#but i imagine he really does care about fib on some level
kristhesheep · 3 months
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Fibula the Cyborg-Zombie-Hedgehog belongs to @son1c
i went through Fibula's tag the other day. i even took notes. and just in time! happy rebirthday Fibula! unfortunately i cant draw things that are serious. so i have to make fun of him. on his rebirthday. at least it's colored!
i think Orbot deserves to be a little mean. a little snarky. a little shit. and i imagine someone deliberately messing with him feels like the perfect invitation to start being mean back.
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matching tattoos
warnings: none
word count: 1.8k (the longest i’ve done in a while whoo 🎉)
"Stevie, I don't think your mom will be too happy with me if I let you do this," Harry said, eying his two year old daughter. She had been asking about it for weeks, but so far he'd been able to distract her before you caught wind of their conversation.
"Pleeeease, daddy?" She pouted, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
"Why don't we have some cookies instead, love?" 
"Ummm... oh! I know what we can do! Why don't we go in my studio? You can play the piano, or the guitar, maybe sing a song for me..." He trailed off.
"I want to do this! Please?" 
Harry's heart melted in three seconds flat. How could he say no to her? He tried, he really did. He opened his mouth to say "no, mommy will really kill me, why don't we do something else?" but one glance at her sweet face left him speechless. He couldn't do it. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
"Alright, we'll do it... but!" He cut himself off, raising his voice slightly to be heard over her excited cheering. "But! We only have two hours til mommy gets home." She nodded eagerly, bouncing on her feet. 
"And if we do this it has to be our secret, mommy can't know. Can you keep this secret?" He said, making a very serious face. 
"Yes!" She squealed, giggling. 
"Pinky promise?" 
She beamed, holding her tiny hand up to his. He wrapped his finger around hers, squeezing for just a second before releasing her. 
"Go get the markers then, we have to work fast!" 
Stevie screamed in excitement, running as fast as her little legs could carry her. He heard her digging around the art room, probably making a huge mess, before he heard a scraping noise on the wood floor. She was pushing a box of markers that was nearly as big as she was, groaning dramatically. 
"It's... too... heavy," she panted.  "Please help!" 
Harry smiled, leaning down to pick up the box. He scooped her up too, settling them both down on the table. 
"Alright, Miss Styles," he said, adapting a posh accent. "This is a proper tattoo parlor, so we shall do this properly, hm?" 
She laughed, kicking her feet. 
"I want the mermaid!" She said, pointing to the ink on his forearm. 
"Patience, Miss Styles," He smiled, wetting a paper towel under the faucet. "First, we have to get your arm ready!" 
She held out her arm, tracing her little fingers over his other tattoos as he wiped her wrist with the cloth. 
"So, the mermaid, hm? You have excellent taste, Miss Stevie," he joked, throwing the towel back to the sink. "What color?" 
"Black, like yours," she said, smiling sweetly. 
He felt his heart squeezing as he reached for a black marker. She was so precious. He would do anything, literally anything, to make her happy. He knew it was probably dangerous, how much power this two year old had over him, but he didn't care. He had been in love with her since the day she was born; since the first time he had looked at her. 
"We can match, look at that!" He said, beginning to draw on her arm. "Did you know that I love you sooooo much?" 
"I love you too, daddy," she giggled. "And that tickles!" 
"Oh, it tickles, does it? Should I stop?" He hovered the marker over her skin, glancing at her teasingly. 
"No!" She yelled. "I want to match you!" 
"Alright then," He said, laughing as he went back to his task. "Why don't we listen to some music?" 
"What should we listen to?" 
"Your song, the fire!" 
"The fire?" Harry looked up, confused. "None of my songs have fire in them, bug." 
"Yes," she said stubbornly. "And the fish!" 
Harry thought for a second before it clicked. "Do you mean Adore You?" 
"That one!" 
"You're right," He laughed. "That one does talk about fire. I'll get it, yeah?" 
He set down the marker, picking up his phone. After a minute, she was dancing in her seat to the drums of Adore You. When the chorus came on, she sang "walk through fire for you" while looking at Harry triumphantly. 
"Did you know this song is about mommy?" He said, focusing on his drawing. 
"Really?" She asked incredulously, eyes wide. 
"Really! It's about how much I love her." 
"Yucky," She said, scrunching her nose.
  "Yucky? That's not yucky!" he exclaimed. "It's nice!" 
Stevie hummed, kicking her feet along with the music.
   "It's yucky." 
"Stevie, you're hurting my feelings!" He said, gasping and clutching his chest dramatically. "I can't go on," he sighed, throwing his other arm over his forehead. "I'm sorry, daddy," She giggled, reaching up to pull his arm back to her. "Keep going!" 
He smiled, adding the finishing touches to her drawing.
"And... there we go! One mermaid, just for you." 
She beamed, holding her arm next to his to compare. 
"Daddy... your mermaid has no clothes. She needs some." 
"How about you draw her a shirt?" Harry laughed, handing her the marker. She furrowed her brow, focusing intently on her task. 
"Good job staying in the lines, love!" He said, ignoring the scribbles around the outline. "And you were right, it does tickle." 
"I know!" She laughed, giving the marker back. 
"What now?" 
"The... the heart!" She said, pointing the the small filled in shape on his upper arm. 
"Sure, that's an easy one." 
He proceeded to give her at least ten more matching "tattoos", including a cross, an anchor, a poorly drawn rose, and the green bay packers logo. 
"Daddy!" She gasped. "I have a idea!" 
"What's your idea, princess?" 
"The butterfly! On my belly!" 
"You want a butterfly on your belly?" He asked, lifting his shirt to show her his. "Like this?" 
"Yes!" She clapped. "Like that!" 
They were having the time of their lives, drawing and singing as loud as they could to all of Harry's songs. He loved watching her face every time he finished drawing. Her eyes would light up and she would pull his arm to hers, showing him how they matched. Every time a new song came on she would squeal and kick her legs because "it's my favorite song!" 
They had just finished making silly noises together at the end of "Sunflower" when Harry heard a noise. He froze with the marker on her arm, looking up quickly. 
He reached over to pause the music, holding a finger to his lips when she whined at him. He glanced at the clock, hoping he was just imagining things. You weren't supposed to be home for another hour. But no, that was definitely the sound of the front door opening, followed by your voice calling out a greeting. 
"Mommy!" Stevie shrieked, launching herself off the table. 
"No!" Harry hissed, grabbing her before she could run off. "Stevie, we have to wash this off!" 
He scooped her up, running up the stairs to the bathroom. 
"Harry?" You called out. That was weird. You could have sworn you heard them in the kitchen. "Stevie?" 
"We're- we're upstairs, love!" Harry yelled back. "Just cleaning up!" 
Cleaning what? You wondered, but didn't dwell on it for too long. It had rained recently, so they had probably gotten muddy outside. 
You made your way to the kitchen with the grocery bags, beginning to put everything away. Then you saw the box of markers. You narrowed your eyes, confused when you realized there was no paper around. What had they been drawing on? 
Up in the bathroom, Harry was starting to panic. He had set Stevie up on the counter while he was rubbing at the ink with a washcloth. 
"It's not coming off! Why isn't it coming off? The box said washable!" 
"No, don't take my mermaid!" She cried, pushing his hands away. 
"Stevie, love, I'm sorry, but we can't let mommy see these. Remember? They're secret tattoos." 
"Mommy will like them! They're nice," She pouted. 
"No, I don't think she will," Harry said, laughing nervously. "Maybe if we..." he grabbed the bottle of soap, dumping some onto the cloth. "There we are! Whew," he sighed in relief. "Good thing that worked, or daddy might have been sleeping on the couch tonight." 
Just as he was lifting her off the counter, he heard a knock at the door.
  "Harry? What are you doing in there?" 
He swung open the door, smiling charmingly. 
"Just a little cleanup! We... spilled some yogurt. Right Stevie?" 
She nodded, looking up at you innocently. 
"Ok... why were there markers all over the table, but no paper to use them on?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 
"Uh... we were going to color, but then... the... yogurt explosion..." 
"Oh, I see," you said, still suspicious. "Stevie," you said, kneeling down to be at her eye level. "Is daddy telling the truth?" 
Harry held his breath. Stevie was notoriously bad at lying. Usually, Harry was thankful for this, but right now he could do with a little fib.
"Yes mommy, yogurt went everywhere," she said, eyes going wide as she mimicked an explosion with her hands.
You smiled, straightening up. 
"Well, I'm glad you got it cleaned up. I'm going to go put the rest of the groceries away." 
Harry exhaled as you got to the bottom of the stairs. He quickly lifted Stevie up, spinning her around. 
"Thank you, Stevie. You're such a sweetie," He said, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She giggled, wiping her face and wiggling in his arms.
"Let's go see what mom bought us!" He said, bouncing her as they ran downstairs. 
Harry thought he was in the clear. He really did. He had managed to scrub off all traces of the marker, including the scribbles drawn over his own mermaid. Luckily, Stevie was true to her pinky promise and didn't say a word. She told you about how they played outside and what books they read, but said nothing about the makeshift tattoos. She was good at being sneaky.
By the time Stevie was yawning, Harry really though everything was fine. When you went to change her into her pajamas, he settled into the couch to find a movie. 
Everything is fine, he thought. You had no id-
"Harry!" You yelled from down the hall. 
He hopped up from his seat, rushing to Stevie's room. 
"What is it?" 
"Harry," you said, turning towards him slowly. "Why does our daughter have a huge butterfly drawn on her tummy?" 
So close.
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cotccotc · 3 years
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✳︎  a gift to @sarangsungs​ for the @districtninewriters​ winter fic exchange !! ✳︎
✳︎  genre/s: fluff, jisung x gn reader, non-idol, second date au (i imagined it as a high school au but it doesn’t have to be!)
✳︎  warning/s: none!
✳︎  wc: ~1.2k
✳︎  a/n: LORRAINE !! i’m so sorry for being a terrible secret santa and only messaging you once but as soon as i saw your answers to the survey i knew exactly what to do! i tried mixing a few of the au types you mentioned and i hope it turned out well hehe :) i love you lots and i hope you have a happy holiday season! <333
✳︎ * . ✳︎ * . ✳︎ * . ✳︎
“wait for me! y/n, please-” jisung calls out from behind you, grabbing your gloved hand as you step onto the ice with one of your skates. you turn around and observe the trembling sight before you: jisung is currently wobbling on his skates at the edge of the rink, gripping tightly onto both your hand and the railing. the expression on his face says it all. he’s terrified, mixed with a bit of sheer excitement, and a state of endearing urgency that only you, his date, can rectify. you giggle, stepping back onto the ground in your skates and accepting his mitten-clad hand with both of yours.
“you can do it! i’ll help you,” you assure him. it’s only your second date, and the physical contact between you - though somewhat stifled by the dense fabric in between - sends a shock of warmth up your spine that even the piercing temperature inside the rink could never penetrate. you’ve been taking skating lessons for most of your life, so you’re pretty light on your feet when it comes to the sport, especially at the recreational level. jisung? not so much.
in fact, he may have fibbed just a tad when he agreed to let you take him skating for your second date, citing his “killer blade skills”. you probably should’ve taken his use of the word “blade” instead of “skate” as a warning that he might not have known as much of what he was talking about as he’d led on.
you lead him so that he’s standing in front of you and gently press on the back of his puffer coat to prop him up. “how are you balancing so well?” he asks with a nervous laugh, a little louder than you’d normally expect. his fear has clearly replaced his need for social cues.
you giggle again. “because i’ve done this a million times. come on, i’ll spot you.” you point to the ice ahead. “bend your knees a little and put one foot on the ice.”
“you’ve got me, right?” he asks, glancing back at you for a split second before tightening his grasp on the railing. he’s dead serious, which you wouldn’t expect from someone you’ve only ever gone out with one other time. he really does trust you. you suspect that it’s a reflection of his growing affections toward you, which makes you blush. thankfully, he can’t see your face, and even if he could you’d have used the frosty air as an excuse for your flushing cheeks… but you can’t deny it’s nice to know he trusts your advice and touch.
“of course,” you reply. “i’ve got you.”
from there, he uses the railing to balance himself as he follows your directions, gently bending his slightly shaking knees as he places his right foot onto the ice. once he does so, the blade of his skate swivels a bit, making his nerves come back in full force. “baby! baby, baby, baby-” he rattles off, reaching behind himself to grab onto one of your hands once again. you’re so focused on making him feel safe that you don’t even notice the pet name.
