#but i just wanna know where these ages are coming from
cobaltperun · 2 days
Tara Carpenter x Female Reader
R and Tara play together as children. R expresses her love for Tara, and her desire to marry her in the future!
Make us something special, like you always do!💙
Marry Me?
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Tara Carpenter x Female Reader (Request)
Word count: 1.1k
The first time you were worried about Tara was when you were really young, when she tried to fit in and run with other kids despite her asthma. She ran out of breath quickly enough, but still pushed on, needing to feel accepted and in the end the teacher needed to help her through an asthma attack. That was when you were seven, and ever since then you refused to play games that required Tara to run or where she could get exhausted.
Which was why you were looking for her all over the playground. She hid well, she always did, and being tiny only helped her, but you loved the challenge. You went to look beneath the slide, because that was the last place you didn't look at.
And then, just as you crouched down to check, Tara jumped out, startling you and making you fall back onto your butt.
Her laughter filled the empty playground, and as infectious as it was you couldn't help but laugh with her.
"Found you, I guess," you laughed as she dropped down to the grass next to you.
"You didn't, I scared you," she denied your victory.
"Wha- Tara those aren't the rules!" you exclaimed, unknowingly taking her bait.
"Sore loser!" she stuck her tongue out at you.
"Cheater," you grumbled with a pout and looked away.
You heard Tara lying down, but still maintained your "angry pout" you didn't like it when someone scared you, Tara included.
"Let's go to the swing?" Tara suggested and you felt her leaning on your back and hanging her arms around you. "Hmm? Grumpy?"
As if you could ever say no to her. "Say 'please'," you still had to get at least that out of her.
"Please," she said it so easily, but you knew she meant it, she absolutely meant it, so you got up and the two of you ran over to the swings.
"What do you wanna do when you grow up?" Tara suddenly asked you as you started swinging. The Sun would set soon, so you didn't have much time together left today, but the sky was so beautiful right now, and the last bits of sunlight shining over the trees in the park made the moment feel almost magical.
"I wanna be a doctor!" you said immediately with the certainty only someone of your age could have. At nine years old you definitely didn't know anything about what it would take to do that, you just knew you liked the idea. "You?"
Tara thought it over. "I dunno, I'll think of something later," she shrugged. "Why a doctor?"
You felt the heat rising to your cheeks. "None of your business," you refused to tell her.
Tara whipped her head toward you abruptly. "Y/N!" she pouted and you had to look away from her, because she was using her big puppy eyes on you. "Come on, please tell me?"
"No," you felt your resolve breaking, even as you refused to tell her.
But Tara was nothing, if not stubborn. "You're mean if you don't tell me," she said.
"I am mean then," you still tried to outdo her in stubbornness.
"I won't hang out with you for a week," she threatened, all serious and you sighed, giving in to her.
"I wanna cure your asthma," you whispered, too embarrassed to look at her as she got off the swing and stopped your own.
"For me?" she asked as you jumped off as well and you could only nod. She reached up, ruffling the hair at the top of your head. "Thanks, Y/N," she didn't tell you you had to be a doctor, she didn't tell you you had to cure her, she just thanked her. "You sure we'll still be friends when we grow up?" there was something in her eyes, a sadness you saw only every now and then. Her dad left recently so you understood it had something to do with him.
"Yeah, I... I kinda wanna marry you, Tara, I really like you," you had no idea why you blurted it out all of a sudden, if it was to make her understand just how much you liked her, or if there was another reason, but you said it, and you meant it wholeheartedly.
Tara laughed at that and took your hand, it was time to leave the playground and go home.
Fifteen years and a lot of things happening later, Tara sat by your side in the bedroom the two of you shared. There were tons of your books and her movies on the shelves and she loved how personal the two of you made the room look. Chemistry, medicine and horror, an amazing combination if anyone asked her. She leaned against your shoulder as the two of you watched a movie. In the end, you didn't turn out to be a doctor, it just wasn't for you, but you did get into medical chemistry, so, as far as Tara was concerned it was close enough given it was a decision you made while you were still naive kids.
She watched you from the side, much like she did while you were children, and though both of you grew up she could still remember all the times you played without anyone else around.
"Say, Y/N," she began, happy that she could spend the night with you, her girlfriend of almost five years.
"Yeah?" you asked, looking away from the movie to look at her.
"I've been thinking of that time we were kids, on the playground," she began, smiling teasingly at you.
"Real specific T," you chuckled.
"You know, when you told me you wanted to be a doctor," she said to freshen up your memory.
You choked on your breath. "Ah, that time," you chuckled, clearly embarrassed as you rubbed the back of your head and looked away from her.
Tara's smile widened and she reached up to ruffle your hair. "It's okay, it's just me," she assured you and leaned in to softly kiss your lips.
"I know," you muttered against her lips, your hand moving to cup her cheek.
"Marry me?" she asked and you didn't choke this time.
"Of course," you just told her, and she couldn't be any happier. You kept your word to her, you stayed by her side, no matter how crazy her life got, she could count on you. And no matter how crazy things got in the future, she knew she'd still be able to count on you to have her back.
A/N: Special enough? 🤣🤣
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yazmarina · 2 days
i wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be
zak o'sullivan (f2) x fem!reader
your best friend is a monaco race winner. you find out winning turns others into totally different people
warnings/notes: smut, mutual masturbation, dry humping
a/n: this is very self indulgent okay let me have my zak moment,,,and this turned out much dirtier than expected LMAO okay bye
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You weren't even supposed to be here. The flight, accommodation, and paddock pass were almost too much, and you debated just dropping the plan altogether.
But Monaco is special to a lot of racing drivers. Symbolic in the way that it holds history and is the place of many victories. It's special to him.
