#but goddess knows i lose motivation FAST
caramel-catss · 1 month
i played skyward sword for three hours straight just now. dizzy kirby emoji
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello author its me the on who requested the Love after death in both part and the others... I finally have courage to reveal muself and no longer anonymous.
First of all before i request another one (sorry for being greedy) i wanted to thank you for responding to my requests especially the angsty ones, you never failed me to give a comfort and motivation, i cannot thank you enough for that.
And now for my request if you remember my other request about ei reader x ror characters that you can't write due to being unfamiliar to the character?
I will ask you instead to write a ror x demi godess freader. She commonly use a weapon like lu bu when fighting but once her weapon breaks or she found a very strong opponent she use her katana. She summon it like in the gif in below.
Now the fun part is how would the ror charcters react? Would they ended up having a nosebleeds, ended up shy or tease them?
Adam (platonic)
Lu bu and chen gong
Qin shu huang
You can choose who to write because i know there is a lot of them😅😅😅😅
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Ahh~ my sweet love, your angsty requests have been so much fun to write! I don’t mind you asking for another, you’re not being greedy, I’m just happy that you are patient while I write all these requests plus my own original works.
I do have one question however….
Why in the world does she have a sword between her titties?! I actually looked this up and watched the scene where she does this, and I’m just flabbergasted that she had it there!
-As a demi-goddess, you had the choice of fighting for either side, as both Zeus and Brunnhilde had approached you to fight, both knowing your skills as a fighter.
-You were initially going to refuse both of them, but after Zeus tried to command you, while Brunnhilde asked you, you chose to fight for humanity, not liking being commanded to do anything, something Zeus regrets as he lost a good fighter because he was so pushy with you!!
-Your opponent was strong, which excited you, as that meant you didn’t have to hold back!
-You swung your halberd with ease, and your opponent, Kand, a minor earth god, managed to snap the blade clean off, breaking your halberd.
-The other fighters and the audience in attendance called out in worry for you, as they didn’t want to lose someone like you, beautiful, powerful, and smart, you really were the whole package.
-Kand laughed at you, pointing a finger at you while he held his belly, “Can you still fight me Y/N?! Now that I’ve broken your only weapon!!”
-You glared and brought your hands up to your chest, “Who said that was my only weapon?”
-What could only be described as a black hole, opened at the top of your chest, on your cleavage, as you tilted your head back.
-A sword began to emerge from the black hole, glowing brightly as your hand lifted to the handle.
-Your eyes snapped open, glowing with power as you pulled out a beautiful katana from the magic black hole between your breasts, clutching it as the light faded.
-Kand was gawking, pointing rudely as his eyes were wide, “Where the heck did that come from?!”
-You charged at him, fast enough that it looked like you disappeared, before reappearing behind him as he fell, his head rolling off his shoulders.
-You pouted lightly, “It’s rude to ask a lady questions like that.”
-The crowds went wild, roaring loudly.
-Thor- Was stunned on how quickly the match ended, able to see that your katana was your true weapon, you were good with the halberd, but there was something natural about you holding a sword. He blinked once or twice, confused on how you were hiding that sword.
-Poseidon- Eyes widened only just slightly before relaxing as he watched you pull your sword out, before his amusement grew with how easily you took care of that weaker, cocky god. It made him curious about how strong you actually were.
-Shiva- Immediately turned to his wives, who were cheering for you, “Can you really hide stuff in your chest like that?” they just giggled, like they had a secret as Parvati spoke, “That’s a woman only secret~” but all three were impressed with your skills.
-Rudra- Eyes went wide when your halberd broke, but when the sword started to emerge from your chest, his jaw dropped, mouth hanging open before you pulled that out, completely stunned on where you got that sword!
-Buddha- Smirked, moving his lollipop to the other side of his mouth, finding it alluring and could instantly tell that your sword was your true weapon as you ended the fight so quickly after pulling it out. Then had to ruffle Zerofuku’s hair after the boy asked him if he had anything like that between his chest.
-Zerofuku- Was confused as to why you had a sword between your chest. He looked up at Buddha who had a big chest, wondering if he had anything between his own which got his hair ruffled by the taller god.
-Beelzebub- Was more intrigued with the magic that appeared there first, curious as to what it was. Froze, eyes wide when he saw you pulling the sword from your body, unable to look away.
-Loki- Looking disrespectfully, gawking with his tongue lolled out, full blush on his face as he could only gawk in awe. He wanted to get a closer look~
-Zeus- Cheering loudly, leading the charge of the cheers of the arena. He had never seen anything like it and he was so excited!!
-Ares- His whole head was bright red, staring shamelessly, blood dripping from his nose as he couldn’t believe what he just watched, gripping the arms of the chair tightly.
-Hermes- Amused by Ares’ reaction just a bit more, but was stunned with the magic that you used and even more so when he saw how big the actual sword was.
-Aphrodite- Giggled softly, hiding her mouth behind her hand, amused to see the reactions of others, but as a large chested woman herself, she knew well that any woman could hide things between or under her boobs, like knives~
-Hercules- Lifted a hand to his face to hide his blush, embarrassed to stare at you in such a way, but couldn’t take his eyes off of you, especially when you handled your opponent so easily.
-Kojiro- His face was bright red, watching you pull that from your chest, but he immediately focused on your form, his eyes widening as he saw you move, being one of a handful that was able to keep up with your moves.
-Jack- Was staring before he started, his cheeks warming as he turned, being a gentleman, not wanting to gawk at a young lady such as yourself in such a way. Was impressed with your skills with the sword however.
-Lu Bu- Could sense the power radiating from you, a feral grin appearing on his lips, wanting to fight you himself. However, he was one of the few that wasn’t bothered where you had your sword stashed.
-Chen Gong- Unlike his lord, as soon as you pulled that sword out he flew back, blood spurting from his nose, twitching on the ground. He didn’t even see the end of the fight.
-Raiden- A bright grin on his face as he watched you pull your weapon out, delight on his face as he found it attractive, “What a woman!” cheered loudly with the rest of the crowd.
-Qin Shi Huang- A bright smile on his face as he watched the scene, amazed by the magic that had appeared, wanting to know more about it, but very pleased watching the show.
-Adam- The time from when you pulled your sword out to being announced the winner was only about five seconds, but he was instantly glaring, exerting his pressure to those around him as he glared at them, ready to throw hands and lay waste to those who would say anything impure about his precious daughter!!
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wa-royal-tea · 1 year
O great goddess of storytelling, share tips on how to write at least ONE PART completely from beginning to end. I get stuck and suffer because I have a beginning, a bit of an end, something in between and that's it...
Oh nonnie dearest, I get stuck too once in a while 🥲 It sucks but sometimes you just have to push through it 😭 I don’t have a lot of tips to give honestly bcs different people deal with writer’s block differently 🥲What works for me might not work for you🥹
BUT if you want to know how I deal with it, I usually try not to force myself to write when I’m not inspired 🤔 I find that when I write a scene when I am in a writer’s block, the scene would turn out…bad, at least to my standards. You can write a draft for the scene you’re working on and let it sit for some time, and when you feel the creative juices comes back, you can return to that draft you wrote and read it back. If it needs revision, revise it until you’re satisfied. The key is to not force yourself to write when you’re not feeling it 🙆🏻‍♀️ If you keep forcing yourself to write, you will get burnout real fast. So if you feel like you’re losing motivation or feel like something is missing in your story, allow yourself to take a break 😊
Also, I know that sometimes we want to get to the interesting part of our story as soon as we can, so we tend to rush to get to it. I personally like to take it slow because I want to make sure that when I get to the interesting part, I won’t leave any details🧎🏻‍♀️But alas, I am just a mere human who will make mistakes and still miss a thing or two 🥲 Oh! And sometimes when I’m working on building up to that interesting point, I’d usually get more ideas for that scene so I’ll usually add it to the board and do more readings on it 🤔
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negative-speedforce · 10 months
❛ your heart is beating so fast right now. ❜ ❛ thought you’d be lighter without all that blood. ❜ ❛ you are losing my interest, and that’s very dangerous. ❜ and/or ❛ you shouldn’t be out here by yourself. ❜ for any characters (yours, mine, canon, as usual lol)
"You weigh a lot more than you look." Hailey grumbled, picking Siv up off the ground near-effortlessly.
"Muscle is-" Siv coughed, blood dripping from a deep gash in their torso, staining Hailey's shirt a deep crimson. "-more dense than fat."
"You look like shit." Hailey commented, carrying Siv to her truck. "What'd you do this time? Punch a tiger?"
"Dad again- fuck!" Siv spat out a curse as Hailey repositioned her in order to open her truck door.
"You know, I thought you'd be lighter without all that blood." Hailey helped Siv into the truck.
"Screw you, you unbelievably tall, sexy goddess of a woman." Siv buckled their seatbelt. "Sorry for getting blood on your seats."
"I don't care." Hailey shrugged. "What hospitals does your insurance cover?"
"I don't have insurance." Siv said. "Can't go to a hospital, either. It'll heal. Just get me home."
"Siv, that is deep. Like, probably hit organs deep."
"It'll heal. I'll be fine, I promise-" Siv coughed, this time with less blood dripping from her lips. "I'm pretty sure it's already healing up."
"FIne." Hailey relented. "But we're going back to my place. I'm fairly certain I can patch you up better than you can, especially in your condition. Plus, I can keep an eye on you and get you help if you turn for the worse."
"Are you sure?" Siv asked, wiping the blood from their hand on the leg of their pants. "Wouldn't want to bleed out all over your nice furniture."
"One day you're going to have to understand that people do nice things for you because they care, not because they have an ulterior motive." Hailey started the truck. "But for now, let's make sure you don't bleed out."
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
I have several things to say when is this waiting for me to talk is fussing with the bugs but yeah he's waiting for that and a couple things when is he's getting tired out pretty quick and it's tired and he has to go shopping so I suggest you might do it tomorrow and it'll last and it'll probably do that yes to eat and go to sleep and my son and daughter-in-law are upset button The show must Go on in case he goes over there he says and it's good so he's not upset but I'm going to help him out he's a bit tired this is good news and see if it's controlled and I control and not crazy and the water is strange in different places too it's not from Florida it's from bugs and they leave it in in several places. So I'm kind of happy with the progress of knowing and about Venus it's making me very happy and he doesn't want me to worry it was a tough life we've had so far but I did pretty good he's very proud of me it helped a lot of people he says it's going to help tons now so I see it it might be the job God picked for us and Goddess and they say it might be true. They see the analogy and they're going to put it out there.
I have to tell you this is the greatest experience in my life watching him grow up I can't wait they sent the little boy. And yeah I'll take it more seriously and he has to at some point. And it's going to be a good time so we are getting all prepped for what's going to happen and I'm pretty happy about it it's going to be big but he's going to need some funding because the vehicles aren't big enough. I know why they're not making progress it is a lot of these buggers though
You know what the time frame is now I was coming up pretty quick this year we know why they bring the car down and it's almost purely evil it's because he is saying that our son is getting rid of him and revenge and he want to grab our son and threaten him hiding his body and do the job and see it's him trying to protect their whole place and it's just ridiculous and they want to threaten the brain elsewhere and things like that and they're gross his health and he's trying to get into the part. And his son is not into it and he is really a disgusting person and it's come to the end of this line of him talking and people saying no and now they're saying that he's out and they're screaming it over and over and he is not going to last. And it is going to be tied to events that are happening up on those planetoids he's losing territory bunkers stashes and cashes very fast and large ones and he's losing lasers and he's finally getting information and he's losing huge chunks to the fleet to try and get here to get stuff and to actually kidnapped people and my husband and they're saying it we can't get here and this huge fleets doing it and it looks like Tommy f and he's getting bigger and bigger and he's doing it because of the stone chips and his men are very motivated and this guy Trump had him attacked by Max and foreigners and he's trying to lay him in slow as possible and it's like the sacrifice and it works so he's checking on it and he's got data is bad he's trying to do all the stuff and we can't get here so he wants to bring him to the West no not yet it's when the pseudo empire starts turning it up and pulling out more ships and diamonds out of more tunnels and really the bigger tunnels starting at about 50 to 100 but actually it's 20 to 52 excuse me after the next round but really the next round is half as many and this time did not take that long so my husband's right they'll probably take a day to physically clear them and less time for the bigger ones just fueling takes longer not too much longer to use bigger lines and you still have to siphon wait for one time to the next not a cluster and yeah that's more fuel but they don't fill them they want to be a little light on the way out but they have to have enough to get somewhere if they have to but still this is how it's going it's going to be speeding up there saying tons of equipment is coming from a few locations they say it might speed up as early as Tuesday and then it's going to be a problem
Olympus our calculations do show Tuesday as when it speeds up at significantly they will man the entire first ring and the second ring and it is going to be a nightmare a horrible horrible one is women are disgusting or girls whatever you want to call them. and that was Hera and us.
