#but also extends to allowing protection dogs
songsintheattic · 9 months
the obvious solution to all debate surrounding service animals, ESAs, working animals, etc is to require a public access certification to prove the animal (realistically, only a dog will pass this test) is both safe and controlled in public spaces and anyone can ask you to show proof of certification and no other information about the animal, rather than asking if the animal is trained to perform tasks
i hate regulation and licensing, but i hate other people's crappy dogs (especially fake service dogs) more
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fjordfolk · 7 days
Utilization: By his anatomical peculiarities this dog is predestinated to puffin-hunting on the steep rocks around the fjords and along the shore.
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The standard:
Neck: Clean-cut, of medium length, quite strong with a relatively well furnished collar.
Compendium comment:
The head is carried relatively low. The two last vertebrae (atlas/apsis) are shaped so that the dog can bend backwards so that the head touches the back. To do so is vital when turning in the narrow burrows. NB! This should NEVER be demonstrated the ring!
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The standard:
Ears: Triangular ears of medium size, broad at the base, carried erect and very mobile. The cartilage of the ear lobe has the faculty of being able to retract itself so that the ear folds itself and flops in a specific manner, either backwards or in right angle upwards, so as to close the auditory passage.
Compendium addition:
The ears of the Lundehund have a unique muscle that enables them to fold and close the ears when entering the burrows, thus protecting them against dirt and moisture. The turning and folding of the ears probably also is help in locating the birds.
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The standard:
Forelimbs: Moderately angulated. Forearm: Straight.
Forefeet: Oval shaped, turning slightly outwards, with at least six toes of which five must rest on the ground. Eight pads on each foot. The two inner toes, formed respectively by 3 and 2 phalanges and endowed with a ligamentary and muscular system, make the foot look solid.
Compendium addition:
Very flexible and elastic shoulder muscles. The Lundehund has joints that allow the forelimbs to extend at nearly 90 degrees from the body, but this must NEVER be demonstrated in the ring! The forefeet turn slightly outwards to give room for the extra toes.
The Norwegian Lundehund is a polydactyl. Instead of the normal 4 digits, the Lundehund normally has 6 digits, all fully formed, jointed and muscled, with tendons going up the inside of the leg, partly responsible for its wide front gait. Some specimen may have more, others less than 6 digits per foot, but less than 6 on front feet should lead to downgrading. The extra toes help the dog climbing up and down crevices in screes and cliffs.
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The standard:
Hindfeet : Oval shaped, turned slightly outwards, with at least six toes - four of which must rest on the ground. Seven pads on each foot, the one in the middle, the most important one by its size, being attached to the inner pads corresponding to the two inner toes. When the dog is standing up on a flat surface, the weight of the body must be evenly distributed on the pads.
Compendium comment:
More than 6 digits is not a fault. 5 digits are acceptable on the hind feet. The extra toes on the hind feet are normally less developed than those on the forelegs and variations from the ideal, both regarding number and placement, should not be penalized.
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The standard:
Gait/Movement: Light and elastic. An external rotary action of the forelegs and somewhat close action behind is characteristic of the breed.
Compendium comment:
In judging the movements of the Lundehund, one must consider that this dog is built to climb efficiently up and down steep cliffs and screes. The extra pads on both fore- and hind paws must then touch the surface to aid the dog in climbing. The extra toes help getting a grip, both in ascent and descent. The wide front with extra flexibility enables climbing safely up and down crevices, as the forelegs can grip at a 90 degrees angle to the body. On flat surfaces, the Lundehund will show typical rotating front movements, due to tendons and muscles from the extra digits on the inside of the legs. Hind movements are narrow.
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shroomi1e · 2 years
❝ realistic courting ❞
cyno + tighnari (separately)
summary: how they court you/act around you based off of the research i did on their animal counterparts
cw: none, mostly fluff, g/n reader
a/n: ik i could’ve added gorou and yae but dogs and foxes don’t rly have courting behaviors other than humping each other and I WANNA KEEP THIS PG 13🤬 and yes ik cyno rly isn’t a jackal but he’s based off of an egyptian god who’s a jackal, i also just wanted an excuse to write for the sumeru characters lol
cyno: the jackal
jackals are exclusively monogamous and live in pairs. they hunt, rest, and forage together and spend nearly all their time together. male jackals will urinate on their territory to ensure that other male jackals will not invade their environment or their female counterparts. once jackals are done mating, the male jackal will bring food to the female jackal and take care of them.
the moment cyno and you become official, he will never leave you alone.
the two of you are attached by the hip, and cyno will always be making sure that people know that you’re his, despite not being too fond of pda.
he’ll give you subtle touches here and there, whether it be putting a hand on your lower back to steer you away from the crowd, gently holding your hand before asking you a question, or resting his hand on your knee when the two of you are sitting together.
he’s also a lot clingier than he’d like to let on. he thinks he’s being subtle but it’s so painfully obvious when he grips the edge of your sleeve, his usually hardened eyes just a tad softer.
“i have to go run some errands, cyno…” you shake your arm a little in hopes of cyno’s hand releasing his death grip on your sleeve
his lips pout ever so slightly, his eyes falling to the ground in disappointment
you giggle at the thought of his subordinates seeing their boss like this, clinging onto you and pouting like a kicked puppy. “i’ll help with your errands then. please?”
you sigh in defeat and let your boyfriend accompany you as you do mundane tasks like grocery shopping and whatnot. but to cyno, being able to spend time with you is something to cherish, as he’s usually so busy dealing with affairs at the akademiya.
cyno is also very protective/possessive, glaring down at anyone who dares to even glance in your direction while you obliviously run your errands.
he won’t be super open about his possessiveness, but will instead show it once you two are alone. the moment the two of you are in private, he’ll give you a bone-crushing hug, refusing to let go until he’s done processing his emotions.
but if someone were to ever make you uncomfortable, he wouldn’t hesitate to summon his polearm, one arm extended to push you behind him as he watches your unwanted suitor crumple up in fear. 
and later when you two arrive home, he’ll just sit there and stare at you in silence, his brain muddled with thoughts.  
“is everything okay…?” you ask.
your boyfriend sighs. “it’s just… i didn’t like that he touched you that way.” he then lowers his voice before saying, “only i’m allowed to do that.” 
tighnari: the fennec fox
male fennec foxes mark their territory with urine and become incredibly aggressive toward one another, particularly when competing for females during the mating season. once they have found a mate, they mate for life with couples inhabiting the same part of the den for the whole year round.
it took a while for tighnari to decide whether or not to make things official. not because he didn’t like you, but because choosing a partner as a fennec fox-hybrid held a lot of weight for his kind.
but the more and more time he spent with you, the more difficult it became to be apart from you. sleeping at night became unbearable, and so did his day-to-day tasks. 
and though tighnari can be quite possessive, he tries to suppress those feelings since the two of you aren’t exactly official yet. but his patience wears thin after a while, especially when someone attempts to court you right in front of him
you can tell when he becomes agitated by the way his ears flick and twitch and the way his tail slowly sways side to side
won’t show the jealousy right in front of you but instead take it out in other passive-aggressive ways. like sending them to patrols as far away from you as possible, or making sure their assignments are as long as possible in order to occupy them and keep them away from you
he knows it’s petty, he knows it’s probably not a healthy way to process his feelings, but he just can’t help it. not when a potential partner-for-life is right there in front of him. 
but when tighnari finally gets the courage to confess, he makes sure you know the weight that this decision holds. you still remember how stern and serious he was when he first told you.
“I just want to make sure you know one more time: fennec foxes are partners for life. I don’t doubt our relationship, but in case you want to leave, I wouldn’t be able to let you. are you sure you’re willing to commit?”
when he hears you say yes, his pointed ears relax and his tail wags softly. he hugs you right there and then, burying his face in your neck and tickling your cheeks with the tips of his ears.
a few days later, he shyly approaches you to tell you that he’s moved your bunker right next to his
“back in my hometown, couples usually live together as soon as they make a relationship official. I… I know doing that may seem too forward, so I decided to just move your bunker next to mine instead… is that okay with you?”
he will respect your boundaries until you’re ready to join the traditions of his kind, but when you finally decide to move in with him, he is over the moon
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 months
Okay,, you have to let us know are the eggs any characters Specifically like megumi or itadori? I bet they would be clingy mommas boys.
Love you crumbs you give us and happy late birthday 🫶🏻
awww ty bestie okay okay okay holdonholdon
You'd name the hatchlings. Idk if I mentioned this or not but in the excerpt, the reader names Suguru and Satoru cuz they didn't have a concept of language yet. I think once they had a general concept of human language, they'd use their human names for each other just like you do.
When Nobara, Yuji and Megumi hatch, they'd definitely hang onto you the most. It's mostly because you are the most caring out of the throuple you were forced into. It makes sense for you to care about them, right? After all, human babies are pretty helpless and that's how far your knowledge extends. And they're adorable, with big round eyes, making cute little chitters. You get a tiny bit protective of them, especially considering the other two nagas don't carry the same sentiment. Suguru is clearly a believer of tough love and you've caught Satoru trying to put one of the eggs in his mouth (you're pretty sure he was joking...but you arent risking it when they're this tiny). They're small right now, but naga hatchlings grow up fast. They're practically your height in just a couple of years.
I feel personally, Yuji would be the (most outwardly) clingiest. He's affectionate, more dog than snake, sometimes. He's the largest of his siblings. When he was smaller, his favorite thing to do was wrap himself around your shoulders and you'd carry him around. He can't do that now, but he has other ways of spending time with you. He 'hunts' with you the most, assisting you with collecting berries and fruit. Apart from you, he'd bond with Satoru more. They share a similar personality, both are easily amused.
Megumi would be the shyest, but he loves you just as much as his siblings do. Much like his fathers, he enjoys the warmth you provide and would love cuddling with you in the languid hours of the evening. He doesn't do that much when he's older, but he's still interested in spending time with you! He likes quality time, the most. Eventually, during your time on the island, you'd have set up a tiny garden. He'd help with that. He and Suguru would have lots of similarities, so you'd often catch them together. They'd both help with your garden, helping cultivate the seeds and soil. It's not natural for them, but they understand you're different from nagafolk
But I think Nobara would be the one you're the closest to. She hatched the first. She's also different from her brothers. Again, in the naga species, the females become something akin to sirens. Slowly, you'd notice how different she is compared to her brothers, how much she enjoys the water, how dry her skin gets when she stays on land for too long. She'd evolve differently. Webbed hands, her tail would be more lithe, finned.
Because she's so different, Satoru and Suguru don't have much of an interest in her. Again, much like reptiles, nagas are fairly independent at a young age. Satoru and Suguru allow the hatchlings to stick around because you'd pitch a fit otherwise and they try to keep their mate happy. Once it becomes clear Nobara is aquatically gifted, you'd be terrified of the thought of her being out alone at sea, so you'd often go out with her, not caring how pruny your fingers get. Because of how much time you spend with her, I think she'd be the most interested in humans. She'd ask you about human culture, human customs. Every once in a while, she'd go out and collect remnants of humanity, clothes, trinkets, jewelry, anything she can find off the ocean floor. She'd sit on the rocky shore, holding out each one, demanding you to explain them to her.
