#but for some reason i dislike it being complimented on by other people than my partner my close friends and my family
drawnecromancy · 6 months
Sometimes I worry that I might actually be faking the whole not a lot of gender except a sprinkle of guy on top thing, and then i am aggressively gendered as a cis woman in day-to-day life and remember why i don't go out much.
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zeldasnotes · 4 months
𝖘𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖞 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖊
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖜𝖔
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Destinn(6583) conjunct Moon: You can feel it at the first meeting that you were destined to meet. Love this aspect.
Moon conjunct Venus: I had this with a friend I met in high school. Her Venus conjunct my Moon and she was like conditioner to my soul. She made me feel so loved & we were always sickeningly sweet to eachother and complimenting eachother.
Mercury 12th house synastry: I looked up the charts of the two guys in my neighbourhood who used to snitch about me to my dad. Told my dad any rumour about me & what guys Ive been involved with etc. Both of them have their Mercury in my 12th house.💀
Chiron conjunct Personal Planets: This is common between people who have had beef for years because the wound just wont go away even tho from the beginning the beef started over something small and you want to hurt the other just as bad as they hurt you. And you think you are the only one whos hurt so you keep picking on eachother. Just hearing the others name can be triggering. Chiron can be so healing but also so incredibly painful. ❤️‍🩹
Composite Aries Rising: This can make the dislike or tension very obvious to others. My dad and stepmom have this and everyone knows they treat eachother badly. The first thing you notice it the tension between them. I have this with a few people who i know dislike me and i them and people notice it instantly.
Saturn in the composite chart: Saturn seems to act like glue in the composite since it rules time. It can make you stuck on someone either positively or negatively based on the rest of the chart.
Venus 8th house: Venus is fascinated by 8th house persons appearance even if house person is not their type. They might find the house person super sexy & mysterious.
8th house synastry: I love 8th house synastry but whats so sad is that one of you will transform by this relationship and after a while you are not the same people you were before. There is a risk of just being a ”lesson” in eachothers life. But when its meant to last its wonderful.
8th house synastry: Another thing I find annoying with 8th house synastry is when I can tell someone doesnt like me but still is allll up in my face bc they have planets in my 8th house and therefore have some kind of weird obsession/fascination going on.
Ascendant Square Ascendant: Me and my dad have this in synastry and we just dont get eachothers behoviour. Like WHY are you behaving like that?
Dislike for no reason: I dont really believe in ”dislike for no reason” because I think there is always something behind disliking someone otherwise you need serious help but everytime someone disliked me for seemingly no reason there was harsh Mars Squares involved or 12th house synastry. Especially their Mars Squaring or Opposite my Sun or Moon.
Different energies & misunderstandings: Me and my dad have good synastry but he is very fire dominant and Im very water dominant. He sees my need for alone time and shyness as something unattractive. For him people are supposed to be brave, confident, social and loud otherwise you are insecure and weird. For me I find quiet confidence attractive but he sees it as not having confidence at all.
Venus conjunct Pluto: This is someone I used to go to yoga with. She was much older than me. The first time I saw her I was like WOW, thats the hottest women Ive ever seen. My Pluto was conjunct her Venus.
Venus conjunct Nemesis(128): Seen this in the synastry chart between two bestfriends where the nemesis person were secretly messing around with the Venus person boyfriend. She was an enemy(nemesis) when it came to love(venus).
Composite Sun conjunct Pluto: Intense! I have this with the woman I had the most dirty beef with for years. But I also have it with some guy I had a very beautiful and intense bond with.
Lilith conjunct Mars: Lilith would fight anyone for the Mars person.
Moon 5th house: Ive seen this very often lead to the Moon person idealizing the 5th house person a lot.
4th house synastry/composite: This can mean you enjoy a very ”down to earth” life together. I know some people with this who just like to do gardening, cooking, decorating the home and stuff like that together. They dont feel a strong need to go out and do stuff to enjoy eachothers company. 👨‍👩‍👦🪴
Lilith 10th house: Can make Lilith person threathened by house persons social status/reputation/image. Powerstruggles. Recognizing eachothers social climbing ways. Attracted to 10th house persons image.
10th house synastry/composite: 10th house synastry can make yall enjoy to go out a lot or show eachother off. Might really like to be seen together/make eachother look good.
Vertex conjunct Personal Planets: You WILL meet. Avoid eachother all you want you will keep running into eachother. Ive ran into people I had this synastry with time and time again until we talked. When we finally talked to eachother or had some kind of relationship that later ended we stopped running into eachother.
Mars 8th house: This synastry overlay feels like the universe is trying to force yall to do it but at the same time there is always a reason why you cant.
Top 5 ”I cant resist you” placements: Ive noticed Mars 8th house, Moon 8th house, Venus conjunct Pluto, Lilith conjunct Moon & Nessus conjunct Ascendant to be the top 5 placements that makes it almost impossible to resist eachother. (According to me)
Chiron conjunct Mars: Doing it with eachother leaves you feeling like you just had a theraphy session. Healing and raw.
Mars 3rd house synastry: This can lead to the Mars person gossiping a lot about the house person. This can be very annoying for the house person because the Mars person just wont stop talking about them.
Mars 3rd house: The positive part of this synastry overlay is that you find eachothers voice super hot. Can lead to some hot conversations on the phone 😏🔥
Venus 10th house composite: I have this with a guy and let me tell you we look GOOD together. We like the same colors so we always match, we have a similar style, similar height, similar way of behaving in public. People with this in the composite seem to often resemble eachother in some way.
Composite Moon conjunct Venus: Enjoying every second with eachother.🥹❤️‍🔥
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i am intrigued in micah x bill (belliamson? bicah??) but does vigorous fucking accidentally result of both finding a reason to live and becoming better people or do they make each other worse?? is it a fling or do they catch feels?? i want the tea on your take
Haha well my take depends on what media is present. The ship is so under appreciated that I just agree with whatever media I can find. I do love the existence of multiple takes on a ship! diversify in a fandom breeds innovation and community. I will tell you my take on what you outlined.
- one interpretation I have seen is the idea that they started some sort of gay sex truce and accidentally became closer because of it. I constantly think back to Micah openly telling Bill he looks nice and doubling down that he is being honest when Bill says he doesn’t believe what he says. ^.^ this was my catalyst for the ship.
Micah (semi-closeted bisexual?) and Bill (closeted gay) agreeing to have sex together also makes sense because although Micah and Bill snap teeth at each other often, I feel like Bill is the closest person (who isn’t Dutch) Micah has. Micah is not exactly Bill’s friend, but Micah and Bill could bond if they were drunk. Maybe they bond over being bootlickers to Dutch, who knows!
- as for if their friend with benefits situation makes them better or worse people is up to the person shipping them. I like both takes!
I don’t think either of them would inherently fix the other magically, but I can see having someone in your corner for Micah and Bill would be ground breaking because both of them have been pretty lonely whether they admit it or not. I can see both of them making small, slow efforts to not piss off the other as much. Micah stops kicking Cain because Bill REALLY hated that. Now Micah just jealously stink eyes the dog whenever he’s getting all of Bill’s attention. Bill is an asshole in his own way but he isn’t as openly antagonizing as Micah is (seriously, he is a whole other level of stirring the plot). Bill is maybe more honest and believing of Micah when Micah gives him crumbs of kindness, like compliments. The both of them need to open up and make a modicum of effort to maintain a friendship.
I haven’t seen a lot of media around Bill x Micah resulting in them improving into better people. I would be interested to see some if people find it.
- the interpretation I enjoy a lot is them being two guys who revel in their cruddy behavior because the entire gang tolerated them at best. Instead of improving as people, they accept that having this asshole as a fuck-buddy buddy is better than being alone. They aren’t better as people, their asshole behavior is just consolidated on other people as opposed to each other.
Bill and Micah being buddies came to me during the coach robbery in chapter 4. I really liked their dynamic with Arthur and how Micah + Bill could team up and make fun of Arthur because they both dislike him, but at the same time Bill could agree with Arthur to call Micah out on his gross behavior, vise versa, Micah and Arthur can agree and poke fun at Bill to get the hothead to take the bait and make a fool of himself. Perhaps Mr. Black and Mr. White is a comparison that isn’t too far off; Micah and Bill will argue and squabble but in the end they like the other person’s guts.
- as for fling vs serious, I think Micah would firmly be opposed to a serious relationship. If he were to soften to the idea of it, it would have to be after a lot of time and many small catalysts to initiate changes in him. Little domino trails that eventually lead to Micah opening himself to real connection. It definitely was a fling initially. I mean… look at Bill. He is a walking rainbow flag saying “please. I need to be bedded.” Micah is no fool and he knows if he plays his cards right, he could get a sweet deal out of the situation. Even if their situationship turned out to be mediocre, it beats lonely masturbation and Micah making a fool of himself trying to flirt with Sadie, Abigail, Susan, and Mary.
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ultimateloserboy · 1 year
i cant go to sleep until i release the thoughts so here they are. im sorry if this is a bit more nonsensical or rambleish than my other ones, im very very tired but anyway
this is going to be a bit upsetting for the lovey-dovey sunshine and rainbows crowd but people give red guy and duck WAYY too much credit when it comes to their relationship (or at least how it used to be) like they DID NOT //start out// functional AT. ALL. they used to go together like a car and a tree. and honestly this makes them even more interesting
They’re both insecure in different areas, and they react differently to these insecurities as well. from what ive gathered, red guy dislikes how “odd” he is. he tries to act bitter and uncaring about everything and everyone, either to fit in with the other red things, or to keep himself distracted or distanced from the world hes stuck in. he distances himself from his friends as well. this is a horrible contrast with ducks outward and open love of his friends (despite how horribly he treats them lmao but i digress) duck reveals in the family episode that despite loving himself, he wants other people to love him too. duck is not necessarily insecure in himself, hes the best one after all, but he does feel very lonely. he feels like nobody loves him as much as he loves himself, like the only person he truly has is himself because nobody else is willing to love him. this obviously makes him feel very alone. this is why red guys denial and dismissal of his friends hits ducks insecurities harshly and directly, even if its not intentional.