“okay! okay,” you respond, not wanting him to panic. you move so you’re beside him rather than behind him, and you keep his hand in yours with the other placed on his back just in case. “just ease into it. it’s easy getting on, but the hard part will be staying up.” he looks at you with widened eyes and parted lips, obviously distraught by your statement. “but don’t worry! i’ve got you, remember?” you add.
under his breath, he repeats, “you’ve got me. yes. right. you’ve got me. cool.”
you step onto the ice yourself, easily and gracefully turning to him and taking both of his hands in yours. he looks down at both of your feet and squeezes your hands. using your strength to balance himself, he’s able to step onto the ice with his other foot. the blades slide back and forth a bit as he adjusts to this new feeling, but while he finally regains his footing and stands upright, he looks into your eyes with a beaming smile. “you did it!” you exclaim.
he laughs again, still holding onto your hands for dear life. “so… i kinda lied about my-”
“killer blade skills?” you interject. he closes his eyes and laughs, exposing the genuine, heart shaped smile that you’ve always adored from afar. the chill-induced redness in his cheeks becomes even more prominent as you giggle along with him.
“i’m sorry,” he chuckles.
“it’s okay.”
“i just didn’t know how to tell you i’d never skated before. you were so excited about showing me the rink and stuff…”
“sung, don’t worry about it. i totally get it.”
“okay cool.” he lets out a bit of a sigh, his hands still connected with yours. “what now?” he asks with a laugh as you both watch the other skaters pass you buy.
you point to the railing on the right of you. “hold onto that. and… keep holding onto me.” that last bit was selfish. you’re perfectly aware that holding hands while ice skating is dangerous. but you’ll be careful. you’ve got him, after all.
after a little while, you’re able to teach him how to glide back and forth without slipping and sliding as much. the two of you, joint at the hip for the whole evening, talk about everything you never got to on your first date. this includes your history with ice skating, as well as the fears he had about it prior to your arrival at the rink.
“by the way,” he starts as you calm down from laughing at a joke he’d made. “i’m sorry for calling you baby earlier… it was my gut reaction and i didn’t realize i did it.”
“honestly, i didn’t think anything of it,” you reply, finally recalling the instance. “i actually, um…” you trail off, unsure of whether or not you want to continue the sentence. it is a date after all, but he still makes you just as flustered as you’d always been before he first asked you out. “...i liked it.”
his eyes immediately dart up into yours, his attention straying away from the ice below you. as a result, he loses his balance. after a few slips back and forth, he’s sent to the ground with a thud, landing on his back. 
and, of course, you go right down with him.
luckily, the plushiness of your coats prohibits any real injury, but both of you end up lying on the numbingly cold ice. you look at him and he looks at you. you both got the wind knocked out of you, but slowly, the two of you can’t help but crack up at what just happened. other skaters pass you, looking down at the two hysterical teenagers laying on the ground below them. but you couldn’t care less. the bright sound of his laughter is healing enough to fend off the harshest chill or most judgemental stares.
“come on,” you say to him as the laughter dies down. you carefully get onto your knees and lift yourself using the railing before helping jisung do the same. “one more lap, then we’ll get some hot cocoa from the snack stand.”
as he comes to his feet, he takes a comically deep breath, exhaling with wide eyes while furrowing his brow at the long path ahead. he takes your hand in his, aggressively grabbing onto the railing with determination. “let’s go, baby.” this earns a big laugh from you, making jisung smile to himself before you lead each other forward... slowly but surely.
✳︎ * . ✳︎ * . ✳︎ * . ✳︎
✳︎ tags: @magglesx, @crscendoforsung, @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @pixielix, @skzctnightnight, @serenityswords-main​, @childofthecosmos​, @changbinniee​, @kpopscape​, @skzwriternet​ (send a 🍓 in my ask box to be added for skz !)
©️ cotccotc 2020 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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takerfoxx · 3 years
Well, in honor of the Rebellion sequel FINALLY being announced, here’s something I was going to do today anyway! Here’s the second part of the crew of Walpurgis Nights watch The Rebellion Story, stretching from Madoka arriving at the school to Hitomi’s nightmare!
Note: I originally was going to write this as one big piece and release it all at once, but then I realized what a dumb idea that would be, so it’s going to get released in chunks as they’re finished.
Note the 2nd: Every time a prolonged conversation takes place, just assume that they’re pausing the movie to talk.
G: You know, I can’t get over Tavi having legs, or Fee having hair.
Op: It does look good, I gotta say. Must’ve been a bitch to keep it looking so fresh though.
Ch: And probably sets fewer low-hanging branches alight or set off fewer sprinklers.
Op: As far as you know. That style is smokin’
H: Seeing all those boys is…weird.
Ch: I know what you mean. I mean, I can picture what they look like, and I’ve seen recreations, but even still…
G: It is interesting to think about. I mean, here it’s perfectly normal for girls to get into relationships with other girls. But there girls like us would be a minority.
Op: Can’t imagine why. Now that I’m seeing them…not really getting the appeal. They don’t even have tits!
Ch: I guess you had to be there.
Ok: Hey, is it true that girls who liked other girls got picked on a lot?
Ca: Well, that’s an oversimplification of a serious problem, and I certainly never saw it happen. But then, I was a little…sheltered. And yes, in some places of the world, that does unfortunately happen. And worst.
G: Poor girls.
Ch: And guys. It happens to the gay guys too.
Op: I never got the gay thing. I mean, using the word as an insult. Like, why would that even be something to be ashamed of?
Ca: That’s…a really complicated question, and I’m not sure I’m really qualified to explain.
G: Well, I think they’re just being silly! I don’t see how anyone could see anything wrong with this!
=Gretchen leans over to give Homulilly a small kiss on the lips. Homulilly is more than happy to reciprocate=
=Homulilly smacks Ophelia upside the head=
Ca: All of…that aside, I have to say, this is sort of nostalgic.
Ch: Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?
Ca: Oh, relax. I mean, just this. The school. The girls and the boys. The uniforms. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be struck with an uncontrollable desire for penis.
Op: Though if you do, I know a girl who-
Ca: Thank you, Ophelia. Please don’t finish that thought.
Op: Ha. Still a rebel, even then.
Ca: You were. You definitely were. Even more than this version. At least this version of you is going to school.
Op: And Tavi’s the goody-goody, sneaking off…hold up.
Ok: What?
Op: Rewind it a bit.
Ch: Okay…?
Op: So, does this version of me and Oktavia…do we live together?
Ch: Huh?
H: What?
Op: How would she know about me slacking on my homework after school if she wasn’t there? Like, in the same house?
Ca: W-Well, friends visit after school, sometimes to work on homework…
Ok: No, I’m going with Ophelia. We were totally shacking up. I mean, look at us. Look how irritated I am with her. That is love.
Ca: Girls, I hate to burst your bubble, but nobody was actually dating anyone back then.
Op: Oh, come on! Look at us!
Ok: Yeah, I mean the only other explanation is…
Op: Is what? What are you…Oh, my God.
G: What’s wrong?
=Ophelia and Oktavia both start to look very uncomfortable=
Op: Candy, tell us the honest truth here: are we sisters?
Ca: What?!
Ch: Oh my God, I’m not hearing this.
Op: If you hid it so we wouldn’t freak out, I understand, but we really need to know-
Ca: No! No, you are not sisters, and you did not live together in our timeline! You knew each other for little over a month when we died, and only really got along for about two weeks!
Op: Oh, thank the flames.
Ok: Whew.
Ca: Seriously, what’s wrong with you? I already told you your stories.
G: Yeah, and Hitomi’s known Oktavia and me for a very long time! I think she’d mention it if you two were related.
H: Plus you look nothing alike. At all.
Ok: Okay! Okay! It was a momentary slip of stupid! We panicked! Leave us alone.
H: Would you two have stopped dating if it turned out you were related?
=Ophelia and Oktavia exchange looks=
Op: Probably not.
Ok: Nope.
Ch: Great. Now that we’ve established yet again how degenerate you two are, can we please continue the movie?
G: Huh?
Ok: What’s her deal?
Ca: I…kind of remember her? She was a teacher, and I think I had her my first year. But it’s been so long that-
Op: This lady’s bugging.
Ch: Too many shots in her coffee.
Op: I don’t think that’s alcohol.
Ok: Look at the class. Look at us! We’re all as confused as…we are…huh.
Ch: Don’t think about it too hard.
Op: Okay, seriously! Who allowed this lady around children?
Ca: I can remember her being a little eccentric, but this is on a whole new level.
Ch: Well, as the first few minutes proved, this whole city’s totally drugged out of its mind.
G: Does she want the world to end?
Ok: You know, I’m kind of feeling her.
G: Eh?!
Ok: Okay, look! Way back in the day, before I had a reliable gig, I used to sub every now and then for the FIB’s music department, and let me tell you, after a couple days of trying to keep those sand crabs under control, the apocalypse wasn’t sounding too bad!
Ch: How bad does her class have to be for her to go that far off the deep end?
Ok: Well, me and Fee are in the class.
=Ophelia snickers=
G: Oh, I saw Hitomi!
H: Fantastic.
Ok: I thought you two were cool now.
H: Eh…
Ch: Hey, kids! It’s time to play, “Spot the important characters!”
Ca: Did our hair really stand out that much? I distinctly remember other kids having bright hair colors!
Ch: Well, if you have a bunch of characters that you’re only animating for one scene, then you gotta skimp on some of the details.
G: Oh, there you are, Lilly!
Ca: Okay, this part I remember as being fairly accurate.
H: Huh?
Ca: I mean the bit about you being a transfer student and having been in the hospital for a while.
H: Ah.
H: My God, I look stupid.
G: Don’t say that! You look cute!
H: Did I really wear my hair like that?
Ca: Well, no. You wore it straight. And I don’t remember there being glasses.
Ca: This part…is different though.
G: Really? How so?
Ca: I didn’t know Homulilly before she showed up.
Op: Yeah, you talked about that before. She just sort of appeared out of nowhere one day?
Ca: Yes. And pretty much just…aggressively inserted herself into our group. I mean, she wasn’t rude about it, but…
H: I was a time-traveler trying to save the only person that had ever cared about me from a terrible fate and had already failed several times. No doubt I wanted to skip the pleasantries.
Ca: I’m s-sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything negative.
H: No offense taken.
Ok: So basically, you had reloaded your save over and over and was skipping the cutscenes so you could get to work on the part you were having trouble on.
H: That is…a remarkably accurate way of putting it. At least I assume that was the reason. I don’t know anything other than I was told, and to be quite frank, I’m glad of it.
Op: Hear fuckin’ hear.
Ok: Cheers. Oh, uh, sorry, Candy.
Ca: Don’t worry about it.
Ok: Well, Candy’s really talking you up. Guess you were kind of an ass-kicker, Homulilly.
H: No, it’s like the other version of me said. I was probably in a support role.
Ch: What, with the time-stop thing?
H: Yes.
Ok: Support role, my scaly ass! That is like the most OP power ever! I mean, what could I do?
Ok: Uh, that wasn’t a rhetorical question. Candy, what could I do?
Ca: Oh, uh. In addition to your sword, you could use boost pads to jump and heal very quickly.
Op: So a tank, basically.
Ok: See? Just take and give damage! Basic as hell! Now time-stop, that’s a power with some class!
Ch: Plus time-travel.
Ok: Yeah, that’s like the jackpot of unfair.
H: Didn’t do me any good. We all died anyway.
Op: We’re chilling in our expensive, two-story house in a really nice neighborhood watching all this on our expensive big-screen instead of getting our asses beat every night and worrying about homework. I’d say things worked out.
Ca: Oh, come on. It’s just hand-holding.
Op: Look at that blush! Look at it!
H: She has a point. By all accounts I was already pretty infatuated with Gretchen.
=Gretchen blushes=
Ca: Fair enough. GAAAAAAY!
=group cracks up=
Op: Though, seriously. Were any of us straight?
Ca: Well, Oktavia did have that crush on that one boy that supposedly started the whole trouble, and I had a couple of crushes of my own.
Ok: Did you not see me earlier in the movie? I at the very least bisexual!
Op: Or Kyoko-sexual. Everyone’s gay for Kyoko! Even the boys are gay for Kyoko!
G: I don’t really know what that means.
Op: It means the boys find me incredibly attractive, but in a gay sort of way.
