#but basically what i'm trying to say is that the quirk was also the cause of how she burnt her hands
bloomries · 10 months
y-you're too close!
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includes : the demon brothers (lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, and belphegor).
summary : they get a little too close to your face— and how are you supposed to ignore their mesmerizing eyes or kissable lips?
warnings : gn! reader, kissing (lucifer, satan, belphegor).
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꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── lucifer
Lucifer had, of course, went to visit you- and you just so happened to be in an empty classroom at the time. He found you rather easily, almost having a sixth sense for your presence. Standing behind you, he watched as read some words from a textbook before writing down an answer.
He then leans down to whisper in your ear, to teasingly praise you for your hardwork, when you turn your head to the side at just that moment— your lips brushing over his.
"L- Lucifer!?" You squeak, before falling out your seat from trying to pull back much too fast. His eyes widen, and he swiftly catches you before you can cause too much of a commotion.
"Are you alright?" He holds back a laugh, meanwhile you're trying to not have your heart explode.
"I'm fine- I just- you were- why were you so close!?" You manage to get out as he puts you back in place, your homework long forgotten by now. He tries to hide the quirk of his lip, but you see it and know he's preparing to tease you.
"Well, I wasn't expecting you to turn your head and try to kiss me." He says, touching his lips and shaking his head. "You must conduct yourself in a more respectful manner."
"You know I wasn't trying to- you just snuck up on me!" Lucifer frowns, still putting on an act special to you. He'd never act in such a silly manner to anyone else.
"But you still kissed me. You'll have to be held accountable." You groan, looking up at him with a dismal expression. You make him almost take pity on you, but then again he was never known as merciful.
"And how do you suppose I make up for my mistakes?"
"Hmm, perhaps kissing me again? On purpose this time, of course."
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── mammon
"Mammon, knock it off," You groan, pushing him away from you. He had been bothering you for the better half of the day, clinging on to you. You don't normally mind, but Mammon also doesn't normally poke your sides and pinch your thighs.
"Noo," He whines, and this naturally leads into you two play wrestling, Mammon ending up with his face perhaps a little too close to yours when he pins you down against the bed. Your eyes widen when you realize just how close he is.
"Hey, let up." You struggle in his grip and he huffs, getting all smug.
"No way. I won fair 'nd squa...re.... ah," That's when Mammon realized just how close to your face he was. "Uh..." He doesn't pull away from you, though his grip loosens. Now you're both messes. Mammon's hot in the face, and you're trying hard to ignore how sweaty your palms have grown.
After a few seconds on bashful staring at each other, Mammon finally pulls away and lets out a shaky loud laugh. "Ha, well, I won. So... I get to stay."
You're still too flustered to deny him, so you just nod wordlessly. However, the tension in the air is thick, and Mammon is like a statue from how he barely moves.
Both of you painfully aware of the obvious affections you two have been showing nonstop over the last few months, but none of it being really faced until just now- when you two were basically a inch away from kissing.
"Should we, uhm, y'know, talk... about what just-"
"I just remembered I have to do, uh, dishes!" Mammon stood up abruptly. "I- I'll talk to ya later!" Oh, this is definitely going to cause a few awkward days in the House of Lamentation.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── leviathan
Leviathan and you had been up for hours on the new game he got, collecting items, ravaging villages, defeating enemies, and it all lead to now— the final boss. Through sweat, blood, and tears you two managed to defeat the final boss in a total of four minutes and fifty six seconds.
"Y- Yes!" You both shouted, cheering and jumping up from your seats, clinging on to each other with damn near tear in your eyes. "Yes! We did it!" Levi cried, squeezing you tightly.
You laugh with joy, pulling away from the hug only to be met face-to-face with Levi.
"Didn't doubt us for a second," You smile, a flirty lilt in your tone that has Levi sudden very conscious on how close you two are. Your eyes flicker down to his lips and he gasps- were you- no, no way! he was a gross otaku! you must be mistaken! yes, that's it!
And thus, Levi is quick to push your face away and accidentally push you back into your gaming chair. "Ow," you pout, and Levi gasps once more.
"S- Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay, Levi, really," You chuckle, and he awkwardly laughs with you. He sits down back in his seat, letting the end music play as he messes with the hem of his shirt.
"I thought, I thought you were going to kiss me for a second," He admits bashfully, chuckling as if that was impossible. You quirk a brow, leaning back in your seat and eyeing him.
"I was."
"Haha, yeah exactly you weren't- wait, what!?"
"I said, I was. I was going to kiss you, Levi." You push yourself forward, your face once again impossibly close to his and he chokes on his own breath before squeezing his eyes shut, lips puckering forward a little.
You press a finger to his lips, and he peaks an eye open- disappointed. "Aw, too bad you missed your chance today, how about you try again tomorrow?" Ah, he most definitely would- if he didn't talk himself down by then!
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── satan
"Wait, so, forward, right- uhm, oh!" You had asked Satan to teach you how to dance upon getting the invitation to Diavolo's upcoming ball. Apparently demons love ballroom dancing. However, in your attempt to learn, you've come to realize that you're dancing skills are possibly a little rusty.
"Sorry," You chuckle, you had tripped over your own feet for the umpteenth time, but at least it was Satan's? You sigh, looking up at him as he looks down at you, and oh. Oh wow.
It was quiet, except for the classical music playing softly in the background. Your heart is racing, and you fear that in your close proximity he might be able to feel it. He fears the same, his grasp on you tightening. He has that charming smile resting on his features, despite the storm in his mind!
How desperately you want to kiss him- and had his eyes always been so green?
Your certain your cheeks are on fire, and you want so badly for the ground to swallow you up. You can't form any words, just staring like a lovesick fool- and Satan is doing no better. He's at a loss for words, truly. How could he even begin to form a sentence worth interrupting this moment?
Then, a book falls to the ground with a loud thud- a mischievous tabby meowing and stretching somewhere. You both pull away, Satan's cheeks growing a rosy color as he clears his throat.
"Maybe we should take a break? I'll... I'll go get us some waters," You say, about to leave, however Satan can't help himself and pulls you by the waist towards him.
"Please forgive me," He whispers, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
"Kiss m-" With that, he kisses you deeply. A kiss that certainly will make itself into your dance routine with Satan at the ball next week.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── asmodeus
"What do you think?" Asmo asks, scooting closer to you, showing off the new look he was attempting- and obviously he was nailing it. He looked perfect, but that wasn't unusual in his case.
"Pretty as always," You say, not really looking at him. He was always showing off looks that were amazing, so you already knew that it was perfect. He whines, shimmying closer to you.
"You're not looking!" He pouts, and you sigh, turning your head abruptly- not expecting him to be so close. Oh. He did look very pretty. And now your cheeks are warm. "Thank you! So, how does it look?" He asks, as if the close proximity wasn't bothering him.
"You look nice- good- you look... good..." He frowns. Well good wasn't good enough. He pulls back and checks in the mirror, but finds not a single product out of place. He whips back around towards you, getting even closer to your face.
"Just good?"
"You look beautiful," You say, and he blinks in shock at your earnestness. He's glad the make up is covering up the blush that surely spreads on his cheeks.
"Oh my, are you falling for my good looks?" His teasing comment ruins the moment, and you scoff, shaking your head as you turn to look back at your phone.
"You wish, princess." You say, pushing him away by the shoulder. You ignore the heart palpitations as you scroll through your DDD.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── beelzebub
"Oh, Beel, you got something right there..." You say, pointing to your cheek to where Beelzebub had some sauce. Beel looks down at the food in his hands- both hands were pretty occupied, so he leaned in for you to wipe it away for him.
"W- What?-" It seems he underestimated how small the table was, though, as he leaned in way too close! Face hot, you lift a shaky hand to wipe away the sauce with a napkin and then he shoots you the biggest, most kissable grin in the world.
"Thanks!" He chuckles, before leaning back and taking another bite of his food. You can only stare at the table now though, lest you wish to continue your rather romantic thoughts.
Beel notices this, and once again leans in close— Damn it, is he trying to give you a heart attack!? He furrows his brows as he inspects you, before frowning. Shit, did he realize that you were having definitely not friendly thoughts?
"Are you okay? You look a lil' sick." He says, leaning back. You let a silent breath of relief before nodding.
"I'm fine, just... just a little hot, that's all." And technically, you weren't lying.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── belphegor
"Shuddup," Belphegor groans, rolling over on to his side to face you, before grabbing your waist and pulling you into him. You gasp, not from the action- honestly, this is a rather typical evening with Belphegor (he claims he "sleeps better" when you're near him) but you gasp due to how close your face is to his.
Usually you land near his chest or vise versa, but this face-to-face view was definitely making you grow quiet. Belphegor was pleased with this, before he realized it took quite a lot to usually shut you up. He peaks an eye open with a frown.
"What's your deal?" When you don't respond and instead try to wiggle out of his arms, he tightens his grip and gets even closer. "Hm? Trying to get away?"
"Yes! Let me gooo!"
"Nah," He grins, realizing what's happening. "I think you don't really want me to let you go anyways, right? You wanna stare at my face longer? Wanna kiiisss meeee?" You groan, wishing to strangle the annoying demon. He laughs when you don't deny him.
"I knew it," He flutters his lashes close and pouts his lips out a little, trying to appear 'pretty' or... something? You just shake your head, done with his teasing. Grabbing his collar, you admire his natural beauty for a second— after all, who knows when you'll be so close to his face again— before catching him off guard with a kiss
Letting go of you out of shock, you're quick to run away, leaving Belphegor in a stunned, blushing mess. Stupid humans...~
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꒰ ❀ ꒱ thank you for reading. have a wonderful day, darling!
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
So, that deja vu fic got me thinking.. and what if katsuki has a childhood friend (obvi friends w deku too) where he is always trying to impress her and class 1-a notices or ( if you’d like them older ) the agency notices and starts betting on when he’ll confess to her. turns out, she actually confesses first and everyone is happy (and slightly disappointed… nobody got their money) 😋😋
Also, when i saw the notification “@cashmoneyyysstuff started following you” i have never hit a follow back button so fast 😭🫶
Remember you’re amazing, take care of yourself, drink water, stay safe, and know that you are loved ❤️
WAAAA @itzjustj-1000 this is soo cute ! especially since katsuki being a loser n tryin to impress us instead of just confessing is honestly adorable. ALSO ALSO ur LITERALLY THE SWEETEST !! ur the loveliest it's a given i had to follow u !! i tried to honour ur request as best i could, i hope you like it ! also say it w me yall: WEEWOOO WEEWOOO CHILDHOODFRIENDS TO LOVERS ALEEEEEERRTTT (yall r forcing my hand atp (not that im complaining tho))
fem reader, katsuki is a whipped little loser, katsuki likes getting praised by reader but acts like he doesn't challenge (fails miserably), kaminari n sero are little shits, m*neta (he doesn't say anything creepy don't worry <3) everyone is in their 2nd year in this one. lemme know if i missed something else !
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for as long as izuku midoriya could remember, you and kacchan have always been a packaged deal.
deku remembers all the way back in primary school, how kacchan would bend over backwards to impress you, spending his days trying to win your praise like he was collecting it. whether it be showing off how good his reading skills were, or showing off his newly acquired quirk to you at any given chance. (away from the eyes of the teachers, of course)
or even with silly things. like the time he showed you how long he could hold his breath underwater. it didn't matter, as long as he could show it off to you, he would.
deku remembers how pride would fill his childhood friends face, cheeks practically glowing and a smile basically reaching his ears. a simple "woooah, you're so cool kacchan !" had the boastful blonde giddy for the entire day, chest puffed out as he walked ahead of everyone, with you right next to him, of course. (you were the only one worthy enough to stand by his side after all)
and though he spent his time trying to win your praise, he also needed your attention constantly. katsuki constantly demanded your attention. he's the only one who's allowed to sit next to you in class, you're always the one he picks first when it's time to pick teams to play dodgeball. he's your partner for every project and you're the one who walks beside him when you and your friends go venture out in the woods to go out on your adventures. and even though they would usually take place in the park, katsuki always claimed he'd be the one to protect you if anything were to happen.
as kids, deku was probably the only one who noticed how hard katsuki tried to impress you.
and he's probably the only one to notice how he still does it now.
"sooo...kacchan totally has a thing for yn, agreed ?"
"mhm. definitely."
"'m suprised you just noticed that now, kaminari...actually i'm not really suprised." jirou drawled, twirling one of her earphone jacks around her finger.
okay, so apparently he isn't the only one who noticed.
kaminari pouts "i noticed ! i noticed, like, ages ago !" he huffs into his folded elbows on the desk " i just wanted to see if you guys did !"
"you'd be stupid to miss it." sero cuts in smoothly. their grouchy homeroom teacher somehow ended up absent, leading to an impromptu free period. which in turn caused for loads of gossip he had somehow gotten roped into. kirishima, kaminari and sero were talking about you and katsuki, happily chatting off about something they couldn't hear from where they were sitting.