once i got to the fridge scene during my first watchthrough i was very confused. firstly because i was utterly flabbergasted that they were gay for some reason (i had never even considered it), and secondly because ducks reply caught me off guard. duck is a very full-of-himself character. so why would he be surprised to find out someone likes looking at him? shouldnt he reply with something like “well yeah duh you big stupid idiot im the prettiest and the best etc etc”?? well i understand now why duck reacted that way. he doesnt get many compliments from anyone but himself, probably talking in the mirror. and he ESPECIALLY hadnt gotten many compliments from red guy at this point. red guy denied being his friend very adamantly. EVEN AT HIS FUNERAL. HIS FUNERAL!!! and yes red guy does realize he misses duck eventually, but duck isnt even there to see it, and when he comes back he finds himself literally replaced?? (like.. red guy ur fumbling so hard right now. fumbling straight into a divorce. and ur not even married yet man. but anyway, back on topic)
slowly throughout the series red guy starts being more open, and whether he realizes it or not his whole uncaring act isnt that good to begin with. my favorite small detail during the funeral is that red guy calls the plates “our plates” without even realizing it, right in the middle of denying his best-friendship with duck. like dude who do you think youre fooling other than yourself!?
with all of this considered, despite red guys poor performance of denial, it’s perfectly understandable for duck to be surprised when red guy openly confesses his honest emotions. an up-front confession of feelings is not something red guy ever wants or allows himself to do, so duck was probably confused as hell.
my favorite part of this scene is how red guy is looking away when he says it, still clearly embarrassed but saying it anyway. this is a HUGE deal for his character. it was a character development that had been slowly growing throughout the tv series, and by episode six i think it was as close to completion as its ever been. he does pull the whole “its fine just ignore it” thing with duck earlier in the episode, but he does it more to calm him down in this context. the fridge scene confirms to me that red guy has almost stopped running, not necessarily from the house, but from his friends. he has finally let himself love them. hes finally let himself admit not just to himself, but to duck, that hes important to him.
this is why i think theyre so interesting, because these two characters are cynical assholes. that’s how becky and joe have described them at times. these characters are not the best of people, theyre both messed up people in a messed up and confusing world, so of course they wont be perfect. but thats the beauty of it. they dont want to hurt eachother, so they try their best to change. they try their best to fight against the cruelty of their minds and surroundings and let themselves love eachother even if only for a second, even if in the end it wont really matter
ok im going to sleep now goodnight
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 months
People are so jealous of you it’s insane! ❤️ You don’t have to post this if you don’t want to stir the pot, just wanted you to know that to me, an objective third party observer, all this drama clearly stems from how jealous other people on here are of your ability to write beautifully and in-character. They WISH they had your talent and insights. The reason you get asks and people interacting with you is because you’re interesting, funny, smart, witty, kind and all over wonderful. They envy you! I know it’s easier said than done but please don’t let them get to you! If they have a pathetic group chat talking shit about you, let them! The only thing it shows is how jealous they are.
Hoping you read this and feel the love I am channeling here through this anonymous ask. YOU ARE AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU CREATE! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ KEEP BEING YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU EXACTLY AS YOU ARE! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I really appreciate the kind words and the sentiment behind this, and I love you for it! I am a big believer in complimenting people without it being at the expense of others though, so I will never put another person down in order to raise another up. For a long while I did think it related to people’s perception of me being what they considered a “big blog” and the negative connotations they associate with that. However, having some time away has given me a new perspective on things.
I am back by the way, hello! Using your ask to springboard off of that and speak my mind a little. Hope you’re okay with that!
The time away has been nice, but I’ve realised without the immersion of fandom, I really struggle to write, as being surrounded by others all being creative fuels my own motivation.
I have yeeted all asks that name usernames or allude heavily to the drama. I am drawing a line in the sand and moving on.
I think a lot of these issues stem from people’s inability to just make peace with the fact that they are not going to get along with everyone. Sometimes you just find people annoying and you need to block them, so that you aren’t subjected to their presence. There is nothing wrong with that. You do not need to play morality police and twist people’s words and actions to make them out to be a bad person to justify your dislike or ensuing block.
The people ragging on me publicly aren’t bad people, they just dislike me. I hope they find their peace with the block button and move on.
If you block someone, don’t go out of your way to visit their page to find things to be upset and angry about - that is emotional self harm. Move on and engage with the things you do enjoy.
I hope this is the last I ever have to speak of this. If you see people speaking ill of me, ignore it, don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know. I want to leave all of the negativity in the rear view and just focus on the aspects of fandom I do enjoy.
I’ll get to all asks, etc. throughout the day - will most likely queue stuff, so I’m not spamming up the dash.
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thegayestmferintown · 3 months
Please take your time!!
Can I have headcanons of the 7 princes + databables(Raphael, solomon, thirteen etc) reacting when MC expresses their filipino culture? (Like telling stories about the events, cooking their favorite sultural dish, etc)
Feel free to delete it, and please take your time!!
Hello! I am not Filipino myself, so I didn't go much into detail. Forgive me for that!
I sadly couldn't think of anything for the dateables (idk why, my mind just drew a blank)
The only dateable I could truly think of a scenario with was Barbatos, but for some reason I couldn't figure out how to write it.
This takes place in the original timeline
Warnings ;; None
Relationship ;; I wrote this in a romantic sense, but can be interpreted however!
Type ;; Headcanons
Lucifer is very much intrigued. He would love to learn more, but he would never outright ask you.
Lucifer is far too prideful to come out and say it, so you'd have to look at his body language.
The very slight twinkle in his eye when you explain, the small but noticable genuine smile that crosses his lips.
He very much enjoys your cooking, and will compliment you subtly.
He's particularly fond of the times you'll come into his private study and sit by the fireplace while you tell him all sorts of stories.
Oh, Mammon is all for it. He's asking you for recipes, stories, and recommending you sell both throughout the Devildom.
He's listening intently, and getting excited anytime you bring something about your culture up during conversation.
Although, if you bring it up, his face will immediately turn beet-red and he'll say something along the lines of:
"O-Of course it ain't i-interestin'! But I'm ya first man, ain't I? I g-gotta let my human yap ev'ry now 'nd again!'
He is so hopelessly in love with you, it's not even funny.
I actually cannot see Leviathan being too concerned with it at first. He'd probably be more concerned with watching anime with you, reading manga with you, or playing games with you to really care about your ethnicity.
He'd more than likely start to point out characters in separate animes or games that share the same ethnicity as you.
If you were to make different Filipino meals for him, he would be absolutely over the moon. If you bring him the food, make sure you bring tissues with you.
He'd listen to your stories, occasionally making references to TSL, Ruri-Chan, or others, if possible.
All in all, He wouldn't really care at first, but he would become more interested the more time passed.
Knowing Satan, he'd probably already know a lot. And he'd hold it over Lucifer's head that he knows more about your ethnicity than he does
Besides that, he's perfectly willing to listen to your stories, even if he knows them already.
He's particularly fond of your cooking, and he will tell you that. He might point out subtle things that he'd change, but he doesn't really care if you take his advice or not. After all, he's not a chef.
If he finds any sorts of books that have to do with your ethnicity, he'd bring them to you and let you read them, after he reads them first though.
He would also love to sit down and read them with you, or to you, if you asked.
Asmo just thinks it's so cute! Especially when you're cooking, or telling him stories.
He might watch himself around your food, given his public appearance, but that doesn't mean he dislikes it!
He's truly fond of your cooking, he is. He's just weary of other people's opinions.
He loves listening to your stories while he does your makeup, or his own.
Even during his 26-step skincare routine, he's probably having you come to his room so he can listen to your stories.
Marry him. On the spot. Beel absolutely loves Human-World food, and the fact that you're willing to make it for him? Oh, he's in love.
You may have to shove him out of the kitchen because otherwise, he'll eat all of the ingredients before you can even put them together.
If he manages to stay put and not eat any of the ingredients, he's watching you cook albeit while drooling.
He literally looks like an excited puppy when you give him the food.
He chows it down quickly, and asks you for more. Make a shitton, it'll go quickly.
Belphie probably couldn't care less about your culture. If his twin is happy, he's happy.
The only time he'd more than likely be interested, is if he just so happens to fall asleep to one of your stories.
He'd start to ask to you come back, and eventually he wouldn't be able to fall asleep without your stories.
Obviously, he would, but with some struggle. It's Belphie, the Avatar of Sloth we're talking about here.
He's probably pretty fond of your food, although he much prefers your stories.
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sofoulandfairaday · 10 months
honestly, your analysis and headcanons on the Blacks are always very interesting. If you don't mind, can I ask you for your opinion and headcanons about Andromeda?
Hi! I don't mind at all, thank you for the question (and the compliment!) ❤️
Andromeda is one of those characters I mostly have soft headcanons about, meaning that I can comfortably and happily read many different versions of her. Let's say that I dislike the soft little girl ones, the poor, poor Andy abused by her mean parents the most.
My favourite Andromeda is a steely sort. Oh, she's kind, soft, gentle (more than her sisters), but only to her own. Heart-of-gold, would-mother-the-whole-world-if-she-could, à la Molly, is not my cup of tea.
So, I can speak about how I personally write her but unlike many other characters, this is not a very fixed idea in my head.
Beautiful, but not as beautiful as Bellatrix, who she resembles quite a bit. Definitely less charismatic, less striking. This breeds insecurity, especially in a young teenage girl. She's the Regulus to Bellatrix's Sirius.
Also not as brilliant as Bellatrix, in school. Again: this breeds insecurity.
I think Cygnus and Druella loved their daughters, but since all three of them were quite remarkable young ladies, Andromeda still suffers from Middle Child Syndrome - she's the forgotten one: Bella was exceptional (she was after all noticed by LV himself, and was one of the most powerful fighters in the second war) and Cissy was the baby, so unintentionally it was sorta-maybe-true.
Consequently: a bit of a social butterfly. Much warmer than both her sisters, more beloved in school. Had good relationships with the other Prefects (of course she was a Prefect; all the sisters were) from other houses.
That's how she became close with Hufflepuff Prefect Ted Tonks.
Also also also can I just say they don't have curly hair like Bella has in the movies? Dromeda's is a lighter shade, but still somewhere in between straight and wavy.
Out of the three of them, she had the best people skills, the best soft skills, she might have been the best at manipulation. For years after she left, and when she was tasked with making meaningful connections with other Death Eaters' wives, Narcissa would lament not having the same soft skills as Andromeda.
Unlike Sirius and Bella who have, as I've mentioned in the past, a very black-and-white morality, Andromeda sees the world in shades of grey. She's more flexible. A pragmatist, unlike her idealist sister and cousin. For this reason:
I don't think Andromeda ever let go of all of her biases. Not enough fanfictions explore what it means to unlearn all the notions that your blood-supremacist upbringing may have ingrained in you. Sirius is the one in the family who hates Dark Magic, who befriends the broken, the beaten and the damned. He is the one that would fight for social equality.
