim Possible you're going to get, I think you're looking for something else, something more adrenaline filled, something exciting, and that's okay.
You don't need realism. You need a world that feels plausible enough your audience will embrace it. That's just good worldbuilding and understanding your genre. You don't need to be the next Game of Thrones, you don't need to be (the new) Casino Royale. Don't be embarassed by the silliness, don't be worried if the story is serious enough, skip off into the sunset with your catchy theme song and naked mole rat. Tell the story you want, the story that you love.
And do your reading (and watching) because the more you understand, the better you write. If you can't take Kim Possible at her worst (Roger Moore) you don't deserve her at her best.
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forestshadow-wolf · 4 months
@bringinsexybackk69 @thejacketscloset *hands you genderfuck angst and runs away*
transmasc, genderfluid/non-conforming Soap who spend so much of his tween/teen tears pushing away make-up and femininity because he so often didn't feel comfortable in her own skin, and it all just felt.. itchy.
and now, he better knows who she is, and is finally ready to start embracing the more feminine aspect of him that he's spent so long running from.
but... she's missed all those years to learn from a young age, and to make mistakes.
and so when they put on a dress, he feels like it's filled out in all the wrong ways. and the make-up feels caked on and wrong.
and she looks in the mirror, and all that stares back to them is a pig in lipstick.
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zukotheartist · 4 months
Atla live action spoilers
"That's not good enough."
Of course it isn't. Not with Ozai. Look at the way she's scared. Listen at the way she choked on those words.
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Kudos to the live action show (one of the only things they get kudos for💀) and to the actress for making Azula feel a lot more human than in the og show. Not only does she feel more human and vulnerable (in the og show we only get to explore that at the end when she starts to have a breakdown so it's really nice that here we actually see the early seeds) but she also feels more like a teen/tween girl!!!
Like ye Azula is supposed to be scary and badass and all that but underneath it she's a girl seeking her father's approval and who's also scared of her father and i dont think the og show does a good job at conveying that + i have mixed feelings about the comics
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evesaintyves · 9 months
I just love the way you write Tonks, she's so much bolshy and dirty and crass, she feels like a real auror and an actual badass that people wouldn't want to mees with! I liked Tonks in books but I admit I was a bit bored by her 'cutesy sweetheart' personality..
thank you so much, that's such a kind thing to say! ❤️ i'm gonna ramble about this a bit if you don't mind!
obviously i extrapolate a lot, but i think there are seeds of that bolshiness etc in canon. from her very first scene we see Tonks kind of talking shit about Harry's house (and her parents!) and giving her mentor, a pretty intimidating dude, guff in front of everyone. she stands up to Remus when he deadnames her (though i agree with the common fanon interpretation that they're flirting a bit in that exchange). she's introduced as a character who speaks her mind and doesn't take any shit*. all of that is on a mission and in front of a kid, so i imagine she's probably even a little more outspoken under other circumstances. it's also clear to me that she's got to be strong-willed, a little singleminded, incredibly talented, and probably a little arrogant to make it as an auror so young: she talks about how difficult it is to qualify and not many do. she's also canonically kind of reactionary and impulsive - i mean, that's how she dies.
some of my characterization of tonks is just personal - so much of her plotline is pretty sad, and her personality disappears entirely toward the end as she becomes a fulcrum for lupin's character arc. and her death, honestly, is kind of stupid. so i feel this urge to give her some justice and a little bit of a fuller personhood in the way i write her.
to me, tonks is (on top of being obviously interpretable as queer) clearly punk/alternative coded, withe the hair and the way she speaks to her elders and her sense of humor. i'm old and i was a tween/young teen in the mid/late nineties when tonks would have been around, and i remember how discovering riot grrl and queer punk bands of that era completely changed the way i thought about myself and the standards i was being held to and just the possibilities for what girls could do and how they could exist in the world and in their own bodies. being gross and crude, rejecting and subverting and playing with the power of the male gaze, talking openly about fucking and bleeding and being gay and being angry: it all seemed like a superpower to me.
