#but dresses are gn imo
osamusriceballs · 1 year
The Hardships of Love
Oikawa x reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 1,7k
About: Centered this around the prompt: "Can't you see that I love you?"
A/n: I saw a small list of prompts and I'll go through them- five more to go! If you want to see a certain character for the next prompt, feel free to send an ask! Won't reveal the prompt for it though, so it'll be a surprise~
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You're certain about very few things in your life, and one of them is Oikawa Tooru.
Oikawa Tooru is warmth.
Oikawa Tooru is your friend.
Oikawa Tooru will always be by your side.
Or at least, that's what you wish for.
"Hey, I need your help."
"What for?" He looks up and smiles when he sees you. His smile makes his face look softer, and your heart skips a beat at that sight. He exceeds kindness, but there is still something mischievous about him. Maybe it's his eyes, which reveal what's behind his usual mask, or maybe you just like to think that you are actually able to see the real Oikawa Tooru.
However, that couldn't stop you from swooning for him. He is not only attractive and incredibly skilled at volleyball, his passion and job, but he is also caring, thoughtful, easy to be around, and supportive. He is basically perfect boyfriend material. But you don't dare to go down that road. You're convinced that he has tons of beautiful women lining up on his—rather, your shared—doorstep and wouldn't spare a single romantic thought about his roommate—you.
How you both stayed in this flat after your college years have been behind you for quite some time is a miracle to you. He always insists that it's easier to stay here and that most people wouldn't expect him to live in a neighbourhood like this, and you somehow couldn't separate yourself from him too. There is something about Oikawa Tooru that makes you want to stay close to him.
"It's kind of stupid. I talked to Hajime last week..." Oikawa's smile gets wider when you mention Iwaizumi, and you are certain that you now have all of his attention.
"Go on." He nods, and you take the encouragement to keep going. He'll probably laugh at you, at his roommate that hasn't had a date for such a long time that his best friend felt pity and decided to set you up. But you still continue, hoping that he won't tease you for it.
"Hajime said that I need to go on a date," you say. It's the way he keeps eye contact with you that makes you squirm in your place. You don't miss how his eyebrows shoot up in surprise, his smile faltering for a short second.
"A... date?" He slowly repeats your words, as if he was checking that he got it correctly. You nod carefully, observing his reaction to see if he is about to burst out in laughter—and much to your surprise, he does not.
"Like... a date with Iwa-chan?" His eyes drop to the two dresses in your hands. It seems like he only noticed the fabrics in your hands now, and his face instantly turns blank.
"And... you want fashion advice from me? For your date with my best friend?"
"It's not with Hajime! It's with a friend of his—he said he knows him from work and that he plays volleyball too. He also joked that both of you play the same position, and that he is a former—"
You stop rambling when Oikawa abruptly stands up, his phone tightly clutched into his hand, and his jaw clenching.
You know that your cheeks are probably coated in a faint pinkish hue, quite embarrassed about the whole situation, but he doesn't seem to notice that. His eyes are solely focused on the ground, his body motionless for a few moments. It takes him a few seconds before he raises his gaze again, suddenly sporting a smile that you have never seen on him in real life before, but only in countless interviews. It's his practiced professional smile.
He looks at you as he would look at one of those reporters who would ask him about his beauty products after he literally won the World Cup.
"It's fine. No need to tell me more. Enjoy." His tone matches his expression, and you know instantly that something is off. Very much so.
"What's wrong with you, Tooru? Shouldn't you congratulate me for finally having a date?" You frown, and your fingers clench into the fabric of the dress that you're still holding in your hands, your knuckles turning white from the pressure already.
"Why should I? Y/n..." His hand runs carelessly through his hair, and God, you can't help but admire him for a second when his biceps flex under the loose white shirt that he's wearing. However, your attention quickly returns to the conversation. He suddenly looks at you, a shattered expression on his face, the professional tone gone as quickly as he had put on the facade.
"Y/n, can't you see that I love you?" His words are accompanied by glossy eyes, a sight that almost breaks your heart - as well as the meaning of his words when it finally hits you.
He... Oikawa... Oikawa loves you.
"No. Don't." He raises his hands to stop you from talking, a defeated and tired expression on his face. "I didn't mean to say that. I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position. Forget it. I'll leave."
Despite being a very observant man, you can tell that Oikawa didn't think this through and acted on instinct. He needs to squeeze through you in the doorframe to get to his room, and that would undoubtedly be very awkward for the two of you. It takes him exactly seven steps to reach you, his gaze avoiding yours as much as he can while he tries to get past you without accidentally touching you - but it seems like the seven steps have been enough to help you recover from your initial shock, and you drop the dress in your hands to grab his arm.
"Please, Tooru, listen to me. Please. Don't go now." You let your hand wander down to his, and he quietly wraps his hand around yours - and at this very moment, you are insanely aware of everything - of the way he is standing so, so close to you, of how he is holding your hand tightly with his big, strong hand - of how his shoulders are slumped forward, of the sadness in his eyes, as well as regret - and the lump in your throat threatens to bring tears to your eyes too.
"I didn't know that you liked me in that way. I wouldn't have agreed to the date if I had known."
"You don't have to say that out of pity. Am I that pathetic right now?" The hurt in his eyes is barely concealed, and it surely breaks something inside of you to see him like that. To see your cheerful and easy-going Tooru broken and self-conscious - and that because of you? When he literally has everything he could ever wish for-
"You are a world-known star, Tooru. You have the contact numbers of countless supermodels, you get invited to every single hot party, and you-"
"Wait, wait, I don't have the number of any model saved. I don't think I even have a single number of a woman in my phone - besides my mum and sister. And my manager. And also Shoyo's manager friend from high school- okay, I do have some women's numbers on my phone, but that's not the point. I'm not interested in any of them in that way. I'm used to focusing on one thing at a time - the ball when I'm playing, my goal... and...." His eyes stay glued to yours, the implication of his words clear. He has been focused on you only. No other person. Just you.
The honesty in his eyes makes your knees weak, and you feel like falling any second - but you're pretty sure that he would manage to catch you in that unlikely scenario thanks to his crazy reflexes and observing skills.
"I... Tooru - I," your breathing is erratic, your mind failing at voicing your feelings right now - but that's when you think action might help.
