kulapti · 7 months
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Gawain & the Green Knight bookbinding, Nov 2023. Typesetting by @mourningmountainsbindery
Materials: textblock is acid-free printer paper, PVA glue, cotton thread coated in beeswax, and cover is acid-free board, Italian bookcloth (3 colors), metallic green foil backed with scrap paper, and chiyogami paper endpapers.
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inkstainedforever · 1 month
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🤍 When You Were Mine/When We Were Young duology by @sequinhaze 🤍
Typeset and handbound by me for personal use only. This fic can be read for free on ao3. Keep fanfic free ✌🏼
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firebound-press · 4 months
Todays bind! Fools Gold, by @tigers1o1 !!
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Personally, I absolutely adore the paper and bookcloth combination on this bind. I got the cloth a while back for free and I’ve been waiting for a chance to use it, and then my friend Cam got me this paper as a gift! It seemed way too perfect to not use!
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This was a very exciting bind, because it gave me the opportunity to try something completely new, gilded edges!!
Although it didn’t turn out perfect, I’m still super proud of how clean it ended up. Plus, I personally think the flaws make it better :D
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The typesetting here was very exciting for me. A few months ago Ty held a tattoo contest for the fic, and I couldn’t not use them when I saw the two finalist designs. So I went ahead and contacted the artists, and they both said I could use them!!
Title page design: @eldrigeonsss
Chapter header design: @sheeeeeeeepherd
Thank you both again for letting me use your beautiful work!
You can read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42798252/chapters/107512251
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lovelaceisntdead · 5 months
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Here is the book I said I would post, my first attempt at a dos a dos binding. Considering I was mostly winging this, I'm pretty pleased with how it's turned out. One side is lined notebook paper and the other is sketchbook paper.
I also got a hot foiling pen for Christmas and thought I'd see how it works on bookcloth for this bind and it worked pretty well, just have to see how it holds up over time.
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chaoticbindery · 4 months
Here's Looking at You Kid by MesserMoon @sophsicle
Art by @upthehillart
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conservethis · 11 months
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Three green books I found at work. Many years ago we apparently paid extra for the library bindery to use the fancy patterned buckram instead of the boring solid color stuff. I love finding these in the stacks, and so far I’ve never found two of the same pattern and color!
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ryeallytired · 2 months
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Its finally done!!!
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After getting back into BBC's Merlin recently (read: a couple months ago) I realized I no longer trusted streaming services to still have it available long term and managed to buy a complete DVD box set.
But because the slip case had quite a bit of wear to it (and due to some minor scopophobia) I made it a box that looks like a book!
(More rambling info & video under cut)
The base construction is cardboard and paper (used to cover the exposed cut edges and strengthen corners). The box's faux paper edge is a printed texture on cardstock that was then waxed. The interior is black cardstock with silver vinyl. The 'book case' is that same cardboard construction with faux raised bands (made with some scrap foam I had) wrapped in Cialux's night blue bookcloth (hence the minor wrinkles) with Cricut HTV in metallic gold and 'reflective rainbow'.
Cover: Obviously Pendragon logo had to go front and center, no argument on that one. (Also partially cause Merlin doesn't really have his own symbol to him? The triskelion just doesn't make sense to me because although Emyrs is a symbol for the druids, Merlin himself isn't a druid and I'd imagine would instead choose icons of Camelot and Arthur to represent himself besides.) ANYWAY- Behind the crest, filligree containing a blade and the sidhe staff in that subtle reflective HTV that blends into the bookcloth exactly how I wanted until it catches the light (something something, hidden magic in the background something something).
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(Appologies for the unsteady hands)
Spine: Mortaeus flower! Because it really felt like a turning point for the two (you've known each other... what a week? and you're going against your father to travel to some far off cave to get a flower?? that's some good as dnd-adventuring-party type shit I love it). Minor detail are the top and bottom shapes: pulled from some cool windows we see a lot in season one (I just think there' neat, okay?)
Back Cover: Excalibur with two butterflies cut from the blue-toned area of the rainbow HTV :)
And finally the Inside!: The cup of life! Because it felt just a little empty. I'm still tempted to put something small on the bottom left corner of the inside cover... maybe a crown? not sure yet
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And that's everything! Thanks for reading! If anyone wants to make something similar for their own dvd set I'd be happy to share the .svg or .png file of the cut outs, just shoot me a message 👍 Before you go, wanna know the worst part about this project???
It doesn't even fit on my DVDs shelf :)))) It sticks out by about an inch and a half 😭So we maaay have to be relegated to the 'actual books' bookshelf...
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wild-woofs-press · 9 months
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For day 7 of @steterweek.
Fic: You Had Me at Canapés by LadyArinn Words: 47,119
fonts title: Dancing Script author name: PT Sans body: Alegreya
bookcloth: colibri velvet rose • endpapers
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beluosus · 1 month
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evadingreallife · 1 month
The bookbinding project is done!
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The process:
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audiovisualrecall · 4 months
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Made a cute rainbow/multicolor sketchbook with stiffened paper binding and some scrap pieces of canson mi-tienes and fabriano tiziano papers! Hopefully even the dark blue pages will work for colored pencil (since the paper is meant for that as well as pastel and such)
Had some fun using up these scraps and playing around with this binding method again, and getting to make a usable sketchbook even tho I don't have the 'right' paper at the moment was nice ^.^
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celestial-sphere-press · 11 months
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creature-song · 11 months
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New book finished!
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Y Tu Corazón, A La Máquina, by Br1ghtmouth
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this one was such fun to do, it has handmade bookcloth, gorgeous marbled endpapers, and some stunning art by @omaano
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and also some sketches of my own!
