#but i don’t think they know either
quadrupledogdare · 1 month
sometimes i remember it’s also my parents’ first time having a child that’s becoming an adult and i feel a little better. like oh this is a little odd for all of us.
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twinstxrs · 2 months
so much happened in this whole episode but i’m still on fig infiltrating ruben’s dream, making it look like the place where his friend was murdered, and then disguising herself as kipperlilly & repeatedly saying different variants of “somebody needs to take the fall for this, and it’s not going to be me. it’s going to be you.” while adaine as the elven oracle shows up next to her. can you imagine waking up from that, the idea of a horrible truth being pinned on you by your friend to save her own skin while the personification of fate and destiny stands there, almost as a promise that this is GOING to happen to you. we don’t even know if this kid is guilty. my god.
#fantasy high#dimension 20#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#fantasy high junior year#fig faeth#ruben hopclap#lucy frostblade#the rat grinders#adaine abernant#kipperlilly copperkettle#watching fig terrorize him like girl!!! we don’t even know if he’s guilty!!!!#this might just be for me but i do not think 5 teenagers willingly brutally killed their friend idk#like there just has to be some other element to it and i am very scared to find out what that was#what if they were put in a position where they felt there was/there was no other choice… like oh my god#my comedy brain is having fun but my ‘this is a teenager’ brain is in such deep distress all the time this season#the rat grinders i trust brennan to not make u cartoonishly evil so i am holding u as gently as i can in my confused shaky hands#also with the devil’s nectar i’ve been wondering why they all seem so well-adjusted & now i’m curious if they’ve been intentionally-#changing their memories in a way so that either the trauma is lesser or they think they aren’t guilty. idk#but it seems like from how gertie was talking she was making it more recently so the well adjustedness from early jy doesn’t quite add up#they could have another source maybe??? idk i’m just low stakes 4 a.m. spitballing here#there’s also the strong possibility that they’re aware of what happened but they weren’t the ones who killed lucy. idk who knows#the way you could probably devil’s nectar yourself into believing it wasn’t your fault someone died… CRAZY IMPLICATIONS!!! CRAZY IDEA!!!#anyways the bad kids & the rat grinders don’t ever have to like each other but i do wonder if at least some of those kids deserve a chance
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time-slink · 4 months
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(my two interests flying around my skull and crashing into each other) wgere am i
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sunshineler · 2 years
I love butches and I want butch representation in media so bad it’s almost unreal but you guys have GOTTA stop calling every plus-size lesbian a butch unless she’s actually, ya know, butch. fat is femme too baby and no amount of pigeonholing is going to change that and also stop giving corporations a lazy way to hand us “butch” rep by just casting a heavy girl
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fumifooms · 1 month
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That. That screentone on Chilchuck’s chest in the low open collar. Is Chilchuck having chest hair canon Kui. Kui? Gripping my knee
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piccolos-bigtoe · 2 months
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Posting this here cause it’s been a while since I last posted and I am actually pretty proud of this…. I am making a mock RED brochure for my graphic design class and this is the cover…. I need five more panels I literally spent all of Wednesday working on this because text is my enemy and I am never satisfied with it but like actually taking a break from working on it and looking again later i was like “huh actually that’s not bad.” Sitka banner font easily in my top ten….
I was so proud of it I set it as my phones Home Screen…. Legitimately want to transfer to graphic design but I am torn. I currently am in studio art and have my own personal studio (it is shared between me and three friends tho), if I switch to graphic I lose that, and I really value my space cause I’ve been using it for like,,, four years pretty much (two I would sneak in there before I was in college cause my sibling owned it before I did, these past two it’s been my spot). It has memories and art work (that would REAAALLLYY suck to transport because there are LARGE pieces like LARGE) okau I will be real I am posting and rambling because I am stalling on cleaning my room… I am lazy……. I also just like to talk…. Accidentally woke up at 12 instead of 9 oops…
Work is REALLY gonna pile up this month…. I have a quilt, a weaving, and four papers for one class, my brochure and a 12 month calendar (obvi also gonna be tf2 themed calendar because i am insane…) for graphics, a screen print, and a paper and performance piece for another class… but I will make it thru E Z, after this I’m home free baby, summer is here ‘,B)
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800db-cloud · 9 months
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is this anything
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mumuqings · 5 months
tgcf book spoilers, but one mu qing and xie lian snippet that I think about a lot is this one, at the start of xie lian’s second banishment when he’s surprised to hear mu qing being described as generous and kind:
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as opposed to this memory from before his first ascension when mu qing started giving out cherries to the kids in the city:
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I think it just really goes to show 1) how deeply mq’s actions truly affected xl and what he thought of him, but also 2) just how different mq and xl are fundamentally in the way that they think and approach things.