The bravery that suddenly rushes through you is probably rooted in the fact that Oikawa Tooru just confessed his feelings to you - and you let go of his hand, noticing how his eyes harden at the action and how his body makes an attempt to turn - and at that moment, it feels like one of his descriptions of how it feels when he's playing volleyball. Everything seems to be in slow motion - when you bring your hands to his shoulders, feel the muscles and stability that he exudes and then how his expression changes to a surprised and overwhelmed one, and then you basically jump into his face, taking one last deep breath before you press your lips against his. Your hands subconsciously claw into his collar, your movements stiff and awkward, your body not fully knowing what to do - but it takes Oikawa just the fraction of a second to bury a hand in your hair and to turn the kiss into a soft connection of your lips.
His arm wraps around your back and pulls you closer, so much closer, his lips against yours moving smoothly and gentle, causing a warmth to rush through your body - you feel electrified, warm, loved, and all because of the man right in front of you.
It feels like forever, but also too short when he finally pulls back. Oikawa exhales slowly and opens his eyes - and your knees suddenly feel like pudding when you notice the loving expression on his face that you're probably mirroring in more or less the same way.
"I'll tell Hajime that I lost my heart to another setter." You finally break the silence, and you notice that your hands still rest on his shoulders, but you have no intention of moving them away.
Oikawa grins at your words and swiftly tilts his face to press a quick peck to your lips that sends tingles through your whole body. You could definitely get used to this.
"Too bad for Tobio-kun." You raise your eyebrows at his words-
"How did you know his name?" You're convinced that someone like Oikawa knows a few setters, but still...
Oikawa just playfully rolls his eyes and scoffs before he answers.
"I'm sure Iwa-chan chose him to get a reaction of me. But I don't think that he is open to a relationship right now, he only focuses on his career."
"But aren't you the same?"
"Me? No."
He smiles- an honest and sincere smile- a smile that you adore so so much-
"I only focus on what I love- and that means you."
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duckchu · 6 months
Not a request, just a brainrot if you're open to chatting a bit… Okay, you're the S/O of one of the Heartsteel boys and you save their asses from a monster attack and now that Yumi is out of the bag Your biggest secret is revealed: You're a freacking Star Guardian (and lets pretend none of the KDA girls are any SG). Their brains go 'brain.exe has stopped working' meme (bet EZ fainted).
You after your BF finding out about your little secret but don't know how start to explain yourself: Hm… Surprise?
Each of the boys has different reactions (and later that day, not Yasuo fanboying about you looking just like one of his favorite Mahou anime characters).
Of course I'm open(ing my legs for Kayn) to chatting
Also reader is GN, mention of a dress in Aphelios's part and male for K'Sante since this bitch gay
I honestly love this prompt because universe mashing is great imo
But imagine Kayn thinking you're pretty lame for defeating monsters with "power of friendship" and then getting stardust in his eyes (he's thankful as fuck for saving him but will never admit it)
Or Ezreal freaking out since HE'S ALSO A MOTHERFUCKING STAR GUARDIAN BUT YOU DON'T KNOW YET so basically you two become a Guardian power couple
Or Yone being like 'Oh like Yasuo's mangas' (also started to make a little bit extra food for your familiar)
Or Sett thinking you're cute (but also dangerous) and getting jealous over your familiar since it gets boob sleeping privileges
Or Aphelios finding you extra cute (and sexy but won't admit it) in your dress and also being shocked af
Or K'Sante getting a reality check of who's the protector in your relationship but also really being thankful for you saving his ass
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belzrgr · 8 months
Ngl I don't get why people struggle so badly with marking x reader content right
I'm talking about the part of what gender or sex the reader has. I see content that has nothing that would make the reader discernable as male or female and yet they say it's fem reader for example, yet on the other can I also see people not saying anything about the gender but it's very clearly gendered with pronouns or petnames like "good girl". I've even seen that happen even though the creator said it was gn!reader, which is obviously more upsetting. Then I see people not knowing whether to label something fem or afab; It's NOT the same thing
Female Reader: reader who identifies as female, usually cis but doesn't have to be
Afab Reader: assigned female at birth, usually used to convey that the reader has a vagina but doesn't mention their gender identity
Gn Reader: Gender Neutral reader, which means no gendered petnames, pronouns (you/yours or they/them) or physical descriptions like reader wearing a skirt, bra or makeup
Of course a nonbinary or male person can wear such things as well but imo content creators should warn about such specific descriptions regarding the reader anyway. X Reader content is so amazing because it lets people imagine themselves as that character and being put into the shoes of something like that without forewarning is not only uncomfortable but can also trigger dysphoria. It's your decision what you want to write and if that's with a cis fem reader who has long hair and wears skirts then go ahead but please for the love of everything unholy, take the few seconds it takes to correctly label this instead of making those who want to read your content be met with such an... unwanted 'surprise'
Examples for how you can label x Reader content
For sfw works:
Mention what gender you had in mind while writing it (fem/masc/gn or other), what pronouns and petnames are used for the reader, what further descriptions are used for the reader (such as physical traits they have [hair, height, body type] or clothes they wear, makeup if it's mentioned)
For nsfw works:
Same as above + what reproductive organs the reader has been given and what words you used for them (such as vagina, cunt, clit, hole, dick, chest, breasts etc.) & further about the clothes maybe being taken off or being implied the reader usually wears
Example 1 sfw
[character] x fem!Reader (she/her)
-> petnames used for reader (my love, sweetheart, princess), reader described as dainty, reader has long hair and wears a dress, fluff
Example 2 nsfw
[male character] x afab!Reader (they/them)
-> smut/nsfw, terms used for readers body: cunt, clit, breasts; reader wears a bra and skirt, p in v, oral sex (male receiving)
Example 3 nsfw
[character] x afab!Reader (he/him)
-> smut/nsfw, trans masc reader, reader wears a binder, terms used for readers body: pussy, second hole, t dick, chest; petnames used for reader (handsome, love, darling)
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idv-sunsxin3 · 3 months
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Pavia // Wifey Material ♡
Note// This is probably one of the requests I got so crazy about so far.../pos and idk, Pavia is a ball of trauma- he needs some love too,,,
This almost kinda look like female s/o, but I also believe in male wife supremacy or any kind of girlboss gn/lh
I think the practice of the woman being a housekeeper while being with a partner or spouse started to decline by the time of 1960s- but let's just say you happen to be a special case...
