#but at the end of the day...layla does not get it. she doesn't know what doing that will do to olivia's psyche
ninebluehearts · 2 years
You're my emergency
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Summary: You never changed your emergency contact after the breakup. You don't find out about this until the boys show up at the hospital.
Warnings: Angst, but happy ending, mentions of car crashes and injuries.
Word count: 1,290
A/n: I had a moment of writers block for awhile there, but once I found this prompt from @ creativepromptsforwriting 's hurt/comfort prompt list, I just knew that I had to write it! Enjoy 💕
He shouldn't care. He really, really shouldn't. But he does. He shouldn't be speeding on the freeway to get to the hospital right now, but he is.
You broke up with Marc and his alters over six months ago due to them constantly getting themselves into dangerous situations. Actually no, that's not what made you do it. The lying did. Jake and Marc always lied to you about their whereabouts, but never Steven. He told you that he never had a reason to, so you trusted him.
One day, Steven told you the museum was doing an overnight trip for a group of Middle Schoolers and that he would be back in a day or two. A couple of weeks later you found out he actually spent the night at Layla's after a mission went south. That's when you broke up with them. He tried to tell you that nothing happened between them, that he just couldn't come home and have you see him like that, but you refused to listen.
It took you two days to pack your stuff and move in with your Aunt. After that, they hadn't heard from you.
Until now. Technically.
Jake was fronting at the time. He had just finished beating a guy's ass for trying to steal a woman's purse, when the hospital called their shared phone.
"Is this a Marc Spector, Steven Grant, or Jake Lockley?" A female voice asked him. "Sorry about this, you're all listed for the same phone number."
Jake decided to let Marc front, not wanting to deal with whatever it is she wanted them for. "Yeah, this is Marc. What's this about?"
"Right, hello Mr. Spector. I just wanted to see if you were able to come down to St Thomas' hospital for a Miss y/n, l/n. She's been in a car accident and you were at the top of her emergency contacts."
Marc's heart skipped a beat. Then another. Then he was able to choke out a reply. "Of course. How bad is it?" Marc was barely listening to her, trying to get Jake's keys out of his pocket.
Jake took over again so he could drive them to the hospital. He didn't even feel bad when he abruptly ended the phone call. He just had to get to you.
'Should we be doing this, mate? I mean, she broke up with us.. she might not want to see us..'
'We should at least check on her. Make sure she get's home safe.'
'You heard her though. She said she doesn't want to see us ever again..'
Jake gripped the wheel, his alters voices sending a wave of anger throughout his body. "Of course we're going to check on her. She needs us." He ground out. Marc and Steven decided to stay quiet for the rest of the drive.
Marc jogged through countless hospital hallways, murmuring, "room 206..." under his breath until he finally found it. Your room. He raised his hand to knock, but found that he couldn't bring himself to. "What if Steven's right?" He mumbled, knowing his alters would hear him.
Steven stayed quiet, but Jake wordlessly took control of Marc's hand and knocked on the door five times. Marc's breath caught in his throat, panic flooding throughout his veins. "Jake, what the fuck?" He hissed.
"Shh! Listen." Jake muttered.
They all listened closely, waiting to hear your voice after all these months. Once Marc heard you call out a quiet, "come in" he slowly pushed open the door and shuffled into the room.
"Marc?" You asked, confusion evident in your tone. "What are you doing here? How did you know where I was?"
Marc stood there speechless, his eye's slowly running along your body. Your left leg was in a cast, you had a large bruise on your shoulder, accompanied with one gauze bandage on your neck and the other wrapped around your head. And these were just the exposed injuries.
He finally met your eyes, noting the expecting look you were giving him. Right, she said something.
Marc cleared his throat, slowly making his way towards your bed. "Um, turns out I'm still your emergency contact. Well, we are I guess." He corrected.
"Right.. Well, you can go. I'm fine. Sorry to waste your time." You mumbled, looking anywhere but at him.
"What? No, no, this isn't a waste of time," Marc hesitantly sat on the edge of your bed, placing his hand on top of yours. "You're not a waste of time."
The look on his face is the same one that's been haunting you for six months. A look of pure sorrow is how you described it to your friends. It's the same look he had when you announced the break-up. "I'm not your responsibility anymore. I'm fine. Seriously, I'm sure you have much better things to be doing." You muttered, looking anywhere but him.
That's when Steven took over for the first time that night. "Darling, emergency or not, we still care about you and wanna make sure you're doing well. Please, just let us take care of you. And when you're all better you can send us on our way again, okay?"
"No, it's not okay Steven! I can't-" You took a deep breath, wincing from the pressure on your bruised rib cage. You then closed your eyes and let the breath go before replying. "I can't send you away again, okay? It hurts too much. These past few months have been hell and I can't go through that again. I just can't."
Steven reached out and brushed a rouge strand of hair behind your ear, his touch feather light. "Love, you don't have to push me away. I constantly think about the things that I've done and honestly? I don't like to front anymore so I don't have to feel the weight of my guilt. It's too much to carry. I'm so, so sorry, love. I never wanted to hurt you. And I really didn't want to break your trust either. I know that there's no excuse for what I've done. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone."
You allowed the tears that were welling up in your eyes to finally fall. They slowly made their way down your cheeks, then slipped off of your chin and into your lap. "Steven.. I don't know what to say. You were supposed to be the one person I could count on and you just.." You didn't finish your sentence; you didn't need to.
"I know, I know. I don't deserve your forgiveness. I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sure the guys are sorry too, but I'm probably the most sorry." That made you breathe out a laugh, a small smile spreading across your lips.
"Alright, alright. I get it. Thank you." You finally met his eyes, relishing the way his pupils dilated when they gazed into yours. "I still love you. All of you, actually. I just need some time.. Is that okay?"
Steven reached out and grabbed your hand, gently bringing it up to his lips so he could kiss each knuckle. "Of course that's okay, love. Take all the time you need. We'll always wait for you."
You were allowed to leave the hospital two days later. Jake drove you home and helped you settle into your apartment. For the next two months they all took turns visiting and caring for you. Once your leg had healed you went out to celebrated at your favorite bar with Marc.
That night you ended up kissing and officially got back together. Not even a full year later and Steven had proposed to you, which, of course, you said yes. And for the rest of your life, Marc, Steven, and Jake held their place as your #1 emergency contact.
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glitch-karma · 1 year
hello! can i request the headcanons of bsd boys (ADA, port mafia, guild, DOA, and hunting dogs) playing genshin impact? i wanna know what is their fav characters/elemental/region hehehe~ thanks in advance!
I LOVED writing this one
I can see him liking Pryo characters the most
Someone who plays for fighting and building, not for lore and quests
I can see him maining Klee/Diluc
Definitely, the type to brag all the time
Joins people's worlds to steal stuff then leave like an asshole
I can see his main team being Diluc, Xiao, Ganyu and Xingqiu
When playing with ANYONE he'll pull out Klee and burn the grass to annoy tf out of them
Played it maybe once cause Dazai forced him
Did not understand the point in it
Ended up uninstalling it literally an hour later
Has been playing it even before Dazai
Has almost every character (and ALL of them are built)
Mains Heizou for Obvious reasons
Likes swirling electro the most
Likes to humble brag but in a mean way
"Yeah I mean, I only play it on occasion I guess I'm just good!"
He's lying
In reality, he spends way too much of his and Fukuzawas money
Definitely still not so patiently waiting for Dansleif to be playable
Dazai got him into the game
He plays it mostly for the story quests so his characters aren't very built
LOVES Anemo and Dendro
He was so excited when Baizhu was announced
He cried really hard when he did the Chasam quest
Mains Kazuha
He LOVES Collei so much
When he first started the game he was confused why Barbra wasn't doing any damage
Cyno reminds him of Akutagawa
Got into it from random ads
Mains Beidou and Yelan
Has been pulling for Shenhe for so long but still doesn't have her
LOVES Inazuma
Fav vision is definitely Electro
She has played through all of Shonens quests
Ranpo forced him to play and he likes it
Ranpo helps him with domains and farming
Enjoys the lore and how it's written, specifically Khaenri'ah lore
Is also waiting for Dansleif to be playable
He's an Albedo main
Relates a lil too hard to Sucrose and Xingqiu
Played to try to surpass Dazai
He wants to out-damage Dazai so bad but..
Poor baby doesn't know how to build correctly.
like he gave a physical build to Yanfei
Chuuya LOVES Cryo
He definitely at one point was a Kaeya main
He freaked out the first time he did 2k damage
Joins Dazai's world and says "You suck" Then leaves
Only plays it because Dazai plays it
Has tried to get good characters to earn Dazai's approval but he ALWAYS loses his 50/50's
Gets on calls with Dazai to try to show how good he is
"...Why did you put blizzard strayer on Diluc." "..."
Trys to get every character Dazai has
Honestly, he doesn't know what he's doing
Bought an acc from someone with insane stats
Bullys kids on the internet with it
He plays unironically (Unlike Fyodor)
Definitely does that ritual of throwing characters off cliffs before wishing
DEF a Hutao main
Has Fydor to actually play but always fails
That trend where you change the models of your characters? He's ALL about that
Changed Klee into a cursed model of a duck
Mains Layla because he loves her
It's his comfort game after a long day at the casino
He plays for the lore and character design
He doesn't really have time for games
Genshin, unfortunately, doesn't have accessible playing for him
I don't think he'd play either way but oh well
He saw a picture of Itto and Immediately installed it
Doesn't understand the cooking function
Is also confused about the look of the food
After meeting the Adepti he actually tried eating flowers
Jouno stopped him
Likes Xiao cause of the sticker of him eating snow
Thinks it's a stupid anime game
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter Twenty-Five: Twist of Fate
Alhaitham has the looks and the smarts. He will also be the stand-in CEO for his grandfather's company for a year.
But, he's been mysteriously cursed to turn into a cat every night since his eighteenth birthday… until he meets you, an employee at his grandfather's company, who rescues him as a cat and changes him back with one kiss.
Cross-posted on AO3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
“I knew I recognized you from somewhere.”
You’ve just finished telling Alhaitham’s mother about what you do for work. While you touch upon your most recent accomplishments, Alhaitham swoops in, calmly gushing over that you are the creative genius behind Love in the Spotlight. Your face almost turns red at how much he’s doting on you.
His mother looks from him to you. “I can see it in his eyes. He’s in love with you. He even admitted it to me a few days ago.”
“You didn’t have to say it out loud,” Alhaitham says quietly.
“My, this is the first time I’ve seen you embarrassed, Haitham,” his mother says with a smile.
From underneath the table, you take your boyfriend’s hand. He looks at you, and you smile at him. Then, you feel him intertwine his fingers with yours.
“So, m’dear… what does your family do?” After you tell her about your mother, she asks, “And your father?”
"He's… not around anymore."
Alhaitham notices how his mother's gaze hardens and she subtly leans back. “I’m sorry to hear that. But, um, would you mind if I asked how he passed away?”
The story is something Alhaitham's heard before. It's the same as the one you told him and Kaveh many weeks ago. Alhaitham keeps his stare on his mother, noticing how her jaw clenches and the subtle movement of her thumb rubbing against the side of her index finger, a habit when she's nervous. Then, his stare also turns serious. It may not be strong evidence, but it may be enough to get something out of her.
Eventually, you excuse yourself for the washroom, and once you’re far enough, Alhaitham asks, “Mom… what are you hiding?”
The woman looks up from her steak. “Hiding? What are you talking about, Haitham?”
"...Let me start from the beginning. You invited Layla to this dinner and told her you were afraid my girlfriend might be using me. You said you never met her before, yet you already have such a bad impression of her. Why?"
She scoffs quietly with a small smile. “Because I’m worried about you… as your mother. No parent would want someone taking advantage of their child. You may be all grown up, but you’ll always be my little boy. I’m always going to worry about you.”
“...I understand that. But you didn’t answer my question. You’ve never met her… until now.”
She sighs and crosses one leg over the other. "...Okay. I admit that I'm not going into this dinner blind. I… know what she looks like because I asked your grandfather if he had any pictures of you two together. He sent me a photo." She takes out her phone, taps it a few times, and puts it in front of Alhaitham.
It's a professional photo of you that looks like it can be used as a passport or for company records. However, Alhaitham still doesn't understand. Is his mother judging you because of your appearance?
"I did a little research and found out you two work at the same company. My initial intention was to confirm this with Layla."
“Why didn’t you ask me?”
“Because I wanted to know what this woman was like. She’s your girlfriend. You’d obviously tell me all the good things.”
“...So, you wanted an unbiased point of view?”
She puts her elbows on the table and puts her hands together. “I see she’s a nice girl. Capable and intelligent.”
Alhaitham slightly narrows his eyes. Well, he got one of his questions answered. Now, onto the next—
“Sorry to have kept you waiting.”
“Not at all,” his mother says, watching you sit down.
You look from Alhaitham to his mother. “Did I… miss something?”
She smiles at you. “Not at all. Haitham was wondering what I thought about you.”
“O-oh, well—”
“You’re a lovely woman, dear. You… oddly remind me of myself when I was younger.”
“...I do?”
She nods. “I don’t know if Haitham told you, but if not for his grandfather… I wouldn’t have had him.”
“Ah, yes”—you look at your boyfriend—”he told me the story.”
“Tell me… do you want to get married and have kids?”
She looks at her son. “It’s an honest question. There are no wrong answers.”
"I don't want kids," you say. "And… as for marriage, it's not something I'm thinking about right now. But I'm open to the idea when the time is right."
His mother smiles slightly. “It feels like I’m looking into a mirror.” Then, she looks at Alhaitham. “Did you know Haitham used to want enough kids for a soccer team?”
You turn to him. “Really?”