tonks is clearly, from the start, in a state of experimentation with her own identity - the way she changes her hair from violet to pink in front of harry - and she's uniquely positioned as a metamorphmagus to create herself from scratch whenever she likes. it reminds me so much of being a kid and discovering that there were all of these new possibilities for who i could be, if i could be brave enough to try them. and we know that Tonks is brave 😉. so like, why not write a Tonks who is liberated, doesn't give a fuck, insists that the world make room for her? i think the contrast with people-pleaser overthinker self-hater lupin is really irresistible, too.
my vision of tonks is as a person i would have looked up to as a kid at that time, but who is still from her pov very much figuring her shit out and trying to construct a self that gives her peace and fulfillment. she dies in that state of flux - having also just undergone the enormous identity-changes of marriage and motherhood. she's fascinating! i insist on it!
so thank you again, such a sweet ask!
* i bet she put up with a ton of bullshit trying to be in a relationship with lupin tho smh girl u can do better!!! we all been there though
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eminsunnytoons123 · 15 days
Emin's baldi's basics recast meme with class of 3000 characters
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Dedicated to @splashy900 @sayuri-does-skits @nia1sworld @aquamarine-dream-queen @ducktoonz903707 @blo0st4r @iggyguyy @nightkit92 And all my other besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, And my two girlfriends And my boyfriend that always support And love me And even love my Projects And ideas, heres another recast meme I had in mind Today =^_^=
So, I was playing baldi's basics on my phone, And I started imagining the class of 3000 characters as the characters because when I was a 9 year old boo-boo, I always watched lots of youtubers playing lots of baldi's basics mods, so I thought: "what if there was a baldi's basics mod but with class of 3000 characters?" So heres a recast meme of it =^.^= And this is called "Sunny's musics in education And learning" And I'll make this as Journal series AU =^_^=
And heres some explanation of the characters:
Number one, Lil' D as the protagonist - lil' D would honestly really fit the role of the protagonist because of his personality And all that, And I know that he is a big fan of Sunny but imagine that this is just like an act for them all
Number two, Kam as the protagonist's friend - Kam would definetly fit the role of the protagonist's friend, I know that protagonist's friend didnt appear in the game, but I imagine that he actually did And Kam appearing in this story as Lil' D's a.k.a protagonist's friend (I know lil' D And kam are already friends btw ^///^;)
Number three, Sunny as Baldi - Sunny would really fit the role of Baldi, but ofcourse Sunny will be music teacher just like on the show, And I feel like he would have his SAXOPHONE to probably slap in his Hand like how Baldi slaps his ruler in his Hand, I know its kinda weird for Sunny to really slap his saxophone in his Hand but oh well ^///^;
Number four, Madison as playtime - all the class of 3000 fans know why I chose Madison as playtime, Its obviously because of madison's playful, optimistic And quirky personality, And in my AU she actually loves playing with The jump rope. And like playtime, she would get sad when Lil' D a.k.a protagonist cuts her jump rope
Number five, Principal Luna as principal of the thing - Principal Luna is the principal like principal of the thing ofcourse, so thats why I decided for Luna to be principal of the thing. And I feel like in the story, he would Pick Lil' D by his shirt And get him to his office for detention And say: "when will you tweens And teens learn?"
Number six, Lil' G as its a bully - Since Lil' G is clearly Lil' D's rival like how Salieri is a rival to Sunny, I thought that this role would perfectly fit Lil' G. And he is a bully-looking Guy just like Salieri, Brooklyn Bill, Addison, Freddie, Bambi, jim And Jam. And I imagine Lil' G saying things to Lil' D like: "Oh, no items? You dont have anythin'? Then you get no pass."
