#bro's got magic shampoo
weeping-vintage-toes · 6 months
This jacket smells good
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spacequokka · 5 months
Say My Name | 09
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Pairing: Kyungsoo x Reader Genre: Fluff, Smut Rating: M Summary: After you've chosen them over your job, Kyungsoo makes sure you feel loved. Word Count: 4.4k Warnings: soft hard hours, dry humping, fingering, breast play, vaginal sex, editing at the last minute because I overslept
I listened to Rain and Moonlight while writing. Enjoy!
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Maybe you could have worded things better, but luckily Kyungsoo had been by your side to help you explain things to the guys. Once they understood that you weren’t moving out, they were quick to rush you with hugs and kisses, beyond grateful for the chance to try things out. A quick game of rock, paper, scissors declared Jongdae and Jongin as the cleanup crew while everyone else retired to the living room to watch whatever someone found on Netflix. As usual, you found yourself in a sandwich on the loveseat, this time Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
Minseok chose an action movie, insisting on a Jackie Chan classic. Rumble in the Bronx. The conversation was light as you all actually paid attention to the TV this time. Chanyeol tucked you against his side and relaxed allowing Baekhyun to cuddle into your other side. Before you knew it, the movie was over. Someone made a comment about beating someone else’s ass in Smash Bros, and controllers came out as the shit-talking intensified.
“Well, that’s my cue.” You peeled yourself off the loveseat, ignoring Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s pitiful pouts. “Gonna go shower while I can.”
You stopped by your room to pick out a change of clothes along with your essentials. The noise in the living room got louder by the time you made it to the bathroom. You were tugging your shirt over your head when you heard the door open and shut. Hands pulled at the shirt and you yelped when you saw Kyungsoo’s face inches from your own.
“Soo! What are you doing?” You held your shirt to your chest and he chuckled.
��A shower sounded good to me.” He held up his hands. “I cooked, remember? You moved faster than I could think to ask if you’d let me join you. I’ll behave, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Though you were a little self-conscious about it, you bit your lip and nodded. “Yeah, sure. Though, I planned to wash my hair so I might hog the water for a bit.”
He shrugged and began undressing. “It’s fine with me.”
You took a deep breath and forced yourself not to think about it. He didn’t care. He wasn’t looking at you like that. You turned the shower on then continued yanking off clothes. The second you were completely bare, you stepped in. The warm spray of water felt amazing on your tense neck and shoulders. You rolled your head slowly as you massaged every muscle you could reach.
Kyungsoo stepped in behind you. “Want me to try?”
You nodded, low-key grateful for the offer. He poured some of your shower gel into his hand and lathered up. His touch was nothing short of magical. You had to lean against the wall to keep your balance once you closed your eyes and just let him take over. You jerked when you felt yourself leaning too far and his hands flew to your hips to steady you. “Shit. Sorry.”
“Let’s wash up and get out.” He touched your cheek when you looked over your shoulder at him. You started with your hair, wetting it then adding shampoo while he grabbed a loofah. He washed his body while you gave your scalp a good scrub then rinsed the suds out. The silence between you while you washed was comforting, reassuring even. You wouldn’t mind showering with him in the future. Once you were sure the shampoo was out, you reached for the conditioner, but Kyungsoo gently pried it out of your hand. “Can I? Please, _____?”
Admittedly you were a little apprehensive about it. You hadn’t let anyone touch your hair in years, convinced no one would give it the same care and patience you did. You took great pride in your hair and to allow anyone else near it like that meant you trusted him. Did you trust Kyungsoo? You bit your lip then sighed. Of course you did. Despite your apprehension, the process went smoothly. He was patient and attentive to your instructions and even asked questions for clarity. It was a level of intimacy you’d never had with another person before. You were able to shut your brain off and simply enjoy the sensation of his fingertips massaging conditioner into your scalp as he hummed a song you couldn’t quite name.
Soon enough, you were out of the shower and helping each other dry off then getting dressed. He took care to help you get your hair in a towel, working as if he’d done it a thousand times before. He was the perfect gentleman, eyes and hands never straying too far. There was a tenderness in his actions you hadn’t felt until then. It made you feel warm and fuzzy inside, content and surprisingly at ease. Once you both brushed your teeth, he took your hand and led the way to his room.
“We have time to hang out before it gets too late.” He flicked the light switch on and the room was bathed in a soft mellow light. “I might do some light reading.”
“Because reading is better than staring at your phone?” You snickered as you climbed onto his bed. You’d washed his sheets and comforter plenty of times before but not once had you ever sat on it. It was incredibly soft, like sitting on a cloud. “Oh, wow.”
He smirked at you as he went around to the other side and pulled a book out of the drawer of the nightstand. “What? Did you expect me to sleep on a slab of concrete or something?”
You shook your head. “No. I knew it was a good bed, but this,” you pressed into the mattress and watched it slowly rise again, “this is heavenly.”
His cheeks lightly flushed with color as he shrugged. “Well, you’re welcome to sleep here whenever you want.” He kicked off his slippers and leaned against the headboard. “Anything of mine is yours.”
“I could never take advantage of you like that.” You flopped back onto the pillows and sighed. “My bed will do for now.”
He leaned over you with a frown. “How would that be taking advantage? I was the one that offered.”
“I know, but you’re getting nothing in return.” You looked away and swallowed hard before finishing with, “Isn’t a relationship about balance?” Seconds ticked by without a response. When you couldn’t stand the silence anymore you looked up at him and found him with a dopey grin on his face. “What?”
His hand crept across his lap to your cheek, where his thumb gently brushed against it. “This is balance. You’re giving up your comfort zone for me, for all of us. I think unrestricted access to the best bed in the building is fair trade.” He pressed his warm, soft lips to your brow and whispered, “Thank you.”
You didn’t know what to say to his tender gesture. His kiss created a ripple of goosebumps over your body. It was an odd feeling but not unwelcome. When he pulled away and picked up his book, you were tempted to follow and snuggle into his side. You were allowed to do that, right? Would he mind or would it be a distraction? You could easily get your phone and play some games or scroll through your socials—
“Come over here.” He wiggled his fingers and you smiled, barely containing a giggle. You were at his side in a second curled into him like he was a blanket with his arm around your shoulders, chin resting on top of your head as he looked at the book. “Ah, here it is.”
He got comfortable and started reading. His voice was a soft murmur as he pulled the story from the pages. His warmth seeped into you, and before you knew it, you were fighting sleep. He took a peek at you and chuckled.
“One sec,” he whispered reaching somewhere behind you. A warm, weighted blanket covered your body and he settled down again. “I’ve always wanted to do this.” His little smile was everything to you. As he continued the story, you adjusted your position and ended up resting a hand on his chest, just over his heart. Your ear was pressed against his chest and you heard his heartbeat clearly. It was a steady rhythm that was both soothing and reassuring. He pressed a kiss to your forehead just as your eyes closed for the night.
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When Kyungsoo felt your body sag against him, he marked the page with his bookmark and closed it with a contented sigh. He’d never be able to fully express how relieved he was everything worked out. As he reached over and cut off the bedside lamp, he recalled the conversation they’d had about you before coming home. The conference call had been a pain to work into their schedule on top of securing privacy for everyone in their different locations.
Yet they’d made it work, just like they were sure to make this work with you.
He pulled the blanket over his legs and scooted in closer allowing you to rest your head closer to his neck where he brushed more kisses against your face. He didn’t think he’d ever get tired of doing it. Not with the way you lit up and blushed. And to think, you thought he’d be okay with you moving out. Madness. Life without you isn’t really living.
His limbs relaxed as sleep started to set in and his mind returned to a past conversation with the guys.
“If I knew that taking her out of the house was allowed, she could have traveled with me.” Yixing’s voice had held a hint of irritation yet remained cordial. Kyungsoo admired him for having restraint given the situation.
Baekhyun scoffed. “She can’t leave the house for that long. And it was just one evening.”
“Even so, the rest of us weren’t aware it was allowed,” Jongin stressed. “It’s bad enough you get to go before us, but you’re also making up your own rules as you go along. What happened to keeping it professional outside of the apartment?”
“And sex on a yacht?” Chanyeol cut in. “How do we top that?”
“This isn’t a competition. It was a unique situation that happened to work out in my favor.” Junmyeon hadn’t bothered to hide the smugness.
“Bullshit!” Sehun coughed.
Kyungsoo couldn’t agree more. “A dress and shoes just happened to be lying around?”
“I couldn’t believe it either.” Jongdae stroked his chin as Baekhyun suppressed a laugh. “Almost like it fell from the sky.”
“You’re so full of it.” Sehun laughed and chaos ensued as they began yelling and pointing fingers at one another. At some point, Minseok remembered the purpose of their conference call prompting him to grab a pot and spatula. The loud clanging cut through the group’s discussion.
“We’ll discuss rules another time. Right now, we have a more urgent issue.” He paused to make sure everyone was listening before he continued. “If we plan to take things further with _, then we have to address her fears and concerns first. Naturally, job security is her first priority.”
“But we already swore to keep it between us.” Jongin pointed out.
“Doesn’t mean that she trusts us to keep our word,” Yixing spoke softly. “Or believe that things will stay between us. We could easily be overheard even right now.”
“Which means she’s constantly thinking of losing her job which also provides her a place to live.” Junmyeon sighed. “We need some way to ensure that even if the worst happens she’ll be taken care of. A backup job and housing.”
“Maybe even emergency funds?” Minseok volunteered with a snap of his fingers.
From there, they were on the same page, a team working together to come up with ways to make sure you wouldn’t have so much to overthink your pretty little head about. Of course, he’d seriously underestimated just how active your mind and anxieties were, but he was glad he got you to see reason in the end.
A soft sigh left your lips as you readjusted your head and he held you a little tighter. He really hoped you trusted them more now that you were taking a chance. Trust and communication would be of utmost importance to make things work with so many people involved.
He inhaled and the scent of your conditioner filled his senses. It was really nice to finally get a proper scent of it after being teased with fleeting whiffs as you pass by. Finally nice…to hold you like this…
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In your humble opinion, Kyungsoo’s room was the best to wake up in. It didn’t directly face the rising sun, yet still allowed enough light in to get that soft early morning glow. As awareness slowly seeped in, you realized that you were completely wrapped up in Kyungsoo’s arms. You could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest against your back and the warmth of his breath on your neck. You turned over to face him and he stirred slightly before opening his eyes to meet yours.
“Good morning,” he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.
“Morning,” you replied, smiling softly.
“I’d love to wake up like this more often.” He brushed his thumb over your cheek and you leaned into his touch. Your eyes locked and in that moment, you felt completely safe and secure in his embrace. You leaned in and he met you halfway, starting with a soft brush of his lips before gracing you with a gentle kiss. Once wasn’t enough. Feeling bold, you pushed him onto his back and straddled his hips. He didn’t say a word but his grin said enough. His hands settled on your waist as you went for another kiss. Steadying yourself with your hands on his chest, your lips connected again, this time lingering longer. His hand came to your cheek as he held you in place, opening his mouth a little to swipe his tongue across your bottom lip. You whimpered at the chill that bloomed over your skin and he chuckled. “Music to my ears, jagi.”
The way his words sounded so tender, so full of love, really rocked you to your core. It was hard to have restraint and stay guarded when he was under you being so honest and vulnerable with his affection and feelings. You couldn’t help the way you ducked your head, cheeks flaming, as you turned your attention to his jaw with little pecks that trailed to his neck. When your lips brushed over a spot just under his ear, he groaned softly and pushed his hips up against your core. His reaction surprised you while stoking the growing fire between your bodies. Curious, you did it again and followed with a gentle nip. His hands squeezed your waist, holding you firmly in place as his hips bucked up again.
He exhaled with a shudder. “Please. Just a little harder.” His voice was husky and firm. When your teeth scrapped his skin again, he pushed his neck towards you, giving you ample room to fulfill his request. This time, you suckled as your hands moved to his shoulders while your hips pressed as hard as you could against his growing erection. He hissed then outright moaned, hands moving to cup your ass as he pushed up against you. “Yeah, jagi, just like that.”
You kept at it, testing new places across his neck and collarbone to see if you could get more of those sweet sounds. When you started to move down his chest, he sat up and pulled you into another kiss, this one much more heated. His teeth caught your lip before his tongue soothed the bite. He didn’t need to ask for permission for more. You immediately let him in, surrendering control so he could explore at his leisure. His kisses were a mixture of his shyness and passion, brushing across your lips before applying pressure and nudging your lips apart, tongue stroking yours then teasing the roof of your mouth. Whenever your thighs twitched because he’d found the right spot, he’d push up against your heat and moan, filling your head with his desire. Your arms went around his neck as his hands found your waist again, both of you pushing against each other seeking friction.
He pulled away slowly with an audible smack and looked into your eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever kissed someone like this.” His voice was just barely above a whisper and filled with wonder. His eyebrows wrinkled. “And I don’t want to try it with anyone else either.” His gaze dropped to your lips. “I know it wouldn’t be the same.”
He inhaled sharply, grip tightening as he looked at you startled. “S-say it again. Say my name like that again, jagi.”
You leaned in and kissed him again. “Kyungsoo, please. Can we—” You couldn’t bring yourself to get the words out, to ask for what you both wanted. A whine escaped your lips before you squeezed him with your thighs, hoping he’d get the hint. You’d gotten used to them taking the lead yet here he was letting you lead the way. “Please.”
His chuckle was low and throaty making his chest rumble against yours. “Please, what?” He nudged your head to the side and skimmed his lips along your throat to your shoulder. “I need to hear you say it.”
Your cheeks burned, and you closed your eyes. “Don’t tease me. You know what I’m trying to say.” You lowered your voice to a whisper. “I want it.”
“Hm,” he looked up as if he were thinking. “Close but not good enough.” He fell back onto his pillows and pulled you with him then rolled both of you onto your sides. His kiss was deeper as his hand found your waist, fingers exploring your heated skin. “Tell me what it is you want, jagi. I’ll give it to you if you just tell me.”
Frustration threatened to consume you. You put a leg over his hip and pulled him closer, moaning softly at the feel of him pressed against where you wanted him. “Need you here,” you whispered against his lips with a pointed roll of your hips. “Wanna feel you inside me. Please?”
He smiled as the hand on your waist skirted over your silk sleep shorts down to your thigh. “Inside? Are you sure?” He pushed the fabric out of the way and his fingertips brushed over your panties. “Mmm, she’s soaking through your clothes, jagi.” His lips returned to your neck. “You want me to take care of you?”
“Yes, please.” You pressed down against his fingers, crying out when he pushed your panties to the side and touched your slit.
“Shit,” he hissed and pulled away. “You need to take this off.” He tugged at your shorts. You nodded and lifted your hips to let him pull your shorts and panties down your legs. “All of it.” No sooner than you’d tossed the garments away, his hands were pulling at your shirt and then unclipping your bra. Cool air hit your nipples and you shuddered when his warm hands cupped your breasts. “Finally.” He brushed soft kisses over your chest before drawing a nipple into his mouth. His moan went straight to your core, making you clench and grab his hair.
“Oh, fuck—Soo—please!”
He lapped and sucked, twisted and pinched until he could barely keep you pinned to the bed. He casually trailed his hands down your body until one rested on your thigh as the other touched between your legs. “So messy.” His fingers smeared slick over your pussy before two parted your folds and went in, one then two. “So beautiful.”
You pulled at his shirt. “Off. I wanna see you too.” You finished with a pout and he smiled.
“Of course, my love.” He tugged his shirt off then laid beside you to kick his boxers off. He was rock hard, pressed against your thigh and so very close to where you wanted him most. You teased the tip of his cock with your fingers before wrapping your palm around it. “Mmm, love the feel of you.” He caught your lips in another bruising kiss as his hips started to move. His hand wrapped around yours and he guided your hand up and down the shaft, applying pressure around the head making him moan sweetly into your mouth. He pulled away and did the same with your hands. “Next time.”
You bit your lip and looked up at him through your eyelashes. “Will you put it in now?”
He slipped one hand under your neck. “Yes.” He pulled a condom from under your pillow and handed it to you. “Don’t question it. Baekhyun’s idea.” You laughed as you tore open the package and rolled it on for him. His other hand went under your knee and pulled it over his hip allowing his cock to glide across your sticky folds. He held his lip between his teeth as he rolled his hips, captivated by the way the tip would slide over your entrance making you moan a little louder than before.
“You’re teasing!” You groaned and pushed his shoulders. He rolled over onto his back as you positioned yourself on top, eagerly reaching behind you for his cock and lining it up. You had to swirl your hips a few times but once you felt pressure in the right spot, you pressed down with a delighted moan. It wouldn’t go in right away so you lifted up and tried again, getting a few more inches in.
“Please stop squeezing!” His eyes were screwed shut with a death grip on your waist. “J-just relax and let gravity do the rest.” You didn’t realize you were tensing up. Sure enough, once you took a deep breath and relaxed the fit was much smoother. “Ohhh, fuck.”
You put your hands on his chest, lightly rubbing his nipples. “Do you need a minute?”
He nodded. “Oh yeah. Just—yeah a minute.”
“Okay, no rush.” You smiled and leaned down to kiss him. He welcomed the distraction, hands cupping your face as pecks turned into deeper kisses with playful nips and teasing tongues. When your fingers found his hair again, he rolled his hips up into you. You had to reposition your hands just above his shoulders to keep your balance. “Soo!”
“Don’t fall over.” He muttered before thrusting up into you again. “So good.” You braced yourself and met his next thrust. The gentle grind sped up until you had a steady, comfortable rhythm. “Slow down, jagi.” He kissed you gently. “I’m not going anywhere. Take your time.”
“But I wanna cum. Want you deep.” You could barely think with the way your body was lighting up with pleasure. “Don’t wanna wait.”
“You can do it.” His hands cupped your breasts again, fingers toying with your nipples. “Keep the pace. Take it slow.”
You covered his hands with your own and whimpered, dropping down onto his dick harder. He flinched, squeezing your breasts. The feeling shot through you, making your pussy clench. “Fuck. I need—I need more. Please, Kyungsoo.”
He shifted his body, propping his feet up on the bed. “Then take it, jagi. Take what you need.” One of his hands grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled, arching your back. He sped up the pace, pounding up into you with long, deep thrusts that made you shake and cry out. Mindlessly, you followed his lead, riding him hard and meeting his hips with loud claps of skin. Your head went empty, focused on his grunts and moans and occasionally swirling your hips. “Almost there?”
You nodded, head jerking. “So close, so close.”
“Give me your hands.” He let go of you and held his palms up. You laced your fingers with his. “Okay, now pull your knees up and squat. Yes, good girl. Use the bed to bounce—fuck!”
You couldn’t even moan. He went impossibly deep, hitting that spot right on with each thrust. It felt so good, turning your legs to jelly the closer you got to orgasm. He watched you closely and the second you started to twitch, he quickly rolled both of you over onto your sides again, lifted up your leg, and pounded you through it. Your arms were around his shoulders as you babbled his name mixed with curses and moans right into his ear. You felt a tremor go through him and he sped up, working with shallow thrusts until he pushed in deep and let go. His embrace was tight as he buried his face in your neck, hips surging gently until he slowed to a stop and let out a deep breath.
His eyes opened slowly and he looked at you. “How do you feel? Did I hurt you?”
You shook your head with a wide smile. “I feel amazing. Light as a cloud. You?”
He pressed his forehead against yours and closed his eyes again. “I feel…complete. I can understand why they value the intimacy so much. I get to see another side of you and it’s exclusive to us. No one else gets to see you fall apart like that.” He pressed another kiss to your skin. “Makes me feel special.”
“You’ve always been special to me.” You leaned back. “You always will be.”
He looked into your eyes for a few seconds. “I love you. I hope you don’t think it’s too soon, but I’ve never been this sure about someone. I know I love you and I know it’d take a hell of a lot to change that.”
You swallowed hard and nodded. “You’re right. Everything you said last night? It was more than just a job, and I love seeing your reactions to the personal touches. I love doing anything that makes you all happy.” You looked away, unable to take the full weight of his gaze. “And I know it wouldn’t be the same with another group…because this is my home. I love you, too.”
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.” He kissed you, slow and gentle, stopping for air only to dive right back in. “So sweet to us. Thank you.”
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zarvasace · 2 months
For the ask game - 15, 17 and 30?
15 - do you know first aid or have magical healing skills?
I have super glue for holding together minor cuts. That's kinda magic, right?
17 - have you ever cosplayed as a LoZ/LU character or do you plan to someday?
I have two and a half LoZ cosplays! Sort of. They aren't very good but I did have fun with them.
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The first is BotW Zelda's royal blue dress, which turned out much better than I thought. The belt didn't hold up very well, though, because the fake leather I got didn't glue very well. I wore it to a mini anime convention a few years ago with a friend who dressed as Link. XD
The second is based on super smash bros ultimate Zelda, which is based on Link Between Worlds Zelda. This one was for Halloween, and my first experiment using foam pieces. It worked out pretty well for what it is, and wearing a cape was fun.
I have a lot of pieces for Skyward Sword Zelda as well! She's almost done, in fact, but I don't have her dress yet. I do have most of her accessories though, including pockets in her blue waist apron thing and a sailcloth :)
I don't currently plan on any more LoZ cosplays. I've thrown around the idea of doing a BotW/ToTK NPC, but I currently have an FE3H Hilda technically in-progress and don't want to add another yet! (My workspace was taken over so I haven't made progress on it in a while.)
30 - tell me a story about an adventure you went on!
Hm, not a lot of weird stuff happens to me, but how's this!
A few years ago, I was very active on the institute council, and helped plan a Halloween activity for the young adults in my area through my church. It was essentially just music in the gym of the big building, that isn't the important part. The important part is that I went off on the outfit and hair:
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It was a lot of fun! I enjoyed dressing up and from what I remember of the event, it was nice. I enjoy being involved in organizing events. (I met sir King👑of🌹Goth💀 there, too, that's a different story though.)
Wellllll as you can see, my hair that night was both colored black and backcombed a lot. The black was from a jar of semi-permanent color (I'm not sure the brand sells black anymore, to my dismay) and the backcombing was courtesy of my sister. I needed some clarifying shampoo to get the color out and some strong conditioner to help get the teasing out.
So after the event, at like 2 AM, I went to Walmart with my friend. Nothing unusual happened, besides the few people also shopping giving me looks. But it was 2 AM at a Walmart around Halloween, so.
