#but I like that Reggie was going to keep the Umbrellas
sakufilms · 2 years
Time Repeats Itself
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⌁ the umbrella academy x gn!teen!reader (platonic)
⌁ instead of that horrible room being empty all those years, reginald hargreeves locked you in it. what happens when you’re found by your siblings on the day of reginald’s funeral? // angst, hurt/comfort
⌁ 5.6k words
! : abuse/child abuse, confinement, isolation, the room viktor was locked in in season 1, pre-transition viktor (takes place s1e1/canon compliant), reggie hargreeves
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Klaus Hargreeves was rather known for his curious nature. The way he was constantly talking, lazily observing at all times. Small observations in his adolescence blossomed into somewhat of a sharp eye in his adult years, which he used for finding money for drugs. Anything to keep the spirits at bay.
His hand dragged along the wall of his childhood home as he scoured the halls, but he only saw it as a prison. The building that took up an entire square block, once constantly surrounded by fans and paparazzi, and now nothing more than any other old boring building on the street. Klaus laughed under his breath. Good riddance. If anyone deserved to fail so horribly it was that asshole of a father, Reginald Hargreeves himself.
Klaus began to whistle a tune lightly; something random and off the top of his head. His eyes flickered over books and knickknacks. Nothing so far looked worth selling. Nothing of enough value. His father was rich for fucks sake, there’s gotta be something good around this damned mansion.
He sighed, and Ben pouted mockingly. “Oh, Dad’s funeral isn’t as exhilarating as you’d hoped?”
Klaus waved him off. “No, no. Funeral hasn’t happened yet. We still have time for fun.” He joked lamely.
The living man and the ghost turned a corner. The hall was quite empty, and Klaus did a 180° dramatically at the sight, groaning into the palms of his hands. Where’s the good stuff?
”Klaus.” Ben sounded . . . shocked? Confused? Curious?
”What do you want, Benerino?” Klaus turned again with a huff. Ben was pointing ahead of him with furrowed brows. Klaus’ eyes flickered to his brothers line of sight, and he tilted his head. There was an elevator at the end of the hallway, standing proud with a menacing feel to it. “Oh, that’s odd.”
”Yeah, no kidding.”
Klaus jumped to the opportunity, skipping down the hall to the mystery elevator. “Think there’s something worth selling in wherever this leads?”
Ben scoffed, following him hastily. “No, Klaus— an elevator that Dad never told us about? It’s probably something more than something worth selling.” Ben’s arms were crossed over his chest as Klaus clicked the button for the elevator.
”Something more? So what you’re saying is I could be rich? Besides, Dad didn’t tell us a lot of things. Also, this house is huge, makes total sense that we missed it.” Klaus hummed to himself.
Klaus made some points, but Ben was hesitant. “No, I’m saying that maybe—“
”Ah! Here we go.” The elevator opened slowly, and Klaus strode in, Ben right behind him. There were two buttons in the elevator, Klaus clicked the bottom one which was labeled ’B’.
”Really, Klaus?”
Ben sighed. “You should just be more careful sometimes.”
Klaus nodded, eyes distant. He wasn’t paying attention at all.
The elevator dinged, and Klaus silently cheered, stepping out. His smile fell in an instant. The room was almost completely empty, apart from one thing.
At the end of the room was a large, prison like metal door. There was a small window to see the inside, and he crept forward, careful and slow. Whatever this was, it made him feel uneasy.
He peered through the thick glass, and he could’ve swore his heart stopped beating in his chest. Inside, there was someone young occupying the room. They wore loose, baggy clothing. Nothing much, just the colour of simple grey. They sat on a bed in the centre of the cell, which only had white bedsheets and a white pillow to match. There was a small bedside table to the left of the bed, and on it was just one single book. The room itself was padded spikey walls and dim lights—it was no place for a teenager. And, God, how long have they been in here?
Klaus’ heart clenched because no, no, no. This was too familiar to him. Flashes of being locked in a mausoleum for hours and hours on end poured over him and clouded his vision and he couldn’t hear anything but the beating of his own heart. They can’t be in there, they can’t—
They slowly looked up, made eye contact with Klaus, and with a start they backed up until their back hit the back of the bed frame. They looked confused, but then realization hit them like a freight train, and they sat in place, body tense.
”Oh, my God . . .” Ben broke the heavy silence.
”What do I . . .” Klaus cut himself short. His mind was swarmed with thoughts and emotions, he didn’t know what to do— because what the fuck? He knew his dad was bad, but this is just insane.
Mom was always caring; kind. You didn’t mind that she was a robot, she treated you like a parent should. As if she were human and you were made from her blood and cells. A child of her own, though she was made. You knew it was all in her programming, but it filled you with joy nonetheless. She’d bring you new books for your reading time, with all sorts of topics and plots. She’d bring you your snacks and cook you meals, and she’d take care of you. You knew Mom—you liked her.
Pogo always had this hurting look in his eyes when your eyes met his. You never understood it, but it made your senses tingle and you always felt a pull of energy, a headache forming between your eyes. You always knew your powers were trying to reach out and uncover the secret, but you weren’t strong enough. Besides, it wasn’t in your power to read minds. You still sensed something, however. But you knew Pogo too, and you liked him.
You didn’t know many things about family dynamics, and you never had the chance to fully understand social cues as your closest friend had always been silence, but you knew that Reginald treated you how a father shouldn’t. He claimed to care about you, but you saw how in the few times that he’s admitted that, he had a calculating look in his eye. He treated you like an experiment, not his child. You hardly left the padded box. You only left for training, and using the bathroom. All the rooms were in the basement, which according to Mom, it’s not how things used to be at the academy. You knew Dad, you . . . didn’t like him. But his words had stained your bones, he raised you, he took care of you, he was your father. You wouldn’t admit that you didn’t like him.
The man standing in front of you however, you didn’t know at all. His familiarity led you to believe you had seen him in a vision, but you didn’t know him.
Why is he here, why is he here—
The funeral is today.
With that thought in mind, you were frozen in place. All of your siblings who you had never met before would all be coming today—that, you knew. You dreamt about it while in your deepest stage of sleep. It was hazy and cloudy, but you saw it. The thought of them coming home left you excited and overly nervous, but now that one of your siblings was standing in front of you, you were frozen still.
He had a shaggy appearance, yet he didn’t look awful. His clothing style seemed very out there—extravagant, and joyful. It was everything his expression wasn’t. He looked shocked, scared, confused, hurt.
His lips were moving but you couldn’t hear a thing courtesy of the thick metal box you were placed in. The expression he wore looked almost unnatural for a face like his—he had very prominent smile lines, but now his lips were tugged downward and his brows were drawn together.
He began reaching to the large wheel attached to the door. He’s letting me out? Why is he letting me out? Where are we going?
He began twisting the large wheel, face pinching together in frustration. The metal groaned and creaked from the age of the room and the lack of use of the handle. Ever since Reginald’s death, you left the box less often. It hurt you deeply, knowing Pogo and Mom were still roaming the halls. They checked in rather often, but you didn’t leave to train anymore. It pained you to know that Mom and Pogo still lived trapped in Reginald’s power and rules. Even after death had taken him, your father was still hurting you.
The door opened with a hiss, and you clutched the bedsheets so tight your knuckles changed colour. The man—Klaus, you had the sudden knowledge that that was his name—stepped in hesitantly.
”Uhm . . .” It was clear he didn’t know how to approach the situation. You didn’t either, and your mouth remained clamped shut. “Who are you?” He looked unsure if that was the right thing to ask.
Your response was nothing but heavy breaths and tensed up muscles.
He nodded slowly, an emotion akin to sadness flickering in his green eyes. “Well, I’m Klaus.” You were tempted to tell him you already knew that, but you didn’t.
He glanced to his left nervously, opened his mouth to speak, but ended up saying nothing. He turned back to you. “Are you o— why are you in here?”
You know exactly why you’re in here. You heard Reginald talk about it in a flashback—you don’t get them often but when you do they’re immensely painful, sometimes ending with nosebleeds.
You’ve had two about Reginald. The first time you had one, Reginald sat alone in his office. It was a flashback from years ago, just before you were born. His children were growing older, the academy was falling apart. You had the urge to think he looked somber, but no. He looked thoughtful.
He opened a compartment in his office closet, typed in a code, and pulled out something that baffled you. It was glowing, bright as ever. Small orbs floating around in a glass jar. He observed it for a moment, went over to the window, and set the orbs free, floating off into the night.
You didn’t know what that flashback meant, but the next one was painfully clear. You remembered the anger on his face, his quick steps.
‘I don’t think this is a good idea, Sir.’ Pogo had said, distressed.
’No, I will not change my mind. The academy is already falling apart as it is. I need complete control this time. This is the only option.’ Reginald had replied fiercely. That was how you knew that you’d be stuck in the box forever.
Your lips parted to speak, but this was all new to you. The fear that encased you was thicker than the metal surrounding you.
”Okay, okay . . .” Klaus nodded, talking more to himself. “I . . . will be right back. Uh, don’t go anywhere.” He started into a quick walk out the door, stopping to make sure it was all the way open. You frowned as he walked away, confusion settling in your stomach. Why did he leave it open?
You thought about leaving, as the opportunity was given to you.
You didn’t.
With the open door, you could hear things again. There were multiple footsteps coming from above, and you curled further in on yourself. Your siblings were all here.
Footsteps came closer and closer, more than one pair. Not too many, maybe two.
”Klaus, what the hell is this?” A man with a prominent scar on the right side of his head—Diego—said lowly. His eyes were wide, he looked startled. He looked frightened.
”I don’t know, I— I found the elevator, came to see what there was, and . . .” Klaus’ voice broke off. He fiddled with his fingers. Again, he glanced over to the side.
The two stepped into the box, and Diego spoke. ”Who are you?” He almost sounded mad, and you would’ve thought he was if not for the way he looked at you. “Kid, what’s your name?”
You felt your nerves spike, his body was covered with an array of knives. “Eight.”
Diego gave a heavy sigh. Klaus looked sad.
”Why are you here?” He asked. It seemed to be a frequently asked question today. “How long have you been here?”
You were rendered speechless again. Diego sighed again, and pointed at Klaus. “You, you stay here. I’m getting the others.” Diego walked away hurriedly. You weren’t sure you were ready to see the others, but he had so many knives. You shouldn’t argue.
Klaus looked at the way you were near trembling. ”Are you okay?”
You looked at him, he seemed kind. You relaxed your muscles a bit. You nodded at his question, even though your answer was a lie.
He looked to his right, a questioning look on his face. He seemed to look at nothing like that a lot. It confused you. “You like to read?” You got the feeling he was trying to calm you, but you weren’t sure if it was working. It didn’t make you feel worse, however.
He was looking down at the book on your desk. The Giver by Lois Lowry. “Yes.” You said. You liked this book a lot. It was your favourite.
The world Jonas lived in felt familiar to you, in some way, if you twisted the plot a little. The way each day was the same, the way there were so many rules. You saw a bit of yourself in the The Giver himself, too. The way he passed on memories to Jonas reminded you of how you’d get visions sometimes with human contact, or even by touching an object.
You hoped that one day you’d get to break free from your own world of sameness, and see the world how it really was. You wanted to leave this box.
“That’s cool,” you didn’t think that Klaus himself was a reader, his voice sounded a bit flat when he spoke. It was how Reginald spoke when he said he cared about you. “I know someone who likes to read.”
”Who is it?”
He nodded to himself, breathing in deeply. “My brother.” He laughed nervously. “Our brother, I guess.”
Footsteps grew louder and closer, and you tensed up again. Multiple people came into your line of vision. It was unsettling, this was all so new to you. You had never been around so many people. As much as you had wished to be around others, it was much more frightening than you’d expected.