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zhalfirin-binds · 1 year
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Interview mit einem Vampir - details
Here are some detail shots of my latest re-bind. I worked with a couple of unfamiliar materials and lets say, I made a lot of new experiences.
I already mentioned in the WIP posts, the book cloth was self made. I pre-washed the cotton fabric and used thin paper and wheat paste glue to back it. Sadly the wheat paste was not strong enough to hold firm at the hinge. This I only found out after it was completely finished, when training the book. (naturally it shows on the front side of course).
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I considered taking a syringe and injecting some glue into the loose pocket, but finally decided against it. The loose cloth there is an aestethic flaw, not one of integrity. I’m fairly certain I’d end up with glue stains pressing through and still some loose cloth if I tried it and decided to save me the pain. As for the self-made cloth, I’ll see how the next book turns out before making more bookcloth now. See, how the different fabrics are to work with first. 
The cloth also gave me quite some trouble when hot stamping the title on it. Originally I planned on titling in copper, but for some reason the foil would not adhere to it. I increased, pressure, temperature, stamping time, but nothing got me satisfactory results. Then I tried stamping in black and that went without any trouble. On the first go I got crisp and clean lines with no blank patches at all.   
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I considered getting creative and use the black as a base colour and simply stamp copper on top (usually that actually works). It did not work though. The copper still came out mostly patchy
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It has a certain grunge look to it. But I decided against it in the end.
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As for the corkcloth. The turn ins were a bit of a hustle to glue down, but I’m quite satisfied with the result. It gave me no crisp edges, but they do look clean and neat, no air pockets under them and the corners turned out really well, the fix is even hard to see when knowing there is one. Also the cork feels like it’s really lenient when it comes to stains and, something I like a lot, it has a warm feeling when holding it. Even leather feels cool in comparison.
Lastly, I noticed I didn’t even show off those endpapers. I had the hole sheet sitting in my stack for years now and never knew what to use it for. When I made it did not consider it a success, simply for the large blank patches and the brownish red colour that looked a bit weird in contrast (this was another ‘hm I imagined that to turn out different’-moment). The blank areas don’t even look like there’s something lacking here though.
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worldwright · 9 months
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now we're cooking with fire!!!!!
I am so excited about this project I've been thinking about it for Months hehe
I'm binding two copies of the trigun fic "come and see" by @avoidingavoidance and I fully intend to have fun with it :3
earlier process photos:
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(ignore my kitchen sink in the background 😭)
next is to finish binding all the signatures together and then I'm gonna see if I can recruit a huge-ass paper cutter from a local copy shop to trim the edges. then to Blick to pick endpapers!!
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chaoticbindery · 5 months
Embers by Vathara @wuxiaphoenix
Special thanks to @sayornispress for letting me use their typeset to complete these binds for the 4th annual @renegadepublishing exchange! Thanks to the mods and my giftee for their patience while I struggled lol 🙈
I hope my giftee loves them as much as I loved making them. I'm glad they arrive at their forever home.
This is what the gift economy of Fandom is meant to be!
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I kinda didn't understand what over 700,000 words meant when I first decided to bind this monster of a fic. But I was excited to learn to round books and do these 2 bookcloth cover designs. I also came in possession of a very large and diverse variety of heat reactive foils... so here we are lol. I think each book from printing to completion took me 20ish hours?
Below the line, you will find more information regarding these binds
Embers book 1
This puppy was so complicated for me to complete that I made it twice. The first one was so horribly made that I refused to show it to anyone.
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Made using Colibri Golden bookclothfor the cover with green foil. The back was done using Duo Herb Garden with gold foil, which was a yellowish undertone. The endpapers are Thai Banana Green from ASW. I used warm white 28lbs paper from chirch paper to print, linen thread, and remie bands, and I made the endbands using Herb Garden and 4mm twig core.
It's about 700 pages and 1 1/4 thick
Embers book 2
I kinda loved this one the most. This was the second book made, so it has a lot of the flaws the first version of book 1 had, but I was happy enough with what I accomplished with it and the construction of the book was solid.
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Made using Colibri Pearl bookcloth with silver, black, and metalic blue foil for the front, the back was done using Duo Polar from Australia with silver foil. the endpapers are Thai Banan Blue from ASW. I used the same warm white 28lb paper from church paper, linen thread, and rembie bands, and the endbands were done using polar bookcloth and 4mm twig core.
700 pages, 1 1/4 thickness. I'm very proud that the dimensions of all the books are the same 💙
Embers book 3
This one is my all-time favorite, and I blame it on the sky bison on the cover. I can't help it. They are my favorite creatures on the whole show!
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The cover was made using vintage Colibri Copper (some company had rolls of these colors from years ago, and they had been discontinued in, I believe in 2010) using gold foil. The back is Duo Sunshine, and I used metalic orange foil. The end papers are Thai Mango Mustard from ASW. I used white warm 28lb paper, linen thread, rembie bands, and 4mm twig with sunshine cloth for the endbands.
It's a bit under 700 pages, but still 1 1/4 thick.
And finally...
Embers book 4
When I completed this one, I almost cried 🤣. I loved working on these binds, but I was so happy to finally be done.
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I used vintage Colibri Uran with metalic red foil for the front and Duo Evening Red with black foil for the back. The endpapers were done using Thai Banana True Red from ASW. I used the same warm white 28lb paper, linen thread, and rembie bands, and the endbands were made using Evening Red with 4mm twig core.
About 650 pages yet still 1 1/4 thickness.
Funfact: These 4 books weigh 12 lbs together 🤣🙈
If you would like to learn how to bookbind consider joining Renegade!!!
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