"maaaannn, bakugou's way too lucky, scoring such a pretty girl. what's he got that i don't ?!" kaminari whines. kirishima shushes him lightly, afraid to rouse the attention of a certain blonde they just so happened to be talking about
"now that i think about it.." sero wondered, leaning onto kirishima's shoulder "midoriya, you guys are childhood friends, right ? have they always been..." he cuts himself off, pointing over at you both with his chin for midoriya to look back. ".. like that ?"
you're chatting about something that's apparently funny or exciting, with katsuki listening along attentively, his head resting in his palm like he's admiring you. his full focus entirely on you, as it usually was.
you're using your hands a lot while you're talking and deku recognizes it as the thing you do when you've gotten to the juicy part of the conversation, deku almost wishes he could listen in, then remembers it's not good to be nosy and shakes the thought away. every once in a while katsuki interjects with a subtle smirk on his face and his remarks have you either giggling or playfully pouting at him unable to hide your smile. the playfulness in his heavy lidded red eyes remains at any reaction you give him, though. kacchan's worked on his poker face over the years but it seems he can't control himself when it comes to you.
izuku realizes he's been openly staring for too long and quickly turns back to look at sero who raises an eyebrow, awaiting a response.
izuku chuckles to himself "yeah, pretty much." he hums, playing around with the ends of his tie as he speaks.
"oooouu~" kaminari sings, suddenly lifting his head up from where it was hidden into his shoulder with a sudden burst of energy, startling kirishima. "juicy details about kacchan, i'm in !"
"i don't know if it's exactly 'juicy'" izuku sweatdropped, chuckling awkwardly. "but kacchan and yn have always been really close. when we were younger, kacchan would always be seeking out yn's attention. he'd be really possesive..or protective over her, i guess ?—it was all pretty harmless though." he recounted, smiling softly at his childhood memories nostalgically pouring into his mind.
both kirishima and sero let out quiet hums when he finishes while denki simply pouts "s'not as juicy as i thought it would be" he huffs petulantly, receiving a knock on his head from jirou who hisses a "he told you that, idiot"
kirishima places his head into the palm of his hands and sighs dreamingly "man, that's so cute. bakugou's been a major softie for yn for so long.." he clenches his fist and izuku thinks he sees a little tear in his eye "so manly !" he exclaims through his sharp teeth.
"yeah, i don't know if 'manly' is the word i'd use to describe someone who's been whipped for so long and still doesn't have the balls to confess" sero ribbed, snickering to himself with denki joining in shortly after.
"hey, don't be assholes !" jirou shot "i think it's kinda cute y'know ? not really..manly..but—cute." she said.
"how much you wanna bet he's not gonna confess until graduation?" kaminari challenged.
"wouldn't put it past 'im." a voice suddenly chimes in. the five of them all turn their heads left, right then down at the voice that came from none other than mineta, who had somehow wormed his way into the conversation.
"and what the hell do you think you're doing sneaking into our conversation, freak" jirou sneers, glaring down at mineta who had already dragged his chair over, including himself into the group.
mineta decides to ignore jirou as he places his arms onto the desk seriously like he's imitating some type of mafia don. " bakugou's never gonna confess any time soon, he's too much of a pussy" he waves off nonchalantly "i bet he won't even have done it by the time we've finished school ! "
" and i bet you wouldn't say that to his face !" kaminari guffaws and the purple haired boy sputters. izuku can't hold back his grin as he watches them bicker.
" kacchan's always been pretty..sure of himself" he settles "i don't think it'd take him that long to confess" he guessed, pressing his thumb onto his chin "though maybe the fact that he's so sure of himself could hold him back.."
ah, there he goes again.. the rest of them thought as they watch midoriya babble on and on into theory land.
denki suddenly slams his fists on the desks, startling everyone. he sucks in a breath "alright ! i bet a thousand yen and the entirety of my lunch box that bakugou won't confess by the end of this year !" he exclaims, not too loud but loud enough so everyone in the group could hear him.
"oooouu~ what're we betting on ?" mina chimes in, suddenly appearing behing jirou and in turn startling her. she flashes her a little glare causing the pink haired girl to offer a weak apology and a hug.
"kaminari just bet a thousand yen and his lunch that bakugou won't confess to yn by the end of this year" sero smirked, clearly enjoying the drama
" ou, that sounds fun ! lemme join in too !" the pink skinned girl pleaded giving her best puppy eye and pout combo.
"sure ! just don't come cryin' to me when you lose" kaminari agrees, playfully jabbing at his friend.
"this is so stupid. i'm not betting money on this.."jirou scoffs rubbing at her temple. "c'moooonnn, don't be chicken, jirou ! " denki whines
"mhmm, c'moonn jirou give into peer pressure !" mina joins in, wrapping her arms around the purple haired girl and swaying her side to side.
jirou groans before finally conceding "..five hundred yen. that's all you're getting from me." she concludes sourly crossing her arms.
" i'm gonna go with kaminari's and say his balls won't drop 'till graduation" sero says simply, smirking almost mischieviously at the display of sudden chaos. he looks a little too pleased, izuku sweatdrops.
"i'm not betting on my bro, that's so unmanly." kirishima refused " i say just let them go at their own pace" he finishes, receiving a nasty look from his chaotic classmates.
needless to say kirishima gave in to peer pressure soon after, offering a modest 1,100 yen by this summer for his friend to confess.
"well i stand on what i said, i don't think he has the balls to say it at all. and i put that on all the money in my pockets ! " mineta proudly spoke.
"how much is that, like, one fruit roll-up ?" mina deadpanned, not missing a beat causing the group to erupt in laughter. mineta's objection's falling on deaf ears.
meanwhile, katsuki notices you've stopped talking all of a sudden. it takes him by surprise as you were so into it a minute ago. "what's up ?" he asks. his question snaps you out of your trance and you jump slightly, turning back to look at him "oh , nothing ! they just seem to be having fun " you gasp, a smile crawling up on your face as you look back at your friends having a good time.
katsuki on the other hand has a slight pout forming on his face, displeased at how his loud mouthed friends distracted you from your conversation. and from him he thinks, but that makes him feel like a snot nosed little kid again and his expression turns even more sour.
"tch. the fuck are those losers so loud for" he grumbles under his breath. you catch it though, and you giggle. his eyes brighten and his brows unfurrow the slightest bit when he hears it.
"don't be such a buzzkill katsu, s'not their fault you're no fun." you jest, chuckling to yourself when he scowls at you.
"fuck off ! m'not a buzzkill" he rolls his eyes, huffing indignantly "an' i'm plenty of fun" he finishes grumpily. you laugh a little more, covering your mouth with your hand when you catch a peak of him narrowing his eyes at you making fun of him. he simply rolls his eyes and sighs, shaking his head. he'll let it slide, he always does with you.
"right, right. my apologies, sir dynamight" you chuckle, bowing slightly at him, he huffs out a laugh "that's sir lord explosion murder god dynamight to you" he snorts. you throw your head back and laugh and katsuki feels the same pride he used to feel when he'd found something cool to show you back when you were brats. his stomach feels fuzzy and his head feels clouded the way it used to when you'd offer him your big, bright sparkly eyes and a "you're so cool kacchan !"
god, it never failed to remind him how much of a whipped loser he was for you.
and unfortunately still is.
you scoot your chair a little closer to his and katsuki has to use all of his might not to blush at the sudden proximity, as miniscule as the distance between you both was to begin with.
"well okay then, sir lord explosion murder god dynamight" you say rapidly, laughing to yourself. katsuki let's out a breathy chuckle, it's cute. he's cute. " i'm sure it doesn't mean much, but i at least think you’re plenty fun to be around"
katsuki feels his heart skip a beat too many.
you whisper, like it's a secret. you're in your own little corner while all your classmates are chatting away yet you say this to him like it's something between you and him. batting your eyelashes up at him. god, it's like you're out to kill him and honestly katsuki thinks for a second he wouldn't mind dying by your hand.
he's such a whipped loser.
he can't think straight. you're sitting so close to him, you're lips are glossy from that lip gloss you always have on you. you smell nice, katsuki feels like a creep for smelling you like you aren't a breath away from him.
"yeah, well.." he utters lowly. he licks his lips, feeling himself grow dizzy as he watches you watch the movement intensely and swallows. his adam's apple bobs and he can feel himself blushing like an idiot. " i don't think you're all that bad either" the end of his sentence comes out a little breathy, he barely realizes he's speaking. like his body is deciding for him, he doesn't mind much.
you give him a sweet little smile and your eyes shine like stars and you look up at him like he's everything, like he's the coolest. he wants you to look at him like this all the time.
you suddenly lean in and kiss him, right next to his lips, just at the corner. it lasts for about 0.3 seconds but katsuki feel his entire body exploding from the inside like he's let off his quirk onto himself.
"i take it back actually" you start "you're super cool to be around, kacchan." you whisper bashfully. katsuki huffs out a little laugh once his heart had stabilized itself a little bit, a small smile growing on his face—
you both turn to the sound of your electric classmate, sporting a little pout on his face. proceeding to get dog-piled on by your other classmates surrounding him, causing him to let out whines and moans of complaint.
"i-ignore him !" mina waves off nervously "just keep doin' what you were doin !— i mean, we weren't watching or anything !" she splutters.
"nice one." jirou deadpanned sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "look, we don't mean to pry or anything, but who kissed who first ?"
at that, katsuki's cheeks flare up, turning a damn near violent shade of pink. he's about to yell obscenties at his classmates, about to tell them it's none of their business when-
" i did !" you giggle, a cat-like grin on your face
"you sneaky fuckin minx-" katsuki growls, shoving his index fingers into your sides and you let out a squeal mixed with a giggle. you're quickly drowned out by your classmates releasing a group groan, with sero and kaminari yelling and booing at katsuki, who in turn starts threathing them, his hands crackling and popping.
you don't exactly know what's happening, but you can't help but feel extremely joyful and happy.
"soo.." mineta starts "since i said bakugou wouldn't confess first doesn't that technically mean i-"
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howtofightwrite · 2 months
If a character can manipulate points of gravity (up becomes down, left is down, right is down for yhe duration of the scene) and essentially be a spiderman without the spider webs by getting to run up buildings, and essentially be fighting in a more 3-d space...anything worth commenting on? I think what I'm trying to ask is what should one take into account when it's possible to have fight scenes in three dimensional ways. I recall that you wrote a post about how sea battles would technically look nothing like land battles considering the environmental difference of enemies coming at *all* directions.
That's not, really, “all directions.” For one thing, they don't have to worry about your character phasing through solid objects. It's also not going to be as effective as the web shooters for avoiding fire.
One of the quirks of Spiderman is that he doesn't, and really can't, travel in a straight line. He travels in a series of arcs, and while those arcs are predictable, it's much harder to lead your shots when he can jerk away in a different direction with almost no warning.
This is in contrast to characters with gravity manipulation based flight, who tend to travel in straight lines.
The issue with a battle in the sea comes from this basic concept. If you're a mile underwater in the Pacific, it is quite likely that there is another four miles of water below you, with the nearest land thousands of miles away. There is no cover.
Somewhat obviously, an urban environment offers a lot more cover. Your character can come in around buildings, drop from above.
What's significantly more disturbing is the prospect of your character being able to alter gravity for others. Causing someone to “fall” away into traffic or the sky is probably far more horrifying than the idea that they could run up a wall. Though, I suppose it's important to never underestimate the sheer pants shitting terror one can inflict by crab-walking across the ceiling towards your preferred prey.
Of course if you're manipulating gravity, then it stands to reason you may be able to add or subtract the gravity. It's one thing to sneak up on a mobster and propel him into the sky at 9.8m/s2. It's another thing to casually create a small gravity well inside his brain and crush his skull. Or, an anti-gravity spike and explode him like a forgotten microwave burrito.
It should go without saying by this point, but this power set can get really messy.
It's also worth remembering, this is one of those power sets that are just as dangerous to the user as their foes. Hopping from one building to another while flicking gravity mid flight could very easily result in broken bones and a really unpleasant landing. Unless they also have some pretty significant kinetic resistances, this is probably not something they'd want to use as a travel power (unless they're carefully tuning it to create fight.) Otherwise, inertia is their greatest foe.
To be honest, wall climbing is a slightly strange choice for a primary travel power. Yes, it is a viable choice, but using those same powers to take flight is going to be much less risky.
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class1akids · 21 days
Do you think there is any way of fixing what happened in the next chapter? I don't think Horikoshi is a great writer but I don't understand how could he have flumbled so bad when the set up he wrote himself made obvious what should happen. Everybody knows that a big motif was to save the villains and then that's not what happens with the MC and main antagonist? That is kind of like insulting levels of misdirection. I'm foolishly hoping that the next chapters fixes it somehow.
I've been trying to think circles around it, because I do agree with those bloggers who say that it's WILDLY OOC for Deku and it makes them suspect it's a fakeout.
Unfortunately, I only see plausible options with this set-up along the following lines:
Tomura "awakens" the missing Overhaul reconstruction component and rebuilds himself and goes to fix his dying villain buddies. -> Great. It delivers on Tomura's goal to be a hero of the villains and maybe he can turn a new leaf with a healing quirk to try to start fixing the damage he caused. It's sort of an answer to Tomura's arc, but Deku's arc is still destroyed, because he still killed the guy for all he knows and never in any way engaged with his complaints about society. Nothing changed except AFO is dead.