The first person to enter was Diego. The next person was tall, he looked stern. It made your stomach churn— he was so so tall, and the box was so small. You felt unsafe in a way. You felt trapped. More trapped than you ever had in the box. He didn’t look as comforting as Klaus. The next person was a beautiful woman, her bleached blonde curly hair standing out on her skin, and she was dressed semi-casual. She seemed very kind, and the way she was gazing at you with her hurt and confusion filled eyes felt motherly. The last person stood awkwardly, but her expression was nothing but. An emotion peeked through the emotionless face she had, it was clear as day. It was anger.
”Diego, what the hell is going on?” The woman with bleach blonde hair asked—Allison. Her name was Allison.
”I don’t—“ Diego turned to you again, then took a step closer. “Why are you here?” He’d asked the question again. You looked around the room, body rigid. The way everyone was looking at you made you uncomfortable. It was so much attention, it was too much.
“Diego, give them some space.” The awkward one—Vanya, your brain supplied—said. Diego looked upset, but he listened, backing away. “Are you seeing this? Look at what that asshole did while we were gone.”
You pushed yourself up to your bed frame further, arms beginning to shake for how long you’ve held yourself in that tense position.
”You know what? Luther,” the tall man looked shocked that Diego was addressing him, “why didn’t you say anything? You were here when they were. You never even moved out, Space Boy.”
Luther’s frowned deepened, and he towered over Diego. The tension in the room was building, your heart racing. “Watch it. I didn’t even know they were here.”
”Okay, guys,” Allison held up a hand, stepping in between the two, “you’re stressing them out.”
The sound of the clacking of heels eased you, and you felt more at home again. If you focused on the sound, breathing in and out slowly, maybe you could forget the world around you, and fall into the comforting arms of your mother. “Oh, Hello, dears.” Mom’s smile was wide, and she looked around, her head turning robotically. “I see you’ve met your sibling.” She clasped her hands in front of her.
”Mom, what’s going on?” Diego stepped toward her, eyes softening at her. You realized that Diego loved Mom as much as you did.
”What do you mean, Diego?”
”I— they’re—“
Mom placed a gentle hand on Diego’s shoulder. “Picture the word in your head, dear.”
”No, that’s not what I—“
”Mom, why are they in the basement?” Allison cut in, giving you worried glances.
”Your father doesn’t like when I talk about this.” This was the first time you had seen Mom look something other than joyful. The ends of her brows pulled down, and her smile fell.
“Mom,” Diego started softly, “Dad’s dead.”
Moms shoulders sagged. “Oh, that’s right,” She smiled again, standing completely upright, “I suppose you’ll just have to ask Pogo, hmm?” You’d noticed that Mom had been acting stranger lately; she had been ever since Dad died. She was never human, but lately that’s been more clear then ever.
Mom turned and left, going back to the elevator. If she had been human, you imagined she’d walk with a bounce in her step to fit her peppy personality. Her smile would look less artificial, too.
Your siblings all looked back at you. There were varying expressions: awkwardness, confusion, nervousness, upset.
Allison was the one to move first. “Do you get out of the house often?”
You merely shook your head. I don’t get out at all.
“Do you leave this . . . box often?”
You shook your head again.
Vanya seemed to tense up at that. You wondered why. The reason was just barely in your grasp, nothing but flashes of a time long ago. It was all hazy and you couldn’t quite tell what any of it meant. You felt a headache forming at the straining.
Allison walked forward slowly, reaching for your shoulder. You didn’t move, so she gently rested her hand down. She was as gentle as a mother should be—she was as gentle as Mom was. You wouldn’t be surprised if she had a child of her own. “How about we go upstairs, all right?” She smiled kindly at you.
You were left speechless. You couldn’t even remember ever stepping in the elevator, let alone going on another floor. The idea of it made you feel nervous, yet eager. You slowly nodded.
Allison smiled kindly, but she kept glancing at the others. She helped you stand, and your hand immediately reached for hers. It was muscle memory; you always held Mom’s hand when you went to train. Your heart lurched when you realized you were holding a strangers hand, but she didn’t seem to mind.
You stepped out of the box, and this was the first time you felt apprehensive while doing so. You weren’t going to train—you were going upstairs. You walked slower, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look up. It took everything in you not to squeeze Allison’s hand too tight—and everything in you not to let go. It was strange, really. You didn’t know her, but she was being so nice.
You stepped into the rickety elevator, and you soon felt even more nervous when everyone else stepped in as well. So many people trying not to look at you, but you still caught their glances. It was so crowded, you didn’t have enough space to breathe. It was too much, it’s too much—
Allison began to rub her thumb over the back of your hand. You didn’t realize you were shaking until that moment, as the world was blurry around you and the only thing you could focus on was this room was too small.
There was a scraping sound, indicating the elevators age. The doors slowly opened, the others filed out hurriedly. You took in a breath of air, feeling it rush into your lungs. Your heart was beating fast, hitting your sternum with every beat. You felt unfit to walk all of a sudden, like your legs would give out at any moment.
Allison began to walk, and you eventually moved your legs to go with her, your shaking hand still in hers. You kept looking down. You didn’t like how many people were looking at you. It was too much.
“How about we get you in some nicer clothes?” Allison said. You looked down at what you were wearing—your regular clothes, just grey. The fabric was semi-comfortable, a little bit itchy, but you had grown used to it over time. All of your clothes had been that way. What else were you supposed to wear? ”What . . . do you mean?”
Allison looked at Vanya for a second. “Well, do you have anything else? Don’t you think it’d be nice to change?”
You shrugged. You didn’t have anything else.
Allison insisted you wore something better anyway. You went to her room, and immediately decided you didn’t like her old clothes. They fit just fine, but they were so colourful in contrast to your bland attire. You didn’t like how it made you stand out. You ended up taking some of Vanya’s old clothes instead, it was quite similar to what she wore now, and you liked that. It had some of the softest fabric you had ever felt, but the colours were still dull, like you were used to.
After a few more twists and turns in the extremely confusing layout of the house, you found Mom. You stood awkwardly in the doorway. You had never been in the kitchen before.
”Oh, there they are!” Klaus said semi loudly. You didn’t even realize everyone was in here until now. Klaus still looked nervous and upset—which was the opposite of how he sounded—and the others looked tense.
Mom turned around from the counter and smiled. “Oh, well isn’t it nice to see you all together again.” It felt odd to be included, you realized.
Mom began putting plates onto the table, one for each sibling, and then she put a tray in the centre of the table. There were fruits and cheese and crackers, one of your favourite snacks. Mom would bring it down to you often. “Eat up!” She grinned.
Vanya put a hesitant hand on your back, guiding you to the table. She seemed to understand that the amount of people was making you uncomfortable, so she led you to the chair at the end of the table.
When her hand came in contact with your back, you gasped, freezing in place. Your eyes glazed over, a white film covering them as you were thrown into a vision—no, a flashback.
You saw padded walls and dim lights, a small window at the end of the room. The box. You didn’t see much, just flashes, but you still got the picture.
Vanya had been in the box before.
“Eight?” Vanya lifted a finger, tapping your back lightly. “Are you all right?”
Everyone was still looking at you, and the idea of them being there while you had a vision made you nervous. You only nodded.
Vanya seemed unsure, as she most definitely saw the change in colour of your eyes, but she continued to lead you to your chair, and then took the one next to you. You waited for the others to grab their food first, but they didn’t. Instead, Vanya slid the tray near your plate and smiled gently at you, giving you a nod. You tried to ignore the way they were still looking at you, and you grabbed some apple slices, along with some cheese and crackers.
Your fingers shook lightly, and Vanya saw it, then spoke. “What do we do?” You hoped she was okay. You didn’t like the box, yourself; she must not of liked it either.
”Well, isn’t it simple, Vanya?” Klaus took a sip from a bottle of alcohol, and Vanya just furrowed her brows, “we don’t give Dad a funeral, he doesn’t deserve it.”
Diego and Allison just shrugged, while Luther looked outraged, but he took one glance at you and hesitated.
You weren’t sure what to think about Dad having a funeral or not. He was your Dad, the only one you ever had, but he didn’t quite raise you, and he certainly didn’t care for you. Not on a parent-child level anyway. He only cared for you in the name of science.
Diego leaned back in his chair. “I don’t think he deserved a funeral anyway.”
That caused Luther to snap. “Diego!”
Diego opened his mouth to argue, but Allison held up a hand. “Guys,” she frowned in a disappointed manner, “enough.”
You’d spent so long wanting to leave the basement, but now that you were out and free, you felt so strange and out of place. You weren’t as prepared as you wished you were, even with the amount of books you had read. All sorts of genres, too, and you still felt lost. It was like when Klaus had found you, the world went on a standstill and all the attention was on you, which was something you were not ready for.
Not only that, but not even hundreds of books could have prepared you for the amount of items that belonged to a home, or just to people themselves. You’d passed many knickknacks on your way here, and the walls were far from empty with the paintings covering every inch of them. You had the urge to go inspect everything—it was extremely different from the box.
There was a sigh to your left, and you turned. It was Pogo. “I see you’ve found your sibling.” You didn’t like the way he said found instead of met. You weren’t a thing to be found, discovered, and figured out. You were a person with feelings, still figuring things out—and frankly, you were still figuring feelings out as well, no matter how much you’ve learned on your own.
”Found?” Vanya's soft voice was on the verge of incredulous.
“My apologies,” Pogo said, head hanging in shame at his choice of words. He wasn’t bad, not like Reginald was, but no one could deny the mistakes he’s made. “I suppose it’s time for your fathers secret to be revealed.”
Luther held his head high Pogos words. You didn’t like how much respect Luther showed your father.
Pogo gripped his cane harder between his fingers for a moment, sighing while looking down at the floor. “Your father had always been so set in his ways that no matter what I did, it was hardly possible to convince him to change anything,”
”That doesn’t make this any better, Pogo.” Allison frowned.
Pogo nodded slightly. “Yes, that’s true. I did try my best to stop this from happening—“
”What exactly is this? Why the hell were they down there?” Diego was tense, and you had to continually convince yourself that he wasn’t angry at you.
”When Eight was born, it was very much the same as you. It was just as strange and sudden, and your father wasted almost no time in getting them. They were raised downstairs their entire life for a reason I never knew, but trust me I tried to stop it.”
”Should’ve tried harder.” Klaus’ lips were pursed together in a tense frown and he was gripping his bottle tightly.
“While I was trying,” Pogo started solemnly, “Grace and I would bring them books, and sometimes Grace would teach them if your father let her. We wanted to prepare them as best as we could for the day they’d finally leave.”
It wasn’t enough, and you knew that. You were already so overwhelmed it was almost unbearable.
All of your siblings began talking at once, their voices gradually growing in volume to the point where the amount of sound you were hearing all at once became deafening. Your hands shot up to your ears, desperation swallowing you whole. You had never heard so much sound—the box was always so, so quiet.
The voices slowly grew quiet, and you opened your eyes to find everyone staring at you apologetically. You removed your hands from your ears and placed them at your side. You were no longer hungry, as discomfort settled in your stomach. You didn’t like the attention.
”Children,” Pogo began, “if you’d like to know more, feel free to ask. I will answer what I can but perhaps it’d be better to talk privately.” Pogo turned to leave the room, and no one followed. You had an inkling that they would rather talk later.
”I need to think.” Luther stood up abruptly, leaving the room. The siblings began filing out the room after that, each of them sending you hurt and sad glances. Eventually it was just you, Vanya, Klaus and Mom. Vanya stood to leave the room, but she looked at Klaus hesitantly. Her eyes eventually landed on Mom and her shoulders relaxed, and she left the room, too.
You felt more comfortable now. The room was almost empty, and Mom was here. If you thought hard enough maybe you could pretend Klaus wasn’t there, and it was just you and Mom, in the box.
