#bridgerton sleepover
livingonfanficseyra · 2 years
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Season 3 Kathony and baby Edmund Headcanons
Kate likes to complain that their son, whom she carried in her stomach for nine months, looks like a miniature Anthony even though she secretly loves it. Kate finds it adorable when her 3-year-old gets frustrated at something silly. His face screws up and a thin crease appears on his tiny forehead. Kate has to bite her lips from laughing out loud.
Anthony disagrees with Kate when she says that Eddie looks more like him than her because when he watches his toddler son walking with Kate, his tiny fingers clutching the skirt of her dress, his dark curly hair bouncing, all he can think of is how much his darling son resembles his wife.
Edmund Bridgerton’s first word was Katie. He used to follow her around, calling her Katie instead of Amma until he was four, four and a half years old. When he's older, he calls her Katie and smiles innocently at her on special occasions when he knows that she’s mad at him. Kate knows his trick very well, but she still falls for it.
Mary Sharma loved babysitting her grandchild, saying that he was such a sweetheart who would never cause any trouble. However, one incident made her change her opinion about little Eddie. She had left him alone with Newton for two minutes to fetch biscuits and on return, she was met with a boy and dog, fully covered in mud and dirt. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry as Eddie smiled mischievously at her, showing his cute dimples.
This started as HCs for S3 and ended somewhere else. If you liked these, please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Also check out List Shenanigans for Kanthony and Baby Edmund short stories 💜
Thanks to the wonderful @viscountessevie for organizing The Bridgerton Sleepover 2.0. I had a blast sending asks and making posts.
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The lovely @viscountessevie and I came up with smt that might be cool?
For all of us who feel neglected by the bee show... interested to do something fun tonight?? Lets say right about the time the Tudum thing starts?? /j We can start around 5 pm (GMT+2).
I haven't think this through yet but it might be fun?
We can share our hopes for the characters/actors in the future, favorite lines from the book/show, things we've missed, things we loved, things we fear for the upcoming season(s)
You can share these by making your own post answering one, a few or all these prompt questions! Feel free to make it a tag game and tag your friends, moots and followers to answer with their own answers - on your post or otherwise
Send each other asks beyond these questions - just have a fun time with your friends really!!
I'm highly biased with my blog, but this is for all. I mean... the Benophie shippers must have a lot to say too? And I can imagine the francheal aren't very confident for s3 as well?? Same goes for the Grucy’s and Hyareth’s!!
This isn’t a hate event😊, so basically everyone can join, just not the ones that gleefully wish for Marina’s death. We won’t tolerate bigotry or any other form of disrespect!
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viscountessevie · 2 years
This Town - A Johncesca Songfic
A/N: Dedicated to the fic idea genius that is Miss Lil @sharmasandcorgis !! This fic is literally over a year in the making and thank you to her for being so so patient and bouncing ideas off together! Love you so much bestie <3 Shoutout to my sprint buddies and beta readers for helping me shape this fic to what has become a year later (esp making it EVEN more sad at times): @hptriviachamp @sophiamariabeckett @jeanvanjer and also thank you to @kateandanthonyaremyparents​ & @isdathriantionnsgnadh​ for listening to me screech tonight while I edited this in time for the Sleepover ehehe (which I didn’t lol I’m half an hour late) 
To set the mood, please listen to this version of This Town: 
[There’s a piano version also linked below when it plays but here you go if you prefer an full instrumental instead!]
Warnings: Angst, Major Character Death, Intense Grief, Description of Panic Attacks. [Minor Spoilers but:] Hallucination/Dreaming, Puking mention
Happy and safe reading everyone!! [Tag list in the comments] 
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Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air It's hard Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running round It's funny how things never change in this old town So far from the stars
Francesca Bridgerton tossed to her bed’s right side and craned her neck to the pillow next to hers. She was stuck by the cold emptiness of that side of her bed. It was no longer their bed but hers. She still couldn't get used to that change. It had been a month and it still surprised her to find him gone. 