Deku punched TomurAFO with Vestige Magic BS he unlocked offscreen with the exact amount of force to reconstruct Tenko's body out, save the crying boy and give him a second life -> obviously total asspull, but fandom will be happy because who is not a fan of a cute crying child, and "look we told you that Deku is the greatest". Imho, this kind of solution would basically ruin Tomura's development, disregard his progress with the LoV, and would not be good for Deku if he decided that the "crying child" gets to live and told Tomura that he's unforgivable and he needs to die because he never engaged with his villain, only with a ghost of a past that normally doesn't exist anymore and is not a feasible solution to save other people like Tenko this way.
Tomura transferred OFA back to Deku and his vestige as Tenko will live inside Deku so "he'll be a hero" -> I see people getting excited with this, but the vestiges don't "live" there with his "oba-chan". Being a ghost, being trapped inside someone else, never be able to make a decision for themselves is not a life. I don't see it as a good ending for a character who didn't experience much freedom in his entire life. I also think Deku should be rid of the vestiges - it's not healthy to have them yap in his head. If you want this kind of ending, might as well write that Tenko got to join Mon, Mom, Hana etc in heaven and is living there happily in the afterlife.
Deku has brought along Eri's horn and it being in the blast zone of OFA - AFO collision it's fractional rewind turned into a mass rewind effect and he did this in purpose and knew it was gonna work out this way and was totally gonna save everyone with it, including Tomura. And their "farewell scene" was just a clumsily written misdirect. -> OK. Got MHA trending. Editors happy.
Basically Option 1, but AFO being defeated is not the end of the fight, because the Alien Parasite that infected his mom and is the source of all quirks takes form and then the LoV come in to help defeat it. Everyone loses their quirks, no more quirk society. Tomura and Spinner start a gaming youtube channel. Deku becomes a cop.
I mean, I can sit here, come up with these wild, wild BS scenarios that "undo" Tomura's death. But I don't really see a way that salvages both Tomura's and Deku's arc and makes them both deliver on the promise of their arc. Like linkspooky wrote - Deku's entire journey is what would have mattered. Him engaging with villain stories, especially with Tomura's story, trying to empathize, trying to change the root cause. But it feels like in the end, precious little changed compared to the All Might era.
I feel like both Ochako and the Todoroki family confronted Toga and Toya more at both levels - not just at the level of the cute kid whose life went off the rails, but also at the level of the person they grew into: Ochako by offering blood to Toga and the Todorokis by wanting Toya back in his current damaged form and willing to go through hell with him (unlike Toga's folks, who immediately disowned their child). But Deku only embraced crying Tenko. He really didn't offer anything to grown-up Tomura and that's where the problem lies for me.
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itsnothingofinterest · 4 months
So here’s a thought: in the latest chapter; Kudo’s transfer causes Deku and Tomura to relive and mix memories of first meetings with/opening up to future friends. Considering how Kudo was the one who met with and reached out to Yoichi; do you suppose it’s possible we could see the rest of the transfers bring forth memories thematically relevant to the sacrificed OFA user? And if so, can we guess what these memories could be?
Hmm, it might be tough given how most of the OFA vestiges are...not the most fleshed out characters MHA's ever produced, but I’d like to take a crack at it.
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~En: memories of Danger & survival We’ll be going in the order I roughly think Deku will shoot the vestiges over, even if that means starting with some especially basic ones. (I'll also be avoiding memories they were both there for since they'd be uninteresting.) For the case of En, the most fearful of the group; that'll be a simple set of times these two were each in danger.
For Deku; that could mean facing Machia or Redestro, although I'd also love him to see some visions of heroes like Endeavor or Star & Stripe coming for his life as well. If he wants Tomura's perspective, he should get his perspective on heroes trying to kill him. And there's quite a few to pick for Tomura to see from Deku; the Zero-Point robot, Muscular, Muscular again, Lady Nagant, ...maybe Gentle?
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~Bruce: memories of loss & what comes after To keep things simple still, both of these are two moments (+ surrounding context) they each saw an ally die to a villain. The same villain: Overhaul.
Deku would get to see Overhaul kill Magne right in front of the League. Tomura would see him kill Sir Nighteye in front of his interns. Then as I theorized previously, we could get too see one or both of them experience the blended memory of beating fused Overhaul into the ground and taking his arms for great justice & greater revenge.
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~Nana: memories of family & allies (Also, since the effect should be pretty strong by now, and also because it's interesting, let's suppose they may start actually experiencing memories now instead of just playing them in the background.)
For Deku; Perfect as it may seem, it's a bit early to see the Shimuras, so this might instead mean seeing some lower stakes memories with the League. Maybe their training with Machia, maybe some early recruitment moments if that doesn't step on Kudo's thematically relevant memories. Really just check out @codenamesazanka's post here for some great ideas; with special mention going to Tomura sympathizing with Bakugou because he was chained up at the sports festival. I'd love for Deku to see Tomura directing his humanity to League members like Twice, but humanity directed towards Bakugou would be a great foot in Deku's door. (Which of course means the best thing for Deku to see each such kinds of Tomura's humanity, for Deku to compare.)
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For Tomura; Oh there's a plethora of choices for Class 1A hangout moments he could see. Although to be honest...I've not been the most invested in these moments, so I can't say which'd be most impactful for Tomura to see. I'm a villain fan, what can you expect?Although if I had to guess, knowing this series and whose memories we're talking about, it'll be something focused on Bakugou. Call it a hunch.
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(Though it'd be nice if we did get to see Inko again instead. And I'd laugh if this was how we got to see Deku's dad at long last.)
~Banjo: memories of…okay kind of struggling here since there’s not much to Banjo. Honestly think he might get stolen instead since his quirk's such a lifeline & Tomura could probably steel more than one quirk by the end of this. But if he does get launched; maybe he could cause…memories of friendship? Or of high emotions?
For Deku; that might mean seeing memories of the League working together, maybe in Daika. Or speaking of Daika, maybe it could be Shigaraki’s city destroying awakening. Or maybe the time the League got ambushed & restrained in their bar and Tomura yelled at All Might just how much he hates him.
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For Tomura; there are also quite a few of Deku’s memories that could qualify here. Maybe the fight with Muscular, maybe his 2nd fight with Bakugou, or maybe it could fittingly be the time Uraraka and Shinsou saved him from Banjo’s own quirk.
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~All Might/Toshinori: memories of (not) being rescued.
For Deku; I think this would go as I described in this post: a mixed memory of him rescuing Bakugou from the sludge villain combined with Tenko wandering the street; resulting in desperately trying to pull Bakugou out from the sludge for hours or days while people pass him in the street, until he finally drags sludge!Bakugou to the bridge to encounter AFO. If he wants Tomura's perspective and see what drove him to villainy, this one's a big part of that.
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For Shigaraki, this would be a far simpler memory; but an impactful one too I think. The meeting with All Might where Deku was told he can be a hero. How Tomura would respond to those words, I can’t be sure. Maybe it’d be as meaningful to him as it was to Deku. Perhaps he’ll dismiss the words as just an old dream he doesn’t care for any more, or acknowledge their meaninglessness coming from someone else’s memory. Or if I’m so lucky; maybe he’ll even think back on all the members of the League & other criminals looking to him to make the world they feel safe in and say to All Might “what do you think I’ve been doing?” (Probably not but I think it’d be cool. A guy can hope.)
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~Yoichi: memories of their origin.
For Deku; this would obviously be seeing the crying Tenko crying outside of his house because he was abused by his family. Maybe also the events earlier in that day seen in ch.235 too. This would lead to Deku attempting the thing quite a few readers see as the natural conclusion to this memory sharing; Deku reaching a hand out to save the crying child…and it won’t work. I mean duh; this is a memory. He can’t talk to or do anything for the past version of Tenko; all he can do is learn, all he can do is watch the deaths of the Shimuras transpire and hope he gets something out of it that’s worth losing all of OFA.
Although, if I may propose one interesting twist in this: I’ve been theorizing for a while now that AFO could’ve taken the Shimura family’s quirks and hidden them & their vestiges in Tomura. This wouldn’t be my favourite way to bring that up (I’d rather they first meet with Tomura instead); but suppose that allows Deku to talk to the Shimuras as he lives through Tenko’s last day with his family? Could at least be neat.
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And for Tomura; I can’t think of a more appropriate Origin-y chapter than chapter 1 page 1: Izuku getting bullied by Bakugou. Maybe they’ll also both be in the same place (we did suppose Deku would meet the crying child above after all), and Tenko could take the place of the kid young Izuku was protecting. I could see Tomura being quite moved by the image…before scoffing. Deku, his self-claimed ‘hero’ who’s been getting in his way and attacking his mind this whole time? Protecting him? And from Bakugou of all people, or anyone else Deku saw as a hero? Lol. Lmao even! Maybe if it was AFO; afraid Bakugou prevented something so convenient from happening though. But as far as Tomura's seen; Deku will save him from anyone & anything except the heroes who mean him harm. A bit like his mom & grandparents with Kotaro. But then maybe he could see Bakugou actually attack Deku, like really beating him up, and it could cause him to wonder…why? Why would Deku then forgive him? Rescue him? Work along side someone who’d treat him like that?
I don’t think any basic-arse heroic symbolism that hasn’t even reflected Tomura’s reality so far would really change his viewpoints or anything. But that question might nudge them. Might introduce the idea that the worst, most powerful people with no big incentive to change, can do so anyway. So maybe, just maybe, Tomura doesn't need to kill them and wash their influence clear as the only way forward for his villainous ilk.
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gloomylace · 3 months
hii!! debunking cluvunies post because it is the SAME terrible excuse from their discord server! no tq, very long under cut. tw for rape && perhaps other things, be cautious
Establishing boundaries is hard, especially if you've been shut down multiple times. As well as the fact cluvunies had IGNORED previous attempts to establish boundaries. That's quite discouraging, ain't it? Plus other beings ignored my boundaries or just blatantly was an asshole about it. You wouldn't wanna keep trying if you were constantly ignored or hurt trying to do so, right?
The fact you never said anything about being an impulsive liar before is an issue as well. It's not hard to say 'I impulsively lie a lot, please don't believe everything I say.' But, you didn't do that and ended up causing more damage. Honestly, I don't even believe it's a lie. None of your stories ever add up. There's always contradicting information or pieces of the story missing. You also said something about doing things with your 11 year old cousin && turning the blame onto the little cousin? That's gross.
Pathological lying is not okay and that really really should be in your BYF or as a warning. Lying like that isn't okay especially since you could get in legal trouble for your lies. I could've easily told authorities that somebody was crushing on me and asking me sexual questions online but I didn't.
Also, asking sexual questions or anything like that is not okay. You never asked me, or anybeing else for that matter if it was okay. I am not okay with that, it makes me uncomfortable because I am a victim of sexual abuse && grooming myself. Sexual topics is not something I am comfortable with unless we're very close. As in like you've seen my face, heard my voice, etc.
Lying is not an excuse and it never will be. Lies aren't a justifiable reason for any of this. You can't justify half of this. You need to own up to the fact you've done some shitty things and apologize for it. You can't avoid this forever.
You also failed to mention the following: Your kokoa alter suddenly appearing after learning I was kokoa (&& all of my identity that they have basically taken from me, especially my typing quirk && editing style), your consistent trauma dumping on basically everybeing you talk to, especially me and another being, and you ignoring my boundaries on multiple occasions.
And again, establishing boundaries is hard. I get shut down every single time I try to && often try to hint at boundaries in other ways (showing a thing i made with the thing i'm uncomfy w mentioned && such), if I have something on my boundaries rentry (.co/smiled) it should be obvious if i'm okay with it or not, right?
Just 'wanting to see a reaction' is NOT an acceptable reason to do something. That's like bullying somebeing and then trying to justify it by saying 'I didn't mean it! I just wanted to see what would happen!!' Doesn't sound like a good reason, right? That's because it ISN'T a good reason.
Also, saying you'd want to die from r//pe is absolutely disgusting? I've been r//ped, it is not a fun thing nor is it something to wish to happen. It hurts physically and mentally. Wishing to be r//ped is not okay, especially if you haven't been r//ped at all before. If you haven't, you don't know how it feels both on your body and on your mind. Just because you're mentally hurting does not make that an okay thing to say. R//pe is never a fun thing.
You consistently avoid topics that make you seem bad to keep your image up. But you need to own up to the fact you messed up and stop avoiding it. Copy pasting a message from discord won't change anything. Please at least put some effort into it.
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thebluester2020 · 5 days
[SDV] Infection AU
Summary: It was supposed to be another day on the farm. You'd wake up, check the mail, feed the animals, maybe even go into town to pick up some new seeds! But...when the wizard suddenly appears at your door to tell you that a mysterious plague had fallen upon Pelican Town and Ridgeside Valley, causing the townspeople to morph into hideous flesh-eating creatures while also emboldening the monsters of the Mines and Ridge to come out and attack all who aren't affected, you and your spouse stand as one of the few who aren't amongst the affected but...how do you both survive such a horrid new reality?