Number seven, Cheddar man "Charles" as gotta sweep - I just thought of cheddar man "Charles" being gotta sweep, I know he isnt a janitor on the Show (neither in the reboot). And I imagine in the episodes of 'SMIEAL' (short for 'Sunny's basics in education And learning') stories, when Lil' D would Open the room where cheddar man "Charles" is in, he would just stand here with his arms crossed And probably be like: "why do I still work here" X3
Number eight, Philly Phil as arts And crafters - I imagined philly Phil being arts And crafters And being first kinda embarassed or not really wanting to interact with Lil' D, but then after lil' D collects all notebooks, just like arts And crafters he becomes more aggresive And mad And chases after lil' D in the way to help Sunny
Number nine, Jim as 1st prize - I know she is pretty rude, but she likes giving tight hugs And pushing others in my AU, And since she didnt really speak in 'westley side story' episode, her voice would be the same like Kim but a little more pitched. And in the episodes, whenever Lil' D gets away from her, she gets mad And says: "hey! How rude!" And she would just go away
Number ten, Salieri as Filename2 - I honestly thought Salieri would fit this role as Filename2 a.k.a 'Null'. And he wouldnt really be corrupted like how Null is, but he will often appear in the episodes of the story series
And if y'all have any more ideas or suggestions for this new AU, then y'all can say it either in replies, reblogs, ask box or private messages =^_^=
I hope y'all will like this =^////^= 💛🧡 I'll draw them all tommorow just like 'class of 3000 animal au', 'class of 3000 agent au', 'dark folklores of class of 3000 au', 'class of 3000 musical au' AND 'class of 3000 haunted School au' =^_^=
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
I've just read an article (in Gazeta Wyborcza) about a very popular series of books among young teens in my country, Poland, called "Rodzina Monet" (Family Monet). The author gained popularity while publishing on Wattpad lol. The article basically said that it's problematic because these books are read by young girls, even 10 years old, and it glorifies violence. Plus it just isn't well written - there were some fragments in the article and yeah it's not well written lmao. A woman in the comments said that her daughter is reading this book and asked if she should forbid it. Since no one answered her, I replied that I don't think forbidding the book is a good solution and suggested talking to her daughter about it, showing her the article and asking what she thinks about it. But I don't know anything more about that situation, for example how old the daughter is. I don't think I'd worry if my child were to read this book, I read trashy stuff too. But I started wondering if maybe there should be some control in such a case? The thing with the books from what I gathered (I haven't read them) is that they are about a 14yo girl, who suddenly lost her mother and grandmother, is sent away to US from Britain where she starts living with her 28yo (handsome) stepbrother and his 3 (also handsome) brothers. She lives in a beautiful villa since the stepbrother is super rich. He's also cold and distant and doesn't understand that she has issues with food (she has some kind of eating disorder). Some of the things he and his 3 brothers do can be described as domestic violence but they apologize, buy her expensive stuff and are all adult handsome men. Yeah it's a young adult fiction. The thing is that it's just not well written so none of the bad behaviours is commented upon.
Sounds like typical godawful id trash that people eat up. Making a rule against it will just make it more tantalizing.
It would be far more valuable to kick any worthless partners out of one's life and demonstrate not putting up with shit to a tween girl than to ban her from reading trashy books.
One could always try buying her something better, but IME, people who try that always do it wrong: they buy books that are better written, yes, but the vocabulary and sentence structure are a thousand times harder, there's zero iddy wish fulfillment, and the plot is something fucking depressing and supposedly edifying.
Readers can smell a tryhard "your taste is bad" gift a mile away.
I think it's also important when trying to find replacement trash to understand what the kink actually is. Why is it age gap? Well, have you seen 14-year-olds? They're awkward and covered in zits. Of course the protagonist is young like the readers and the hotties are older.
More importantly, why is it abusive? Absolute idiots will be like "Because society taught girls wah wah wah wah wah", but the actual reason is obvious if you've read trash romance for adults:
It's so the love interest(s) can be in the wrong.
The self inserty protagonist of this type of story has very little power. Not only is she usually younger, but she's poorer, a fish out of water in a new situation, etc. The way she gets power is by the love interest doing something absolutely horrible, realizing they have erred, and then groveling forever. Their guilt is an effective way to manipulate them. And yes, retail therapy is usually the next step from this particular trash classic all the way back to The Flame and the Flower.
You can try giving a teen girl a book about a teen girl action hero who is awesome and whose love interest likes her because of that... But if the reader doesn't feel awesome, she's still going to prefer a book about a loser with a destined, fated love or a misunderstood woobie whom other characters have to grovel to after not initially realizing she was special.
You can't fix self esteem by handing someone a book they don't identify with and telling them their id is wrong. And if self esteem does improve, that doesn't mean the lizard brain is going to switch trash fiction tastes anyway.