Don't forget this is Sunday Monday is busier and Tuesday at their house and Tuesday crazy house and it's going to be when they start moving into the second ring they are also seeking equipment elsewhere to do the 3rd and 4th ring it's a lot of fuel a lot of hardware and they are taking it from the warlock and they're going to defend their basis and retake their bunkers and bases using these little ships and they're going to outfit them and perfect them and it'll probably work
Thor Freya
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skinnyprettythoughts · 5 months
Me sitting on my couch, watching pretty woman (Julia Roberts is a goddess btw, legs for days 🥳) and thinking that i will successfully complete my 1 day fast. 🍾
I decided to treat & motivate myself so i have booked some beauty treatments.
🎈Today + 2 more "Abnehmen im Liegen" basically a combination of warm, ultrasound and EMS (the name means literally losing weight while laying)
🎈LED face mask treatment
🎈HIFU ultrasound for my face & body
The treatment i had today was really nice, i tried to max out the intensity (it's supposed to be super calming), since I can't afford 10 treatments in order to maximise the effect.
They also gave me a 3day meal plan which can to lose up to 3kilos (i will upload soon ☺️)
I will let you know, what happens...
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Hey! I loved your Estarossa/Mael post! I was wondering if you could do a scene where Mael's S/O is having troubles with a pushy 'suitor' and she's trying to handle it so as not to bother/worry Mael, but the guy actual left a bruise on her arm when she tried to tell him to leave her alone? And then Mael finds out, which is always fun. Maybe some cuddles at the end. For comfort.
I love your writing, I'm really happy I chanced upon this blog! Hope you have a good day!
Thank you, that`s really sweet!
Btw. sorry to everyone that i only posted now, I had two tests this week and zero motivation but on the bright side, it`s the weekend soon! Yay!
Here is Part 2
Yandere Mael with an injured darling
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This guy is annoying, creepy and incredibly determined. You`ve been trying to get him to leave so often now and in the end you always had to make up an excuse and run away. However he just keeps on finding you, always when you are alone, always when you didn`t have the chance to make a run for it as quickly as you would have liked. What unsettled you the most though was that dangerous aura he gave of, you had thought of beating him up but those goddamn eyes made you shiver and freeze up in fear. And then he`d go and try to seduce you, complimenting you but disgusting you all the same.
There was one person you could be asking for help but god damn it you saw how tired Mael looked when he thought you weren`t paying attention. Even though he always assured you how well he was feeling, especially when he was with you, you didn`t believe him, not when there was a literal war going on. So you decided to handle this piece of shit yourself, even though his persistence made you desperate in your measurements against him. He didn`t care that you were dating someone else or that this someone else was Mael, powerful and protective Mael who wouldn`t let him of the hook if he knew what was going on. Another reason not to tell him, though. You knew your boyfriend well and even though he was well respected he would still get in trouble for harming an ally.
Another failed attempt and your `suitor` snapped. The guy was screaming at you, his face contorted into an ugly visage and his arms flailing around as if you would somehow agree to him if he did this. You clearly weren`t fast enough in getting the hell out of there as he grabbed your wrist, painfully dragging you back and turning you around to face him. The fear and hatred you felt in this moment was enough to make you want to kill him if that was what it took for him to let go, but it turned out a kick to his groin was enough for that. Sprinting away, cradling your hurt wrist you heard his yelling getting quieter the farther you got.
Trembling back in your home you quickly shut all windows and doors before falling into your bed, hugging your boyfriends pillow tightly as you felt your exhausted self slipping into a deep and dreamless slumber. You only awaken when you hear the front door open and relax as you recognise Mael`s footsteps. Jumping up you dashed into his arms that he quickly engulfed you in, chuckling at your grand welcome. Goddesses, you missed him so much.
Mael immediately notices something wrong though and scans over your face before moving on to the rest of your body, the foreboding feeling in his gut worsening the more he checks for injuries and his chest tightening when he notes the bruises forming on your wrist. A fiery rage lights up inside him but he does his best to calm down, he has to take care of you first and foremost.
He questions you, his voice eerily calm but his eyes so worried and soft that you barely notice. Not knowing what to do you tell him, revealing your concerns to him. Mael is stunned while listening to you. How did he not notice? How can he proudly call himself your boyfriend when something drastic like that has to happen until you can finally confide in him? Even when you take the blame, saying that he couldn`t have known because these thoughts are written all over his face he won`t have it. He`ll make you promise to always come to him for help.
He patches you up, carefully changing the topic when there is nothing more to say. He is so incredible gentle, even more so than normal and makes sure that you can rest comfortably. He prepares your favourite food, makes the bed and always makes sure to somehow stay close to you, to comfort you and give you a feeling of safety. When it`s time to go to sleep he hugs you, draping one of his wings over you for good measure, with a soothing warmth that makes you melt into his embrace. He lets his hands glide up and down your back in a comforting manner, murmuring soft nothings into your ear. He plays with your hair, makes sure the temperature is warm but never hot and does anything he can think of so that you may sleep well. Mael is careful, soft, gentle and warm, he is home and he is safety and he is comfort, all for you.
It`s only when your breathing calms that he allows his thoughts to wander to that jerk, his teeth gritting and his hug becoming a tad bit tighter when the fire in his chest erupts once again. It`s an ugly feeling, only being soothed by your presence and how he wishes to just rest with you but he can`t. Not when there is someone out there to get you, to harm you and take you away from him. The hatred threatens to burn his very soul as he plans revenge, all kinds of sinister thoughts clouding up his mind. How dare anyone hurt his darling, his love and his sunshine?! Maybe he`ll take care of that bastard personally, claiming him to be a spy of the demons or maybe he`ll cause some kind of accident. He is the sun and he loves you, he can`t lose you. So Mael is brutal, ruthless, sadistic and scorching, he is terrifying and he is unforgiving to any threat.
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etherealeeknow · 3 years
vocal lesson
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• rated m for mature, slight angst
��� pairing: vocal coach!seungmin x fem!reader
• wc: 2.3k (confession: writing long fics isn’t my forte)
• tw: underlying toxic relationship, masturbation (m), grinding, groping, unprotected vaginal sex, explicit language, creampie- i think that’s all, please do tell me if you find more c:
• note: i have a love hate relationship with this fic. i have a few goals i’d like to achieve from this fic and whether or not i’ll succeed is based on your feedbacks 🥺 so please don’t hesitate to drop them! also, enjoy!
• tag list: @es-kay-zee @formidxble @bobateastay @vogueinnie @sailorhyunjinz // leave a comment, dm, or an ask to be tagged! thank you ♡
seungmin despises the way his heart dropped when he sees your name flashing on his phone screen instead of you flashing upon his eyes. by this time, he’s fully aware that a chatty girl like you isn’t the type to text. in fact, you only do it on one occasion, which is when you’d like to cancel the class. just like what he has expected, the text says you won’t be able to make it that day and that you’re sorry; but he knows you’re not sorry. he knows you’re doing this on purpose—to torture him—and it’s working perfectly.
honestly, the suffocating pain in his chest isn’t because he has been losing sleep, tossing and turning in his king size bed for hours over the thought of you being all dolled up in the baby blue dress he has gifted you; neither is it because he missed his favorite orchestra playback this morning just so he could find the most perfect white shirt out of his collection of other white shirts just so he can appear pleasant for you, but because you’ve been cancelling the lesson for three times in a row. if your mother ever finds out about this, she would definitely fire him. to prevent that from happening, seungmin has been silencing your maids with credits, but he knows too well they’d soon go for more if you keep this up. 
fiddling with the handkerchief that you had purposely left for him a few weeks back, seungmin gloomily shoves it into his pocket before dragging himself to the grand piano to warm his throat up. the first few notes started off slow and stable according to the piano keys, but with constant fear running on his mind, his fingers slipped and pressed the wrong one. the awry sound makes him cringe and shuts his eyes in annoyance. he hates it, mistakes, he hates it to the fullest, yet he has managed to keep up with it all this time just because he adores you more than anything, even when your cracked voice sometimes haunts him at night. see, seungmin’s giving his all to you,
but why are you doing this to me? where are you? i miss you.
“heh, pathetic,” he mutters to himself as he slowly lies down onto the piano bench, facing the chandelier which lights would usually illuminate you when sitting on the same bench while waiting for him to get to the music room, running your delicate fingers along the black and white wood. your side profile’s exactly like a goddess—breathtaking.
sighing over the imagery of you, he begins unbuckling his belt; eyes closing momentarily when he slips a hand into his unbuttoned pants and starts palming his clothed member. three weeks. it’s been three weeks since he last got off, since he last felt your touch, and he’s been trying his best to hold back because he believes you’ll eventually come around. he believes you won’t leave him just like that, yet you aren’t here again today, and he’s dying to release his pent-out frustration.
a heavy sigh escapes his lips when he takes out his dick, the tip leaking from precum and it makes him let out another sigh when he begins pumping it; another one follows, then another one, and it carries on as seungmin’s hand goes faster by each second. even in the peak of his pleasure, all he can think of is you. oh, how heavenly it would’ve been to have both your soft hand and pretty lips around him instead. his free hand is quick to slip into his pocket, snatching your handkerchief. despite only briefly smothering himself with it, your lingering scent alone is enough to make his head spin. with the sateen now wrapping around his throbbing cock, it feels as if you’re there, skin to skin with him.
“fuck!” he hisses, but eyes widening right away over his own volume as he quickly raises his head to check on the slightly opened door.
he’s so close and pausing in the middle just to lock the damned door would ruin everything. should he just bet on his luck today? it’s not like any of his well trained maids would rudely barge into his music room, right? but who knows?
screw it.
his back automatically arches when he feels the increasing tension in his pelvis, and it pushes him to fasten his hand move—pumping his dick rapidly to release. with eyes rolling to the back of his head, seungmin begins chanting your name desperately and that’s your last straw. the moment seungmin ejaculates is the moment you slam the door open and run towards him. the poor guy who’s barely riding out his high jumps on the bench as he sits up.
“shut up,” you cut him off and crash both of your lips and body together, causing him to fall back down onto the bench, and creating a somewhat deafening screech on the floor, but it’s nothing compared to his loud moan in between the kiss.
the feeling of you straddling his lap instantly makes him hard again; the feeling of his warm hands running wild all over you and the stickiness on your inner thigh coming from your ruined handkerchief has you wetting your already damped panties—the effect of rubbing yourself when peeping on his little show. as the kiss deepens, so does your hunger for each other. of course, there’s no way you’ve gotten over what he did, and he’s surely still upset for being ghosted too, but for now, lust is winning. one squeeze on your thigh is all it needs for you to throw your baby blue dress across the room.
“you’re always so hot when you do that,” says the now naked seungmin who gets back onto the same position, looking at you with his half lidded eyes as his arms stretch out to fondle your breasts, his favorite part.
“the only time you’d compliment me is when we have sex,” you scoff before going back down on him, slowly yet easily pushing his cock inside of you, and both of you grunt in unison.
“y/n, ah— shit! i told you it’s because i know you can do better.”
snorting, you call him a liar before grinding mindlessly, movement starting off slow just like how your breathy moans starting off low. as much as seungmin enjoys being taken care of, patience doesn’t exist in his dictionary today. his hands leave your chest for your hips, guiding you to slip in and out of him at a faster pace. but that’s still not enough—he needs more. in a blink of an eye, you go from being on top of him to under him. seungmin bangs you down loudly on the grand piano, your buttcheeks and hands hitting the keys and filling the entire room with jumbled notes while you yourself are filled by him to the fullest, right at your g-spot.