There’s a small but visible blush on his cheeks. “That was when I was very young. I don’t anymore.”
“Are you sure?” his mother asks. “You loved being around kids. You aren’t just saying that because she doesn’t want kids, do you?”
“I’m not."
“...I hope so. Because it wouldn’t be good to go along with someone else if that’s not what you want.”
The blush on his cheeks is gone as he looks his mother in the eyes. Perhaps he's overthinking, but is she… trying to create tension with this talk of having children?
His mother is about to call a waiter when he asks, “...Do you know why I said that before?” His mother looks back at him. “You and Dad were always away.”
"...Haitham, your father and I had no choice."
"I don't blame either of you. But my perspective has changed. So, there's no need to dwell on whether she and I have different views on having kids."
Is it just you, or does Alhaitham sound… a little cold? You hold his hand and give him a little smile to ease the tension. He holds your hand and returns your smile with one of his own.
Then, a waiter comes by and asks, “Is everything to your liking over here?”
“Could we get the bill?” When the waiter brings it over, Alhaitham’s mother takes it from him and says, “It’s on me tonight.”
“Oh, but—”
“I insist."
Then, she looks away from you, stands, and walks to the reception with her purse.
You turn back and see Alhaitham seemingly deep in thought. You put a hand on his leg and ask, “Whatcha thinking about, handsome?”
Alhaitham takes your hand. Truthfully, he’d been worried that his mother might try to make you uncomfortable. However, that didn’t seem like that’s the case… for the most part. “...It’s nothing.”
“Ready to go, you two?”
Once the three of you reach the parking lot, Alhaitham’s mother turns to her son and says, “Be safe on the road.”
“Thank you for dinner today,” you say.
“...I hope to see you again soon.”
Then, she turns and heads toward her car. Just before you and Alhaitham reach his car, Alhaitham sees his mother drive past. However, it isn’t the speed that arouses suspicions but her hard, cold stare.
Alhaitham's mother shifts the gears and drives a little faster once she hits the highway. She thought she'd left it all behind. The nightmares had stopped. The guilt… had eased. But when she heard your name, everything she felt that one fateful day came crashing back.
Today was it.
If she nailed this career-changing presentation to the business executives, she would be one step closer to becoming the manager of the department. Eventually, she might even oversee an entire business branch.
The rain started to come down harder as the car slowly rolled to a stop at an intersection. Then, she picked up her phone and saw the message on the screen.
She’s already here.
Alhaitham's mother stiffened. She didn't need any context to know who her colleague was talking about. A woman who was after the same position as her. She had been competing with her for a couple of years. Alhaitham's mother knew how capable she was, but she was also manipulative, coaxing her way up to the top. But of course, she had to have the skills to back it up.
Alhaitham's mother quickly texted back, her battery losing the last of its life. She had been so busy practicing for her presentation that she had forgotten to charge it. But she was almost at the office, so it shouldn't matter.
Alhaitham's mother tossed her phone into the passenger seat and turned to the adjacent road. However…
“Oh, my God!”
She suddenly slammed the brakes, but it was a little too late. The car still slid forward, hitting a man who had suddenly stopped while crossing the street. Even as he fell onto the wet pavement, his hand was still over his chest. Alhaitham's mother quickly backed up, got out of the car, and ran over to him.
“A-are you all right?”
The man groaned and winced in pain.
She ran back, opened the passenger door, and picked up her phone. However, it was completely dead. She gritted her teeth and quickly hurried back to the man.
“I’ll take you to the hos—”
Wait a minute.
Would she be held responsible for hitting him? But… he wasn’t suffering because of her… right? He was in pain first, and she just… barely hit his leg. It wasn’t her fault. Right? Then, there was also her all-important presentation. She couldn’t afford to be late. Excuses would look terrible on her.
She slowly backed up, her hands shaking.
This wasn’t her fault.
“Oh, my God! Are you okay?”
A young woman rushed onto the street and quickly lifted the man’s head. When the man remained unresponsive, she quickly took her phone from her bag and called an ambulance.
Alhaitham’s mother slowly smiled. Yes. It wasn’t her fault. Besides, he would be fine. Someone called the ambulance. Everything was going to be okay. Then, she quickly got in her car, ignoring the young woman’s calls and drove off.
However, that was just the beginning. What happened to him? He didn't make the news which means he was still alive... right? 
She'd done a little digging and discovered that the man's family took him off life support. What she got out of that was that she was no murderer.
The thought still haunts her to this day: if she had taken him to the hospital in the car that day, would he still be alive? Did she just… let him die?
Your last name. The man’s last name. It must be just a coincidence. There’s no way the man she left to die that day was your father, right? When she heard your full name, she felt the blood leave her face.
That’s why she wanted to know more about your family at dinner. You didn’t specify how he died, but the questions are all flooding back. What happened to him? Why was he taken off life support? It had nothing to do with her… right? She briefly recalls what you told her at dinner before you excused yourself for the washroom.
“...I’m very sorry that happened,” she said. Then, with a stiffer tone, she asked, “...But you said he… survived the accident. May I ask why your mother decided to take him off life support?”
“Mom,” Alhaitham warned.
“...It was the aftermath,” you said. Then, you looked her in the eyes. “I’m sorry, but I’d rather not talk about my father’s death.”
"Ah, yes, of course," she said.
A loud honk behind her startles her out of her thoughts. Then, as the car slowly rolls forward, she grips the steering wheel tighter. She might have been suspicious of you using Alhaitham. But, if the man she left on the street that day really is your father…
She needs answers. A confirmation. Anything. For the sake of her sanity.
Once she enters the parking lot of her apartment building and parks the car, Alhaitham’s mother takes out her phone and calls the one person she’s betting to get her answers from.
Alhaitham has just returned home when his phone goes off.
“Haitham, there’s… something I want to ask.”
He puts his keys away and puts a hand on the counter. “...Good timing. There’s something I’d like to know, too.” When all he gets is silence, Alhaitham asks, “How did you know what happened to her father?”
“...Wha… What are you saying, Haitham?”
“It was when she said her father wasn’t around anymore.” Alhaitham turns and leans against the counter. “You automatically assumed the worst.”
His mother forces a little smile. “You’re thinking way too much! Anyone would think that the person is gone after hearing a statement like that!”
“...You were also strangely nervous like you are now.”
“Stop it, Haitham.”
He can go on. Why is she getting so defensive? But, instead, he drops it, and says, “...You wanted to ask me something?”
“...I don’t understand. Why does it seem like you’re assuming the worst of me? Is it because I hid the divorce from you? I did it to protect you! I didn’t want you getting distracted by all of this… this bullshit. You had your career to focus on.”
“It’s not the divorce.”
“Then, what?”
“If it’s my girlfriend you want to get to know, you should’ve asked me first instead of asking about her through other people. Yes, Layla knows her, and so does Grandfather. But no one knows her better than I do. They might not have a bad impression on her, but”—his gaze hardens—“I don’t want to give anyone a chance to gossip about her.” Then, he softly sighs. “...Your intentions may have been good, but with you hiding the divorce for so long… it's a little difficult to think otherwise.”
A small pause.
"...I'm sorry, Haitham. Truly."
"...I just wish we can be a little more honest with each other. No more secrets."
"I will! I promise."
Alhaitham smiles slightly. "What did you want to ask?"
She clears her throat. "I… want to know more about her father.”
He raises a brow. “Her father?”
“...That’s right.”
It's a question she's expecting but still doesn't know how to answer. She has to give one… if she wants to cast a good light on herself again.
“I might know him.”
“...You might know her father?” Alhaitham asks, obviously surprised. “How?”
“It’s… it’s a long story. I don’t know if I do or not. And, it might be a sensitive topic to bring up to her, so I want to ask through you.”
Is Alhaitham suspicious? If he is, it’s not obvious in his tone. “...I don’t know much about him.”
"Well… I was just curious about how he died."
A small pause.
“...I know just as much as you do.”
She takes a small breath. “I see.”
“...I think she might appreciate knowing someone who knew her father,” Alhaitham says. “Besides, it sounds like you’re very curious.”
“Well… not that curious. But…” She takes a small breath. “You should get some sleep, Haitham. You have work tomorrow.”
Once Alhaitham ends the call, he thinks back to the brief shock on his mother’s face when she heard your name. If she might’ve known your father, why didn’t she ask? And now she’s coming to him to ask about his death. Alhaitham rubs the space between his brows.
Hang on.
He’s not living in one of those crazy dramas. There’s no way his mother had something to do with your father’s death… Right?
Back at a fancy, high-end apartment, Alhaitham's mother has just walked into her suite when the line goes through.
"There's something I'd like you to do."
Alhaitham's secretary sits on the couch. "...It sounds urgent."
Then, she says your name. "I want to know more about her family, especially her father."
“May I ask why?”
“...I’d rather you not. But I’m not planning anything if that’s what you’re wondering.”
"Then, why are you asking me instead of your son?"
"I don't want to alarm him."
“...With what?”
She sighs loudly. “That woman's father and I… may have crossed paths before.”
“Is that bad?”
“Do you need to ask so many questions?”
“...You’re asking me to get potentially private information on your son’s girlfriend without his knowledge. I’d like to know why.”
A small silence.
“Because it just might break him.”
“Oh, my God! My eyes!”
“Why didn’t you knock?” Lumine says angrily as her twin brother quickly covers his eyes with his hands.
Childe sighs. “Should I put my shirt back on?”
Aether slowly moves his fingers apart and sees Lumine put down her pencil. Childe also breaks his pose and sits on a chair, getting a well-deserved break from modelling for over thirty minutes. Despite preparing to leave for Snezhnaya, Childe still agreed to help model for one of Lumine's character designs.
“I didn’t know you were into nude paintings, Lumine,” Aether says.
“It's practice for anatomy! And he wasn't naked!"
Aether side-eyes his sister. Childe has his shirt back on as she sighs. Then, Aether steals a peek at his sister’s drawing. “Ooh, not bad, though. You actually make him look good.”
Childe and Aether exchange a deadpan look.
“...Anyway, I, um, I heard you’re leaving Sumeru for a while,” Aether says.
“Don’t miss me too much, kid.”
Aether awkwardly scratches his head. “You will come back, right?”
Lumine and Childe glance at each other, and she smiles. “Why’re you asking, Aether? Are you going to miss him?”
“I’ll miss making fun of him.”
Childe walks over and swings an arm around Aether. "I'll bring you a souvenir. How does that sound?"
“Why are you leaving, anyway?”
“...It’s complicated.”
“...But Lumine knows why, right?”
She looks at her brother. “Aether?”
"I mean… I don't have to know, obviously. But she's your girlfriend."
“She knows,” Childe says with a small smile. Then, he ruffles Aether’s hair. “I have no intention of hiding anything from her.”
“Gah! Cut it out!” Aether quickly moves away. Just before he leaves Lumine’s room, he looks over his shoulder. “J-just so you know… I won’t forgive you if you hurt her!” Then, before anyone can say anything, he runs off. Soon, they hear a door shut.
Childe and Lumine look at each other and laugh. Then, he sits next to her and looks at the drawing.
“Is this your first time drawing people?” he asks.
“Not exactly. I did some projects for school, but… I sorta fell out of it.” Childe looks at her curiously, so she continues, “A lot of people were better than me at it, but I also wasn't as interested in drawing people at the time.”
“What sparked the interest now?” He winks at her. "Don't tell me it's because you got a hot model."
Lumine rolls her eyes with a small smile. "Well... that does keep the interest, I guess." Childe chuckles. Then, she says, "But, I guess I was getting bored... It sounds horrible, doesn't it? I’m only like a month away from graduating, and I’m already getting tired of what I’m doing.”
“But you’re seeking new challenges.” He gently pinches her nose. “You want to better yourself, and that’s admirable.” Then, quietly, “Some people just like to stay in their comfort zone.”
Is there something on his mind?
“...Hey, just curious, ever since that screenwriting contest… did you ever try again?”
“Why do you ask?” Childe asks.
"Well… I know there's the issue with your family and all… but you're still writing commercial and short video scripts, right? I just thought you'd want to go into screenwriting for dramas like Sis." Childe is silent for a moment until Lumine pokes his cheek. "Did I say something wrong?"
“No,” Childe says with a slightly wry smile. “...I still do.”
“....Well, I guess I’m not as talented as I thought. No matter how hard I try.”
Lumine puts her hands on Childe’s cheeks and makes him face her. Is this what it feels like to be on the other side? Is this what Childe feels when she’s telling him about how she doesn’t feel good enough at her craft?
“What are you saying?” she asks. “You got third without having any experience at the time. That doesn't come easy for a lot of people. You were right behind Sis who was actually studying screenwriting at the time. So, don't say that!"
“But even after so many years,” Childe says, looking straight ahead, “I still can’t beat her.”
Lumine’s eyes widen. “...Wait a minute. Have you been thinking of Sis as your rival all this time?”
“I… guess I’ve started to see her as a standard.” He sighs. “I’m not sure when it started, but seeing her reach new heights is both exciting and infuriating. As her friend, I’m happy for her. But…”
“...Yet you aren’t,” Lumine finishes quietly. “I can understand that. But you know… what are you going to do after that?”
Childe looks at her.
“Are you going to look for someone else to beat?”
“I know what you’re going to say,” Childe says with a small smile. “I should only be competing with myself, right?” He leans closer to her. “...Then, I guess I can say the same for you, Lulu.”
Lumine puts a hand on the back of his neck and leans closer. “We’re… kind of similar, huh?”
Chide puts a hand around her head, bringing her closer. “...Perhaps I should learn from you. Even though you’re afraid, you’re still giving this a shot.” He smiles. “Which you obviously should because it’d be such a waste.” He glances at her lips and says quietly, “...Just like how it’d be a waste not to kiss you right now.”
