#bob added his gay ass hand on hip of course
rodeoromeo · 6 months
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omg bitch woooork please
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forthehpfanboys · 3 years
Under the Stairs
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Pair: Sirius Black x Reader; he/him.
Summary: Sirius has about 0 control over his hands during dinner. That's about it. Oh, and sex by the stairs.
Warnings: SMUT (MDI), kinky, dirty talk, exhibitionism, kinda and bad writing. If I missed any please dm me.
Notes: It's gay, man. And I am so, so sorry for how long this took. This took so long, I’m sorry.
“Sirius!” You smacked his hand away from your thigh for the fifth time that night. You were just trying to enjoy your dinner surrounded by your friends and family and Mr. Grabby Hands next to you was making it hard to do so. Like, couldn’t you eat in peace? Was that so much to ask for? 
Sure, you missed the animagus more than anyone could understand, but Merlin’s beard, he was exceptionally grabby tonight and it was starting to get on your nerves, especially since Harry was just across the table with his best friend's family. All nine members and then some, but did Sirius care? No, not at all. Did he ever care? Nope. Once, he fucked you against the wall separating your shared room and Lupin's room. He truly held no shame.
“What?” He turned to look at you, his head tilting to the side. “What’s wrong, love? I thought you missed me.” He grinned at your red cheeks. Godric, you wanted to pull on his hair. You tried to act like your trousers’ weren’t just a tiny bit tighter than when you first sat down.
“I missed you, not your left hand.” You hissed out, smacking his hand away again. “There are actual children!” Your eyes darted around the table. No one seemed to notice what was going on between you two, thank Merlin.
Your nostrils flared when Sirius let out a chuckle, his hand running through his fingers before he nodded. You audibly squeaked when he tugged the side of your chair so you were shoulder to shoulder with him. You smacked his chest, hoping he got the gist with a final glare.
“Fine, fine. I got the message. I’ll be good.” Sirius placed his hand on your knee this time, his thumb running along the fabric of your jeans while he engaged in the conversation with his old friend.
You let out a quiet thank you, your head filled with doubt, before going back to eating. You eyed the hand under the table when you felt it shift. He was shifting the ring on his finger so the jewel was in a more comfortable position before it went still again. 
It wasn’t until you were bringing your cup to your lips that you felt the hand move quickly to the space between your legs. You jumped when his palm grinded against your hardening flesh through your jeans, your thighs clamping around the hand. You slammed the cup down, your other hand catching the dribbles of water that escaped. Your head snapped over to him just in time to see him winking at you while raising his own glass to his smirking lips.
The hand that was now free from the glass grabbed his wrist while you wiped your face down. You bit down on your palm when he began to grind against your bulge. Your eyelids fluttered for a second but you snapped out of the state when Harry turned to you, a smile on his lips.
“I’m sorry, what?” Your voice cracked in the middle and you played it off like water went down the wrong pipe with a fake couch. Harry just waved off the excuse and scooted closer, the smile as bright as ever.
“I was just wondering if Hermione, Ron and I could check out a muggle shop in town tomorrow? We really wanna show him other ports besides quidditch.” 
“Quidditch is the only sport that matters!” Ron shouted at Harry, causing you to snicker. You borderline forgot about the hand caressing your dick and the man basically sitting on top of you.
“Sure, if Molly let’s the twins go with you. You need some form of an adult between you there and Hermione needs a break.” You let out a laugh when the twins began to argue with Harry, something over products and quidditch being the only thing that matters and Hermione shouting a loud ‘thank you!!”. Honestly, at this point you were losing your train of thought. The palm against your pelvis was adding pressure, making you bite your tongue. 
“I say, love.. For someone who protested so hard, you sure got hard very quickly.” Sirius’ sultry voice whispered in your ear, causing you to shiver and flush a bright pink. You put a hand on his chest and pushed him back against the spine of the chair.
“Shut it, Black.” You mumbled through a clenched jaw. Your hips jumped forward when his hand slipped into your pants, palming your flesh. Your toes curled against the wooden floor, a needy whine leaving your throat. 
You barely registered when everyone began to say goodnight and flee from the dining room in the same chaotic mass they came in as. Once you heard the last floorboard creak and the last door shut, you let your forehead hit the table, a whimper leaving your lips.
“Finally!” Sirius laughed out, his hand now gripping your cock in your pants, his hand moving slowly up and down. “I thought they’d never go upstairs, didn’t you, love?” He paid special attention to the head, using your pre as lubricant to make it easier. He chuckled louder when a moan escaped your lips.
“Fuck you.” You mumbled into the table cloth, your hands grasping at the wooden table for stability. Fuck, he may have been gone for 12 years, but he still knew your body like the back of his hand.
“Oh, I fully intend on us fucking tonight, doll.” He smirked when you twitched in his hand. He knew how much you loved pet names. “How about we finish this elsewhere, hmm?” 
“But Lupin just went off to bed. I’d rather not get caught tonight.” You gave him the side eye as he pulled his hand away from between your legs and stood up. His eyes glanced down at you, a chuckle causing his shoulders to bounce up and down.
“I never said we’d do it in the bedroom, love.” He offered out his hand, a dirty smirk clear as day across his lips, causing you to blush. He sure did love his sneaky sex. “Of course.. Why would I assume we couldn’t just use a silencing charm and have a grand time behind a locked door.” You grumbled out, taking his hand and standing up. You were even less surprised when Sirius led you away from the dining table and to the living room, swiftly pulling you against him. “But no, we always have to experiment.” You put your hands on his shoulders when he pressed his face into the side of your neck. 
“You know you love being dirty like this, love.” His breath fanned over your neck, leaving you to shudder. He gently led you back against a wall, his hands pressed into your hips. 
“Don’t put words in my mouth.” You whined out, leaning your head to the side allowing the man to pepper open mouthed kisses along your skin. You licked your lips, your mouth dryer than any desert on Earth. 
“I’m not!” Sirius was laughing against your skin, one of his hands traveling south. “I just know how you get, you do have a pretty solid tell.” His hand ran across your bulge, leading your squeak to echo in the dark room. “See, love? This tells me everything.” His mouth worked its way around the front of your throat, licking a warm trail right across your bobbing adam's apple. You tossed your head back against the wall, giving the male more room to ravage you. 
You looked up to see the wall he’d pressed you up against wasn’t much of a wall at all. It was the door belonging to the cupboard under the stairs. If anyone walked down the stairs and bothered to glance down at their feet, or over the railing, they’d see you two easily. It was kinda a turn on. His hand unbuttoned your jeans before pushing them down to the floor. 
“Sirius, come on.” You whined out, your own hands going to unbutton his shirt. You shuddered when he chuckled into your neck. 
“Ok, Ok. I got it, love.” His lips finally met yours in a kiss as your hands pushed the shirt off his shoulders, allowing it to flutter to the floor. His fingers slid under your shirt, his cold hands moved up across your chest before sliding the shirt off your shoulders. Once he’d successfully thrown it across the room, he pressed his lips to yours again, his hands going straight for the underside of your thighs. “Jump.” His raspy voice was back in your ear again.
Once you were sure your arms were wrapped securely around his neck, you jumped up, allowing him to maneuver your legs around his waist. With your ankles locked against his lower back, his hands moved down your thighs and straight to your ass. This man always held back absolutely nothing during your private times together, so of course this time was no different.
Sirius let out a moan when you began to grind against him. To retaliate, he grabbed the elastic of your boxers, pulled it off of your hips and made it snap back against your ass. He ignored your squeak and began to cast a few basic spells- cleansing, maybe stretching- you weren’t sure. All too quickly, he was whispering against your ear again. The stupid tease.
“Don’t tease me, lovie. I will not hesitate to make you scream my name loud enough to make the walls shake.” His hand tugged your boxers down past the swell of your ass, but made sure the top covered you, in case someone did happen to come down. Sirius was risky, but knew literal children were sleeping upstairs. 
He balanced you on his hips with one hand and used the other to tug himself free. He stroked his dick, his tongue gliding across his bottom lip as weak pleasure filled his nerves. Your eyes were automatically drawn to the precum dribbling from the swollen head. At the sight of it, you felt an insatiable itch form in your stomach and a whine left your lips as the white liquid rolled over his fingers and dropped to the floor. 
“Sirius, come ON.” You urged, your hands moving to his long hair. He grinned at how needy you were despite your attitude earlier. He always loved when you’d throw away the pride, the worry, and finally give into him. Sirius gave you a soft peck on the lips and chuckled.
“Alright, pup, alright.” His eyes twinkling with mischief and a quick wink was sent your way. Sirius planted his hands firmly against your ass, spreading your cheeks while mumbling a few spells to prep you. He enjoyed the squeak you made when the lubrication spell kicked in. “It’s cold.”
“No shit.” You griped out, teeth digging into your bottom lip while your heel dug into his lower back, begging Sirius to actually do something. “Babe, I’m wilting like a flower.” You tried to use your legs to tug him forward.
“Aw, I’m sorry, lovie.” He spoke while finally easing into you, and he continued to speak over your moan. “Feels good, huh?” He chuckled, raising a hand to cover your mouth. “Gotta be quiet, darling, or else we’ll have to stop. And you don’t want that right now, do you? We’ve come this far.” Sirius was just teasing you. Such a surprise. 