“seung— fuck!” 
“louder,” he commands while thrusting into you, hips moving in a rhythm, and strong hands bringing your legs up to rest on his shoulders before holding onto your ass, supporting you from slipping down—multitasking is indeed his second best talent besides singing.
“what’s the p— point?” you breathe out, trying your best to sound coherent while maintaining eye contact, “so you’ll compliment karina instead again? pat her on the head and caress her cheek again?”
“you know i only did that to motivate you.”
if seungmin has to name anything you can do best, it’ll definitely be your ability to drive him crazy—disobeying him. again, he believes he has been going all in, keeping up with your lack of talent and bullshit for the past half a year; the way you’d fight, then fuck him, and fight again only to fuck him again, and the cycle continues. whenever he tries to talk things out, be it about your vocal lesson or your tangled relationship, you wouldn’t give a damn. today, that has to change.
“and i’m the one to blame? karina always listens to me,” he replies, slowing his thrust as he can feel your walls clenching around him even more and more.
“i said louder, y/n. tear your mouth wide open,” he grunts, thrusting into you so strongly that you jump and land back on the piano, creating such messy harmonies.
“seungmin, faster!” you yelp, voice raspy yet a little louder this time with your hands finding their way on his shoulders, and it makes him sneer as he leans in to kiss you, biting your lower lip before he lets go, and stop dead on track.
“hoarse voice, dry lips. don’t i always tell you to stay hydrated?”
you find it unfair. seungmin’s energy doesn’t make sense. the fact that he still has the power to put up with fucking while carrying you even after his solo session is unfair. and the way he has the audacity to give you a vocal lesson in the middle of everything, then stopping just because you aren’t complying is way too cruel, but perhaps, this is what you deserve.
“i’ll never cancel our lessons again. i’ll— i’m sorry. i will really listen to you,” you beg desperately, almost sobbing as you grind on him, refusing to let the tingling sensation on your core die down.
seungmin shakes his head. he knows you too well. normally, seeing you surrender like this softens him and makes him think that perhaps, he’s being way too demanding, or maybe, he should be even more understanding.
“that’s not what i asked for, love.” is what he says before resuming, putting all the remaining pressure he has left to snap his dick deeper into you.
that’s when his name falls out of your lips ever so gracefully, followed by endless ah’s, jaw hanging open. this is the loudest and clearest you’ve ever been—no holding back, no hitching breaths, no cracking—pure perfection. 
seungmin doesn’t even need to ask for more because you’re already repeating it on your own.
“fuck yes. just like that. such a good girl,” he grunts right beside your ear, picking up his pace.
it only takes a few moments till you feel the familiar knot in your abdomen coming back along with him twitching inside of you, and this time, you make sure to hold onto him so tight, afraid he’d pull the same stunt again.
“shit— please let me cum. please cum with me, come inside me, please, please, please,” you blabber, voice turns husky once more, but seungmin couldn’t care less, there’s always another chance for another vocal lesson. right now, all he wants is to,
the two of you reach together. name chanting, legs shaking, fingers digging, and body fluids mixing into each other—drenching not only your lower bodies, but also the extravagant bösendorfer piano seungmin shipped all the way from austria. but that’s another thing to worry about. right now, he can barely keep his eyes open while you can barely feel your stiff spread legs across his shoulders. once he’s made sure you’re over your high, seungmin gently pulls out and lets you down. he sits himself first on the bench before pulling you by the waist to seat you on his lap, and the two of you let silence take over for a little while.
“i know you’ve been bribing my maids,” you start off, “they have a big pay, but it’s impossible for their designer bags to double up in just a week, you know,” you continue while pushing his damp hair aside, revealing the remaining half of his sweaty forehead.
“they were gonna snitch on you to your mom,” he replies, pausing in the middle to mirror your action, pushing strands of hair to the back of your ear before averting his gaze back on your eyes.
even with your smudged eye makeup and cracked lipstick, you’re still as shining, dilating his pupil.
“and she’s gonna fire me.”
“isn’t that what i should worry about? you’re a world winning award soprano. there are hundreds of talented people waiting in line to be your students. money isn’t the problem. plus, i know you hate my voice. i also never listen to you, never call you sir, and am ninety nine percent horny throughout our lessons. in short, i’m a bratty and disrespectful pain in the ass.”
your punchline makes him snort and he can’t help but to pull you into a hug, closing the already small space in between so he can indulge in your body heat and feel your chest beating calmly alongside his.
but what happened to changing things? don’t you wanna be in charge? you can’t just let her have everything she wants. 
despite hearing the faint voices in his head, mocking him for having the weakest heart for you, seungmin doesn’t care. for all he knows, he was a train wreck earlier this day; he surely didn’t expect he would go from reminiscing the memory of you under the chandelier to it actually coming true. 
“this is real, you’re here.”
“it is. i am.”
“and you’re gonna—“ pausing, he breaks the hug to cup your cheeks, “you have to stay.”
“what for? for you? for the vocal lessons? for… what?” you question, unconsciously tilting your head as you place a hand over his, slightly squeezing it, hoping he wouldn’t let go.
“i might be a bitch, but i’m not dumb. it isn’t about money and it isn’t about sex either. so what is it, seungmin?” you ask, eyes searching for an answer before adding, “i bring no good to you.”
you’re right. his best friends have said the same thing. they can’t seem to wrap their heads around how a collected person like him can break so easily over a random, spoiled, daddy’s little princess. it doesn’t make sense, he knows—i know. he’s been trying to figure it out, only to meet the same dead end.
“i’m a mistake.”
yes—yes you are, and seungmin hates it, mistakes, he hates it to the fullest, yet he has managed to keep up with it all this time just because,
“you’re the only mistake in my life that i can take, y/n.”
gen’s masterlist
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shirbertshitposts · 3 years
10 Shirbert Moments from Anne of Green Gables series I think about a lot
In honor of Valentines Day I thought I would post a list of some of my favorite Anne and Gilbert moments. It was hard to narrow it to just ten as I have been going through all nine books and trying to queue posts about all their iconic moments through the series; However I decided to pick the ones that I remember even when I haven’t read the books in a while. I didn’t have the heart to rank them properly so they’re just listed in chronological order.
1. His future must be worthy of its goddess
In the twilight Anne sauntered down to the Dryad’s Bubble and saw Gilbert Blythe coming down through the dusky Haunted Wood. She had a sudden realization that Gilbert was a schoolboy no longer. And how manly he looked—the tall, frank-faced fellow, with the clear, straightforward eyes and the broad shoulders. Anne thought Gilbert was a very handsome lad, even though he didn’t look at all like her ideal man. She and Diana had long ago decided what kind of a man they admired and their tastes seemed exactly similar. He must be very tall and distinguished looking, with melancholy, inscrutable eyes, and a melting, sympathetic voice. There was nothing either melancholy or inscrutable in Gilbert’s physiognomy, but of course that didn’t matter in friendship!
Gilbert stretched himself out on the ferns beside the Bubble and looked approvingly at Anne. If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman the description would have answered point for point to Anne, even to those seven tiny freckles whose obnoxious presence still continued to vex her soul. Gilbert was as yet little more than a boy; but a boy has his dreams as have others, and in Gilbert’s future there was always a girl with big, limpid gray eyes, and a face as fine and delicate as a flower. He had made up his mind, also, that his future must be worthy of its goddess. Even in quiet Avonlea there were temptations to be met and faced. White Sands youth were a rather “fast” set, and Gilbert was popular wherever he went. But he meant to keep himself worthy of Anne’s friendship and perhaps some distant day her love; and he watched over word and thought and deed as jealously as if her clear eyes were to pass in judgment on it. She held over him the unconscious influence that every girl, whose ideals are high and pure, wields over her friends; an influence which would endure as long as she was faithful to those ideals and which she would as certainly lose if she were ever false to them. In Gilbert’s eyes Anne’s greatest charm was the fact that she never stooped to the petty practices of so many of the Avonlea girls—the small jealousies, the little deceits and rivalries, the palpable bids for favor. Anne held herself apart from all this, not consciously or of design, but simply because anything of the sort was utterly foreign to her transparent, impulsive nature, crystal clear in its motives and aspirations.
-- Chapter XIX, Anne of Avonlea
2. For the first time her eyes faltered under Gilbert’s gaze
“What are you thinking of, Anne?” asked Gilbert, coming down the walk. He had left his horse and buggy out at the road.
“Of Miss Lavendar and Mr. Irving,” answered Anne dreamily. “Isn’t it beautiful to think how everything has turned out . . . how they have come together again after all the years of separation and misunderstanding?”
“Yes, it’s beautiful,” said Gilbert, looking steadily down into Anne’s uplifted face, “but wouldn’t it have been more beautiful still, Anne, if there had been NO separation or misunderstanding . . . if they had come hand in hand all the way through life, with no memories behind them but those which belonged to each other?”
For a moment Anne’s heart fluttered queerly and for the first time her eyes faltered under Gilbert’s gaze and a rosy flush stained the paleness of her face. It was as if a veil that had hung before her inner consciousness had been lifted, giving to her view a revelation of unsuspected feelings and realities. Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one’s life with pomp and blare, like a gay knight riding down; perhaps it crept to one’s side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft of illumination flung athwart its pages betrayed the rhythm and the music, perhaps . . . perhaps . . . love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath.
Then the veil dropped again; but the Anne who walked up the dark lane was not quite the same Anne who had driven gaily down it the evening before. The page of girlhood had been turned, as by an unseen finger, and the page of womanhood was before her with all its charm and mystery, its pain and gladness.
Gilbert wisely said nothing more; but in his silence he read the history of the next four years in the light of Anne’s remembered blush. Four years of earnest, happy work . . . and then the guerdon of a useful knowledge gained and a sweet heart won.
-- Chapter XXX, Anne of Avonlea
3. I just want YOU
“I have a dream,” he said slowly. “I persist in dreaming it, although it has often seemed to me that it could never come true. I dream of a home with a hearth-fire in it, a cat and dog, the footsteps of friends—and YOU!”
Anne wanted to speak but she could find no words. Happiness was breaking over her like a wave. It almost frightened her.
“I asked you a question over two years ago, Anne. If I ask it again today will you give me a different answer?”
Still Anne could not speak. But she lifted her eyes, shining with all the love-rapture of countless generations, and looked into his for a moment. He wanted no other answer.
They lingered in the old garden until twilight, sweet as dusk in Eden must have been, crept over it. There was so much to talk over and recall—things said and done and heard and thought and felt and misunderstood.
“I thought you loved Christine Stuart,” Anne told him, as reproachfully as if she had not given him every reason to suppose that she loved Roy Gardner.
Gilbert laughed boyishly.
“Christine was engaged to somebody in her home town. I knew it and she knew I knew it. When her brother graduated he told me his sister was coming to Kingsport the next winter to take music, and asked me if I would look after her a bit, as she knew no one and would be very lonely. So I did. And then I liked Christine for her own sake. She is one of the nicest girls I’ve ever known. I knew college gossip credited us with being in love with each other. I didn’t care. Nothing mattered much to me for a time there, after you told me you could never love me, Anne. There was nobody else—there never could be anybody else for me but you. I’ve loved you ever since that day you broke your slate over my head in school.”
“I don’t see how you could keep on loving me when I was such a little fool,” said Anne.
“Well, I tried to stop,” said Gilbert frankly, “not because I thought you what you call yourself, but because I felt sure there was no chance for me after Gardner came on the scene. But I couldn’t—and I can’t tell you, either, what it’s meant to me these two years to believe you were going to marry him, and be told every week by some busybody that your engagement was on the point of being announced. I believed it until one blessed day when I was sitting up after the fever. I got a letter from Phil Gordon—Phil Blake, rather—in which she told me there was really nothing between you and Roy, and advised me to ‘try again.’ Well, the doctor was amazed at my rapid recovery after that.”
Anne laughed—then shivered.
