#but I would also like to know when I need to make a mad dive to the floor
hi-im-dazey · 1 year
Food for Animals
Food companies should start putting pet safety info on their products.
Like, let's say I have some freeze dried peach slices (which I do and they are delicious, btw) But I have no clue if it's a race between me and certain death if the furry floor cleaning system gets to a fallen piece before I do.
So, of course, I ask google, (they are safe, don't want to leave you hanging there)* But eventually google starts wondering if I even like my dog or buy actual dog food for her, etc. And with Cats they always tell you cats won't eat things that aren't food, which is true, they seem very capable of telling when a thing is poisonous. Then you see people online feeding, or losing vital, life saving seconds where they should be ripping tomato based product out of their little doofus' mouth so they can take a picture of the smol crime of pizza theft.
So then this person finds out that either they've been letting their cat eat something that is HORRIBLE for cats, OR that the sauce has ZERO actual tomatoes in it. And you of course run into the google problem with cats, too. Also your cat is an obligate carnivore, the only non animal things it should be eating are catnip, cat grass, silver-vine, and whatever is in stomach of small prey they catch. So if you are giving them little bits of lunch meat, are your sure it doesn't have fillers they aren't supposed to ingest?
ALSO for years people just blindly assumed Peanut butter was a safe, no-brainer, treat for doggo... then suddenly some brands have Xylitol and could kill your dog... I mean WTF?!?!
So here's what I think food companies should do:
On the bottom of the packaging, under the nutritional panel, maybe with the dietary markings or just under them, and be just a a little Cat/Dog/Rodent icon with a green check or a red x to let pet owners know quickly if they are buying or choosing a product that needs to be stored out of reach for animals, or is safe for treats (like peanut butter, I'm not even buying a brand that will kill my dog --I mean why is that even a thing? And my dog doesn't even really like Peanut Butter as a treat.) TL;DR Food packages should say if the ingredients are safe for the furrier members of your family
*My dog did not like the peach slice, btw.
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anurarana · 4 months
I'm still a little mad at this sorry and my head is killing me but I hate that the last two shows I've watched was a psychological thriller take on the magical girl genre with an interesting discussion on societal traumas that young girls face, and catching up with the fucking sao abridged series, and somehow the youtube parody has tighter narrative arcs and story telling
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
Our second DCXDP au has Danny hiding in Gotham with the cores of Dani, Dan and two other clones who survived. They need DNA to be able to reform but it's in a ‘it doesn't have to be now’ kind of way. Not just Danny’s DNA but another to to balance out their genes.
They'll become babies and be raised up. Dani was melting but forced Danny to promise he wouldn't find someone right away he'd take his time to fall in love first. Dan did the same and the twin clones did to.
Danny decides it's a good idea but keeps the cores safe. He ran to Gotham in the DC universe because the GIW were to close to killing him. His parents, Jazz, Sam, Grandma Ida and the Foleys all followed. Grandma Ida is running some gang down in crime alley having a blast with Sam, constantly trying to hook Sam up with Jason who Ida is in a turf war with. Tucker is happily running a tech company that will soon outstrip it's competitors., his parents helping Jazz is terrifying in Arkham as she tears our corruption.
Maddie abd Jack found out about the Leauge of Assassins and went: study time. Danny, knowing its corrupted ecto and also not wanting to deal with assassins lets then have fun. So Ra’s is dealing with liminal mad scientists who keep stealing the Pits and also have uncovered two Damian clones they kidnapped. Their kids now.
But we’re focusing on Danny who is in college and living a peaceful life which is what he wants most of all. The cores of his kids are always on him just in case and he's casually dating. It's great. He can just be Danny the guy who is super into space and plans on being a mechanic for the watch tower.
Then one day Two-Face attacks the cafe he's at (because of a sale it was having where it was two for one on some sort of new treat). Danny has to run for his life. He gets hit and the bag he has the cores in is harmed. One falls out and he freaks, diving for it. He grabs it just as Black Bat swoops in to save him. She flies him up to a roof.
They land and then she moves to grab one of the cores that fell out. Danny gets antsy but it requires skin contact so it should be okay, she's wearing gloves after all. It'll be fine!
On her part, Cass is wondering why her hand feels tingly but there isn't anything malicious in the mans face so she thinks it might just be the orb she caught being weird. She swings off, noting that she has a hole in her glove.
Danny goes home and doesn't think about it until he realizes that the core the hero touched is growing. And it's getting sick without the touch of its other parent.
Cass on the other hand feels strange. Like she's pulled somewhere. She instantly thinks of the guy and alerts the others to him. They hunt him down to find him on a rooftop. He's surprised to see them, holding an Orb that’s glowing.
“I thought it would take longer…” the man says. He shakes his head. “Umm… rip the band-aids off- I'm nottotslly human.”
The Batfam kinda pauses cause he's giving this info up for free. Cass is eyeing him closely. It's just her, Batman and Robin in front of the man. Everyone else is listening in or in the shadows.
“I ran away from my home dimension cause they were hunting me down to kill me because they believed I was non-sentient. You know sad trench- I mean, John Constantine? I think he put in the word we’re friendly,” the man babbles. The orb shines. “Okay, okay. I need to… Black Bat did your glove have a hole in it when you touched this?”
Cass hums but nods. Barbara has Constantine on the line (and no one wants to know the blckmail she has to make him answer) and he's confirming it's a friendly.
“Okay, okay… this is a Core and it's the heart, soul, brain, everything of an ecto-entity like me. And it… it’s my child. But it needed a second set of DNA. It's fine dormant, it doesn't hurt the baby. But it…” the man swallows. “Skin touch.”
Cass knows in a second what he's leading up to. She touched the orb. It needed DNA.
That's her baby in his hands.
Que the chaos.
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 months
🕶 with Barbatos please??👀 also yes on MC! (sorry for being specific, you can ignore it if you want but can it be directed at mc i'm not normal about Barb)
"I saw a little thing I didn't like you tried to hide." - Barbatos/MC
content warning: blood, reference to torture/gore
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Barbatos has a reputation.
It is one that you remind yourself of at times, when you get lost in his sweet words and even sweeter treats. Those soft smiles, his ever-readiness to serve, his meticulous attention to detail so that things were always perfect for you – he would insist you had him wrapped around your finger, but sometimes you wonder if it truly isn’t the other way around.
After all, while you loved that side of him – one that few had the privilege to witness – you could not help but be intrigued by the part of him that reigned in the shadows. 
The part of him that delighted in the slow torture of a traitor. The part of him that could use a knife to cut up a bleeding-heart artichoke just as deftly as an actual bleeding heart. The part of him that could drive someone mad just by warping the space around him, damning them to experience eternity in a matter of seconds. 
Perhaps you were a bit too intrigued, your morbid curiosity having led you now to wander the dark halls of the Demon Lord’s Castle in search of him. He was supposed to meet you at the foyer earlier, but when the ever-punctual demon was nowhere to be found, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You wanted to see if you could catch the consistently composed butler off-guard, unprepared. 
A fool’s quest.
You pass an archway and stop in your tracks, swearing you heard a faint scream from down below. A metallic scent pervades, your stomach churning as you take a step, and then another, and yet another – slowly descending the stairs, unsure of what you’ll find at the bottom. 
It’s dimly lit, torches along the walls flickering with magic flames. Your eyes adjust, and your heart nearly skips a beat as you see Barbatos in the distance. You dive behind a wall, peering around the corner to observe. 
He seems to be talking to someone, though you can’t see who. A cell, you think, as you notice the iron bars gating certain areas. The light catches on an object in his hand, something silver, and you realize he’s cleaning it off with cloth. Your own hands fish out your D.D.D., opening the camera function to zoom in and get a clearer look.
He’s splattered with blood, standing in a pool of it. It’s a sight to behold, and you’re unable to tear your gaze away from him. Slowly, your finger goes to the capture button, taking a photo of the scene. You duck back into the passage, checking to see how the shot turned out – and chills run down your spine as Barbatos seems to be looking straight into the lens. 
“Tsk, tsk.” Gloved fingers tightly wrap around your wrist, forcing you to turn around to meet a dark gaze that you knew all too well. “I saw a little thing I didn’t like you tried to hide.” 