Warning(s): Some explicit character death (I've played Dead Space y'all, I'm not holding back on kids being man-eating monsters), Some good ol' angst, the Farmer really shines as a monster-slayer here, Y'all are gonna hate me for Shane's part and I'm not elaborating on that,
Note(s): I've been CRYING out for someone to make an Infection AU of Stardew ever since I saw it trend for MLP on TikTok. But hey, as they say, want something done? Do it yourself ig. I decided to only include three bachelors because A. I want to make a part 2 sometime since it's way too long as it is tbh and B. I NEED TO MAKE FANART OF THIS AU DUDE. I LOVE ZOMBIES AND DEAD SPACE MONSTERS
About a week ago, Marlon had told you that an emergency commission had come up, one that was apparently so important that it needed to be put as your main priority over any other commissions you may have had at the moment. At the time, you didn't have a mind to think much of it when he explained the nature of the commission, that it was brought forth to him by an anonymous source. The commission spoke of a monster, one that displayed an "Alpha-like" nature over the rest of the monsters and was far more aggressive than the others.
Since the moment you took on this commission and began searching for this mysterious creature, you had a mind to think that Marlon was finally beginning to lose his sanity as you hadn't once spotted this mysterious creature...at least, until it was too late.
Sebastion : "The Long Walk Home"
You couldn't sleep.
You had been tossing and turning in your bed for hours before you finally decided to get up and go to the mines. And the culprit for your sleepless night? The emergency commission that was thrown to you by Marlon around two weeks ago. The fine details of the commission were forgotten by you by now but basically, the older man had went on and on about how this creature was a major threat to not just the region of Stardew Valley but potentially everywhere close to it!
The monster was described to be as big as a fully-grown Pepper Rex. Thankfully it was unable to breathe fire but it came with a different quirk, which was the fact it had a disgusting ooze about its skin. One that was rumored to make you dizzy and eventually burning with rage if you breathed in the smell for too long.
If you were to be honest with yourself, you thought Marlon was exaggerating a little.
And that thought only grew more and more as you continued to search through the deeper levels of the cavern with your poor spouse trailing behind you.
"What's this monster called again?" Sebastion said from behind you.
The two of you had been searching for hours now, looking under every rock and peeking into any crevice you could find in hopes of at least getting some type of hint as to what this creature was and where it may have been. "Don't know," You yawned. "Marlon didn't give me a name, just a description." You said, patting your cheeks to try and keep yourself awake as you started to feel a bout of sleepiness wash over you.
"It's really important and really dangerous as well." You added on before you looked behind you. "You know, you didn't have to come...you know that right, Sebby?"
Your husband flashed you a shy smile. When he had drowsily woken up to the blurry sight of you putting on your boots and clothes, grabbing your weapon from the weapon's rack. He stopped you and insisted on coming along with you. It wouldn't have been his first time venturing into the mines, especially in regards to the deeper levels, and he was good with a sword as well! But, more than anything? If this creature was so dangerous...he couldn't bear the thought of you facing it by yourself, even if he wasn't up to your level in terms of swordsmanship.
He at least wanted to offer support.
"I didn't have to but I wanted to. I won't let my spouse face a boss-level monster alone." The joke made you giggle a little before you stopped in your tracks and sighed.
"Well..." You took out your phone to check the time.
It was going on three in the morning and you had a busy day tomorrow. You had planned to visit the Skull Cavern in search of more iridium as well as buy some more Starfruit seeds from Sandy! "Think we should call it a night? I'm getting sleepy and I want to take a shower."
Your husband's brow rose a little. "You sure? You've been at this commission for around a week now, right? Maybe tonight is when you can finally finish it."
As he sheathed his sword, you snickered teasingly as you pinched his cheek, resulting in the man's cheeks beginning to tint ever so slightly. "I've taken longer on other things, besides, I feel bad making you trail after me. Plus, I don't think it would be a good idea to face a boss level monster while we're both tired as shit, right?"
Sebastion nodded his head in agreement before the two of you started off in the direction of the ladder. He never minded following you, no matter how long it took, in his eyes? Spending even a single millisecond longer around you was much more preferred compared to spending that time all by himself similar to how he did in the basement. But, once the two of you were out of the mines and felt the cool night air on your skin once again...immediately, you felt that something was...off.
When things suddenly became too quiet in the mines, you knew that there was something dangerous in the air.
The same could be applied to the outside. More or less, you don't think you'd ever felt unsafe out in the town but...tonight was different.
So, you slowly unsheathed your sword. "What is it?" Sebastion said.
"Something's not right- GAH!" You suddenly shouted and dropped your weapon when the wizard suddenly appeared in front of you, making you fall to your bum as your chest heaved up and down in fright.
But as you quickly picked up your sword and got up, about to tell the man off. Your words caught in your mouth when you noticed the wizard's appearance. He looked...bloodied and bruised, scratched in some places too. A stark difference from the typically noble and wise air he gave off. "Farmer, are you and your spouse okay?" He quickly asked as he checked you over.
Your eyes widened as he took your arm and looked you over. "W-We're fine..." You answered before he then walked over to Sebastion, looking over him like a worried mother hen. "Why? What's wrong? Why are you bloody?"
"Something's happened," He said. "The townspeople...they're-"
Your blood ran cold. "What happened?" Sebastion asked for the both of you.
"The townspeople-" A shrill yet guttural howl rang out through the air, interrupting the wizard and causing him to suddenly raise his hand before a strange see-through rune appeared out of thin air near the entrance into the mines.
"Why did you-"
"Half of the town is dead," The wizard said, a little bit more quietly this time. "There's some type of...virus going through the air. It's turning the townspeople into twisted versions of themselves."
Your breath caught in your throat as your mind immediately went to the monster you and your husband were just searching for a few minutes ago. "I-Is it...is it related to the-"
"No," You let a sigh of relief. "The virus is related to the Shadow people, however, that creature that you were tasked to kill may have been a variant of them."
A guttural roar from outside made all three of you jump, your heart pounding in your chest as you took Sebastion and tried to lead him to the train cart. "Well then, as fun as it is to talk to you wizard...we need to go-"
"I wouldn't recommend the train cart." He said.
Sebastion looked back. "Why?"
"Because the creatures are fast enough to keep up with a moving train cart."
You clenched your free hand, exhaling through your nose. "Then what do we do?"
"You sneak back to your farmstead. I have placed a barrier around your farm, protecting your animals and eventually you and your spouse's until you return."
"What about the monsters?"
"The barrier seems to have made the area invisible to their eye. So far, they haven't gone near."
Your attention then went to Sebastion as the prospect of sneaking back to your farm to avoid a horde of monster-turned-villagers was...frightening to say the least. Sure, you've had moments in the Mines where you've snuck past monsters and managed to somehow fool ghosts but this? You couldn't help the chill that went throughout your body, especially seeing as your spouse was going to be right there beside you. "Sebastian." You said.
Although he didn't look at you on account of looking down at the ground, his brows furrowed in thought. He at least hummed in acknowledgment of his name. "What are you thinking?" You continued.
"This is dangerous."
You scoffed, that was putting it mildly. "No kidding, but...I'm worried about you. The quickest way back to our farm is past your family's home and-"
Although you didn't continue with your sentence, Sebastion understood what you meant. You were afraid for him, you were afraid for his family and the potential happening that they were...not human anymore. You didn't wish that type of pain upon anyone, especially your husband. And if the both of you needed to take a longer, more dangerous route to hopefully keep his sanity safe. You were willing to make that sacrifice.
Eventually, Sebastion sighed. "I'm fine," He said before fully turning to you. He rubbed his hands up and down your arms. "Right now? You're my most important family, so long as you're safe? I'll live, I'll be okay."
"That's not what I meant-"
"You two," The wizard interjected gruffly. "The night wears on, it grows more dangerous by the minute and I need to try and secure as many more areas as I can. You must leave."
You both nodded in his direction before you looked back at Sebastion. "Ready?"
"No," He dryly chuckled before his hand rested on his weapon. "But, I have your back."
"Good luck you two, I'll make sure to check back in with you both in a few days."
When the wizard disappeared, so did the rune that was on the exit of the cave. Allowing you and Sebastion to quietly tiptoe out of the cave and...out into the silent night.
And by Yoba's name, it was eerie. You wanted to suspect that the Adventurer's Guild would be hustling and bustling by now, maybe Marlon would be attempting to gather as many weapons in a bid for them to be readily available for anyone who would need them. Maybe he'd be trying to make sure Gil was safe but...as you slapped a hand over your mouth to withhold a gasp, you saw the blood splatters on the ground.
Had he...
Sebastion came up behind you to gently shield your eyes away from the sight, gently urging you to keep walking. "C'mon," He whispered as the two of you made your way to the steps where the blood splatters continued to grow in frequency as well as the amount of blood that was shed until...you started to spot oddities with the blood.
On the side, there was purple blood, the stench was terrible. Like cow dung mixed with charcoal. A little further up near the curve of the path next to the bridge that lead over the small stream was a weapon, Marlon's sword no doubt, before more blood splotches started to appear again only...slowly but surely, they morphed into a more purplish color- "Hide," You whisper-yelled as you dragged Sebastion into some bushes the second you heard a deep clicking from up ahead.
Quickly the two of you crouched down, you took up the task of just barely peeking out from behind the bushes to get a good look of what was making the sound until...you saw it.
Easily, it stood as tall as a fully grown Pepper Rex and it walked on four legs like one too.
Its entire form was the shade of a raven's feather and it hulked with muscle lurking underneath its seemingly armored skin. Yet a peculiar detail to note was its lack of a mouth before your eyes trailed down to its paws where claws as long as your forearm lay, bloodied and some even having remnants of skin still stuck to the tips of them.
But...when you looked back at the face of the stalking creature.
Then you noticed the scar over one of its glowing purple eyes.
'Marlon...' You thought as your eyes started to brim with tears.
But the creature- or...Marlon didn't stay around for very long. He only looked side to side with a hiss before it stalked onwards, its thudding footsteps slowly fading away.
You and Sebastion waited a few more minutes until you finally decided it was safe enough to keep moving. Your hearts pounded in your chests as you made your way across the small bridge, each squeaky step setting off an alarm bell within you that screamed out that you were going to get caught any second. But, thankfully, the next long stretch of road was where Robin's home was.
Maybe- "Hey," Sebastion whispered before he pulled you to the side, around a corner where you both were decently hidden from sight.
"Should we stop by my mom's house? Maybe-"
"Of course," You didn't have to be convinced to see inside your in-laws house. Though, for whatever reason Sebastion wanted to, you yourself just wanted to check up on his parents and his half-sister. If everything hadn't gone to complete shit yet then...they'd still be alive and you could take them with the both of you and let them live on your farm.
"We'll need to be careful though." You sighed as your mind flashed back to Marlon, taking out your weapon.
"Y/N, they haven't-"
Your eyes narrowed. "I thought that way too, with Marlon." Sebastion huffed. "I'm keeping the weapon out," You pressed before you resumed taking the lead, your weapon out in front of you as the two of you lightly jogged until you were at Robin's house where...everything seemed to be fine.
Aside from the lights being out that is.
"Maybe they're sleeping?" You said, hopefully.
"We can go in through the garage." Without another word, your husband crouched down and tried to gently open the garage, the harsh squeaking making him and you freeze in your places for a second before he continued a little more until it was high enough for the both of you to squeeze under. But, once the two of you were in you slowly opened the door to the inside of the house.
Still, it was so eerily quiet...like death was waiting just around the corner.
"Get some food from the kitchen, I'll watch-"
"I'm fine," Sebastion said, gesturing to the sword on his hip. "I'll see if there's anything just...please, make sure my mom and sister are okay. Wake them up, anything."
You nodded your head before you walked off and looked around the house.
Your first stop was Sebastion's old room. You slowly creaked open the door and all you saw was nothing, nothing but Sebastion's old things and the smell of growing dust in the air.
So, you turned your attention to upstairs.
All before you stopped the second you heard dripping sounds upon the wooden floor. Your breath caught in your throat and your mouth went dry the second your mind immediately flipped back to Marlon and his monster-turned state, if it could happen to him then...it was obvious it could happen to anyone. But, for the sake of your husband? You prayed to whatever god was listening to you at this moment that his family hadn't experienced a similar fate.
Yet as you followed the noise all the way until you reached the end of the hallway, where you could see Robin and Demetrius' door slightly ajar. You tried to quietly tiptoe your way to the door before your jaw nearly dropped to the floor. An organ hung from the top of the door, the dripping noise being the- the blood...a gorey trail of flesh, blood, and even more intestines trailed all the way to the bed where...there Robin and Demetrius' bodies lay as a monster feasted upon whatever was still left inside of their cracked open stomachs.
What do you tell Sebastion?
Do you even tell him at all?
He couldn't know about this...you saw it in his eyes, the worry and concern he had for his sister and mother.