“I can never forget the night I thought you were dying, Gilbert. Oh, I knew—I KNEW then—and I thought it was too late.”
“But it wasn’t, sweetheart. Oh, Anne, this makes up for everything, doesn’t it? Let’s resolve to keep this day sacred to perfect beauty all our lives for the gift it has given us.”
“It’s the birthday of our happiness,” said Anne softly. “I’ve always loved this old garden of Hester Gray’s, and now it will be dearer than ever.”
“But I’ll have to ask you to wait a long time, Anne,” said Gilbert sadly. “It will be three years before I’ll finish my medical course. And even then there will be no diamond sunbursts and marble halls.”
Anne laughed.
“I don’t want sunbursts and marble halls. I just want YOU. You see I’m quite as shameless as Phil about it. Sunbursts and marble halls may be all very well, but there is more ‘scope for imagination’ without them. And as for the waiting, that doesn’t matter. We’ll just be happy, waiting and working for each other—and dreaming. Oh, dreams will be very sweet now.”
Gilbert drew her close to him and kissed her. Then they walked home together in the dusk, crowned king and queen in the bridal realm of love, along winding paths fringed with the sweetest flowers that ever bloomed, and over haunted meadows where winds of hope and memory blew.
-- Chapter XLI, Anne of the Island
4. Gilbert, I'm afraid I'm scandalously in love with you.
"Gilbert darling, don't let's ever be afraid of things. It's such dreadful slavery. Let's be daring and adventurous and expectant. Let's dance to meet life and all it can bring to us, even if it brings scads of trouble and typhoid and twins!"
Today has been a day dropped out of June into April. The snow is all gone and the fawn meadows and golden hills just sing of spring. I know I heard Pan piping in the little green hollow in my maple bush and my Storm King was bannered with the airiest of purple hazes. We've had a great deal of rain lately and I've loved sitting in my tower in the still, wet hours of the spring twilights. But tonight is a gusty, hurrying night . . . even the clouds racing over the sky are in a hurry and the moonlight that gushes out between them is in a hurry to flood the world.
"Suppose, Gilbert, we were walking hand in hand down one of the long roads in Avonlea tonight!"
Gilbert, I'm afraid I'm scandalously in love with you. You don't think it's irreverent, do you? But then, you're not a minister."
-- Chapter 9, Anne of Windy Poplars
5. Suitable Places
"(Are you sure you kiss me in suitable places, Gilbert? I'm afraid Mrs. Gibson would think the nape of the neck, for instance, most unsuitable.)”
-- Chapter 12, Anne of Windy Poplars
6. He narrowly escaped bursting with pride
"Anne, this is Captain Boyd. Captain Boyd, my wife."
It was the first time Gilbert had said "my wife" to anybody but Anne, and he narrowly escaped bursting with the pride of it. The old captain held out a sinewy hand to Anne; they smiled at each other and were friends from that moment. Kindred spirit flashed recognition to kindred spirit.
-- Chapter 6, Anne’s House of Dreams
7. Queen of my heart and life and home
"Gilbert, would you like my hair better if it were like Leslie's?" she asked wistfully.
"I wouldn't have your hair any color but just what it is for the world," said Gilbert, with one or two convincing accompaniments.
You wouldn't be ANNE if you had golden hair—or hair of any color but"—
"Red," said Anne, with gloomy satisfaction.
"Yes, red—to give warmth to that milk-white skin and those shining gray-green eyes of yours. Golden hair wouldn't suit you at all Queen Anne—MY Queen Anne—queen of my heart and life and home."
"Then you may admire Leslie's all you like," said Anne magnanimously.”
-Chapter 12, Anne’s House of Dreams
8.  Annest of Annes
But the best of all was when Gilbert came to her, as she stood at her window, watching a fog creeping in from the sea, over the moonlit dunes and the harbour, right into the long narrow valley upon which Ingleside looked down and in which nestled the village of Glen St. Mary.
"To come back at the end of a hard day and find you! Are you happy, Annest of Annes?"
"Happy!" Anne bent to sniff a vaseful of apple blossoms Jem had set on her dressing-table. She felt surrounded and encompassed by love. "Gilbert dear, it's been lovely to be Anne of Green Gables again for a week, but it's a hundred times lovelier to come back and be Anne of Ingleside."
-- Chapter 3, Anne of Ingleside
9. I couldn’t live without you
Anne felt like a released bird . . . she was flying again. Gilbert's arms were around her . . . his eyes were looking into hers in the moonlight.
"You do love me, Gilbert? I'm not just a habit with you? You haven't said you loved me for so long."
"My dear, dear love! I didn't think you needed words to know that. I couldn't live without you. Always you give me strength. There's a verse somewhere in the Bible that is meant for you . . . 'She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.'"
Life which had seemed so grey and foolish a few moments before was golden and rose and splendidly rainbowed again. The diamond pendant slipped to the floor, unheeded for the moment. It was beautiful . . . but there were so many things lovelier . . . confidence and peace and delightful work . . . laughter and kindness . . . that old safe feeling of a sure love.
"Oh, if we could keep this moment for ever, Gilbert!"
"We're going to have some moments. It's time we had a second honeymoon. Anne, there's going to be a big medical congress in London next February. We're going to it . . . and after it we'll see a bit of the Old World. There's a holiday coming to us. We'll be nothing but lovers again . . . it will be just like being married over again. You haven't been like yourself for a long time. ("So he had noticed.") You're tired and overworked . . . you need a change. ("You too, dearest. I've been so horribly blind.") I'm not going to have it cast up to me that doctors' wives never get a pill. We'll come back rested and fresh, with our sense of humour completely restored. Well, try your pendant on and let's get to bed. I'm half dead for sleep . . . haven't had a decent night's sleep for weeks, what with twins and worry over Mrs. Garrow."
--Chapter 41, Anne of Ingleside
10. Old love light
DR. BLYTHE:- “The old, old love light that was kindled so many years ago in Avonlea ... and burns yet, Anne ... at least for me.” 
ANNE:- “And for me, too. And will burn forever, Gilbert.” 
-- Page 189, The Blythes Are Quoted
Feel free to respond to this post with any of your favorite shirbert moments that I missed!
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Lucien - NSFW abc headcanons
Sorry I was gone for so long. I was busy doing hot girl shit.
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Warnings: S.M.U.T.  (the reader is gender neutral, but I quote Lucien’s “silly girl” at one point so idk)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It’s probably because of this relationship you two have. One that Lucien thought he could never have.
Frankly, he didn’t really want one. Even with you.
But it was impossible to stop himself from jumping into that rabbit whole.
You are not even a human for him. You are far superior.
A goddess.
A greater being that must be worshiped. Cherished. LOVED THOROUGHLY and Lucien can't stop himself from doing all that.
He would help you clean up with so much care. Hold you like he’s about to lose you. Wisper praises and declarations of love into your ear.
Prefers to stay in bed, but wouldn’t mind to do it in a bath either.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He never really gave it much thought, but if you’d ask him, he would probably say - his neck.
Because he noticed how much attention you give it. That given a choice you would always kiss and bite on the neck.
And the unreformable tease he is - he loves your ears.
The way you twitch and squirm when he licks the or softly blows around them. The way you flush when he leans in to whisper directly to it.
All those small reactions get his blood pumping.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
A big fan of cuming onto you.
Your ass is his staple favorite, but chest, stomach, back or… basically anywhere else is not bad at all either.
If he ever comes inside you without a condom… and gets to see his seed dripping out of you… IT’S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL CHANGE OF PERSPECTIVE FOR HIM.
Nothing can beat the look of his seed spilled on your pretty butt, BUT… damn that’s a nice sight.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn’t believe that some deeds can be dirty or naughty.
He's a scientist. Explorer of human's brain. He knows that every single of those is a normal, human thing.
But given that we all know what is this question all about…
Lucien really liked to draw when he was a kid and he still does it from time to time.
And what else could he sketch in his free time if not the most beautiful creation of this world? You. Naked.
He has countless amounts of those at this point. Every part of you has a separate piece. He likes to go through them from time to time.
Meaning every day when you're not around.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Lucien is not a virgin but he had never been in a real relationship before you.
He had some one night stands. A few booty call relationships, but he had never been with someone the way he is with you.
So you were still a challenge, because he could not allow himself any shortcomings when it came to you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
That’s a spoiler for the future, but Lucien is more than willing to try everything and he doesn’t really feel any special bond with a particular position.
However he does have a particular group and if you remember what I said in C above, you know where I’m going.
From behind. Seeing your butt shake. He’s an ass man. (would love to try anal if you’d show an intrest in that)
Major bonus points if you turn your head to the side and look at him. With your lovely, beautiful face that he loves oh so much.
He instantly speeds up to the point that no man should ever reach and will happily carry you around for a day or two - you’ll need it.
Because after that there could never be only one round. Or even two or three.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I wouldn’t call it goofy.
It’s very intense. Almost in a spiritual sense.
For Lucien sex is a metter of high importance. There’s no room for fooling around.
He needs to focus, so afterwards you’re completely spent, blissed and fucked to the point where you could never enjoy sex with any other man.
Toxic trait of this cutesy otome boy - possessiveness, and although he won’t try to control what and with who you do... 
(the man has some dignity and respect for your autonomy)
He will make sure you won’t be able to forget who makes you feel so f*in' good and being ‘goofy’ won’t make the statement.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think Lucien would be somewhat groomed, but not bold.
Shaving just isn’t natural and therefore necessarily good for one’s body.
Therefore, if you shave he might try to convince you to stop.
I want to touch a woman, not a girl - he would say.
Carpet matches the drapes (however I like to think that Lucien has ginger pubes dontjudgeme)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Said first in A, now will be more specific.
With Lucien sex is some kind of a ritual of worship.
It’s a sacrifice for his goddess. His energy, his time, his most attentive care.
Love beams from his eyes even stronger than light does from the sun.
The foreplay will be elongated. You need to come at least twice before he enters you (see T).
During he roams your body with his hands. Boldly, but not aggressively… unless you’d like it.
Afterwards… well, just read A again.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’s a very busy man, so he doesn’t get many chances, but…
When he can he’s right at it… thinking of that pretty ass of yours.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Lucien is quite kinky.
He's in for anything that doesn’t go under N conditions. Anything. 
Likes bondage. No. He loves it. On you. And blindfolds.
DOM BOY, but wouldn’t mind to go sub from time to time for you.
You want you to submit thoroughly, so he can thoroughly please you. Give you all that can be given.
Lives for roleplaying.
He also is really into body worship. He will praise you to the point of incredibility. 
See T gir. It’s really an intense game.
Lives to hear you beg for him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He likes to be in a private, comfortable place, when he doesn’t have to worry about any interruptions or other inconveniences.
Best in your or his place.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
First of all he really needs no convincing.
The beast is awake momentarily when you wear his clothes. Like his sweater when you're cold. Or a shirt after a passionate night.
"You make a very nice sight indeed."
Other thing is lingerie. He likes it dark and erotic. Satin and straps. Maybe some nice, sheer mesh.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No humiliating one another.
Nothing that even comes close to making you feel like he might have attempted to disrespect you.
Also - no outsiders.
And no hiding one another's fantasies. He’s there to please and satisfy you. Don’t take it away from him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Can you stay up all night
Fuck me till the daylight 
If you don't get it yet, it means he wants to 69 with you.
All night. Every night.
The taste of you in his mouth is heavenly.
The feeling and sight of your mouth enveloping his groin is pure ecstasy.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He doesn’t have much of a fav.
It all depends on his mood.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
It’s not like an unacceptable option, but he prefers delayed gratification.
Will agree if you insist, but won’t ever offer.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Why would he ever limit himself to known and obvious, when there might be something far, far superior to what both of you already know.
He enjoys erotic literature. Sometimes reads online articles about interesting positions, toys or new ways to make you come harder and faster.
Won’t shy away from many things. Just remember about what I said in N.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man rarely sleeps. Rarely even rests.
This man is a rabbit.
It's more likely you will pass out of exhaustion then that he will take a break from fucking you. Weather it's with his hands, dick, lips or… other things. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Speaking of other things.
And fucking.