So, you bite the bullet, book the tickets, and grit your teeth through the exorbitant amount that turned up on your credit card record. You only live once, live in the moment, viva la vida, whatever.
You're here now in Monte Carlo, in arguably the best seat you could afford with what you had after months of saving and weaseling a loving loan from your parents. Watching the race. Watching Zak.
You arrived early this morning, rushing to your hotel, and packing what you needed for the day. You tried to get some shut-eye, managing to get barely three hours of sleep. And then off to the track you went.
Zak doesn't know you're here. You had to lie through your teeth to your own best friend. You told him Monaco just wasn't in the cards and that you'd see him race some other time. In Silverstone, maybe, or Monza.
He has no clue that you're sitting here, with bated breath, as the lap count ticks down with every minute. Zak is leading but he hasn't pitted yet, and they're about to enter the second to the last lap of the race, and what the fuck are they doing not pitting him yet?
Then it happens, almost too quick for you to register. The large screen in front of your section shows a collision. Yellow flag. Virtual safety car.
You're confused for a moment, shocked exclamations erupting around you, but then you see it happen. Zak pits in the midst of the safety car, rushes out, and comes out a second ahead of the whole pack.
You don't even notice how loud you gasp as you finally realize what's happening. One more lap to go and Zak is leading.
The seconds seem to tick by awfully slow yet the race is coming to an end right before your eyes. The checkered flag waves and he crosses the line and the crowd erupts in cheers, mixed with disbelief and genuine awe.
His team gambled and he walked away with the jackpot.
Zak O'Sullivan, Monaco race winner.
Everything played out in one big blur after. You were clapping, then you were crying, running, squeezing through people, pushing, praying that you get to the paddock unscathed.
You pause for a second in front of a screen to watch the champagne spray around Zak on the podium. He's beaming, still in awe himself. You feel the tears come once more and you sprint through the throngs of people and down the streets of Monte Carlo.
You arrive at where the team support trucks are, growing nervous with each step. You came alone and sure, some of the ART people knew who you were, but without Zak, you're feeling a little lost.
You stop in front of the ART truck and it's quiet, as you expected, with all of the employees probably down at the podium celebrations. A pair of personnel clad in the team kit exit the vehicle just as you contemplate contacting Zak's trainer.
"Hi," one of them greets, a sprightly young woman around your age greets. Probably one of the communication people.
"Are you here for Victor or–"
"Zak," you rush out. "I'm ______, his friend. I've gone with him back in Bahrain and Jeddah this year, but I came just this morning so..."
"Oh! Yes, it's you. I remember now, Zak's friend, yeah," the other cuts in. "He was pretty bummed out today, saying something about how you couldn't make it?"
You feel the heat rise in your cheeks. "Yes, that's me. I wanted to surprise him."
"Well, consider me surprised."
You turn around, your heart leaping into your throat. Standing there is the best friend himself, drenched in champagne and holding his winning trophy to his side.
Zak rushes to you and pulls you into a hug, handing off his trophy momentarily to the employees. You feel his arms circle around your waist just as you feel the rest of your tears fall.
"I'm so proud of you," you whisper as you bury your face into his shoulder.
"I thought you couldn't make it," Zak says, pulling away slightly to peer at your tear-streaked face. "But my luck just keeps getting better, huh?"
You meet his eyes and you can see the sparkle of victory in his irises. He grins down at you and pulls you in again, swaying you from side to side.
"Zak, we need a bit more media from you," comes a voice calling out from further down the paddock.
"I'll be a minute!" Zak calls over his shoulder, slipping his hand in yours. "Take my trophy with you but be careful!"
You giggle, glancing behind to see the ART personnel shake their heads in disbelief.
"Come here a second," Zak says, pulling you toward the entrance to their makeshift motorhome for the weekend.
You step inside, familiar with how the interior is, having seen something similar from when Zak was still in Prema last year. You're usually not allowed inside, but riding off a win, you suppose no one dared argue with Zak.
The door shuts and Zak turns to look at you. His eyes scan your face, a smile growing wider on his lips.
"You're here," Zak states as if still not believing it.
"I'm sorry I lied," you admit sheepishly. "I wanted to surprise you, maybe comfort you if the race doesn't go as planned."
Zak chuckles, stepping closer and taking your other hand. You take a good look at your best friend and you feel yourself tear up again.
"But I'm here to celebrate your first podium, a win in Monaco, instead. How about that?" You finish, letting out a breath as Zak takes ahold of your face, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
"How about that, indeed," Zak repeats, tilting your head up so you're looking at him.
You're quite familiar with how success can make you do uncharacteristic things. It makes you reckless, unboundedly giddy. Drivers lock lips with their significant others in front of the camera after a win. Shirts discarded. Champagne poured down their bodies.
Oh, but you're not Zak's girlfriend. There are no cameras.
But you taste the champagne just the same as Zak pulls you in, kissing you with so much force it drives you back against the door.
You reach behind you, still having the presence of mind to turn the lock and bar anyone from walking in on you and Zak.
You grab at the half-undone collar of Zak's race suit, tugging the zipper down in one fell swoop. Zak pulls away, long enough to shrug his suit off, just enough so it hangs under his hips.
You understand now, that underneath it all, success makes you horny.
"Zak," you begin. "What...wait–"
Your best friend pauses, breathing heavily, hair mussed up and lips shiny from kissing you.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't want him with every fiber of your being.
"We can stop," Zak offers, reaching out tentatively. He brushes some strands of hair away from your face.
"I just...I was really lucky today and I thought maybe I should just gamble one more time," he explains, trailing his fingers down the side of your face, to your neck, fingertips lightly brushing against your collarbone.