G: I still don’t know what that means!
=Oktavia leans over to whisper something in Gretchen’s ear. Gretchen’s eyes go wide=
G: Oooohhhh…
Ch: A month? So do the landscape shots just mean a time-skip?
Ok: Okay, we were joking just now, but this is pretty explicitly romantic.
H: As I said, it was at least on my end. Though I don’t understand why he has to be there.
Ca: He was always around, unfortunately. I’m mainly wondering why he’s being so quiet. Or catlike.
H: Why, was he talkative?
Ca: Very.
Op: Huh. Maybe that’s why we got Cheese. We were just used to the animal companion that wouldn’t shut the hell-
=Cheese starts screeching from the other room=
C: Pickinilly! Pickidelly! Picadely whore!
Ch: Great, now you’ve set him off.
=Cheese flies into the room and lands on Homulilly’s flower. She tries not to laugh as he prances about before spying the movie playing=
C: Rat bastard! Rat bastard! Rat bastard!
Op: Where’d he learn that? I didn’t teach him that.
C: Rat bastard! Rat bastard!
Ch: Oh, for the love of…Here, I’ll take him.
=Charlotte offers Cheese her arm, and takes him outside=
Op: I’ll say this: the bird might be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he is smart.
Ok: …did anyone else see the freaking dirigibles flying around in the background, or just me?
Op: Shit, those are a lot of airships. Hey, Candy-
Ca: No, those are new also.
Op: Something’s seriously off about this timeline, then.
Ch: Who the hell is that?
G: Oh! It’s Hitomi!
H: Of course it is.
Ch: Huh. Guess she does get more than a cameo.
Op: Jesus Christ, does her entire family all sleep in the same bed? You could fit an entire studio apartment into that thing!
G: Well, we were apparently all pretty well off.
Op: You had a normal-sized twin with a bunch of stuffed animals. She’s captaining the HMS Spoiled Rotten in there.
G: She’s not spoiled!
Op: Look, there are like three queen-sized beds between the six of us. You could put them all together and they still wouldn’t be as big as that monstrosity!
Ch: Isn’t she like living with three other girls now?
G: So? That doesn’t mean anything. Lots of people have roommates.
H: They’re dating.
G: What? What are you talking about? That’s silly to just assume-
Ok: Gretch. C’mon. It’s not a secret.
G: B-But-
Ok: Poly relationships happen all the time.
G: I…how did you find out?
Ok: You do know that I talk to her too, right? And honestly, you’re making more of it than she is.
G: I guess so.
Op: She should’ve brought that bigass bed with her, then. Gotten some use out of it.
H: Who’s she calling?
Ok: Oh boy.
Op: Well, well, well! Violin-boy!
Ok: Fantastic. Hey! I sold my soul for you! Hope it was worth it!
Ch: Er, you okay?
Ok: Yeah, I’m fine. I am pretty curious though.
Op: Oh! Stood the fuck up!
Ch: Wow, he just shot his own rich girlfriend down to play with his stringy stick!
Ok: Violins are way more than just stringy sticks! But yeah, he did shoot her right down, didn’t he? Starting to think I dodged a bullet.
H: You literally died.
Ok: I know what I said.
Op: I guess Hitomi dodged the same bullet. Traded in one deadbeat for three smokin’ hot girlfriends. Can’t see how that’s not a win!
G: Uh, her family? Whom she still remembers?
Op: Er…yeah. That’s a good point.
Op: Oh, she mad.
Ca: Teenage relationships are just like that sometimes. You feel all these big emotions and-Huh.
Ch: And you throw up yarn all over your room? What’s going on here?
Ok: We’re back on that weird shit again, aren’t we?
Op: Does she not notice any of this?
Ok: She just got shot down by her own boyfriend. Cut her some slack.
Op: Did the bed just…Okay, it ate her. It ate her and threw up even more yarn.
Ca: This is all getting very…witch-like.
G: I thought only Puella Magi could become witches.
Ca: So did I. But clearly my knowledge is very obsolete.
Op: Goddamn, Homulilly! You butterfly-effected the universe something crazy!
H: How is this my fault?
Ch: Oh, there’s another freaky teddy-bear. At least we know how they’re made.
Ok: Teenaged angst?
Ch: Most terrifying force known to mankind.
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riofann · 4 years
Rio Random 2.0
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Part 1 
Once again you and Aunt Brenda are at a tennis tournament. It had been weeks since your last interaction with Rio 
“So what’s going on with you and that fine young thing what’s his name?”
“Don’t know who you’re talking about” you fib 
“You know that one with the tattoos” 
You sigh “Rio Aunt Brenda?”
“Yes, yes him. Mr.Rio”
You shrug “I don’t know.... nothing”
“Have you even tried talking to the man” by now she knew the details of how you two met and how you three found yourself in this situation 
“I don’t want to be lied to” 
“You never know he might tell you the truth honey” she retorts playfully hitting your arm 
“No he lied for so long what’s the difference now?”
“Maybe the difference is that he no longer has to lie and you two can move forward”
“Can we just watch the match”
She puts her hands up “Sure sure but it would be a shame to let that go”
Your head whips around and now you’re beyond irritated. It was hard enough trying to get over him, her talking about him wasn’t helping “It was a shame for him to lie to me whose side are you on?” 
“Yours! Yours! I'm sorry honey. I just want to see you happy” she soothes sensing your irritation 
You’re shoulders slump and you lean into her “I know”
“Just reach out” 
You take in a deep breath as you think about it. 
~~~~~You took the leap of faith and did as Brenda instructed you two were to meet at the local restaurant a little upscale, quiet and private. However you find yourself wanting to curse him out the second you see him.
He rushes over “heeyyy mama” he says smiling at you
You cut your eyes at him “30 minutes!” you scold
He chuckles “I’m sorry”
“30 minutes Rio and you couldn't send a text, been blowing me up to meet and then you show up 30 minutes late?!.... wow”
He leans over and kisses your cheek “tranquilo mami”
He knows what that does to you and immediately you take in a deep breath and blow out slowly 
“I'm sorry okay i was handling something” he says as he seats across from you 
“You look good” he compliments
“Order your food!” you bark now hangry
“Si mami”
“Don’t” you roll your eyes 
He chuckles “my bad my bad”
You sit and watch as the waiter walks up and he orders his food putting his phone face down he leans back on his chair “so what’chu wanna talk to me about?”
You shrug “Nothing now”
“Come on I said i'm sorry” He gets up and pulls the chair closer to you, so instead of sitting across from you, now he was to the right of you. 
“Why didn't you send a text?”
“I couldn't”
“Why not?”
He leans forward, staring you down “Y/N”  he gives you a look “cuz i couldn’t” 
And for a moment you had forgotten who he was and what he did
“Oh” you utter coming to the realization of just why he couldn’t 
“Yea I’m sorry I’ll make it up to you” 
“So......” he drawls leaning back in his chair, taking a sip of his drink 
“Sooo you dance and play tennis?”
He smiles “yea calms my nerves”
“What could possibly make you nervous you're Rio”
“You have no idea” He smirks 
“What else?”
“What else what?” 
“What else do you do that I don't know” 
“I prefer you don’t find out and I’m not bout to tell you” 
You roll your eyes “Anyway....Why did you lie to me?”
“So you don’t have any other hobbies”
“I prefer you find out the natural way, I don’t want to have to tell you” 
“It's complicated”
“We have time......” you say as you cut the appetizer with your knife and fork “....or do you have something else to prioritize” you speak with an attitude laced in your words.  He hates to admit it but he missed your sass. It was always funny to him the pencil pushing good girls had the worst mouth on them. 
He smirks and sits up straight. “I’m here”
“So I was some sort of front?” you had slowly pieced things together however you didn't know why 
“Yea at the beginning but not anymore”
You can’t help but roll your eyes “Please”
He sits up and leans closer to you “Stop rollin yo eyes at me” he speaks so calmly but there's a threat lying underneath that tone 
You huff “Fine” 
“I aint lying to you tho”
You look at him for a moment before you decide to speak again and resist the urge to roll your eyes. It's more difficult than you imagined. Your facial expressions were a main form of communication for you. 
“So what are you gonna do about Krystal?”  What was he really going to do about apparently being in another relationship with another woman simultaneously?
“Ima take care of it” 
“I don’t know! maybe” you argue 
“How?” you snap, he raises his brow at you before taking another sip of his drink,  you pause before you speak again “.... Maybe you shouldn't..... maybe if you talk to her.... I don't know.... reconcile” 
“You sayin  i should go back to her?”
“Nah she ain’t for me” 
“And I am? I don't know your world!” you comment
“I don't want you to”
“So how can we be together if you only show me a part of you?”
He leans forward again, speaking slowly to add emphasis “Y/N, I don’t want you to. I just want you there I don't want you to ever feel like you gotta pick up a gun to prove a point or protect yourself”
You take a deep breath “and you think i won’t have to do that eventually?” 
He looks at you with his typical nonchalant  face “nah i got you” 
“I don't get it why did you even fall for me if I was just a facade?”
“I didn’t plan this shit. It just happened plus i got tired of feeling like all i did was take care of business 24/7. Who wants to be talking about cappin someone 24/7? I couldn’t even have my son around me when she was there! Plus I trust you. I trust you more than her and even tho she knows that side of my life i know you wont sell me to the wolves” 
You leave it at that because you feel like he would never tell you the truth, and you also felt like he was talking in circles, so you choose to proceed with caution. 
As soon as you arrived home later in the day you’re tired and ready to go to bed. Too many mixed emotions. Did you like Rio? Yes, Did you think your relationship would ever evolve into something more? No? Maybe? What is your relationship with him ? Side chick? Booty Call? FWB? BF/GF?  
“Hey!” You hear from behind you as your place the key in the door lock
“It’s okay, what's up? Why are you here?” you remember what Rio had said about her
Your body jumps, a natural reaction seeing that you were deep in thought and unaware of your surroundings “Oh my god!” The familiar voice however reduces the panic you’re feeling “You scared me!” you turned to face Krystal
“I’m sorry” 
“Oh I just decided to pay you a visit, mind if i come in?” she flashed you that smile, you were beginning to hate it
“Sure!”  you opened the door and let her in first “want something to drink?”
“Here you go!” 
“Yea what you got?”
“Liquor, wine”
“Oooh do you have Bourbon?”
“Bourbon on the rocks” Your mind flashes back and you remember all the times Rio had ordered Bourbon on the rocks and it made you sick, to think the entire time he was there with you his mind was with her
“Thanks!,” she pats at her leg “come here sweety” she speaks to your dog ‘Coconut’, instead of walking over Coconut looks between you two and opts to lay at your feet. “Ugh my dog does the same thing” 
“So why are you here again?” You were over this ‘visit’ already
“Have you talked to Rio lately?”
You find it odd that she would ask about Rio the same day you had lunch with him “Yea, had lunch today” no need to lie she probably knew 
“Hmm” she hums as she takes a sip of her drink “did he talk to you?”
“Me and him?” she looks at you wearily, playing with the glass in her hand
You shrug “Umm just said you two were exes” 
You close the door and look at Coconut who barks at you from the stairs, “I know, i feel the same” 
She perks up, smiling at you “oh yea!” she takes a deep breath  “I’m sorry I should have told you but I didn’t, we are really good friends and I got caught up in the moment, I was drunk” you take note of her quick change in behavior, if they were truly exes she would have told you before she even introduced you two 
“It’s okay”
Quickly she finishes her drink without saying much else other than“Well i should probably get going it's late”
“Yea thanks for stopping by” you couldn’t wait for her to leave
“Yea! See you around” 
You opt to not even text Rio about Krystal's pop up at your house for all you know they were still seeing each other. However the ‘pop ups’ between Krystal and Rio were becoming a bit much. Weeks of them simultaneously showing up out of nowhere just to ‘chat’ were becoming unbearable.  By now it was obvious they were both stalking you. 
 The doorbell rang as you and Rio sat by the kitchen island ‘chatting’ it up. You hopped down and rushed towards down the steps in your split level home
“Hey!” you force a smile as Krystal walks in “We are waiting for you upstairs”
“We?” she turned to look at you from the foyer 
“Do you want what he has? Bourbon on the rocks” 
“Yea just keep going” you motion for her to climb the steps
It was as much as a surprise to her as it was to Rio seeing each other there
Rio runs his hand over his face settling it on his chin massaging it to ease his irritation. 
