#but i'm not buying that they've fallen in love.
anaalnathrakhs · 1 year
yui and hinata from angel beats are soooo queerplatonic to me
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evilminji · 17 days
Okay but? We of the DPxDC? Are COMPLETELY Sleeping on DPXBNHA?
And not even for the Main Plot Shenanigans!
Just?? It has ALL of DC's super powers? But MORE OF THEM. And like 80% of the population has um! Danny can?? Finally achieve his DREAM of being???
Yeah, he's in Japan. That's a bit of a learning curve. And YEAH, there was a cataclysmic war like a few centuries back that sorta... fucked everybody up. No one wants to talk about it. There may be mass graves and Never Forget memorials. But?
This place seems utopian!
No ghost hunters! Advanced technology! Robust social services*!
Wait... what was that asterisk? What do you mean "corrupt shadowy government organizations"? What do you MEAN "Immortal Supervillians"? NO SPACE PROGRAM!?!? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!? I'M IN HELL!!! This is ACTUALLY THE BAD PLACE, THIS IS HELL, OH GOD NOOOOOOO-!!!!!!
Cause see?
There are SO MANY REASONS he'd end up there?
Think about it! Wish that he lived somewhere his weird biology wouldn't exclude him from becoming an astronaut? In Quirks having Bnha Japan EVERYBODY has weird biology! Y'ain't special! You could TOTALLY be an astronaut!..... if we HAD those! We do not. Shut down that program during the Quirk Wars and never really started it again. (And somewhere, Desiree LAUGHS)
Or MAYBE? Things are getting a little hot on the ground? Bit TOO spicy. The Family Fenton and Friends have fallen back, behind the barely holding shields. Not even the Mansons considerable political maneuvering could stop the inevitably of human fear and blind unthinking hatred. Money can't buy everything, in the end. There is only ONE(1) way out.
Through the Zone.
Plan: Strangers In A Strange World is a go.
They're all Limnal enough to fake it. Sam with her plants. Tucker with his technology and persuasion. Jazz with her limited empathy. Their parents with their... well, weirdness. And with a touch of ghostly assisted meddling? Well, they've always BEEN there! Haven't they?
And that's not to MENTION the random 4 year olds with no control! JUST coming into their powers! With all those big emotions in tiny bodies? Startling events and tantrums? Villian attacks? What could THEY possibly hope to do to control or guide that fresh new power? It does what it does and the rest of us are just along for the ride!
If Danny happens to be minding his business and gets accidentally kidnapped by a VERY distraught 4 year old? Well, that's hardly the KIDS fault, now is it? They're FOUR! That is basically a toddler! Tiny child! They are upset, confused, and didn't mean to do ANYTHING. He's a hero. And Heros don't blame little kids from accidents, no matter HOW stressed it makes them.
No, the curse like a sailor INSIDE their head. Like an ADULT.
Just? Imagine~☆
The slow transition from *starry eyed shoujo sparkles* "This is SO COOL~!" to "huh, that's... kinda weird. And Sus. Weird Sus. Maybe nothing... oh! A distraction!" To "okay, this KEEPS happening, that was shady. You all saw that right? You realize that's not NORMAL, right? That that's fucked up? Not cool?" To "oh god, oh God, OH GOD! I'm in HELL! This is actually HELL! I'm trapped in HELL!!! WHAT THE FUC-"
Like? This kid LOVES space. LOVES the stars. And this is one of the few Superhero Cannon that SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS that IN CANNON? Thanks to Quirks? As in Superpowers? That VERY THING got fuckin SCRAPPED. Gutted. Consigned to be a relic of the past so they could all focus on punching each other Real Good.
He would weep BLOOD. Chew the WALLS. The LEVEL of unhinged this child would unleash? Not as Danny Phantom... but as DANNY J. FENTON? Beautiful. Vaguely psychotic. Definitely doing the Fenton Name proud. God, the NOISE HE WOULD MAKE would be inhuman and yet somehow? Come entirely from his human half.
They👏 Would👏 Hear👏 BOSS👏 MUSIC👏
I don't even know if he'd CARE about the main characters. They'd be tangential at best. The man would be in a one man war with I-Island over their lack of space program and hoarding of scientific progress. Probably living out of an abandoned building or forgotten subway station. Just? The MOST bedraggled, feral genius to ever haunt Japan.
As opposed to the REFINED feral genius. Who is Nedzu.
I bet Danny stands outside his school at one AM waving his scientific papers at a camera and YELLS. Like a deranged lunatic. Mismatched slippers and a "haven't slept in a week" crazed glint in his eyes.
He's Nedzu's new best friend. They GET each other.
And, yes, Nedzu COULD let him in... but it's faster to just let him yell and read the papers through the camera. Who CARES if they both seem insane! Let's shout about advanced physics and engineering at 1 am! Over the speakers!!! Oh? You need to physically SHOW me the notes? Well I COULD unlock the gates... OR just wait for you to finish scrambling up the walls like a feral Racoon, to then throw yourself OVER them.
Either, Or.
I'm just SAYING! We are SLEEPING on this! There is so, SO much fun to be had! Danny breaks rules and minds! His outrage over injustice and the complete lack of SPACE! His protection instincts going BUCK FUCKIN WILD. The INDESCRIBABLE hate boner he would have for Mr. "Lemme just rip parts of your soul out so I can collect your powers like pokemon cards" AfO.
There? Is SO MUCH, guys. SO MUCH!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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AITA for pretending to be poor?
I was taught by my parents how to be smart with money, how to budget, what a credit score is etc. I have always been frugal. Always go for things on sale, use coupons, have always went to thrift stores, and just generally try not to spend a lot of money frivolously. I dont use a credit card unless i know i can afford it and i pay it off in full each month. To me, this is just being smart and savvy with money and was how I was raised.
I met someone at university and we now live together. We date for about 3 years. I pay for some dates they pay for others. They've talked about getting me a ring.
Well I had been looking at my budget when they came home. One of my bank statements had fallen to the floor and they picked it up. They saw i had about 50k in my savings account and flipped out.
Anytime we had discussed finances I never gave an exact amount that i owned. It just wasnt that big of a deal to me. If i love someone i love you whether you have 5$ or 500$ to your name, yeah it may be harder at times but id rather be poor and happy rhen rich and miserable. My partner had brought up getting a prenup.
They accused me of pretending to be poor because I used coupons and wore clothes that had holes in them around the house(no I just have a favorite shirt that I've owned for years and is the perfect texture and softness and I cant find another like it), that i was lying by withholding my expenses. That even though i told them i made less then them (they know the exact amount, I make 30 something an hour and they make exactly 15.50 more then me in their field) that i had more in the bank. They claim that I have broken their trust and that I need to prove that I care. Not sure how as they won't tell me how, just that I need to prove it.
They accused me of being an asshole and pretending to be poor and letting them spend a ton of money on a ring and get in more debt when I could have helped them out. I told them I never wanted them to spend a lot of money or be in debt, and that I tried to explain why they shouldn't make just the minimum payments on their credit card. That I had offered to help them budget before and was told I was overstepping. I'd buy my own damn ring but now I dont even know how to feel because they keep berating me and saying I'm a liar and that I'm pretending to be poor and "what else are you hiding" AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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ukiyowi · 8 months
Spirit guides personality and messages
Note: Hope you like it! Reblogs help a ton. I got hospitalised recently and it would be a huge help if anyone would be interested in buying paid readings or tipping! Every little penny helps! Thank you so much 🩷🩷🩷
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Pile 1
Cards: The Devil (rev.), Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Swords.
The strong female energy that's coming through, I heard warrior/generational warrior. Your spirit guide is cold and detached, independent I'm seeing they're very very strong and loyal. They're also extremely powerful, I'm getting that they'll only communicate with you if needed, letting you fight your own battles, however they're very protective. I feel if anyone ever does you wrong, it always comes back to them in the worst way possible. They're someone who's very wise and travelled, they don't like meddling too much. I also get strong maternal energy, so maybe this is a female ancestor. What's funny is when the first two cards fell out, I was thinking of a warrior with flowing hair in an Armor with a sword and then the queen of swords fell out. Again, giving me warrior, very strong and analytical. They're straightforward and blunt, may come off as grumpy or annoyed occasionally. Like their space, someone who's fair and trustworthy. I'm getting they may like things staying the same, they love routine.
Card: The Tower (rev.)
Stop trying to resist good change. If something is falling apart, it's meant to trying to hold on to it will bring nothing but delay, hurt and harm. Go with the flow, stay true to yourself. Rebuild what was fallen because now by then you'll have learnt from your mistakes.
Song: Lullaby for a cat – Epik High
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Pile 2
Cards: The Moon, Page of Wands, 7 of Pentacles
Okay first message I got is they're very communicative, and may try to talk to you or send messages through your dreams. They may be emotional and irrational at times, I'm also getting may be doting in a way. They seem optimistic and cheerful! I'm getting extremely fun and daring energy, there's not much that scares them probably because of how long they've been around, the kind to have seen everything. They may be a little fast-paced however, I'm getting if you're not progressing fast enough, they may try to step in, guide you in the right direction (or try) so that you can grow faster, they just want what's best for you. They're determined and persistent, very balanced energy, they value stability a lot especially mental and emotional stability and may help you manifest faster. They're selfless and fiercely protective especially against evil eye or the envy of others. You may have a lot of people who dislike you because of your success, your spirit guides protect you from that negative energy so it doesn't manifest into your life.
Card: Page of Cups (rev.)
Don't let others envy bring you down, nurture your inner child. If you keep working all day every day without giving yourself time to heal and replenish your energy, everything you've worked for will come falling down. It's not easy to forget or forgive the happenings of the past and you don't have to, but stop holding onto them with a vice grip.
Song: Fall - Sasha Sloan
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Pile 3
Cards: The Fools, The Lovers, 3 of Cups (rev.)
First thing that came through: past life lover, a past life lover is your spirit guide, or someone who carries that energy. They can be a little scattered at times but they're youthful and love adventure. They also seem pretty idealistic for better or for worse, I'm also getting they're very patient and understanding, a lot of compassion is coming through. They're agreeable and cordial, I see that they love new beginnings and cycles, they are also extremely abundant in showing their adoration, either through symbols, signs, animals all of that. They're critical by nature, sometimes too much but they try to tone it down I'm hearing and focus on the positives. Yeah, I'm not getting much to be honest, they would love to communicate with you, I hear they use animals a lot as symbolism and can be blunt when giving advice or guidance simply because they feel like sugar-coating is a waste of your time.
Card: Page of Pentacles
You've worked very hard so far, keep that up, there's new things coming into your life that will send you back in motion. Lay your foundations before building your empire, don't sway from the goals you set and you'll be good to go. Remember to stay humble and grounded, meditate.