She turned back to her side of the bed, staring at the ceiling. Her chest tightened and she couldn't breathe. It was happening again, She thought to herself. Everyday for the last two weeks, she had been wrecked with such devastation which gave way to panic attacks. She remembered the breathing exercises she found online and put them to use. The feeling in her chest only grew worse. She curled into her body - some delusional part of herself trying to hide from the pain. 
Finally, she yanked up the oversized shirt she had on to her nose. She took a deep breath. John's familiar scent filled her nose and she started to calm down. She mentally listed off the types of smells she detected. 
John's CK cologne, fresh laundry and a hint of whiskey. 
There was just something about his cologne and the smell of clean clothes that made her nostalgic for John. She continued with her grounding exercise of listing the things she saw, heard and felt around her. Her hammering heart started to slow and her chest pains started to ease. It was easier to breathe. She didn't feel like dying. She felt safe enough to deduce her panic attack had come and gone. She took a quick whiff of his shirt again before getting up for the day. 
It was hard but she had to do it. She took her time to peel his nightshirt off her body, unable to part with it so soon. She folded it carefully and placed it in her pajama drawer. She quickly got dressed and ignored the aching in her heart. It was always the same every morning since he had passed. 
Francesca rubbed her chest in a futile attempt to ease the ache. She adjusted her sleeves, pulling them up an inch before sighing. She didn't like how reliant she had become of it but opened John's drawer nonetheless. She pulled out his last cologne bottle and did two quick sprays on each wrist. Wanting to relish in his scent for a moment longer, she brought up both wrists to her nose and sniffed them. With closed eyes, she tried to imagine he was still here. He had gone too soon, and her mind could barely process it. 
Entering the kitchen, she could have sworn she saw a shadow. She rationalised it as her mind playing tricks. She had spent the last 3 years waking up to John cooking breakfast every single morning. It was odd to walk into an empty kitchen. 
She shook her head and dragged herself over to the cabinets. 
"I know how to cook….sort of." She tried to reaffirm herself. She scoffed at herself as soon as she said it. Who was she kidding? She knew how to cook on a basic level. John, however, was the chef between them. He always knew what she wanted on any given morning. He would whip up world class breakfast dishes for her. She could make scrambled eggs…kind of. John taught her once. 
Looking around her flat, she remembered a time this kitchen was filled with such laughter every morning. She took out the pan, butter and eggs. She pulled out her spice drawer to retrieve the bottle of mixed herbs.
The morning he taught her how to cook scrambled eggs was one of the funniest. He always teased her about her lack of cooking abilities. She remembered him wiping raw egg on her nose. It was so silly they burst into laughter. His laugh still echoed through their apartment halls. She lost herself in the flashback, cooking on autopilot. 
She hadn't even realised how long she had been sucked into the past till she smelled burnt eggs. She reached out to grab the pan handle instinctively but accidentally grabbed the pan itself. She yelled in surprise as the heat burnt her. 
"Goddammit!" She cursed. She wasn't usually one to swear but she didn't care. She was angry. She wanted to feel every bit of that anger. She hated how lonely she was. She hated that he had left her behind.
 Most of all, she hated how everything in her house seemed the same yet everything had changed. 
And I want to tell you everything The words I never got to say the first time around And I remember everything From when we were the children playing in this fairground Wish I was there with you now
After Francesca had managed to save the burnt eggs - they were only slightly burnt, she reasoned with herself - she just mindlessly did her tasks. Eat her breakfast, wash her plate and put it away. She hadn’t come off autopilot since John’s funeral. Finally after staring at her dish rack for what seemed like hours after breakfast, Frannie decided to snap out of it. She despised her empty apartment. The only way she knew she could find some reprieve was a certain Stirling cousin. She picked up her cell and called him. 