You're probably a bit old-fashioned- no, that's not the word.... intergrity, modesty, care, and good manners will never be old-fashioned. They are civil, and make social interactions pleasant. Which is what the s/o would believe imo.
S/o would appreciate some traditional practices. These small little things... like writing letters, make flower crowns for yourself or for anyone sitting beside you, stay indoors while watching the raindrops fog the window with a peaceful melody, and draw whatever you can think of rather than watch television... The little things they wish they can just often do rather than worry about maintaining something... maintain their life.
I can imagine that the s/o would have this charm.. a loving, caring charisma of a classical darling. They're probably one of the strangest wonders Pavia ever encounter before his eyes.
You're always seem to wear many different clothes, whatever you can afford to have in your closet. Despite not having a lot of garments, you always manage it through the multiple cominations of clothing as you took the liberty to come up with.
Additionally, there were times you even tried to dress as if you're from the 50-70s. Even wearing a more modern aspect just to make Pavia's day more interesting after probably seeing "not-so-tidy and pleasant people at work"...
Pavia would have been skeptical at first... Affection and sweet-nothings being foreign and touches of an angel almost made him hide away further to the shadows - only time made him convince him otherwise the longer you stay with him.
The time he suddenly barges in to your shared room exhausted and all bloodied, only to see you folding clean clothes from the laundry as you sit on your shared bed---
I'm just imagining him lowering his glasses just to look closely at the sight of you for a silent moment. You eventually notice him once you turn around, greeting him with a warm smile instead of an angry look. Noting how he even stained his dress shirt with blood.
"Welcome home, love." You somehow say warmly as you set a folded shirt down to walk towards the confused Pavia, helping him take off his shirt. "I've just prepared the bathtube a moment before you've arrived... Go clean yourself up before coming down for dinner, alright?" You instructed Pavia before planting a soft kiss on his chest before going back to the laundry--- But little did you know he has other plans.
He grab onto your arm before pulling him towards him so that you ended up getting pinned on the bed by him. You didn't have the time to wonder what just happened before seeing his fluffy hair bounce by the impact. Seeing him with this same grumpy frown before he suddenly drops his head on to his chest gently, catching you off guard once more---
"I want kiiss..." His voice muffled as his arms were circling your torso.  You could only laugh softly by how "cute" He is acting, brushing his hair back to plant more kisses on his forehead.
"Here you go..." You whisper with that same gentle smile while holding him as if he's your whole world. "I love you... I love you so much."
These words are one of the things he longed to hear from you.
Seeing you doing many chores at your shared home, cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry... yet despite how exhausted you may seem, you never fail to give that same feeling of delight whenever seeing him coming back by the door. You're always found preparing a warm dinner and along with a bath waiting for him after a long day.... As if you're already pleased to just be with him for tonight.
This tender feeling he has on his chest... is indescribable to him back then.
But well, he won't pay much in mind about it for now... He'll rather focus on getting his job done so he can quickly come back to his wife much early, rather than spending a second thinking about it/ih
Pavia indeed has an ego, I'm really debating if he would treat his s/o as his trophy wife--- but I like to think he just spoils his darling whenever it seems Iike something is coming to a shortage--- like you're running out of a new batch of clothes, running out of money to buy cleanings products or groceries or you seem to be worn out from the constant cooking... he would be there to help and sometimes wishes he can just keep you around the house without laying a finger DBDBDBDB;;;
He just wants to treat you better unlike the time when no one was there for him when he needed someone... Now that he eventually saw you as someone to rely on with his vulnerable side, he's not afraid to be there for you either. You were with him for this long...
there's no way he can just let you go after, wither because you know too much... or because he wouldn't want to move on like that.
Why does this keep reminding me of hubby headcanons- sometimes, Pavia is just going to call you "wife" teasingly, even if it may sound sincere and affectionate---
Ever calling him "husband" would make him get a lot of ideas - that I don't know where to start NDNDNDND- but well, not ingenious ideas surely/ih
Pavia be finding his way to put rings on your finger before kissing it whenever he sees the opportunity- seeing you fiddle around with rings on your finger makes him feel satisfaction and a sense of comfort that you appreciate things gifted by someone like him. His ways of getting rings are mysterious questions to fond out for another day - yey he would quickly know right away if a ring he buys is shady, cursed... maybe even dangerous. He'll immediately get rid of it it in the spot before it does anything to your beautiful finger-;;;
He'll absolutely call you by so many affectionate nicknames along with "wife", sometimes is either he cam just verbally express his affections or he wants to see you get flustered with whatever he would whisper on your ear as you hang clothes.
He'll often hold you as if you're really his woman, that even people around would mistake you as a real married couple--- he is not ashamed of PDA, so you'll often see how he would have an arm around your neck. Making the metal of his ring lightly brush on the nape of your neck. There are even times when he'll hold on to your waist from the side and pull you close to him so that you can feel your back touching his chest.
He'll give you a lot of kisses in so many ways- often greets you with a cheek kiss, kissing the back of your hand when holding it whenever you guys go out, kissing your neck when saying good night as you're both in bed, he'll even capture those lips of yours passionately just from craving yadditionally after going through awful stuff in life-- he's finally in a haven, it's almost like an addiction.
Pavia tends to notice how you don't usually vacuum the house or make any noise while doing chores when he's around, you at some point explain that you simply don't like disturbibg his peace when his daily life may not seem a quiet one. Give him a place of comfort to take a short rest.
That's it, I think he's already planning to put a REAL ring on you;;;--- Where have you been all this time, how come the universe didn't let you find him????
Man, he's mad, happy, and so in love.
"Oh Amore mio- Dove sei stata tutta la mia vita?" He be having this grin playing around the edges of his mouth as he says it, his cold rings creeping through your skin as he caresses your cheek with his knuckles.
There are times Pavia would take you on a day-off date where he can pamper you with a lot of food at a luxurious restaurant, buying anything you desire at some mall as well, whether you like it or not--- if you are the type to prefer quiet places- i don't even know how you even tolerate Pavia's nature as his lover- but i guess abandoned parks would do the trick for a picnic/ih
I feel like besides helping you financially, I like to think outside the box and consider... Would he like to spend time with you as he does house chores with you during a day-off?