Lucien invested in a nice collection for the two of you. Vibrators. Rings. Suckers.
He likes to please you in every way he can. 
While the toys take care of you, you suck onto him.
Sometimes you just embrace yourself as the toys take care of your needs. And you go like this for hours. Until you can't take it anymore.
And let's not forget the bondage equipment. Ropes, handcuffs, blindfolds, gags, whips….
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Obvi. What did you expect?
A lot.
For hours.
Until all you’re able to say is “Lucien” and “Please”.
Edging is not negotiable. Happens every time. Often to the point when you come so fast and unexpectedly he just couldn’t stop on time.
Will talk dirty to your ear in public to then “accidently” stroke your nipple or if he feels particularly bold that day - your crotch.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not shy at all. No shame.
Will moan, groan, pant and hiss all he wants and as loudly as he wants.
Let the neighbors hear. Why would he feel ashamed of fucking you?
LOVES when you do the same.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He would love to take you for a weekend trip. In the mountains. Renting a nice cottage.
Necessarily with a fireplace. And a jacuzzi.
He would have it decorated with many, many gleaming candles. Set all around the cottage.
The soothing music would play.
His fingers would play with your sex while you soak yourselfs in the jacuzzi.
Then he would lay you on a soft carpet in front of the fireplace and make love to you. True, unmistakable love.
It would be a trip to remember for the rest of your lives.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
First off all, see this meme.
He just emanuates that massive dick energy. That’s just facts. No one in the bunch can relate. I’m sorry stans of the other 4, it’s not my fault, don’t @ me.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. Very high sometimes.
Okay - usually very high, sometimes extremely high.
All nighters will happen at least once a week unless one of you really has a tough week or just had one and still tries to get everything together.
Otherwise no mercy. His lover needs to have all her needs fulfilled. Lucien would never allow you to walk around hungry or cold. Why would he let you be unsatisfied in this category, silly girl?
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not right away for sure. 
He wants to watch you fall asleep. And then see those cutest expressions you make in your slumber.
Sometimes he just grabs a book and holds your hand until you wake up.
Other times he isn't able to resist it and falls asleep. You in his arms. His world at peace.
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Euryale NSFW ABC maybe?
Written by @evoedbd​
A= Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Cuddles are a must.  Euryale is instantly all over her partner, albeit quite obliviously.  Mortals are such strange creatures sometimes, but no request is too outrageous for Euryale to follow without question when it comes to aftercare.
 B= Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
Hands.  Hands down. The way elegant fingers can curl so viciously around the hilt of a blade, but weave so softly between Euryale’s own.  The way those fingers can be so filling, but never bring undesired pain.  Nothing is better than hands Euryale knows she is safe to shatter into.
   C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically …)
Euryale adores feeling the evidence of lovemaking.  Yet, nothing is as delicious to her as a kiss with her lover’s taste upon her lips, or her own taste upon her lover’s.  Trading flavours in an intimate kiss is the perfect ending to any night.
   D= Dirty Talk (Pretty self-explanatory)
Dirty talk is not Euryale’s strong suit, or particularly to her tastes.  Her lovers can rail her into the next century, but they’d better not dare degrade her like some backstreet prostitute.  If one is to speak dirty to Euryale, they’d best make it sound like they are addressing royalty.  Euryale will accept nothing less.
 E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
She’s over 200 years old.  Euryale has done most things at least once.  She knows what she likes, but she’s never done things with a mortal she genuinely cares about before.  For that, she relishes the experiences with her seemingly mortal girlfriend as if they are new.  This makes her seem less experienced than she truly is, at least under a certain woman’s touch.
 F= Favorite Position (This goes without saying.)
Euryale couldn’t answer that.  Some days, she simply wants to be held down into the mattress and taken violently, like an animal in heat.  Ironically, this desire seems to align with the seasons.  Otherwise she simply wants ride her girlfriend, trying to hold eye contact as long as possible, fists clenched around the knives stabbed into the headboard or wall.
 G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc?)
Euryale is as serious as a heart attack. She will not suffer a lover laughing at her.  That said, something about her mortal has her want to be a little playful.  Her knives always cameo, usually stabbed into the furniture as a handhold as the little mortal rocks her world.
 H= Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc?)
Waxed.  Kept completely bare.  Euryale likes her sensitive skin exposed and smooth.
   I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect …)
She tries.  Truly, Euryale tries to be romantic.  Sadly, many of her partners seem to find her intimidating, or are too distracted by her knives to notice.  Strangely, it is her little mortal who seems to find Euryale’s behaviours endearing, happy to kiss any knife brought to her face with a dreamy expression.
 J= Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Euryale is very experienced with herself.  She enjoys teasing herself, stroking and enjoying the feeling of her smooth, sensitive skin beneath her palms until she can’t wait any longer.  This is perhaps one of the only times that Euryale will stay quiet, squeaking and moaning behind a hand clamped over her mouth.
   K= Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Knives.  Anytime Euryale can have her knives involved instantly revs her engines.  Seeing her partner kiss the length.  Freezing the blades so their chill will rile up her girl.  Creating handholds.
   L= Location (Favorite Place to do the deed)
Chairs are good.  The perfect place to ride her Girlfriend’s fingers, using her own back to shield anybody from laying eyes on her precious mortal.  Wherever that chair is sitting is completely irrelevant.  Though, she’s noticed her Girlfriend prefers her apartment.
   M= Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
Her girlfriend. The woman is so unimaginably beautiful, carved by Hephaestus to show the world the true meaning of Lust.  But she is so gentle and sweet too.  She looks at Euryale’s quirks with this perfect quirk of her lips that has the Gorgon unable to focus on anything but the memories of the things that mouth can do.  The sweet kisses and kind words that fill Euryale’s heart. These romantic emotions are so new to the Gorgon. Sometimes, they overwhelm her until the heat burning in her body needs to be released.  Its then that Euryale pounces.
 N= NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Incest.  No mommy kinks. No stepsister plays.  Calling Euryale “babe” is the fastest way to have the Gorgon leaping off her girlfriend’s lap with an indignant shriek.
 O= Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Euryale is an excellent giver.  Oral with Euryale is an experience many mortal women would die for.  However, Euryale herself is nervous about receiving, not because of embarrassment, but for safety reasons.  Euryale loses her mind receiving, and often forgets how strong she is when she clamps her thighs.  A traumatic experience with crushing a mortal’s skull has let her hesitant to let someone she cares about go down.
 P= Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc)
The name of the game is passionate.  Euryale is fire, hungry and demanding from the first moment.  She’s borderline primal, all growls bites, hard movements.  Euryale is the most devoted worshipper of her lover’s body.  That animalistic intensity is tempered into a thorough claiming of every single inch of her girl’s body. Even with a husk to her voice, Euryale will snarl her praises, refusing to let her girlfriend think she is unappreciated for a single moment.  One might say that Euryale’s energy in bed is that of someone who has been edged to the point of fury. Euryale wants to feel worshipped, just as she wants to worship.  She has a goddess in her bed, and as twitchy as Euryale can be, there is no way she will disappoint.   Nothing but her lover’s requests will tame her.
Euryale’s girlfriend however is gentle, soft hands guiding Euryale instead of trapping her.  Letting Euryale wear herself out, all the while feeling that she is loved and valued.  When Euryale settles enough to surrender, it is slow and gentle, coaxing Euryale slowly into every crest of bliss.  The girlfriend is all too happy to use her body, to cover Euryale, blanketing her as the Gorgon sobs into her neck.
   Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Euryale is happy to shove her girlfriend into a chair and demand hands beneath her dress.  She is happy to ride to a fast orgasm.  Or shove her hand down the girl’s pants and drag a climax out of her, and a second for good measure.
   R= Risks (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
Their very relationship feels like a risk.  Euryale’s body has the strength to crush and destroy her girl if she loses concentration for a moment.  Everything new they do is planned, often by her Girlfriend.  However, if her Girlfriend steals the marble cuffs, then Euryale is trusting enough to try anything.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last …)
Days.  Euryale can go for literal days when it is just sex with an equally ungodly partner.  Emotionally, she can go hours before she burns out mentally.  Her girlfriend stops when Euryale’s mind disconnects, not wanting just a body.
 T= Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Yes.  Euryale has access to the ungodly monster category of toys, along with her Aura.   Her girlfriend has a more chaste collection of electronic toys.  Combining them on Euryale is a fun weekend.  They help compensate for her girlfriend’s mortal stamina.
 U= Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Euryale doesn’t.  If she wants, she takes.  And takes, and takes and takes.  Not that her girlfriend complains, afterall, this is what they agreed to.  In fact, the unintentional tease is that her girlfriend is always expecting Euryale to pounce.
 V= Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
In private, loud.  Euryale has no qualms about growling into her girlfriend’s neck, drawing out scream after scream to the point neighbours have called the cops on them in the past.  Soundproofing the walls has helped a little. Not entirely.  Maybe because Euryale has stabbed the walls too many times.
   W= Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Euryale’s girlfriend adores Euryale’s nose.  She continuously presses kisses or attempts to nip at the tip to Gorgon’s nose, both in sexual situations and just everyday playfulness.
   X= X-rated thoughts (let’s see what’s going on in their head)
Half of Euryale’s day is spent remembering the feeling of her girlfriend’s fingers inside her, knocking those perfect spots, thumb pressing into her clit.   How she wants to take her girl, press her into the walls, palm at her perfect ass.  Squeeze.   Going any further leads to situations, and Euryale can’t afford those until her girlfriend is off the clock.
   Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
24/7.  Euryale is one snap of her girlfriend’s fingers away from a turned-on mess.
   Z= Zzz (… How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Euryale holds on as long as she can, wanting to spend time snuggling into her girlfriend’s back and shoulders.  She will, without fail, stay awake until she is positive that her girlfriend understands how deeply loved she truly is.  Even if words don’t work, gentle kisses and nips, tender brushes of hands across her hips and body.  Once her girlfriend is asleep, Euryale will eventually drift off with a content smile across her lips.
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karimac · 3 years
...in the details, Part 2
A/N: Warning for this series: 18+ audience (minors DNI), some cinematic level violence, some fluff and angst. Doubt that smut will be involved, but it may be implied. I’ll make sure that is noted clearly if it pops up.
All relationships, at this point anyway, are platonic.
Please do not repost or translate my work. Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
A bit about the OC Kari
Part 1
All mistakes are my own.
Word count: 2,249
Before you ventured into Westview, a flight of birds overhead reminded you of Redwing and Sam. Poor Sam. That sixth sense you had told you that fight at the compound was going to lead you all into very weird places. And the first one left you very squarely not in the room once again.
This time it was Steve and Bucky being thick as thieves, and you and Sam were…making a sandwich run? Couldn’t exactly get GrubHub to make a delivery to an attack site, could you? Bruce did not want some driver with a cellphone putting video up on Snapchat. “How would that look?” he bemoaned as he worked on the time travel platform. “We’d be getting tourists left and right. I don’t need that.” So off you and Sam went.
“You know, you could just, you know,” Sam started to say as he waved his hands like he thought a wizard would do, “and just poof up a plate of stuff. Right? With extra food for Banner, of course. He inhales tacos like nobody’s business. Just ask Tic Tac.”
“Sam, what have I told all of you before? Magic is the transfer of energy and matter. No suitable food stuff means no sandwiches. I can’t just think about the deli counter at Wegman’s and make a sandwich and a side of coleslaw appear in my hand. So, we’ll order on the app and pick it up. Just like everyone else. Before I hit the button, any changes to your order?”
“No, it’s fine. But don’t tell me you’ve never done shit like that when you’ve had your back against it,” Falcon huffed as you went to the rental car you’d gotten earlier in the day. That, thank Heaven, was easy to get at the local but extremely small airport.
“I’ve killed small rodents and eaten them, and I don’t mean just rabbits. Snakes, too. And, well, birds of prey, like falcons,” you groaned as you started to get into the car, but you stopped and headed back to the passenger side. “And I know you hate my driving, so here you go,” you said as you handed Sam the keys. “Sorry it isn’t a Ferrari. I was lucky to get this Kia. They didn’t exactly have anything race course worthy.”
