#bollywood geek
disdadandon · 1 month
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leeknewthat · 1 year
Hear. Me. Out.
Alhaitham as Pathaan and Kaveh as Rubai.
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deshigeek · 2 months
Why should you watch 12th Fail?
The Zee Studios distribution 12th Fail has come up as a hidden gem and sleeper hit in the big-name battle of Bollywood in 2023. A year which saw SRKs’ comeback in blockbusters – Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki, Pravaas rocking the screen with Salaar and Ranbir creating clamor with Animal – 12th Fail has stolen our hearts with a most fascinating showing.
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bueris · 1 month
Ness siblings headcanons (as relating to my own fanfiction)
[a link for anyone interested]
Alexis's sister:
her name is Anika!
she prefers reading and movies to series no matter if they're live action or animated
bisexual demiromantic, only began to realise this when she was in med school and was consistently the only one to not really have any hook up stories
considered odd by the rest of the staff at her hospital because of her more abrasive personality but despite that is on friendly terms with almost everyone
great bedside manners despite being very firm
got big into that survivalist, live in the woods thing at around 15-18 when she was having her first doubts about her family as a form of escapism and now knows every tip and trick in the book, you could survive an apocalypse with this girl and be a-okay
less likely to fight/call out her parents but in the event it happens their lives would be destroyed, absolutely vicious when it comes to defending what she believes in
still loves hoodies, will wear them everywhere as much as possible
shoulder length hair, usually not styled outside of the braids she puts them in for work
not a morning person and this is obvious to everyone who knows her
likes it when it rains; calls it nature's nourishment, leans into this a lot more once she makes up with Alexis
a bit emotionally dense but less awkward than both of her brothers
regularly feels very, very strong guilt about everything with Alexis and constantly worries that she's being too much but will never show it on the outside, she thinks she got that from their parents
big enjoyer of all food types, will put anything edible in her mouth
chronic fuzzy sock wearer
was left alone in the house when Alexis was off at BM and their brother was in university and that's when the true realisation of their fucked up family dynamic properly set in
doesn't own her own home right now but would prefer a small house near her work if she could get one
like Grucci she's very good at keeping plants alive
dogs love her and she loves dogs, doesn't dislike cats just likes them a bit less than dogs
priorities comfort over fashion
her favourite colour is green because it's a very outdoors-y colour compared to her place of work
running joke in the hospital is that everyone outside of the oncology department she works in calls her nurse and not doctor, it's like russian roulette to them because she'll bring whoever pissed her off the most the world's nastiest coffee and refuse to leave until they've drunk it. it's funny because it's horrible and better than her keying someone's car
Alexis's brother:
his name is Niklas!
had a phase of magnet fishing and metal detecting
has lots of bizarre hobbies and aspires to take part in extreme ironing at some point in his life
most likely to do extreme sports or activities
most impulsive of the family, also the loudest and also the tallest!
absolute movie geek but only for obscure european and asian ones, adores bollywood but also has a growing interest in nollywood. also an anime fan, but not active in any fandom
plays with fireworks and can't feel half of his right hand because of an incident in university, his parents don't know but Anika does and she regularly rags on him for it
also picked up a love for cooking in university! he used to make sunday lunch for his roommates and that's why he still has friends
his skill in maths was entirely learned, had he had different parents he'd be awful at it, unlike Anika who it came naturally to
works in aerospace engineering but if it ever falls through he decided he'd join the fire department on the basis of "life is short, make it shorter, join the fire department"
homeowner! emphasis on meow! he has 2 cats, erdbeere and concrete
may or may not have abused his skills in science to grow weed at some point
as the fic goes, gained clarity about the family dynamic situation in uni, but specifically when he went fishing in the middle of the night. in a river in the middle of the city. (booksmart but not yet streetsmart)
also priorities comfort over fashion like Anika, leaving Alexis to be the only stylish sibling
adores pickled food, especially pickled beetroot, ever since making up with Alexis he thinks about him when he eats them because they remind him of his hair
very emotionally intelligent but god had to nerf him with painful awkwardness to balance it out
more likely to have a go at his parents, but in a very scolding and disappointed tone compared to his sister's downright fury (this doesn't mean he's less angry though, it just comes out as disgust instead)
horrible poker face
hates silence
gets very little sleep and subsists almost entirely on caffeine (Anika doesn't like this, Alexis just gets worried when he sees that Niklas's coffee is almost pitch black)
no one knows his sexuality, not even himself, he's a total wildcard and even if he did find a more specific label than a vague hand gesture he wouldn't tell anyone purely to keep them on their toes
relaxed relationship with gender, a man for the most part but can and will be a girl or other if he ever feels like it or if there's a bit that calls for it
fuck ass shaggy bob mop haircut he did himself "I have a degree in aerospace engineering I can cut my own hair" no he really couldn't
keeps making weaponry for the shits and giggles
@refrigeratedboombursts here ya go!!