You grabbed onto his wrist, your eyes almost rolling to the back of your skull when he began to move his hips against you. He couldn’t help but smirk at the whimpers and cries and whines leaving your lips. The wizard was definitely grateful his hand was covering your lips because when he picked a harsh rhythm, and began to rock you higher up the wall with each thrust, your moans raised in volume.
“I do wish you could see how needy you look, stud. It’s breathtaking.” Sirius’ eyes noted how your eyes slowly turned glossy and your cheeks turned hot against his hand. “Absolutely amazing.” He breathed out. He moved his hand to brace the wall allowing him to raise the intensity of your pleasure, but also tuck his head against your neck and trail the skin with kisses. "Try to keep quiet for me, pup."
With that demand, he began to push into you harder and deeper, purposefully dragging a sound out of you despite his demand. You released a whimper loud enough for it to echo in the silent house and his hand smacked against your ass, leaving a louder echo behind. His chest dug into yours, allowing you to feel every shallow breath that left his lungs. It almost felt intimate despite the lustful evening. 
 You bit your tongue, ignoring the taste of iron as you rested your head against his shoulder. With ease thrust, stars were dancing across your vision and your body was sliding higher up the wall. Eventually, you got sick of the taste of your own blood so you sunk your teeth into his shoulder. The sound of skin slapping skin was almost deafening, but the worry about the noise waking anyone was far from the front of your thoughts. 
“You close?” Your voice was rough and crackly, even through the short sentence. You were. Your own cock was throbbing and leaking between your legs, it’s only stimulation being your husband’s stomach rubbing against the underside.
Sirius nodded his head, his hips coming to a stop before he was shifting his arms again. One twisted around your waist, propping you up while the other wrapped around your dripping cock, causing you to toss your head back against the wall with a thud and suddenly you were putty in his hands.
“Oh, shit, Siri.” You bit down on your bottom lip, your back arching off the wall when his thumb grazed the underside of your head. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling at the curled roots as a reflection of his hand dragging up and down your cock. You weren’t sure if it was moaning his name, or your walls twitching around his cock, but he was teetering on the edge.
“Where do you want it?” His hips slowed, allowing you to actually think and to postpone his orgasm. His hand around your leaky dick, however, did not stop. 
“Oh, fuck, in me. We can shower after this.” You let out a weak giggle, your toes flexing behind his back. He raised his head from beside your neck, revealing his dark eyes, mischievous smirk and tongue sticking out.
“I knew you were dirty. Merlin, I love you.” He purred out, his nose booping yours before he picked up the rough pace again. He wanted to see your eyes rolling back, your mouth hanging open and the beads of sweat on your forehead dripping down your skin. It didn’t take long for him to cum inside you, his lips pressing against yours hard enough to bruise. He had to hide his cry of pleasure somehow. 
Your hands moved from his hair, to his cheeks, keeping him close during the kiss. You always loved his kisses. His lips were between soft and firm, and he poured his passion into every single kiss and it just made your heart flutter. His hips lost rhythm before coming to a stop. He pulled from the kiss, but didn’t move far away. Sirius still wanted to see you finish.
“Come on, love. You can do it.” He smiled, his eyes filled with admiration. The marauder’s hand never stopped jerking in rapid motions, quickly bringing you over the edge with a cry. He pressed his lips against yours a second too late. He didn’t stop until you were trying to wiggle away from his moving hand and whimpering against his lips. “Amazing, lovie.” His voice was breathy and soft and amazing.
“Thank you, Siri. You were amazing, too.” Your voice was closer to nonexistent at this point and it filled Sirius with pride. You ran your hand along your forehead, wiping the extra sweat away from your skin.
“Don’t you mean ‘amazing like usual’?” He giggled, kissing your forehead and kinda smushing his cheek against yours, pulling a matching chuckle out of you. He just kinda held you close, cuddling you into the wall.
“Are you two done?”
Both of you looked up at the same time to see Remus leaning against the railing. He looked about the same amount of disappointed as usual. Sirius waved up to his friend, a grin spread across his lips. He pulled out of you and tucked himself away, doing the same to you as he spoke to his friend.
“Oh, hey Moony! How long have you been up?” Sirius set you down gently before wiping his hands off on his jeans. He was still smiling like a teenager coming back from spring break to their best friend.
“Enough time to know you two are disgusting. Go to bed. There are literal children here.” He grumbled, rubbing his eyes as he turned and went back up to his bedroom.
“Oops. I think he’s mad at me.”
“I’m sorry for your loss of his happiness, but can we shower now?”
“Of course, but I’m going to need time to grieve.”
“Do it in the shower.”
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fatbottombucky · 4 years
It’s A Bro-Job!*Chris Evans x Reader*
Summary: Yourself and Chris crash at his place after his big 39th Birthday bash, you’re on the sofa when he confesses to something. You decide to help your “bro” out. 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Male!Reader
Rating: [+18] Explicit 
Warnings: MxM smut, Male oral receiving, anal. Creampie King! No plot, it’s all porn. I literally don’t know where this came from, I had a whole other idea but this... just happened
Word Count: Over 2K
Authors Note: I had a conversation with my friend Dan, how he got with his now boyfriend was because he gave him what he calls a “bro-job”. Don’t ask lol Again, my beta, Honey, REALLY helped a girl out with the smut @peachesnplum​ - Ro
Tagging: I was the anon lol @honeychicanawrites​ @rhyrhy462​ @softboi-vibes​
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You both stumbled through the door, the lights were all off which made it impossible to see or walk without tripping up. You could hear Chris fumbling for the lightswitch, cursing under his breath when he slaps the wall haphazardly a few times. The lights flicker on and you blink at the brightness, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the sudden change of lighting. 
“Make yourself comfortable,” his words are slurred, but he’s not drunk just on the better side of tipsy. 
You both have that buzz. Your bodies are vibrating from the alcohol, plus the music from the venue you were at. The taste of the confetti cake in your mouths and sweat clings to your bodies; dancing, being pressed to so many people at the party. 
Chris always throws the best birthday bashes, that’s just facts. 
His 39th wasn’t an exception either, somehow, this was more wild. So, many people turned up. Women all wanting a dance with Chris, which he humbly accepted with a wicked grin thrown at you- he’s shameless. You’d never hear him brag about the advances, but he wouldn’t hide the absolute prideful smirk he gets when he is flirted with. 
It’s what makes the ending of this birthday so… different. Normally, you’d be his wingman. Granted you’ve never been with a woman before, you’re gay, but you somehow have this charming effect on everyone you meet and it helps ease Evans anxiety knowing if things get awkward you can steer him back on track. 
You originally met his brother, Scott, through Grindr. You met up, had a connection but more so as friends and you haven’t looked back. Five years of being their friend and pining after Chris. 
Tonight, however, Chris left the party with you. He danced and flirted with a few girls, pretty and stunning girls. But he claimed he didn’t find the person to give him that 39th sex experience. 
Whatever that means. 
However, the conversation happening now is something completely different. “Well, how would you know?” You asked with a laugh. “Guys suck dicks better, it’s facts. We know what we like, I’m sure girls are great. Heck, I bet they’re marvellous. Props to women for sucking dick, but guys are just naturals to it.” 
Chris looks at you with disbelief and you look back at him, willing him to challenge you on this argument. “All I said was that, I think, I wouldn’t be good at it.” He reminds you. 
Huh, why were you saying that? 
“I said what I said,” you defend yourself and Chris laughs. “Anyway, why isn’t there a girl giving you a birthday blow-job?” He chokes on the beer he has, coughing as he tries to take a sip when you ask that question. “Stop acting so innocent, Evans. We all know this is your favourite time of year, every girl is suddenly into anal for your birthday.” 
It’s a couple minutes before he has settled, giving you a playful glare. “I don’t know, I wasn’t feeling it from any of the girls at the party. Honestly, I didn’t get any last year either.” 
“Damn,” you mutter with raised eyebrows and Chris shakes his head. “Two years in a row? Chris, there’s a plethora of people willing to do anything, you know that, right?” He nods with a simple shrug. 
“I can’t remember the last time I had my dick sucked,” He admits with a frown, a thoughtful sip of his beer. “Probably, sometime before Endgame began shooting.” 
That’s a...while. Longer than you would’ve expected. Chris is a very attractive guy, you half expect him to have someone on the side. Maybe, not a full time thing but someone he can call up for a bit fun. Yet, almost half a year since he’d done anything. 
That needed to be changed. Pronto. 
“Unconventional offer,” You begin, “but this wouldn’t be my first time giving a bro-job.” 
“A what now?” 
You roll your eyes, “I’m your bro, right? I’ll suck your dick, no questions asked. Don’t make it weird, it’s just a bro doing a favour.” 
The explanation should make him laugh, you hoped anyway. Instead he’s silent, watching you and for a moment you think, maybe, just maybe, you might have offended him. Of course, you’re best friends and this could potentially make things awkward. 
“Okay,” he shrugged nonchalantly and that throws you off now. “Well, you offered.” 