Just as their mouths meet, they immediately hear another loud gasp. Lumine quickly pulls away and hears her brother say, "Would it kill you to close the door?"
She turns around. “Because someone would just open it again,” she huffs.
“So... am I not supposed to walk over here regardless if the door is open or closed?” Aether says.
Lumine sighs, and she feels Childe kiss her head. Then, in a low whisper, he says, “Still better than nothing.”
Alhaitham's mother is anxiously twirling her pencil between her fingers when she hears a knock at her door. When she opens it, she immediately lets the man inside.
"Do you have it?"
Alhaitham's secretary takes out a wide, cream-coloured envelope from inside his blazer and hands it to her. When he notices her hesitation, he asks, "Do you not want to see it?"
She takes the envelope from him and slides the documents out. He watches her intense stare as her eyes wander down the page.
Stroke. Bleeding. Punctured lung. 
"...Are you okay?" he asks.
She continues reading the page, the keywords making her chew on a nail.
External injury. Made it worse. 
She stops, her arm falling to her side. The papers fall onto the floor, and Alhaitham's secretary sees the photo of your father. Then, he turns back.
"...Did you get the answer you wanted?"
Alhaitham's mother puts a hand on her head and almost laughs. "...And so much more."
Chapter Twenty-Six
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @sakiimeo @ash-in-lavender @ceylestia @forsh4dow @deathkat657 @kalpie @elernity @sentieence @chichibleeps @sunsethw4 @hjjks @tanspostsblog @nqctre @just-simping-over-genshin @uchihaeirin @vynbin @ayanokomu @dksfl920 @rin1802 @itztaki @thetwinkims @imkaaayy @angeilix @starlighttotheleft @letthewindlead @thelonelyarchon @certaindreampost @winterpein @theprinceofkhaos @vvyeislazzy @warrior-of-justice @n8mareee
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filmbyjy · 2 years
JAM OUT - fourty! never letting you go
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synopsis > who knew you’d break the first rule of being in a friends with benefits relationship? maybe it was lee heeseung himself that made you catch feelings. either ways, he doesn’t do feelings and you knew that. as your relationship with heeseung strains so does the band. what happens then?
masterlist | previous | end | ERROR?¿
warning: lord why am I attempting to write smut. ahah but yeah there is smut below here. p-proceed with caution because it sucks☝️ now let me put the smut warnings: protected sex (BECAUSE WRAP IT UP WHORES), oral (receiving), please tell me if there is anything else. this is also a little self-indulgent bc LORD HAVE MERCY I WANT THAT MAN
word count: 2.8K words (when the sexy time is longer than the actual fic)
NOTE: so the sexy time is placed under the red border. this is just to inform those who don’t want to read the sexy time and they can stop reading there.
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you were extremely excited for this trip. it was a very much due since well school was stressing you out and you needed a breather. obviously the school holidays was 2 days later but it was always fun to be a rebel and skip school.
"so are you guys ready?" heeseung asks. he turns to see yeji and jake arguing over the back seat.
"just cause you're sad, doesn't mean you can get the seat, jake." yeji yells.
heeseung sighs. he takes out the luggages that were on the back seat.
"ladies, why don't you sit in the very back. the luggages will be next to jake and layla."
"oh doesn't that mean (name) will sit at the front with you?" ryujin asks. you faced heeseung, he blushes.
"well if she doesn't want to sit with me, she can sit at jake's place and jake can take the front seat."
"i'm perfectly fine with sitting in front." you say.
"great, then it's settled."
finally, you were on the road to the cabin. heeseung blasts some music and everyone in the car starts singing along. it takes about an hour or two to arrive at the cabin. somewhere along the journey, you had stopped at the grocery shop to buy some groceries and some meat for barbecuing. once it was done, you were on the road again.
the whole time, heeseung kept one of his hands holding yours and the other on the wheel. he squeezes it every now and then since he knows you have motion sickness. you couldn't stand travelling by car for more than an hour so heeseung was just making sure.
heeseung finally parks in the small lot that they had for the cabin. both you and heeseung left the car first.
"are you okay?" heeseung asks. you nod.
"yeah, i'm okay. just a little migraine but it's not much."
"i'll cook something for you. i'm sure you're just hungry." right on time, your tummy started growling. both you and heeseung laughed.
"is that another cabin connected to this one?" jake asks. heeseung unlocks the door with the keys.
"yeah, i asked for 2 cabins since there might not be enough rooms. i guess my dad's secretary just got one that is connected to each other and shares the same barbecue area." heeseung explains.
ryujin, yeji and jake stared at each other.
"I'M GETTING THE MASTER BEDROOM FIRST!" they yelled before running with their luggages into the cabin. layla runs behind them following jake into the house.
you and heeseung just shook your heads.
everyone settles to choose a room of their own. heeseung chooses the room next to yours. you smiled when you looked out the balcony, heeseung comes in and wraps his arms around your waist. he places his chin on your shoulder.
"mmm, i wish i could've held you sooner." heeseung pouts.
"well, you were busy fucking around and breaking my heart." you say. heeseung huffs.
"i still have to make it up to you so to do so, i'll prepare you some food."
"ramyeon?" you asked. heeseung unhooks his arms from your waist.
"with spam." heeseung says whilst adding a wink before leaving to prepare the food. you chuckled. jake pops his head into your room.
"what did you two do?" jake smirks.
"nothing, jaeyun. we were just talking. he is just going to make me food too since i'm a little hungry right now."
"hungry for food or hungry for his dic-" you smacked jake's arm.
"food. he is making ramyeon."
"without me?" jake gasps, "what is this betrayal." jake stomps out of your room. you playfully rolled your eyes.
about 10 minutes later, you went to check up on heeseung. the doorbell rings and so you saw jake going up to see who it was. sunghoon appears seconds later with jay and sunoo. they rolled in their luggage and the two youngest ones. jay simply just needed to travel back later to pick them up.
"have you bought groceries?" jay asks. both you and heeseung pointed to bags on the counter before continuing slurping on ramyeon. jay inspects them. he takes note of what to buy later on.
"i'll go pick up the kids now. enjoy your time." jay says. both you and heeseung hummed.
"why does he look like an uncle." you asked heeseung.
"he purposely dressed like this because he wants to take photos to fool married women."
"are you being for real?"
"the first part is the truth, i'm kidding about the second part. that's just how jay dresses up during holidays. he's dressed like a dad because he starts acting like one during trips like this." heeseung explains.
"soooo you're saying jay dilf agenda is real?" heeseung cocks his brow.
"what's with you and jay being a dilf agenda. do you like jay or something?" you giggled.
"why are you jealous?" you teased.
"yes. i am jealous." heeseung says. you gasped.
"you admitted to it."
"because my woman is talking about another man in a inappropriate way."
"your woman? since when was i your woman, mr.lee." you sat closer to him. he smirks.
"since i first laid my eyes on you." heeseung flirtatiously says. the both of you fell into a trance, just staring at each other before leaning in and kissing.
it was a fast and messy kiss, heeseung's lips practically devouring yours. it had been a while since he had kissed you so you missed this feeling. you missed him, in more ways than one. his arms reach out to cup your left cheek (ON THE FACE NOT ASS, though heeseung was very much tempted but i won't say anything). he deepens the kiss even more.
you pulled away quickly since you heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. you moved back your stool and pretended nothing happened. heeseung chuckles, he steals a small peck on your cheeks before the person entered the kitchen.
it was sunghoon and jake, they chatted with you and heeseung for a while and they didn't suspect anything weird happened so you were happy about that.
it was about 4pm, everyone had settled in and unpacked their things. each doing their own respective things, whether it being together or alone. heeseung decided to step out and sit at the lake nearby. you had put on your swimsuit knowing heeseung would probably shove you in playfully. that's just how he was.
you tugged on your jacket, it was a little cool outside. heeseung dips his feet into the water, enjoying how warm it was compared to the cool air surrounding him. you sat beside him, dipping your foot into the water too.
you hummed, "yeah?"
"i know we are remaining as friends for now but friends don't really makeout in the middle of the kitchen."
"that's true." you turned to look at heeseung.
"so what are we?" heeseung asks. you giggled.
"i don't know."
"oh come on (name)." heeseung pouts.
"we said we'd take it slow but we already crossed the line by making out like we did before when we were friends with benefits."
"heeseung, do you get what i'm saying?"
"umm, that you want to start that kind of relationship again?" you smacked his arm.
"i'm kidding." he laughs, "yang (name), will you be my girlfriend?"
"yes, lee heeseung." you say.
"what was that?" heeseung teases.
"great." he says before he shoves you into the lake. you gasp.
"GET IN HERE, YOU GIANT FUCK." you yelled. heeseung tries to run away while you splashed water on him. you spot jungwon. "JUNGWON, PUSH HEESEUNG IN THE WATER NOW!"
"with pleasure." jungwon smirks and pushes heeseung into the lake. heeseung flails in the water, shocked that jungwon actually managed to shove him inside. "you messed with the yang siblings, hyung."
heeseung's jaw drops, "y-you called me hyung! BABE, HE CALLED ME HYUNG!!!" heeseung hugs you.
shortly after, the rest of them decided to join in. it was about 6pm, everyone gets back to take a shower. jay starts getting ready for the barbecue. everyone gathers around the campfire that jake had set up. it felt good. you felt great, it had been a while since you ever felt this complete.
a hand grazes your waist, it pulls you out of your trance. heeseung places a peck on your cheek. he smiles at you. you smiled back before cuddling with him.
this was right. the man you grew up with. your first love. your first sexual partner, the man who took your virginity. you couldn't have felt more happier.
the end-
HAH kidding, you really thought i was gonna end it there? i'm just getting started. now this part, is umm i tried. so enjoy the sexy time...GOD OKAY SOFT ME IS GONE NOW PEACE!
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after the little barbecue party, everyone had gone into their respective rooms. jake and sunghoon were last seen flirting (they drank so yeah). it was a little awkward for both you and heeseung since you walked back together.
there was this lingering tension. he was extremely touchy of you during the whole 'party' and obviously since you've done the deeds with him on multiple occasions, you know why he was this touchy. you wanted to bring up the subject to him but was it even okay for you two to talk about it?
okay maybe it was supposed to be fine, after all you've had sex with him tons of times! why was it so hard for you to bring this up to him. you finally reached your bedroom door, you turned to heeseung ready to pop in the question. however, before you could even utter a word out, heeseung's pretty lips was on yours.
next thing you know, your back was against the wall of the bedroom. heeseung kicks the bedroom door shut with his foot. he cups your face and tilts his head to deepen the kiss. you let on a small moan as you feel him press up his leg against the most vulnerable part of you.
he breaks the kiss only to trail kisses down from your lips to your jaw and rests on your neck. he works his way to find that sweet spot of yours. once he finds it, you let out a whimper.
"found it." heeseung growls.
when lust took over heeseung, he was a different person. it was scary honestly but you liked it. your hands made it under his shirt, trailing his toned body down to hold his waist. he pulls back.
"are you sure you are okay with this (name)? i mean, we did have history with having sex but i don't just wanna fuck you this time. i wanna make love to you."
"heeseung, whatever you did just now was not making love. you should go slower when making love."
"well...you never enjoyed going slow..." heeseung's eyes watches you.
"shut up and fuck me."
"gladly, my love." he smirks.
your body lands onto the mattress after heeseung carefully places you on it whilst not breaking the kiss you two shared. heeseung hovers above you after breaking the kiss.
"let's prep you first hmm? it's been a while." heeseung says.
"can we skip it? i kinda just want you and besides the others are still around us...we need to make it quick."
"aren't you the one who said love making means taking it slow? i'll take my sweet time with you, princess." heeseung purrs. you felt your whole face heat up. he starts trailing kissing down to your stomach and thighs.
he stops just above your pathetic sleeping shorts. it was a set you brought just for heeseung since he mentioned how he loved satin pyjamas on you (this was mentioned when you two were still fuck buddies).
"c-can you stop teasing me, heeseung?"
"that's not my nickname, sweetheart."
"sir, please."
"since you asked nicely." he pulls down your shorts along with your panties. his lips latches onto your clit and he devours your cunt like a starving man. you were squirming under his grip. heeseung holds you down.
“you taste divine, my love.” heeseung says. you slapped a hand over your mouth so you didn’t accidentally moan out loud. “hmm, let’s see if you can take my fingers. it’s been a while, need to have you stretched out to be able to take my cock. hmm?”
heeseung runs his finger up and down your folds teasingly. you whine.
“heeseung, can you please for the love of god just stick it in-” you gasp when you felt his fingers in you. he starts to slowly scissor you whilst kissing you, swallowing your moans.
he starts moving faster. you gasp again.
“h-hee.” was all you mutter out. he knows you were close judging by how you were clenching around his fingers. he pulls out and you whines at the sudden loss.
“I think you’re ready.” he smiles.
heeseung finally pulls off his clothes. you were left staring at his body. yup, you were definitely lucky. he was blessed with looks and a huge dic-
“eyes up here, love.” he tilts your head up to meet his eyes. he rips a condom packet he took out from his pocket and rolls it on.
“heeseung.” you sounded desperate because you were. you needed him and he knew. heeseung runs his tip against your folds. your body shivers in pleasure.
“heeseung, it’s not my first time. you were rougher during my first time anyways.”
“like I said.” you nearly moaned out loud when you felt him just shove inside you. “you never liked going slow.”
“well maybe because you never liked it too.” you retort back. heeseung cocks his brow.
“being a brat now? do you want to get punished? let everyone hear how good i’m making you feel?” heeseung says.
“no please, sir.”
“good girl.” he smirks. “but…i’m not lying when I said I want them to hear how good you’re drowning on my cock.”