You wouldn't dare mention how much you fear her fathers, but I feel Nobara would be the first to realize that you don't want to be here. She can see it in your eyes, the longing whenever you're explaining another human trinket. She wants you to be happy, but if you go back to the humans....would you still have time for her? Would you still braid her hair? Take care of her? Love her?
In the end, Nobara is the most similar to her fathers. She'd keep you on the island too.
ughhhhhh i should just write that chaptered naga fic already this is getting ridiculous.
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petpippin · 7 months
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# implications of abuse / manipulation / general yandere themes. ▂▂⌇
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manjiro ‘mikey’ sano: overprotective + possessive. (w. clingy traits.)
most likely to have you abducted.
- what comes to define manjiro in his later years is guilt. experiencing so much loss at such an impressionable age has scarred him to such a degree, where mikey's afraid to have anyone closer than at an arms length.
- you're unlucky in this way. where mikey will be sure to have you locked up and kept under a watchful eye, he'll also refuse to strenghten any lasting bond.
- but this relationship won't come to last. at some point mikey will open all of his heart to you, although it's a painstaking process to have him trust that you won't dissappear at any given moment.
- you'll be damned to think that mikey will loosen your restraints, at this point. when he's let his heart go glip, you can kiss any dream of freedom goodbye.
haruchiyo ‘sanzu’ akashi: possessive + obsessive (w. clingy traits.)
- sanzu wants to eat you alive.
- he's loyal as a dog, which is quick to turn suffocating. incredibly eager to serve, sanzu will stop at nothing to have you satisfied.
- unfortunately, this does not mean he puts your actual wants into consideration.
- instead, haruchiyo uses this so-called 'intuition' to bring out vicious massacres in your honor, vowing to have you shielded from this cruel, cruel world.
kakucho: overprotective.
- kakucho adores you.
- out of any bonten excecutive, you are the most likely to actually build a bond with kakucho, one that won't stem from fear. in spite of this, your free will is scarce.
- kakucho has lost the only person whom he would've actually considered his friend, and this means that you will forever stand as a the only worthy placeholder for izana, someone who kakucho was to protect at all times.
- you differ from izana, however, where kakucho knows that you are weak in comparison to him. you are unfit for the life kakucho has sucked you into, exerting no strength that his late king carried.
takeomi akashi: possessive + self-indulgent.
least likely to have you abducted.
- because of takeomi’s hedonistic tendencies, he cares very little for how you go around your daily life, as long as you return to him when he wishes.
- of course that doesn’t mean takeomi’s entirely uncaring, as he’ll have his most trusted subordinates keeping track of your every move.
- takeomi expects your outmost loyalty, and you’d be stupid to think that this means you’re allowed to run around with anyone other than him.
kanji ‘mocchi’ mochizuki: overprotective.
- mocchi likes to believe he is honorable.
- similar to kakucho, he does actually desire an actual bond with you, one where you'll be happy to stay by his side, without the unnecessary force.
- he'll come to find this difficult, however. where kakucho is able to be effortlessly kind and giving with you, you'll most likely be intimated by mocchi's imposing physique, and rough personality.
- although mocchi might find himself dissappointed when you're hiding from him, he'll do his damndest to have you comfortable; all while fighting off the urge to have you forcibly submit to him.
ran haitani: possessive + self-indulgent. (w. clingy traits.)
- where ran stands different from takeomi, is that he’s possessive to a much more personal level.
- takeomi perceives you as something akin to a pet, but ran can somewhat appreciate you as a human being.
- this does not mean that he’ll take your feelings in consideration, however. what this belief extends to are your opinions of him, and ran will make sure that he will occupy your mind, as much as you do his.
- ran is smothering. wherever he goes, you go. unfortunately for you, ran doesn’t go anywhere, most of the time.
rindou haitani: possessive + controlling.
- rindou believes he owns you.
- being so used to having to share the spotlight with his older brother, rindou quickly comes to find that the world splits in two; what is his and what is ran’s.
- and you best believe that when it comes to you, you’re his.
- because of this skewed belief, rindou views you as an extension of himself, believing he would only be right to exert total control of your every action.
- rindou is quick to turn controlling, meticulous in your understanding that you are his.
hajime kokonoi: over-protective + manipulative.
- similar to mikey, kokonoi's biggest fear comes from loss.
- he'll spend years chasing after someone who's long gone, looking for the gust in the wind that is akane, or in the very least a convincing enough lookalike.
- it's likely he'll find you in this search, but where you will differ, is as much more than a simple solace.
- unlike with mikey, you are given the illusion of choice with kokonoi. koko is manipulative as he is overprotective, willing to have you believe you are able to leave at any point, when you have already been spun into his web.
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tonkatsubowl · 9 months
man's best friend.
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how would the xianzhou boys react to you bringing home a dog?
cat version here.
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"we aren't keeping it." dan heng stared at you with disbelief, given the immediate response as he saw you holding a puppy in your hands the moment he got home. pinching the bridge of his nose, you could hear the puppy whine, wiggling its tiny feet as a desperate attempt to escape to go up to dan heng.
...the attempt was a success, actually, and there would be a tiny little furball waddling up to the man who supposedly didn't want to take care of a puppy.
"wha— but why not? it clearly likes you!" now you were giving him the puppy eyes.
dan heng sighed, still learning on trying to resist that cute little face of yours. he watched as the puppy whine at him, pawing as his ankles as it desperately was begging for his attention.
"do you realize how responsible and attentive we'd have to be when it comes to raising a puppy, y/n? they are very high maintenance animals." dan heng gave you a stern look as he folded his arms over his chest, raising a brow at you.
"i'm not that stupid. i'm fully well aware how hard it is to take a puppy, but can't you just resist those (my) cute little eyes of it? please, pleaaase! i'll be fully responsible for it too!"
he really couldn't resist those puppy eyes of yours. it was working though. that was when he sighed with defeat, shaking his head as he placed a hand on his cranium.
"fine. as long as you're the one taking all the responsibility... we already have enough on our plate as it is, especially when we have missions to do."
you smile, almost wanting to squeal with happiness. "oh, great! thank you!"
it wasn't long until dan heng would begin to help you with raising a puppy. you knew this would happen too. it also wouldn't take long that dan heng would eventually take a liking to it.
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"..." blade stared at you with a dumbfounded expression as you held the puppy up to his face, allowing it to playfully and timidly lick at his nose. he just came back from a mission with the stellaron hunters...and assuming he'd come home and rest immediately, he would be greeted by the sight of a "wild beast" in your home.
not surprisingly enough, blade was more of a cat person. he stared in silence still, watching as you and the puppy shared similar expressions.
"please, blade..." you murmured, watching as the puppy wiggled around in your grasp, whining a bit as though to beg your significant other to keep it.
you could hear him exhale, his shoulders slumping as he continued to look at the animal...and you.
"...fine. but i'm not picking up after him."
your lips immediately tugged to a smile as you almost squealed with joy, inclining yourself upon toes and giving blade a kiss on the cheek. worth it.
"thank you!"
it wasn't long until blade grew a liking to your new dog. he was hoping it would protect you one day while he was gone on missions. he'd probably have to train it too.
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"ooh," jing yuan cooed, "don't let mimi see it. she'll get jealous."
luckily for the both of you...well, three of you, the lion of xianzhou wasn't around at the moment. she was taking a nap elsewhere, unaware of the monstrosity you call a 'puppy' home.
"i think it's a good thing that it's still a puppy. do you think she'll take care of it?" you ask, watching as the general extended a hand to pet the puppy on the head.
you hear him chuckle as he was brushing his thumb against the puppy's head, rubbing its ear with slow and gentle movements.
"perhaps. she'll be territorial of it at first, but i trust that we can keep the both of them safe from each other."
you blink. "we?"
jing yuan blinked too. "...of course, y/n. you brought home a puppy, no? we'd have to be responsible and take care of it but of course, i just hope you don't bring home an entire zoo."
you smile warmly as the puppy was now slowly being transferred over to jing yuan's grasp, allowing the little one to lick his face.
"what shall we name it? do you have any name suggestions? i suppose i'd have to redo a bit of my schedule to assist you raising this puppy."
you couldn't help but that smile of yours turn into a grin, excited that you were ready to raise a puppy with your other half! you snuggle up against the general as he laughed, letting the puppy play with the fluffiness of his hair.
"i'm not sure! i'll let you handle the names!" you exclaimed as jing yuan was holding up the puppy as though he was referencing a particular children's movie fixated on lions.
"ahaha, alright. now where should we potty train it...?"
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alwaysonthemend · 9 months
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Author's Note: I got a request about 10 million years ago for a fluffy Jake fic where he teaches you how to swim. I loved this prompt so much and I am SO SO SO SO SORRY it took this long. Like it’s embarrassing how long this took. I doubt the wait was worth it at this point but hey at least I actually posted it eventually lol. This has no smut which is very not like me but this Jake was just too sweet for it. I can't write Jake smut without it being filthy. Anyways, all mistakes are my own!
Warnings: Just fluff and cussing. Also Jake is adorable. 
Word Count: 3984
You snapped your eyes up from your book just in time to see Jake go sailing off Daniel’s shoulders and into the waves, shouting expletives even after he hit the water. You can’t help but to smile as you take in the sight before you – Josh, sitting triumphantly atop Sam’s shoulders, sporting a shit-eating grin, Sam wearing an equally smug smile of his own, and Danny giggling as Jake resurfaces from underneath the waves. 
They’ve been playing chicken for what feels like hours – far longer than any grown men should be playing such a game but they’re enjoying themselves so you can’t really fault them. They’ve more than earned some time off with how crazy tour life has been. 
“I’m done with this shit.” Jake exclaims, trudging his way up from the water and onto the shore where you’ve been sitting. 
“You’re only saying that because you keep losing!!’ Sam calls after him, unceremoniously dumping Josh off his shoulders and into the water before following Jake out as well. 
“You fucker.” You hear Josh yell and you giggle at the scowl he shoots in Sam’s direction. 
Shaking your head, you close your book and look up to see Jake standing before you in all his glory. You allow yourself to drink in his form – his tanned skin looks almost golden in the afternoon light and the smile he’s giving you is downright radiant. His expression is shy and so very soft as he looks down at you. 
“Hi.” You say, smiling back up at him. Your relationship with Jake is still in its early stages – the both of you wildly in love with each other but still figuring out how to express it without feeling hopelessly awkward.
“Hi, angel.” He answers, extending both of his hands towards you. 
You grab hold of them and allow him to pull you upwards and into him, and your belly erupts in butterflies as he presses a soft kiss to your lips. 
“You taste like salt.” You say, grinning at him as you pull away. 
“I wonder why.” 
You nudge his shoulder playfully and pull yourself away from him, turning to look at the other three boys as they make it to your spot. 