Honestly after trying to reach him for a month now, she was expecting another decline or getting his voicemail. If she heard her own voice saying “You have reached Michael Stirling, I am too busy right looking in the mirror, try again later.” one more time, she might just throw her phone into a lake. It was the funniest thing she ever did and loved that he still kept it. She especially adored that she could hear John’s laugh in the background. Maybe that’s why she called Michael more than she should have - knowing that he wouldn’t pick up - just to hear John’s laugh whenever she missed him. At the same time, she hated listening to a version of herself that no longer existed. She knew he was grieving but so was she. She gave him the time and space he needed. But she needed her best friend too.
 Michael was the one person who had known and loved John the way she had. The only person who had loved him just as fully. He was her one link to the husband she had lost, and she hated him for staying away. She could never hate him but in this instance she just found him so selfish for shutting himself away when they both knew they would be better off supporting each other. 
After having been ghosted for over a month, Frannie was surprised when Michael picked up. He didn’t say anything, just let out a quiet sigh.  “Michael, are you there?” “Yes, Francesca.” She couldn’t place why it stung so much that he used her full given name. He sounded exhausted. Which is exactly why she didn’t bother chiding him for ignoring her after John’s funeral. She didn’t realise how hard it had become to talk to him until this moment. She gathered every bit of courage to ask him over for some company and mentally prepared for a no. 
“Would you like to go out for a walk around Hyde Park or something? I could use the company.” She asked, quietly hopeful for a yes.  He hesitated in responding, before finally saying, “Sorry, I’m busy.” 
She knew he was making up a lie before he even said it. She wasn’t one for loud and accusatory confrontations. Why yell when the other person can hear you perfectly? It was a matter of picking the right words and tone to get her point and annoyance across about his avoidance. 
“I understand, Michael.” She pursed her lips, her tone was neutral but they both knew her better. She was frustrated with him, she didn’t have to tell him that. She never did. It was scary and marvellous how well he knew her, just as well as John did. She let out a quiet breath, reminding herself to be patient with him, “You know where I will be if you need me.” She said and before he could respond, she clicked the phone off. It wasn’t her finest moment but it is what it is. She just wished he would let her be there for him, her own selfish needs aside. Shaking her head gently, she took a deep breath and got dressed to head out. 
“And I want to tell you everything//The words I never got to say the first time around//And I remember everything.” The song played into her ears as she wrapped her arms around her cream overcoat, pulling it tighter around her body for comfort and more warmth. She donned one of John’s beanies while her chin & neck disappeared into her favourite red scarf. She hummed along to the song, admiring the trees and fighting the urge to break down at the words. 
Her mother/aunt-in-law, her own mother and Michael aside, there was truly only one person she wanted to talk to about John’s death. And he was no longer here. Every day for the past month, she would turn to John’s side of the bed or just call out to their empty house to tell him whenever something happened. It was such a natural instinct to tell him everything that she couldn’t just unlearn in four measly weeks. 
She walked and walked until she reached the playground she played in as a child with her own siblings. She had little flashes of it. How El and her would always team up to chase around Greg and Hy as toddlers. How the older four would indulge them in playing hide and seek sometimes. She missed her siblings in times like this. They were extremely supportive the first few days after and still are, the check in texts don’t stop. But it was one of those times she needed to sit with this on her own. All of them knew that and respectfully gave her the space to do so. 
She found a little bench, overseeing the park and she just kept her playlist playing as she relaxed against the backrest and people watched. Soon, the people before her started to fade away. All she could see was him. Gone were the memories of her childhood spent playing here. Instead, she was confronted with ghost memories of when they were babysitting Kate and Anthony’s children a year ago. 