Instead of questioning his willingness you get off of the sofa, settling between his legs but avoiding looking into his eyes, for now. You work on unbuttoning his pants, pulling the zipper down and he helps by lifting his hips as you pull his jeans and briefs down. 
His cock is only half-hard, heavy and dribbling a small amount of pre-cum from the tip. It’s long and girthy, exactly what you expected but a little bigger than you’ve ever taken before. You spit in your palm and wrap the hand around him already slowly working him. He gets harder in your hand as you lick the pre-cum away, it’s a slow process till he’s extremely hard in your grasp. 
That’s when you really begin. 
Once he’s rockhard, you take the tip into your mouth lightly suckling the head. Pulling out the salty pre-cum from the tip, flattening your tongue against the underside of his dick before taking more of him into your wet, hot mouth. A loud groan comes from him, you finally look up and see his head is thrown back. One of his hands holds the back of your head, keeping your mouth on his cock. 
You start to work your mouth down his length, breathing evenly through your nose as you nudge him down your throat. Your gag reflex coming in strong as you have his entire length settled in your mouth, your nose brushing against the trimmed pubic hair he has. 
“Fuck!” he chokes and looks down at you, “swallowed my cock whole, filthy slut.” 
You swallow around his length, throat tightening around his length and he releases a groan. Your jaw aches from having it stretched so wide, so full too. You start to bob your head, practically choking yourself on his cock as you fuck your throat. 
Your own jeans becoming tight around the crotch area, your own cock aching for attention. This isn’t about you, it’s about Chris and you doing him a favour, so you forget about the hardness in your pants and double your efforts. 
Saliva and cum dribbles from the corners of your mouth, slurping and choking sounds coming from your slicked up mouth. Everything about this is dirty and sinful. You’re sucking your friends dick, nothing about this is sweet or innocent. And Chris is enjoying it. 
Hands on your head, his hips lifting to meet your mouth to fuck it generously. He’s panting above you, chest heaving and eyes darkened but not leaving your face. It’s like he’s a different person, not that you minded. If anything this side of Chris is, somehow, in some way hotter to you. 
“Oh, god,” he groans out loudly, eyes rolling into the back of his head, “can I fuck you? Let me fuck you.” He stutters out when you grip his balls. 
You pull off his cock with a slurp and a pop, looking up at him for a moment. A whimper escapes his throat when you’re not around him anymore, a thick string of saliva connects you to his dick and more is dribbling down your chin. 
“You sure?” You asked rubbing at the bulge in your jeans, the thought of getting fucked by him just making you want to explode. 
“Fuck yes.” 
That’s all you need, you’re standing up on shaky legs with achy knees. You button your pants and pull them down, trying to pull your shirt off. It’s a flurry of clothes being removed from the both of you, you look at Chris and allow your eyes to roam over his naked torso. 
But he seems to have other plans, grabbing and pulling you back to the sofa. Your hands clutch the armrest ahead of you, knees spread and ass in the air as Chris has one knee on the sofa and the other leg on the floor. 
He spreads your asscheeks apart, spitting on your quivering hole and you groan at the feeling of it dripping down before it can go anywhere he’s swirling the spit around your tight ring. Fingertips dipping inside of you, you shakily sigh when a finger slips in and he starts to fuck you with it. Adding another finger, your thighs are shaking already just from having his thick digits inside of you. 
“Don’t wanna hurt you, but fuck I just wanna fuck you already.” he admits and your eyes roll into the back of your head when a third finger is scissored inside of you. 
He fingers your ass for a few minutes, spitting to add more lubrication before he eventually pulls his messy fingers from you. Pumping his cock with spit slicked fingers and lining himself up, you feel the fat tip prod your opening. 
Even with the slight prep it’s still on the side of pain when he pops the head in, your hole stretching around him and he sinks in slowly. Hands grip your hips in a bruising embrace, he allows you to adjust once he’s fully settled inside. Your cock is leaking pre-cum and smearing onto his sofa, but neither of you seem to care about it. 
Chris pulls back a couple of inches before slamming back in, you groan and squeeze your eyes shut. His hand slinks up your back and gripping the back of your neck in a tight grip, you know you’re in for the ride of your life. He starts pounding into you, showing little mercy on you. He fucks you with long, hard strokes. The tip of his more than impressive length hitting your prostate everytime. 
You choke on air, your lungs barley filled because he’s fucking the life out of you. His other moves and wraps around your cock, loosely wrapping around it, so that every jolt of his hips has your cock fucking into his hand. 
“Fuck, I’m going to cum.” You admit and bite your lip, feeling your balls tighten and your cock starting to twitch. Chris has the audacity to chuckle darkly at you, every thrust in he grinds his hips so that his cock head brushes against your prostate. 
“Go on then,” he leans his body down, torso against your back and mouth beside your ear. “Cum in my hand because you can’t hold it, can’t even wait for me, can you? So desperate.” 
You groan and start meeting his thrusts, pushing back against him- almost like you were chasing his dick every time it started to withdraw. It’s a few more thrusts and you’re cumming with a shout, spilling over his hand and sofa, it’s hot and sticky but you don’t care. Chris continues to fuck you, wrapping his hand tighter around your cock as you cum. He squeezes and milks your dick of it’s release, you whimper as he continues to stroke your cock even after everything had spilled. 
“Cum inside of me, please.” You look over your shoulder, meeting his eyes and he bites his bottom lip harshly. 
You can tell his close by the way his eyes glaze over, a stuttered groan escaping him when he continues to pound into your overused hole. He pulls up off of you, hands gripping your asscheeks and spreading them so he can watch exactly where his cock slips in and out of you. 
“You want it all inside of you, huh?” He asked with a cock smirk and you nod, unable to form words. “Gonna fill your ass up.” He throws his head back and moans loudly. 
You feel the hot load shoot inside of you, he doesn’t stop fucking you as he cums. Short thrusts and deep thrusts as he continues to cum inside, it feels never ending as load after load is fucked into you. Some of it dribbling around his cock and down your quivering thighs, it’s a few short minutes before he stops and pants for air. 
You hiss when you feel Chris slip his cock from you asshole, his eyes watch your sloppy hole clench around nothing and is puffy from being overworked. He sits back against the sofa, dick now soft but wet and between his legs. He looks over to see you belly down on the sofa, one leg hanging off and on the floor. 
His dick twitches when he sees his cum spilling out of your ass, it’s going to stain his sofa but he doesn’t care right now. You look completely fucked out, but he can feel himself getting up for round two. Briefly wondering if you’d be up for another load in you. 
“How many of those bro favours do you give out?” He asked and he heard you chuckle, your shoulder shaking and pushing yourself up. 
“You’re the birthday boy, however many you want.”
(As a lesbian woman, I need to say, I’ve never had straight sex... I’ve watched gay porn, cause me and my friends LOVE to laugh at porn plots sometimes, so be nice to me... I’m not very adapt with sex stuff (unless its fxf) love you all- Rosalie)
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Can we get Sooga fucking Link in Gerudo armor? Like he just thinks its a pretty little thing in cute clothes??
I. Love this idea. Surprised it us so long to get here tbh. Let's go!
"This is ridiculous.”
“Oh come on, Sooga!”
Kohga had found Sooga to be a bit of a stick in the mug lately, so he commanded both Cil, and another blade master to take him out for a night of fun. So far, Sooga wasn’t having any. They were at a recently made bar, found right at Kara Kara Bazaar. The place was jumping, but Sooga was the only one not having any fun. Clif shrugged.
“If you want to go home and disobey Kohga’s orders, be my guest.”
Sooga mumbled, running his hands through his hair. It was one thing to waste time on something as stupid as drinking, but the fact that they were doing so OUT of disguise, made Sooga EXTREMELY uncomfortable. The third Yiga, a rather foolish one named ‘Von’, chuckled, nudging Sooga by his shoulder.
“Look, NO ONE knows who we are here. We could give them any bullshit name, and just have some drinks.”
“I don’t like either of you seeing my face.”
“it’s why we’re ALL like this! We’re ALL vulnerable out here. Now come on Sooga, ONE drink! Cil, back me up here!”
Cil gave a shrug of his shoulders.
“Kohga DID give us rupees to spend on you. You might as well take up on his generosity.”
Sooga took a deep inhale. He HATED being away from his Kohga. But, this WAS a command, who was he to disobey? 
“Fine, fine. I will have ONE drink, then we’ll go home, and we’ll tell Kohga I had my fun. Fair?”
“Now we’re talking! Yo! drink vai!”
Von waved wildly at some poor waitress (he wasn’t a rude guy, he just liked women a BIT too much), who walked up to them, notebook in hand.
“Listen, we want three Noble pursuits, and make them strong for us, yeah? Our guy here needs to come out of his shell! Right Sooga?”
Sooga turned to him, ready to verbally humiliate him in front of some little vai, when he saw her. She was a vision. A small thing, with hair that reminded him of tabantha wheat, a small, yet sleek body littered in scars, and her eyes. Her eyes were emotionless and blue, like the coldest chunks of ice. Her black, lacy attire covered her face, but with help from the lighting, Sooga could see the shadow of a small, stunning mouth. The vai nodded, making note of the order, before Cil raised his hand up a bit.
“Oh and uh, I want something to eat too. Something to help me get a little less drunk than these idiots.”