“I can’t believe we’re at the beach and you haven’t even gotten in the water, Y/n.” Sam says, shaking his head at you as he grabs his towel to dry off. “That’s literally the point of coming to the beach.” 
You freeze for a second as you stoop down to grab your book before smoothing over your expression and plastering a smile over your face. 
“Maybe I just don’t want to get in the water with you all.” You tell him, turning away as you speak in the hopes that he doesn’t catch the lie. “I’d end up getting hurt with how rough you guys play.” 
“Or maybe she has a secret fear of getting wet.” Danny supplies, grabbing his own towel and scrunching up his curls to help dry them. 
“That’s why she’s dating Jake.” Josh says through a laugh before shaking his head like a dog and spraying the rest of you with droplets of saltwater. 
You turn away from him, trying and failing to protect your book from the water. 
“Oops.” He shrugs and gives you a sideways smile – the one he always gives when he knows he’s being a shit. 
“Fuck off.” Jake snarks back, shooting Josh the bird and turning to look at you for help. 
You laugh lightly, amused despite yourself at Josh’s ability to come up with a joke without missing a beat – and slightly thankful that he’s managed to effectively turn the conversation away from you and your lack of swimming. 
“Don’t worry, babe. You get me plenty wet.” You assure your boyfriend, lacing your fingers with his. 
Jake’s cheeks flush a bright red and he mumbles out a small, sheepish “thank you.” 
“Blech. Gross.” Sam says, breezing past the both of you to walk back towards the beach house that you all had rented. 
“Ready?” You ask, turning back to look at Jake. 
He nods at you and the rest of you begin to follow Sam back to the house. 
Jake falls into step beside you, allowing Josh and Danny to walk in front of the two of you. You walk at a slower pace, falling much farther behind the rest of the group. He’s still holding your hand and the feeling of his fingers interlaced with yours makes your heart flutter. 
“You know I wouldn’t let any of them hurt you or anything, right?” Jake asks, voice soft and too quiet for the others to hear. 
“In the water, I mean. You said you didn’t want to swim because of how rough we are.” He clarifies, jerking his head back towards the beach. “If you want to swim, I wouldn’t let them bug you or anything. Or we could come back tomorrow without them.” 
You’re silent for a moment, wracking your brains to try and come up with a response. Even after being able to officially call him yours for a few months now, his sweetness still manages to take you off guard sometimes. “Thank you, Jake. I know you wouldn’t let anything happen.” You finally settle on, giving him a smile. 
“Do you want to, then? We could come back tomorrow and just swim around – just me and you?” He’s looking at you all hopeful, and a sudden flash of guilt slices through you. You know how much he loves being at the beach and there isn’t a doubt in your mind that he would adore swimming with just the two of you. 
“Maybe. I was actually thinking of going into town for some shopping tomorrow, though.” You say, praying that your answer doesn’t disappoint him. 
“Oh.” He says, the glimmer in his eyes fading a little bit. “Okay. Maybe another time then.” 
You open your mouth to invite him to come with you into town instead but you’re interrupted by Sam yelling from the deck of the beach house. 
“Would you two hurry the fuck up! I’m hungry!” 
“Coming, Samuel. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Jake calls back, extracting his fingers from yours and jogging up the wooden steps onto the deck, leaving you with nothing but an intense feeling of guilt and shame. 
Slowly, you trudge your way up the stairs behind him, signing heavily at yourself. 
Dinner was proving to be  a loud affair – alcohol and good food making the boys even louder than they usually are (which really is saying something). Jake cooked, looking positively gorgeous as he flipped burgers on the grill. 
“That smells so fucking good.” Danny practically moaned, taking a seat in one of the patio chairs. 
“Course it does, Danny.” Jake grinned at him, face cocky and cheeks flushed from being out in the sun for so long. “I’m the meat man.” 
Sam let out a loud cackle, shaking his head into his drink. 
“I don’t think that means what you think it means, brother.” Josh tells him, amusement flickering over his face. 
Jake furrows his brows in confusion at him before turning to look at you for support. 
Grinning, you just shake your head at him. 
“Definitely not what you think it means, babe.” 
Once the burgers were finished (Jake had begrudgingly grilled a vegan burger for Sam with only a few protests), the five of you all decided to retire – all of the boys exhausted from their earlier antics down at the  beach. As you all said your goodnights, you couldn’t help but notice that Jake seemed a lot more reserved than he had before your earlier conversation. You knew him well enough to know that something was off with him. Though he would never say it, his feelings were definitely a little hurt after you’d declined going down to the beach with him. You know that sooner or later you’ll have to either fess up the truth or come up with a more convincing excuse. 
Once you make it to your room, you turn to see Jake gathering his things to go and take a shower. Without thinking – afraid of letting him leave with his feelings still hurt, you blurt out his name. 
“Yeah?” He says, looking up from his suitcase. 
“I-” You purse your lips, frustrated at yourself for saying something before you’d been able to come up with an excuse, 
“Is everything okay, angel?” 
You just shake your head, anxiety making the back of your neck feel hot. 
“If this is about not wanting to go down to the beach tomorrow, it’s okay.” He says simply, shrugging his shoulders and shooting you a sideways smile. “I can find something to do on my own.” He turns his back to you, making his way towards the bedroom door. 
“Jake, stop!” You call – louder than you meant to. 
Jake turns back to you, confusion evident on his face at your raised voice. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to.” You start, and you can feel your cheeks growing hot as your emotions start to get the better of you. You know it’s silly to be so upset – but you’re torn between hurting Jake’s feelings or revealing something that you never wanted to reveal. 
“Y/n,” Jake starts, placing his things on the dresser and crossing the room to stand in front of you. “I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to say here. But I promise you it’s okay that you want to do something else.” He assures you, placing his hands on your shoulders and squeezing lightly. 
“I do wanna go!” You insist, clenching your fists in frustration at yourself. “It’s just..”  
He raises an eyebrow at you, silently begging you to keep going. Ducking your head to look at your feet rather than at him, you allow your confession to slip past your lips. 
“I don’t know how to swim.”  
You flinch slightly, waves of embarrassment washing over you at the incredulity in his tone. 
“You don’t know how to swim?” He says, before giggling softly under his breath. 
“It’s not funny.” You say, finally turning up to look at him. You can feel tears threatening to fall and your bottom lip quivers as you fight to hold them back. 
“Hey, hey. No.” Jake slides his hands from your shoulders to your waist, holding you softly. “I’m not laughing at you, angel. I’m just laughing because I thought something was really wrong.”
His words do little to soothe your shame and you shake your head and try to pull away from him – but his grip on your waist only tightens. 
“Let me go.” You say petulantly, wanting nothing more than to go and sit alone somewhere in your misery.
“Jake…” You warn, dropping your shoulders in defeat. “Please let me go.” 
“So I can go suffer in peace.” 
He chuckles again, sweet and genuine, and you can’t help the smile that wants to grace your lips at the sound. 
Jake lets go of your waist but his gaze pins you to the spot for a moment, He’s not looking at you any different than he usually does – only a small bit of amusement lingering on his face. 
“You could have told me that a whole lot sooner, ya know?” 
You shake your head. 
“It’s embarrassing. I mean, who else my age doesn’t know how to swim, Jake?” 
“Plenty of people!” Jake says, walking away from you to take a seat on the edge of the bed. He leans backwards, using his arms to brace himself as he leans back. Despite the situation, your eyes still roam his beautiful form – admiring the golden tan of his skin and the way his hair falls across his shoulders. 
“Swimming can be intimidating. That’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” 
You sigh heavily, looking away from him to stare at the wall. You’re not entirely sure what to say and the room lapses into silence for a moment. 
“I could teach you.” 
Your eyes snap back to him at that, eyeing him warily as he looks at you hopefully. 
“I could teach you to swim.” He continues, rising from his place to meet you in the middle of the room. “This house has a pool. The rest of the guys are probably asleep. Just you and me.” “I don’t know…” You trail off, biting your lip as your nerves make themselves known. You’ve put off learning to swim for so long that the fear has begun to fester inside of you – becoming much stronger than it used to be. 
“I won’t make you if you don’t want to. But the offer’s there. I wouldn’t mind.” 
He’s standing in front of you again, hair framing his face and eyes soft. He smells like grill smoke and beach air and you can feel your resolve melting away by the second. 
“Okay.” You breathe out, glancing up at him again. 
A sweet smile spreads across his face, exposing his perfectly white teeth and making his eyes crinkle in the corners. 
“Come on, then!” He exclaims excitedly, grabbing a towel from his back and practically skipping to the bedroom door. 
“Now?” You ask, heart beginning to pound at just the thought. You were hoping you’d have a bit more time to mentally prepare. 
“The guys are asleep.” He starts kindly, lacing his fingers with yours and pulling you out of the bedroom. “It’ll literally just be you and me – no chance of any of them coming out to the pool at this hour.” 
You follow him down the stairs, shivering slightly as your bare feet hit the cold tile of the kitchen. Jake pulls open the sliding door for you with a smile, allowing you to step out onto the patio where you all had eaten dinner. The deck wraps around the side of the house and the pool lies in waiting to your right – dark and ominous as the reality of what you’ve agreed to do washes over you. 
“Jake…” You start, the dark water in the pool filling you with dread. 
“Oh shoot. Hold on.” Jake mutters, before scampering back inside. 
You furrow your brows in confusion before the pool is suddenly illuminated, the little lights on the walls coming to life beneath the water. 
“Figured doing it in the dark probably isn’t the best place to start.” Jake chuckles, walking back outside to come and stand next to you. He dumps his towel onto the deck before rounding the corner of the pool to the stairs. You watch as he walks down the steps and into the water, hissing slightly as his lower half becomes submerged.
“It’s a little cold.” He says with a sideways smile, fanning his hands out in the water on either side of him. The water on that end doesn’t look too deep, but you can’t help but eye the other end – clearly deeper than the side Jake is in. “Coming?” 
You nod, walking slowly over to the steps. You look into the water, clutching both of your hands closely to your chest. You take a step in and immediately the cold makes you want to pull your foot out. But you keep going, wading into the pool to stand next to Jake. 
Immediately, both his hands extend in the water to place two solid hands on your waist. 
“Hi.” He says with a smile, inclining his head at you slightly. “Not bad so far, right?” 
You shake your head slightly. 
“This isn’t the scary part.” You remind him, before nodding your head towards the deeper end of the pool. 
“Fair enough.” Jake affirms, gripping your hips a little tighter. “Put your hands on my shoulders and just hold on, okay?” 
You comply, placing your hands where he told you too. Slowly, Jake leads you both out towards the middle of the pool, only stopping when the water reaches up to your chest. 
“Damn.” Jake says with a grin. “Really holding on tight there, angel.” 
“Sorry.” You say, realizing how your fingertips had been digging into his shoulders. 
Jake giggles softly. 
“It’s okay.” He lets go of your waist and brings his hands up to grab your wrists, holding tightly to you as he bobs up and down slightly in the water. 
“What now?” You ask, trying to keep your heart rate steady. You glance downwards, eyeing the water warily. 