“heeseung wait-” he thrusts faster into you. you moaned. heeseung doesn’t bother covering it up. you were sure anyone would hear it.
“w-what happened to you wanting to make-” he presses down on the bump you that formed on your tummy as he thrusts into you. “love to me.” you finished your sentence after catching a breath. heeseung was making it hard for you to talk.
“do I really have to answer that, love?” he cockily says.
“fine.” he hits that spot. “oh wait, that f-feels good.”
“right here?” he hits that spot again. you groaned.
“heeseung, h-harder.” he listens to you and snaps his hips harder. you nearly screamed.
“I can feel you clenching around me, love. you’re close, aren’t you?” you nod at his words. he smirks as does the most cruelest thing ever. he slows down. you whined.
“heeseung, please.” you begged. a tear slips out of your eyes. heeseung wipes it. he speeds up again, he groans into your ears and you swore it was the hottest thing you’ve ever heard in your whole life.
“fuck.” heeseung curses. “I love you (name).” his hands goes to reach over for yours. it interlaces.
“I love you too, lee heeseung.” he kisses you one last time before you came undone. this was the hardest you ever came. heeseung pulls out and ties the condom before discarding it into the dustbin.
he goes over to the bathroom in your bedroom and grabs a small towel. he dampens it and starts to you before wiping you down cleaning you up. you whimper when he touches your cunt since you were still sensitive. he mutters small sorry’s while doing so.
“let’s get you to pee first, hmm?” heeseung carries you to the bathroom. you did your little business.
he hands you the t-shirt he was wearing before and starts dressing the both of you up. once he was done, he settles right with you on your bed. you were barely keeping your eyes opened. he pecks both of your eyelids.
“sleep.” he says.
“I meant it when I said ‘I love you’ back.” you told him whilst playing with his hands.
“i know and I love you too.” he pecks your forehead. “you think those three boys were listening in?”
you groaned, “why would you ruin the moment?”
“I’m just saying. if they were…we could bring them in for more fun.”
“don’t start putting ideas into my head, heeseung.”
“so you were thinking about it.” he smirks. you hid your face on his chest. he chuckles. “you know I would never oppose to what you want, love.”
“let’s just sleep, please.”
heeseung flicks the lamp lights off. the both of you fall into sleep.
he finally had you in his arms and he was not letting you go ever again.
taglist[open]: @junnniiieee07 @lhsdiary @woniesbakery @cyuuupid @qimmylol @lhsng @beans-and-jeanes @starggukies @maybee-may @ilove-jake @taetaemylovie @thealatte @nyfwyeonjun @sakunasrealgf @diestheticu @mingyuswrld @iloveoceaneyes @viagumi @mymeloem19 @enhasengene @lalalalawon @te44sng @ahnneyong @ii4enha-jwn @allthegirlsmialoved @artstaeh @msxflower @monkeybabyzz @raimbows4u @hoteldelluna @allsunshinenosugar @kwnshi @luvrseung @oranshi @hoonslutt @captivq @ckline35
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fettuccin-e · 2 years
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Our favorite boys!! This show continues to take over my life and I truly don't know if I will ever be the same. Marc and Steven are both so wonderful and also I am constantly horny for Oscar Isaac so that doesn't help.
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Too Much 18+
>> Steven doesn’t have a whole lot of experience with this kind of thing, and with a girl like you, sometimes he can get a little overwhelmed in the best of ways. (I wanted to write something where Steven gets pussydrunk that’s it babey) w/c: 838
Gold-Skinned and Eager 18+
>> You confess to Steven that no one has ever eaten you out before. Steven wants to show you what you've been missing for so long. (soft!dom steven is my lifeblood god bless) w/c: 1.0K
Make It Bruise 18+
>> You've been a brat to Steven all day, in the hopes that you can finally just make him snap and fuck you as rough as he can. You succeed, but Steven needs to punish you first. (steven is definitely more of a dom in this one hooray) w/c: 1.5K
A Little Show 18+
>> Steven finds out of about the job you used to have before you met him. You brace yourself for his rejection, but Steven has a far different reaction. It's a reaction you both can enjoy. (written for kinktober day 10: stripping) w/c: 1.3K
Like It Like That 18+
>> Marc makes Steven want to try something a little different with you. No, it makes him need to try something different. You're happy to let him. (written for kinktober day 16: role-reversal) w/c: 897
Man in the Mirror 18+
>> Steven watches you and Marc from the mirror across the bed. He should give you both privacy, but Steven can't seem to pull himself away. (written for kinktober day 19: voyeurism) w/c: 1K
It's Never Easy 18+
>> You just need relief, so badly, but Steven doesn't want to let you cum. The other boys seem to agree. (a fic with all three moonboys. written for kinktober day 24: edging) w/c: 1.3K
"Well, I've honestly never had sex before..." - Blurb Request (featuring virgin!Steven)
"Just a little more." - Blurb Request (featuring softdom!Steven)
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Far Too Long 18+
>> Marc’s been gone for so long, and your dildo is barely enough to tide you over until your boyfriend is with you again. Luckily, Marc is getting back home earlier than you first thought. (daddy Marc catches her with her favorite toy and rails her into next week, that’s it) w/c: 1.6K
Glowing White 18+
>> Marc thinks the suit is ridiculous, you think it’s fucking hot. And when he looks like that, you can’t keep your thoughts to yourself for too long. (she fucks Marc in the moon knight suit. there u go) w/c: 1.1K
How Many Does It Take 18+
>> Marc is ridiculously good in bed. Almost too good. You've tried to tell him that it's too much, that you're too sensitive, but he just keeps going. You know how to make it all stop. (there is safe word use in this one!! but its not suuuuper angsty!!) w/c: 1.3K
A Soft Ray of Sunlight 18+
>> Marc finds you in his clothes. It affects him a bit more than he thinks it should. w/c: 1.7K
Sandwiched between Marc and Layla 18+
>> A blurb about what it would be like to be between Marc and Layla. (w/c: 146)
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In The Rearview 18+
>> Jake loves taking you dancing, but his favorite part is the end of the night, when he can get you hot and bothered. So bothered, in fact, that you just can’t wait until you get home. (she’s getting fingered in the car you guys) w/c: 1.4K
254 notes · View notes
moonlightguidesky · 4 months
Heyyy!!!! New chapter released (wrote like weeks ago, please just go with it.).
Anyways, as always let me know what I can improve on. Repost if you can, as always have a good day, afternoon or night.
You have been warned about the contents of this chapter.
Chapter 2: The kid Problem
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Marc wakes up gasping for air, his chest rising up and down heavily as he panted.
He sat up quickly before he looked around his apartment, the apartment itself barely looked homely.
A couple books and maps he had traded with ration cards. The only real color in the damn place was the couch which was blue.
He sighs as his heart calms down now, another nightmare.
"Always the damn same one."
He grumbles under his breathe as he gets up and walks to his small kitchen before he feels a hard tug on his ankle and the next thing he knows he is flat on the ground as his cheek burned.
"Steven! Again, seriously!?"
Marc exclaimed as he pushed himself off the floor, a scowl making its way onto his face.
"Mate, you had it coming. You broke your promise, you know I hate it when you do that."
Steven surfaced as Marc looked at the dirty mirror they owned with his eyebrows furrowed.
Steven had his arms crossed against his chest with one lifted eyebrow clearly not sorry about what he did.
"Look, it wasn't that I didn't want you to front. Just, he needed me Steven."
Marc tried not to get angry, he knew he screwed up, he always does.
He looked at the cuffs that were on his ankle and already went to look for the keys. He lifted the floor board and there was the silver key to his freedom.
He uses the key and gets his ankle out of the cuffs before he got up again and rubbed his head.
The smell of liquor still hanging in the back of his throat. He overdid it again, he always does when it gets bad again.
"So, was the whiskey worth it?"
Steven said almost scolding knowing that this was hurting not only him but Marc's body.
"Can we not talk about it, I already have a headache."
Marc sighed as he felt like shit right now and didn't need a reminder of how shit it was to be like this.
"I wonder why."
Steven mumbled as his head lowered and he shook his head as he left the mirror into another space, Marc's jaw harden as he tried his hardest to not punch the mirror with his fist.
He tells himself that he doesn't want to have to replace the mirror again, also he didn't want to be alone.
Steven and his relationship was damaged after everything that happened in the last 15 years.
Fight after fight yet by the end of the day they had each other and that's all they really had.
Wendy and dad weren't in the picture anymore. The smacks and vemoned words that came out of the women they called their mother left her mouth he knew she would never be the same.
Steven,eventually, after lots of convincing had finally gave into to the fact that they had no mother anymore. Their dad was not any better honestly, he tried to keep the beating to a minimum but it could only hold on for so long.
So when they turned 18, they went to join FEDRA and stayed employed for a while before he got into a nasty fight and was terminated from the job.
It's been 14 years since they last saw the people they once called parents. Every once in a while though he would just follow them, more his dad to make sure no one tried to hurt them.
Eventually Layla came into their life for a while and things were to some type of normalcy, domestic even, of course they had to skrew that up too.
Both went their separate ways after a nasty argument and haven't seen each other in a year. Both men still worried about her, they know she is capable of taking care of herself, it's one of the reasons they fell for her.
Still, that didn't mean their wasn't any worry that she could have gotten killed of murdered after they separated. She had left England to go to Egypt.
Her strength was something they admired, how reliable she was, how she always had their backs. But more than anything it was her heart, how even after everything she has been through she was able to still love them for wow they were and how they were.
Sometimes they wished they could have worked it out better.
"Ey, hermano, door."
A voice called out and there was Jake, they had figured out Jake a couple years into their time in FEDRA, he took over when an invasion of infected managed to escape. He kept them alive and they were thankful for that.
"Shit, who?"
Marc whispered as his head pounded again at the noise of his door being knocked on.
"Marc Spector! "
A voice boomed, a familiar sense of dread filled the apartment. It was Khonshu, fuck.
"I'm coming! I'm coming."
He shouted as he walked over to the door, he really didn't want to but didn't exactly have much choice since he knew the damn man wouldn't stop the banging.
He took a deep breathe before opening the door and in came Khonshu, the man had platinum white hair and his eyes were empty with almost not shine to them like he had no eyes.
His clothes match his personality honestly, he was wearing some black jeans with a white button up that had grim and some pink splatters which he knows where it came from.
His jacket has a patch of a moon on it.
"Where were you yesterday night, we had somewhere to be!?"
The man shouted as Marc closed the door and locked it, he knew what was coming, all of them did.
"Look, I just got sidetracked, okay? Something came up and something was going on with Ste-"
He didn't even get to finish before the sound of Khonshu's cane hit the floor of the apartment was shaking slightly.
"You swore he wouldn't be a problem, that he would cooperate with this. Maybe you should have had Lockly front more often, that is a man who can get the jobs done quickly."
Khonshu retorted as he looked out the window and turned to Marc before motioning for him to come closer.
Marc looked at him before he walked over to thw window and seeing people, just people.
"You see these people, they rely on us to keep them safe. You are in debt to me Marc Spector, I saved your life and therefore you must now save theirs for me."
Khonshu said with no hesitation, sure Khonshu could be an asshole but he was okay every once in a while like this.
Sure he had imprisoned Marc and the alters in his escapades of "saving" people but he really did want to just help, he was just really shitty at doing it.
"Fine, fine. I promise it won't be a problem again."
Marc finally replied as he sighed and Khonshu only hummed as he made his way to exit the apartment building.
"Let us see Marc Spector, tick tok. Make sure not to skip this times patrol, I will see you then."
Khonshu finally said before he closed the door behind him. Marc sighed, he really hated the guy sometimes.
"He's an asshole."
Steven remarks, Marc holds back a smirk.
"One thing we can actually agree on."
Marc shakes his head as he goes and starts to get ready for the day of labor he's gonna have to do.
"El tiene razón."
Jake voice echoed in the back of their head. At least this is something they could all agree on.
Jake shoveled the ashes from the firey pit that raged on, buring their skin but not enough actually do damage.
"Ey, Marc. Got a minute."
A man called out, Jake's eyes went to the back of his head as Marc fronted. Marc blinked as their eyes focused again and turned around to face the man that called for him.
"Yeah, what's up?"
Marc answered as he pulled down the bandana that covered their nose and mouth from all the ashes that were made from the burned body of infected and Ammits followers.
"I have a job you might be interested in."
The man whispered as he slipped a paper into Marc's hand.
Marc sighed as he pocketed the note into his jeans.
"I told you I don't do that type of work anymore."
He whispered back as he bent down to "tie his shoes" and the man looked down and did the same action.
"It's good pay man, lots of ration cards and maybe even a bit more."
The man said as he tried to convince Marc to do the job, he and this man didn't really know each other very well but the guy did owe him something for saving his life.
"Look man, I told you I can't take the job. No matter how good the pay is."
Marc remarked as he got back up from "tieing his shoes" so that he could back to work.
"Just, just think about it. Alright."
The man muttered before he went to the other side where another hall of bodies came in trucks to be burned.
He sighs as he grabbed the shovel again and starts to dig the ashes and putting them into barrels.
Her brown eyes watched as the water leaked from the floor above and dropped in the wet puddle that formed.
"Nomas querría ir a dormir, es mucho para pedir."
Katalina groaned as she looked at the chains they put on her, her ankles and wrist were starting to bruise red from the amount of times she tried to slide them off.
She slouched on the wooden walls as the rumble and sound of FEDRA trucks were coming and going.
The places wasn't the best, but honestly better than the hole or cells they put the orphans if they couldn't follow the rules drilled into their brains.
The sound of the door opening got her attention as she scooted back into a corner and got up from where she was sitting.
Two people walked in, one male, one female. The female had a sort of limp on her left foot, her eyes seemed lively yet so dull.