“B-Barbatos!” His name leaves your lips in a squeak. You don’t know how he got to you so fast, but you do know it’s better not to question it. “I-I’m sorry, you didn’t show up earlier and I got curious and wanted to look for you so I ended up down here and then I found you but I didn’t want to disturb you and –” 
He puts a halt to your rapid explanation with a single finger against your lips, his gaze softening. “I’m sorry, my dear. It’s not like me to forget or lose track of the time. I must make this up to you immediately.” He lets go of your wrist, examining you once over before taking a step back. “But first, I need to freshen up. Shall we go upstairs?” 
With a nod, you follow him back up to the brighter hallways of the castle, though he pauses once you’re at the landing. “...And what are you going to do with that photo?”
“Oh.” You can feel the warmth rush to your cheeks. “I, uh … just kind of wanted it for myself.”
“Is that so?” You can hear the amusement in his voice, see the way his lips twist into a smirk.  “Well, if that’s the case, I suppose I can let your little reconnaissance slide. Next time, however,” he leans in close, breath ghosting your ear. “Just ask.”
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simpjaes · 5 months
hear me out.. experienced boyfie! hyung line w an inexperienced virgin!reader 🫠🫠 (you have no idea how long it took me to spell inexperienced..)
hyung line + experienced boyfriend to inexperienced/virgin reader.
warnings: virginity loss, lil bit of pain
boyfriend of exactly two weeks. he loves fast and hard, so upon realizing that his very own sweet girlfriend from college is avoiding his sexual advances because she's a virgin, he loved you even more. like marriage worthy, man wants to make you his wife.
he's the type to be obsessed with being the first and, hopefully, only man to get his dick in you. of course, he wouldn't push but he would make sure you're aware of how badly he wants to make you feel good, and how good it would feel for him in turn. saying things like "love, it's no rush but i can just imagine how tight you are-" and "i bet you get so wet." and "what if I just eat you out? maybe that would help?"
imagine you finally letting him at least engage in foreplay? maaaaaan, he would go insane. thigh fucking, dry humping, mutual masturbation, giving head, begging you to go down on him too.
by the time you'd finally let him hit, it would be because you're entirely in love with him too, and you swear you see little hearts in his eyes when he slides in for the first time. doesn't matter how experienced he is either, bro gets off like three pumps in because you really are so tight, and so wet.
"please baby? i'll go slow."
jay did not, in fact, go slow. In his defense, he did start off slow but the second he bottomed out it's like his body moved on its own and his brain went numb. Given, after a little while he'd come back to himself and apologize over and over again in your ear, through moans and little sighs. apologizing but like, also not stopping for a second.
"feels good, baby? yeah?" and he'd just answer for you like "yeah, look at you, totally gone for me."
i don't think Jay would be able to contain his horny level once he's in you, and his apologies are genuine. you'd probably whine a little bit until, well, it does feel good and you suddenly realize why people like fucking so much.
cue you wanting to get railed by Jay constantly, and who is he to say no? His libido is just as high.
free use boyfriend AND girlfriend.
a perfect boyfriend, doesn't attempt to make you nervous. Because if he did, you might back out.
100% jerks off to you every. single. night. especially when you let slip that you want to lose your virginity to him on your anniversary.
he's seeing stars at the exact same moment you're seeing them, solely because the idea that you're giving yourself to him makes him feel soft and mushy. plus, like, feeling a virgin pussy squeeze and quake around his cock :( seeing your little winces? he's immediately kissing away the singular tear drop that falls and praising you for taking all of him.
he'd give you sweet lil whispers of "tell me what feels best for you, babe." and a lot of "i love yous" and "i've got yous"
by the time sex is fairly regular though? He gets a bit more rough with it, and you're definitely in love with the way he can switch from being a big soft boyfie to being an absolute mad man in bed.
plays off the innocence HARDCORE.
no joke, he says shit like "So innocent, pretty girl is gonna let me fill her up?" and "you can hold on to me, i'll make you feel so good." minutes before he dives in.
and man, he would live up to all of that when it actually happens. You do, indeed, need to hold onto him with how deep he plunges himself into you. he doesn't let you adjust, praises himself and you, and is instantly throwing you into orgasms you didn't even know you could have.
it's very messy and probably not ideal for someone's first time but it sure as fuck locks you in. you've never seen heeseung act so fucking hot or so fucking into you like he is when he's rubbing your clit and bumping your cervix with the head of his cock.
maaaaaaybe sort of gives you the idea that sex is supposed to hurt before it feels good, and when he realizes that he feels guilty, apologizes, and eats you out or something. then when you tell him you kinda like the pain he's like "that's my girl"
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jakesangel · 4 days
flirting w jake ꣑୧
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tw / suggestive ? just massive flirting n curses ><
jake IS a cockney bastard. he enjoys teasing you and seeing your reaction to him all flustered. your is his pretty pretty girl and his ego gets so bigger when he sees such beauty have such reactions just from his words.
everytime you'd get ready if font of him, he will tell you pretty words. but if he is in the mood, he will tease you. as you finish your makeup, and him being a good boyfriend by not interrupting you, is finally when he would come closer to you, leaving the door frame. my pretty girl, he would say coming behind you, hand on your waist. you'd think he would lean in to kiss your neck but he would come closer to your ear and whisper you're so breath taking baby as he would pull you close to him and so mine hmm. if he sees your reaction well according to his standards, he would go further into making you a shy mess, you like me whispering in your ear, don't you angel, finally kissing your ear, smirking in it. look in the mirror pretty girl, i want you to see how beautiful you are right now, he would add as you shy away. when you can finally look into the mirror, you will see jake's eyes already on yours, looking at you as if you're a his prey. his head would then go further into your neck and continue, look what you do to me, kiss, so fucking pretty for me, kiss, fuck you're so divine would be whispered as his kisses are scattered on your shoulders, nap n neck. when he's done kissing all the skin he can, he would finally go back to look at you, head on your shoulder, do you like what you see ? hed ask, his voice filled of desire, and as you nod, he would then turn you around, his hands on your lower back under your top, good girl, he'd whisper right above your lips, before diving in.
he also enjoys flirting claiming you in a group of setting. he would be looking at you, from afar not even caring to socialize, and seeing you so so pretty in front of others lowkey makes him jealous and needs to show off his pretty girl. he wouldn't mind coming over to you, and talk in his soft voice reserved for you, you're so pretty baby, did i tell you that today ?, as his hand would go on your lower back, his thumb robbing your skin. obviously, the both of you always get weird looks but as everyone knows how jake gets when he is with you, the atmosphere remains light. tho this is exactly what he is going for, he wants people to know that you, the most beautiful girl, is his and his only. he wouldn't back away even if you tell him that this isn't the time. can't i tell my pretty girl that she looks irresistible today ? he would answer you completely ignoring your protest and the circle leaving one by one, making you mad. come on baby, don't be mad. you're to pretty for that and they're not worth it, hmm ? he would grin as he comes in front of you, both of his hands on your waist. or you can keep looking at me that way, you look hot. and if you do stay mad, he would flirt but in a funny way, trying to break in your front, baby ? you look kinda ill, you must be lacking of vitamin ME, he'd say as he lowers himself to your height. no ? you're still mad ? alright then baby, but you're the one who asked for it, he'd warn you right before kissing you deeply, in the middle of the room, for the eyes of everyone to see. he wouldn't let you back away, holding on the side of your face, you're shy now ? it's your fault no ? i just wanted your attention but you wouldn't give it to me so i had to take it, no ?
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notes : jake ໒꒰ྀི  𖦹  ̫ 𖦹  ꒱ྀི১
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @iikeustar @txnwvc @oopshee
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itsbeeble · 7 months
I saw your post about having Bang Chan brain rot and honestly, same. He has filled every waking thought I've had for the last year and I'm big mad over it.
So my fic rec is a little angsty/suggestive with him being as obsessed with y/n as we all are with him. Like, he's angry that he can't focus on work because he's too busy thinking about them but can't have them for whatever reason. All the features he possesses that we love that he can't see in himself are exactly what draws him to y/n. (I feel like crushing on Chan is an exercise in learning to love yourself, and that's a lesson he needs to learn as well).
Summary: Chan has always been obsessed with you, but he's been too afraid to act on it until now.