The vai nodded, before walking off past the crowd of people. Sooga watched her leave, and found himself fascinated. He never particularly found himself attracted to women (hell, most frightened him), but something about this one...caught his interest. Von seemed to notice this, laughing as he shook his shoulder.
“Wait a minute! You were checking her out! You were checking a LADY out! Holy SHIT!”
“I...was not. I’m gay, what reasoning would I-”
“Maybe you’re bi, Sooga, don’t rule it out!”
Cil threw a napkin at his face, scowling.
“You’re going to suggest he cheat on Master Kohga? Have you no shame?”
“Isn’t Kohga CONSTANTLY fucking someone? Like no slut shaming, but didn’t he JUST fuck Daruk like two weeks ago? If anything, you’re selfish for NOT trying this out.”
Sooga and Cil turned to look at him, but struggling to follow his logic. Von reached over to steal someone’s drink, helping himself before he explained.
“You’re telling me Kohga WOULDN’T want you to explore and find out what you like? If we told him you were acting like a prude again, he’d have ALL of our asses for not doing as he told.”
Von wasn’t very smart, but even Cil and Sooga had to admit; he had a point. Cil sighed.
“I hate to agree with him, since he’s about as smart as a rock under a lake, but the worst you can do is give it a shot. If you don’t like it, oh well, Kohga would surely love a story.”
Sooga never thought about something like this. He had dated a woman back in his teen years, but now? Not really on his mind. But, Kohga always DID implore him to explore, so he nodded.
“Alright, I’ll give it my best shot. Just one question. How the hell do you talk to women?”
Von smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand. Right, these two were gay, and he was pan, course they didn’t know shit about girls.
“Look, I’ll do all the talking for you. I got you covered.”
Just then, the vai walked in. Drinks on a tray, as well as an oily plate of fried eggs on rice. Cil helped himself to his drink and to his bowl, while Von wrapped his hand around her hip.
“Listen, vai, my friend here, thinks you’re super cute. How strong of a chance does he got?”
Sooga threw his hands up in the air.
“Really. THAT’S you ‘getting me covered’?”
“Hey, women like it when you’re honest. So, how about it?”
The woman scanned him up and down, and Sooga was ready for rejection. Only, it didn’t happen. She grabbed a hold of his face, and pressed her lips against his. Even through the fabric of the veil, he could tell she had soft, eager lips. She pulled away after a minute, before using her head to motion him into following her. Von held a big smirk on his face, as if he had accomplished something.
“See! Full proof! now GO!”
Sooga was on his feet before he could understand what was happening. He caught up to her, holding her hand as she guided him to a back room. Sooga peeked into every room, curious. Each room was covered in a thin curtain, not only giving a slight view, but doing nothing to handle the sound. It let him hear all types of moans and cries from men alike. She let go of his hand, motioning for him to stay put, before slipping off into a room. Sooga, bored and curious, peeked into one of the rooms, where the curtain was fully parted. He got to see a Zora absolutely PLOWING into the aft of a Gerudo woman. He had a rather nice...pace. Not that Sooga was noticing.
“That’s it, you can handle one more for me, can’t you?”
The poor woman couldn’t say anything past her pillow. The Zora looked up from her, to him. He was about to apologize, when he watched the fishman cum, right into him, all while making eye contact with Sooga. He chuckled after, giving Sooga a big flash of teeth.
“You like watching, eh big guy? Come in, I’ll give you a better view.”
Sooga was pulled away before he could even think of accepting the offer. He was suddenly thrown onto a nice, soft bed. She closed the curtain behind them, letting just a bit of light poke into the room, but not enough to see important details of her figure. She crawled into the bed, crawling over him. He was about to speak, when she dove into his neck, dragging her lips against his neck. Sooga sat there with his hands in the air, uncertain of what to do. That is, until she grabbed his hands, and put them right on her ass. He took the hint, and did the same thing for her as he did for Kohga. He gripped tightly onto her cute little ass, and she moaned against his skin. 
That sounded so,,,familiar to him, in a way. He was about to ask for her name, when he felt her start to pull off his clothes. He sat up, helping her take off his shirt. Her hands wandered his body hungrily, and he couldn’t help but feel rather flattered by such a hungry touch. He was about to reach for her clothes, before she started to scoot down, pulling down his pants, just enough to reveal his semi hard cock. The hunger in her eyes was immense, and it only added to his arousal. He watched as the veil lightly parted, and she stuffed his head in his mouth. He tensed up a bit, uncertain of what to make out of a foreign mouth on his cock.
“You’ve...done this before, I take it?”
Her eyes looked slightly amused as she continued, slowly bobbing her head up and down on his girth. She was talented at this, what with how her tongue roamed, and her how her hands massaged and rubbed at his balls. He didn’t expect it to feel good. But it really, really did. A stranger sitting there, sucking him off, all while he heard others get off in rooms right next to him. He combed his fingers through his hair, slowly pushing his cock in her pretty little mouth. He got greedy, digging his fingers into her hair, and forcing her to take more. She didn’t mind in the slightest, slobbering all over his cock as it moved back and forth into her warm mouth.
“You like this, don’t you? Satisfied by a stranger’s cock? Didn’t know vai were filthy little creatures.”
At first he thought it was rude, but he saw her eyes. Hazy, lost in the realm of lust. She liked this. He was sitting here, pleasing her mouth with his own eager cock. Then suddenly, she pulled away. He sat there, wet with drool and hard, thinking he was suddenly unwelcomed, when he saw her pull off her pants. She even went so far as to peel off her panties, throwing it in his face. It kept him distracted, at least long enough for her to push her ass against his cock. He was going to tell her to stop, a bit worried about how a woman’s insides would feel, but he acted too slowly. She sank herself onto him, moaning loudly as his cock pushed inside of her. He hissed at the feeling, mainly because such a tiny body felt so tight around his cock.
“S-shit. Don’t...move so fast. Easy does-”
But this vai didn’t like listening. She held onto his thighs, and started to ride him far too quickly. He was ashamed to admit he liked it. Ashamed to admit he liked it enough to hold onto her little hips, helping her ride his cock. Her jewelry jangled as she rode him, and her little lips kept giving him such horny, needy moans. Though the sound...was odd to him. He swore he heard those breathy sighs before, but from where? He didn’t feel like asking though. Not when such a cute little ass was taking him for all he was worth. Granted he preferred absolute dumpers like Kohga’s, but this one was definitely on the cuter end. So cute, he couldn’t help but smack it. She seemed to love it, and like a horse, seemed to go only faster on him. It felt so good, fucking such a cute thing like this. He was going to cum. He was about to pull himself out, but it was too late. He came, pulling her right to his chest, and stuffing her. She mewled and whimpered, even as he pressed his lips against hers to try to silence her. He tore away from her, and saw her eyes, lost in arousal, with mouth open and drooling behind the cloth around her mouth.
“You really do enjoy the touch of another man, don’t you?”
She nodded meekly as his hand wrapped around her pretty throat. He had no idea why, but something in him didn’t want to be gentle to her. He wanted to be rough with her, wanted her to be bruised and stuffed with his semen.
“You could handle a bit more, couldn’t you little vai?”
She nodded, helpless as his grip on her throat only made better.
“I thought so. Lay down for me, right on your stomach. I’m going to show you what a man can do.”
And for the rest of the night, that was EXACTLY what he did.
“Wait. You..and a WOMAN?!”
“P-please don’t be mad...”
Sooga didn’t want to tell Kohga, but he could NOT keep a secret from his master. They were all currently waiting for Zelda and Link (She requested they escort them to some ruins in the desert), and he found now was as good of a time as any. He waited for the backlash, only to hear Kohga laugh.
“Well how about THAT! You like WOMEN now?”
“I’m...not sure. I know I enjoyed it, and I know I was attracted to her, but other women...make me uneasy.”
“Hey, maybe you just have a certain type. Either way, I’m not mad.”
“Course not! You’re getting to know yourself! I can’t say I like women like that at all, but hey, if you do, I support ya in finding out.”
Sooga couldn’t help but smile. Kohga had been helping him discover a lot about himself, and he continued to surprise him.
“I...thank you, Master Kohga. That means very, very much to me.”
“Eh don’t sweat it big guy. Now look alive, we got company!”
Sooga was about to greet their guests, when he saw Link come into view. Hair of wheat, black cloth, and blue, cold eyes. He froze like stone, and Kohga noticed.
“What’s up with you?”
“I...I just now realized-I’m pretty damn sure I’m still gay.”
“The hell you-”
Kohga knew that look. The look of regret, some shame, with even a pinch of arousal. Kohga threw his hands in the air, completely ignoring his guest’s puzzled gazes.
Sooga only had one thing to say. He looked down and Link, and without much regard for manners, spoke.
“Fuck you, Link.”
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marvel-smut · 5 years
Steve Rogers & Tony Stark 18+
✴ Prompt: N/A
✴✴ Warnings: Smut, teasing, gay smut
✴✴ Word Count: 3101 (smut starts a little less than half way through)
✴✴ Notes: This is an AU in which Peter is their adopted son, obviously this is pre endgame
It had been a long day, to say the least. Steve came inside, he slid off his shoes at the door and marched up the stairs and into his room. Tony was down stairs cooking with Peter who is about to head out for a camping trip with his friends. So Tony and Steve have the house all to themselves for a week and a half.