I don't think Andromeda cared much for Muggleborns at all. I think she cared for Ted. I am convinced that before she left, she and Bella had some kind of showdown and she basically said something along the lines of: look. I don't think that Muggles and Mudbloods are equal to us, and I don't think that they deserve to be equal to us in society, but I am asking you, as my sister, to make an exception for Ted and me.
Ted - smart, funny, future Healer Ted Tonks, who worshipped the ground she walked on - was her exception (like Remus was Sirius', like Lily was Snape's).
Ted who showed her unconditional love and support, who was the only thing her family wouldn't approve of- her only, only act of rebellion after years of being the perfect daughter, the forgotten child. But they gave her an ultimatum and she chose him.
Oh, it broke Bella and Cissy when Andromeda left. But as I say here, Andromeda was convinced that Bella betrayed her first, by choosing her Master instead of her.
Andy & Bella were always the closest. The three sisters were very close in general and both Bellatrix and Narcissa were closest to Andromeda, but Andy & Bella shared a bond which was so exclusive to the two of them that it could never be replicated, not even when Bella & Cissy grew closer after Andromeda left. They both loved their youngest fiercely and would have done anything to protect her from harm.
She loved Transfiguration.
Absolute prodigy with Household charms (and this is canon), but also the best, out of all the sisters, with healing magic and healing charms. (She does cure Hagrid after the Battle of the Seven Potter, after all, and he's tricky because he's half-giant).
I think she might have been a private Healer, more on that here.
She disliked cruelty (Muggle hunting and the sort) but she could be ruthless when she wanted to.
Now. The following are my personal headcanons which have no basis in reality whatsoever, but I love them. Was sorta-involved with Rabastan as a child.
Andromeda & Rabastan (& Regulus), for the way I write them, all suffer from being in the shadow of their older siblings. I think they might have played together as children, and that she had, at different points in time, a bit of a crush on both the Lestranges. Rabastan first, as kids, when he was still in his phase ewwww girls.
Joke's on him because later he became absolutely obsessed with her. To a creepy degree almost. He didn't think it fair that his older brother got to marry a Black and he didn't, he didn't understand why, all of a sudden, Andromeda seemed to hate him when she had been a comfort to him in the past... And he had grown up now, he could see that she was beautiful, hard and perfect but softer than Bella, someone he could handle.
The less she wanted him, the more he desired her.
But she had become more and more disgusted with him as the years went by. At first, he had been a sweet kid, but he had turned out much worse than his older brother, definitely a bit of a sadist, too tightly wound, with a much-too-cruel sense of humour for her liking.
She was also already smitten with Ted at this point.
Both she and Cissy had a teeeeeny tiny crush on Rodolphus at a certain point and were generally very soft and over-indulgent with him, especially in his bickering with Bellatrix (which drove her insane and made Rabastan extremely jealous). But who can blame them, my man is hot.
Rocks short hair (by ‘short’ I mean a cool bob like Shiv Roy) which is something that Ted encouraged her to get after she had Nymphadora. Apart from that, she always had long hair, like her sisters.
Speaking of which. All of you must know by now that I headcanon all the Black women (Walburga, Narcissa, Bellatrix) as having fertility problems: either they couldn't conceive or when they could they never managed to carry to term. Not Andromeda. No. Maybe it was the new blood, Ted's blood, or maybe it was sheer bad luck, but when Andromeda was sleeping with Ted as a 19-year-old, she wasn't that careful. She figured that nothing would happen - it was- oh, it was so unlikely that anything would happen. But it did.
Andromeda ran away because she had fallen pregnant with Nymphadora. She loved her darling girl from the very first minute - more than her sisters, more than anyone in the world. Her family wouldn't accept her, which hastened things.
Yeah, maybe in another universe she could have been Rabastan Lestrange's bored wife (by the way, my boy Rab is bisexual just so ya know), having an affair with Ted on the side, Lady Chatterley-style (someone write that fic!) But not in this one.
In this one, despite the love she has for her parents, her sisters, and the luxuries of her old life (her pureblood friends, the tea parties, the balls, the gowns and vacations...) she is willing to throw everything away for Ted. And most of all, for Dora.
Horrid taste in names. Rabastan is lucky he didn't end up with her, his kids would have been named something obnoxious and self-referential like Alpheratz.
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certified-boyliker · 1 year
Despite what my sister may think, I don't enjoy being a liar, so,
Here is the greatest manga that you've never heard of:
A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School (JP: Youkkai Gakkou No Sensei Hajimemashita)
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So, I'm not one to make too many essays or go on and ramble about something online, however, this series is just not popular enough in my opinion.
(everything will be under the cut, don't wanna bother people! and warning, this is long.)
So, what is A Terrifed Teacher At Ghoul School?
Terrified Teach (what I shall be calling it) is a supernatural, slice of life, and comedy manga created by Mai Tanaka. The story revolves around a young man named Haruaki Abe who is a cowardly man obsessed with sailor uniforms (worry not! he really just likes the uniforms and admiring them).
He has dreams of being a teacher, however, at his first teaching job, he ran out withing a short amount of time. He took a year off from finding anymore jobs, until he's approached by the principal of a high school and is asked to be the new Japanese Literature Teacher. He accepts, and is soon whisked away to Hyakki Academy.
Something he doesn't realize is that Hyakki Academy is not a school for humans, rather it is a school for youkai, and features a wide range of youkai that attend and teach at the school. And while he starts working at the school, he also learned that he has anti-youkai powers that can siphon out a youkai's spirit energy.
He spends his time at Hyakki Academy trying to become more confident and hone his anti-youkai powers. He also manages to befriend many of his students and some of the teachers at the school.
I managed to make that description without any spoilers, everything I just explained (minus the befriending) is gone over in the first chapter.
Why are you advertising this manga?
I love this manga! And, there are three main reasons I love it:
The Characters and Relationships
The Arcs and Storylines
The Way Mai Tanaka Writes the Story
And so let's get into these reasons
The Characters and Relationships!
So, we start with probably the biggest factor to comedy and slice of life series, the characters and how they interact with each other.
When it comes to Haruaki, it took a while for anyone to become friendly with him or fond of him. The only people who seemingly got close with him quickly were Maizuka Mamekichi and Koutarou Hijita (though, Hijita was a dick to him at first).
Aside from Haruaki, our major characters include:
Sano Mikoto: A rather sadistic and secretive young man. He dislikes showing affection and tends to be embarrassed when complimenting Haruaki
Mamekichi Maizuka: A cheeky young ma who likes to be carried. He tries to seem very cute and innocent, however, he has a clear dark side, likely due to how his family is.
Hijita Koutarou: He is a lazy person, and dislikes doing any home/classwork. He always tries to find ways to look at girls, however is usually stopped.
Zashiki Beniko: A shut-in who has a way with technology. She likes playing video games and didn't go into class for a long period of time due to playing video games.
Tamao Akisame: A young man who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. However, with Haruaki's help, he tries to get better at his exams and his understanding of Japanese and literature.
Nyuudou Rensuke: A smart young man, also hides his past and family situation. He tends to be very kind and a bit of a mentor to his classmates, however, he can get angry and violent easily.
Utagawa Kuniko: A kind and sweet young woman. She is also smart, and works with Nyuudou to lead the class. She tries to aid typically the girls in the class in various things
Miki Rintarou: The youkai-studies teacher, and a terrible drunkard. He also hides his family situation and tends to keep himself far from other people.
Hatanaka Izuna: The spookology teacher and discipline teacher. He tries to keep a cool head, however, has a shorter and more explosive fuse than Nyuudou, due to him being a former delinquent.
The Prinicpal: The principal of the school, with a very secretive past. Most of the teachers are unsure why he decided to hire Haruaki in the first place, and has a dislike of some of his staff for destroying his school... various times.
And the list goes on with characters who aren't major throughout the series, but are important in certain arcs and parts.
When it comes to friendships, they tend to be between characters who have known each other for a while or have some sort of connection.
The friendships that the series starts with and develops are:
Sano - Mame: Sano is a person who adores small animals, and especially seems to like tanukis. Sano likes carrying around Mame and hates it whenever someone injures or insults him, being quick to anger.
Hijita - Beniko: Hijita and Beniko are childhood friends, and Hijita is the person who got Beniko into video games and he blames himself for her becoming a shut in.
Sano - Mame - Beniko - Hijita: They often hang out together on this off days. They also scheme together, though Sano tries to leave himself out of it and tries to pull Mame out of it too
Nyuudou - Tamao: They're best friends. Tamao initially wants to be Nyuudou's cat when they grow up, though, he knows Nyuudou would find this stupid.
Nyuudou - Utagawa: They're both the class representatives and have great chemistry when it comes to them working together.
Hatanaka - Haruaki - Miki: Hatanaka and Miki were friends in high school and they are also the only teachers who aren't afraid of Haruaki and his anti-youkai powers.
Tanaka does an incredible job at showing the relationships between the characters and developing the relationships, especially when it comes to Haruaki and his students, like Sano and Nyuudou. And the way she crafts the characters to fit so perfectly in the series and to make their actions and goals seem so believable and to make the reader wonder about what one character said in an early chapter and make a full arc/set of chapters surrounding it.
2. The Arcs and Storylines
I have had a debate about my sister as to what constitutes as an "arc" compared to "a set of chapters focused on something", so I shall be using my definition as an arc.
To say the exact amount of how many arcs there are would be impossible, but there are a few major ones, so, I'll say there about 5-7 arcs in this series, though, most are just in between/before the very major, plot heavy arcs.
And, like I said in the previous part, many arcs are callbacks to something a character had said in a previous chapter. Not only that, but these arcs and chapters and the characters that are important to the arcs change after them and it's noticeable and realistic.
Also, do not be fooled by the first few chapters of this series, as lighthearted and funny and sweet as they can be, this series will rip your heart out when it comes to some of the major arcs, especially later in the series.
She also makes the arcs make sense and sometimes when referencing back to some of the chapters, she even puts little notes as to which chapter she references to.
3. The Way Mai Tanaka Writes the Story
This was clear and obvious in the last part, but I adore the way Mai Tanaka writes the characters and the story.
When it comes to seeing character change like with Sano or Haruaki, when you re-read the series and see how they acted at the beginning compared to how they act in more recent chapters, there's a clear and obvious development in the way they act to their friends and how they think things through when it comes to different situation.
The way that she foreshadows future arcs is beautiful and it makes the reader think "Oh! I wonder what this means and what will happen here!" especially when you catch on to her foreshadowing and makes you wonder and wonder "What will happen here?!" and "Where will she go with this?!"
As a former BNHA fan and as someone who did this himself, I dislike it when things seem to made up on the fly. Of course, not everything in a series will be meticulously planned out for more authors and artists, that's a hard thing to do. It's not easy planning like 20-30 chapters in the future when you make a scene with some of your characters.
