phoebusapollogist · 1 year
(This was an old writing thing I had of Apollo in a soliloquy(?) talking to himself. I tweaked and shortened it to use as an assignment in school and I thought it sounded much nicer like this so here we are)
If I sing, would anyone listen? Would anyone bother with a song of a foolish war?
/You knew how everything would end./
I always do
/‘Yet you still kept up the game of pretend’/
What else should I have done? Would you rather let them rot?!
/‘Like when your plague pierced the heart of the Grecian camp?’/
He refused Chrysies’ ransom!
/And what of the deaths before the war began?/
/When your twin suggested on giving them an impossible task?’/
I thought he wouldn’t dare!
We thought he’d never agree to such an awful ask!
/But he did; all for a change in the wind,/
/but this is not all of what you immortals did./
/The fighting should’ve ended sooner.’/
But I did wish for that, for it to stop!
/But you didn’t let it; you couldn’t’/
That was not my fault!
/But not exempt from blame either; You lot never are/
/Even now you still smell the blood; hear their cries,
and see the desperate look in their eyes,/
/And by the reach of the tenth year, you were desperate too./
I know; it was foolish for me to hope.
Oh, if only the truce Paris spoke of was meant to be!
But the others were not swayed,
Hera was stubborn and Athena was glad to have things go her way
Still, I’d rather not quarrel with them over a pack of miserable mortals
/But you already have, all to uphold your “morals”/
It was more than that! More than mere vainglory!
Ares fought to oppose Athena; Aphrodite intervened for Paris and Aeneas.
I loved for the whole of Troy.
“Trojans!” I yelled “Rush on the foe; do not let yourselves be thus beaten by the Argives!”
Thus did I went before my men’s horses
I smoothed the way, carrying the Aegis, the Achaeans were afraid.
I gifted great strength to Hector, the shepherd of my people,
as he gladly sped forward, killing all that stood in his way.
Nothing escaped my gaze, for as long as they fought on the plains,
Ilium’s defenses stood tall, the Greeks frustrated and in a daze.
Not even Patroclus could scale the wall, as I readied to incite the warrior’s destined fall
I was not helpless; I was not useless, and I do not regret a single act.
/‘Then why feel the need to say all of this?/
/Whom are you trying to convince?’/
/Your room is barren, Alexikakos'/
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phoebusapollogist · 1 year
Don’tcha love it when you’re just chilling with your older brother, the only family you’ve ever known, in your small little quiet village when you keep on running into this traveler from afar that stops by often, and you two quickly become friends, although for some reason your brother seems very cautious of them.
Then literally very elite officers of the government that you’ve idolized as heroes come marching in to look for your new traveler friend, and your new traveler friend proceeds to just straight up kidnap you
Several scenarios and defiances and eventual misunderstandings and understandings later, you discover traveler boi is part of a rebel group, tho you don’t quite understand why because utopia under “I can predict everything that happens in the time frame of 7 seconds from now” immortal owl lady, and ur still confused on why traveler and wants you of all people
Your brother eventually manages to find you and tries to take you back, but the time spent with traveler boi gave you questions and crisis about who you rlly are, and eventually there’s a scenario (that prolly involves elite government people/rebel people trying to get a hold of your brother) forces your brother to admit who you really are
You discover you’re actually an immortal, or were, and so was your brother, and now you’re on a quest to discover who you were, what actually tf happened to you and what happened to the kingdom/society that led to owl lady being on top, and your (and your brother’s) relation to the owl lady and the sacred seven gods of old legend, and even meeting some of those other seven gods
Oh and your “brother” wasn’t technically your blood-brother, and unlike you and the rest of the old seven that you meet (which can stop aging in whatever form they wish, but still experience physical pain and etc and die), your brother is actually not mortal and is still very much FULLY immortal
Your bro didn’t die/get betrayed by owl lady like you and the others, wonder why. Then you discover the ring he always wears has owl lady’s secret real name engraved inside the ring
Oh yeah and that traveler was your best friend from your og mortal life and your enemy in your previous godly life
Life be wildin huh?
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phoebusapollogist · 1 year
Aight time to make this blog me screaming into the void about hyper fixation about godly animal (mostly birb) boi ocs because I have no time and lazy
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intelligentdumbass · 3 years
Alright, I wanna write and I’m creatively bankrupt prompt wise. Whether it be really wholesome fluff or depressing angst, I’m open to requests again. Preferably, it’s something Apollo or Hermes or Athena related, but I also don’t mind writing anything about the other gods. Just don’t expect any full on nsfw fucking
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
The Golden Apple Incident but-
(Honestly writing this felt like writing a glorified shitpost, so-)
Olympus’ garden was breath-taking; bioluminescent flowers blooming under Selene’s far-reaching gaze as the immortals were having the time of their lives, drunkenly singing under the serene night sky.
Hermes couldn’t help but subtly gaze back at Apollo every now and then, who was talking with one of the muses, when someone caught him off guard by wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He instantly knew who it was the second he smelled the wine in his breath.
“Jealous?~” Dionysus wiggled his eyebrows.
Hermes scoffed. “Jealous of what?”
Dionysus motioned back to the nine sisters. Calliope had her arms wrapped around Apollo’s neck while the god had just given her a small kiss. Hermes rolled his eyes, but, oh little did he know, he was faintly blushing.
The younger brother sighed.
“Look man, if you’re going to keep this up, then you‘re absolutely hopeless. I mean, at this point literally everyone except the distracted blonde you haven’t confessed to knows that you want a piece of that-”
“Hahahaha, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, have you seen Eris? I heard she wasn’t-”
“Hey, don’t change the subject!”
“It’s not what you think! I swear I was just slightly… concerned? I don’t know, he seems a lil off and Cal can prolly sense it too-”
“Pft, excuses excuses-”
Then it happened.
The festivities were suddenly interrupted by their father’s voice thundering across the garden.
“AH-” “What’s this?!”
On his hand he held out an apple as if it was made of pure solid gold. The fruit had struck him on the nose while he was chatting with his siblings. It glimmered and sparkled under the ambient moonlight as if it was enticing all of the immortals to come and have a closer look.
“It… has something engraved onto it? Hold on-” He cleared his throat, and now all eyes were on the king.
“‘It is with my greatest pleasure to present this apple to the loveliest god of them all, a trophy that will stand the test of time, a symbol of the lord’s unrivalled beauty and allure.’”
Whispers echoed throughout the venue, jumping from ear to ear. Now, of course, Zeus would’ve gladly declared himself ownership of the gift as it was thrown at his face. However, barely had a minute passed when the apple was already gone; snatched out of Zeus’ hands by the god of love whose wings immediately threw him up into air as he curiously stared at the prize he was about to award to himself.
“Still the same old insolent piece of shit, huh?”
A golden arrow whizzed out of nowhere, fired from a silver bow and carried by the evening breeze. It narrowly missed Eros’ head and pinned the fruit against one of the trees.
Eros flew after the apple as fast as he could, but by the time he managed to grab a hold of it, there was already another hand, from the archer god himself, and neither party seemed willing to let go.
He hissed. “You arrogant bastard.”
Apollo replied with a shit-eating grin. “Oh please, look whose talking.”
There was one single thought in Hermes’ head. ‘Oh boy.’ He tried to get even closer, running to where Ares and Aphrodite were. He just had to see this.
“Wait!” Athena interrupted, as she was a teensy bit worried that those two were about to murder each other. “This all feels a little… off. We don’t even know where that apple came from-”
“Don’t know; don’t care Misses killjoy!” Eros rolled his eyes. “I can assure you that I sense no malicious auras or weird obscure magic so, perhaps this really is just a gift from some fanatic, at which I am extremely flattered-”
Apollo laughed. “Really, you?? Why on earth would anyone give this to a saucy twink who’s barely taller than Hermes?”
The messenger frowned at the mentioned of his height. Ares gave him a few pats on the back while Dionysus, Artemis and a few other gods snickered. Athena just sighed like she gave up and doesn’t want to involve herself any further. On the other hand, Zeus had stopped trying to come up with a scheme to take back the fruit the second he saw his son want it too. Still though, the way Eros’ and Apollo’s fingers twitched, almost like they wanted to break each other’s necks, was starting to get kind of concerning.
“Okay okay please calm down, both of you.” The last thing Zeus wants is someone’s ichor to be spilled in the middle of a goddamn wedding. “How about-”
“Since you’re the king of the gods, that you be the judge of whoever is deserving to have this apple?” Apollo smiled. “What a wonderful idea father!”
Eros took advantage of that brief distraction of Apollo addressing his father to take the apple and throw it towards his dear mother. “Look, I know he’s usually the one who calls all the final shots, but don’t you think it’d be more fitting to let the literal goddess of beauty decide?”
Zeus thought about it, but decided that choosing between his favorite son and the bastard that could make his libido act up again was a terrible idea. Even Aphrodite herself seemed hesitant to choose and handed the fruit over to Ares because he and Hermes wanted a closer look.
“Uhm, no. I think my very obvious biases would make me one of the least fitting judges for that matter; same goes for Aphrodite. How about… let a mortal who is not part of any of your cults decide, and to please swear not to endanger their life over this.”
 The two gods gave each other a brief death glare before reluctantly agreeing to Zeus’ suggestion.
“Good. Now, where did that apple go?”
They all turned towards Ares, who didn’t have the golden fruit in his hands.
“Dad.” Eros stared. “Where’s the apple?”
“Let’s just say… I got hungry.”
There was a long pause before Eros continued.
“C-Come again?”
“I said what I said; I got hungry and that apple was right there and I got curious so, yeah. Surprisingly tasty-”
“I’m sorry,” Athena just had to interject. “But did you just admit to eating a lump of gold?!”
“Bold of you to assume that would stop the god that broke a chicken’s femur when he bit into its thigh.”
The goddess couldn’t tell if he was faking it and therefore hiding something or if he was actually very serious. Now she really did give up listening in to this conversation and proceeded to walk off to wherever Persephone and Artemis were. It was probably for the best, as it almost looked like she was losing more and more brain cells the longer this situation went on.
Apollo raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. Meanwhile, Eros was struggling to process what the fuck just happened. He flew over to Hermes who was trying his best not to laugh his ass off.
“Hermes, do you have something to do with this? Did you steal it??”
