isssagiii · 6 months
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Norman Lindsay - The Woman I Am - The Woman I Was - The Woman I Will Be
写什么才不叫背叛? 所有时候,挂着文化的匾额,绕过大象写的一切都是背叛。 背叛是连弃笔都不敢。
小时候看到古人云“壮志未酬”四个字,全然不知个中意思。 而今懂了,有点乐天知命的惨然。 确实是学不会闭嘴,自然没有那碗饭可以吃了。
我怀疑世界上并没有“这条路很难走”这一说。 难的根本不在于路难走,而是没有路。走的人,和看着这个人往前走的人,根本没有人知道哪有路能走。以及黑夜里,哪些地方是悬崖,哪些是陷阱,剩下的哪些地方能踩。 有路可走这件事,已经太奢侈了。我猜没有人会担心这个。
我也想对着陌生男人的笑容笑回去,你以为我想bitchy face吗。我承受不来友善的后果。
每当我不着袜踩夏天的单鞋出门,而忘记水泡贴,为避开后脚跟致命的的摩擦力,我走在路上踮着脚尖,扭得就像未得道的青蛇。 啊,被诅咒的红鞋。
总有一天,苦涩的泪珠会变成松垮的汗水,毫无知觉地流在不再俏致的脸上。 汗水时时有人嫌,却没有人会对着它惊慌。
总有人说,忙着赚钱就能买来开心。如果不能,那就是你赚得不够多。 言辞凿凿,仿佛主业是写金句,没有半点社会经验。 哪有人不忙着赚钱,哪有钱来得不憋屈,甚至令人作呕呢。
我喜欢一个演员,对他/她是否学霸,是否有文化,英文表达够不够标准地道,有没有高贵的英音,都不在乎。Leslie还爱读亦舒呢。影响过我爱他吗?完全不。 当然,也不能是文盲,不然真连剧本都读不懂了。不过从文盲到文化人的范围还是挺广的。我不对“演”以外的事吹毛求疵。
有些导演对演员的尊重,体现在事后告诉他们:“在这样那样的情况下,我这么尊重了你。” 潜台词是“别人可不会像我这么拿演员当玩意儿。你要珍惜。” 此话一出,演员内心或许原有的感(错)激(觉),顷刻间消磨殆尽。
每当刻意隔段日子再回去看Leslie的演出视频时,总有个感受强烈得压都压不住,满脑子跑马灯似地循环一句话:“你大爷还是你大爷。” 之所以无法宣之于口,还是因为他本人温文尔雅,实属用词不当。因而往往只能在心里憋着。
去外地工作,都要在出发前和朋友说,“如果我在这个时间以前,没有用中文发消息给你,考虑报警;如果发整段英文报平安,立刻报警。” 并附上合作的人名电话下榻地址。 也曾在导演去前台替我check in,把酒店钥匙交到我手里前经历手脚冰凉。只怕他万一说,“我们一起上去。” 睡前当然把房门铰链锁上。
今时今日新认识一个人,就算只求正常二字,已经很难得。(当然,此“正常”非彼正常,也丝毫没有要狙击少数人群的意思。知道我在说哪种正常的人应该可意会。(打完这一段防杠废话,觉得自己像一只电击实验的猴子(没有说猴子不好的意思(微博trained me well.
在章小蕙文章里发现正在使用的同款,对我而言并不喜见。不因为别的,只是发觉原来只是这样而已。物质所能做到的,在这个特定部分似乎不再有上升空间了。 当然,我相信不欣赏章小姐的人也能意会,不影响怀有此类感受的共鸣。毕竟每个人心里都有一两个不同领域的章小姐。
微博上有一个知名女作家。文章好看之余,人也长得漂亮。我与现实中遇到的人谈论起她,他们在肯定了她的才华外貌之后,却几乎无一不附加一句:“她很穷的啊。” 我心底总是会冒出一句回复,却因为太势利而讲不出口:“你是以为你多有钱呢。” 好像认定写作者穷,就能稍微平衡一点你的平庸似的。
在纽约,并没有成为celebrity的演员,工作收入是不稳定的。为了基本糊口度日,我做过各式各样的工作。为生存,但凡合法,不觉得有什么。 有时和做高薪行业的人聊天,讲我做过的工作内容,对方听着突然沉默,难掩的嫌弃,但立刻肃穆地镇压起他们自己体面的样子,我很喜欢。或者说也在欣赏对方自以为意...
我开始发现,为什么很多人相当强调想要“无所畏惧、坚定、不内耗地向旁人展露真实的自己”。 因为很多时候,被人厌恶的最大罪名,就是“自我感觉良好”啊。 还“德不配位”,誓要将人拉下马。听上去总像浸猪笼时期的产物。 希望大家都能做回自己,从不友善眼光中,突围成功。
“所有的记忆都是潮湿的。all memories are traces of tears.” 原来是泪流的痕迹。 第一次真正读懂这句话。
关淑怡版本的《梦伴》。“一切已失去,不可以再追。Don’t worry, don't worry baby”
回想了一下看过的所有演出,原来星味就是道行。这种需要时间修炼的道行,足以让艺人本人不被商业包装所裹挟吞噬,更能越过层层叠叠的虚与委蛇,把曾经落到谷底,失去一切的那颗真心直接传递至观众。观众最爱让他们欢笑后又狠狠痛过的仔。“既然要见面,为什么要分开?” 唯有这样他们才不会忘记你呀。
曙光全部熄灭 杀掉我影子。
没有不允许你发声。谁都可以无视说话背后的原因,拿放大镜找每句话可攻击的漏洞,把每个人摆在意见领袖的位置去攻击。这样的声,发得再大,也改变不了我认为这就是捏软柿子的看法。当然,我算什么东西。替你先说了吧。//@野蛮call机: 就事论事不行? 个别案例上升到对群体的攻击 难道不允许发声?
喜欢《妖猫传》这个故事。这部戏把情与执写尽了。 风流如彩云易散,美如梦幻泡影。见过的人,一旦为此残忍幻象所痴迷恋慕,念念不忘,怕是要献上自己的一生的命运,去还那份其实与己无关的情。士为知己者死,这事毫不奇怪。 这便是执:天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。 涉世未深的白龙少年,不过寥...
旁人嫉妒你,也请不要理。 “无论有谁嫌弃我,投入却无人可阻。”
“特别可爱的是陈红姐一再失而复得得而复失,离开剧组时撂下话,表示自己活不下去了。” 确实啊,演员去试镜,其实很多时候就像谈感情。看上故事与���色,最后又不可抗力地失去,的确会心碎。不是逼着自己唯独在试镜这件事上要忘性大,谁受的住一次次与失恋无异的失落。
一些人目光短浅,包容能力差,难以学进新事物,但又接受不到自己就是如此狭隘。 于是就会说他们不喜欢。原因是因为你不行。 我不要做他们。
稍微有一点喜欢一个人的同时,也就会不想再走近了。因为不想成为一对注定庸常,会吵架,冷面相向的怨侣。 舍不得。
这条私人的感受又被转出来。还是觉得,当别人讲一些个人体会时,尽量不要说“我和我身边的人怎么就不这样。你应该去多读点书或者做些什么来不再这么想。你该追求大格局,和我们一样。” 这是打着进步旗号,堂而皇之的暴政。树立独立思考的形象,不该是见能踩的人,像嗅到血一样。
从小到大,我一直是一个很容易被女性朋友极细小的算计恶心到,继而失望疏远的性格。时常也会反省自己太过狭隘,容不下人性的弱点,但能做的,却也只是和任何女孩的友谊保持距离。除非,有爱情的介入。比如《骨妹》里的诗诗和灵灵,那是我心目中最理想的女性情谊。管这份感情会被界定成什么呢。 最近,...