However, an author shouldn't just make things up on the fly for the majority of the series and draw it out longer than one might think it should. And Mai Tanaka does a good job at pacing her series, especially since it is a comedy and slice of life, which one can get away with making it a bit longer than usual than other types of genres, but even so, she made 38 chapters before hitting summer break with her characters. She has paced this story beautifully, and I am all here for it!
Now, I wrote this entire essay with my laptop at too low of health and I have not that much more to say, so I leave you all with this essay, and my suggestion:
Read A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!
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featherstorm2004 · 8 months
Why Dazai 'dislikes' Akutagawa analysis
Now, to properly understand why Dazai treats Akutagawa the way he dose we must properly understand the differences and similarities between Dazai during the dark era in the PM, and how he is now in the ADA. As I believe this will be the key to understanding the love/hate relationship between these two characters, at least from Dazai's perspective as we already know how Akutagawa views their situation.
Mainly I wish to compare and contrast two specific relationships Dazai has in the ADA that can give us insight into his psychology in this topic. Those being Atsushi for obvious reasons and Kunikida (which may be an odd choice but it'll make sense later), but lets start with Atsushi & Dazai vs Akutagawa & Dazai as it's the easiest to compare.
It's pretty obvious during the series that Atsushi is treated vastly better by Dazai than Akutagawa during his time as their mentors, but I don't think most people grasp exactly why that is. And I think it's for two main reasons, one of them being affection and that fact that Dazai can't seem to handle being on the receiving end of someones affections. This side of him is rarely shown other than when he's interacting with Atsushi, we witness mutable instances of Atsushi praising Dazai (seen in Dead Apple and BSD Wan as primary examples) for being a good person and each time Dazai just doesn't seem to understand or finds these comments straight up inaccurate. He usually just laughs the compliment off and changes the subject or straight up ignores it but despite that it's pretty obvious he values them as he has a very high opinion of Atsushi.
But the same cannot be said about Akutagawa, it's obvious to every one that Akutagawa adores Dazai but this admiration is handled much more negatively than Atsushi's is. I believe the main reason for this has to do with two factors 1) is that Dazai met Akutagawa when he was still in the PM and at his most toxic due to the environment he was in which reinforced a lot of bad behaviours that the Dazai in the ADA has mostly left behind. And 2) while Atsushi defiantly respects Dazai it's not the worship that Akutagawa displays for him, their power dynamic is much more equal whereas it's very clear that the Dazai of the past and even present could get away with treating Akutagawa a lot worse than he treats his new pupil.
Now you could argue that Dazai treats Akutagawa this way because he has a plan for him and he needs Akutagawa to be a specific way, and whilst I don't disagree with this sentiment hell I definitely believe it's what Dazai thinks, it's only half the story.
Mainly that Dazai is unreasonably cruel to Akutagawa even after he's joined the ADA and become 'better', by all accounts he probably could have just explained himself and I'm sure Akutagawa would have been happy to help him. But instead he deliberately provokes him by comparing him to his new student and insulting his intelligence stating that he had been a terrible student, but this contradicts how Dazai speaks of him during the Dark Era to others "when I saw his ability I shuddered" "he'll undoubtedly become the mafia's strongest ability user" that's some extremely high praise.
So, why? well I believe it's because reuniting with Akutagawa was a rude reminder of his past misdeeds that he had hoped to escape, not to mention Akutagawa was a cruel mirror to Dazai's past treating his subordinates the same way Dazai had treated him. I don't think he could handle that so he lashed out and continues to do so, still treating Akutagawa unfairly even after all the progress he's made during the series because to Dazai, Akutagawa is the representation of his past self and all his misdeeds.
As for why he was treated so poorly back in the Dark Era, well that's where Kunikida comes in, as I believe the way Dazai treats Kunikida is just a watered down version of how Dazai treated Akutagawa during his Mafia days. As for why well it comes back to my first point and that's affection, it's been stated many times that the reason Dazai messes with Kunikida so much is because he's constantly testing his ideals and praying that Kunikida doesn't break. And I think it was the same back then for Akutagawa, only it wasn't his ideals that where being tested but rather his loyalty to Dazai. Only it wasn't just harmless pranks but rather Dazai lashing out at Akutagawa and pushing him away because he couldn't handle being adored in such a way, but also praying that Akutagawa didn't leave him.
Like most abusers do.
And he still dose this to Akutagawa during the current arcs of the manga however, it's much closer to how Dazai treats Kunikida but still it's quite mean spirited considering their history.
That said I suspect that their relationship won't remain this way for long, mostly due to the recent events shown in ep 11 of s5. As Akutagawa is wearing a new coat, which most fans of the series will understand to be a HUGE turning point as it's been shown multiple times in the series that the coat given to Akutagawa by Dazai represented Dazai's control over him. But with this latest development we may be seeing Akutagawa breaking free from Dazai and becoming his own person and maybe the will lead to a healthier relationship between the two of them.
or maybe I'm just delusional!
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juvederm · 5 months
i wish i had more josh mutuals that don't seek to include chris in everything like. i don't hate chris at all or dislike cc, i said this already but. just clarifying again.
i don't like how most ppl who like josh don't even really like him. they usually like josh if chris is also there. like y'all don't get me. i'm here solely for josh and i like to have fun w characters on their own. i don't get why most interpretations of josh always include sam or chris.
and abt ppl only liking josh when sam or chris are there-- i don't mean to be rude, but josh is more interesting than those two combined, bc of the stuff he has going on beneath the surface. he doesn't need them to be interesting, he's already compelling enough on his own.
im still insecure about posting in this fandom even tho i do it every day. but i'd be less nervous about posting my josh stuff if the people who claim to "like him" weren't so. odd. cuz the josh mutuals i have rn (who solely like josh on his own...) are okay with every silly doodle i draw of josh, bc they don't care. they're here for him and they just like him
meanwhile cc likers that i've met are really. not people i get along with. bc like i said, they kinda only like chris and josh and that's it. id go as far to say they don't even like the game lmfao bc they only like it for cc.
idk... real josh fans are ok with seeing him in a dress from time to time lol. one of the main reasons i can have fun with his character is bc i know Allll there is to know about the source material + josh's canon depiction. which i honestly love, i don't need to change josh in order to like him. but i feel like some ppl do that and those r the people i can't get along with
i wish ppl were more open to having fun w these characters. posting them in silly outfits and such shouldn't be like, anxiety inducing lmfao i want to have fun and i wish others would be more open to that but as of rn, it just doesn't seem that way.
it's hard to tell if i'm making this up or if my anxieties are real, but the thought of it being real is enough to have me stress over it every time i think of posting or if i'm drawing something.
but everyone who follows me for ud-- hi, thank you for following and liking and reblogging my stuff, esp thatoneudguy cuz he supports like everything i say and make lol (and special shout out to queerkearney for always complimenting my work, its rly motivating <3) y'all are cool!!
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
Just finished Sinostra's chapter myself.... I gotta say though, was a little underwhelming compared to other chapters.... Honestly the entire thing felt like a one-man show by Ritsu + some sexual tension between Taiga and Romeo whenever they interact lol. MC has never felt more like a spectator than she did in this chapter, I was waiting for her to do absolutely *anything* but she really was just... there lmao. Not even hand-holding this time!
Even the Like Dove showed up AFTER mc left, when it was just Taiga and Romeo in the room, and then later again when Romeo barges into Taiga's room - this time mc was there but, just barely lol, the whole focus was on Taiga and Romeo's almost shoot-off, and Taiga's line saying "You really could shoot through my heart"?? And the fact that he sensed Romeo approaching before he even saw him, and so far is the only person who he clearly remembers and freely gives compliments to lol, Lulu is a cute nickname tho.
Regardless, Taiga's strange response to the Like Dove could possibly mean Kaito's explanation about it might not be true after all, since anomalies are still a mystery, wouldn't be strange for false rumors to make the rounds.
And I while I don't hate Ritsu - I appreciate he's a hard worker and tries to make the best of any situation he's put in - I dislike how he really just one-sidedly handled everything in this chapter and only ever explains after they're done lol. The case didn't feel like an investigation at all, Ritsu just pulls some numbers out of the air and acts on them (where is he getting all that data??) and in the end they won against it because it had to prevent a paradox from happening...? lmao idk overall just felt so underwhelming.
Also we never find out what the deal was about the girl in the tower?? Why even mention that detail if they're not gonna do anything with it... An anomaly that was born from the negative emotions gathering in a casino replaces people's memories with a girl in a tower.... My guess is it wanted enough people to "remember" her so she could come into existence? Like Takeru's ghost. I wonder what for though... Will they revisit this or not.....
You could pluck out MC from this chapter and absolutely nothing would change imo because Ritsu was doing everything anyways, only name-dropped mc when mentioning it was an investigation, that's it. While I don't necessarily need her to be the star or a hero, having 0 influence on the chapter is not great writing imo.
Kaito and his silly antics were the highlight for me. And I found it hilarious how him being stripped down and locked up in Romeo's "private office" feels like the setting of any self-indulgent "dark romance" fiction between a rich CEO and helpless debtor who has to cater to the captor's whims lol.
Finally Hotarubi is next, I've been curious about it since I got sorted into it, and want to see more of Haku. I agree he's sus, his dialogue in the prologue if you choose him only highlights the fact. But something about him really compels me
Sorry for the long ask, I have a thousand thoughts twirling around in my mind about TD, it should probably cool down between the entire month that's left before next story update.... but also there's new games coming out next month so hopefully I don't forget about TD completely either lol....
There is no shame in long asks. I'm always impressed at the amount of thoughts my dear anons manage to fit inside the ask box ♡
I also felt like the content was a bit lacking to the point I went and checked Jabberwock's chapter count and was surprised to find it's actually a tad shorter than Sinostra's. I think the main reason it felt so short to me was because I wasn't locked out of progressing this time around, but the case progression also felt much much quicker. If I'm sitting back and evaluating it as a writer, I think that's probably because of the setting being confined to the school and dorm. Sure, a lot happens, but you don't actually go anywhere, unlike in the previous three books.