Genre: Angst, fluff
Pairing: bestfriend!Bang Chan x (implied)fem!reader
Warnings: a little angsty but mostly fluff, hurt/comfort, suggestive, some uhhh sexual themes but there's no actual smut or anything, small make out scene teehee, swearing, insecurities briefly mentioned, I think that's it
WC: 2462
A/N: guys look it didn't take me 10 years to post! Also i'm gonna add to my masterlist a "Brainrot" section bc i'm not officially gonna write for certain groups but fuck do i get brainrot
Chan is restless in his studio, staring at the walls in front of him unable to focus. He can’t get his brain to work, to think, to do something. 
It’s your fault. He knows it’s your fault, but he can’t figure out why. Had you said something to him? Had you done something? 
No. The answer is no, you hadn’t done anything to him. At least not technically. 
In fact, it’s more him that's the problem.
It’s almost unhealthy the way he’s obsessed with you. Unhealthy and almost annoying considering that you hardly ever give him the light of day. 
Chan adores you. Adores the way you don’t care about what anyone else thinks of you, the way you laugh too loudly, the way your nose crinkles when you smile, and the way you can hold conversations so easily. He adores the way you never seem to care about looking put together, dressing in whatever you find comfortable that day, and somehow still looking beautiful. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever felt this way about anyone before. He hates the swirling in his stomach, the way his heart beats faster, and the way he can always tell when you’re close to him whether you want him to know or not. Chan can always tell from the smell of your perfume, that sweet, subtle scent you’ve worn since the day you met him in your days as trainees. 
These emotions…he shouldn’t be feeling them. Not about you, his best friend. His confidant. The one person he can trust to always be there for him, for everything. He’s tried so hard to will these emotions away, to force himself to like other people. He’s tried hookups, blind dates, dating apps. He’s tried imagining it was his grandmother instead of you whenever his thoughts dive into dangerous territory. 
And no, the grandmother thoughts didn’t work. His thoughts kept returning to you, how you would look under him. How you would look with your hair splayed out, your hand cupping his cheeks, and your lips sending him the sweet smile that you seem to reserve for him.
Fuck, he’s doing it again.
Chan takes a deep breath, sipping at the day-old water and grimacing at the stale taste in his mouth. His computer screen is still blank, the screen off from the time he’s spent staring into space and thinking of you. 
A knock on the door and then you’re slipping in quietly with a plastic go-cup filled with iced coffee. 
Your greeting is simple, but you flash that smile and Chan’s heart starts doing flips. He hates it. He hates that you make him feel this way, hates that he gets nervous whenever you’re around. 
He feels you at his side, your arm on the back of his chair, fingertips brushing against his shoulder and sending jolts of electricity down his spine. He turns his head, angling his neck to look up at you. 
You with your calm eyes, with your gentle brushes against his skin, and the way you somehow soothe the storm that you caused inside of him. 
The cup in your hand is angled toward him, and he shakes his head.
“You shouldn’t be drinking that, you know,” it’s almost instinctive how he scolds you, a frown on his face when you just roll your eyes and pull the cup away from him. “Especially right now. You should be asleep, Y/N.” 
“So should you,” you hum, rolling your shoulders back and wincing when something cracks. 
“I’m working.” He nods his head at the computer, and you raise an eyebrow at the black screen.
“I can see that. Working very hard, just like you always are.”
Your hand raises to his head, ruffling the soft strands of hair. Chan clicks his tongue and pulls away from you. Your hand drops down to your side, and your small drops slightly. Barely noticeable, but enough for Chan to feel a pang in his chest. He rolls his chair back slightly, spinning it to face you. You pull a chair up, sitting directly across from him, and delicately place your coffee in an empty space on his crowded desk. 
Chan feels your knees brush against his, and heat scorches his body again. Why do you do this to him? Is it on purpose? Do you know he loves you more than a best friend should?
“Are you okay, Channie?” You lean toward him, the open part of your button-down shirt dipping to expose more skin. You would think he’s never been around a woman before.
He clears his throat, tries to look at you, and then clears his throat again. You’re biting at your lip now your eyebrows furrowed together in thought. 
He leans away from you when you lean toward him. Your knees are between his thighs now, unbeknownst to you but he is all too aware of it. You rise from your chair, coming closer to him and standing between his legs. One of his hands twitches, fighting to raise just a little bit to touch the side of your leg. 
“You seem a little feverish,” your hand is cold against his skin, and he almost chokes on the air he’d been struggling to inhale without the sweet scent of you overpowering his lungs and making him do unthinkable things. Your lips are twisted into a pout, your hand moving to his forehead and then his cheek. 
It takes Chan a moment to realize that he’s grabbed your wrist. 
It takes another moment for him to realize that his lips are against the back of your hand. 
Another moment and you haven’t pushed him away. Is it shock? Are you too disgusted to do anything? Fuck, why did he have to do that?
“Y/N—” he’s stumbling over his words, trying to grasp any thought that runs through his brain. An apology, hopefully. “I’m so— I didn’t mean—” 
Your lips are on his before he can say another word. It was a quick, fleeting kiss. Heat of the moment, maybe. 
You pull back, just far enough to look him in the eyes. 
Chan opens his mouth, ready to speak again.
The door slams shut. The space you stood in is empty. Chan’s heart sinks to his stomach, his skin still warm where you touched him.
It’s three days before Chan hears from or sees you. Three days of absolute radio silence. No one forcing him to stop working, to look away from the screen and lay on the couch for a while. No wild laughter, random coffee dates. Nothing, and he knows why.
He knows you’ve been avoiding him. It’s not that difficult to figure it out. Whatever happened that night…it scared both of you. What frustrates him isn’t the subtle rejection. No, he could never be mad at you for that. He loves you too much to be angry about that. 
No, he’s mad about the fact that you’re running from this. You who regularly gets into heated arguments with the staff when they’re working him and the other members too hard. You who always accepts when you’re in the wrong, actively seeking a solution. You who has never had problems with communicating your emotions. He’s angry that the one time he needs you to communicate with him, you disappear. Now, after three days of you avoiding him, he isn’t quite sure he wants to see you anymore. He wouldn’t have minded if you told him you hated him for what happened.
Radio silence is…quite possibly the last thing he expected.
A knock on his door jolts him out of his thoughts. Three raps, then two, and the door opens. He knows it’s you by the shuffling of your feet against the ground and the sound of ice against plastic. You come to stand near him. Not next to him, no, it’s like you can sense the anger in him.
Or you can hear the angry typing. 
“What are you working on?” Your voice is quiet, so quiet that he almost doesn’t catch it. 
He doesn’t respond, at least not at first. The typing doesn’t slow, and he hears a small exhale from you. 
“Chan?” Your hand comes to rest on his shoulder and the typing stops. You drop your hand to your side, biting your tongue and forcing the tears back. “Channie, can you please talk to me?” He turns to look at you, trying to hold back all of the emotions he’s been feeling these past three days. 
“About what?” He plays dumb. Maybe if he acts like nothing happened, you’ll just drop it and you can start avoiding each other and he can move on from you. 
“About…about what happened.” Your voice shakes, and he almost feels bad. 
Scratch that, he does feel bad. 
“I don’t think there’s much to talk about.” Chan dismisses, “You made it clear how you feel and that’s fine. We can forget about it.” He avoids your gaze now, but he hears a sniffle coming from you. Hears a sob that you made a poor attempt at concealing. He looks at you again, and your hand is over your mouth while you try to calm yourself. He bites the side of his tongue, closing his eyes and exhaling heavily. 
“Come here,” he raises his hand and lazily beckons you over to him. You don’t move at first, still focused on calming yourself. “Y/N, come here.” 
Your steps are slow, almost nervous about approaching him, and suddenly all the anger is washed away from Chan’s body. All he can think about is the fact that he’s made you cry, made you upset, and he wants to fix it. 
“Why are you crying, pretty?” You’re standing in front of him, all too similarly to three days ago. Your cup has been placed to the side again, next to his keyboard, and your hands are in his. 
“I feel like…” your voice is thick with emotion, tears rolling down your cheeks that Chan wants nothing more than to kiss away. “I feel like I messed everything up.”
“How could you possibly think that?” Your best friend frowns. 
“I— I kissed you.” Your sentences are stuttered. “I fe—feel like I me—messed everyth—everything up. You— You’re my bes—best friend, Channie.” 