John and her had brought the kids to this very playground. Edmund II and Mikesh - or as the family affectionately nicknamed them Neddy and Keshy - were practically climbing all over John. Neddy was on his Uncle’s back with his little arms wrapped around John’s neck, yelling triumphantly as if he was riding his uncle like a horse. While Keshy was squealing with giggles as her husband swung him back and forth like a swing. It was such a wholesome sight. Francesca remembered how much tenderness she felt for John in that moment. She also recalled how he had let them run loose around the playground and came back to her on the bench. While keeping an eye on them, he turned to her slightly. 
“What’s that look in your eye?” He asked curiously. He could guess, knowing her well enough but wanted to hear it from her directly. She could have said anything, “You were so good with the kids” or “You look cute.” instead what came out was:  “I want a baby.” She shocked herself as soon as the words materialised before them. John simply blinked for a moment before breaking out into a grin.  “Let’s do it.”  “Really?” 
She blinked up at her husband. He nodded, each bob of his head more sure than the last. When they got home after dropping off their nephews, they didn’t waste any time at all creating a little Bridgerton-Stirling. 
Absentmindedly staring at the empty swing set before her, her hand went to her abdomen. Her fingers grazed over it ever so slightly. She yearned for what could have been. Wishing and hoping for one last piece of him. As soon as the thought entered her mind, she chastised herself for being so selfish. How could she wish for a child - their child - when he wasn’t going to be around to watch them grow? When she was a barely functioning adult herself  at the moment, let alone being able to be a present mother. She would push past the grief for them. She knew she would. Like how Mary did for Kate and Edwina. Like how her own mother did after a few years. 
She interrupted her own train of thought. There was no point in thinking about this when it will never happen. John was gone. And he was never coming back. Francesca was still grappling with the fact that this was her new reality. 
If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you Drive highways and byways to be there with you Over and over the only truth Everything comes back to you
The walk in Hyde Park was unhelpful so she decided to go back to the lesser of two evils. The empty apartment. She didn’t know why she was feeling particularly masochistic today, but had decided to torture herself even more by putting on their wedding video. 
She clutched her throw pillow close to her chest, burying the lower half of her face into it. Her cobalt eyes peeking out ever so slightly from it to watch John, handsome as ever in his tuxedo, dancing with her younger self. Her mind went back to that exact moment. She had relished in how he only had eyes for her. How he was looking at her as if they were the only two people in the room. Oh, the way he made her laugh as he spun her around and dipped her. 
They were inseparable from the moment they had said ‘I do’. All through their reception, they always had their arms wrapped around each other. She especially loved how he would hold her with both hands. He would have his right arm around her waist and she would have hers around his torso as one does. However, it was extra special when he linked their left hands together behind his back. 
It's so hard So hard And I want to tell you everything The words I never got to say the first time around And I remember everything
Frowning at the screen, she felt the resentment creep up on her. She hated the happy versions of themselves on the screen. They were so happy, unaware of what’s to come. She would give anything to have John clasp their hands together behind his back as they walked down the streets together again. 
There was so much she didn’t get to tell him. She just wanted to tell him she loved him again. It was the little things. She missed talking to him during their nightly routines. She just wanted to lay against his warm body and tell him how her day was. Tell him about the funny little questions the kids asked her in class that day. Then it would be his turn to tell her about how much grief the city council office was giving him. He would sardonically compare his rivals to the worst kind of toddlers. 
She remembered it all. Sometimes if she loses herself in her mind long enough, she swears she could feel him again. Lazy fingers grazing up and down her arms. They finally end up settling over the back of her hands, brushing them along her knuckles. A stifled giggle would end up escaping her lips. He would smile down at her as he turned over his fingers to play with hers. 
Over and over the only truth Everything comes back to you And I know that it's wrong That I can't move on But there's something about you
Goosebumps were littered over her arms as she saw and felt him cuddling her like he used to. The very same way he would affectionately smile down at her. She blinked, not believing it. It was him. The sight of him, his signature scent and touch filled her senses. 