Our MC has a very laid-back personality, which I don't mind. BUT the game really should allow for the chance for her to work things out on her own, even if she's too afraid of the other characters to verbalize it and keeps them to herself. There are several times in the book when she tries to point out inconsistencies in Ritsu's logic or other evidence she notices, but she's talked over pretty much every single time. It's what made me really hate Ritsu since you did not see that with Ren, Haru, or Towa, but i get that it's sort of tricky when writing more domineering characters to balance not making them overshadow the more laid back ones but still keeping them true to their personalities. I don't think Ritsu would have paid attention to Kaito if MC wasn't there, nor do I think Taiga would have paid attention to Ritsu, but that's just me speculating because the story doesn't clearly communicate it. This book was poorly written, a lot of the problems people have with MC could be fixed with a few additional lines where she's shown wanting to do something but reminding herself she has to play nice with the ghouls otherwise they won't break her curse. Her personality makes sense to me, but her writing does not.
Now. I disagree about the no real moments this chapter but ah. Well. You see. There is something deeply wrong with me so I completely get if this did nothing but disturb you but when Taiga has MC strapped to the torture chair 👉👈
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Look I know potentially getting a hicky from a guy that strapped you to a torture chair and just shot you (for the second time) isn't everyone's thing but it is mine I was so well fed this chapter from that alone ( ; ω ; ) AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON HOW HE CALLS HER KITTEN AND EATS THE FUCKING LIKE DOVE??? RAW??? ROMEO ROMEO WHY FOR ART THOU INTERRUPING ROMEO I WANTED TO SEE WHAT HE WAS GONNA DO- forgive me anon I'm afraid I'm most unwell.
Speaking of the Like dove and the memories of the tower. The Tower thing reminds me of rapunzel, especially because she's out alone in the woods, but it feels super out of left field, no? If the anomaly is born from the Casino, which Taiga states "is him," then I wonder if the girl in the tower is representative of something he's forgotten? The chapter places an emphasis on how anomalies can affect memory, so it's not too big of an assumption to make that something must have happened to Taiga to make his memory this bad. As for the like dove... Romeo seems very surprised to see it, almost suggesting he never has before, which can you imagine how funny it would be if it showed up for him and Taiga. They've been friends and business partners for at least two years, I refuse to believe the dove would only just show up now. The image of him just never seeing it because everyone is too polite/afraid of him to point it out is too funny. The dove shows up twice this chapter, both times it sort of read to me like it had been there for a bit before it was noticed and in both cases Taiga reacts to it negatively. Given how paranoid he seems to be, I think it's probably because the idea of him caring/having someone care about him scares him due to the unpredictability of it and the potential for betrayal. He seems to think people only want to use him, so that's probably part of it too. I'm constantly doing way too many lines of copium, so to me the dove seemed triggered by Taiga's interactions with MC but I also see where you're coming with Romeo. Their friendship is much less adversarial than it was implied to be in their little blurbs, and I quite like that a lot. You know even if Taiga seems to think Romeo is always taking away his fun. And what's up with his constant want to eat anomalies, is Romeo not feeding him enough?
Slight correction, Taiga does seem to remember who Haru is, Harry and Lulu are both derivative of their names, so maybe he can only remember people in his year clearly? Or does it also include second years? He sounds very surprised at the concept of a "first year ghoul" in his house so maybe his memories are cutting off everything other than the previous two years...
I also have a bunch more thoughts but I'll cut myself off here ×-× gotta let some of them simmer before I make too much of a fool of myself (I already have)
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muted-like-sunset · 2 years
Spark| Chapter 5
peeta mellark x fem! Reader
word count: 5k
trigger warnings: body modification, nudity, food/eating, descriptions of starvation (vague), fire and being lit on fire, horses, aggression between male characters, mild violence, a little bit of sexual tension, crowds, kissing.
(mostly) unedited and as always, all mistakes are my own.
The prep team is odd. Octavia, a plump woman with green skin, works diligently filing Y/N’s nail into nice uniform shapes. She calls them ‘almond’ shapes and remarks on their thinning and elongating of Y/N’s hands continuously throughout her work, delighting Flavius. Flavius stands at the top of her body, his hands working some product into her hair for what must be the hundredth time. They speak to each other so rapidly that Y/N can’t understand what they’re saying.
The Capitol accent is bizarre. Their voices are a much higher pitch than she’s used to, with strange clipped vowels and hissing ‘s’ sounds. She can’t help but momentarily miss Effie Trinket, even with all of her strange outfits and makeup she’s more palatable than these strangers. Still, when the strange people around her turn their eyes to her she tries her best to smile.
Venia, the woman who seems the most calm of the three, is tall and thin with an incredibly angular face. She’s almost otherworldly, like something out of a dream. Y/N watches as she works with quick precision to rip every piece of hair from Y/N’s body almost painlessly. Her body has long gone somewhat numb under their treatment, whether from the consistent pain or her anxiety she couldn’t tell, but she is grateful despite her dislike of them. When Octavia turns to her again, she makes an effort to pay close attention to her lips in an attempt to understand.
“There! I think we’re almost done with you, dear.” she glances at Venia and grimaces. “We’ll just hose you down again and check to make sure!”
Y/N gives a small smile in an effort to be kind to these strangers. “Thank you, I appreciate it. There’s not much reason to look nice in Twelve.”
This wins over the strange people entirely. Octavia gasps, covering her mouth with both hands. Flavius lays a gentle hand on her shoulder and nods to her. “Now that we’ve given you a little bit of a shine, you’re really not awful at all!”
It’s a weird compliment, one that would feel backhanded coming from anyone but these three. Somehow, she feels that they truly mean to make her feel pretty. When they’ve rinsed her skin again and applied some mildly sticky cream that first burned and then soothed her skin they have her stand. They circle around her with tweezers, eyes squinted and hands ready to pluck any remaining hairs from her skin. She feels a bit shy, stripped completely naked in front of the three strangers. Oddly, she doesn’t feel ashamed of having her entire body on display for them any more than she would being bare in front of Mama or Mrs. Everdeen. There’s some quality to the trio that makes her feel mostly at ease.
When they’ve deemed her hairless they take a step back together. Y/N resists the urge to cover herself, instead letting them have a final look over her. Then, Venia gestures towards a mirror. Y/N takes a small look, not wanting to see herself in the situation for fear of blushing. Still, she takes the time to commend their work.
“I look beautiful, thank you.” She smiles, avoiding her own eyes in the mirror.
At her praise the prep team dissolves into smiles and giggles, prancing around her and readjusting her hair or taking another look at her nails. Venia puts a gentle stop to the celebration. “I think you are ready for Cinna.”
The groups flits around for a minute, gathering things back in their places. Then, they're bobbing merrily out of the room. She grabs her robe off of a stool and tugs it over her shoulders, tucking her hands against herself to pull the thin fabric closer to her skin. A shiver runs up her spine. Any moment, Cinna will be entering the room and she’ll be forced to smile and be grateful for someone that she can’t help but hate. Still, she finds herself curious what her stylist may look like. She thinks about other stylists she’s seen with skin stretched so tight over their bodies they look starved. There’s one stylist that sticks out in her memory, a woman she saw once in a rerun of a game from the past. She had been entirely made over to look like a cat, complete with artificial whiskers. Asher had poked fun at the woman, whispering in Y/N’s ear little things he noticed about her. Thinking back, it was childish and mean, but she holds tight to the memory in hope that she won’t forget anything.
A man enters the room, a surprisingly normal looking man. His dark skin seems unchanged, his brown hair cropped short to his head. He gives her a gentle smile, looking remorseful. She prickles at this, she doesn’t need his pity.
“Hello, Y/N. I’m Cinna, I’ll be your stylist.” His voice is even, almost more remorseful than anything else. She takes a breath, not wanting him to manage to make her cry. Now that she’s in the Capitol, she has to stay strong. Any hope of survival that she has relies entirely on the people becoming smitten with her, so she lays everything on extra thick. With her new practice with the prep team, she tries smiling at him.
It’s a strange, forced smile that feels more like a grimace than anything else. Cinna clearly notices, but says nothing about it and instead moves on to inspect her further. He helps her remove her robe and begins walking a smooth, slow circle around her.
“You’re new this year? You don’t look familiar.” She tries, her eyes trained on the ceiling.
“Yes.” Cinna replies simply, never deviating from his task.
She wants to comment on him, to spark more conversation in order to avoid being studied in silence, but nothing comes to mind. She doesn’t want to upset him.
“So, Y/N, that little girl from your district. Primrose, was it?” He asks in a soft voice.
“She’s a friend.” Y/N answers his unasked question tensely. This surprises her, why had she even spoken?. Cinna, like her prep team, has weaseled his way into her good graces and she can’t place how. If everyone in the Capitol was like them, this whole process was going to be a lot easier than she imagined. She could endear herself to these people, she’d had years practice making people back home like her. It wasn’t necessarily something she did on purpose, outside of Katniss and Gale, of course. Still, she doesn’t want to like them.
Cinna, though, the way he looks at her makes her pause. He takes her in with such admiration and reverence, not at all the way the people at the train station had looked at her. No, those people watched her and Peeta with hungry eyes as though they couldn’t wait to watch them bleed. She supposes Cinna could be very much the same underneath his kind exterior, but something tugs on her heart and tells her to trust him.
“Volunteering for her was very brave. I’m sorry you have to go through all this.” He murmurs. Y/N nods at his words, not sure if she’s agreeing with him or simply acknowledging him. “Go on and put your robe back on, let’s have a chat.”
Y/N didn’t need to be told twice, pulling her robe back into its rightful place and tightening it around herself until she can hardly breathe. Then and only then does she follow Cinna through a door and to a plush couch. After sitting, Cinna presses a couple things on a small device and within a few seconds the top of the coffee table is opening up. It opens into a smooth flat surface covered in plates of food.
“Eat, I’m sure you’re hungry.” Cinna says simply, beginning to collect small portions onto a plate himself. Y/N grabs a plate from the coffee table and looks over the food. What did these people do all day? If she could get food at the press of a button, what would she fill her day with? If there were no need to risk her life wandering into the woods. The kids in town join clubs, Peeta was in wrestling. Madge Undersee played instruments, piano maybe? She’s sure that’s what Asher would pick. If they had the time, they could sit out in the meadow and sing to the birds. She could watch Asher smile and tell animated stories filled with improvised songs. She could relax in their living space and listen to him humming.
These thoughts conjure images of his lithe frame and thin face. His slightly hollow cheeks turn her stomach. Here she is, sitting in front of more food than she and Cinna could possibly eat while her family worries over their next meal back home. To soothe herself, she picks small portions like Cinna and tastes them, trying to figure out how she could recreate them once she got home. She fixates on the things Asher would like the most, namely the chicken in orange sauce and the sweet gem colored candies. The chicken dish would be easy enough, a wild duck or turkey in place of the chicken, probably two or three more to trade for the oranges required to make the sauce. She couldn’t figure what was in it, but with enough trial and error with easier to find fruits, maybe strawberries, she could probably get close enough. The candies would be much harder, she didn’t even want to think what might go into making them.