You get it. Or you think you do. He wants you, too.
You pause. You turn it over in your head for a second. What this means for the both of you. If you do this, you step out of this truck as something different from when you entered.
"Come here," you whisper, grasping the back of Zak's neck before leaning in to kiss him again. He groans, large hands finding your waist as he pulls you flush against him.
You can feel him poking through his fireproofs and you moan into the kiss, grinding hard against the stiffness. Your dress hikes up as you wrap a leg around Zak's waist.
"Fuck," he curses. "I didn't...god, have I had a boner all this time?"
You giggle, rubbing even more on Zak. He groans, throwing his head back, his hold on your waist almost vice-like.
"Winning does that to you," you whisper, kissing along his defined jawline.
"My race winner," you say right next to Zak's ear, biting down on his earlobe after.
Zak buries his face into the crook of your neck, rutting against you, desperate for release. You thread your fingers through his hair and tug lightly, whimpering as the friction through your underwear increases.
"Oh god, look at us," you mutter hurriedly. "Grinding and humping like a bunch of horny school kids."
"I'm gonna cum," Zak warns, pulling off slightly before reaching into his fireproof bottoms. He pulls his length out, pumping furiously.
You pull your dress all the way up to your stomach, tugging your underwear away just enough to let Zak have a view of how drenched you are. Your fingers reach down to circle around your clit as Zak continues to jerk off.
"Cum in them," you offer, gesturing to your panties. "I'll keep it on the whole day."
Zak's mouth hangs open as he finishes all over his fist and into the fabric of your underwear, the delicate material catching his sticky release. The sight of the mess pushes you over the edge yourself, your knees buckling slightly as you try to keep yourself upright through your euphoria.
You retract your hand from between your legs, panting and noticing you've worked up a sweat, as if you had just gone for a long, very sexually-charged jog.
Zak looks at you and smiles, taking your soiled hand and licking your fingers clean off. He winks as his lips let go with a pop! and you reach over to smack him in the chest.
"Naughty," you grumble, though you're grinning just as wide.
"I know you are, but what am I?" Zak taunts, pressing a kiss to your lips. You sigh against it and savor it all: Zak's touch, the smell of champagne on his skin, and the glow that seems to envelop you two now.
"They're probably looking for you," you whisper, kissing the corner of his mouth.
"I'll be back," Zak reassures, stepping back. He stills for a moment and takes the image of you in once more before kissing your cheek.
"Wait here, yeah?"
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reallifetangent · 20 hours
A take I wanna have (please don't yell at me or attack me. Corrections might be okay, it's late for me and English is not my main language):
Edwin's love interests. Less to best for him.
Cat King on the less. I know. I love his character, he's very charismatic. I love the teasing and seeing how far he can push Edwin's limits and face his own feelings. I do live for that in some ships. Their dynamic is interesting but let's be real. Even if CK is an Entity and has 9 lives (currently only 6), Edwin is a ghost. Forever 16, forever existing. At some point the relationship would look and or feel weird. And tbh is the one that changed the less thanks to his interactions with Edwin. Edwin grew a lot (and learned a lot about himself) but Cat King? He still play games and yeah, he cares for Ed, but he's been like that since always. And to be loved is to be changed. Maybe the dying for Edwin when he tried to protect him from Ester and ended up dead counts for something, but he's too much in his idealistic bubble where at some point Edwin would fall for his charms. Maybe if he approached in a more friendly way and not trapping him in town, (a less Wattpad Cliche Way), maybe something could've come out better. And look, I love their teasing. I want CatWin being something before Edwin and Charles becoming an actual couple. I still want Cat King and Edwin playing with each other, who's smarter, who's sharper, who's one step ahead of the other, silly little games between them. I want Edwin appreciating Cat King's death for him. I want Cat King obsessed in a respectful way for Ed, appreciate him, praise him. And Ed just, panicking because too gay to function but at the same time, it's not who he wants to hear that from. Yet sometimes falls for that but he knows it's wrong for him.
Simon. We know he was his bully. He had feelings for Ed, and back when they both were alive, being like them was a sin. He only wanted to scare Edwin. Nothing else. If Edwin was able to forgive Simon in hell, understanding it wasn't his fault they both died (technically it is but nobody told them entities and ghosts are real so that wasn't on him), and even wanting to get him out of there, there were a reason. Also, both were sixteen. Still a lot to develop and think and experiment. It took Edwin 100 years to finally open up and be comfortable about himself. Maybe Ghost Simon could learn at the same time with Edwin as his teacher, since both were the same period. Could be interesting Simon revoked from death back to the living because he has unfinished businesses somehow and Edwin taking his case just to make things more clearer and give us a better chance to know why Edwin forgave him. Because just the "Oh, you were in love with me and you didn't know the sacrifice would actually work" doesn't sound enough reasons for someone like Edwin to break out an ex bully from literal hell. There is an explanation. There must be.
Monty. Just. Take away Edwin having feelings for Charles, and Monty being Ester's Familiar Crow. Otherwise, it could've worked. Not right away, but with patience, they could've been in a cute relationship. Monty caught feelings for real, and Edwin is too slow to understand, but at some point they'll both learn and well, lovers. I see Edwin on the aromantic spectrum, so, Monty would have to work his way and Edwin open up to get to like Monty. Or just accept they can be a platonic relationship and that can be good too. Also same issue as Crystal or any Living Entity. Age permanency. Could be a nice Teenage Love Story for Edwin and Monty, but not in case Monty is affected by human ageing.