As Sam climbed in, he saw bags of gear in the back seat. “You pulling a Wanda? Need some me time away from all us testosterone jockeys? Cyborg is going to be pissed.”
“Bucky has other stuff to deal with, trust me,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “He does not need to add Crazy Old Broad to his growing list of things to do and people to take care of this week. I heard him talking to Steve…”
“You? Eavesdropping? You are human!” Sam smirked, but then he saw the comment had hit a nerve. “You know I was kidding, right?”
“I know you are,” you said as you swallowed hard. In reality, you were not exactly buying that last comment. Sam was a sweetheart, but his comment sounded like things Tony and Steve had said about you in the weeks before the Time Heist. It depended on the situation, but one or the other of them seemed to question you, your motives, your powers and what they could do, and, at times, your grasp on reality. You did have a connection to a goddess they couldn’t see. Blaming them for having those questions just was not in your wheelhouse. “And yeah, maybe I just need to go figure a few things out. You guys know how to get me back here if you need me.”
“Somehow I don’t think Steve, Bucky and I would look so great standing and screaming your name in the middle of a fight,” Sam noted as he finally turned the key in the ignition.
“Now who is having issues with gender roles?” you said with a very pronounced side glance. “Sam, we are all human. We all need a save now and then. Maybe you’ll never have to utter my name again after today, unless you guys can’t find something you think I hid? Thor will be back once he’s done exploring the universe, and you can always get him here fast if you have Strange find him. And Wong is just dying for his shot as a full time Avenger. We all know that! And I can go back and do, well, goddess stuff, I guess. And raise horses. Just, please, make sure no one drops the ball on Parker. He lost his parents and his uncle. Losing Tony will hit him harder than anyone likely expects. He’s a good kid. He just needs support and guidance. Now, want to get this thing moving, or do you want me to drive?”
“And have you antagonize the local cops by going Mach 1? No thank you!”
You had to laugh at that one. You did tend to floor it. A lot.
A short time later, you and Sam rolled back to the site Bruce had chosen to set up the time travel platform. After you two handed out all the food, you realized it was really time for you to get going. No, you didn’t have a train, plane or bus to catch or someone to meet. You just knew it was going to get harder to make the break the longer you stayed there.
“She’s pulling a Wanda on us,” Sam said as he finished off the last of the sweet tea he had grabbed at the deli where you’d gotten food. “I think it’s too much he-man macho stuff, but she won’t fess up to that.”
“Wilson, how many brothers did I have?” you asked as you cleaned up the trash from the table Bruce had borrowed from a local park that had been wrecked during the battle. It had a huge hole in the end, but hey, it was good enough for the moment.
“Eight,” Bucky replied before Sam got the chance. “Just don’t quiz me on all their names. I remember your twin, Branan, and the one who was the vampire. Ewan? Right?”
“Yup, that’s right,” you grinned at Buck. “And no quiz. Promise,” you said as you raised your left hand and crossed your heart with your right.
“Why are you leaving?” Bruce asked as he adjusted the sling on his still injured arm, putting extra emphasis on the word “are” as he uttered it. “We need all the help we can get.”
Bruce, heaven help him, was suddenly one of the last active OG Avengers standing on Earth. Thor was off finding himself with the Guardians, and no one could really begrudge him that. He needed time to heal, and you knew all too well that was not easy nor time limited. Clint had more or less retired again after Natasha’s sacrifice on Vormir. Steve was getting ready to take the stones back, but upon his return, he’d likely join up with Sam and Bucky again to root out any remaining Hydra cells. That left Bruce in a very different place this time around.
“Bruce, you don’t really need me being a head case. Trust me. You do not need me giving any news outlets ammunition to blast headlines that make the team look less than spotless. I need to go home, at least for a little while,” you replied, knowing full well you were not telling him or the others everything. “And as I reminded Sam, you guys can just call me, and I’ll be here. Just whisper my name. Or yell it. Whatever works. Text me! If it’s an emergency, and if I’m not in the middle of some new damned war on my end, I’ll come running. But I have a feeling you guys are going to be just fine. Hell, I’ll give you a blessing before I head out.”
Yeah. A blessing. More like the final nail in the coffin. The words to start the spell to make them forget you.
“Big guy, you first,” you said as you put your hands on Bruce’s injured right arm. “And no, I am doing this, Bruce. It won’t be a full healing, but it should speed things up. You got this, big guy. Biggest brain. Biggest heart. May you realize just how much this team was built with your sweat and tears as it was anyone else’s.”
“I can’t change your mind?” Bruce asked as he pretended to wipe a tear from his eye and pout a bit. “And I am not asking because you are likely the only one of us who can cook…”
“I’m pretty sure all of you guys can cook something. Maybe not a good Colcannon or a fine Dublin coddle, but you’ll survive. As for the cupcakes, you guys may need to get a bakery on speed dial,” you added with a laugh because you knew they’d make that bakery rich. The Avengers loved their sugary snacks.
“Just don’t bug my sister, Bruce,” Sam noted as he waited for you to come over to him. “I still remember asking why the Cupcake Lady had a sword that night when those demon things attacked near the tower. I never asked. Why the cupcakes?”
“And not why the demons or the sword?” you said as you nearly choked on your words. “You realize that was before Steve saw me at Peggy’s funeral. That night was truly a fluke, Sam. No one was supposed to see that side of me then. As for the cupcakes, they were my entry to your world. Gifts from a fan girl. They’re easy to carry, a synch to personalize when needed, and everyone can have their own without fighting,” you said with a grin as Sam shook his head. “What?”
“You sound like Sarah.”
“Then I am in good company. Tell her the good stuff you’ve told me all these years. The words of wisdom. The little jokes. The pep talks. Tell her often. A single mom with two boys needs that. Be there for her, and drag these guys to see her, too. It would do the boys a world of good to have all their uncles stop by. Now, Samuel,” you said as you gave him a hug, “remember to keep these guys flying right. And if the world drops opportunity in your lap, whatever it might be, do not look at it and push it away without a lot of thought. The world needs Sam Wilson, the hero with a heart.”
And now the hardest part of this good bye had you wiping tears from your eyes. “I know. I’m a big mush. Girls from Brooklyn would laugh at me for this, right? Sorry, but girls from Naas and Athy do cry sometimes. I’m going to miss you two lugs. A lot.”
“Lugs. Last time you called us that was in ’43,” Bucky said as he looked down at his feet for a minute. “Somehow Hydra missed that memory.”
“You’ll see us again,” Steve said as he turned briefly to see where the case with the stones was on the platform. “But this time, it better not take 70 years.”
As you looked at the best friends, something about their auras seemed off. They had been planning something when you almost walked in on their chat a few days ago. You had no idea what it was, and you suddenly didn’t want to hang around to find out what the next act was going to bring.
“Just…watch your back, Steve. From what Clint said about Vormir, that one is going to be tough. And Buck, whatever comes next, I’m rooting for you. Even if you can’t see me doing it.”
“You really don’t have to leave,” Bruce kept insisting as you hefted your backpack on your shoulder.
“Dr. Banner, do you really want to fight my demons after all this? I have enemies. You just haven’t seen them yet. Frankly, the only reason that Hydra didn’t grab me before I hooked up with the Howling Commandos was because I was pulled into another dimension by one of those enemies. It was only by some weird twist of fate that Peggy found me when she did. If the veil between worlds had not been so thin near that camp, I might never have made it back, or Hydra might have found me first. It was pure dumb luck.”
{{And, Heaven help me, part of it was these two lugs over here}} you thought as you turned to head to your car. Then you stopped. This was a lot harder than it had been any time before, but it was the curse of an immortal to have to keep moving on. “I wish you luck, joy and happiness. I wish you peace. And, if you are truly lucky, memories long enough to have little space to spare for the likes of me because they are filled with so much more! See you in my dreams, for now anyway, fellas.”
You rolled out of there before Steve started his mission to return the stones, and you got a text from Bruce hours later telling you everything that had happened. Steve not coming back as planned. Then an older version of Steve shows up, sitting on a bench near the platform, and he gives Sam the shield. Right in front of Bucky.
It was now weeks later. No. It was months later, and here you were staring up at the sign for Westview. You’d gotten out of your rental car so you could get a feeling for the area around this little town.
“You made it back,” a voice said behind you. “How are you, after all that mess with Wanda and that Agatha woman? She was a real piece of work.”
The person speaking to you was Dr. Darcy Lewis. Friend of Thor and Dr. Jane Foster. Why was she even here?
You couldn’t fully figure out what the hell she was talking about. You didn’t remember being here before. Yet, you knew who she was, and you had never met her before. Or at least you couldn’t remember meeting her, here or anywhere else.
“Apparently not as great as I thought I was,” you muttered as you winced again. “Dr. Lewis, how long ago was the blip?”
“Give or take a week, about six months ago,” she replied as you started to pace. “Why?”
“Shit. Not this again,” you hissed as you looked up at the sign once more. “I think I’m going to need your help. How much do you know about Celtic myths and Irish history, Dr. Lewis?”
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atiny-dazzlinglight · 4 years
Ateez Nsfw Alphabet
Part 1: Jongho
Tumblr media
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jongho makes sure to take care of you when he is the top that time. He makes sure to get you water and light snacks. He’ll help with a nice shower or bath if you would like one. He’s good at paying attention to people’s needs. Now if he needs aftercare, he usually likes a water and to just relax on the bed after everything that happened.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself, he loves his thighs. He won’t admit that he loved the sound of skin hitting skin during sinful times, but his thrust are usually powered by his strong thighs and he knows he can drive his partner crazy with them. Jongho really isn’t picky, but he would love his partners hands. He can’t help but watch them dance across his skin as they move in a way to make him and his partner feel good. It’s just something he loves and bonus for any size difference between them too
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Jongho is neat most of the time. He’d wear a condom until you talk with him and tell him it’s okay to not wear one all the time. Even still, he rarely cums inside, but he’ll cum everywhere else though as long as he’s allowed to. Favorite spots is the stomach or chest. He’s a healthy boy so if you swallow, you should be fine
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Despite being an advocate of safe sex wrap it up guys, he has a breeding kink. He heard his hyungs talk about how nice it is to cum inside and he went down the rabbit hole and now he wants to, but don’t know how to bring it up. Just let the boy try it out once. He would feel better hearing it from his partner than him asking himself. If not, he’ll take it to the grave
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He doesn’t had much experience, but he’s the type that can kind of wing it and it still be good for his partner. Maybe one other partner but they probably haven’t done much
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
So he had two positions that’s his favorite. One of them he did and the other he hasn’t. The one he has done is this one because that skin slapping sound just motivates him to fuck you more. Now the position he haven’t done but has been infatuated with it is the full nelson. Jongho just want to fold you up like that and pound into you, but he knows that it’s only something he would do if you were okay with it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He may crack a few jokes. A few playful remarks sometimes, but he’s still a bit more serious. Actually not serious, more so focused on the pleasure
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn’t trim often. The hair isn’t too wild, but he would never have it go too low. Maybe a happy medium between the two
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If Jongho is having sex with you, it’s already an intimate and romantic act in general. He wouldn’t bed someone easily and if he does, then he must have strong feels for you already. Jongho may be young, but he is real sweet with his words
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Maybe once a week. Twice a week could happen as well, but Jongho is usually fine without jerking off that often. Relationship or not, he’s fine with the one time.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Jongho has a power play kink, whether he’s on top or not doesn’t matter, he loves the shift in power between you two and he enjoys it. He also really enjoy oral sex. This man will feast on you like it’s nothing. Eats like a starving man. Will go down on you cáuseme wants to, you don’t even have to ask. Bon appétit 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s gonna stick to the bedroom because that’s where he know you both can be the most comfortable. He might be persuade for other places in the house but that’s it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Subtle touches and light teasing over time can get him turned on. Like touching his shoulders or thighs are the quickest way to get him hot and bothered. Massages are a bonus cause he really loves them and soon, his lip will be on you
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
A big turn off would be someone walking in on them. He will automatically stop everything, cover you both up and stop. It will take awhile for him to continue and he will be mad at whoever came in to interrupt him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Like I said earlier, Jongho loves giving oral to his partner. He feast. He will devour you until you cum multiple times. He will stay down there for forever and I hope you can handle it cause he really does take his time.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Jongho does those slow, yet deep thrust that will drive you crazy before he speeds it up. Jongho really enjoys getting you worked up slow before having you tip over the edge, over and over again.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.,
He might do quickies from time to time, but don’t expect them often. He enjoys taking his time on you, so quickies aren’t the best for him to indulge in.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He might take some risk if he really loves you. He would do it if he trust you. The more confortable he is with you, the more he would be willing to do. Just talk it over with him and see where it goes from there
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Jongho is young and healthy. He can definitely go for awhile if you both want to keep going. Probably goes for a long round, maybe two on a good round but the more rounds, they will probably get shorter.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Jongho likes cock rings and vibrators. He loves using vibrators on you because of how your body reacted to it. He loves watching you unwind for the toy and lose your mind. He likes the cock ring because he can stall his orgasm a bit longer and it would be worth it in the end
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He does light , sometimes it will be more but he doesn’t go crazy with any type of teasing. He usually gives you what you want quite quickly.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Jongho does grunts and low moans most of the time. He could get a bit louder when he’s really feeling it. The only time he will hit those high notes is when he’s on the receiving end cause oof those notes will be chef kiss
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Jongho loves when he can give you oral while you sit on his face. That’s his favorite way to do it. He will hold your thighs close, forget how to breath, and will watch you fall over him as he goes to town.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
No doubt in my mind that Jongho has a thick cock. He’s thickest at the base which gives a nice stretch when you skin down on him. As far as actual length, he’s above average but he’s not extremely long, so roughly 6.5 inches
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive isn’t that high but it’s a normal. He isn’t a sex fiend and would probably want to relax with you a bit more than just fucking you 24/7. It’s a nice balance between the two.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t go to sleep right away. He will talk to you a bit and make sure your fine, even if he bottomed. But after awhile, he will go to sleep and he’ll be out for the rest of the day/night.