I don't really dress up as dramatically as this every day, but I have become a lot more comfortable dressing the way I want to! Honestly a lot of my favorite outfits are amalgamations of pieces I've gathered since high school, over nearly 10 years now. It's taken a while to curate a closet I like, but I like where it is, and how it's going!
(Clothes and the way I present are important to me, and I want to emphasize that it's taken a while to get to where I am, and I'm still not where I always wanted to be! If clothes are important to you, too, let me say: high school is only the beginning. Collect stuff you like and don't be afraid to let go of stuff you don't. You don't need a single style and it's a good idea to experiment! I have a lot of goth type clothes, but I've also collected a fair amount of stuff in the vein of different vintage and academia styles. Some of my favorite clothes don't fit into my usual goth outfits. Just... If clothes are important to you, know that you can get where you want to be. Experiment and don't think you have to conform to any one or two styles. You're unique and so are your choices of style!! Sorry for the long paragraph. This is something I wish I could tell my younger self! You don't need to be perfect right now. You're not falling behind. You're doing great. :) You'll get there.)
Anyway that's the story. Not much to it. I went to Walmart at 2AM for shampoo with a faux deathhawk. I went to Harmon's once last year with an Iowa Hawkeyes hoodie and a full face of dramatic goth makeup too. It's fun. I've had mothers scoot their kids away from be before and I think that's hilarious
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girloftheisland · 2 years
First attempt at a minor restoration project
Adventures in buying used shit from ebay
Episode 1
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Back in the days before the pandemic, I used to give piano lessons to kids. One student liked to call everyone “bro,” including me, so I’d like to pass on that sentiment to my dolls. Everyone’s a bro, bruh, brah. 
This blondie is Ellis, my lil dude. I got her for cheap on ebay, the kind of cheap that makes you think she’ll arrive with a number of flaws and broken parts. Limbs that hang from their sockets and rattle like maracas. Eyes rusted shut. You get the gist. 
Once I received the package and opened her up, it was a de-LIGHT to see that her limbs were still tight, and the only noticeable disaster was that frizzy, dry hair. I’m not against this type of hair — it perfectly describes my own. 
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She came with a side braid, lipstick, and a few smudge marks across the face. This is a Just Like You #56 but obviously received some special treatment. Her hair reeks of product: the detergent smell of shampoo. I washed my dolls’ hair as a kid, so I can’t blame the previous owner. Kids just do kid stuff. She’s meant to have large curls, and luckily, most of them are still there. 
To revamp her with minimal effort, I knew I had two goals:
1.) Tame some of the frizzy hair.
2.) Wash her limbs and get rid of the lipstick (— or chapstick? Who can say.)
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I used a wire brush and warm water to get rid of the tangles. Did it work? Eh, it could have gone better. [PICTURED ABOVE: The point when I thought: “Oh shit, oh damn, maybe this isn’t a good idea.”] She’s lost some hair, and there are a few gaps in the wig. These things can be hidden for now, right? She’s also got blue coloring on some of the ends. I have no idea what would cause this. Is it leftover shampoo? The stain of a blue popsicle that melted and dripped onto the doll’s head? Like I said, kids be kids.
I also used a magic eraser to clean the limbs and wash her face. She seemed relatively clean until I looked down at the eraser to see all the brown gunk that washed away. I’m not afraid of dirt, so I just sorta looked at it, thought huh, and thanked myself for NOT skipping this step. A used doll is never as clean as you think it is. 
I “styled” — a word I use loosely here — her hair and dressed her in a new outfit. Anyways, this how she turned out:
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Is she finished? Nah, that wig will need some touching up, because there are significant gaps in the back. Not pictured: her bald spot. Plus, she has empty holes for earrings, and it’ll be fun to make something from my jewelry supplies. But she’s all set for now.
What’s she wearing? Glad you asked. I was going for an ambiguous 40s/50s vibe. The plaid skirt and sweater come from the World Traveler in Ireland AG outfit. The blouse and saddle shoes came from ebay. She is dressed and blessed and ready to hit the streets. 
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obeymeluv · 3 years
Things I Wonder About the Boys
More random headcanons (and questions) about pretty much everything (in no specific order)
Did the boys struggle with a language barrier when they fell from heaven? Angels had a language called Enochian, right? Did demons have their own language?
When the bros fell to the Devildom, did Diavolo realize they had a common language in Latin and only spoke to them in Latin?
I headcanon that Diavolo was one of the first to successfully learn English because his father knew a lot of languages to better seduce humans (or trick them to coming with him so he could eat them). Learning English was a sign of higher status until it became common and available to all demons
Being angels, they knew English but Diavolo didn’t realize it was a common language until Belphegor told him to “eat shit” (not realizing he could understand it)
Now that they’re demons, do they have to feed to sustain themselves? They mention that the MC (a human) is a rare treat and several make remarks about them smelling or being tasty. Are humans the god-tier of food? Are all other Devildom foods just boredom eating that kind of fill them up but don’t satisfy them?
When the boys decide they like you, do they try to catch your attention with habits of their familiar? For example. Lucifer’s representative sin-animal is a peacock. When he starts getting excited about you and wondering how to flirt with you, do his wings just....explode like that?
Who the hell pays the bills in that place? How do they get the Grimm to keep everything running? Is Diavolo the sugar daddy since Lucifer swore eternal servitude?
If Beel’s appetite is so devastating on the fridge and family finances, why don’t they just perform some kind of magic to triple the food portion? Will that not work?
How does Satan never get lost in his own room? IT’S SO HUGE! I bet he’s gotten lost and the bros had to make a search party. Satan was so embarrassed he never talked about it
Lucifer has definitely trapped Mammon by leaving a single-coin trail of Grim. Probably had Beel sit on the box.
What if, pre-fall, Mammon’s animal was a dove? The Devildom probably doesn’t have doves. HIS doves probably wouldn’t recognize him or come to him. What if Mammon was adopted by crows because they just knew?
If Levi became Supreme Overlord Otaku in the Devildom, what were his passions in the Celestial realm? Did he just sit up there with a bunch of souls and beat them at Bingo or something?
Has Beel ever eaten anything that sent him to the infirmary? He seems fine with eating random stuff whole, and taking bites out of others, but is there something his stomach CAN’T handle?
When Belphie gets mad, he charges like a bull
Satan has a similar disposition, and will charge like a ram. The two don’t butt heads often but it’s because they learned they could (and have) locked horns and gotten stuck
My personal headcanon is that Diavolo is the only one who can give Beel a real challenge one-on-one. They’re basically matched for strength and stature. Lucifer would never admit it, but he can be taken down by both of them. Not without a hell of a fight though.
Mammon has never lost a game of hide and seek, and if you lose something he will DEFINITELY find it. When his brain considers it a “hidden treasure”, he will find it
Lucifer, Satan, Belphie, and Levi are the best or strongest magic users in the family. Levi just doesn’t like to show it and would rather fight in a background kind of way (element of surprise and all that).
Mammon taught all his little brothers how to fight because he was worried about something happening to them if he couldn’t be there. Asmodeus and Satan turned out to be the better fighters (Beel doesn’t count because he’s a natural tank).
Satan has definitely put a book through a wall before, or at least thrown one so hard that it got stuck in the wall
Mammon made Asmodeus so mad once (on accident, promise!) that Asmo snuck into his closet and cut holes in his clothes. When Mammon got put on the cover of Majolish for his “wild new style” Asmo’s yell was basically heard throughout the Devildom
Asmo has definitely mixed hair dye into Mammon’s shampoo and turned his hair pink for a week. Didn’t know if he was mad about how cute he looked or not. Satan and Belphe adopted him as an honorary “Lucifer Sucks” club member even though it wasn’t an attack on Lucifer
Asmo went into a huge depressive episode when he fell because it was basically culture shock for him. He didn’t feel special or beloved anymore. Lucifer used to sit on his bed and braid his hair and play with it. The other bros used to make a cuddle pile in his room to help him feel better.
They get in these moods that precede a heat cycle where the room they pick is THEIR ROOM and THEIR SPACE and they expect it to be respected
Beel has regularly (and readily) traded house chores for food (”If I give you my double-glazed Devilbird leg, will you do the dishes?”, “Yes.”) Lucifer had to put a stop to it because Beel was doing the chores too much.
Sometimes when Beel’s alone or in a really good mood, he’ll harmonize with his wings. He likes to hum and sing a lot but no one really seems to do it anymore and it makes him sad.
Levi used to play the harp when he was an angel. He misses it but doesn’t really want to bring it into the House of Lamentation because it might make everyone sad, so he sticks to classical music records and even makes music on his computer.
Lucifer, Beel, Satan, and Levi know the most languages in the house.
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vagrant-love · 3 years
Justin’s Love Chronicles - Story 1
This is a Waverly Place fic. This was meant to be a one shot one chapter story of several stories unconnected where Justin find love and sex in different scenarios. However, I degressed too much in this one so the rest of the story will have another entry.
The next entry will have sex and all the good stuff.
Inspired by S04E19, Wizards vs Asteroids
“We received a report from NASA that an asteroid has changed its course and is heading straight to earth, this means the end of life as we know it” The Russo family, Zeke and Harper were all gathered on the Russo’s family living room watching the television in disbelief as it delivered the horrifying news. Alex, who was usually carefree and youthful, ready to dismiss any terrible news with a joke or witty remark was left speechless, unable to find in her vast mental Rolodex of comedy anything to say that could even remotely lighten the mood.
Harper, who was an alarmist by nature did what was expected of her, she made a mental note of all her favourite outfits, which she would now wear, one after the other, until the end, but she then decided she would not have time to change to all of them, so instead she would make a new one, or die in the process.
Max, who had a mind as feeble and as free as a butterfly in a breeze, almost child-like despite being now a teenager, turned to his family and beloved friends and realised that he would no longer see them. This idea filled him with immense sadness, he felt his shoulders heavy, and his eyes teary. “Guys, I know I am usually lost in everything that is happening around me, or with you guys. But now that the end is coming, I just want you guys to know that I love you guys, and I care for you, and I wish I was more present, more aware”.
Teresa could not help but to love the youngest of her beloved children. Yes Max problematic. Yes Max created all sort of havoc. Yes Max… well, they all knew all that Max did, but one thing they all also knew is that Max never did anything maliciously. He was pure and innocent and they all loved him. She took him into her arms with tender love that only a mother could give, and stroke his beautiful brown hair that resembled hers so much.
“It’s okay Max, we love you just the way you are. Right Jerry?”
Jerry nodded in agreement, like Alex he too had no words for that was happening. He was a big softie after all, they all knew it, and knowing that the world would end and they would never see his family again was a burden no heart could bear, specially not Jerry’s heart. He enveloped both his wife and Max, holding them tight in his arms, feeling their warmth for the last time, smelling the sweet scent of vanilla shampoo in Teresa’s hair, one thing that he loved about her since they started dating, she almost smelled like vanilla. He even appreciated the minty smell coming from Max’s hair, which he hoped was form his shampoo, but he knew was probably from eating too many magical mint cookies to disguise Max’s sour smell of not having bathed for a couple os days.
The only one who wasn’t in a fatalistic mindset was Justin, who’s rational mind was working overtime doing calculations, trajectories, thinking about the physics, rotations, heck, even dark matter if it helped. He turned to Zeke who stared back at him, they shared an unspoken bond, they knew what each other thought without having to say any words. Justin nodded. Zeke nodded. And both went up to Justin’s room.
“C’mon Justin do you really think they could have made the wrong calculations? They are the freaking NASA man. We are so doomed!” Zeke whined as soon as they entered the room. He wanted to be right, but being an emotional bouncing chipmunk he was he could not help but fall in despair when confronted with the idea that he, Zeke, could be right when NASA was not.
“Zeke, we have been tracking asteroids for years. You know the calculations, you’ve done it yourself man. We are RIGHT!” Justin said, almost barking the last word as he usually does the he wanted to emphasise his excitement. He took Zeke by the cheeks, holding each side with one hand and forced Zeke to look straight back into his eye. He had this new theory he thought after considering Plato’s theory on the soul. If a soul was the essence of a being, and decided how the ‘vessel’ would behave, and if Shakespeare was right when he said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, then maybe if he stared at Zeke he could make HIS mind force Zeke’s mind to behave more like Justin, and less like Zeke.
Not that Justin didn’t like Zeke’s soul, far from that. He adored him. Zeke was his best friend, his confident, more often than not a should to cry on. He was there when Justin lost Juliet and Rosie, and he never judged, or made fun of him for expressing his feelings in an ‘unmanly’ way. Zeke was always kind to Justin. *** The day Juliet went away Justin was in shambles. His heart was shattered, exploded and each particle was so small that if one could see they would think he had sand in his chest. It was an adequate metaphor, because Justin did feel like he was suffocating after his girlfriend went away, as if had a whole beach in his lungs. He could not breath, and it felt like every heartbeat was a struggle. After that fated day he didn’t want to go home and see his family. He loved his family, but some things are not meant to be shared with family.
He called Zeke as soon as they got home.
“Hey’, he said as soon as Zeke answered with his cheery ‘Hiellow’. He could not help but to grin, even if just slightly, at the sound of his beloved friend. His overly cheeriness, carefree and over-the-top attitude was something that Justin always felt balanced his more sober, geeky and rational attitude. Together they were balanced… perfect.
Justin explained what happened to Zeke. Not in detail, just enough so that he could ask him if he could come over and maybe spend the night. “Of course man, stay as long as you want. I’ll call my parents to double check but you know they love you, I’m sure they won’t mind. I’m here for you bro, you know that, right?”
“I know Zeke, thank you”, was all Justin could mumble before hanging up. Zeke was very wealthy, his parents had a beautiful and large apartment on the Upper East Side, which wasn’t too far from Waverly Place, but it felt to Justin as if he was entering a different universe whenever he visited Zeke. It was a place of money, Teslas, Chanel suits, Versace underwear and diamonds. A lot of diamonds. He remembered one time when he was younger and he saw Zeke’s mother going out with his father, both looking very chic and well dressed. She was wearing a beautiful necklace, two strips of diamond with a large blue diamond in the middle. Justin was obsessed with it, he never seen something so sparkly in his life. Even magic could not rival it. It was as if one million pieces of glitter had been crushed together to form just one stone. He must have stared at it so badly Zeke’s mother could not help but notice.
“Do you like my necklace little Justin?”, she asked, she had a bit of an accent but he didn’t know where from.
He nodded.
“Would you like to have a closer look?”
Again, he nodded, and the lady took the necklace off her swan-like neck, and handed it to the younger lad who took hold of it as if he was holding a bomb with how careful he was handling with the jewellery.
He adored it, he wanted to have it, to wear it. He wished for a brief second that he was a girl to be able to wear such things. He put it in his head and wore it like a tiara, and looked at himself in the large baroque mirror that was placed in the large living room. He smiled brightly, shining his pearly teeth for all to see. Zeke’s mother laughed heartily, and Zeke’s father smiled kindly to him, giving him a look that Justin never quite understood. It was a kind look, but also a mysterious one.
“You truly are most adorable little Justin, I am glad my Zachary found you as a friend. I told you George that sending him to public school was the best idea. I went to one and I tuned out well. Yes, private education has its perks, but our boy should be grounded and down to earth.”, she said, half to her husband and half to the two young boys staring at her.
She held her slender hand with beautifully manicured fingers to Justin, who noticed she had a bracelet that matched the necklace. Justin handed the necklace back to her, but he never forgot how he looked with that necklace on his head.
Justin wasn’t sure why he remembered that on his way to Zeke. Maybe it was because he hasn’t been to the Beakerman’s house for quite some time. He was very busy with school, magic, etc. So the chances to go to the Upper East Side were scarce. He was happy he was going though, he liked there, but most of all, he liked Zeke.
When he arrived he went through he dark oak heavy doors into a refined reception room, neatly decorated with a classy baby blue carpet that covered the floor and matched the cerulean paint on the walls. On the centre there was a huge glass candelabra that Justin could not even imagine how it was cleaned without magic. To the left side surrounded by white marble was the reception, hosted by a Juan, the oddly young and handsome concierge. He was probably ins his late 20s, Justin would guess 28? He had thick jet black curly hair, not too voluminous, just enough to give him a youthful look, as if he had just left the ocean and his hair dried with the sad from the sea and, sorta stayed that way. With dark green eyes, and a very shallow stable, he almost looked like a model on his day off, except for the cute little cap he wore to match his nice suit. He wondered if the suit came with the job or is Juan bought it to match the opulent surrounding.
“Hola Juan”, said Justin.
“Hola señor Justin”, replied Juan, with his useful cheerful tone. He didn’t often meet Juan, but he always had a tone that was almost as if he was smiling through his voice. It made Justin happy and he pondered for a split second that his natural charisma was too great to be left isolated from the rest of the world, secluded in that beautiful cage of a Manhattan reception. Juan should have been a model, or an actor maybe… thought Justin, considering if he would allow himself to use magic to maybe change Juan’s fortune.
“Señor Zeke told me you were coming, go right in, the code is this”, he handled Justin a piece of paper neatly folder with the number 24.
Justin thanked him, walked into the large elevator at the end of the reception, typed in the cold and went up to the 5th floor, where the door to the elevator opened straight into the beautiful living room he had reminiscence not too long before.
Not much had changed, apart from some furniture changing and moving, the colour in a wall going from white to marsala, and a piece of decor here and there which he remembered not being there, or being somewhere else.
“Hey Justin”, said Zeke, coming from the sofa and greeting him at the entrance. He was wearing only a white tank top and silver cotton pyjama trousers. His hair was a bit messy. It wasn’t early but not late enough that Zeke should be sleeping, thought Justin. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting your nap or anything”
“Not at all man”, Zeke said, shining his naive smile at Justin. “My parents are travelling in Asia so I have the apartment for myself. I decided to have breakfast food for dinner and I thought hey, if I am gonna have breakfast then I need to be dressed for breakfast. So I dressed up like this and messed up my hair. What do you think bro?”
Justin laughed, which felt a bit weird, he hadn’t felt at all happy ever since Juliet had been taken by the mummy, let alone after she went into the woods, but Zeke had this natural ability to make others laugh, it was what made him so charismatic and something Justing envied a little about Zeke. While Justin was more handsome than Zeke, he always lacked this easiness that Zeke had into fitting him.
“Oh I’m so sorry Justin, I’m being so insensitive talking about breakfast when your girlfriend turned into a million years old and disappeared into the woods. Oooooh man I’m a terrible friend!”, whined Zeke in his usual chipmunk manner.
“It’s fine Zeke, I laughed so that’s more than I have done in the past months so, thank you. And I think you look dashing my friend.” He said, giving Zeke a wink and a couple of gun finger pointing.
“Thanks Justin, you’re awesome man. Come in”, he said, leading Justin down the hall and into his bedroom, which was almost as big as the living room.
Zeke’s bedroom as dreamland for any geek. He had Dark Star replica hanging from the ceiling. A book shelf full of fantasy books and mangas, Zeke loved his Sailor Moon and made a point to buy each one from the original Japanese print. Zeke’s bed was enormous, and was probably the size of all the Russo’s beds combined. Justin was always surprised that Zeke didn’t use custom sheets of his favourite series, Doctor Who, but he had a feeling that had something to do with his parents. The rest of the room was filled with other nerdy things, but overall looked like a normal teenager room. There were clothes spread out around the floor, the bed was unmade, and there were a couple of plates of food left on top of the many cupboards around the place.
“Sorry, I gave the cleaning guys a break since it’s only me, so things are a bit messy”, Zeke said apologetically. “Sit down tell me what happened again”. Justin took the seat on the bed, right next to Zeke who sat on top of his leg as he usually did, facing Justin. He wasn’t sure he could reciprocate the gesture. When he thought about talking about what happened to Juliet he immediately felt his eyes filling with tears, and the sand in his chest moving up to his through, choking any words that attempted to break free from his vocal cords.
“I-I… Sh-She…”, he tried saying, but the sobs had already started. Justin hid his face with his hands. He was so embarrassed, he was meant to be the cool one but there he was crying like a baby.
“Hey hey, it’s okay dude, it’s okay to cry. Come here”, he pulled Justin by the shoulders, an action that surprised Justin so much it made his sobs stop and for him to look at Zeke with a horrified face. Not because Justin was avert to Zeke’s touching but because never in their friendship they had been this intimate. Yes, they were very close, but only in the manner that people would see it as acceptable.
“It’s okay dude, there’s nothing weird about this. I know people think us guys can’t like, cry or hug, but the truth man is that you’re my best friend and if you’re sad, I want to give you a hug”, Zeke said without an inch of malice in his voice, without so much of a hint of an ulterior motive. His honesty and frankness were so genuine Justin couldn’t help but feel disarmed. Justin pondered, for a second, and decided that this was okay.
He allowed himself to be embraced by his friend, who put his head in his shoulder and held him tight. He rubbed Justin’s back slowly and gently, and Justin felt himself letting go of the sand in his heart, of all those feelings of lost and despair he had felt since Juliet went away.
And he cried, loudly. And Zeke stayed there with him, holding him, rubbing his back and squeezing his shoulders, whispering ‘It’s okay buddy, everything is okay, I’m here for you’.
Justin knew, at that point, he loved Zeke.
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justlookfrightened · 4 years
Second Zimbits bingo post #2
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See the first post
Urban fantasy
Bitty woke to weak sunlight illuminating a bare room.
The corners were dusty, but the sheets on the bed were clean enough, if a little scratchy. The T-shirt Jack had given him to sleep in was plenty soft, and so big it  covered Bitty down to the thighs.
He crawled out of bed and to the radiator, where he’d draped his wet clothes the night before. He prodded at them with a finger. His underwear was dry, thank the Lord, and his jeans were only a little damp around the waistband. His own T-shirt, rinsed in the bathroom sink with his underwear and socks, had also dried. 
His shoes, though … maybe he could get away with stocking feet until he actually had to leave the house. Haus? Jack had pronounced it kind of funny when he welcomed Bitty inside the night before and showed him the living room with its truly disgusting couch. If the living room was his only choice, Bitty had decided, he would sleep on the floor. It was still miles better than trying to find shelter outside.
But then Jack had gone upstairs for a few minutes. When he came back down, he said, “Looks like Johnson’s away again. You can have his bed for the night.”
Jack had shown him the bathroom, which was also gross, but had hot water, and given him a clean shirt that fit Bitty like it was meant to be nightclothes anyway.
Bitty had reveled in the feeling of the shower raining down on his shoulders and back, and he uttered a silent apology to whoever owned the soap and shampoo he used. Once he was clean, he washed his smalls as best he could. He was just wringing them out when Jack knocked on the door and called, “I don’t know if you have a toothbrush, but there should be a new one in the drawer on the left if you want it.”