I don’t have a lot of commentary on xl that hasn’t already been said, but bc we get the story from xl’s pov, we see a lot of mq’s actions being framed as selfish or suspicious (which is fair, bc again, we know how much his actions hurt xl), but we also see a lot of misconstrued kindness, like in book 8 where it’s revealed that he knocked out fx in order to save him. it’s also pretty obvious how much mq still cares abt xl, with how quickly he volunteers as fu yao and the lengths he goes to protect him when he deems hc a threat, so I also think it’s very likely that mq leaving the trio first was exactly what he said it was — that he thought becoming a junior official, ascending quickly, would be the best way to take care of not just his mother, but also xl, fx, the king and queen, and himself, and so in a way, him leaving was him acting on his kindness. but ofc it doesn’t work out, and he spends the next 800 years fighting w/ fx about it, defending himself, his decisions, and his kindness, and nitpicking the accuracies of his statues while he himself remains completely misunderstood by the two people he probably cares abt the most.
and idk, I guess I just think that’s probably a really lonely way to spend 800 years.
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undertheredhood · 10 months
jason todd is much like a typical dad in the sense he will share something extremely outrageous that had happened to him/he did out of nowhere and will never speak of it ever again no matter how many times he’s asked to elaborate.
#batman#jason todd#jason peter todd#jason wayne#jason peter todd wayne#jason todd wayne#the rest of the batfam: what do you mean you digged yourself out of your grave?#do you think they know about his birth mom selling him out to the joker?#jason todd was never the angry robin#most of the time it happens by accident but sometimes jason will say something just to stir the pot#jason todd is the biggest instigator alive and i stand by it#batfamily#batfam#batfamily shenanigans#just wait until they find out he’s dated slade wilson’s daughter because i think dck especially would be appalled by that one#dick grayson is so done#jason todd is one a one-man mission to stress everyone out#i don’t think they know about the all-caste either or about jason’s magic swords either#the rest of the batfam: what do you mean you have up your most treasured memory?#everything i learn about this man is wild#they call up zatanna or constatine for help one time and they’re like “’why don’t you ask hood for help?’ and the batfam collectively goes 🤯#jason is the main reason why bruce has so much gray hair#jason goes from being this normal kid to being super overpowered within the span of 3-5 years and i love that for him#jason is the family cryptid#jason will share something about his past thinking nothing of it while everyone who’s listening to him talk is staring at him in horror#i don’t think anyone knows that jason has gone to heaven when he died#though jason’s memory isn’t quite reliable until he’s dunked in a lazarus pit#jason todd shenanigans#jason was never the angry robin
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capricioussun · 8 days
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2am post jumpscare
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robotssssss · 1 year
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Gabriel doing winged creature behaviors, also wings that can blush
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secretmellowblog · 3 months
I really do love how Javert is the ultimate physical embodiment of the word “bootlicker.”
His entire personality is composed of “respect for authority and hatred of rebellion;” he grovels before anyone of a higher legal/social status, and thinks they can do no wrong. He puts all of his faith into the institution of policing. He worships his superiors in the police force and the legal system. He would sell out anyone who committed any infraction to the police, and would do it with smug glee.
I honestly cannot think of any fictional character who embodies the word “bootlicker” better.
I’ve mentioned before that one of my favorite small Javert moments is when he’s attempting to get Madeleine to fire him, and….he gives Madeleine a salute even when Madeleine’s back is turned, and he can’t see the salute. To me it shows how much Javert’s bootlicking is genuine. It is earnest. He earnestly believes in his own inferiority and the necessity of constant groveling respect to authorities. They don’t need to police him— he polices himself. He grovels even when their backs are turned.
He doesn’t just lick boots for show; he licks boots because he genuinely believes it is the morally correct thing to do, that an “inferior” is legally bound to grovel before their “superior.” And he enjoys this groveling; he experiences a savage glee at his usefulness to authority; he loves the taste of boot leather.
He’s a bootlicker all the way to the bottom of his soul.
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
The fact that Leo can go literally anywhere on earth to be alone with his thoughts at a single moment’s notice is something that shakes around in my head all the time. Like, portals and teleportation are amazing and convenient abilities both in and out of battle, but they could also so easily be used to run away as well.
I don’t think Leo ever would, at least not most of the time. He loves his family too much, and is too dependent on their love and attention to cut himself off so suddenly like that, but it’s a very real possibility nonetheless.
It’s a good thing Leo’s overall temper is more on the mild side and he prefers going to his room or something to complete solitude, because it really is dangerous for a kid to have the ability to isolate themselves like that at their fingertips.