He'd be beyond heartbroken and you didn't think you had the strength to tell him, not right now when...maybe, j-just maybe you were seeing things. And you, oh so desperately, tried to convince yourself that you didn't see Robin and Demetrius' crops as you slowly continued to back up until you were in the kitchen once more where Sebastion was currently putting different canned foods in a backpack he must've taken out from his room.
"Did you see anything?"
You immediately tried to wash off the horror on your face. "N-Nothing," You stammered. "Just...nothing, it was dark."
As Sebastion slung the backpack over his shoulders, his brow quirked up a little. "Are you sure? You look like you saw something, you can tell me."
You shook your head again, placing your hands on his arms before you gently leaned your forehead into his chest. A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you shook your head. "No...I-I'm fine, I promise. I'm just still- I'm still thinking about e-earlier, M-Marlon and all."
"Oh," He gently rubbed his hand in a circle on your back. "Everything's going to be fine." He said. "We'll always come out on top, okay?"
Although you nodded your head to try and get him to follow you out of the house quicker, you couldn't help but doubt him just a little.
Robin and Demetrius were gone and his sister was turned.
You don't think that image would ever leave your head, those familiar traits of Maru still present despite her warped form. Like how Maru's form still had traces of that familiar purple undershirt she'd wear over her overalls or how there seemed to be cracked pieces of glass on her face, illuminated by the faint light of the moon.
However...one day you'd gain the courage to tell your husband what you really saw, for as you slowly approached the end of the path that led onto the farm.
Your only focus was making sure the two of you survived from now on.
Sam : "Pack Starter"
How did the apocalypse start?
A seemingly simple and straightforward question. But in truth? Depending on the person at least, it was rather broad and filled with so many possibilities, all depending on where you were personally from the start.
For some? They may have not first noticed that anything was amiss. Perhaps they were out in the woods taking a hike or maybe at home sleeping, looking at a movie rather than trying to watch the news! It would be a normal day or not until all they saw was...carnage.
Others, their start may have been more brutal. Being out in the city or in a place where a lot of people gathered was a rather "in your face" start to the end of the world. People would be screaming in terror as they ran for their lives, trampling happening at every turn as everyone would quickly turn to making sure they stayed alive and worried about other people last.
Perhaps some would take the new world and quickly decide on doing the essentials.
Rushing for weapon stores and grabbing anything that they could.
Maybe even to see their families.
All valid but...completely unlike how your introduction to the end of the world was for the apocalypse came to you last. It was peaceful in Pelican Town, about a few hours away from the nearest city! Nothing extreme happened here unless you wanted to count your trips to the Mines, the Skull Cavern, or even Louis and Marnie's not-too-secret relationship.
Of course, that was until tonight happened.
Where you were rushing door to door with Marlon after he woke you up by pounding on your front door and screaming to get up and grab your weapon.
You didn't need to be told the exact details to know that it was bad.
Despite your groggy, freshly awoken state. You made the immediate moves to barricade and secure your farm from whatever threat made Marlon's hair turn grayer than gray, but...when you had spotted one of the monsters outside of your farm. Your memory of your commission flashed back to you, of what you were supposed to do but the monster was as elusive as a slippery fish. The creature seemed to size you up and down almost, all before it slipped away and rushed to terrorize someone else.
"Fuck," You had whispered after locking the last barn door before your legs carried you back to your home to see if your husband, Sam had waken up yet. "Sam!" You cried out as you slammed the door open, expecting him to still be deeply asleep in your bed, ready to be woken up by you until...he wasn't.
Panic immediately filled your being as a cold sweat broke out on your forehead.
He was just here.
The both of you were cuddled up beside one another until you got up to open the door.
"Sam?" You went to another part of the house, upstairs this time. "Sam!? Sam! Where are you!?" You cried out. As you rushed all around the house like a headless chicken, you felt like a madperson. You were cursing at yourself, you should've checked on him first before anything else! Yet as you tried to slow yourself down and think, consider the options of where he may have gone, your mouth became dry inside of your mouth as you thought of the one place you knew he'd most likely immediately go the second anything went wrong in this town.
And with your answer, you took the extra few minutes to shuffle into clothes more suited for running rather than your bedtime clothes before you dashed in the direction of town. And when you arrived...the sight of multiple fires and the scent of ash filled your senses as you looked around.
Monsters that resembled four-legged versions of shadow people roamed the cobblestone streets. Howling in triumph as some carried bodies within their large jaws whilst others tried to scratch and claw their way into homes that seemed to be locked and barricaded securely. However, as you quickly crouched behind a bush, a creature stomped its way by.
You got the faintest peek at its claws.
Like daggers, you thought. Sharp enough to cut straight through a tree without even breaking a sweat. And as your eyes continued to tail the creature, it walked through fire without even seeming to let out a noise resembling pain.
The lava katana that you tightly gripped within your palm.
You couldn't help the slight feeling of fear that began to grip you at the thought that a powerful weapon like yours couldn't even think to burn it at the very least.
But, you shook the thought from your head as you pressed forward, sneaking down the same path you would've usually taken to get to Sam's house until you heard a shrill scream, causing you to pick up the pace every so slightly until...your stomach lurched at the sight of blood and innards.
Blood flooded the once heavenly green grass and intestines littered the streets, walls of homes and dangled from the tops of fences. Effectively turning the town into hell on earth until you finally reached the street Sam's home was on, causing you to stand up straight and- "Sam!" You screamed before you could think when you saw him kneeling, his body shaking ever so slightly here and there until you quickly slowed down when...
When you saw Jodi, her ribcage was exposed and cracked open as she was feasted upon a smaller version of the monsters you saw earlier.
Yet...you recognized that yellow and red striped shirt- or at least, the tatters of it that hung off from the creature. Its smaller yet nonetheless sharp claws bloodied as the body of Kent lied not too far away from his wife's.
"S-Sam..." You said gently, almost a whisper as you both tried to get to him first as well as not disturb the monster from its meal. "Honey, l-let's go. Please."
"Vincent..." Those were the first words he uttered, his voice shaky and clearly holding back a sob. "Vincent." He repeated.
This time, the creature looked up with a tilt of its head and a strange insect-like chitter. All before it slowly moved away from its meal and started to stalk towards Sam.
You readied your weapon, your eyes narrowing as you recognized that hunter-like crouch from similar monsters, both in the Mines and the Skull Cavern.
"B-Buddy?" Sam said, hopefully. "Vincent, we can fix this. Y-Y/N can help fix you, they know a lot of things! They can help, we can bring Mom and Dad-" Before you knew it, the monster launched itself towards Sam with a high-pitched snarl, causing you to spring into action and shove Sam aside before you swung your sword.
"NO!" You heard Sam scream from the top of his lungs, your eyes wide and your sword dripping with black blood as the monster hung off the end of your sword for a moment before...it fell to the ground with a heavy thud.
"S-Sam." You said once the shock started to wash off from you. "Honey, that-"
Sam answered with a sharp inhale as you could've sworn his normally soft blue eyes turned red when he glared at you, tears streaming down his face before he looked back at the creature. You were about to crouch down and try to comfort your husband, make him see where you were coming from and your reason for doing what you did until...you heard snarls from the distance.
You'd have to put your emotions to the side for a little while longer.
Sam, he was allowed to be upset at you for as long as he needed to until he understood.
And until you both got out of this situation alive.
Shane: "Supplies"
It was a hot summer's day today. The sun was beaming down upon you and the cicadas were screaming out for water like they've never had before, but while you would have welcomed the arrival of summer in the past. Nowadays? You couldn't help the sour taste it left inside of your mouth! It was harder to grow stuff, crops were dead and there was no longer a place to readily buy season appropriate seeds.
You had to make weekly rounds back to the old supplies store just to try and keep your family of three, plus the pets alive and that alone was a trip!
The monsters that had arrived a little over a year ago were vicious, hungry creatures that spared no mercy whether or not you were a child or an adult.
Too many times did you toss and turn in your sleep at night when you remembered the scratched up and limbless body of Vincent outside of Sam's house on the night everything started, how he cried and begged for his brother to wake up despite...well...everything.
Since then, you haven't seen Sam in a while.
Or anyone else for that matter.
The town was quiet as there was nothing but abandoned buildings and homes. Everyone had already left a while ago, hoping to escape the monsters and their terror but you- well, your spouse insisted on staying, stating that the two of you had a lot to live for here and that there was no point in moving away from everything you had worked so hard for! And to a certain extent? You agreed with him, your farm and animals provided more than enough food for the both of you.
There was still plenty of supplies to be had so long as you knew where to look and every now and again? When you went to the Mines, you were able to find lost items that helped in fortifying the area around your farm just a little bit more from the creatures!
But then again-
"Y/N," A voice chirped from below. "It's hot."
"It really is, isn't it?" You agreed with a sigh before you took off your sun hat and handed it to Jas. "Maybe this will cool you down? Sorry I don't have anything better Jas," You smiled sheepishly, the little girl only smiling gratefully in return as she proceeded to put on the hat that was far too big for her then.
Then again...Jas was still here.
Marnie died at the beginning of the attack upon the town. When you had defeated the monster, Shane had rushed into the farmstead and found Jas hugging her stuffed animal in the corner crying and wondering where Marnie was, from what he told you. And although the little girl had her moments of sadness...all things considered, she was taking things well.
Her new reality with monsters and not being able to go outside as she pleased anymore, at least, beyond the boundaries of your farm, she was taking it well.
"Alright Jas, c'mon." You crouched down to allow the girl to climb onto your back before you carried her the rest of the way to Pierre's shop. It was both a way of making sure she didn't get tired as well as a way that...if something was here, you'd be able to run as fast as possible without worrying whether or not she was keeping up. But, thankfully, the two of you reached Pierre's abandoned shop without too much of an issue, causing you both to go in through the broken window you've both been using for a while now before you rummaged around the shop.
Although it was easy to take as much as you could from the store and haul it all the way back home, safely avoiding multiple trips off the farm.
You thought it would be good for Jas, now that Vincent was no longer around due to...reasons. It was good for her to get off the farm once in a while with supervision. Not to mention, after you finished your "shopping", the two of you made it a routine to go the beach if you could! Anything to hopefully keep Jas' childhood as intact as it possibly could be.
"What do you want to eat tonight?" You asked after letting out a frustrated sigh after seeing the summer seeds in the back of Pierre's supplies were all crushed.
Did you still have tomato seeds? You were growing some in your greenhouse so there wasn't too much of a fear of running out of the produce anytime soon but...
"Alright," You eventually caved in after deeming it not too much of a waste of resources to make the item.
"I think...I think pizza would also make Uncle Shane happy too."
You sucked in your bottom lip at the mention of your husband. Before everything went to hell, you and him were dating, the two of you even discussed getting married at one point! Shane was getting help for his alcohol addiction and was going to therapy regularly! Everything seemed to be going nowhere but up for him and you couldn't be happier, yet...as of lately? He had been in a stump.
There was no more therapy.
No more avenues to find a healthy substitute for drinking.
You'd never seen someone crave the taste of a beer like Shane had and it was only your luck that you had a few forgotten cans in your cellar. It was keeping him sane for now but, you worried for him. You'd have to figure something out quick, for all his hard work to be crushed just because the world decided to end at an inopportune moment...not only would it crush you, you knew deep down that it would silently crush Shane as well.
Yet, you tried shooing those thoughts away from your head as you zipped up your backpack and waved your hand for Jas to follow you. "Good idea Jas," You smiled. "I'll make you and Uncle Shane the best pizza ever!"
You were glad that Jas had gotten distracted by a mother hen and her chicks when the pair of you arrived back to the farm.
You planned to call her back inside when dinner was ready.
But...as you gently closed the front door behind you, your eyes trailing over the path of destruction inside your house. The worse immediately came to mind.
A monster attack possibly, but...there would've been blood and most smashed items rather than just bottles.
Shane wasn't exactly the type to leave your home a mess, he was good at cleaning to the point you joked about him being better at cleaning than yourself!
So, as you flicked on the lights downstairs. There was only one possible answer- "Where is it? Where'd they put 'em?" You could hear Shane mumbling as he searched the corners, nooks, and crannies of the cellar.
The scent of alcohol was heavy in the air as the spilled contents from the kegs were all over the ground. Shane's speech was slurred and as he moved around, not even taking the time to notice your presence, he more so limped like a shot dog than walked! You tried to cool your simmering rage, biting your lip and clenching your fists as you wanted to scream every possible curse word in the book at him.
He destroyed weeks' worth of supplies.
Ruined the house.
Ruined your hard work in this cellar...
All for a drink.
"Shane," You said.
No response.
"Shane." You said again as you slowly began to make your way to him.
Still, he didn't dare to give you a response. Not until you stormed the rest of the way to the man and slapped a hand on his shoulder to get him to pay attention to you. "Shane!" You screamed into his ear, your chest heaving up and down as tears brimmed your eye line."
"H-How could you?! Our- my hard work...everything, why-"
Shane grumbled as he half-hazardly pushed you away. "Where did you put it?"
"The rest of the drinks, I need a beer."
"Shane, please." You begged as you followed him around the room, both trying to control your surging temper as well as to get his attention. "Fucking goddamn listen to me!" You roared, your hand grabbing his shoulder and forcing him to turn around.