“Thanks, Jack,” Bitty called back, and lost no time in cleaning his teeth,
“No problem,” Jack said. “I have to be up early, so I’m going to bed. Good night,”
“Good night,” Bitty replied through a mouthful of toothpaste.
Jack really had turned out to be a godsend after a less than auspicious beginning. Bitty had felt the tears coming when he turned to leave Jack’s shop after hearing it was already closed; he didn’t know how far he he had walked in the snow already, and he just wanted a chance to get warm, even if the cost of coffee or tea would have put a dent in the meager funds in his wallet. 
Maybe his magic had somehow summoned Jack when he needed him? Or if not summoned him, given him a change of heart?
No, probably not. Bitty’s magic didn’t usually work without him making an effort, and he had never tried to work it on people. That seemed wrong, somehow. Besides, if he could have used magic to change hearts, he would have used it on Mama and Coach and stayed in his old, comfortable life.
At any rate, it was way past early, judging by the winter sun, but Jack hadn’t woken him to send him on his way. He wasn’t even sure which room was Jack’s, and he didn’t want to wake up a stranger by mistake, so he couldn’t look for him..
Once dressed, Bitty folded Jack’s T-shirt over his arm, picked up his shoes and padded down the stairs. He wasn’t exactly sure how many people lived here, or what their relationship was to one another, but Jack didn’t seem to think they’d mind Bitty crashing for the night. He could at least do some muffins to thank them, assuming there was a working kitchen.
The living room with the disgusting couch was empty of people, and so was the kitchen just beyond it. Well, kitchen, if he used the term loosely. There was a refrigerator, and a stove, and a sink and cabinets. Maybe the appliance that got the most use was the microwave, judging by the food spattered on the inside of the door.
The floor didn’t look like it had been mopped this year, the refrigerator was full of beer and convenience foods and the cabinets held boxes of protein bars and at least a case of sriracha.
How had Jack made such good coffee yesterday? If this was his kitchen, it was really no wonder that he thought it acceptable to microwave a stale scone. The wonder was that the scone was edible at all. 
No matter. Bitty could make his muffins and get this kitchen set to rights. It was really the least he could do for the people who took him in last night, even if most of them didn’t know it yet.
Bitty wrinkled his nose as he stuffed his feet into his damp shoes and made his way to the counter. He pulled his old recipe book from the pocket of his hoodie and turned the pages, looking for what to make when ingredients were scarce. Soon, he had a batter mixed with eggs, flour, oil and milk that all came to hand at just the right time. So did blueberries. They were frozen, but Bitty supposed he couldn’t be too picky when it was February.
The oven was ancient, and it took ages to heat, but it did get hot. While Bitty was waiting, he made a start on the cleaning. Once the muffins were baking, he looked at the ingredients he had left and made a start on a pie. Muffins were good, but it really would take a pie to show the depth of his gratitude. Besides, he couldn’t even think of leaving until it was done and the kitchen was set to rights. It didn’t hurt that he found apples for the filling as soon as the dough for the crust was chilling.
The muffins were out and the pie in the oven when he was interrupted by two men, both at least Jack’s size, maybe bigger, standing in the doorway.
“What the fuck is that smell?” one said. “It smells like my aunt’s house, but with more love and innocence.”
“Bro, no offense, but I’ve been to your aunt’s house,” the larger one said. “Compared to this, her house smells like a shithole.”
Bitty stood stock still. He was pretty sure they meant the food smelled good (because really, it did), but the way they expressed themselves …
He was still standing and staring when the first man who spoke noticed him.
“Uh, who are you, little dude?”
“And what are you doing in our kitchen?” the bigger guy said. “Are you like some kind of an elf out of a fairy tale?”
An elf? This man was mistaking a full-grown man for an elf? Sure, he was a kitchen witch, but you couldn’t tell by looking.
“I’m not an elf,” he said. “Jack let me stay here last night, and I figured I’d make y’all some food to thank you for your hospitality.”
“Jack’s gone already, bro,” the not-quite-as-large one said. “Sorry if you were expecting to see him this morning.”
“Imagine that,” the other one said. “Jack bringing a guy home, and then sneaking out of his own room while the guy’s sleeping. Sorry for his lack of manners, uh —”
Bitty knew his face was burning at what the man was implying. He would never, not just after meeting someone at least. Not that he hadn’t thought about it a little before falling asleep, wearing Jack’s T-shirt. Jack was … very attractive, and kind, even if his manners left something to be desired. Bitty had laughed at himself then, for thinking his life could be like one of Mama’s romance novels, with a hero with a chiseled jaw and six-pack abs coming to his rescue. 
“Eric,” Bitty finally managed to sputter. “Eric Bittle. And if you were implying what I thought you were, it wasn’t like that. I took shelter from the storm in Jack’s coffee shop last night, and he let me stay in — I think he said it was someone named Johnson’s room?”
“Johnson,” the blond snorted. “Dude’s never here. Anyway, I’m Adam. You can call me Holster. This is Justin, but he goes by Ransom.”
“Okay,” Bitty said. “Y’all can call me Bitty, if you want. Sit, and have some muffins. The coffee’s probably not as good as Jack’s —” Bitty glared at the crusty old coffee maker “— but it should do.”
Ransom and Holster sat and ate. They ate so much that Bitty had to keep a close eye on the basket, especially after another man, this one in nothing but a mustache and Wonder Woman briefs, wandered in.
“Hell — holy shit, what is this?” he said, seeing the basket of muffins that the first two hadn’t quite been able to finish off. Probably because Bitty had multiplied them when no one was looking.
“Breakfast,” Ransom said, taking another bite. “Thanks to our new best friend, Eric Bittle.”
“He’s ours, Shitty,” Holster said. “You can’t have him.”
“That’s not how friendship works,” the new guy — Shitty? — said before Bitty could protest. “Where’d you find him?”
“In the kitchen,” Holster said.
“Actually, Jack found him,” Ransom said. “Brought him home and put him in Johnson’s room last night.”
Bitty took the pie from the oven and set it on the cooling rack before clearing his throat and saying, “‘Him’ is standing right here.”
“Sorry,” the new guy saud. “Shitty Knight at your service.”
“Long story,” Shitty said. “How do you know Jackabelle?”
“I don’t,” Bitty said. “I just stopped into the coffee shop, and he realized I was stranded and took pity on me.”
“That — kind of sounds like something Jack would do,” Shitty said.
“Anyway, I made the muffins and the pie to thank him, and all of you, for your hospitality,” Bitty said. “My name is Eric, but call me Bitty.”
“I guess I can see how you got that nickname,” Shitty said, standing up to pour his own coffee.
“I’m not that small,” Bitty protested. “It’s a hockey nickname, ‘cause my last name’s Bittle.”
“Right,” Shitty said.
“Wait, dude, you play hockey?” Holster said. “We played in college.That’s how we all met.”
“Used to play,” Bitty said. Because that was in high school, back in Georgia. 
“What do you do now? Besides turning out wicked muffins?” Shitty said. “Where did you even find blueberries? Did you go to the store?”
“Did you remember the part where he was stranded?” Ransom said. “How would he get to the store?”
“That’s right,” Shitty said, and helped himself to another muffin. “Holy fuck, these are good. So what’s your plan?”
“Um, maybe someone could direct me to the train station?” Bitty said. “I walked from there last night, to Jack’s coffee shop, but he drove me here, and I don’t quite know how to get back.”
“Dude, you’re not gonna walk there,” Holster said, eyeing Bitty’s sneakers. “It’s too far. And the snow’s like a foot deep. Streets are mostly plowed, but it’s messy.’’
“Maybe you could tell me how to get to the coffee shop then?” Bitty asked. “I did want to leave that pie for Jack and if I leave it here …”
“Yeah, no,” Holster said. “It’ll definitely disappear. How’d you make it so fast anyway? I thought pies were, like, hard.”
“Not really,” Bitty said. “And sometimes when I’m in a kitchen, pies just appear.”
“Cool superpower, brah,” Shitty said. “But you don’t want to carry that pie all the way to the shop. I can drive you in a little bit. I was headed that way anyway.”
Ransom and Holster left, off to do whatever kind of work it was they did (consulting, they said, but what did that mean?). Shitty disappeared upstairs, presumably to put some clothes on, and Bitty cleaned up the kitchen. And made two batches of cookies: chocolate chip and ginger snaps.
He made sure to hide the cookies and the leftover muffins under clean dish towels on the counter, in hopes they would be discovered later, when he was gone. Shitty had already been looking at him like there was something strange going on, and he had no wish to explain his magic.
Well, really, he had no ability to explain it, either. It started when he was small. When he was just a tyke he could produce pies and cookies and cakes better than bakers ten times his age. Back when he was five, he didn’t question that there were always chocolate chips in the cupboard when he needed them, always eggs and butter in the fridge, and the flour canister was never empty.
It had been going on for a matter of months when MooMaw noticed there was something more than unusual baking talent there. She pulled him aside and said she was the very same way, and he must never tell anyone. Not even his parents. Apparently, the magic skipped a generation.
Over the years, she told him what she had learned. She was always able to bake good food, but some of the magic only seemed to kick in if she was baking for other people.
“If I wanted to make a cupcake, just for me, and I needed some almond extract, do you think I’d find it in my cabinet?” she said. “Never. But if I was baking a whole batch of cupcakes for your class at school, it would be there, sure as there’s a nose on my face.”
“But MooMaw,” he’d asked. “Why would you ever bake just one cupcake?”
Over the years, he’d found that he couldn’t always get exactly what he wanted. There were no in-season strawberries in December, no matter how much he needed them. Some recipes seemed to work better than others when he needed to put his magic to use, and they were usually the ones he copied by hand from MooMaw’s book. But his cakes and pies and cookies seemed to bake faster than most people’s no matter what recipe he used, and once baked, they wouldn’t run out during a meal or a party, not as long as he kept watch and willed the serving basket or plate to stay full.
No matter how harmless his magic seemed, he knew MooMaw was right. People didn’t like somebody who was different, and he was already different enough. Mama and Coach hadn’t kicked him out, precisely, when he explained that the kids who tormented him for being gay weren’t exactly wrong, but his relationship with them had grown strained overnight.
Best to find somewhere where he could be himself, by himself, and bake for people who didn’t know who he was or question why it tasted so good. It was already far too late for that here. He would take Jack his pie and be on his way.
Read the next part
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a-ffection · 4 years
Multiples of 5 on the 200 questions thing
200: My crush’s name is
Santiago, but he's really mean to me and didnt ask me to prom in high school so I don't think he likes me back 💔
195: My shoe size is:
I'm not giving away that information for free 👀
190: My 1st job was:
Medical records coder at a rural hospital but I worked from home.
185: My favorite shampoo is:
I dont have a favorite shampoo but I’ve been meaning to look into brands and their ingredients since there are some ingredients I really dont like for my hair
180: Marriage is:
Something sacred and one of the biggest commitments you can make as a person. Its also one of the most rewarding things you can do in your life if you do it right.
175: How many cousins do you have?
Are there people who can actually answer this? A lot
170: What did you do yesterday?
Not much studied and did a quiz. I slept in really late 😅
[ I Believe In ]
165: Aliens:
Absolutely 👽
160: Soul mates:
Yes 😊
155: Magic:
Not really, I think everything has a scientific explanation even ghosts 
[ This or That ]
150: Blondes or Brunettes:
Brunettes for sure. Blondes aren't very masculine looking to me and I prefer rugged looking dudes
145: Night or Day:
140: Mac or PC:
135: Burried or cremated:
Buried but id be dead anyway so I dont care that much lol
130: Wal-Mart or Target:
Target duh
125: Chocolate or Flowers:
Both but not like the ones in heart boxes that are sold at Walmart I hate those chocolates, they put weird stuff in them
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
120: Gay Marriage:
As long as no church is forced to preform one idc 
115: Parents:
110: My Neighbors:
Theyre chill except for this one family thats just like out of control and im pretty sure one of them broke into my car awhile back 👀
105: My family:
[ Last time I ]
100: Cried in front of someone:
A couple months ago, my brother made me snap a bit
95: Got my nails done:
I dont get my nails done but I tried it once. Its expensive and it feels super weird to like use your hands with them lol idk how other people can do it tbh 
Sam's nail tech is like a genius though, her nails are always so pretty high key jealous 😳
90: Texted: 
Almost 2 hours ago
[ MISC ]
85: The thing im not looking forward to:
My exam later today RIP
80: The first person i talked to today was:
My boyfriend 🥰
75: What are you going to do when you grow up:
I dont even know anymore but next week im going to stock up on notebooks and start tackling my MCAT prep textbooks. Depending on how I do will decide if I want to go to optometry school / get a doctorates in microbio instead.
Tbh I'm kinda hoping I don't do well on it because then I'd have to spend at least 4 more years in Texas since I get free school here and I'd rather move to Michigan soon after graduation so-
70: Next Weekend:
Idk ill probably be studying tbh
65: Last time I cried:
2 days ago over something stupid 😅
60: I lose all respect for people who:
Judge or treat others poorly over anything other than their character
55: Your dream vacation:
Spending a summer traveling around the world with some French guy
50: Where would you like to be:
Michigan 🥺
45: One thing that makes you feel great is:
Painting 👩‍🎨
40: Last person I got mad at:
My older brother lol
[ My Favorites ]
35: President:
Historically speaking Andrew Jackson. I just think he lived an interesting life
30: Actress:
Monica Bellucci 💕
25: TV show:
Ghost Adventures 👻. Really the only things I watch on TV are paranormal shows on travel channel or home improvement shows on HGTV 
20: Holiday:
Christmas overall but Halloween is such a close second. Fall is my favorite season in general and there’s all these horror movies on lol
15: Day of the week:
Wednesday maybe, Wednesdays are usually chill
10: Restaurant:
Perry's Steakhouse, it's so expensive and you have to dress nice but they have to best steak like bro 👀
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saintbandaid · 4 years
Promise - Sally Face/Larry
Just boys being bros
Larry was lazily strumming his guitar, strewn across Sal’s floor waiting for him to return from the kitchen with lukewarm beers and a package of chips. Larry couldn’t help but stare out the window at the way the trees shook with the windy rain that was pouring out over the apartments. The tree house was visible, almost, through the downpour. The soft thudding of feet came rumbling from down the hall. Larry’s gut turned, he didn’t know if it was a trauma response or general excitement to see his friend again. 
Sal walked into the room, carefully shutting the door behind him as if there was anyone in the house to bother. 
“Nothing, you just look cute.”
“Shut up. I’m wearing a mask.”
“Yeah but it’s cool,” Larry laughed.
“Then tell me I look cool.”
“Ice cold baby.”
“I’ll literally fucking kill you.” Sal sighed, behind his mask he felt his lip begin inching its way towards a smile.
“Only if you promise.”
Sal sat down beside Larry on the ground, picking up the guitar. He strummed softly, it sounded as if someone was brutally murdering a banjo, but it was soft in a way only Sal could do.
“Let me teach you to play.”
“No. I play fine.”
“Sal if you make me listen to your drunk chimpanzee attack on my guitar again I will literally shit on your floor.”
Larry sat up from his lounging position, scooting over to sit closer to Sal. He reached down and repositioned the guitar in the other man's lap. “Now put your right hand at the top, left at the bottom.”
“Now press down with your middle finger, and on this string with your other.”
Sal strummed the guitar after his fingers found their way to the right position, it sounded nice, Sal sighed a defeated sigh. “Fine, teach me.”
“I’m gonna gym teacher you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Sit in my lap.”
Sal stared at Larry for a moment, in total silence. The rain kept trickling down, licking the windows in long laps. Sal sighed again, he got up and scooted to a position with Larry’s legs around him. Sal has confined himself to this moment of defeat. Once he was sitting the room remained quiet, Larry’s chest was pressed against Sal’s back so close he could feel the deep indent in Larry’s chest. 
Larry rested his head on Sal’s shoulder so he could see the guitar strings. He took a moment to smell Sal’s hair, the aroma of sweat and strawberry shampoo. Larry picked up Sal’s hand and began pressing his fingers against different chords. This carried on for a second, or moments, for centuries or millennia. Long enough for Sal to shake away Larry’s hand and begin pressing the chords on his own. Listening to the choppy strumming Sal was producing, Larry reached over and opened one of the beers. He chugged it quick, escaping the idea that it was probably time to scoot away from Sal and let him explore the guitar. 
Larry sighed, beginning to push away from Sal. “Stop.”
Larry looked over Sal’s shoulder, trying to make eye contact. 
“Just,” Sal paused, “Keep showing me.”
Larry swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat, and suddenly the dreary rain filled apartment felt hot. “Ok.”
Sal reached over Larry’s thigh and grabbed one of the beers, popping it open and chugging it like his life depended on it. The two sat in awkward silence for a moment before returning to the guitar. 
Sal kept moving, shifting in his sitting position. 
“Are you okay?”
Sal turned his head to look at Larry, his eyes were piercing and serious. After a few moments he looked away, grabbed another beer, and treated it like a glass of apple juice. 
“Teach me on the bed.”
“Teach. Me. On. The. Bed.”
“If you talk again I will kill you.”
Larry smiled and pushed himself off the floor, each of his joint cracking on the way up. Sal stayed sitting for a moment while Larry got comfortable on the bed. Larry wasn’t sure why, but he wanted to be drunker. “Can we drink something else?” Larry asked, rolling his head to look at Sal. 
Sal reached under his bed and revealed what appeared to be gasoline in a plastic water bottle. “It’s like six different alcohols… whiskey, rum, whatever I could find.”
Larry smiled, “Damn.”
Sal got on the bed and gave him the water bottle, “I have two, we can drink this one all if you want.” 
This caught Larry off guard, typically his blue haired counterpart was more certain. Offering an option was different than the typical conversation styles. The two drank, leaving the guitar on the floor. The boys laughed at the noises from different apartments and they way they echoed through the floors. They guessed who was talking, even guessing people that weren’t there anymore. 
Sal got quiet, his skin was prickled with goose bumps but he had never felt more warm. 
“You’ll catch a cold baby blue.”
“What did you just call me?”
“Baby blue.” Larry smiled and winked.
“Do it again.”
“Okay,” Larry suddently couldn’t make eye contact anymore, “Baby blue.”
“Look at me.”
Larry was getting frustrated and he wasn't sure why, as if he was caught in a lie.
“Baby blue.”
Sal sat there, he did nothing, just sat. Larry’s ears began to heat up, something was caught in his throat.
“Why do you want me to call you that.”
“No one calls me that.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
Sal reached down and took another swig from the water bottle. He leaned over and got close to Larry’s face. 
“When do you call me that?”
“Just leave it alone Sal, I’m sorry if you're mad.”
“I’m not, I just know a secret.”
“Oh?” Larry’s voice cracked, there was no playing cool when Sal’s blue eyes pierced into his brown ones. Dirt and mud mixing but this was like a mudslide. 
“I’ve heard you.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’ve heard you, singing, you wrote a song and you say baby blue.”
“It’s a colour.”
“Yeah. It’s a colour. But you called me that.”
Larry reached over and grabbed the water bottle, taking a deep gulp. “And?”
Sal leaned over, pressing his forehead against Larrys. Larry could hear his breath, laboured but not the typical difficulty breathing that Larry knows. 
“Touch me.” Sal whispered. 
Larry couldn’t move, suddenly forgetting how his hands worked. Nothing made sense right now. Larry jerked away, “Woah.”
Sal sat back quickly. “Im drunk.”
The pit in Larry’s stomach felt deeper than the marianas trench. 
Sal squinted his eyes, “What?”
Larry leaned back over, his hands on either side of Sal’s thighs. He used one hand to yank on Sal’s piggy tail, “I can touch you.”
Larry has in fact, zero idea what he was doing, but he liked it whatever it was. Sal shook his head, moving Larry’s hand away. He didn’t let go, he grabbed tighter and pressed Larry’s palm against the straps on his mask.
Larry knew what was happening, and it was happening faster by the second. Warp speed ahead. He unclipped the mask, it fell onto Sal’s lap. Before Sal could say something bossy Larry had his lips on Sal’s. It was rough, tactless and very boosey. Larry smiled into the kiss, this is exactly what he wanted as his first kiss. 
Sal didn’t do much, as if by magic he no longer had instructions for Larry. This was uncharted territory and Sal was lost and going through the motions. 
Larry pulled away, “I’m so sorry.” Larry’s stomach felt like it was going to turn, worried that he had fallen for a joke and taken it too far. ���I’m just drunk.”
Sal’s blue eye appeared to be watering, something Larry had never seen. 
“Sorry for what.”
“Kissing you, you were joking right? I went too far. I shouldn't have don-” Larry was cut off mid pitiful apology by Sal’s finger. 
“Don’t apologize.” Sal’s finger began to trail down Larry’s chin, brushing against the stubble developing. He carried down Larry’s neck and to his chest, drawing circles on his descent. The room was quiet, Larry was holding in his breath in anticipation on how far Sal was going to go. Sal paused above the belt, and Larry watched the way Sal’s breath was hitching too. 
“I thought I was supposed to touch you.” Larry laughed, grabbing Sal’s arm tightly. His courage was coming back, and he was ready to be a present player in this mixed up game of repression and graveyard alcohol. Larry grabbed Sal’s other arm too and pushed him against the bed. 
Sal’s brain was mush, “Hit me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Slap me or something.”
Larry began laughing, “Why?”
“Need to feel real.”
Larry leaned down, squeezing Sal’s arms tightly and pressed a kiss into his forehead. “Make me.”
Sal squinted, establishing control through eye contact. Sal began to squirm, his back arching to make contact with Larry. He began to moan, never stopping eye contact with Larry.
Larry couldn’t breathe, everything he had read in the porno rag he found in the woods did not compare to this moment. 
“Okay, Baby Blue, okay.”
Larry leaned back, still straddling Sal, and slapped him across the face. Sal moaned, arching further. “Okay?” Larry asked.
“Okay.” Sal whined. 
Larry leaned down and kissed Sal again, biting his lower lip to get inside. As their mouths moved together Larry began to get lost. Almost forgetting where he was, almost. 
“I want you to kill me.” Sal sighed.
“Excuse me?” Larry laughed.
“I want you to choke me to death, hide my body in the tree house, and fuck it until I rot.”
“Sal.” Larry paused, “You’re kind of fucked up.”
“I promise, but not today.”
Larry gave Sal a look, “Say not today.”
Sal stole a quick kiss, “Not today.”
“Good boy, you follow direction too.”