Song: Older - Shallou
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All rights reserved, do Not plagiarise. Ukiyowi©®
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bettsfic · 1 month
Do you have any preferred notebooks? Anything better than Moleskine which I don't think would be hard (!!??)... The ink bleeding through to the page behind is so distracting. Random question but I figured you'd be perfect to ask!! Thank you
i've been waiting my entire tumblrlife for this, anon. stationery is one of my most persevering special interests.
just to caveat, i still use a moleskine for my personal journal, but i only write in it once or twice a month so they tend to last years. i bought my current journal in 2017 before enshittification and so i haven't had a problem with the paper. i use a felt-tip pen on it mostly, but even the few times i've tried fountain pens, i haven't had any bleed-through. it's really unfortunate they've gone downhill.
and i mean, for context, i beat the shit out of my moleskines. and look how they've held up!
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the one on the left i used from 2011 to 2017. it went all around the world with me and i carried it everywhere for 6 years. i taped every stupid scrap of paper i came across into it and that's why it's so beefy. the elastic band has stretched too far is all; i need to find something sturdier to keep it shut.
the one on the right i started in 2017 and i'm about 2/3rds through it. i tape some stuff in but not as much as i used to. at one point it was in my backpack in the overhead compartment of a plane and some guy's water bottle spilled all over it. i was devastated. but it slurped that shit up and kept trucking. you can't even tell it's waterlogged anymore.
my mom bought me a special edition van gogh moleskine for my birthday last year that i was planning to use for my next journal. i just tested the paper against the 2017 journal using a kaweco sport bold tip, and the van gogh paper does indeed bleed significantly more than the 2017 paper. a real shame. i'm probably still going to use it though, because i've kept the proud tradition of "use notebooks people buy me for my birthday as my next journal" since i was 14. also, i'll probably end up starting it when i'm 37, the age van gogh died.
last august marked my 20th anniversary of my journaling habit, btw. i was going to write a newsletter about it but it started spiraling into a whole-ass book and i had to set it down.
a close and higher quality alternative to moleskine, much beloved by bullet journalers, is leuchtturm. their A5 hardcover is very similar to the classic moleskine pictured above. i don't use one because i have no use for lie-flat notebooks for anything other than a personal journal (which is covered for the next decade or so), but i love buying them as gifts.
my commonplace notebook is the A4 rhodia top spiral, which i've mentioned in my newsletter before. there is something truly magical about this notebook. when i bought it, i carried it around with me everywhere even though i had no idea what to write in it. i started commonplacing before i even knew what that was, simply because the tactile and aesthetic sensation of filling each page was so satisfying. i go through 1-2 per year.
this isn't a notebook proper, but my research binders are B5 maruman clartes with their corresponding loose leaf paper. again, like the rhodia A4 top spiral, the sensation of writing on the paper and organizing the binder is very satisfying and so it encourages me to take a lot of notes.
maruman also makes the famously amazing mnemosyne series of notebooks. i haven't used one before but i really like them, and as soon as i need a high quality top spiral notebook that the A4 rhodia can't fulfill, that's what i'll be moving to.
my purse notebook is a field notes reporter's notebook. these are new so they haven't stood the test of time the way the others have, but i love the size and the binding, and afaik field notes is one of the few american stationery brands that hasn't fallen prey to a quality drop in paper. i also love field notes classic pocket notebook but have never been able to make a pocket notebook habit stick. it took me a long time to realize tiny notebooks don't encourage me to write in them, because a lot of my notebooking is about the thrill and aesthetic pleasure of seeing an overwhelming amount of text on a page.
my planner is a hobonichi techo weeks, which is the same size as the reporter's notebook and also goes in my purse. this is my first year using a hobonichi planner and i really love it. like the others, its quality encourages me to use it. i've found hobonichi overall is a really good notebook brand.
my sketchbook (which i don't use very much) is a strathmore 500 series mixed media softcover. i bought it before i realized how deterring i find lie-flat books and i think i would be more motivated to draw by investing in one of their wirebound ones, even though all the artists i follow on youtube tell you not to do that. i keep meaning to change it into a collage notebook instead, i just haven't had the time or desk space to do it.
and an honorable mention: before the pandemic, back when i did things and went places, i used a grand voyageur traveler's notebook from paper republic. i'm actually very sad i don't have much of a use for it anymore, but maybe one day i'll do stuff again and return to it. it's weird that i don't see paper republic mentioned often (ever) in bujo spheres, when i think their products are better than traveler's company (although i haven't tested one for a significant period of time; people swear by them though).
hopefully one or two of these stand out to you!
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ladykailitha · 11 days
Permanent Tagging List Take Two!
Hey, guys it's that lovely time again when I go through my permanent tag list and remove people that haven't interacted with my stories in awhile to clear the way for new people.
So here's the deal, you'll have one week to respond to this post. I will post it again every week so that hopefully if you don't see it the first time, maybe one of the others will.
NO JUDGMENT! I swear it. I just want to know if you're still interested so that if you're not, people who are can take your spot.
I love all the requests I'm getting to be added to it. But I am at 44 on my permanent list and if it hits 50 then there is no way to add people to a story's tag list. Something I really don't want to do.
You can tell me if you want to be:
Removed from my permanent tag and all my stories
Removed from my permanent tag list but keep you on all my stories
Removed from my permanent tag list but only some of the stories (let me know which ones)
Stay on my permanent tag list but be removed from all my WIPs
Stay on my permanent tag list but be removed from some of my WIPs (let me know which ones)
Stay on my permanent tag list and all my WIPs.
My current WIPs so that you know what I'm currently working on:
Well Met By Moonlight: Steve is a werewolf, Eddie is a vampire and there are strange and horrible things going on in Hawkins. No Upside Down supernatural creatures AU.
Never Hold Back Your Step...: Boy With a Bat book 2. Sequel to Can Anybody See Me? Season 2 Au where Eddie picks up Steve as one of his lost sheep and him and Steve get together. Set immediately after book one, Steve has to get through high school and his new summer job. Only this is Hawkins and danger is always lurking around the corner. Featuring season 3 AU.
Icarus: Eddie makes it big with Corroded Coffin as Steve and Robin seemingly struggle with menial jobs. Only there is more than meets the eye with the up and coming metal band The Fallen as Eddie learns that the lead singer and Steve is one and the same. Now they have to manage three private lives with super stardom. The path to love never was smooth.
Sweet Home Indiana: Sweet Home Alabama fusion. Eddie and Steve get married when the first state makes gay marriage legal. But soon a rift forms between them and Eddie leaves. Now almost a decade later, Eddie's back in Hawkins looking for a divorce so he can marry his fiancee, Chrissy. But when he arrives, Hawkins starts feeling like home in a way he thought he lost long ago. Now he has to chose between his new life in Seattle and his old life in Hawkins. But not everything is as it seems and that makes things harder. For everyone.
Paper Hearts: Post Season 2 Valentine's day AU. Hawkins is doing a fund raiser for senior ball, people can buy paper hearts to give to their friends and lovers. Pink for friends and red for lovers. Steve doesn't have a girlfriend this year so he decides to get twenty pink hearts to give to girls that wouldn't normally get any. Cue Eddie finding that adorable and to do the same for Steve so he doesn't feel so lonely on Valentine's. They fall in love.
So here is the list of people that haven't liked, commented, or reblogged my stuff in about two months.
@danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @emly03
Some additional info!
I remove people who haven't interacted with any of my posts in more than 60 days. This is anything I post: chaptered fics, one-shots, and rants, whether or not they've been tagged.
What does interact mean? Comment, like, OR reblog. It doesn't have to be all three. Hell it doesn't even have go beyond a like. Though, really reblogs are the best because it means more people beyond the tag list can see it.
If you've done any of those things in less than sixty days, or have said that you're going through a rough patch and interaction will be down for awhile, you are still on the list.
I put up the option to be removed from certain stories because @maya-custodios-dionach said that they didn't like a couple of the stories (omegaverse and metal band Steve) and I thought oh, why don't ask people what they want to be tagged IN?
And in the last couple of days I've had about half of my tag list chiming in and tell me what they want. It's fantastic! Open communication for the win!!! It makes me giggle that no one has asked be from Boy With a Bat book 2, though. Literally everything else has.
Most of my regular permanent listers have made themselves known on what they want to be tagged on, but if you just like the post without commenting, I will take that as option 6 and move on. These people don't HAVE to comment or like, you'll stay on the list regardless.
But if you have stories you would much rather not be tagged in, I'd like to know, you know. ;)
@itsall-taken @spectrum-spectre @chaosgremlinmunson @i-must-potato @carlyv
@vecnuthy @irregular-child @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet
@disrespectedgoatman @tinyplanet95
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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Spending Valentine's Day with him
notes: i just noticed i haven't written anything for cater yet except for my dystopian au. also if you guys like my writing, comments in the tags or anon asks are appreciated! feedback motivates me to write more!
contains: character x gn!reader, established relationship in some but not all
characters included: cater diamond, leona kingscholar, jade leech, malleus draconia
warnings: mention of gruesome death in jade's part (this is about a mushroom he grew and talks about), accidental marriage proposal
dark content creators and consumers dni
Cater, of course, is more than familiar with Valentine's Day. He's always up to date with the latest trends and on this day, Valentine's Day is trending on Magicam. Every year, Cater participates in this holiday even though he didn't have a crush on anyone for the past few years. He at least always posts some themed photos and sends chocolates to his friends. Sometimes he also does little events on his Magicam page where he prompts people to ask him Valentine's Day related questions or post their own stories they've had with this day and he'll comment on it.
But this year was different.
Having fallen for you quite a few months ago, Valentine's Day was the perfect opportunity to finally ask you out on a date. Cater knew so too but Trey was the one who had to convince him. "You're always so flirty with them, why don't you ask them out already?", Trey smiled and shook his head in confusion. "Well, that's different...", Cater replied awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head. "How exactly is that different?", Trey chuckled and proceeded making a Valentine's Day cake for the Heartslabyul dorm.
Indeed, Cater had flirted with you quite a few times but given his usual demeanor, there was no reason for you to suspect this wasn't just what he was like in general.
Cater eventually asks you out with a box of chocolate from Sam's store. He's happy when you say yes and the two of you agree to go to the cinema together.
Cater buys the two of you colorful drinks and a box of nachos. He takes a picture of the food and asks you if you'd like to take a photo with him as well, which he'd post on Magicam with the caption "Spending today with my valentine ❤️ #cinemadate #valentinesday #nightravencollege ❤️" if you let him. He'd tag you in the picture as well. Cater loves to take pictures but there's a couple of them that's just you two laughing together and having fun and he decides that even though they'd probably get a lot of likes, they're special to him and he just keeps them on his phone to remember this day with you fondly.
He originally intends to take you to a romance movie and bought tickets for it....but life had other plans for you.
"This uh....this doesn't look like the movie we asked to watch", Cater sunk back into the seat and had to be careful not to drop his 3D glasses when the horrifying forest creature from the screen seemed to charge directly at him. You fished the movie tickets out of your pockets. "Uh yeah I think the employee mixed something up...we have tickets for something called 'The Unspeakable Horrors'", you explained before looking back at the screen. "Oh god I don't like or subscribe to this", Cater lets out a slightly distressed sigh. He wondered whether it was too late to watch the other movie and get the actual tickets he wanted but you taking his hand in yours when he seemed scared changed his mind. Maybe watching the unspeakable horrors was indeed a way to get closer to you.