“Look at me,” he holds his hand to your chin, tilting your head to look down at him. “You did nothing wrong. In case you forgot, I kissed you first.”
“But that was diffe—different!” You cry, yanking your hands out of his grip and turning your back on him. Chan rises from his chair, carefully watching your movements. “I kissed you!” 
He’s curious now. “Do you think I hate you because of that?” 
You turn around, and a gasp escapes you. He’s only a few inches from you, his breath kissing your cheeks. You can see a dark tinge on his tanned skin. Was he blushing? Was he mad? 
“I— I mean—” Chan steps toward you again, practically backing you into the wall.
“Because you’d be wrong,” he continues. “In fact, it’s probably made me even worse.” 
What? “Chan— what does that—”
“I’ve been obsessed with you from the day that I met you, Y/N.” Here goes nothing. Chan takes a deep breath before continuing. “Everything you do, everything you say. I’m addicted to you. You know, I couldn’t tell at first if I envied you. It was the way you carried yourself, the confidence you had in every little thing. The way you fought so hard for the things that you loved and the people you cared about. I thought I envied the way you could laugh as loud as you wanted without fearing what other people thought of you.” 
You’re against the wall now, but he hasn’t caged you in. No, he leaves you room to escape should you so choose. Your tears have stopped and Chan reaches up to cup your cheeks, wiping away the streaks that were left. 
“I was wrong.” His voice is so quiet, so much quieter than he probably intended it to be, but it has a zoo erupting in your stomach. “It wasn’t envy.”
“Then what was it?” Your voice matches his in volume, your eyes flicking from his lips and back up to meet his gaze. He takes a deep breath, relishing in the feeling of your cold hands twisting into the fabric of his shirt, your knuckles brushing against the skin of his stomach. “Channie?” 
The way you said his name should’ve been innocent. It should have just grabbed his attention, snapped him out of the spell you’ve cast on him. 
The air is knocked out of your chest at the first touch of his lips on yours. It isn’t rough, not by any means. 
His lips move smoothly against yours, slow and sure of every move he wants to make as if he’s always going to be two steps ahead of you. One of his hands slides down to cup the back of your head, right at the base to allow him to angle your head and pull your body closer to his. Your hands have tightened into his cotton t-shirt, holding so tightly you’re positive the fabric has stretched. 
Your chest is on fire, whether from lack of breath or the emotions running through you like wildfire, you aren’t sure, but you don’t want to stop. You can’t stop. Not when he tastes so good, not when he’s kissing you like there’s nothing else he’d rather be doing. 
A whine escapes you, and you feel his body go rigid. His lips stop moving, and he pulls back from you. You see his chest stuttering as he tries to stop himself from taking deep breaths. He doesn’t say anything, and neither do you for a long time. 
You don’t have to, though. The drawings he traces into your hip with his finger and the hazy, starstruck look in his eye says enough.
His eyes meet yours when you clear your throat to get his attention. 
“So,” your voice is slightly hoarse but you can’t find yourself caring. Not in front of Chan. “You never answered my question.” He bends down, his lips lightly pressing into the skin of your neck. Your breathing hitches, and you feel him smile against you. 
“What question was that?” He asks, and his voice is right in your ear, and you can’t help but pull him closer to you.
“What was it that you felt?” 
He just laughs against you, finally taking his hand out of your hair. 
“You know what it was, pretty. Don’t pretend.”
You smile, your arm coming to wrap around the back of his neck. 
Love. It was love, and you knew it the whole time.
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leilanihours · 12 days
kate martin x reader where reader comforts kate after a hard practice or a loss <3
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pairing: kate martin x gf!reader
word count: 710
warnings: none!
summary: you show your love and appreciation for kate after she had a difficult time at practice.
from lani: super short fluff for one of my fav girls ever 🤍 also this def is not my best work but i was in a blurb mood tn..
YOU COULD ALREADY sense a shift in the atmosphere as soon as kate walked into your shared apartment.
from your bedroom, you could hear the sound of the front door closing as well as a long sigh and drop of a bag.
usually when kate would get home from a late practice, she would call out your name and immediately indulge in random conversations about each of your days.
but you knew today was different. you also knew that the pressure was on for the hawkeyes with the march madness tournament coming up.
you get up from your spot on your bed and peek your head out of the bedroom door to see kate with her head buried in her hands. you could tell her shoulders were tense from the way she sat on the barstool at the kitchen counter.
you pad across the smooth wooden floor and make your way over to her. you lovingly wrap your arms around her shoulders and place a gentle kiss on her head.
"rough practice?" you whisper into her hair.
"mhm.." she hums quietly.
her large hands lower from her face as they grasp your own, your girlfriend finding comfort in your touch.
"you wanna talk about it?"
"i played like shit today," she starts, "and coach has been on all our asses lately. it's just a lot."
there is a slight tone of disappointment and tiredness in her voice, one that you recognized from when she loses a game.
"it's okay, my love, it's only practice," you reassure her, "everyone has off days."
"i know but what if i mess up during a game? there's almost no coming back from that."
"you're not the only person on that team, kate. your teammates will always be there to support you, to help you. i'll always be here to do the same."
"no buts, babe," you cut her off softly. you remove your arms from her frame as you walk around to face her, taking her warm hands in yours, "i need you to know that you have so many people that love you, so many people that care for you. and i know things may seem rocky right now but i will always be here. always."
you observe the blonde's expression as a comforting silence falls over the two of you. the furrow in her eyebrows and pout on her lips from earlier has disappeared, her eyes now lingering on yours as she registers your words.
wordlessly, she places her lips on yours in a vulnerable yet grateful manner, saying everything that needs to be said and more.
she hums and sighs into the kiss, the knots in her shoulders and problems rushing through her head practically melting away at the feel of your lips on hers.
"thank you, y/n. i love you so much, babe, i'd be so lost without you."
"it's a good thing i'm right here then, huh?"
the two of your share a warm smile, gazing at each other with nothing but adoration and devotion.
you gently tug her over to your shared bedroom and urge her into a warm shower to soothe her muscles. you break away from her to make some hot chocolate and load up her favorite movie on your computer.
when she steps out of the bathroom, you extend your arms and beckon her over to the bed. she automatically allows herself to dive into your embrace, burying her head in your chest and inhaling your comforting scent.
you sense her breathing slow in the next few minutes and tilt your head down to look at her. and there she was, your beautiful girlfriend fast asleep in your arms, succumbing to the grasps of exhaustion. you lightly graze your hand over her arm as you become hyper-aware of your overwhelming love for her.
if one of you drifted away, put distance between you two, the other knew exactly how to reel them back in. it was an unspoken principle that you held each other down while the world outside was in shambles, regardless of any hurt or struggle that crossed your paths.
you would always be around to comfort her with open arms, and she would, no doubt, do the same for you.
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queenofallimagines · 2 months
Blue Lock boys and having a S/O who has a sex toy collection
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A/N: This is extremely self indulgent and came to me while browsing the internet. Part one of 2 and These are also all real toys so if you know exactly what I’m talking about lmao kudos to you✌🏿
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- lmao oh boy
- Brand new to this world
- Only has the blue flesh light you got him as a joke for Christmas
- He uses it more often than he’d like to admit…
- So when he comes to your place and he’s in the mood to get nasty
- You gotta hold his hand bc he’s gunna be a little nervous
- You ask him if he’s cool with toys and he’s like ofc
- Very excited to see what you use to make yourself feel good
- Then he is taken aback to see a box of sex toys ORGANIZED BY COLOR
- “We in for a more rough mood today or like a quick thing?”
- Let him take a look through your treasure chest(pun intended)
- And he’s like 🙂 bc how does he use that
- “So whats this?? It’s like flat but it has silicone flowers on the top??”
- “Oh that’s a grinder you strap it to a pillow”
- “….and it’s supposed to be green and blue?”
- “The colors on this one were pretty 😤 aesthetic matters too!”
- Best way is to just dive in and let him test out each one
- His favorite so far is this pretty little one called CLAUDETTE and he likes grinding on it while he kisses you and fucking into it
- Likes how the colors look all funky and fun
- “Is that-“
- “A football colored one yes it is.”
- “…..you didn’t have this before you met me did you?”
- “Listen it’s not MY fault that you be away on games a lot and this just so happened to be in your girth!”