I feel like he'll really have fun cooking with you. While you do prepare the stove or oven, I wouldn't be surprised if he is very good at chopping ingredients, cutting vegetables, tenderizing meat with a hammer, or make ground beef with the meat grinder as you watch him with a concerned smile...;;; He definitely would look like he is enjoying it too much-/ih
It would be endearing if he somehow manages to know recipes that he can teach you during his free time- maybe  like pasta.
If you happened to come out to find an interesting Italian ice cream recipe and ended up mastering it, Pavia would be looking like this boy peeking and lurking from the table counter as the mom is making some dessert- you sometimes have to gently get his hands off the pre-made Gelato so he doesn't try to taste it when it's not even frozen yet DJDBBDBD-
"Come on, mio amore- just a-one finger scoop-"😈 *gets his pinky swatted gently once again. "Bellaaaaaa-"😩
Pavia is the type of domestic partner who is a gelato connoisseur- like he literally suggested(well, more like complained...-) you once to buy a new fridge because he doesn't like the way how the refrigerator made the ice cream frozen hard instead of keeping the soft creamy texture--;;;
Over time, he starts to crave your attention and presence around him - often finding himself looking forward to come back and just eating dinner with you.... and well, watching you do things.
When he doesn't have to go to missions, he spends most of his time reading magazines, such on lollipops, and play with the wolves WHILE lurking at you quietly brushing the dust away from furniture, cleaning tables, knitting and mending clothes... and even in your sleep.
Sometimes he is weirded out whenever you sleep- yet he feels some tranquility from seeing your sleeping face... trying to not get too worried as he doesn't like the idea of people staying in a coma for 8 hours or more--- would be freaking waiting during those hours just to see you wake up confused as he asks you to make him coffee/ih
{Spending time with the Wolves... the children 🥺}
The moments where Pavias comes back after a mission, he finds it very heartwarming when watching his s/o  also pampering and cherishing the wolves as well.
When feeding them, you seem to keep this habit of waking up early to prepare breakfast for Pavia and the wolves. Including lunchables before hand so you can quickly catch Pavia to give him a lunchbox before he departs(Pavia be teasingly thinking you'll cry if he could leave earlier than you can come prepared- but man, isn't that so cute of you???).
You always have a notepad where you jot down Pavia's preferences and each of the wolves' eating habits and whatever food that seem to intrigue them positively.
You never forget to clean the 5 children, even if the first attempts may be unbearable to handle--- you still manage to make them squaky clean at the end of the day for Pavia's surprise. Along with making sure their fur is brushed, get disgnosed indoors and learning how to give each wolf a good healthcare service as long as they're at home...
You and Pavia still wonder what makes Andrea have the tendency to drool everywhere, though--
You learn to love being active, which goes hand in hand with playing with the wolves... It's always having morning jogs with them-(well more like is for your leisure). For their leisure, you always make sure they don't fight each other when playing, so they get their turns when playing catching the disc/stick. Sometimes, even pass the ball together or have a dog walk....
Imagine having these late night walks. Your friends be wondering why you be walking at such late hours, until they realize about your canine companions your lover raises alongside you--- (technically having leashes on 5 huge, sharp-teeth wolves in hand, walking beside you and making any red flag strangers sweat in bullets- how fun/lh)
Pavia always reminds you to have at least 2-3 of your shared children with whenever you go out- "just to be safe"..-- no buts. 😭 At least he cares... in his own way 🥺🥲.
So yeah... Grocery shopping with Peter, Maleficent, and Tonika are usually calm and smooth - the others were also behaving like sweethearts in public places too, of course! These 3 just happened to be more memorable for certain reasons...
Meanwhile, Leon and Andrea are very good companions when doing very active trips like mountain climbing or hiking - I'm not sure if you're the type for that. If not, there's also strolling at the park or at a long bring as one option!
Knowing how you seem to call the wolves as "children" and even sure that they view you as a mother figure would get him to a heart seizure from the serotonin--- the family is whole now;;;; 😭🥺
But well I let you guys read at the end with one funny cute imagine; you all at a car ride to the beach. 5 dogs sticking out their tongues through the windows.
Look, if you both ever visit Italy with (Pavia as the impatient tour guide) that's what the road is like. Even if like 10 percent of Italians wear seat belts, Pavia rather keeps his sweetheart intact from any accidents;
Pavia be putting a lot of seatbelts on you and giving you lots of kisses on the forehead(as if assuring--) before DRIVING SO FAST OMG--- PAVIA, SLOW DOWN???;;;/ih
"Hold on tight, Bella- this will be a bumpy ride!!!" *cackles as he freaking takes sharp turns---*
Yep, you're definitely living a household with a pack of giant puppies wolves---
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silkjade · 2 years
Last Dance
Featuring— diluc x reader ⤀ warnings: gn!reader, angst, hurt no comfort but it’s not that sad imo, breakup ⤀ summary: in the twilight of your relationship, you share one last dance | w.c. 1.6k+ ⤀ a/n: a super self indulgent thing I wrote while listening to this song, I imagine it as the bgm for when the dance starts if it were a movie scene haha
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You breathe easier after stepping out into the perimeters of the party and away from the throng of people; a temporary reprieve from the seemingly endless socializing. Thanks to a quick distraction by adelinde, you’d only narrowly escaped the next wave of guests hoping to curry favor with the host via his lover. Eyes closed, you lean against the mahogany walls of the mansion, stealing a moment for yourself to catch a breath, to breathe in your surroundings.
It’s as if the whole of mondstadt were here, dressed in their finest garments, their animated chatter bouncing off the walls, almost drowning out the colorful music. These days, it’s rare to find the ragnvindr manor this lively; it’s no secret that the ‘uncrowned king of mondstadt’ isn’t one to enjoy these sorts of large social gatherings, so imagine the pleasant surprise when diluc ragnvindr himself announced that he’d be hosting a gala, though even you weren’t privy as to the reason why. Still, no one could deny the grand scale of the event: the tasteful decor, the overflowing amount of food and wine, the live musicians— the man never did anything half-heartedly, parties included, though only when he wanted to of course.   