“Keep holding on to my shoulders and I want you to just let your legs relax.” He tells you, adjusting his grip on your wrists. “Just let them float up to the surface.”
You stare at him for a moment, unsure of yourself. 
“I’ve got you.” He assures you, smiling softly. 
Slowly, you allow your body to untense, relaxing your muscles and letting your body float in the water. Keeping your grip on his shoulders, your legs slowly start to float up towards the surface. 
“There ya go.” He grins. “Perfect. Now kick your feet.” 
You kick your feet half-heartedly in the water, barely causing a splash. 
“Harder.” Jake tells you. “Break the surface as much as you can. Sort of like you’re kicking downwards.”
You kick your legs harder, causing the water to splash upwards and spray the both of you. 
“Oops.” You laugh, the sound coming out breathy from your nerves. 
Both Jake’s hair and your own is now sopping wet – and you’re distracted for a moment by the sight of him. His hair sticks to the side of his face and neck, and you watch, entranced, as a single drop of water makes its way down his cheek and slides down his plush lips. 
“That was perfect.” Jake says with a smile, amusement flashing across his face after catching you staring. “Now you just gotta use your arms.”
Your eyes widen slightly. 
“So I’ve gotta let go of you, then?” You ask, trying to joke but there’s no real humor in it. 
Jake laughs anyway. 
“That would make it easier, yeah. I won’t let you drown. I promise.” 
“Thanks, babe.” You say, a hint of sarcasm sneaking into your tone. “Why did I let you talk me into this?” 
“Because you love me.” He says cheekily. 
You roll your eyes in response. 
“When you let go, I want you to keep kicking your feet under the water. Think about your arms going up and down, too. Kind of like a bird.”
“Like a bird?” You ask doubtfully, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I mean… kinda. Just move them up and down.”
You grumble at him, but slowly let go of his shoulders. He hovers his hands on your waist, helping to keep you afloat as you try and practice the motion. 
“I hate this. This is so stupid.” You mutter, feeling like you’ve never been more out of your element in your life. 
“That’s the spirit, babe.” 
You scowl.
“I’m gonna let go now and you just keep doing what you're doing.”
“What?” You squeak, snapping your gaze to meet his. “Don’t let go!” 
“You’ve got this!” He grins, extracting his grip from your waist. 
You flail in the water for a moment, arms and legs flapping and kicking around wildly. Eventually, the panic wears off and you calm your movements down, allowing your limbs to move more fluidly in the water. 
“Babe!” Jake grins, grinning from ear to ear. “You’re doing it. That’s called treading.” 
You can’t help the proud smile that overtakes your face at his praise and you can feel your cheeks heat slightly. 
Jake swims farther away from you – going more towards the deep end. 
“Swim towards me.” He commands, treading in place. 
“How the fuck am I supposed to do that?” 
“Kick your feet like earlier and tread with your hands. Simple doggy paddle. Right towards me.”
“Absolutely not.” You tell him, perfectly content to keep treading water where you are. “I’d rather not drown, thanks.”
“Y/n,” Jake starts, sounding like a father speaking to his kid. “Do you really think I’m going to let you drown? You’ve got this. I’m right here.” 
You sigh at him. 
“I hate you.” 
“No you don’t.” He says kindly. “Now come over here.” 
Begrudgingly, you do as he says – kicking your feet aggressively behind you as you paddle with your hands. Slowly but surely, you make your way over to him. 
As soon as you get close, Jake darts his hands out and grabs your shoulders – helping you to float next to him. 
“See?” He asks with a grin, eyes sparkling in the dim light, “Not so bad.” 
“I still don’t like this.” You mutter, mind half focused still on trying to tread the water next to him. 
Slowly, Jake lets go of your shoulders and the two of you just float in the middle of the pool for a moment.  
“You’ll get better at it.” He assures. 
Just then, you hear a car horn honk in the distance, drawing your attention away from Jake and towards where the sound came from. Seeing nothing, you look back towards your boyfriend only to be met with a face full of chlorine as he splashes you. 
“Jake!” You sputter, blinking your eyes to try and clear the water from them. “You fuck head!” 
“Oops.” He giggles – the sound so reminiscent of Josh it’s almost like his twin just came down and possessed him for a moment. Sometimes you forget that they’re twins until you’re so starkly reminded. 
Your bewilderment must have shown on your face. 
“Nothing.” You smile at him. “You just sounded exactly like Josh when you did that.”
“Ugh.” He groans, rolling his eyes and swimming away from you slightly. “Don’t tell me I remind you of that loser.”
“Jake, you’re twins. You two are so simila-” You’re cut off once again by a face full of water. 
“Those are fighting words, Y/n!” Jake says through a laugh, swimming farther into the pool. 
“Come back here, you ass!” You paddle your way towards him, muscles straining to try and keep up with him. 
“No!” He giggles, stopping for a moment to splash you again. 
This time, you see it coming and splash him first, causing him to sputter and cough as the water fills his mouth. 
The two of you descend into laughter as Jake swims away from you again, using his legs to kick water at you. You give chase, splashing him as well as you pursue him. 
Eventually too winded to continue, you give up your chase of him and just tread the water again, laughing breathlessly. Jake swims back over to you, his own laughter sounding like music to your ears. 
“Does this mean I win?” He asks you, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss. All you taste is chlorine, but the warmth of his lips pressing to yours fills you with butterflies. 
“Nah. Just taking a break for a second.” 
Jake’s eyes are pinned to yours, a strange expression spreading over his face. It’s sweet and loving… but there’s something else there too. Pride? 
He shakes his head at you. 
“You learned how to swim.” 
“Oh.” You say on an exhale, glancing around to realize that the two of you have come to a stop in the deep end of the pool – the very place that you’d been so afraid of not an hour before. “I guess I did.” 
“I’m the best fucking teacher ever.” He says, grinning proudly at you and puffing out his chest.
You roll your eyes but you can’t really argue. You are swimming, all thanks to him and his willingness to be patient and to distract you from your nerves. You realize now that the whole water fight had just been to get you out of your head – something that he’s always been remarkably good at. 
“Thank you, Jake.” 
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
If you're reading this, I love you! 💞
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akumastrife · 5 months
Knightmare Of Your Dreams // Dreamling
Rating: Explicit (Just All Smut) Fandom: The Sandman Pairing: Dreamling Word Count: 3k I have no excuse for this. I wanted to write weird and kinky Dreamling with a side of shapeshifting, the thinnest King and His Knight vibes, weird anatomy, some claws and shadow tentacles, and self-indulgence. Written for the "Eldritch" square on last year's Monsterfucktober Bingo that I never finished in time.
{Also on AO3} Shout out to "Violently (slowed) by Mira" that I listened to roughly 200 times while writing this bc its soooo Dreamling to me. also to Zomsaurus for the funniest line in any of my writing ever
It was never supposed to be like this. Death was for everyone else, never Hob. She’d promised.
But the Endless did not abide by such rules; drifted uncaring outside them. If Death could make such a thing, it could be assumed that one of the others could unmake it.
And now that the imminent danger is gone, now that Hob’s safe and remade under Dream’s protection, he can at least admit Hob looks wonderful on his knees.
Dream’s always thought so, and now he gives himself over to leisure to look his fill. He’s well and truly his now, shouldn’t he be allowed?
The visage Hob’s chosen for himself is fitting; muscle encapsulated in shining armor, a sword at his side and the helmet with haloed spikes set reverently beside him. The insignia, mirrored on cloak and shield, is Dream’s favorite part.
A burst of stars across a sea of black, glittering as it moves just as Dream’s coat does. It is the same, after all; a claim that makes primal satisfaction simmer low under his skin.
Dream’s remade him, and Hob has chosen to be his, still. Always.
Everything the Corinthian was supposed to be. Every iteration a pale imitation of the man Dream has followed through time.
 “You do not have to kneel,” Dream says. Near purrs. Can tell the low timber is pleasing by the way exposed skin shivers in answer. But Hob himself does not move. Not even an inch to have his armor creaking.
“Perhaps,” Hob says, looking up quickly and the corners of his mouth flicking up similarly. “But you like it. And I owe you, don’t I?”
Hob owes him nothing. The centuries of give and take sprawl behind them, and Dream is almost certain the scales are still tilted in Hob’s favor.
And yet.
That is not what Hob is asking.
Now that he’s part of the dreaming, now that he’s part of Dream—intertwined irrevocably—there is little Dream cannot know about him. His feelings, his mind, his desires.
It is a game Hob’s wanting.
Dream hums, leaning back in his high-backed throne, crossing one leg over the other. Considers Hob, all his pieces, the laughing light in his soft eyes. Gestures wide and airy with one hand. “And what would you offer? To me, an Endless, who has need of nothing.”
Hob does shift then. “My lord,” said with all the impudence of a knight who ought to be taught to heel like a dog. His eyes drop, hungry and dark, down Dream’s front—
Dream finds himself wearing a velvet robe in the darkest shades of plum and night-sky blue, open to expose the moonlight of his torso. Plays fingers along the sweeping sleeve hems with half an eye on Hob, considering him and the outfit he’s put Dream in with sheer want alone.
“I see,” he murmurs. Watches Hob swallow. Extends his lifted foot, now encased in a soft stocking that runs the length of his leg under the edges of the robe, and slides it slow between Hob’s legs. Presses up, idly, like he is a curiosity and nothing more.
Hob shudders, eyes fluttering closed as he swallows again, jaw clenching against the sigh Dream can almost taste.
“You would like to serve me, then? You, who are now a Nightmare under my hand, and think yourself clever as a knight. All the centuries you’ve lived, and still, you crave a king to kneel before.”
When Hob doesn’t answer, Dream arches up his foot again, a smooth slide that pushes speech out of Hob.
“No,” Hob gasps.
“This says otherwise.”
“No. Not a king.” Hob grits his teeth, every part of his body (tight, honed and singing like a weapon begging to be asked to strike) shivering in an effort to stay still. “Just you.”
Warmth blooms and oozes under Dream’s skin. He lets the satisfaction radiate out as something tangible until Hob’s blinking up at him, expression bare in its awe.
“You are an impossibility,” Dream praises, softly. “I should’ve offered to keep you long ago.”
“I would’ve happily,” Hob says. “Let me now?”
“Be kept? Oh, Robert Gadling,” Dream says, leaning towards him. Takes Hob’s cheek in his hand, cradling gently before shifting to catch his chin in an unrelenting grip. “I am never letting you go, even if you beg.”
Hot hands land on his knees as Hob surges closer and leans up on knees still to catch his mouth in a kiss.
Dream lets himself be kissed. Let’s Hob direct it as hot and slick as he likes, lets himself be lulled under the rhythm like a boat bobbing gently on calm waters. It is at odds with the desire boiling under Hob’s hands, thrashing and teaming to get out. Barely contained in this body Dream has fashioned lovingly for him.