“Uh sure!” she says carefully placing her purse on the counter
“You can sit next to him you don’t have to act like he’s a stranger”
“Y/N” Rio begins but you cut him off
“SO! I don’t know what’s going on with you two! But I’m tired of the fucking pop ups! I don’t need to be scared half to death every fucking time one of you decides to pay me a visit! I don’t know how I’m connected to whatever fucking plot you two are concocting but i don’t want any parts of it”
“There’s no..” Krystal interjects, which only makes you even more angry and you just let it all out. So much for being calm cool and collected 
Both Rio and Beth look at each other 
“Sweety it's not like that” 
Krystal in turn looks to Rio to fix the problem
You take a deep breath to calm down, you were getting too worked up you could feel yourself getting ready to cry. “I don’t care! i just want both of you to know I’m done with both of you go find another pansy to fuck around with!” you turn to Rio and face him dead on “Go find another woman to fuck with while you lie about how much you “care” about her!  Now GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER CALL OR PAY ME A VISIT AGAIN” 
Krystal alarmed by your yelling, is quick to grab her things, she never expected this to happen. Rio slowly eases down from his seat and grabs his keys before leaving. He was beyond furious at the moment. 
“Y/N can we just” Krystal tries to bargain again
“GET OUT!” It comes out as a high pitched shriek  
When they both leave you slam the door and lock it. You know it wasn’t the end of whatever was going on but at least you stood up for yourself. And now you can finally let go and let the tears out 
Your dog Coconut groans and you nod in response, pulling her in for a hug. 
“Rio!” Krystal calls as she rushes to his side
“WHAT DO YOU WANT?” his jaw is tight hands in his pockets
“We need to talk” 
“I know but,” 
~~~~~The rest of the week you didn’t hear anything from both of them however the following week after you arrive to work, parking your car in its usual spot you get out of hear the infamous Rio speak causing you to spin around 
He got in his car and slammed the door before driving away.  
“What are you doing here?”
“Get in the car we need to talk” he’s calm like always.
“NO! I have to work!” you stand your ground
“Y/N, I wasn’t asking”
“I don’t care! Leave me alone!” 
“I have to work Rio!” Without saying anything he starts to walk over to you. “Okay, okay, I’ll get in” you walk past him quickly and hear huff leave his mouth before he opens the door for you, you slide into the seat, you watch as he gets in his seat. He doesn’t even look at you but you can tell he’s still vexed. Jaw is still tight with a firm grip on the steering wheel. You don’t say anything but look out the window as you drive to an unknown location in town. It was a warehouse. You take a deep breath expecting this to be your last memory. 
He removed his hands from his pockets, this time placing them in front of him, he squints a little looking at you before he decides to speak  “get in the car or I’m gonna come over there and put you in the car”
“I’m gonna scream!” you threaten
He takes a few steps forward, which only caused you to retreat back “I don’t give a fuck! GET IN THE CAR!” he says more sternly and you would be lying if that didn’t frighten you
He scoffs “I’m not gonna kill you, if that’s what you’re thinking” 
How did he always know what you were thinking? 
“How long is this gonna take?” you ask looking around
“You might as well say you can’t make it in today”
You quickly text your boss and your car problems evolve into a bigger issue thankfully she understands and you feel at ease for now. You walk closely behind him as you approach the warehouse you can hear the chatter as you approach the building, when you do step in you're surprised to see a restaurant. 
The smell of coffee and pancakes fill the place. The young girl seats you two by the kitchen. You look around in awe, you had no idea this place even existed.  The place had an open kitchen concept so you could see the chefs and cooks working their magic and if you chose you could sit by the counter and watch. 
“Hi Welcome to The Barnyard! How many?”
“Two” Rio answers
“Sure” you answer apprehensively 
“You’re waitress will be Alyssa she’ll be with you shortly”
“Hungry?” he knew you didn’t eat breakfast 
You two order and eat not without saying anything to each other. Once you’re done he gets up and motions with his head for you to follow him. You walk towards the back past the kitchen, past the employee locker room/bathroom, take a turn into the backroom where the bus boys cleaned the dishes,  past the huge walk in freezer and stop in front of a door where Rio knocks. The guy opens immediately, the door was heavy, like one of those safe doors you see in banks. You take a glance at the man on the other side of the door,  he looks meaner and scarier than Mick you thought to yourself. You continue to walk down a few steps that seem to be taking you underground to another door where Rio knocks once again and the same door as upstairs, when you step in, you walk into what seems like a huge operation. Your eyes take it all in on one side there are people counting money on the other they’re bagging it. Not to mention what seemed like illicit drugs being packaged.  Rio takes a seat by the table and watches.You sit down next to him and try to absorb it all. He doesn’t say anything for what seems like forever. 
“You said you wanted to know what i did so here you go”
You turned to face him “why are you showing me all of this, now?” 4 months you dated this man and you thought he was a local drug dealer who made it big, this was cartel level operations 
“Things have changed, I might be wrong in my approach to keep you in the dark, and we need to talk,”  he removes his jacket and takes out his gun, placing it on the table “Krystal isn’t who you think she is,
“I know you told me that” 
“Remember when she kept handing you zip-lock bags at the school luncheon, yea they all got your fingerprints. Bags filled to the brim with coke and heroin. There's a few storage keys hidden in your house, the feds would find those too, it would lead them to a local storage where they would find more money and drugs, your fingerprints are on those too. I asked you to hold on to them for me.”
“Her name is Beth Boland, you are a front. But it’s much deeper than that,” with his fingers he makes quotation marks “ ‘Krystal’ and I have an operation we are business partners, ended up fucking, emotions got thrown in the mix. She put 3 bullets in me.”  He stops himself from, feeling like he’s getting carried away. “Anyway the feds started to question her connection to me, she got nervous, and came up with the plan of you, you would be my “girlfriend” while we continued to work and fuck.  If the Feds started to look deeper they would see that the only reason she would be around me is because of you. But you being my girl wasn’t enough so we decided to plant some evidence in your house”
Your heart sinks
“You were going to be the fall guy and that would in turn get the feds off of her ass, my ass too for now at least” 
You knew you were a front but this, you didn’t think it would be this, how could you be so stupid. 
“But Beth ‘Krystal’  is becoming more of a problem, plus i can’t just over look my feelings for you” 
“What feelings? Why did you even? Feelings?”  
“I told you i didn't plan it!” irritation spewed out in his tone, but it was more so at himself than you “I care about you mama, you my girl” 
You think about all the times you spent together, the few sexcapades you had, you feel sick to think it was all just part of the process, he was just going through the motions, whose to say he isn’t now? Maybe things are taking too long and he’s waiting for you to hang yourself with this new information. 
“You can ask me whatever you want, I ain’t got shit to hide anymore, plus I figured its the least I can do” 
“When did you start feeling differently, towards me?”
“About 2 months in” 
2 months?! That's all it took was two lousy months, for him to ‘care’ about you? You knew you were naivety but how stupid did he think you were? 
You contemplate calling the cops, FBI, hell the FBI would believe you wouldn't they? They already knew about them you were an innocent party
“I can see you thinking, just know if you go to the cops, they’ll do an investigation and since majority of them are on my payroll they won’t find nothing on her, they’ll instead turn their attention to you, with all that coke and heroin in your home, you wont see the light of day ever again. So whatever you’re thinking just know if Beth goes down, I go down and I’m not gonna let that happen whether you like it or not.”  There’s that Grade A ‘CARE’ you say to yourself 
You nod and wipe your tears away
“But I’m working on it.” 
You scoff, what could he possibly be working on other than nailing the last nail in your coffin
“If i wasn’t trust me you would be in jail right now” 
You swallow hard. This was a lot to process. You want to ask what he’s working on to get the target off your back but you don’t all you can think of is how you were one call away from being thrown in federal prison on drug trafficking charges. 
He doesn't say anything else and for the rest of the time you are in that warehouse you sit quietly just absorbing everything that was happening. A few men stop by to talk to him but he doesn’t introduce you, you sit there listening to the conversation. Even if the feds were to interview you right now, you wouldn’t know what the conversation was about. It was in code and so vague that you couldn’t piece anything together.  By the time you leave it's getting dark and you wouldn’t even remember how to get there. He pulls up to your car parked in the parking deck at work and gets out the car to open the door for you. You wanted to hop out and run to your car but you're frozen. 
“Y/N” he calls to you bringing your attention back to him “i’m working on it, i just need you to trust me”
You nod in response feeling the tears threatening to fall you begin to walk away but he grabs your arm lightly pulling you back 
“Her and Mick are there weekly and Mick leaves things a certain way if you go looking he will know, she will know, I’m trying to fix it mama i just need time, i just need you to operate as usual”
“You can’t go searching for them or she’ll know”
You give him a confused look 
You pushed him away, pulling your arm from his grip “Okay” you were done with him for the day, being around him made you sick, he literally plotted your demise and for the most part didn’t care about you, until recently. 
When you arrive home you look around and before you can stop yourself you rush over to the bathroom and throw up. When you've calmed down from your panic attack you walk around your home afraid to touch anything feeling like you were in a ticking time bomb, afraid that would be the reason the feds rushed over to your place. 
A/N: As always please tell me what you think! 
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thestyleswritings · 4 years
Restoration of Faith
REQUEST: (this may be triggering, so i'd understand if you chose not to write it). first-time consensual sex. Y/N lost her virginity in a sexual assault but has been to therapy. It took her a while to be comfortable with sex, but now she decides she's finally ready to have sex with Harry for the first time. He know what happened wants to make it a positive experience for her so he's super gentle and attentive.
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  "I'm... Nervous," she admits, biting her lower lip once again and truly testing his resolve. Her lips were always a key part in his fantasies. Contrary to her words, she rocks herself onto his growing length, making the pair of them shiver.
 "You don't need to be nervous, princess. This is all you. We can do whatever you want and nothing more. The ball is in your court." Harry tells her softly, though now his voice has a gruffness to it that she's only heard early in the morning.
Harry meets a girl who’s been through something awful and falls deeply in love with her.
Warnings: Smut, TW // Mentions of abuse and self-harm
  Therapy had saved her life. She was ready and willing to admit that. After her attack, she stopped texting, calling, going out. She wouldn't make contact with anyone for anything, even her professors had thought she'd dropped off the face of the planet. She wasn't eating, she wasn't sleeping, and she wasn't showering. She also had a very nasty habit of hurting herself, even if only a little bit, just to feel something. The sting of a cut, the scorch of a lighter. It took her somewhere close to 3 months to even get out of her head and call a therapist.
 It had been another 6 months into therapy that she'd met Harry. Before he arrived in her life, she always kept the same routine to feel as if she had more control over her life, never failing to tick every box to the letter on her list of daily activities. It helped her feel like she was really in charge of her life, an exercise her therapist taught her, and consistently praised her for continuing on her own.
 The day she met Harry, everything she had structured in place for herself shifted. It started when she missed the bus she normally took to her weekly appointment, kicking herself for snoozing her alarm one too many times. She typically didn't even take advantage of the function on her phone, only she'd been feeling hazy for a few days prior and figured a moments peace couldn't hurt anyone. With a scowl on her face, she decided she'd just hoof it there and apologise profusely for her tardiness once she arrived.
 Only she never made it that day. One blasted thing after another got in her way, making it nearly impossible to get to her destination. Pavements were closed on one road, traffic being directed in a never-ending stream on another. It was maddening. She could almost feel herself unravelling towards a breakdown when a man spoke to her left, nearly causing her to jump from her skin.
 "Sorry love, was only asking if you knew another way 'round this intersection. I've got an appointment at a quarter til, and it's just about half-past now. I didn't mean to give you such a scare," the man sounded sincere, honest, apologetic. She felt the very corner of her lips raise at the notion. An honest man? Unfathomable.
 "S'alright, I'm just a bit caught up in my mind, innit?" She offered, tone teetering on cheekiness.
 "I must be too, s'why I'm on my way to therapy. Though it seems like every bloody traffic cop in London would rather I didn't make it there." The man scoffed lightheartedly, dramatically rolling his eyes for her amusement.
 "Oh, that's actually where I was headed." She offers, not exactly sure why. She didn't owe him any further explanation of her presence on the street, but here she was, still giving one. It felt nice. She hadn't so much as double taken a man since what had happened to her, but there was something so welcoming about him. So she dared to ask his name, creating an inevitable conversation. She made a note to let her therapist in on this major break in her recovery realisation.