One can try leaving other fun books around, but that's about the most that could be helpful.
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coralpaperthoughts · 3 months
Info Dumping Abt The Au:
Alya still runs the Ladyblog, but it is now called the Scarletblog
she is still as obsessed with SB as she was with LB, not a crush (coz Dj Wifi ftw) and Nino isn’t insecure/doesn’t mind her obsession coz he’s the exact same about Scarlet - I mean who wouldn’t have a celeb crush on him ???
I think I have decided on Marinette and Adrien being besties as civilians, rather than having them being rivals as both superheroes and civilians, and Marinette and Nino are dudebros (they grew up together along with Kim) so i think i’m gonna scrap the “Nino had a crush on Marinette and that lead to Alya and Nino falling in love” coz i think that narrative is stupid asf
Instead that whole episode was Adrien coaching Nino to ask out his crush (Alya) and Marinette using Alya to get info about Nino’s crush who he hasn’t told her about because when she asked, he didn’t spill (Alya was there and he was too nervous) which she obviously found suspicious coz they're supposed to tell each other everything??
Adrien and Marinette get closer after Dj Wifi both had a date planned but their parents want them to babysit their younger siblings so Adrien and Marinette offered to babysit for them
The pair were friends before the evening started, but they left that night as besties due to their similar interests and likes (anime, games, fashion etc)
Julerose canon + power couple + everyone’s otp + lesbians queens (rose is pan tho)
Adrien confirmed emo gay boi (he’s actually bi but he got called this by his friends when he came out as gay to them and told them abt his family, he finds it funny)
He gets called emo bicycle after he comes out as bi (because it’s okay to think ur one label and then realise ur not later on and come out again !!!)
Luka doesn’t care about labelling himself, he just loves who he loves but has his preferences (totally not the author projecting onto him)
Marinette is also bi and she’s known for soooo long - although at one point she was convinced she was lesbian because she thought she should have a crush on either Nino or Kim (coz that’s what society tells her) so young tween Mari came to the conclusion that she must therefore be gay, but then realised that she just thought of Nino and Kim as brothers and couldn’t possibly imagine them in that way (I’m writing this too deep fr, it was never that deep bro)
Gabriel and Tomoe tried to force Adrien and Kagami to be together but when Adrien first met Kagami, and they were alone, he was straight (hah) up with her and told her he had no interests in girls and couldn’t be her boyfriend
Kagami immediately relaxed and told Adrien that she was not interested either, she’s demi- bi/lesbian (idk if i want feigami or not helppp)
So basically from then on they were just a pair of rich kids who hated their capitalist parents and treated every forced date as a hangout between friends to just chat shit and have some fun for once, and Adrien introduced Kagami to his school friends and she and Mari still get close - the three are inseperable
Luka is obviously there from day 1, unlike how he was in the show, and very quickly into the school year his and Juleka’s houseboat became the designated hangout spot for the class
Anarka does not mind, she loves the chaos that these teens bring to her house and she makes it clear to them all that they can come hang out on the boat at any time of the day or night if they need or want
Marinette is often at the boat, Adrien is constantly at the boat after he meets Luka (like 2 weeks into the year) - the difference is tho, Marinette is there for her friend Juleka and Adrien is there for his crush friend Luka
Adrien and Marinette constantly also visit the boat late at night as superheroes because Adrien wants to get away from his house and Marinette finds Luka's guitar playing soothing to her busy whirring mind - they also just want an excuse to chat to Luka
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dreamtydraw · 7 months
alright, i'll bite nsjxjsjdndndn
tell me more about valentin! what does she like to do? and the step 2 identity crisis! :]
Yeah, this post took me a while- but to be honest, it’s because I needed time to start writing it.
If you’re new or don’t know my account, hi, I’m gonna talk about my OC Valentin and the complexity I decided to give them. I have previously at multiple time gave informations about her as a character, mainly in her character design analysis but you are free to simply read this post or not because it will only focus on her step 2 crisis.
Valentin Second and the childhood of someone who wanted to feel pretty.
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Valentin likes her hometown, they like being the center of attention, he likes ice skating, she likes her mom, and his sister, her French accent, her mole, her fancy scarf, his new friends, chocolate cake, bunnies but what they truly like
Being complimented.