But with a deep breath, you knew that wasn’t true. Klaus’ personality, however, did put you at ease. You were glad that it was him that stayed rather than Luther.
You tapped the table lightly, focusing on that and Mom’s humming.
“Wasn’t it so nice meeting your siblings, dear?” Mom said, turning around with a grin. Her joyful personality made you feel at home again.
You only shrugged in reply, and saw Klaus’ shoulders sag.
”We are quite the group, aren’t we?” He said lightly. You didn’t respond.
Klaus nodded to himself, setting his bottle down on a nearby chair. He was sitting on top of the table, fiddling with his necklace.
Klaus may have started talking, or maybe he didn’t, you didn’t know. You were stuck in your own head, a vision hitting you in flashes.
A blue flash; flickering faces; a boy in baggy clothes.
A sound began playing loud enough to be heard in the kitchen. It was a song you didn’t know the lyrics to—to be fair, you didn’t know many songs.
Klaus reacted first. He began dancing without a care in the world, and you felt the tension in your shoulders fade away. The song was relaxing, as was Klaus’ obnoxious personality. Klaus swayed around the kitchen gleefully, his eyes closed with a wistful expression on his face. The corner of your mouth twitched.
You began tapping your finger on the table lightly. It didn’t take you long to find the beat.
You didn’t jump around the room like Klaus was doing, but you were feeling a hint of joy all the same.
Then there was a noise—a blue flash. It was loud and terrifying. Knives and forks and kitchen utensils flew across the room, one missing your ear only slightly before it impaled the wall. You flinched backwards, your chair knocking over as you reached for the counter.
Klaus looked startled as well, freezing in place and turning to you. “Uh, stay here.” He grabbed a fire extinguisher, and he ran off.
The feeling of being alone was suddenly unwanted again, like how you felt this morning before you’d met any of your siblings. You were frightened and alone, and you didn’t know what to do.
Except, before you were trapped, in a completely sealed and closed off room. Now, you were out in the open, you had access to whatever you wanted, and yet you couldn’t move. Or rather, you wouldn’t. Walls were what held you back before, but now you had nothing but your own fear in your way. Fear thick as the box walls.
You had the faintest idea of what was happening outside—flickering faces—and the idea of facing it firsthand made your stomach churn. Being in the kitchen for the first time was one thing, standing in front of a glowing blue ball was something else entirely.
Something you weren’t prepared for, however, was a blue light flashing in the middle of the kitchen. It was much smaller, quieter, and quicker, but it was shocking all the same. Someone was now standing in front of you—a boy in baggy clothes.
His face scrunched up at the sight of you, who was still gripping the counter with fear-filled eyes. “Who are you?”
You didn’t reply.
He tilted his head, his confusion clearly growing stronger.
Klaus then ran into the kitchen breathlessly, stopping to put his hands on his knees, taking in deep breaths. Diego shoved him, entering the room as well, your other siblings soon following. Klaus eventually stood next to you with a sigh, keeping about 2 feet of distance. Assumingly for your own comfort.
”Who’s this?” The boy looked to them. His name was Five, you thought.
”Our sibling.” Klaus nods, painting a gleeful expression on his face. You couldn’t tell if the joy he was showing was real or not.
Five pauses, eyes flickering to you. “Our what?”
“Yeah, a lot’s been going on today.”
“Our sibling,” Five says again, more to himself, “okay, we don’t have time for this. What’s the date? The exact date.”
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jweekgoji · 2 years
Yandere! Viktor x reader x Yandere! Five
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HEEEY! It’s the Hargreaves kids’ birthday today, and you know who else? I have!! hehe i just want to take the opportunity to let everyone know 😎 i was planning to write a whole bunch of posts in honor of this, but due to illness i will write 1 or 2 so…. happy birthday to Sparrow & Umbrella Academy, me and the rest of the lucky ones that wasn’t adopted by Reggie!🎉🎉
Let’s start from the beginning, okay?
Almost all of Viktor’s life is self-loathing and endless attempts to live like a “normal” person, but something goes wrong every time.
Leonard? Dead. Sissy? Dead. Harlan? Dead.
Seriously, this is some kind of cruel joke on this poor man. Didn’t he deserve to finally be able to love and be loved?
And it would seem that nothing could be worse.
But unfortunately it can always be worse.
Viktor meets someone in his life who makes his life happy again, as bright and filled with love as when he was with Sissy.
And it would seem, why is Viktor still unhappy? Why does Viktor feel good and bad when you are near him at the same time?
Why does Viktor feel like he’s a kid and stuck at the Academy with his dad again? Why does he feel like he has to be around Leonard again? And most importantly…why does he feel like he’s stuck in the situation with Sissy and her husband again?
And he hates it. Fucking hate this feeling. This frightens and annoys him, he wants to hide and run away, but at the same time he feels that he will explode.
Don’t get me wrong, Viktor doesn’t hate you, he just feels really bad about having a huge crush on… YOU. No, let me rephrase that, he have a huge crush on a person who already in relationship. In relationship with Five.
Once again, Viktor got stuck. One part of him says it’s okay, Viktor is a grown man, it’s okay when people fall in love and he can get over it.
The second part says that Viktor is disgusting, he shouldn’t feel this towards you. You are already in a relationship and you are happy. You are not Sissy. You don’t need to be saved. And besides that, Viktor shouldn’t take away anyone’s happiness, especially if it’s Five, his brother and the only person in the family who appreciated him.
Therefore, Viktor chooses the only correct path in his opinion. He will try to do everything himself, not talk about it with someone, like Allison or Luther, hell no, if Five finds out, then most likely you will find out! And Viktor doesn’t want that.
But how can Viktor stay so far away from a cutie like you? You are the clear sunshine in his life, his muse and inspiration, the only living person that keeps him going strong.
And Viktor would try to get rid of his feelings for you. But don’t expect him to distance himself or try to find someone else to replace you. In fact, I see this picture in his head, how he convinces himself that he is stronger than this and he will simply get over his crush on you like “that’s wrong, I really shouldn’t fall in love with them” but as soon as he sees you, his mind goes to “never mind. what was I talking about? oh, right, my love for them!”
And I just can’t help but see the picture of how Viktor literally radiates joy next to you.
Viktor can sit on the couch, listen and watch his family talk about something, and Viktor would remain quiet and calm, no one would notice that he was sitting with them all this time… until you just look in to the Hargreaves house and like “hey!” and Viktor would be like “omg! it’s them!!”
Viktor is literally puppy. Hold him closer, love him, hug him, pet him, give him everything and protect him!! how could you possibly say no to him when he have those pretty eyes??
And you know what? He takes advantage of this. Viktor may be one of the kindest people you’ve ever met, but he’s not as innocent as you think.
“Would you like to go shopping with me?” he asks, looking at you with his big puppy eyes.
You turn to him, smiling slightly and he smiles back at you. He always smiles when he’s around you, you think, but wasn’t he always like that?
Viktor always seemed to treat you like you were his family. He could share anything with you and you could share with him. You would understand him and always help, and he, in turn, trusted you with all his heart and you appreciated it, knowing how much it means to him.
“Of course,” you say, and run your hand gently over his shoulder as you walk past him. “Give me a minute.”
And he nods, obediently waiting for you until you return. He could wait for you for hours if that meant you would only spend time with him. With no one else, of course.
Viktor thought about you and about what his life could be, if everything was finally according to his desire. What if he met you before Sissy or Leonard? Could he be as happy now as before? Or would he fail again? Or maybe be happier?
“Where are you two going?”
Viktor flinches and his attention is fixed on Five. He was so lost in own thought that he barely noticed Five enter the room. Not that Five wasn’t a master of sudden appearances…
“Oh, uh, we-” Viktor starts and smiles nervously, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head.
“Just take a walk. Do you want to join us?” you appear behind Viktor.
Your hand gently rests on Viktor’s shoulder, as if trying to calm him down and relax, but despite the calming gesture, Viktor barely noticeably trembles under your touch.
Five narrows his eyes at this and crosses his arms over his chest, his eyes on the two of you and Viktor noticed how much the former peaceful atmosphere had changed.
Viktor’s smile becomes more forced. He wants to keep this picture where everyone is happy and nothing is happening, but for some reason Viktor is sure that Five can see everything, he thought, and as soon as Viktor notices how your hands are still on him, he catches himself and moves away.
You look at Viktor in surprise, not understanding why he reacted like that, but you remain silent and instead glance at Five and then at Viktor.
Five glared at Viktor for a few more seconds before he nodded and gave you a small smile.
“I would love to, dear.”
Viktor sighs.
Things didn’t go as Viktor had planned.
He expected that this would be another reason to be alone, only he and you, but unfortunately, he should have known better, because he didn`t know that the situation would turn into a banal “third wheel”, where Viktor was the third wheel, while you and Five enjoyed each other’s company quite pleasantly.
Of course, you weren’t evil enough to forget about Viktor’s existence while you were with the Five, no. In fact, you paid enough attention to the two guys, the only “but” was that every time you touched Viktor the slightest, whispered something in his ear and laughed quietly, probably saying some stupid joke, Viktor could feel how Five staring at him.
You preferred to be blind, or did you really not notice how tense Viktor was every time with you, especially under the strict supervision of Five. You didn’t quite get it, given how close the two had been since childhood.
But did it ruin your time? No. Viktor and Five? It is hard to say.
You were constantly pulling either Viktor or Five by the sleeve, pointing to different store windows or any object that caught your attention, saying something like “ah, look over there, Viktor!” or “let’s buy this thing Five, please?” to which 7 would nod and laugh softly with you in response, and 5 would grumble at how childishly you would behave.
“Damn, wait for me a bit. I seem to have forgotten something.” you stop abruptly and turn around, quickly apologizing until you leave in a hurry.
Viktor turns around and looks at your figure, mouth open to ask if you need help, but he trails off, deciding to stay in awkward company with his brother.
In the past, the two got along very well, enjoying the peaceful silence and Viktor would be lying if he said he didn’t miss it.
“I see how you look at them.” Five starts.
“Huh?” Viktor’s eyes widen at his words, after which he visibly stiffens. “What are you talking about, Five?”
Five tilts his head slightly, smiling, his back pressed against the wall.
Viktor awkwardly rubbed his palms and looked away, as if a boy who was being scolded by his father, and he blushed, going through the possible options for words.
“Listen, Five, they are very nice and sweet, but we are just friends and…” Viktor defends himself.
“Please, don’t lie to me,” Five speaks calmly and patiently. “Tell me the truth. We are family after all.”
Viktor sighs and looks around to make sure you’re nowhere near, after which he leans against the wall next to Five, rubbing his temples.
“And what if you right? Yes, I, uh…I kinda like them and I know that they already in relationship with you,” Viktor is actively gesticulating, looking down, nervous. “Don’t think I’m trying to steal them from you, god no, I mean, you’re probably mad at me but I would never do this to you Five.”
Five patiently listens to him and replies after a moment. “I’m not mad at you.”
“Wait, your not?” he blinks few times as he looks at Five.
Five nods and Viktor smiles at the gesture, visibly relaxing.
“You are still young and young man like you tend to be like that.” Five pats Viktor on the shoulder and he looks away, smiling slightly. “But next time, think twice before taking my partner on a date behind my back.”
Viktor nods weakly, choosing to remain silent instead.
Five notices your figure in the distance and he waves lightly at you to get your attention. You smile brightly at the two men and quickly run up to them, out of breath.
“Sorry, I’m a little late. Are you two all right?” you said, worried.
“Of course, everything is just wonderful.”