And best by far, Charles. 30 years of being the married couple on acid. Both timeless, forever young, together by choice, each other's personal afterlife. They died when they had so much to live for. Now they can't be more alive thanks to each other. Even if they end up as platonic stuff and never end up being partners, there wouldn't be any complaining. Edwin loves Charles in a romantic way, and just knowing that Charles won't go away because of that is a total relief, and they have the eternity to find out of Charles does have romantic feelings as well. And reading a post about Charles being a People Pleaser and always saying or doing what others wanted so they like him and been trying to be on Edwin's good side to not push him away for 30 years, so, knowing that his best mate loves him must be a good reason to stop doubting Edwin.
Charles and Crystal are okay. I mean, I like their relationship just because they needed someone. Crystal admitted she could try if he were alive, but between her brainwash, the demon possession, everything happening, it's more like a distraction than an actual feeling. Maybe better writing and they could be her teenage love. After that, she'll grow up. He won't. (I know I said best partners for Edwin but I wanted to clarify my take on Crystal and Charles).
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mysticmellowlove · 21 hours
can we get another yandere chat / yandere streamer please I really wanna know where the three people went
note; omg i'm fucking alive holy shit. i'm in exam period right now and i swear the universe is trying to take me out. shit's rough out here lol. I've been rattling the bars of my enclosure waiting to get out and write some more. missed you guys, cute lil friends xxx
warnings; yan chat is back, yan streamer, reader 'sugar', yandere tendencies, gang violence, they mean frfr,
word count; 1123
After logging off for the day and raiding one of his friends Streamer found himself checking on his discord, in particular the chat he had going on with three of his long-time fans, affectionately titled his three musketeers to respect their anonymity. The ones that had been with him since the beginning when he had no viewers and a silly dream of becoming a popular creator.
To think that he had that in his foreseeable future, it was intoxicating. Fans, money and most of all influence. Of course, he couldn't forget about his lovely mod as well.
His eyes scanned over the private chat with a satisfied grin on his face, they had found him. For a while now there was one particular chatter that was getting on his nerves. No matter how much Sugar banned them they always seemed to find a way back. He had been trying to appeal to Sugar for weeks now, always mentioning them and gifting various rewards that were specifically aimed towards the beloved mod.
Streamer knew things sometimes got a little parasocial when it came to internet personalities. Still, something about this creep trying desperately to get close to Sugar had his blood boiling as if he was using the chat as an e-dating server. He wasn't the only one either, it seemed.
A call button appeared on his screen for a moment before he adjusted his settings and answered it, the people chatting on the other side becoming more and more apparent.
"The man of the hour." One of them jovially said, a playful lilt to her voice. Porthos always seemed to be the one ready to talk, with perhaps a little too much energy to seem natural. It seemed her words had set in motion the other two greeting him, one with their ever-present modulated voice covering their identity and the other sounding like he'd just finished smoking a pack of cigarettes.
"Hey you, I see some interesting things in the chat." He hummed as he took a sip of the coke he had next to him, waiting for the three to fill him in.
"Yeah, we tracked down the guy in the chat that was bothering Sugar, it was laughably easy." Porthos mused, the low hum of who knows what buzzing in the background.
"He had his details all out in the open, turns out using multiple emails all leading to the same IP is a dead giveaway." She said before a sniffle interrupted her.
"Don't take all the credit, it was only because I have access to the city records that we even found him," Athos noted.
"Technically I did most of the work." The final of the three, the one who hid behind the voice changer, Aramis chimed in. The other two seemed to stop talking as soon as they spoke up, for good reason as well. There was something different about Aramis, but their knowledge was gladly welcomed.
"I assume you're all waiting for the finale?" They monotonously droned as the sounds of clicking came from their mic. Not long after a window popped up, fileshare. Without needing to do anything the file opened to a video and began to play.
The camera work was jittery but it was obvious what was in the middle of the screen. On the ground, legs and arms bound, was a middle-aged man wriggling. There was a group of men surrounding him, masked and dressed entirely in black with a badly stitched logo on their jackets.
No sounds came from the men as they drew ominously closer, that's when things really picked up. Their feet began to slam into the sides of the bound man, muffled screams coming from his gagged mouth as he tried desperately to wriggle away. Hands ripped at his clothing, showcasing the darkened bruises on his skin as the men continued their assault. The video tracked for about twenty minutes, all of it consisted of the men beating the shit out of the man on the ground. Screams turned to groans turned to whimpers as a mixture of piss, tears and blood mixed on the ground he was on.
His body seemed to turn entirely blotched with bruises as the video went on and on before no more sounds appeared to leave the man. Then the footage cut.
The silence seemed to wane on for a moment before Athos spoke up.
"That's some dark web shit or something." The only response he seemed to get was a clipped laugh from Aramis.
"I like supporting local businesses." It was no secret that Aramis was the only one of them who dared to play around on the darker side of the internet but damn were they good at it. Who knew what they got up to after hours, but it wasn't hard to tell that he had hired someone to beat the shit out of the creep.
"He's gone, probably being sold right now, well that parts of him that made it out unscathed. Don't worry, these guys are newbies but the group they're part of don't play around." A low whistle left his mouth as he listened to Aramis ramble about the exploit.
"You're a freak for real." Porthos laughed, seemingly having gathered herself, "Now that's dealt with I think we should get something in exchange, don't you?"
He rolled his eyes as he scanned the now blank screen.
"I'll organise something." He began before he was cut off rudely.
"Not something, we know you know where they are so why don't you get us all a little gift." Athos drawled. A harried sigh left his mouth as he tugged at the strands of his hair. The three of them were his fans, their support over the years had helped grow his platform greatly and they did fund most of his activities but... that also meant he had to keep them pleased.