Valentin is Hyperactive, they get an ADHD diagnostic early in her childhood and balance her energy in her adventures with their friends.
At the opposite of his sister Valentin became popular quite fast. They seem to talk with everyone he meets and she’s an intriguing little one.
Valentin learned early about gender norms and how she was allowed to simply change them, lie to people with their 10 years old wisdom and the the fact that constantly changing could be fun. She doesn’t care how her approach to her identity seems to others because it’s something they still view through childish eyes. It get tensed up when it catch him up in puberty.
Valentin is Amab and life won’t always treat you the same, she’s learning it the hard way. Young valentin spend a lot of time online and is confronted to not only transphobia but what will serverly impact their life : The social media cult of appearance.
It’s like a rabbit hole. You see pretty characters from your favorite show, they all look nice, and you see pictures of real people looking like them, and they look nice. The pictures of pretty people multiply and you envy their look and how everyone likes them.
Wanting to be pretty enough, Valentin settle on being a girl in her tween year, believing she should stop her childish game and focus on « passing »
She wants to be pretty but not just pretty, perfectly flawless, the kind of girl who people gush over on social media. It’s only the rise of Instagram and tumblr but she’s here, daily obssessing on her appearance to the point she’s not living her own life and it makes her miserable.
There is a complex mix of her needs of validation, insecurity, dysphoria, anxiety, and fear of judgment that constantly play in her head like an old record. The sad part ? It’s not that noticeable.
Everyone is going through their problem and when yours is trying to be too perfect, a lot of people will see it as something good, a nice goal perhaps.
Worse in that, Valentin loves ice skating. This sport is her passion but there is something horrific about seeing how ugly you look in the middle of the wild range of pretty teens in their sparkly costumes. Her own passion complexe her, she dosen’t feel good enough in anything nothing is working like she wants it to and it eat her alive.
Sometimes it all slip up. In the car with her mom, at a sleepover with her best friend, or in the middle of an argument with her sister.
She just doesn’t feel well
And don’t know how to feel better about herself.
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Jealousy is ugly,
She would rather cry in her room every night than admit that she hates how pretty everyone looks but her.
She hates how everyone is doing well when she’s not, she despises everyone for no reason and she hates herself for being such a bad friend.
She just hates herself.
She doesn’t like herself.
It’s hard when you’re 14 and you can’t like anything.
Sometimes people who you like and who likes you back will reach a hand, but you are too selfish to take it. You’ll thank them, and say everything is alright now when in reality you are still upset. Brush it off, they’ll stop asking one day.
Perhaps one day you’ll be honest.
However, for now, you would rather be pretty.
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gkt-tummyaches · 4 months
what are your thoughts on the siblings' relationships between each other?
i think i've already talked about some of this in other posts but idk how detailed i went with them, so sorry if some of this sounds a bit repetitive
beware. hc heavy, like usual ! "[hc]" in places that aren't canon-compliant whatsoever 🫡
i think out of all three trios - the powerpuff girls, the rowdyruff boys, and the powerpunk girls - the puffs have the best support system for each other. it doesn't necessarily make them the closest, i actually hc that a lot of their differences gradually make it harder to get along over the years until certain character arcs help overcome obstacles that had impeded on their relationships with each other. in this regard, i also think the puffs are the group to experience the most change overall.
blossom and bubbles probably started out a lot closer during childhood because buttercup was at the height of her tomboy era (an era that never really ends, ofc !!) and they didn't have a lot of overlap in the activities they enjoyed doing. it's not necessarily a negative thing, either; their love and support for each other was a lot less complicated during childhood, and even if buttercup split off more frequently to hang out with her dudebros, bubbles and blossom still had a place for her when she came back.
however, because of how i think each of them grow up individually, it's actually bubbles who kind of splinters off from the group in their teen/young-adult years.
this is mostly because of how blossom and buttercup find their sense of selves more 'easily'. blossom becomes a steady, unmoving pillar of ice; she's still loving and compassionate, but she's generally sharper and colder in demeanor even when she's being sincere. blossom is also somebody who tries to be pragmatic and keep her cool, which is why buttercup and her butted heads a lot as kids; as an adult, she becomes almost… inaccessible for more emotional needs.