Steve set his shield down in the room, propping it up against the wall before he walked into their closet, pulling out a grey t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. He tossed his dirty suit into a hamper and went to the bathroom to scrub his face clean. The plus side about the suit was despite the sweat he never really got noticeably dirty except his face. So he cleaned off the dirt and went downstairs. He'd take a shower later.
Once he got into the kitchen he came up behind Tony and leaned down to kiss his cheek, then came up to Peter and gave him a tight hug, kissing the side of his head before letting him go. They all fell into the usual go about of things, Tony let Steve take over with cooking, Tony washed dishes as they needed them, and Peter would put away dishes and hand Steve whatever he needed. It was a simple routine honestly. Tony and Steve would discuss their days at the table, Peter would tell them what happened at school that day or the latest gossip
"Are you going to be here for dinner, son?" Tony asked Peter, glancing up with a raised brow quickly before looking down at the nearly empty sink. The angelic boy nodded quickly, setting his phone down and looking at his dad with a smile. "Yes sir I am. I'll have to leave right after though so I wont be able to help out." He explained before he got a text, Peter glanced at it and smiled.
"Actually, Ned said he's ready to leave now if you two are okay with that." He said as he began to stand up. Steve set the spoon he was using to the side and looked up at Peter. "Of course its okay, son. We know where you are, you'll have your suit ready just in case, and we trust Ned. Be sure to keep in touch." He said, Tony nodding behind him.
Peter came up and hugged the both of them, kissing their cheeks before heading upstairs to grab his bags and head out to Neds.
Steve and Tony fell into a comfortable silence before Cap got bored.
"How was your day, Tony?" He asked as he worked on the sauce for spaghetti. Tony dried the last dish and came to prop himself on the counter beside the stove.
"It was really good. I got to talk to Harley today, and Wade too. I saw Natasha while I went to get some groceries." He said with a smile. Steve couldn't help the fond smile as he stepped to the side and leaned forward, quickly kissing Tony's lips. It was supposed to be a simple, gentle kiss.
However, clearly Tony had other plans. When Cap went to pull back Tony grabbed onto his tight shirt, not pulling but just holding him where he was. He attempted to eagerly deepen the already hot kiss but Steve pulled away with a smirk.
Tony gave a childish pout, Steve was the only person who could see him like this. He was relaxed, truly calm. He truly trusted Rogers with his whole heart.
Steve booped his nose and went back to the sauce, stirring it and adding cilantro. "That’s for later Tony, after I've showered." He said quickly as he pulled out two plates and two wine glasses. Tony smiled wide and sat up, clearing his throat and hopping off the counter.
He took the glasses and helped set up the table, then sat in his usual seat right next to Steve's. Said man brought in the pot of pasta and sauce, followed by two bottles of wine. White and red.
Tony took the wine and poured himself a glass of white and Steve a glass of red. Steve plated the dinner and gave a warm smile as he sat down.
Throughout dinner Tony and Steve calmly talked about their day, not saying much but enough to fill the silence. Then the conversation got more bold and flirtatious as the bottles slowly emptied.
"Steve, remember the first time we had sex?" Tony asked, seemingly out of nowhere. Steve almost choked on his food, clearing his throat and turning his head to look at Tony with wide blue eyes.
He regained his composure, putting on his usual charming smile. "Of course I do. It was in your room at your place. I showed up on your doorstep, right after a battle. You were so scared you had no clue what to do I mean hell it was well past midnight and a bleeding Captain America covered in soot and dirt showed up at your doorstep. You pulled me into your bathroom and ran me a bath. I remember being nervous to take my clothes off in front of you. Hell you ended up having to take my pants off for me since they were stuck to my leg." Steve chuckled fondly, shaking his head a bit before sipping his glass and pouring some more and continuing.
"You helped me into the tub, my hand was holding my crotch so you wouldn’t see it while I was getting in. Once I was in the water I relaxed and calmed down while you washed me. You started with my hair, commenting on how soft it was even after all the damage it has taken. Then you washed my face and cleaned all the cuts. You cleaned all of me, making a few naughty jokes to lighten the mood. Then when you dried me off you had me wait on your bed for some clothes. So I sat naked all except for a damp towel on my lap so I didn’t soak your sheets. I remember falling asleep at some point. I had a dream, and it wasn't a pleasant one at all. I woke up clutching your arms, practically screaming. When I saw you I instantly calmed down. You gave me a pair of joggers and we ended up cuddling while watching a movie. Well. One thing led to another. And so yeah." Steve finished quickly, face heating up at the memory of Tony's face as he bounced on Steve's lap.
He jerked out of his brain when he felt Tony reach over and grab his thigh, squeezing it softly before letting go and standing up. Only then did Steve realize that he was completely finished.
Steve suddenly decided he couldn't eat anymore and set his plate in the sink. He put the wine away and chugged his glass down before heading upstairs where he saw Tony go.
Once Steve walked into the room he heard the shower running and saw a little bit of steam coming out. He walked in and saw Tony, brushing his teeth and looking in the mirror. He saw Steve and smiled, "Coming to shower with me, baby?" He asked sweetly, pulling his shirt off before turning around to look at Steve.
Steve smiled and nodded, walking into the hot bathroom and pulling off his shirt. Tony was transfixed on his arms, the way his muscles rippled as he pulled his clothes off. Tony eagerly got on the counter again, smiling at Steve. "Come here sweet heart. I want a kiss." He made grabby hands to Steve, swinging his legs and tilting his head. Steve smirked and stood between them, hands resting on Tony's strong thighs.
They leaned towards each other at the same time, lips meeting in a gentle kiss. Tony’s hand resting on Steve's jaw, pulling him closer whilst Steve’s hands rested on Tony's waist. They pulled each other as close as they could get together, and only paused when Tony pawed at Steve's hips where the joggers still rested. He smirked and hooked his fingers underneath the elastic band, snatching them down over the plump curve of Steve's ass and down his muscular thighs.
As Tony leaned in for another kiss he smirked as their lips brushed. Mumbling a quick "That is America's ass." Before giving it a firm slap and smirking against Steve's soft lips. He felt rather than heard the sharp gasp before he was being lifted up, thankfully he was already naked as Steve carried him into the shower and closed the door.
Steve pressed Tony against the wall, groaning into his mouth as he pressed their hips together. They obviously couldn't get hard nearly as fast as they used to but they enjoyed the steady build up of pleasure. Steve carefully let Tony down before sitting on the cool shower bench and looking at his lover with a smirk.
Tony got the message and dropped to his knees, this was his favourite part. He loved watching and feeling Steve grow as he sucked him off.
Steve's head thunked back against thick glass as Tony took his semi-hard shaft into his hot mouth. His strong hand grabbed Tony's dark hair and led him into a fair paced bob, closing his eyes and letting out the faintest of groans. He wasn’t always a loud person, he would groan but mostly just bite his lip and listen to Tony's moans of pleasure.
Tony smiled as he felt blood rush to Steve's cock, hardening it quickly. Before long Tony had trouble sucking it all, he had to force himself to breathe through his nose and open his throat a bit to allow Steve to be fully sheathed in his mouth.
Every time Tony deep-throated Steve he had the same reaction, he'd always look down to look into Tony's eyes, hips twitching and lip forced between his teeth.
Tony hummed a little and reached up, he continued bobbing his head as he grabbed one of Steve's perk, pink nipples and gently rolled it between his tan fingers, rubbing over the tip of it before squeezing it again.
Steve couldn’t help the surprised moan as his hips jerked towards Tony and his back arched. His thighs were tense as he tried to force himself to breathe properly again and hold back.
Tony pulled up with a satisfying pop before he gave Steve a smirk. "Aw, are these still sensitive dear?" He teased, using both hands to tug and rub at Steve's nipples. He let out a hiss of pleasure and his back arched towards the pleasure again.
Suddenly Steve grabbed Tony’s wrists in one large hand and pressed him against the wall, standing up and pressing their chests together. Tony blushed and looked up at the smirking Steve.
Steve suddenly grabbed Tony's throat with his free hand, giving a firm squeeze that made Tony's legs tremble.
"So, you wanna play games, huh? Then you won’t get this sweet cock in you at all until you apologize and beg for it." Steve practically growled, leaning close to Tony, breathing it into his ear before he let go and quickly moved to turn Tony around.
"Are you going to apologize now my dear?" He asked softly, finger tip grazing down Tony's spine making him shiver and arch his back. He let it trail down to Tony's hole, rubbing against it but not pushing in.
Tony, being the brat he is turned to look back at Steve in his peripheral. "No." He said simply, sticking his tongue out but desperately pushing his hips back against the finger prodding at his hole.
"Fine. I can do this all day baby boy." He smirked and pushed in a long finger, Tony gasped and tensed a little at the shock but relaxed and bit his lip to hide his whimper.
Steve gripped his own aching cock and began to touch himself as he fingered Tony. He added in his second finger and arched it to push directly against Tony's prostate.