 "'M Harry. You?" He said, glittering eyes gazing into hers.
 Another 6 months down the road, she felt her throat close up as her heart sank to her stomach. She and Harry had laid down a sturdy foundation together in the time leading up to then, strong as mountains. They'd quickly become the best of friends, laughing at all the same corny puns and jokes and learning every little quirk that made the other up. She knew things like how he took his coffee, and what kind of jam was his favourite. She knew where he'd grown up, who he was friends with in another life, strange dreams he had, what sort of dumb things he and his sister fought over when they were young. But she also had more intimate knowledge, things like his deepest fears regarding his family, his future, if he'll have a family of his own, his regrets. And he knew those same things about her. She trusted him by showing him what she'd done to herself when she needed to bring herself back to reality. She told him what she was ashamed of, both things she had done and what had been done to her. She spoke openly about how her purity had been snatched from her grasp, although kicking and screaming. She cried to him when she felt small. They had even told the other they were in love.
 That's what scared her half to death. She knew she loved him with the entirety of her soul, but she was afraid, almost petrified, to take her clothes off in front of him. She had a few unwelcomed touch-memories when he'd come up behind her and laid a hand on her hip innocently, or when he'd spontaneously kissed her neck and she nearly lost her mind.
 And he understood that. He couldn't imagine the kinds of trauma buried beneath her skin, the levels of paranoia that were bestowed upon her. From the nights she spent at his flat, he knew she sometimes would even jump in her sleep. It made him upset. Not because she was subconsciously jumping from his touch, but because someone made it that way. He would never forgive himself, even if the thought was beyond irrational, for not meeting her sooner. He wished more than anything to take that pain off her shoulders. To erase the searing memory she was still so harshly burdened with. Of course, he desired her physically, but he would never be able to live with himself if he made her feel pressured or uncomfortable. What kind of monster couldn't wait to be intimate with her? It kept him up some nights, but he'd never tell her that. She felt guilty enough as it was during their waking hours, he couldn't add to her burden by telling her he couldn't sleep sometimes while thinking of the horror she went through, cuddling her to his side deeper as she slept soundlessly.
 So when she went to Harry and sat on his lap, curled up like a kitten, he was a bit taken aback. He loved a cuddle and was one of the snuggliest creatures she had ever had the pleasure of meeting, but they usually only cuddled once they were in bed, where she felt the safest. He didn't dare protest, silently complying and raising a hand to get lost in her hair, petting his fingers against her scalp lightly.
 "What's on your mind, pet?" Harry rasped quietly, voice tired from the full day he'd had at work. She had been home all day, thinking of ways to break the conversation, fibbing and telling him she was skipping the day's class to stay at his flat and complete her essay, bringing her one step closer to her master's degree.
 "Just thinking. I love you, I've just been thinking about you all day." She admits softly, pressing a kiss to his neck just below his ear.  
 He feels a blush run over his cheeks, feels himself inflate with affection and giddiness, much like a puppy getting its belly scratched. He couldn't help the goofy smirk adorning his lips, he just felt too good not to.
 "Yeah, baby? I love you. I'm so crazy about you. You're always on my mind." He tells her, not caring how utterly lovesick he comes across at times.
 She flushes, though it comes with a tingle that travels from the top of her head to the tips of her fingertips and toes. It's almost like she can physically feel his soul in hers and she feels alive. She truly can't help but give his neck another kiss, wetter this time, and joined by several others. He shudders and she feels it, making her blood sing in her veins. She couldn't remember a time where she felt so in love, so safe and so free. She felt like she and Harry could soar the greatest heights together, the pair of them unstoppable when they were together. It was an incredible feeling.
 "What are you after, baby?" He questioned, not wanting her to stop but also wanting to see where her head was at. He didn't want her to make a rash decision if she would end up regretting it later down the line.
 Instead of answering outright, she removes her face from his throat with one last kiss. Her eyes are doe-like and Harry's heart stutters. She'd never looked more radiant or confident than in that moment. Taking her lip between her teeth, she looks down between them to catch his big hand in her smaller ones. The air thickened instantly, the pair of them seemingly holding their breath.
 "Just.. wanna be close to you. Wanna love on you, if you let me," she purrs, causing the hairs on Harry's neck to come to a stand and his tummy to flutter. She can't be implying what I think she is? He thinks to himself. It's not that she's never shown her attraction to him, he just can't believe today could be the day he's finally allowed to touch her. He's thought about it countless times, dreamt of it even, and it nearly brings a tear to his eye that she finally, finally feels comfortable and safe enough to physically show him love.
"Yeah? Show me how you wanna love on me, princess." Harry breathes, light filling his green eyes. He wants her to show him exactly what she wants, willing to go to the ends of the earth for his girl to be whatever she wanted.
 She's back to feeling shy, not really knowing how to initiate this. She knows he'd take the ropes if she were to hand them over, but they both know how important it is that she takes control at this moment. This is her choice.
She looks into his eyes and her breath stalls at the look of love he's sending her. She dives back in, kissing Harry with a fervour he's never felt from her. He can practically taste the lust dripping from her tongue onto his. Gingerly, she presses herself against his lap where he's already sporting a mainly solidly stiff prick. As silly as she feels for it, the presence of it shocks her, ripping a gasp from her puffy lips. The feeling sends her into a frenzy, pulling back with wide eyes and a rapidly rising and falling chest to meet his gaze once more.
 "Mhm, you feel it? 'S for you. Always is," Harry admits with a blush. He's no stranger to dirty talk, but he wants to take precautions with her. He doesn't know how filthy he can be without sending her back into her shell.
 "I'm... Nervous," she admits, biting her lower lip once again and truly testing his resolve. Her lips were always a key part in his fantasies. Contrary to her words, she rocks herself onto his growing length, making the pair of them shiver.
 "You don't need to be nervous, princess. This is all you. We can do whatever you want and nothing more. The ball is in your court." Harry tells her softly, though now his voice has a gruffness to it that she's only heard early in the morning.
 "I want you, in every way. Stayed home to pluck up the courage to do summat about it. And to take a very, very thorough shower that involved a lot of bending and twisting to get everything shaved." She tells him, a raspberry blush appearing beneath the skin of her cheeks. He's in awe again, of his darling girl.
 "Cheeky thing. Lied to me about why you stayed home just so you could strategise how to jump m' bones?" Harry chuckles, grabbing her waist delicately before making the motion to stand.
 "Gonna bring me to bed?" She asks breathlessly, nerves still getting the better of her. But she won't let her fears and self-doubt get in the way of another night she could've spent wrapped up in her love. Not anymore.
 The moment she feels the plush mattress beneath her, she can breathe a bit steadier. Even if they hadn't used the bed for its extra-curricular purpose, it was still a major staple in their relationship. She knew this place, and she felt safe here.
 "Take off your clothes." She instructs simply. If she were to get through to the rewarding bit of this, she had to hurry and get to it already. The build-up was the worst part. His lip curls at the command as he does what she asks. He leaves himself in nothing but his tight black boxer-briefs, kneeling on the bed before advancing. Watching and waiting to see if she would ask him to do something else.
 "Come here, please," she begs of him, reaching an arm out to grasp the back of his neck. He's awfully careful as he crawls up the bed, hovering over her much smaller body, not putting an ounce of pressure on her.
 "I love you. I love you so much. I-I wish you could've actually been my first," she begins, but he stops her.
 "I will be." He assures her, "If you didn't say yes, it wasn't your first, princess. I know I've told y'that. This is what you'll think about when you think about your first. I promise you I won't let any other thought come up." His voice breaks as he cradles her face, finally dropping his body to rest against hers. The kiss he lands to her lips shatters her and mends her at once, feeling the love and healing he put into it.
 "Please, I don't know what I'm doing yet," she mumbles against his lips, grazing her hand along his length. He draws back to look at her once before he's moving down the bed again, placing kisses to her neck and gripping the bottom of her shirt. She can faintly hear him asking to undress her through the blood rushing to her ears and she nods. She may be inexperienced, but she isn't naive. She knows exactly what he's headed down to do, and more than anything, she's excited.
 "Aw, princess, s'this all for me?" Harry coos his rhetorical question softly upon seeing how incredibly aroused she'd become, kissing the softest and squidgiest bit of her thigh; right up top.
 "You know it is," she whimpers, threading her fingers through his thick strands. Before she's even finished her sentence, her panties were pulled from her hips. She ignores the unpleasantly familiar sensation of someone that isn't her taking them off. Harry. It's Harry.
 "God princess, might be down here a while..." Harry breathes, voice drunk. She peers up at him quickly enough to catch the strong drag of his tongue against her slippery lips. The noise she makes would've made him laugh in other circumstances, a squeak, instead he grunts and grinds his hips into the mattress. He might not even make it inside her before he's tapped out.
 The movement of his tongue picks up each time she squeezes the handful of hair in her grasp, which is quite often, and he's loving it. He doesn't think he'll ever get enough of her sweet peach now that he's had his tongue inside her. She can't describe the feeling, she just knows that she would be asking him to replicate his actions often. She tenses up as her clit makes its way into his mouth, hearing the filthy slurps and moans coming from his lips. She could finish just from the sound of him. She thrashes when she feels a finger tease the rim of her opening, subconsciously kicking at Harry's shoulder before he grabs her ankle and kisses it.
 "I's me, princess. S' just me. Let me make you feel good, sweet girl." His voice calms her immensely, shaking her head and focusing back on him. He's so good to her, it feels like karma's personal apology to her.
 "Sorry," she says sheepishly. She knew it would happen, she just hoped she hadn't ruined the mood. As if she ever could.
 No more words are spoken as she feels his finger back at her hole, lips leaving kisses to her lower tummy. He slides it in further than the rim this time, sucking her clit into his mouth to alleviate any discomfort she may have felt. He thrusts his finger in steadily, not too hard but definitely not as soft as he'd been at first. She appreciates him attempting to keep some normalcy.
 "Wait- Oh! Feels good, really good. Wanna feel you now, please-Please!" She nearly surrenders to her pleasure when he adds another finger, curling them right up against her spongy wall.
 "Gonna make you come first, princess." He tells her, not bothering to break away from her clit. The vibrations in combination with his unrelenting fingers send her spiralling over that edge she'd wanted to fall over with him. Her moans are strangled as she reaches her orgasm, the sound bringing Harry to a pile of mush below her, still working her through it.
 "Mmm," she tries to form words as he hovers back over her, but she can't seem to find any. She's overcome with a multitude of emotions that she suddenly can't convey. She feels loved, she feels proud, she feels safe and she feels clean.
 "Can pick this back up tomorrow, my love. You seem sedated." He jokes, kissing her lips and leaving behind a lingering taste of herself. She shakes her head, grabbing at his hips and pulling them down to her own.
 "Want it now," she breathes, kissing his neck where she knows he's the most sensitive. And who is he to argue with that? He's about to stand to get an emergency condom he keeps in his closet before she clears her throat. His attention is back on her immediately, looking for any signs of hesitation.
 "M' on the pill," she mutters shyly and Harry's jaw drops. He gets to have her and she'll be bare? This day could not get any better.
 "God, you're perfect. I love you," he reminds her, peppering kisses to every inch of her face possible before reaching down to take her hands and guide them to his pants. "You do this bit. You've waited long enough," Harry encourages her, slipping both their fingers into the band before letting go of hers.
 When she yanks them down, she's floored. That's what I've been missing? She thinks. It's thick and tall, standing between them with a certain strength and glory. He doesn't miss the look in her eye, but he doesn't call her out on it. He has all the time in the world to tease her about her awe of his cock another day.
  "Sure you want to do this?" Harry checks for the hundredth time. She kisses his nose and nods before taking a deep breath.
 "I'd never regret this. I'd regret if we didn't." She assures him, gripping his torso in one hand as to brace herself. He nods, knowing her word is final.
 He's gentle as he strokes himself and even gentler as he lines his cock up with her delicate little hole. He cannot believe he's about to have sex with the love of his life. He can't believe how lucky he is to be her first. Her real first. The first lover to have her this way, the only man who gets to say she's his.
 The initial push causes a sting to shoot through her lower half, throwing her mind to the last time she'd felt it, but she powers through. It's Harry. It's her lover. The man she trusts with her entire life. She hears his breath hitch instantly, only having pushed the tip and a bit more in. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, indulging in the feel of his girl before opening them to check on her.