buttercup doesn't need blossom for emotional support. she never really has. imo she learned in her tween years how to self-manage, or which friends to choose to confide in: friends who weren't blossom. for the two of them, it's an understanding - blossom will always be there for whatever issues her sisters may have, but sometimes just sharing ice cream is better than trying to get blossom to give you a pep talk.
likewise, buttercup has her own things she sucks at helping people with. fitting in, making friends, dealing with loneliness… are some pretty big ones. she's never had a problem with confidence or approaching people - at least, not in the same way bubbles has.
which leaves bubbles without the supports she really needs. bubbles, who has the emotional depth and vastness of the ocean, who has always just wanted harmony and to be liked. for people to get along. sure, there are instances where she can turn to her sisters for help or advice or support, or even the professor, but none of them really connect with her after a certain stage in her life.
somewhere during adolescence, blossom and buttercup land with both feet on the ground, but bubbles is left adrift. her sisters know who they are, or who they aspire to be. they don't reshape themselves to suit other people, and yet, people still come to them.
the thing with kind, loving kids like bubbles is that sometimes they don't have the thicker skin to withstand how mean other kids can get in middle school, high school, college, etc. this isn't to say bubbles can't stand up for herself or doesn't know when to put her foot down - out of all of her sisters, i think she's the most stubborn and passionate when it comes to things she cares about.
it's just to say that the heroic reputation definitely got to her, when it didn't get to her sisters. so bubbles drifts away from them because she doesn't really know who she is, what she wants to be; she keeps changing and acting different. one week she's the soft-spoken neighbor, the next day she's a bright and energetic cheerleader, maybe next month she'll be an aspiring artist. she's trying to be whatever shape fits the mold of expectation and - at the time-frame i indulge a lot of my content in - it's not working out for her.
eventually the puffs will regain the closeness they had as kids. i just think they're the most prone to fluctuation; two sisters aren't prepared to be emotionally vulnerable, and one of them is too much so, and they all need to work on themselves before they can really work on relationships with other people. and that's a constant growth, which imo ultimately benefits them in the long run. but for now they're a little complicated.
that's not to say the ruffs aren't complicated, because they definitely are as well.
it's more to do with how they grew up than anything by nature. in my hc brick was kind of prized as the son with the most potential, and that snowballed into a lot of deluded lines of thinking that inevitably led to him being a problem-starter with an ego-feeding martyr complex.
not to put all the blame on brick for the dysfunction of he and his brothers, but he's certainly responsible for most of it. boomer's not exactly any help, though; it's him and brick who butt heads most often as children, and as they get older, things continue to worsen.
this is mostly because of brick's refusal to acknowledge when he's at fault, as well as his unwillingness to change in general. boomer's patience has always been relatively thin (perhaps a surprise to some [hc]) so it would only be a matter of time before brick makes him snap. that's an event that results in boomer rarely being home the same time brick is unless to sleep, driving the wedge between them even deeper.
where's butch in all of this ? well, he's the rope-toy that his brothers keep tugging back and forth between them. he's on brick's side, obv - no, he's on boomer's side ! so on and so on.
in reality, butch is just trying to keep things… civil, at the very least. ik a lot of fandom tends to hc butch as more hot-headed and argumentative, but i like the idea of him being somebody who seems like he's just going with the flow, while in reality having a lot more to do with the current state of social situations than people realize: as such, i think he tries to mediate for his brothers when he can.
secretly, butch is on boomer's 'side' most of the time. not that it's really his fault. brick isn't exactly the easiest to get along with and while butch rarely retaliates, that's not to say brick hasn't hurt him or his feelings before. as i said in this post - there is a lot that brick has to apologize for.
problems with brick aside, there's also the factor that i don't think he and boomer would've ever achieved absolute closeness anyways solely because of their personalities. brick is kind of a helicopter-friend, and i think that kind of approach (especially the more pressuring form that brick takes on sometimes) would really get on boomer's nerves. boomer's incredibly independent and seeks out company when he feels like it.