What were they eating now? Asher would be in school, perhaps he’ll have a filling lunch and she can worry less about his dinner. Her parents, likely both on shift in the mines, their lunch was questionable. Sometimes, the miners would have some sort of stew provided by peacekeepers. It was often just before some visit by higher ups, so it wasn’t very likely. She wonders if her parents have eaten at all today, if maybe Katniss and Gale have scored massively on something in the woods and her family is decently fed. She worries about Asher sitting in on his lessons on an empty stomach.
These thoughts grow until she finds that deep anger within her again. These strange Capitol citizens would never have the worries she does, so why are they pretending to care for her? She pushes her plate away from herself on the coffee table, settling for drinking a small cup of some kind of sweet juice. Cinna takes notice, gently setting his plate down as well.
“Y/N, I’m sorry you’ve wound up here. Truly, you must find us so awful.” He says quietly, watching her farce. She shies away from his view, trying to force her frustrated tears back in. No, she will not cry. Not here in the Capitol, not in the arena. It is a small act of defiance, but she clings to it. They will not tear her down, not if she can help it. Cinna recollects himself, sitting up a bit straighter. “Would you like to talk about what you’ll be wearing for the opening ceremony?”
This, Y/N can handle. She takes a steadying breath, sitting up straight to try to match Cinna’s posture. Nodding, she sets down her glass.
“Excellent.” Cinna encourages, turning a bit to face her.
She thinks of years prior. In the tribute parade, the costumes worn often reflect the tribute’s home district. More often than not, that means district Twelve is dressed as coal miners. Yay. One year sticks out in her memory. The tributes had been stripped naked and covered in coal dust. She tenses, wondering if that is where she’s headed.
Sensing her unease, Cinna begins to explain. “See, Portia and I have been talking and we want to make sure the two of you are memorable. So rather than focusing on mining, we’ve chosen to focus on coal itself and what do we do with coal?”
She hesitates, turning her eyes to him. Surely he can’t be serious. “We burn it.” She offers.
Cinna grins and for a moment she wonders if he might be insane. “You’re not afraid of fire, are you Y/N?”
The process of dressing is easy enough. She’s immensely relieved and downright grateful when Cinna pulls out a garment bag. He helps her into it, the material is completely foreign. Whatever she’s wearing is skin tight and completely black. Its a strange material she doesn’t recognize, but Cinna is patient and explains everything he does. The bodysuit is made of a mixture of materials, some spandex and some fake leather, all skin tight.
“I just think it would be a shame for someone so brave to be overlooked, don’t you?” He murmurs as he readjusts her bodysuit.
“I hope so.” She responds quietly, hands clenched at her sides.
Cinna smiles. “You won’t need to worry about that, Y/N. Truely, I think you’ll have the eyes of everyone in the Capitol tonight.”
Once he’s seemingly finished making minor adjustments to her look he spins her to face a full length mirror. She gasps, taking in her reflection. Her makeup is dark and smoky, looking borderline like a smearing of ash on her face. She looks deadly, the look sharpening her features without obscuring them. The bodysuit is as tight as it feels, but she doesn’t find herself hating it. To top it all off a cape rests around her shoulders, it’s made up of varying shades from yellow to orange to a deep red. She almost finds herself disappointed.
“Don’t worry,” Cinna smiles when he notices her face. “This isn’t the full look. That, we have to save for the parade.”
She wants to ask, to be made to understand like when Cinna explained the fabrics, but the glow in Cinna’s eyes reassures her that she’ll understand soon enough.
It’s a quick walk to the elevator and an even quicker ride. They enter the prep space and Y/N takes in the sight of her fellow tributes. Some turn to get a look at her, so she squares her shoulders and stares ahead, glancing over them with ease as though they are nothing to her. She catches sight of district Twelve’s chariot. It’s solid black, four black horses stand in front of it. She detaches herself from Cinna’s side, moving to the horses instead. They’re much larger than she imagined and, with a closer look, absolutely rippling with muscle. It’s strange to think of how powerful they look, she’s used to watching them trot gracefully during the parade. She reaches up a careful hand and waits for the horse on the left to sniff her. Once it seems comfortable enough with her presence, she strokes a gentle hand down its face.
“Hello.” She coos gently, watching its dark eyes.
“Hello.” Comes the voice behind her. She jumps and spins around quickly, her eyes meeting his chest. She looks up and recognizes the boy from District One, though she can’t think of his name. “Can I join?”
She eyes him, looking for some sign that he means to hurt her before they even enter the arena. Somehow, the more she looks at him the less she feels he means to hurt her. Call it naive, but something about the look in his eyes is more curious than deadly.
“Sure,” She replies, eyes moving back to the horses. “You’re from One, right?”
“Yeah,” He laughs, reentering her line of sight. “And you’re from Twelve.”
She doesn’t acknowledge him, instead shifting her eyes to see if Peeta has arrived yet. Seeing this, the boy speaks again. “I’m loving the get up. Very,” he pauses, thinking for a moment and worries his bottom lip with a grin. “catty.”
Peeta steps out of the elevator with his prep team in an identical jumpsuit to her own, his eyes searching for a moment before they meet hers. He furrows his brow when he notices the boy from One. Y/N looks back at the boy in front of her, sizing him up a bit. His outfit is bright, a solid gold chest plate seemingly formed to fit his chest perfectly and encrusted with diamonds. District One, she thinks, luxury.
“Yours looks expensive. What’s your name again?” She asks casually. He stands a bit straighter, eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
“You seriously don’t remember me?” He asks with a laugh, eyes raking over her again. She bristles.
“Nope, sorry.” She looks for Peeta again, finding him still by their mentor’s side. The sight makes her a bit angry, he noticed her situation and stayed away? So much for district solidarity.
“Marvel,” He sticks out his hand, bringing her attention back to him. She hesitates for a moment, looking back to Peeta. He watches her curiously, eyes darting between Marvel’s outstretched hand and her own. She takes his hand, shaking it gently. Screw Peeta Mellark and his stupid handsome face. Screw his stupid charm and wit.
“Y/N L/N.” She introduces herself, letting her hand linger in his. If she can get in with the careers this will be all that much easier. Just thinking of the supplies eases her conscience.
“Oh, I know. You’re really quite the topic this year.” He grins, reaching his hand up and feeling the sleeve of her jumpsuit, eyes focused on her wrist. “You’ll probably be even more of one after everyone sees you in this little number. Shame the same can’t be said for your district partner.”
She bristles at this before making herself calm. Why should she care what they think of him? If she wants to get home, she’s got to start thinking of herself. She shrugs, eying Peeta briefly. He’s turned from her, engaged in a tense conversation with Haymitch. Haymitch, however, is focused on her with a contemplative look. She grins, feeling better about proving herself to her mentor. Surely he can’t think she’s weak after she wriggles her way into the career pack. “He can handle his own.”
She isn’t sure why she says it, why she’s defending Peeta like it even matters. Marvel meets her eyes, grinning wolfishly.
“I’m sure he can.” He practically purrs. He looks past her for a moment before deflating a bit. “Well, I’ll see you on the other side, cat.”
She can’t help the laugh that bubbles up in her throat at this, a mixture of nerves and genuine surprise. Marvel grins at her again, bouncing back a couple steps with a boyish grin before turning to rejoin the rest of the careers.
“It’s Y/N!” She calls after him, grinning despite the situation. In a strange way, something about his humor reminds her a bit of Gale.
“Isn’t that what I said?” He grins, walking the last few steps back to his alliance. They glare at her venomously, well Glimmer does.
“Y/N,” Cinna calls. She turns, watching as he approaches with Peeta and a woman, she thinks Peeta’s stylist, in tow. “You ready?”
She nods, running her hands down her legs and giving a real smile thanks to her newfound confidence. Sure, Marvel could be lying, but his hungry gaze on her form lets her know she doesn’t need to worry. Peeta looks irritated, keeping his gaze strictly on his stylist.
Cinna places something atop her head and gestures for them to mount the chariot where, surprisingly, Peeta offers her a hand. He keeps a careful watch of her, keeping his hand outstretched even when she doesn’t take it.
“Go on, I’ll steady you.” He says simply, like it is the most obvious thing in the world. Not wanting to make a scene, she takes his hand and lets him help her up. When she gets a foot on the chariot she pushes up, rocking back a bit in her unsteadiness. Peeta is there to steady her with a warm hand on her back, waiting for her to get her footing before he lets go. He pulls himself up as Cinna begins to speak.
“Now,” He begins, pulling a lit torch in front of himself carefully. Y/N blanches, wondering how she didn’t notice he was carrying it before. Surely, he didn’t plan to light them on fire? “the fire is synthetic, you won’t feel any heat. Are you ready?”
She glances to Peeta, trying to gauge his reaction. Synthetic fire? Can they do that? Noticing her uneasiness, he slips his hand into hers.
“We’re ready, right Y/N?” He asks, giving her a look. She takes a deep breath and nods. If all else fails they’ll burn together, she guesses. What an unforgettable opening ceremony.
Leaning into her ear, Peeta whispers, “I’ll pull your cape off if you’ll pull off mine.”
“Deal.” She deadpans, gripping his hand tighter as the first chariots begin to depart.
“Light them up.” Peeta’s stylist says, taking her own torch to Peeta’s cape. Y/N holds tight, watching with anxious eyes as his cape goes up in flames. She blanches further when the crown on Peeta’s head goes up as well. She keeps a careful eye on it as though to truly fulfill her promise, only letting herself turn away when the chariot begins to move. “And remember, smile! They’re going to love you!”
They approach the doors, District Ten’s chariot leaving ahead, when she leans to him.
“I don’t think I can do this.” She admits, keeping a tight grip on his hand.
“I’ll be right here the whole time, I won’t let you fall.” He reassures her as though that’s what she meant. “We’re teammates, aren’t we?”
She faces him as their chariot approaches the doors. Eleven is crossing into the dwindling sunlight now, massive Thresh and tiny Rue turning their faces to the crowd. She thinks of Marvel and the other careers, of their lifelong training with weapons and the bloodlust. Peeta Mellark, despite his potential for backstabbing, seems like a better option than winding up alone. So she nods, shifting closer to him.
They break through the doors and into the sunlight to a roaring crowd. People steadily catch sight of them, whooping and shouting their names. The banners change to a live view of them, projected for everyone to see. Y/N catches sight of herself and finally sees what they are seeing. She looks like she’s emerging from the fire like some sort of mythical creature. Her smokey makeup adds dimension to her face as though bathed in shadow despite the sunny weather. The crowd whoops, chanting their names and, for the first time in her memory, their district.