@atiny-piratequeen @angel0taiyo @thereal-smolchild @queen-of-himbos @jacksons-goddess-gaia @kimnamshiks
©atiny-dazzlinglight 2020. do not repost, translate, or use my works without permission
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hii, can i please request a yoohyeon fluff? wherein she and the reader hasn't seen each other for a while due to conflicts with schedule. Then the reader comes home one day, not expecting yoohyeon to be there as well then they spend the whole night chatting and maybe a little makeout sesh?? Thank youuu 💜
Yoohyeon x Reader
Night at home 🔞
As you were walking home, you thought about what you were going to eat once arrived. Your day had been pretty tiring so you weren't really motivated to cook anything fancy.
You tried to remember the last time you went out for dinner, the last time you went on a dinner date with your girlfriend.
Thinking about it, you came to the realisation that you actually haven't saw your girlfriend for almost a month. The thought made you miss her even more, lately her schedule was so heavy that she couldn't even leave the company for the night.
So when you opened the front door of your shared apartment you didn't expect your girlfriend to be there, sat on the floor playing with Pie. The sound of her barking would usually make you laugh but this time you were too shocked to even react.
Pie heard your steps and came greet you, you would have respond to the little dog if your eyes weren't glued to the figure of your beautiful girlfriend looking at you with a big smile on her face.
"Are you not going to greet me too ? Or maybe you prefer to keep staring ? I mean it's okay I would have done the same if I had me as my girlfriend."
Once finally realizing Yoohyeon was really home you run in her arms straddling her lap in the same time. She caught you easily, caressed your back in a slow path and kissed your shoulder before whispering in your ears.
"I missed you too Y/N."
You stayed there, in the comfort of her arms for quite awhile, before your stomach reminded you that you didn't have dinner yet. Yoohyeon was fast to tease you about it.
"Time to feed the bear I see. Let's go !"
She startled you by standing up while you were still in her arms, she brought you to the dinner table and made you sit on one of the chairs.
That's when you finally noticed the delicious smell floating in the air. In front of you were a well dressed table, a bouquet of flowers set in the center and few candles here and there. Yoohyeon came back from the kitchen where you didn't even know she was gone in the first place and she disposed your favourite dish right in front of you.
"Bon appétit, sweetheart."
And that's when you realized how much you really missed her, without her your life was so blank and monotone. Yoohyeon sure was a perfect soon to be wife when she was there. When she noticed the way you were looking at her Yoohyeon winked at you before signalling you to eat while it's still hot.
You had an amazing meal and you both crawled into bed feeling so full at the end of it. Still you weren't sleepy anymore you had so many things to discuss with your girlfriend, a whole month of little stories to tell.
"And guess what Siyeon answered to Sua ?"
"I don't know, oh no did she found worse ?"
"Oh yes she did, that stupid wolf said 'Do you want to bite my lip again ?'."
"How come nobody figure out they're dating seriously ? There are some many clues."
"I don't know haha but they're definitely teasing insomnias with their actions."
Yoohyeon was looking at the ceiling while chuckling at an other memory of her friends behaviour. And you, you had your eyes glued to her features once again.
You nudged the side of her neck with your nose, getting closer to your long time gone girlfriend and she put her arm around you. She kissed the tip of your nose before doing the same to your forehead.
"Good night angel."
God did you miss those little rituals before sleep and you thought that maybe they were the reasons you couldn't sleep properly without her.
The next day you woke up by the smell of pancakes lingering in the air. The bed was cold but knowing your girlfriend it didn't make you lose your smile. Yoohyeon and the art of feeding you was a long lasting love story, sometimes you wondered if she learned it from Jiu and the way she was feeding the members like a mom.
However you would never complain about that part of your girlfriend since it was so sweet of her.
You got up happy and excited at the idea of delicious food for breakfast. As you approached you heard Scream intro start and of course your girlfriend appear sliding with her socks on the floor and well of course already screaming Jiu's part.
You thank your appetite for having wake you up before that scream would've because even though Yoohyeon has a beautiful voice, her screaming was only pleasing in bed and when it involve you between her legs.
You lower the volume of the music because yes you did have neighbours even if your girlfriend tend to forget.
"But baby it was the best part ! My part !"
You kissed her pouting lips before heading to the fridge to get your favourite beverage.
"Okay I guess kisses are better anyway."
You chuckled when she came tickle you from behind. It was easy to make Yoohyeon stop sulking with kisses but make her stop kissing you was harder.
"Come on let's to go to the table and eat breakfast, I'm hungry."
You didn't have to wait for long to hear Yoohyeon complain and refuse to let you go.
"I'm hungry too but I already found what I'm going to eat and it's not on the table, yet."
The way her nails met your hips wasn't the only thing that turned you on when she made you face her. The way she kissed your lips, her tongue dancing with yours was way more appealing and exciting than you remembered.
When Yoohyeon blocked you against the counter she couldn't restrain herself from checking you out and smirking.
"Damn I missed my girlfriend."
That was the only thing she said before grabbing your thighs and making you sit on the table. She undressed you, leaving you in your big oversized T-shirt, she liked the idea of taking you half dressed in the middle of the kitchen.
Her kisses got down on your neck, sucking and biting it from time to time. Her hands though were still on your thigh, drawing small patterns on it with her thumbs. You wished those circular patterns were drawn somewhere else so bad.
At the only thought of it your thighs pressed themself against each other, needy for more. Yoohyeon being the teasing brat she was, let a chuckle seeing you were starting to get desperate.
"Getting wet down there I see, maybe you need something from me ?"
Of course she had to make you beg for it. Nevermind you complied, too turned on to fight against her.
"Please make me cum, Yoohyeon."
Yoohyeon got on her knees and without losing anymore time she licked your clit making you moan in release. Of course your girlfriend had to be a sex goddess and make you cum ridiculously fast.
She gave you one last lick before standing up and kissing you on the lips while you were still panting.
"Let's eat breakfast now !"
You swear this girl would be the death of you one day.
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Hi. Yoohyeon being my bias wrecker I can't refuse any of this so here it is. Hope you like it, give feedback 😁 Don't hesitate to request again and sorry for the time it took me, please forgive a fellow 02' liner 😅💙-Ael
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
The Golden Apple Incident but-
(Honestly writing this felt like writing a glorified shitpost, so-)
Olympus’ garden was breath-taking; bioluminescent flowers blooming under Selene’s far-reaching gaze as the immortals were having the time of their lives, drunkenly singing under the serene night sky.
Hermes couldn’t help but subtly gaze back at Apollo every now and then, who was talking with one of the muses, when someone caught him off guard by wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He instantly knew who it was the second he smelled the wine in his breath.
“Jealous?~” Dionysus wiggled his eyebrows.
Hermes scoffed. “Jealous of what?”
Dionysus motioned back to the nine sisters. Calliope had her arms wrapped around Apollo’s neck while the god had just given her a small kiss. Hermes rolled his eyes, but, oh little did he know, he was faintly blushing.
The younger brother sighed.
“Look man, if you’re going to keep this up, then you‘re absolutely hopeless. I mean, at this point literally everyone except the distracted blonde you haven’t confessed to knows that you want a piece of that-”
“Hahahaha, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, have you seen Eris? I heard she wasn’t-”
“Hey, don’t change the subject!”
“It’s not what you think! I swear I was just slightly… concerned? I don’t know, he seems a lil off and Cal can prolly sense it too-”
“Pft, excuses excuses-”
Then it happened.
The festivities were suddenly interrupted by their father’s voice thundering across the garden.
“AH-” “What’s this?!”
On his hand he held out an apple as if it was made of pure solid gold. The fruit had struck him on the nose while he was chatting with his siblings. It glimmered and sparkled under the ambient moonlight as if it was enticing all of the immortals to come and have a closer look.
“It… has something engraved onto it? Hold on-” He cleared his throat, and now all eyes were on the king.
“‘It is with my greatest pleasure to present this apple to the loveliest god of them all, a trophy that will stand the test of time, a symbol of the lord’s unrivalled beauty and allure.’”
Whispers echoed throughout the venue, jumping from ear to ear. Now, of course, Zeus would’ve gladly declared himself ownership of the gift as it was thrown at his face. However, barely had a minute passed when the apple was already gone; snatched out of Zeus’ hands by the god of love whose wings immediately threw him up into air as he curiously stared at the prize he was about to award to himself.
“Still the same old insolent piece of shit, huh?”
A golden arrow whizzed out of nowhere, fired from a silver bow and carried by the evening breeze. It narrowly missed Eros’ head and pinned the fruit against one of the trees.
Eros flew after the apple as fast as he could, but by the time he managed to grab a hold of it, there was already another hand, from the archer god himself, and neither party seemed willing to let go.
He hissed. “You arrogant bastard.”
Apollo replied with a shit-eating grin. “Oh please, look whose talking.”
There was one single thought in Hermes’ head. ‘Oh boy.’ He tried to get even closer, running to where Ares and Aphrodite were. He just had to see this.
“Wait!” Athena interrupted, as she was a teensy bit worried that those two were about to murder each other. “This all feels a little… off. We don’t even know where that apple came from-”
“Don’t know; don’t care Misses killjoy!” Eros rolled his eyes. “I can assure you that I sense no malicious auras or weird obscure magic so, perhaps this really is just a gift from some fanatic, at which I am extremely flattered-”
Apollo laughed. “Really, you?? Why on earth would anyone give this to a saucy twink who’s barely taller than Hermes?”
The messenger frowned at the mentioned of his height. Ares gave him a few pats on the back while Dionysus, Artemis and a few other gods snickered. Athena just sighed like she gave up and doesn’t want to involve herself any further. On the other hand, Zeus had stopped trying to come up with a scheme to take back the fruit the second he saw his son want it too. Still though, the way Eros’ and Apollo’s fingers twitched, almost like they wanted to break each other’s necks, was starting to get kind of concerning.
“Okay okay please calm down, both of you.” The last thing Zeus wants is someone’s ichor to be spilled in the middle of a goddamn wedding. “How about-”
“Since you’re the king of the gods, that you be the judge of whoever is deserving to have this apple?” Apollo smiled. “What a wonderful idea father!”