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aloisiahalo · 3 months
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POV you have a tsundere photography gf
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And some Haley drawings..!
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the-darkestminds · 1 month
You know why I’m not worried about whether or not Elucien is endgame? Because Sjm would not make two characters mates and then never give them a chance to get to know each other. If Elain never gives Lucien the time of day, never speaks to him in an attempt to learn more about him, is she really choosing Azriel? She’s been cooped up in Velaris since being brought there against her will. She’s latched on to the only available male in her small friend group. How would she ever know what she’s missing if she rejects Lucien outright? She sees what Feyre and Nesta have with their own mates. So once they do get that time together, am I worried they won’t be a good match? No. Sjm has left so many hints at how compatible they are. Based on everything we know about sjm and her books, I’m confident she will not throw away the potential for Elain and Lucien in favor of this lukewarm thing Elain and Azriel have going on.
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nocasdatsgay · 29 days
Pairing: Technically Lucien/Reader | Word Count: 1739| Rating M
Summary: Beron buys you for his sons. Specifically, Lucien
Warnings: Family sells reader off to the forest house, Dubious Consent, Loss of Virginity, mildly descriptive sex. Brief physical abuse.
A/N: This is the first in a series where consorts are kept by Beron to keep his sons entertained. You are responsible for what you consume. Also IDK if anyone wants to be tagged so let me know. I am so scared of tagging people on iffy stuff that might be triggering.
Harlots of Autumn Master List | Read on AO3 |Part 1 of Harlots of Autumn
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The day you were presented to the court during a ball as an eligible female, was the day that sealed your fate. You were meant to secure a husband and elevate your family’s status just like your cousins. It was harder for you, not being of the Autumn Court. That didn’t mean you couldn’t try. You had begged your aunt and uncle to take you to the next ball and begrudgingly they did. You regretted it when you were watched like an Autumn Hawk by five of the seven Vanserra heirs.
The youngest- he was your age or possibly a little older. He seemed the least intimidating of them all. He didn’t pay you much mind, thankfully. Only chatted with you for a brief moment. You thought that was why his brothers were staring. But you still felt eyes on you as you worked the room, talking up males closer to your station than an Heir of the High Lord. You felt confident in your mingling by the end of the night. Until you went to leave and instead of immediately traveling home, you were pulled into a room by your uncle.
“The High Lord has made an offer for you.” He did not look you in the eyes.
“For me?” You frowned. Your aunt looked solemn and not meeting your gaze either. “What kind of offer?”
“You have to understand, dear. You’re getting older and with the new babe to raise- You’ll be well taken care of.” She said softly.
“I don’t understand.” You mind flashed to the way the heirs' eyes raked over you. How they sneered and watched you all night. “Am I, am I to be betrothed?”
“No. No, you won’t be married.”
You were more confused. “What did he offer you? What does he want with me?” You became more frightened the longer his silence went.
“Being an orphan and from another court, this was honestly the best choice.” Your aunt seemed to speak to herself instead of you.
“What did you do?” Your heart was racing, tears welling in your eyes.
Your uncle finally looked at you. His sadness was palpable.
“He gave us more land- more money than we know what to do with, in exchange for you. For his sons.”
“Sons?” Your were going to be sick. More tears clouded your vision. You knew exactly what that meant. “You gave me up to be a harlot? For some extra land and money?”
“You’ll be taken care of. You’ll be paid handsomely, and have your own money. You’ll be part of the court. It’s a life better than what a male of our station could ever-”
“But I will be a whore!” You cried out.
“You will be a mistress,” your uncle hissed. “This is not a brothel, you’ll be under the protection of the High Lord. You’ll still be able to see us-“
“As I would want to see you after this,” you hissed in return.
He back-handed you for it. You stumbled and cradled your cheek.
“He wants you for his youngest first,” your uncle continued, glaring at you. “You’re lucky he doesn’t want you for himself. If you’re smart you just might become the youngest son’s wife.”
“A whore never becomes a wife,” you whispered.
“This is not a debate. We will go home and pack your things. They want you back here by tomorrow afternoon.”
You wondered if you could die of shame.
Walking into the Forest House the next day, your aunt made you hold your head high despite your fate. You were ushered down the halls to the infirmary to meet with the healer. Thankfully the healer was female. You were in good health. You held your breath as the female went under your skirts and checked you. You had declined male advances your whole life, waiting like a good female for a husband.
Obviously that got you far.
That evening you were led to a room and bathed by servants. The pine green dress they gave you to put on was worth more than months wages in the village, judging by the fabric. They styled your hair and you avoided looking at yourself in the mirror. More servants brought you food and then finally you were left alone. You couldn’t eat, nausea from nerves rolling your stomach. You wanted to rage; to cry. You knew your aunt and uncle didn’t love you- not when you were the cause of your mother’s death during childbirth. But you never thought they would sell you.