“What do you have for me?” Hob asks against Dream’s mouth, hoarse already with the want like it’s choking him. His hands slide reverently down Dream’s chest, toying with his nipples before following the edges of the robe to his lap. Kisses him gently as he finds Dream’s hips and holds on, thumbs rubbing back and forth.
“What would you like?”
Hob’s hands squeeze, breath catching audible in something too close to a whimper. Freezes, startled by the overwhelming realization and the world that’s been opened to him. Offered to him on a platter.
Dream slips into his mind easily, eyebrows raising at the dozens of images that flip through him. Hob’s brain working overtime with all his wonderings and filthy dreams.
Hob certainly isn’t lacking in imagination. It seems like he’s traded any shame he might’ve had for more of it.
If Hob is spoiled for choice, then he shouldn’t have to choose.
Dream selects a few of them, plucking them out of the mire with newly sharp claws, as precise as a spider traversing its own web. He feeds that thought to Hob while he has him, and smiles at the shudder it gets him.
“Are you that easy?” he asks. He runs his black-tipped claws through Hob’s hair, scratching gently at his scalp.
“For anything, as long as it’s you,” Hob assures him, nipping at his lip.
“I might scare you.”
“You can’t,” Hob says.
Something dark and dangerous flares low in Dream, and he grips the back of Hob’s neck, dragging him back into a kiss. He has to taste him, has to steal his breath until he doesn’t breathe at all without Dream doing it for him.
Hob fumbles to strip his thin gloves off and find the opening of the robe with bare hands. “Please,” Hob groans. “I will be so good for you.”
His hands slip greedy to skin, wrapping around Dream’s cock. Strokes him slow to learn the new shape of him, to thumb all the fluted edges like a tall flower closed.
Hob bows his head to take him into his mouth immediately, groaning softly as his tongue dips into the slit.
Dream sighs, letting his hands wander of their own accord. The armor is mostly in his way, but he is not bound by mortal conventions and can slip beneath them. “You have only ever been perfect.”
Hob’s tongue is heavenly and cruel at once; a rolling softness that deftly coaxes at every place that sparks pleasure like Hob is singularly attuned to it.
The plush give of his mouth is enough that Dream distantly wonders if he had reshaped it to only accept him.
He wants to devour Hob whole, if only he might also feel this all-consuming pleasure.
Hob groans softly like he agrees.
“Easy,” Dream praises again, deftly flicking at every buckle and clasp of Hob’s armor with his claws. It all falls away under his whim, clattering indecent to the floor and echoing through the hall. Leaves Hob in just a soft tunic and breeches, and available to his hands and the shadows that ripple around them in pleasure. They shift and pulse in time with his own heartbeat. Grow larger and darker, building up on their own and teaming hungrily around Hob.
The hunger is its own entity, awakening from disuse in his body and ravenous for it.
Shadows pull together, wriggling into tendrils that wrap and caress Hob like a lover.
Dream can feel him shiver and shake, can feel his breathing stutter and deepen. Feels everything his shadows do, awareness split to watch Hob’s head move sinuous and also in the tendrils slipping under fabric and along tacky skin.
Exhales heavy and inexorable as he tips his head back and watches through the shadows that explore the length of Hob’s body, licking in every crease and curl against the tight heat of him.
“Hard for me?” Dream breathes. “Just from being on your knees, just from having your mouth full? Easy.”
“Merely rigor mortis, my lord,” Hob teases, tracing his tongue down.
Dream tightens his fingers in Hob’s hair, pulling warningly. “I gave you life, and I can take it away.”
“Don’t threaten me, I’m into that.”
Dream laughs despite himself, startled, and just as quickly it twists into a moan at the savage spear of tongue against his slit, the way Hob takes him so deep into his mouth he can feel the squeeze of his greedy throat.
“Do you wish to consume me?”
Hob whines, nails digging into his sides, swallowing again.
“Do you wish to take me inside all of you? Or shall I open myself up so your tongue may taste me at my core?”
Images fly fast and desperate behind Hob’s bruised eyelids, saliva pooling and dripping, knees twinging against stone as shadows finger lovingly along the inside of his thighs. Debauchery, and a spine-tingling notion of Dream splitting his cock open so Hob can lap his tongue down the center of it, giving pleasure from inside-out.
“Steady, love,” Dream eases. His claws betray him, digging into the back of straining shoulder blades. Trace slow paths that almost draw blood. “We have eternity yet.”
Dark tendrils tease up to Hob’s hole, laving attention and worming inside.
“Fucking terror,” Hob gasps, pulling back and jamming his face in the crease of Dream’s thigh.
“Just that? They are so small, just curious,” Dream muses, curling fingers through his hair, soothing. “You have taken more. This should be nothing.” Tightens and pulls, yanking Hob’s head back and savoring the electric groan.
“It’s well and truly different, and you know that.” Hob’s already panting. Shifts on his knees, hips hitching into empty air and then back on the mime of fingers. “More?”
Dream lets him have as much as he can take, humming a soft ballad from the thirteenth century as he feeds more to Hob, stretching inside him; another to wrap and squeeze his balls, preventing him from rocking himself to any sort of satisfying end. Savors the choked moan.
He would play with him like this for a century, like a cat does a mouse, toyed with on just the edge of some finality but never letting him have the satisfaction.
“Please,” Hob begs. “Please, anything you like, I will do anything, just—just more. I want to feel you. I need to feel you.”
He’s very lucky that it’s exactly what Dream himself wants. Lucky to be so handsome, to have caught Dream’s affection like the golden-limned muse he is. Lucky that Dream will happily bend time and reality for him.
Will happily help him up from the floor to kneel over Dream’s lap instead, and hold his hands firm for stability as Hob sinks down onto his length with a groan so obscene Dream’s sure it would put a whorehouse to shame.
“Look at you,” Dream purrs, watching every inch of Hob’s face tipped back in rapture. “You take me beautifully, my love.”
Hob laughs, something breathy and aborted, tight around all his edges as he squeezes Dream’s hands in a dozen things unsaid. Squeezes his eyes shut; squeezes around Dream himself, sweat dotting his skin as he takes a blessed moment to get used to the new shape of him remade for Dream’s pleasure.
Or maybe it the other way around, maybe it is Dream who’s been reshaped for Hob, to be used and enjoyed.
Dream continues to watch him, enjoying every detail and shift, as Hob takes his time. Runs sharp claws only somewhat careful up and down Hob’s heaving ribs, keeping his own hips still as Hob begins to rock small circles onto him. Keeps him deep inside, but chasing the little shocks of friction.
“Everything you wanted?”
“More,” Hob says. His thighs flex in an effort to lift and sink back down, building to some rhythm only he knows. It is heaven and hell both to feel him—better than, when he’s experienced both. Would rebuke both for this here, and does with his teeth to Hob’s throat, tasting the pounding of his heart as Hob works himself a little faster.
“And you?” Hob manages to ask.
Dream does not bother with words, just in the tightness of his hands and claws as he drags Hob closer into him, both of them gasping as talons pierce skin.
The dark tendrils are as hungry as ever, sliding around Hob’s skin and covering every inch Dream cannot. Teaming against them both like a desperate creature, jealous for attention. Needy still, despite having tasted Hob already. Maybe wants more for having done so already.
They are part of Dream, after all, and Dream does not think he will ever tire of tasting Hob. Tastes him again in an open kiss, slow and indulgent in contrast to the fast and brutal way Hob fucks himself on him. Tastes every breath and keen that escapes Hob. Tastes Hob’s skin and nipples and cock through the wriggling passes of darkness.
Hob is tight and hot and slick, and Dream buries his face into Hob’s neck, breathing deep and fast, grazing with very sharp teeth. Each press gets closer to breaking skin, and each one makes Hob shake harder.
“Will you give it to me?” Dream rumbles. Teeth and claws dig in so slowly, pressing wrenching gasps from Hob. Shadows build and creep around Hob’s cock, gripping him tight, squeezing in time with his own frantic rocking.
Hob sobs, body tense and face utterly slack in ecstasy. “I’d give you anything.” 
“Just you then,” Dream says. Drags nails down to sink into the writhing dark mass to take Hob’s cock in hand. “Everything. You are everything.”
The smallest, weakest whine escapes Hob. As does a tear, tracking slow down his cheek.
Dream stretches to lick it up, saliva turning sticky as arousal swells. He grips Hob tight all over, free hand gripping his hip to yank him down into a frantic rhythm. Feels his pulse follow suit in the desperation—hears Hob’s do the same—thoughts swirling with the desire to fold Hob over something and well and truly claim him. The desire to hold Hob down and use him as much as Hob himself wants.
Wants most, ridiculously, to make Hob happy. And that is to stay right here and let desire fan the flames of his power until he is growing in size and energy, and still letting Hob curl over top of him as he shouts in painful sharp release.
Dream groans with him, drawing it out of him like spinning yarn, a gentle and thready tug-and-give, taking every shake, every pulse, all the suffusing warmth Hob has in him. Wishes to draw every ounce of damp completion out of him until he is as empty and cold as the armor he likes to wear. The armor still scattered on the floor of the throne’s dais. The sight of it over Hob’s shoulder (scratched, bitten, bleeding) is nearly as loose and erotic as the man still fucking himself on him is.
“Won’t you join me?” Hob gasps. His voice grates and fails him, near hoarse. Keens as he forces himself to tighten around Dream’s cock, trying to milk pleasure out of him. Hob is so tired. Dream can feel it. His exhaustion. His pleasure. His satisfaction. His greediness as his muscles spasm and twitch with continued stimulation. “You’ve made me feel so good, love. Won’t you let me do the same? Please.”
It wobbles. The word or Hob’s voice, or maybe Hob’s grasp on rationality.
Dream only hums. Loosens his grip on hip and cock both, softening to hold and stroke featherlight. “You are tired.”
Hob shakes his head. Resumes languid rolling of his hips.
“You might hurt yourself, continuing like this.”
“You will fix me,” Hob argues. Stubborn in life and death both.
“You are charming.”
Hob manages a breathy laugh. His expression tightens, eyes squeezed shut in focus. “If you don’t come inside me right now—”
Dream bites his lip, cutting it off neatly. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t. Just…” Rolls words around in his mouth, leaning back against the throne, watching Hob refuse to still.
The dark tendrils, pesky things, help him. Wrap around his waist and curl at his back, stabilizing him, keeping him from tumbling either direction.
“Not yet,” Dream decides.
Hob chokes on a whine, posture shooting ramrod straight as the layers of ridges on Dream’s cock expand outward. Just enough to keep him locked in place.
“You wanted something new to play with,” Dream reminds him, running claws through sweat-soaked hair. “Who am I to cut your fun short?”
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
we haven’t met spark yet but can i still ask about 10/11/12 for liam pls? 💛
yes absolutely! I spent yesterday evening working on their story, it’ll be my next girlfriendverse chapter and it should be posted this weekend! 💛🌊
🏷: fourth wing and iron flame spoilers, not proofread, posting this at nearly 2am lol
10. How does being separated make them feel?
they spent the year before fourth wing separated completely, as Spark is a year older than Liam, and the extended time away was difficult for both of them.