The man had a scar across his face, a mustache and a beard to compliment it as well, his eyes seemed more glossy along with slight puffiness to them.
"We are here to test you again."
The women's started as she has a clipboard.
"How many more time do I have to do this?"
Katalina asked as her eyebrows furrowed with both frustration and impatience. She has been here for 3 weeks now in this room and it was starting to get to her.
"Just until we know."
The man came forward slightly which made the girl take a small step back, the two adults noticed and took a step forward.
"Why do you always have to get closer?"
The girl asked not really as a question but more as a confused threat of some way.
"testing something."
The women said and she clicked the pen and started to take notes on the piece of paper stuck to the clipboard.
"No soy tu maldito guinea cerdo."
She grumbles under her breath as she picks at her nails, she's been doing that alot. Honestly she has nothing better to do right now and it went on like that for the weeks she's been here.
"What was that?"
The man spoke up which startled the girl for a second before she looked at the guy and responded.
The guy sighed as he rubbed circles at his temples.
"Alright, let start. One hand steady and coun-"
The lady started before she was intrupted.
"Count from 1 to 10, I know. We've done this hundreds of times already."
Katalina says as she puts her arm out and starts to count, she finishes quickly.
"Alright then, now speak sp-"
"Spanish, I get it. Don't need to keep repeating it."
Katalina remarked .
"Me nombre is Lisa, tengo trece años."
She replied as her boredom and tiredness was kicking in.
"Alright, that's it."
The man said as he put down something from behind his pocket, it was good for the evening. A can of peaches and water.
"Great, a feast for a queen."
Her sarcastic remark gets her a look before she put her hands up as of saying "I'll back off.".
They look at each other before a knock takes their attention away, with a small "Come in." was heard and suddenly a man with cane came in.
He was dress with red button up shirt and brown pants to help contrast the tan color jacket he had on.
His cane made small noise as it the ground softly he came into the room, his hair was pretty long and almost looked slight disheveled.
"How is she doing?"
The man said as the others hand him the clipboard and he starts to read it before he nods and they nod back before leaning in and whispering something she couldn't make out.
The other two left the room and it was only Katalina and this man who looked over the clipboard again before looking back at her.
"How are you doing then, Katalina?"
Her heart skipped for a second, how the hell did he know her name?!
Never once has she given out her actual name.
"Como sabías es-"
The man chuckled lightly before he sat down across from her.
"I know a lot of things child, many, many things that many wished they could possess."
The man said as he reached behind his back was pulling something out of his back.
Katalina senses went off and she closed her hand into a fist, her nails dug into the palm of her hand, her knuckles white.
Then man noticed this.
"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you, just wanna return something that I believe is yours."
The man said as he pulled out a picture, a locket, and a small switchblade.
Katalina eyes widen at the sight of her most precious objects, the only picture of her family that was given to her, a locket that her first love bestfriend gave to her, and the only weapon her parents left her with.
The man gaze was on her reaction, he got what he wanted.
"Do you want them back?"
The man had said softly as he looked deep into her brown eyes that were slightly softer, more emotional.
"Y-yes, yes I want them back."
She stuttered for a second but quickly regained herself.
"You can have them."
He simply said, she was hesitant and skeptical on his words that lingered in her ears.
Have them?
She can just, take them?
No consequences, not "but" or "if"?
"Go on, take it."
The man encouraged as he gently laid them on the ground in front of her, easy for her grab.
Her breathe hitched, she reached out for a second before looking back at him, nothing, she couldn't read him.
"I don’t bite, I swear."
He adds as his gaze lingered on her.
She is quick to grab the things before he second guess to grab her things and held them close to her chest, to her heart as it thumped hard for the return of something that truly only belonged to her.
She puts the necklace back on and the locket is tucked into her shirt, the picture is in her clutch and the switchblade was in her back pocket of her navy jeans.
"Who are you?"
She asked as she looked at the man, really looked at him, he had slight eye bags, his posture was almost straight but also crouched, the cane had a wooden carving of a crocodile on its handle.
The man smiles.
"My name is Arthur Harrow, I am the right had man of the organization that's gonna save and clean the world."
Arthur answers as he puts his hand out to shake hers.
She can't really understand why she a little scared of him, he hasn't done anything really since talking to her so why does she have a sense of dread in her stomach.
She slowly leans in and shakes his hand, the sleeves that covered his arm was slightly lifted and the tattoo of scales is there or from what she can make out.
"Your timsaeh people?"
She stated as she takes back her hand.
"I am indeed."
He answered back as he lifted the sleeve up to show the scale in full. He seemed proud to be called that almost.
"I am sure you have multiple questions."
He says as he scoots a little closer and puts a hand on her shoulder.
"I will try my best to give you answers to any question you give me."
They looked at each other in the eye for a long time before she is the first to look away down at the ground, she thinks.
And thinks before nodding and looking back at him.
Jake huffed as the sound of the alarm went off to tell everybody that working hours were over.
He pulled the bandana off and walked over where the rest of the workers were heading to get their pay for the day.
The holder said as Jake was next and waited for the guy to give his ration cards of the day.
The holder grabbed a 20, two 5, and four 1's.
"Here's your pay."
The Holder said as Jake took them and counted them, less than usual.
"Any better paying jobs tomorrow?"
Jake asked as he put the ration cards in his small wallet that they had managed to find in the garbage one day, and in good condition too.
"Probably the one with the shit, if your up for it?"
The man said looking up at him for a response.
"Really, shit. No way we are doing that job, that would take weeks go get rid of the smell! We barely even get rid of the smell of burned ashes off our clothes."
Steven said in the back of the mind, Steven was willing to work hard, they all know it, but even then there was a line he crosses and it was this.
"Any other trabajo?"
Jake sighed as he put one hand on his hip.
"Well, there is one with electricity, dangerous but pays better than this."
The Holder says as he looked up at Jake who is deciding, it's better pay but it would put them in danger.
"I'll go with the shit."
Jake says and the Holder nods before ripping a slip off and handing it to him.
"Take that tomorrow to sector 5 and they will give you a position to work at."
The Holder yelled for the next person and Jake left, he knew Steven would probably complain and maybe even Marc but it would pay better and less dangerous.
"Why did you take the job!"
Steven exclaimed as his image slid on and off the mirrors and window that he passed.
"Because the amount we are making isn't enough hermano, nosotros necesitamos otro trabajo que pagarán bien."
Jake says as he looks at pair of gloves that caught his attention.
They have enough to make trades and for smuggling still, so he buys it the gloves for 2 ration cards. He thanks the seller and put the new gloves on putting his old ones in his pocket.
"Did you just spend 2 ration cards on another pair of gloves, I swear you ware those our way too fast man."
Steven comments.
"You have your books, I have my glove, Déjame en paz Steven."
Jake says as he walks into the allyway and makes his way to the place where smugglers thrive on the ones willing to pay the right price.
Jake finally leaned against his usual spot where people can find him usually, he waits and not a second later as a FEDRA soilder comes over looking almost new at this whole thing.
"Your the guy with the goods, right?"
The man asked in a hushed tone, Jake could see this guy was new to this, he wanted to mess with him but was too tried right now.
"Yeah, I am. What are you looking for?"
He ask as the guy slips him a piece a paper.
What was it with people slipping paper to them?
Jake took the paper and opened it, the guy fidget with his vest before looking around.
"So you got it or no man?"
The guy was getting inpatient now.
"Sí, le tengo."
Jake answered putting the paper in his back pocket.
"Does it look like I know Spanish man!"
The guy was getting on his nerves but he tried to calm himself down. There doesn't need to be drama right now.
He pulls out a baggy from the pocket of his jacket and out came the blue pills.
The man sighed in relief about to grab the bag before Jake moved it away.
"Gotta pay Hombre, can't give you it until you pay."
The guy eventually scoffed before digging into his pants pocket and pulls put a wad of ration cards.
"How much?"
Jake saw the ration cards, enough to maybe get them through a couple months.
"Three 20's, six 5, and eight 1's."
He said as he put his hand out, the man just nodded before handing him the pills and Jake takes the ration cards.
"I'm gonna need the bag back though."
He added as he counted to make sure it was the right amount, it was. The man may have been new but he has what they need to keep them afloat and some what comfortable still.
The man dumps the pills into his vest pocket and gives the plastic bag back, Jake nods in a silent thank you before the man comes close.
Jake get ready the beat the absolute shit out this man before words were said.
"Don't come out for a couple nights, FEDRA soilders aren't right in the head right now. Might make a mistake, easy to make one in the dark."
The man whispered before walking away, Jake looked as the man walked away. He unclentch his jaw and fixed the shirt.
"Maldita sea."
He grumbled under his breathe as walks away, it's almost time to get to patrol they need to get moving before Khonshu yells at them again.
"This is Cameron, Cameron this is Lisa."
Harrow says as he introduced Katalina to another one of "helpers" of the place.
They have walked around for a whole now, she kepted rubbing her wrist as she nodded in acknowledgement, she needed an out.
She can't stay here, FEDRA will kill her if they find out she left. Maybe they would hung her, beat the ever living shit out of her even just to get the anger out.
"And here is the cafeteria where we keep the helpers fed, are you hungry?"
He asked as he got a plate and handed it to her, she slowly reached out for it and took it as she got into the line and he got behind her as his hands were on her shoulders.
"Give this young lady our best please Beth."
The man said to the younger looking lady who just smiled and nodded before grabbing a big metal spoon and scooped up a chunk of soup.
"Thank you."
Katalina whispered as she looked at the soup, looked like tomato soup, haven't seen that one in a while.
He gave a small nod in thanks before pushing her slightly to start moving which she did, slowly her tray filled up with 2 biscuits and an apple.
How the hell they had fresh fruit and biscuits was a damn mystery to her.
Soon they sat down at a small table near some statue, it was a statue of a crocodile that held a scale in one hand.
She looked at it before she looked down at her food, this was the most food they have given her in the 3 weeks she's been here.
"You can eat, no one is gonna take it away from you."
Arthur said as he pushed the tray closer to her, she was skeptical about it though, everyone is hungry. She could see that people were staring at her and him.
He notices and looks at the people who look away immediately and go back to their conversations.
"They just haven't seen you before, no need to worry."
He said as he nudged his head a little to signal to look at the bowl of soup and not the people looking at her, their eyes burned into the back of her head to her body.
She picks up the spoon and holds it close to her mouth before looking at everybody else, they were eating fine so she takes a bite.
The soup was rich and flavored to the right amount or as much as soup can be flavored. She hasn't had anything this nice in, well, never?
She says as she eats more going for more of the soup, they sit in almost comfortable silence.
She feels a little bad for being skeptical about the guy, he hasn't done anything to her yet, maybe.
"Aren't you hungry?"
She ask him as she shallows the warm soup down and wipes her mouth with her hand.
He hands her a napkin before he responding.
"I am alright, thank you for worrying about me."
She grabs the napkin and wipes her mouth with it, she nods before thinking. She has one more biscuit to spare, she already full anyways.
Grabbing the biscuit gently and held it out for him to grab.
"Here, you can have this. Estoy llena."
She reassured as she pushed the biscuits towards him for him to grab.
He took it from her hands and smiled softly, it was nice.
"Thank you."
He said as started to eat the biscuit and she looked around for anything or anywhere there was a weak spot here.
She couldn't stay here, she has to go back.
30 min later...
They were walking up a hallway, they had made their way back to where she was kept, she kinda was glad as messed up as it was.
She was use to, this. Even if she hated the damn leaks it was something she was familiar with.
"I will come by later to come check on you, alright."
Harrow said as he opened the door and Katalina looked at him for a second before nodding and went inside the room.
"Buenos noches Katalina."
Was all he said before closed the door behind her not even noticing the way she turned around, a chill went down her spine.
That usually was a nice thing to say, even a more enduring thing to say. The way he said it though didn't feel good, didn't have the warm essence to it.
She didn't even know how the hell the man managed to make those words sound like soul less lies.
She sat down on the floor and looked out the window that showed the evening sky, the colors of orange and yellow coming together to make a warm essence over this dull gray world she was brought into.
She laid on the wall and pulled herself up against it a little so that her back hit the wall.
Taking off her sweater and using it as a pillow, she wasn't given much of a living space to really get rest but the corners were comfortable.
1 hour later...
The room shook as Katalina was woken up by the sounds of gunshots and screams of people.
The sound of a thousand of footsteps were everywhere that she could almost feel them. They made her stomach turn.
Maybe 5 minutes later it was silent, completely and utterly silent.
She feels for her switchblade and gets ready to fight if she has to, she knows she probably will have to.
Slowly walk towards the floor as it slightly creaks with every contact the shoes and the floor has. She leans in and can hear footsteps, two to four people are still here.
She hears one is getting close, she'll just stab them and then get out of here.
Once whoever was on the other side was close enough she opened the door and gets ready to stab whoever was on the other side.
However she unsucessed at it and got thrown to the wall, her back stung now. She needed to get up before whoever she tried to stab now tried to return the favor back.
She looks up to see a man, his hair was curly and short and his eyes were like hers, or whatever she remembers since the last time she looked in a mirror.
The brown eyes started back at her confused before looking down and seeing the switchblade, she saw it too and tried to grab it but he got to it first and kicked it away.
She grumbles as she pulls herself up and looks at the guy who eyebrows were furrowed and he had a gun.
He has a gun, she now noticed the blood on his fist, the beaded sweat that was falling from his forehead.
His attire wasn't something she had seen before but has heard, a man with white attire would come during the night and "protect" the different divisions of the QZ.
They called him Moonknight due to the fact most his weapons were the shape of moons.
Maybe calling the guy who looks like he went through hell an asshole wasn't her best idea.
The man still has the gun pointed at her and she just stares at it, the hole in the middle pointed to her chest.