我怎么说,还是相当看人下菜碟的一个人。 对女生:要求好高。 对男生:不抱指望。 对基佬:爱你噢!
没有文学天分却恰好记得自己读过些什么书,并以此为傲的人,一落笔全是些化不开的梗。 他们小说的节拍是这样的:我梗我梗我梗梗梗。
“愈发感慨社会给女性设定的“金星陷阱”,以及给男性设定的“火星陷阱”。前者不断地灌输女性必须美丽,优雅,以外形作为工具,在仪态和打扮风格上去取悦主流男性,以此作为其人生成就,价值的进阶渠道 而主流男性则被迫设定为:拥有强健的体魄,霸道的资本,两性关系中的攻击力”
稍许上了一点年纪的人,谁不知道恋爱是麻烦,婚姻则是更混乱与惨痛的战争呢。 但是之所以明知如此,有或没有侥幸,不怀期盼,也会做呢。也就是因着《小团圆》里那句: “因为那时候幸亏有他。”
你离开得太久啦。 久得令我憎恨时光。
我还记得高中时从Vogue上第一次看到她照片时的惊为天人。礼帽西装工装靴,提着吉他盒,在街头踟蹰,低头,漫不经心的侧影。其实我不算热衷于树立自己心中的fashion icon,换言之,即努力去拥有那个人的衣柜。但不得不说,她是个例外,“au naturele”, Lou Doillon.
“你有什么了不起的?“ 和 “你算什么东西?” 一体两面。在一个人的思维模式中,不会单独出现。有对上不忿的革命精神,就有向下的不屑睥睨。 这两种躁动,无论你站的立场为何,是声称支持弱势还是围剿底层,其实都很容易辨别其中的不真诚。因为人一旦自大起来,终究很难藏。
今天连看了屋顶上的提琴手和杀死知更鸟,觉得一旦看过真正好的演员后,你是能区别哪些人有经验,哪些人只是宣读教科书。特别如果被放到了同一台上,对比会更明显... 好的表演应该是在爆发时把控节奏,又让沉默成为比任何台词都更有力的东西。
梅兰芳早年被长辈评价“言不出众,貌不惊人”。一生成就,个中奥妙,都在自个儿成全自个儿。 他也是。
小姑娘好像都要美。但其实美和一个人的五官结构,斩男色口红,包和鞋都不相关。那是fashion industry花尽心思教给你的消费观,不是美。 真正美的人,连影子都美。因为有风骨撑住。而做到这一点的人,脸上根本不可能出现为了那方寸毫厘间的好看营营役役的俗气,因为好看相对于美,根本不重要。至于他穿...(阮玲玉)
「栀子花粗粗大大,又香得掸都掸不开 ,于是为文人雅士不取,以为品格不高。栀子花说:“去你妈的,我就是要这样香,香得痛痛快快,你们他妈的管得着吗?”」 “文人雅士”是右,已经褪了流行,代表万恶落伍的鄙视链、消费主义、上等人。而今左大行其道,人人忙着自证受过高等教育,拥有良好品味的同...
当过去的小粉红摇身一变加入先进自由的左,互联网语境的左就开始下沉。坐收话语红利,自我标榜很善良,一切只为了在另一个维度对自认为“有优越感”的人群进行定罪与话语剿杀。其行为和他们的假想敌做的事情,是完全一样的。至于现实层面,当然不会去洒热血,hell no
“文以气为主,气之清浊有体,不可力强而致。譬诸音乐,曲度虽均,节奏同检,至于引气不齐,巧拙有素,虽在父兄,不能以移子弟。” 环、兰诗才终不及宝玉,就是此理。
女人啊。 你诚实地说,你想要,然后你们做爱。 你从来得不到你想要的满足。纵然在极幸运的情况下产生快感,也和幻想中的欢愉从来不同。 所谓做爱就是,用另一样痛苦将欲火浇熄。
还是那句话,everybody thinks that, nobody says it. 你的行为,旁人大部分只是看在眼里,几乎没有人会说的。
听一位中文系出身的朋友说,她有位女性朋友很神奇,总能成功安利别人买些有的没的。她所使用的描述总是很简单,但就会令人感觉拥有那样东西就能改变人生。 我:你能不能做一下文本分析。 说完之后,感觉自己成功反客为主。
你从来不曾是你所自称的少年。祝你凯旋,但悲情形象能罩你几时。//@管洛克:我前些日子给少年的寄语是,世间只有恶龙与深渊,非此即彼。压根就没有屠龙的人,诸位别自作多情了。//@惨绿少女静流: 与恶龙缠斗的,不都是勇士。有的只是小蠢小恶小虚荣,谁又没有私心呢,见风使舵,却运气不好触礁罢了。
这方面可参考Matt Hills的粉丝理论 粉丝的忘我和自我意识极高的状态是同时存在的//@HomoBulla_:大概消费的形式变了,消费的爱的形式也变了,喜欢和爱变得唾手可得,社媒就是让什么都「看起来」唾手可得。缺失是永恒的,主体才会在欲望的意向里重复获得确定性的游戏。
文人的嫉妒心,和女人比美时的敏感心思不分伯仲。 不写作的女人对女作家的嫉妒心体现在,写作的女人可以有才华,但是不能美。
我今年的座右铭:别把自己当回事。 为了戒掉一切傲慢,做一个真正骄傲的人,接下来还有多少苦头要吃,我都认了。
我曾因为身边人不经意间误解我而生气:“在你心目中原来我这么差?” 现在总算能找到原因。之所以生气,是因为我自己的傲慢刺伤了自己。如果我不傲慢,就不会对很多事有优劣之分,从而急欲与劣划清界限。人不知而不愠,重点不在做君子,而在于人啊,语言啊,我啊,都是自由的。
“我要虞姬靓到杀死人,我喜欢台下的虞姬,他从来没有迷失和放弃自己,这不是部讲同性恋的电影,而是关于一个艺术家,在台上和台下,对男女的分野混淆,但却并没有因此而丧失原则和尊严。现在再找不到这样的人了。” 对程蝶衣有着这等理解的人,绝无可能耍大牌。然而舆论令人付出代价。
你说花花世界 不必当真~ 他唱得花花世界四个字极美。
2019年度关键词:原形毕露。 谨言慎行,有一说一。今年吹牛必定遭雷劈。
别太认真 认真怎可放开自在
我再补充一条好了:“因为认为自己是女性,所以想要变美。为了变美很焦虑。” 但世界上没有单一性别特征的美,女性美是个骗局。
做人,此一时彼一时,有起有落。富贵荣华有了不错,没有也别急,急什么。这都是一时有了,最终也会没有的东西。 和人交往,重要的是没有妨害人之心。多少交往败在:一、自以为被对方看不起而生隙生恨;二、无端白事或因种种缘由起妒忌,见不得人好。 我不愿防人。因为防人举动必定被多心人猜忌,造成更...