Larry rolled off of Sal, laying beside him. 
“Am I your boyfriend?” Larry asked nervously, his body still felt like fire. 
“Because we kissed, and I promised to hide and fuck your corpse.”
“Okay? You’re my boyfriend?”
“Will your corpse also be my boyfriend?”
“Shut up or I’ll kill you.”
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crusnikroxas · 4 years
Imagine this! The boys are out and the reader decides to do a self care day with face masks. They are sitting on the counter cross legged in the bathroom, peeling off a clear peel on mask with the door open and the boys come home to see it. And before Y/N can explain the boys react badly 😂😂😂😂
Ooooh, this is fun (✧∇✧) (so this’ll take place in the DEISY universe, just so you know)
“Sister, we shall not be gone long! I imagine that this business of Undyne being stuck under a boulder shall be nothing for the great Papyrus, nyeh-heh-heh!” Sans looks far less enthusiastic about the whole endeavor, but regardless, he winks in a comforting manner as he softly caresses your cheek. “Be back in a flash, sweetheart.” “Literally, considering that handy teleporting of yours.” He winks again, though Papyrus seems highly offended by this. “Nonsense! It will take a mere three hours to walk to Undyne’s house!”
....now Sans looked all the more unenthusiastic about this ‘adventure’.
“Bro, look, as cool as walkin’ through blizzards and rain sounds-” “Exactly! Very cool indeed! Let us be off, Sans!” And before poor Sans can even protest, Papyrus yanks his brother up and onto his shoulder, sprinting out the door, cackling victoriously all the way. You roll your eyes and chuckle from your place on the couch, stretching luxuriously as you do so. It had been a while since you’d found yourself on your own - and while the house seemed almost unsettlingly quiet without the brothers present, you inwardly vowed that you would enjoy this moment of solitude. Jumping up from your cozy spot, you stretch once again, releasing a sigh of contentment when almost all of your joints let out ear-splitting pops and cracks - a luxury you hadn’t really been allowed as of late, considering....the weird skeleton thing, that you still didn’t really understand. Practically bounding up the staircase Papyrus-style, you rush to your room, reach under the bed, and dig around for what you were seeking, letting out a quiet noise of victory as you find your prize - a bag that Kat had delivered to you just the other day.
Filled to the brim with human ‘spa day’ items.
Face masks, body scrubs, body lotions, heavenly smelling shampoo, conditioner, and body wash....yup, it was all there. Now, you weren’t normally one to indulge in such things (hell, this stuff was expensive, and on the surface you’d barely been able to buy yourself a new toothbrush when needed), but Kat had insisted that you take it. “Aw, c’mon - it’s not like I have many clientele who’ll want this stuff anyway! Plus, you deserve it after all you’ve been through, sweet.” You hadn’t had even the slightest bit of room to argue - plus, it wasn’t as if she was wrong, anyway. You had been through a bit of a hellish time lately, to say the least. Besides, not only would you smell amazing at the end of all this, it would also help to distract you from the fact that you were all alone in the house, and anybody could-
No. No. Not thinking about that. Self-care time.
Nodding resolutely, you stand with your treasures in tow, and hurry yourself down to the bathroom. Instead of digging through the bag carefully like one should, you simply tip the contents all over the bathroom floor, sorting out what you would want to try out on this particular day.
Your choices in the end were:
-Deep conditioner, heavy with the scent of roses.
-A luxurious shampoo and conditioner with a matching scent to the deep conditioner (not from the same brand, but eh, close enough).
-Jasmine body scrub and body wash.
-Another floral body lotion - you weren’t sure what flower it was meant to smell like (you couldn’t understand the language on the front, and the picture was pretty nondescript), but you knew that it smelt good, and you wanted it.
-And lastly, charcoal face mask - you’d heard that this stuff was damn good, and had always wanted to try it; the fact that it was in the bag was a blessing in your book.
Satisfied with your choices, you shoved the rest of the stuff back into the bag and got to work.
Firstly, came the deep conditioner - and man, you had not realised what a hassle the damn stuff would be. Sure, putting it onto your hair was all fine and dandy, but having to wrap your head in cling-film was an utter bitch. How the hell had all those women on the ‘do it yourself’ videos made it look so easy?
After your dramatic battle to make your hair more luxurious, you chill out on the couch reading more of Sans’ quantum physics book (nothing like catching up on atomic and subatomic scales), waiting out the time instructed on the bottle - and when that time was up, you traveled back into the bathroom for your next struggle.
Sure, the body scrub smelled delicious, but the sandy texture soon became very troublesome to shove and massage onto your skin - eventually, your task is complete, leaving you a grumbling gritty mess as you unwrap your hair and finally step into the shower to wash the damn stuff off. 
But when you finally do, you realise that all that effort was well worth it - your skin felt stupidly smooth as the water flowed over your body. Releasing a contented sigh, you massage your scalp, freeing your hair from the heavy conditioner product - the bathroom is soon filled with the scent of roses and jasmine as you continue your work, the smirk on your face wide as you wonder how your skeletal roommates would react to the bathroom smelling like a damn flower garden.
When you finally step out of the shower and run the towel over yourself, you can’t help but let out another contented sigh; even if it had been a hassle thus far, your skin was so soft, and you smelt amazing. Still, you couldn’t understand how some women did this on a daily basis.
Sufficiently dry, you gently begin to rub tiny amounts of the lotion into your already soft skin - you didn’t want to overdo it and make your body and bathroom into a slip’n’slide (something tells you it wouldn’t be nearly as fun as it sounds). Now, all you had to do was wait for your skin to absorb it....
....and once that step was complete, you knew that your greatest challenge lay ahead.
Releasing a puff of air, you wrap your hair securely in a towel, dress yourself, and face the slightly fogged up bathroom mirror with a determined expression.
“...ok. We got this. Just....not the eyebrows. Definitely not the eyebrows.”
Bit by bit, you smear the inky goop that was the face mask onto your skin, carefully ensuring that it wouldn’t rip of anything you wanted to keep (like your eyebrows, for instance). After a moment of looking at your frankly terrifying face in the mirror, you let out a snort of laughter, reading the back of the package.
“Leave on until dry....right, back to the books, then.”
Sadly, this was how the brothers found you.
Reading peacefully on the couch.
While your face looked as if it was suffering from some kind of goopy necrosis.
All of you stare at one another for the longest of moments - their expressions slowly forming into utter horror, yours forming into a strange mix between concern and laughter.
Papyrus is the first to move, rushing to your side, sending the poor innocent book you’d been reading flying out of your hands and across the living room.
You wince as he yells as loud as he can in your face.
Papyrus still scrabbles around, clearly at a loss of what to do - Sans simply seemed to be frozen in place at the doorway, his sockets empty of their usual eye-lights.
Whoops. Never a good sign.
“Uh, you know, I’m actually-”
“Papyrus, listen-”
You gently place a hand on his arm, stilling his motions - oh man, you felt awful for making them worry like this, but some part of you couldn’t help but want to laugh at the situation.
“-it’s just a face-mask.”
He blinks.
“...face....mask? Sister, while it is indeed on your face, it does not look like-”
“It’s a weird thing that humans do sometimes to relax! Trust me, perfectly safe. I’ve been, uh, indulging the entire time you guys were gone. Kat gave me some presents, so I....”
You look over to Sans, letting out a sigh of relief to see that his eye-lights were back in place, and instead of looking terrified, he now merely looked perplexed. Walking over to the couch, he reaches out to poke your cheek, which you quickly block.
“Hey! If you touch it before it’s dry, it won’t work its magic!”
Sans snorted (though he now looked vaguely worried).
“Wait, it’s not gonna make your face different....right?”
“No, it’s going to...uh....hang on...”
You get up from your spot on the couch, hurry into the bathroom, and hurry back, face-mask box in hand.
“Ok....anti-aging, though that’s probably just wishful thinking....cleans skin pores...yup. That’s about it.”
“...what’s the point, then?”
You think on this for a moment, before shrugging.
“Like I said, just one of the weird things humans do. I should have cucumber slices on my eyes too, but I wanted to read.”
Sans lets out the loudest of snorts at this, sniggering as Papyrus plants his hands on his hips with a frown.
“What would cucumber on your eyes do? I was always told to use limes!”
“...Papyrus, cucumber slices are supposed to be...relaxing and cooling. Limes would burn the utter hell out of my eyes.”
“...ah. That would explain why they stung my sockets so much when I tried, then.”
Sans was practically killing himself with laughter at this point, tears leaking out of his sockets as he collapsed to the carpet.
“It is not a funny matter, brother! Limes and cucumbers are both very similar in colour, so of course it would be incredibly easy to mix them up!”
This did not help Sans’ laughing fit in the least, of course - Papyrus lifted his arms up in a ‘I resign’ manner, before turning to you.
“Y/n, despite the...positive results for your skin, please attempt to remove that before dinner. It might fall into the spaghetti, and as I am not preparing squid-ink spaghetti, it would not look very nice.”
You give him a salute, before he stomps into the kitchen, leaving you on the couch with a still hysterically laughing Sans on the carpet.
It’s only at night when both you and Sans are tucked up nice and snug that your efforts during the day are truly recognised.
He audibly sniffs, leaving you to smirk up at him, while he looks down at you in confusion.
“...did you just sniff me?”
“...well....you, uh...smell different.”
Your smirk widens.
“...well, I mean...you always smell nice, but....it’s just....different?”
“Oh, I always smell nice, do I?”
He huffs, shoving his face into your hair, his reply a muffled grumble.
“...you know what I mean.”
Sniggering, you manage to find one of his hands to grab onto under the burrito of covers the two of you had buried yourself under. He squeezes back, before he clearly pauses - his fingers slowly inch their way up your arm, his face leaving your hair to look down at you suspiciously. You smirk widens all the more.
“...it’s soft, huh?”
He chuckles, snuggling you closer.
“....yup. Sleep well, you pampered princess.”
“Excuse me! I did all that work myself, and it was hell - all so I could smell like a flower and be super soft!”
His chuckles grow louder, his hand patting you comfortingly.
“And it all worked out like a charm, sweetheart. Hope that you had a good day.”
“I...I did, I think? How about your day? Did you get Undyne out from under the boulder ok?”
“....Papyrus and Undyne ended up, uh, causing a cave-in. Undyne’s gonna have to stay with Alphys for a bit until her house is rebuilt. Again.”
Pffft, welp, there you go, tiny one-shot of y/n’s day of luxury ;3 Hope you enjoyed!
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latent-thoughts · 4 years
The Pursuit of a Simple Life (Chapter 4 - The Morning After)
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[Co-Authored with  @emeraldrosequartz​]
Rating: 18+ (there be lots of citrus here).
Warning: None
Pairing: Loki/Original Female Character
Summary: Three years after returning to Earth with the other Asgardians following Ragnarok, Loki finds himself working for SHIELD, truly just trying to fight the boredom. While on an undercover mission, he unexpectedly begins to fall for his co-worker, Gemma, and she seems to feel the same way…about Dave, his alter ego while in disguise. Can Loki continue a relationship with her while keeping his true identity a secret? How many lies can the ‘God of lies’ spin to keep his pursuit of a simple life?
[Post-Thor: Ragnarok (2017); THOR IS A GOOD BRO AND TOTALLY NOT HOW HE WAS IN RAGNAROK, THNX; Infinity War Doesn’t Exist; Everyone lives]
A/N: Dave and Gemma get to (carnally) know each other some more; meanwhile, Loki's mission is nearing its end.
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Bold Text = Loki’s POV
Normal Text = Gemma’s POV
Gemma awoke when the morning light shone on her face.
Which was strange, because she didn’t have an east-facing window in her room. Nor was it large enough to cast THAT much light.
Also...her bed felt really comfortable. So much more comfortable than usual. The down blanket was wonderful and soft, and that heavy, muscular arm around her waist was a nice—
Gemma’s eyes shot open, but she dared not disturb the other person in the bed with her. Everything from the previous night flooded back to her - the printer, Pizza My Heart, Dave’s car, Dave’s penthouse...
And the most amazing sex she’d ever had in her life.
Her breathing got shallow as she stayed completely still, totally freaking out. Dave was behind her, had his arm around her, and was still asleep.
Oh no....ohnoohnoohno what do I do???
Loki's sleep dissipated as the sun slowly rose through his window. He let out a groan, not wanting to wake up yet.
Instinctively, his arm tightened around the soft body he was clutching against his chest.
Oh... Gemma...
He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her as the sun kissed her face and hair. She was mouthwateringly lovely...
But he noticed that her body was stiff, and her breathing was erratic, even though her eyes were closed.
Hmm... she was most definitely awake.
"Good morning, sweet girl," he murmured in her ear, his voice a bit rough due to having just woken up. "Did you sleep well?"
He pressed his body into hers and his hand reached up to cup her breast. Norns, her skin was butter soft to touch. He couldn't get enough of it.
“Good MORNing!” she exclaimed as his hand went to her breast. Aaaand... she was wet.
This was moving WAY too fast...but she couldn’t bring herself to stop it. She closed her eyes and moaned a little as he toyed with her, squeezing his arm with hers.
“I mean...good morning, Dave. Fancy seeing you here...”
She giggled, then leaned back into him and turned her head so he could nuzzle her more easily. Instantly, she relaxed--he was awake and NOT frantically trying to get her to leave. This was already better than half the dates she’d ended up going home with.
"Mmmm, it's my home, after all, and I'm glad to have you here," he stated, nudging her ear with his nose, lazily playing with her nipple.
Already, he was hard as a rock, with the pleasures of last night playing in his head like a symphony.
"You didn't answer my question, Gemma. Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?"
In the back of his mind he was worrying a bit about having bruised her with his strength. Humans were fragile, after all.
“I slept great,” she sighed, a bit breathless from his erotic attentions. “And feeling better by the second...”
She could feel his morning wood pressing eagerly up against her back--could she take him again so soon? She wasn’t especially sore, but there was certainly some feeling down there that drew her attention--a far off, dull ache. If she went again, it could end up hurting more...she might not even be able to walk...
Worth it.
She reached back and took that firm column of flesh in her hand, squeezing with her fingers and pumping him with short strokes. His manhood stayed wedged between their bodies as she swallowed hard, still not fully awake OR fully believing this was reality.
He groaned and closed his eyes as she grasped him and began to stroke. This was... encouraging. It meant that she wanted his attentions again.
That made his heart soar.
"Baby girl, I want to be inside you when I come, not in your hand," he murmured, slowly nudging her hand away and pulling her lower half more firmly against his cock. "Do you want that too? Open your legs if you do..."
Her legs opened faster than a mall door on Black Friday.
“I most definitely want that!” she laughed, and she moved to help him angle himself toward her center.
But honestly...what was she doing? Giving herself to a practical stranger twice in less than 24 hours? She should know better, she should stop this and—
He pushed inside her, and suddenly none of that mattered. She moaned in ecstasy and took the sheets in fistfuls as her body writhed with pleasure.
“Oh my GOD, Dave...are you magic?” She knew it was a stupid thing to ask, but she fully could NOT believe he felt so incredibly good.
Loki chuckled at her remark, and then moaned as he went deep inside her. Well, he was magical in certain ways, but she didn't need to know that...
"I'm flattered," he sighed, thrusting into her slowly, taking care not to be rough. "Even though you look like a goddess against the sun."
He pulled her more firmly against his chest then, and hitched her leg back over his thigh to open her up further, letting him set a nice, rocking pace to their love-making.
"Mmm... just relax and let me take care of you, Gemma..."
“Oookay...” she sighed and let him set the pace, laying across him and simply enjoying the feel of his body against hers. God, his hands were all over her, and his cock was so thick and long. Who WAS this man?
Despite her doubts, there was something about him that made her feel... safe. She felt it the first time at Pizza My Heart, and again this morning. Maybe it was the constant praise--calling her beautiful, telling her she looks like a goddess, calling her “sweet girl”--or maybe it was the way he said it in his oh-so-dashing accent. Whatever it was, she felt herself going down a path she could very easily be lost down. The risk was frightening...and exhilarating.
Her pleasure slowly rose as he moved within her, and her moans and giggles changed gradually into swears and shrieks.
“Dave...Dave, I’m close...” she squeaked, that coil in her belly tightening to the point of near breaking.
"Me too, baby girl, come for me." He reached down to brush his fingers against her clit, triggering her climax. "Come all over my cock... that's it. Yes..."
He gritted his teeth as she cried out and clenched around him repeatedly, tugging him along in the orgasmic bliss.
Oh GOD how does he DO that?!
Her body went into spasms as she felt herself clenching around him, and she swore she might have thrown herself off the bed if he hadn’t been holding her to him.
He had so much control over her...and she found she didn’t mind it in the least. Quite the opposite, in fact....
He nuzzled her neck and inhaled her scent as they both enjoyed the afterglow. The sun was higher in the sky now, and he knew that soon, he'd need to get up and get ready.
At this moment, he really hated having to go to work...
"This is certainly a very good way to start a morning," he whispered in her ear, his hand splaying over her abdomen possessively. "And honestly, I don't want to let you go, darling. Oh, how I'd love to stay in bed and keep you on my cock for hours..."
He was being thoroughly honest right now... perhaps too honest. But he didn't care.
“Mmhm, me too.” Gemma said dreamily, still sex drunk and giddy from the morning fling. “I’d love to--OH MY GOD, WHAT TIME IS IT?!”
She suddenly jumped out of the bed and started looking around for her clothes...which she then remembered were out in the living room on the complete opposite side of the apartment WITH her phone and purse.
So she stood there, completely naked...and gave him a sheepish grin.
“Um...can I borrow that sheet? Or a shirt, or something?”
"Why? I'm rather enjoying the view," he replied, grinning at her lazily. When he saw the tell-tale blush mark her neck and cheeks, he finally relented. "You can take anything you want, but how about you join me in the shower? I need to get to work as well. It'd save us time."
He then pulled the covers away and rose from the bed, standing in front of her all bare and not at all caring about it.
She was stunned by his physique in the light of day. If she had seen this last night, she never could have brought herself to be in the same room with him, much less the same bed. She couldn’t tell if her face lost ALL color or was turning beet red. Not that it mattered - he was already heading to his luxurious bathroom.
“But...I’m...” she squeaked, trying to speak, but words wouldn’t form in her brain. Instead, her feet just...followed him while her mouth opened and closed, trying to say she was scheduled to be in the office WAY earlier than he ever was...and she was probably already late...
Nope. Nope, she was already in the bathroom, totally nude, and she still hadn’t managed to complete a sentence.
She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Next to HIM. Oh God, she felt like a miserable sack of potatoes in comparison--her thick thighs, her soft tummy...her boobs looked good though. At least there was that.
Then he turned on the water and a shiver rushed through her. So they weren’t done yet...
Loki smirked at her as he pulled her under the spray with him, holding her close.
"Why Gemma, you look like something got your tongue," he said, grabbing the bottle of shampoo from the corner shelf. "Are you ok?"
Turning the shower off, he poured a dollop of shampoo in his palm and started massaging it into her hair. A part of him worried about her sudden quietness, but another part just enjoyed tending to her.
If only he could have her like this again and again...
She melted into him when his strong fingers began massaging her scalp. Finally, she gave up. This was worth getting fired for--she’d be kicking herself forever if she didn’t just enjoy this.
“I...I think I’m delirious. Or dead.  Or maybe somewhere in between...” Her eyes fluttered closed as she capitulated to his touch, and she let out a heavy sigh of pleasure.
One thing was for sure--Dave made her feel great. She started wondering if he might want to do this more often...
He washed her hair gently under the spray of the shower and then began to soap up her body. She gasped and squealed once or twice when he played with her breasts or tickled her between her legs.
Really, she was adorable. He wanted to play with her all the time.
"Be good, baby girl," he murmured as he held her fast and washed her pussy, enjoying making her red in the face. It was obvious that no one had taken care of her this way, and all of this was new to her.
Well, it was kind of new to him too. His memory of past lovers was a bit foggy now, thanks to the quality time he had spent on the Sanctuary...
Norns, he didn't want to think about that now.
Letting that thought go, he concentrated on Gemma alone, specifically making her writhe in his hold as his fingers deftly teased her under the spray of water.
Now that was just mean.
Dave was teasing her mercilessly! Between the warm water and the soap and his hands and him calling her “baby girl,” she could barely stand upright. He kept her perfectly balanced on that precipice of casual playing and the drop off of lusty surrender. Right when she thought he was picking up the pace and she started losing herself...he pulled back and let her regain her senses. And all that stimulation built and built...
She begged him to take her, though she didn’t know that was what she was begging for. Just the act of begging felt appropriate, and she didn’t know how much longer she could take this before she started crying from the overwhelming feel of it all.
He pulled her in for a long, deep kiss then, holding her flush against him.
Slowly, he gripped her ass and used his otherworldly strength to easily lift up in his arms, making sure that he didn't let her slip from his grasp. Just as their lips parted, he breached her again.
"Is this what you need, Gemma?" he asked roughly, bouncing her on his cock.
“YES!” she cried out, surprised by how easily he handled her. She felt as light as a feather - a feeling she’d never had before. Her head fell to his shoulder as she let out a long, needy moan.
She was approaching her climax again, but this time it felt a little different. He was being rougher with her, and there was definitely some pain along with the pleasure at this point...he was slamming her to the hilt. But much to her surprise, she LOVED it. The harder he was going, the more she wanted it.
She started to growl a little, losing herself to him...
What was happening to her?
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Loki took her in a quick rhythm, closing his eyes under the water and just... getting lost in the warmth of her.
They came together, lips locked and bodies trembling in pleasure. He held her up till her breathing eased, and then slowly let her down. She almost collapsed then, but he grasped her by the waist and held her close.
"I think you should call it off today," he said with a chuckle as he steadied her. "Will you be able to go to work?"
“Will you?” she gasped as she relied on him to keep her from dissolving into a loose puddle of bones and skin on the floor of his shower. Because she could not FATHOM being able to do work after the last 12 or so hours of her life...how could he? She didn’t even think she could walk, much less have the wherewithal to function at that awful place.
“I mean...do you have to?”
"You know I have that pesky meeting later in the day," he sighed, kissing her forehead. "But it won't hurt me to be a bit late. Let's have breakfast together. Then, I'll drop you home and head to work. How about that?"
How was this even POSSIBLE? They had spent the night together, the morning together, and now breakfast together?
Suddenly, she realized what had been so obvious, but she had refused to believe. Couldn’t believe, until it was so unbearably obvious that it was unignorable.
He liked her.