“Huh? No, why the hell would I want to steal it?? I may be cocky, but not that kind of self-aggrandizing cocky. I don’t have the golden apple with me.”
Eros narrowed his eyes. “How do I know you’re not-”
“Because he isn’t, all of what Hermes just said is true.” Despite the contents of what he said being perfectly harmless, Apollo sounded like he was about to brake Eros’ back the moment he saw the god of love reach into his quiver.
Eros backed off. “Okay okay, but then what? Is that it?!”
The blonde shrugged. “It appears so.”
“Why do you suddenly act like you don’t care??”
“I mean, of course having a pretty golden apple say you’re the best is great, but in my case it’s kind of unnecessary, isn’t it? Like, duh.” There it was again, that shit-eating grin. “Honestly, it was mostly because I didn’t want YOU to have it and gods fucking forbid you use it to constantly annoy me for the rest of eternity.”
Despite the incident that had killed the mood a few minutes ago, the party seemed to be back in full swing now that Aphrodite took Eros back to wherever Psyche was. It was almost like nothing had ever happened.
Hermes, however, was interested in separating himself from everyone else as far as he possibly could, and he had dragged Apollo along with him until they were deep in some obscure part of the garden.
The messenger let out a nervous laugh. “Okay I have something I need to tell you.”
“That what Ares said, even though I can definitely see him doing it just to piss me off, was a red herring and that he hid the apple somewhere before giving it back to you once Aphrodite got Eros to go away?”
“Damn, you know me too well huh?” He took off his hat, revealing the luster of gold resting on his brown chestnut hair.
The archer laughed. “I’m surprised you got him to cooperate.”
“Guess I’m just that likeable! Plus, he owed me one after distracting you for… something.”
“You what-”
The messenger grabbed the apple and placed his cap back on his head. “I didn’t steal it for myself though.” He smiled, “It is with my greatest pleasure to present this apple to the loveliest god of them all, a trophy that will stand the test of time, a symbol of the lord’s unrivalled beauty and allure.” and then offered up the prize to the surprised blonde.
Apollo accepted, mildly flustered. “Is… Is there some sort of ulterior motive to this?”
“I… suppose you could call it that.”
He sighed. “What do you want, Herms?”
“W-Well… it’s nothing big.” There was a sudden faint flush on Hermes’ cheeks. “What about… a kiss?”
The archer stared and the messenger almost started backtracking on his request but, well, the blonde cut him off before he could, with a soft peck on his lips.
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intelligentdumbass · 3 years
My Sweet Prince (2.0)
“What do you do when you’ve done all that there is to do? When you’re too bored to do nothing and yet too tired to do something? When you want to talk but at the same time not?
Well, everyone knows I love to sing and, in times like those just described, I prefer to only sing to myself; to sit in the forest and play my cithara for no one in particular but the random fauna that decide to stay and watch.
It was a morning like any other, or at least it was supposed to be.
There was a prince, Hyacinthus, who had set off with his dogs to go hunt in the wooded outskirts of his kingdom. I imagined him to be confused, for it must’ve been quite the strange sight to behold; the trees nothing but silence for hours and hours on end. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, when he and his hounds managed to catch a scent, it was accompanied by a song, and the voice was not of a bird’s. It led them into a small clearing and instead of drawing his bow, the hunter froze.
There was, in the middle, what he perceived to be a fair maiden strumming on their lyre; golden hair shimmering under the sunlight as a wide range of animals sat around them. The young man was entranced, and so were his dogs, so for a while he just stared until the musician finally decided to acknowledge the new addition to their audience.
The notes slowly faded but, before the singer could say a word, Hyacinthus snapped out of it and spoke first.
“I’m sorry miss but… Who the hell are you?” He slowly approached, cautious of all the critters. “What in Zeus’ name is a lass like you doing out here of all places?”
I raised an eyebrow, but I decided to play along. “Oh you know… boredom.”
“I assume your father’s somewhere close by, then.” He glanced around, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Oh no, I came here to have some me time with myself.”
Hyacinthus looked dismayed. “Not even a brother, cousin, or a friend?”
I shook my head; he frowned.
“It’s not safe to be all alone out here.” He insisted. “As a prince, it is my duty to protect-”
And alas, it was in that moment that he had accidentally stepped on the tail of a lion. Fortunately, a second later, a silver arrow rushed by; barely missing the young man and piercing the cat’s heart. The rest of the animals took this as a sign to scram.
Hyacinthus blinked, and muttered a silent prayer to the god of archery. Ironically, this is what he said immediately after:
“See my point? Come on, I’ll escort you back.”
He reached his hand out to assist me, but only got a punch to the face in response. As he staggered back I took the opportunity to speak in my normal, deeper voice.
Needless to say, the mortal was mortified. Gazing into my sapphire eyes, he suddenly understood. He hastily tried to get his shit together, smiling in embarrassment.
“A-” “Apologies my lord. I suppose you’re just… that enchanting.”
I scanned him from head to toe. My instincts told me he wasn’t lying; it wasn’t merely empty flattery. “Hm… I suppose you’re not that bad yourself.”
“Ah well, of course! I’m Sparta’s heir after all.” He proudly exclaimed. “Still though, I am, uh terribly sorry for interrupting your song-”
“Save your apologies; it’s fine. I’m not going to smite you for that.” I sat down and placed the cithara back on my lap. “In fact, you’re welcome to stay if you so desire. I won’t mind.”
“But you said you wanted some time alone?”
“Away from the other gods, I mean.”
Hyacinthus was reluctant, but his puppers seemed eager to hear me continue my song.
“…alright. Only for a bit, if that’s okay with you, Lord Phoebus.” He said, sitting next to me; the dogs following suit. I suppose he had nothing better to do. Then again, how could he?
I smiled. “Please, just call me Apollo.”
Unbeknownst to Hyacinthus a ‘bit’ was quite the understatement. It was like time itself ceased to exist, and for once that wasn’t such a bad thing.
Soon the sun was setting and the prince was leading his pack back to the palace. I chose to stay. It was then that the west wind materialized before me.
“I was just passing by, so here’s a quick tip.” Zephyr murmured. “If I were you, I’d restrain myself. He’s already caught the eyes of two other gods and one mortal.”
“And you’re telling me this because?” A smile crept its way onto my lips.
“…what’s with that look?” He frowned; I said nothing as the god slowly fizzled out into thin air.
Hyacinthus had invited me to go out and hunt with him!
As expected of two skilled hunters, the trip went exceptionally well. Still, as we sprinted through the trees, I couldn’t help but sense the eyes of someone else; immediately knowing who it was. If Hyacinthus knew too, then he merely chose to ignore that suspiciously strong scent of spring. Still, I had a little sympathy for the intruder. The prince was easy to like, and I’m sure many have fallen for his bodily charms alone.
When we paused for a break, I said:
“Has anyone ever made a move on you before?”
Hyacinthus froze; I held in a chuckle. It was easy to see his attempt at holding my hand just as the question was asked.
“At least three other men have, but I’ve rejected them all.” He then quickly added, “That isn’t to say I’m only into woman though!”
I laughed. “Having trouble finding the right one?”
He stared a bit before suddenly grinning. “…Who knows, for all I know, I already have.”
My answer was a line I’ve paraphrased a hundred times. “Because I’m smart, talented, and very hot?”
“Maybe.” He inched closer. “But it’s also because of, or rather, how you smile.”
That response was a little… refreshing. A faint flush of red spread around my cheeks as I flashed a smirk, probably further proving his point. Then in the blink of an eye he leaned in; a hand holding my chin and his murmurs softer than any other breeze against my ear.
“May I?”
He only got a kiss in response.
However, even when the hunt was over and he was already making his way back home, I couldn’t help but… follow him back to Sparta, if only for a bit.
Turns out, Hyacinthus had showed up to his training with hundreds of flowers still intricately woven into his hair. It was hilarious how everyone else looked too scared to comment; well, except for Thamyris.
“What in the actual fuck?” He exclaimed.
“Okay, short version is: I fell asleep during the break after the hunting trip, so now there are a bunch of flowers in my hair.”
“Out of all of your suitors, you chose a god; hell, not just that, one of the fucking Olympians.”
“Who wouldn’t?”
I grinned, but then the other said: “Marpessa wouldn’t.”
Hyacinthus sighed. “Look, we all have our own preferences. Don’t tell me you’re jealous?”
“As if.” He turned around, about to leave. “Just don’t come back crying to me when shit goes downhill.”
I… suppose you could say that Thamyris had the kind of arrogance that reminded me of Marsyas. They both dabbled in music too. Hopefully he doesn’t end up making the same mistake that the satyr did. Thankfully, the prince seemed to be trying to ignore him.”
  “…You know you could’ve just said “Sorry I’m late, I stalked my date.”” Athena raised an eyebrow; yet her voice carried not a single trace of annoyance. Doing their father’s paperwork was a task she was well accustomed too, and a very boring one at that.
“Hey! For the record I didn’t stay any longer after that conversation he had with Thamyris. Plus, it’s not every day that I almost forget about my duties. I figured you’d want a thorough explanation.”
“Well, as long as it isn’t too thorough.”
The god laughed. “Oh wait, shit-” “What was I doing again?” His eyes scanned the documents he forgot he was holding.
The goddess sighed. There was but one thought in her mind.
‘This is going to start happening much more often now, isn’t it?’
And she was right.
A few days later, Hermes was swiftly flying through the halls until he stopped in front of the studio’s door. He carefully pushed it open, but despite being the lord of communication, he couldn’t utter a single word.  
It was late in the evening, and his brother wasn’t alone.
Apollo was sitting down, writing on a scroll, and behind him was a mortal curiously peering over his shoulder. Then the boy moved closer, and wrapped his arms around the blonde’s waist; tenderly whispering sweet nothings into his ear. To Hermes’ surprise, Apollo allowed himself to be pried away from his research.
The younger god decided to just slowly close the door.
Athena was right and apparently she didn’t seem to mind.
Thamyris wasn’t the only one with a complaint.
Hyacinthus was sitting under a cypress tree; trying to practice playing the lyre his lover had gifted him, when the breeze whispered into his ear.
“Look at it.” He said. “Your reflection in the water.”
The prince raised an eyebrow, but he glanced into the stream in front of him anyway. The top of his head was adorned with all sorts of flowers, no doubt due to the breath of the west wind.