“王佳芝!上来啊。” 生活里可永远不缺赖秀金。知道你的一点生活细节,轻则未经你同意变成社交话题,重则制造攻击你的话柄引发争端。 性情中人,难免交浅言深。建议减少左滑右滑,慎见网友。好人太少,直觉永远不够用。总不可能一见面就问清八字互摸底细。小心点吧。
我对阿兰德龙的观感,当然从一出场就明知他是银幕绝色,但我还是抑制不住潜在想揍他的冲动。尤其当他专注于深情凝视着女主角坏笑时。这种气质,用Amy Winehouse的歌词来形容,He left no time to regret, kept his dick wet. 信你是傻子。
在纽约这么些年,开房无非就是打牌,睡觉,或二者兼有。今天以前,还从没试过开房只为能够好好痛哭一场。 祈求天父别做一刻好人,从来没顺利遇上灵感降临,他她尽可下车,你随便答允。
(有关新年愿望 攒钱买戒指不是感情)如果等价交换真可行,我当然愿意用我的感情运去换事业(并不是钱)。感情发生也不错,但最好别善终,凄楚可以很好地浇灌我。
跨年么,就是个人类分割较大块时间的方式而已。 说到愿望,去年这个时候,每天都在思考成功自杀而不麻烦到别人的方法。今年此刻,自我在一年间已经缩到很小,但还想更小,以便从一个有生命的人,转变为有使命的人。总有一天能有人踏着我过河。 “谁能带得走,一块纪念碑。心中挂着什么行李。” 祝福总...
一本正经地讨论个什么演技啊。无非就是——“美到我了,我喜欢。” 此刻,什么剧场,什么舞台,灰飞烟灭。让我们用热烈的掌声,有请审美博主。
我讨厌的是那个家境殷实资质平平还不努力的人最后一副高高在上目无一切的嘴脸 因为他们永远都不懂让困顿之人痛苦的不是因为那些外部条件 而是哀莫大于心死
“你好像没关注几个留学圈的网友嘛?” “披着人在海外的滤镜随便瞎扯扯都有人当回事,感叹一下人生就分外小布尔乔亚高级感的事情谁没干过呢。我那叫自我厌恶,看到同类,真的看不下去。” #真实对话#
是的,一点没错。能搬到台前来给你看到的,就已经是大部分观众文化水平的上限了。/@Pokgaai: 不是行业环境导致从业者没文化,而是我们这国家就是一个没文化的国家,从业者做到现在这样已经不错了?
这些天真的艺术家,让我想起王尔德的快乐王子。怎么用痛苦与时间的高火锻造,累积起来的一片片金身,到最后,也全部一点不吝惜地亲手割下来,分享给世人。当然,也有人拿到血染的玫瑰说,“什么玩意儿,看不懂!” 信手扔在大街上,任车轮碾过。
说了这么多遍,艺术家要天真,灵魂主体必须是个孩子。让我怀疑起其实人类的骨子里是不是都在恋童。 但又不是。小孩子哪会对与生俱来的天真,时刻怀抱着小心翼翼的珍视,但又不吝于杜鹃啼血般挥洒呢。 真正在年龄上的幼童,对天真向来是take it for granted的理所应当,毫无感恩。稍大一些,便急匆匆迫...
小姑娘好像都要美。但其实美和一个人的五官结构,斩男色口红,包和鞋都不相关。那是fashion industry花尽心思教给你的消费观,不是美。 真正美的人,连影子都美。因为有风骨撑住。而做到这一点的人,脸上根本不可能出现为了那方寸毫厘间的好看营营役役的俗气,因为好看相对于美,根本不重要。至于他穿...
人在某一格锋利的分钟里,某一个幽深的岔路口,是可以无限脆弱的。 尊重人性,也要接受这样的脆弱。 关锦鹏的电影《阮玲玉》里,梁家辉演的蔡楚生和张曼玉演的阮玲玉说,人有时是很软弱的,但我们都希望能见到坚强的人。 阮玲玉在1935年的电影《新女性》里饰演被流言害死的女作家韦明。她服毒自杀后...
在这个匆忙的世界里,没人能和我诉一诉衷肠。升米恩斗米仇的现代感情观,能在事后想起来滋味依旧好的,全是露水姻缘。 被人辜负的,失恋的,多珍惜珍惜这种只和一个人纠缠不清的痛苦。等到人生劈头盖脸砸下来,就知道那痛苦的源头,来来去去就那一个人,毕竟比社会好对付。
邮箱里看到一封大半年前没送出去的退信,拆开一看幸亏没送出去。这辈子不想再写私人信件了,耻度爆灯。 想起当时,蠢也没法子,纯情得可以。
见缝插针刷了三场。不同于几年前的Skylight在Bill Nighy面前仍稍许被压制的对手戏,这次无论是从层次、节奏还是形体上,她独自一人完全撑住了整个舞台,有条不紊地剥开越往后越残酷的剧情。同行的朋友说,能亲眼见证年轻演员的成长是件快乐事。Thanks for ur truthful acting Carey!
Oh for Chrissake, 我讨厌现在这个时代。愿这股风潮赶紧老去吧,你们这群自恋狂。被自恋的人爱根本不珍贵,反正你们也是在水边望自己的倒影。 就连看个社会新闻别人死了,也可以无缝转接到“我我我我我,我怎么办,我是不是也会死呀”。 人都会死。你也是人。
Bonus 桃子圈
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kizioziki · 9 months
This one is also in great shape.
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Let this burn too. . . I drew like moe! ! !
When I saw Shinobi World War (stage), I really wanted to draw it! ! Obirin is the best basic base! ! Expanding the delusion from there, I arrived at Obisaku. He is a man who makes you want to surround him with kindness. Rin has a graceful image. On the other hand, 🌸-chan has similar features to him, but his personality is the complete opposite and powerful! I want you to be swayed by such a 🌸-chan and be youthful (hope)! !
The same actor plays the role of 🌸-chan and Rin-chan on the stage of NARUTO! ! It seems that the person himself ran for candidacy! ! (It was talked about in the backstage bonus video!! I love you💖) Isn't it great? ! In addition, delusions spread about these three people. I look forward to seeing you at the final battle of the year.