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fanaticsnail · 7 days
Stardust mention 🤭
Oooh, ok the scene in my head: starts off like the titanic scene with them dancing together but then, when she's proper drunk we get a scene like the original I sent.
Also, truly the duality of man, because the guy in that song and the guy from Leila Mein Leila are one in the same lol. He's a rlly popular actor, his name is Shah Rukh Khan, if you wanna look him up. And btw, I can't recommend the movie Ruk Ja... is from. It's called Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (DDLJ; The Brave of Heart Will Take the Bride) and it is THE rivals to lovers romance. The movie was an honest to god superhit in India. As in, it came out in '95 and there are still some theaters which do regulat showings.
I need to shut up about bollywood fast before I devolve into sending you song links and ranting about movies. I literally have this whole list of movies where I'm just like, "that would make an awesome fic".
-♡♡ lots of love
Hey, all I heard was: "Hey, Snail. I love Bollywood. Love Bollywood with me so we can geek out together." I'm not mad at all.
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Of course "Stardust" mention, except in that scene - I'm more like Captain Shakespeare irl 💀💀💀. Any opportunity to play Dress-Up and matchmaker, and I'm there.
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Oh my goodness, drinking with Mister Beckman. My heart will explode.
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 years
Why the "Rings of Power" Costumes Fail to Reflect Their Source Material
Tolkien-geek nerdrant incoming.
I'm not currently watching The Rings of Power, but I have been seeing images of the costumes, and I just have to rant a little about them. Apart from their general attractiveness or lack thereof--mostly the latter, in my opinion--they are making me wonder whether Kate Hawley, the costume designer, has even read the source material. Or understood it, if she did read it.
I hear that she has done much better work on other projects. But I'm sorry, she really dropped the ball here, and it can't be chalked up just to not having enough money or time. There are fundamental problems at the concept level.
It's easy to guess the general thinking: "Since the LOTR movies were designed around a medieval look, the look of this series should be based on Greek and Roman styles, with simpler construction, in order to convey that it's an earlier time." This would make perfect sense for most fantasy series, but it's dead wrong for Tolkien.
In Middle-Earth, "progress" isn't really a thing that happens, unless you're talking about the Years of the Trees or maybe the First Age. After that, it's all downhill with a few small backtracks along the way. Each civilization is less grand than the one that came before it. Knowledge and techniques are lost. The costumes should reflect this. The clothing of the Second Age should be more intricate and decorative than that of the Third Age. They could go full Bollywood with the jewelry, for both Elves and Númenoreans: ropes of pearls, gem-studded belts, etc. (But also take a lesson from Bollywood on how to make lots of jewelry look tasteful and not over the top.)
Speaking of jewelry, there is far too much use of gold. In the source material, Dwarves like gold, but Elves are all about silver, or better yet, mithril. And pearls and white or clear gems such as diamonds. Stuff that makes them think of starlight. You're telling me Gil-Galad, whose name literally means "bright star," would dress entirely in gold from head to toe? I don't think so. Gold also has a slightly negative connotation in Tolkien's writing as being a little bit base and corrupting. That's why Ar-Pharazôn's title of "the Golden" isn't entirely a compliment; it's a hint at how he embodies the perverting of Númenor's society. Lana Marie put it well in her video on this show's costumes when she said, "It's almost poetic how Amazon seems to think that plastering gold on everything makes a garment look regal and expensive and classy."