“Hm… I think I liked it better when Apollo did it.”
Zephyr frowned; materializing seated down on his left.
“You’re not giving me a chance-”
“Except he already did.” Apollo sighed, suddenly appearing on Hyacinthus’ right. “For fates’ sake, take a hint and go blow someone else.”
The other god glared, but gave in, yet not before yelling something on a whim.
“So in one of the few times a mortal catches my fancy, you, who have already had many, get to have him instead?” He suddenly stood up. “You’re as greedy and insatiable with your lovers as you are with your domains.”
Apollo said nothing as the god disappeared into the wind.
Hyacinthus surprised him with a hug from behind.
“His argument is invalid. This isn’t just your choice, but mine as well.”
Still, after months and months of general bliss, the prince couldn’t help but ask:
“Those laurel wreaths you wear; they mean a lot to you, don’t they?”
The god felt his chest hurt. “Well, of course; there are many reasons as to why I care about them, one of them being that they remind me of something I shouldn’t ever forget because I don’t want to make a mistake like that ever again.”
There was a brief moment of hesitation before he continued.
“Never doubt my feelings for you, okay?”
“I never did.”
“…even so, you really must know that, because of you, right now is the best I’ve ever felt in literal decades.”
“Oh don’t flatter me, sunshine.”
“You know I can’t lie. So really, trust me when I say that I’m here to stay.”
Hyacinthus’ eyes darted around the room as the musician’s head rested on his lap; the prince’s fingers twirling around in his golden locks. The floor was littered with paintings and marble statues of varying shapes and sizes scattered all over.
“Something caught your eye?” Apollo said as he saw his lover look at a painting of Crete. “You can take one of them home if you’d like.”
“Oh-” “Oh no it’s fine, really! I was just… enjoying the scenery.”
“Hm, you know I can take you there myself, right? Oooooh, imagine! A tour around Greece with yours truly.”
The boy smiled. His gaze shifted from a painting of Delphi to some art work of Leto, then Artemis, then Zeus, Athena and the rest of the other heavenly gods.
What he stared at the most were the ones next to those works about the Muses and the Thriae.
The names were many, Admetus, Cyrene, Branchus, Hecuba, Helenus… then there was Cassandra, Daphne, and an unfinished Coronis, and as he continued to look, the prince could’ve sworn he felt the god gently squeeze his hand.
“Everything alright, my Phoebus?”
The god smiled. “I’m just… tired.”
The prince leaned to give him a reassuring kiss.
Two years, or at least, about two years, their laughter almost lasted for about two years.
Alas, what’s two years in the life of an immortal that can never die?
Olympus’ garden was huge; its depths filled with paths most don’t even know of. It was here the two gods sat down on top of a small hill, right in front of a giant crevice that overlooked all of their creations.
“I hate how I can still feel a-” “and remember every single…”
Hermes was never good at these kinds of talks. “You wanna let it all out?”
Apollo sighed, carefully breathing in and then breathing out; repeating that process for a good minute.
Ai, ai, ai-
 “It was a morning like any other, or at least, it was supposed to be.
The prince was an athletic young man, much like us, and there were many things that were done on the field. One of them involved the discus. He’d always try to run and catch the disc once I had sent it hurling into the air.
The crack echoed- no, roared, and my body screamed like every bone in my system had snapped a hundred times over.
I was by his side in an instant, cradling him in my arms until he was nothing more than a poor flower that had broke its stem; all due to the breath of the west wind.
It was so… quiet and I was so close; close enough that I could feel him go, like I could reach out and grasp his hand to prevent his soul from drifting away. I felt it all: the desperate breaths, the steady weakening of his heart and that last flutter of his eyelids as he looked at me, as scared and overwhelmed as I was with all that was happening and yet I-
I still failed. I’m the god of healing and medicine and I was right there, I was so close and he still managed to slip away!
If only he could take me with him too.
It was like time itself ceased to exist, the exact second that last spark of life faded into the depths of Hades repeating on and on and on, again and again and again-
My arms were hugging a lump of ice by the time Artemis found me.”
 “…I heard you tried to murder Zephyrus?”
 “W-” “Well... I think I recall hearing father’s voice when I had rushed into the halls.
“Athena, Apollo’s neglecting his duties.” He said. “When was the last time you saw him walk into Olympus?”
“Give him some more time and I’m sure he’ll-”
It was then that someone, the bastard himself, had noticed me.
“Fear not my lord.” Zeus’ old messenger, the west shit, proudly exclaimed. “He’s already here!”
And indeed I was, fingers stained with crimson red; purple petals falling out of my hair.
A smile crept its way onto Zephyr’s lips. “You’re welcome.”
Needless to say, I immediately started chasing him with my bow.”
 “And then Athena stopped you, right?”
It must’ve been quite the strange sight to behold for our winged eavesdropper. Apollo had a blank look in his eyes and Athena was standing in his way; Zephyr a little further down the hall behind her, curiously peaking over the corner.
Unbeknownst to any of them, Hermes was a lizard hiding inside of a jar.
“Athena, move.”
“Apollo,” Surprisingly, the goddess was perfectly calm. “Father has already retired him as his personal messenger, and he is now going to serve under Eros to repent for the very stupid thing he did in ‘the name of love’.”
“It’s not enough-”
“I know, and it’s never going to be enough.” Then she muttered. “Look, what happened with Pallas was much more justifiable than what this idiot wind bag did and even then, even if it was our father, to this day a tiny part of me is still pissed even if I knew he did it because he was worried about me.”
For a moment, the god was quiet. “Zephyr isn’t nearly as important.”
“But still crucial enough; I think it’d be best if we didn’t lose the west wind. Listen to your head, you know this isn’t worth it; it’s never going to be worth it.”
After a few seconds of silence, in the blink of an eye, Apollo was gone.
 “I really am unreasonable, aren’t I, Hermes? Crying over beings much lesser than myself…”
“You knew you had your heart set upon a mortal, so I guess it does sound foolish to grieve over their mortality but… I think we’re all a little unreasonable sometimes. On the brightside, I’m sure you’ll meet someone new eventually. You are Apollo after all.” He offers his friend a reassuring smile.
The blonde smiled back, yet his eyes were impossible to read. “I suppose…”
“Is there anything you want to say? To Hyacinthus, I mean, if I encounter him down in Hades.”
“If we should ever meet again
No matter how long the wait
No matter how many lifetimes it takes
My arms will be glad to welcome you in an embrace
Until then, just know
That even when man has forgotten my face
And I roam the world as nothing but a shade
Your memory will continue, forever living on
In all the flowers that the earth will cover itself, bearing your name
Goodnight, my sweet prince”
 And as Zeus’ newly appointed messenger left, Apollo decided to merely sing to himself; to sit on the hill and play his cithara for no one in particular but the random fauna that decide to stay and watch.
Athena was surprised to see him enter Olympus only a week after, even though she should’ve seen it coming. He is Apollo after all.
There were duties to fulfill.
(The original one I made)
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
The first thing he heard when he stepped inside was the blonde’s exasperated sigh.
“Really?” Apollo, gave him a look, motioning to the spot on the carpet that was slowly getting more soaked by the second. “You couldn’t have at least bothered to use an umbrella?”
“I-I… forgot?”
“You mean you saw a thunderstorm and it never occurred to you that you might-”
“Look, it’s not like we actually need it. Sickness ain’t something we need to worry about anyway!-”
“Just-” “Just go change, please. You’re leaving a trail of puddles on the floor.”
The messenger rolled his eyes and, with that, he walked off into his room. Olympus’ halls were unusually silent tonight; as most of the other gods were outside celebrating whatever it is that they’re celebrating this time. Once he was done changing, he immediately went to find Apollo and found him sitting in front of the central hearth.
“Where’s Aunt Hestia?” Hermes sat down not that far from him.
“Outside, along with everyone else I assume.”
“And how come you’re not?”
“…Because I don’t want to? It’s not like parties are a rare occurrence so what does it matter if I skip one? I mean, you’re here too.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Only because I was looking for you.”
“What, to use me as your personal huggable heater?”
Hermes froze, as he had just moved an inch closer. “N-No..?”
“…You haven’t been trying to get hypothermia on purpose now, have you? Just because the warm hugs feel nice?”
“Pft, what makes you say that?”
“Well, maybe because this is suddenly happening very often.”
Hermes just laughed and the blonde sighed, again. Despite that, Apollo still went on ahead and wrapped an arm around the messenger’s waist, pulling him even closer until their sides were touching.
“Awww, you like it too, don’t you?” Hermes grinned, with a faint flush on his face.
“And you‘re luckily I do or else I would’ve already punched you a minute ago.”
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intelligentdumbass · 3 years
(longer, cause well... you'll see why)
Another day, another visitor. It was him again, as it always was in those years, but not often enough that the others would question his motives for doing so. In their eyes, all he was doing was trying to secure the peaceful relations with all of the other Titans, which was technically true to some degree.
Normally, Zeus would’ve long given up by now, but he didn't. He must’ve found something that had really caught his interest, or maybe he was just that enamored with her face? At this point, who knows?
Leto did end up reciprocating, but not without making him work for it. After all, he was quite appealing and he was far from just some vague and unknown entity. What harm would one quick night with him do?
She had thought that if she were to end up bearing a child, they’d only grow up to be a strong minor deity at most. She knew he was powerful; she’s seen it first hand, but she wasn’t expecting it to result into this. Then again, she’s not exactly weak either. Perhaps she had underestimated herself.
Something had awoken then, and darkness was all his eyes could see. Yet, despite this he wasn’t frightened. It was as if that somehow, inside this warm enclosed space, he knew he was safe. Then, there came another name, from the same soothing voice that had awoken him in the first place.
Then he suddenly felt a pair of feet smash the side of his face, and so he eagerly kicked back.
“Oh-” “Oh my fates! You two are but a mere babe and yet, I can already feel your prowess…”
Fortunately, the voice let out a laugh, which was enough to distract the two deities and prevent them from trying to wrestle each other.
“You are certainly going to grow up to be someone very special, my precious twins”
It happened, if this boy’s counting was right, in the dead of night. About seven months after the day he first heard his name, he heard a voice, but this time it was…different somehow, very different. The greeting spoken by this creature was already a little alarming in itself but its voice... how can one even begin to describe it? The stutters, the sneers and its hiss… Every syllable it spoke made Apollo’s skin crawl. It was as if this thing was inside the womb too, discordantly whispering into his ear.