“See?” Peeta grins, a strong hand gripping the front of the chariot. “They love you!”
She isn’t sure what drives her to do it, but she leans in and presses a kiss to his cheek. Maybe it’s a thank you for his steadying grasp, maybe for his kind words, she doesn’t know. The crowd screams and flowers begin to rain down on their chariot. Peeta grins, raising their interlocked hands into the air.
If the crowd could get any louder, Y/N is sure they would.
They glide easily into the final loop, circling in front of the President’s spot perched up high. A flower comes her way, so she reaches up and snatches it out of the air leaving Peeta as her only grasp on the chariot. She smells the flower, a blood red rose, and raises it to where she thinks it came from, grinning her thanks to the thrower.
Peeta steadies her as they slow down and she catches glimpses of the other tributes. Some turn to look at them, others stay facing towards President Snow. The anxiety returns to her and she grasps the chariot again, letting the thorns on the stem dig into her palm. She glances to the side, realizing how tight of a grip she has on Peeta’s hand. She’s starting to loosen her grip when he grips her hand even tighter.
“No, please don’t let go.” He borderline begs through a breathy laugh. She tilts her head, trying to figure him out. “I don’t want to fall out of this thing.”
“I won’t.” She affirms. “Just don’t want to cut off circulation to your hand, you’re gonna need it.” He laughs.
“Well,” His voice drops into a whisper as the crowd quiets down, leaning in to her ear. “We’ve got three more between us. I think we’ll be fine.”
The whispered words send a strange anxiety curling in her stomach, so she leans back into her confident posture. She tries to focus on something else, but the sight of her face still on the screens makes her uneasy.
The chariots rest now in the City Circle directly in front of the President’s mansion. He’s smaller than he seems on camera, looking more like somebody’s grandfather than the ruthless leader of their country. She shoves the thought from her head just as fast as it comes. No need to make guesses on others, assuming someone is harmless is about the dumbest thing she could do. She should know better than anyone that appearances can be deceiving, after all no one would guess that sweet little Y/N L/N was spending every morning in the woods or plotting how she could take down her fellow tributes to get back home.
She takes a moment to look to the screens around her, trying to see what they’re focused on. Typically, they try to get a final shot of each chariot before focusing on the President. They cycle through quickly before the cameras focus on Peeta and herself. They stay for longer than they should, letting the people admire their costumes in the dimming light of the day. She has to hold back a satisfied grin at the sight of herself. Cinna has given her a leg up, surely. After all, how could anyone forget Y/N L/N; the girl who was on fire. Yes, the people will remember their names and faces now. Someone will want to sponsor them, and if she can secure herself a spot with the careers she’s got a real chance.
The thought sends a chill up her spine. She’s standing hand in hand with Peeta and didn’t even think to include him in her plan. Maybe, just maybe she can convince the careers of his strengths as well. After all, she did call herself his partner. As dangerous as he could potentially turn out, she has to admit that standing next to him feels powerful almost as much as it feels safe.
The cameras cut away for President Snow to give his opening speech and Y/N shifts her stance, tightening her grasp on Peeta. He seems surprised but says nothing, thumb moving to rub the back of her hand.
The President goes through his usual speech and it isn’t long before they’re circling the City Circle once more before heading into the training center. Peseta hops down the moment they stop, reaching up to help her down.
“You two were incredible! Oh and your costumes, you just look so beautiful!” Effie trills, a massive grin on her face as she’s flanked by the prep teams. Flavins and Octavia are weeping, smiles on their faces. Y/N smiles back, body radiating with the adrenaline of their success.
“Nice work out there you two.” Haymitch smiles as Cinna and Portia remove their capes and crowns. Portia sprays something on them to extinguish them.
Y/N looks away to find Marvel, some curiosity driving her to look for his reaction to their costumes. She spots him beside his district partner who is batting her own prep teams hands away from her in a huff. He’s watching her with bright eyes, smiling a predatory smile. She detaches herself from Peeta, grinning once more to her prep team as she steps away. She’ll only be gone a moment, what harm could it be?
Marvel’s eyes light up as she comes closer and she grins at him sheepishly.
“So, final thoughts on the get up?” She prompts, rubbing her hand where she can still feel Peeta’s firm grip.
“Absolutely breathtaking.” He purrs, leaning in close to her ear. “I must say, flames really suit you.”
She pulls back nervously, lurching when his hand grabs her arm to keep her close. Suddenly there’s a hand on her back and she startles, turning to find a stone faced Peeta locked onto Marvel.
“Sorry to interrupt, but we have to go.” Peeta says calmly. His body language is languid, but the fire behind his blue eyes screams danger. Marvel straightens at the challenge, his eyes leaving Y/N to meet Peeta’s glare.
“What are you, her bodyguard?” He taunts, hand not releasing her arm. She tenses at the thought of being between the two when whatever this is bubbles up. She tries to pull herself from Marvel’s grasp, failing when he tightens his hold. Peeta looks to his hand, stepping somehow closer.
“Let her go.” He warns. Neither step away from the other and Y/N glances over her shoulder for help. Haymitch advances on them cautiously, eyes darting between them and some other danger. She follows his line of sight, catching sight of the peacekeepers heading their way as well.
“Peeta,” she worries, eyes darting back to the two. “We have to go.” His eyes follow her direction, finding the peacekeepers easily. Marvel turns as well, releasing her just enough that she can pull away. Peeta puts himself between the two, pushing her to walk back towards their mentor.
Haymitch collects them easily, guiding the pair to the elevator just as the peacekeepers pause in their steps. When their teams have made it into the elevator, Effie reaches and pushes the 12. Y/N catches Marvel’s eyes as the doors close, a grin on his lips.
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pastanest · 3 months
Gale Boetticher x reader
A/N: first thing I’ve ever written for this character/universe but I only recently finishing Breaking Bad (yeah I’m 8 billion years behind Ik) and this man is my mf POOKIE so pls be nice x
warnings: as of writing this I’ve not seen Better Call Saul but I’m aware Gale’s in it so if anything contradicts pieces of his lore found there PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL IT I’ll come back and amend them after I’ve seen that show as well if need be - will be using gifs from bcs tho bc there are barely any gifs from Gale in bb on the internet for some reason
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Being Gale’s S/O Would Include
- first of all, Worlds Giddiest Boyfriend™️
- no like actually
- gives very much in-awe-of-everything-his-S/O-is-and-does vibes
- every single thing you tell him you’ve done is a monumental achievement to him, even down to something as simple as going to the grocery store
- LOVES to explain sciencey things to you, regardless of whether you understand the intricacies or not
- in fact, better if you don’t bc he loves going into even more detail just to make it easier for you to wrap your head around
- LEAST condescending person ever, does not believe himself to be smarter than you or anyone else (he is a genius but he’ll only blush and shake his head when you call him that) and is thoroughly impressed by everything you do and know that is outside of his area of expertise
- the king of chivalry
- opening doors for you, pulling a chair out for you, paying the bill at a restaurant, standing up whenever you walk into a room if he’s not already standing, kissing the back of your hand whenever he says goodbye to you; regardless of your gender, Gale Boetticher IS pulling out all the classic romantic stops for you
- is actually a big fan of PDA but not in a making-out-in-public way, more of a will-blush-for-three-business-days-if-you-kiss-his-cheek-in-public-one-time and absolutely loves it
- the fact that you’re proud to be his and proud to love him in front of others makes this man’s heart sing for you
- incapable of giving you anything less than the most heartfelt and expressive compliments you have ever heard in your life
“You are the prettiest star I’ve ever seen.”
“Every atom that makes me the person standing here before you, thanks you for being who you are.”
“If an asteroid hit this exact spot and you, right now, are the last thing I ever see, I will live to be the happiest man there’s ever been.”
- unbeknownst to you he actually has a separate notebook filled with compliments and poetic tidbits that he thinks up whenever he daydreams of you and then saves them up to tell you later
- doesn’t care whether you’re vegan or not obviously but will cook you the most fire vegan dishes ever known to man
- will play records just to slow dance around his apartment with you crying as I type this one fr
- will zone out and smile so fondly, just thinking of you
- the sweetest and most attentive partner in the entire world
- memorizes your every like, dislike, quirk and interest so that he can plan the most perfect dates out for you, surprise you with the most thoughtful gifts and ensure at all costs you avoid things/people/situations that could result in you feeling upset/uncomfortable
- Gale is finely tuned to your emotions and will notice IMMEDIATELY if something’s not quite right with you
“Hey, is everything alright? Actually, don’t answer that; I noticed your hands have clenched marginally more than normal over the past 15 minutes so if you’re comfortable enough to tell me why, I’d love to know, but if not, please just tell me what I can do to make whatever this is better for you.”
- stop it I adore him
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bubblepopsims · 3 months
To whom it may concern,
This pains me...
I know a lot of posts have been floating around the whole "system" of Tumblr.. i.e. the reblogs, likes, shares blah blah numbers. yeah.
And to start this off with, I don't care if you like my posts or reblog them.. this is not about me... I am saying this for the people that put a lot of time and effort into their content.. the people that push through this shit with blood, sweat, and tears... out of excitement to share their vision with people. the ones who are now feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and defeated from the lack of support that is given on this SOCIAL MEDIA platform, the ones who face dms of people attempting to control what they post, and how they post it.
first of all.... who the fuck are you to go into anybody's DMS and think that it's alright for you to BELIEVE you have any power here?
If you don't like something... move. on. Don't follow them. Don't interact with them. that's it!... the audacity, the fucking ego trips some of these people are on, it's unbelievable... get a life, read a book, drink some tea, masturbate... do something other than genuinely making someone feel like shit on a daily bases...
I am not saying you have to be a kiss-ass to everyone... a matter of fact. DO NOT. don't be fake. but if you like something why not tell them? SHARE IT! In this day and age when everyone has so much to say about everything else... you have nothing to say for someone who shares a common interest with you? when did everyone forget to support each other? has the world made you that cold?
I am beginning to see many content creators that I adore so much... drop off all social media (slow down, quiet down.. fade off) platforms due to the lack of support and the hate.... the hate... Stealing from each other, not just content but ideas too... belittling each other, asking people for stuff and not even having the common decency to say thank you or share what you have been gifted by another creator... talking behind each other backs, the envy, the stupid made up rule of "if you like and share one of my posts I'll do the same hehe" *rolling my eyes* This is called a community for a reason... but by the looks of it we are more divided than together... The fact that I read posts of people talking about how "stressed the fuck out" over this they are, or "Am I the problem?" is upsetting...