If he did shoot her at least it wouldn't be too painful and end quickly. She puts her hand up in surrender.
They just stare at each other, brown on brown. Both had slight eyebags to compliment each other.
"Who are you?"
The man said as the sound of footsteps were heard, both heads turned to the direction.
"Marc Spector."
They both recongnised the voice, Harrow.
Another sign of footsteps appeared and a man in almost just white and back came in with a gun.
"The 4 and 5th floor have been cleared out, Spector we must leave. FEDRA might be here soon!"
The man said as he turned around to see the scene of Marc with a gun pointed to a teenage girl who seems confused and her hands up above her head.
Then there was Arthur with one of his men.
"Arthur Harrow."
"Khonshu, Marc."
The whole thing was awkward, everything about this was confusing, they had history but Katalina wasn't sure how.
"Me, now what in the fucking hell is going on?!"
She exclaimed as she put her hands down in exhaustion and honestly tired of people in a whole.
"I strongly urge you to point the gun away from the child, Marc."
Harrow said as he stepped closer which in turn got two guns pointed towards him instead.
He slowly put his hands.
" Keep that gun at me, not her."
He says as he looked at her and she looked at him with clear annoyance in her eyes.
Marc looks at her one more times before looking at Khonshu.
"So this is who that maggot went to trade our supplies for! The Che Guevara of Cairo."
Khonshu retorted as he stepped forward, now next to Katalina and Marc who watched the interaction.
"How I haven't misses that voice. Let just say that he didn't like the response he got from us when we saw what he brought to us."
Harrow says as he winced and put a hand to his side, Katalina finally could see that small drops of blood that had fallen from him.
"Oh, shit."
Her voice softer and eyes filled with concern as she took in the injured man, her eyebrow furrowed as she was about to get up.
Harrow looked at what she was about to do and shook his head which made her falter.
"On another note though."
She speaks up on which attention is all on her again.
"I agree with the old man over here, FEDRA would have heard all that gun fire so maybe get this going or we are all going to die like this."
She states as she stands up and rubs her shoulder, it wouldn't really bruise but it would be sore for a while.
"Old!" Khonshu exclaimed.
"The child is right. We we're gonna have her out of here tonight."
Harrow says which caught her attention.
"You never said anything about moving me?!"
"Sorry kid, thought you'd run."
She sighs and rubbed circles on her forehead.
"What does this have to do with us?"
Marc asked as he ans Khonshu looked at the girl and then back at Harrow.
"We don't have a group to go and protect her like we had planned, so now I am think you both are gonna do it."
Harrow says as he gets a paper out, it's bloody but still legible.
"Wait a minute!?"
"I'm not gonna go with him!?"
Marc and Katalina shouted at the same time, their reluctants overlapping with each other.
"Listen, if you do this we can not only give you weapons, but also much more. We can show you if want but you have to take her away from here."
Harrow says as he stares at the three who just stand there in shock.
"We aren't babysitters parasites."
Khonshu said as he took a step closer now infront of Marc who is still standing there with a gun held up towards Harrow.
"Not asking you to do charity for me Khonshu, I need you guys to move cargo cause that is what she is to you."
Harrow said as he looked at the girl who eyebrows were furrowed.
"You show me the reward we get for this then I will give you a response. Marc, take the girl back to your apartment and keep her there until I return."
Khonshu said as he lifted his cane and hit it on the ground causing the ground to shake slightly.
Katalina flinched at the noise for a second and so did Marc.
"We are seriously considering this."
Marc whispered to Khonshu as he looked back at the girl who hasn't really moved since getting up.
"Do this before I make you."
Khonshu hissed back at him which made Marc falter.
"Go grab your bag."
Harrow said as the girl just looks at the three men.
"Su pinche madre."
She grumbles under her breathe making sure they still heard her as she goes back into the room she came out of.
They waited until she came out the room again. She comes out with a green jacket and her backpack, she looks at Harrow who just sighs.
"This is for your good kid, trust me. It's better you go with them than with me, for better or worse I am aware of what they are capable of and know they won't let anything happen to you."
Katalina stared at Harrow for a while then at the man next to him, she really has no choice in that matter anyways, it was all planned for her.
"What are they capable of?"
She ask as her eyes stay at him.
"Alot, many things someone your age shouldn't see."
Is all Harrow says to her.
Her gaze goes to the floor before she shakes her head along with a dry chuckle.
"Little too late for that."
She turns around and grabs her switchblade and walking towards the stairs walking over the dead bodies that laid there.
The blood now on her shoes as she see the bloody footsteps that were being left behind now.
Harrow sighs.
"Show me the weapons now."
Khonshu said as he stared at Harrow who nods before walking to another hallway.
"Follow me."
Is all he says before he dissappear.
"Make sure to not let that child out your sights you three, understand."
Khonshu orders as he walks away and follows Harrow.
The men sigh, it was a long night already.
The followed where the girl had went as their shoes were now painted in red sticky blood.
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This is the end of chapter 2!!!!
This one took a little longer but I am happy with how is came out!
Anyways, see ya in the next one!!
-Sky 💜
13 notes · View notes
pinkseas · 6 months
starts with the wisdom seelie and other layla. scara does some investigating at nahida's request it all seems to come back to her but he can't manage to get actual proof, and it's not like she's doing harm? which is the important part. the advice she gives is good, pointing lost students in the right direction without doing all their work for them, and the pranks on students looking to take advantage of her are pretty funny. he leaves it alone.
students hide in the house of daena to stay and study after the doors are locked ALL the time. what they don't do very often, if ever, is break in to the house of daena at night. except for other layla and now hat guy, both of whom have very questionable schedules and plenty of reason for stealth. it's all well and good until they try breaking in at the same place, at the same time.
cue the split second of EXTREMELY awkward eye contact, immediately followed by the silent shared sentiment of i won't tell if you don't. so neither of them says a word about it, even as they run into each other more and more often. they're busy people. they can't exactly be bothered.
but there are rumors about hat guy, just as much as there are rumors about layla. and as much as scara has heard (and largely ignored) about the human calculator, other layla has heard the whispers about hat guy. how brilliant and well articulated his papers are, how he showed up out of nowhere, the fact that academically speaking he's kind of an asshole who refuses to soften the truth or hold anything back.
and here's the thing: as much as she doesn't want layla to be stressed out, as much work as they already have on their plate, other layla wants to learn. she wants to challenge herself and push through it all and get better and learn more with every passing day. and that's a lot harder to do alone than with help.
people at the akademiya are logical, sure, often to a fault, but apparently hat guy is ruthless and that's perfect. she is, of course, completely willing to be ruthless right back at him, something she's sure other students (at least, those who don't have their heads shoved up their asses) are far too afraid to attempt.
the next time they run into each other, she asks him to critique her thesis. which is fucking baffling. he doesn't know a damn thing about rtawahist's studies and he tells her as much. to which other layla points out that SHE doesn't know more than the basics of vahumana's studies, but it's not like it would be hard to learn. she's not asking him for a favor. it's equal exchange, obviously. now is he going to read her paper or not?
and it's a little annoying on hat guy's end, but there's also a begrudging respect there. and, admittedly, it would be useful to have someone to look over his own shit who wouldn't waste time or hold back.
the single night very quickly turns into routine, meeting twice a week or so to viciously tear each other's papers to fucking shreds before swapping back and reworking whatever is necessary. it's easy and it's useful and it works for both of them, and neither of them ever ask for more than studying together at night, which is a relief for them both in more ways than one.
hat guy finally running into or even seeking out daylight layla for a last-minute question about one of his papers only for her to stare blankly at him, stammering out something about not being familiar with vahumana's studies followed by an even more cautious im really, really sorry, but have we met?
and she seems so genuinely apologetic and uncharacteristically nervous and her posture and even her voice are different and as much as he wants to get pissed off at her for very likely pretending not to know who he is when they're around other people, he remembers some of those first rumors. the human calculator, the heaven-sent thesis, the sleepwalking eccentric. leaves it be, at least for now.
the next time they meet he stares at her for a long, long moment, and she stares right back until he goes 🤨 sleepwalking? and she blinks and flashes him the most brilliant smile and goes yeah, actually. layla is asleep right now. she won't remember any of this in the morning. and he fucking gapes at her because That's Not Sleepwalking. you KNOW that's not sleepwalking, right??? and all she does is shrug and ask if they're gonna study or what
snowballing from there. hat guy seeking layla out during the day because he's kind of pissed, kind of suspicious, and really curious, only to grow more and more certain that yeah, there are two of them. and neither of them are a danger in the slightest. could be if they chose to be, sure, but they couldn't be further from doing that.
coming to respect daylight layla a lot, too, because akademiya students are usually entitled fucking assholes but she's unsure of herself and she's quiet and isolated and she doesn't feel she belongs or deserves to be here but she also hasn't quit, not once, hasn't given up or ever taken the "blessing from the stars" for granted.
joining her sometimes for commissions and eventually teaching her how to use a catalyst because he knows her, knows that when she really wants to learn something she learns it in and out, if she actually gave a fuck about using a sword she wouldn't be swinging it around like a baseball bat.
(learning, eventually, that layla flourishes with a catalyst but other layla is damn good with the sword and it's probably in her best bet to keep them both on her person)
them becoming actual friends and layla slowly becoming more and more confident and them being able to tease each other and being really good influences on each other in terms of believing in themselves and feeling like they might actually belong her and the potential for layla to have a really fucking long lifespan without really knowing it and them navigating that and
all of these are from my notes for a layla-centric fic that i desperately need to write so i have the layla side of it much more thought out but oughghghghgh wanderer making normal friends and just having fun and fucking around and being able to do stupid shit but also being respected and cared about and thought of even when he's not around and and and and and and
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chaoslynx · 1 year
Aww the fanart with asheiji and kids... <3 It gave me an idea for a fic: Ash and Eiji's child(ren) notice that something isn't going right in one of their friends' life. Obviously they're too young and naive to realize that their friend is being abused at home. But Ash sees, and knows... Merry XMas and Happy New Year!
About an AshEiji [child], I'd like the name Layla for a daughter. Aslan (or Arslan/Arsalan, which is a Turkish name and not Hebrew like Yoshida thought) is the hero of a popular Persian epic. And Layla is from a famous Arab piece, Layla and Majnun, the middle-eastern version of Romeo and Juliet.
Ash has noticed that Layla's been a little ... off, for a while.
She's always bene a little introspective for her age, and generally just a good kid. Gets that from being raised by Eiji, Ash guesses. No way someone raised by someone that good could end up with a cruel bone in their body, even if Ash is the other parent. At least, that's what Ash has to keep telling himself to try to get the idea that Layla won't end up like him.
But she's been even more withdrawn lately, like she's thinking about something beyond her years.
Ash doesn't like it.
It's not quite familiar in a way that's especially concerning to him, but it's uncomfortable enough to see that he's worried. And she's been brushing him off when he asks, but he's determined to get through to her. Layla is his daughter, after all, as weird of a situation as that is for him to realize sometimes.
"Hey kiddo," he says one day, when she gets home from elementary. "You okay if we do an ice cream check in?" It's a keyword of sorts between the three of them—Eiji included—that started just due to Layla's love of ice cream. It became an easy way to talk to her about anything serious or seemingly scary. Spoonful of sugar type of situation. The ice cream makes everything a little more palatable.
But Layla frowns, now, and hugs her knees to her chest. "I dunno," she admits.
"We don't have to, but I do think it would be helpful to talk some things out, yeah? Something's on your mind."
She pouts.
"Am I wrong?" Ash says, not pushing too hard, but just a small challenge.
"Dummy," Layla mumbles. "How'd you know?"
"Hey, language," Ash says, halfhearted. Like he hasn't said worse in front of her. "Come on, let's get some ice cream and talk stuff out."
Once they're settled in with their bowls, Ash waits for Layla to speak first. She already knows that he's wanting a conversation here, since he essentially used the parent equivalent of the safe word they gave her to get her out of any situation without others picking up on it. He's inviting her to say anything and everything on her mind, but he's going to let her do it on her terms.
"... It's my friend at school," Layla says after a few bites.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," Ash reminds her softly. "What's going on with your friend?"
"He's just"—Layla makes a face—"I dunno."
Ash feels a flare of anger for a moment. "Is he bullying you?"
But Layla quickly shakes her head, barely sparing this kid from the wrath of Ash Lynx. "No, more like I'm worried he might be getting bullied. Or ... something." She frowns down into her bowl, and Ash can feel his entire demeanor shift.
Ash goes almost deadly quiet for a moment, thinking of how to approach this. He can't make assumptions too quickly, but he does know that they've taught Layla enough of how to speak up for herself and what healthy friendships should look like that she's probably right if she thinks that something's wrong.
Taking a slow breath, Ash reminds himself that he needs to not scare Layla here as well. He doesn't want her to worry any more than she already is—she's such a good kid, but it isn't her responsibility to be looking after her classmates. If she's right about this—or, rather, if Ash is right about what he thinks Layla might be saying—then the adults in her classmate's life have failed him.
Ash knows what that's like.
"... What's got you worried?" Ash asks gently. "Maybe I can help him, or we can figure out someone who can."
Layla thoughtfully scoops another spoonful of ice cream. "Well," she starts, "he seems to get hurt a lot at home."
Ash's temper flares for a moment, and it takes everything in him to remember that Layla's probably talking about the normal bumps and bruises that happen with the accidents of childhood.
Except, apparently, enough of them to worry her.
"What kind of hurt?" Ash asks.
Layla drops her spoon and runs her hands up her arms. "Like here," she explains. She taps her wrists with the opposite hands. "And here."
"Like bruises?"
Nodding, Layla says, "Like when I fell down."