 "You okay, beloved?" He asks, voice beyond strained. When she gives him a nod, he pushes more of himself into her until she's hitting his side. His head snaps to the side, expecting a look of fear or pain, but to his utter surprise, he sees a look of pure bliss. He knows he's up against her spot, feeling the rough patch massage his tip. He uses this knowledge to his advantage, bottoming out at this angle, catching the spot the entire time he glides in and sending her into a frenzy of sorts. Her legs instantly locking onto his hips, giving him little leeway to do much else but fuck into her right onto her spot. She clenches around him as he pulls back, almost like she didn't want him to move his hips away from hers for even a moment.
 "Feels, god! Feel so good, angel. My sweet baby, yeah? Feel good for you?" Harry rambles, nipping the skin of her neck to distract himself from blowing his load right then.
 She's a mess, physically unable to stay put for more than one thrust. She never thought she'd be doing this, never thought she'd even make it through the year last year. The fact that it's her Harry just pushing her further and further into space.
 "Mhm, so good. What, what are you doing? S' really nice. Does it always-?" She's a moaning mess as she replies, feeling a particularly solid strike at her beloved spot that she didn't know existed until now. He chuckles at the unintended compliment to his performance.
 "Feel this good? Nah, s' because we're in love," Harry begins, but the feeling was too overwhelming, causing the word 'love' to come out as if he'd been hit in the stomach with a steel baseball bat. As if the spoken emotional intimacy turned him on to a point he couldn't stop himself from coming. He couldn't help it as the feeling travelled from deep in his belly, shooting out all the love he could produce, spilling into his princess.
 "Mm, fuck Harry, I'm about to-" She moans at the feeling of his warmth spreading inside her and he cuts her off with the rapid movement of his nimble fingers down to her clit, still pistoning his hips into her, prick softening but still effective as she came.
 Harry collapsed on top of her, wrapping an arm around her back to press their bodies even closer. He was still inside of her and she could feel the spurts still going as she came down.
 "I'm so sorry... I literally couldn't stop myself from-" Harry begins, but she laughs. Laughs like she hadn't laughed in a year. A genuine laugh that drew tears from her eyes and an ache to form in her belly. His cheeks and ears grew red as she continued to laugh, thinking she was laughing at his premature end.
 "Hey, it happens to a lot of guys! And I got you off again, don't make fun of me," he pouts, beginning to retract his arm from around her before she grabs a hold of it.
 "Not laughing at you, doughnut. I love you so much, and you did get me off again. I'm laughing because I feel, I don't know. Clean." She admits, kissing his temple.
 "After that? Should feel right sticky, I know I do," Harry gests, leaving her a kiss to her own temple before pulling out slowly. She gasps at the hollow feeling, but she has an inkling he may not mind filling her right back up whenever she wanted.
 "You know what I mean." She rolls her eyes, allowing his arms to encompass her.
 "I know, baby. I'm glad you found the strength in yourself to do this. And not just because you let me shag ya." Harry hums, kissing the crown of her head.
 "You're an idiot," she teases. She couldn't be more in love if she tried.
"'M your idiot."
 And yeah, maybe the idiot had a point.
Thank you for reading! This was a little difficult to write for personal reasons, but I hope this piece was alright! Please share your feedback/thoughts!
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rcguna-archived · 4 years
What does their bedroom look like?; How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?; Superstitions or views on the occult?
too much details headcanon meme || [ open ] || @ivakir
1. What does their bedroom look like?
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I just spent the last hour on the last steps needed on my emulator to get the decked out bedroom with the full bed. Which is a loft/upper level mind you! Most of Raguna’s home is confined to the single first floor but there’s a quiet space upstairs for him to unwind and sleep. There’s a lot of storage that isn’t shown in-game that I imagine you’d find, such as a closet or two and some storage chests. 
Raguna is very organized about his space and good about keeping it clean. It’s evident in the lower levels and makes sense to extend to the room. He makes his bed, scrubs the floors, and dusts the shelves. Said shelves such as the one next to the bed would be for placing night reading, drinking glasses, and some decoration... if you gift him something sentimental, this is where it ends up.
... I’m really not sure why the game put what looks to be wine bottles on the one shelf by his journal and nightstand, given Raguna states in game he doesn’t care to drink much. :L
23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
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I touched on this an itty bit on the previous question, but to reiterate he is definitely very organized. His home. His fields. His barns. His storage... everything has its proper place, otherwise with everything he holds onto and comes across there would be quite the chaos. 
Raguna typically keeps to a rough schedule or at least order of operations for the day, and having things where they should be makes it easier to hold to that and less likely he forgets things. Way back I made a hc that he can definitely be late to events and plans due to.... losing track of conversation with people he runs into. Hue. Just wanted to throw that in there.
45. Superstitions or views on the occult?
Well I mean he’s gullible, so you can probably tell him a few things and he won’t suspect you’re fibbing and at the very least will do research to figure out if that’s true or night instead of dismissing it outright. He’s... wary of Mist’s numerous wive’s tales, but Mist is more or less a special case of people.
With that said, his world very deeply involves spirits and ghosts and the like. So it makes sense that he believes in the supernatural and Gods (given they have tangible form in this world, and he’s actually uh, defeated a fledgling one)
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langdvnshepherd · 5 years
Lessons (Professor!Michael Langdon x fem!reader x Professor!Duncan Shepherd)
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Word Count: 1.1k
Anonymous asked: How about professor!Michael punishing the reader for not paying attention in class and professor!Duncan joins him?
Warnings: professor/student dynamic, mentions of smut
A/N: I want to give a huge shoutout to @svjourn / @satcnas for letting me use her brilliant Professor!Michael x Professor!Duncan concept! She’s the best! This is a super short little scenario I’ve been toying with in my head all day (and briefly this morning with @avesatanormalpeoplescareme). Enjoy!
“This isn’t about my last test grade at all, is it?” you asked nervously, heart thumping in your ears, sweaty palms swiping against the fabric of your skirt, wetness pooling in the center of your panties.
In front of you were not only one, but two of your professors. Professor Shepherd sat in the grand chair behind the thick, wooden desk, and Professor Langdon was propped against the desk with his legs crossed at his ankles. You’d expected to see Langdon, as he’d stopped you on your way into his class that afternoon and asked to speak with you in his office about the most recent test you’d taken for his course. What you hadn’t expected to see, rather who you hadn’t expected to see, was Professor Shepherd. He resided in an entirely different department of study, giving him no logical reason to be perched in Professor Langdon’s desk chair, staring a hole into your soul with his entrancing sapphire eyes.
“Not exactly, Miss Y/L/N,” Langdon started, tossing his hand into the air.
“You see, Y/N, it’s come to both mine and Professor Shepherd’s attention that you’ve become rather...distracted in our classes. Wouldn’t you say so, Duncan?”
The tall blonde that had years on your senior turned his head away from you to look back at Duncan, who nodded affirmingly.
“Indeed, Michael,” Professor Shepherd huffed, then clicked his tongue as if to scold you.
“You know at first,” the brunette continued, standing up from the chair to join Professor Langdon in leaning himself against the oak wood.
There were only a matter of inches between his lavish, black polished work shoes and the flats you’d chosen to wear to campus that day. Instinctively, you crossed your own ankles over each other, tucking them further back behind the legs of the chair as an act of defense.
“We dismissed your flirting. The tight dresses, the blouses unbuttoned a few short of what this university considers appropriate, the doe eyes. You’re certainly not the first young woman we’ve encountered that’s tried to have their way with us. However, when we ignored your advances, you didn’t stop there did you?”
You parted your lips to interject, to plead your case and find a way out of this mess, but Michael spoke over you.
“I’ll answer that for you, little one. No. You didn’t stop there.”
“When we turned you away, and rightfully so might I add, you kept on. You started running your mouth. Didn’t you?”
You couldn’t respond to his question, feeling the heat climbing up your neck and smothering you in a fire of embarrassment.
Professor Shepherd was right. When both of whom the entire student body considered the most attractive professors at your university failed to requite your alluring attempts to seduce them, you began showing out even more. In Langdon’s class, you’d spoke loudly and freely about how good you’d imagined Professor Shepherd to be in bed, and in Duncan’s class you’d make sure to sit in the front row so that he was acutely aware of how badly you yearned to have Professor Langdon’s golden locks splayed out around your thighs like a halo as he devoured the juices that ran from your core. It was immature, you could admit, however, you weren’t used to not getting what you wanted. And what you wanted was one of your professors, at that point you didn’t care which, to bend you over their desks and take complete control of you.
“Professor Shepherd, I-I-I didn’t even know that you knew each other.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Langdon cooed, leaning down so that his face was eye level with you, his lips centimeters from your own as he spoke.
“There are a lot of things about us that you don’t know.”
Professor Langdon then stood up abruptly, returning to his position against the desk.
“You see, Miss Y/L/N,” posed Professor Shepherd.
“We’ve caught onto this little game you’ve been playing. We know just how desperate you are for us both. Because that’s what happens when you’re a selfish, greedy slut,” the last few words were more or less spat from his mouth, making you shiver in the cold, leather armchair.
“What was it that she said about me in your class Dunc?” Professor Langdon spoke up, running his forefinger along his chin as his thumb rested underneath in fake ponderance.
“That she wanted to know what my rings felt like as I pumped my fingers in and out of her to the knuckle?”
He pulled his hand from beneath his chin to examine the metallic rings that reflected off of the fluorescent lighting of his office.
You felt the room closing in on you, the air suddenly becoming thicker and harder to inhale. Certainly, that is exactly what you wanted, but you honestly never believed you’d be confronted like this.
Professor Shepherd hummed in agreement, moving from his place at Langdon’s desk and waltzing right behind the back of the chair you were in.
“And if I’m not mistaken,” he started, running his hands along the back and arms of the seat, just barely grazing your bare shoulders with the expensive fabric of his suit jacket.
“You told your friend in Michael’s class that you’d love nothing more than to choke on my ‘big fat cock that’s far more massive compared to Professor Langdon’s.’ Isn’t that right?”
Duncan quoted your words verbatim, speaking lowly into your ear. The goosebumps on your arms multiplied by tenfold as each syllable left his mouth.
“That statement’s only half-true,” Professor Langdon chuckled from his position in front of you.
“We’ve called you in here to make you an offer, Y/N,” Duncan huffed, dropping his sultry act in an instant.
Professor Shepherd circled back around you, making sure you caught sight of his muscular, burly thighs straining against his work slacks. He stopped when he reached Langon’s side, leaning against the desk once more with the side of his hip pressed firmly against the intimidating blonde that stood beside him.
It was then that you noticed the unmistakable bulges straining against the zippers of both of the men, your professors, in front of you. Your mouth watered at the sight, of both of their cocks aching to be touched by you. To ravish you.
This felt like some euphoric, wet dream of yours, only it wasn’t a dream. It was real.
“I wasn’t fibbing, darling. You really did a subpar job on your exam, but we’re willing to negotiate on some extra credit points to help you out.”
“But,” Professor Shepherd picked up Langdon’s proposition.
“If you’re not interested in extra credit, we can always discuss your punishment for being a naughty girl during our class time.”
@alice-is-mad @lathraios @rocketgirl2410 @langdonskillerqueen @nickisgirl @hecohansen31 @blakewaterxx @divinelangdon @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @littledemondani @little-grunge-flowerz @this-isnt-madness @w0nder-marie @d4dasher123 @breakingsupernaturlbad101 @asstichrist @avesxtxnas @satcnas @langdonsdemon @babyboy-cody @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @chirpdesu @littlepsychos-world @soph3218 @michaellangdons @daddyjiel @venusxxlangdon @readsalot73 @wroteclassicaly @gold-dragon-slayer
manip credit: codyahsfern
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What snack food could you not live without? I feel like “can’t live without” is pushing it too far, but Pringles is my favorite and I imagine I’d be pretty miserable if they hypothetically suddenly disappear or stop production. Can never get enough of those.
What/where is your favorite restaurant? And what do they specialize in? Yabu. It’s Japanese, but they mainly specialize in katsu so they don’t have sushi or ramen or sukiyaki or other types of Japanese food. I haven’t had my usual since February or March, so I can’t waaaait until I can finally order for myself.
How do you waste time when you are procrastinating? Looking for anything I can watch on YouTube. Once I’ve found a video it usually is able to send me into a black hole of other videos, so it’s been quite the effective way to avoid tasks or things I’m worrying about.