The shaking man let out a gasp and pushed back against Steve’s fingers, he replied by pulling them both out entirely. "Apologize. Or I'll leave you like this all night. Dangling on the edge but never once getting to cum." Steve threatened.
Tony gulped down his pride, one hand shooting back to find Steve's and grip his hand tightly. He cracked and closed his eyes, licking his lips before opening his eyes again.
"Okay okay Steve, fuck-Steve... I’m sorry for teasing you about your.. Your nipples being so sensitive I uh-" he had to pause to catch his breath when Steve let go of his own shaft to push two fingers back into Tony's hole.
"You what? Tony. Don't leave it like that." Steve teased, smirking at Tony’s determined look.
"I'm really sorry and please dear god fuck the day lights out of me before I do it myself Steve Jesus Christ I'm practically dripping over here don’t leave me like this please!" Tony begged all in one breath, gasping as Steve curved his strong fingers again and massaged over Tony's prostate.
Tony let out a long moan at the feeling while Steve pushed in a third finger, still rubbing against his prostate.
Tony bit back a whimper as he felt the pressure building up. His breaths were shallow as he suddenly bucked against the cool wall, gasping loudly as the shower sprayed away the sticky wet substance he just released. Steve seemed genuinely appalled at this, but soon he smirked a devilish smirk.
Tony whimpered as Steve continued rubbing against his swollen prostate, "Come on, baby boy. I've made you cum multiple times I know you can do this." He smirked and stood up from where he was kneeled behind Tony. He gave a soft slap to Tony's ass, watching as it jiggled gently.
"Come on Tony, kneel over the bench." He smiled and helped his lover into position. Tony smiled a little as he finally caught his breath and looked back at Steve.
Currently he was rubbing the blunt head of America's cock against his ready hole. Tony groaned and pushed his hips back a little, pushing Steve's fat head into himself.
They both let out a groan, Tony trembling and Steve gripping his hips in an iron hold. Slowly, Steve eased himself into Tony fully. He let out a breath and at the save time Tony began rocking his hips, knocking the wind out of Steve.
After he regained himself Steve gripped Tony's hips tighter and began thrusting, biting his plump lip as he did so. Tony however wasn't silent at all, he let out loud, feminine moans.
Steve gripped Tony's hair and used it as leverage to thrust faster. Tony looked back with a challenge. "I said fuck me Steve not make love to me god dammit! Fuck me like I'm your dirty fucking whore! Give me that cock sir oh good god-" Tony began blabbering nonsense after that because Steve did as he told him to and snapped his hips forward, pushing into him as deep as he could possibly go. His shaft rubbed against Tony's prostate as he thrusted making Tony's legs tremble and threaten to give out so Steve did what any boyfriend would do when giving their lover the best dick they've ever had.
He pulled out and lifted Tony easily, pressing him against the wall and wrapping Tony's legs around him. Steve pushed back in and he swore Tony thought he saw God himself. In this position Tony felt tighter and he felt Steve deeper inside him. His eyes rolled back as he gripped onto Steve, who was thrusting into him at a punishing speed. He leaned forward to bite and suck on Tony's neck, leaving a dark purple bruise on the side.
Tony whimpered softly, his cock throbbing between them. Steve smiled and gripped it, still thrusting as he began to quickly get Tony off, his hips and left arm moving quickly.
Tony let his head fall back as he let out a loud moan, trembling against Steve and digging his nails into Steve's firm back.
Without warning yet again Tony gasped as he came, it shot between them and coated their stomachs and chests, Steve didn't slow down at all. The water from the shower was cold by now but neither one of them cared, Steve held Tony up as he thrusted harder.
Steve felt his balls tighten as he pressed all the way into Tony he let out his first true moan of the night as he came hot and heavy into Tony, they both shivered as they felt it leak out just a bit between Steve's dick and Tony's tight hole. 
Slowly Steve pulled out, groaning and setting Tony down on the bench. He carefully washed him, using a wash cloth and gentle soap that smelled like vanilla.
Steve smirked as he kneeled down to help clean off Tony's thighs but saw he was so stretched it was already leaking out quickly and getting sprayed off the bench. He glanced up at Tony and grinned, leaning forward to gently lick over Tony's stretched hole. He heard the man squeak softly and his hand rest in Steve's hair. He was debating whether to pull Steve closer or push him away.
Sadly he chose the latter, Steve backed off as soon as he felt the gentle pressure on his head and looked up at Tony with a warm smile. "I’m sorry baby, you know sometimes I can hardly help myself." Steve said sweetly, standing up and turning off the water. He grabbed them two towels and began drying Tony off, once he was as dry as he'd get Steve dried himself off and carried Tony into the bedroom. He tossed their wet towels to the side and pulled a tired Tony under the warm blankets.
The shorter man instantly pulled Steve against him to cuddle against his tan chest. Steve wrapped their legs together and laid his head on Tony's shoulder, careful of his chest. He leaned up to quickly kiss Tony’s cheek before settling back down.
"Hey, Steve?" Tony asked after a few seconds.
"...Yeah?" A groggy Steve answered.
"I love you. And your sensitive nipples."
"Go to sleep. Asshole."
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The Secretary of Agriculture
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CHAPTER THREE: Fucking Sec. Perdue
Featuring U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue
I like to keep in shape, so I go to the Washington Athletic Center to workout and to take on a couple of racquetball matches. It was 6:15 a.m. and there were two matches were going on. One of the racquetball courts had a mixed doubles game and on the other was four men playing doubles with one of them catching my interest. He was older, bald, white-haired, southern man that looked familiar to me, so I continued to watched them. He was handsome, in his late 60s or early 70s, but the way he move on the court, you’d swear he was much younger.
After a few minutes of watching, it hit me who he was, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. God, I would do just about anything to snuggle up against his back and slip my thick dick into his ass! THAT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Still, I can fantasize. When they they stopped playing, to my surprise, the Secretary came up to me and asked me to hit a few balls with him.
“Sure you don’t want to rest a bit?” I respond.
“I think it’s really important to keep moving. I want to wear out, not rust out.” The 72-year-old Secretary explained.
That put a smile on my face as we headed to the court.
The game itself. Well, lets just say, I don’t perform well in front of strangers. Honestly, I was too busy watching him than concentrating on the game. Still, I didn’t make a complete fool of myself. I love playing with him and after the match, we chatted for a good fifteen minutes. I tried to be very friendly with him and I must admit that I touch him at every opportunity. You know, on the shoulder, on the arm or pat him on the back.
Anyway, I started getting the idea that maybe the old man was looking at my crotch. Because he would look away quickly whenever I would glance up and catch him looking at me. Well, that only made my dick rock hard. So I quickly tried to position it so that it didn’t show off so much. And when I thought discreetly accomplish that, I looked over and he was smiling at me.
“Sorry, sir… I don’t mean no disrespect.” I told him quickly.
“Nah, I’m glad I was here to see the show.” He said. Then he reached over and offered me his hand. “My name is Sonny. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue.”
“Adrian‘s my name, Mr. Secretary.” I replied.
“I do hope you can forget about what just happened.” I added.
“Don’t worry, Adrian. This is just between the two of us.” Sonny said as I hurried off to the locker room.
Well let me tell you that I took a quick shower and got out of there as fast as I could. I stayed away from the Washington Athletic Center for a few weeks. It wasn’t that I was open about being gay, just did want to hear anything about me hitting on the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Though I did jack off to the thought of that.  
Well, like I said a few weeks had past and I had just finished some business at the capital, when I glanced down the hall. There he stood! He wore a black suit, light blue tie with little tractors on it and shiny black tasseled loafers. Even though it has been 2 weeks since we last saw each other and even then spending maybe a total of 40 minutes together. The old man smiled and winked at me and very discreetly moved his hand down his belly as far as he felt comfortable in that setting. There was moment where I thought I saw a thick budge growing in the secretary’s crotch.
I can’t tell you which of us took the first step toward the other. All I know is that we were suddenly walking toward each other like we were the only ones in the hall. We chatted a bit when he suddenly asked me if I had eaten yet.
“Sure, I haven’t eaten.” I said, “Well, I think this is a first for me.”  
He asked me what was a first and I told him that no one had ever asked me out for lunch before. He laughed and reached over and patted me on the arm. And damn if my dick didn’t rock up. The old man looked between my legs and laughed a gain.
“I see you got that condition again.” He added.
“Well, Sir, I guess you’re the blame.” I said thinking that I might as well be up front and honest with the old man. I just don’t behold dishonest people.
He looked sort of puzzled so I added. “Even time I see you I get a hard on.”
“Thanks. I don’t think any one has ever told me that I affected them in that manner before.” And damn if he didn’t reach over and pat me on the leg again.
We ate at an nearby hotel Restaurant. All I remember about the meal was that I was staring in his blue eyes and by the end of the meal, the mood started to turn sexual.  
“You want to get a room?” The old man said as I felt his leg touch mine. I like the light sexy touch of his knee against my leg. It sent chill bumps down my spine. I couldn’t believe that a powerful man like Sonny was taking a shine to me.
“Of course.” I said and reached under the table and patted him on his leg. Just to touch his leg caused my dick began to throb.
“Let me go first. I’ll get one of my guard to get a room and I’ll meet you by the elevator.” The old man said and then got up from his chair.