He felt Leto, stiffen and so did the usually pushy Artemis. It was followed by a yell, and then all of a sudden, they were moving. The mother was now running for her life, desperately heaving, heart fiercely and rapidly beating.
Even when she had started to go into labor, every time the titan managed to temporarily outrun whatever was chasing her, the land she sat on would shake and tremble.
“I’m so sorry my Lady.” One of the lesser earth deities who had denied her rest said, bowing their head, almost as if they were ashamed of themselves. “But you are banned from giving birth on terra firma. All solid ground with roots in the earth is forbidden to accept you. The queen decrees it.”
No matter what she said, they would not budge. The most she’d get was a stuttering apology.
Now obviously the twins were absolutely livid. Their mother was in so much pain and they were completely helpless. Though, Apollo also couldn’t help but be more than a little…fascinated by all of this, if only for curiosity's sake.
The monster's chase went on for weeks on end, but not once did Leto give up, determined to give birth to her children. She continued to run, shapeshifting multiple times in order to hide and/or stay ahead of her pursuer.
The boy blinked.
He laid back-first on the ground amidst a field of golden flowers, the comforting darkness replaced by Helios' jarring afternoon rays. At first, he thought he was finally free from his mother's womb, but if so then where in the hades is she?
All he saw were seven breathtaking swans flying in circles around the sun above his head, and all he felt was the gentle push of the waves as the land beneath him rocked back and forth as if he were aboard some ship.
And then suddenly, he was back in the cozy abyss.
Despite not being able to see her son’s visions, Leto suddenly felt herself being drawn to a certain island.
“Hear me, Delos, the drifting isle.” She began. “Please I beg of you, allow me to rest and give birth on your shore. You aren’t like the others; Hera’s rule doesn’t apply to you. Consider, if you do this you will have not just one, but two gods that will always be in your favor. Your name will be praised and remembered in history as the sacred birthplace of my twins, Lord Apollo and Lady Artemis.”
Arty came out quickly. Her brother? Not so much.
“Artemis…Artemis oh Artemis! I-I… He won’t come out.”
“Mother, you can do this. You have to do this! I believe in you.”
Apollo opened his eyes, and was greeted with a most beautiful sight; a glorious little orb in a sea of blue draping the world in its light. Beneath it was the face of a blonde young girl.
He tried to touch her, but his arms were too short. The fact that he was wrapped in some sort of blanket cocoon didn’t help either. Upon seeing his failed attempt to poke her, Artemis broke into one of the cutest and most genuine smiles he'll ever see.
He doesn't know how he knew she was his twin sister, he just knew.
“It’s alright Pollo.” She murmured, holding him close. “Those hissing noises are gone now. Mother’s okay. everything's going to be okay...”
He tilted his head to the side and sure enough, out of the corner of his eyes he saw a couple of goddesses assisting a very tired Leto. Despite the immense amount of ichor on the lower half of her body, she seems happy.
“Apollo…” he heard her lovingly whisper.
Then there was a different voice, ancient and calm.
“Here, drink this.”
It came from a Titan who introduced herself as Lady Themis. In her hand she held a cup and gently pressed its brim onto the baby’s lips, and it was filled with this strange amber liquid. He was was a little reluctant, but since neither Leto or Artemis was doing anything to stop it, he eventually drank.
The second he took a sip; all of his senses were enhanced a hundredfold, electricity spreading throughout his veins. Apollo grabbed the cup and finished that sweet delectable drink down to the very last drop. Before he knew it, this infant had now grown into a toddler fully capable of standing on his own two legs.
Themis took back the goblet, letting Leto pull both of the twins into one big hug. When she eventually let go, the god couldn’t help but rush over to Artemis and just laugh. She was surprised, but the goddess didn't stop him from dragging her along and chasing each other for the hell of it, enjoying what it feels like to move, talk, and sing.
The kids were sitting down on the ground, a bit tired from all the running around. It was here that the god saw a mountain so tall it pierced through the clouds; an enormous and glorious white palace sitting on its peak.
The thought came to him as naturally as when he first recognized his twin.
“Being a minor deity isn’t enough.” He murmured. “We need to become one of them. We need to have a throne on Olympus”
Artemis raised an eyebrow.
“And how exactly do you plan on doing that?”
He simply shrugged, grinning.
“Only one way to find out”
Next (Not yet)
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intelligentdumbass · 3 years
“...Okay fine, I guess he’s not that bad.”
Apollo thought back to the time when he resisted the urge to throw that brat into the darkest depths of Tartarus. After all, who wouldn’t? He sure as hell knows that he’d be saving everyone from a billion future headaches if he did.
Still, gods matured quickly, and that resentment soon faded into a begrudging sense of... fascination.
The way he stole the cattle, humiliated him, won over their father’s favor and how he even had the audacity to inculde himself as one of the Olympians when he sacrificed the beef while he was but a day old... and those was merely the first impressions, far from the end of the future messenger god’s bullshit.
His smile, his wit, his way with words and that cute little winke of his... All of it, every little feature and trait of his, as much as it annoyed the fuck out of the archer god, served as a constant reminder of why he continued to refrain from chucking Hermes into the abyss.
“Oh please.” Athena said, amused. “You were only pissed because it happened to you. If the victim of his first scheme had been literally anyone else, you would’ve definitely come around much sooner. You would’ve started encouraging his behaviour much sooner too-”
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
Two Bros
Sometimes the messenger couldn’t help but think back to the moment they first met. Sometimes he wondered if his brother did too.
It was a bright and sunny day, and he was a mischievous little piece of shit.
Apollo glared at the young boy and yet, despite the fact that he had just threatened to throw the bastard into Tartarus, his expression slowly softened.
Hermes grinned. “I’m willing to trade this lyre for the cows!”
‘Things were so much simpler, back then’ the god thought, as he sighed, laying down on an open field and gazing up into the night sky. Speaking of Apollo…
A head suddenly popped into view, accompanied by a familiar melodious voice.
“What’re you doing here?”
Hermes blinked. “I-” “I’m on a break; somehow sleep wasn’t cooperating with me tonight, so here I am. Hey, if anything, I should be the one asking you that!”
“Ah well, sorry if I startled you then. I was just passing by.”
“Since when did you like to walk around in the dark in some random ass field??”
“...you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” His brother seemed confused by that remark and just smiled.
The messenger internally cursed. Now the moon wasn’t the only thing his eyes were focusing on.
‘Things were so simple, back then.’
‘How did this happen and how the fuck did I get here??’
Perhaps Perseus had softened him up more than he thought he did.
He was glad to finally see him again, though. Contrary to what he was used to, he could barely even recall the last time he had ran into him. How long had it been, a month? Two months? Three?
Hermes sat up and asked, “You’re really free tonight?”
“Well, I did just say that I’m bored, didn’t I? What about it?”
“So am I.” He looked quite determined all of a sudden. “You wanna hang out? It’s been a while.”
“I guess it has been a while.” Apollo thought for a moment. “What do you have in mind?”
“Uh, Hermes, where are we going?”
“Wherever the fates will take us!”
“So, basically what I was doing before I bumped into you, walking around until I find something interesting.”
“Well then mister-know-it-all, can you think of something better? Hmmmm?”
The god held in a laugh. “No.” He glanced around, the grass crunching under their steps. “I suppose, with your company, this is sort of… nice; kind of relaxing actually.”
“Heh, of course it is!” The messenger just hoped that the moon wasn’t too bright. “Being around me is the best!”
He raised an eyebrow. “Debatable.”
Hermes pouted, at which Apollo could no longer contain his laughter, not that the younger god cared. If anything, instead of taking offense, it only made him smile.
Then he sighed.
He was a patron of thieves and deceit; his brother was the god who never lied. He had always thought that they would never get along, but it seems that the fates thought otherwise.
He still remembered how it used to be. Back then, his brother would look like he was judging him every time he walked into the room. However, unbeknownst to him, that wasn’t true at all, but that interpretation was through no fault of his. Apollo had always been hard to read, especially back in the early days when he barely knew him.
He’s not sure when, but at some point that judging look was suddenly accompanied by a dazzling smile. The first time it happened though, he recalled that it had been slowly replaced by a small frown.
“Is everything alright, Hermes?” The blonde raised an eyebrow.
He merely blinked, laughing it off. “Of course! Just got a little distracted for a second there.”
Ironically, similar to how it was in that memory, Apollo had to snap him back into reality again; this time by having to grab a hold of his arm to prevent him from mindlessly walking off a cliff.
Needless to say, it took a while for Hermes to convince a concerned god of health that everything was okay.
He could never truly figure out when the predicament first took root; when this feeling really started to grow and gnaw on him. All he knew was that it was probably indirectly influenced by that incident with Perseus and just, everything about Apollo in general. Then again, what the hell did he know? Even Athena realized he was head over heels for him earlier than he did.
“Hermes,” She whispered. “You’re staring.”
He shook the thoughts out of his head and tried to regain his bearings. They were sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking a nearby town. Not only that, there was also music in the air, and his eyes darted to the turtle lyre in the musician’s hands.
This time Apollo noticed. “Did you prefer the silence?”
“Nonono, not at all.” He paused. “By the way, how’s Asclepius?”
“He’s doing fine, now that he’s well adjusted. I’m just glad he’s back.”
Hermes could’ve sworn something about his brother’s gaze felt mildly… bittersweet, somehow.
And so for a few moments, that was all it was, the hum of their lyre. They had no other company aside from a curious deer, a few feet away, munching on a patch of grass.
Then his eyes fell onto the city, specifically one of the blonde’s temples, and an idea popped into his head, but not before briefly arguing with himself.
‘Ooooohhhh, are you going to perform another song number to cheer him up?-’
‘Hey! I thought we agreed to never talk about that ever again!’
‘I mean, it technically wasn’t your voice that ruined it. Remember? Goldie actually quite liked it. You were just a clumsy dumbass that tripped and knocked everything over.’
Well, at least the remark about his singing made him feel a little better. This new plan to cheer Apollo up, however, had nothing to do with that and would hopefully be a lot less risky.