This is supposed to be fun... and for those of you who say "Well, they are just insecure, don't worry about the numbers, it's about you" go fuck yourself. because you probably get the likes and reblogs, who don't give to their community at all.. just shove that up your ass. respectfully -clears throat- excuse me that was rude... but I meant it. But it's supposed to be fun... there should be no malicious intent here... no undermining, no masterminding the system. what the fuck even? anyway... there should be none of that. Nobody should have to feel like that... ESPACIALLY HERE. did you all forget that we are a bunch of fucking NERDS! cool nerds. But A bunch of fucking nerds playing dress up and storytellers and builders and photographers in a goddamn video game. so what about someone is better than you. and? Did you forget that's how you get better?
[Yeah yeah fight me, bite me, whatever me about the whole nerds shit. It's a compliment in my eyes. I love being a fucking nerd.]
being prideful has its perks but it can also turn ugly real quick if used wrong...
I posted this for a reason so if you have words you want to say to me or just in general by all means.
if you disliked my post and feel icky by me now.. you can unfollow me.. because I will not ever NOT speak my mind, and this generally hurts me... because these people I see fading away... are fucking great people. These genuine people just want to play a game, share the content of that game, and tell you about themselves... Just. like. you.
I just wish people were nicer to each other...
some hippy dippy shit but I am one.
peace and love
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faterpresources · 1 year
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Wɪᴛᴄʜ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ Hᴏʟʏ Nɪɢʜᴛ - Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2 : Lɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴏғ ʟᴀsᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ (ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1) - Sᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ Sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀs
A collection of random lines compiled from the game Witch on the Holy Night (Mahōtsukai no Yoru ,also known as Mahoyo) Feel free to change the pronouns in order to better suit the parts involved. Warning: some crude language
❝ Would you look at that. ❞
❝ Times-a-wastin'! Let's eat! ❞
❝ … It kind of tastes like dirt. ❞
❝ 'So what'?! Were you born in hell?! ❞
❝ Look at what? What do you mean? ❞
❝ … Is that a good thing or a bad thing ? ❞
❝ You've got it all wrong, but that's okay. ❞
❝ It's okay to turn them down, you know. ❞
❝ Tell me what happened a year ago first. ❞
❝ I'm trying to compliment you, you idiot. ❞
❝ But what happened next is the juicy part. ❞
❝ It's salmon. I would never eat grasshopper. ❞
❝ Huh? Isn't that ancient history at this point? ❞
❝ Which do you prefer, running or swimming? ❞
❝ I don't understand. Why would that happen? ❞
❝ He/She said he/she likes me…for no reason? ❞
❝ This is extortion, or blackmail, or something! ❞
❝ They were all a bunch of losers if you ask me. ❞
❝ Take that back. I'm more clever than you think. ❞
❝ … And what exactly is that supposed to mean? ❞
❝ A mosquito would offer better company, so no. ❞
❝ I get the feeling you're not telling me everything. ❞
❝ You've got some nerve. Am I a mosquito to you? ❞
❝ Don't worry. I value my life, so I'll shut my mouth. ❞
❝ As much as emotional arguments can make sense. ❞
❝ Because I like what I like and dislike what I don't like. ❞
❝ Ugh, well, I guess it's true that love knows no reason. ❞
❝ Now you get it. It's what a joyless existence tastes like. ❞
❝ It came to be known as the Bloody Town Hall Incident. ❞
❝ Stop trying to lead this good soul over to the dark side! ❞
❝ The way he/she acts reminds me of someone I despise. ❞
❝ I'm always civil -- just not when you're in the same room. ❞
❝ So, you just wanted to brag about how close you two are? ❞
❝ Anybody that never lies can't really be considered human. ❞
❝ Barging into our classroom to lecture us on table manners! ❞
❝ … I kind of get it now. I think I know why I don't like him/her. ❞
❝ But whatever the reason, I believe his/her concern is genuine. ❞
❝ Consider this revenge for saying I was worse than a mosquito. ❞
❝ Having one wolf in sheep's clothing around here is bad enough. ❞
❝ Don't even go there. Even thinking about it give me the creeps. ❞
❝ Just take it from me -- his/her standards are anything but normal. ❞
❝ Okay. I'm not one to gossip, but for you I'm making an exception. ❞
❝ Huh? You grew up in the mountains, and you're still afraid of dogs? ❞
❝ Your pride's never allowed you to give anything less than your best. ❞
❝ Always trying to smooth things over with that silver tongue of yours. ❞
❝ Damn! It! All! I cant believe you of all people pulled one over on me! ❞
❝ I wouldn't say there's no reason for it. I can think of one at least. ❞
❝ No wonder you can't get a boy/girlfriend. Do I have your attention now? ❞
❝ I thought he/she was beautiful the moment I first laid eyes on him/her. ❞
❝ It is kind of strange, to be honest. I don't even know him/her that well. ❞
❝ All I know is that nothing good will come out of either of these choices. ❞
❝ What could he/she have done to have earned the attention of such royalty? ❞
❝ The law of the city…means someone will deal out punishment eventually … ❞
❝ Get your butt over here! It's the long-awaited Canned Food Festival today! ❞
❝ Maybe he/she secretly wishes he/she could ignore me when we pass each other. ❞
❝ I see what you're saying, _ , but being a dog isn't exactly a good thing. ❞
❝ … No, I just meant that our dreams are something we take hold of ourselves. ❞
❝ The real question is what the hell qualifies as company to you, but whatever. ❞
❝ I bet you also told him/her all the nasty rumors floating about me, too, huh. ❞
❝ At least I'm trying. It's like you stopped bothering to be civil two years ago. ❞
❝ So that's how it is. You're still upset with me for what happened, aren't you? ❞
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emblemxeno · 1 year
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Decided to take a shot at my own interpretation of “FE Warfare Morality” and whatnot that the fandom is screaming about.
Pacifist: War is absolute last resort no matter what. Celica, Eirika and Corrin could all realistically move to Pragmatist-Retaliatory and fit, but I put them in their own pacifist tier because they all have multiple in-story instances of diplomatic attempts at ending conflict of varying success (sparing enemies, reasoning with bandits, sacrifice of self or possessions); too many to not go noted imo.
Pragmatist-Retaliatory: Diplomacy and peaceful solutions are preferred, but warfare isn’t shied away from. Well aware of war’s reality, and if push comes to shove, they will take up arms. Characters in this tier often had homes invaded and/or parents killed by main aggressor. Avenging homeland or kin may also play a part. Eliwood could actually move up to pacifist because he is that self sacrificing, but I think he fits more where he is. Alm could go to Circumstance or Martial, but idk, he’s willing to give Fernand the benefit of the doubt in Act 3 and outright sends Rudolf an offer of a peace accord in Act 4 so I put him here. Seliph could also go to Circumstance because his willingness to try diplomacy more or less comes after the deed is done (such as questioning having to kill certain people being a necessity), but since his mercy and desire to prevent/avoid conflict is a part of his character, I put him here.
Pragmatist-Circumstance: Views and actions in regards to war are dependent on circumstance:
Lyn offers no quarter to bandits, pirates, or absolutely anyone who harms her family or friends, but is fair to special cases like Jaffar and Nino and does have instances of reasoning with others. 
Ike is a merc, so he often says how he feels doesn’t matter, but is regardless known to try and talk sense into people and be willing to smack folks around in equal measure. 
Micaiah doesn’t like needless conflict but understands the necessity in toppling Begnion’s oppressive rule in Daein and is forced into becoming a ruthless general during Part 3. 
Robin is similar to Ike, in that as a tactician his feelings don’t technically matter but is also known to value diplomacy or winning a battle depending on context. 
Lucina isn’t really in the leadership position enough to make peaceful or action-initiative calls, and when she is the leader in Future Past, it’s against the undead and the very evil Grima. However, her attempted assassination of Robin and general mixed feelings on what she’d do to save the future is enough for me to put her here.
Ryoma can techinically be retaliatory, but his own ignorance and xenophobia towards Nohr often prevents him from being diplomacy seeking, such as in CQ chapter 12. Nevertheless, he’s diplomatic enough after character development that he’s more dependent on circumstance.
Xander actually encourages the diplomatic approaches of Corrin more than once, before route split and during Conquest and Revelation, the latter two which he’s also an active participant in. However, his complicated feelings in regards to Garon and Nohr leads him to do bad things in the belief that it’ll be worth it, so he’s also circumstance.
Azura values peace and is known to compliment successful diplomatic approaches; however, she often questions Corrin’s more naive choices, weaves some relatively cold and calculated plans of her own, and is known to justify conflict more often than Corrin does.
Byleth is hard to guage because his alignment is route dependent, and he more or less serves as a support for the actual main character of said route. Plus his status as a silent protagonist muddies the waters a bit. Still, there is difference enough between the lack of mercy given to the Agarthans and the merciful fights towards former students that lets him land here.
Pragmatist-Martial: Preference for action over treaty attempts or negotiation during wartime, however, that doesn’t mean diplomacy is outright disliked or not valued by them. Hector, Ephraim, and Chrom are all appreciative of how their siblings strive for peace, and the latter two even attempt to emulate such actions on occasion. Sigurd was more than happy to try and pull out of Agustria, but even then, his most common solution to injustice was always marching on the enemy. Leif from the jump was gung-ho about taking down the oppressive forces in Thracia and had to be mellowed out a tad. Dimitri during his descent on the Azure Moon route could fit here, too, though honestly he’s such a unique case. Rhea I would also put here, or maybe Circumstance.
A lot of characters in the Pragmatist-Circumstance and Pragmatist-Martial tiers could also be lumped into Pragmatist-Retaliatory by general technicality (e.g. lots of these characters had homes invaded so retaliation is the expectation), but I wanted to be specific in talking about attitudes towards warfare.
Emperor: It’s just Edelgard lol. Despite her words about “not wanting civilians harmed” or her claims about the war being the only option, it means nothing when her first action in the game is attempted assassination of two people who she (at least to her knowledge in Dimitri’s case) never met. The assistance in kidnapping, subterfuge, conspiracy, human experimentation, and of course the 5 year war which inflicts copious amounts of different harm on the populous also cements her place here.
Plus the devs outright compared her position to past FE villains where she’s different in that she’s 1) a woman and 2) playable, so the twist where she’s behind the war is more of a surprise.
So yeah, that’s my list. Though really, I think trying to fit characters into these types of boxes is kinda stupid in the first place because all the main characters are just that different due to the contexts of their stories, so it’s just generally impossible to make the kinds of compare-and-contrast tier lists like these. Except Edelgard because of her inciting conflict being the one thing no other lord ever does.
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