- He will indulge you and do those dick mold cast things and will demand to see videos of you fucking yourself with it when he’s away
- Nothing would make him rush home faster than seeing a video of you moaning all pretty in nothing but a spare jersey of his bounding up and down on an exact replica of his cock begging him to hurry home
- Fuck the game he’s on the first fight back to Japan IMMEDIATELY
- LOVES to use them in punishments!
- When you’re acting all bratty he’ll pretend he’s not on his very last nerve
- Not super good at controlling his true emotions but when he’s calling you pet names making you feel all flustered can you really tell he’s upset?
- So when he flips a switch and tells you to “hold fucking still or I’ll tie your hands to the headboard” and he’s in between your legs holding you down it’s definitely a surprise
- Has one of the vibes that are controlled by phone
- He’s not so cruel as take you for a stroll in public
- (Also he really doesn’t want to get slammed with a public indecency charge because you can’t keep quiet)
- He’ll make you wear it as he goes about his business in the house
- Ignoring you without a care in the world as he’s relaxing on the couch and you’re begging him to bend you over anything
- “Hm? I didn’t hear a ‘I’m sorry for being a brat Yoichi’ so all that crying ain’t doing nothing”
- He has really good control when he’s pissed
- Usually that glassy eyed look while begging him to ruin you would be enough to have him on you like a dog in heat
- Buuuuuy unfortunate for you upset yoichi is some cold
- He’s literally not even flinching as you grind in his thigh making a mess all over his pants
- Rolling his eyes before shooting you the most annoyed look
- “You gunna keep making a mess on my pants or you going to fucking apologize already?”
- “I-I’m sorry Yoichi… please I need you so bad.”
- “Fucking finally.”
- Throws your legs over his shoulders but he’s still mad so he’s gunna edge and then overstimulate you before he even pulls his cock out
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- oh he’s so silly
- Like he’s definitely like??
- Probably accidentally finds your stash before YOU show him
- “Oi, what’s this thing over here?”
- And you walk in and he’s messing w a silicone octopus cockring
- Boy if you don’t stay out my mf closet-
- Wants you to show him all the cool weird stuff you have
- “How do you even use this?”
- “Like any other toy???”
- “This tentacle is NOT like a regular sex toy.”
- Does it again by laying down on some of your stuffies and sees one w a obvious zipper
- Opens it to see a dildo inside
- “Why is this IN here?”
- “So nosey mfs like YOU don’t just come in my room and find my shit.”
- “…..that’s fair.”
- His fav for you to use on him is this gold and grey silicone stroker that has skin like texture
- When he’s too lazy to move he likes you being on top of him kissing and biting his neck while you slowly move the toy on his cock
- Will have him squirming and moaning loud as hell like you’ve never seen before
- Nagi isn’t the most vocal but he’s moaning like a pornstar
- “Ohhhh fuuuck pretty keep stroking me like that.”
- No better way to get him to fuck you like you want then to slow stroke him with a fleshlight or stroker
- Asks you to make a cast of your pussy
- When you actually make him one it’s like never brought up again until one night you get a text around 2am a few hours before nagi is set to touchdown back in Japan
- Of him fucking it like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do
- Not sure who the fuck recorded that for him🤨 bc it’s too good and so are the angles to be a shaky one handed quick video
- Moans about how he can’t wait to feel you cream on his cock
- As the most obscene noises play from your speakers with the image of seishiro fucking into a fleshlight of your likeness all messy with lube and cum
- From the way the video starts off he had to have been at it for a while already
- You catch a glimpse of his hazy eyes as he’s mercilessly pounding into the toy
- When the video ends you get another text from him
- ‘Just got out the airport be home in 25’
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- you’d think he’d be like weirded out
- Or confused
- Nah
- He’s seen all the gamer porn there is to see
- Monster and fantasy themed sex toys are a walk in the park
- “Woah, they like make dragon dicks that you can actually ride?”
- Favorites are Ophiuchus the Forgotten, Spyro Slim, and the twilight Moon
- He likes textures so anything with more ridges and bumps the better!
- Likes ones that seem normal. He’s a sneaky fucker so hidden in plain sight is great
- Like oh you thought this was a regular lipstick? Nope! A bullet vibe
- Has like 6 of these in your purse at all times
- Annoying as will pull a “hey can I talk to ya for a sec?”
- And then lead you into a secluded area and shove a toy in you while having his mouth do the heavy lifting
- “Mmm~ taste better when you’re this scared.”
- Someone get his ass 🙄😒
- Let’s you fuck him but like you’re a service top at most
- Not very try willing to give up power because that means he looses the game
- Will tie you up and ride you
- Puts on his most slutty performance and really lets himself get whiny
- As soon as he unties you it’s a chance to get him
- Like oh so anyway we’re not done🥰 now you can’t touch
- Will send you links to stores asking you what you think
- “Check out this dark souls one”
- “Yo, baby who the FUCK is that going to fit inside”
- “:((( but it glows in the dark”
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slothkittfunsies · 3 months
Deep Dive into the issues on Alastor.
CONTENT WARNING: Racism, Aphobia.
Now that I created a blog specifically for stuff like this, It's time for the dive.
Alastor is a character that resonates with me, because this guy is supposed to represent me and my people (aspec/aroace community) and I liked his pilot personality. (That went to shit)
This man got so many issues, that i have to take the pen myself and scribble what Vivzie has wrote. So, Let's start, shall we?
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The first time I saw the Hazbin pilot, I got confused about what Alastor was supposed to be. I thought he was just a grey human wearing some kind of animal ears until the fandom said he is a deer.
A deer. Let that sink in.
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(Images for comparsion)
As someone passionate about the arts, this upset me. Sure, I haven't been to art school, but even I know you need to put the backstory and features in mind when designing a character.
Character design is NOT throwing things at the wall and seeing which sticks. It needs actual critical thinking. If your audience is confused about your character's species, it's time to go back to the drawing table (unless you have a reason for making it mysterious.)
Second, the overabundance of red is awful in terms of color theory. This guy is in Hell, which is also red, causing an eyesore. I got a headache when trying to focus on him on a red background. And also, colors have meaning. People associate red with danger, so the fact he even managed to get victims to kill makes me puzzled.
Also, the fact he's supposed to be mixed/black makes this design even worse. Why is he grey instead of brown, perhaps? Vivzie has a pattern of making POCs grey-skinned, which is, again, awful.
I think Vivzie only made him a POC due to the voodoo issue. I mean, just remove the symbols and you are done. But nah the symbols are too "aesthetic" to remove. So gotta change his race.
She could have used another symbols, like THIS for example:
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Since, you know, he's the "Radio Demon"?
Ok, this where I'm very confused.
Alastor is a radio host, and also a serial killer. He was born in the USA, got killed by a deer hunter by mistake, and lived in the 1920's.
This is what I gathered from being a superfan back then, and it sounds unorganised/cluttered. And the years he lived in make his design even worse. (Again! His clothing doesn't speak the 1920s!)
The fact he's from an old era, and yet speaks in modern slang is weird. He's supposed to hate anything modern, and yet he does it anyway? His saying "fuck" multiple times is so out of character for him. I guess the "If made by Vivziepop" memes have some truth.
Putting the fact he's mixed, makes the backstory more confusing. How did he manage to be a popular radio host at the time before the civil rights movement became a thing? He will have been put down like the rest of the POCs in America. Either that he's white-passing, or it's VERY difficult. Adding the fact he's a serial killer makes me think how the cops didn't get to him (the mere fact he's black should have got him questioned in 1920s America)
Now, for his identity. I'm mad he's the only aroace character in the sea of gays and bisexuals. (I'm not saying gay men and bisexual people should not have representation. I have to say that due to tumblr's piss poor reading comprehersion)
which made me go through on why Vivzie made him aroace in the first place. I don't know if this is true, but I heard she made him aroace because "he only loves himself"
Um. Here we go again with allos assuming we are non-empathic psychopaths for our lack of sexual or/and romantic attraction. I hope that's not true at all, but knowing Vivzie's past, I wouldn't be surprised.
Alastor would have been a great character if another person took care of it instead of Vivziepop. What I'm gonna say is, wasted potential.