“You hungry?” Hermes asked. “I could kinda go for some honey cake right now.”
“Honey cake… I do like me some honey cake and I guess there is nothing that’s going to stop me from just, making one right now.” He paused, before turning towards his brother. “You want to help?”
Olympus’ garden was huge; its depths filled with paths most don’t even know of. It was here that the two gods sat down on top of a small hill, right in front of a giant crevice that overlooked all of their creations.
Apollo was the one holding the plate that held their precious honey cake. “We really like coming here, huh?”
“Who wouldn’t? The view’s spectacular.” While his brother was busy staring off into the horizon, Hermes took the opportunity to take a small bite out of their dessert. “Damn, the cake tastes really good by the way.”
Apollo was about to protest about the bastard sneakily taking the first bite, when Hermes softly pressing a tiny piece of cake against his mouth.
“Come on goldie, try it!”
He gave him a look, but still ate it anyway. “Mm… I guess so, not bad. Actually, kinda proud of it!” His eyes faintly lit up.
Hermes couldn’t help but smile at that. “We should do this more often-”
To his surprise, this time Apollo was the one that help up a piece of the dessert for him. “We really should.”
The messenger reluctantly obliged and took a bite, but suddenly froze. The blonde was holding his chin and had used his thumb to brush away most of the crumbs near his lips. Now he felt a little dizzy.
“Maybe I should ask the others for some recipes-” Apollo stopped, immediately getting worried when Hermes had his hands over his own mouth and started choking.
“Hey, hey, hey Herms?-”
“Y-” “Yeah, yeah I can hear you, I’m fine-”
“Fine my ass!”
“I mean, well that’s not wrong either-” “Oh my fucking gods I HATE MYSELF SO MUCH-” Hermes just covered his mouth again while Apollo frowned in confusion, but decided that there were other far more pressing matters to attend to and continued analyzing his brother’s condition; even placing two fingers on his neck to check for this idiot’s pulse.
“What the hell happened?! You looked like you had a fucking heart attack.”
“I… I think you’re over thinking this. It was probably just me being a dumbass.” He laughed nervously.
Apollo didn’t seem very convinced.
Hermes internally cursed himself again; placing his hands on both of the blonde’s shoulders. “So I choked on a cake, so what? Look, seriously I’m fine, okay? Come on, relax.”
“If you say so…” It was obvious that it barely comforted him at all. Still, Apollo felt bad when he frowned. He didn’t want the messenger to start blaming himself and feeling guilty about ruining the mood. “I’m sorry.  I was just really worried.” He briefly paused, before muttering, “I love you. Even if we’re gods, the last thing I want is to see you suffering or incapacitated-”
“It was just a fucking honey cake-” “wait.” Hermes stared, suddenly feeling like he could barely breathe; only managing to just barely stutter out, “W-” “What did you just say?”
The musician looked puzzled. “Hm? Did I say something I shouldn’t have?”
“Huh? Nononono! I just-” The thought of making Apollo feel even worse made his insides knot; panicked, he just blurted out, “I-” “ILOVEYOUTOO!”
Apollo didn’t expect that response at all. He barely had any time to process anything when Hermes stood up, about to scram, but a stray grapevine made him trip at the first step.
The messenger heard someone giggle. One second he was face first onto the ground; the next he was suddenly looking up at a familiar blonde, cradled in his arms.
“I had a feeling you were hiding something from me…” Apollo’s frown turned into a teasing grin.
“Pft! What in Zeus’ name are you talking a-” “about…” His voice slowly trailed off the moment he felt a hand cup his cheek.
Apollo just, laughed. “My, my, who knew the charismatic silver tongue bastard could be as red as-”
“Oh fuck you!”
The god raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
Hermes paused, and then cursed, now avoiding eye contact.                                                        
“You alright? For someone who knows the mortal realm like the back of his hand you look… kinda lost?”
He was reluctant to even respond this time. “No shit; this isn’t something I’m experienced in.”
“Experience in what? Navigating the road to my bed?”
At that point his brain might’ve just malfunctioned, while the other chuckled; his smile only getting wider.
“Okay sorry, sorry. I couldn’t help it-” He stopped.
His arms were empty.
Fortunately, in the process of trying to run away, Hermes somehow ended up back at the hill. He was hesitant, but curious, and the moment he took a closer look he immediately felt his heart drop. Apollo didn’t really look upset but rather… unexpressive?
Apollo hadn’t run after him because he figured that the messenger needed some time to breathe, so you can imagine his surprise when he found himself suddenly wrapped up in a hug, accompanied by a shit ton of apologies.
“I… Herms, it’s okay.” He laughed, giving him a few pats on the back. “I’ll be fine; now you’re the one over thinking things.”
The god was suspicious, but didn’t pry any further, at least for now. Instead, he just hugged a little tighter. “Still, sorry for being an absolute fucking disaster.”
“No need. Hey, on the bright side it was kinda cute-” The musician felt a faint punch on his side, causing him to laugh even more.
“Anyway…” Hermes sighed, pulling away. “What happened to the honey cake?”
“It’s over here.” Apollo picked up the plate that he had set aside, and broke off a small piece of the dessert. “You still want some?”
The messenger stared at it for a bit, and then parted his lips.
Instead of waking up to the walls of his room, his eyes were greeted by familiar tuffs of gold. Hermes immediately sat up and tried to get his bearings. It was then that it hit him.  
They haven’t left at all; they both fell asleep in the garden.
That wasn’t the only thing he noticed. Looking around, there weren’t just tiny drops of morning dew on the grass, but several puddles scattered all over.
‘Huh? Did it rain?’
He glanced at the blonde. Neither of them had a single speck of water on them.
‘Guess he’s just that hot, huh?’ He softly snickered at his own pun.
He knew he probably had a few jobs to do, but instead of standing up, he just laid back down, wrapping an arm around the musician’s waist and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
Unbeknownst to Hermes, Apollo smiled, and that wasn’t the only detail he missed. The vine that had made him trip was gone, like it never existed, but what did it matter? All the messenger cared about was going back to sleep.
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
My Sweet Prince
It was a morning like any other, or at least, it was supposed to be.
Hyacinthus had set off with his dogs to go hunt in the nearby forest, but the trees were silent; not a single prey in sight. Wondering where they had all gone, he trekked deep into the woods until at last, the silence broke. However, it wasn’t because of the roar of a bear, the trot of a deer or the howl of a wolf. Rather it was a song, but the voice was not of a bird’s. He had walked into a small clearing, and wow was it a sight to behold.
In the middle, there was what he perceived to be a young maiden strumming on their cithara; their golden hair shimmering under the sunlight. A wide range of animals sat around them, eagerly listening to every note, and so did he and his hounds. Hyacinthus couldn’t help but stare, he was entranced.
Eventually, the musician had noticed his arrival, and the music stopped, but before they could speak, Hyacinthus snapped out of it and spoke first.
“I’m sorry miss, but who the hell are you?” He slowly approached, cautious of all the critters around them. “What in Zeus’ name is a lass like you doing here, playing in the outskirts of my kingdom?”
The stranger raised an eyebrow, but decided to play along. “Nothing, just bored and passing the time with my lyre.”
“Ah. I assume your father’s somewhere close by, then.” He looks around, but they only laughed in response.
“Oh no, I came here to have some me time with myself.”
“Wait, myself?!” Hyacinthus seems dismayed. “No one accompanied you here?! Not even a brother, cousin, or a friend?”
They shook their head; he frowned.
“Look, it’s not safe to be all alone out here. As a prince, it is my duty to protect you-”
Unfortunately, it was at that moment that he had accidentally stepped on the tail of a sleeping lion, causing it to wake up and it looked very pissed. Luckily, a silver arrow had rushed by; just barely missing the prince and piercing the cat’s heart. The rest of the animals took this as a sign to scram.
Hyacinthus blinked, and looked back at the musician, who was still sitting down on the ground, unfazed. He muttered a silent prayer of thanks to the archer god before speaking up again.
“See! I think it is best we get out of here.” He reaches out, offering his hand for them to stand up. The stranger only sighed when they realized that the mortal didn’t put two and two together.
Before he knew it, Hyacinthus felt someone’s fist punch him square in the face, causing him to stagger back. It was then that the stranger spoke again, except they sounded very different this time.
“What is it with people thinking I’m some sort of forest nymph or mortal maiden?”
Hyacinthus froze; their voice was much lower than he remembered. Gazing into their sapphire eyes, he suddenly understood. The being that stood in front of him was no mere mortal. He hastily tried to get his shit together, smiling in embarrassment.
“A-” “Apologies my lord. I suppose you’re just… that enchanting.”
“Oh?” The god raised an eyebrow, his mood slowly shifting when his instincts told him that he was telling the truth; it wasn’t merely empty flattery. “Why, thank you.” He scanned the boy from head to toe. “I suppose you’re not that bad yourself.”
“Oh, um, well of course! I’m Sparta’s heir after all!” He proudly exclaimed. “Still though, I am, uh, terribly sorry for interrupting your song.”
“No need to apologize for that.” Apollo sat down, and placed the cithara back on his lap. “In fact, you’re welcome to stay if you want. I won’t mind.”
“I thought you said you wanted some time alone?”
“Away from the other gods, I mean.”
Hyacinthus was reluctant, but as the immortal started to strum on his lyre, the offer was tempting; even his dogs seemed like they wanted to listen. He did have nothing else to do.
“…alright, only for a bit, if that’s really okay with you my lord-”
“Please, just call me Apollo.”
Unbeknownst to Hyacinthus a ‘bit’ was quite an understatement, for while listening to the god’s music it was as if time itself ceased to exist.
Now the sun was setting, and the prince had already left to go back to the palace; Apollo choosing to remain in the clearing. It was then that the west wind had materialized before him.
“I was just passing by, so here’s a quick tip.” Zephyr murmured. “If I were you, I’d try not to spend too much time with him. He’s already caught the eye of two other gods and one mortal.”
“And you’re telling me this because?” Apollo couldn’t help but have a sympathetic smile.
“…what’s with that look?”
“Well, my friend, it’s a little too late for that advice. He had already invited me to go out hunting with him.”
Zephyr frowned as he fizzled out into thin air.