Letting his presence wash over her, she started to hum softly at the small comfort. Before they both knew it, she was composing a new melody. Her fingers laced in his started to twitch. He grinned, knowing exactly what was going to happen. Bringing up her fingers to his lips, he kissed them softly and nudged her to the piano. "Go create a symphony, my little composer."
Everything about this felt like their normal nightly cuddles. Yet something in her gut told her she couldn't leave him. She turned into his side, burrowing into his soft jumper.  "No," she said quietly and if Francesca Bridgerton did whine, he would have said that sounded vaguely like a whine. "I don't want to leave you."  "I'm right here." He coaxed gently. She felt the feather soft kiss against her hair before her body pulled itself to her favourite instrument. 
She sat by her prized pianoforte; rested her foot lightly against the pedal, flexed her fingers before placing them on the keys in a graceful cascade. She decided it would be played in G. She pressed one of the pedals under her heel to transpose it to +2 up. Then the music overtook her. Her fingers danced delicately, staying in the middle of the keyboard while her instrument produced the most heart-aching tune she has ever heard. 
Slowly, she opened her eyes. She wanted to stay in the moment just a little longer. The feeling of something being lost within her had returned. She couldn’t dare turn around - she didn’t have to, to know he was gone. Her music had always grounded her. This was an unfortunate consequence.  
She wanted him back. To do their night routines again, to hear about his day again, to hear about how Michael had called him one too many times to pick him up from a bad hookup. Just one more time. 
Time was all she wanted. Deep down, she knew. She could never have it back. 
You still make me nervous when you walk in the room Them butterflies they come alive when I'm next to you If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you Drive highways and byways to be there with you
The next few days were her own personal hell. After seeing him - she felt him for crying out loud - her grief came back tenfold. She consumed everything that had even a hint of him. Flipping through photo books, rereading their texts and the love letters he wrote while he was away on business trips and of course, rewatching their wedding video. She memorised every part of it until they were deeply ingrained in her very being. Every feature, laugh line, wrinkle, and the sharp lines of his jaw of his pictures, then every single word he ever wrote for her and moments made together with him - all committed to her memory forever. 
As hard as it was to grapple with the loss, she took comfort in the fact that every reminder of him, especially the memory of spun around on the dance floor, still gave her butterflies. A nervous but excited pit at the bottom of her stomach. She loved her husband - well most people loved their spouses but she found it so special that they always had crushes on each other. A small smile graced her features how there were some days they just couldn’t stop staring at the other. There was even one weekend where she simply couldn’t function because her husband was just so gorgeous and lovely, it overwhelmed her. A couple of months later, he had dropped a plate - thank god it was plastic - when she walked into the room and all he could do was gape. 
She could see his exact expression in her mind so clearly. A stray giggle escaped her lips. She widened her eyes. It was the first time she had laughed since he was gone. She didn’t know how to feel. Before she could decide, bile quickly rose up to her throat, silencing any coherent thoughts. Racing to the washroom, she threw herself against the toilet bowl. Her hand gripped the top of the seat against the cover as she emptied her insides into the bowl. 
As she washed herself up, she didn’t even question if it was a stomach bug or food poisoning. Opening up her phone and tapping her period app, it confirmed what she already knew. 4 Weeks Late, the screen read. 
Her body started to be wracked by sobs, unable to control the trembling. She had to tell someone. Turning over her phone in her iron grip, her screen blurred as her hands would not stop shaking. By some miracle, the contact page opened up and she clicked on the first name on her Favourites list. 
“Michael, please… come over right now. I… need you.” The tears would not stop pouring down her face. It became even worse as she struggled to get through her words, choking up on occasion. She was too wrapped up in her devastation to discern if it was an actual call or his voicemail. She promptly hung up right after and buried herself in her blankets on the sofa. Having the weight of her covers seemed to start to still her hysteria. She focused on her breathing and just let herself become one with the blanket and sofa. 