Ash winces thinking of it even now—Layla fell out of her bunk bed once a few months ago. She wasn't badly injured, but she did have some really bad bruising.
"And he always seems scared in P.E.," Layla continues. "I don't know what's wrong, but ... something, I think."
Ash winces, thinking of his own experiences with sports at that age. There could be any number of reasons why a kid might not be fond of physical education, but ... it's definitely not a good sign.
Ash swallows. "Thank you for trusting me with all of this, sweetie. I'm going to see what we can do, okay? We'll make sure he's okay."
" 'Kay!" Layla says immediately. She trusts Ash so strongly that all the worry she's been showing recently seems to melt out of her. She kicks her legs back and forth, enjoying her ice cream.
... Well, Ash has a new goal. Ethical routes first: he'll bring it to the school's attention first, and then follow up with a social worker and the ChildHelp hotline.
And, if all else fails, there's still a little bit of Ash Lynx left in him these days. He's gotten his hands dirty before, and he's not afraid to do it again. Not if it means he can help someone like who he used to be.
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marcspectrr · 2 years
Ruminating on Marc and Steven's living habits again and trying not to make myself sad over Jake.
So Marc, as a kid, is messy.
He and his brother constantly use each other's things so on top of them just being little boys, they don't see the point in cleaning up and putting things away only for them to be taken out and used a minute later. Marc has a small collection of figurines lining a shelf in his room, all of them space themed, and as beloved as they are, even they end up in places they don't belong sometimes.
RoRo dies leaves and Marc has a hard time grasping onto the fact that no one would be asking to use his stuff anymore. That is until he starts feeling weird about the time and suddenly his messes are always cleaned up and his space scout toy was always in a different place.
Marc leaves home with very little belongings. When be becomes a Marine, he fully embraces the discipline and structure as it gives him a sense of being in control -- a feeling he's rarely had in his life. The tidiness soon becomes ingrained into him, a habit he can't shake even after he's discharged because Khonshu's schedule is oddly reminiscent of always being on rotation and not knowing when plans will change as a Marine.
When he meets Layla, they begin to move around a lot for missions, both as Moon Knight and for Layla's work in recovering antiques with her contacts in the black market, so he keeps his bags very light. She once buys him a cheesy souvenir as a joke in Florence but he returns the favor in Budapest, which then becomes A Thing they do. Only later does it hit him that they begin to own shared things, slowly accumulating items that actually have sentimental value. On good days he tries not to think about it. On bad, it's all he can see.
Marc deems the storage locker as...necessary. It's almost impossible to make a mess inside, which he tries to find as a comfort. When he fronts in Steven's flat, he has to physically refrain himself from straightening up, and it suddenly hits him who might’ve been cleaning his messes as a kid.
Steven loves organizing as a little boy.
It calms him, placing like-shaped things in piles. Sometimes he pours all the markers out of the cup on his desk just to re-sort them by color. He looks at all the space figures on the shelf and carefully moves them around, one day basing the groups on who would work with who, and the other based on the color of their lightsabers. (Funny, that. He didn't know what they were called but the name comes to him anyway.)
Once he has his flat, he spends hours organizing his books, following a very particular system. He has systems for everything, even if it doesn't look like it at first glance. The refrigerator is arranged alphabetically, with a's at the top, and the concept of certain foods benefitting from certain spots completely disregarded as a shit theory. Books are always stacked with oldest published on the bottom. Hand soap is always on the left, razor on the right. Post cards are laid out according to the country/continent.
He is extremely forgetful, though. The masking tape gets left everywhere, including the bathroom. He'll start a new pile of books -- specifically autobiographies -- and get completely distracted with something painfully unrelated. He'll leave the TV and lamps on accidentally. He tries to keep up with laundry but, bless him, he cannot stay on top of it for the life of him, resulting in random articles of clothing strewn about at all hours of the day. It doesn't really bother him, only that he thinks it should and it doesn't.
Marc makes comments, most of them holding an underlying tone of tease that Steven can't help but scoff at. They eventually reach a compromise of what items are off limits and what are safe to clean when Marc begins to get antsy and needs an outlet. Steven gradually notices the way Layla keeps her space and becomes fascinated with how Marc and her ever managed to coexist.
Jake is...compulsively aware of his messes, as in, refuses to leave a single trace of himself behind.
Jake, who looks around the bedroom and sees toys he isn't comfortable touching, let alone moving or playing with. He's vaguely aware that none of them belong to him, and soon realizes almost nothing belongs to him.
Jake, who maybe witnesses Marc's early denial of his disorder and decides to stay quiet to make it easier on him. That means hiding, erasing, disappearing completely. It's a careful second nature, to bury his existence, even in little things like picking up after himself after only a few minutes of fronting.
Jake, who gathers that people are messy, always leaving bits of discarded trash in his backseat.
Jake, who watches Steven and his level of comfort with leaving messes behind, and imagines doing it himself. If he could ever collect anything like Steven does books or Marc does with baseball cards.
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Late night thoughts 😴.
((EXTREMELY Long character analysis ahead. Vary Possible tw)) [I'm sorry in advance] {approximated timestamps imcluded}
OK the title is a lie. I actually think about this once every 2 weeks. [If that]
It's about in time. Specifically Raymond Leon. He's the main antagonist of the movie But no one focuses on how tragic he really is.
Let me explain
1. Timekeeper Raymond Leon. Like everyone he stops aging at 25, And his clock starts leaving him a year to live. Cannon to the film he mentions that hes been doing his job for 50 years. He's pushing 80 years old if we track it properly. 80 years!! Of age... (01:27:15)
2. Most if not every time we see Leon, He's always chewing on a piece of gum. And it said that gum is a way to pass time.
3. During an exchange with Mr. Weis Towards the end of the movie. The man worth eons, sitting behind a desk in front of Leon, asks how many years he wants wants for his services. And ray, with a dead straight face, looks at the man and says.
"there aren't enough years, not even in your lifetime. Mr. Weis." (01:09:10)
4a. And that brings me to Layla. His little Dayton Mistress If you will.
All that Being said... Putting the pieces of his deeper puzzle together, Raymond Leon is much more tragic than he seems on the surface. Because from the outside the viewer is made to detest him as an antagonist of the film. And they follow.
But Leon as a deeper character. if you dig into what he says, and his actions, his little ticks and motions. you can see how done he is with his own existence. But he can't time himself out, That's just asinine for a man of his standing.
4b. She offers him 10 minutes for an hour of his time, The time that he has left and let's dwindle to the last second, habitually. He advises her to
"get out of the game" (00:22:26)
Because she's
"pushing 60."
Ray comes from Dayton, He managed to cross time zones and escape the habits of the lower class. That's how he knows all of wills tricks.
Meaning she's wasting her years on a job that will get her nowhere.
"He's conscious of the security he doesn't have a body guard and he runs" (00:29:18)
Leon has been there and done that. He escaped for a better life. But only ended up in a job that gets him nowhere. Working it for 50 years and finding no fulfillment.
He doesn't concern himself with the Justice that his role demands. He only concerns himself with the time that he usually measures.
"Seconds minutes hours." (00:41:35)
He has lost confidence in what he does because of what hes been through and what he's had to do and sacrifice.
In pursuit of what he does for a living, He will let his time dwindle to the last Seconds if it means getting the job completed, keeping up that front and not letting any one see what he actually thinks.
Chewing gum to pass the time, Remarking that a man worth eons (!) doesn't have the years that Leon would need for his services. Draining his clock to his last hours just to see how far he can push it.
The lowest in the movie we see his clock get is 2 hours. And even with the other time keepers concerns, His only remark is-
"I'm still walking around." (00:50:47)
Dismissing that he's putting himself in danger.
And his dismissal of his needs is what brings him to his ultimate demise. 5 seconds left on his clock he watches it fade, Standing in front of the 2 people he had his heart set on stopping, Confessing that he can't turn back the clock, And to a certain point he wishes that he could. And he keeps the time because that's what he knows, He knows his job, he knows the rules. But it's not what he wants, It was never what he wanted.
"I keep time" (1:37:53)
he says.
Time keepers are only given A day. Every day as a top up of their time. Imagine taking A day every day for 50 years in a job that gets you nowhere and gives you nothing. (00:50:47)
He is practically invisible, A man in a coat. Defined by what he works for and not seen for who he is. Not seen for the story that he could tell. The lives he could save and the lives he could change.
Leon is a story in and of himself, He is a story of an old soul in a young body, he is a story of the day to day monotney, And he's a story of what people would do to stay alive in this world.
Being a timekeeper is the equivalent of being a cop, The Dayton people don't respect him, And No one in new Greenwich seems to acknowledge his existence.
Because of who he is and what he "stands for" no one would give him a chance. 50 years of only being seen as a one sided story. He's grown tired of it all. Stuck in a dead and job with no way to pass his own time. Except simple pleasures, intense euphoria, and a soul breaking livelihood.
He doesn't want to stand for what that coat stands for anymore. He wants his own life but he can't have it, It is stuck in the confines unable to reach higher.
He left the low and climbed the ladder. But got stuck in the pursuit of his own future, Tying himself up in a spot that he thought would make him happy.
He lived by-
"Follow the time" (0:22:26)
But he followed the time so far the bread crumbs turned to pebbles, and he lost his way.
Time is money, Time is life, But time can also be the enemy.
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1eos · 4 months
🍇 for layla. also if ur worldbuilding has texting whats she like in the gc if she has one
🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
i had to think on this a while...laylas the type of person that purposefully presents herself a certain way in public so most of her friendships are surface layer solely bc she's playing an overly peppy character. so to most of her friends she's always there to pep you up and even when you're in the wrong she's gonna defend you. the kind of person you blab everything to and rely on constantly and then realize one day that while she's always super friendly you don't really know much about her
BUT to close knit friends she's the 'do you want me to lie to you or tell u the truth bc you're fucked' kind of friend 😭 doesn't let ppl into her home often bc she's so particular and WILL jump you if you don't take your shoes off. also while causal friends would say she's super giving in reality she's more of the quid pro quo type once it requires some effort . if you've been cursed by an ancient living tome and need illegal magic to lift it she WILL help you but you owe her big time. she listens and remembers all the little things and will randomly get you something you mentioned years ago or kill an enemy that u brought up ages ago and then pretend it wasn't a big deal at all. and while she comes off as unbothered she's secretly very possessive and when ppl try to make her jealous it does NOT end well. all in all she's someone who in a weird way every time u see one of her bad or negative moments its a form of intimacy bc most ppl do NAWT see that
and there is texting in my ocverse. layla is in dozens of gcs bc there's the siblings group chat, the besties group chat, she's in a group chat of local plant geeks, etc etc. anyways she reads everything in the group chats but rarely responds in them and will just start a dm convo 😭😭😭😭😭 everyone hates it
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mockiery · 2 years
<3 I was wondering.... are you gonna do another fic? I loved grounding.
Do you think Jake is a horrible flirt? I bet he flirts with Layla and thinks Marc getting protective of her is funny. Plus she blushes horribly. She isnt used to the suave cool flirtations.
thank you!! and i am! the fic i'm working on now is marc and steven focused and i feel like i need to finish it before i move on to more jake and layla stuff. its all the same post-canon continuity as "grounding" and "carving" and actually take place between them, so i feel like i need that baseline before i continue past "carving" in the whole course of events i have going.
In short, yeah, Jake can be a bit of a flirt. He goes out and socializes in ways Marc and Steven would not. In my Aroace Jake (which has a lil treat at the end you might like <3) and Jake and Music hc’s/metas/rants, I mention as much. He’s got a communal connection in ways Marc and Steven don’t. On top of his cab-driving work in meeting people constantly, he'd go to a bar, a dance club, a diner (eyes emoji), etc. and be a face among the masses, big passing ships in the night energy. Jake doesn't let himself have "real", long-lasting relationships with those around him (with exception to Gena and her kids at this point, though who can blame him? He tells himself it’s for the diner food and the good coffee, but it’s for Gena’s and her boys’ companionship more than anything), but he does get to be someone's late-night (one-night-only) friend and companion. It's anonymous, almost. Temporary, no lasting consequences. 
I see Jake as aroace, and for him, flirting is just another tool in the arsenal of social skills he’s cultivated. It’s often pretty fun too. While he’s a master of masking and socializing, I think he does have trouble picking up people’s social signals about romance especially, at times. Practically, the difference between fun, playful banter between friends and a good portion of romantically-and/or-sexually-charged banter (i.e. flirting) is pretty slight. 
After a night trading jokes and challenging conversation, tearing up the dance floor together with someone(s) I could see someone making a move and/or inviting Jake home and it surprising him, more in the early days of having a night life of his own than later on. He does perfectly well when someone’s attraction is made clear and explicit in their words, but he’s had to learn to anticipate the possibility of someone’s attraction even if not explicitly stated. 
That’s all more about how Jake responds to flirting, but Jake himself? He lives for the banter, the back-and-forth, the game of it. He’s not going to initiate the flirt, but if someone sends a clear cue to do so? He’s down. Most of the time, anyway. Jake banters and jokes around with anyone he meets, and he takes as much enjoyment in the platonic banter as he does the romantic. It’s a game, and he’s strategic, thoughtful. He’s piecing together the puzzle of this other person, seeing how they respond and what’ll make them laugh, what’ll make them playfully nonreceptive versus genuinely nonreceptive. Flowery language, suave confidence, cheesy lines, compliments, subtle innuendo, jokes, sharing stories, talking life, physical closeness, dancing, intensity, gentleness, or just. Him being genuinely himself, not trying to perform the socialization.
It’s when nothing else has satisfied the other player in this game that he lets go of the performance. And sometimes, that’s what pulls people in the most. 