"I'm going to have vivid nightmares of this for days to come", Cater chuckled awkwardly as the two of you left the cinema, still holding hands. "Maybe I can help with that", you chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
Cater asks you to be his significant other after your date. He explains how he had a crush on you for a while now and how all the attempts he had made at flirting with you were actually genuine. "Oh yeah I knew", you smirked and pulled him into a hug, "and yes... I'd love to be your valentine every day from now on."
"How about we finish this date with a kiss?", he suggests, nervousness now having left his voice. You nod and he cups your cheek and presses several soft kisses to your lips; the horrors from the movie already forgotten.
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If Leona didn't have have a deep-rooted distaste for a lot of celebrations his older brother hosted in his homeland, Valentine's Day would be right up there on the list of Leona's least favorite holidays. He really doesn't like anything cheesy and seeing people being all lovey-dovey gets on his nerves. For Leona, it's pointless to dedicate an entire holiday to appreciating your lover when you could just be doing that whenever.
You enter Leona's room on Valentine's Day, finding your boyfriend sleeping in bed. You smile and sit down beside him, gently rubbing his ears and watching him instinctively snuggle close to your lap and his tail swishing back and forth. "Pspspspsps Leona", you whisper and poke his cheek.
His eyes open slowly and he looks at your face with a confused expression before stretching his limbs like a cat and sitting up. "Why'd you wake me up, herbivore?", he asks calmly and rests against your shoulder. To anyone else he would have said this with an annoyed tone and a frustrated facial expression but with you his tone was gentle and like he was actually interested in the answer.
"I got you something", you say and pull out a small yellow box from your bag, tied neatly with a black ribbon. "Did you get me one of those Valentine's chocolates Sam sells around this time of year?", he asks as he takes the box from you. "Well, not really. I know you don't really like Valentine's Day so I got you this instead", you explain and Leona lifted the cover of the box, instantly snorting and letting out a laugh. Instead of chocolate hearts there were pumpkin-shaped chicken nuggets in the box and the inside of the cover was decorated with a sparkling, cursive "Happy Halloween!" surrounded by stickers of ghosts and bats. The little greeting card that came with it had a distorted "Congratulation!" written on it that started in the middle of the card and the letters became more and more squeezed the closer the writing got to the edge, to make sure that the whole word still fit on it.
Leona was wheezing and patted your head. "Okay that's funny, you got me", he chuckled and plopped one of the nuggets into his mouth, pleased that you had given him meat instead and attempted to make him laugh rather than trying to feed into convention and giving him a red box of Valentine's chocolates.
He ate all of the nuggets in the box and then put it aside, pulling you into his arms and laying down in bed with you. He mumbled a "thank you" and buried his face in your shoulder. You started gently caressing his ears and kissed his forehead.
Leona would just hold you in his arms for a while and maybe spend the day in bed cuddling with you or playing chess with you.
If Valentine's Day is important to you, Leona would adapt and actually try to celebrate it with you. But in general, as your relationship grows, Leona learns of all the things you like and dislike and he takes you out on dates once in a while when he feels like you'd appreciate it. Whether that's Valentine's Day or just any other day. After all, who would he be if he didn't put in any effort after you were the one to put him first?
He definitely keeps your affectionate gestures in mind and who knows? He might take you out a couple days later to have a nice walk on the beach and have a picnic there as the sun sets.
Jade is relatively new to Valentine's Day as it's not a holiday that exists under the sea. They have a similar holiday that's dedicated to celebrating the union of the mermaid princess and her human lover but it's not quite the same as Valentine's Day on land.
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"What a curious custom", Jade thought at first when he heard about it during his first year. Ever since the twins and Azul knew about it, they've been using the opportunity to sell overpriced Valentine's gifts and specials at Mostro Lounge.
Ever since he started dating you, Jade has wondered whether he'd be celebrating Valentine's Day with you this year. He gets you some rare flowers he grew himself (actually making sure none of them are poisonous) and if he feels like you'd like it, he'll make you a terrarium like the ones he has. He puts a bunch of plants and small sea animals in there that he collected himself while scavenging the ocean around Sage's Isle. He makes sure to include everything he thinks you might like. He promised you to take you to the Coral Sea and show you his home one day but for now the opportunity hasn't arisen yet so he wants to show that you're part of his world by giving you a part of his.
He puts psathyrella aquatica in your terrarium which is the first and only known underwater mushroom.
Jade shows you how to take care of the terrarium and sometimes the both of you take care of it together.
For Valentine's Day, Jade takes a free day from work and reserves a table at Mostro Lounge for you and himself. He gets the special Valentine's Day mocktails and dishes for half the price so you're in luck. "It took you this long to prepare it?", Jade teases his twin brother as Floyd brings you your meals. Floyd glares at his brother angrily and then turns to you. "Jade used to be scared shitless of the sun when he was a kid. He thought it was gonna fall out of the sky and kill him", Floyd snickered, now being the one to earn a glare from his brother. You laugh at the mental image of a small Jade being scared to swim to the surface of the ocean because the sun was there. "We'll sort this out later, Floyd", Jade replies with a bright smile on his face. The shady, threatening kind.
"For the record, Floyd was the one who told me that the sun was going to fall out of the sky and kill me", Jade explained and sighed, "he kept that prank up for 2 whole years." You chuckle. "Somehow that makes it even funnier", you took his hand on the table and held it in your own, "did you think you were safe underwater?" Jade nodded. "I thought it was just going to go out when it falls into the water", he chuckled, "looking back on it, it was quite curious what we'd come up with to explain what was above the surface and on land before we started going to school and learnt the real facts."
He makes sure to inquire whether you enjoyed your meal or not and gives Azul his feedback. He wraps an arm around your shoulder as he walks out of the restaurant with you.
He later takes you to the greenhouse after all classes have ended for the day and no one was in there anymore. "I have to show you something", he explains and leads you to the window where several plants were standing, "this is an entirely new mushroom species I've created. It's very fascinating. I named it after you." You look at the mushrooms that were moving slightly in a way that looked almost threatening. "Let me guess, they're poisonous?", you ask and lean against Jade. "Probably the most poisonous ones we have on this entire island. Actually they'd make your organs explode within a couple of hours of eating them." He said that with such a joyful smile on his face that it was almost unsettling. But don't worry, Jade naming the creepy mushrooms after you is a sign of his love for you.
You're like "is this even allowed?" and Jade is like "that depends on how you interpret the rules :) "
Valentine's Day with Jade ends with some comforting cuddles in his room and few sharing chocolates after stopping by at Sam's shop and buying some.
Malleus is completely unaware of Valentine's Day. Straight up didn't know what it is.
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You've liked him for a while but you were quite unsure whether the two of you could even work out because he's the crown prince of a whole country and meant to be king one day and you're a commoner. Nevertheless, you hoped he would become aware of your feelings for him and give you the answers you needed. You considered just telling him and talking to him about this but you didn't know how appropriate it was to just confess your love to Briar Valley's heir apparent and you were also worried it might make your friendship awkward.
So you decide to take your chances on Valentine's Day. If he rejected the idea of being involved with you romantically, you could always say you gave him flowers and chocolate because he's a great friend.
You get him a personalized bouquet with flowers you associate with him and a box of Valentine's chocolates. He doesn't get why you're giving him gifts and he's just like "thank you, my dear friend :) "
He's really happy about it but he only learns about the intention behind the gifts when Lilia educates him later. "Valentine's Day is a celebration in human society that is dedicated to appreciating the one you love", he explains. "Oh...like a best friend?", Malleus smiles. Lilia sighs. "Uh...sometimes...but I think y/n wanted to express that they're in love with you", he puts Malleus out of his misery. Cue the surprised Malleus face™.
Malleus is so unfamiliar with romantic relationships that he doesn't notice he has a crush on someone until someone else makes him aware of it, in this case Lilia.
So Malleus, with his newfound clarity about his feelings for you, decides to make the best out of the rest of Valentine's Day and get you some gifts in return to attempt to court you. Lilia recommends that he stops by the Mystery Shop, since Sam is selling a lot of typical Valentine's gifts today. So Malleus heeds the older fae's advice and buys 3 bouquets of red roses, which Lilia told him are the ones most associated with romantic love, along with a box of chocolates for you too.
There's also a stand in Sam's shop with a bunch of silver rings in ring boxes. The picture above it shows a man going down on one knee and presenting the ring to his significant other. The caption on it says "Give your loved one the ultimate proof of your love". And Malleus finds one with a subtle dragon-themed design and he's like :)
So he goes to you after classes and presents you with the bouquets and the chocolate first. "Y/n....perhaps it took me some time to realize, but I love you. Would you allow me to court you?", Malleus asks. The three bouquets are a bit much but he's got the spirit. You accept and put the bouquets aside for a moment, pulling him into a hug.
Then he pulls out the ring and gets down on one knee in front of you, presenting it to you. You're shocked for a moment, not knowing how to even process what is happening. Three students walk by and stare at the two of you in bewilderment as you frantically try to gesture to them "this is not what it looks like".
You guide Malleus to stand up again and take his hand in yours, squeezing it gently. "I love you, Malleus. But we've only started dating a couple of minutes ago...I can't possibly agree to marry you yet...", you explain softly. Malleus is like "wait what?"
He explains to you how the rings were advertised in the shop and you laugh, putting one on your finger and the other one on his. "Well, an accidental proposal was not on my list of things I expected to happen today, but I will never forget about this", you snicker and Malleus laughs along with you, glad you're taking his awkward mistake with humor, "let's take these rings as a promise of our love for now. We'll worry about the future when we get there."
You gently cup his cheek. "May I kiss you?", you ask and Malleus nods, leaning close until his lips meet yours in a soft and loving kiss. He holds you gently in his arms and looks into your eyes with a happy smile. "I love you, my dearest. Next year you should show me all about celebrating Valentine's Day."