Thirty minutes later, the swift and hurried knocks came at the door before one Michael Stirling came tumbling through the door after violently wrestling his spare key into the knob. Francesca had completely disappeared under her duvet as she heard her cousin-in-law fight her door. Once the door closed shut behind him, she peeked out gingerly. She watched as his expression fall even more at the sight of her. He crossed the room in two quick, large strides and made his way next to her on the sofa. Arms reached out in comfort when she stopped him. 
She wrapped her own arms tightly around her abdomen as she saw her husband’s face in her mind once again. John was going to miss everything. All the milestones of firsts - steps, laughs, cries, dates, birthdays and weddings. She stared hard at her wrapped arms as the tears blurred her vision once more and then she spoke in the quietest whisper. 
“Michael, I’m pregnant.”  Everything comes back to you.
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apinchofm · 10 months
For the fic ask game - about Known Unknowns and other Sisterly Musings: 1,11 & 2
Ooh, thanks nonny:
1. What was my inspiration for this fic? How did it come to me?
I'm always musing on Kate and Edwina's relationship and I was chatting with my moots - @phantomphaeton @orangepeelshortbreadcookies and yep!
2. What's my favourite part of the fic?
Their second conversation as it's Kate who manages to express her worries in a better way and Edwina who asserts herself.
11.If I were to rewrite this fic, what would I change?
Maybe add a scene with Mary and Lady Danbury talking to Kate about the wedding and couple.
Read Known Unknowns and Other Sisterly Musings
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pinkmallet · 2 years
Parental Control
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Anthony and Kate as parents
-> Hands on parents - they have nurses but more often than not the babies can be found sleeping beside their father as he works away in his study or keeping their mother company
->Sporty - the kids all hunt and ride, the whole family is often seeing enjoying the countryside
->Kate has to be the stern one, Anthony can't deny them anything (specially to the girls)
->Charlotte and Mary's debuts are hard for Anthony
💜 @viscountessevie @kateandanthonyaremyparents
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venusleontios55555 · 1 year
Reynolds: good night i love you
Brimsley: i love you too
Reynolds: we love you too, your majesty
King George, sharing a room with them for a sleepover: thanks, i was honestly feeling a little left out
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 months
jordan turns 25
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hey siri, play my birthday playlist...
hello and welcome to my online 25th birthday party!! I hope you all got your dancing shoes on bc we're gonna party like it's 1999 iykyk xD we all know how much I love to party, but even the life of the party has to lay down some rules. Please click the keep reading button for more party information:
House Rules
This is an adults only party! You must show some indication that you are 18+
Any minors, blank blogs, ageless blogs will be blocked
You are welcome to participate in multiple party activities but please send one ask at a time
The party is open to all followers and non-followers ❤️ again, as long as you are 18+
Please do not send requests regarding the following:
non-con, smut with minors (all parties will be aged up), pregnancy/baby/child fics, a/b/o, bathroom kinks, incest, step-cest, foot fetish.
Please be patient with your response. I cannot guarantee I will respond in a timely manner however I can do my best.