He wasn’t just trying to get laid, or make himself feel better. He may actually, genuinely, honest-to-god like her...
Gemma got butterflies in her stomach, and she felt that telltale blush rush to her cheeks.
“Sure,” she said, still lightheaded. “I’ll text Oliver and let him know I’m having ‘lady problems.’ He never asks questions when I tell him that...”
Then...she remembered what she had worn to his place.
“So...did you want to go out to get breakfast, or eat here? Because I’ve still only got that Avengers t-shirt...also, what did you do with my underwear? And I’m not completely confident I’d be able to sit comfortably in public just yet...”
She knew she was rambling, but she kind of didn’t care.
Dave liked her!
"We'll have it here," he stated firmly. "I can make a decent batch of eggs."
After the shower, he made good on his promise of feeding her a healthy breakfast of a fluffy omelet and buttered toast. He had learned how to make it from one of those famous Youtube videos while he was getting acquainted with all things Midgardian.
"So Gemma... let me drop you home now," he said as he put the dishes away and reached for her. "And then I guess I'll see you around in the office tomorrow."
He didn't say it, but his words were laced with a silent, latent message that he wanted to take her again. He hoped that she would catch the hint.
“I guess you will.” She smiled back at him flirtatiously, taking his hand in hers and squeezing it. “I’m looking forward to it, Dave.”
"These are the drives that contain the information you'd consider gold," Loki stated as he relaxed against the visitor's chair in Nicholas Fury's office. "I'm going to head back there to close all loose ends. After that, it's all in your hands."
Fury gave him a shrewd look as he took the flash drives from him and checked them one by one on his computer.
"You still check everything like you don't trust me, Nick." He chuckled, picking up a paperweight from his table with his seidr and bouncing it up and down like a ball.
"Double checking is a habit of mine," Fury replied, ignoring Loki's antics with his government sanctioned office supplies. "I assume you'll visit Stark then. Your next cover is ready with him. You'll be an employee in his subsidiary. A very bland, mundane job."
"Again?" Loki rolled his eyes and groaned, sort of miffed, but also, kind of fine with this development. "What is the next mission about?"
"Don't be so eager. You will need to cool your heels for a while. Lie low."
Loki nodded. Espionage worked like that sometimes. Well, he was not averse to 'lying low'. He could spend that down time with Gemma, perhaps...
His mind wandered for a bit, recalling the wonderful, pleasureful time he had spent with her thus far. If only he could somehow make it a regular occurrence in his life; he'd have his cake and eat it too, and no one would need to know about it.
Just as Fury was finishing checking up on the drives, his intercommunication phone rang. He picked it up, sounding bored. But then his one good eye lit up and he gave Loki a sardonic smile.
"Well isn’t this a coincidence. Your brother just arrived."
For a change, Loki didn't react with annoyance towards this news. Actually, he was looking forward to catching up with Thor, eager to know what was going on in New Asgard.
"Well, that's all well and good. Tell him I'll meet him in the lounge."
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ok i looked forever for a prompt and couldn’t find a particular one, but i would love some spicy fluff with Valdo, bc the boy has suffered enough for the week lol (x reader or valdryn, whatever you’re vibin’ bc you know how awkward i am about asking for my ship)
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn Word Count: 786 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mycat-is-mylove @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me @daydreamer-in-training @morelikebyesexual a/n: I hope you enjoy the vibe I was feelin’ bro
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Though known for his large, flashy gestures, Valdo prided himself on the little things. The subtle attention to detail that kept his loved one’s lives running smoothly. He woke a bit earlier than Aevryn (not hard to do since she usually slept in) and prepped the shower. He would lay out her favorite towel (which he made sure was always clean and ready), kept track of when she was running low on shampoo or her favorite body wash. When he heard her alarm go off and her sluggish stomping to the bathroom he’d begin prepping her coffee with a little smile on his face, a smile that was nearly always there since she’d come back to him and they’d agreed to make another go at things. If he had to go in before she woke up he made sure that the coffee pot was timed to start so by the time she came downstairs there’d be a fresh cup, not a whole pot because she’d worry about wasting it or try and chug it all, just two cups. He would also usually leave a little something for breakfast and a note so she knew his schedule. She had insisted that she didn’t need to track his location, that she trusted him, but he still liked her to know in case anything happened. Valdo was always thinking about what could happen but just enough to be cautious.
This morning, however, things were different.
Valdo was woken by the sound of something falling, clanging noisily downstairs. He sat up with a start, finding the bed empty and alarm bells immediately going off in his head. He hurried downstairs, not pausing to put on a robe or even slippers, and by the time he got to the bottom of the steps he could see the cause of the commotion. Aevryn was bent over, the short robe that usually skimmed the top of her thighs fully falling over her back as she wrestled with something in a lower cupboard.
“As much as I’m enjoying the view I feel compelled to ask what’s going on,” Valdo said, an amused lilt to his already playful accent. Aevryn stood up, noisily blowing a shock of hair out of her eyes, both hands around a large cast iron pan that Valdo hadn’t looked at since he’d seasoned it last winter.
“Valdo! Oh tits, no, you’re supposed to be in bed!” she exclaimed. Valdo smirked and moved closer, taking the heavy pan from her trembling arms before she dropped it on her foot.
“I do love it when you order me to bed but what is the occasion?” he asked, fingers gently grazing the curve of her jaw as her sea green eyes looked into his emerald ones.
“I’m making you breakfast in bed. But I can’t do it if you aren’t in bed,” she explained, fixing him with a pointed look that would have sent a lesser man scurrying to his room. Valdo was not a lesser man. His brow furrowed in confusion and surprise and she saw him glance to the calendar on the wall. As if he wasn’t the first to catalogue and remember every special occasion in their lives from their anniversary to their first kiss.
“It isn’t for any particular reason,” she explained, “But you do so much for me and everyone that I wanted to spoil you for once.”
Valdo’s eyes softened and Aevryn stood on tiptoes and brushed a kiss against his lips and as she pulled back to return to searching for pans he spun her back into his arms and into, a deeper, hungrier kiss. His hands roamed the soft material of the robe until it found the even softer skin of her thighs, grasping a handful of her ass possessively in a way that made her arch against him and nip at the bottom lip she’d captured between her teeth.
“But… breakfast…” she whimpered, a half-hearted plea as he began to trace the length of her neck with light, teasing kisses. He chuckled against her skin, hoisting her up in his arms as she wrapped her legs around him instinctively and he pulled back to look into her eyes again, the tenderness replaced with something darker but no less loving.
“Oh I’ll eat,” he purred before recapturing her mouth, his kisses deepening and his grip tightening as he walked her back up the stairs, not stopping until he’d deposited her on the bed, quickly shucking off the robe and divesting himself of his pajama bottoms. True to his word, an hour later when they fell apart gasping for breath, scrolling through the local restaurants looking for late brunch delivery options, they were both thoroughly sated.
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anti-pasto · 4 years
for the 200 ask thingy, i actually dare you to do all of them. :D
delgaskarthalexhere we go, anon: 
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t have one right now, I don’t get them often (if I ever had a crush at all)
199: I was born in: 2003
198: I am really: A 2005 emo kid x a 2008 scene kid x a 2014 tumblr fangirl x Kyle himself
 197: My cellphone company is: Apple
194: My ring size is: Honestly? No idea. Propose to me with a sword.
 193: My height is: Somewhere between 5′7″ and 5′8″
192: I am allergic to: Nothing I’m aware of 
191: My 1st car was:  94 Station Wagon, by request
190: My 1st job was: being this funny is a full-time gig
 189: Last book you read: Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
188: My bed is: “made”
187: My pet: I have a cat, I love her very much and I will show her to you if you dm me a cursed image
186: My best friend: We don’t use “best friend” for personal reasons, but they’ve been with me since I was 5 so, my one and only Bro
185: My favorite shampoo is: anything with “silky smooth” or “strawberries” on the bottle. i’m not that picky anymore.
184: Xbox or ps3: xbox or ps4  xbox
183: Piggy banks are: really useful
 182: In my pockets: wallet, keys, phone, earbuds, black pen/pencil, earplugs, mini flashlight
 181: On my calendar:  i’m meeting a friend for smoothies tomorrow
 180: Marriage is: something we shouldn’t push so much onto people. it’s a declaration of love, not an end-all fix-all to your life. i can’t ever see myself getting married but who knows!
 179: Spongebob can: continue to be a relevant meme
178: My mom: i mean. we function. i can’t really complain about my family at large but i am defiantly looking forward to living literally as far away from them as i can. 
 177: The last three songs I bought were? psh, you think i pay for music? (folie a deux, lake effect kid, believers never die volume two) (those are albums but its okay)
176: Last YouTube video watched: I watched Markiplier play Uno
175: How many cousins do you have? 11? 12? I lost count
174: Do you have any siblings? I have a brother
 173: Are your parents divorced? Nope!
172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes, I have been for a while
171: Do you play an instrument? dude HECK yeah! i vibe on piano, guitar, ukulele, clarinet, and im a drum major
170: What did you do yesterday? I went on a drive by myself.
 [ I Believe In ] 
169: Love at first sight: Nope.
168: Luck: Yes, but luck is something that can be engineered
167: Fate: To an extent
 166: Yourself: I’d say overall, yeah. I still have doubts tho
165: Aliens: Mmmmmm yeah
 164: Heaven: Yes
163: Hell: Yes
162: God: Yeup
 161: Horoscopes: without an ounce of truth, they would have died a long time ago
160: Soul mates: the greeks had seven words for love. i think we have multiple soul mates to fit each of those categories. there are definitely people we’re just meant to vibe with
159: Ghosts: i want to say yes but i really dont know
158: Gay Marriage: yes. its 2020. grow up.
157: War: in theory? no. war is kinda messed up. in reality? not everyone is going to be down to nice diplomatic conflict resolution, and not everyone is just gonna leave people *countries* they don’t like alone, so...
156: Orbs: ??? energies are real
155: Magic: vibes are real
 [ This or That ]
 154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs
153: Drunk or High: i am a child of jesus
152: Phone or Online: online
 151: Red heads or Black haired:  irdc but black hair bc i am Emo
150: Blondes or Brunettes: blonde?? ig?? easier to dye
149: Hot or cold: hot weather + cold rooms
148: Summer or winter: summer
147: Autumn or Spring: autum (screw spring)
 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
145: Night or Day: night
 144: Oranges or Apples: oranges (better to share with homies)
 143: Curly or Straight hair: i dont care but curly
 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonald give iced coffee
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: dark chocolate
 140: Mac or PC: pc for vidgya gaemes
139: Flip flops or high heals: ...converse. please. i cant walk properly in either of those
 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 
 137: Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
136: Hillary or Obama: this is kinda outdated but obama
135: Burried or cremated: cremated i aint watch spn for nothin
134: Singing or Dancing: singing. at least that gets better with practice
133: Coach or Chanel: chanel (thank u mr frank ocean and also the neighborhood)
 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: whomst
 131: Small town or Big city: big city and if you say small town you’ve never lived in a small town
 130: Wal-Mart or Target: target
 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: who tf is this
 128: Manicure or Pedicure: idk dude probably pedicure i don’t like people touching my hands and i use them for too much to get my nails done
127: East Coast or West Coast: hnngggggggg west coast has more to do but east coast has better beaches and 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: birthday 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate bc then i can give u some
124: Disney or Six Flags: ive only been to disney so disney (though i AM a HARDCORE rollercoaster stan so it wouldnt take much for me to say six flags)
123: Yankees or Red Sox: what 
 [ Here’s What I Think About ]
 122: War: unfortunately sometimes necessary but not as a first resort i went over this already 
 121: George Bush: is that the shoe guy?
 120: Gay Marriage:  be gay. do crime. kiss wife. or husband. or partner. basically, hell yeah
119: The presidential election: america need 2 b single and focus on herself
 118: Abortion: pro-choice and that choice should be made by the one carrying the baby
117: MySpace: tumblr’s dad
116: Reality TV: don’t talk to about abt this
 115: Parents: disgusting. go to therapy. 
114: Back stabbers: if you’re gonna stab me in the back, pull my lungs through my ribcage bc that’s what my ancestor’s ghosts are gonna do to you (thanks great (x a few times) grandma viking ily thanks for the hair:) )
113: Ebay: good for merch and selling books
 112: Facebook: zuck my dick, data-theif
111: Work: i like doing work? like- i enjoy completing tasks and seeing my hard work pay off? it’s not that bad?
110: My Neighbors: old. boring. want me to babysit for free.
109: Gas Prices: i cant really complain rn they’re kinda low and im a little broke so
108: Designer Clothes: i vibe to them, honestly
 107: College: not for everyone but definitely for me
106: Sports: marching band is a sport marching band is a sport marching band is a sport marching band is a sport marching band is a sport but only technically speaking though you can make fair comparisons to sports such as cheer, and gymnastics where the idea is to put on a show and receive a score in the form of competition. 
 105: My family: disgusting
104: The future: the future doesn’t exist
 [ Last time I ] 
103: Hugged someone: god, don’t ask me this
 102: Last time you ate: uhhh like 9 hours ago? it was dinner and i had pizza
 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: three or four weeks ago by best bro came to visit and we vibed
100: Cried in front of someone: i finished twist and shout at school at the end of a very bad week. it was only a few tears but that’s as close as i get to crying
99: Went to a movie theater: whenever the last star wars movie came out
98: Took a vacation: last year i went to dc over summer break to see the Smithsonian, it was a lot of fun. i was supposed to go to altanta and florida this year but that didn’t happen for reasons
 97: Swam in a pool: last week
 96: Changed a diaper: never
 95: Got my nails done: never
 94: Went to a wedding: its been at least 6 years dude
93: Broke a bone: never, somehow
 92: Got a peircing: nope
91: Broke the law: technically, yesterday. 55 is too slow
90: Texted: just now
 [ MISC ] 
89: Who makes you laugh the most: the person in my snap named “junior”
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cat
87: The last movie I saw: probably into the spiderverse
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: things going back to normal. or somewhat normal. i need school to have a schedule bc i absolutely cannot force myself to function without outside influence
 85: The thing im not looking forward to: ironically, school in the fall. the way we’re going back is going to wreck me more than lockdown already has
 84: People call me: i only ft one of my bros and they know who tf they are if you ask to ft you’re getting fuckin blocked mate i dont do that shit video calls are for WORK and SCHOOL thats IT. but ppl call me by my nickname irl, i go by screech on here. 
83: The most difficult thing to do is: listen to my parent’s political opinions? live in a small town? force myself to be productive without a physical influence and reminder? put up with that one dude?
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
 81: My zodiac sign is: scoprio/leo/gemini
80: The first person i talked to today was: the potential bassist for our potential band? 
79: First time you had a crush: uhh im still not sure if it was a crush but i wanted them to myself and they wanted (and got) someone better. we were just friends so it doesn’t really matter
 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: the person on snap named “the great oracle”
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday, it was my brother
 76: Right now I am talking to: in order of snap names, “vibin ~[^.^]~”, “russian umbrella”, and “mom” (not really)
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully, a job that makes me happy
74: I have/will get a job: as soon as i know what’s going on with school. but like as an adult? wherever will hire me and pay my fairly. being a barista would be fun, but at a local place (not in my current town)
73: Tomorrow: ???? time for bad poetry: tomorrow i will see my friend/ admist this lasting chaos/ we will be each other’s solitude/ while sharing fruity drinks/ and when we both come home/ a smile we will bring
72: Today: idk what this means so more poetry: today i will be sleep deprived as always/ i will think of them and weep/ but no tears will fall from my eyes/ for i know there is a reason/ we went our own way
 71: Next Summer: i fr dont know whats goin on so: next summer i will be/ as happy as can be/ because i will be in pain no longer/ the earth is sure to heal/ and i will heal with her/ so i can enjoy/ the heatwave of next summer
70: Next Weekend: next weekend i will spend/ my days wasting away/ maybe ill finish hannibal/ again/ not that serial killers make the dopamine stay/ i will not see my friends/ or talk to my family/ i will seldom eat/ and live off coffee/ this has been my life/ all quarintine/ god someone please help me
 69: I have these pets: i have four cats, three chickens, and a dog
 68: The worst sound in the world: my dad and grandpa talking
 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Them
 66: People that make you happy: snap name time: the great oracle, junior, vibin ~[^.^]~, russian umbrella, mom, hero, booby-king 48, go to bed, son, pooper trooper, mac&cheese, plain egg biscuit, apple pie
 65: Last time I cried: i dont cry bitch (last week over officals that cant make up they gottdamned mindes)
64: My friends are: my family and i would die for each and all of them
 63: My computer is: an old hp but it play gaemes real good so it okie
 62: My School: is trash but the band pops off
61: My Car: old, fast, clean
60: I lose all respect for people who: are my dad
 59: The movie I cried at was: i cried over big hero six
 58: Your hair color is: blonde
57: TV shows you watch: supernatural, good omens, hannibal, parks and rec
56: Favorite web site: this hellsite or youtube
 55: Your dream vacation: out of the country with beautiful beaches, amazing food, and my best friend
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: the time i split the back of my head open, the time i split my chin open, and the time my then best friend said they didn’t want to talk to me anymore. i’ll let you guess which one hurt the most and which one i think about every fucking day
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium or medium well. 
52: My room is: clean and a reflection of myself, or so i’ve been told
51: My favorite celebrity is: i do not engage in celebrity worship. ill follow them and reblog gifs/interviews but i dont really have a favorite. the less i know abt them the better.
 50: Where would you like to be: my own apartment in nyc
49: Do you want children: FUCK THEM KIDS BRO
 48: Ever been in love: i dont know if it was love. i dont know if it was a crush. what i do know id that i was attached and they didn’t feel the same, and why would they?
 47: Who’s your best friend: we dont really use best friend bc but “the great oracle” “junior” and “vibin ~[^.^]~”
46: More guy friends or girl friends: its 50/50
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: goin fast, the beach, playin video games
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: them
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: go to college, earn degree
 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: commit arson
 41: Have you pre-named your children: FUCK. THEM. KIDS. BRO.
40: Last person I got mad at: they do not understand that they do not know everything about something they’re not even involved in yet
39: I would like to move to: new zealand
38: I wish I was a professional: artist? musican? youtuber? who knows
 [ My Favorites ] 
37: Candy: nerds
36: Vehicle: 1970 mustang gt
 35: President: jfk only bc his assassination is the only good thing abt american history the rest of it is fucked up and shouldn’t have happened. also jfk’s song in assassians the musical goes hard
34: State visited: california
 33: Cellphone provider: verizon? apple? idfk
32: Athlete: what is sport
31: Actor: i don't watch shows or movies
30: Actress: i do not consume media
29: Singer: alex gaskarth or alexander deleon
 28: Band: fall out boy 
 27: Clothing store: hot topic (i will not apologize)
 26: Grocery store: okay harris teeter fucks but lidil’s has aloe vera juice and target at 9 pm energy so idk man 
25: TV show: supernatural...
24: Movie: big hero 6
 23: Website: tumblr or youtube
 22: Animal: snow leopard 
 21: Theme park: busch gardens bc roller coaster go fast
20: Holiday: christmas
19: Sport to watch: snowboarding bc its like skateboarding but on snow
18: Sport to play: anything with havy footwork (marching band is a sport)
17: Magazine: i do not condume media
16: Book: the ranger’s apprentice series as a whole makes up my all-time one favorite book
 15: Day of the week: friday bc its game day baybey
14: Beach: cocoa beach in florida but also i have so much left to experience 
13: Concert attended: i havent been to any notable gigs but i was supposed to go to hella mega
 12: Thing to cook: pancakes
11: Food: pizza or shushi
 10: Restaurant: chiplote
 9: Radio station: i like my local rock station and my local edm/top 40 station
8: Yankee candle scent: anything smoky or vanilla idc
7: Perfume: chanel no. 5 if i even wear it
6: Flower: Hydrangea
5: Color: orange
 4: Talk show host: cecil palmer
 3: Comedian: john maulaney
 2: Dog breed: yes
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? ;)
That was a trip. But it was fun, please do things like this more often. Also, I don’t consume media by choice. I’m not sheltered I just can’t be bothered, and I have enough going on. That being said I will now be sleeping. Thanks again, Anon, I hope you have fun reading this :D
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ticklikeabomb · 5 years
One-shot : Come on baby light my fire
Pairing : PS Reader x Loki Laufeyson
Warnings : Language ; Fat-shaming comments
Word Count : 3.8k
Summary : You tease the God of Mischief a lot. It’s your way of welcoming him on Earth but one night you’re not in the mood for games anymore. 
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You were beginning to doubt Stark's intentions regarding you. Did he hired you for your gifts or for his personal amusement? It was no secret for the people that crossed your path that you had a sassy, witty and feisty personality and the Avengers quickly found out. It was part of your charm. They learned the hard way (depending on whose point of view) that you wouldn't take shit from anybody and that you had no problem telling your opinion loud and clear. It was a 50/50 percent case : either people liked you or they didn't. No in-betweens. Some of them thought it was some sort of shield you put around yourself for whatever reason. It wasn't completely untrue. Being a plus size woman in a society where you were constantly marginalized by others made you build up walls and those walls were thick, no pun intended. You quickly realized that if you wouldn't speak up for yourself no one else would and at an early age you began to care little for other people's opinion and to accept yourself as you were. Discovering that you had mutant genes helped you in your quest for self-love. You were hot, literally. You discovered you could control and create fire in a blink of an eye. You remember the day like it was yesterday. 
You were brushing one of your client's hair at the hair saloon you used to work at, when the woman in front of you began to drop sexist and racist comments with her friend sitting next to her. It was to the point that you got angrier by the second and felt heat creeping up your whole body. Not able to control yourself anymore, you accidentally put her hair on fire. "Oh shit", you gasped, while she began screaming and running around the saloon. You grabbed a bucket filled with water and splashed it on her. Everyone looked at you like if you were some kind of freak and you tried to help her out. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened Miss", you said. And she yelled hysterically, "DON'T TOUCH ME DEMON !"
That's how you found out you had powers. That's also how Stark found out about you. Someone who was Instagraming live caught it all on tape and the images went viral. "We want you to join the Avengers", he exclaimed the day he met you. "What for?", you asked not impressed by his prestige persona. "I don't know, there's a  missing spot in the gang for our weekly ping pong marathons", he replied sarcastically. You narrowed your eyes and thought, 'Oh bitch you coming for me?' "As tempting as that sounds, my desire to join the Avengers is as high as wanting to meet the president of the United States : non-existent." He chuckled at your reply and tried a different tactic. "You're funny." "Flatting my ego won't work either. Tell me one good reason for me to accept", you commented and crossed your arms. "I'll tell you three : First, you get to have a job and a home without paying rent. Second, you get to take defense classes with the bests of the bests and third, you get to see this beautiful face right here daily", he smiled while pointing at himself. It was your turn to chuckle. "I'll think about it", you finally said and he nodded in agreement before leaving his visit card.