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sharkneto · 6 months
was backreading old asks and im curious if theres any early thoughts regarding SM v. number, knowing what we know now with chapter 9 now being out: is there anything in the update thats causing you to have to rework things? you mentioned number still fails to stop the apocalypse incident in his timeline - do you think his reset would go smoother than in SM? feels like theres more to account for now, with henderson being completely gone but the commission being invoked in SM for the first time
Number vs his apocalypse week! I'm happy to talk about that one, generically :)
The thing with Number is he's completely independent from the events of SM at that point. He's on a whole different path than that Five, thanks to JT but mostly because of the events of HIT. The new SM chapter has given me ideas to play with more than things I need to rework. Almost all the reworking I've had to do on the bit I've worked with that fic, to be honest, was 1) the realization that no one in HIT fucking told Number that Reggie kills himself and 2) how close he's kept the apocalypse to his chest. So he's pretty sure he's already taken care of the apocalypse with having helped Viktor figure out his powers in a safe, supported environment, but then Reggie still fucking dies at the same time. And, maybe that's just Reggie's time, but Reggie has also still set up the little mystery to get the Umbrellas to work together to stop the apocalypse (...that Number already stopped. Probably. Totally.). So he's got to chase that down to make sure, but he also still hasn't told his siblings about the apocalypse (why worry the siblings over something he's stopped, why put that in Viktor's head), so he's also dealing with it in true Five fashion - inefficiently and suspiciously secretive. So some similar vibes to SM apocalypse weeks, there. I'll put a WIP snip at the bottom for this vibe because I think it's fun.
I've got general beats in mind, have a plotpoint I adore that causes Number so many goddam problems that I don't remember if I've talked about on here or not so I'll keep it vague in case I haven't. I haven't settled on if Number stops his apocalypse or not on the first try, but it for sure is not the easy skate he was expecting it to be (and it really should have been). The world wants to end on April 1st, and life (death?), uh, finds a way. Fives must always have a terrible time during the week leading up to April 1, 2019.
If Number has to do a reset, it will come with its own problems, but it will absolutely be smoother than SM Five's. Number just has so much more information to work with the first time around, and he has a real handle on time travel. There is also no Commission to interrupt him in any way, thanks to their deal with Five at the end of HIT. That said, having fewer unknowns doesn't mean he's going to juggle the pieces correctly. He's still a Five and they are still the Umbrellas.
Anyway, WIP Snip -
Allison pauses in the doorway on her way through to the entry, not expecting Viktor to be in the living room. He's standing by the bookcases and hasn't noticed her yet, his attention on a book in his hands. She’s just about to announce herself when Five appears by the bar with a whumpf.
His gaze passes over her, and he just barely nods an acknowledgement to her before his focus lands on their brother. Viktor turned at his entrance, his back now to Allison. “Hey, Five,” he says.
“Viktor.” A beat passes as Five’s gaze flicks to the book in his hands. It jumps back to Viktor’s face, and then his expression does… something. Softens, maybe. Allison can feel her eyebrows rising as she thinks she categorizes it – is Five trying to show sympathy? Empathy? What is that? It really makes him look a little constipated. Still ignoring her, he asks Viktor, “Are you doing alright?”
Viktor shifts a little. “Yeah, Five. I’m still good. Just like when you asked me before. And the time before that. And the one before that.”
It’s another excruciating pause as Five considers that answer. Then he jerks a nod and the weird expression slips away and he’s back to haughty and judgmental. “Good.” He turns to the bar and reaches over to snag a small bottle of something clear.
Viktor takes a half step forward. “Five—” He’s cut off as Five disappears in flash. He sighs. “He’s so weird,” he says, loud enough for Allison to clearly hear it. Then he glances over his shoulder at her, mouth quirked up in a conspiratorial little grin.
Allison blinks at being acknowledged and pulls a smile on as fast as she can. She hasn’t talked to Viktor one-on-one in over decade, since he was still Vanya. She’s got a general idea of the things she needs to talk to him about, but hadn’t been expecting this to be the moment she ran into him. “Yeah, I don’t know why I thought he’d get more normal with age.”
Viktor snorts a little laugh and turns to fully face her. “No, that ship really sailed once he figured out the time traveling.” He softens a little and adds, “He means well, though. Usually.”
“Yeah,” she agrees, although she’s not sure if she does or not. She commits and steps into the room. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you, I didn’t think anyone was down here.”
“You didn’t. I heard you coming down the hall. I wasn’t sure if you were going to stop in, though.”
Right. Viktor has crazy sound and hearing powers. Not the useless little Seven they grew up with.
Allison immediately chastises herself for the thought. Viktor was never useless; he was just different (she kicks herself again – that’s not really any better).
The silence has stretched just long enough to be awkward. Viktor shifts his weight again, adjusting his grip on the book in his hand. Allison can just see the cover enough to recognize it – Extra Ordinary. She swallows her spike of venom back down.
Casting about for something – anything – to talk about, to push them past whatever this is, her mind replays the weird little interaction she just witnessed. “I thought he quit drinking?”
Viktor shrugs. “He did. For a while.”
Allison nods.
It hangs between them.
“I don’t think it’s as bad as it was back…” he trails off, fingers tightening again over Extra Ordinary.
“Sure,” she rushes to add. She doesn’t actually want to talk about their brother’s drinking problem. “And, I mean, it’s a funeral, so… people drink.” She’s already had a couple, more than she probably should have had; she’s actively trying to better herself for the courts and Claire. There’s no one here, but it’s still not a good look to get drunk at her father’s funeral. “How are you doing with it all?”
His mouth lifts up again in a small smile. “Like I just told Five, I’m fine.”
She forces a quick, humorless laugh. It sounds as stilted as it felt. “Yeah, good point.” She thinks again to the brief, odd interaction. “How many times has he asked you?”
“That was like the fourth in the past two hours.”
“What is that about?” It’s distinctly anti-Five, and him being actively involved and worried about other’s emotions was not the development she expected to come out of the past decade. Even being aware of other’s emotions would be a big step.
“No idea.” His expression falls as he gives it a second of thought. “I don’t know. Maybe he thinks it’s harder on me because Dad drugged me.”
Allison blinks at the blunt referral to the power-suppressing drugs she only learned about a couple hours ago. Something odd flashes over Viktor’s face, too, as he says it, and his gaze gets sharper on her, almost searching. Unsure what that means, she hesitantly asks, “Is it?”
The look passes. She almost wonders if she imagined it. Viktor shakes his head. “No. I don’t think so, anyway. He sucked but it’s weird that he’s… gone. It felt like he’d be around forever. But… I gave up on any answers or closure with him a long time ago.” He punctuates the point with an exaggerated shrug.
Allison nods. Her own feelings on Dad’s death are complicated. Probably yet another thing she’ll have to untangle with her therapist. For now, she’s happy to leave them knotted and neutral. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
Silence lapses between them again, almost comfortable. Her mind flits over categorizing who has it hardest over Dad’s death. She immediately discards herself – she’d had a strained but surface-level positive relationship with their father, if the training and abuse were excluded from consideration. Viktor took himself out of the running. Diego is actively throwing as much of a party as he can get away with. Klaus… is Klaus.
She pauses to consider Ben. Dad broke Ben. There are less blunt, probably more correct ways to think about that, but it is the truth. She wouldn’t blame him if he joined in Diego’s celebration attempts, but he’s been nothing but his usual quiet voice of reason as his fiancé flitted around behind his chair. So not Ben.
It's Luther, probably. He lived with Dad the longest, had still been working for him up until his death, had talked to him only last week. He’s trying to turn Dad’s very normal heart attack into a conspiracy, give it more meaning than it has. And it’s certainly not Five—
Five who hadn’t disagreed with Luther’s insistence that Dad’s death wasn’t natural. Five, who argued with Dad every single chance he got, pushed as many boundaries as he could, who pushed himself to the brink in training sessions and – it seems – even now in his career in academia.
Who has asked Viktor four times if he’s doing alright.
She furrows her brow as that conclusion settles. That feels much more like Five than an angle of empathy and altruism. Glancing up, she meets Viktor’s eyes. His brow is similarly furrowed. He just barely tilts his head, confirming that they’ve been thinking on the same trajectory.
“Do you think Five…?” Viktor starts.
“…is projecting?” she finishes.
That sits between them.
Viktor forces a scoff. “No. No way.” As Allison raises an eyebrow, he insists, “He hated Dad.”
“Yeah. They had a weird relationship.”
“All they did was fight. When we got the news he died, he called me to ask if I wanted to grab a celebratory drink when he got into town for the funeral.”
But he still came to the funeral. “Exactly.”
They process it all for another long second. Viktor slumps slightly. “Ugh, there’s no way I could get him to talk about this.”
Allison shakes her head in agreement. There’s not a therapist alive that could get Five to process his probably very messy, very complicated, very fucked up feelings about their dead father. In some small part for how similar he ended up to him.
That’s another uncharitable thought she forces to the back of her mind, into the dark recesses with her ones about Viktor.
That’s not what she’s here to talk about, to dwell on.
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peachy-wolfhard · 2 years
He’s an asshole but he’s MY asshole (V)
A/N: ngl i cried writing the beginning of this, rewatching the season for this series has been rlly fun (except for the scene where Fei dies rip my queen), OH MY GOD DONT USE THE SCHEDULE THING BC THEN THE TAGS DONT WORK!!!
Taglist at the bottom, feel free to ask to be tagged in upcoming parts!
Warnings: ANGST, girlie u are going THROUGH it, Reggie’s a douche, more angst, y’all almost break up, reader is said to wear a dress but its only a passing comment, drinking, swearing, eating, five might be ooc bc i havent written for him in so long, smoking, sex implications
Word Count: 4.2k
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 Part 6  Part 7
     Laying on the pool table yet again in the Hotel Obsidian after your brother and other sister died. Can't seem to fucking escape this place. It's like Hotel California. Great now I’m gonna have that song stuck in my head. Laying on your back, head against the lip of the pool table, you admire the necklace Fei had got you when you were a teenager. Yours had said ‘Best’ while theirs said ‘Friends’. Originally they were black with white lettering but due to time, they had faded to a bronze color with black lettering from the years of filling them in with sharpie. Tearing up you curl into a ball and start to sob. My fucking family is dead, my fucking best friend is dead. Now in the fetal position, you full-body sob, not caring if anyone sees. 
     Ignoring the ongoing argument in the other room, you go to the buffet trying to find something small to snack on, finding an apple. Using your knife you peel and slice the apple, cutting it into little cubes. The thought of cubes breaks you again, dropping your knife on the floor and dropping to your knees. I want my family back, I want my fucking family, I NEED them. I need Alphonso’s shitty jokes, I need Jayme’s daily existential dread talk, I need Chris’ happy disposition, I need Fei. Sobbing you slide down the wall silently munching on the apple cubes. After a cry sesh, your arms fall to your sides, brushing the matted-down carpet. Looking forward all emotions drained out of you, feeling empty. Deciding to see what the other idiots are up to you head back toward the balcony.
     Before walking into the room you hear Ben and Diego arguing. Leaning on the column you watch them argue, numb. “Hey, you guys done? The universe is disappearing outside. So you can keep rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic if it makes you feel better. But the fact remains that we are too late,” Five says. “Come on, Five,” “It's over Luther, we failed.” “Come on. It cant be over over,” Viktor says. “Yeah, come on, Five. We gotta figure this out, man,” Diego insists. “Okay. How about we take a step back? Look at the big picture here. Most of us have spent the last 28 days trying to stop the world from ending. What exactly have we accomplished?” The room goes silent, the Umbrella’s reflecting on their past 28 days. 28 days ago I wasn't in this shithole and had all my siblings. Walking from your column you stand next to Ben, his arms wrapping instinctively around you. Normally, this would make you smile but not now, not after half of your family died. “Well, we made some friends along the way,” Luther says positively. “Incorrect! You know what we’ve done? Nothing. We made things worse every single time,” Five corrects Luther. Leaning closer to Ben your head leans against his bicep sighing. “Don't save the world.”