The clear ring of metal on glass snaps your attention to elzer, who’s making his way to the center of the room, crystalline glass held high. The guests gathers round, encircling.
“Now that we’ve all had our share of food and drink, I do believe some dancing is in order,” announces elzer, gesturing to the side as diluc makes his way out of the woodworks in long strides, his eyes locked on you. The distance between you and he closes, the crowd before you parting to create a path for your lover. He bows, a gloved hand held out, waiting for you to accept his offer.
“May I have this dance?” he asks, eyes soft, tender; on his lips he wears a smile reserved only for you. He presses a chaste kiss on the back of your hand before leading you to the center of the makeshift dance floor. 
“Quite the party you’re throwing tonight, master diluc,” you tease softly, “is there someone here you’re hoping to impress?” He rolls his eyes, the corners of his mouth lifted in amusement. 
Truth be told, he had received information earlier tonight regarding the abyss order’s movements, and when better to slip away than while the guests are caught up in the merriment, too busy drinking and dancing to wonder where their elusive host has disappeared to. Besides, should any problems arise, he had you and elzer and adelinde to take care of things here. There weren’t many who diluc could depend on, but you… you he trusted wholeheartedly.
You who wormed your way into his shielded heart, who has stayed by his side despite his busy schedule, day and night. You who understood his brazen path of justice and why he needed to do this. Of course you had your qualms about his nightly endeavors; qualms that sometimes led to arguments, but all couples argue. 
“I received a lead on abyss activity earlier, will you handle things here until I return? I won’t be long, I promise. I’ll be back before the night ends.” Before you even get to respond, he lifts his arm and you follow by turning underneath. Once you’ve returned to promenade, you find yourself unable to look him in the eye.
“Can’t you forgo one night, diluc? Just one?” you argue, frowning. 
“The abyss isn’t going to postpone their plans just because I’m hosting an event,” he says, raising an eyebrow. At your frustrated sigh, he continues, “we’ve been over this, I thought you agreed that-”
“For once can you choose me, choose us, over mondstadt,” you cut in, loud enough for only him to hear, your dejected voice laced with an unfamiliar edge. It wasn’t so much a question as a statement. He didn’t want to argue with you tonight; of course he never wanted to but especially not tonight of all nights. Except diluc knows you well enough to recognize that steadfast look in your eyes; your resolve is strong, but so is his. 
“Mondstadt is our home. By doing this, I am choosing us. I’m ensuring our safety, our future,” he emphasizes, because he couldn’t imagine a future without you in it, if the little velvet box in his pocket was any indication. He had plans to propose at the end of the night, the city as his witness, but there would be no future at all if mondstadt was in ruins.
The two of you continue your dance in silence, neither of you missing a step as you glide around the room, following his lead. It’s ironic how your bodies are so in sync, yet this matter was one that you and he could never seem to settle. Even outside this waltz, you’re always following his lead. Between the winery during the day, angel’s share at night, and his vigilante activities that take him well into the witching hours, you feel yourself sliding lower and lower down his list of priorities.
But you brush it off because it’s alright; because you know his duties as the wine tycoon of mondstadt and the ‘dark knight hero’ are important to him. Diluc always swears to make it up to you: when he misses a date, when he comes home while the rest of the world is asleep, when he leaves in the morning to start the cycle again. His intentions were never malicious but only a fool would continue to believe his promises, empty as they are, in the hopes that perhaps next time will be different. Only a fool in love. 
Halfway through the song, you see from your peripherals the steady flow of couples gliding onto the dance floor, falling into the rhythm of your waltz, no doubt inspired by the great romance before them. Our future, he had said. A future with diluc was once a thought that made you irrevocably happy and giddy with delight. Now, you weren’t so sure. The man’s relentless pursuit of justice was selfless, admirable even. You just wished he were a little more selfish with his time. You feel his grip on your waist tighten as you stumble in your footwork. 
“Are you alright?” he asks, his ruby eyes colored with worry. You had been spacing out for some time, brows slightly furrowed in concentration. He lifts you into the air, and you finally muster up the courage to meet his eyes again. It only lasts a second, yet time seems to stop when you’re suspended in the air, supported by his strong arms, everything and everyone fading away like you’re the only two people here.
However, just as you return to the ground, you also reluctantly acknowledge that the end of your relationship was near. Denying it was only postponing the inevitable. Perhaps it’d spare some of the pain if you ended things now rather than later. 
“Why don’t we just end this,” you pause, swallowing the lump in your throat, “once this song is over… so are we.” You hear his sharp intake of breath, feel his shoulder stiffen under your hand, his mouth opening and closing as if to say something, but nothing comes out. His steps feel heavier, like he’s being cemented into the ground, like the floor has opened a gaping chasm into the very depths of the abyss, threatening to swallow him whole, the ring in his pocket searing through his coat.
Diluc prays to barbatos, who himself is somewhere among the guests. Prays that he had misheard you, that perhaps he was dizzy from all the spinning and it had compromised his hearing.
“You’re being rash,” he tries, voice strained with uncertainty. “We can still talk about this.” You shake your head. Talking about it would imply a solution, a solution you two hadn’t already tried.
“Will there ever be an end? Can you promise that if mondstadt is safe…” He remains silent. It’s a promise he can’t keep, you know that; he knows it just as well. “I can’t keep pretending like everything's alright when it’s not. It’s not fair to me, especially if there’s no end to... this in sight. I don’t want to be your third or fourth priority, diluc.”
He knows you’re right; he has been neglecting you. The emptiness he feels now, the hollowness in his chest, was this how you felt when you’d go to bed alone, wake up alone? Was he so blind as to believe everything was fine? That you were okay with it all? Nevertheless, he couldn’t give up his duty to protect the very city he loved so dearly. He tries to convince himself that you’ve made your choice, that by letting you go, you’d have the chance to find someone more worthy of your love than he. And yet… he wants to be selfish, just this once he wants to be selfish.
The elegant music is cacophonous in his head, clashing with the erratic pounding of his heart; the dance would end soon, he’s running out of time. You promenade once, twice more around the room before he lowers you slowly, your waltz ending in a dip. An arm around his neck, his arms around your waist, time once again stands still for the two of you as you look into each other’s eyes for the last time. To the outside observer, it was quite romantic. To you, it was tragically so.