This brings me to the show's idea that the symbol of Númenor should be a sun. It shouldn't; it should be a star. The island is shaped like a star. Its alternate name, Elenna, means "starward" because of the star that led the first people to it. (And before anyone wants to be cute and say the sun is also a star--no, in Tolkien's world, it's not. It's a fruit of the golden tree, Laurelin, carried through the sky by a maia on a flying ship.) I could buy the idea of Ar-Pharazôn introducing the sun as a new symbol or making it his personal royal banner, but the show starts before he becomes king and they're already using suns, so nope.
And finally, nobody should be wearing full plate armor. Nobody in Tolkien wears plate armor. It's always mail of one sort or another. Yes, I know Ngila Dickson had the Gondorian army wear plate armor in the ROTK movie, but she was also wrong. (Besides, she said it was supposed to make them look outdated and irrelevant.) Frankly, as wonderful as the design of the LOTR movie trilogy was, I feel that most of the stuff in Gondor wasn't up to their usual standard; maybe they were running short on time and/or energy by then. But that's a whole different rant.
I'll close out by recommending Lana Marie's redesign of Miriel's costume.
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judyconda · 4 months
Hi friends i am allowing to introduce myself ✨
I’m Judy @judyconda , living in my hometown at Manila, Philippines I’m a Tarot / oracle practitioner, Art Mystic Cultures Sacred Mindfulness enthusiast
All things Spiritique & Gothic
I’m Sun / Moon lover.
Local Painter Rising Artist
I’m Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon & Cancer Rising
I’m a Coffe / Book / Music / Paintings / Oracle & Tarot Lover
Fan of @samiyusufofficial & @thebandghostofficial
Nice to meet you all
Follow me on IG, Threads, & X @judyconda
Tiktok @ / TheJudyConda
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shrutim12 · 6 months
Elevating Your Music Experience With Top Apps
In a world where melodies and beats speak a universal language, our quest for the perfect tunes takes us through a myriad of music streaming apps. As a self-proclaimed finance geek with an ear for great music, I've navigated through the sonic landscape of various platforms. Let's delve into the world of five prominent music apps similar to Spotify and explore how each one offers a unique symphony tailored to individual tastes.
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Amazon Music
Amazon Music stands out with a colossal catalog boasting 100 million songs. It's not just a library; it's a playground for music enthusiasts. What makes Amazon Musicone of the better apps than Spotify are its Originals and exclusive podcasts, offering an exclusive backstage pass to the artists' creative realms.
Imagine creating playlists that resonate with a community of like-minded music aficionados. Amazon Music makes it happen with its community playlist feature, fostering a shared musical journey. Dive deeper into the music with lyrics displayed in real-time, creating an immersive experience.
The offline download feature is a game-changer for those on the go. No internet? No problem! Download your favorite tracks and podcasts and enjoy uninterrupted playback. The app seamlessly integrates with Amazon Echo devices, offering a hands-free musical experience. The Car Mode ensures a safe and enjoyable musical journey while on the road. With Amazon Music, the rhythm never stops; it evolves, adapts, and elevates.
Also Read: Find Your Next Favorite Podcasts With These Apps
YouTube Music
YouTube Music, a powerhouse of audio-visual delights, redefines the music streaming experience. Beyond the familiar music videos, YouTube Music boasts an extensive library of songs and a unique feature—remixes, covers, and live performances—that adds an extra layer to your musical voyage.
The app's recommendation algorithm is a magician, understanding your taste and suggesting tracks that resonate with your preferences. Dive into the "Discover Mix" and uncover hidden gems tailored just for you. YouTube Music is not just about listening; it's about watching. Artist interviews, documentaries, and behind-the-scenes content bring you closer to the creators behind the beats.