Do you follow any celebrities on social media? Who? I don’t, honestly. I never understood it about myself lol; I’m fascinated by a number of celebrities but the idea of being constantly updated about their personal lives just never seemed appealing to me. I guess I just like them for what they do and the celebrity that comes with it. The only one I follow on Twitter is Hayley Williams.
Who do you admire for what they have accomplished? Probably Arlan. Dude had like 10 orgs while in college, was in the college student council, and he got accepted to Columbia’s graduate program for journalism for the next school year. Idek how he even finds the time to sleep.
Would you like if you never had to work again? Lately I’ve been learning about myself that work gives me a sense of purpose, so even if I was offered all the money in the world, I’d take it but I would still want to work (assuming I’m in a job I like and care about). I never want to go back to how shitty I felt in September when I was neither studying nor working.
Are you a big sports fan? What team and sports? I like watching basketball and volleyball games, but only the ones played in our local university league – that said, I obviously root for my school lol. I like pro wrestling too, but they don’t work in teams.
Do you believe in following your dreams? Yes, but the way there is vastly different for everyone in that some people may have the connections and resources early on, while some will have to work and claw a little harder. The playing field isn’t always level, unfortunately.
Do you like to play board games? They’re fine, but I typically prefer to watch from the sidelines mostly because I’m terrible at following instructions and retaining them in my head as I play.
What were your favorites games as a kid? Does it have to be board games? I played outside way more often and my favorites were patintero, 10-20, and a game we called ‘ice ice water,’ which is really just freeze tag. I also liked pick-up sticks.
Would you like to be a “stay at home” mom or dad? I dunno if I would enjoy that, honestly. Like I said, I like the idea of working as it makes me feel productive...but who knows? I’m only 22, literally a fresh graduate, I don’t have kids, and it’s a long way before I can possibly become a mom. But my priorities could always change; I could wind up being a mom who is content with being a housewife. I really have no clue, and I’ll never know until I get there.
How are your “direction skills” when you are driving? Yeah, they’re nonexistent. I need Waze all the time if I’m the one driving, even if it’s going to a place I routinely travel to.
Do you need to be in charge or are you happy to let someone else take charge? It depends on how confident or familiar I am with the task at hand. I can handle being either a leader or a follower; but I do think that, for all tasks I’m involved in, I do like to help call the shots and decide on things on some level, no matter how little it is. I never just follow, if that makes sense.
Would you rather “talk it out” or “let it go” and hope it’s forgotten about? Talk it out. Communication is really important to me.
What celebrity have others told you that you look like? Anna Akana and Lucy Hale.
Do you like to dance? What kind do you enjoy the most? Only either when I’m alone or have had a lot to drink. I don’t actually know any types of dance.
Do you feel anxious right now? Eh, not really. I’m a little sad, but getting out of bed to sit at my desk has slightly fixed that for the meantime.
Do you like to eat breakfast for dinner? What are your faves? Sometimes my dad will make breakfast food for dinner, yeah. I’m never enthusiastic about it lol, but I don’t complain.
Do you feel like you will ever have enough money to make you happy? Sure, I think so. I know I definitely don’t want to end up being extremely selfish about money.
What is more appealing to you: a pub crawl or a wine tasting? Pub crawl, for sure. I hate wine anyway.
What classes or courses would you take to learn more about? International relations, biology, and anthropology.
Would you ever get a tattoo? What kind would you get? Idk if I would ever get one, but one of my ideas is to have Paramore’s lyrics “For all the joy that is to come / Just let the pain remind you hearts can heal” on my wrist, kinda like as a reminder that there are brighter days ahead. That’s not the correct sequence of lyrics, but combining those lines together was what spoke to me the most. 
How much time do you spend working out a week? (you can fib a little) I don’t work out.
Do you dress up for Halloween? What was your best costume? Only if my friends have something planned. I’ve mentioned this several times lately but my personal favorite costume was going as my old best friend, Sofie. It was so low-effort but everyone understood who I was and had a kick out of it.
How often do you like to shop online? I never really did it regularly before since I had been on a tight allowance throughout college, but now that I’m earning on my own I could see myself ordering stuff online 1-2 times a month.
Have you ever spent time “online dating?” No. I had Tinder before, but just to people-watch. Still not interested in it now.
Do you ever hang out with your parents? How about your siblings? No. We don’t do one-on-one bonding; we’re all emotionally unequipped for that lol. I hate that I missed out on family things like that; and my future kid/s is/are definitely getting a lot of solo dates with me.
What is the number one way that you like to spend your time? Probably going on YouTube. There’s always something to watch over there.
Is it easy or hard for you to be lazy all day? Easy for the most part, but if I know I have work to do I also like getting my ass up to wrap that up as quickly as I can.
How similar are you to your zodiac sign characteristics? Based on what’s been shoved down my throat from social media, Tauruses  love their food, hold grudges, are fiercely loyal, resistant to change, and annoyingly stubborn. Those things are all me.
What are you addicted to? I don’t have any addictions.
What is the last song that you saved to your playlist? Haven’t been using my playlists lately.
If you could listen to only one artist, who would that be? Paramore.
Who would you like to be president right now? We have a dictator of a president at the moment and the list of potential candidates for 2022 isn’t looking too great either, so...who the fuck knows. I’m hoping someone capable – and someone preferably younger – steps up to take the challenge before 2022. I look forward to the day we take to the streets to celebrate the same way America did today.
Were you popular in school? I mean in high school I was kinda on the radar, but I still liked staying at the sides and let my more popular friends take the spotlight. Besides, I was already linked with Gabie and I didn’t want teachers and staff to be on our asses. 
What is your favorite place that you have ever visited? Locally, Sagada. Outside of the country, probably Shanghai.
What places do you want to travel to before you get too old? Ideally I’d want to travel to as many countries as I can, to be honest. Doesn’t matter where. But if I can only afford to do so a handful of times, I’d spend that money on Morocco, India, Thailand, Egypt, South Korea, Iceland, Peru, and Spain (and then maybe go on a European road trip from there).
What is the perfect work schedule that you would love? I’m happy with my current 9-6 shift.
What was the best party that you have ever been to? Rita’s sister’s org’s Halloween party from last year.
Did school come easy for you or was it hard? High school was easy, but I purposely didn’t put much effort into it. I didn’t see the point, considering a) teachers have their established favorite students early on and I knew I wasn’t one of them and no matter how well I did I knew I wasn’t going to get recognized, and b) workplaces could not care less about your high school record. College was also easy, and I found balancing my academics, org life, and social life to be fun and fulfilling.
What language do you enjoy listening to? English or Filipino.
Would you take the time to learn a new language? Sure. I’ve done that with Spanish and Korean before.
If you had a personal assistant, what would you have them do? Make them do the phone calls whenever I would have to at work.
Who is the funniest person that you know? I have several people in mind, honestly - Andi, Kate, Jum, Aya, JM, Hans.
Who is the worst pain in the ass that you know? My mom. Sometimes Cooper.
Whose life do you look to as a “model” of what you would like yours to ultimately look like? Anna, one of the moms from the Korean reality show I watch. Her amazing attitude towards life, her parenting skills, cooking skills, aesthetic, and overall life is all I want.
How much money do you save from your paycheck? I have no idea how to budget yet. AAAHHHHHHHHH
Which is a stronger emotion, fear or joy? I think both can be felt strongly.
What types of people do you follow on social media? Athletes, Influencers? Mostly irl people. The only famous people I follow are AJ Mendez (though she’ll always be AJ Lee to me) and Hayley, like I said. OH WAIT I also follow the entire GMM crew! Idk why I missed that.
Would you ever like to work remotely and travel? That’d be nice, sure.
When were you the poorest that you have ever been? Quarantine.
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Episode 4-2
Twilight stood on the bridge at the entrance to the park, staring down at the gently flowing brook beneath her.
After a few hours had passed with no sign of Scarlet's return, her restlessness had driven her to look for the mare, but a scan of most of the town turned up nothing. Close to giving up, Twilight settled for a brief search of the park before returning to the library.
In hindsight, a bright red pony really should've been easier to find in all the greenery surrounding Ponyville.
Scarlet sat with her back against a tree, staring at nothing in particular. Absorbed as she was in her thoughts, she barely noticed the sound of someone sitting down beside her.
A moment of silence passed between them before anyone spoke.
"I'm sorry," said Twilight.
You have done nothing to apologize for, is what Scarlet wanted to say... but she couldn't quite summon the power of speech just yet. To sit in silence and avoid her friend's gaze was all she could manage.
"I shouldn't have pushed you," Twilight continued. "If you're not willing to talk about it, then that's fine. I just... wanted to make sure you know I'm here for you if there's anything I can do. We all are."
The grass rustled as she stood up to leave.
Twilight hesitated.
"I..." Scarlet swallowed. "You deserve to hear of what happened. I apologize for withholding it from you."
Twilight slowly sat back down.
"But," she continued, "you must be prepared to hear of a pain you cannot soothe, a problem beyond even the power of friendship to solve. Are you?"
A problem friendship couldn't solve?
This wasn't quite Scarlet's style of drama, but what else could it be? Friendship hadn't failed them yet - not since they had all met that fateful morning and teamed up to defeat Nightmare Moon. Was Twilight being overconfident?
Clearly Scarlet was just too upset to understand. Whatever was going on, Twilight knew - she knew that they could make it better somehow by working together. She would play along for now, of course; tell a little fib to get her friend talking, then find a way to remind her of the true power of friendship.
"I'm prepared," said Twilight, holding back a confident smirk.
"...Very well, then." Scarlet cleared her throat, and began her story.
Minutes of aimless wandering through the hedge maze had brought Scarlet no closer to a reunion with her allies.
It felt fruitless. If they were truly dealing with the very embodiment of chaos itself, how could they possibly trust that he would keep his word even if they succeeded? And that assumed Twilight's deduction was accurate to begin with; she couldn't quite put her finger - well, hoof on it, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something didn't quite add up...
A shooting star rocketed past in the corridor ahead of her, interrupting her thoughts. Curious, she gave chase, rounding corner after corner in pursuit until she found herself in a clearing. It was entirely empty, save for -
Discord strolled into the center of the clearing. "Yes, me," he said, suddenly clad in a well-tailored suit and top hat, the latter of which he tipped in her direction as he bowed. "Isn't it wonderful? You should be honored that I'm taking time out of my busy schedule to speak to you today."
Scarlet growled under her breath. "Return my magic and I will show you precisely how 'honored' I am," she snarled.
"Oh, come now. There's no need for that," said Discord, his voice silky and sweet as he slithered up to Scarlet, coiling around her like a python. "Certainly not when I'm here to... extend an olive branch, as it were." He punctuated this by giving her a gentle pat on the head, right where her missing horn should have been.
Scarlet lashed out, her teeth just barely missing Discord's paw as he retreated out of range.
Discord put his hands on his hips with an air of indignation. "Well, I never!"
"The only peace offering I will accept from such a sniveling coward is the unconditional return of the Elements and your head on a platter!" yelled Scarlet.
"Such hostility!" Discord gasped. "I suppose it falls upon me to be the better draconequus, then." With a flourish, he snapped his fingers, summoning a pair of comfortable armchairs facing one another, in which he and Scarlet now sat.
Ignoring the darting gaze of the confused pony in front of him, Discord leaned forward. "Let me level with you for a minute, my little pony: I am not here to trick you into forsaking your Element as I did for your friends. In fact, I couldn't even if I wanted to."
Once she had determined that there wasn't some sort of well-disguised trap hidden within the velvety confines of her chair, Scarlet narrowed her eyes at Discord. "Precisely why would that be? And assuming I possess some bizarre inclination to take your words at face value, why would you volunteer this?"
"Because I need you to trust me, or this will never work." Discord drummed his fingers on the armrest of his chair. "And I can't corrupt your connection to your Element because dear Twilight hasn't figured out what it is yet!" He rolled his eyes. "I can't imagine why not. It's so obvious! I noticed it immediately," he added with a derisive sneer.
"You make a large number of unsubstantiated claims," said Scarlet.
Discord smiled coolly. "Oh, I know a lot more than you realize, Miss Lombardia."
Scarlet recoiled in her seat, her blood going cold. "How - How could you possibly - "
"How I know isn't important."