On the day of their hunt, as expected, it had gone exceptionally well. However, Apollo wasn’t the only one that had his gaze fixed on his new friend. Even as they ran through the trees, he could sense the eyes of someone else, but who could blame them? The mortal was a fit and handsome young man that much was obvious. Plus, in the short interactions that they’ve had in the week before this, the prince was quite the charmer; his banter witty and entertaining. Still, he was curious. So, when they had stopped to take a break, he asked him this,
“Has anyone ever made a move on you before?”
Hyacinthus froze. He was sitting on the ground next to him, and was about to try subtly holding his hand. “At least three other men have, but I’ve rejected them all.” He realized what that sentence might’ve implied. “That isn’t to say I’m only into women though!”
Apollo laughs. “I suppose you merely haven’t found the right one yet.”
“Who knows, perhaps I already have.” Hyacinthus beamed. “Do you know why?”
“Because I’m smart, talented, and very hot?”
“Maybe.” He inched closer. “But it’s also because of your smile, or rather, how you smile.”
The god was a little flustered, and couldn’t help but give that signature dazzling grin; thus further proving Hyacinthus’ point. Before he knew it, the prince had already leaned in, a hand holding his chin; faintly muttering something under his breath.
“May I?”
Apollo answered it with a kiss.
Thus was how they met; the beginning of the tale of the golden god and the Spartan prince.
And it didn’t take long for the news to spread.
Everyone was just going about on their daily routine when Hyacinthus had showed up to his training with hundreds of flowers intricately woven into his hair. The soldiers were too scared to comment, but Thamyris wasn’t.
“Okay, what in the actual fuck?”
“Short version is, I fell asleep during the break after the hunting trip, so now there are a bunch of flowers in my hair.”
“Out of all of your suitors, you chose a god; hell, not just that, one of the fucking Olympians.”
“Who wouldn’t?”
“Marpessa wouldn’t.”
Hyacinthus sighed. “Look, we all have our own preferences. I’m dating him and that’s final.” He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous?”
“As if.” He turned around, about to leave; probably going to hang out with Marsyas. “Just don’t come back crying to me when shit goes downhill.”
The prince just ignored him, or at least he tried to. His words were awfully persistent.
A few days later, among the immortals, Hermes was one of the first to discover.
“Oh and Hermes,” Zeus said, when he saw his son enter the room. “If you happen to run into Apollo, please, tell him we need to talk.”
“Is it urgent?”
“…just tell him to come to me whenever he’s free.”
So that’s what he did, flying as swift as a morning breeze until he stopped in front of the studio’s door. He carefully pushed it open, but despite being the lord of communication, he couldn’t utter a single word.  
It was late in the evening, and his brother wasn’t alone.
Apollo was sitting down writing notes on a scroll, most likely for researching purposes, and behind him was a mortal curiously peering over his shoulder. Then the boy moved closer, and wrapped his arms around the blonde’s waist; tenderly whispering sweet nothings into his ear. To Hermes’ surprise, Apollo allowed him to pry him away from his work with zero complaints.
At this point, he just slowly closed the door. His message can wait. Meanwhile, the two lovers hadn’t noticed a thing.
However, now Thamyris wasn’t the only one with a complaint.
Hyacinthus was sitting under a cypress tree; trying to practice playing on the lyre his lover gifted him, when the breeze whispered into his ear.
“Look at it.” He said. “Your reflection in the water.”
The prince raised an eyebrow, but he glanced into the stream in front of him anyway. The top of his head was adorned with all sorts of flowers, no doubt due to the breath of the west wind.
“Hm… I think I liked it better when Apollo did it.”
Zephyr frowned; materializing seated down on his left.
“You’re not giving me a chance-”
“Except he already did.” Apollo sighed, suddenly appearing on Hyacinthus’ right. “For fates’ sake, take a hint and go blow someone else.”
The other god glared, but gave in, once more disappearing into the wind.
Days turned into weeks and months of bliss. Now that isn’t to say that they didn’t have their own little problems of their own, but what did it matter?
“Those laurel wreaths you wear; they mean a lot to you, don’t they?”
“Well, of course; there are many reasons as to why I care about them, one of them being that they remind me of something I shouldn’t ever forget because I don’t want to make a mistake like that ever again.”
There was a brief moment of hesitation before he continued.
“Never doubt my feelings for you, okay?”
“I never did.”
“…even so, you really must know that, because of you, right now is the best I’ve ever felt in literal decades.”
“Oh don’t flatter me, sunshine.”
“You know I can’t lie. So really, trust me when I say that I’m here to stay.”
Hyacinthus’ eyes darted around the room while the god’s head rested on his lap; the prince’s fingers twirling around in his golden locks. The floor was littered with paintings and marble statues of varying shapes and sizes scattered all over.
“Something caught your eye?” Apollo said as he saw his boyfriend look at a painting of Crete. “You can take one of them home if you’d like.”
“Oh-” “Oh no it’s fine, really! I was just… enjoying the scenery.”
“Hm, you know I could just take you there myself, right? Oooooh, imagine! A tour around Greece with yours truly.”
Hyacinthus smiled. His gaze shifted from a painting of Delphi to some art work of Leto, then Artemis, then Zeus, Athena and the rest of the other heavenly gods. What he stared at the most though, were the ones next to those paintings of the Muses and the Thriae.
The names were many, Admetus, Cyrene, Branchus, Hecuba, Helenus… then there was Cassandra, Daphne, and an unfinished Coronis, and as he continued to look, the prince could’ve sworn he felt the god gently squeeze his hand.
“Everything alright, Apollo?”
The god smiled. “I’m just… tired.”
The prince leaned in to give him a small kiss. “Well, just remember that, whatever happens, I’m not going to run away.”
And he really didn’t, or at least, not willingly, but you already knew that, didn’t you?
Two years, or at least, about two years, their laughter almost lasted for about two years.
“Athena, Apollo still hasn’t showed up for the talk.”
“Father, just give him a little more time. He’ll come eventually. On the bright side, at least he seems to be faring much better now.”
“I know, I know… but he’s neglecting his duties.” He sighed. “When was the last time you saw him walk into Olympus?”
“Fear not my lord.” His messenger, the west wind, suddenly exclaimed. “He’s already here.”
And indeed he was, fingers dripping with crimson red; purple petals falling out of his hair.
Zephyr couldn’t help but have a sympathetic smile. “You’re welcome.”
Ai, ai, ai…
It was a morning like any other, or at least, it was supposed to be.
Hyacinthus loved to spar. The god was a fierce opponent and he could never truly win, but man did he love seeing him panting and drenched in sweat. Another favorite sport of his was the throwing of the discus; he especially loved to try to run and catch it once his lover had sent it hurling into the air.
Apollo could’ve sworn that sound had echoed across the fields. Before he knew it, cradled in his arms was the stem of a poor flower that had broke its neck; all due to the breath of the west wind. All of his knowledge in the arts of healing was useless; by the time he tried it was already too late. So he just, sat there until a concerned Artemis tried dragging him back over to Leto in Delos, but he unknowingly slipped away.
It was like time itself ceased to exist.
Ai, ai, ai…
It was an interesting sight to see. Apollo had a blank look in his eyes and Athena was standing in his way; Zephyr a little further down the hall behind her, curiously peaking over the corner.
“Athena, move.”
“Apollo,” The goddess was perfectly calm. “Father has already retired him as his personal messenger, and he is now going to serve under Eros to repent for the very stupid thing he did in ‘the name of love’.”
“It’s not enough-”
“I know, and it’s never going to be enough.” Then she muttered. “Look, what happened with Pallas was much more justifiable than what this idiot wind bag did and even then, even if it was our father, to this day a tiny part of me is still pissed even if I knew he did it because he was worried about me.”
For a moment, the god was quiet. “Zephyr isn’t nearly as important.”
“But still crucial enough; I think it’d be best if we didn’t lose the west wind. Listen to your head, you know this isn’t worth it; it’s never going to be worth it.”
After a few seconds of silence, in the blink of an eye, Apollo was gone.
Olympus’ garden was huge; its depths filled with paths most don’t even know of. It was here the two gods sat down on top of a small hill, right in front of a giant crevice that overlooked all of their creations.
“I really am unreasonable, aren’t I, Hermes? Crying over beings much lesser than myself…”
“You had your eyes and heart set upon a mortal, so I guess it does sound foolish to grieve over their mortality but… I think we’re all a little unreasonable sometimes.” His friend paused for a moment, to think. “Is there anything you want to say? To Hyacinthus, I mean, when I guide him down to Hades.”
“If we should ever meet again
No matter how long the wait
No matter how many lifetimes it takes
My arms will be glad to welcome you in an embrace
Until then, just know
That even when man has forgotten my face
And I roam the world as nothing but a shade
Your memory will continue, forever living on
In all the flowers that the earth will cover itself, bearing your name
Goodnight, my sweet prince”
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
(Okay I am lost, I’ve been struggling with how to write this thing, but at least this feels somewhat cohesive? Also that at least there’s an actual Herm and Per interaction now. I dunno when I’m gonna come back to this and try to continue but here it is for now)
Being a bastard child of the king of the gods always resulted in something going wrong in your life. His kids always managed to get themselves into trouble one way or another, perhaps a mix of unfortunate circumstances and some traits they inherited from their father. That’s why Zeus often kept a close eye on them, even if Hera didn’t seem to be meddling with anything, and he was far from the only one to give them a helping hand.
This time, Apollo was one of the first to hear of it as, while said event was happening, he still had his thoughts interlaced with those of his father’s.
“Okay here’s the thing.” The blonde was doing what he always did in times like these, gossiping with two of his favorite half-siblings.  “I was about to abort, but before I even managed to disconnect, it was already over?? He just descended in a golden shower and then poof! He was gone! He didn’t shapeshift into a human form or anything.”
Hermes raised an eyebrow. “But she still got pregnant?”
“She still got pregnant! I have no idea how-” “how do you even get plea-”
Athena quickly interrupted. “Says the one that had an incident with the Thriae-”
The messenger frowned. “Please don’t remind me-”
Apollo snickered. “Buzz buzz-”
“Moving on, who was it this time? You still haven’t mentioned a name.”
“I-” “Uh… I forgot?”
“You, the god of memory, forgot??”
“I suppose it hadn’t properly registered in my head? I was actually kind of… distracted by something else when that happened.”
“And by something, you mean someone?”