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mwebber · 9 months
THE DAY THE LOOP ENDS, sebastian vettel steps out of his car having won a formula one grand prix. he walks onto the podium to the sound of resounding boos, and indignant shouts, and the suffocating, unbearable force of mark webber's quiet rage beside him.
it's march 24, 2013. he's in malaysia at the moment. that's an understatement; he's been in malaysia for days, weeks, months, if not years. he's abandoned the paddock more than once, hopped on flights out of the country in business class and spent his days in transit alone. he's talked to the most interesting people he's ever met, brokenly stuttering through languages he doesn't speak. he's fucked more people, spreading his legs for anybody who'll look at him twice. he's tried murder, but only once, and in a fit of nihilism, and desperation, and anger. it was messier than trying to end his own existence. he's woken up every morning at seven on the dot on sunday, march 24, by heikki knocking on his door, even if he never falls asleep.
he's spent the most time with mark, which is surprising, or maybe not surprising in the least. in the race, sometimes mark will come first, and sometimes he'll come second. tyres never degrade the same way. the wind blows too hard in one direction. the mercedes boys have a fractious relationship, moreso than even his and mark's, and they pull crazy stunts. pit stops go well and fail miserably at random.
it feels good to win on track and get a leg up over his rival, if only for a day. on his worst days, it feels better to get his leg up in a different sense. those are the nights he spends staring at the digital clock in mark's hotel room, some loops cuddling, other loops so far apart that it's like they've never touched. and he'll tell mark the same story he tells him every time:
i'm stuck reliving the same day over and over again. i don't know how to get out.
depending on how serious he sounds, or how close they are, mark either believes him or doesn't. he's looked the other man in the eyes and confessed his love, or his hate, or any one of the feelings that curl around his heart like barbed wire. it's not like what he say matters much in the end; the clock strikes 12, and then it's 7 in the morning, and heikki is yelling at him to get off his lazy ass.
he's played chicken with the universe for an eternity, and become the worst person he's ever known.
so it's—it needs to be some cosmic joke, right? that this is how it ends? traitor to the team, unnecessary career-killer, champion fallen from grace? after all the terrible things he's done, the actions that stain him forever are the ones he made today?
"i messed up," seb tries to explain while they wait to enter the post-race press conference. "i didn't mean to, i just messed up."
mark can't even look him in the eye.
"yeah, well." he sniffs. "actions have consequences."
i killed you, seb wants to confess. i crashed into you on purpose just to see what would happen, and i snapped your neck and broke your body into pieces.
he swallows empty air, instead. "yeah."
THE DAY AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, hanna asks him what's wrong.
"nothing," he blinks. after all, he's broken free from the clutches of time itself. he's back home with the woman he's committed the rest of his life to. isn't this his happily ever after?
she gives him an uncertain smile. she doesn't press the issue.
TWO DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb thinks about buying a single plane ticket with money he's just earned and flying back to malaysia, no return ticket. just to see if the days have really passed by, if his belongings are still haphazardly shoved in the corner of a hotel room, if he can still knock on the next door over and see mark.
"hanna," he says to an empty room, apropos of nothing. "hanna?"
she's on the porch reading a book. she's been reading the same book for eternity. seb stares at the pages, the words far too small to make out from his viewpoint halfway out the front door.
with a small hum, she glances up at him. "are you okay?"
his vision is doubled through the glass, in the odd way the light refracts off its surface. when he blinks, the effect doesn't lessen.
THREE DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb wakes up at seven in the morning, and sees the time, and stops breathing with a suddenness that leaves him shaking violently.
off your ass, seb, c'mon. let's g—
"we'll get a lawyer," hanna promises him, darkly, her voice tight and irritated and jesus fucking christ, seb wants to swear. she won't let the axe fall on his neck. why won't she let the axe fall on his neck?
FIVE DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb drives like a madman all the way to the nearest city proper so he can buy a newspaper. he's dressed in old sweatpants and hasn't washed his hair in days (weeks, months, years? no, it was tuesday, it was just tuesday—) and he probably looks like a complete lunatic, shoving too much money at the stranger running the kiosk just to grip the paper with white knuckles and sprint back to his car and breathe so hard in the driver's seat he almost passes out. but there it is: march 29. 2013.
SIX DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, and seb is supposed to be much farther along in his prep for china than he is. red bull has some red bullshit lined up, some PR nonsense that he's contractually obligated to fulfill next week. it's infinitely strange to think about the future.
A WEEK AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb is convinced he's back inside it. it's seven in the morning. somebody is knocking on the door. it's sunday. if he opens his eyes, he will see the popcorn ceiling of the hotel room and—
A WEEK AND A DAY AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb is not sure what to do about mark crashing their place. hanna treats him politely like a houseguest, though her stiff smile belies the anger seb knows she feels.
it's probably not his fault, he could say. that damned manager of his, she gets into his head. sometimes he'll tell me as much after he rips a new hole in my ass with his cock.
"i killed you," he admits, bluntly, finally, like a dull knife that's broken through skin.
he sips at his tea. it burns his tongue.
mark, to his credit, does not flinch. "you'll wish you killed me."
A WEEK AND TWO DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, and they are on a flight to china.
"i've jumped out of a plane before," says seb to mark's sleeping face. "i've punched a man and opened the emergency door and jumped out without a parachute."
"no, you haven't," mark mumbles tiredly, his eyebrows furrowing and a thunderous frown creeping onto the thin line of his mouth. he's right. seb didn't punch a man; he simply opened the rear door when the stewards weren't there and let himself plummet.
"i think i'm stuck again." seb confesses. they're words better reserved for god or some other deity, not his teammate.
this time, mark opens his eyes.
"it's so much worse for me," he murmurs, "if you feel bad."
"i don't feel bad." this is a fundamental misunderstanding. seb doesn't really regret what he did in malaysia; he'd do it again, in any and every time loop.
mark snorts softly, and turns his head to the aisle. "whatever."
A WEEK AND THREE DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb wakes up in a hotel room. it's seven in the morning. heikki and britta are arriving in a couple hours. the ceiling is smooth white paint.
still half-undressed, he pads barefoot to the door, and shuts one eye, and squints out the peephole at the warped hallway. the optical illusion sometimes feels more real than the straight lines and straight lanes that define his schedule.
A WEEK AND FOUR DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb sits alone at a press conference for two and tries not to blink.
"i was racing. i was faster. i passed him." i've imagined the sound of mark webber's spine being ripped from his body vertebra by vertebra. "i won."
A WEEK AND FIVE DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb is back in the car. it's like no time has passed at all.
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deargravity · 3 months
Akashi for the ask thing: 2,4,5 and 26:What's your opinion of Bokushi and his integration during extra game?
that's an interesting question, i'm so excited to answer.
questions from this
2. favourite canon thing about this character?
uh where to begin. i'm so endeared by his inability to make jokes. i think he's tried and he's always seemed awkward, so he doesn't attempt to make any jokes unless he's around the rest of teiko gang. it's just so cute to me for obvious reasons. i like that he's bad at making jokes but i also like the idea of him trying to crack one around his closest friends because he's not afraid of being viewed as awkward. (i don't know about anyone else but i'm very obsessed with him having the privilege to be his honest and messy self around those in his intimate circle. everyone is also endeared by his jokes, or lack thereof.)
also the fact that he looks like his mother. devastating. i love it and hate it. imagine growing up with the face in the mirror and learning to look yourself in the eye and see everything you've lost and can't get back.
everything about him is incredibly endearing to me. i just chose the one at the forefront of my mind.
4. if you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
SHERLOCK HOLMES. i'm a big fan of everything sherlock holmes and akashi's intelligence and history match very well with someone who could either be a great detective or a criminal mastermind. i do want to see him in detective fiction of literally any kind. a cozy mystery, specifically, i think he'd be such a beloved narrator or protagonist (i may be biased because i love him but i still think he's the kind of character who grows on the audience very fast). i'd want him written in a 21st century mystery novel though, maybe pepper in a little bit of espionage to keep things interesting.
i'd also love to put him in a Jekyll and Hyde narrative because it would be fun to experiment with. i think it would be a nice way to dive into oreshi and bokushi's separate world views & concepts of morality and self. of course, i'd change up the script because i'm not a fan of Jekyll and Hyde being used as a reference for any kind of dissociative disorder, but i think i'd like to use the setting to assess akashi's psychology on a deeper, more technical level. i want to access his headspace and watch oreshi & bokushi's internal exchanges and characters more than anything else, so it might not even have a plot. i just need to poke around his brain a little. if that makes sense.
i think at this point i should just attempt to write an academic paper on him.
5. what's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
buy 1 get 2 free.
26. what's your opinion on bokushi and his integration during extra game?
i love bokushi. my little guy. he is the embodiment of akashi's maladaptive mechanisms. he's grandiose because he can't afford to admit his own faults or weaknesses - akashi has never been allowed to fail or be vulnerable growing up - because he's associated it with abandonment. he has to command deference because he feels unworthy of love, or incapable of being loved, because akashi has grown up being praised by his father without ever feeling like he was loved. that expression on his face when murasakibara offered him a hand to stand up during extra game, how unexpected it was that anyone would want to care for him after he's fallen, after they've seen the cause of his shame in that moment. he does care for his team and he is protective but he doesn't know how to express it. at his core, he's struggling with a lot of shame and fear that he doesn't know how to handle. i love him.
as for the integration, i'm overall indifferent to it. and i'll explain why. i'll try to keep my narrative and technical analysis separate but i can't insulate them completely from each other.
firstly, i guess it worked in the narrative sense. akashi had to accept himself in his entirety to perform his best, even the parts of him that he's afraid / ashamed of. it's also symbolic of how bokushi and oreshi had to accept each other to create a cohesive, skilled player, and how, despite bokushi's past mistakes, he is still essential to akashi's function. also i don't feel much for extra game sorry, so this is the extent to which i can care about it.
in the technical sense, i don't think bokushi would have disappeared like that so instantly and definitively. akashi's osdd clearly stems from the trauma of his childhood which, in large part, seems to go unaddressed most of the time and the progress he's made (as bokushi and oreshi) can be credited to his own efforts in isolation. i like to think of that bit in extra game as bokushi and oreshi co-fronting or, basically, working together with their specific skill sets to achieve victory, which again is symbolic of the concept of teamwork that is central to knb's theme. the scene specifically illustrates the necessity of interpersonal and intrapersonal cohesion to achieve victory. which i thought was nice. though i don't think bokushi would have simply disappeared after that. he's shown a lot of growth himself and might appear occasionally during times of akashi's distress or when his fear of abandonment becomes salient & unmanageable. i think in the future, bokushi and oreshi definitely either work together or they take turns, depending on the situations that specifically trigger each of them to the front. i think akashi is doing his best, and so are his two selves, and they're getting better and better at becoming a cohesive whole but that's more of a long-term vision i have for akashi.
i hope that makes some kind of sense. thank you so much for this interesting question, i really enjoyed thinking about it and answering it.
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123pixieaod · 9 months
oh my god your girl daniel was so amazing!!! it was such a treat to read and if you ever have any more thoughts about that universe i would love to hear it!!! <3
Anon, do I ever!!!!
Firstly thank you so much for the kind words 💖 I had never written girl Daniel before so I'm so happy you think she works :)))
Secondly, yes. Yes I do. You have either opened Pandoras Box or a can of worms, depending on which allegory takes your fancy, because I literally cannot stop thinking about insecure Girl Daniel, and what would happen next to her (so I apologise in advance for the upcoming rambles lol).
So, after the time in the gym, Daniel phones Michelle and Michelle has about zero sympathy for her because she is a Working Mother™️ and thinks (possibly correctly) Daniel is a single millionaire professional sportswoman and has no right to be having problems (again going back to this deep rooted misogyny that for a woman having a family is the most important calling for them, and everything else paled in comparison).
And basically Michelle tells Daniel that of course Max would say and think that because Daniel always acts like a 'one of the boys', even as a little child, and dresses as if she doesn't care what people think of her (jealousy now from Michelle that she never felt like she could be that free???)