What makes YouTube Music special is its ability to seamlessly integrate with other Google services. Access your favorite tunes while using other Google apps, and let the music follow you wherever you go. It's not just a streaming service; it's a visual symphony that transforms your auditory experience into a captivating journey.
Apple Music
Apple Music, the brainchild of the tech giant, takes a different approach by emphasizing curated playlists. The app excels in creating playlists tailored to your preferences, making it feel like a personal DJ understands your mood.
Dive into the world of "For You" playlists, where Apple Music compiles tracks based on your listening history. The more you explore, the better the recommendations get, creating a musical journey that evolves with your tastes.
Apple Music's Connect feature bridges the gap between artists and listeners. Follow your favorite artists, and stay updated on their latest releases, tour updates, and personal messages. It's not just about the music; it's about the connection between creators and their audience.
With Apple Music, your playlists are not just a mix of songs; they're a reflection of your musical identity, orchestrated with precision and care.
Gaana, a homegrown music streaming app, celebrates the diversity of Indian music. From Bollywood chartbusters to regional gems, Gaana offers a rich tapestry of sounds that cater to every palate.
What sets Gaana apart is its focus on regional languages. Discover curated playlists in Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and more. The app understands the cultural nuances of Indian music, delivering a personalized experience that goes beyond just the beats.
Gaana's radio feature takes you on a journey through different eras and genres, providing a dynamic listening experience. The app's user-friendly interface and straightforward navigation make it a go-to choice for those who want to explore the vast landscape of Indian music effortlessly.
Also Read: Discover Fresh Music Daily With These Apps
Wynk, the music streaming arm of Airtel, caters to the Indian audience with a vast collection of songs across genres. What makes Wynk stand out is its integration with Airtel services, offering exclusive benefits to Airtel users.
Wynk's algorithm learns your preferences over time, creating playlists that align with your taste. The app's radio feature curates playlists based on your mood, providing a seamless transition between tracks.
As an Airtel user, Wynk offers additional perks like discounted subscription plans and data-saving modes. The app is not just a music companion; it's an integral part of the Airtel ecosystem, ensuring a holistic experience for users.
Also Read: The Impact Of Music On Productivity And Concentration
In Harmony With Your Tunes
Choosing the right music streaming app is a personal journey, much like selecting the soundtrack of your life. Whether you prefer the vast catalog of Amazon Music, the visual symphony of YouTube Music, the curated playlists of Apple Music, the diversity of Gaana, or the Indian-centric approach of Wynk, each app brings a unique flavor to the musical table.
As a finance geek who finds solace in the world of numbers and rhythm, these apps are not just utilities; they're companions that understand the ebb and flow of your musical preferences. So, plug in, press play, and let the rhythm of your life unfold with the perfect soundtrack. Your musical journey awaits!
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buildtrack · 6 months
Master the Art of Smart Lighting: Your Complete Guide for the Indian Home
Master the Art of Smart Lighting: Your Complete Guide for the Indian Home
Imagine this: you stroll into your house after a long day, and the lights dance to your mood. Soft, warm hues welcome you like a hug, the perfect antidote to the city's chaos. No more fumbling for switches in the dark! Just a whispered "Alexa, chill mode" and your living room transforms into a serene oasis. Sounds like a scene from a sci-fi movie, right? Wrong! This, my friends, is the magic of smart lighting, and it's not just for tech geeks and millionaire mansions. It's for us, the regular joes (and janes) of suburbia, looking to add a touch of magic and convenience to our everyday lives.
Remember the days of chasing the sun around the house, adjusting that one awkward angle lamp for the fifth time? I do. My wife used to joke that our house had more switches than a NASA control room. Well, those days are gone (pun intended). My life transformed the day I embraced smart lighting, and trust me, if this tech-challenged middle-aged guy can do it, so can you!
But before you get giddy like a kid in a candy store, let's break things down.
What is Smart Lighting, Anyway?