Diluc Ragnvindr, your ex-lover, has always been good at putting on a mask of apathy, but even he cannot hide the forlorn look in his eyes. You give his hand a gentle squeeze before melting into the crowd of mondstadters. 
“Go. I’ll handle things here.”
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© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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warlordfelwinter · 7 months
stature, motion, roots and change for anyone you're thinking about!
[character design asks]
Fiver, of course!
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
he's lean but muscular, the body of someone who's been an archer for like 20+ years. he's extremely strong, but fast and limber as well, so he's not very bulky. i hc viera as being sort of predisposed toward having nice meaty muscular legs (bnuny), but he's proportionally balanced across the board cause that sort of longbow use would give him really nice arms. and back. (basically he's hot. imo. and his kick could shatter bone.) funnily enough the sliders in ffxiv have actual numbers attached to them so i know he's 6' 1.4" for the most part he wears clothing that's practical above anything else, but that would tend to accentuate his figure just bc snugger clothes would be easier to move in than baggy or flowy things. can't risk something getting caught on your bow in the middle of a fight you know. when he's not in danger of getting into battle (rare) he tends to wear things that show a lot of skin. not bc he's trying to be sexy, he just finds it comfortable. and like look at the starter viera gear, showing skin is cutural for them skld;gn
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
he's extremely in control of his body. very flexible, very graceful, very precise. every movement is made with purpose. if he starts being clumsy, it's probably because he hasn't slept or eaten properly in several days or something and someone needs to hit him over the head and force him to go take a break. and he always dresses in things that allow for movement. i think restrictive clothing of any sort would start to make him feel claustrophobic
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
no, not really. i mean, since he's a video game character i don't really think about designing outfits for him like i might with a dnd character or something. his look is whatever i think looks neat in the game at the time. his old bard outfit with the warg pants was "inspired by" (taken directly from) an outfit someone posted on eorzea collection. most of his fits are just armor sets as is or dyed bc i'm not very good at mixing and matching (and a lot of the sets are just so good anyway)
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
complete wardrobe change and drastic haircut at about the same time, actually. this part of his canon to me began as an in-game thing of me using the free makeover ticket i got to give him his cute bob bc i was tired of his long hair clipping with outfits, and since then it's expanded to the lore side with me deciding that up until the beginning of heavensward, he stuck with his wood warder gear as well. the beginning of heavensward you're a fugitive, so fiver gave some small effort toward changing his looks (viera are so rare so i don't think it really helped, but he tried his best) and chopped his hair off and changed out his rava gear for more eorzean fashion. he felt strange and reluctant about making the decision, but once he saw himself in a mirror after his hair had been cut and wearing something just wildly different from his wood warder armor, he felt more like himself than he ever had. he still has his old gear, but he hasn't put it on since.
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trash-gobby · 3 years
Can we get something with Billy Lenz and a hella short & gothic s/o?
Billy Lenz X Short Gothic Gender Neutral S/O
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Pairings: Billy Lenz X Short Gothic GN!Reader
Characters: Billy Lenz, Reader
A/N: Actually really love this request! Billy is one of my fav slashers and in the movie he actually scares the crap out of me a little haha.
Link: Black Christmas Masterlist
⚠️Warnings!: dead animals, talk of piercings/needles
✨ Your gothic style is definitely going to throw him through a loop. All the people he's encountered have dressed fairly normal.
✨ Billy will also adore that your so smol, you're compact size.
✨ Will also be pretty happy that he's dating someone who is smaller than him. He's 5'4 (imo) and is pretty short for a guy himself.
✨ He might at first want to do things like spontaneously picking you up and giving you hugs, or picking you up in general whenever he gets the chance (he thinks its cute). But if it pisses you of that he keeps doing it so much, you'll have to really make it clear he should stop.
✨ Likes when you sometimes paint his nails dark colours, or do some goth style makeup on him. He thinks he looks pretty neat.
✨ Calls you his lil' scary kitty along with the typical names he gives you like piggy.
✨ Billy would also has def tried on your gothic clothes at some point without asking. Really likes chokers and if your someone who owns/wears short skirts he's pretty into those too. Also likes huge baggy shirts with long sleeves (def wave the sleeve ends around in circles and smack you with them).
✨ Although he's not that into music, he does enjoy some gothic rock bands music which you introduce to him, and will like lying on your bedroom floor listening to music together and cuddling.
✨ If you are someone who has any piercing (especially nose or belly button piercings) he'll be pretty taken aback by them. Since he's not met a lot of people who have a ton of piercings unless they're ear piercings.
✨ He'd probably ask whether they hurt a lot and why you have so many.
✨ Might want you to give him one but probably will be a baby about it if you take him up on it. He's pretty freaked out by needles and you'll have to be the one to give it to him since he's not very cool about leaving the house (unless its at night).
✨ If your into collecting macabre decorations Billy will probably want to add to this collection by bringing you weird macabre trinkets (i.e. animal skeletons he found from roadkill or something like that).
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swoftbambi · 3 years
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fluff alphabet 🌂🔮
◇°・pairing: jean x gn!reader
◇°・authors note: some of these are canonverse but most are modern au. i was trying to get this done for the most part cause my draft are getting high sorry T^T
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𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬- what activities do they enjoy doing with you?
he likes to take you to fancy niche sorta restaurants. he loves to see you dress up and look so cute across the table.
another activity you both enjoy doing is watching open house shows together, he likes to think of you and him living in one of those homes, also gives very good criticism on the houses design and interior.
𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲- what do they admire about you?
jean physical admirations for you or beauty marks and birthmarks. if you had a beauty spot on you idk why but he would think it just enhances your looks, just like beauty marks.
non-physical your intelligence. he loves smart people imo, also the way you can hold for your own.
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭- how do you comfort each other?
jean hugs you and let’s you cry on his shoulder. you don’t even have to talk or explain what happened he’ll let you get it all out before trying to help you through whatever has you down.
if he’s having a particularly bad day he kinda just flops on you, so you can just massage the kinks and stress out of his day.
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬- how do you picture your life together?
yes all the time, like i said he’s a romantic.
𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐬- are they dominate or passive in a relationship?
i would like to say dominate, but he’s more so neutral. i don’t think he really cares about roles but he does want to appear manly sometimes (ie: when someone’s flirting with you etc) but i feel like he just goes with the flow.
𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭- would it be easy to forgive their s/o?
nothing really gets him overly upset. he really doesn’t mind anything you do unless it’s tiny things like not cutting the crust off his sandwich, stealing the last one of his nutella stick snacks, turning the channel when he’s watching the game, stealing one of his college alumni shirts.
if you do something that does make him angry. he kinda just argues a bit with you before leaving the room so he can be left with his thoughts. just to kinda go over the whole situation.
𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞- how grateful are they in general?
very grateful. in a canon au he’s just grateful that your alive. he thinks of you as his peace, so when he comes home he literally just goes next to you.
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲- do they have secrets to hide?
i don’t really think he has secrets to hide. most things he would just say upfront what he did or something that happened.
he would lie about petty things like, using your shampoo or using jewelry
𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲- do they get jealous easily?
yk hes not really the jealous type but if he sees a guy being overly friendly he kinda just does the cough thing, or just shows up behind you when you don’t notice that just scares the guys away.
at home he’ll get pouty about it so please kiss him
𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬- are they a good kisser?
yes lordddd. he gives the best soft kisses in the world. when your on your computer all day and he’s luring you to the bed to sleep his kisses will be airy and light, instantly filling your stomach with butterflies.
jean also kinda lightly holds your jaw up because just so he can go in deeper.
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧- how did they confess their love?
jean confessed his love either through a text message or one of his friends telling you (most likely connie).
the text would say “hey i think our dates went pretty well...” yad yada something like that.
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞- do they want to get married?
yes ofc. jean i feel takes marriage seriously and if he feels like you’re the right person he will be on his knee with a ring.
he wants to start a family and have a mini jean (daughter tho, i think he’s a daughter dad) to take care of.
𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬- what nicknames do they call you?
he uses “baby, babe, sometimes love”.
he doesn’t go overboard with them like honey bunches of oats sour cream milkshake with two shots of vanilla sweetener frothed and whipped at 90° baby bubs. no ❤️. but he kinda just uses simple ones
he loves when you call him “pretty boy, or jeanie”. for some reason it just makes his heart go baboom
𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝟗- what are they like when in love?
he kinda looks like he’s in a daze. if your talking about something passionate he has that really dopey look on his face. (i hope you guys know what i’m talking about).
𝐏𝐃𝐀- are they upfront about their relationship?
he is for the most part. holding hands he would do. he loves when you like link arms together while getting groceries or just on a walk in the park.
the only time i think he wouldn’t care of PDA is like overly affectionate stuff like kissing in public, yk the home things.
he brags about you a lot. even for the littlest things. he talks about your job and accomplishments to sasha and connie the most and they just listen.
𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐤- beneficial random ability
very good at peeling fruit/veggies without hurting himself. like no skin nothing.
he’s also think he is a history nerd don’t @ me. will help with world history homework every time you ask him.
𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞- how romantic are they?
jean is very romantic, like romeo juliet type. he will kiss your hand randomly sometimes when you walk together.
he will be the type to send you a random message once every two weeks like
“hi y/n ilysm i hope you have a great day i’m just thinking about you and how much i love you”
𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭- are they helping you each your dreams?
ofc he is da fuck. he will do anything just to help you out. need help with homework he’s got you. need advice with something, got you.
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥- do they try new things in the relationship?
he would be a little cautious with trying new things like a new relationship dynamic, food, or some new activity, but in the end jean will bite and do it just for you.
if you wanted him to do a stupid tiktok he would do it and surprisingly enjoy it. if you asked him to go on a hike with you he’ll complain for a little bit but he will go on the 20 mile hike even though he will not last for 5 minutes. (just cause he has long legs doesn’t mean he wants to walk for that long)
𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠- how well do they know their s/o?
he knows you more than you know yourself, and he rubs it in your face 24/7. he literally knows the exact time you blink. he’s very observant so that’s probably why.
𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞- how important is their relationship to them?
it’s very important to him. even though jean is a hopeless romantic he still had that weird feeling in his heart where he felt he didn’t deserve love
he felt that all the people he’s cared about have left somehow, either death, betraying his trust, or just simply leaving. so when you showed up in his life you would leave him or not be able to stick around like all the other people he cared about.
𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝- random hc :3
after a long day jean wants to be laying on top of you, head in your lap, legs dangling off you tiny couch, while you guys watch the food network, more likely the great baking championship
he mumbles into your stomach about how the contestants could do better and about how that one contestant is going to win just because he has ✨the it factor✨he eventually does fall asleep cause of the long day he’s had but doesn’t really mind it.
��𝐨𝐱𝐨- are they affectionate? hugs and kisses?
very affectionate, very domestic imo.
if your cooking in the kitchen or just standing doing something, he will drape his arms over your body and start to feel you up.
when he’s driving he will keep one hand on your leg and tap his fingers on your knee.
𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠- how well do they cope when their s/o is away?
not very well. he will call you everyday and night and text you throughout the day. even if it’s something stupid like “i saw a dog walking and he had his tongue out”. like why tf is that important.
but he just misses you being there and you talking to him that’s all. give the horse giraffe man some attention when you come home or call.
𝐳𝐞𝐚𝐥- will they go to great lengths for their s/o?
yes idrk what he would do in modern au but he would do it.