You payed him a visit a week later and haven't left the compound since. The introduction with the rest of the Avengers was pretty Rock'n'Roll too. For some reason you met Natasha and Wanda first. "You're the new recruit?", asked the famous ex-assassin. "It seems like it. By the way how do you manage getting around so much testosterone?", you stated. They laughed and replied they didn't know themselves. "Told you she was sassy", commented Stark like a proud father, to which you rolled your eyes in amusement. Thor, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Bruce and Clint were next. They were coming from a work out session and once they saw you, their talking ended. "Hello, you must be Y/N Y/L/N?", asked Bruce. "Yes and you must be the Green guy, nice to meet you." He was slightly taken aback but smiled nonetheless. "Lady Y/N, I'm Thor Odinson, God of Thunder. I heard you shared the power of fire. I, myself have a similar ability but instead of fire, I control thunder and am able to influence the weather in summoning it." You nodded and replied sarcastically, "Great, two more idiots and we can form a band called the 4 seasons." Sam, Clint and Tony started laughing at your joke and Thor looked confused. "I'm kidding", you reassured him and he smiled brightly. "You must be Twiddledum and Tweedledee", you pointed at the two super soldiers with a goofy smile, proud of your joke. The introduction went along in the same tone and that's how you became part of the Avengers.
One morning Thor came in the living room and announced that his brother was back on Earth and needed a place to stay. "Absolutely not", exclaimed Clint. "Last time I checked he wanted to destroy the world and almost succeeded in doing so", commented Steve. "He's changed. I give you my word he won't attempt anything and besides he could be a great member for the team." After an hour of persuasion, the team agreed to welcome Loki in the compound. This one made his entry like he was royalty (which he was) and you were immediately struck by the darkness of his hair and his clear eyes. "Reindeer Games", said Tony while giving him a nod. At the nickname you couldn't stop the loud laugh coming out of you, recalling yourself of Loki's hat from the news back in the New York battle days. Loki's intense green eyes locked on you and when you finally calmed down from your outburst, he looked elsewhere not giving a mere mortal the privilege of his attention. His attitude caught your interest and you promised yourself to reserve him the best of the welcomes by teasing him at every occasion. Everyone took their precautions when they were around of the God of Mischief, except you. You just stayed yourself not making favoritism and besides he was intriguing you.
You were in the elevators with Sam after one of your work out sessions and made your stop at the common room, where Loki was displayed at the couch with a book on his hand. "Hey let's ask Raven over there", you motioned to Sam, who just chuckled. You turned to Loki and asked, "What do you do when people believe in you?" He took his eyes from his book and blankly looked at you with an annoyed gaze. "I beg your pardon?" You tried to hide your smile and proceeded. "There's a saying 'Believe in God', so how does that work out for you?" One of his eyebrows raised and he stated, "I don't think it applies to me. No one believes in me." You frowned because your pun didn't get the wanted reaction and replied, "Jeez Loki that escalated real fast. It was supposed to be a pun, not a tragic confession time." He turned the page on his book before stating that it was a terrible pun. You lifted your hands up and exclaimed, "Oh wait a minute, you can't stand my sass? Ok game on!" "Oh shit", mumbled Sam next to you, aware of your competitiveness.
"Your Midgardians are such fools if you think you can turn me into one of you. I'm Loki Laufe…" "Yeah yeah Snow White we know", you interrupted him. "You will melt frost giant, I can guarantee you that", you said with a smirk before leaving a shocked Loki and an ecstatic Sam behind. "You got yourself into a shitshow Raven. Better be ready to face the consequences", commented Sam with a bright smile before leaving. Later that evening, Stark ordered everyones favorite and you all gathered around the huge kitchen's table. Somehow you ended up sitting in front of Loki and couldn't stop smiling because you knew it was upsetting him. "So brother, how was your day?", asked Thor. The younger brother gave him an annoyed side-glance before quickly fixing you. "It could have been a decent day but again I wasn't surprised it turned out miserable." "Such a grumpy little thing", you commented, pissing him even more off with your goofy smile. You heard him groan slowly before taking a bite from his food. "Come on Mischief, I thought you were the funny one of the bros." Thor put a hand on his left boob, faking being hurt. "What? How dare you?", he joked. You winked at him in return. Suddenly his cold reflection turned into a sneaky one and he exclaimed with a bright smirk on his face, "You wanna play like that mortal? Fine let's play. Don't come cry when you'll lose." The others looked around not understanding what was happening and Sam hollered, which brought them even more into confusion. "I'll explain to you later", the Falcon told the others. "Never Severus Rogue !", you intensely faced Loki in his staring game.  
The following weeks passed by with you constantly teasing each other, driving the others insane. It got to a point were the teasing left place for pranks. He initiated the war and you followed through. One morning you woke up and when your eyes opened, you were surrounded by hundreds of snakes spread all over the bed, floor and room. You let out a high pitched scream and cursed him from the top of your lungs, "LOKI YOU SON OF A GUN". You thew a fireball at the ones on the floor and they all magically disappeared. When you got outside you came face to face with him, almost bumping into each other. He smirked and looked at you, "Scared of some snakes dear?" You groaned and said through greeted teeth, "You have no idea what you just started", before closing the door on his face. He kept on smiling, happy of his move and felt like his days had a purpose again. Internally he was beginning to like your little teasing/prank routine and would wake up with a wide smile, knowing it was a new day to torture you.
That smile faltered after coming out of the shower. You had switched his regular shampoo with a bleaching product. When he saw that his hair turned platine, he came out of the room not bothering putting on some clothes and entered the kitchen with only towel wrapped around him. When Tony and Clint saw him, they spit out their coffee, burning themselves on the passage. "Hey there Blondie, I like the new look", you stated proudly and burst out laughing. His chest kept heaving up and down frantically, fuming. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR?", he hissed. You feigned innocence and replied with a fake shocked expression, "Me? I didn't do anything." You stood up and marched to him, trying to get a closer look at your masterpiece. You were almost reaching out for one of his locks when his hand stopped your wrist. You leaned further and whispered to his ear, "You started the war with those snakes. Payback is a bitch. Oh and by the way, looking like a snack in your towel." You winked at him and left him standing. He felt a shiver cross his body, feeling you so close to him and whispering in his ear. With a snap of his finger he disappeared from the kitchen and found himself on his room. He asked F.R.I.D.A.Y a way to have his hair black without having constantly to use his magic. "The way for you to have them black is by coloring them back dark", she stated. The God of Mischief sighed heavily and pronounced a sentence he thought he would never say and especially not to an artificial intelligence. "Order it please, quick." "Right on it", she exclaimed.
The next day you entered the gym and saw that Steve, Bucky, Sam and Thor were lined up to start their own training. "The Village People are coming back together and we didn't know?", you joked. "ThE vIlLaGe PeOple…", mimicked Sam to which you burst out laughing. You let them do their thing while you did yours. You were completing your 2 miles warm up when Loki entered the gym. It was the first time you saw him do anything else besides reading. When you saw his hair was back black you chuckled to yourself. "Already tired Y/N?, he asked. You narrowed your eyes before exclaiming, "If you gotta do some fat jokes they better be original and new because I've heard them all." He seemed taken aback and quickly rambled, "Oh no… it's not…that's not what I meant with it. I wasn't. I would never" "Hey calm down, I'm just messing with you", you replied to him with a genuine smile. He didn't speak for the next hour and you frowned, hoping you didn't make him uncomfortable or somehow. "Hey you ok?", you asked genuinely concerned. "Yes", was his only response. You didn't believe him and tried to take him to what he mastered. "I'm not so good in it but do you wanna spare?", you asked. His eyebrow raised before agreeing. You got in position and said, "You better get ready?" He chuckled and replied "Oh I will".
"Well, that's your first mistake. You don't get ready, you stay ready", you stated before attacking. Attack he obviously saw coming and tackled you down. You spend the next 40 minutes sparing, more like him tackling you over and over. "Indeed, you're not very good at this", he commented. "For my defense, I'm new to all off this, I joined the Avengers what, a year ago, while you must have done this for 1000 years" He hummed and kept correcting your position and by the end of it you were getting more and more comfortable and managed to tackle him back. "I can teach you if you'd like", he said. Your eyes widened at his proposition. "For real? You would go so far to brake your own magnificence to help out a mere mortal, as you say", you asked. He chuckled and replied, "Well if I want to train with someone, they should at least be decent at it." "There we go, ouch that hurt", you breathed out with a fake sad expression. "Let's say the gym is our neutral zone, no teasing, no pranks just work", he stated to which you agreed.
The following week passed with you altering your trainings with Loki in sparing and Wanda in controlling your powers. She let you go off early, since you had something planned for the evening. "Have fun", she said and wiggled her eyebrow, making you laugh. "I hope I will." You got inside your room, took a shower, put on some lotion before starting your makeup and putting on the pairing lingerie set and the dress you bought for the occasion. Once you were ready, you got out and made your way to the elevators passing in front of everyone. some of them whistled and asked where you were going. Loki's gaze was by far the most intense one, like he tried to search your soul. "I have a date, don't wait up. Bye bitchatchos", you said happily and entered the elevator. Loki felt his heart beat faster and faster at the revelation of you going out on a date and abruptly left the room. "What is his problem?", asked Clint to the others. "Seems like our Reindeer Games here has the hots for Y/N and is slightly jealous", commented Tony. Loki eventually came back after he calmed down and acted like nothing was bothering him.
One Hour Later
The elevator's doors opened and the Avengers saw you get out of it with a frown deeply marking your features. You didn't looked at them just passed by and declared "Hi bitchachos, don't wanna talk about it. I'm going to bed." They all looked confused at each other, not used to seeing you like this. The following days didn't comfort them. You stopped the teasing, the nicknames, the pranks and the smiles, like someone drained all the happiness out of you. They tried pushing you but you would only respond with a fake smile.
You were in the gym focusing on your thing when Loki came up at you. "Hello grumpy cat, want to spare?" You gulped and replied you were not really in the mood for it. "Ok what happened?", he asked with a worried expression. "What are you talking about?" "Since that date you're different, not you", he commented and you noticed the others gaze, also intrigued at what you had to say. "I'm just a little tired is all. Nothing to worry about." "Bullshit !", he exclaimed getting frustrated by the second. "Since when does the God of Mischief has such a dirty mouth?", you replied. "Since, I'm feeling like a part of you is fading and it's precisely that part that make you, you." You gulped harshly and chuckled dryly. You stood up not able to face him anymore and refuged yourself in your room.
You couldn't tell them that the date was an absolute nightmare. That the tough, sassy and the one who wouldn't take shot from anyone couldn't defend herself against the man in front of her. You refused to be seen as weak because that's what you felt at the date. For starters your date arrived 20 minutes late and when he saw you, his facial expression switched completely. He barely greeted you and when you tried to make the vibe lighter by telling a joke, he shamelessly told you in front of the waiter that you were being ridiculous. After that he made a grimace when he heard what you ordered. "Is there a problem?", you asked him at some point. He sighed and replied that he wasn't expecting you looking like you did. "But the pictures on the dating app were pretty obvious, I mean you did saw that I was plus-size, no? If it was bothering you as it clearly is, you shouldn't have agreed for dinner !" "Hmm being feisty aren't we? I guess I have to find a way to shut that little mouth of yours", he exclaimed with a smirk. You immediately felt uncomfortable and said, "Excuse me?" "Oh you will have a lot of apologizing to do and if you're good for the rest of the dinner, I'll make sure to reward you."
"I don't think so. Creep!", you stated and very gathering your things but his hand tightly gripped your wrist. "Look bitch, I was hoping to get laid tonight, unfortunately I have to settle for you, so you gonna be real nice and obey me. Otherwise I will have to punish you and I don't think you will like that. Who knows maybe you're such a big nasty thing in the sheets after all and would love it". Shocked you looked at him dumbfounded and he just smirked, his eyes dangerously blown out. His grip tightened to show you who was in control but you burned his hand with your powers. He hissed but tried to control himself in front of everyone else, who noticed you standing up abruptly and leaving the restaurant.
Your attitude was getting to Loki. He wanted to comfort you but didn't know what he would comfort you about. He did the next thing he thought was best. He asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. the infos regarding the person you had a date with and found where he worked. He decided to pay him a visit. Loki being Loki just entered his office without  warning and looked at him up and down. "Can I help you?", the other man stated beyond annoyed at the invasion of privacy. Loki smiled mischievously and replied, "As a matter of fact you can. You've been to a date with Y/N a couple of days ago, is that right?" "Who?", said the other. "Y/N. It looks like she left a present behind", replied Loki though greeted teeth and pointed at the male's hand. The male seemed to think about it before laughing loudly. "That fat bitch? Yeah, why?", he stated. Loki felt the heat coming up and had to control himself to snap at the guy. "That's not how you refer to ladies, especially someone as special as Y/N", he stated. In a fraction, Loki was standing next to the guy and plunged into his memories. He saw the way he behaved and your reaction. "The fuck did you just do to me freak?", shouted the man. "I'm calling the security." Loki punched him so hard, he fell to the ground unconscious.
Later that night, you were all gathered around the diner table while the TV was blasting on the background. Your attention was caught by the journalist words, describing "A tall slim male, raven-dark hair and dressed up in an all black suit was spotted at the crime scene being the main suspect after an assistent's attorney violently agression. The victim decided to not press charges." Your and the other's gaze looked at Loki who simply shrugged. "What?", he mumbled. "Was that you?", asked Steve. Loki's gaze locked with yours and he replied that it was the right thing to do. You stood up and left the table. He followed you, catching you on the way and you confronted him. "The fuck Loki? Why did you do that?" He sighed and angrily spat, "He deserved it, he treated you badly and NO ONE treats MY Queen that way !"
You gasped and hid your open mouth in your hands. "What did you just called me?", you whispered. He stepped closer and reached for your hand. "You weren't supposed to find out this way, but you mean a lot to me. Feeling that you're not ok and finding out the way he treated you, I couldn't help myself." "Your queen?", you whispered. A small smile crossed his features and he caressed your cheek. " Yes. Will you give me a chance to show you how much you matter to me?" Lost in his green eyes you nodded and felt him lean down slowly. Your lips connected into a soft kiss lighting your whole being, the fire pulsing through your veins. "I can still tease you right?", you asked him with a wide smile. He laughed and nodded. "Yes please, never stop doing that." You took his face between you hands and kissed him deeply.
You melted his heart and he burst yours in flames. Who knew that fire and ice were a match.
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* gif not mince, credit to owner*
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sirjustice130-blog · 4 years
Get the truth
The wind turbine or Generators that rotates slowly has got a side effect on ya as elongate ya abdomen between ya waist and ya back near the shoulder, so, kinda, thick twice b4 u loose ya shape or became shapeless, this side long and the lower part of the body between the hips/waist and toe small. So many whites use wind turbines in USA and Europe got that malfunction and many go about not knowing is out/derived of that. So get it fellows, 1 that rotates super fast do the reverse while the intermittent 1 keeps ya fit as okay.
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Buy made in Nigeria bikes and tri-cycles in the link below
In the link below can be improved by automating such windows 4 maximum security where all ya house windows are closed or open using motors so at night u dont walk all around or in the morning affirming the same, but can be made to slide from outside unto the walls not inside the window itself 4 extra beauty
Even with ya car over-loading can be detected by the technology below, where weighing scale are corp-orated in between car wheel springs to tell the same and it can be aerial controlled as with GPRS to be seen on radar just like with speeding gadget described below
And even cameras are made with different cut fish pieces placed in dough or snow to give variety as u spit saliva or urinate, pour out cold water or other liquids such as yogurt and boom which u want is formed or just placing photos on dough.
If u despise 1 to the latter, if they take a shit and look back to it b4 flashing, it denatures the despiser lips and many know not of such and spend much money looking 4 medication yet the antidote is resorting to love to avert the same
America too slow 4 me, to serve justice takes long and never served if u got less cash, so the fastest rapper in this song-ace mac- makes it up2 me and Kenya got much play as jokes not for a country where dubious ways are eliminated where people got to works hard to make it, not sit around claiming things which they know not. Click the link below 4 more dude. Got to be 1st bro always but slow sometimes not vice versa but with many laws that exhausts ya
Google the link below to find areas where EUphorbia ammak is grown much, much grows in Carli4nia and Middle East as Yemen or North Africa close to Eritrea or Somali, so guess how rich u could be as explained below as also tamarind grows in Carli4nia and Mexico or u want to reap from all sides yet u know the above as jealousy burns ya once u have learnt the art of artificial made chemicals and medication
They are locating the above as where Euphobia grows much as where ojuok jajuok grows, where people with bad eye interfere with the composition of its branches so dont treat that sickness well so he used to go at night climb 1 of the tree which made him fall to confuse it with Gambian story Magic Calabash which broke his legs 4 the locals name him computer wizard as he loved war and he was always reading about all the presidential monuments in Washington Dc state
The above done since much chemicals and disinfectants as much as liquid or powered soaps, shampoo, applying oils, relief drugs are made out of this green-tree.
Police in Russia and china don’t bother at locating ya on roads if u are over-speeding or smoking as drinking alcohol while driving, a new mechanism has cropped in where digital of the same like the New China Electric meters that are wireless that are tracked centrally at the office, where such are installed in ya car and their working is known whether dead or working via the radar so cant break it down, hence u just get an SMS that on this section of the road u where over-speeding, warned 3 pay the fine b4 an arrest warrant issued if u repeat it again.
Birth of nelson Bon, Lisbon, Portugal b4 being airlifted to Kenya 4 adoption, the photo on the star soft bottle was his back then at the Nairobi, Wilson Airport, Was taken to Kenya out of his looking at good things which many whites dont condone or want the laughing as if things are okay and was born in Novembers, watch his star saying in astronomy b4 being adopted
Assuring Minaj, Lobinson, Magdalin and all the laddies he has perused and wants to marry that the future is rosy and those he want them to be his cougar as he don’t love extra-smooth things but rather not all that supple. In the below link is him after taking shower with much detol to make his skin dry like of an old person. Magdalin ol Niki as Robinson Dirt off ya shoulder not with blow job but with ya hand or made gadget like in the link below
The Nyamweshi, they followed the moon hoping it will relieve them of the burden encountered at that time so were called people of the moon, watuwa mwezi.
Pendo la nyamwezi mungu ni pendo la ajabu, huweshi kulinganisha x2
With okwaju treats Aids then aids will be finished like done diseases so u cant bank on that as its short run, bringing people here to be many to contract the same to bring the medication as u say they will never know just as automation yet in the lands they are from bears the biggest wild plantation of those okwaju fruits like Mexico and Carli4nia USA, some saying they are people of Sudan or Indian cause as well bears those fruit just looking 4 best/good things like rich man and Lazarus parable, while these fruits grows in any tropical land but in small amounts but can be grown huge so cant bank on it so relents them.
Fish place on snow flakes as ice makes iron sheets, furniture, coffins, glass, plates, nails buildings, any machine, wood or galvanized container houses, trains and thats the hidden gimmicks with temperate lands as they are found in large amounts and aint curse as cut leaves or grass and thats why they had gone their, make even cereals like corn and wheat flakes. Women with barnabas to cement reality, barafu, fuo as stupid while in tropics you can buy much fridges and make the same as ice cubes.
The fish, flying small insects, arachnids, birds as hawks or the nozzle of sprayers placed under ice or dough while u spit or hurled cold water makes drones or nails and the same nail made that way if u place few in ice or dough and many hardware small apparatus like nail, like in the link below. Vineyard and worker parable another version to bring out reality
Unless incapacitated then we can chip in and help ya kid in later years, your country is rich and got such disability benefits not now as ya wife can hustle 4 ya as the economy still got loopholes to fix ya self. Cant just give birth and disturb others who have not done the same but in a position to with such kids wanting every part of ya food as if u played part in the Zygotic formation, calculate dude, and if reason be he will be an Mp be 4 your mother and if u will make a car with no headlines as gotten from other kids as excuse, make it as well 4 ya kins me iwill not buy it, i would have moved to another country as take another route altogether. Take care of ya own shit bro, dont transfer it to others as excuse now u dont want kids, lets his father not yet incapacitated take care of him not me period or it will tantamount to war, either u kill me or i kill ya
Waswahili are Jamaicans, they were migrated from Kenya coast by the Europeans like portuguess, they forgot the swahili dialect as European de-tribalised them to adopt English, stay put and get the truth from white men stop this and that u know not fellows. Some even were taken to Nigeria where they intermarried but initially they live in southern Africa countries such as Mozambique or Sa and Botswana
If u claim this and that after a person utterance then u r close to being mad/insane and may leave ya company and if u dine still with rude people as hang/role with them people hates ya off-springs, as they assume u teach them the same as birds of same feathers stick/fly together. Desist women, let them die their own death, if u tolerate them, what next to eat in ya house and sleep secretly with ya kids or wife to bring the same bad kids we want not. Oil they waited is overtaken by alternator generators even match box/stick or cooking gas they had known how to make, tell them that they see reality so they get busy as look 4 loopholes in the economy to fix themselves or they will be killed cause it cant give ya food year in year out. Dude what ya exist plan or waiting 4 that i will also benefits from so i tolerate u or my kids benefit from, Nothing but bringing ya smelling mouth to my face or wanting me to suck ya dick. Stop fellows and resort to handwork period.
Kitchen and toilet appliances as well as furniture are made with fish placed in snow flakes or dough while u bath tickling, kinda, ya ass hole as washing it with sponge and boom its formed or u hurl cold cuddled milk unto the above and boom the kind of appliances u want formed or u place photos of the above unto the ice or snow flakes as another method still they are formed as mfalme wa yawhodi comes in to cement Christ sayings or what he meant and the reason 4 his killing
The above signal end to tyranny as cheap affordable life crops in if such are put in payment plan its much more cheap. Like in the link below but should be more cheap cause aint imported if sold in Kenya, now leave china made ones bro
Like a lady A sat on her bed legs apart helding kebis head like being on a staring hands moving from the back part of the staring wheel like spanking the back of his head, kebi licking that things, do u know what she utters in deep enjoyment or pleasure “ don’t bite it babe and if u r biting it without my consent continue biting it softly as i know it“
Utensils and the modern jikos, stoves and motors or pumps and more just try with any gadget not made in other ways provided above or below are made after placing the offering on the dough like broken parts pieces, where women talk on each other face as same as men, kinda, wanting like to kiss and boom they are formed even with electric kettles, cookers, mags, coffee making machines, some fridges, gas cylinders, nail cutters, bottle openers etc Gold and jewels as well are made this way by placing hard mafi or inside of guava, corpse of people who suffered they exhume in a container, add much water and do the above or spit saliva and boom any product u want is formed as caskets, bling, rings, study as earrings etc
The grave slabs explained below can be made of metallic iron rods to avoid break outs and to be strongly glued to the earth it can have wings like long metallic projections from sides to hold firm to the ground to give hard time in trying to uproot it.