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jazeswhbhaven · 4 months
I Was Only Supposed to Drop This Off: Attack of Kings Leviathan Prologue *Spoilers*
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Let me just say. Leviathan is the devs favorite, he has to fucking be because this fucking prologue was wild, no build up, no fluff like with Beel where MC went on a cute little date. NAH just side fucking swept in whatever the breeding kink this is omg („ಡωಡ„)
Btw this makes me think of that OM Levi thing I wrote about where he's going into rut on his birthday and he breeds you in his room when you're both supposed to be attending his surprise party (good shit)
Let's start off to catch you all up before I dive into this.
All the screenshots won't fit so:
Satan is pissed off because he owes Levi a favor and Levi specifically asked for MC to deliver the Anti-Pandora's Box (which I may add has some really cool lore behind it involving Satan) and he's so pissed about it that he's taking his anger out on everyone that comes across him. Even poor Leraye tried to soothe his majesty's anger by offering a teddy bear to rip up and Satan just fucking yeets his ass into the sky.
Satan is even like "I'm going to invade Hades...." like he's that pissed.
Sitri warns MC not to open the box, and also explains that Satan loves the box so much and that's why Satan is so angry.
*cough*that ain't why*cough*
So here's MC running in the palace and trying to deliver this damn box that everyone keeps telling them not to open and then after being like "Levi you can't say hello? Damn" in short of words......
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Okay, so it's out of character for him to stare at MC like that it appears...
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Me being like OH WHAT?
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This is where MC and I differ, I because I'd just be confused on why he's stripping rn, like I'm just delivering a box-
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Now see...this is where Levi would of had to choke me foreal because I would have told him to shove it up his ass don't tell me to shut up when I'm asking you a question
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Oh f u c k.
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I....I was lost for words when this popped up because like...
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No MC, you aren't weird I won't judge you but yeah uh phew....because I wish they'd show what it looks like and I swear if they show us what it looks like in the Erolabs version...I'm going to scream
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Ooo a smell? Now I know this must mean he's definitely going through something at the moment since we're having smells, a larger than before penis, and buckets of precum dripping on the floor or whatever fluid that is.
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W a it.
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I'm in fucking shambles right now
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I can't handle the amount of fullness that's happening right now
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Let me get my drink and
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I'm so serious rn there was so much fucking going on and this is just the prologue I can only fucking imagine MC is about to get bred pretty much the entire story from beginning to end
and I'm damn well sure that the true reason Satan was upset is possibly NOT the box, but because he knows this is the around the time Levi is going through that and the fact he asked MC to deliver the box was possibly an excuse and he didn't really need it to begin with. And that's why he's pissed.
In my delulu SatanxLevi ship, he'd be mad because it's usually him that goes and helps Levi with that and he's always happy to help. He's mad that MC is chosen because A. He doesn't want to share MC B. That's a special time between him and Levi so he doesn't wanna share that either C. He's not being included period
I'm just gonna sit here and process this, have a snack, and recollect myself because I was thrown across the room and back with this prologue I can only imagine what the other stories are like.
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adventuringblind · 8 months
Oscar the Matchmaker: Chapter Seven
Oscar Piastri x reader x Max Verstappen
Summary: Oscar needs to let out some steam after his DNF in Spa, and his partners happen to be the perfect stand ins. Lando fails to realize that Oscar is a matchmaker in a really messed up kind of way
Warnings: Bossy Oscar, Bondage, dom/sub, Oral (m and f), spanking, overstimulation, denial, Lando is still a menace
Notes: Carlando anybody? 👀
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Lando is a menace. He knows this. The Spainaird sitting next to him knows this as well. However, Lando is also protective. Carlos had sent out a less than nice tweet about his teammate, and Lando is determined to make the older male apologize for his actions.
Oscar had been so excited after the sprint, and Lando had wanted to see that continue through the race and after. The Australian leaving with a deppressed look on his face had not been the plan.
The Brit had once again stolen a room key. This time, Max's. Oscar had said they were coming straight here after everything was said and done. So they lounge lazily across the bed. Lando had finished lecturing Carlos ten minutes ago. Now the pair have nothing better to do than lounge around and go through the groups things.
Lando opens another drawer, and Carlos just shakes his head in disappointment. "I found the goods!"
"The goods?"
"The secrets, Carlos! The things that are kinky!"
Both Lando and Carlos' head snap toward the door. Max's hotel room is much bigger to the point where the bedroom is separate. This means that at the current moment, they can't see each other, but they can hear through the walls.
The door slams shut, and Oscar's more demanding voice fills the other side of the wall. "Knees. Now."
Lando grabs Carlos by the arm and pulls him off the bed. "Not again."
The two dive into the bathroom and gently close the door just in time for the bedroom door to slam open. Lando can hear the closet door also creak open and close again.
"Pretty sure Lando won't ever come into the room unnoticed again." Laughs the female.
Carlos leans over to him and whispers. "You've don't this before?!"
"Almost died with Charles."
"That explains some things."
The highs and lows of Spa are something that can make even the strongest man dizzy. Or at least that's how she thinks Oscar might feel.
His early DNF had made him irritable all evening. Which is to be expected. Not like anyone likes to DNF.
When she saw the look on his face, she knew that he needed to let out his frustrations.
Which would turn out to be Max. The Aussie had pratically dragged him back here with her in tow carrying their things.
Now Max is on his knees, Oscar is fuming, and she's attempting to find what he asked for.
If they hadn't talked about this before, then she might have even been scared. However, Max had sent in the group chat that he is willing to be a stand-in for whatever Oscar needs. It's a rare thing that this happens. That consent is given over text, and Oscar had double-checked in the car.
The Aussie had laid out his plans and made sure to remind them he isn't mad, and this is for their enjoyment as much as his outlet. It is always important to go into these things with a good mindset.
She lays a few things out and then waits as instructed. Oscar and Max are in seconds, and despite the initial roughness, They both check around the room and shoot her cheeky smiles.
No sign of Lando. "Pretty sure Lando won't come into the room unnoticed again." She laughs.
"I'd rather not risk it given what we're about to do." Oscar closes the closet door and looks at both her and Max. "I'm giving you three seconds to put yourselves on the bed facing each other."
The two flounder for a moment, but still end up there they needed to be. Though it definitely isn't graceful.
Neither of them say anything. Max may be the Carlos stand-in, but she has yet to actually be told what she's doing. Awaiting orders like a robot.
"Strip each other. Don't want anything on you." Oscar stands at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed, face flushed with a mix between arousal and frustration. They fumble again in getting clothes off. A small part of her mind wants to take as long as possible, but with his mood, she deems that it is a bad idea. The last time she decided to be a brat, it ended with three hours of edging, and then Oscar and Max tag teamed her into far too many orgasms that she cried for a while after. It was great, really, but at the time, she wasn't pleased with it.
Instead it feels like their clothes are off in record time. Oscar eyes them with hunger. A smirk plays on his lips as he wets them with his tongue.
A forceful push sends Max backward. His head dangling of the edge. She can hear the buckle of Oscar's jeans come undone. He turns it into a makeshift bond for his wrist. A little tighte then neccecary but the moan it gets from Max tells her he likes it that way.
She dragged from her blissful state of simply watching when a fistful of her hair is grabbed. She's shoved down towards Max's very hard cock. It's a little slower, so she has a chance to actually get her mouth open.
"Don't let him finish." He pointedly commands her. This is going to be a long night.
"I still can't believe you've done this before."
"I can't believe my teammate is really this kinky."
"Is this some sort of weird fetish you have? I swear I won't judge, but I think you need to talk to them if that's what this is."
"I'm going to cry now. The last time haunts me. Max held us hostage."
One hour down. She almost wishes she could record this like a video log. Max has finished approximately four times.
She has no idea how. Max looks exhausted, and his eyes are glazed over in ecstasy. Part of her thinks both him and Oscar needed this.
Speaking of Oscar, he has finished once. Inside of Max, mind you. Part of her thinks it was accidental. He looked shocked when it happened.
She has yet to finish. Her body is desperate, but her mind is telling her that she need not be. She'll probably be crying when they are done for the night.
Max was screaming a minute ago, and now the room is filled with panting. She likes this noise. Like an interlude in a song before it ramps up again.
Oscar runs gentle hands down the curves of Max's body. "You did so good, Maxy. Such a good stand-in. Too bad Carlos isn't a good boy like you."
"I'm sorry... what?"
"Makes sense, mate. You made the Aussie angry."