The party begins April 4th (my official birth date) and ends April 30th
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Party Activities
Social Hour: ask me anything about me and my life on/off tumblr
BYOB: share one of your creations (fanfic, art, moodboard, gif, playlist, original writing) and I will share your amazing talents with others
Party Games: cym, fmk, wyr, smash or pass (with any hottie not listed)
Arts and Crafts: select a hottie + scenario/AU/trope/prompt** and I will make a playlist/moodboard/fic (please specify the creation you are requesting)
see prompts tag for ideas/inspo; please indicate the post the prompt is from
VIP Access: mutuals only! send me your fave hottie (doesn’t need to be on list) and I will create a ship moodboard based on how I imagine your relationship with them
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RSVP'd Hotties
Marvel: Loki Laufeyson, Xu Shang-Chi, Frank Castle, Peter Parker (any variant), Wanda Maximoff, Erik Kilmonger, Scott Lang, Thor Odinson, Sersi, Thena, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff (Age of Ultron), Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley, Layla El Faouly, Adam Warlock, Gamora, Kate Bishop
DC: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Jaime Reyes
Star Wars: Din Djarin, Anakin Skywalker, Poe Dameron
The Bear: Carmy Berzatto, Luca
Bridgerton: Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, King George
Misc: stereotypical!Barbie (Barbie 2023), Tangerine (Bullet Train), Joel Miller (The Last of Us), Soldier Boy (The Boys) 
RPF: Harry Styles, Jensen Ackles, Will Poulter, Danny Ramirez
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Early Bird Invite tags
@inklore @psychedelic-ink @fluffyprettykitty @buckets-and-trees @witchywithwhiskey @mothdruid @mochie85 @navybrat817 @jobean12-blog @vonalyn @goldylions @wintersoldierdarling @wint3r-h3art @buckybleu @blackbat05 @neganwifey25-blog @give-me-a-moose @yummymatcha @ozarkthedog @hollandparkersx @mrs-illyrian-baby @jen-with-a-pen @late-to-the-party-81 @little-diable @undutchable11 @littlestatesman @tonystarksfavoritedaughter
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writers-hes · 1 year
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a special invitation—
Hi, everyone!
I would like to invite you to my first ever Tumblr sleepover. To celebrate my 2000-follower milestone, I decided that I needed to do something special and something good. In all honesty, I only started writing fanfiction on Tumblr because I wanted to be a part of a writing community. I wanted to share my craft and at first, it was quite hard. I never expected to get past 500 followers, let alone reach 2,000! It wouldn’t have happened without you, so thank you.
I really want you guys to know me more in this event. I feel like you all think of my as a grey blob writing fics and complaining her life away. I also want to learn more about you guys, too—your interests and everything else. That’s why, for this event, you will have to bring something (or a few things) to really participate. Here’s what you can bring:
Author asks: ask me anything and everything about me; except personal identifiers. I will be answering them honestly.
FMK, never have I ever, would you rathers
Any request for a blurb or a headcanon. It doesn’t matter if it’s smut, angst, or fluff; I will be opening my request box for all my characters—yes, that includes Harry Styles. (Make sure to take note of my guidelines, though.)
Ask / give me recs! Fic recs, book recs, song recs—anything.
Rant, vent, share us something about you! Crushes, how your day was, how your week was. Tell us something you’d like to share.
Submit memes/videos and other forms of media you’d like to share. (I won’t be posting offensive ones.)
Keep your eyes peeled for announcements, drops, and releases! (Sneak peeks, discontinued work, and fun gifts.)
The event will be held from February 19th-25th. There will be no specific time frame to cater people living in different timezones. I really hope to see you guys flood my request box and for us to get to know each other more. Please, please, please come!
See you there! Love you.
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eachmostremembering · 9 months
loving the world is so exhausting
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year
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Let’s do thissssss
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triviareads · 2 years
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I don't know if you can even tell us yet but the Crazy Russian Prince (I know he has a name but I do adore calling him that until you publish x)
The book Prince of Dreams actually gets into this but Nikolas has an illegitimate child with a dairymaid who worked on his farm (from before his marriage), and the kid is eventually sent to him. At first he spurns the kid because he reminds Nikki too much of of his dead brother, but then he warms to him and outrageously spoils him, and then finds a happy middle ground after shit goes down.
Nikolas would be inclined towards spoiling kids and Edwina would actually have to curb the spoiling. He's also a relatively unorthodox parent and does things like have his kids sit in on tutor/governess interviews (which happens in the book).
I like the idea of Nikki doing the St. Vincent-esque method of soothing his fussy baby by crooning that he'll fuck up anyone who upsets them.
If Edwina has daughters she will perpetually be reminding them about the fickleness of reputation and that they should be careful, but they are privileged enough to not have to completely reject self-expression in favor of reputation.