Liam brings a lot of light and happiness into her life, so she was even moodier than usual without him, but she used him as motivation to survive; if she made it through her first year, she could see him again and spend her next two years by his side before she graduates.
Li was a bit less sunshiney without his favorite girl around. poor baby was separated from his big bro Xaden too, so he was actually looking forward to his conscription day to see them and the others again 🥺
11. How long can they go without seeing each other before starting to miss the other one?
they miss each other before they’re even apart. there was a very long goodbye before she left, and they promised that they would see each other again, come hell or high water, no dying allowed. but some things may have been left unsaid on both sides… you’ll see in their first chapter.
as for later on… Spark is a total wreck without him. she definitely takes it the hardest when he passes, and Bodhi has to keep her from hitting rock bottom or losing control. :(
12. How much time per day/week/month do they spend together?
A lot. she’s by his side as much as she can be, with them being in different years. he’s her favorite person, no contest.
Spark is very protective of her favorite boy. she definitely sweet-talked (see also: mildly threatened) Xaden into putting Liam in her squad so she could watch over him, and X knows how much she cares for the boy, so it was easy to convince him that he would be safer with her around.
should anyone harm him in the slightest, they’ll be answering to her, but nobody’s stupid enough to try anything with her around. she’s the guard dog of the group; her presence deters most people from bothering any of the marked ones, because she’s intimidating asf.
I’m so excited for y’all to meet Spark. She was the first of the girlfriends that I came up with, along with Angel, but I’ve been taking my time figuring her out, because she’s a handful and a half, and because I want to tell her story right. hopefully this gives you a little taste without spoiling too much! 💛
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tf-cyberaligned · 10 months
Team Prime Character Bios
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I have headcanoned Jack to be pansexual and polygender, he uses all pronouns interchangeably. He is half Korean half White. Jack's jacket is based on Arcee's paint job, and the weapon on her prosthetic arm is based on her arm blades. I gave them long fall boots, simply due to how much active work he has to do to find the artifacts. The two gems in the center of their metal cover chest are the compressed ashes of June and Agent Fowler, who passed away naturally after they were not hit with the artifact beam. The dog tag is something she had custom made, at the same time as Miko and Raf's were custom made. She gave those dog tags to Miko and Raf, the metal being made out of scrap Cybertronian biometal. Once their dog tags were infused with their blood, they were able to create an EM field like Cybertronians.
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I headcanoned Miko as a demigirl lesbian, they use she/they pronouns. She is Japanese. Miko's weapon is able to morph into any kind of weapon she needs. It is made of plasma matter, a product of one of Raf's and Graham's Red Bull feed, 3am, invention making sprees. She also has a shield that is able to expand to cover herself and anyone they are protecting. In a conflict with a gang of people trying to take the Cybertronian artifact, her face got sprayed with an acid that melted half of their left side. Her eye was replaced with a cybernetic optic, while metal plating reconstructed the rest. In that same fight, she also got her entire right leg crushed, and when they were finally able to escape with the artifact back to base, it was basically hanging off by the bone. It was amputated, and she now has a collection of different prosthetic legs she uses based on the job.
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I headcanoned Raf as aroace, and he uses he/him pronouns. His Latino/Hispanic heritage is Salvadorian. His spine is a cybernetic spine that has a protective casing around it. From that casing different arms are able to be added on, allowing him to have more "hands" for working on his tech. He spends most of his day tinkering with Doc Green and Graham, while also decoding the Iacon database and documenting the similarities and differences between humans and Cybertronians.
An explanation for the age listed. Those are the ages that they were when the Iacon Relic that extends their life spans went off. Because of that, they are physically not aging, so those ages are what they look like for the rest of their life. In the canon present, aka the cyberpunk future, they are over 300 years old.
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99redragons · 7 months
Au Idea: Dragon Simon au
In this au the crown is even more cursed and turns Simon into a more monstrous form, slowly warping him larger and more dragon-like. He is mentally more beast-like as well, sometimes feral, akin to a werewolf. However, he still is able to speak and retain his Ice King faculties during calm periods. He fiercely protects Marceline AMW like a guard dog. He slowly loses control over his periods of feralness when attacked by monsters and this scares him greatly.
However his intense instinct to protect extends to Marceline enough that he never forgets who she is, allowing them to have a (if sometimes overprotective) relationship. This protectiveness extends to those she regards closely as well, though less so as he is wary of those who would hurt her (ex. Ash) he still had a period where he left out of fear of hurting her, but it was shorter and he returned once the crown took over enough that Simon no longer remembered who he was.
He gets big enough after a thousand years to be larger than a giant, and still lives in the ice kingdom where he protects his subjects (penguins) fiercely.
He still kidnaps princesses, and Finn and Jake still beat him up, this is not much different than canon except he fights using his size as well as ice powers. (it’s infinitely more obvious when he goes easy on people).
he has no scales like a dragon but has claws, a floofy tail and floof wings. his body once completely dragon-ified is covered entirely in floof except for his legs and ears, which are long and floofy on the inside. i’ll get some drawings up soon.
post-GOLB, he keeps his tail, ears and fangs. he also has claws as well but prefers to trim them. this doesn’t entirely make sense, he should have been completely rewound, but i say so :3
it is possible for him to turn into a more humanoid form similar to when he was first turning AMW using an amulet he wears for that purpose, but he cant wear it for too long or it will break the amulet and he will revert into a dragon. he will also start to revert if he becomes too angry.
Betty still seeks to cure him and the events still happen relatively like canon.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 5 months
May I request a little,,, sleepy puppy Alex and cg Farah? Or itty sad Farah and cg Alex? 💖🙏🙏💖💖
it takes 1.2K words for the sleepiness though i will be honest
you get pup alex :3
2.6k words
For the longest time, it was voluntary. Regressing was something Alex planned. Though, as he grew steadily more comfortable around Farah and her soldiers, some things began to itch at that side of his head. The whistles of affirmatives and readies had Alex constantly turning his head like a dog searching for his owner. 
Part of him wanted to be scared of how easily that reaction came to him, but he just couldn’t be scared. He was surrounded by people that now thought of him as a brother. Someone to lean on, and Alex could lean back on them for support as well. He was lucky enough not to feel the edging dread over any kind of situation like this.
In field training, a weapon in hand, he could keep his focus. Even with the whistles that unknowingly urged him deeper and deeper into his headspace. It taunted him, pulling at his chest. From where he laid, it all felt too big, especially the weapon in his hand. Alex was meant to be training on the rifle, it wasn’t his strong suit. Tech was what he knew.
His eyes wandered. A dangerous decision that he hadn’t given any thought. Directly to his side, Farah was there. Stood as if she was protecting him, even if they weren’t truly fighting against anything at the time. It settled his head just enough to allow himself to lower the rifle. 
“Farah.” Alex’s voice came out slightly strained, his eyes finding something else to focus on. He still held the idea that he didn’t have the ability to pause training for a brief second. His time in the military and the CIA had him trained like that. With Farah’s army, the commander always at least listened if someone genuinely needed to stop. The field wasn’t like that, they all knew. It was already engrained in the large majority of them since childhood. Which is why Farah would pause for them. They all deserved someone to help. 
They all leaned on each other for support. Their work almost flawless, much more smoothe than most ops Alex had been apart of. Farah’s people actually listened, unlike the unruly military men Alex served next to.
“Alex.” Farah responded, her eyebrows knitted as she followed Alex’s gaze. Nothing got past her. And especially not with Alex. The man wasn’t the best at hiding things like this. He would stop focusing completely, get quieter, and look so very pleased when someone told him he did a good job. Just like a dog with a wagging tail.
“Help?” One word sentences also seemed common the more ‘off’ he felt. That fuzziness in his head, calming but bothersome at times. Alex blinked up at Farah, letting his weapon rest on the ground as he extended a gloved hand for assistance getting up.
Their hands connected as Farah pulled him up with relative ease. Alex stumbled as he made it to his feet. Part of standing upright just felt wrong at the time, then again, it would be odd if he didn’t.
“You need a break.” Farah said, not giving Alex much of a choice in the matter. It sounded more like an order than a request.
Who was Alex to say no? He needed the command as much as he wanted it. It seemed Farah recognized this as well. The orders to give Alex just an ounce of much needed guidance and support. When he slipped around her, an arm was around him in a second. Keeping him afloat when he just needed to let go. 
She knew. After all she’d seen, she knew many ways other would cope. None she’d ever judge. 
Their training nest was packed up in just a minute or so. But Alex had his eyes on a small, deflated basket ball in a bush of thorns just a twenty feet away. A toy he desperately wanted to play with if it wasn’t filled with holes from the thorns.
A whistle got his attention. Everything was bundled in Farah’s arms. It didn’t cross his mind that he was probably expected to help. Instead, his head tiled just a tad. A pup in search of direction. Orders.
“Come, Alex.” Farah called, signaling with her head where they were going to go. Just next to their training post, a nice place to take a breather. They didn’t have a lot of places that weren’t ruins at the training ground, but there were some places that were mended just enough to take a break in. 
There wasn’t much of a reply, Alex simply nodded and followed Farah’s lead. The steps were a bit faster than her normal pace, but Alex easily kept up. Even a little smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
The inside was now clearly a small home, fixed up with boards. It was much cooler inside than in the blistering heat. Alex thought american summers were bad, but it wasn’t as bad as Urzikstan, he noted. A red patched couch was along the back wall, even fit with two pillows. Matted carpets were covering the dusty ground, no doubt from the previous owners. 
As Alex wandered the small place, Farah found a place to set their items. A desk to the left corner of the room. She neatly laid their items out, before her attention was turned back to Alex. Who was trying to tug off his gear in the incorrect order. 
Farah gave a small tsk at that, as if it would help Alex.
“Alex. Alex.” She repeated to him, her hands reaching up to loosen the straps on the bag he wore. Being fully geared up for training was something that kept him grounded, all the weight on his back from his bag, then the pressure on his chest from the plated vest. But sometimes Alex just couldn’t get it off when he felt this way.
It frustrated him, but then Farah was right there. Guiding him along as she helped undo his bag from his gear. A small whimper fell from his lips, unable to control it like he wanted. He was comfortable with Farah. He could lean on her when he needed to. 
“That’s it, Alex.” Alex heard her say, the same as many times before but with a softer tinge to it. The tension eased from him as each piece of gear was removed and put with the rest of the stuff they’d used for training.
“What do you need?” She patiently asked. 
Alex’s gaze dropped to the dusty ground. It felt too far even though his feet were firmly planted on the ground. He responded with a very small grumble.
He just needed someone to tell him what to do.
“Go sit, okay?” Farah told him gently. 
The seating options weren’t the best, and somehow Alex picked a worse spot. The floor just in front of the couch. He was lucky there was a rug there. His head tilted back against the couch.
A wave of sleepiness hit him like a brick. It suddenly felt too hard to even pick his head up. Too sleepy, and without Farah next to him. Alex latched onto her more than anyone else. Sure, he felt safe with others, but not in the same way. He could unwind, and sleep around her.