I watched as he left the restaurant grinning from ear to ear at what was coming next. I got up after I figured he had time to get the room and quickly followed him out. I found him waiting for me just around the corner by elevator and we both took the next one up to our floor. When we entered his hotel room, we immediately start taking our clothes off. The more clothes he took off the more I knew that he was the perfect man for me. I liked everything about him. His masculine body, his short thick cock, his nice big balls and of course his thick ass.
After we were both naked, we quickly laid down in bed. I rolled onto my left side and leaned my body toward him as he lay on his back. I hiked my right leg up over Sonny’s thigh until my knee made contact with his hand that was on his cock. I ran my hand over his chest, gently pinched both nipples, and then I rubbed my hand down over his belly until my fingers entered into his thick, still dark pubic patch. I raked my fingers though his pubes for several minutes, I was enchanted by the softness, thrilled by the sensation of heat so near by. I lowered my hand on top of his, where I could feel his hand caressing himself beneath.
“Now see what you’re doing to me?” He said.
I propped myself up on his chest to watch as his the thick mushroom head of his cock was poking up over his belly. I watched his dick grow and stretch until the shaft was lying up on his lower belly and his cock head had extended beyond his belly button. I moved my hand down to feel his balls and they felt big and hot under my fingers. I slid my hand up and grasped his throbbing organ and jacked him slowly, savoring the sensation of having one of the largest cock I had ever seen sliding in my palm.
I got down between his legs and went to work on his cock right away, bobbing my head up-and-down while that thick stiff dick entered my mouth. I looked up to watch Sonny: his eyes were closed and his head was lying off to one side, his mouth was open and his tongue was swirling around his lips. He then started running his fingers through my hair as he began to moan and groan uncontrollably. He went a bit berserk for a moment, gasping for air as his arms and hands begin to feel around the bed and around his own chubby body. Suddenly Sonny reached grabbed my head, pulled me up to him and kiss me passionately.
I rolled over onto my back as Sonny sat up and began digging through his overnight bag. Seconds later he was kneeling at the foot of the mattress with a small tube of lube.
“This has come in handy a few times and now I never leave home without it. The old girl gets dry and this makes getting into her a whole lot easier,” he said as he smeared his still rock hard and throbbing cock with it.
“Just lean back like I was and we’ll take our time,” Sonny said, as he slipped a couple of slippery fingers into my ass. He worked it, nice and slow until he was pressing the tips of four fingers past my rose bud. I watched his every move with wonder. He seemed to know just what to do and I trusted him to be gentle. It felt nice, but I wanted more. I reached down and pulled his hand away.
“Please… fuck me now.” I begged.
“Now you just relax. You’ll get it soon enough.“ Sonny said as he leaned back, dropped his cock head down against my gaping ass hole and began to slowly mount me.
"So good," Sonny whimpered as he moved the head completely in and out a few times, but on each re-entry he pushed a little harder and a little deeper.
After about 10 minutes of this he began to pick up the speed a little and I could really feel him filling up my ass with his big cock. He held my legs up by the ankles and with a thrust of his broad hips he dropped his cock into me all the way.
“Fuck!” I hissed, unable to say another word at that moment. I reached up and dug my fingers into his back as he began to pump his thick cock into me.
“Faster. Fuck me harder. HARDER!” I begged as the old man was up my ass.
Sonny shifted his weight and suddenly he was like an engine firing all it’s pistons at once. Now for a man of seventy, that was impressive. Suddenly my hard cock began to spray cum up onto my chest as Sonny continued his final assault. I’ve never had that happen to me before, a testament to what a good fuck Sonny was. He rode me without mercy, hard and deep, pounding his cock into my ass for a good two or three minutes with each thrust feeling better than the last one.
"How’s that? You like that? He asked as he continued wear my ass out.
He kept this pace longer than I thought he could, but he’s had experience. Soon I could hear him getting out of breath and was dripping sweat. He was soon grunting and pounding my ass like a wild animal, fucking me harder and harder as our breathing became heavier. Suddenly, he tense up and then was shooting in me. Each shot was hotter than the last. I was spent from just having the best sex ever and it was from a man of seventy who sure knew what he was doing.
"That… was some good fucking, son. I'm going to find a way to fuck you again. Count on it.” Sonny said as he rolled off of me onto the bed beside me.
Needless to say that was the beginning of a new relationship for me. Over the next several months, Sonny and I met every chance we could to fuck like rabbits.
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seouledbysisi · 5 years
Chapter 2
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Chaeyoung hurried to the mail box. Everyday she was praying that she would hear something from one of her top college choices. She figured college in Seoul probably would never happen but she had to try. At least if she didn't go it wouldn't be from lack of effort. The mail box was empty once again. Weeks had passed since Sapphire and Riley had spoken with the investor and they had the decision to expand. She couldn't let her sister leave without at least trying to get to their dream together. It sounded ludicrous of course, but Korea sounded like a good experience.
Chae ran into the house and noticed her mom at the kitchen island reading something. “Hey mom, bye mom.” She yelled and attempted to run downstairs.
“What the hell is this, Chae?” Her mom stopped her.
Chae could tell she was angry about something. It couldn't be her grades because she was acing everything and she hadn't been in any trouble so she was confused.
“What is what, mom?” She moved closer and noticed the small font reading Hongdae University.
Her mom slammed the packet onto the island. “Why, Chaeyoung? Why the hell would you think it was okay to apply to a college all the way in South Korea? Are you crazy?”
Chae sighed. “I didn't think I would actually hear back from them.”
“So you wasted a application fee for what? A joke?” Her mom was becoming even more angry. “College is not for games. You could've used that money for something else.”
The front door creaked open. Riley could hear the conversation which made her want to bolt back through the door.
“Mom, can't you just be excited at the fact that I actually got accepted?” Chae smiled big as she held the packet close to her heart.
Her mom chuckled a bit. “Why would I be excited when you're not actually going?”
Riley took a deep breath but stayed quiet.
“I am going. I have a scholarship that I can use anywhere. I got accepted to my dream college, I'm going.”
“I am your mother so as long as you live under this roof you will follow my rules and one of those rules is that you're not going to college out of the country. Especially not your first year.”
Chae's eyes began to fill with tears. “Why are you doing this to me, mom? It's not like i'm going there alone. Riley and Sapphire will be there too.”
“You had something to do with this, didn't you?” Their mom looked towards Riley.
Riley stared at the ground for a moment. “I knew she had applied but I didn't coach her to do it.”
“So you didn't coach her against it either did you?”
“Mom, she's about to be 18. You have to let her spread her wings and fly. Who am I to tell her not to follow any dream she has? She's not hurting anyone.”
Her mom's eyes welled with tears. “Why are y'all both leaving me?”
“Mom, we're not leaving you. We're just trying to live our lives. I'll visit as much as possible and we have phones for a reason but don't make her throw this amazing opportunity away. Please!”
Chae grabbed her mom's hands. “Please ma. I really want to go.”
Their mom snatched her hands away. “I've made my decision. You're not going. Riley, I can't stop you but I won't let you take my baby girl and that's the end of it.”
Riley shook her head and mouthed sorry to her little sister.
“I love you for life but I'm going to Hongdae University whether you agree with it or not and that's real. You can't stay mad at me forever.” Chaeyoung spoke honestly.
Her mom simply shook her head and grabbed her keys and left for work.
Riley sighed loudly. “Did you really have to say all of that?”
“Well it's better that she knows now, instead of me just packing and hopping on a plane in a month. I have to get situated there during the summer before fall classes start.” Chae shrugged.
“I know but she's really upset with us.”
Chae patted her back. “She'll get over it especially when she comes to visit and sees the reason why we want to be there so bad.”
“If she ever does visit. She's super mad, sis!” Riley took a deep breath.
A month had passed and the deal with the club promoters had been finalized.
Sapphire and Riley were at the airport getting ready to depart for Seoul.
Chaeyoung's eyes began to well up. “I'm going to miss you. Both of you.”
Sapphire and Riley pulled her into a huge hug. “You'll see us soon!” They both guaranteed.
Riley and Chaeyoung's mom shook her head. “Yeah when y'all come back.” She intervened.
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes a bit. “That's what you think.” She said under her breath with a sly grin.
Riley hugged her sister once more. “Everything will work out, no matter what. Trust me.” She kissed her forehead.
Sapphire squeezed Chaeyoung's hand a bit. “Stop crying, Chae.” She nudged her chin with her knuckle. “We'll see you in Seoul.” She whispered.
Riley embraced her mom. “Please just think it over about Chae. This has been her dream forever, don't make her miss out on it because of your fears. Plus me and Sapphire will be with her every step of the way.”
“Have a safe flight!” Their mom disregarded Riley's last words.
Riley simply sighed and nodded her head as she watched her mother and Chaeyoung walk away.
After a few days of endless unpacking and business meetings they finally had gotten settled in their new apartment in Seoul. It almost felt like home.
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A knock sounded off of the door to their apartment.
“You expecting anyone?” Sapphire asked.
Riley gave her a peculiar look. “I've been here just as long as you have, how would I know anyone?”