     “Well, on that…super happy note, we’ve um--oh, what the hell,” Luther says as both he and Sloane stand. “We’ve got a little announcement to make,” “We’re engaged!” they say in unison. “Kill me, Jesus,” Ben mutters making you smile for the first time. Taking the flask out of his hand you take a long drink before giving it back. “Now?” Allison asks. “Yeah. Look, we realize the timing is less than ideal. But, obviously, it's now or never. Am I right, Five?” “Don’t drag me into this, please,” Five says while looking away. “What…Whatever time we have left, we wanna spend it with all of you. So we’re super pumped if you would join us in the banquet hall at 6:00 p.m. for a celebration of our love, and the official union of what's left of our two great families,” Sloane explains. “Dress code is creative black tie.”
     Sloane goes around handing out their wedding invitations when Reggie and Klaus return after being gone for days. Klaus explains that they were tangled up in a father-son end-of-the-world road trip. Klaus’ long explanation ends with him saying that he’s now immortal. Huh, so that's what Diego was talking about. After accusing Klaus of getting into bath salts, Reginald asks why we’re playing with jars. “They’re invitations. Luther and I are getting married,” Sloane says to Reggie. “If he goes to their wedding I'm gonna be even more pissed off,” Ben whispers to you. Ah, your wedding was a magical time full of arguing and absent fathers. Sloane hands him an invitation before Luther tells him space is limited and taking it back. Ben picks your invitation up and looks at it, “Ours were better,” he jokes. “Well I mean it's not like they have marketable powers like us,” you continue joking. 
     “Dad, have you been taking your pills?” Sloane asks. “As a matter of fact, I haven't. And I can confirm that I’ve never felt better in my life. You thought you could dope me up and slow me down, take control of my affairs and squander my fortune,” Reginald says, looking directly at you. He’s always hated me, accusing me of only being with Ben to get a hold of his money, the feelings mutual. “Well, Klaus here was good enough to wean me off that wretched poison, and now that the fog is lifting I can see all your dastardly designs with a bracing clarity.” “You took him off his meds? What were you thinking?” Sloane asks upset. Reginald is then sent into another spiel about how he's the only one thinking and then calls him an impressive young man, causing Diego to laugh. “As for the rest of you, your training is to resume post-haste,” Thank fuck some normalcy in your last couple of days. Ben and you quickly tell him that you're ready. You can tell he’s been waiting for this, to go on a big grandiose mission since the last huge mission was years ago. 
     Five and Reginald start going back and forth; Five mentions that he talked to Pogo. God, I can't remember the last time I saw him let alone heard his name, I miss him. “Nobody wants you here, Dad,” Luther tells Reginald. “Hey, you don't speak for everyone, big guy,” Ben replies holding your entwined hands up. I don't even wanna be around him, he’s done nothing but make Ben and me feel like shit. I mean he didn't even come to our wedding when it was at his own house! “Feel free to join him.” Before Reggie can continue with another one of his long tirades, Klaus interrupts taking him to ‘have a cup of tea’ in his suite. Diego leaves as Lila quickly follows him; Sloane then leaves presumably to go see what’s up with Reggie, leaving you, Ben, and the Umbrella’s alone.
     Walking past Luther and Viktor, Ben holding your hand and pulling you along with him, he overhears Luther mentioning his bachelor party and how “not everyone is invited.” “What was that?” Ben stops making the three of you look at him. “Nothing man, nothing,” Luther shrugs off with a quiet chuckle and smile. Ben quickly continues with you in tow, walking even faster than before. Getting to what you have claimed as your room Ben flops on the bed and sighs deeply. Flopping down next to him you ask “Is everything alright? You’ve been pouting since we left.” Ignoring you and rolling on his side away from you, staring at the wall. “Well, when you want to tell me I’ll be open, not gonna force it out of you,” you say walking towards the door baiting him to say what’s wrong. “Okay fine you pried it out of me,” he says with his usual dramatic flair, rolling onto his back, and staring at the ceiling. “It’s just…why wasn't I invited to the bachelor party?” he asks, completely serious. “Babe, are you joking?” you ask smiling thinking it’s just another one of his pranks. “No, why would I be joking?” he says turning and looking at you now sitting on the bed. “Well I mean you’ve been an asshole to them the entire time they’ve been here,” you tell him. “Listen, I’m gonna find Sloane and see if she needs anything before we get ready.” 
    Walking to what you remember is Sloane and Luther’s room, you start reflecting on Ben’s actions. Being that you were the only person that truly got to see who Ben was or wanted to be. For everyone (and even sometimes you) he wears a mask of a confident, arrogant leader but in those times when his mask slips you can truly see him. An affection-starved man craving any and all affection and recognition he can get. A man that just wants to be loved and seen by his father. Someone who has played a character so long that he himself doesn't know who he is. Finally, you made it to their room, knocking to the tune of ‘Shave and a Haircut.’ You can hear Sloane yell to come in, walking in you see her sitting in a chair hemming a dress. “Need any help?” you offer secretly hoping that she would say no. “Um, not at the moment but thank you,” she smiles. “You know I can't even believe it,” she confesses. “What the wedding or the end of the world?” “Oh shut up, you know what I meant. I just can’t believe I’m getting married,” she says smiling down at her dress. “I mean I always thought and dreamt of this day and now it’s finally here. Did you feel like this?” Sloane asks looking up at you like a little kid asking for their mom’s advice. “Well truth be told no, but that’s just because Ben and I aren't romantics, unlike you and Luther,” you say playfully rolling your eyes at the last part.
     “So it’s official. My ears are broken and the idiot with knives really can’t sing,” Ben says barging in on you and Sloane’s alone time, the first part making Sloane jump at his sudden appearance. “Diego. You know his name is Diego.” Caught in the middle yet again. “Maybe you should try and be nice to him and the others,” Sloane says running out of patience for Ben. “And why would I do that?” “As much as I’d love to work through your anger issues right now, I have to get back to this. The wedding is in an hour,” she exasperatedly said, patience wearing thinner by the moment. “Fei is dead,” Ben says, reminding you about half of your family being dead and you soon too. “Yeah. I know. And so are the others.” “Oh, so that's it? You’re just gonna turn your back on the Sparrow Academy? I mean you heard Dad. we have training to do. Something big is about to go down.” “Ben, shut up,” you jump in, defending Sloane. “I wish you were talking about my wedding,” Sloane says sadly. “Okay, Sloane listen to me--” “No. You listen to me. I’m sorry they didn't invite you to the bachelor party,” Sloane says ever the nicest person in the room. “I don't…I don't care about that.” “yes, you do,” you and Sloane say in sync. “You care more about being invited to the bachelor party than Fei or the others or even saving the world.” “That's--that's... That's crazy,” Ben says chuckling awkwardly and looking at the ceiling before putting the mask back on and going back to his serious leader act. 
     “Is it? The three of us have never been alone. It's always been the eight of us. Now it’s just you,” Sloane says, Ben scoffing at her. “So congratulations, Ben. you're finally number one of one.” Ben looks at you incredulously, “So you’re not a Sparrow anymore?” “Why would I wanna be one?” you say about to cry for the millionth time today. Ben’s face drops for a second, looking you directly in the eyes, sadness written all over his face. “You don't mean that,” he says quiet enough that Sloane can’t hear. “Maybe I do,” looking at him tears in your eyes. “What’s so damn special about them anyway?” Ben resumes the conversation with Sloane. “They’re a real family. They don't exist to sell action figures and tote bags.” “We were more than that,” Ben tries to defend. “Were we?” No, we weren't. We were only a thing to deter crime (which didnt work) and sell merch. Hell, my own wedding had merch. “Why is it so important to you to be a Sparrow?” that's what pushes Ben to leave, quickly he walks out the door just before trying to grab your hand and pull you along unsuccessfully.
     Time for a wedding! Dressed all fancy in a black gown that you found in one of the abandoned hotel rooms. You haven't spoken to Ben in an hour and a half, only seeing him here for the first time in that hour and a half. “What’s the deal with them?” Klaus leans to Five and asks. “I have no idea, could be because we’re all gonna die,” Five says matter of factly. Standing next to Allison, Ben walks toward you, “You look…so fucking good,” Ben says hoping to make amends. “Thank you. You look good too,” you say smiling while taking a drink of your champagne easing yourself into your night of hard-drinking. Standing next to you Ben grabs your hand and starts playing with your fingers smiling. “Hey. I love you,” he whispers, leaning into your neck causing you to smirk. “Love you too,” you say now giving him a sip of your drink. After that Luther and Viktor arrive, “I don't know. Normally, my tush looks good,” Luther says walking out of the elevator with Viktor. As soon as they walk out Allison and Viktor are already quralling. Luther whispers something to the both of them before raising his voice, saying “Bah, bah, bah! My day! Two hours. Do you think you can manage that?” Viktor replies with a ‘fine.’ 
     The elevator bell rings and everyone faces toward to elevator. The seconds that it takes for the doors to open are painstakingly long, making you anxious and excited to see your sister. This was the day she would meticulously plan out when you two were in your teens, documenting everything she wanted in a large binder down to the lighting, and now it's finally here; albeit at the end of the world and planned over a night and a few hours. Looking at her you smile, “Let’s get this over with before I die of cringe,” Ben interrupts the beautiful scene of Luther seeing Sloane in her dress and the sweet moment the two of you were sharing.
      The marriage was ordained by Klaus who gave a very eventful but meaningful officiant speech. Sitting on the left side next to Ben, you interact whenever Klaus says something that warrants it, such as him yelling “Can I get an amen?” to which everyone except Ben makes noise. Glancing towards him he's pouting again. I’m not his fucking mom, I’m not gonna babysit him the entire night. I actually want to have a good last day. “I pronounce you married as shit! Viva la apocalypse!” Klaus yells as Sloane and Luther kiss, making the tiny crowd cheer. After watching Sloane and Luther have their first dance, you start looking at the food spread; the cookies and brownies catch your eye more than the other foods. After putting the food on your plate (and grabbing a bottle of vodka) you turn around to look where to sit. You could sit with Ben and Allison and have the joy sucked out of you or Diego and Lila and have to deal with their mushy love talk or you could sit with Five, someone who you haven't gotten to know yet. 
     Sitting down across from Five he looks up from his food and nods to acknowledge you. Looking back toward Allison and Ben; the latter staring at you. “So I take it things aren't going so good with Ben and you,” Five comments chowing down on a pastry on the table and taking a looong drink. “Rather not talk about that, right now I just wanna get as fucked up as possible,” you say smirking while sitting the bottle down on the table. “Okay, I have some questions,” you say watching as Five pours himself another drink. “Are you actually like a kid or is it some time-travel fuckery?” you ask the burning question that’s been on your mind since you saw him and Ben fighting. Five goes on to explain the first apocalypse and him being stuck there for 40 years and how he’s actually a 53-year-old man. “Huh. so you’re a little old man,” you say as Viktor sits down next to you.
     Getting up from your seat after talking with your new in-laws, bottle in hand you walk toward Ben’s table and flop down in the seat next to him, setting the bottle between you two. The elevator bell chimes making everyone look over and see Reginald walking in, making the room so silent, even the music. Reginald walks over and gets himself a plate and starts looking for a seat. “What is he doing here?” Ben asks rhetorically.  “But who invited him?” “just sit and suffer with me,” Allison says making you giggle. “I can’t even get invited to a bachelor party and he’s invited to this?” “Wow. you really can't relax,” Allison comments making you giggle again. “Y/n, are you okay?” she asks, making a confused face at you now laying your head on the table. “Oh my god, how are you already drunk?” Ben asks in disbelief. “Well you see, in my grief, I perhaps stumbled upon the open bar and perhaps may have started the celebrating earlier than the rest. I mean come on, we’re on the edge of oblivion and you people expect me not to day drink,” you say smirking “And! I’m not drunk yet.” Leaning on Ben’s shoulder, you watch how awkward the wedding has become, no one making eye contact with Reggie. The awkwardness is semi-broken by Lila and Diego, Lila wanting Diego to introduce them. Watching them was nice, Lila and Reginald actually had things in common and got to talking, impressing Diego.