こっちも燃えるように。。。萌えるように描きまくりました!!! 忍界大戦(舞台)見たらめちゃくちゃ描きたくなりました!! オビリンは基本ベースで最高なんですよね!! そこからの妄想を広げて、オビサクにたどり着きました。優しさで包み込んであげたくなる男です。リンちゃんはお淑やかなイメージ。それに対して🌸ちゃんは顔立ちは似ているけれど、性格は真反対でパワフル爛漫!そんな🌸ちゃんに振り回されて、青春してほしい(願望)です!! NARUTOの舞台でまさかの🌸ちゃん役とリンちゃん役は同じ役者さんが演じています!!自らご本人様が立候補したそうです!!(舞台裏の特典映像で話されていました!!大好き💖)最高じゃないですか?!なおのことこの3人のことで妄想が広がります。 今年の最終決戦での絡みを期待します。
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doctorbunny · 4 months
(Part 4) MILGRAM x AVOIT bluetooth earphones collab: Shidou and Mahiru voice lines
[Brief context: On 28th December 2023 a crossover was announced for bluetooth earphones featuring original voicelines from MILGRAM characters. [Website]
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PRISON.005 Shidou Kirisaki Vertical text = 俺を、ちゃんと赦さないでくださいね = Please don't forgive me at all [from his last line of the Molech voice drama]
Voice Guidance: 電源を入れますね = Powering on 電源を切ります= Powering off 接続成功しました = Connection was successful 接続解除 = Connection Terminated ペアリングしています= Pairing [on-going] ペアリング成功 = Pairing Successful ペアリングを解除します = Cancelling Pairing そろそろ充電したほうがいいですよ = It'd be for the best if you charged up [these earbuds] soon ノイズキャンセリング、オン = Noise Cancelling, On アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモード=Normal Mode
Random Voice: 俺は死刑を希望しています。よろしく = I have hope in a death sentence. A pleasure to be of acquaintance. [from his third intro voice line] 君みたいな子に、赦さないと言われたかったんです= I wanted a child like you to tell me I'm unforgivable エスくん、子供なのに頑張っていますね = Es-kun, even though you're a child I want you to try your best 音楽、好きなんですか? いいですね。= Is this really the kind of music you like? It's nice, isn't it. 椋原さん、休憩ですか? 付き合います = Mukuhara-san, are you taking a break? I'll join you [not specified but likely a smoking break] 杠くん、暴力では何も解決しません = Yuzuriha-kun, Violence doesn't solve anything 櫻井くん、少しだけ明るくなりましたね。良かった = Sakurai-kun, you've been a little more cheerful. What a relief 俺が生きていないと、守れない = If I'm not alive, I won't be able to protect [anyone]
PRISON.006 Mahiru Shiina Vertical text = ふつつかものですが、よろしくおねがいしますっ = I may be incompetent, but it’s a pleasure meeting you! [from her first intro voice line]
Voice Guidance: 電源を入れるよ=Powering on 電源を切るよ=Powering off 接続成功、嬉しい = Connection successful, that makes me happy 接続解除~ = Connection Terminated~ ペアリングしてるよ~ = Pairing [on-going] ペアリング成功~ = Pairing Successful~ ペアリング失敗しちゃった... = The Pairing totally failed... あっ、バッテリー切れちゃう。充電充電 = ah- the battery's run out. Charge it, Charge it ノイズキャンセリング、オン=Noise cancelling, On アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモード=Normal Mode
Random Voice: あんまり優しくしちゃうと、死んじゃうかもよ? = If you treat us too nicely, you might die, y'know? [from her second intro voice line, Mahiru doesn't use a subject here so it could either be 'if you treat us prisoners too nicely' Or 'If you treat me too nicely'] エスくんって、呼んでいい? = Es-kun, is calling you that alright? マヒルにもその曲聞かせて? = Can I also listen to that song? ユノちゃん、恋、してる? = Yuno-chan, are you in, love? シドウさん、ご家庭ではどんな感じなんだろう = Shidou-san, I wonder what his family is like アマネちゃん、笑って笑って = Amane-chan, smile! smile! [smile, could also mean laugh here] マヒル、仕事に熱心な人、好き = I like someone who's passionate about their work 痛くないよ。赦されなかった心に比べたら、全然 = It doesn't hurt at all, y'know. If you compare it to my unforgiven heart, it's [the physical injuries] not painful at all
This is PART FOUR of 6 Jackalope and Es, Haruka and Yuno, Fuuta and Muu, Shidou and Mahiru [You are here], Kazui and Amane, Mikoto and Kotoko
Bonus thank you to @apatchworkstar for using google lens to get the Japanese text into a format I could copy paste so I didn't have to manually type all the Japanese out like I had been doing until now...
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アトリエオルロージュ Addendum
Atelier Horloge bonus content
-PV Text-
世界が変われば 神も変わる
If the world changes, then gods must too
唄の総数は 十二じゃない
There's more than just twelve songs in total
この工房も あの映画館と同じなのさ
This workshop is just like that theater
私たちはもう 何者でもなくなった
We aren't anyone, anymore
[note: This section is difficult to read and there are some kanji I may have possibly made a mistake with]
The Pot of Basuzu: Cures any manner of illness. Most suitable for giving your pet a bath, as well.
The Marvelous Gift Bell: Keeps you awake, and plays a tune that lets you fight for 72 hours.
Yukinazuna Thread: Spins the fate you wish for.
ハーメルのフルート:(SOLD OUT)
The Hamel Flute: (SOLD OUT)
The Gear of Deus: Will conveniently resolve all manner of problems.
Tuning Fork of Corruption: Attracts the hearts of the same sex. Has no effect on the opposite sex.
Gold-Plated Key: Opens up all locks, and makes them unable to be locked ever again.
使者の合わせ鏡:(SOLD OUT)
Infinity Mirrors of the Messengers: (SOLD OUT)
鋼鉄の心臓:(SOLD OUT)
The Steel Heart: (SOLD OUT)
私は天使でも 悪魔でもない
I'm not an angel or a demon
結末を決めるのは 本人たちだ
You yourselves are the ones who will decide the outcome
いずれにせよ そこに唄は生まれる
In any case, a song will be born there
それに伴奏を 合わせるだけだ
And I am just providing music to accompany it
The Recollective Musicbox: (Not for sale)
The Thirteenth Music Box: (Incomplete)
Quiche Horloge: Owner/Craftsman
Elle Horloge: Wife/Assistant
Fromage de Tête: Salesperson/Song
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pookacangetit · 2 years
Disney Song! Yuu [Cult Edition: Lost Kingdom, Now Localised]
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... somehow, the Disney Empire continues to surprise me with its takeover. Yuu's largely aware of Kingdom of Hearts, but they are not willing to risk any lives after their necromancy incident. But with overly compulsive brothers and a curiosity that kills, perhaps it was a bad idea. (Spoiler alert: it was.)
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"... Yuu." Sebek calmly intoned, terrifying everyone with his lack of aggressiveness, "You are an absolute natural disaster."
"What part of them and that is natural?" Epel questioned with an incredulous look as he pointed at the haunted-looking ruins in the distance, partially visible under the watery black void that made up the sky, "The thing's standing upside down!"
Jack's head suddenly popped up from within a hole in the ground, "EVERYONE SHUT UP AND DIG." His once fluffy white ears twitched furiously and sprayed dirt everywhere, "I don't plan on dying in a cave because one of us is a god!"
Yuu cautiously stepped up, "I can-"
"No singing."
Yuu stepped back down.
To find out how Yuu and their first years ended up stuck in a cave hosting the most terrifying ruins in existence- the upside down part was a bonus, it was very ominous and forebodding in general-, we'll have to go back to 5 hours ago...
"Hey prefect, how did you know that forbidden song about necromancy?" Ace piped up, juggling between a determined Grimm and Deuce while he guarded his plate of omurice, "You know, the one that made you summon the skeletons of the Ramshackle ghosts."
Yuu blinked, looking away with an awkward laugh as they clutched their broom, "Funny story, I... didn't know it was a lost song? Like, I wasn't aware its origins tied to the lost song exactly...?"
They can't admit that the entire Twisted Wonderland was an alternate come-to-life version of a famous entertainment company back in their world, can they?
Ace hummed, scarlet eyes holding a curious glint, "Hmm, so... are there any other songs you know that might be actually lost songs?"