I think when people make a move to be physical with him, to invite him home, I think sometimes he accepts. It’s more game, more back-and-forth, more dancing, and, above all, it’s fun. 
He never stays the night, never sleeps over. His companion(s) for the night is that: for the night. And they know it. Jake may perform, but he doesn’t lie or mislead. The performance is him, heightened, more than it is someone else. 
Now, finally, to Layla. Jake doesn’t flirt with Layla. At least not for a long time. In the early days of being known to and well-into being *accepted* by Marc and Steven, he’s incredibly careful in how he interacts with Layla. Beyond the occasional half-irritated “hermosa”, Jake wouldn’t dare. He’s not going to cross that line. Layla isn’t his. She isn’t anyone’s, but she certainly isn’t his. They didn’t have a relationship, even if he’d pretended to be Marc around her on occasion in the past. That still wasn’t for him. Marc and now Steven's relationships with her are their own. Jake is so used to and inclined to try and stay out of their way, of their lives, of course he’s going to keep his distance. It doesn’t occur to him that she’d want to get to know him, who he is. Beyond what he does for his brothers. But him.
It takes time, but eventually, they become legitimate friends. It doesn’t start with flirting, it starts with Jake stating compliments of her as fact. Because they are, of course. Just observations. Maybe someone disrespects her or belittles her, and he gets angry, of course, but he goes off about how fucking wrong this hijo de puta is, that she’s a genius and, frankly, a saint for not kicking the bastards ass then and there, that they’re fucking lucky to have been in the same room as her, much less have the privilege of her competency and talent brought to their work, I can’t fucking believe this idiota, you’re too fucking good to deal with this shit. Mierda. Fuck.
And Layla is just staring at him, this being the most affection he’s ever shown her. A little more time, more growing comfortable in their dynamic as a system and with Layla, perhaps they’re about to have a night out, maybe for a mission, where they need to dress up, and Jake’s taking lead on recon, and he sees her all done up and, unlike Marc’s stunted speechlessness turned physical affection, Steven’s astonished showers of compliments, Jake? Jake tells it like it is. This ain’t gonna work. 
You’re gonna fucking kill everyone in this joint when we step through the door. 
Cue Layla’s confused, surprised look. 
One look at you and every poor bastard in there’s heart is gonna stop. Can’t get intel if you’ve dropped all the sources by being so fucking gorgeous, hermosa. 
Layla’s face heats up immediately and she laughs, taking his arm in hers as they head out. 
From the back of their mind, Jake hears, Kinda cheesy, man. 
And then, I dunno, Marc, I thought it was lovely. And it’s not like he’s wrong. 
No, I know, trust me. She’s… she’s something. 
You should be a poet, jefe. 
Shut up.
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
Hated Oc Rivals Meet(Trigger warning)
Maria(My Hero Academia Abby Aizawa Rival): *Sighs, fixing her hair*
Jane(Attack on Titan Layla Ackerman Rival): *Looks over as the door opens*
Ophelia (Fire Force Melody Melody Rival): *Walks in, shutting the door behind her*
Maria: OH HELL NO!
Ophelia: What....
Maria: Look....I get that people don't like me for mentally and physically abusing Abby, BUT THEY HATE ME AT THE SAME LEVEL AS THIS BITCH!
Jane: Yeah *Nods*
Ophelia: Maybe more than me...
Maria: That's some bull...
Ophelia: The way you broke Abby, that was disrespectful
Maria: Yeah maybe until the Sports Festival Arc, but I've grown, me and her are friends again and I've been more protective of my best friend!
Ophelia: But you grew to be a bigger Bitch to everyone but her!
Jane: I will never forgive you for slapping Deku! NEVER!
Jane: Look I know what I've done was wrong...
Maria: But you tried to break Levi's heart more...
Jane: GIRL! it's attack on Titan! She's dead now anyway and even if she didn't die during the Beast Titan Fight saving her kids she would've died eventually!
Sarah(Obey Me Sarafina Rival): But imagine being hated for just wanting Lucifer!
Sarah: Okay, like this hoe behind me ain't try and do worst!
Perish(Death Note Octavia Rival): What...L is cute..I know he had a wife and kids along with a third child on the way, but uhm...I couldn't help myself
Sarah: And you said I did the worst, she tried to screw a man who had a third child on the way, the one I tried to screw had no children on the way and his children was growing up healthy and fine!
Maple(Twisted Wonderland Livia Rival): All I wanted was Jack and that hoe had to steal him from me..
Maria: Honey he wouldn't take you back even if you killed that girl...
Ophelia: He definitely wouldn't...
Maple: I know the bitches that wouldn't give up ain't talking either...
Koila(Tokyo Revengers Dahlia Rival): What I wanna know! Is why Mikey chose Dahlia over me! When I knew him since we were kids!!!
Maria: I gotta admit it Dahlia and Mikey are cute together, I don't think you two would've lasted a day...
Sarah: I will be honest Abby and Amajiki bring officially together in the My Hero Academia Manga near the end is so cute, but it was heart breaking when he witnessed Shigaraki murder her...
Jane: WOAHHHH! Tomioka loves Lily even though she is a demon and the fact that she feeds off of his love and affection for her is downright adorable and fluffy! Don't talk about my girl like that...now this bitch here though...
Hazel(Blue Period Amethyst Rival): *Points to herself*
Hazel: Ugh excuse you...
Koila: you're excused! But honey driving Amethyst to attempt suicide Several times is not cool baby...
Hazel: That witch doesn't deserve to live!
Perish: Neither do you...
Momoi(Kuroko no Basket Rival to Crystal): Wait why am I here...
Sarah: YES! Why is she here she's not that hated...
Maple: Agreed, she did back off and help Kuroko get together with Crystal...why is she hated...
Miete(Food Wars Aisha Rival): Does that apply to me too...
Momoi: No you deserve to be here...
Perish: One hundred percent...
Maria: You're the most hated out of all of us...
Sarah: Why would you 1. Try to date Kurokiba when you find out he's dating Aisha, 2. Mess up Aisha's recipe so she couldn't move to the next round, 3. Challenge Aisha for her No. 2 seat, 4. After the timeskip to when they're adults you got Kurokiba drunk and screwed him causing you to have bare child and causing the two to break off their engagement
Miete: I mean...she went and married Soma afterwards, so win win...
Sarah: You're a disgrace you know that...
Miete: Yes I do and I'm proud of what I've done!
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yellowmare · 1 year
What are the charecters relationships in the winx au? Any romance? Any rivalries? How does everyone feel abt each other?
Okay so we start of rough. Jeremy and Michael did save Chloe from Knut but because she's Chloe, she was kind of an asshole and really condescending towards Jeremy, like "You DIDN'T KNOW you are a fairy? How dumb ARE YOU?" and "Ugh, FINE, I guess I can show you Alphea 🙄" and so on. In Alphea the group(minus Christine because she's a sweetheart) were still kind of assholes towards each other who were forced to room together. To break tension, Christine suggested going out as a group. Later Jeremy gets attacked by the Trix, girls save him, and it's like
Christine:See, we DO work together!
Chloe:Ugh, whatever 🙄.
After some more time and some more adventures together they do start to get along, and eventually Jeremy proposes idea of a name for their group.
Jeremy and Christine are a romantic thing, as are Chloe and Brooke eventually, and Jenna I headcanon as aroace so she's there to cheer everyone on. Jeremy gets along splendidly with everyone except Chloe(they butt heads often), as does Christine, Jenna is happy that someone is finally seeing her for her, Brooke and Jeremy are spa buddies, and they all have sleepovers every other day.
Rich shows up later as a very Riven-like character, but learns to do better and eventually he and Michael are a thing(but that's all the way in season seven).
Jake doesn't show up until season two, because he's replacing Layla in this AU. He and Chloe have some drama going on, but he's not interested in her, she has a crisis, discovers she likes girls, ends up with Brooke, and eventually sacrifices herself in season four, replacing Nabu.
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freezegirl · 5 months
👫 for kie and flea
headcanon time // @hellbleided
descendants verse:
1: kie is born and raised in auradon with parents who are very pro-keeping the barrier up. luckily her parents (both retired heroes) aren't home as much, they travel all around auradon for work. dad is currently in arendelle for his movie franchise (he plays the titular character 'darkstar') and mom is in agrabah for her reality tv show (the fabulous lives of superhero wives which is broadcast in auradon as well as on the isle; kie has actually been in a few episodes and flea is definitely allowed to tease her about it - it's encouraged, even). she mostly spends her time with her friends, training, skating and sculpting and trying to figure out which charities to donate money to, to help the isle - she and layla have spreadsheets and everything.
2: their meet cute definitely happens because her half brother zach is a doofus. "yo, kie, let's explore the isle!" he says. and because she doesn't want him to get murdered, kie comes along. and lo and behold: they end up a) lost and b) at flea's hiding place and kie has to work her ass off in order to get him to help them go home again (and whether or not he helps out could go either way).
3: kie goes back to talk to flea without zach present multiple times. because, well, flea is cute. he's easy on the eyes. he's a good conversationalist. but every time she's with him, she can kind of feel her iron-clad control unravelling. she hungers. she wants. and kie is the type of person to keep all of that under wraps because she doesn't want to hurt anyone ever again. so maybe she doesn't show up again for a few days and when she does, she has to explain it all to him: her mom's pregnancy, the fact that she sent the first boy she ever kissed to the e.r. with hypothermia, the way she takes people's body heat when she touches them.
4: her parents find out and they forbid to see him but she ignores them and seeks flea out anyway because she's drawn to him.
sky high / sky u verse:
1: i can't see flea sticking around sky high or sky u so he'd probably be one of the drop outs too, right? maybe he's there when kie comes to talk to harry, except she doesn't see him or meet him until such a time she comes back again.
2: she keeps coming back. at first, it's because she's here for noelani and the body heat thing. then it's because she's kinda distressed about the fact that she doesn't fear harry; she's pretty intimidated at first and rightly so but there is this undercurrent of trust and ease and understanding. at least, from her side. because he's clocked her for who she is and she's done the same. and is that his power? to make people see him? to make people trust him? she doesn't understand why she feels as though she could put her freezing heart on his palm and leave it there (and that kinda pisses her off) because she's very aware that harry can hurt her; she's very aware that he can be quite volatile. afterwards, it becomes very clear, very quickly that she keeps coming back for flea (even though he's got a serious case of apathy and sarcasm going on - kie knows a thing or two about hiding). she's insanely curious as to what his powers are and what his story is and she's willing to trade off: she'll tell hers if he tells his.
3: i think being around flea and flea's community would be good for kie. she grew up so lonely and so afraid of her abilities, i think they could help her step into her power. i think she and flea, especially, could help each other grow.
4: kie being forced to confront her own desires and coming to terms with the fact that she's not a bad person because she wants things and/or people because of flea and flea's abilities? i think yes.
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mari-ocs · 1 year
Jamie/Jules Thoughts :D
Okay, so I picked Jules' birthday based on the date I first posted about her on Discord, which was 22nd July last year. I just remembered, that according to the really crappy-looking official art that's Jamie's driver's licence, his birthday is 2nd July. That means Jules' birthday would take place during the show's timeline!
I did a little bit of maths, and found that her birthday would take place during an episode, that episode being Episode 7 (T Minus/14 Days To Go). That's the episode where they find Layla and Frankie, meaning it's probably the best episode for Jules' birthday angst-wise.
Here are some of my thoughts, copied from the Mat Discord server!
So, I was thinking that with everything going on, what if… Jamie forgets what day it is?
Jules doesn't really blame him. Everything is so hectic, especially with finally tracking down Layla and Frankie. A silly thing like a birthday doesn't seem like it means much in times like this. That's why she doesn't say anything about it; well, that and she doesn't want him to feel bad for forgetting it.
In any other situation, she'd say something about it. Jules isn't afraid to talk about her feelings with Jamie, but she's got some Layla based insecurities. Layla’s presence terrifies her, makes her think of how she could lose Jamie at any moment.
Jules knows that all Jamie wants is to find out the truth, which she completely understands. If she were in his shoes, she'd want the exact same thing. But in the back of her mind, she's worrying; what if Jamie realises that he still loves Layla? The impending apocalypse is already bad enough without losing her husband.
All of her fears get worse when Jamie and Layla go off to have their talk. Dave and Jules stay behind to watch Frankie, and Dave can tell that Jules is in pain. Though she insists that she's fine, he manages to get the truth out of her. Jules breaks down as she tells Dave about everything that's worrying her, ending the list with the fact that it's her birthday and Jamie doesn't even remember.
Dave hugs her as she cries, and tells her that everything (at least with Jamie) is going to be okay. He knows that Jamie loves her, and only her. He never would have moved on from Layla if he didn't adore her beyond everything. Dave even spills Jamie's secret - that he'd been planning on proposing to her on his birthday. Of course that doesn't really matter now, since they got married on a whim in Scotland, but it does help alleviate her anxiety a bit. Still, she's scared.
It gets later, and Dave and Jules try to distract themselves by playing with Frankie. She's a wonderful kid, and she manages to keep Jules' mind off everything else that's worrying her. They're not expecting it when Ariel shows up. He knocks Dave out first, he never sees it coming. Jules puts up a bit more of a fight, not wanting to be responsible for her stepdaughter - she supposed that's what Frankie was now, right? - getting taken by her husband's insane brother.
But Ariel overpowers her and knocks her out too. Frankie's gone and there's nothing that Jules or Dave can do about it.
Jamie and Layla don't get back until morning, when they find Dave and Jules badly injured, with Frankie nowhere in sight.
I guess after that, everything goes like it does in that drabble I wrote, where Jamie (unknowingly) performs a miracle and saves Jules' life, except maybe he realises right then that it's her birthday and he missed it? Idk.
I'll have to also post that drabble that I mentioned, for context!!
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