So Daniel gets off the call and basically decides to change, and the first thing she does is gets fake nails put on. And she goes for these little gell ones with flowers on because Flowers are Feminine.
But at the next race weekend, walking back after the press conference with Max, she realises that the nail onher ring finger has fallen off and just starts to ... cry. Because it feels like the universe's big fat way of telling her she's never going to be desirable and no man will ever want to marry her (and ofc by no man she means Max, but accepting how utterly in love with him she is feels like defeat in a different way). And Max is walking with her to the motorhome of Red Bull/ Alpha Tauri and is slightly freaking out because 😰why is Daniel just staring at her hands😰why is she nearly crying😰 and he asks and that does make her burst into tears because she just feels so pathetic in that moment, and the only thing she can say is one of her new gel nails fell off and she walks away before he can say anything else.
That evening she pretends she's feeling a bit unwell so gets to stay in her driver room and eat dinner alone and feels slightly less miserable because she now has an Even Better Plan ™️ and so she pulls off all the fake nails (flowers? How old is she, six?) and calls her mum asking for advice and is half way through listening to her mums step by step process for straightening her hair when there's a knock on her door and it's Max holding out the lost nail. And as soon as Daniel opens the door he marches in complaining that she should be more careful and that it was under the couch and he got such strange looks from the staff so the next time she should not be so upset over a nail and instead just take another from the box and replace it, and all Daniel is able to say is she didn't buy the gell nails in a box she got them done directly at a nail salon and Max just blinks out at her. And then nods, and mumbles that Kelly orders her online and they come on a box with extra. He looks away as he gentle places the sole gell nail down on her table.
"I suppose it is a good thing then I got it for you, if you had no spares," he mumbles, cheeks suddenly warm, and Daniel just nods and stutters a "thank you" and Max nods again as if they've both been caught doing something embarrassing and leaves quickly. And then Daniel is staring at the nail that Max went back and searched for and found, just for her, and then goes to retrieve all the others she ripped off and begins to carefully glue them back on, refusing to think about what any of it could mean.
ANYWAY then it's time for Daniel's Big Plan™️. This is where she gets her hair professionally straightened and begins to smile with only her lips and tries not to laugh because Girls Don't Have Loud Honking Laughs and wears long sleeves to hide her tattoos and when she's going out she wears dresses and she finally shaves her legs and she learns to wear makeup and trims her eyebrows and waxes the hair on her upper lip and begins to wear jewellery (but only clipon earrings because her race engineer tells her she would be a fucking idiot to try and get her ears pieced and then expect them to not get infected while wearing a racing helmet).
And for a while, she feels good. She feels really good. She likes the way her mother keeps texting her photos that the f1 photographers take of her and telling her how beautiful she looks now. She likes her sister texting her advice on which shoes go with which dresses and saying she's glad Daniel's finally grown up ("usually the tomboy phase only lasts a few years, not two and a bit decades, but at least you're out the other side of it"). She gets attention too, papers writing of "Ricciardo's New Look!" and articles on her "killer figure previously hidden under oversized clothing".
She likes it and she lives for the moment at at a party when they're both drunk and Max brushes his fingers over her long, silver, dangley earrings, saying "pretty," and Daniel feels her chest contracting and Max suddenly drops his hand as if the silver burns, and he looks at her and she looks back and he blinks, Maldives-blue eyes meeting her dark ones lined with eyeliner. "Thanks," she whispers, and he just jerks a nod and then takes a step back, as if there wasn't enough oxygen for the two of them that close together.
But then it slowly turns sour. She gets tired of constantly trying, constantly waking up early to do her makeup and constantly ignoring her favourite, baggy clothes in favour of new, tight shirts and dresses her sister recommends. Her mother sends her another photo, but this time it's just accompanied with "That's a bit revealing don't you think Dani?" When she facetimes her dad with her new smooth, straight hair and makeup and a smile that's always closelipped, he looks sad as he smiles back at her.
She comes P3 at the race before the summer break, and goes out wearing a sequined purple dress her sister encouraged her to buy, which once she wouldn't even consider wearing (she knows her mother would call it borderline obscene with its plunging neck line and high hem). At the last moment, she puts on the earrings Max complimented, refusing to think about the warmth in her chest as she clips them on.
At the party, she gets drunk and finds Max, and he's drinking and Kelly is there too, and she just looks so perfect, and suddenly Daniel feels like a little girl playing dress up. It all comes so natural to Kelly. She doesn't have to try to be feminine and beautiful. She just is. And Max isn't. No matter how many dresses she buys or makeup, she wears or hair heels she nearly twists her ankles on, she won't be Kelly. That's the sort of beauty you're born with, the sort Daniel is so clearly deficient in.
She wants to leave, but Max sees her before she can and weaves his way to her. His cheeks are flushed from drink, and he's wearing a white shirt with the top buttons undone, and he looks so good that she wants to die. "Your earrings," he says, blinking at them before meeting her gaze. "I talked to Victoria. About you."
"Cheers for letting me know," Daniel tries to make a joke but it sounds too bitter to land. Max frowns, no doubt picking up on her tone.
"No, I mean... what I said about you earrings. Last time. About them being pretty."
Daniel suddenly can't breathe. The club is too busy, too dark, too noisy, too much. She wants to leave, wants to suspend this moment in Amber and let his sentence stay unfinished.
"I did not mean it."
And Daniel barks a laugh, her chest aching like it's being crushed. She's so fucking stupid.
"No wait," Max says quickly, cheeks growing hotter. "I did not - I mean, of course I meant it. But they are just earrings. They are pretty because you are wearing them, and you are pretty. I do not -"
"Hi," Kelly materialises beside them, wrapping a perfect, unblemished arm around Max's waist. "Congratulations on the podium Daniel," she says in her sensual accent, the cadence smooth and so unlike the musical, messy lilt of Daniel's Australian one.
She forces a smile. Close lip. She refuses to look at Max. She makes up some excuse about not having a drink. She leaves them.
And then the night gets even more messy and Daniel gets even more drunk and ends up on the dance floor with some creep who keeps putting his hands on her ass no matter how many times she grabs them and raises them to her waist and then a tiny voice is asking her what the fuck are you doing and she leaves and the air is cold on her cheeks and her bare arms and shaven legs and her smooth hair keeps flying into her eyes and she's hugging herself as she's walking aimlessly, and then someone calls her name and it's Max, looking exhausted but significantly more sober then before.
"I did not mean what I said," he continues stubbornly, an echo of previous words, the moment that triggered her desperate attempt to change, sparking this whole fuck up.
"I looked for you," he says with a frown as if Daniel was a misbehaving child.
She snaps, "Maybe I didn't want to see you," and he blinks as if she's slapped him, as if the thought never even occurred to him.
"Yes you did. You always mean what you say." Daniel hugs herself tighter. She looks away. She wants to cry.
"Yes," he allows after a beat. "Okay, I meant what I said but I did not say it how I meant to. I just meant that the earrings are not the things which made you pretty, that -"
"And Victoria told you to say that, did she?" Daniel says, voice back to bitterness.
"No, she didn't," Max replies, his own tone beginning to sound annoyed, like Daniel is intentionally vexing him. "But she did tell... well, she made me think, and what I think is that you are not very happy, Daniel."
Daniel jerks her head up, staring at him.
"Happy," he repeats, brows knitted together. "I do not think you are happy."
Nobody has said that to her. She has been praised or accused, her new look attracting attention and labels and names. But in all the rush and noice and chatter, nobody had said that.
"I am happy," she says after a pause, mind racing. "Of course I'm happy. Why wouldn't I be happy?"
His lips thin. "You do not smile any more. Not like how you used to."
Daniel barks out a laugh, feeling something in her chest constrict even further.
So then they have a Big Argument and Max says he does not understand why she has changed her appearance so much if it's making her so miserable and he does not like how she dresses and acts because she's not laughing or smiling anymore and she is not happy. Daniel snaps back that maybe she doesn't give two shits about what he thinks (the irony burning her from the inside out) and the argument gets even worst and eventually Daniel storms off and Max doesnt follow her.
When she gets home she just lays on her bed and cries and doesn't even bother taking off her makeup, even though she knows her mother would scold her and say she'll get spots.
It's summer break and Daniel watches as Kelly posts photo after photo of Max on holidays with her family, and Daniel just... gives up. She didn't care. It was never possible, because she's not like women like Kelly. She's Daniel, and no amount of straightened hair or revealing dresses will change that.
So she throws it all out. She bags all her new clothes into bin bags and leaves it anonymously outside a charity shop. She throws out all her makeup. She gives her straightener to a alpha tauri worker for their daughter. She lets the hair on her upper lip grow back. She goes back to her baggy shirts and ancient ripped jeans and frizzy hair. She stops caring, and it's one of the most freeing things she's ever done. She's Daniel again, Daniel with the crazy curls and oversized shirts. Daniel. Herself again.
Everyone is disappointed. Her mother barely speaks for the entire facetime they do, her lips thin in disapproval as she takes in Daniel's altered style. Her sister snaps at Daniel for wasting her time looking for advice if she was just going back to not bothering about how she looks. The papers declare "Babe-cardo is gone" and publish photos of her wearing dresses and make up as if it's a eulogy.
She is nervous to see Max again, waiting for his expression to fall as he sees she's back to being messy, ugly Daniel. Instead, his face lights up when he walks into the meeting room and sees her. They haven't spoken since their fight, haven't even texted, but Daniel blurts out a stupid joke about how even under the Mediterranean sun Max still has the colouring of a sickly Victorian child, but Max laughs and then Daniel laugh, back to her honking laugh which makes everyone turn and look at her, and just like that she knows her and Max are back to normal.
Only it's more than normal. When everyone else looks at her like she's a let down, Max smiles as if he never quite wants to stop looking at her. When some reporter asks in a patronising manner if she was trying different hair textures to see which is more aerodynamic, Max replies before Daniel can even begin to form a polite PR answer, pointing out George now has a middle parting, and surely that's much more important news then Daniel's curls, and everyone laughs and looks at George as he blushes and tries to stammer out a response. But Daniel just looks at Max, who looks back from across the opposite side of the interviewing coach. And she grins, and then Max grins back and laughs softly, looking away.
And this is pretty much the point where the tags on the fic begin. Max and Daniel are somehow closer than ever. Max keeps giving her compliments, which is new, but they're always such Max compliments Daniel can't help but laugh as he says them. Like "you are only a few seconds behind me, they is very good" or "Daniel, is your bagpack new it is very lovely and big" about a rucksack he's definitely seen her with about a hundreds time before (((but the compliments are never about her physical appearance, which Daniel never actually realises and possibly Max doesnt even realise it either. She's just Daniel, and it's her smile and her sense of humour and her liveliness which makes her beautiful to Max, not how she styles her hair or which clothes she wears))).