Yuu paused, "Maybe?"
Currently, the Ramshackle prefect was trying to whack Ace with their broom with Deuce and Grimm's gleeful assistance, "- shouldn't have listen to you at all you stupid Ace-"
The low, mournful wail echoing from the ruins halted everyone's actions as hollow voices bellowed.
どんな時だって たった一人で~
突然の光の中 目が覚める 真夜中に~
Jack let out a deep rumble, ears tucked against his head, "That is definitely not Yuu's singing, and what language is that?"
Yuu blinked as they listened closer, "It sounds... like a language from my homeworld."
Deuce glanced at the prefect, still staring at the ruins as though it would suddenly attack them, "Are you saying we're in your world??"
"... your world is really depressing." Ace got a smack on the back of his head for that.
Yuu snapped back, mind whirring in panic, "This isn't my world you dolt." But it isn't Twisted Wonderland either?? Did they somehow travel to another world??
静かに 出口に立って~
The dark atmosphere suddenly lifted as the ruins beamed a bright light, momentarily blinding everyone as they squeezed their eyes tight.
Everything was the same as the first years crash-landed into the Ramshackle living room, but Sebek's loud swearing caught everyone's attention, "WHAT CURSED BEING DID YOU BRING BACK WITH US, GRIMM?!"
"Funahh, I was hungry and it was the only fluffy thing I found!" Grimm complained, though his words were muffled as he chewed on a tiny duck wearing a sailor's uniform in his mouth.
Yuu stared, wondering if they had somehow died or if Jade snuck mushrooms into their food storage again, "... is that fucking Donald??"
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Yuu: I want to go home
Also Yuu: *travels to another dimension by accident*
Yuu: ... I thought I couldn't be more disappointed, I was wrong
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m0e-ru · 7 months
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❝ それじゃあまるで 、僕がみんなに危害を加えたみたいだおよね ❞
↳ Persona 4 the Evolution / Special Feature (2012)
bonus ↴
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lalunameli · 5 months
Hear the Voice of Thanatos!
Translation of this snippet on Lunatic/Yuri's character song 「タナトスの声を聞け」 (Hear the Voice of Thanatos) from the Best of Hero album.
I adore this song so much and listen to it a lot!
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Scans provided by @tnbscans and the rest of the article reviews the other songs in the album.
BONUS ルナティック
Bonus - Lunatic
"Hear the Voice of Thanatos"
Lunatic/Yuri Petrov (CV: Yusa Kōji)
The Dark Hero Lunatic, who is a sinner, performs the bonus track! It's different from his usual "cool" image. You may see an unexpected side...?
1 Koma Review
By: Takewakamaru
Kotetsu and Barnaby's comments while listening to track:
It's warm...
The performance...
This...this song is...!!
When I was naughty
And made mistakes
My dark past
It feels like it's being gouged out. Old Man, you too....!!
Lyrics Update 12/21/2023:
Replaced the transcription of the lyrics originally posted, with the official lyrics from the Best of Hero booklet courtesy of @tnbscans (Previously added scan of lyrics to this post).
Added Romaji
Tweaked some of the translation choices to match the official lyrics as written in the booklet.
Removed link to UTA.net as there are incorrect kanji
Bold - Original Japanese Lyrics
Blue - Romaji
Green - English Translation
"Tanatosu no Koe o Kike"
"Hear the Voice of Thanatos"
Lunatic/Yuri Petrov (CV: Yusa Kōji)
蔓延(はびこ)る邪心を 青き炎で鎮め
Habikoru jashin o Aoki honode shizume
Calm the spreading evil heart with blue flames
醜き悪には 月からの報いを
Minikuki aku ni wa Tsuki kara no mukui wo
Reward from the moon for the ugliness of evil
裁きの標(しるべ)に 罪人(つみびと)は導かれ
Sabaki no shirube ni Tsumibito wa michibikare
Sinners are guided by the mark of judgement.
テミスの秤は 平衡を取り戻す
Temisu no hakari wa Heikou o torimodosu
Themis' scale restores its balance.
Hibiwareta kurayamide tsukanda seigi ni
To the justice I grasped in the cracks of darkness
迷いなど何ひとつない それなのに何故
Mayoi nado nanihitotsu nai sorenanoni naze
There's nothing to lose, but why?
Kienai shirushi ga uzuku
The indelible mark hurts.
Onore no tsumi no fuka sa o azawarau you ni
Like laughing at the depth of your sins
Dare ga ichiban norowashii no ka
Who is most cursed?
Sasayakiwa mada todokanai
The whispers have not reached me yet.
棺はいらない 全て灰に変えよう
Hitsugi wa iranai Subete hai ni kaeyou
I don't need a coffin. Let's turn everything into ashes.
この手で与える 相応しき最期(おわり)に
Kono tede ataeru Fusawashiki owari ni
I'll give those deserving their ending, with this hand.
購(あがな)いは 唯一の残された道
Aganai wa Yuiitsu no nokosareta michi
Purchase is the only road left behind.
誰ひとり逃れることは 許されない さあ
Dare hitori nogareru koto wa Yurusarenai saa
No one is allowed to escape.
Ienai shirushi o daite
Hold the unhealable scar
非業の罰を我が身に科そう 怯まずに
Higou no batsu o wagami ni kasou Hirumazu ni
I won't falter to inflict the punishment of untimely death
Yahari aku wa horobiru sadame...
After all, evil's destiny is to perish...
Katsumokushi ima, kaerimiro
Look at it now, reflect on it.
業火でさえ 燃やしきれず
Gouka de sae Moyashikirezu
Even the fire can't be burned.
記憶の底 こびりついた
Kioku no soko Kobititsuita
The core of my memory is stuck.
Nikushimi goto yaki tsukushiteshimae ba...
If you burn up all the hatred...
Kienai shirushi ga uzuku
The indelible mark hurts.
Onore no tsumi no fuka sa wo azawarau you ni
Like laughing at the depth of your sins
Dare ga ichiban nowashii no ka
Who is most cursed?
Sasayakiwa mada tooi
The whispers have not reached me yet.
Ienai shirushi o daite
Hold the unhealable scar
非業の罰を我が身に科そう 怯まずに
Higou no batsu o wagami ni kasou Hirumazu ni
I won't falter to inflict the punishment of untimely death
Kore ga watashi no seigi no katachi
This is my form of justice.
Saa, Tanatosu no koe o kike
Now, hear the voice of Thanatos!
Scan of lyrics from "Best of Hero" booklet courtesy of @tnbscans
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Listen on YT here
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solradguy · 8 months
is johnny homo/transphobic or not, im seeing a lot of people claiming that he is and bashing him for that
No lmfao He's neither of those things. People wanna hate him so bad, but they're getting their information from thrice removed Twitter banter based on lines from non-canon games they probably haven't even played. Just out there stirrin the shit pot. It's like if people suddenly decided Ky was homophobic because he's very likely catholic.
There's this exchange from one of the Johnny routes in XX (which isn't even a canon game):
Bridget: 約束したじゃないですか! Hey, you promised you'd listen to me! Johnny: くっ……このジョニー、レイディとの約束は裏切れねぇ。 Argh... I can't break a promise made to a woman. Bridget: ……ウチ男ですけど。 ...I'm a guy. Johnny: た、助かった…… Oh, well in that case...