     After the nice moment between Lila and Reginald, Allison had gotten up leaving you and a now pouting Ben alone. Ben and you had managed to drink almost half the bottle in addition to the numerous glasses of champagne. Now you both were laying your head on the table staring at each other, Ben laying on his plate of shrimp. Klaus soon made his rounds to your table; he had been doing this all night walking from table to table and person to person trying to convince them Reggie is good now. Guess it’s our turn. “Hey, Ben-ihana and lovely little eight,” Klaus starts. “Don't hit me!” he jokes sitting down at your table. “I know we all ain’t been best buds in this timeline or whatever, but man, do I have a mission for you--” Ben interrupts him by belching verrry loudly in his face making you giggle, still laying on the table. “Eleven people,” Ben says ominously making Klaus question. “There are only eleven people left,” “Ten and a half, I’m not all here at the moment,” you say making Klaus chuckle. “Okay. Drunk Ben clearly likes numbers and… shrimp,” Klaus says still trying to recover from Ben’s shrimp burp. 
     “And you couldn't even invite me to your stupid bachelor party.” “Oh. Have we finally flicked off bad Benny’s hard candy shell?” Klaus says rubbing his arm. “Why don't you like me? Or us?” Ben asks making you move next to his shoulder, cheek touching his jacket looking at Klaus. “Because you’re huge puckering assholes.” “Okay, but you like the other Ben and y/n,” Ben says annoyed and clearly sad. “Yeah, we love the other yous,” Klaus says with a hint of sadness. “Why? What’s so special about them?” “Because he was a know-it-all. He was a scold. He was a tiny dark cloud on a perfect sunny day,” Klaus laughs after that. “What about me? What was so special about the other me?” you ask now becoming increasingly curious and intrigued. “Oh my god, they were a pain. An emo with a preference for sulking and being pretentious in a corner. Know-it-all just like Benny,” Klaus explains about you, well the other you. “Those.. those are all bad things about us,” Ben says after looking down at his shrimp. “Yeah, and they looked great on you two.” “Okay, you know what? We are so much better than that other Ben and y/n. I was number one--” “Twice,” you interject. “And-and they ripped people’s throats out.” “Oh yeah, did that all the time in my timeline. Does Dad give a shit?” Klaus says before asking Ben. “No. he was busy hanging out with you” Ben whispers poking Klaus. “Oh, man, methinks you might be trying a little too hard. Look around. Nobody’s polishing their boots or pressing their tights. We’re a complete and total shit show. Ya get it? And our Ben and y/n, my Ben and y/n, were just that kind of disaster and it made them ridiculously easy to love,” Klaus says, sighing at the thought of his deceased siblings, before getting up to leave you two alone. 
     The speeches started after Klaus left and went back to Lila and Diego’s table. Reginald was first, talking about Sloane when she was little, calling Luther adequate, and talking about how he wishes that his shortcomings will be seen only as a rough patch. “I’m proud to call you my children, even those I raised in a revenant version of myself,” Reginald continues, glancing around the room before stopping on you, making you look toward Ben in disbelief. Holy shit, the man that wouldn't even acknowledge that Ben and I are married called me his child! Reggie’s speech continues and finally ends with a poem, Allison leaves making everyone look toward the walking woman. “Makes, no sense,” Ben says still eating his many shrimp as everyone starts applauding at Reginald’s newfound kindness. “All right! All right! Time to turn those frowns upside down. This one is for all my party people in the place,” the concierge turned now wedding D.J says, as everyone gets up and starts dancing on the dancefloor. 
     Dancing around with your new family and husband felt nice, it felt like it was just a normal wedding on a normal day. After all of the fast and upbeat songs played then started the slow songs. Arms wrapped around Ben’s neck while his arms around your waist the both of you sway drunkenly together. Looking up at him, you plant a small kiss on the end of his scar making him smile, and put his face into your neck and start kissing it. “Noooo, stop,” you say smiling and pushing him away jokingly. “No, come back here,” he says pulling you back before snuggling his face back into your neck. Leaving the dancefloor you and Ben go back to your seat. While sitting and drunkenly talking Klaus shows up and the three of you start walking around the hotel property.
     Towards the end of the night Klaus, you, and Ben arrive back at the wedding noticeably more drunk than before. “Oh no no no no no!” someone shouts. “Klaus, why are you bringing Ben here?” Five asks. “Hear me out before--” “Hear him out,” you and Ben shout in sync as you take your shared cigarette away from Ben. “The brother that you all knew as Ben is gone. And not-- I don’t mean our Ben, the nice Ben. I mean this Ben, he’s gone now. The asshole, he’s gone now,” Klaus exclaims. “But that's what I liked about you, my asshole,” you say sadly looking at Ben. “Klaus, what are you talking about?” Luther asks. Klaus ignoring his question continues, “And the man that stands in front of you is new new Ben, and he’s one of us, and he’s a member of the team. And he’s part of the family!” Ben and Klaus shout the last statement in unison. “And as a welcome gift, I suggest we throw him off the roof,” Five says making you laugh. “Ha! They like me more!” you gloat at Ben. “Yeah, I’ll help,” Diego agrees with Five. “You know what. You know what. He can stay. He can stay,” Luther says. “And baby eight?” Klaus says holding your shoulders and giving puppy eyes. “They’ve been welcome to stay,” Diego says making you smile as you walk over with Klaus and Ben.
    Almost as soon as you sit down everyone starts heading to bed. Standing up you pull Ben along with you, “I’m ‘sleepy’ if you get my meaning,” you say to Ben too loudly. Taking a moment to understand what you meant, Ben then realizes it, “huh? Sleepy? But-- Oh!” he says before speed walking with you toward to elevator.
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vbbaby-girl · 28 days
Regulus + Luna Year 2
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In second year, the Marauders all meet up in Diagon Alley
The Lupins are escorted by Minnie, who trusts Remus (bad move) enough to let the two wander around
So they meet up with everyone, Sirius and Regulus included
Regulus just glares at Luna the entire time, who is cracking jokes with Sirius
Luna just raises an eyebrow at him and smirks cause she knows its getting under his skin
The boys eventually go off on their own, and Regulus and Luna just stand together awkwardly
Then Barty comes in and saves the poor girl
As soon as Regulus is out of earshot Barty starts teasing her
"Besties with Black? You're just like your brother."
"Shut up you nob."
Ha ha good times
However, when they get on the train, Evan, Reg, Barty, and Luna all have to be in the same compartment
They were all late, even the meticulously on time Regulus Black
Sirius was doing his hair
On this ride, Evan and Luna became civil, even friends
Which Evan uses against Reggie all the time
"Ha ha your crush likes me better than you."
"Can it Rosier."
It's also when Luna discovers Barty's crush on Evan
"You're in love with a blood purist?"
"I will NOT be kinkshamed in my own dorm!"
sigh he's a bit silly guys
In classes this year the academic rivalry is thriving
Slughorn is really happy bc they keep getting points for slytherin
He kept the seating positions from last year, pairing up the two
But last year's insults were replaced by unnerving silence
It gave the two time to silently admire the other
The shine of his curls, they way they fell into place, his sharp cheekbones, the memorizing gray of his eyes, his precision when cutting ingredients
The crease between her eyebrows when she concentrates, the way her hair looks pulled up, the specific pink of her lip gloss, the freckles dotting her face
The mutual pining goes HARD
Also Regulus joins the Quidditch team this year <3
So Luna pointedly asks her brother for Gryffindor merch to wear to all games
Scarf, jersey, jumper, umbrella, even red and gold face paint
Regulus commented, rather loudly, to Evan how she's double the traitor
Remus, of course, is steaming, but Luna tells him that she doesn't care
"Just don't give him attention, it's exactly what he wants."
Ignore the fact that she "accidentally" got him with the bat boogey hex in DADA
My violent bby <3
Reg had to spend like 2 days in the hospital wing
Where he saw the Lupin siblings stay for a day after the full moon...
Luna hears about the electives from Remus, and she goes into overdrive trying to make a schedule in her head to take 4 of them
Ancient runes, arithmancy, muggle studies, and care of magical creatures
At the end of the year, Regulus and Luna got top marks on all their exams, much to the other's chagrin
Barty invites Luna to spend a week or so with him over he summer, which she accepts
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Luna taglist: @gardenofrunar
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Who is your least favourite character in your favourite show? And why?
- the metaphorical vampire you let across the threshold
Apologies for keeping the vampire waiting for so long!
I think I’ll have to go with the show the Umbrella Academy. I only recently got into this show (anyone scrolling through my account could see my recent obsession) but it is definitely one of my new favorites. All of the characters are wonderfully developed which makes it really easy to pick my least favorite one, good-old Reggie. Freaking Reginald Hargreeves, I just wanted to STRANGLE HIM. I mean, the man killed my boy Klaus over and over for “training” and manipulated him into thinking it was because he cared! And then, he betrayed him into being kugeblizted (did I spell that right?) NOT TO MENTION, locking him in that mausoleum, which traumatized him so much it was probably one of the main causes of his drug-addiction. Anyway, Klaus is my fav, and he also traumatized the rest of the siblings who I also love. Seriously, numbers for names!?! And making Ben murder people horrifically at the ripe age of like 12?? I could go on and on.
he’s got excellent style though
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author-alana · 2 years
Okay theory time
Those particles Reggie released? 100% alien offspring. No doubt about it. However, I highly doubt their his. At least not only his.
If you look in the background during that scene, it looks like his world is falling apart. Later it's hinted that that was an apocalypse.
Could that have been a last minute effort to keep his race alive? Or maybe not even last minute? Because WHEN did that man have time to put Abigail on the moon.
I would not be surprised if he dedicated some time to the fertility/genetics manipulation part of science at all.
If you think about it, it would make sense that the kids are alien/part alien. Evidence including but not limited to A) superpowers and B) Alcohol consumption levels and recovery time.
It's been made clear that Reggie doesn't care what he does as long as he meets his end goal. If he only needed 7 kids for Oblivion, then having 36 kids leftover is a good way to spread through the human population.
I wonder what all changed when he "fixed the universe" or whatever. And I have several questions.
1) He got Abigail back. Yay for him I guess, the end goal was met. Does she know what he did to get there?
2) The Umbrellas certainly were not supposed to be there. They were supposed to die. Was part of Allison and Reginald's deal to keep them alive? (It would only make sense if they knew Luther and Klaus would come back with the universe. And would be why Allison didn't have a stronger reaction to it.) Or was it subconscious from Allison wanting her family in tact? Or did the machine spit them out because it didn't need them anymore and now they're just stuck?
3) If it WAS subconscious for Allison, it would make sense that Five still looks 13 because she's never seen him older. I doubt that in the moment she was considering how exactly he'd like to look. And if that was part of their deal, then Reginald wouldn't know Five to look any other age either. But. WHERE ARE THE BRAINCELLS?! The whole academy really left a 13 year old in the middle of a big city alone. I know he's smart but Jesus Christ.
4) Why didn't Reginald just go back to his home planet? Or did he and we just don't know? We don't know anything about Reggie beyond being an alien on a mission with no care for others. Maybe he was that rich and powerful on his home planet. The Umbrellas wouldn't necessarily be able to tell considering it looks so much like Earth.