So then Daniel finally wins a race and Max is the first to hug her tightly and tell her how amazing she is and how lovely her drive was and of course if be hasn't had engine problems then she would've had a proper fight on her hands but he is sure it is the first of many podiums they'll share and Daniel's just laughing and hugging him back and on the podium she gets Max to do a shoey but holds her shoe to his lips and watches as the champaign runs down over his lips and the buldge of his Adams apple moves with his swallowing and she suddenly feels very drunk and slightly ill, knowing she can't have any of it but now after making her peace with it.
And down below Kelly is like 🤨🤨🤨 and doesn't understand because Max definitely didn't desire Daniel when she tried to be pretty (not very successfully either, she thinks) so how could he find her desirable now in a sweaty race suit and with inked arms dusted with dark hair and wild curls which are more frizz then anything else and a smile which seems almost cartoonist its so unnaturally big???? But she knows what she saw, watching him gently brush a few wayward curls away which had been glued to Daniel's forehead and cheeks by the champaign, watching him drink from her shoe, watching him smile at Daniel as if she's the only thing he can see.
So that night she gives him an ultimate. He has to stop seeing Daniel, or else she'll leave. And Max is like wtf Kelly isn't like other girls she's secure!!! And it's just Daniel!!!! And Kelly just snaps its pathetic and embarrassing how obviously he pines after the weirdo, and Max just goes very still and Kelly tells him Daniel is probably a lesbian anyway from how she dresses (we bringing all types of internalised misogyny in this fic🫠) and they wouldn't make any sense but him and Kelly are perfect, and Max just nods because he doesn't... him and Kelly make Sense. She's beautiful and classy and his dad tells Max that he picked well with her and people in f1 always tell him how lucky he is to have such a beautiful girlfriend and his mum writes "Max and Kelly" in letters now and somehow Max nodding is equating to him texting Daniel, Kelly dictating exactly what to say.
And Daniel gets the text and just sort of feels herself falling apart and it's so unfair because he said her earrings were pretty and then took it back, how could Kelly possibly think she's a threat to her?? But Daniel does what Max asks and doesn't text him and he doesn't text her and at the next race they acknowledge each other as nothing more then professional coworkers and Daniel wonders if this is what heartbreak is like, and how losing Max as a friend is a thousand times worse than when she admitted to herself he'd never find her desirable.
She goes back to Monaco for the two week break. She buys a photo of a shark, this one swimming and alive and looking so real she swears his eyes follow her. She hangs it in her living room. She loves it. She buys flowers. She cleans her apartment. She tries to learn to bake.
Then, a knock on her door. She's half way through baking a possibly unsaveble batch of brownies (she got the salt and sugar mixed up :((( ) and opens the door with an old Red Bull apron, a lá a Red Bull PR Christmas videos from years back, and hair in a wild mess and tattered Aussie slippers and there's Max. And even before she can comprehend he's standing there with a bouquet of especially drooping flowers he's marching in past her, going to the cabinet to get a vase all while complaining about how awful the florists in Monaco are and how they fucked up his order and how one day he will take her to the Netherlands, proper, not just for a race, and show her the tulips fields and then she will get proper flowers and and and and -
And Daniel is just standing by the still open door, staring at him, distantly wondering if she's astronomically fucked up the oven temperatures and this is CO2 poisoning. Max suddenly stills, stopping mid sentence to worry his lip before turning and blurting out "You're not a lesbian, are you?"
And Daniel is so shocked she bursts out laughing and Max's cheeks flood warm and he quickly says that of course it would be fine if she is, he has lots of gay and bi friends and besides, he knows he likes Daniel in a lot of ways and he would be happy having her as a friend because she's his best one and he -
And Daniel takes pitying on him and finally says no Max I'm not a lesbian and Max just sort of nods and looks away, and Daniel finally shuts the door but can't stop staring at him and then she laughing again, but in delight and happiness and joy as she finally realises what he said and what he meant, and then Max is laughing too and she can still feel the smile on his lips when they kiss.
And they have wonderful, pent-up-longing-finally-released make out session in her kitchen and then Daniel's alarm goes off and they spring apart as if they're teenagers caught misbehaving and Daniel looks at Max and Max looks back at her and then she grins and he looks so relieved and smiles back.
"I have wanted to do that for a long time," Max admits softly, cheeks blazing as he helps Daniel cut the brownies into squares. She looks at him but he won't meet her eye and then it somehow comes out in mutters and blushes that he's liked her for literal years, but of course she would not like someone like him, she's too cool and free and extroverted, and he moved on and Daniel just can't believe it (((Max loves her for things which aren't her physical appearance!!!)))) and tells Max he's an idiot and when he looks up at her in surprise, she kisses him.
And then Max tries her brownie and Daniel is weirdly afraid something mightve changed between them now but he takes one bite and makes a face and tells her she has always been a bit of a shit cook but this is astronomically shit and Daniel laughs and playfully shoves him and then tries a piece and can't even pretend to enjoy it. They throw it out and Max orders from their favourite Chinese and then life gets bigger and bigger and Max doesnt care if Daniel dresses smart or casual or shave or wears make up, but the one thing he insists on is she not straighten her hair again because he likes to wind the curls around his fingers and tug softly on then. Daniel somehow smiles even more and her laugh is even louder but she no longer cares, and the shark painting in her living room continues to watch her with bright, black eyes and Max eats all the ice cream left in her freezer that she hasn't been able to touch and each time she thinks she can't get any happier, Max will or complain about her thick hair clogging up the shower drain or ban her from cooking unless he's there to supervise and keep the salt and sugar separate or or or
And it goes on like that, happy and in love :)))
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
fluff prompt 35 with Robin? 🥺
Finally fluff Robin! I'm tired of always breaking her heart 🙂
"We’ve been celebrating our wedding anniversary on the wrong day for the past nine years."
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Robin and Y/N have been married for around 9 years. They fell in love during the whole upside down fiasco. Y/N was an old friend of Steve's when they all first discovered the upside down. Once it was all settled she moved to California, hoping to leave it behind her. But when Steve called a few years later saying it's worse than ever, she was right back in Hawkins. She figured she'd kill some creatures, gain new fears and be done with this shit. But what she didn't expect was to fall in love during the worst possible time.
The second Steve introduced her to a loud, fast talking, and sarcastic girl, she was screwed. She learned her name was Robin and a new friend of Steve's. A friend that Steve made very clear, with a horrible wink, was definitely gay. Y/N remembered punching Steve but secretly thanking him for giving her a heads up.
Fighting vecna and trying to stay alive was most important, not trying to flirt with the gorgeous dark haired and blue eye goddess she got partnered up with. Once again, thanks to Steve. But that didn't mean Y/N couldn't look at her from time to time. She even went as far to throw herself around Robin when the ground began to shake. Steve watched with a smirk as both girls blushed a deep red.
When Y/N was saying her goodbyes and heading back to California, Robin asked her on a date. Robin knew she'd hate herself if she never went for it. Plus Y/N saved her life twice in the upside down, she deserves to buy her dinner, right?
Before they knew it Robin and Y/N were calling each other daily. Sending love letters day after day. Planning trips to visit each other. Months went on and turned into years. Steve annoyingly takes credit for their relationship, and makes sure that they both know it.
Their engagement was slightly different from others. Both girls wanted to propose to each other in different ways. Y/N had Joyce helping her and Robin had Steve. All four making the most special and romantic proposal ever. But Y/N and Robin ruined it for each other. Both were getting too excited to wait, and accidentally proposed too early, at the wrong place and at the same time. Joyce and Steve wanted to be mad at all their hard work going to waste. But when both girls showed up with two diamond rings on each other's fingers with the biggest smile they've ever seen, they let it slide. They decided they didn't need a big proposal for each other. Asking at what felt like the right moment felt more like them.
At their wedding, Steve's whole speech was how he planned it all out for them. Both brides rolled their eyes but laughed along. They did owe Steve, because without him they never would have fallen in love.
"baby, which restaurant do you want to go to for our anniversary?" Y/N asked as she sat next to Robin on the couch.
"tough call. Maybe the same place we've been going to for the last 9 years." She laughed as she pretended to think.
"I can't believe it's been that long. I think Steve's payment plan of marrying you is coming up around the 10 year mark. Better soak it up now." Y/N joked.
Robin faked laughed, "haha funny." She said with a smile. Smacking her wife's shoulder.
As Y/N waited for Robin to finish getting ready, she looked through their wedding book. Smiling at the memories.
"I can't get over how fucking beautiful you looked this day." Y/N sighed as she stared at her wife's beaming smile in her white suit.
"just that night?" Robin asked, clipping her necklace as she walked to sit next to Y/N.
"you know you look beautiful all the time." Y/N kissed her cheek. Laughing as her red lipstick stained Robin's cheek.
Together they looked through the book. Stopping in confusion at their wedding invitation.
"wait Rob, the date, is that right?" She asked, showing Robin the piece of paper.
Robin looked at it closely with scrunched eyebrows.
"that can't be right. We got married on October 13th!" She said, snatching the book and looking at it closer.
"the invitation says the 15th Robin! There's no way that's wrong. It's the actual invitation we sent out." Y/N tried to explain.
"Are you saying that we’ve been celebrating our wedding anniversary on the wrong day for the past nine years?" Robin asked
"babe, I think we have."
Both erupted in a huge laugh. Eyes watering and gasping for air as they held their stomaches.
"only us baby. Only us." Y/N sighed out, stomach still in pain from laughing so hard.
"well shit, do we start celebrating on the 15th instead?" Robin asked
"nah, the 13th will be our always." Y/N said with a smile.
Both not knowing their anniversary just made them even more perfect for each other
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banfiyunna · 8 months
Does the immortal value currency in any way? Like they've lived long enough to see it change, and economies get built. As well as grow and fall. Do they think it's pointless and that people should just share resources, and take care of eachother, or do they actually think it's an okay system. They'd need money for a place to stay and clothes (I don't remember if they need food or not). But do they have any thoughts?
I feel like they'd carry old money, just as a keepsake. To remember a time that is long gone. It helps them remember the past, the times, the rulers (good and bad), the empires of old (long fallen), the friends that'd cared enough for them to loan the change, the plethora of colourful and carefree markets they'd set foot in on warm sunny days, and old trinkets that no longer exist which could have been purchased when the currency was still in use, all lost to the ever present ticking of time.
Maybe they believe it's arguably better for honoring and remembering history (and their past experiences), than gaining material goods.
Sorry I'm in a writing mood.
Suki im kissing you so hard rn you've got no idea how much I love your writing mood
They think the current currency system failed in every single way possible it could have failed and what once looked like an okay idea just went on and became pure living hell. Like, don't get me wrong, they were never a big fan of it (taxes are never fun), but today's way of using it is just ridiculous
They do find it kinda pointless, but then again, a lot of things became pointless along the years
They wish people took more care of each other, things might have been a little better then
Money is stupid but they do their best to save some anyway
They absolutely do! Whatever time and people didn't yank out of their hands, they keep. Gold, copper, a note, a bracelet, a doll. If it's a gift, they cherish.