The translation here is accurate. However, if we're going to call Johnny transphobic for this exchange then we're going to have to call about half the cast transphobic since Bridget has a lot of equally unfortunate interactions like this throughout XX.
There's this interaction from Bridget's arcade route too, which I think is the one people usually point to for Johnny being transphobic:
Bridget: ……ああ、危なかった。負けるかと思った。どうしたんですか?途中から剣筋が急に鈍りましたけど……。 ...Whew, that was close! For a minute there, I thought I was gonna lose that one. Hey, what's wrong with you? You suddenly went limp right in the middle of the fight... Johnny: このジョニー一生の不覚だ……。おまえ……男だろ! Ahh... Johnny... What have you done... You.... You're a guy, aren't you! Bridget: ええ。この格好にはちょっと訳がありまして。 Sure am. This appearance... Well, it's kind of a long story. Johnny: この俺としたことが男を口説くとは……。もういいから、帰ってくれ。 I can't believe I just tried to seduce another man... Look, you should just go home and forget about all this. Bridget: 剣を向けて来たのはそちらですよ? Hey! You're the one who stuck your sword in my face! Johnny: ……悪かった。一つだけ頼む。このことはくれぐれも他言無用にな。 ...I'm sorry. I just have one request. Whatever you do...Don't tell anyone about this. Bridget: ……ほんと、変な人ですね。 ...What a weirdo.
This official translation is pretty accurate. The exchange between these two here isn't good, I will admit. But we also need to remember that the XX series of games had at least 3 different writers, it isn't canon. Johnny doesn't act like this outside of a few parts of XX.
There weren't scripts on the GG wiki for the XX Accent Core Plus arcade routes, so I'm not sure how Johnny is in that game. Probably roughly the same as in XX though.
I also couldn't find any lines from him towards Testament or Venom that were worse than anything anyone else says to them. Johnny does use he/him pronouns for Testament in the localization, but in Japanese he doesn't seem to use pronouns for them at all (which is relatively common in Japanese in general anyway).
In summary: Basically if it's from any of the games from the GGXX line just throw it out the window. "He would not say that" The Game.
If he says something bad towards Testament, Venom, or Bridget that's in one of the canon games and I missed it: send it to me.
Here are the scripts I went through for this:
General VS mode quotes: https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Johnny/Quotes
X Plus script: https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Guilty_Gear_X_Plus_script
XX script: https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Guilty_Gear_XX_script
Bonus line from XX where the localization team made an... interesting... choice translating "dandy" as "studmaster." He's saying this to Bridget during one of the Johnny arcade routes. (this line doesn't prove anything either way, I just thought it was too funny not to share lol)
Johnny: ダンディなお兄さん…… ……と呼んでくれれば何でも聞いてやるぜ? Call me 'Studmaster'... and I'll listen to whatever you have to say.
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dailyhelldorm · 3 months
2024 Valentine Voice Lines
Home Screen Voice Lines
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Aira: I am wondering if I should also give my favorite idol my chocolate~ ♪ Although, I don’t know how much chocolate I need to prepare is enough.
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Eichi: Black tea and chocolate go well together. The fatness inside the cacao bean can reset your taste buds from the bitterness of black tea ♪
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Rei: The world is dyed in the color of Valentine. Kukuku, everyone in the office is also bustling around too… ♪
Valentine Making Chocolate Voice Lines
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Aira: I am so happy that Producer-san is helping me in my chocolate-making attempt! Ehehe, shall we make a lot of chocolate filled with love together?
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Eichi: I feel rest assured when I know Producer-chan is helping me make my Valentine’s chocolate. If it is you, then we can make any delicious chocolate.
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Rei: For me, I don't really make a lot of sweets in my time… Oh, is the young lady going to teach me her special recipe? If that's the case then I'm looking forward to it, I will try my best too.
Valentine’s Day Cards
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Aira: Thank you for sending your message ♪ I am super happy right now! I will keep on trying my best in the future, and I will be more happy if I can have your support ♪
Eichi: Thank you for your wonderful message. Please let me see your endeavors for more things that will exceed my expectations in the future. And this time too, If I can have your support, it will make me overjoyed… ♪
Rei: Thank you for sending your message to me... ♪ This time without betraying your expectations, I will send you my performance as well. And for certain, let it burn into your memory ♪
Bonus: ! 's mode Praise
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This only covers Praise-5 to Praise-8 because 1 to 4 (minus Praise-2) and sweet words are already on the wiki.
Original: すばらしいよ……期待通りだっ Praise-2: Wonderful... Just as I expected.
Original: 素晴らしいよ。『プロデューサー』として、君も日々成長しているんだね Praise-5: Wonderful. You are growing every day as a producer.
Original: 僕からも賞賛の言葉を贈らせてほしいな。君のがんばりに、最大の感謝を…… Praise-6: I might have to send my words of praise to you. To your working effort, with all my gratitude...
Original: よしよし........ 頭を撫でるのはあまりお気に召さないかな? とはいえ、たまにはひとに甘えるということも覚えるようね? Praise-7: There, there... You don't like getting patted on the head? Even so, remember to let yourself be pampered sometimes by others, okay?
Original: お疲れさま、よくがんばったね。賞賛に値するよ。ゆっくり休んでまた次のために準備しよう…… ♪ Praise-8: Thank you for your hard work, you have done well. Your work deserves a lot of praise. Now let the body rest well and prepare yourself for your next work... ♪
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This only covers Praise-5 to Praise-8 because 1 to 4 and sweet words are already on the wiki.
Original: くくく。不安そうな顔をしておるが、心配せんでも大丈夫じゃぞい。上出来じゃよ、嬢ちゃん…… ♪ Praise-5: Kukuku. You are making such a worried face, but do not be afraid. You have done excellent, young lady... ♪
Original: 我輩に褒めてもらいにきたのかえ?嬢ちゃんは甘えん坊さんじゃのう。よしよし、たくさん頭を撫でてやろう ♪ Praise-6: Have you come for my praise? Young lady here is such a spoiled child. There, there, I will give you a lot of head pat ♪
Original: よし、よし…… ♪ よくがんばったのう、嬢ちゃん。我輩がたっぷり労ってやろうぞ ♪ Praise-7: There, there... ♪ You have been working hard, young lady. I will give you a lot of rewards for that ♪
Original: 『最後まで諦めない』。その姿勢が、きっとアイドルたちにも良い影響を与えてくれるはずじゃよ ♪ Praise-8: "I won't give up until the end". Such attitude of yours, it certainly has a good influence on a lot of us idols ♪
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gomaan · 3 months
Tatsuya read the notes for the 2022 concert in the voice of the original Japanese voice actor.
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-click... click...(sound of lighter lid opening and closing)
Tatsuya: ...Do you recognize this voice? I'm Tatsuya Suo, from the Seven Sisters Academy.
Welcome to "Persona Super Live P-SOUND WISH 2022 -Crossing Journeys-". Today, I'm here to explain the precautions to be taken at this live performance.
Just listen.