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jmrothwell · 10 months
Hey there!! Thanks for the ask!! ^_^
Since a fic wasn't specified I am gonna go nostalgic and talk about Slices of Summer
Gives me a chance to reread this early bit of writing I did. 
So to start with, as I just said this was one of the earliest bits of writing I did. I didn’t have an AO3 account. I was still partially in denial about how much fanfiction writing I was going to do. Which quickly changed as I wrote 17 parts of this, quickly surpassing the record of the most I had written for any project ever up until that point. (the previous record was something like 14,000(guesstimate and probably overestimating) for an original piece of fiction I doubt I will ever finish). 
What had happened was I found a summer prompt list with like 20 prompts for summer, and I decided as like a personal treat/challenge during some time off work I would see how many of them I could get through. I went in with very little plan, and no idea how connected I’d make each prompt. 
When I say little plan I mean, I skimmed the list saw sunburn, and was like well, that’ gotta be Reggie. But how does Reggie get sunburned?? Because I still wanted to include Julie. . .so I went and found a few that made sense as sort of precursors, and Just started writing. 
I knew I wanted sunburn to be Reggie’s POV, and I was at the time fairly comfortable writing Alex POV. Then my brain got weird and was like well we gotta include Julie and Luke POV’s as well even though I feel I am weakest with those. Especially Luke POV’s. 
Which is part of why Luke ended up with the only “unprompted” portions of the series. Because they were bits of story and conversation I felt needed to happen but didn’t really fit well with any of the provided prompts and well, in the line up and divvying things up it worked out that in my attempt to keep the POV’s relatively even Luke ended up with those. 
I do provide a lot of additional commentary in the author’s notes on AO3 if I remember correctly. 
I did say in one of them that I had never written a kiss before, which upon rereading some older older stuff I’d written is not entirely true. I have written at least one kiss before but it literally amounted to: “and he kissed her”
Now here’s where things are gonna get really lengthy. Because I am like 90% sure I am never going to return to finish this fic. So here is a list of the remaining prompts, and wha(if anything) I had planned.
17- Stargazing-Reggie POV: The guys can’t immediately find Luke after Carrie’s visit. Eventually when they do find him, turns out he went to Trevor’s and was extremely close to confronting him but opted not to. 
18- House Party - ?? POV: The Wilson House Party. Awkward as hell, the girl’s try to give Carrie a chance, Carrie has no idea how to act, Trevor is acting extremely weird. The boys are worse than Carrie in the “how do we act normal” department. Other guests gossip. 
??) Vacation/Trip - No Plan
??) Beach Umbrella - No Plan
??) Beach Towel - No Plan
??) At a public pool - No Plan
FInale - Barbecue - The Molina family have a barbecue, this is either where the guy’s meet Ray and Victoria or where Ray and Victoria learn they are ghosts.
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renatapatata · 2 years
ok so post umbrella academy season three thoughts:
(yes i already binged it i have no restraint)
i feel like i like this season especially just for how it dealt with all the loose ends that the season 2 time travel debacle left us with and now that the umbrellas (and sparrows) have dealt with those consequences the world had been remade once again and next we will be seeing everyone in a??? world where they so far dont have any powers anymore (that being said im guessing its because of the machine reggie needed to use and allison didnt get sucked into it so she surely still has her powers left) and where obviously things will still be weird since its the hargreeves that were talking about - and its all leading to the audience getting to know more and more about reggie's final motives.
allison going a bit off the rails this season made sense to me tbh and i just wish she didnt have to do all the self destructive things that she did, and sparrow academy ben being a 'dickhead' or more hostile also made sense since he was the number two or rather, demoted number one in his family who seeked his father's approval (thus his personality clashes a lot with diego's and reminded me of early season 1 luther) but all in all he is just a big softie who wanted to be accepted by the umbrellas and he gave viktor advice to stop wallowing in his sadness and!! im just really excited with what theyll do next with his character and netflix better keep promoting this show 😤
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le-velo-pour-dru · 10 months
1, 21, 31, 34, & 50 for the ask game? :)
1: Who are your comfort characters?
Someone already asked this, so I'll just use the same answer :) 👍
Bastille Dartmoor from Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians
Fred Burkle from Angel
Rhonda, Shari, and Velma from Animal Crossing
Spike and Tara Maclay from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Annie Edison from Community
Bellflower Cookie, the Cookiemals, Lilybell Cookie, and Moon Rabbit Cookie from Cookie Run: OvenBreak
Lancer from Deltarune
Wurt from Don't Starve Together
Reggie Peters from Julie and the Phantoms
Luca Paguro from Luca
Captain Jupiter North from Nevermoor
Allister from Pokémon
Entrapta and Scorpia from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Rainbow Quartz 2.0, Spinel, and Volleyball/Pink Pearl from Steven Universe
Douxie Casperan from Tales of Arcadia
Kazi from The Dragon Prince
Tahani Al-Jamil from The Good Place
Number Five Hargreeves and Viktor Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy
Jaskier from The Witcher
Orbulon and Penny Crygor from WarioWare
They're all so silly and I adore them so so so much <3
21: Something you've kept since childhood?
A stuffed animal named Dolly! I'm pretty sure she's meant to be a swaddled up baby, I'm not sure though. I hug her every night when I go to sleep though :3 I've had her as long as I can remember 🩷
31: What type of music keeps you grounded?
I have a whole YouTube playlist of songs that make me happy :3 I don't really know what to say about it but feel free to ask about it if you're curious what's on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I like to listen to it when I'm upset :D
34: Is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Like I told Jaye, I'm not exactly sure what to say to this one, cause I know a BUNCH of songs from memory, so I'll just say An Elegant Solution To A Universal Problem by Jazz Emu :3 👍
50: Can I tag you in random stuff?
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
I'm sorry if I'm overstepping but will you tell us more about bruce meeting five and trying to adopt him into the batfam??
I’m going to assume that this is about the Batman/Umbrella Academy thing I wrote a few months ago about Five popping in and out of Gotham when he’s asleep. I’ve posted a few other things about the Batfam meeting the Hargreeves so if this is about something else. Sorry.
I never had enough of a coherent plotline to write an actual fic so this may all be nonsense.
I think Bruce would become obsessed with both Five and the mystery of it all. It’d keep him up at night, especially because he can use it as an excuse to not deal with his grief about Jason.
There’d be a file on Five with a bunch of cute little picture of him asleep in Bruce’s arms, reports about his age and when he appears, and a list of names that Bruce thought fit him. Only Tim has actually read the file, but all the Batkids are a little jealous of this twerp. They all know if Bruce manages to get this kid to stay in one place for more than a couple hours than they’re going to have a new sibling.
No one is saying that there is a room set up at the manor for Five, but there’s definitely a room set up for Five at the manor. It has dinosaur themed bedsheets because Bruce likes to project.
The first time the Justice League hears about the kid, it’s when Bruce is trying to find a way to stop him from disappearing. Half the team is convinced that this kid doesn’t exist and Bruce is haven’t a psychotic break but then one day, without a single alarm being triggered, there’s suddenly a small boy asleep in the Watchtower. Clark is the only other witness to the boy completely vanishing.
It's actually Jason’s suggestion that Bruce should stick a tracker on the kid to see where he goes when he disappears like a month after he calls truce on murdering Tim. It’s actually insane that they didn’t do that in the first place. Bruce sticks a tracker in Five’s pocket when he reappears again (with a bruises on his arms that look like they came from octopus tentacles). It also disappears when Five disappears and they can’t trace it.
When the boy appears five or six in age, Bruce never sees his without equations written on his arms or in folded papers stuffed in his pockets. He often writes them down but he can’t make heads or tails of them. Lucius tells him that the equations look like a combination between quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and molecular biology. He calls it scientific gibberish. Bruce shows it to Barry one day, and Barry says it looks like some variation of some aspect of the SpeedForce (because speedsters can go back in time and change timelines and Five can do that too so I feel like that’s related).
Reginald is aware that something is going on.
He has cameras in the kid’s rooms and he monitors them in their sleep so he definitely notices when Five disappears in the middle of the night. Reginald immediately has Grace sew a tracker into his pajamas and sometimes Five is blinking away to the kitchen or the training room, or somewhere in the surrounding neighborhood, but occasionally, he’d disappear completely, tracker and all. Sometimes it’s only a few minutes, a few seconds, sometimes it’s longer. It’s most intriguing.
Reginald has a few theories on where Five is going when he goes off the grid, but Five is unaware of this happening at all which, to Reginald, shows an almost intolerable grasp of his powers. Training gets harder and Reginald pushes harder, and he finds a correlation between the two. He can almost predict when Five will go off grid.
Reggie runs some experiments. He makes Five where a watch to bed after a hard day of training and Five is so exhausted that he doesn’t even ask why. He blinks away that night and when he reappears a few minutes later, the watch is three hours ahead. This is the first time, Reginald floats the idea of time travel to Five, setting in motion of a rough 40-ish years for Five.
Then the apocalypse happens and it keeps happening, and then their dad unadopted them and they get asses kicked by the Sparrows. Luther wasn’t wrong, there is a part of Five that does want their dad to fix everything. He is so exhausted and running on fumes, so when he jumps them to somewhere safe, they end up in not only a different timeline but in a different universe. This conversation plays out word for word:
Jason: Your dad got a new family? And I thought that we were dysfunctional
Diego: At least we never tried to kill each other
Klaus: Weren’t you arrested for murder?
Diego: Not of one of you guys, and I was wrongfully arrested.
Luther: You were arrested for trying to kill Lee Harvey Oswald too
Diego: That’s not the point. We never tried to kill each other
Allison: Viktor almost killed me
Luther: Five tried to kill himself. His older – younger self.
Viktor: All of you tried to kill me
Luther: You destroyed the world. Twice!
It doesn’t look like they’re going to die immediately so Five is not going to figure any of this shit out right now. He is going to go to sleep for twenty-four hours and then he is going to steal the Batmobile (Bruce is mentally filling out the adoption papers right now). Both families get on like a housefire (in the sense that it’s concerning) and Alfred gets rooms ready for each of them.
Five does sleep for twenty-four hours and only Klaus seems to think that it’s weird that the weird broody goth man always seems to be ‘checking in’ on him. Bruce and Five end up talking to each other quite a bit because Bruce seems to always be there. He fears if he takes his eyes off this kid again than he’ll disappear.
None of the Hargreeves are known for their observation skills so none of them notice until someone makes a joke about Bruce’s adopting problem, but Bruce is trying to ‘dad’ their brother into becoming his son. That’s definitely what’s happening because Bruce let’s Five drive the Batmobile and when he’s called out on it, Five is furious because he’s older than Bruce.
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thegongoozlerreacts · 11 months
Cemetery Mary: Reginald's Route Part 2
now i am going to go get Reginald's good end! the bad end was,,,, it was,,,,,,, bad
anyways to get the good ending i'll just do the opposite of what i did the last time (and follow the ending guide lol)
spoilers belowww
ok so ive mostly been skipping thru everything and for some reason??? i keep ending up on the wrong routes?? like i accidentally got on the twyla route then the Crowven one like oopsies
not sure what i did wrong tho ?? i'll just start over
ok now im on the Reginald route, going shoppinggg time to get one wrong thing just to see what will happen ok nothing much happened just some dialogue
now to bring up the axe (bro he is so sus)
the cursed manga still freaks me out i skipped thru the church part but it still freaks me out also why did those people at the church look at Mary weirdly also im really curious about the black goo stuff,,, will i get an answer for it in the true ending or on the good end of this route?? im wondering if i should get the true end on Reginald's route (but it doesnt rlly matter which route i get the true end on since it doesnt change much apparently)
that part where Reginald gets mad at his neighbor makes me wonder if he's only super nice to Mary and around Mary like is his behavior different around other ppl when Mary's not around??