From behind his chair, Discord produced a blackboard covered in a long sequence of complicated-looking algorithms and diagrams, all of which led to a conclusion at the bottom that read 'No One Cares.' Before Scarlet could get much more than a glimpse, he shoved the blackboard aside, causing it to roll away at high speed and disappear down the corridor.
Discord cleared his throat. "What matters is that I know what you want, and I'm prepared to give it to you, no strings attached. You need not promise me a thing in return."
Scarlet stared at him impatiently. "I do hope you will forgive my skepticism."
"I will, as a matter of fact! You're welcome," Discord snapped. "Now then..."
With another snap of his fingers, the chairs disappeared. He then traced a claw through the air in a large circle, leaving a trail of green flame as he went. When the circle of flame completed, a scene appeared within it: an old fortress sitting on a flat, dusty plain bathed in moonlight.
"A lonely old pile of bricks in the middle of that 'Frontier' of yours... Fort Ceres, was it?" Discord gestured at it. "Not exactly my scene - way too stuffy and orderly. But, for you, it's - "
Scarlet stepped forward, gazing longingly at the scene before her. Could it really...? No, it had to be; she could feel the familiar magic of home drifting through the portal.
For months now, her life had been dominated by late nights spent poring over books and testing complicated spells until she could barely see straight... and now, apropos of none of it, the answer sat calmly in front of her.
Discord cleared his throat again, snapping Scarlet out of her reverie.
"You..." Scarlet's voice was barely above a whisper. "You mean to... send us home...?"
"Very good!" Discord grinned. "And before you ask: yes, that does mean both of your little companions as well, and yes, I will remove any and all chaos magic I may have placed upon any of you in the process. In exchange, I need no more than the satisfaction of knowing that your troubles are over."
Scarlet took a deep breath to steady her nerves as she approached the portal curiously. She closed her eyes... and for but a moment, she was already there, the dusty breeze of the badlands blowing through her hair.
The ache in her heart told her there was only one answer.
Scarlet slowly backed up, her eyes fixed on the walls of her home. Discord stood beside the portal, an uncharacteristically pleasant smile on his face as he watched her take off at a run aimed directly for it.
At the last second, Scarlet veered to one side, crashing into Discord with all the force she could muster. He toppled over with a comically noisy crash.
"No deal, Discord."
There was only one answer... but it wasn't the one she wanted.
"How dare you," she spat, tears welling in her eyes. "How dare you force such a choice upon me?"
At first, he said nothing. Strange, for one so clearly enamored with the sound of his own voice... Had she somehow caught him off guard? Even if he hadn't expected her to accept the offer, she would not have hit him unless he had allowed her to.
It didn't add up... but how much did she really care?
Discord slowly climbed back to his mismatched feet. "Have it your way, then." His expression was uncharacteristically soft, almost like he was... disappointed? Was he even capable of the emotion? She still didn't care.
With a snap of his fingers, the portal was consumed by the green flames surrounding it, leaving no trace behind.
"But know this, Scarlet Lombardia," he warned, "you are far more trapped here than you realize, and I look forward to seeing your face when you find that out for yourself."
Another snap, and the Spirit of Chaos vanished into thin air.
"I presume now you understand," said Scarlet.
A part of Twilight wished she didn't. Eyes watering, she racked her brain for an explanation. "But... but obviously he was lying," she insisted, even as she knew it to be wrong. "It was a trick. It had to be."
Scarlet shook her head. "He had no reason to lie... and even if he did, I could feel familiar magic emanating from it. For all the power Discord wields... that, he could not have falsified. His - " She swallowed. "His offer was... genuine, and had I accepted it, we would be home now."
There was nothing Twilight could say to that.
"While I had hoped you would be a bit better prepared, as you claimed..." Scarlet began, "...you now know of what transpired in the maze. As my tale is over, with your pardon, I plan to retire early; I find I am.... suddenly very tired."
Still at a loss for words, Twilight could only watch as Scarlet stood up and slowly marched away. It wasn't long, however, before a sound not entirely unlike bouncing springs heralded the approach of another pony.
"Heya, Twilight!"
Twilight took a deep breath and wiped her eyes with a foreleg before turning to address the newcomer. "Pinkie Pie... how much of that conversation did you hear?"
"Hmm~" Pinkie rubbed her cheek. "Well, you walked up and sat down, and she didnt say anything, and so you were like, 'I'm sorry,' and she didn't say anything, so you were all like - "
"Okay, so you heard everything then," interrupted Twilight.
"But there's something I don't get," said Pinkie.
Twilight sighed quietly. She hadn't expected Pinkie of all ponies to understand, and wasn't looking forward to explaining. "What's that?"
Pinkie looked at Twilight with a bizarrely serious face. "If Jimmy cracked corn and no one cares, why did somepony write a song about it?"
It took several seconds for the gears in Twilight's head to re-engage. "Wait, what?"
"One more thing!" Pinkie continued. "Why couldn't a big meanie meaniepants like Discord have been lying? Lying is totally a thing meanies do!"
Okay, that was the question she had been expecting. "Do you understand why Scarlet didn't take his offer," asked Twilight, "even when she knew he was telling the truth?"
"Pff, that's an easy one, Twilight!" Pinkie noisily sucked in a breath and spoke very quickly. "Even though she's been trying to find a way back to her home world for ages now she didn't want to bail on us when somepony dangerous was on the loose because she wasn't totally a hundred percent sure we would be able to beat him without help from her and her buddies and wasn't willing to take the chance that she would be condemning Equestria to eternal chaos and torment just to get what she wanted!"
Once again, it was several seconds before Twilight could react. "That's... that's right, but...?"
Pinkie playfully ruffled Twilight's mane. "Told you it was easy!"
"Anyway, the point is..." Twilight spent a moment brushing her mane back into place with her hoof. "We know that the purpose of his offer was to get her to willingly step out of the way so the three of them wouldn't be able to interfere with his plans. Scarlet is convinced he was telling the truth, but..."
She trailed off, the question of 'why' drifting silently from her lips. The obvious answer was that he knew she would be able to tell the difference, but was it really that simple? He obviously knew more than he was letting on...
"...but he's back to stone now anyway, so the point is probably moot," she muttered, heaving a frustrated sigh. "And after what Spike told me, I thought I was so close to figuring out her Element..."
"Spike told you something?" Pinkie tilted her head. "What did he told you?"
"He told me what happened after my Element got corrupted by Discord's influence," said Twilight. "Since my own memory of what happened is hazy at best, like yours was."
In an instant, Pinkie sat on her launches in front of Twilight, munching on popcorn from a small paper bag.
Twilight stared. "Um...?"
Pinkie's ears drooped. "Aw... I thought it was story time."
Twilight sighed. "I mean, I guess I can tell you if you want."
Pinkie's ears perked back up.
"The last thing I remember," Twilight began, "was when we all went our separate ways after the Elements wouldn't activate the first time..."
Twilight gave no indication she'd heard Scarlet speak, instead continuing to stuff various belongings in a saddle bag.
"Twilight?" Spike twiddle his claws as he watched. "Um, what are you doing?"
"Packing. What does it look like?" Twilight sounded as lifeless as she looked, as though the essence of what made her Twilight in the first place had been drained out of her. "You'd better get started too, Spike. We're leaving as soon as possible."
"No, you are not," said Scarlet. "You two are not going anywhere."
Again, Twilight did not respond.
Scarlet lifted the half-full saddle bag beside Twilight and dumped its contents on the floor.
Twilight glared at her. "What are you doing?"
"Getting your attention." Scarlet marched up to Twilight. "You will cease this immediately. We are not letting Discord win."
"You don't get it." Twilight sighed. "He already has. I can't keep studying friendship if my friends don't want anything to do with me anymore, so there's no point in staying here. We're moving back to Canterlot."
With that, she magically shoved Scarlet aside and began regathering her things.
"This is bad," Spike whined, his eyes widening. "I've never seen her like this before. What do we do?"
Scarlet's lips curled into a subtle smirk. "We show her that not all is lost."
Spike tilted his head. "Huh?"
Scarlet met Spike's confused gaze. "Where are Twilight's notes?"
"They're on a shelf downstairs, but... I don't think she's all that interested in studying right now," said Spike.
"A shame, that, as I will not be giving her a choice in the matter. Would you fetch them for me?"
Spike cringed. "Um, all of them, or...?"
"As many as you can carry." Scarlet smiled warmly.
Spike nodded and scurried off down the stairs, returning in moments with his arms full of scrolls.
Scarlet plucked one from the pile and cleared her throat. "Always have faith in your friends, for your bonds are a source of unyielding strength," she recited.
Twilight hesitated briefly as she listened, but soon returned to packing.
"Each and every one of us has a talent to be proud of, and by coming together and combining our efforts, we accomplish far more than we ever could alone," Scarlet continued.
"Stop," said Twilight. She was not looking up from her work, but she had stopped packing. "Please... stop..."
"True courage is about standing up to your fears, no matter how hard it may be, if it means doing the right thing."
"STOP!" Twilight whirled around and screamed at Scarlet, her tears splashing to the floor. Falling back on her haunches, she gasped for air in between sobs. "D-Dont you... think this is... h, hard enough on me already...?"
Scarlet stepped forward slowly and sat down in turn, running a gentle hoof through Twilight's mane. "I am simply reminding you of what you are leaving behind. You have come a long way, Twilight, and you have learned so much... but if you give up now, it will all have been for naught."
Twilight nuzzled Scarlet's foreleg as she fought to steady her breathing.
"There will always be those who would take from us what we hold dear," Scarlet explained. "So long as we have the strength to stand and fight... no matter the odds, it is our duty to do so. We can still turn this around!"
Twilight stood up slowly, wiping her face with her foreleg, and took a deep breath.
"You're... you're right....!"
At once, the spell was lifted, and Twilight's mind was her own again.
"I..." Twilight lifted a hoof to her head. Her vision was blurry - were these tears? She wiped at her eyes before continuing. "What happened? What did I miss?"
Scarlet breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, you had me ever so worried..."
"Yeah! Twilight's back!" Spike ran up and gave her a hug.
Twilight idly patted Spike's head as she stared at Scarlet. "Wait, did you just break Discord's spell? How did you do it?"
Scarlet beamed. "I simply reminded you of what was at stake: your friends, and everything you have learned from them. The rest was your doing."
"Reminded..." Twilight echoed, her eyes lighting up. "That's it! I know how we can get the others back to normal!"
"You have a plan, then?"
Twilight nodded. "If the trick is to remind them of what we mean to each other, I have a memory spell that should expedite the process. All we have to do is catch them, and the spell should do the rest!"
"Then what are we waiting for?" Spike threw his fist in the air. "Let's do it!"
"We have no time to waste," agreed Scarlet.
Twilight nodded, scooping up Spike and plopping him on her back. "Then let's roll - we've got friendships to save!"
Pinkie gasped loudly. "Ohhhhhhh! I get it now!"
"W-What?" Twilight shook her head. "You get what?"
Pinkie leaned forward and grinned, tossing her empty popcorn bag away and speaking in a singsong voice. "I know what Scarlet's Element is~"
Now it was Twilight's turn to gasp as she reached out and gripped Pinkie's shoulders. "You do? What is it? How long have you known?"
"Like..." Pinkie produced a pocketwatch from somewhere and glanced at it. "...about eight seconds?"
Twilight blinked.
Pinkie checked over her shoulders to ensure nopony else was listening before carefully whispering into Twilight's ear.
Twilight's eyebrows shot into the stratosphere. "OH! That explains everything! Not just Nightmare Moon and Discord, but..." She frowned. "...but it also means she hasn't really been living up to her Element lately, doesn't it?"
She raised a hoof to her muzzle in thought. Now that she had all the pieces of the puzzle, it was simply a matter of fitting them together.
"Scarlet was wrong, Pinkie," said Twilight. "We can help her; just not the way she thought. I think I have a plan, and I'm going to need your help."
Pinkie snapped into a rigid attention pose, saluting with her hoof. "Pinkie Pie ready and waiting!"
Twilight smirked. "I'm going to need newspapers. Lots of them - as many as you can find. Go door-to-door if you have to."
"Okie-dokie, Loki!" Without further ado, Pinkie hopped away, setting immediately to her task.
Twilight took off in the opposite direction. What Scarlet needed was a reminder of what was really at stake, just as Scarlet had given her; an opportunity that would bring out the best in her.
"Hang in there, Scarlet... I'll show you how strong you really are, just like you did for me!"
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