Athos eluded that he was a well-known figure in the city, Aramis had ties to the black market and Porthos seemed to have no boundaries... they could very well take him down if they wanted to.
"Sure, I'll pick something up." He finally managed to get out, his voice obviously strained. All that greeted him was a chorus of laughter as the call ended. He stared at the screen for a moment more, thinking about the logistics of breaking into Sugar's apartment before a notification came through.
'Good boy' With a scoff he closed the application and got off his chair, annoyance swelling inside him. He was still closer to Sugar than them, he didn't have to panic yet.
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selfloverrrrrr · 6 hours
Can you do Yuji x female reader. The reader is trapped in Yuji's house, forced to clean and cook for him while Yuji provides for the both of them. One day, reader is tired of the doing the same old things everyday, refusing to cook dinner for him. When Yuji gets home from work, he doesn't smell anything cooking, getting upset with his lover. He starts to call her ungrateful and a lazy Bitch. So he punishes her.
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Behind the happy face
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Warnings : smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, physically and emotional abuse, biting, torture, size difference, Yandere....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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Yuji Itadori. Seems like a cute boy. I also thought that so. But never thought trusting him would be the worst thing of my life. He was a sweet boy of my school. Everyone will trust him with his charming smile. I did so. And now I regret it so much.
We were friends. Just friends. Till that night came. We're in a party. We all were enjoying so much. I ordered a drink. And I told Yuji to hold it for me cause I got a call. I trusted him. But he mixed something in my drink. I didn't even suspect anything and drink that. And then.... I fainted. And then bring me to his home.
He kidnapped me. And from that day I'm trapped in his house. He doesn't let me leave his house. Now I fear him. It's like a totally another Yuji. Where's that cute boy? Where's that charming smile? Where's that innocent boy? .... All are gone. He's not like that Yuji anymore. He forces me to do things. He forces me to stay in his house, to be in a relationship with him, to cook for him, to clean his house for him. He was forcing me to be his housewife. Or else he threaten me that if I don't do what he tells me to do he's gonna do something bad...
Today I woke up. I saw a letter beside me on the nightstand. Nothing new. He said he left for some work and he'll return at night . And he said to prepare dinner for him and clean the house. 'this is enough!' I thought. I'm not gonna listen to his fucking shits anymore. I thought I'm gonna leave his house today no matter what. And I started packing my things.
I finished packing my things. The door bell ring. My heart skipped a beat. I know it's Yuji. I opened the door. He entered and closed the door. "What have you made for dinn-" he started talking but paused seeing my things packed. "What are those?" He asked. I looked away. "Baby I asked you something... what are those?!" He repeated.
"Yuji it's enough! I'm leaving... I don't wanna live here or be your servent or have any relationship with you!" I said looking at him. "What did you say?" He asked walking towards me. "You heard me clear" I replied. "But I left a letter for you" he said. "Yes I know and I told you that I don't wanna be your fucking servent anymore!" I said. "So you didn't do anything I told you to do...?" He asked.
I opened my mouth to reply him but he grabbed my chin. "Didn't I told you I'm gonna do something you gonna regret your whole fucking life if you don't obey me?!" He said. His nails were digging into my cheeks. "You didn't have to try to be a bitch because you are already a bitch! Let's teach you a fucking lesson" he said.
I pushed him away, didn't look any where and run towards the bedroom. I could hear him running behind me. As I went into the bedroom I turned and closed the door. But he didn't let it shut. He grabbed it from other side and pushed it. He pushed the door with more pressure. I was pushing the door from the other side. But didn't take much time for him to come inside. As he came inside my heart beat fasten. He closed the door and locked it.
He came towards me and hold me tightly close to him. "D-don't come close to me.... Yuji!!!! " I said with shaking voice. "Oh little bitch thinks she scared me...huh?" He said with a smirk. One of his hand started squeezing my ass. It striked in my mind what was he going to do " no no... p-please no" I said. " shhhh.... you should relax..." He said. " It's just a fucking lesson you need to learn " He said smirking at me. "Please no..." I panicked.
He started dragging me towards my bed. Then He threw me on his bed. Fear grabbed me by my neck. Yuji started crawling towards me. " S-stop..... please stop" I said. I tried to get off from the bed but he grabbed me by my leg and pulled me back on the bed. " I'm begging you....please stop" I begged but he crashed his lips on mine. Kissing me roughly. Making me breathless.
He started undressing me. I tried to stop him but my strength was nothing for him. He almost took off my clothes. I was just left in my panties. Yuji started licking my nipple. He was so teasing. I moaned. He continued his teasing licking and sucking on my nipple. With his one hand he grabbed my other boob and squeezed it roughly. I scremed so loudly.
When he was done playing with my nipples and boobs he got up and started taking off my panties. " Yuji please...." I begged again but he didn't listen to me. He bring his face close to my pussy and licked it. "Oh...my bitch is wet~.... so you're liking being a slut huh?" he whispered with a smirk.
He took off his pant. His huge length was out now. My eyes widened at his length. It was too long and too thick. "What slut? Thinking can't take it?" He said. He grabbed his dick stroked it two or three times then line it with my entrence. I began to panic. "Yuji no.... please no .... Yuji please no... It's too big.... it's not gonna fit." I sobbingly begged him. " Shhhhhh ..... Sluts doesn't talk too much.... so you should accept what I'm doing " He whispered in my ear.