"Why, fucking goddamn tell me why you did all this!?"
"I need a drink." He repeated, slower than last time.
"You already tore into my kegs!? How much more do you need?!"
He didn't respond, going back to ignoring you but instead opting to go upstairs.
It seems that the end of the world had taken more from you in this very moment than anything else had in your entire life. Supplies, as well as a partner you thought you'd call your husband one day.
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feral-and-chaotic · 3 months
Spoilers for Dungeon Meshi, Chapter 88
Laios has just been solidify as my favourite character, I think.
Laios have wanted to become a monster as a child and this hurt me personally. This is a character who clearly has not had that many friends in the past potentially any outside of his sister. He is a character who has had to run away from every opportunity that he has been given. He ran from the military because he didn't fit in and in the panels shown in the background of the winged lion trying to make a deal with him, We see images of Laios being bullied.
The idea that he wanted to be a monster with this context makes a lot of sense. Probably to some extent because he wanted to be a monster so he could be what people thought he was / fear he is because he's clearly been so disconnected from humanity due to how people have treated him because he's a little weird.
Additionally these panels think so much sense for why he reacts the way he did when (To)shiro told him how much he hated him and beat him. With the context that Laios has been treated like this before, his response of "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you pretend to be my friend" makes sense. Because Laios has been so desensitized to those words that should have hurt him.
Additionally, the reveal that Laios has at one stage, as a child, wanted monsters to terrorize villages because he hated humanity also hits so damn hard.
(also this all explains why he's so desperate to save his sister if she was at one point his only friend).
As somebody who grew up as a weird kid this hits in a way that not many other character backstories hit me. I remember being that weird kid and I remember being bullied for standing out. I also have memories similar where I wish those people being mean to me had consequences.
But also similarly, as I grew up I found people that love me for those weird quirks or were weird themselves. Just as Laios finds Senshi who has similar interests, Marcille and Itzusemi who are also social outcasts. And Chilchuck and Namari who love him despite his weirdness.
Basically what I'm saying is that the whole of Dungeon Meshi's plot centers around this autistic man finding people who love him for who he is. And that's fantastic.
Also these panels have cause me so much emotional pain:
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Hehehe.. the miles x Filipino reader was cute!
Can I have a... Teaching Hobie Tagalog oneshot?
I feel like with his accent it's gonna mess up the pronunciation a bit lmao
(expect more requests from me I'm lurking in your blog always.)
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well hello there @pearl-necklac :DD THAT'S A FUN IDEA WAIT i love the thought that hobie would curse in tagalog with his cockney accent (or in a bisaya dialect, maybe say "pisteng yawa" AND STILL SOUND SO BRITISH)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
teaching hobie tagalog
"hey, mahal?" hobie called out to you, his alluring voice enticing you to look his way as he came over to you, wrapped you in his arms and buried his face into your neck. you chuckled. "yes, mahal? what is it?" you asked as you ran a hand through his wicks. he chuckled and held you closer, "i'd fancy you teaching me some of your native language, aking sinta." he said as he pressed his chin on your shoulder and hugging you from behind in a loving embrace.
you raised your eyebrows in surprise as his request had taken you aback. "you... want to learn tagalog?" you asked him, and he nodded with a grin. "i figured it was about time i got to learn more about you. i can't just keep myself in the dark about the language you're so familiar with, that'd be suffocating for you, and you know i hate seeing you struggle." he confessed with a small smirk as he hugged you tighter.
"and besides..." he said as he squeezed your cheeks with one hand and slowly, gently turned your head to face him as he was still on your shoulder, "...i'd love to fluster you in many more ways than i'm already way too familiar with in english." he murmured as he nearly brought his nose and lips to touch yours, causing you to gasp slightly at the closeness between you two. "oh, sige." you'd whisper out as hobie chuckles to himself how cute you are when you get all embarrassed.
you soon taught hobie the basics, basic greetings, numbers, questions, answers and all--it went surprisingly well, in your opinion. hobie was an extremely fast learner, especially since he put a lot of focus and effort into learning tagalog for you with you. you couldn't help but chuckle, however, at how his accent clashed with the words.
you found it very endearing, though, how his accent remained a prominent thing despite speaking a foreign language; it was one of hobie's little quirks that you found wonderful, that you fell in love with, too. because how could you possibly not fall for him when he not only looked beautiful--with his piercings, his hair done like that, his height, his complexion, his eyes, fashion sense, personality and all--but sounded beautiful?
"now," hobie began as he looked at you with a smirk. "let me try saying something i've tried learning on my own secretly." he said as he put his hands on yours as he leane din close, his nose brushing against your cheek as his lips touched your earlobe. "mahal kita, sobra. sobra pa sa sobra, at mamahalin kita habangbuhay, maging sino ka man." he said with a bashful expression, his smile widening as he let the embarrassment of his admission of his unconditional and unwavering love for you sink in, with you feeling more and more giddy and excited at his words.
and before you could get another word out, he pecked your lips and stuck his tongue out at you. "i also practiced that rey valera song your parents like so much. i found out what the lyrics meant... and i know, i know that's exactly what i feel for you, aking minamahal." he said as you got all flustered and covered your face as you smiled wider. "tumahimik ka... pero mahal rin kita, okay..."
bonus: "love, what's this word?" "nakaka... naka--nakaka--hah?" "nakakapagpabagabag, is it?" "ah, uh, oo, kaso... the way you said it... it's the right pronunciation, but your accent, mahal..." you both laughed together at how silly you two were being :3
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cookii-moon · 1 year
This is my excuse to gush over Dragon form because yes.
Basically headcanon and redesign galore yayy
More under the cutoff since this is LONG. You have been warned.
The first part is an introduction, and then the second is actually talking about my designs and ideas and stuff, plus some thoughts/snippets/headcanons... help me.
SO apparently I am far more stupid than I thought, and the reason I say that is because for WHATEVER REASON, it took me ONE. YEAR. For the thought "Hey Cookie the ninja became dragons that one time" to even properly cross my mind, let alone set in. Which is surprising, because I historically freak out over dragons. You'd think that my favorite blorbos having dragon forms would make me instantly go crazy, but no, it took an entire year for my brain to even realize it was... you know... dragon related... even.though I knew they were dragon related... I just didn't... does that make sense? Probably not.
As it stands the dragon forms are forgettable because they're literally just reskins but with different element colors (which makes sense, cause yknow... Lego molds...) and then they vanish which obviously yeah. Who knows maybe they'll come back in dragons rising now that the ninja have their powers again.
Hyperfixation transcends the measly concept of time (actually that's probably not true I wouldn't know since I don't think about the very fabric of reality that often) so good luck stopping me.
ANYWAY, so uh... I might or might not have on a whim made messy concept sketches for each dragon form, made up a ton of headcanons, and chosen color scheme... no... no I didn't do that.
Okay yeah I did that.
...I was supposed to do two at a time.
How did I get here. The power of autistic brain.
Time to actually talk about the designs!!
Uhhh I'm gonna go in true potential order... because yes.
First... Zaneee!!!
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Without color in case it's confusing
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Also you're gonna notice a trend with this being that the drawings are not high quality or rendered or anything and are sloppily colored and that's because they're just concepts. I only did the actual "big" draconic traits because I wanted to get it finished quickly so i had an excuse to talk about it. If I ever do use them for an actual art piece then I'll fully render them n stuff obviously this is just to get across the concept.
So since Zane is a robot it.. would be kinda hard for him to suddenly get like.. organic dragon wings... or whatever...
So instead- he gets cybernetic dragon wings and a tail. Yes i know that still requires cartoon logic. The power of creation just magicked them into existence OK? It makes more sense than randomly growing scales.
The mechanic parts are mostly held together/afloat by the ice energy flowing through them (which is what the crystal-like fragments that make up most of his wings are!)
Also his horns are like a little crown... because... I dunno I thought it'd fit with his haircut and such but also ice Emperor (even though he didn't really wear a crown) look this was drawn at like 2 am I don't know what I was thinking with it or why I didn't actually draw the haircuts as well..
I imagine that he'd be very cold to the touch, especially his wings (which are pretty much sheets of ice) both Jay and Kai have ways of circumventing it, but when Cole has to deal with it (like sitting next to him or such) he gets sluggish pretty quickly. Zane is still trying to figure out a way to ease it a bit.
He also tends to make clanging noise by tapping his tail against the ground when he's upset, or make mechanical whirring noises when irritated. Nobody quite knows why since yknow robot, it's just a quirk.
His ice energy does mean he's gotten a power boost. Just like literally everyone else.
Also this is going to involve me assuming they kept these features because if Lloyd can be part dragon then so can the ninja I dare you to fight me /lighthearted
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Jay!! He bird. Feather scrunchie.
"But Cookie that's not a dragon-"
Shhhh If a dinosaur can have feathers so can a dragon they're both giant reptiles OK. Feather dragon. It's a thing.
I'm going to be honest the only thing going through my mind while drawing this was vague wing shapes I can't even put a name to (they were probably from monster hunter... I think... Uh... ) and silkie chickens. Not quite sure why I thought of silkie chickens, but I did. So here we are.
So anyways I love him. HIM!! FEATHER MAN!!!
Also I just realized while writing this he can finally be fugi dove's proper equal and arch nemesis. Amazing.
So while drawing I was like "it'd be neat if he could produce static n such with his wings/feathers" so I took off to the internet and after trying a ton of different "CAN BIRDS MAKE STATIC" "ARE BIRD FEATHERS STATIC" and such search queries I finally came up with that ostrich feathers can have static and chicken feathers were used in computer components and hummingbirds can produce static from how fast they flap their wings. Is that trustworthy whatsoever? Probably not. (Surprisingly the most trustworthy one seems to be that chicken feathers were used for computer components which is funny) But rule of cool. I get to break the laws of physics and reality for my story as long as it's cool. Yay.
He's very fluffy and enjoys using his wings to snuggle up in bed :) Cole also tries to steal him as a blanket during winter. Nya and Lloyd can't because of the static but Cole can't be shocked so Jay just has to begrudgingly accept it with his hollow bones and consequentially low weight. He's also known to let sparks off when he's excited/happy, which is f u n.
Also I used the blue/yellow color palette because they seem to be leaning towards using more yellow in Jay's color themes (like how they started using orange in Cole's or blue in Zane's) and I thought it worked really well here so yeah!! It also helps differentiate him even more.
He sheds like crazy. Especially during winter where he gets EVEN FLUFFIER. (no one knows how it's even possible) Feathers everywhere. Cole and Kai also shed, but they shed skin all in one go (usually..), whereas Jay just leaves a pillows worth of feathers everywhere he inhabits, and it drives them insane.
The type of dragon he is is mostly a flight based species. They hunt in the air, live in the air for most of their lives, and such. Because of that not only does he rarely sit down, but he is FILLED with excess energy. He's also the most natural and second fastest flier, and fastest consistent flier.
Because the type of dragon he takes after is so focused on flight, they also roost up in really high places, so you'll probably find him on the top bunk, up in rafters, on the Monastery roof, etc. He loves that they're on a mountain because it means he can take a flight whenever he wants to. That doesn't stop him from being horrible at evading actual birds, though.
He also regularly makes "chirp" and clicking noises. (By chirp I mean the type a cat will do while looking at a window or such. Look up cats chirping or smthn for an example if u haven't heard it before.)
Could I have just made him a dragon with lightning bolt patterns?
Yes but that would be very boring and uncreative (in my opinion and standards I hold myself to ofc-) SO.
Jay is chicken. Jay uses wings to shoot lightning. Thank you for your time.
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Cole. He crystal dragon. He's probably also gonna be a pain to draw (but also very fun) because of that. Yay.
I could of just done magma but I loved the idea of like a crystal dragon. So I made a ninjago related crystal dragon...
... again. Don't ask about the first one.
so uh I chose the colors bc like light blues/purples/white are pretty stereotypical crystal colors (plus I think they're pretty) and then orange... because. Cole. He has little crystal patches all over him and his scales also have like.. small crystals dotted all over.
I feel like whatever species of dragon he is is probably adapted to like.. mostly living in caves? Like cave bats kinda where it goes outside at night to hunt but sleeps and lives in caves, and probably goes deeper in the cave to hibernate. So because of that he can be sensitive to artificial light and doesn't really have any like adaptations for the winter, so he just tries to snuggle up with Jay or Kai to keep warm and gets really tired/sluggish when he's cold because reptile. On the other end he can sense vibrations since his species wouldn't be relying on sight as much, which is very handy.
Unlike Zane, Jay, or Kai, he can't really "fly" exactly. His wings are much smaller because the species kinda adapted to being able to use them as a sort of speed boost thing where they'd use them to get quick bursts of flight to catch prey, but since they mostly hunted on the ground and lived in caves they didn't need full on flight. However it's sorta a peregrine falcon situation where technically he is the fastest of all the ninja in flight, but only during a short burst.
He is also very well adapted to climbing vertical surfaces. His claws are REALLY good at gripping onto things since they were adapted to cling onto things such as stalactites, rock walls, etc. to traverse up ledges and deeper parts of caves, and he can also use his wings (and more specifically their claws) as a third pair of limbs to grip onto walls.