Think of it as a brainy upgrade for your boring old bulbs. These intelligent lights connect to your Wi-Fi or a central hub, letting you control them from your phone, voice assistant, or even a fancy remote. You can turn them on/off from anywhere, dim them to create mood lighting, change colors to match your party theme, or even program them to dance to your music (no judgment if you blast Bollywood classics!).
Why Embrace Smart Lighting in Your Indian Home?
Let's face it, life in India can be hectic. Between juggling work, family, and those never-ending social commitments, the last thing we need is another chore or a hefty electricity bill. Enter smart lighting, your knight in shining (or, well, dimming) armor!
1. Convenience on Steroids: No more sprinting across the house like a ninja to switch off lights. Control them all from your phone, even when you're chilling in bed or stuck in traffic (multitasking, of course!). Voice assistants like Alexa or Google Home become your loyal sidekicks, letting you command the lights with just a word. Remember those awkward fumbles for switches in the dark? History!
2. Ambiance for Every Occasion: Feeling romantic? Set the scene with warm, candlelit vibes. Hosting a Diwali bash? Get the party started with a disco-esque light show. Want to focus on that last report? Cool, blue hues to the rescue! Smart lighting lets you create custom lighting scenarios for every mood and activity, transforming your home into a chameleon of ambiance.
3. Save Money, Save the Planet: This one's a win-win. Smart lights are energy-efficient wizards, using much less than traditional bulbs. Program them to switch off automatically when you leave a room, or dim them gradually instead of that harsh on/off. The result? A smaller electricity bill and a happier planet. Now, that's something we can all celebrate!
4. Security You Can Feel: Simulate occupancy while you're away on vacation by setting lights to turn on and off at random intervals. Imagine a potential intruder surprised by a disco light show at 3 am – not exactly the welcome they were hoping for! Plus, smart outdoor lights with motion sensors can act as watchful guardians, deterring unwanted visitors and giving you peace of mind.
5. It's Easy, Peasy (Lemon Squeezy)!: Don't worry, you don't need an engineering degree to install smart lighting. Many systems are designed for DIY enthusiasts, offering simple plug-and-play options. And even if you need a helping hand, there are plenty of professionals out there who can get you up and running in no time.
Choosing the Right Smart Lighting System for Your Indian Home:
It's not a one-size-fits-all situation, folks. There are different types of smart bulbs and systems (Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Bluetooth), each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Consider your budget, desired features, and compatibility with your existing wiring. Remember, you don't have to replace every bulb at once. Start small, experiment, and find what works best for you.
Here's a quick tip: Many Indian brands like Wipro, Syska, and Philips offer great, affordable options, specifically designed for our needs.
Making the Magic Happen: Installation and Setup
Remember those childhood Lego sets with confusing instructions? Fear not, smart lighting installation is much easier! Most systems come with user-friendly apps that guide you through the process step
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disdadandon · 1 year
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chrissmou · 1 year
Gushing the Stay a Spell Series
Hi everyone, I know we have a week before the end of the month but I couldn’t wait to gush about this book series I have been reading this past two weeks. Stay A Spell by Juliette Cross is a series of fantasy romance books about 6 sisters and witches in New Orleans and their love lives. The supernatural community in this world has four species witches/warlocks, vampires, grim reapers, and werewolves. The witches also have different abilities with each witch in this series with her own. I will talk more about them in the books. First, the world-building is amazing and we see how New Orleans reacts to magic. Second, the books’ plots are amazing; some take on equality and social issues without bringing the books out of the supernatural and fantasy elements. The series ended with the sixth sister this past month and I wholeheartedly recommend all of them and to read them in order because they give spoilers for the next and previous one. That is the reason why this isn’t a ranking but just talking about them. Also, the ranking this time that I just finished them would be very difficult for me as I love all of them. The reviews of the books are under the cut. I will leave the Goodreads links of the books too.