" P-please no... s-stop" I begged but didn't even listen to me and slammed his whole dick inside me in one slide. I scremed. He didn't even give me time to adjust his size and started thursting in and out roughly. I was throughig my legs with pain and begging him to stop. And he was liking it so much. His thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight " he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I bite his shoulder scratched his back to control myself. "Look at yourself whore....fucking clenching around my dick like a whore you are" With a few more thurst I came. He again smirked at me. He was still thursting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. I tried to push him away with all of my strength." Ughh...no no no no...ahhhhhh...no please no....ahhhhhh..... n-not ahhhh.....not inside..." I moaned. He grabbed my throat and chocked me down to the bed. " Shhh.... shut up and just fucking take what I'm giving you." He screamed. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. Then He pulled out. I was almost fainted.
"So... Did my slut learnt her lesson?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
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Give me your requests guys....
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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mrchaosman · 3 days
The Angel VS The Demon
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❤️: God, that day was tiring, I hope everything is nice and dandy-
(Suddenly, an green eye glows in the dark).
❤️: W...who's there?, show yourself.
How, DREADFUL of ME of introducing MESELF to YA.
(The eye getting closer, revealed to be a tall, black fured one-eyed darkner, he seem to wear a cowboy hat, a long green coat with a weird symbol on it).
❤️: ummm, I'm [insert the player's name] but, the people call me the Angel.
Harshsi: ANGEL, HUH?.
(Harshsi the heart symbol on Angel's Coat).
(Remembered AngelPlayer after His battle with them).
❤️: What do you mean I "took" everything from you?.
Harshsi: Ohhhhhhh, Ohhh I see NOWer.
Ha HA.
You, YOU DON'T REALISE anything, DO YOU?.
I'M KRISTAL'S HORNS, I was their ONE & ONLY friend.
TILL ONE DAY, this sorry excuse of a Church has ordered KRISTAL to Throw me OUT.
saying that I was a "DEMONIC INFLUENCE".
Away from my BROTHER
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Have you EVER waited for what it looks like the eternity?.
Waiting the rest of the existence here, ALONE.
Days becomes weeks.
Weeks becomes Mouths.
Mouths becomes Years.
I Lost ME since of self from that point.
My physical appearance slowly starts to get ROTTEN and ROTTEN with each passing day, GOT IT?.
I was wondering; how are my little brother are doing right now?
He might be scared?, FRIGHTENED, and possibly CONFUSED?.
when I was hoping that waiting is OVER.
And suddenly: my prayers has been answered by GOD.
A door has opened to ME.
A door to HEAVENS of the deepest pits of HELL.
A door to the desired FREEDOM.
A door to Y O U..
(Harshsi turn AngelPlayer into Green).
❤️: W-wait, we can solve this peacefully.
Harshsi: the AGE OF PEACEs is DIEd, as I died.
(He reloading his gun).
But No matter how HARDER YOU TRIED
Your CHOICES doesn't MATTER in this WORLD.
We are in a WORLD where we KILL OR BE KILLED.
Come on PAL, go CRY into the DARKER VOIDS AND YELLS: Susie, Ralsei, Kris, Noelle, Mom, and LET'S SEE WHAF GOOD DOES TO YOU.
(*i Called for Help)...
That's a SHAME, ya KNOW????.
No one Has Came.
(Angel Blocked Harshsi's attack).
💚: look, Dude, I'm Very sorry for you, and for everything that happened to you, but violence will never solve anything.
💚: I'm may have hurted a lot of people, but even if i did harmed them, I still gonna do the right thing.
💚: and I believe you can do the right thing too.
Just, put the gun down, and calm down, everything will be fine, I promise.
Harshsi (crying):...
I just... I just...
I Just wanted to see my brother back, I just wanted to have a friend.
Is that too much to ASK???.
(Harshsi change AngelPlayer to red again).
❤️: No, No, it isn't, well, ummm.
Ohh, I got it.
❤️: How about...
(I Hug Harshsi).
❤️: How about I be your friend?.
Harshsi: Really?, after all I did too you.
After I Tried to KILL you, you still want to MERCIFULLY ACT?.
❤️: I mean, Yeah, if you are OK with it?
(Harshsi hugged AngelPlayer back).
Harshsi m: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY, I have a FRIEND, in sight me.
(A silent moment).
❤️: So ahhh.
❤️: Wanna mess around with Kris?.
Harshsi: Yeah why not?
Angel is by @marshiemonarch
Harshsi is by me
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one of the weirdest bits of trivia about aoki is that according to the article saeko was reading he ‘was a shut-in until he was 20 then he suddenly took off for america’ and like that’s fine but he would’ve actually been 24 if he enrolled at harvard in september 2001 but a literal line earlier in the same article it correctly ages him at 42 in 2019 if LaD7 takes place in the spring and his birthday’s at the end of the year so i’m just. Why Did You Make it Seem Like you Were Four Years Younger For College. also can no one do math if he was 20 in 2001 he’d be 38 by 2019, he’d have to be in school in 1996 for everything to line up unless you’re telling me the story they made is he left for america in 1996 and graduated in 2000--
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hollytree33 · 5 days
I’m back!!
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rosalinesurvived · 7 months
I wonder if Fukuzawa lives with the unending paranoia of there being four other government top-class swordsmen assassins alongside him who may or may not have been asked to murder their rouge ex-member.