The archer faintly flushed. “That’s a little assumptive.”
“And based on your reaction, I assume it was probably true.”
“To be fair,” The goddess interjected. “You aren’t any better.”
“I’m not talking about being horny. Actually, it could apply to you too Pal!”
“Excuse me?”
“Even if it’s just platonically, you both tend to get really infatuated with certain mortals. Hell, half of the arguments between you two are just” He starts mimicking their voices. “‘Hah! Did you see that? What a cunning lil shit!’ and then the other going ‘Well clearly you haven’t seen what insert other mortal did!’ It’s either that or about whose patron city is the best.”
The goddess rolled her eyes. “You exaggerate.”
Apollo thought about it. “Ehhhhhh...”
“Aw, no need to be shy! I, for one, think it’s sort of endearing!” But then Hermes noticed his brother was… grinning. “What’s with that look?”
“Oh, nothing I can’t confirm. You know how vague my prophecy powers are.”
“So that’s him, huh?” Hermes asked, atop one of Olympus’ many balconies, gazing down into the earth. Athena nodded, standing beside him.
It had been several years since that little conversation with his half-siblings.
The messenger narrowed his eyes. “I guess he is cute.”
His sister sighed, causing the god to laugh.
When they jumped off the ledge, their landing nearly gave poor Perseus a heart attack. He hastily tried to give them the impression that he totally had his shit together. You know, formally greeting them like he was not at all resisting the urge to stare.
It fooled no one. Though, the god thought it was adorable how respectful the demigod tried to be with those tiny glances.  
Athena internally groaned. She was starting to have flashbacks to some of the other errands of helping mortals not die, specifically the ones with Apollo.
“Look, you two can kiss later.” Her voice was stern, an attempt to tell Hermes to keep it professional. “First, let’s get this fetch quest over with.”
“Of course.” He had more than enough trust in his natural looks; still, he spared no pains to smooth his hair and fix his robes. “You see Perseus; you might have to resort to some rather sneaky and underhanded tactics if you want to survive.”
“My lord, I don’t even know where Medusa is.”
“And that’s where we come in!” He wraps an arm around the mortal’s shoulders.
“But,” Athena added. “We’re only here to help, not hold your hand and do it for you.”
Before the two immortals started their exposition dump, however, Perseus felt the need to point something out. There was a slight fear that the god might throw him into the ocean, but he was being fairly casual with him so… fuck it.
“You know, you’re a lot more… breathtaking than I thought you’d be.”
“Aw, that’s-”
“And also a lot shorter than I imagined you to be.”
It was then that Athena realized, now that the two men were standing side by side, Perseus was decently tall for a human. He’s not nearly as tall as her, yet still tall enough for Hermes to be around a few centimeters shorter than him.
“What’s with that look? If anything, I think it makes you look even cuter!” The mortal patted the god’s head.
“Hahah… you’re lucky you’re even cuter, and that father wants you back alive.” Hermes smiled, accompanied by one of his least effective death glares, on account of the mild blush. The wings on his head shrunk, fluttering.
Meanwhile Perseus was absolutely beaming, not far from the famous shit-eating grin of the messenger himself. The god would’ve punched it off his face if it weren’t for the fact that he might accidentally break something.
Hermes cleared his throat. “ANYWAY, let’s get back on topic, shall we?”
Athena suppressed the urge of continuing to taunt him. “Yes, the sooner the better; preferably before Hera notices anything.”
“Hera?” The demigod’s smile twitched.
The messenger forced a laugh. “It’s best if you don’t think about it. Don’t worry; Apollo and Persephone are top tier distractions and conversation starters.”
Concept wise, the plan was simple enough.
The execution, on the other hand…
“Oh shi-” “You okay?!” Hermes rushed over to the mortal that accidentally flung himself against a tree, falling back-first onto the ground.
Athena winced. “Maybe lending a spare pair of your sandals isn’t-”
“I’m fine!” Perseus sat up, looking determined. “I swear I just need a few more tries to get used to it!”
“Preferably before you end up cracking a few ribs.” The god nervously chucked, flicking some dirt off the demigod’s face. “Let’s try again, slowly.”
He helped him up, a firm grasp on both of Perseus’ hands to prevent him from running himself into the ground.
Surprisingly, the mortal managed to hover some inches over the ground, the messenger matching his pace. Alas, he got too enthusiastic during his small victory and the wings suddenly flew upwards, causing him to panic. Fortunately, Hermes never lost his grip and got dragged up along with him. By the time they got back down, the demigod may or may not have been hugging the god for dear life.
“You okay there bud?” The messenger giggled.
“That… was amazing!” Perseus laughed, delightedly terrified. “Though uh, don’t you think it’d be much more convenient if you just carried me there?”
“What are you, nine?”
Athena snickered. “Unless that’s what you want the poets to sing about?”
“Why not?” Perseus grinned. “I mean, getting personally carried by one of the Olympians? What an honor! Everyone else would be so jealous.”
You see, the word ‘amused’ might’ve not been sufficient enough to describe Hermes’ feelings about the demigod’s boldness, and his half-sister was well aware of this. Even from the god’s voice alone, she could literally hear him smiling. It was the sort of behavior that wasn’t too far off from how he’d act around Apollo or Persephone.
It was this thought that gave her an idea on how to avoid Hera’s wrath.
“Hermes, just keep on practicing with him.” Athena said, starting to walk away. “I’m going to get some of the other items Perseus needs.”
And with that, she was gone.
Her plan involved giving them a lot of time alone.
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intelligentdumbass · 3 years
(Got bored and am on writer's block for the game thingy, so I be rewriting some old stuff into somethig that totally isn't lowkey a certain pair's bromance propaganda)
The goddess’ earliest memories were never truly hers, but her father’s.
It was a modest little crew: Zeus, a goat, a pair of Ash-Tree nymphs, the Kouretes, and that tiny voice of wisdom.
Sure, normally one's conscience doesn't have a will of their own, but he was a god, and a son of Kronos at that. It was also kind of boring and unsettling when the amount of people that you could trust were far from ideal. Besides, someone had to be his impulse control, especially when the nymphs weren't around.
The days were tense, but also simple and carefree. As long as it wouldn't reveal his cover, Zeus was allowed to do whatever he wished and, excluding his more... passionate moments, the voice never left his side.
The Titanomachy was an arduous 10-year long effort, but in the end the lighting-bearer finally wore his father's crown. He even got married, well, thrice. Themis was the first, Hera was who he ended up settling down with, and Metis…
Despite the few times he had slept with her, the titan had yet to be pregnant when Zeus swallowed her whole.
Nevertheless, she had a daughter, and the voice suddenly had a mother.
'Wait!' Metis exclaimed, aghast and now stuck in his head. 'You're telling me, after all this time, you haven't even named her??'
'Oh believe me, he tried-'
'And she refused every single one!'
'As I should, they were absolutely terrible, as expected from the same god that named his eagle "Eagle of Zeus". How creative-'
'Well, that's your opinion, but I for one think-'
'Alright, alright, settle down you two.' The titan sighed. 'Why don't you let me try?'
'By all means, please do.'
No one else knew of Athena's existence. Zeus had tried to tell his siblings, but they just laughed it off and teased him for it. Even Rhea wasn't sure if she could take him seriously.
Technically... there was a way for them to hear her voice, but that would involve sharing his thoughts and he was appalled at even the mere notion of it.
At least, that's how he felt when it came to his siblings.
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
The Obligatory Beach Episode
(Yeah this is more crack-ish)
The sun shone bright and high on the afternoon sky as the crystal waves crashed into the sand.
Poseidon and Zeus were surfing; the god of the sea trying to use all sorts of subtle tricks to make his brother fail every time. Ares, Artemis, Athena and Hermes were having a good ole round of beach volley ball. Apollo was laying down, wearing shades of course, and chatting with Persephone and Aphrodite while they built a sand castle on top of him. Dionysus and Hephaestus were drinking wine under the shade, with Hades not too far off; trying to make sure he doesn’t get any sand stuck in between his toes. In the meantime, the barbeque was under the care of all three of Kronos’ daughters, along with some other snacks while they shared each other’s stories. Some of the minor gods were here too, like Hebe cheering on her siblings in the volley ball game and Iris walking around with a drink in her hand.
As you can see, things were surprisingly peaceful, well, at least for now.
It just so happened that eventually Zeus was sick of his brother’s bullshit and decided to try to find something else to do that would hopefully be more advantageous for him fair for the both of them. When they got back on land, the god’s eyes shifted towards the volleyball resting on the sand. It seems that his kids were on a break.
“Okay, how about we have… a volleyball game?”
“Just us? Ehhhh, how about we add some more? Maybe… two each?”
“Oh, gladly. Apollo! Athena!”
He got a single, unanimous response. “NO.”
“…I’ll give both of you a day off each?”
“A week off-”
And just like that, they were now standing beside him on one side of the volleyball court. (Ignore the complaints of Persephone about her damaged sand castle and Hermes’ faint grumbles of wanting that week off too.)
Now it was Poseidon’s turn, but before he even spoke, Artemis and Ares eagerly volunteered.
Hermes’ frown turned into a curious grin. “Oh-” “Ohhhh… Oh, this is gonna be fun.” He disappeared for a minute before coming back with a camera around his neck. Hestia, on the other hand, was already trying to convince all the mortals in the beach to evacuate and go home early. In other words, most of them were anticipating the worse, but how bad could it possibly be?
Well, only one way to find out. Time to spin the wheel and roll the dice.
Before anything else though, Athena got Zeus and Poseidon to swear on the river Styx not to use their elemental prowess during the game.
The first round started out fine. Zeus served, and Poseidon managed to send it back, which was then countered by Athena, then Ares, then Athena again, then Artemis, then Apollo… It was actually kinda fun to watch with how fast the ball was moving. It ended with a point going to Poseidon’s side, with the ball also hitting Apollo’s leg, causing him to trip.
“Oops, my bad.” Artemis apologized, without much remorse, while going to get the ball.
The god glared and got up, dusting the sand off. Later, in the second round, Apollo did a spike that definitely wasn’t supposed to be an act of revenge that somehow hit Ares square in the chest instead, making him fall back-first on the sand.