They miss the markets and the chattering on the street, miss dancing on festivals and songs people no longer sing. But those times are alive as long as they remember it
They do love the funky sweaters you can buy nowadays though
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kfanopinions · 2 years
Jaehyun's Ideal Type (Astrology Based)
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just like with johnny, i'm going to look at his moon and venus placements. and just like johnny's i won't be looking into the aspects part so this may just be surface level information. when i'm more knowledgeable about aspects i will update the information here.
2nd House Moon
love don't cost a thing people with a moon in the 2nd house can have a tendency to spend their money on making gifts or gifting people they love with items which as we know, buying someone's love is not healthy. his ideal type will need to remind him that they love him for him and not what he can buy them
financial stability this provides them with security. they are very materialistic in this house placement so his ideal type may want to make sure that they themselves are financially secured or have a job that provides them a decent amount of money. this will help lessen the burden on jaehyun's shoulders
don't expect hearts and roses contrary to popular belief of jaehyun being the "valentine's boy" he is a man of culture. he may express his love through artistic means (song writing for example) people with this placement can seem reserved and cold so someone who wants him to be super loving and showering them with admiration...find someone else
sensitivity is a no go people with this placement say what they mean and mean what they say. they don't mean to hurt people's feelings but they won't bullsh*t you. so he will need someone who doesn't get sensitive if he...tells it like it is
all that glitters is gold money is very important to this aspect. if you wondered why jaehyun just reeks of culture and "expense" this is why. he may want someone who has that same appeal
admiration also glitters he wants to be admired and adored. having a partner who does this will be good for his ego
home is where the heart is...and valuables okay this man seriously likes nice things. he will want to surround himself with nice things. (if you have ever seen the movie thumbelina, i'm thinking of mr. mole) he loved having diamonds, ruby's, money, everything because it made him feel valued. jaehyun could be the same way. he needs someone who can deal with his mood swings that may go from over spending to being very frugal (these money mood swings are very intriguing)
Taurus Moon
patience with jaehyun having his moon in taurus, he is incredibly patient. someone who is a "dive in heads first" type of person may make him a little apprehensive. he analyzes things and waits for them to arrive on his "doorstep"
routine unlike johnny who may have a tendency to dislike/hate routine - jaehyun likes this type of lifestyle and may want someone who he knows will be home at this time, or works from this shift to the next. he may also end up having his future household run on a routine-like basis (why am i seeing the dad with the whistle from sound of music?)
you want love? earn it! no joke this made me f*cking laugh. i need to rant for two seconds...all these young girls thinking jaehyun will be a hearts and roses man just because he is born on valentine's day need to get their heads out the arses. this man will not give his love to anyone until, like i said, they've earned it. he needs someone who is REAL not fake, not "if i do x,y,z...this will make him love me." he needs someone to show him who they are and nothing more (also being independent cuz just like johnny this man is busy)
keep the manipulation for someone else like i said above, realness is important. he doesn't want to be manipulated. he doesn't want people around him who can use him/hurt him. with this placement he may seem cool on the outside. he may even smile and wave but that does not equal what is on the inside
if you get flowers and hearts, celebrate now i know i said he isn't a hearts and flowers guy, but he is romantic. this is ONLY when he has fallen for someone. not "liking" not "intrigued" but FALLEN HEAD OVER HEELS for someone
you must be this fine to ride this ride this is by no means an indication that jaehyun is shallow. i want to make that clear right here and now. he lives an aesthetic lifestyle. the coffee shop vibes, the vinyl records. no joke the man can be attracted to someone who looks just as good on his arm as he would look good on his own arm rofl
finishing school anyone? kate middleton/amal clooney are women who come to mind. seriously, a person who is well-mannered, educated, cultured, respectful and knows what they want
love you to the moon and back when jaehyun has fallen in love he will be EXTREMELY loyal. he will want this in return and he will want someone he can build a future/life together with. as long as the words of affirmation keep rolling in he'll come back for more each and every time without fail
damsel in distress "i want you to want me." "i need you to need me" he likes to feel needed and to be depended on. makes him feel competent. if his partner has a problem or needs his help he will jump at the opportunity to help them. even if his partner can open up the pickle jar...let him do it every blue moon lol
ready willing and able jaehyun is the type of guy who like i said above likes to feel useful. this can also put him in financially difficult positions. money does mean a lot to him, but if he needs to help a loved one - he will do so. so someone who can be that bridge in between when things do get hairy financially but also who reminds him that again, money doesn't always buy happiness (this is hard to describe)
stubborn as a...bull taurus is one of those signs that values the home, wealth, possessions (if you weren't getting this gist by now) but there is something else...if ANYTHING threatens this he will not budge at all. this also includes people who he holds dear. his partner needs to understand this and hopefully as someone who he holds dear he will not compromise anything that will hurt him or his partner
tender love when in love jaehyun will give everything to his partner. seriously he isn't one to fall for people easily so this should be taken as AMAZING! with this placement it talks about giving his partner the world almost. he just needs someone special
hurtful comments hit twice as hard someone who will not hurt him. despite his cool calm and collective self and even cold matter of fact personality, if he gets hurt - because of this loving and giving nature, it's like doing 2x, 3x the damage that someone else could do
if he's right...admit defeat he will not back down if he knows he is right. his partner needs to understand this and admit defeat and possibly shout it for all to hear that he was right and they were wrong lol
okay this segment before i talk about the venus part needs to be discussed. jaehyun has an aqurius sun and a taurus moon which means things are...at odds...
Aquarius Sun + Taurus Moon
indifference jaehyun's partner will need to be interesting. if he doesn't find them interesting he won't bother to get to know them. he's a "why waste my time if there is nothing there" type of person. this can also be involved with other people outside of a romantic interest
scandal be gone jaehyun's goal is to live a peaceful life. just like johnny someone he can take home to momma is ideal
the occult (?) this is kind of funny...jaehyun may be interested in psychics/fortune telling. he has an interest in the occult. just gathering as much knowledge as possible. so someone who has a similar interest may be fun to be around
arrogance people with this placement can be arrogant. they know their worth and it can come off as such to other people. they may also be self-obsessed. i know we all know jaehyun is hot. well he knows he's hot as well. it wouldn't surprise me if he takes amazing pride to the point of obsession over his looks. this could also (take this with a grain of salt) be the same with his partner. he may want them to be just as interested in personal health, fitness, and beauty as he is. these people are the nobles. smart, witty, educated, loves to learn, intrigued by beautiful things and people. so if he finds someone who is similar again a bonus
one track mind once he has made up his mind about something he does not change it unless he wants to. it doesn't matter what other people say
positive light only jaehyun wants to be looked at in a certain way so he shows this to the public and not the other side. just like a superhero he has a "secret identity" a "mask" he wears to hide his true self
devotion in unconventional means this is wear things start to get hairy... jaehyun is the type to be devoted when he has once again, fallen for someone. his partner needs to understand this. a don't count your chickens before they're hatched kind of way. he doesn't like to do things that are conventional or normal. think of this as people who are together for over ten years. they may have a couple of kids but they have never been married or have thoughts on getting married. this is an example of an unconventional relationship
the alien a partner who understands that jaehyun will most likely never conform to what he doesn't deem as worthy or worthwhile is best. he is the rebel type. if people go right he may go left if he feels it's better to go left lol
space to express himself the best way he can, he needs freedom in his relationships. a long distance one may be beneficial for him
all roles he wants a friend, a lover, and a sibling because he is playing all those roles as well. he needs the freedom because he's being the supportive friend who is always there for his partner. the lover who is tender and nurturing. the father "man" who brings in financial security and stability. the sibling whom one can goof around with and have interesting conversations with - like he needs a partner who understands this and is like this as well in their own way
contradictions his aquarius side doesn't mind chaos, but his taurus side wants something calm and peaceful. again he can be calm and cool on the outside but on the inside he can be freaking out. finding those subtle clues in his change of demeanor or behavior is something his partner will need to keep in mind in order to help him
he wants all the benefits of a relationship without actually "committing" to someone. aka he wants to have his cake and eat it too. this is also a part of the contradictory behavior. which is why i mentioned a partner who doesn't count their chickens before they're hatched. he may not want someone who is walking around saying they are dating when he's like "dating? thought we were just hanging around?"
curves (?) with this placement he may find people who have curves to be attractive. this does not mean "overweight/obese" but it also doesn't mean it. the key here could be someone who is curvaceous who takes care of their body and mind
quirky but there is another side to this ideal type and that is being a little fickle and irresponsible. he could be attracted to someone like this. it could stem from the "i want you to want me" side
be prepared to be jealous there is a reason why jaehyun is adored so much. women love him and will fall for him. his partner needs to understand this and either hide their jealousy or accept that this is how things are
Aquarius Venus
peek his interest with your mind this says it all. he doesn't get stimulated into finding someone worthy of being a lover until they impress him with their mind. this could be loving music, art, literature, sciences, or a witty remark. don't think for a second that someone can walk in with a skanky dress will get his attention. i mean it might for a one night stand lol and one night only btw. the way to get him interested is to do something worthy of gaining his interest
getting to know all about you he wants to know his partners interests. how their mind works. he's an oddball so again, his partner needs to keep him intrigued
model who? jaehyun wants someone who is more than just a pretty face or someone that is snatched for the gods. again he wants someone who intrigues him. the way they see the world. his ideal type is really surrounded around mental stimulation
no dress code someone who dresses...their own way this is all i will say on this one
not shy just ask if you ever wondered why jaehyun doesn't talk much, well it's because he isn't asked anything. so his type may need to be someone who can get him to talk to them and not the other way around
eccentric so he may have some...interesting tastes. as long as his partner is down for the non-conformist type he'll be even happier
let's talk about s*x baby keep it interesting and exciting but don't go crazy. jaehyun would love someone who doesn't do things that are super typical but at the same time not anything that is risky or out of this world nuts
christian grey if you know who this is picture him before all the mushy parts and you get jaehyun! yay! seriously he doesn't do the lovey dovey mushy crap. sorry to disappoint. he may show his love by buying you something like just as a weird ass example...face masks because he heard they're very good for your skin rofl (and of course they will probably be the expensive kind because...read the above MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!!)