They liaise with power company to create black out conducive 4 sweet escape and people who view things on their eye to see into ya compound guard position to fly the drone like to ya balcony to get into ya house them ambush ya and thats why now their should be no power black out which will not facilitate the above situation which even they kill you in. They use the open drone from another compound to get into ya compound or house in the link below
Bank give me all that money to give to their big wing so they feel nice and leave me all alone, bad conduct they wanna put ya in. Anyway life has been made easy with the latest innovations in Africa, so i don’t give a hoot of living big/large. Up to ya if u wanna do the same, hustle by ya self don’t incorporate me into it, wanting good from me but u cant help me, instead give me dirty names.
Dont dude, discussing 1 past, spoils ya face and its known that way, kinda, u look malnourished yet not. If they are good at this time as don’t disturb ya again leave it to pass and thats maturity and can happen to any1 or any1 kid in times futurity.
Along the road behind Dala hera where water collects after a short downfall is where Herod was buried and john body while at where palmers hotel family lived and thats the reason why so i know was where Goliath and King David was buried, in fact when u r there, kinda, if u look down, the earth crust seems to divide into 2.
Aluminum foil, wires or plates as sufuria when placed in dough makes double door fridges, automated vendor machines or milk processing equipment and storage.
At Night when sleeping u see the spot of green-light as in ya dreams to tell ya that its green-man who told these white-men per country how gadgets are made and some writings we love are by them as well as song given to them to do it in their own way.
The door of submarine described below should not be on a protruding end/side as a house veranda or balcony but like a small partition done inside with its own door so if 1 from outside don’t see an extension but just as a cylinder in the link below which can be made into a submarine
Emery asking delanu “Ule dem mwenye kepi anamtaka, tayari ameshampatia kitu amemeza au la asha“ Babo Mtu wangu, nikujikakamua tu kisabuni while kebi says as he gets into the conversation, in Broken luo “An adong’o ne blina, kedo kal pidho thuol apidho manda mond kiko-okomplain kaka okomplain sani ne home girls ne eti she is contented but not satisfied“
Adwalo mochanda gi magdalin, to gitamle miya golo na gimolo mondo aswo gi koyo ni, Kebi molocha was heard complaining.
How machines or gadgets as equipment should be priced, measure 30% weight of the above which is the minimum high quality placed dough used b4 cold sewer water is hurled synonymous with some fridges, pick ups or the lighting up garbage Lory where cut other color glass pieces is place on the dough above and boom that machine formed. The price should be 30% weight of that machine translate it to wheat flour price of that 30% used to make that very machine and multiply by 100 as 100 x while the multiplied times is the profit, the hard task derived from making such as the lost sheep parable cements the truth. If dough worth 1 buck was used let the gadget be 100 bucks period cause they are just made. Pick ups are also made with maize cobs as eggs, i mean placed in different styles, Christ with division to bring out the reality of what he meant or signaled. Beyond 100 times can take ya too hell as u see hell door being lowered, no kidding jo, its not guess work but pure truth bro.
With every gadget u can use egg as the being placed on the dough, with double door fridges u place 2 standing on the tip, king of the jew to bring out another version reality, cookers u place it like sleeping on the other side, stereos u cut the boiled egg into pieces as well as Tv, with drones u place them in circles with big airplane u place it in a rectangular form with choppers in square form, u can try with any shape placing the egg on dough and after partaking mwarubaine/neem leaves with meditation u visualize the gadget that can be made using such pattern.
If u were to be paid 5% of the total cost of every gadget made using Ae technology or the no fuel generator theorem, then in many nations which has bought from like china Alibaba or Italy Linz generator and more have sold much pieces but why haven’t u been paid or taken them to court esp those manufacturing countries described in the following tumblr of this a/c. Stop dude, look 4 other ways to hustle esp coast province blooded fellows such as many luyas, dont expect water out of Euphobia tree but white Gum as dont look 4 the dead among the living with the Christ tomb, free things locators yet with ya money they want ya to join their things yet when u got none, u dont see them around or go in circles giving ya silly defaming names, as join and dont do this, eat corpse. Corpse can save ya ass, as dont make ya cleaver 4 such explained, it was just the German gimmick to delude ya to destroy ya mind further.
They are coming up with simbapay to allow u get many a/cs like with African phone lines so as to withdraw much from 2goinvoice since they got the software. They have been blocked in dubious ways and cant move on so resort to daytime lies as seen dubious ways. Let it be 1 or 2 line per person and i know if that is done many company wanna come in so they got other many options to open from to get many lines to do the same just as with Pay Tv decoders per countries. Britain u r digging ya own grave and sitting on a tickling time bomb. Click the link below 4 more
They get into submarines with 2 doors to get into the inside like the 1st door if u open u get with water but still inside there their is a water pump that the crew sitch it one to let out the very water that got in with you out, which if has gotten out the space remain free with you just inside b4 u open the 2nd door that gets into the inside of the real drone minus the water that got with ya as explained above. Submarines are just airtight heavy wall drones that instead of cold air being blown from below the gas cylinder to take it up, the reverse is done on the top of the siren gas cylinder to take it down the water b4 another cold air blown from below of the same magnitude as the 1 blown from above to keep it at the same level in water, the same technology as well applies to airplane in air as another cold air blow from behind the siren gas cylinder to keep it moving ahead. To negotiate a corner or a U-turn cold air blown from the tip or the end most of the cylinder from beside and to get back cold air blown from the rear part of the cylinder and thats as well the rocket, drone, submarine or chopper science. Weed parable, Beatitude or little kids, with Christ and lost coin parable to bring reality of the above. Click the link below to get a glimpse of submarine and inside ya air travel u can opt 4 one tied on a parachute once the fall develops an hitch to fall u get out while inside the drone with the parachute described above b4 u open it to make u land on the sea then u start ya journey.
Yet people follow engage in fights in the aftermath yet these folks are friend and what they champion is just games they discuss at night like in the link below where their will be no stealing of election if ballot boxes are locked with finger print padlocks unless the returning officer is near then the same done or if Has not taken Ginger with Skali ngulu or mbuta to avert the changing of body parts by Mr Hindu as the finger can be given to another to do the same as allow rigging and ballot boxes weighed immediately after election then a rough calculation done based on the weight to find the number of total votes cast b4 counting like a sample of 1000 ballot paper weighs this so what about the weight of ballot papers cast in this ballot box minus the weight. they are looking 4 other dubious loopholes to more confuse the folks
Robinson those Gemini the twins on ya chest are big who are touching them Robinson, don’t hide me, u r my homie or may it not be Lil wayne, Knowles those hooves from ya besides are to big and wide, who is caressing them, Mrs Knowles, don’t be afraid i wont tell girl or may it not be u have harbor an African in ya house whose skin is dry and rough like in the song below, Excuse me, excuse me Mrs Robinson is Obama hitting that thing right or just play with it, i long to do the same but no jest with it Mum- am delanu mkubwa
Minaj dont or never feel a shamed i wont tell as well, then tell, i know like u r saying, kinda, “things can be resolved, nothing beyond us, their is always a solution to a predicament” those booty are to flabby and too big than as we saw them in yester years, tell me girl who is touching them, may it not be Lobinson has tought u the same as u harbor an Africa in ya crib doing that work. Tell me women, where are u taking them booty if not to me am in owe and perturbed.
Buy even small of the linz No fuel generator in the link bellow which is more cheap the the protruding end make a gear on it like with mountain bike chain system to rotate the other gear slow to rotate the wind turbine so u can use it even to power the whole school or 5 star hotel as it got much watts rather than placing the turbine on poles creating bad name on ya side as u don’t build the country as pay electric bill something which is cheap. Dont tint ya name. U connect the wind turbine of many watts as u select to buy with the same powerful inverter, like 10,000 watts shown in the link below
With no fuel Generator above like the Linz u can use a solar panel mounted on a solar charger controller to turn the motor during the day and at night use its battery to avoid staying out of power when battery reduces in voltage not to turn the turbine to produce power. U CAN USE A Technician
Bones of animals in dough or ice cubes placed in different patterns or styles make as well office or home appliances, furniture or small hand driven or operated machines like grinders or drills. Barafu as women with Lazarus comes handy to cement de truth. With Egg u use peeled off egg like with the explanation below
Double door fridge made with 2 boiled egg place standing next to each other on the specified dough. Africans as Kenyans where have u reached as well as Negros, Minafika wapi with frustrating kebi and u have been warned slogan after being told the money making online gimmicks. Lake Victoria can be reduced via from below the earth crust dig hole to make some water flow out until its Kenya part reduced completely to be out cause the Negros are eye this part as it of leisure they place yacht and speed boat on it after all has been made like the innovation of E-engines which uses no power, so they feel good as also the Hindu left so they can get to another country if they commit crime as opposed to their country deep lakes with high security features of committing crimes.
They want cities in the E-African regions to have many people, as many banks and many cheque cashing centers as hotels and bureau de changes so they being built close to the lake to enable sweet escape as now they have known how to make submarines like with Tz choppers, they rob and not long b4 the city police alerted they jump into the lake or seas like with Malindi, Dar es salam, kilifi, mogadishu and mombasa to the submarines and get out at lonely places just the same with how they were fishing b4 Lake Victoria get in points were fenced shipping the fish to Europe and America markets via the underground fissures described in below following tumblr a/c
List of cities around E-African coastline and around lake Victoria basin
Now their is 1 loophole left, they can steal water at night or in lonely compound and place them in trucks like in the link below and organize per houses as they want to stay afloat to buy the flat septic tanks to store the above water then u minimize ya house water intake by half as half they provide, to use the money gotten from many households of such deals to put like E-buses, vans, taxi on the road to reap huge profits to buy others to still put a swag that they are blessed. Its done in a half way mentioned above to remove all doubt that were are u getting ya money but to give another sense u have lowered ya water use. The kisii are eying on this to capitalize it to stay afloat like explained above. The link below shows how many tanks u can use as calculated by your monthly bill which show how many cubic/m2 u r using, if more they can even place many under ya house ceiling to meet the same
Like in the links below, the airplane gas nozzle sometimes fail even to ooze out gas after stop or in along journey leads to airplane fall even for household, so this below technology can be of big help big time where the nozzle made like the home water nozzle while a tip is place with many hole like the normal cooking gas nozzle but hard 1 4 planes to avoid the described above as airplane fall
Water pegler or gas nozzle can be digital as blue-tooth enabled to be controlled from ya phone or the city water center to monitor an authorized utilization of same resource as with of airplane or as blue-tooth controlled padlocks in the link below
When all goes well, they thought it will be all darkness to me, what i will do, is to take “wasichana wangu” the head to another nation the come back if the dust of shame has settled like Christ going to Egypt and coming after herod death- the death of rod/penis, root of David Rodeo
Buy Brazil weg alternator generator as show in the link below
Buy SA elegen generators in the link beside  
South Korea doosan generator link beside  
Italy mecc alte alternator generator in the link beside
Buy polystar Home appliances like double door fridges from Nigeria in the Link below
Now we got it in Africa, Obina, Obina, Obina, dont buy sony, Lg or Panasonic stereos from oversees in ya supermarkets buy it from Nija as Nigeria, an young to-kendo anmawacho mano an kevin in the house now in the link below
Made in Tanzania electric car in the link below
Few fish or cattle meet, if u partake not artificial daily like in the link below u risk getting to hell and most people came to ya brick, stone or block house to see if they are artificial or from quarry destroying the earth as u help in that and it will help in ya judgement in life after death. They r taking notes whether is u r mad or denied a right man love to love ya and give the same to criminals
You of little faith, how kebi likes made it to either Europe or US using such avenues, standing to defecate and taking along with u military food that makes u not want to visit the toilet frequently or piss not
Polystar same sorted after Sony or Lg stereo in Africa same quality in the link below and vending machine as well. Exchange rate 2 Nira equals1 khs and so forth so on same sorted after like the Panasonic also in the link below
Buy GNA Home appliances made in Ghana as shown in the link below
Buy as well Papua new Guinea Home appliances in the link below
Buy USA amana products in the link below
Is it true that loving many women get u off the things of this life as i google like u dont want to drive a car solo as u want 1 to do it for u or makes ya to like walking not even commuting. Or just people wanting to be heard!!!!
Buy thermocool, okayama or bobo or optima Nigeria made generators in the link below
Artificially made building stones technology in the houses in the link below here in Kenya
Buy Australia OX products like Fans or e-bikes in the link below
Buy Nigeria made Century home appliances in the link below or Amaecom
The pay in small amount method to buy gadgets should be incorporated in KENYA likewise to buy affordable gadgets to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor in-terms of ownership is concerned.
The Submarine vessel below needs stored oxygen inside 4 the crew inside breathing but u aint free in breathing as u find difficulties in it, so comes up periodically in lonely places to facilitate the above as open a lid to allow much fresh air inside without the enemy noticing as they can fire or bomb it as capture it lest its armored of glass or metal. So the sand lifting truck technology like the pulled radio areal can be employed so it dont draw close to upper water creating security concerns but does it from like 20-30 meters below water as the extending system to get air from above the waters to the vessel is automated like in the link below
The shinny metal like radio are can harbor camera and a gun to monitor and shoot intruders respectively at the same time.
If they don’t listen up nothing we can do, they have played with us but just engage them in warfare as in the song below, no time 4 silly romantic illusions like instead of pro-acting and resolving the whole situation they resort to songs as if when they were above u, they never wanted to just sleep with u but now with ya u want to do the same, not having it in mind we have not yet seduced them, but they take it that way as they want that. Be prostitutes once and 4 all, stop games and dilly dallying. Now we got fresh mouth herb nyamawho which deterred many a white women and ya kid cant suffer as like has been subsidized with latest African innovation and buying methods of machines that makes life comfortable
Buy as well Nigeria made scanfrost home or kitchen appliances as described in the link below
Buy Kenyan made kevitron home appliances in the links below
Buy dishwashers online to eliminate ya from squatting or standing washing ya many dishes if u got much friends, once and 4 good in the link below
No time 4 stupid romantic illusions  stupid and sick, death awaits ya, sitting in a time bomb just the way we have learnt ya dialect, no time 4 pity period. we will kill you if u don’t take heed, together with your sick kikuyu. am stopping ya business ways as described in my following tumblr a/c sirjustice50, your wicked ways, am trumping in the long-run, thought u knew much, even am sweeping china presence in the world. where r u with gimmicks which are old. Got to think twice. now sending folks to monitor my eating habit at my doorstep, u will not maneuver me unless u kill me. I want to revenge
Made in Nigeria drone, tractors, choppers, Trains and boats in the link below where yacht is plastic containers placed under floating slippers or dough then paraffin, pain or kerosene hurled instead of water or sewer water but cold as well, try any other chemical like thinker 4 products which dont come out as u use cold water or u can even try with plant juices like sugar cane, fruit or yorgurt
Nigeria Defense industries 1st made drone
Kebi rather stevo saidia maskini, help pita yaani kal pass by nyagu imemshinda kukula vyema na yeye si mchoyo, msaidiye wajamani na kebi pia hasaidiye chali wa brina, kuwa na respect tafadhali, help him chew/tafuna the maize to big and hard 4 him, he will be seen glutton as adrian delanu is helping sam kokudo down there.
Even kid toys can be made big into real machines if u do the above in the dark of hurling cold fluids or spit on them many people
Buy Nigeria nexus home appliances in the link below
Buy Morgan Malaysia home made home appliances in the link below
Buy vidhata alternator Generators from India at Affordable prices or AEPC oR CHINA mad hac106
Many duck placed on dough the cold liquid like yogurt hurled makes jets and choppers while many like mad fish or tilapia under the same procedure above makes even electric trains and drones even the toy counterparts.
assembled houses  and e-bikes
buy china alte generators  
E-screw driver images in the link below and buy
Click the link below to get a glimpse of Cameroon made buses
Since u got cash, u promote open dubious things, u as well being monitored, anyway its a blessing in disguise. Russia dont do what u r doing, dont put money online then u bar access to other people while the people who have the software to withdraw r on ya neck or looking at you in awe like after a month of putting on like cloths or shoes that they are too old so u dont belong cause them they buy them in 1 week and it doesn’t cost a thing from online sources they withdraw it and buy. Usa do the same so kids and people leave their shoes 4 African market to sell much resorting to tricks above cause much a dubious ways are blocked. Burn ya shoes or clothing and stop used cloth business as it facilitates the above. We dont afford a sleep dude, no kidding, business dont move on out of this, they got voodoo if they look at u, your body comes small and if u persist wearing such, kinda, they, threaten ya like wanting to ambush ya next. Like in the link below, most hardworking people dont love new things, they mock ya and if u buy they follow u got money, which character is that. Folks dont overstep, its not done that way dude, mind ya business bro, it now calls 4 annihilation as siren gas, too much too bear if they dont relent
All below are Nigerian made alternator or no fuel generator links
watt fueless generator
Buy nigeria made Eco fuel less generator in the link below
Tritech fuel less generator  
Contact the suppliers of the alternator generators in the beside link
Fuel-less gen images  
Online shopping 4 otutu generator in the link below as well u can buy wind turbine or Alternator Generator from the links above and if u got a business premise or a landlord u save ya tenant of instant power surges that slows business and if they got a generator oil expensive to reduce profits as well with in bad weather solar dont work good to do the later by simply buying the above and connecting to every business or house main power supply and half what they pay 4 city bill u put it hurriedly in ya pocket. Save Big bro, pro-act dont fight fights dude
Buy Ac generators from India in the link below
Buy sweden made eco-tech alternator in the link below
Buy Nigeria made fuel-less alternator Generators in the link below
Meet Zimbabwe innovation in the link below as self made drone, E-cars, choppers and green generators
With the above tamarind and Euphorbia explained utility stay put in ya nation, if u dont then, u r dummy like Ben curson puts it in “Think Big book“ Do not take a flight out the hood cause u r rude or know not the above lest u r forced.
Click the link below 4 Lesotho made 1st car in the link below and Mozambique Matchedje motors as well
Click the link below to get a glimpse of made in Nigeria medical equipment
With Corona virus medication i aint asking 4 compensation, a friend just told me via texting me within Facebook,its not fake but grown Ginger grinned in blender then an injection done after mixing with distilled water, dont get me in a bind that am asking of the same so u wait of. A friend in Kansas called ULIO as Martinez Adrian
Buy Rusia made 1st smartphone yandex in the link below or Jamaica digicell smartphone
1 note · View note
sirjustice129-blog · 4 years
4 Maximum security
In the link below can be improved by automating such windows 4 maximum security where all ya house windows are closed or open using motors so at night u dont walk all around or in the morning affirming the same, but can be made to slide from outside unto the walls not inside the window itself 4 extra beauty
Even with ya car over-loading can be detected by the technology below, where weighing scale are corp-orated in between car wheel springs to tell the same and it can be aerial controlled as with GPRS to be seen on radar just like with speeding gadget described below
And even cameras are made with different cut fish pieces placed in dough or snow to give variety as u spit saliva or urinate, pour out cold water or other liquids such as yogurt and boom which u want is formed or just placing photos on dough.
If u despise 1 to the latter, if they take a shit and look back to it b4 flashing, it denatures the despiser lips and many know not of such and spend much money looking 4 medication yet the antidote is resorting to love to avert the same
America too slow 4 me, to serve justice takes long and never served if u got less cash, so the fastest rapper in this song-ace mac- makes it up2 me and Kenya got much play as jokes not for a country where dubious ways are eliminated where people got to works hard to make it, not sit around claiming things which they know not. Click the link below 4 more dude. Got to be 1st bro always but slow sometimes not vice versa but with many laws that exhausts ya
Google the link below to find areas where EUphorbia ammak is grown much, much grows in Carli4nia and Middle East as Yemen or North Africa close to Eritrea or Somali, so guess how rich u could be as explained below as also tamarind grows in Carli4nia and Mexico or u want to reap from all sides yet u know the above as jealousy burns ya once u have learnt the art of artificial made chemicals and medication
They are locating the above as where Euphobia grows much as where ojuok jajuok grows, where people with bad eye interfere with the composition of its branches so dont treat that sickness well so he used to go at night climb 1 of the tree which made him fall to confuse it with Gambian story Magic Calabash which broke his legs 4 the locals name him computer wizard as he loved war and he was always reading about all the presidential monuments in Washington Dc state
The above done since much chemicals and disinfectants as much as liquid or powered soaps, shampoo, applying oils, relief drugs are made out of this green-tree.
Police in Russia and china don’t bother at locating ya on roads if u are over-speeding or smoking as drinking alcohol while driving, a new mechanism has cropped in where digital of the same like the New China Electric meters that are wireless that are tracked centrally at the office, where such are installed in ya car and their working is known whether dead or working via the radar so cant break it down, hence u just get an SMS that on this section of the road u where over-speeding, warned 3 pay the fine b4 an arrest warrant issued if u repeat it again.
Birth of nelson Bon, Lisbon, Portugal b4 being airlifted to Kenya 4 adoption, the photo on the star soft bottle was his back then at the Nairobi, Wilson Airport, Was taken to Kenya out of his looking at good things which many whites dont condone or want the laughing as if things are okay and was born in Novembers, watch his star saying in astronomy b4 being adopted
Assuring Minaj, Lobinson, Magdalin and all the laddies he has perused and wants to marry that the future is rosy and those he want them to be his cougar as he don’t love extra-smooth things but rather not all that supple. In the below link is him after taking shower with much detol to make his skin dry like of an old person. Magdalin ol Niki as Robinson Dirt off ya shoulder not with blow job but with ya hand or made gadget like in the link below
The Nyamweshi, they followed the moon hoping it will relieve them of the burden encountered at that time so were called people of the moon, watuwa mwezi.