The door opened, jolting you from your thoughts. The kind male you spoke with briefly last night came in. He was just as lovely as the night before; dressed down in a white tunic and brown trousers. He smiled, though it didn’t reach his kind eyes. You stood and curtsied.
“Lord Lucien,” she stared at the floor.
You introduced yourself and stumbled over the title of lady. You didn’t know if you could call yourself a lady now.
“I remember,” he replied softly.
You dared to look up, your eyes meeting his sad russet ones.
“Shall we get this over with?” You glanced at the bed in the room, twisting your hands together.
Lucien scoffed. “We don’t have to do this.”
You frowned, fear flipped your stomach. “They will check me.”
“There are ways around that,” Lucien replied flippantly.
You started to panic.
“Lord Lucien, if you are as kind of a male as you seem, please allow me this comfort.” You pleaded. “I- you seem like you’d be more gentle than your brothers.” You were met with silence. “Please? I don’t want to force you but I also don’t-“ you couldn’t say it.
If he didn’t take your maidenhood, one of the other males would. You doubted they cared whether or not they hurt you badly. Lucien sighed heavily; you wonder if he was realizing the same thing.
“Promise me you will tell me if I hurt you.” You nodded. “Can I undress you?”
“Yes.” Your face heated against your will.
“Turn around. I’ll only take off your dress, then you can get on the bed.”
You inhaled deeply to calm your nerves and turned to face away from him. You heard his footsteps; he stopped behind you and gently brushed back your hair. Goosebumps cascaded down your arms, and he slowly dragged his fingers down your neck to where your dress ties started on your back.
“Oh you’re a devil,” you laughed, unable to stop yourself.
He chuckled behind you. “I want to make it good for you, is that not what you asked for?”
“I suppose I did.”
He undid the ties to your dress, the front of it falling forward. You held the fabric close to your chest instead of letting it fall out of instinct. Lucien ran a warm finger up your spine. He leaned in close and you tense your shoulders.
“Drop the dress and get on the bed.” His warm breath fanned along your ear and neck.
Reluctantly, you obliged. The bed was soft, better than the one in the place you once called home. The duvet was a forest green with white sheets underneath. You shuddered at how those sheets would be stained by the end of this. You covered your chest with your arms and sat at the head of the bed.
“Don’t be so shy,” he grinned wickedly at you as he tugged off his shirt.
Your eyes went to his chest, then downward to his trousers before quickly you looked back to his eyes. It felt like your whole face was flushed. He crawled up the bed to you and you could smell his scent sweeten with arousal. He looked like it would eat you alive, the way he grinned at you.
“Lay back, let me see you.” He groaned when you moved your arms, revealing your breasts. “You are a pretty one.”
He pushed you back and crawled over you. You were correct about his gentleness. He was so careful with you, asking you constantly if it was okay to touch you or if it hurt. Lucien coaxed you into relaxing by kissing you gently and then moving down to take your breast in his mouth. He had you squirming under him, your hips rolling against his and his hard cock in his trousers. Lucien moved down further and made you come on his tongue and fingers before he took you with his cock. Then he made you come again with him.
Good was an understatement of how you felt. You didn’t come to your senses until he moved off of you. Then you felt too naked, cold from his lack of body heat over you. You moved to get out of the bed, to grab the dress from earlier, if only to cover yourself before the healers came. You looked back at the sheets and gasped. Lucien was lying on the other side of the bed, arm over his eyes to block out the light. He lifted his arm to look at you.
“Are you all right?”
“The sheets,” you grabbed the dress off the floor to cover yourself. “They’re clean.”
”I don’t know about that. I know I broke a sweat getting that second one out of you.” Lucien grinned at you. “You were pretty wet for me too when I finally fucked you. I’m sure that’s on the sheets as well.”
“There’s no blood, Lucien,” you scowled, cheeks flushing at his blatant crudeness.
He laughed. “Females only bleed when a male doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
”But the healer-“
”Edith won’t care, I promise.” He sat up and looked over the bed for his own clothes. “Let me go get her, I’m sure she’s ready to be done with this as we are.”
Regrettably, that was the first and only time you went to bed with Lucien. You had assumed before that night that you were sent to take his own first time but Lucien was far too experienced for that to be the case. You later found out the real reason you were given to him was because of his dalliance with lesser fae. As crudely put by one of the brothers, they “assumed a high fae cunt would change his mind.”
It didn’t; and a few years later a poor female paid the price for it. You wouldn’t see Lucien again after that for another century.
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