A small whine escaped him as his eyes scanned the room for her. So close, but too far for his liking.
“Tired, Alex?” Farah asked, her head turned in his direction. So much for a small break with training. Alex was far too tired to do more.
With a huff, Alex nodded. Steps drew closer, then there was warmth right next to him. The couch creaked under Farah, but she sunk into the cushions regardless. His head immediately pressed against Farah’s leg, sort of using her as a head rest.
Her hand brushed through Alex’s sweaty hair. Combing through it, any knots being gently tugged out. There were no complaints, even if it hurt just a bit. He softly breathed out as the heat began to fade off him. The dim room keeping a slight chill to the air.
“You did good today.” Farah sweetly told him, head tilted down to watch the way Alex nuzzled into the side of her leg. The training grounds weren’t the best place to rest, especially not with the others that needed to train. Alex just looked so tired. Too sleepy. 
Alex acknowledged her words with a content rumble, deep in his chest. One of his arms wrapped around the back of her leg, holding gently. So so sleepy, yet his eyes just would not close for more than a second or two.
“Alex, do we need to go home?” A little worry slipped into her tone. 
The downtime sleepiness usually hit Alex after any kind of work. For him to be regressing as well was new, at least for Farah to deal with. A sleepy pup could get to be a handful.
Alex was proving that.
Instead of simply agreeing because he knew he needed it, he whined in protest because he didn’t want to get up. Sleepy blue eyes met Farah’s, hardly even able to keep them open.
“Tired pups need a bed to rest in, not the floor.” Farah spoke firmly, trying not to give Alex much of an out as she moved the leg he was leaned on.
When Alex dared to give a growl, he was immediately hoisted up off the floor. His arm not tight enough to actually hold to her leg. And far too caught off guard to realize he was being picked up until it was too late. He was quickly reminded that Farah is much stronger than she looked.
“Just because you’re tired doesn’t mean you can growl at me.” She countered with roughness to her tone. Easily enough to make Alex whine like he’d been kicked. 
His head leaned onto her shoulder, whimpering and whining at that interaction. Alex knew better than to growl, he really did, but everything was far too fuzzy, almost glazed over in his vision. Too tired. 
Farah sighed softly, arms wrapping firmly around him. 
“You’re exhausted, Alex.” She breathed out as Alex tried to wiggle into a comfortable spot at her side. Hunched over more than he possibly should be, just to cuddle into her side.
Alex kept trying to get out of going home. That would mean having to take care of big Alex problems. He wanted to crawl instead of walk. He wanted to curl up instead of shower. Wanted to bark rather than speak. At least here they wouldn’t be found, or even expected to be.
Even though Alex held his ground, he didn’t exactly fight when Farah stood and pulled him into her arms. Alex hardly fit at all to be carried in such a way. Being carried at least was better than walking, Alex decided. Carefully, he tucked his head against Farah’s shoulder, while his arms wrapped around her neck. 
Farah whispered soft praises to him for being good about her carrying him, holding him tightly so he couldn’t slip from the grasp. 
The words were lost on him the second Farah began to walk. Like a baby in a stroller, or on a car ride, the movement soothed him. The walk to the inside of their base didn’t take so long, at least not that Alex noticed. He was practically asleep in her arms, a light doze.
The next thing he noted was the softness of a bed underneath him, but Farah’s warmth dissipating as the cooler air filled the space instead. 
Alex whimpered the loudest his body possibly let him manage. Wearily, his eyes opened. Sitting up was the hardest next task that he even attempted. His head spun as he sat up.
He couldn’t see Farah. His eyes flickered around the whole room. They were in Farah’s room. Decorated with matching colors, lots of soft yellows and greens. A lot of things had to be gifts though, the room would definitely not be so nicely decorated if they weren’t. 
His heart sank as he looked around. No Farah. Fear was quick to snap through him. Alex stumbled poorly out of the bed. Not walking, no, he crawled. Like he swore he needed to, or he’d be sick. He couldn’t walk when he felt so not human.
Alex sat himself in the middle of the bedroom floor, legs tucked up to his chest with his arms resting between them. Sad whimpers coming from him. He didn’t want to be alone. He was so so sleepy…
His head rested on his knee. Just for a second, he closed his eyes.
Then he felt himself be scooped up again. How she managed to do that so easily, Alex had no clue. He began rapidly blinking to try to clear his foggy vision. And make sense of the situation.
The hands were small, rough but treating him like he was a delicate pet. Something that could break if moved the wrong way.
Alex deeply exhaled. 
“Calm.. That’s it.” She encouraged, taking a few steps. 
They reached the bed. Farah didn’t make the mistake of letting go of him again. Instead, she sat and laid Alex down next to herself. A hand still resting on him, finding it’s way into his hair to softly brush through it.
“You’re exhausted…” Farah muttered, her thumb brushing over the dry skin on Alex’s forehead. Soft and gentle.
He gave a pitiful whine in response, blearily looking at her through his eyelashes. Alex only slightly moved enough to nudge himself up to her side.
Neither of them cared about how they both certainly needed a shower. Alex was way too pitiful and sleepy to even attempt to wash off. The last time he had help, he flipped out because he couldn’t handle not being in control of how he washed. There was an order to do it in that could not be changed. 
“Sleep, pup.” Farah certainly tried her best to say what Alex needed to hear after she had learned from Alex, and his behavior. It always helped him, even if she still had some underlying confusion about it.
Alex whined softly. A hand brushed against Farah’s side in a pawing motion. Closer. He wanted closer. 
“Come…” She whispered to him, beckoning him closer. There was only a moment’s hesitation before he firmly pressed himself to her side. He did shift further down the bed until his head was in her lap like a proper pup.
“Good boy, Alex. Close your eyes.” 
Very gently, she guided Alex through the process of getting him to sleep. Blankets tucked gently around him as he began to drift into sleep. Her hands tangled in his knotted hair. One by one brushing out all the knots with gentle hands. The touch was delicate in his hair, never pulling, never tugging. 
Minutes blurred into each other as the tick of the clock was replaced by a quiet humming. A sweet melody washing away any remaining tension in Alex’s body like waves. Deeper and deeper relaxation until his shoulders no longer trembled, breaths replacing the movements of his shoulders. There was nothing to protect now, no big problems to be had. It was just him and Farah. Alex let her take the reins as he drifted off.
Alex curled up next to Farah, in a way that would probably hurt in the morning. The soft hums didn’t stop until Alex was well into sleep. Even then, she didn’t leave. Taking a protective stance over the regressed one. 
He slept much like a rock. Not moving, not making a sound. Yet he looked so comfortable all the same. Farah softly continued to pet him.
Her own stress fading away as she did so. The motion repetitive and soothing. Though she didn’t sleep, she rested alongside Alex.
Protecting the pup, even without active threats.
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smute · 4 months
nothing like being asked to take my hat off indoors. listen, buddy. the earth is a rock orbiting the sun. it's one of many rocks and assorted non-rocky planets orbiting the sun in something called the solar system. the sun with its solar system is one of several hundred billion stars in the milky way galaxy. the milky way, the andromeda galaxy, and the triangulum galaxy together form the local group (along with their many satellite galaxies). the exact number of galaxies in the local group beyond the 3 largest is unknown, but estimates range from 50 to 80. the local group is part of the virgo supercluster, a concentration of at least 100 galaxy groups. the virgo supercluster, however, is actually just a subpart of the laniakea supercluster, as defined in 2014. the laniakea supercluster is home to approximately 100,000 - 150,000 galaxies, each containing billions of stars with their own planetary systems. the laniakea supercluster spans 160 megaparsecs, or 520,000,000 light years. (one light year equals 9,460,730,472,580.8 km, or 5.88 trillion miles.) the laniakea supercluster is located in the pisces–cetus supercluster complex, a galaxy filament measuring roughly 1,000,000,000 (yes, one billion) light years in length. the number of superclusters in the observable universe is estimated to be 10 million, each home to its own galaxy groups and galaxies and stars and planets and rocks. but the earth is not just a rock within an inconceivably large universe. it is a rock that happens to be very wet. and the reason why the rock is wet, is that it happens to orbit its star, the sun, at the perfect distance for peak wetness.
one unfortunate day between 4.3 and 3.7 billion years ago, this very wet rock spawned microbial life. until the cambrian explosion 538,800,000 years ago, most living things were very simple organisms, but during this period, life diversified rapidly and complex organisms eventually ventured beyond the oceans. the first known footprints on land date to 530,000,000 years ago, and the earliest dinosaurs appeared 225,000,000 years ago, along with the first mammals. the last common ancestor shared by the genera homo (humans) and pan (chimpanzee and bonobo) is estimated to have lived anywhere between 13,000,000 and 5,000,000 years ago.
the earliest appearance of members of the genus homo dates back to about 2,600,000 years ago. fire was discovered 2,000,000 years ago and has been in habitual use for at least 400,000 years, although it may have begun as early as 1,000,000 years ago. the control of fire had a lasting effect on the human diet and, according to the cooking hypothesis, it was an essential element in our evolution as it led to a large increase in energy acquisition while reducing the physical challenges of eating and the amount of energy that had to be spent on digestion. it also allowed innovations in tool making and the creation of art and pottery. it even helped develop early societies. fires required organized cooperation as they had to be maintained, and they offered gathering places for increased social interaction. the use of fire extended the waking day into the evening hours and changed humans' circadian rhythms. in addition to cooked food and artificial light, fire offered protection from predatory animals and cold temperatures, allowing humans to survive in temperate regions.
neanderthals and anatomically modern humans first appeared between 300,000 and 200,000 years ago - the former in europe, and the latter in africa. about 50,000 years ago, modern humans started colonizing the other continents, eventually replacing the neanderthals and all other hominins. the domestication of dogs began around 35,000 years ago. at the end of the last ice age, around 12,000 years ago, modern humans (and their dogs) had populated nearly the entire planet. the agricultural revolution began soon after in west asia and resulted in more and more humans adopting a sedentary lifestyle in permanent settlements with increasingly complex societies. the gradual accumulation of knowledge and technology eventually culminated in the industrial revolution, which began about 250 years ago and resulted in an unprecedented rise in population growth.
between 200 and 100 years ago, the global population of humans nearly doubled – from 1,000,000,000 to 2,000,000,000. within the next 50 years it doubled again, and then again in the 50 years following that. half of the 117,000,000,000 modern humans that have ever lived, lived in the past 2,000 years. only about 9,000,000,000 people, or less than 8%, lived in the 200,000 years before the agricultural revolution – about the same number as the current living human population. 7% of all humans that have ever existed are alive today, still sharing that same rock that happens to be very wet, in that same inconceivably large universe. billions of years spent developing sentience and sapience, on a very wet rock in a very large universe, and you're worried about the fabric covering my skull? take a step back and reassess the situation maybe
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good-beans · 1 year
Finally putting down my Milgram fantasy au thoughts!