Eros took advantage of that brief distraction of Apollo addressing his father to take the apple and throw it towards his dear mother. “Look, I know he’s usually the one who calls all the final shots, but don’t you think it’d be more fitting to let the literal goddess of beauty decide?”
Zeus thought about it, but decided that choosing between his favorite son and the bastard that could make his libido act up again was a terrible idea. Even Aphrodite herself seemed hesitant to choose and handed the fruit over to Ares because he and Hermes wanted a closer look.
“Uhm, no. I think my very obvious biases would make me one of the least fitting judges for that matter; same goes for Aphrodite. How about… let a mortal who is not part of any of your cults decide, and to please swear not to endanger their life over this.”
 The two gods gave each other a brief death glare before reluctantly agreeing to Zeus’ suggestion.
“Good. Now, where did that apple go?”
They all turned towards Ares, who didn’t have the golden fruit in his hands.
“Dad.” Eros stared. “Where’s the apple?”
“Let’s just say… I got hungry.”
There was a long pause before Eros continued.
“C-Come again?”
“I said what I said; I got hungry and that apple was right there and I got curious so, yeah. Surprisingly tasty-”
“I’m sorry,” Athena just had to interject. “But did you just admit to eating a lump of gold?!”
“Bold of you to assume that would stop the god that broke a chicken’s femur when he bit into its thigh.”
The goddess couldn’t tell if he was faking it and therefore hiding something or if he was actually very serious. Now she really did give up listening in to this conversation and proceeded to walk off to wherever Persephone and Artemis were. It was probably for the best, as it almost looked like she was losing more and more brain cells the longer this situation went on.
Apollo raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. Meanwhile, Eros was struggling to process what the fuck just happened. He flew over to Hermes who was trying his best not to laugh his ass off.
“Hermes, do you have something to do with this? Did you steal it??”
“Huh? No, why the hell would I want to steal it?? I may be cocky, but not that kind of self-aggrandizing cocky. I don’t have the golden apple with me.”
Eros narrowed his eyes. “How do I know you’re not-”
“Because he isn’t, all of what Hermes just said is true.” Despite the contents of what he said being perfectly harmless, Apollo sounded like he was about to brake Eros’ back the moment he saw the god of love reach into his quiver.
Eros backed off. “Okay okay, but then what? Is that it?!”
The blonde shrugged. “It appears so.”
“Why do you suddenly act like you don’t care??”
“I mean, of course having a pretty golden apple say you’re the best is great, but in my case it’s kind of unnecessary, isn’t it? Like, duh.” There it was again, that shit-eating grin. “Honestly, it was mostly because I didn’t want YOU to have it and gods fucking forbid you use it to constantly annoy me for the rest of eternity.”
Despite the incident that had killed the mood a few minutes ago, the party seemed to be back in full swing now that Aphrodite took Eros back to wherever Psyche was. It was almost like nothing had ever happened.
Hermes, however, was interested in separating himself from everyone else as far as he possibly could, and he had dragged Apollo along with him until they were deep in some obscure part of the garden.
The messenger let out a nervous laugh. “Okay I have something I need to tell you.”
“That what Ares said, even though I can definitely see him doing it just to piss me off, was a red herring and that he hid the apple somewhere before giving it back to you once Aphrodite got Eros to go away?”
“Damn, you know me too well huh?” He took off his hat, revealing the luster of gold resting on his brown chestnut hair.
The archer laughed. “I’m surprised you got him to cooperate.”
“Guess I’m just that likeable! Plus, he owed me one after distracting you for… something.”
“You what-”
The messenger grabbed the apple and placed his cap back on his head. “I didn’t steal it for myself though.” He smiled, “It is with my greatest pleasure to present this apple to the loveliest god of them all, a trophy that will stand the test of time, a symbol of the lord’s unrivalled beauty and allure.” and then offered up the prize to the surprised blonde.
Apollo accepted, mildly flustered. “Is… Is there some sort of ulterior motive to this?”
“I… suppose you could call it that.”
He sighed. “What do you want, Herms?”
“W-Well… it’s nothing big.” There was a sudden faint flush on Hermes’ cheeks. “What about… a kiss?”
The archer stared and the messenger almost started backtracking on his request but, well, the blonde cut him off before he could, with a soft peck on his lips.
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ireadyabooks · 4 years
Books to Read After Watching Julie and the Phantoms
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By Mackenzie Cutruzzula
First things first...
If you’re anything like me you haven’t been able to get the songs from Julie and the Phantoms out of your head. Whether you love music, a good ghost story, or a little bit of both, these books are on the edge of great.
Julie and the Phantoms: The Edge of Great by Micol Ostow (On Sale December 29)
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After the passing of her mom, Julie has lost her passion for music and is on the verge of being kicked out of her performing arts high school. That is, until she makes the ultimate comeback with her new band, Julie and the Phantoms. There’s only one catch: all of her bandmates are ghosts. 
Back in the 1990s, Luke, Reggie, and Alex were on the cusp of rock stardom with their band, Sunset Curve, before an unfortunate encounter with Los Angeles street food brought their rock band dreams—and lives—to an end. Now, with Julie as their lead singer, the guys have a second chance to make it big and to help Julie discover the real power of music. 
This novel based on Season 1 of the hit Netflix series is told in alternating points of view and include a full-color photo insert and exclusive story content not seen on the show!
If you love the music of Julie and the Phantoms try these reads:
P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
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While spacing out in Chemistry class, Lily scribbles some of her favorite song lyrics onto her desk. The next day, she finds that someone has continued the lyrics on the desk, and added a message to her. Soon, Lily and her anonymous pen pal are exchanging full-on letters -- sharing secrets, recommending bands, and opening up to each other. Lily realizes she's kind of falling for this letter writer. Only who is he? As Lily attempts to unravel the mystery, and juggle school, friends, crushes, and her crazy family, she discovers that matters of the heart can't always be spelled out...Kasie West brings irresistible wit, warmth, and sparkle to this swoon-worthy story of love showing up when you least expect it.
Turn It Up by Jen Calonita
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The Nightingales are in a serious funk. Bradley Academy's all-girl a cappella group used to be the pride of the sunshine state, but the Nightingales have recently fallen out of harmony. Best friends and co-captains Lidia Sato and Sydney Marino haven't been speaking ever since a boy came between them. And not just any boy-none other than Griffin Mancini, the lead singer of Bradley Academy's smug all-boy a capella group, the Kingfishers.The Nightingales have no chance of making it to the big state final if their captains are at each other's throats. Their only hope is new girl Julianna Ramirez. But in addition to her serious pipes, she has some serious stage fright.The Nightingales will have to come together if they want to shine at the upcoming competition and restore the group to its former glory.
K-Pop Confidential by Stephen Lee
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When Candace Park secretly enters a global audition held by the same music label that made the K-pop boy band SLK famous, the last thing she expects is to actually get a coveted spot in their trainee program. And convincing her strict parents to let her to go is all but impossible ... although it's nothing compared to what comes next. Under the strict supervision of her instructors at the label's headquarters in Seoul, Candace must perfect her performance skills to within an inch of her life, learn to speak Korean fluently, and navigate the complex hierarchies of her fellow trainees, all while following the strict rules of the industry. Rule number one? NO DATING, which becomes impossible to follow when she meets a dreamy boy trainee. And in the all-out battle to debut, Candace is in danger of planting herself in the middle of a scandal lighting up the K-pop fandom around the world.
Kill the Boy Band by Goldy Moldavsky
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Just know from the start that it wasn't supposed to go like this. All we wanted was to get near them. That's why we got a room in the hotel where they were staying. We were not planning to kidnap one of them. Especially not the most useless one. But we had him-his room key, his cell phone, and his secrets. We were not planning on what happened next. We swear.
Muted by Tami Charles (On Sale February 2, 2021)
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For seventeen-year-old Denver, music is everything. Writing, performing, and her ultimate goal: escaping her very small, very white hometown. So Denver is more than ready on the day she and her best friends Dali and Shak sing their way into the orbit of the biggest R&B star in the world, Sean "Mercury" Ellis. Merc gives them everything: parties, perks, wild nights -- plus hours and hours in the recording studio. Even the painful sacrifices and the lies the girls have to tell are all worth it. Until they're not. Denver begins to realize that she's trapped in Merc's world, struggling to hold on to her own voice. As the dream turns into a nightmare, she must make a choice: lose her big break, or get broken. Inspired by true events, Muted is a fearless exploration of the dark side of the music industry, the business of exploitation, how a girl's dreams can be used against her -- and what it takes to fight back.
Spin by Lamar Giles
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When rising star Paris Secord (aka DJ ParSec) is found dead on her turntables, it sends the local music scene reeling. No one is feeling that grief more than her shunned pre-fame best friend, Kya, and ParSec's chief groupie, Fuse -- two sworn enemies who happened to be the ones who discovered her body. The police have few leads, and when the trail quickly turns cold, the authorities don't seem to be pushing too hard to investigate further. But nobody counted on Paris's deeply loyal fans, ParSec Nation, or the outrage that would drive Fuse and Kya to work together. As ParSec Nation takes to social media and the streets in their crusade for justice, Fuse and Kya start digging into Paris's past, stumbling across a deadly secret. With new info comes new motives. New suspects. And a fandom that will stop at nothing in their obsessive quest for answers, not even murder...
If you love the ghosts in Julie and the Phantoms and are looking for something a little spooky, try these reads:
City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab
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Ever since Cass almost drowned (okay, she did drown, but she doesn't like to think about it), she can pull back the Veil that separates the living from the dead . . . and enter the world of spirits. Her best friend is even a ghost. So things are already pretty strange. But they're about to get much stranger. When Cass's parents start hosting a TV show about the world's most haunted places, the family heads off to Edinburgh, Scotland. Here, graveyards, castles, and secret passageways teem with restless phantoms. And when Cass meets a girl who shares her "gift," she realizes how much she still has to learn about the Veil -- and herself. And she'll have to learn fast. The city of ghosts is more dangerous than she ever imagined.
All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater
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Any visitor to Bicho Raro, Colorado, is likely to find a landscape of dark saints, forbidden love, scientific dreams, miracle-mad owls, estranged affections, one or two orphans, and a sky full of watchful desert stars. At the heart of this place you will find the Soria family, who all have the ability to perform unusual miracles. And at the heart of this family are three cousins longing to change its future: Beatriz, the girl without feelings, who wants only to be free to examine her thoughts; Daniel, the Saint of Bicho Raro, who performs miracles for everyone but himself; and Joaquin, who spends his nights running a renegade radio station under the name Diablo Diablo. They are all looking for a miracle. But the miracles of Bicho Raro are never quite what you expect.
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
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Bestowed by the ancient goddess of death, Yadriel and the gifted members of his Latinx community can see spirits: women have the power to heal bodies and souls, while men can release lost spirits to the afterlife. But Yadriel, a trans boy, has never been able to perform the tasks of the brujas - because he is a brujo. When his cousin suddenly dies, Yadriel becomes determined to prove himself a real brujo. With the help of his cousin and best friend Maritza, he performs the ritual himself, and then sets out to find the ghost of his murdered cousin and set it free. However, the ghost he summons is not his cousin. It's Julian Diaz, the resident bad boy of his high school, and Julian is not about to go quietly into death. He's determined to find out what happened and tie off some loose ends before he leaves. Left with no choice, Yadriel agrees to help Julian, so that they can both get what they want. But the longer Yadriel spends with Julian, the less he wants to let him leave.
The Ghost and the Goth by Stacey Kade
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After a close encounter with a bus, Alona Dare goes from homecoming queen to Queen of the Dead. She’s stuck as a ghost in the land of the living with no sign of the big, bright light to take her to a better place. To make matters worse, the only person who might be able to help her is Will Killian, a total loser outcast. More than anything, Will wishes he didn’t have the rare ability to communicate with the dead, especially the former mean girl of Groundsboro High. He’s not filling out any volunteer forms to help her cross to the other side, though it would bring him some welcome peace and quiet. Can they get over their mutual distrust -- and quasi-attraction -- to work together? Readers of this spirited paranormal comedy won't want this odd couple to ever part.
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