canonverse 100%. he would do anything to make sure you’re safe out there in the walls. he would send you supplies and love letters of he was out with corps so you knew he still cared
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tsukkisbean · 4 years
a repost,, hah a sorry
friends with benefits pt.1 | headcanons
**please block #clara’s steamys and #claras cabinet: steamys if don’t want to see this kind of work!!
genre: suggestive, a bit of fluff for some of them
characters: kita, atsumu, bokuto, akaashi, tsukishima, semi x gn! reader
warnings: mentions of sexual acts, alcohol, and jealousy, fwb relationships, slightly toxic relationships/traits
a/n: based on post time skip!! i know i reuse a lot of the same characters haha,,, i just don’t know how to characterize some characters but if you guys enjoy it send other names in and when i have another group i’ll make another list!! everything is under the cut
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kita shinsuke
the two of you were introduced to each other by your grandparents in the hopes that you two would hit it off and start a relationship
on your first date you thought he was absolute bore - a very by the book type of guy
however, to please your grandparents you guys agree to a second date
this time in an attempt to get him to loosen up, you make him share a bottle of wine with you
as you head back to your apartment there’s a lot of flirting and touching and when arrive you ask him to stay
the two of you agree that there’s no romantic feelings involved but to keep your grandparents of your backs for the the time being, the two of you pretend to date
will make sure to satisfy you first before focusing on his needs, the sex is always very sweet and comforting
sex is usually very vanilla, lots of kisses, eye contact, hand holding, whispering sweet nothings
since you guys are fake dating, probably end up spending a lot of time together and end up acting like a real couple and he ends up actually falling for you
miya atsumu
is the poster boy for fwb relationships imo
you guys met on a dating app, probably tinder because he was looking for hookups rather than a meaningful relationship
emphasizes the fact that you can’t fall for him because everything is purely physical and reminds you constantly that he has a whole bunch of other people he can hook up with
will call you whenever he’s horny and insist that you come over regardless of the time of day or if you’re busy
has no problem getting you off, but mainly because he wants you to get him off asap
the session is probably entirely dominated my atsumu you don’t get much say because he’s making you cum after all
as soon as you’re done he’ll make you leave, you probably have to call your own taxi too
BUT is also the type to get jealous if he finds out you’re hooking up with other people
ends up in you guys getting into a lot of fights and having a lot of hate/makeup sex
bokuto kōtarō
you met at a party to celebrate the end of the volleyball season
the physical connection is definitely there and by the end of the night you guys are together in a random room and no one sees you guys till morning
the type to straight up ask you for your number and ask to see you again
after mutual agreement of a fwb you guys see each other a few times a week
sex with bokuto is always fun, you guys are very open with what you want and like to try new things together
you guys probably even watch porn together and decide on new positions, kinks or toys to try each week
but emphasis on the friends in this relationship, lots of jokes, hanging out and getting to know each other
you probably end up hanging out with each other in all your spare time and everyone assumes your dating
someone’s feelings probably get hurt when one of you vehemently deny the assumptions and say you’re “just friends”
akaashi keiji
you guys first met a company meeting and bonded over being department editors
lowkey was only trying to make connections with you because you’re the editor for the literature department which is the role he originally wanted
but after one (or 10) too many drinks you guys are wasted and somehow end up back at his apartment
at first you guys try to keep it professional, silently agreeing that it was a one time arrangement
but work starts to get stressful and a late night shift results in you in his bed again and again and again
the type of guy that will make you think he’s in love with you by acting like your boyfriend, despite your relationship only being physical
will let you stay the night, borrow his clothes, gives you an extra toothbrush, makes you breakfast and even buys the shampoo you like
honestly makes you fall in love with you and does the pikachu face when you when you decide to confess
tsukishima kei
your relationship probably forms through your mutual hatred for each other
throughout your university degree you guys were always competing for the top marks, and to top it off, just before graduation you guys had to fight for the same position at the museum
despite always fighting, the sexual tension has always been there
one night you take it too far, and taunt him with the oh so cliché “want me to shut up? then make me”
and he does, he always does
every time you guys argue (which is often) ends up in you guys hooking up
sessions are quick and rough, lots of dirty talk and degradtion from both of you
but often ends with him holding you down by the neck shoving your face into the mattress or couch or table or whatever while he fucks into you to shut you up just like you told him to
you guys maybe catch feelings for each other? can’t really tell because you’re too busy trying to rip each others throats out
semi eita
you guys met at the after party after one of his gigs and he took advantage of the fact that you said you were a big fan
as someone who’s a civil servant and a a musician, definitely has a wild side that he likes to let loose - which he does with you
basically your hookups are anytime after he has a show which he invites you to
LOVES to fuck you backstage in his dressing room and gets off at the thought of one of his bandmates walking in on you guys also likes to fuck you in front of the mirror and makes you look watch the door because if someone walks in he wants you guys to make eye contact
though most of the time you guys only really do quickies because he’s got another wholesome life to get to the next day
you guys can probably keep your relationship purely physical since you guys don’t see each other often
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ackermanbitch · 3 years
i'm so sorry you're only getting five requests at far as i can see sghhdfhhgh but he needs a costume change badly imo so (gn) reader takes him shopping for a hot second? maybe some of the other hargreeves tag along for spice lmao
i dont think you understand how happy this made me and its okay love, im obsessed with five so i dont mind the requests! 
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- “you ever thought of like- changing? the schoolboy thing is cute and all but it feels a little weird sometimes ngl-” 
-five looked at you like 😃"tf you say” 
-”its the only thing in my closet.” 
- “okkaaayyy? then buy something else.”
- of course you dragged that grump to like dillards or smth idk i shop online (support small businesses or mr pennycrumb is gonna bite ur toes off) 
-oh and with klaus cause that mans fashion is 😍😍
- so like three hours later 
- “im getting tired of this you idiots, just let me pick something and leave” five complained, ripping the curtain open to the dressing room 
- “oh shut up old man” 
- “his hair really doesnt go with it..” you mumbled “you want a haircut love?” 
- 94th time’s the charm right? 
- “no no no no no no-” 
- “its perfect.” “it is but is it five.” 
- it was literally a loose white button down and ripped jeans 
- “oh my god klaus what about tech wear?” 
- so after like five minutes of squealing and going to different thrift shops you found IT 
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- TECH WEAR FIVE TECH WEAR FIVE TECH WEAR FIVE TECH WEAR FIVE (obviously my man didnt pose like that, just an outfit ref he prob stood there like 🧍‍♂️)
- “its a lot.” five grumbled, pulling at some straps 
- “then just wear it when your kicking ass..or something..” you said, your jaw on the floor like girl lemme pick that up real quick- 
- klaus was just nodding proudly
- obviously at first five was a bit embarrassed about wearing the outfit when he was working but he’d do anything for u 😳😳
- but soon enough
- he lowkey started to feel himself i mean he was absolutely rocking that shit
-and he KNEW it 
- your dumbass would stare at him while he was literally on the verge of losing against lila like “😏😏😳”
- anyway yall are such cuties 
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