whereas, butch has always embodied more of a mellow presence suitable for most company. he's a shoulder to lean on, always has an ear to listen to somebody's troubles - it's how he can keep his relationship intact with both his brothers without a huge falling out. he tends to keep a lot of his personal troubles to himself (i enjoy him being the real martyr parallel to brick's martyr complex lmao).
this doesn't rule out butch's ability to be angry, though. there's certainly a lot of witheld resentment and hurt he's held on to - maybe just because he doesn't know how to let it go - and one of these days he'll inevitably lose his composure. in my hc it'll result in him lashing out irreversibly and essentially kicking brick's ass back into gear, but that will be a while off.
for now, they love each other at a complicated distance.
saying the punks love each other at all is a questionable statement. brute split off from her sisters as soon as she relieved them of oppressor plutonium's hold and very rarely looks back. it's a wonder she remembers to send her sisters money and pay their rent [hc], to the point that brat suspects it's an automated payment that brute actually forgot about or isn't concerned enough about to follow up on.
brat and berserk are lumped together, sure, but they're hardly close. brat feels like she was burdened with responsibility when it comes to berserk. they're worlds apart from each other in terms of maturity and independence; brat loves berserk more than brute, but it's almost,, a friendship as opposed to the unconditional love that siblings are supposed to have for each other.
there's no support system to speak of for the punks. brat is an isolationist at heart and doesn't have the patience or social battery to keep up with berserk, who in turn has no solid role model to look up to and resorts to extremes to gain attention. they are diametrically opposed.
unlike for the puffs and ruffs, there's zero resolution for the punks among themselves. they reach out to other people, make friends that way, but are never - and were never - particularly close to each other as sisters.
sort of like an opposite to the puffs, how they seem to have a constant draw to each other in the end. the punks are flipped magnets constantly repelling away from each other.
the taste in friends they have is a lot different, too. berserk seeks out people who remind her of brat (ie; her friendship with boomer, her crush on blossom - both two people are aloof and hard to get close to, and whose attention is hard-earned but worth it once you get it).
brat in general is a bit of a social chameleon, but ultimately goes for soft-natured, kind-hearted people - people who are very different from than her sisters (ie; billy and kristen, two normies who are entirely unrelated to the turbulence of brat's day-to-day life.)
and then there's brute, who seeks out no one. (with rare exceptions.)
TL;DR: from 'best relations' to 'worst', it goes puffs, ruffs, and punks. each of them complicated in their own way, and the concept of unconditional love getting more unfamiliar in the same order.
for my own sake there's also a trend across the groups where 1 person is distinctly apart from the rest in some way: bubbles mentally, brick emotionally, and brute physically.
i just have a thing for patterns. there are even more but it'd end up being confusing to talk about - and it's kind of irrelevant, i just felt like pointing out the one mentioned above.
// 😅 sorry for the delay in replying to this one, i've been a bit busy. i'm hoping this all makes sense without going to deep into my hc backstories / series of events throughout, because i don't have any idea how i'd actually get into it, so this will have to do for now. thank u for the ask !! 💚 i also go into my hcs for the ppnkg's relationships with a bit more [hc] context here if you're interested ! i also did not proofread this + i wrote it on my phone, pls forgive any super noticeable errors </3
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
I have been thinking a lot about body horror baby and have some questions about Bea if you don’t mind me asking.
When she grows older how much of her families history with the krang is she aware of? Do they hide anything from her? Does she have weird feelings about it or does the support of her family mean she doesn’t even think of the part krang thing?
I don't mind at all, I love getting questions!!
To be honest, it's kind of a We Don't Talk About Bruno situation. That is to say, a good chunk of the family actively avoids talking about her Krang origins and/or hides the information about it when she's little, but when she's old enough to start asking questions about it, they find they actually have a lot to say. They're not lying to her about it exactly, but she doesn't find out the full truth until tweens/teens or so.
Even so, there's still bits and pieces that don't come out at first, partly because it's so normal for the family that they kinda forget to tell her lol. Like the whole "Casey Two is from an apocalyptic alternate timeline where the Krang took over and destroyed the world" thing. By the time Bea is around and old enough to understand stuff, the whole family is so used to Casey Jr's deal that they forget Bea wouldn't know lol. (They also doesn't learn that Draxum tried to destroy humanity until roughly adulthood, but that's another story lol).