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sysig · 10 months
Hm ok what's your favorite or a really cool worlbuilding thing you've done? For any fandom or original or even an unimplemented idea
Hmm well at least in the past decade, my big worldbuilding projects have mostly come down to three-ish stories: Other Side of the Gun, Adventures of Gæilo and Ethon, and Just Desserts
OSG was an Invader ZiM fancomic concept I started around 2013 to justify every single Irken headcanon I ever came up with lol - I never finished it, or even really started it, but I put a lot of time and energy into its roughs back in the day :)
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^A stick figure recap of Ch. 1, inspired by - what else - the Vargas stick figure recaps lol
One that you can see over here is all the work I did for my DnD campaign, AGE! (Though its sideblog hasn't been updated in a while haha - the AGE tag over here works just as well) I basically homebrewed a pantheon and had an absolute blast designing all the gods and their forms before they became gods and even things like architectural differences in their churches and the BBEG and his motivations and just ah <3 Such a fun project :D
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It also laid the groundwork for things like Pokemon Homestyle, specifically all my papercrafts! You can really see how I leveled up haha
And my latest has been Just Desserts! Even with less time under its belt, it's still pretty expansive, as evidenced by my icon and theme and the backlog lol, and it's the one I have the most AUs of! (Though OSG does come close actually haha) There are still some thorny details I'm trying to iron out, especially to do with the magic system, but all the characters and creatures and the fact that I made my own fighting minigame, ah, pleased! I've never been so happy with a sona before Charm! ♥ From the very beginning it's been so fun to work on and I still want to improve!
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#Long post#There have been others of course - things like BunBonBop and TMatM and quite a handful of original species lol#I was also involved in an IZRP that got very in depth which is where Bar comes from actually!#As well as my brief stint into being a TGWDLM askblog lol soz to everyone over there ouq#And little stories like Karera no Kotogara and Yanderapy but those mostly set in cartoon-reality y'know?#No magic or sci fi there haha#Man looking back through the OSG stuff kinda makes me wanna unstore Ch. 0 - I've grown a lot since then!#To the point where it almost doesn't feel ''mine'' anymore haha - it has been almost ten years! Maybe to celebrate its anniversary :)#Also yeah if you look hard enough I've been in love with and inspired by Vargas for as long as I've known about it haha#AGE was so much fun <3 I would like to get back to it someday but picking back up after so long is hard!#I still hold all of them fondly of course ♥ Mar especially since they were the tipping point for me loving spiders :D#It's hard to believe Just Desserts is already four years deep! It still feels so new to me haha#I know I big up Charm and her design a lot lol but for me it really is exactly what I want <3 It's my perfect :)#I still really want to get into 3D modeling to make her as I originally envisioned her!#If I had the funds I'd absolutely commission someone but tbh I don't know many names on that side of art haha#I've also heard about people who give advice/brainstorming sessions for magic systems and I've been intrigued ever since :0#I'd love to sit down with someone and hash out Exactly how their magic works! It feels like it just needs a few more pushes!#Then again that's what I said about the TVAU outfits too haha ♪ Maybe it would all fall into place!#To the base question tho: I never know how to qualify ''implemented'' - does just putting it out there as a concept count?#Writing a story? Making a comic? A series? Polished? Completed?? Where's the line haha#I'm always so full of ideas but focusing on anything long enough to make it ''pretty'' is so hard for me still#I just keep creating never stopping haha
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luvsavos · 1 year
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yet another monster oc human form drawing, this one of my disgraced sun god, naasfilrah<3
he's a g-rank fatalis, and he tends to disdain his human form and Not use it for the most part
he always dresses in some kind of formal attire, pingponging back and forth from business casual and proper dressware, this drawing being more of business casual
he'd be less pale however he has been trapped in an underground bunker and subject to intense energy siphoning for the past Several Thousands Of Years, so he looks a bit more pale and fucked up than he was in the past (but i may draw a past version of him eventually)
(also, the writing on the mug is dovahzul (so is naas' name) and reads "world's best sun god" lol)
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spencereid · 8 months
my friend bailed on me for the 1975 concert next week and i’m freaking out bc i am friendless and a pathetic friendless loser actually. this is SO fun i’m just having… such a ball
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I don’t even care about Childe and thus barely care about Skirk but I’m having a real hater moment about her design sorry I’ve been at this all day
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juusasu4evagrrl · 1 year
Genuine question, does anyone want to hear about naruto from the prospective of a Liberian person grappling with the generational trauma of a brutal civil war or is that too heavy??
Like there's, I like sasuke cause he's a cool dude, very wholesome do tell, and then there's, I like sasuke cause the government also tried to eradicate my people group that one time and holding empathy for that dumbass kid teaches me to examine a my own experiences with compassion, honestly what a downer like who cares.
I don't know thoughts???