Pendo la nyamwezi mungu ni pendo la ajabu, huweshi kulinganisha x2
With okwaju treats Aids then aids will be finished like done diseases so u cant bank on that as its short run, bringing people here to be many to contract the same to bring the medication as u say they will never know just as automation yet in the lands they are from bears the biggest wild plantation of those okwaju fruits like Mexico and Carli4nia USA, some saying they are people of Sudan or Indian cause as well bears those fruit just looking 4 best/good things like rich man and Lazarus parable, while these fruits grows in any tropical land but in small amounts but can be grown huge so cant bank on it so relents them.
Fish place on snow flakes as ice makes iron sheets, furniture, coffins, glass, plates, nails buildings, any machine, wood or galvanized container houses, trains and thats the hidden gimmicks with temperate lands as they are found in large amounts and aint curse as cut leaves or grass and thats why they had gone their, make even cereals like corn and wheat flakes. Women with barnabas to cement reality, barafu, fuo as stupid while in tropics you can buy much fridges and make the same as ice cubes.
The fish, flying small insects, arachnids, birds as hawks or the nozzle of sprayers placed under ice or dough while u spit or hurled cold water makes drones or nails and the same nail made that way if u place few in ice or dough and many hardware small apparatus like nail, like in the link below. Vineyard and worker parable another version to bring out reality
Unless incapacitated then we can chip in and help ya kid in later years, your country is rich and got such disability benefits not now as ya wife can hustle 4 ya as the economy still got loopholes to fix ya self. Cant just give birth and disturb others who have not done the same but in a position to with such kids wanting every part of ya food as if u played part in the Zygotic formation, calculate dude, and if reason be he will be an Mp be 4 your mother and if u will make a car with no headlines as gotten from other kids as excuse, make it as well 4 ya kins me iwill not buy it, i would have moved to another country as take another route altogether. Take care of ya own shit bro, dont transfer it to others as excuse now u dont want kids, lets his father not yet incapacitated take care of him not me period or it will tantamount to war, either u kill me or i kill ya
Waswahili are Jamaicans, they were migrated from Kenya coast by the Europeans like portuguess, they forgot the swahili dialect as European de-tribalised them to adopt English, stay put and get the truth from white men stop this and that u know not fellows. Some even were taken to Nigeria where they intermarried but initially they live in southern Africa countries such as Mozambique or Sa and Botswana
If u claim this and that after a person utterance then u r close to being mad/insane and may leave ya company and if u dine still with rude people as hang/role with them people hates ya off-springs, as they assume u teach them the same as birds of same feathers stick/fly together. Desist women, let them die their own death, if u tolerate them, what next to eat in ya house and sleep secretly with ya kids or wife to bring the same bad kids we want not. Oil they waited is overtaken by alternator generators even match box/stick or cooking gas they had known how to make, tell them that they see reality so they get busy as look 4 loopholes in the economy to fix themselves or they will be killed cause it cant give ya food year in year out. Dude what ya exist plan or waiting 4 that i will also benefits from so i tolerate u or my kids benefit from, Nothing but bringing ya smelling mouth to my face or wanting me to suck ya dick. Stop fellows and resort to handwork period.
Kitchen and toilet appliances as well as furniture are made with fish placed in snow flakes or dough while u bath tickling, kinda, ya ass hole as washing it with sponge and boom its formed or u hurl cold cuddled milk unto the above and boom the kind of appliances u want formed or u place photos of the above unto the ice or snow flakes as another method still they are formed as mfalme wa yawhodi comes in to cement Christ sayings or what he meant and the reason 4 his killing
The above signal end to tyranny as cheap affordable life crops in if such are put in payment plan its much more cheap. Like in the link below but should be more cheap cause aint imported if sold in Kenya, now leave china made ones bro
Like a lady A sat on her bed legs apart helding kebis head like being on a staring hands moving from the back part of the staring wheel like spanking the back of his head, kebi licking that things, do u know what she utters in deep enjoyment or pleasure “ don’t bite it babe and if u r biting it without my consent continue biting it softly as i know it“
Utensils and the modern jikos, stoves and motors or pumps and more just try with any gadget not made in other ways provided above or below are made after placing the offering on the dough like broken parts pieces, where women talk on each other face as same as men, kinda, wanting like to kiss and boom they are formed even with electric kettles, cookers, mags, coffee making machines, some fridges, gas cylinders, nail cutters, bottle openers etc Gold and jewels as well are made this way by placing hard mafi or inside of guava, corpse of people who suffered they exhume in a container, add much water and do the above or spit saliva and boom any product u want is formed as caskets, bling, rings, study as earrings etc
The grave slabs explained below can be made of metallic iron rods to avoid break outs and to be strongly glued to the earth it can have wings like long metallic projections from sides to hold firm to the ground to give hard time in trying to uproot it.
They liaise with power company to create black out conducive 4 sweet escape and people who view things on their eye to see into ya compound guard position to fly the drone like to ya balcony to get into ya house them ambush ya and thats why now their should be no power black out which will not facilitate the above situation which even they kill you in. They use the open drone from another compound to get into ya compound or house in the link below
Bank give me all that money to give to their big wing so they feel nice and leave me all alone, bad conduct they wanna put ya in. Anyway life has been made easy with the latest innovations in Africa, so i don’t give a hoot of living big/large. Up to ya if u wanna do the same, hustle by ya self don’t incorporate me into it, wanting good from me but u cant help me, instead give me dirty names.
Dont dude, discussing 1 past, spoils ya face and its known that way, kinda, u look malnourished yet not. If they are good at this time as don’t disturb ya again leave it to pass and thats maturity and can happen to any1 or any1 kid in times futurity.
Along the road behind Dala hera where water collects after a short downfall is where Herod was buried and john body while at where palmers hotel family lived and thats the reason why so i know was where Goliath and King David was buried, in fact when u r there, kinda, if u look down, the earth crust seems to divide into 2.
Aluminum foil, wires or plates as sufuria when placed in dough makes double door fridges, automated vendor machines or milk processing equipment and storage.
At Night when sleeping u see the spot of green-light as in ya dreams to tell ya that its green-man who told these white-men per country how gadgets are made and some writings we love are by them as well as song given to them to do it in their own way.
The door of submarine described below should not be on a protruding end/side as a house veranda or balcony but like a small partition done inside with its own door so if 1 from outside don’t see an extension but just as a cylinder in the link below which can be made into a submarine
Emery asking delanu “Ule dem mwenye kepi anamtaka, tayari ameshampatia kitu amemeza au la asha“ Babo Mtu wangu, nikujikakamua tu kisabuni while kebi says as he gets into the conversation, in Broken luo “An adong’o ne blina, kedo kal pidho thuol apidho manda mond kiko-okomplain kaka okomplain sani ne home girls ne eti she is contented but not satisfied“
Adwalo mochanda gi magdalin, to gitamle miya golo na gimolo mondo aswo gi koyo ni, Kebi molocha was heard complaining.
How machines or gadgets as equipment should be priced, measure 30% weight of the above which is the minimum high quality placed dough used b4 cold sewer water is hurled synonymous with some fridges, pick ups or the lighting up garbage Lory where cut other color glass pieces is place on the dough above and boom that machine formed. The price should be 30% weight of that machine translate it to wheat flour price of that 30% used to make that very machine and multiply by 100 as 100 x while the multiplied times is the profit, the hard task derived from making such as the lost sheep parable cements the truth. If dough worth 1 buck was used let the gadget be 100 bucks period cause they are just made. Pick ups are also made with maize cobs as eggs, i mean placed in different styles, Christ with division to bring out the reality of what he meant or signaled. Beyond 100 times can take ya too hell as u see hell door being lowered, no kidding jo, its not guess work but pure truth bro.
With every gadget u can use egg as the being placed on the dough, with double door fridges u place 2 standing on the tip, king of the jew to bring out another version reality, cookers u place it like sleeping on the other side, stereos u cut the boiled egg into pieces as well as Tv, with drones u place them in circles with big airplane u place it in a rectangular form with choppers in square form, u can try with any shape placing the egg on dough and after partaking mwarubaine/neem leaves with meditation u visualize the gadget that can be made using such pattern.
If u were to be paid 5% of the total cost of every gadget made using Ae technology or the no fuel generator theorem, then in many nations which has bought from like china Alibaba or Italy Linz generator and more have sold much pieces but why haven’t u been paid or taken them to court esp those manufacturing countries described in the following tumblr of this a/c. Stop dude, look 4 other ways to hustle esp coast province blooded fellows such as many luyas, dont expect water out of Euphobia tree but white Gum as dont look 4 the dead among the living with the Christ tomb, free things locators yet with ya money they want ya to join their things yet when u got none, u dont see them around or go in circles giving ya silly defaming names, as join and dont do this, eat corpse. Corpse can save ya ass, as dont make ya cleaver 4 such explained, it was just the German gimmick to delude ya to destroy ya mind further.
They are coming up with simbapay to allow u get many a/cs like with African phone lines so as to withdraw much from 2goinvoice since they got the software. They have been blocked in dubious ways and cant move on so resort to daytime lies as seen dubious ways. Let it be 1 or 2 line per person and i know if that is done many company wanna come in so they got other many options to open from to get many lines to do the same just as with Pay Tv decoders per countries. Britain u r digging ya own grave and sitting on a tickling time bomb. Click the link below 4 more
They get into submarines with 2 doors to get into the inside like the 1st door if u open u get with water but still inside there their is a water pump that the crew sitch it one to let out the very water that got in with you out, which if has gotten out the space remain free with you just inside b4 u open the 2nd door that gets into the inside of the real drone minus the water that got with ya as explained above. Submarines are just airtight heavy wall drones that instead of cold air being blown from below the gas cylinder to take it up, the reverse is done on the top of the siren gas cylinder to take it down the water b4 another cold air blown from below of the same magnitude as the 1 blown from above to keep it at the same level in water, the same technology as well applies to airplane in air as another cold air blow from behind the siren gas cylinder to keep it moving ahead. To negotiate a corner or a U-turn cold air blown from the tip or the end most of the cylinder from beside and to get back cold air blown from the rear part of the cylinder and thats as well the rocket, drone, submarine or chopper science. Weed parable, Beatitude or little kids, with Christ and lost coin parable to bring reality of the above. Click the link below to get a glimpse of submarine and inside ya air travel u can opt 4 one tied on a parachute once the fall develops an hitch to fall u get out while inside the drone with the parachute described above b4 u open it to make u land on the sea then u start ya journey.
Yet people follow engage in fights in the aftermath yet these folks are friend and what they champion is just games they discuss at night like in the link below where their will be no stealing of election if ballot boxes are locked with finger print padlocks unless the returning officer is near then the same done or if Has not taken Ginger with Skali ngulu or mbuta to avert the changing of body parts by Mr Hindu as the finger can be given to another to do the same as allow rigging and ballot boxes weighed immediately after election then a rough calculation done based on the weight to find the number of total votes cast b4 counting like a sample of 1000 ballot paper weighs this so what about the weight of ballot papers cast in this ballot box minus the weight. they are looking 4 other dubious loopholes to more confuse the folks
Robinson those Gemini the twins on ya chest are big who are touching them Robinson, don’t hide me, u r my homie or may it not be Lil wayne, Knowles those hooves from ya besides are to big and wide, who is caressing them, Mrs Knowles, don’t be afraid i wont tell girl or may it not be u have harbor an African in ya house whose skin is dry and rough like in the song below, Excuse me, excuse me Mrs Robinson is Obama hitting that thing right or just play with it, i long to do the same but no jest with it Mum- am delanu mkubwa
Minaj dont or never feel a shamed i wont tell as well, then tell, i know like u r saying, kinda, “things can be resolved, nothing beyond us, their is always a solution to a predicament” those booty are to flabby and too big than as we saw them in yester years, tell me girl who is touching them, may it not be Lobinson has tought u the same as u harbor an Africa in ya crib doing that work. Tell me women, where are u taking them booty if not to me am in owe and perturbed.
Buy even small of the linz No fuel generator in the link bellow which is more cheap the the protruding end make a gear on it like with mountain bike chain system to rotate the other gear slow to rotate the wind turbine so u can use it even to power the whole school or 5 star hotel as it got much watts rather than placing the turbine on poles creating bad name on ya side as u don’t build the country as pay electric bill something which is cheap. Dont tint ya name. U connect the wind turbine of many watts as u select to buy with the same powerful inverter, like 10,000 watts shown in the link below
With no fuel Generator above like the Linz u can use a solar panel mounted on a solar charger controller to turn the motor during the day and at night use its battery to avoid staying out of power when battery reduces in voltage not to turn the turbine to produce power. U CAN USE A Technician
Bones of animals in dough or ice cubes placed in different patterns or styles make as well office or home appliances, furniture or small hand driven or operated machines like grinders or drills. Barafu as women with Lazarus comes handy to cement de truth. With Egg u use peeled off egg like with the explanation below
Double door fridge made with 2 boiled egg place standing next to each other on the specified dough. Africans as Kenyans where have u reached as well as Negros, Minafika wapi with frustrating kebi and u have been warned slogan after being told the money making online gimmicks. Lake Victoria can be reduced via from below the earth crust dig hole to make some water flow out until its Kenya part reduced completely to be out cause the Negros are eye this part as it of leisure they place yacht and speed boat on it after all has been made like the innovation of E-engines which uses no power, so they feel good as also the Hindu left so they can get to another country if they commit crime as opposed to their country deep lakes with high security features of committing crimes.
They want cities in the E-African regions to have many people, as many banks and many cheque cashing centers as hotels and bureau de changes so they being built close to the lake to enable sweet escape as now they have known how to make submarines like with Tz choppers, they rob and not long b4 the city police alerted they jump into the lake or seas like with Malindi, Dar es salam, kilifi, mogadishu and mombasa to the submarines and get out at lonely places just the same with how they were fishing b4 Lake Victoria get in points were fenced shipping the fish to Europe and America markets via the underground fissures described in below following tumblr a/c
List of cities around E-African coastline and around lake Victoria basin
Now their is 1 loophole left, they can steal water at night or in lonely compound and place them in trucks like in the link below and organize per houses as they want to stay afloat to buy the flat septic tanks to store the above water then u minimize ya house water intake by half as half they provide, to use the money gotten from many households of such deals to put like E-buses, vans, taxi on the road to reap huge profits to buy others to still put a swag that they are blessed. Its done in a half way mentioned above to remove all doubt that were are u getting ya money but to give another sense u have lowered ya water use. The kisii are eying on this to capitalize it to stay afloat like explained above. The link below shows how many tanks u can use as calculated by your monthly bill which show how many cubic/m2 u r using, if more they can even place many under ya house ceiling to meet the same
Like in the links below, the airplane gas nozzle sometimes fail even to ooze out gas after stop or in along journey leads to airplane fall even for household, so this below technology can be of big help big time where the nozzle made like the home water nozzle while a tip is place with many hole like the normal cooking gas nozzle but hard 1 4 planes to avoid the described above as airplane fall
Water pegler or gas nozzle can be digital as blue-tooth enabled to be controlled from ya phone or the city water center to monitor an authorized utilization of same resource as with of airplane or as blue-tooth controlled padlocks in the link below
When all goes well, they thought it will be all darkness to me, what i will do, is to take “wasichana wangu” the head to another nation the come back if the dust of shame has settled like Christ going to Egypt and coming after herod death- the death of rod/penis, root of David Rodeo
Buy Brazil weg alternator generator as show in the link below
Buy SA elegen generators in the link beside  
South Korea doosan generator link beside  
Italy mecc alte alternator generator in the link beside
Buy polystar Home appliances like double door fridges from Nigeria in the Link below
Now we got it in Africa, Obina, Obina, Obina, dont buy sony, Lg or Panasonic stereos from oversees in ya supermarkets buy it from Nija as Nigeria, an young to-kendo anmawacho mano an kevin in the house now in the link below
Made in Tanzania electric car in the link below
Few fish or cattle meet, if u partake not artificial daily like in the link below u risk getting to hell and most people came to ya brick, stone or block house to see if they are artificial or from quarry destroying the earth as u help in that and it will help in ya judgement in life after death. They r taking notes whether is u r mad or denied a right man love to love ya and give the same to criminals
You of little faith, how kebi likes made it to either Europe or US using such avenues, standing to defecate and taking along with u military food that makes u not want to visit the toilet frequently or piss not
Polystar same sorted after Sony or Lg stereo in Africa same quality in the link below and vending machine as well. Exchange rate 2 Nira equals1 khs and so forth so on same sorted after like the Panasonic also in the link below
Buy GNA Home appliances made in Ghana as shown in the link below
Buy as well Papua new Guinea Home appliances in the link below
Buy USA amana products in the link below
Is it true that loving many women get u off the things of this life as i google like u dont want to drive a car solo as u want 1 to do it for u or makes ya to like walking not even commuting. Or just people wanting to be heard!!!!
Buy thermocool, okayama or bobo or optima Nigeria made generators in the link below
Artificially made building stones technology in the houses in the link below here in Kenya
Buy Australia OX products like Fans or e-bikes in the link below
Buy Nigeria made Century home appliances in the link below or Amaecom
The pay in small amount method to buy gadgets should be incorporated in KENYA likewise to buy affordable gadgets to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor in-terms of ownership is concerned.
The Submarine vessel below needs stored oxygen inside 4 the crew inside breathing but u aint free in breathing as u find difficulties in it, so comes up periodically in lonely places to facilitate the above as open a lid to allow much fresh air inside without the enemy noticing as they can fire or bomb it as capture it lest its armored of glass or metal. So the sand lifting truck technology like the pulled radio areal can be employed so it dont draw close to upper water creating security concerns but does it from like 20-30 meters below water as the extending system to get air from above the waters to the vessel is automated like in the link below
The shinny metal like radio are can harbor camera and a gun to monitor and shoot intruders respectively at the same time.
If they don’t listen up nothing we can do, they have played with us but just engage them in warfare as in the song below, no time 4 silly romantic illusions like instead of pro-acting and resolving the whole situation they resort to songs as if when they were above u, they never wanted to just sleep with u but now with ya u want to do the same, not having it in mind we have not yet seduced them, but they take it that way as they want that. Be prostitutes once and 4 all, stop games and dilly dallying. Now we got fresh mouth herb nyamawho which deterred many a white women and ya kid cant suffer as like has been subsidized with latest African innovation and buying methods of machines that makes life comfortable
Buy as well Nigeria made scanfrost home or kitchen appliances as described in the link below
Buy Kenyan made kevitron home appliances in the links below
Buy dishwashers online to eliminate ya from squatting or standing washing ya many dishes if u got much friends, once and 4 good in the link below
No time 4 stupid romantic illusions  stupid and sick, death awaits ya, sitting in a time bomb just the way we have learnt ya dialect, no time 4 pity period. we will kill you if u don’t take heed, together with your sick kikuyu. am stopping ya business ways as described in my following tumblr a/c sirjustice50, your wicked ways, am trumping in the long-run, thought u knew much, even am sweeping china presence in the world. where r u with gimmicks which are old. Got to think twice. now sending folks to monitor my eating habit at my doorstep, u will not maneuver me unless u kill me. I want to revenge
Made in Nigeria drone, tractors, choppers, Trains and boats in the link below where yacht is plastic containers placed under floating slippers or dough then paraffin, pain or kerosene hurled instead of water or sewer water but cold as well, try any other chemical like thinker 4 products which dont come out as u use cold water or u can even try with plant juices like sugar cane, fruit or yorgurt
Nigeria Defense industries 1st made drone
Kebi rather stevo saidia maskini, help pita yaani kal pass by nyagu imemshinda kukula vyema na yeye si mchoyo, msaidiye wajamani na kebi pia hasaidiye chali wa brina, kuwa na respect tafadhali, help him chew/tafuna the maize to big and hard 4 him, he will be seen glutton as adrian delanu is helping sam kokudo down there.
Even kid toys can be made big into real machines if u do the above in the dark of hurling cold fluids or spit on them many people
Buy Nigeria nexus home appliances in the link below
Buy Morgan Malaysia home made home appliances in the link below
Buy vidhata alternator Generators from India at Affordable prices or AEPC oR CHINA mad hac106
Many duck placed on dough the cold liquid like yogurt hurled makes jets and choppers while many like mad fish or tilapia under the same procedure above makes even electric trains and drones even the toy counterparts.
assembled houses  and e-bikes
buy china alte generators  
E-screw driver images in the link below and buy
Click the link below to get a glimpse of Cameroon made buses
Since u got cash, u promote open dubious things, u as well being monitored, anyway its a blessing in disguise. Russia dont do what u r doing, dont put money online then u bar access to other people while the people who have the software to withdraw r on ya neck or looking at you in awe like after a month of putting on like cloths or shoes that they are too old so u dont belong cause them they buy them in 1 week and it doesn’t cost a thing from online sources they withdraw it and buy. Usa do the same so kids and people leave their shoes 4 African market to sell much resorting to tricks above cause much a dubious ways are blocked. Burn ya shoes or clothing and stop used cloth business as it facilitates the above. We dont afford a sleep dude, no kidding, business dont move on out of this, they got voodoo if they look at u, your body comes small and if u persist wearing such, kinda, they, threaten ya like wanting to ambush ya next. Like in the link below, most hardworking people dont love new things, they mock ya and if u buy they follow u got money, which character is that. Folks dont overstep, its not done that way dude, mind ya business bro, it now calls 4 annihilation as siren gas, too much too bear if they dont relent
All below are Nigerian made alternator or no fuel generator links
watt fueless generator
Buy nigeria made Eco fuel less generator in the link below
Tritech fuel less generator  
Contact the suppliers of the alternator generators in the beside link
Fuel-less gen images  
Online shopping 4 otutu generator in the link below as well u can buy wind turbine or Alternator Generator from the links above and if u got a business premise or a landlord u save ya tenant of instant power surges that slows business and if they got a generator oil expensive to reduce profits as well with in bad weather solar dont work good to do the later by simply buying the above and connecting to every business or house main power supply and half what they pay 4 city bill u put it hurriedly in ya pocket. Save Big bro, pro-act dont fight fights dude
Buy Ac generators from India in the link below
Buy sweden made eco-tech alternator in the link below
Buy Nigeria made fuel-less alternator Generators in the link below
Meet Zimbabwe innovation in the link below as self made drone, E-cars, choppers and green generators
With the above tamarind and Euphorbia explained utility stay put in ya nation, if u dont then, u r dummy like Ben curson puts it in “Think Big book“ Do not take a flight out the hood cause u r rude or know not the above lest u r forced.
Click the link below 4 Lesotho made 1st car in the link below and Mozambique Matchedje motors as well
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