Please refrain from eating and drinking in the auditorium. Smoking is prohibited in the entire building. Cell phones, watches with alarms, etc. must be turned off. No unauthorized photography, recording, or videotaping. Please do not wear excessive clothing, hats, or hairstyles that make it difficult for people sitting behind you to see. You have the radio-controlled penlights that were distributed as a ticket bonus, right? Let me prohibit the use of anything other than that penlight for the convenience of the production. Also, please wear a mask to prevent COVID-19 infection. Cheering and finger whistling are also prohibited during the performance.
Huh…sorry for the many prohibitions. If you get sick during the show, please don't hesitate to ask a nearby staff member.
Lastly, after the concert is over, it is a regulated exit. The staff will guide you out of the venue, so please remain seated after the show and wait to be escorted out.
Then you'll have to wait a few more moments.
Before the show starts… don't get burned out, okay?
"Persona Super Live P-SOUND WISH 2022 -交差する旅路-"にようこそ。
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arafergirl-artdump · 18 days
Hey ppl I'm alive, just from Japanese talking club(?) and i decided to share with yall things in my sketchbook that relates to RH. はようみんな、生きてる、日本語会話クラブからばかり、リズ天に関してスケッチブックのことを分け合うのを決めた。
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Whatever this is.
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And HD remake
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(i don't know if i should translate it because there's context needed to understand and i don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable)
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Text: HE ruined my LIFE
This also needs context, so basically i drew DJs so much i forgot how to draw in peanuts style.
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Text: is he okeh
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Text: aoao oaoa
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THIS. Everyone i talked with in Japanese club knows about this page.
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Comic i didn't finished. If you can understand what it's saying... Sorry for my bad Japanese i suppose guess
完了しなかったコミック。何を書かれたのかわかるので... ボクの悪い日本語ごめんかもね
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(ignore the text)
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Text: Gay mod DJ School
HD remake
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Whatever this is 2
Bonus: Scratch-NO.
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(Maybe i should remake this comic and translate it to English idk lol)
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hiro-sama · 1 year
Ok, I wasn’t going to comment on Engage’s localization but I’m just super salty about the way they got rid of so many romantic undertones when they were clearly there in the original. 😒
I allowed myself to translate Alcryst’s S-rank wake-up events to illustrate it but from what I’ve seen, there are plenty more examples. (spoilers below, obv) (disclaimer: I’ve got a BA in Japanese, but I kinda rushed through this, so sorry if it’s rough around the edges)
>Japanese >>My translation // Localization
>僕です…スタルークです… >> It’s me, Alcryst. // It’s me, Alcryst.
 >僕、自分のことをすぐ卑下してしまいますけど… >> I put myself down all the time, but… // I know I often put myself down, but…
 >この場所では、あなたと二人きりの時は言わないようにしたいです。 >> Here, when it’s just the two of us, I don’t want to do it. // Here, in this place… I feel OK.
 >だって…あなたが、僕を選んでくれたから。 >> Because you chose me. // Because I know I’m your ally.
 >…必ず、あなたに似合う男になりますから、惚れ直す準備をして、待っていてください。 >> I promise to become a man fitting for you, so you just wait and prepare to fall in love with me all over again. // I promise to maintain your trust in me… now and in all the days ahead.
 >お、おはようございます。え、さっき言ってたことですか? >> Good morning. Oh, what I said earlier? // Morning! Huh? What was I whispering?
 >…ごめんなさい。秘密です。でも、その時が来たら、覚悟してくださいね。 >> Sorry, it’s a secret. But be prepared for when that day comes, okay? // Ah. It was nothing. Let’s get the day started, shall we?
>大切な人を起こしに来ることができて、嬉しい僕です… >> It’s me, I’m so happy I could come here and wake up my beloved. [lit. ‘important person’] // It’s Alcryst, I’m here to wake you.
 >…僕が差し上げた宝石、ここに置いてくれているんですね。 >> It’s the gem I gave you. // Oh! It’s the gem I gave you.
 >うん、やっぱりあなたによく似合います。 >> It really suits you so well. // It suits you as well as I hoped it would.
 >父上も喜んでるだろうな。 >> I think Father would be happy. // Father would be pleased…
 >もしルミエル様がご存命なら、やっぱりご挨拶したのでしょうか。 >> If Queen Lumera was still alive, she’d probably be pleased, too. // If Queen Lumera could see that gem… I would hope she’d be pleased, as well.
 >緊張するけど、僕はこういいます… >> This is making me nervous, but let me say this. // Listen… I just need you to know…
 >大切な神竜様を、幸せにします、って。 >> I will make you happy, Divine One, my dear. [he says ‘important’ here, too, just like in the first line] // Our bond is the greatest honor of my life.
 >あ…あーっ、今の、聞いてました?! >> Ah! You heard that?! // Aah! Did you hear all of that?!
 >我ながら恥ずかしい…で、でも… >> I’m embarrassed, but… // I’m embarrassed, but…
 >僕の本心なので、こればっかりは、謝ったりしませんよ。 >> Those are my true feelings, so this time, I will not apologize. // I meant what I said, so this time… I’m not going to apologize.
 So yeah, if you only played it with the English dub or don’t know Japanese, you were robbed of this (and most likely more). 🫠
Video links for comparison:
https://youtu.be/dF2utuxcwlY?t=2406 [ENG]
https://youtu.be/4er0kol1TkQ?t=2085 [JA]
 Also, just as a bonus, the S-rank lines he says to Alear while on the Somniel:
>> Y-you came to talk to me… I’m so happy, I love you. Ah! T-that kinda slipped out…! Please, forget about it. // I love it when you greet me like this. You’re my favorite person… Ah! Did I say that out loud?!
>> I’m so happy just talking to you, but I wish we could be alone like this more often, sorry. // Just checking in with you makes me happy, but I can’t help wanting more time together… Sorry.
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otakusparkle · 2 months
Identity V x MAYLA Collaboration
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Line up
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The removable character charms can be used not only as multi-charms, but also on pouches and wallets to create your own unique arrangement. Add character charms to your favorite style to match your mood and fashion of the day ♡
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How to use
Happy 3WAY specification!
> As a brooch
It has a snap pin (safety pin) on the back, so you can use it as a brooch just by attaching it to your clothes!
> As a phone strap
When attached to a smartphone ring, it transforms into a stylish and elegant smartphone strap!
> As a bag charm
You can use it as a gorgeous bag charm just by attaching it to your bag!
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As a bonus, those who purchase an item will receive one limited edition postcard for each item with a newly drawn illustration that matches the color of the purchase.
Buy the multi charm here :
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tokidokitokyo · 5 months
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The end of the year is approaching quickly, and the JLPT is just a few days away! Good luck to those taking the exam: you will do great!
I'm still trying to balance my chaotic life with my Japanese study, but I have really slowed down on the Japanese study this month. And that's ok! I am not taking the JLPT but I am still immersing in Japanese in everyday life, so I am happy with that. For some reason, the end of the year always seems to hold a lot of difficult things for me and my family, so I will keep pushing through and hope for a better start next year!
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Study Methods I Used in September & October
This month I again used conversation and Japanese media as my primary sources for Speaking and Listening practice. I didn't have as much time to listen to podcasts, but I did watch more dramas than usual. I used renshuu.org for Kanji flashcard practice, and specifically for joyo kanji (kanji separated by grade levels). I also collected a lot of Vocabulary from daily encounters in the wild.