“Oh shit-” “That wasn’t on purpose I swear-” He stopped when the war god sent the ball hurling right back at him, but luckily he moved out of the way at the last second. Unfortunately, that meant that the ball ended up wrecking the barbeque.
Before anyone else could react, Hera grabbed it and spiked it back, hitting Zeus on the head so hard he actually ended up falling on the net, breaking it. “ACH-” “HEY! Why me? What did I do?!”
“Well shit.” Athena glanced at her father. “I suppose that ends the game.”
“Wait, I have an idea…” Poseidon picked up the volleyball. “Let’s play something else instead.”
“That is..?”
“Well… Anyone up for some dodge ball!?” He threw it at Athena, who just side-stepped out of the way, causing it to hit Hermes on the face and crush the camera he was holding.
“Hermes!” Apollo immediately rushed over, one of the few times he genuinely sounded concerned in this entire mess, and scooped him up to go where Dio and Heph are while the messenger whined about all the lost footage.
Meanwhile, Zeus had already stood up, holding the ball. “Oh if it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get!” He launched it towards Ares, who summoned his shield at just the right moment, making the ball bounce off, and it would’ve hit an unsuspecting Apollo if Artemis hadn’t pulled out her bow. Instead, her golden arrow had unintentionally guided the ball to create a giant crater in what was supposed to be Persephone’s newly fixed sand castle.
Aphrodite patted her on the back as Hephaestus walked over to offer his help in rebuilding it, again.
Demeter frowned and sighed. “Okay, that’s enough please!-” “Ah!” Someone had thrown the volleyball, hitting her left hand and landing on a plate of spaghetti. She looked at the direction of where it came from, glaring at Hades, but the god of the underworld looked just as shocked as she was.
“Wha-” “Hey look, I know what it looks like and why you might think that I did it but I did NOT-” He got cut off by a wave of sand and a few stray drops of tomato sauce and pasta getting into both his robes and his hair. Demeter didn’t throw it, she kicked it over. The god looked horrified as there was a faint echo of laughter and glared back at the grain goddess.
Persephone felt bad because she saw that it was Eris who did it this time, but even she had to suppress a small giggle. “You know, literal centuries have passed. When will you two ever make up? Or, no maybe not that but at least, like, leave each other alone?”
“Huh?” Dionysus blinked. “Wait I heard something something make out-”
Hermes burst out laughing while Apollo face palmed and Persephone gagged. Fortunately for Demeter, she hadn’t heard what the wine god said, but Hades did and he looked like he wanted to vomit. He kicked the ball, but instead of hitting Dio, it landed right on Hermes’ face again, and the two brothers next to him almost swore as loud as he did with the sudden rush of sand. Apollo coughed a little, before turning to Hermes.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Ugh, ya think?” He held a hand over his face. “I think… I think I broke my nose again.”
Apollo moved Hermes’ hand away, examining his face, and just did what he did before; that is, give him a small peck on the nose because apparently that works.
A few moments passed before Dionysus cleared his throat. “You know, I can go rent a room if you’re going to keep on staring at each other like that.”
The messenger blushed while the blonde just ignored him, glancing around like he was looking for something. “Where’s the ball?”
“Uhhhh, over here.” Dio passes the volleyball to his brother. “Why?”
Apollo stared at it for a second, at which the ball suddenly burst into flames. Speaking of the ball, the only reason it’s still intact at this point is because Hephaestus made it specifically to withstand the strength of all the gods.
“Um… bro?” The messenger nervously eyed the miniature sun. “What’re you doing?”
“Something I should’ve tried a long time ago.” And with that he tossed the ball. It was quite the impressive throw really, travelling all the way to the other side of the beach until it ended up hitting Eros’ back with the heat of a G-type main-sequence star. The bastard yelled and quickly ran off into the water or else his wings would start catching fire. Thankfully, to Psyche’s relief, the ball immediately stopped burning the second the deed was done.
There were a few more victims of the deadly volleyball that day as more and more gods used it to ruin someone’s day. Of course, it immediately had to end the second someone accidentally hit Hebe on the shoulder.
Oh well, just another day in being immortal.
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
(I still dunno what the title would be. This is just going to be a snippet of the one-shot that I’m going to post on ao3, because finishing this is going to take a while)
It was a morning like any other, or at least, it was supposed to be. Hyacinthus had set off with his dogs to go hunt in the nearby forest, but the trees were silent; not a single prey in sight. Wondering where they had all gone, he trekked deep into the woods until at last, the silence broke. However, it wasn’t because of the roar of a bear, the trot of a deer or the howl of a wolf. Rather it was a song, but the voice was not of a bird’s. He had walked into a small clearing, and wow was it a sight to behold.
In the middle, there was what he perceived to be a young maiden strumming on their cithara; their golden hair shimmering under the sunlight. A wide range of animals sat around them, eagerly listening to every note, and so did he and his hounds. Hyacinthus couldn’t help but stare, he was entranced.
Eventually, the musician had noticed his arrival, and the music stopped, but before they could speak, Hyacinthus snapped out of it and spoke first.
“I’m sorry miss, but who the hell are you?” He slowly approached, cautious of all the critters around them. “What in Zeus’ name is a lass like you doing here, playing in the outskirts of my kingdom?”
The stranger raised an eyebrow, but decided it would be fun to play along. “Nothing, just bored and passing the time with my lyre.”
“Ah. I assume your father’s somewhere close by, then.” He looks around, but they only laughed in response.
“Oh no, I came here to have some me time with myself.”
“Wait, myself?!” Hyacinthus seems dismayed. “No one accompanied you here?! Not even a brother, cousin, or a friend?”
They shook their head; he frowned.
“Look, it’s not safe to be all alone out here. As a prince, it is my duty to protect you-”
Unfortunately, it was at that moment that he had accidentally stepped on the tail of a sleeping lion, causing it to wake up and it looked very pissed. Luckily, a silver arrow had rushed by; just barely missing the prince and piercing the cat’s heart. The rest of the animals took this as a sign to scram.
Hyacinthus blinked, and looked back at the musician, who was still sitting down on the ground, unfazed. He muttered a silent prayer of thanks to the archer god before speaking up again.
“See! I think it is best we get out of here now.” He reaches out, offering his hand for them to stand up. The stranger only sighed when they realized that the mortal didn’t put two and two together.
Before he knew it, Hyacinthus felt someone’s fist punch him square in the face, causing him to stagger back. It was then that the stranger spoke again, except they sounded very different this time.
“What is it with people thinking I’m some sort of forest nymph or mortal maiden?”
Hyacinthus froze; their voice was much lower than he remembered. Gazing into their sapphire eyes, he suddenly understood. The being that stood in front of him was no mere mortal. He hastily tried to get his shit together, smiling in embarrassment.
“A-” “Apologies my lord. I suppose you’re just… that enchanting.”
“Oh?” The god raised an eyebrow, his mood slowly shifting when his instincts told him that he was telling the truth; it wasn’t merely empty flattery. “Why, thank you.” He scans the boy from head to toe. “I suppose you’re not that bad yourself.”
“Oh, um, well of course! I’m Sparta’s heir after all!” He proudly exclaimed. “Still though, I am, uh, terribly sorry for interrupting your song.”
“No need to apologize for that.” Apollo sat down, and placed the cithara back on his lap. “In fact, you’re welcome to stay if you want. I won’t mind.”
“I thought you said you wanted some time alone?”
“Away from the other gods, I mean.”
Hyacinthus was reluctant, but as the immortal started to strum on his lyre, the offer was tempting; even his dogs seemed like they wanted to listen. He did have nothing else to do.
“…alright, only for a bit, if that’s really okay with you my lord-”
“Please, just call me Apollo.”
Unbeknownst to Hyacinthus a ‘bit’ was quite an understatement, for while listening to the god’s music it was as if time itself ceased to exist.
Now the sun was setting, and the prince had already left to go back to the palace; Apollo choosing to remain in the clearing. It was then that the west wind had materialized before him.
“I was just passing by, so here’s a quick tip.” Zephyr murmured. “If I were you, I’d try not to spend too much time with him. He’s already caught the eye of two other gods and one mortal.”
“And you’re telling me this because?” Apollo couldn’t help but have a sympathetic smile.
“…what’s with that look?”
“Well, my friend, it’s a little too late for that advice. He had already invited me to go out hunting with him.”
Zephyr frowned, and disappeared in the breeze.
On the day of their hunt, as expected, it had gone exceptionally well. However, Apollo wasn’t the only one that had his gaze fixed on his new friend. Even as they ran through the trees, he could sense the eyes of someone else, but who could blame them? The mortal was a fit and handsome young man that much was obvious. Plus, in the short interactions that they’ve had in the week before this, the prince was quite the charmer; his banter witty and entertaining. Still, he was curious. So, when they had stopped to take a break, he asked him this,
“Has anyone ever made a move on you before?”
Hyacinthus froze. He was sitting on the ground next to him, and was about to try subtly holding his hand. “At least three other men have, but I’ve rejected them all.” He realized what that sentence might’ve implied. “That isn’t to say I’m only into women though!”
Apollo laughs. “I suppose you merely haven’t found the right one yet.”
“Who knows, perhaps I already have.” Hyacinthus beamed. “Do you know why?”
“Because I’m smart, talented, and very hot?”
“Maybe.” He inched closer. “But it’s also because of your smile, or rather, how you smile.”
The god was a little flustered, and couldn’t help but give that signature dazzling grin; thus proving Hyacinthus’ point. Before he knew it, the prince had already leaned in, a hand holding his chin; faintly muttering something under his breath.
“May I?”
Apollo answered it with a kiss.
Thus was how they met; the beginning of the tale of the golden god and the Spartan prince.
(Here’s the full thing)
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
More of the Bros
“Uh, Hermes, where are we going?”
“Wherever the fates will take us!”
“So, basically what I was doing before I bumped into you, walking around until I find something interesting.”
“Well then mister-know-it-all, can you think of something better? Hm?”
The god held in a laugh. “No.” He glanced around, the grass crunching under their steps. “I suppose, with your company, this is sort of… nice; kind of relaxing actually.”
“Heh, of course it is!” The messenger just hoped that the moon wasn’t too bright. “Being around me is the best!”
He raised an eyebrow. “Debatable.”
Hermes pouted, at which Apollo could no longer contain his laughter, not that the younger god cared. If anything, instead of taking offense, it only made him smile.
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