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aww asking Crowven to stay,, cute
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now for Mary talking to the priest at the church,,, an interesting thing about this route is that Mary never realizes her ghost-communication powers, just gets caught up in some weird curse/wish thing in the form of defaced shoujo manga and a mysterious headstone
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thats nice of him no threatening 'I'll make her be sorry' comments just him showing up w an umbrella
in the restaurant scene why does Mary see black goo come out of the mouth of Reginald's victim just another clue that the manga and the grave are connected to Reginald i guess??
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i tried to call twyla in the part where Mary needs to sleepover with someone interestingly u literally cant LOL twyla doesnt answer that makes sense tho
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oho?? this is new a headache huh? and that music from the church when she was super sick is playing too ooh will she discover that Reginald's missing or smth?? learn more answers regarding the manga and the eye and the grave???
oh her phone is missing?? did Reggie take her phone? since he told her about the flashlight and Mary was like 'did he not realize my phone has a flashlight?'
maybe he took her phone bc its flashlight is bright enough that she would see that he isnt in the living room, unlike his flashlight
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i am very incredibly nervous
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hey maybe his antifreeze-poison thing is a mixture between antifreeze and rat poison since twyla said that it was 'some kind of' antifreeze that had a purple label but they werent able to find anything like that so maybe the label was actually a rat poison label???? or maybe im wrong LOL
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ooooh it changes??? i went back and picked the middle 'grab something' bc i wanted to see if it was the same thing
it wasnt, obviously but also IS THAT MARY'S HAIR?? WTF???
what's the third thing
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ok im gonna,,, im gonna continue with the first option that i picked if Mary doesn't discover the other stuff then i'll just re-load those saves and see
ah ok so she put it away and then u can pick to grab the other stuff alright
Mary dont rationalize the pictures,,,, they were taken without ur consent or knowledge Mary,,,,, Mary these are red flags Mary,,,,,
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if i slept in her parent's room then this would be her plushie right?
"Is the Reginald I know... even a real person?" lol. lmao. no.... hes not,,, sorry Mary,,,
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jumped when the mirror broke lmaoo
oh god. i hope he doesnt catch Mary
oh no she's trapped :((( nooo Maryyyy
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oh fuck. oh no. oopsies...... i missed the quick time event im,,, Mary i am so sorry
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bro wtf stay away from Mary?!?!??!
"It makes me sound like I'm crazy" my good sir you are crazy you are absolutely insane
"No matter how many times it happens" so there is time travel happening
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that IS true i cant deny that but also,,, u like,,, thats not how u do it Reg
"You... love funerals so much. ...So I tried to provide you with as many as I could!" oh so THATS why he kills people ok,,,, ok then thats
yeah thats definitely not how u do it
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how many times has he been like time travelling or like,,, looping i guess?? is it a time loop?? maybe??
i think it was purple text that said 'well since you asked so nicely' but im not sure?? im just assuming cuz she's out now so is Reginald behind the purple stuff? probably but like maybe its not on his side?? woah first time that some creature presented with purple is doing some good(?)/j
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help?? Crowven??? i mean like yeah i would too but lets slow down for a sec
what the hell he just disappeared? and everything he owned too??
well that was a wild ride definitely more confusing than all the other routes and no ghost-communication too (unless the eye and purple text were ghosts?)
well im gonna process this ending, maybe ramble more to my brother bc he doesnt know anything and its funnier to theorize around him
i think im also gonna try to take a screenshot of that one purple text bc im curious abt it
next time i'll be playing i wont skip any scenes, and i'll be getting the true end on Crowven's route
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sharkneto · 2 years
If you’re still on the train: why do you think that five is so dedicated to his family, as well as the idea of family. How was he able to form this dedication in an environment where Reginald likely pushed for loyalty above love?
This is a really good question, and the main answer is Trauma.
Some of it is just Five, some nature vs nurture. Idk if the writers did it on purpose, but Five has a huge heart. He tries very hard to hide it, he doesn't really know what to do with it, but he also did invent a person specifically to take care of at the end of the world. He befriended Viktor as kids, to the point Viktor considers him his "closest confidant" - Five didn't have to do that. It could have started as a bit of rebellion because Reggie discouraged them from hanging out with Viktor, but he did also genuinely like and love his brother. I've said this before, but I think Five was more or less the glue that stuck the siblings together, as his position as the middle child. Not by anything he did on purpose, but he just bounced around with everyone else. He's an asshole and obnoxious but he's also a kid and he loves his family.
His family is also his entire world. They were homeschooled, they trained together, I don't think they saw much of the world outside of the Academy before they went on missions. Those six other kids are some of the only people he knows in the world. They are also bonded through the isolation and trauma of training and having an abusive father.
And then he falls into the future where they're dead just like the entire rest of the world.
I'm writing a whole fic about Five's time in the apocalypse that goes through everything in excruciating detail that will be done... someday, but in the meantime, a cliffnotes on his motivations. I think Five has a fuckton of survivor's guilt. He thinks if only he had been there, he would have been able to save his family. It's his fault they're dead because he skipped out. They become his everything, even more than that they were already most of his world - his motivation to figure out the math, his motivation to survive, his motivation to do the unthinkable without batting an eye. It's all worth it if he can just get back and save them.
That doesn't just go away once he succeeds and gets back to them. For one, there is still an apocalypse coming that he doesn't actually know how to stop. They've also been his motivation for the past fifty years, that is ingrained in him, he can't just stop living for them now that he's got them back.
Five is this way because of and in spite of Reggie. Reggie did emphasize competition between the kids, but they were also The Umbrella Academy! They are a team! They must be prepared to save the world together! It's not a traditional family, really more of a forced family, but Five went missing young enough that he didn't see things fall apart so he's got a childish memory of that they were a family, of sorts, and then just dump trauma on top of that so he fucking clings to it because it's literally all he has.
Say what you want for how healthy that is, but it did get him through an apocalypse and he's managed to keep 5/6 siblings alive.
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yelya · 2 years
So I have a fic idea...
So I read a post a few days ago about how Cousin Greg from Succession looks like Five from Umbrella Academy was put through a stretcher when he grew up and now I have ideas for a crossover fic.
So at the end of TUA s3, instead of ending up in the world where Reggie is basically uber!ruler, Five ends up in Succession!verse, he no longer has his powers and there's no sign of his siblings. Once he stops PTSDing over being alone in Potentially Yet Another Apocalypse, only this time without his powers and aged up to his thirties, he looks around and realises, he's actually in a pretty advanced world compared to what he's used to, only there's no powers, no Academy, and no Reginald Hargreeves here. Five starts trying to figure out wtf happened and where everyone he knows is. (He dismisses his aging up as a side effect of whatever the fuck Reginald and Alison did and pretty much just rolls with looking like Cousin Greg; Five has bigger issues to worry about).
After a bit of sleuthing, he determines there's no Commission here (at least no one has made contact yet), and without his powers and no briefcase to help him time-travel, Five decides to treat things like what happened in the Sixties: his family will arrive at some point, so he decides to make a base and settle in to wait for them. Luckily, he has an identity ready-made for him with all the details revealed on his weird high-tech phone - Gregory Hirsch, what kind of name is that? He has a women claiming to be his mother (which he will deal with later, much later) sending multiple messages telling him to go to meet his great uncle Logan for his birthday. The old guy is rich and powerful and if he gets in good with him, he's set for life even after getting fired again. Five figures it's as good a plan as any and heads off.
Only, when he meets Logan Roy, it's not long until he's reminded of Reginald Hargreeves with how the man treats everyone around him, and the guy's kids are all kinds of fucked up in painfully familiar ways. Kendall's drug use and Connor's cuccoolander behaviour remind him of Klaus, Shiv somehow has the best and worst traits of Viktor and Alison, combined with Diego's tendency to go for the jugular (a trait she shares with Roman) but they all have shades of Luther in how they desperately want to please their father. Five tries keeping distant, but the more he's around the Roys, the more it becomes clear that Logan plays his kids off against each other in ways that would do Reginald proud. Five's not just keeping a cover intact anymore, he's got a whole new messed up family to protect.
So he works his way up WaystarRoyco alongside Shiv's husband, Tom (a Troll after Five's own heart), trying to stay within the Roy family dynamic and getting close as he can to Logan for information while trying to protect the others from the man's fucked up treatment. Just when he's starting to give up hope his sibling will ever appear, he almost has a heart attack when he sees Alison's face on the cover of one of Shiv's magazines, declaring he Hollywood's newest up-and-coming star. He readies himself for a trip to his wayward sister (she reset the universe, she must have answers, she must), only for the whole family to be called to dinner by Logan. He's given up on acquiring Peirce now, he's got a new business venture in mind - a partnership with an English billionaire called Hargreeves whose latest project has just made world-wide news - a monkey with human-level intelligence and the ability to talk. Apparently, they've called the monkey Pogo...
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ryugujitr · 2 years
1) Okay so we have the same professor teaching us THREE WHOLE COURSES
4)SHE'S NEW- so while taking introductions she spent 10 min on EACH student, CRUSHING THEIR CONFIDENCE (minD YOU A GROWN ASS WOMAN TREATS GROWN ASS STUDENTS AS KIDS)
PS i was supposed to be Unhinged like Klaus this sem- I've become S2 Five.
This wonderful set of gifs (that i've reblogged too) is a visual representation- IN ANY ORDER THIS IS WHAT IT FELT LIKE - OH FUCK ITS ONLY TUESDAY MY GOD.
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Thank you, have a lovely evening/morning/afternoon❤️❣️🥺🌼
i feel so bad for you and trust me i feel the exact same way for two, now three years. 😭😭 we’ll be going ape shit five together i swear bc i have THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM WITH MY SERBIAN AND GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS LIKE TF IS GOING ON WITH THE WORLD ANYMORE
i start my very last year of middle school on 1st of September, and probably the only motivations that will keep me going are congratulating people on their birthdays. thats it. also tua serotonin. and you. thats it.
im supposed to be allison this year. i can already feel my inner five pushing her aside and being like “let me handle this” and proceeds to make me go on a yelling spree at everyone who irritates me
I love you sm my dear friend, please do keep me updated on your well being and day! I gotta hear from you now bc that lady is outta her mind and I cant lose you to her 😭😭😭😭😭 WE GOTTA MAKE IT OUT ALIVE UNTIL THERES A PORTAL TO THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY, YOU CANT DIE ON ME YET
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Because the next chapter of Papi Mia! Is going to be out tomorrow can you send a example of what we are going to be expecting? Please and thank you I love your work. It honestly became my comfort Fic so thank you. 🥰
Of course! I am so glad you enjoy it. 🖤
I did post another snippet of this chapter from Harrys POV, so here is one from Regulus 😊
“I just wanted so much more,” the word tumbled out of him. Taking a sharp inhale, “I thought I had put this all behind me, but every time I look into his eyes, I think of all the things that could have been.” 
Barty made a disgusted noise, rising to his feet. “It’s James Potter, his angel eyes again.”
“What?” Regulus blinked.
His friends smiled at one another, apparently in on some joke that he was not, “When we were back in school you would go on and on about James and his beautiful eyes.” Pandora explained, a hint of teasing in her voice.
“And it used to drive us all mad.” Evan added. “Seems like time hasn’t changed that.”
“Or those abs.” Pandora mused, swirling her tiny umbrella, “And that tattoo. Did you see his tattoo Reggie?”
“Yes, I saw his tattoo.” Regulus huffed out sharply, “And I saw him running around with his daughter.” The word tasted bitter in his mouth. It was the first time he had said it out loud. He had always known James had a child, knew he would have others. But meeting them was too much. 
“I keep thinking about his angel eyes, I keep thinking,” hummed Pandora.
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