Cole tends to make more subtle noises, he growls when agitated and purrs when content or in pain (yes that's a thing, purring soothes and encourages healing, so cats will also purr when they're hurt or scared to comfort themselves) but it isn't very loud, so it's not easily noticeable.
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Could I have done magma for Cole and just given Kai flame wings?
Yes. But I'm not going to, because I find this approach more interesting.
... I joke that it's magma but not REALLy, it's still just.. fire... but his scales are brown cause I thought it fit. So. A lot of people like to draw Lloyd with the kinda dragon ears so I thought it'd be cute if Kai, as his guardian, also had them since, again, a lot of people like to see them as brothers. And I just gave him generic dragon horns. Because dragon.
It's hard to simplify it because... fire... so this is probably the worst sketch..
Look OK he gets to breathe fire. Like that's one of the most iconic medieval red dragon things, he's the fire ninja, he gets to breathe fire and blow smoke out of his nostrils when mad I don't make the rules.
I also kinda went all in on generic dragon tropes (i mean ig they're not as generic anymore because of stuff like HTTYD) because... Kai.
So like hot temper, fire breath, that type of thing.
He also has a hoarding habit, as in instead of cleaning or anything when he uses something and just tosses it aside, he puts it all in an ever growing pile of stuff that he just let's stay there until somebody else cleans it up because they were sick of it. Compared to Jay's feathers it's not the WORST thing in the world.
He's slower than Zane and Jay, but can fly for longer periods of time than Zane. His species is kind of adapted to flying closer to the land. So that they can eat some well cooked cow. Yknow generic dragon stuff.
I also think it'd be funny, since dragons are fiercely protective, if these dragons had a dragapult situation where if they didn't have a kid they'd just "adopt" (in their eyes, in reality it's abducting. Usually.) a random animal and pretend it's their child. Because. Kai.
He's also fireproof, to an extent. He can withstand intense heat (unlike Cole or Jay) and can withstand intense cold (Unlike Cole... poor guy) because fire. He can't dive bomb into a volcano though since it would eventually get through and burn him to a crisp, but in small amounts he'll be FINEEEE...
Im not quite sure if he'd make any sort of draconic noises or anything. I feel like maybe he'd growl when upset, but it'd be louder than Cole? Whereas Cole does it more frequently (probably to be passive aggressive) but it's much more silent. He also has a tendency to involuntarily raise his voice a lot.
Yeah that's about it. Also if you consider lloyd to be a dragon, or think of Nya as having dragon features from when she just became h2o that one time, then the entire group might as well be renamed to Dragon ninja. Even Wu!!
..I feel like Lloyd would be jealous- Like "Oh why do THEY get to go full dragon and have wings when I don’t?!" But he'd never say anything because Lloyd.. but everybody knows something is up and is trying to make him feel better... but it's making him feel worse because it just makes him feel more singled out... oh boy that's uh I'm gonna shut that depressing thought train down right there.
Poor pixal though... she's left out because she's too cool already.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
Okay so: Izuku as Inquisitor.
We keep everything from the last post. Izuku is actually the child of Solas and fake Mythal, the gods are actually not the Evanuris who pretend to be, Solas worshiped as Fen’Harel is a god now as unlike the fakes he is the only one. Izuku and his friends leave their world because society has just kept going and nothing changed.
But this time they get to Thedas before the explosion, and Izuku makes it his mission to bug his father about not going through with it. He ignores it, and argues back. It ends up coming to be Izuku runs to try and stop the Temple from blowing up but can't.
No instead he's now the Herald of Andraste and like… Izuku has ALREADY pulled together a country and fought in a war. Sure he came to Thedas knowing he might need to kill his birth father, but for the LOVE of THE GODS, are you joking?
His friends laugh at him and he is Problem Child Forever.
Now he's got to run this stupid organization.
He hates it so much.
Izuku does his best though. He tries to be a fair person while also shoving his father’s face into the changes of the world.
I do think he'd be slower to confess the truth of him being from another world here. He would eventually do so because he has to. (he would not continue to lie to those who have bled for him).
Solas instantly runs with the narrative he was trying to find his son since he went missing, and Izuku just is angry he's not doing anything but he won't rat out his dad. Not unless he has to.
I think there would be a lot of confusion and a lot of eye opening but everyone accepts it. They even accept Nezu who is thrilled he gets to walk around like normal without the cloak. They figure out someway to make it acceptable to others (AKA Cole messes with their minds to make them accept it).
Izuku would just be the kindest Herald/Inquisitor to those in need while also RIPPING apart Orlais and Ferelden and everything he can.
“This is BULLSHIT,” he says at the Winter Ball before he goes off and blackmails Celene and Gaspard while handing over everything he has to Briala so she can rule through them.
“I fucking HATE this,” he grumbles when he's dealing with Nobles. Ugh.
(Aizawa hates dealing with Fereldens and their dogs)
I'm also gonna talk about the others to:
Yaomomo is a fucking Goddess who helps Josie. I also am saying she ends up with Dagna and when Sera joins in (encouraged by Ochako) chaos reigns. When the secrets are out, Dagna and Harrit basically beg for all the help. Sadly she can't make the more fantastical elements but steel? Wood? She can. Silks to.
(she takes over the entire winter ball cause those are ugly as hell uniforms)
Aizawa works as an advisor and helps spread rumours when he can. He'll slip out and lurk in corners being a ‘drunk’ while picking up info. Also he's trans and upon learning Krem is goes: same.
They then proceed to spread rumours Solas and Aizawa are Eri’s parents for the hilarity.
But yeah Aizawa is his grumpy self.
Midnight I am 100% pairing with Blackwall and she susses out the truth early. Convinces him to confess but work to rebuild. He regrets what he's done it's obvious. And frankly, look at the Templars and their abuses. Yes what he did is horrific but he does better training people to fight back and defending the weak. She and Blackwall now run a minor training boot camp for the ambush fighters.
Nezu is Nezu and happily plots with Leliana who delights in her new friend. Perhaps he is the one to help her back into the light to.
Hitoshi works with Josie as an assistant and she finds he is just as good as her at reading people. I already mentioned how she gets him losing her voice differently then the others. Hitoshi isn't just his Quirk and his ability to speak and manipulate are things she gets. It's very adorable.
Tenya and Shouto work as inner circle folks and help Izuku. They also run around as his messengers and as intimidation because Izuku is still damn short and knows it's cause he's an elf.
Ochako? Ochako is inner circle and causing CHAOS as much as she can. Her quirk is so good with bombs and weapons and getting into position on a roof. She is the ‘DEATH FROM ABOVE’ Queen. Sera loves her so much.
Eri of course is being cute but she's also being portrayed as Izuku’s sister which gets attention. Luckily she has Cole around who will stab. She also works with the doctors and when her secret comes out uses her powers. Carefully, oh so carefully with Cole right by her side. Just in case.
I think romances would stay the same. Bull/Aizawa, Tenya/Shouto, Izuku/Dorian, Ochako/Sera and all that to. It's just like… as Inquisitor Izuku is more involved and more willing to dig down roots. He doesn't get a choice. It's not just murder your dad and fuck off. No it's serious. He has to build firm bonds with these people.
Here he sits down and listens to Vivienne more, tries to understand Cassandra’s faith. He sits with Cullen and they work through the bullshit he has internalized (I run with an AU Cullen in my head because otherwise I could not get through the game and my head version actually admits his faults). He talks with Sera and learns of Pride Cookies. He sits with Bull who fears madness (but will never regret saving his men). He holds Blackwall’s hands and say he is a good man. He stands by Dorian, facing down a monster who hid behind kindness. He helps Cole learn who he is. He sits with Varric as he tells stories and tells his own, eventually being hugged by a man who thought he'd lose his friend. (Izuku wouldn't let it happen. No, not when Iida can run faster then anyone else, can cause a distraction so that they all get free. No never. Hawke and Alistair live, both of them)
Izuku is himself and shines so brightly. And the others want to shine to. Vivienne still believes in the circles but now thinks of a school system like the ones from their world. Cassandra believes but also knows that the ashes of corruption can linger so it is best to be careful. Cullen begins making amends more and more (a letter sent to a mage who makes her partner read it, the Antivan elf carefully speaking the apology from within, the mages harmed in Kirkwall, Templars so scared of him dropping to their knees in shock). Sera who learns to bake. Bull who figures out he is not a monster. Dorian, who does not speak well of slavery but speaks against it, plotting to tear down Tevinter with his bare hands. Cole who stays both human and spirit and is all the better. Varric who laughs and smiles like he once had.
And what of Izuku’s friends?
Tenya and Shouto who lost everything (Tensei choking on his own blood after refusing to give up valuable intel. Fuyumi blowing herself up with Dabi to beat him. Natsuo dying trying to protect Rei who died to. Endeavour still around with NOTHING changing) being happy again. Laughing and getting married with everyone they love there.
Ochako who lost an arm and refused to back down, who lost Tsu and mourns her so badly. Who nearly was killed because her naivety over Toga’s manipulation almost cost her life.
Hitoshi who lost his voice and only got pity, no help. Now he's regained it in a way, working with his wife who loves him dearly to be able to be the diplomat he was born to be. (and who makes it stylish to learn sign language)
Momo who is burned and hurt. Whose girlfriend left because they could not keep up, she's to much. Who was taught to keep her head down. She's creating things again. Laughing and smiling. Is kissing someone oh so sweet who has the same mind.
Midnight who lost her sex appeal and caused people to toss her aside. Acting like she's not human anymore. She's now happy with a man who ADORES her and all she is. She's smiling again.
Nezu who has tried over and over again to change the world. He now has in his paws the chance to help and make a difference. Who joins the Chantry when Leliana is Divine and helps shake things up. He's happy.
Aizawa who lost his husband and mourned so deeply. Who felt useless and broken. He has a purpose. He's working to help others, has a man who helps with aches and pains, who loves and accepts him.
Eri who was a lab rat and who had to learn to smile. Her smiles are bigger and wider here, her laugh echoing in her joy.
Izuku did this. He brought about change and happiness. He feels good.
He still hates Orlais.
@dark-elf-writes the second option if you want!
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There's something so fcked up about Bakugo being a hero AND one of the main characters with his nasty attitude and that bullying he never fully grew out of.
It really sends the wrong message, if you think about it, to anybody that may be in a toxic relationship that resembles that of Bakugou and Deku. As a kid I used to be absolute garbage with this one other kid, and watching BNHA at that time made me believe I was right and validated my behavior, since "this hero was also like that and he never got any consequences, so why should I??" Not the best message to give a kid with behavioral issues 💀💀💀💀
Thankfully I got help, stopped being a d*ck, grew out of it, and started giving steps to mend our relationship (and thankfully the other person was open and receptive to that), but BNHA sure as hell didn't help make me realize that what I was doing was wrong.
I legit thought—I'm not kidding—'he's a hero and he's doing the same stuff as me, so he must be in the right. And nobody ever says anything to him/calls him out on it, so that's just proving my point (that he's right)'. It was. Yeah. 💀
TLDR; Bakugou you're awful and I hate you with all my heart
First off, I’m really happy about your self growth 😊. I wish you the best 🙌
Secondly, I 100% agree. Katsuki sends awful messages to viewers. Let’s look at all the “consequences” he received for his behavior:
Suicide baiting Izuku: nothing. Even though his own goons call him out on it, nothing happens and it’s completely hand waved away.
Kicking that water bottle and getting trapped by a sludge villain: how the hell was he supposed to know that a stupid bottle had a villain inside of it? And that wasn’t even him doing anything wrong.
Sabotaging Izuku’s score on the Quirk Apprehension Test: nothing.
Nearly killing Izuku in the first battle trial: only told to grow up, but is also complimented.
Savagely beating Ochako: heroes call him out, but then “Mr. Always Right” Shota makes them look like fools despite them being right.
Being chained in the Sports Festival: Caused by his behavior, but the fact it leads the villains to want to kidnap him isn’t his fault as they thought he was victimized by society. Also who the hell chains up a child? I believe he should be locked behind bars, but U.A isn’t a prison and he was only chained cause he was being violent, not for his other behavior.
Getting less offers than Shoto: still gets to work with the Number 4 Hero.
Smacking Izuku and trying to fight All Might on his own: still passes the exam despite getting his shit rocked. Hanta meanwhile fails despite doing far more in his fight.
Being a dumbass and rushing the villains, which leads to his kidnapping: Again, not his fault he was kidnapped and even if he played it safe, there was a good chance he would’ve been kidnapped anyways. After all, the LoV had powerhouses such as Moonfish (who was kicking his ass), Muscular (who’s strong enough to eat blows from OFA), Dabi (who has flames hotter than Endeavor), and Twice (who can clone anyone he touches. He most likely would’ve been kidnapped anyways, but his dumbass didn’t make anything easier.
Failing his Hero License Exam: isn’t alone in that plus he gets it in like a month anyways. He even gets praised by the test scorers several times and gets to show off his fake growth.