As for weird feelings, I don't have everything planned out quite yet, but she does have, let's say, certain experiences, that only happen the way they do because of her being part Krang. One involves meeting Sister Krang, the other seeing the Key.
And as for the support of their family, let's just say it isn't... total. Certain family members are much more involved in her life than others (Splinter, Draxum, Donnie), some are fairly ambivalent about her (April, Leo), and others outright don't like her (Raph, Mikey, Casey). (And to be fair, Leo might have been farther into the 'not liking her' side of things if it weren't for the fact that he can make up so many silly nicknames for her. Her full name being Beatrice Helena Hamato gives him some room to work with.)
But still, the family members that can do their best to give Bea as much of a normal childhood as is possible.
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chushanye · 6 months
I finally caught up to dndads after not having listened to it since June, so in order to not make a 1000 posts I will make one mega-post of all my reactions.
35 -> anthony made a reference to him being married b4, leading to me googling it, leading to me finding out there's a "at least im not anthony burch" 4chan meme
out of al the "new" epsidoes (for me) this one is still the funniest
FUCK, the goddamn convo between Normal and Hero you can't just do this to me. you can't just give me sibling dynamics and expect me to be normal about them.
36-> this ep was spoiled form me start to finish so no particular reactions but I will say Anthony is super clever for managing to spin that prophecy to come back around
37-> the contrast of the teens experiences this episode was astounding
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"you whirling dervish of homoeroticism and pizza" is SUCH a sentence.
38-> god this episode did so much for Scary I fucking love her. "she is holds so much anger but is one of the most loving people" what if my heart bursts from the weight of it all
40-> Freddy's bully character. Will and Freddy's syncing on that joke and screaming about it. Will going "I'm a little turned on rn I'm not gonna lie." Anthony going "Roll for Kinsley scale." all of that almost put me in an early grave.
41-> Freddy making up dumbass plans and the getting way too excited trying to explain them leading to him being out of breath and yelling and making very little sense while everyone else is trying to cut in to tell him how dumb his plan is only for him to roll ridiculously high makes up 90% of this podcast nd I will never get tired of it. also this episode solidified that Taylor is the best character to me.
42-> I hate this.
43-> Marco is way too fucking chill beung on the Titanic I'm gonna need a bit more shock and confusion from this man. like this jist makes me think he like KNOWS everything already.
44-> the next two were my favorite episodes out of the bunch and I have a like lahes worht of notes on them and I couldn't pick my favorites so I'm gonna make seperate posts for the two of those. but in the meantime:
does the ambulance driver's accent count as slavic? cause if so first slavic dndads character lmfaoo
I feel so sad for Normal because we saw thus arc coming from a mile away. I remember listening to episodes and bejng fristrated with how other characters were responding to Normal cause I KNEW it was making this worse in his mind. and like I get them too they're all going trough heinous shit but like...fucking ouch man this was so preventable
45-> Terry Jr and Glenn competing for the title of "most polite swordfight singe Ingio and Westley in the Princess Bride"
I had seperate notes for how much I loved the charactarisation for Terry Jr, Nick, Taylor and Normal so to sum it up the cast brought their A-game I was so fucking delighted.
Freddy's habit of tling over NPC's is so fucking funny. COMPLETELY disregarding the DM is hilarious when it's not happening to me.
46-> good to see Mat being a menece for once.
somebody PLEASE fucking tell me there is fanart for Abe Lincoln from this episode PLEASE.
I know I'm a tween bow at heart because Lincoln being cool again made me so fucking hyped even though that's not the point of his charactarisation 😭 agent Schmegan just brings out the cool dude in him
Hermie's death was way less dramatic than I expected it to be but rhis is only because the amazing artists in this fandom shot my expectations through the roof with the stuff they drew
BONUS: WHODADIT -> Beth is fucking SHINING in this god every joke landed.
Anthony quickly going: "nochinamenmayfeatureinthestory" everyone else going "WOAH" and Mat going fucking "FREDDY?" as is Freddy needs to explain himself???? 😭😭 please
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