"But he's so calm! Where is all the aggression coming from?"
"See, I've come to reason that he stores it all in a bottle and then saves it for these occasions."
She's not sure how she got herself into this position. Her body being tied to the headboard.
Scratch that, she does know. Oscar had proposed that he work on his knot tying while Max recovers some of his energy.
Apparently, she is also a Carlos stand-in. She may be tied to the headboard, but she's facing the wall.
She's going to have Oscar's hand tattooed to her skin if the mark stays. Why is she getting spanked anyway? What did she do? Unless this is a damn warm-up. He's used this method to put her down a few times. She's sad that it's actually working.
Tears are burning her eyes now. It's not like the hits are soft. Her ass burns and stings, and she's not sure she really wants anymore.
Originally, she's been told fifteen. But the pitch and tears must have been noticed. Hands run along her skin soothingly. Soft kisses are pressed to her spine.
"We won't do anymore, love. I'm so proud of you. You did so well for me."
She's smiling, and she's not sure why. It's probably due to the praise which is making her feel floaty and fuzzy.
"Maxy, I have a new job for you."
She feels another presence dip the bed. Max is settling himself between her already spread thighs.
She almost cries at the feeling of Max's tongue barely licking her. The stimulation she's been craving finally at her doorstep.
Two pairs of hands grip her body. Max on her thighs just under her aching ass and Oscar everywhere inbetween.
They both get more aggressive with their movements. Max's mouth is everywhere she needs it. Sometimes, she wonders if this is his secret talent or if he got training for it.
She loses herself at the thought.
"Please- fuck. Please sir I need to cum."
"Go ahead. Finish on Max's tongue."
She must have done something right because Oscar's body is also shuddering. She assumes it's his title that did it.
She can't think too hard about it as the muscles in her body start to contract. Her head drops back behind her, and the Aussie’s lips attach themselves to her throat.
No thought for the rest of the night. Only feelings, pleasure, and unconditional love.
"Do you think Max or Oscar has the bigger dick?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Who do you think has a bigger dick, me or you?"
"Honestly no idea."
She's subbed dropped a few times before. It's a thing that happens to everyone if they are consistently in the headspace for long periods of time. She is currently finding that wall. That limit of how much she can really take.
She's enjoying this. Lost in the abyss of her mind. No idea how many orgasms she's been dragged through.
So she panics when it stops. Her mind reeling with every possibility. A futile attempt to bring herself back.
She hadn't realized she'd been crying. Harder now due to the suddenness of the stop.
Every nerve is alight. Every part of her body feels thoroughly loved. Her mind unable to understand what is happening.
Oscar's voice is attempting to pull her back to reality. Gentle hands stroke her hair. "Breathe love, you did so well."
"Why did you stop?"
"We stopped a good five minutes ago. You started crying only a minute ago." He soothes.
Max's fingers trace down her arm to her bonds. "Can I untie these?"
She shakes her head yes despite still not really understanding. Her eyes are still leaking, and she can't get it to stop. She needs to see them. Get lost in their eyes for a while.
When she is no longer tangled in rope, her body collapses into both boys. Exhaustion takes over her as she trembles in their hold. Every inch of her is still swimming in endorphins.
Words are exchanged, and the bed moves again. Max is humming a song to attempt stopping the still unending tears.
Tears she doesn't understand. She's not unhappy or in pain. Her brain feels like nothing and can't see past her boys and the unending waves serotonin. Maybe it's too much for her. Maybe she finally found that limit.
Sh hears the bathroom door creaks open and something like a growl escape from Oscar.
The two boys on the cold bathroom floor have made their own entertainment.
Is this probably not the best look from a professional standpoint? Probably. Do they care in this moment? Absolutely not.
The fact that Lando even has the Spaniard down his throat is amazing. It's even better when Carlos mumbles about how it's the best head he's ever had.
Until the moment is interrupted by the door creaking open and the light flicking on.
Carlos doesn't look at the door, though, cause he's too busy looking at Lando's flushed cheeks. He finishes down his throat the same second and somehow the Brit manages to take all of it.
"What the fuck?!"
Both boys scramble to resituate themselves. The door slams closed and they can hear Oscar muttering to himself.
When it reopens, he is in clothes and armed with murder in his eyes.
"I swear to god Lando that you have a kink or something, but bringing Carlos here as well is just evil."
"Does that mean it's a bad time to apoligize?"
"Get out."
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succubusyuyu · 1 year
if you could write a drabble of jaehyun fucking y/n in the elevator.. plsplspls 🥹 (referring to the post u reposted)
the part where he looks into the elevator camera ?:! /9;8/ i almost fainted
thank you!!!
I swear I was doing my requests in order but this one just got my eyes and damn I LOVE IT 😭😭 i just needed to do it or i will go mad also thank you @multifandomslxt for the thoughts anon was talking about (i love your posts 🥹🥹
when you started dating jaehyun you thought you won the lottery, he isn't just hot and handsome, he is cute, soft, gentle, sooo nice and well, fucks you like a pornstar, you could do a checklist of places you wanted to be fucked and he happily would try to make it happen, but in a crowded elevator was never in your list.
you swear you aren't making it on purpose, the elevator was just so crowded and the only place you can fit is close to jaehyun, back on his chest making him smile when he places his hands on your waist and brings you close, so maybe it's his fault too that every time the elevator jolts your ass rub against his cock, but just because every time he brings you closer.
you didn't realize in the beginning, but soon the bulge against your ass starts to get bigger, and you know jaehyun is tempted too, because his hands start to caressing your sides a way too rough like he was holding himself back and we'll you're a good girlfriend you would never make your dear boyfriend suffer like that.
your hands find his neck to bring his face close to you, your lips find his ears and it's on that clowded elevator that you whispers, "just do it, baby."
he smirks against your cheek, "so be quiet, love, and be a good girl for me, ok?"
the sound of him undoing his belt is a way too loud, and makes everyone look at you, and he just smiles, a dimple smile making the rest of the people just bow slightly and turn their heads back, not even realizing that in the middle of it he already took his cock out and is sliding the glistening head between your thighs. you tighten your legs and feel him buck further and the back, the hot length sliding against your wet panties.
you know your cheeks are red, you can feel the heat of your face, but you can't cover it, the only thing you can cover with your prada purse is where his dick is pocking on the front of your dress, before he stops, because he does it, he would fuck your thighs until he's leaking on the tip and his cock is twitching between your soft skin to then get deep inside you, pushing your panties to the side and thrusting into you until bottomed.
jaehyun is discreet, he thrusts inside your tight pussy slowly, never fully leaving you, just going centimeters back and diving in again, everything as you watch the people leaving the elevator and his thrusts getting messier, until just one person is left and the last thrust before the person leave is so hard that you have to pretending be coughing when in reality you're almost moaning loud.
"everything ok, baby?" jaehyun asks when the woman turn to look at you.
"yes-" you cough again, when one of his hands sneaks under your dress to the front of your panties, "just the weather, it's making me sick again." he smiles gently at you as you watch the woman turn her head and leave the elevator.
jaehyun hits the button to stop the elevator, and finally he's fucking you, still discreet, but all that while looking at the elevator camera, like he's challenging someone, or just seducing, hands on your hips and thrusting in you so deep that you have to props your hand on the wall to hold yourself. beads of sweat drop down his forehead, and you bit your lower lip when his hips start to buck, telling you that he's about to come.
jaehyun brings you close and kisses your neck as he comes messily inside you, groaning low against your ear. you come untouched next, just by his dick hitting that spot inside you and filling you with his cum.
"I'm making sure they will delete the images, ok, love?" he whispers against your ear when you come back from the bliss. "or I could save it to watch later, what do you think, or own sextape." he jokes, smirking and placing a kiss on your cheek, you chuckles, it's terrible that you love his pervert ideas.
sometimes being the boss have some privileges for sure, like fuck your girlfriend on the elevator on the way to your office. you would never complain of these privileges, he probably will be eating you out on his office next anyways.
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hopefulromances · 11 months
Hello bb. Number 34 “hugging while grabbing butt” just had me thinking of Jamie. Like he’s a cheeky lil fellow who would totally do this (tastefully)
Hehehe of course! Thank you for the ask!