Kacchan vs Deku 2: Katsuki gets put on house arrest, but so does Izuku, ya know, the person he dragged out to fight. Not only that, but he also misses out on getting stomped by Mirio AND gets to be a part of Izuku’s secret.
Stabbing Izuku with his costume to the point of brain matter flowing out of him: no one calls him out. It’s played as a “haha” moment.
Him completely misunderstanding Izuku when he went solo and delivering that horrid speech before apologizing: narrative makes him out to be in the right.
Such consequences are basically non-existent or aren’t a direct result of Katsuki’s behavior. As you mentioned yourself, if anything, Katsuki’s behavior ends up being validated, which in turn leaves other people to believe their behavior is validated. It’s a sickening message in a story about heroes.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
yay yay-! i shall send one right now, and I do t mind waiting either… so feel free to decline this request if it’s to hard but may I request(platonically) Stolas with a Male! or GN! Teen! reader who has a Rui Kamishiro Personality from Project Sekai? Like stolas basically adopted the reader and they are like really good at inventing things and the reader even made a robot for his friend for their social anxiey and many people around them see them as a “werido” when their really not? hope that’s not to confusing… thank you again!
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also I hope this sends 😭😭
Ah okay, This is my first platonic x reader request if I recall correctly but I'm good trying it and all. Only one slight hiccup... This is the first time I've even heard of Rui or Project Sekai at all. So I looked up some clips of Rui to try to gauge his personallity so I'd get it a bit better for this, sorry if I'm still off but here goes nothing! XP
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Stolas with a Teen Reader with a Rui Kamishiro personalilty who's really good at inventing (Platonic)
Stolas doesn't exactly fit into the norm himself, so despite sometimes having a hard time understanding your eccentricities he loves you like his own child.
He's very fascinated by your inventing, he hardly understands it at all but he'll praise your work often.
The first time you tag along with him to a formal party you can tell he's miserable, so you offer to spice it up with some of your gadgets, while he thinks it might cause too much trouble he lets you, and whoo does he not regret it, you both have a good laugh and get off scot free, and he has half a mind to bring you next time.
When you made the robot, he was awestruck in all truth, not only that you managed such a feat but that you went to so much effort for him, he's seen robots before of course but that you made one from scratch just for him warms his heart.
He enjoys it very much, it being nice to have someone to ramble to about random stuff, not caring about their mechanical nature, it's another friend after all.
As for everyone else around you too, it's a varied experience to say the least XP
Octavia likes you quite a lot though, since essentially she's your adoptive sister, you have a lot in common. Out of the box interests, being lowkey smothered by affection by Stolas as well XP She also finds your... 'colorful' fashion sense very cool, she isn't the biggest fan of wearing it, but you've gotten her in some outfits, in exchange for trying out some darker looks yourself.
Your interests don't really compliment eachother that much, inventing and taxidermy but you both support eachother in them, and Stolas thinks it's so sweet how well you get along.
Blitz though? Oh he immediately loves your chaotic nature, kinda recruiting you for help with gifts and stuff, he thinks you could be a great weapon smith, but your happy with just wholesome inventions, which he likes a lot too, low key will borrow some gadgets to mess with people, Stolas also loving how well you get along with him.
And anyone who dares makes insults to you, or bout your eccentricites, well we all know what happened to agents don't we ;)
Stolas despite his unwavering support and love, finds himself panicking when you try something a bit risky looking, you have it all planned out to perfection of course but he can't help but freak out a bit.
Overall you love eachother very much, happy with not fitting in together and loving all parts of eachother, interests and quirks and all, plus everyone else you bond with after he takes you in, a very wholesome time.
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awesome-normal-heroes · 3 months
Defending the Pink Princesses with Grey Mortality:
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Some people like to give Princess Bubblegum and Rose Quartz such a hard time.
But why on earth is that?
Sure, they did morally messed up things, but so did the other characters in their shows.
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So, why are these pink ladies given the most grief over their mistakes?
I think I know why.
It's because people expect them both to be perfect.
But the sad truth is that nobody is perfect, not even our favorite characters.
But I also understand that learning the characters you like ended up doing messed up things can mess with your own head.
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Princess Bubblegum was originally Finn's love interest (even though Finn is 12 and she's 18... why?) and she was a sweet person, despite some of her mad scientist quirks.
But when Finn got a new love interest (Flame Princess), the writers decided to change Bubblegum's personality quite a bit.
They slowly made Bubblegum into a control freak that spies on everyone and she isn't quite as warm as she used to be.
...Yeah, even I didn't like that the writers did to her sometimes.
But to be fair, the fantasy world that they live in is a dangerous place (in even rains swords sometimes) and the candy people are literally at the bottom of the food chain. Most of the candy people are not the brightest people, with only a select few actually being smart (like Peppermint Butler). Also, candy people explode when they get too scared.
It's no wonder she's so viciously overprotective and controlling.
She also had no true parents and basically raised herself and her brother, so she doesn't know better about certain things.
And unlike others shows that would most likely sugarcoat or ignore a main character's flaws and mistakes, some of the other characters are aware of how messed up Bubblegum has become.
Later on, Bubblegum gets called out for her mistakes a few times and she even get punished when she temporarily loses her kingdom.
And when she gets it back, she gets better and less controlling.
You gotta give her credit for that.
She isn't perfect, she makes mistakes, but she's trying to improve herself for all her loved ones.
At the end of the day, she just wants to protect her people and the kingdom that she created, because their world is a silly yet dangerous place and most of her kingdom is dim-witted.
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Meanwhile, Rose Quartz aka Pink Diamond was originally seen as Steven's perfect heroic deceased mother that everyone in his family loved.
But like Bubblegum, her flaws and mistakes are slowly revealed to us, showing us that she's not as perfect as her loved ones think she is.
She is smart, but not very wise.
She doesn't think about how certain choices can cause possible consequences in the future.
She also has a tendency to ditch people (Diamonds, Crystal Gems, Spinel) and keep secrets from them.
Steven even begins to kinda resent her.
Especially after the Pink Diamond plot twist.
Which I'm not a big fan of.
But to be fair, she was raised and surrounded by evil gems.
So, it makes sense that she's not the most moral or wisest person sometimes.
I'm just saying that considering her messed-up life before coming to Earth and how she was raised, she could have turned out a lot worse.
At the end of the day, she did save the Earth and wanted to protect the humans.
Plus, she's already technically dead, so there's not much that can be done about her anyway.
And I think that the true reason Rose had Steven at the cost of her life is so that the Crystal Gems can finally have a proper bond with a human being and understand why Rose cares about them.
Because the Crystal Gems didn't have any actual human friendships, before Steven arrived (except maybe Amethyst).
They protected the Earth because that's what Rose wanted.
But Steven helped the Gems finally connect with humanity.
Both pink ladies have done horrible things, but they've also done wonderful things as well... Shouldn't that count for something?
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quirkwizard · 3 months
Hope you're doing well Wizard!
I'm trying to solidify the mechanics of my quirk. Basically, the quirk allows the use to literally communicate with technology, via spoken words as if it were "human," ChatGPT style. From an outside perspective they'd just be taking at a machine, but in the quirk users head there's actual communication. It's essentially technopathy but less direct since it requires articulation with words. The issues come from how I don't for sure know if the effects are within the scope of a quirk. Talking to animals is one thing, but technology might be a stretch?? I'm not super duper worried about practicality/power, since It's for a more comedic OC, but I still want a degree of usefulness, though I think it fits the bill. In short, the user can talk to any tech like it were a chatbot AI, ask a computer to unlock,and would struggle to get their point across, insert laugh track here. For the name I was thinking something like "Geek Speak" or "Techno Babble."
Its "Technobabble" anon again, and I though a bit more on my quirk. I realized how it felt a bit too fantasy, so I came up with a more grounded explanation/means. The user's can convert their spoken words into a form of audio "virus" or sorts, that allows them to essentially run/manipulate/reprogram technology with their voice. (Not really important, but i think it'd be fun if it sounded like dial-up from an outside perspective), but it only works on devices with a CPU. Issues come from how a degree of programming knowledge is needed in order for the user to properly phrase and articulate their commands get the effects they actually want. In addition, higher level CPU would be more difficult for the user to communicate with (so they likely can't ask Tartarus to shut down and would struggle to high end government computer to unlock for them.) Also, only the user's actual voice can trigger the quirk, Shinso style. How would these changes fare in making the quirk fit in better?
Right off the bat, I have to say it: S Tier names right there.
I think this is a pretty neat idea for a power and a lot of the pieces of it could work. However, the issue is that technology is very broad, so you will need to be careful with how you balance it. I would give some examples of what the user can affect, like what The usage of viruses and programming languages implies it can only work on computers, but you may want to clear that up just to sure. On that note, I am not sure about requiring the user to speak programing language to the user. That's either way too hard or way too easy of a downside depending on how exactly you have it work. Like, if all you have to do is say "command" and "execute" or they need to talk to it like they need to talk to Siri, it wouldn't be that hard. So I would either revise that or remove it from the power. Though if you do decide to drop it, it's going to need some replacement. Like I mentioned, if was limited to stuff with computers and processors could help. They can work on a phone, but they can't control a car or anything. Maybe you could drop some of the applications to make it weaker, like they can't reprogram something. Maybe using it too much can mess with the user's ability to speak or understand language, using it too much or incorrectly can hamper the machines' ability to function, or it can cause some mental feedback.
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xxk3vonicaxx · 1 year
This is a Part 1, because this post broke the 30 image limitt, prepare for some long posts aheadd:
TW: Possible ableismm, n*zi and CP mentionss
Soooo Blurry and his fans have done more stuff that you guys probably don't know aboutt, aaand I can't just sit back and take it like I've been doingg, 'cause this has been affecting not just mee, buut multiple people as welll, mmm
Zavrozo's probably gonna have to edit the doc laterr, buut oh welll For starterss, let's talk about the elephant in the room that most of you are probably unaware of existingg:
Blurry and his fans making fun of my typing quirk on Instagramm:
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Noww, from what I believee, this is ableist behaviorr (I thinkk?), aaand also it's hypocritical coming from Blurry's partt (notee, the screenshot in the bottom left cornerr)
Likee, if I dare joke about Risk like thiss, it's badd, buut if Blurry and his fans make fun of my typing quirk like thiss, it's okk?
Worse thatt is that I'm a real person, for onee, I have feelings you knoww? >:'<
Aaand apparently Blurry has a history of doing this tooo, sooo that makes it worsee (This was from 2021, buuut stilll, it happenedd):
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Aaand when I showed this screenshot to Blurry on the rightt, he acted like he didn't know what Miles was talking aboutt (Contextt: This was when Miles and Blurry were having a fight about Edgar's (A character from FON's) backstory as Miles had apparently changed some stuff without telling Blurry firstt:
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I was talking for Blurry during this fightt ('cause back then me and him were still friendss). He had apparently banned Miles from the private FON discord I used to be apart of because he blew up at himm (Blurry was a mod back thenn, now he's the main adminn, this was the same server where Mobox was shown lying about the n*zi art not being hers aand making fun of Crying Blossomm)
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(Notee, I was the one who say this sounded fine for Miles to dooo, not Blurryy, he still hadn't apologized even thenn)
At the end of that fightt, we went on a group chat on Insta so it could get settledd, buuut Blurry never really said sorry to Miless (The fifth screenshot happened while Blurry was talking to Miles in this group chatt, the joke thing Blurry was talking about was about Edgar and Baxter being adopted siblingss)
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Miles had apologized during that behavior during that fightt, buut Blurry had never apologized for hiss. He had only said that "he had problems reading Miles' tone at timess", buut he never really said anything on how to fix itt, like using tone indication or somethingg, he only really cared on how to fix the character backstoryy, not to at least try to help Miles with thiss. Soo because of thatt, Miles stopped using his typing quirk around Blurryy
"Buuut Kevinn! Why are you bringing up that fightt?" You may askk
Welll, it's 'cause he did the same thing to mee (Tea.sammich is Blurry's altt):
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Notee: He asked for his fans to tone it downn, buut he never apologized for his own behaviorr, 'cause he was apart of it tooo!
Aaand alsooo, Blurry is twisting the person's wordss, they never said it was ableistt, they said they could be exaggerating that it was ableistt
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Aaand I know this because they confronted him on his behavior about thiss (Notee, the fifth screenshott):
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Aaand this was Blurry's responsee:
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Blatent lies and ignoring thingss:
Zombify had also confronted Blurry on his behavior with Mobb, aand Blurry lied to them multiple timess, basically ignoring the things Mob didd, particularly with the n*zi artt. Zombify had asked if Blurry had known about itt, aand Blurry ignored the question 3 timess! He had also ignored it with mee, tooo, changing the topic to me posting suggestive art in my server when I've already stated what my audience iss, it was shown in the docc (Not to mention Blurry defending Mob's gore art):
(Proof of Blurry knowing about the n*zi artt):
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Aaand here's Blurry ignoring Zombify's questions about it tooo:
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(The screenshots of these last two bits of the chat about this topic will be shown in the next part in a reblogg, 'cause I broke the 30 image limit with this postt)
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