stop with the guessing games jaehyun needs someone to tell him point blank when things aren't going as planned. he doesn't need someone who beats around the bush or has him trying to "figure out" what he did or what went wrong
play hard to get someone who ignores him or seems cold/distant towards him can be one way to peek his interest
ummm cheater? remember how i said he would be devoted to his partner, well, only if they keep things interesting. when things die down and he's learned all he can, experienced all he can with someone aka the boring section of a relationship...well...his detached "i want freedom" "i don't believe in conventional relationships" personality may lead to cheating behavior
family upbringing is important so there is a bright side...once he gets over that hump and he finds someone to commit to he really is loyal. how he was raised will be crucial to his future adult self
let your nerd out he may like someone who is interested in technology
it's hip to be square someone quirky, unusual, strange, weird, the oddball will be super intriguing to him. the weirder his partners mind works the more he'll stick around to see what's next
he also wants to let his freak flag fly as well so his partner needs to be able to handle his weirdness, quirks, unusual behavior in return
12th House Venus
fear okay this is interesting. jaehyun may be afraid that his partner may not love him or like him the same way he does for them. this is because he has a hard time to rationalize his emotions. to express himself on an emotional level (which is why there are no hearts and flowers)
mystery he can find people who have something that they're hiding to be ideal. it keeps his interest in them and he may have fun trying to find out what that secret is
love is a battlefield jaehyun may find someone who is unavailable as desirable or even be the man someone is having an affair with which is definitely unconventional. it also adds that mystery, scandal that keeps him interested. so this could be possible (take this with a grain of salt)
again he may want someone who he cannot have. this came up twice so might as well reiterate it. he may fall for the "wrong person" and have a "forbidden relationship"
find balance he may end up in relationships that aren't well balanced. he needs to find what he wants in his romantic partners and his romantic life before getting into a relationship
anyone up for a foot massage? so this is just an added bonus because it made me laugh. venus rules over passion and the 12th house rules over the feet. so he can be sensitive around his feet. which makes sense because aquarius rules over the ankles/shins/circulatory system aka there are lots of little nerve endings, so this might be a bit of a turn on (take this with a grain of salt and humor)
complications in love the 12th house is the house of pisces which has two fish going in opposite directions. think about trying to go against the current. it's HARD. sitting back and enjoying the pleasing moments will help him in this area instead of trying to fight against it
relationships are home okay so despite all the forbidden love junk, jaehyun is the type that wants to be with someone. things are just...complicated. the nonconventional relationships, forbidden relationships, possible long distance relationships, giving to much in a relationship, not feeling loved, fearing he is not worthy, all of these things complicate his love life.
but when he is in his partners arms, he does feel like he's at home
sorry if this is confusing i tried to sum it up as best as i can. i do want to add just to talk about jaehyun a bit, he may have a secret talent/hobby that no one knows about and he can be amazing at it. the 12th house also talks about loneliness so isolation again that "distance/freedom" can come into play here
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sporesgalaxy · 2 months
I've honestly fallen hard out of love with TOH but I think your Cataclysm content is very fun still <3
How's Scrangle doing in the SV DLC, if you've gotten there yet?
aw thank you!
And oh gosh Scrangle still isn't even halfway through the main story of Violet haha! I'm. very slow. They've been training up to fight the gym leaders on Glaseado mountain for a while. I'm not planning to buy the dlc as of right now, unless something seems really on brand for Scrangle
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Plz send halp.
I have fallen down a MewTul rabbit hole and I can't get out.
Things Mew has said about his faen:
~Has blood type O (Tul's blood type is O)
~Lives in NYC (Tul lives in NYC)
~Was with him at New Year's (Tul was with him over New Year's)
~Is currently not active in the entertainment industry (Tul has retired to finish grad school)
~Thai reporters probably already know his faen (Tul is already known to Thai reporters)
~Does not like or play football (Tul hates football)
~Have met each other's parents (They've obviously met each other's parents)
~Is sulking because Mew is slow to answer his phone (Tul has several times, quite publicly on social media, sulked over Mew not answering his calls)
~The most expensive thing he bought his faen was a bag worth 100,000 baht (He bought Tul a Bottega Veneta bag worth 100,000 baht)
~His faen sent him a video of them singing Blood Type B in English that day (earlier that same day Tul posted then deleted a video of himself singing Blood Type B in English to his IG Stories, ie he probably meant to DM it to someone or filter who saw it)((THIS IS VERY SPECIFIC AND WHAT ARE THE CHANCES))
~He's traveled abroad with his faen (Mew and Tul have been to both Vietnam and NYC together)
~Their love blossomed while filming Ocean Eyes (Tul also worked on Ocean Eyes)
~They don't announce their relationship but they don't hide it either. They go out in public together and it's fine if fans see them together. (Fans have spotted Tul and Mew together many times, and they both appear in each other's and other's IG stories often. Meanwhile, there aren't any consistent fan sightings of Mew with anyone else.)
Things that make me go hmmm:
Mew has twice called Tul his "baby" in English.
Mew has said his happiest memory is in Chiang Mai (he and Tul just went there together over New Year's).
When at the hotel together in Vietnam over Christmas, Mew shared an IG story of the hotel's pianist and violinist performing Perfect by Ed Sheeran with the note that he had been the one to make the request. (Odd request for dinner entertainment with your bro, not so odd if you're with your faen.) Later Tul shared an IG story of a pic of NYC skyline with a clip of Ed Sheeran's Perfect playing over it. Mew later posted a throwback photo dump from Vietnam on his IG and in the pic from the Regent resort gym, you can see Tul reflected in the mirror as the person snapping the pic. Fans also have pics of them in the hotel together. And yet despite all this proof they were in Vietnam together, Tul posted a photo dump of NYC Christmas pics to make it seem like he wasn't there. Why the subterfuge?
Mew repeatedly posts to and tags an IG account (@growaswegoooooooo) with romantic language "You complete me. I complete you. We complete each other." "I'm already missing you" etc. The account was created during Mew's trip to visit Tul in NYC last October. None of the pics have selfies in them, but they are most often of places he and Tul have been together. Like Vietnam over Christmas, Chiang Mai over New Year's, and even NYC during October. He even posted pics of an overnight stay at a small B&B in Cold Spring, NY that were taken on Tul's birthday with pics of Tul's Bday cake (the one he posted himself holding a week later with the semi-nude IG pics) and a flower bouquet (how many bros buy bouquets for their bros on their birthdays?? while staying at quaint, secluded upstate B&Bs?? and apparently doing an almost nude photo shoot together??). In another pic, the account's "where we had our first brunch together in Chiang Mai" pics showed the table set up from Tul's POV, and Mew posted the table set up from his POV with a bit of Tul's shirt and arm in it on his primary IG story, and fans had pics of the two of them at that restaurant wearing those exact clothes. The mystery IG account is clearly run by Mew and heavily features Tul while not actually showing either of them.
If Mew's faen lives in NYC and isn't Tul, why did Mew spend Tul's entire winter break with him in Vietnam and Chiang Mai? Why not spend the holidays with his faen?
If Mew's faen isn't Tul, who else was 1) with him while filming Ocean Eyes, 2) famous enough that Thai reporters would know them, 3) no longer currently active in the entertainment industry, 4) also living in NYC, 5) also with him over New Year's in Chiang Mai, and 6) type O blood? That's just too many coincidences stacked on top of each other. You could argue it was an Ocean Eyes crew member from NYC who is also friends with Tul, but why would Thai reporters know a random set employee?
If Mew's faen isn't Tul, why create that secondary IG account using romantic language and tie it so closely to Tul?
If Mew's faen isn't Tul, then what's with all these weirdly specific answers that only apply to Tul? If they were an onscreen couple I'd immediately dismiss it all as fan service, but they have NOTHING TO PROMOTE together. They're clearly good friends in the very least, but he's got to know how his answers sound.
What is going on??
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ladykailitha · 4 days
Permanent Tagging List Final Call
Hey, guys it's that lovely time again when I go through my permanent tag list and remove people that haven't interacted with my stories in awhile to clear the way for new people.
So here's the deal, you'll have 24 HOURS to respond to this post. I have posted this two other times, trying to get the word out. Once two weeks ago and again one week ago.
NO JUDGMENT! I swear it. I just want to know if you're still interested so that if you're not, people who are can take your spot.
I love all the requests I'm getting to be added to it. But I am at 44 on my permanent list and if it hits 50 then there is no way to add people to a story's tag list. Something I really don't want to do.
You can tell me if you want to be:
Removed from my permanent tag and all my stories
Removed from my permanent tag list but keep you on all my stories
Removed from my permanent tag list but only some of the stories (let me know which ones)
Stay on my permanent tag list but be removed from all my WIPs
Stay on my permanent tag list but be removed from some of my WIPs (let me know which ones)
Stay on my permanent tag list and all my WIPs.
My current WIPs so that you know what I'm currently working on:
Well Met By Moonlight: Steve is a werewolf, Eddie is a vampire and there are strange and horrible things going on in Hawkins. No Upside Down supernatural creatures AU.
Never Hold Back Your Step...: Boy With a Bat book 2. Sequel to Can Anybody See Me? Season 2 Au where Eddie picks up Steve as one of his lost sheep and him and Steve get together. Set immediately after book one, Steve has to get through high school and his new summer job. Only this is Hawkins and danger is always lurking around the corner. Featuring season 3 AU.
Icarus: Eddie makes it big with Corroded Coffin as Steve and Robin seemingly struggle with menial jobs. Only there is more than meets the eye with the up and coming metal band The Fallen as Eddie learns that the lead singer and Steve is one and the same. Now they have to manage three private lives with super stardom. The path to love never was smooth.
Sweet Home Indiana: Sweet Home Alabama fusion. Eddie and Steve get married when the first state makes gay marriage legal. But soon a rift forms between them and Eddie leaves. Now almost a decade later, Eddie's back in Hawkins looking for a divorce so he can marry his fiancee, Chrissy. But when he arrives, Hawkins starts feeling like home in a way he thought he lost long ago. Now he has to chose between his new life in Seattle and his old life in Hawkins. But not everything is as it seems and that makes things harder. For everyone.
Paper Hearts: Post Season 2 Valentine's day AU. Hawkins is doing a fund raiser for senior ball, people can buy paper hearts to give to their friends and lovers. Pink for friends and red for lovers. Steve doesn't have a girlfriend this year so he decides to get twenty pink hearts to give to girls that wouldn't normally get any. Cue Eddie finding that adorable and to do the same for Steve so he doesn't feel so lonely on Valentine's. They fall in love.
So here is the list of people that haven't liked, commented, or reblogged my stuff in about two months.
@danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @genderless-spoon @emly03 @scheodingers-muppet @i-must-potato
Some additional info!
I remove people who haven't interacted with any of my posts in more than 60 days. This is anything I post: chaptered fics, one-shots, and rants, whether or not they've been tagged.
What does interact mean? Comment, like, OR reblog. It doesn't have to be all three. Hell it doesn't even have go beyond a like. Though, really reblogs are the best because it means more people beyond the tag list can see it.
If you've done any of those things in less than sixty days, or have said that you're going through a rough patch and interaction will be down for awhile, you are still on the list.
I put up the option to be removed from certain stories because @maya-custodios-dionach said that they didn't like a couple of the stories (omegaverse and metal band Steve) and I thought oh, why don't ask people what they want to be tagged IN?
And in the last couple of days I've had about half of my tag list chiming in and tell me what they want. It's fantastic! Open communication for the win!!! It makes me giggle that no one has asked be from Boy With a Bat book 2, though. Literally everything else has.
Most of my regular permanent listers have made themselves known on what they want to be tagged on, but if you just like the post without commenting, I will take that as option 6 and move on. These people don't HAVE to comment or like, you'll stay on the list regardless.
But if you have stories you would much rather not be tagged in, I'd like to know, you know. ;)
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