Haruka: Son of nobility, his parents were too busy with their own business and self-image to care for him. The family used to have hunting dogs and a beautiful decorative fish pond on the grounds, but the animals have gone missing (along with the Duchess’ prized necklace). Haruka’s little sister is the darling of the household/town, and he grows more strung tight and jealous. (I was really tempted to make him aquatic but it defeated the drowning metaphor lol). 
Yuno: So my original idea was a sorceress offering potions that help to fall in love, find wealth, make dates go perfectly, (and ones to handle some consequences of said dates.) She’s got the classic aesthetic of lives in an isolated icy tower in lavish clothing, seemingly helpful and social but it’s clear there’s far more to her than she’s letting on. However, now I'm super biased by @dearmahiru's vampire Yuno thoughts and I may be running with that in the future...
Fuuta: I mean this all started from the knight au in his mv. Specifically he joins/leads a band of knights who haven’t sworn loyalty to a single lord, believing their own sense of justice will prevail. While he can’t use magic himself, he can still wield his fire sword with ease. He catches word of a witch in a nearby village and charges in.
Muu: A princess, way higher ranked than Haruka but knows his family. She’s studying in a foreign kingdom to gain more knowledge of the world as she’s next in line for the throne, but her treatment there isn’t quite what she expected. There’s nature magic in her bloodline though she hasn’t quite mastered it. Violent and animal/insect tendencies can arise in moments of strong emotion. 
Shidou: A healer who’s known for his helpful magic and beautiful garden of medicinal plants. After the death of his family, he secretly seeks out dark tomes and spells to begin learning necromancy. The craft isn’t exact, and a few lives must be sacrificed to the cause. Only the really observant notice that his usually carefully-tended garden has started to wilt. 
Mahiru: She’s a faerie in the woods near a major city. She’s heard all about human society, and became so captivated by stories of true love and fairy tale romance that she left her forest for the first time in her long life to try and live with them. Her knack with nature allowed her to pick up a florist job easily, but there are plenty of things she still doesn’t quite understand – different human culture and boundaries she misses in her focus on love.
Kazui: Bard who travels the kingdom with his performances. He left his wife at home for extended periods of time during these trips, and accidentally falls for someone new on the road. It also allows danger to move closer to his wife while he's far and unable to protect her.
Amane: Aspiring priestess who rarely leaves the temple in her childhood. She's some kind of chosen one/holy vessel being trained to channel or communicate with her deity. She feels immense pressure from the monks and priests around her. Mirroring her t2 change, she ends up channeling a demon instead of the god she was hoping for. 
Mikoto: A witch who has a pretty normal job in the city, but he also advertises his clairvoyance and spirit medium talents. With the strange happenings in his house (things not where he left them, blacking out, concerning bloodstains), he assumes he’s just being haunted by the ghosts he reaches out to, and doesn’t know the truth about his other alter(s)
Kotoko: An ex-knight druid. She calls herself an assassin, though she’s not associated with any kind of guild or group. She's in tune with animals, speaking with wolves and other beasts to rally them to her cause. (There’s nice aesthetic contrast between her animal wildness/raw power compared to the civilized justice systems she left behind.)
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puppyexpressions · 6 months
10 Dog Sleeping Positions And The Meaning Behind Them
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Have you ever closely monitored your dog's sleeping position? They, too, have different sleeping positions, just like us humans. The way your little furry ball rests can tell you a lot about its behavior, personality, and a lot more.
Dog sleeping positions are cute, pleasing to the eyes, and, more importantly, informative about a dog's mental and physical state. Curious to know what these dog positions mean? We have covered everything you need to know about your beloved pet in our detailed guide. Let's get started with the meaning of different dog sleeping positions.
Dog Sleeping Positions With Their Meanings
We all come across some weird dog sleeping positions. The section below describes the various sleeping positions of dogs.
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1. The Side Sleeper
The side sleeper is the most popular sleeping position in dogs. In this position, Dogs lie on the side with their legs extended. Dogs feel very safe and comfortable in this position as their vital organs are exposed.
This position means that the dogs are safe, relaxed, and easygoing. It also means that the dogs are in familiar surroundings and are at a comfortable temperature.
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2. The Superman
This position refers to the dog sleeping on its stomach with front legs stretched forward, and back legs stretched behind. This position is widespread with puppies who are energetic and playful.
Dogs who sleep in this position are tired but ready to play in a blink of an eye. Puppies tend to take a nap during their play session in this position.
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3. The Lion's Pose
This position is also known as 'the sphinx.' The Lion's pose sleeping position means that your dog sleeps with its head on top of its paws. The dogs can also sleep in this position by tucking their paws and resting their back legs on the side.
This position means that the dog is sleeping but is ready to take off immediately if required. Experts suggest that dogs use this position when they want to sleep but want to be prepared to jump at a moment's notice.
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4. The Donut
The Donut is possibly one of the cutest dog sleeping positions. The dog sleeps curled up in a ball in this position, with legs held close to its body. At times their nose even touches the back legs, and the tail also curls over the body.
A dog sleeping in this position means protecting themselves from the surroundings and adjusting themselves to the temperatures. This position is common to stray dogs and dogs who are new to their surroundings.
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5. The Cuddler Bug
The Cuddler bug is the most adorable dog sleeping position. The dog prefers to sleep on top of a person or another dog cuddled up in this position. If you want to cuddle with your dog, this position is for you.
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6. Head And Neck Raised
This position refers to a dog lying with its head and neck raised. Dogs use the side of the bed or cushion for this position.
This position means that the dog might have breathing issues, which allows them to get more air.
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7. On The Tummy
Dogs sleep on tummy on a cold surface when they tend to feel hot. This position is similar to Lion's pose.
This position means that the dog is feeling hot and adjusting the temperature by sleeping on a cold surface, whether it be a kitchen surface or a pavement.
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8. On The Back
The back position refers to your dog laying down on its back with its belly up and legs in the air. This position might seem uncomfortable or a funny dog sleeping position, but it is one of the most comfortable position for the dogs.
The dogs sleeping in this position suggest that they trust you and are familiar with the environment. This position also means that dog body heat is more and this position allows maximum air passage to all the body parts.
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9. Back To Back
This position is similar to the Cuddler position. In this position, the dog places its back against the back of another dog or you.
When a dog sleeps in this position, it means that they are showing love and affection. This position indicates a sense of intimacy in the dog.
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10. The Burrower
You might have come across dogs snuggled in a piece of cloth, blanket, or pillows. The burrower refers to dogs who get cutely draped in fabric or cushions.
The Burrower Bug position means that dogs are searching for comfort and security.
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no-te-lo-voy-a-dar · 2 years
Canine Hob Gadling parallels
so we all know Morpheus is mostly compared to cats, followed by a handful of bird/corvid traits. and while the antropomorphic personification of the communal unconsciousness might be all of them and none at the same time, my brainrot has me thinking of Hob
upon watching the show it's clear he's the golden retriever of the cat and dog situation between him and Morpheus, but i didn't think too much of it until Hounds made me remember and start musing it on small bursts with @4humankind
however, it was during a talk with @levionok some minutes ago when i finally put my thoughts into some semblance of order, so here (not adding a cut on this post)
he started as a peasant who was a soldier or mercenary. a wolf born in a domesticated ambient yet very much feral and aggressive and big and capable of so much blood loss, but comfortable as long as well kept.
first century of expiration date extended warranty is a wild thing, he is constantly on the flee, not knowing what he is, yet doing what he has to survive, while feeling like prey but also hunting, in a way - hunting for food, for odd jobs to gather some coins. said wolf was set "free" without him knowing, and is now lost in a world he's known yet had always barriers, fences around him. he's easy to spook and get him to growl and bark at you but will flinch back because his instincts keep screaming danger danger danger. (if you've seen Wolf's Rain, an anime, think of Toboe)
he comes back to The White Horse. and is delighted to see The Stranger wasn't a delusion. he's given a purpose, kind of. the dog part of the wolf, the domesticated part, knows it's way to come back. and they both have fleas lmao
1589. Hob settles down, has a wife and children yet wants The Strangers attention, the praise. a Balto situation. he's a wolf but not quite. he's welcomed into the society, has children he adores and a wife that has seen him and embraced him. but his children are outcasts (they don't survive like him) and he is quickly frowned upon and tossed rocks - sent to the burning stake - at strongly enough. and he is left to wander. to flee
1689. hungry, dirty, unwanted. yet loyal, hopeful and perhaps a little naive. they come back to The Stranger, the one constant, the one who keeps treating them right, at who they might have growled after some time - the 1489 meeting, demanding answers yet not getting them. 1589, whining but mostly growling in confusion at Stranger leaving him - but still look forwards to meeting. always
[also, like a dog, they don't know the Strangers name, yet will ALWAYS recognize him. something core in them tells them]
1789. pretty dog was taken under a different household, but he's not being kept there as the dog, rather the wolf, hurting others in unfixable ways, but he's praised for it by others and he doesn't realize it's bad until reprimanded by the one who matters. dog becomes wolf quickly upon facing danger and sensing Stranger is in danger, not caring for himself. yet during the entire thing he is brimming with happiness, literal tail wagging at being close to Stranger and all
1889. more dog than wolf, consciously. still protective of people yet keeping a distance to not call attention upon him. people may sense he's dangerous but he's not done anything. he tries to show affection but Stranger was more used to the wolf than the dog, and it's overwhelming because dogs are more dependable, less easy to leave on their own (even when this wolf was never a full wild one, when he struggled to adapt to the sudden freedom). Stranger leaves the dog whining in the rain, yet like the stubborn canine he is, he will wait, like the dogs abandoned in the road, but the wolf part of this situation is what allows him to continue living and not perish in the spot he was left
1989. he is waiting at the doorstep of the abandoned house, the place soon to change, the house the wolf and dog knew to always be there about to cease to exist. Stranger doesn't show up, and while the dog part might want to curl up and lay on what's soon to become a symbolic tomb, the wolf won't give up
Present. loyal, wild, strong-willed he builds his own place, and keeps waiting, risking showing the wolf - the money, the time and determination to build a whole ass inn, to stay for so long in a place - but the dog being stronger this time around, and what keeps people at ease - wanting to hope, to stay. the love. the teaching and kindness being why people wont think too much about it because life for most humans is short, quick and flickering to spend too much time thinking about the constant dog of the town who sometimes seems eerie in the night but let's himself be petted on the day. he hasn't bite anyone so why bother.
But he can bite. Maul and kill. He's done so. would do again if needed be
Stranger shows up and the dog wants to launch at him, but the wolf remembers the hurt of being abandoned when shown too much affection, so he restrains, but it's just as happy to see Stranger
extra side thought: there's still the whole, «will follow you until you die. will wait at your grave. will attack someone if u ask him because he's too loyal to not. too eager for your affection, Morpheus.» he [Morpheus] has a lot of power over a strong, powerful on it's own creature, a danger to others he simply doesn't realize exists because he's a higher predator. but Dream has the power to wield a wild beast if he so wished
anyways :)) Hob's loyalty and devotion have sent my wolves/dog enjoyer for decades brain in override
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