My 2023 Goals Progress
I laid out some broad goals for my Japanese study back in January of 2023 in my 2023 Japanese Language Goals post, so here is an update with my progress towards these goals.
1. Read one page a day of 日本の歴史366 (にほんのれきし366) everyday in 2023.
How is it going? Terrible! I really thought November would be my month to read a page almost every day, but I haven't been able to fit in the time. I suppose I could push back my bed time, but in the winter months I feel extra tired and prefer to catch up on my sleep. That's ok, though, I will try again next year.
2. Finish 日本語総まとめ N3 (にほんごそうまとめ N3) workbooks.
How is it going? Pretty good! I had hoped to finish these workbooks in November, but I am still working through the last week of exercises. I think I can still finish them by the end of the year, though!
3. Review and learn the first 6 levels of the 常用漢字 (じょうようかんじ), specifically the 教育漢字 (きょういくかんじ) up to grade 6.
How is it going? Not awful! I spent November reviewing Grade 4, so while I probably won't finish Grade 6 by the end of the year, I have made good progress. I usually do flashcards by grade level on renshuu.org, and I am satisfied with my scores for the first three grade levels. Hopefully I can get Grade 4 down by the end of December.
4. Read at least one book every two months.
How is it going? Terrible! Books are a big commitment that I really just don't have time for, between life and my son and everything else I have to do. Maybe next year I can aim for one book...
5. Improve my speaking and writing by finding a tutor.
How is it going? Terrible! I am satisfied with my ママ友 (mom friends) for now to help with my speaking and listening. Plus, there's the added bonus of my son getting lots of Japanese input. I hope that I will be able to someday get a tutor, but the time is not now.
6. Study Japanese for at least 10 minutes every day.
How is it going? Great! This is the one goal that I have always been able to keep up with because it is simple and can be done anywhere. No workbooks required! At least I will achieve 100% in one goal at the end of the year ^.^
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Going Forward in December
It's almost the end of the year and my goals are far from being achieved. I've had to reshuffle my goals and to put most of them aside to keep up with everything else I've had going on. But! I have been mindful about the study time I do have, and I have made what I feel is significant progress in my Japanese language learning journey.
I am optimistic about next year and continuing to push myself forward and improve my Japanese skills. In December I will reevaluate the goals I had and what worked or didn't work, and come back with some new goals for 2024!
For December, my focus will be:
Focus on retaining kanji from Grade 4 of 教育漢字
Write in Japanese once a day
Read 日本の歴史366 as much as possible
Review N3 Grammar
Finish 総まとめ N3 workbooks
Christmas/New Year vacation!
For those of you taking the JLPT this weekend, GOOD LUCK!
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splatoonreblogger · 5 months
Ballistics back again on Ballistics Monday! Just kidding—it's a regular Monday with a Ballistics bonus. Anyway, peep the Neo Splatana Stamper. Use the Toxic Mist sub to slow down foes, and then hit 'em with vertical slashes from your splatana or mow 'em down with the Crab Tank!
Back to Robo ROM-en for the moment. This stage isn't just a place for Turf War—it's a real ramen joint in the Splatsville suburbs, staffed entirely with robotic employees. And don't worry about spilling ink in the ramen—squid ink is a popular condiment on the menu!
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neonmeron · 6 months
木曜日 2023/10/12
今日のトピック:や、~なければいけません、midterm review
So this past 金曜日 was the midterm. It wasn't that bad and we already got our scores but I wanted to go over our midterm review sheet.
I have a challenge for you! I want you to write down what you think the answer is based on my previous posts. There are one or two grammar points I don't think I've gone over with you, so I'll do that now.
The final grammar points i need to cover are や And ~なければいけない/なきゃいけない
Let's start with や!
や connects two nouns like と except や suggests that the things referred to are proposed as examples and that you are not exciting an exhaustive list. It's similar in the way that たり is used. 練習しましょう。
 AやB (A and B, for example)
東京や大阪に行った。I went to tokyo and osaka (and may have visited other places)
おにぎりやラーメンを食べた。I ate onigiri and ramen. (and may have eaten other things)
Honestly there's not much else to it. It's really straightforward!
Next is ~なければいけない/なきゃいけない
This is used to say when something has to/must be done. ねければ is the more formal version and its more often seen in the written language while なきゃいけない is more colloquial and mainly found in the spoken language. To conjugate, you need your verb in the present negative form. For example:
Let's do some practice sentences!
火曜日に日本語の試験(しけん)があるので、たくさん勉強しなければいけません/いけない。Because I have a japanese exam on tuesday, i must study a lot.
もうすぐ母は家に帰るので、車を洗わなきゃいけません。Because my mom is returning home soon, i have to wash the car.
食べすぎたので運動しなければいけません。Because I ate too much,  I must exercise.
今、私の双子はフランスに住んでいるので、手紙(てがみ)を送らなきゃいけません。Because my twin is living in France right now, I must send letters.
熱があって、喉(のど)が痛(いた)いので、薬を飲まなければいけません。Because I have a fever and my throat hurts, I must take medicine.
And that's about it! Congratulations reader, you got through (almost) all the genki lessons!! Here's to another successful semester. 頑張れる!!
Let's move on to the midterm review. Do you have your pencil and paper ready? (bonus points if you write the kanji)
Our midterm review was in the format of a story. 始めましょう
You are an exchange student in tokyo. You are on your way back to Tokyo from a one day trip to Oze. The train stopped half way for a while due to a minor road accident. You get bored, so you start talking to a woman/man sitting next to you. The person asks you “where are you from?” how would you say this in japanese?
Ask the person has ever been to foreign countries
The person commented that your Japanese is very good. Be humble like Japanese people and say “No, no. I have to study more”
Go on to say “i want to become better at japanese”
The train finally starts moving. You ask the person where they are going now. The person says, “I wanted to buy clothes. I'm going home now.”
The person continues to say, “I need to cook tonight because my mother is sick.”
You ask the person if his/her mother is all right. The person tells you, “she caught a cold and has a fever. But she is okay.”
The person goes on to say, “but she’d better not work today. She should sleep a lot.”
I wrote down たくさん while my teacher wrote よく and i was a little confused but i think you can use either.
You ask the person what dish you are good at making. The person answers i often make curry rice, pork cutlet, tempura, and so on
The person asks you if you cook a lot. Tell the person that “I want to cook more but I am too busy.”
The person tells you that they have to do an English homework assignment. You ask the person what they do in class. she/he says, “we read english books, write essays, listen to the news, and so on.”
You ask the person if they practice speaking as well. The person says, “I took the conversation class for a month but I quit.”
The person says, “the teacher's english was too fact! But I am interested in English conversation.”
((に)きょうみがあります=to have an interest in)
You offer some help. You tell the person that you can be his/her English conversation partner. You both decide to tutor English and Japanese to each other. You get off the train in a happy mood. 
The next day your advisor at school tells you that you looked very happy. Yell your advisor with a lot of excitement, “i met a fantastic woman/man on the train yesterday!! We will practice English and japanese!!” (hint- use んです)
How’d you do? Comment how much you got! I'd love to see your scores. If You didn't get them, no sweat! A lot of my answers were different from what my teacher wrote..
I want to apologize if these lessons feel rushed. I'm trying to not make them feel that way.
Notice any errors? Lmk!! I always want to fix my mistakes so I can learn better. ありがとう!
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