It's definitely an uphill battle for Nikolas in terms of being emotionally available to his children, especially his sons, because of his own fucked-up childhood. Edwina, on the other hand, is forever conscious of how she treats her daughters and ensuring no undue burden is placed on any of them.
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livingonfanficseyra · 2 years
Guess why Anthony Bridgerton is sad
Kate bested him in Pall Mall for the 3rd consecutive time in the Annual Bridgerton Pall Mall
Kate left him to visit Mary and Edwina without kissing him goodbye
3-year old, Edmund complimented him by calling him, duwiful and he mistook it for beautiful. Kate laughed at him for a solid hour
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Keep reading to know the answer
Your guess is correct. It's all of the above! 🥳
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Okay a few words about the things I didn't like:
(OP sleepover post and why I'm doing this is here)
What did I dislike/missed:
I missed Mary being a proper mom for Kate. I missed the family dynamics. I missed fluffy kathony moments.
But mostly I missed a proper backstory for our girl!
Like we don't know anything? We don't know how she grew up, why she did what she had to do with the with the Sheffields, we don't know sh*t about her life back in India. 
I hate that time that could be used for this, (Telling things about the LEADING woman) was used for the Featheringtons and the boring Jack thing..
Next up: what do I want for Kathony in the future
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Sleepover 2.0!
Okay so we're back to our usual programming!
Based on the “feedback” hate and also we saw people saying they missed out the day itself, we just wanted yall to know that we’re starting it up again if you missed it before and wanna join! 
It’s just a night of fun (or nights/days - at this point you can do it whenever you want: it’s really a state of mind now ahahha) just putting out content based on our question prompts and sending them to your friends, moots, followers - whoever you want really! I am also making another set of banners in a bit but its blank however with different colours for the ships and icons to rep each book like I initially wanted to do! These banners will be plain so you guys can add in your own questions and personalise them :D Since I’ve started writing a fic for Mr. Malcolm’s List 👀 I would also like to expand this sleepover to include other HR books, shows and movies if you’re into them! 
You can find the original question banners here (also feel free to add colour filters to it - not to drag myself but I am sick of seeing that pale pink everywhere ahahha WHY didn’t I try harder with the colour combos ahahah): 
Also you can just tag us once then we’ll track the rest of your posts with the tag!  We’re tracking the tags: Bridgerton Sleepover & The Viscountess’ Sleepover (if you’re making posts for general HR media) 
Another thing: I can’t remember for the life of me why we didn’t state that non-canon ships were also welcome even though we did send asks about other ships but yes, I am explicitly stating now that it is open to ALL ships - book canon, show canon, fanon and crack ships! [Just be respectful of all characters and everyone participating] 
Finally this is OPEN TO ALL and again all we ask is be kind and respectful. 
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apinchofm · 2 years
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I really want Benophie!! I need Sophie Beckett cast, it is need at this point.
Kate and Anthony being chill with their babies!
Grandma Mary and Violet!
Pen held accountable for her actions and the hurt she has caused. Actual remorse.
More fun family dances!
Marina Thompson happy.
Edwina being settled! At least a reference lol
Eloise is gay - let her stay unmarried!
banner by @viscountessevie
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pinkmallet · 2 years
Make a wish
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HC for future seasons - Kate and Anthony edition
-> Baby Eddy Neddy - I want to see the pregnancy, Anthony being ultra-supportive of Kate (and Kate getting exasperated), Anthony fighting the demons of Hyacinth's birth, both of them enamoured by their baby
-> Famously besotted - The viscount and viscountess always dancing more than they should, being in love with each other in front of the whole Ton
->Kate as the viscountess - can she go to a den on iniquity like Daphne did? Also want to see her succeed as the new viscountess
->Wish the costume department make Anthony and Kate's clothes match sometimes
->Continuation of the morning rides (and eventually with the kids!)
and much more, this list could go on
💜@viscountessevie @kateandanthonyaremyparents
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