1.      Wolf Gone Wild (Evie and Mateo): Mateo is a werewolf and Evie is Hex-breaker. The werewolves in this series have become a species through a hex from a witch in the Spanish Civil War and this hex also except turning has made them very creative, so each of them is very good in a type of art. The book starts with Mateo being hexed by someone and him going and finding Evie who can break it. After the meeting, Mateo’s wolf which he can hear in his mind is fascinated so they start a friendship with each other so he can continue to work. The book is full of pop culture and comics as Evie is fascinated by them.
2.      Don’t Drive and Hex (Isadora and Devraj): Isadora is Conduit, a type of healer in the witch community and Devraj is Strygon, a type of a vampire with special abilities. The book starts with Isadora getting hit by Devraj while riding her bike from a friend’s home to her own. He helps her get to her destination where we learn that he is their new next-door neighbor and that he is also a former Bollywood actor with Indian roots. In the beginning, she doesn’t but as the plot thickens and helps the local Overlord, Rubin with a mission in which they need Isadora she learns more about him.
3.      Witches Get Stitches (Nico and Violet): Violet is a Seer and Nico is Mateo’s cousin and a werewolf. Nico and Violet met on New Year’s Eve two years before Nico moved to New Orleans. In the present day, Violet has partnered with him to open a tattoo shop after thinking about the art of spell tattoos some witches can do. In the beginning, we learn that Violet made a telling with tarot cards about her and Nico and because of that, we learn that she decided to just be friends. One of the tattoos she has spelled is about werewolves, so a different pack or gang of wolves wants them too. And all of that give tension to the theme of equality as werewolves are the most misjudged of the species in the supernatural world. It is perfect for those who love to friends romance.
4.      Always Practice Safe Hex (Livvy and Gareth): Livvy or Lavinia her full name is an Influencer and Gareth is a Grimlock, a type of grim reaper. Gareth and Lavinia have hated each other since they met in a contest about their careers as social media managers. They are both in the last step before the announcement of the winner. They are both very competitive but attracted to each other and they have sexual chemistry from the beginning. I love that Gareth is a computer geek and that till this book grim reapers are invisible so that he can tell Livvy all about it as they become more close. I love that they both want to help with equality issues in adoption in the supernatural world and also the werewolf thing from the previous thing. I also that Livvy is Bisexual as all the books have members from the queer community but as background characters. With all of this, we see that this is the perfect enemies-to-lovers romance.
5.      Resting Witch Face (Rubin and Jules): Jules is the oldest sister, a Cyphon, and the Enforcer of New Orleans and Rubin is the Overload of the vampires in New Orleans. We start with the history between the two main characters, which is a lot as I have a complicated relationship. In the present day, they are starting a campaign together, so that they can help the werewolves to have equal rights in the supernatural community. It is also the one that has the most international appeal as we start in New Orleans but we go to Salem and London, and then to Scotland for a masked ball. I love this second-chance romance because it is steamy and also has the funniest plot points of all.
6.      Grim and Bear It (Henry and Clara): Clara is an Aura and Henry is a necromancer, a special type of grim reaper, also Gareth’s cousin. This is the typical pining relationship between two characters so opposite as oil and water but that is what makes it so special to me. Clara is the sunshine thrown into the world and Henry is the typical gloomy character with a heart of gold. The book is about how Clara helps to come into contact with his necromancy magic and be more confident about himself. They also have the best past times with me as they love baking and reading romance books for Clara’s book club. I loved the steamy parts and the rest of it as I believe is very romantic and sweet with the connection they have.
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deshigeek · 2 months
Netflix Murder Mubarak 2024 A Hit Or Flop?
Netflix Murder Mubarak has received mixed reviews. While it features a talented cast including Pankaj Tripathi, Dimple Kapadia, Karishma Kapoor, and others, some viewers found the mystery aspect lacking and the investigation not engaging enough. This Bollywood flick is a far cry from the recent Hindi films that hit Netflix streaming recently – Jawan, Dunki, and 12th Fail are the ones as Deshi Geek covered them already.