#do i even wanna speak on it#maybe i should just rewatch pray the devil back to hell give my dad a hug and tell him how proud i am of him#on second thought#maybe we should go the naruto route#like i promise their are a lot of wacky connections between the warfare in naruto and the liberian civil war#general butt naked eating hearts kakuzu also eating hearts#Samuel doe ( may he rest in pieces in someones digestive track while his soul burns in hell) and danzo#the thing i like about connecting fandom to my life is that it teaches me thing that provide empathy in spaces where it did not naturally#exist but the thing is i dont want to have empathy for a lot of those hos and i think thats valid actually#i think its important to bring our personal live into fandom though cause its all we really have#idek i think it would be best to keep the real world seperate from fandom in this case but#my dad just completed a trip to Liberia for the first time in 30 years (round of applause pls) for the first time since the war has ended#a confilct that started when he was my age (younger actually) and ended a month after my birth and has left so much instability who knows#if its ever really over#were all struggling to come to terms with the Liberia left behind by those events the family and friends we leave behind#and i feel like it would be easier to talk project it all onto stupid lil alien ninja wars instead of talking about it irl#i love sasuke cause i deeply relate to his struggle even though im a generation removed#but i feel like this fandom would not be receptive to the way i would disscuss his character if i made that connection in an analysis#so maybe ill just stew in my emotions a little longer and when i go back to Liberia this summer wth the fam ill decide weather to make#that post or not onece and for all#no that'll be perfect actually cause then i'll be able to make it a post for liberian independence day#ughhh like i don't be wanna talk about it irl but i don't feel this would be a good outlet either#naruto commentary in relation to the liberian civil war sounds like a dope essa but should i write it???#probably not but we'll just have to see#thoughts feelings opinions?? any other Liberian naruto fans on here??? pleas siblings put some sense in me#naruto#not naruto#god i don't even wanna make this post lets see how long she stays up#im writing too many naruto analysies rn anyways lemme worry about that first
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mental breakdown in the tags incoming scroll past for your own well being
#so like im just WORRIED#cause like what if ive fully just convinced myself i think he's attractive but I actually dont think he is and I'm just jerking him around#and actinf like i think hes cute cause hes the first guy im not even joking basically ever since the ripe old age of 9 except for cameron#idgaf about his privacy he can fuck off but anyway he is like the first guy other than tiny little awkward 9 year olds to show me any form#of attention. and what if im craving it so bad im just convincing myself that i like him? like am i doing that? cause never in my life have#i gotten like those fucking butterflies or whatever around guys cause ive never been around them much so ive always felt so awkward around#them and just ignored them. like i even have a hard time talking to my male coworkers and looking them in the eye. and i just make up these#scenarios where every single male coworker that ever showed me any form of attention is actually secretly going to fall in love with me and#its like FUCK is that just all I'm doing? pretending? on both ends? but then i have to tell myself that my anxiety is more often than not#full of shit. but like ive craved attention all my life and what if im juat latching on to the first guy that gives that to me? i don't#wanna be that asshole. im just scared. how does everyone just date people? i thought for a while i may be ace in some way#but im also just wondering if i repressed myself that fucking much from literally age 6 that it did that much damage to me? cause ive always#been weird about myself and my body and things like that and i vividly remember wearing a tank top at age 6 in school and being freaked out#the whole day that i would get dress coded. i need to unpack this in therapy hardcore. cause i was also sa-ed when i was younger but i can't#exactly remember how old i was.#but i just think ive always repressed myself and pushed all of that down to the point that i dont know what it feels like? cause i watch#movies and read books and listen to music qnd im like hmm thats never happened to me something must be Wrong With Me.#thanks for coming to my ted talk#im so fucking nauseous#is that butterflies lmao#🎸
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snekdood · 1 year
Dude.. my ex boyfriend totally did get me into conspiracy theory shit, even if unintentionally (i think its intentional im sure he believed in that shit. Would not surprise me at all.) At the time i was already pretty isolated from anyone online who mightve countered any of my dumb spiritual or alien related beliefs because of some dumb shit i said online making most of the friends and followers i made online generally avoid me, depending on who it was. I was just a regular pagan and then he showed me this weird video with all this weird conspiracy theory symbolism in it. I looked it up later on and looked up the meaning of the symbolism and came across a whole bunch of stuff posing itself as Secret Information The US Govt Doesnt Want You To Know About, etc. And then i just fell deeper into the conspiracy theory pipeline, traded my paganism for new age beliefs, and goddamn dude. Like we both got suspended from school bc he had a dumb idea to dumb shit there and i spent my time in detention fucking. Trying to read "the emerald tablets" or whatever tf. Its all coming back to me rn.
#anyways im not about to let yall make me feel guilty for falling in this direction anymore bc i was fuckin 14 and didnt know SHIT about us#politics aside from lgbt ppl deserve rights and to live like everyone else and same w all the other minorities (even tho i probably still#had issues i needed to work on around those things. still generally i wouldve considered myself progressive but apolitical)#and i was already at the time rejecting my christian upbringing and trying out satanism and paganism and such and so#i had a very rebellious mindset at the time. i also hated authority so the first antiesrablishment thing i saw i clung to bc it was#*close enough* to how i felt. none of that shit ever outwardly stated (at the time at least) that anything was abt jewish ppl and i was#filling in the parts about 'child sex rings' to be about christians bc thats how i knew them to be like. it just like. seems so obviously#something a christian would try to do. like a creepy priest or something. i imprinted my own meaning onto it#im not saying it was good but i definitely didnt go into it and stick to it for reasons some ppl might wanna believe#i was way more on the spiritual leaning side and the ~secret spiritual meaning~ of the world. like the flower of life or fuckin.#shit like how theres. idk. a fucking disc or something thats supposed to go on top of the great pyramids that super enlightened#people can only navigate like a spaceship or some shit?#idk the mythology of it all really fucking enraptured me. and i still liked the reptilians even tho they were supposed to be evil and#apparently an antisemitic dogwhistle. i thought it was the annunaki or whatever i was supposed to hate. at least.#the opinions were pretty mixed back then. admittedly i didnt really look up other ppls opinions on that stuff other than articles ppl wrote#like no forums or anything really. which is probably a very good thing i avoided those lol. regardless i thought of the reptilians#as being more neutral but generally looking out for themselves kinda like. the way a reptile would ig. but now that ik its a dog whistle#it really took a the magic out of all of that stuff for me :/ im disillusioned to say the least lol.#all that new age shit was appropriation. christianity rebranded. or weird shit people made up about atlantis or whatever sjjsksks#my favorite was the oceanis one where theres a star system where whales and dolphins come from#like that one was my favorite to believe in dhdjjsksksbdhs#imagine being on a star planet diving around in the sea of light u_u anyways it still sounds fun shsjskskwne.#i hope that one is at least more tame. though im sure its still somehow connected to everything else which im p sure it is#dude all of this information is just resurfacing about all of this shit. i could totally write a whole thing about all the conspiracy#theories i learned about. i might if only to make fun of it all sjdjksksks#yall ever heard of FUCKING david willcocks????#his willing cocks???????#his fucking ass#and gaia FUCKING tv#all that dumb shit
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