34. hugging while grabbing butt
Heated but not smutty
You loved working for AFC Richmond. Being an administrative assistant meant you got to see a little bit of everything. Some days, you sat in Rebecca's office, taking notes on whatever she told you to. Other days, you were in the Coach's office showing Ted how to use Google Sheets. But no matter what, you were always excited to come to work and see the lads.
Specifically, Jamie Tartt. Richmond's prize player who also happened to be totally head-over-heels in love with you. He was such a cocky boy and he loved to tease you while you were working. You'd come into the locker room with the task of getting everyone's dinner order for an away game and he'd tell you about three different things before saying:
"I'll just have what you're having."
But he knew it made you smile and that's why he did it. Today as you walked through the halls, a hand reached out to grab you and pulled you into the boot room. You yelped and turned to see Jamie had grabbed you.
"Hey babe," he grinned, pulling you into a kiss.
You barely had time to react as he kissed you. Not that you would complain, as you hummed into the kiss. You patted his chest and pulled away, laughing as he leaned into you, trying to prolong the kiss.
"Jamie," you started, not getting far as Jamie pressed another kiss to your lips. You giggled, pushing him away again. "Jamie!"
"What?" He pulled back long enough answer before diving back in to kiss you again. You let yourself enjoy the kiss for a moment before pushing him back again.
"Jamie, we are at work!" You protested, trying to back away from him. But he pulled you back into him, wrapping one arm around your waist, the other snaking up to hold you between your shoulder blades.
"And? I told Ted I had to do a poo," he told you, proudly. He started kissing down your jaw to your neck before finding that one place the drove you mad.
"Jamie, you can't-" You interrupted yourelf to gasp as he sucked particularlly hard, a wave of pleasure rolling through you. "What exactly are you expecting we do right now?"
His hand on your waist lowered down to take a handful of your ass in his hand, pushing your crotch into his. When you gasped, he took advantage of your surprise to go back up to your lips, letting his tounge invade your mouth.
You moaned into his mouth, letting yourself melt against him, your hands finding their way into his hair tugging slightly. You revealed in the way your tugs drew whimpers from him. He was moving his hand to slip into your pants when the door opened from behind you.
"Oh! Sorry! Sorry, Oh my god!"
Will. Always on time as ever. Jamie's head snapped up at the intrusion and you pushed him away, trying to get as much space between you and him.
"William, you have five seconds to get out of here," Jamie threatened.
Will struggled for a moment, starting to leaving but coming back, before starting to leave again.
"I would, sorry, I really would," he rambled, waving his hands around. "But, Coach Beard sent me to come find you, make sure you weren't... ya know."
He nodded towards you. Your face was beat red with embarassment as you ried to hide your swollen lips. Your eyes shot over to Jamie who looked frustrated.
"Well, tell him you found me on the loo and I'll be right out," he instructed Will who gladly left the room.
Once alone again, you stared at each other, living in a moment of silence before we both burst out into laughter.
"Okay, Jamie, you need to get back to the pitch, and I need to go back to work so if you'll excuse me."
You went to move past him but he grabbed you by the arm, cupping your face in his hand and bringing you in for one last kiss. You closed your eyes and savored the kiss before pulling away, not even saying anything. You felt his eyes burning a hole in your back as you walked away. I was certainly excited to go home and finish what we started.
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sidesteppostinghours · 2 months
now why on earth would i, a humble man, ask the people to vote for blaze over ricardo? what basis could i possibly have to convince you to consider him over (arguably) los diablos most eligible bachelor?? friends, i come to you with two simple arguments:
1. blaze shows a surprising amount of depth when you dive under the flashy exterior
2. i cannot stress enough how funny it would be to watch ortega lose in the first round
blaze is undeniably a suave, arrogant asshole who desperately needs somebody to kick his ass. hes a little prick to the puppet (if theyre male, if theyre female he switches his tune Damn Quick) and he somehow managed to fumble chen??? which is frankly embarrassing for him.
However. however. hes shown in both very small interactions when you meet him and during the actual fight to be a competent, strategic hero who cares about the people. as step points out, when the puppet stumbles over him his immediate reaction is to treat them like somebody who needed help. during the fight, he first takes the time to strategize, making sure to dial back his powers to make sure nobody gets hurt– to the point that he hinders himself. even chen says that blaze always had careful control, to the point where if you fry him in the meeting room, chen suspects somethings up.
hes also surprisingly reasonable about step, giving serious thought to what they say and do regardless of how cruel of a villain they are. yeah ok ortega has the 'sympathetic' villain relationship status but does that really do anything about his perceptions of them??? he still readily calls them a monster during the villain reveal. meanwhile it takes one(1) conversation with blaze to get him questioning his bosses, and it literally does not matter how many people youve killed, he ends up pestering alvarez about it anyway. i firmly believe that hes put a lot more thought about the problems in the system he works under, even if he puts more faith in it than he should.
anyway thats enough serious propaganda, heres the sillier ones: hes such a loser. like 24/7 nonstop. this man is utterly pathetic. i know i talked about how good he is as a hero but listen to me. he gets all dismissive about a step that has less than 55 infamy, but i have 9 steps (though i only talk about 4). i have lost to him by accident Once. i have to codedive so i can lose to him On Purpose for the achievement it is so bad. it is so funny watching all the ways he can eat shit during that fight. truly the pinnacle of bisexual failboy.
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it has also come to my attention via @allens-chocolate-dreams that rat king can become his fan if step falls out the window again and this is extremely important to me.
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can rat king be a fan of ortega??? no, because ortega is a loser whos immune to telepathy. very clear whos superior here imo. oh and im probably legally required to say that he has fire powers which makes him objectively hotter than ortega.
finally and most importantly,
if blaze wins i will draw ric dying in a glue trap.
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blues-valentine · 1 year
I think it’s insane people are going with the "they've ruined JJ’s character on season 3" because his attitude this season is mostly a natural reaction to the abuse he has suffered. JJ being self destructive and impulsive isn’t an uncommon trait, the only new thing about him is being a lot more softer and vulnerable.
The shift in JJ when they got back to OBX was pretty natural for him. He was the most attached to the idea of living in the island. The island allowed him to forget who he really is, or any of them are. The island was paradise, a way to disguise reality. They were together, he didn’t need anything else. No one was trying to kill them or divide them. In the island, he felt like he was at equal footing with everyone.
Then, he is back at OBX with an eviction notice on the door. No job. No prospects. No parents while John B had gotten his dad back. The only one just as bad as him was Sarah but while she is allowed to go back to her kook life because they welcomed her — he has nothing else. He is reminded once again he is just a thief and will always be one. JJ has been abused by his dad and called worthless for all of his life.
He knows there was a shift in his relationship with Kie after the events on the boat. We get some clues from Cleo that everyone noticed the different vibe between them. For JJ, it was easier to fantasize with the idea of it out in a deserted island where he can’t think about the future or when the idea of her liking him back was not tangible. Now, they’re back at reality. They’re back at danger. And he has to face the fact that Kiara has a comfortable life. If he accepts that she loves him then her future will be tie to him and he’ll be asking if she regrets it.
That’s why Kie’s answer to if she preferred to stay in the island rather than go back to her parents house was so important for JJ to hear.
It’s easier for JJ to believe things aren’t possible for him but then there’s Kiara basically telling him she feels all of those things for him. It's not a fantasy now. JJ resisting what he feels for her and trying to be self destructive is pretty much JJ when he feels desperate. Mike didn’t make it any easier for him by telling him what he already feels so stealing from Mike was just to give Kie a reason to not love him, prove that they were right, he will never be good or at her level. Kie refusing to go with them to South America and JJ being like "that’s all I needed to hear" is him still trying to convince himself that Kiara would eventually regret being with him.
Kie wasn’t mad at him because he stole from her parents but because he is giving up and being self destructive. He did that on propose.
The thing is that she does not back off and I don’t think he was expecting that. He is used to people giving up or not caring enough but she does and that throws him off balance. It makes him desperate and reckless. JJ has been self destructive multiple times because he does not think his life has value. Kie was fighting for him but at the same time respecting the fact he is not used to this type of intimacy. It was well written in character perspective for both.
The writers just dropped the ball at not diving deeper into this. They should’ve had JJ discuss this with someone else (John B or Pope). Had Kie talk to Sarah about it. It was good thing but needed more execution in my opinion and they also needed more of the pogues just bonding.
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