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sparkleapple · 1 year
As someone who had a bollywood phase once, I am totally GEEKING OUT seeing Hrithik Roshan commenting on Jackson Wang’s birthday post 💚
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newssy · 1 year
Upcoming Bollywood Movies 2023: Release Date, Star Cast, Budget & More
We listed here major Upcoming Bollywood Movies for all movie geeks, to be released in 2023. We bring you all the original Hindi movies in the next 2-3 years and big banner films with their important details. Some major South Indian movies will also be released, the makers will release Hindi versions simultaneously. Most of these films were scheduled to release in 2021 and 2022 but due to the…
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next time around, like in a year or two, I’m going to date someone like me. I dated and married my polar opposite, thinking it was going to end well - like a moron. Next time. Next time I’ll simply date another me. Loves animals, impatient, ISTP-A, can ignore things, strong stomach/skin, doesn’t mind clutter, loves baths, loves making and spending money, love language is gifts, loves talking to people, drinks haterade, contradicts themselves (accepts that fully), loves therapy, doesn’t gatekeep spoon theory, loves making decisions, isn’t traumatized by religion or parents, can handle pet fur on the sofa, loves the cold, doesn’t have a Protestant work ethic, loves spicy food, dislikes butter and potatoes, loves snuggles, is a terrible driver, doesn’t adore tech, can make friends easily, can lie to their boss, doesn’t mind playing hooky and hanging with me. . . isn’t anxious about the future, loves educational YouTube, not a music nerd or computer geek, adores Russian lit, likes sleeping without a bed-frame, can communicate emotions/thoughts, enjoys rearranging the house on a whim, helps when I ask them to without a bad attitude, isn’t terrified of arguing with me, understands that there are ZERO consequences to my anger and frustration that I will GET OVER IT in two minutes fuck. Fuck. I’d hate to be in a relationship with me. I’d hate it I’d hate it I’d hate it. It would be easy and stupid and boring and we’d be roommates. There’d be no spark or anything. I just miss her. I miss all of our differences and her family and how FRUSTRATING she is. I miss quibbling in the car and passing her string cheese on road trips and her critiques of my car karaoke. I miss the way she just syncs up with Bollywood films and songs. Her passionate defense of opera and musicals when I’d scoff and tease about them. I miss the way her relationship with God was so complicated and mine is so easy, and I’d show her there’s nothing to fear and thought that it was getting through. I thought for sure that we were helping one another. That we’d be together forever. I’ve never had my heart broken before I’ve never suffered before. But this is making me suffer. And her, who’s done hardly anything but suffer, I bet she’s relieved. She’s happy and free. She’s taken control of her life and made a huge decision. Maybe I’m the best thing that ever happened to her - not because of my qualities. Not because I’m beautiful or smart or charming or funny or me. Maybe it’s because leaving me helped kickstart the next chapter of her life, the one where she becomes who she is meant to be. A boost of confidence goes a long way. Maybe she’s the best thing that ever happened to me, not because of the future or her qualities - her beauty and passion and complexity. Maybe it’s because her leaving me has helped me finally suffer. And I hate it I hate it I hate it so much. So much crying and thinking and feeling. I can’t turn it off. I can’t help but be haunted by her. I look around and I see her - us - and all I can do is feel the crushing weight of it. She’s probably looking around and feeling powerful. I hope she finds what she’s looking for. I hope this fucking heartbreak is good for something - god in heaven I hope that this is worth it and that I’ll live in eternity alongside her and we’ll explore what this mortal coil taught us. The bray of my broken heart: I hope I hope I hope
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gordoismyname · 2 years
PAUL | Tonight's Big Show
PAUL | Tonight's Big Show #movie #film #cinema #movies #actor #love #hollywood #films #art #s #actress #cinematography #netflix #music #photography #instagood #instagram #director #drama #cine #video #moviescenes #filmmaking #bollywood #movienight
Paul is a 2011 science fiction comedy film, with a road trip setting directed by Greg Mottola from a screenplay by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Starring Pegg and Frost with the voice and motion capture of Seth Rogen as “Paul”, the film plot focuses on two science fiction geeks who meet an alien with a sarcastic manner and an appetite for alcohol and cigarettes. Together, they help the alien escape…
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