Sapphire shrugged and headed for the door. She looked through the peep hole and saw their dark haired business partner, Minho. He was a handsome man who had to be in his later 30s. He was slim and always wore business suits, but that may have been because the only time she or Riley had laid eyes on him was when there was a meeting involved. With his debonair looks it was a shame that he didn't have a wife at home, where ever that was. For all they knew he may have been gay. He never really seemed to show an interest either way, and he never mentioned his life outside of work but it seemed like work was the highlight of his life.
She swung the door open and moved to the side so that he could come inside. “What are you doing here?”
He was wearing a red, black, and grey plaid button down shirt with black casual pants to their surprise. He looked nice when he wasn't overdressed. 
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“I'm taking you ladies out. Get dressed!”
Riley cleared her throat. “Excuse me? This so last minute.”
“Plus, why tonight?” Sapphire asked.
He raised an eyebrow. “It's a Friday night. If you want to beat the competition you have to scope them out.”
“So you want to take us to a club?” Sapphire was a bit confused but she wasn't about to turn down a night of fun.
He nodded. “The HOTTEST club yet. That is until Moonlit in Seoul officially opens.”
“And which club is this?” Riley probed with her hands on her hip. She was all about having fun but they had literally just put away the last box of their things and her body was exhausted from all of the moving.
“Ever heard of Club Aura?” He asked as he made himself comfortable on their couch.
Riley's eyes bulged. “I think I saw a billboard somewhere around here with that name on it. Is it that hot?”
“Get dressed! VIP waits for no one.” He snapped his fingers.
Sapphire's breath got caught in her throat. “We have VIP?”
He nodded and waved them away. They both went to their separate rooms to find something to wear.
About an hour later they emerged from their rightful rooms and Minho was literally shook at how beautiful they looked.
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“Y'all went from sweatpants slouch couture to Goddesses.” Minho exclaimed as he stood up and grabbed his phone. “Pose like the models everyone will think you are tonight.”
They struck poses together and left the apartment to head to the club.
When they finally made their way through the crowd they were escorted by some of the club staff to the VIP section which was huge and their were multiple private areas which were already filled. Minho nodded to a group of guys.
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“Y'all performing tonight?” He asked the men.
Sapphire and Riley barely paid attention to the interaction. They were more intrigued by the aesthetic of the club itself and how alive it was. There wasn't a dry spot in the building, kind of reminded them of how their club was back home but it was refreshing to be on the other side of things this time.
The guy shook Minho's hand and pulled him into a quick hug. “Nah not tonight, we just coolin'. Two dates tonight?”
Minho chuckled a bit. “No it's not like that. We're business partners. They just moved here for a while so I'm welcoming them.”
Riley tuned into the conversation.
“Hey, ladies!” The guy approached closer to them. “You look like my next girlfriend.” He added.
Sapphire giggled. “You must have us mistaken for desperate broads. Nice to meet you though.”
“Chill Loopy.” Minho shook his head with a small laugh. “He's joking I swear.”
Riley stared at this Loopy character for a bit. “You know they say when guys joke all the time they're trying to distract you from the area that they're lacking in.” She winked at him and walked away.
Loopy's smile faded quickly. “She ain't have to hit me like that, strangely I like it.”
Sapphire shook her head and walked to their reserved area as Minho finished his conversation with the guy.
Sapphire bobbed her head to the music as she crossed her leg over the other. She examined the activity of the club and the surroundings.
“Is it just me or has that guy with the tats on his arms been watching you since we got up here?” Riley asked as she discreetly kept her eyes his direction.
Sapphire looked around to see what Riley was going on about. The guy sure enough was staring but he could've been staring at anyone, it was more than just them in the VIP. “Girl, he’s probably looking at those girls shaking their non existent asses over there.” Saph laughed out loud.
“If you say so.” Riley knew better. He hadn't taken his eyes off of Sapphire since Minho's interaction with them started.
Minho sat between them on the couch. “So those guys are rappers, pretty well known and I may have secured you an opening night performer.”
“They any good?” Riley asked honestly. “We need opening night to be the absolute bomb!”
Minho pulled his phone out and showed them a few performances of the crew. “Are they good?”
Sapphire nodded. “Pretty dope. But we need someone for Friday and Saturday so we can sell out both nights.”
“We still have time to find others too, but anyways they're signed to a label called MKIT Rain but they're all solo artists.”
Sapphire and Riley nodded.
“Whose the guy that can't keep his eyes off this one?” Riley asked out of the blue.
Minho looked over to see who she was referring to. “Oh, that's Bad boy loo or in short form just BLOO. He's originally from L.A. I'm surprised you don't know him. His music has a really chill vibe to it. He doesn't talk very much in fact I've never had a real conversation with him that I can recall.”
“Ooh dark and mysterious. You like that don't you, Saph?” Riley messed around.
Sapphire took a sip of her mixed drink. “Seems to me like you like it more than me since you keep talking about him.”
“I'm kidding, I'm sorry. He is cute though.”
“Is he? I hadn't noticed.” Sapphire backfired.
Minho interrupted quickly. “So, do you like the club?”
“I can see why there's so many people here.” Sapphire answered as she walked to the railing and watched the men and women bouncing and jumping to the music.
There was a hip hop artist onstage and the crowd seemed to be very into it. There was no doubt that she had a sick flow even if they couldn't understand half of what she was saying. They had been studying Korean for a while but her flow was really fast so they could only catch bits and pieces of the lyrics.
“Is she really popular?” Riley asked as her toe began to tap against the cream colored flooring.
Minho shrugged. “I've never heard her before tonight but the crowd doesn't seem to mind that she's new.”
Sapphire noticed the Bloo guy light a cigarette from her peripheral which he held between his front teeth.
“I think I'm going to go down there. Wanna come?” She asked.
Minho stood as well. “You're not going alone. I'd feel bad if anything happened to the both of you on my watch.”
Riley grabbed her hand as they walked past Loopy and his crew.
“Leaving so soon?” Loopy begged for their attention.
“We're checking the place out, why do you care so much?” Sapphire raised her eyebrow.
Loopy sized her up from head to toe. “I can't have my eye candy leaving without telling me goodbye.”
“You don't give up do you?” Riley asked with a smirk on her face.
Loopy reached for her hand but Bloo caught it before he could make contact.
“They're obviously not interested like that, just cut it out man.” The smoke steadily escaped his mouth as he spoke.
Sapphire stared at him as he sat back down on the couch and pulled Loopy with him.
“Enjoy your night ladies.” He spoke again and then there was silence.
The ladies descended down the steps to the main floor with Minho in tow behind them.
“It's a miracle, seems like you got Mr. dark and mysterious to talk after all.” Minho added.
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evelonholmwood · 6 years
Interview with The Hound Master
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The Huntress leaned back into the cushioned velvet with either hand draped over the arms of the high-back chair. Pale light filtered in through an expansive window, its radiating moonlight dancing off the ebon locks of hair that pooled around her shoulders. Thin lips curled with the beginnings of a smirk, the cigarette they harbored rolling into the crook of her mischievous grin.
“I ain’ one for interviews,” she drawled, each word oozing from her lips in a thick Gilnean lilt, “Bu’ I s’pose I could stay long ‘nough. ‘Least ‘til I finish m’ smoke.”
Plucking the vice from her smirk, she held it aloft between index and forefinger and waved the inquirer on. “Wot’s i’ ya’d like t’ know?”
1. What is your name?
“I go by a lot o’ different names these days, bu’ nothing suits m’ fancy better than Eve.” 
2. What is your real name?
“Names ‘ave power, mate. If’n my name weren’t already on people’s tongue, I’d be less inclined to tell ya’.” 
The Huntress hunched forward with either arm resting on top a knee, her hands dangling in the center to meet with interlaced digits. A coy eyebrow was raised as an airy laugh spilled from her lips. “Bu’, if’n ya’ mus’ know, m’ real name s’ Evelon Rowan ‘Olmwood.” 
3. Do you know why you were called that?
Eve offered a nonchalant shrug as an initial response, her russet gaze rolling up in contemplation. “S’posin’ cause m’ Mum and Pa ain’ th’ brightest pumpkins in th’ patch an’ theys couldn’t decide on jus’ one name?” 
A canine glimmered in the dim light as her smirk widened, “Bu’ wot do I know? ‘Haps ya’ should ask them ya’self.”
4. Are you single or taken?
Raising her left hand, she gave the gloved digits a wiggle. “Jus’ cause ya’ can’t see a ring don’ mean I ain’ engaged.” 
For a brief moment her features soften as she melts back into her chair, a whimsical smile spreading across her lips with a heavy sigh. “Couldn’ ask fo’ a better man.” 
“A real master in th’ posh’n’becks if’n ya’ know wot I mean?” she added with a sly wink. 
5. Have any abilities or powers?
“M’ a skilled hunter in every aspect of th’ word. I can breed and train a houn’, fire an accurate shot with one eye closed, and track a man down thirty leagues wit’ jus’ a single lock o’ hair.”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
” ‘Ow abou’ ya’ stop bein’ a mardy-arse befo’e I shove m’ boot up ya’ bloody ass?” she quipped. gloved digits drumming against her kneecap with growing impatience. 
7. What’s your eye color?
Evelon pulled down her lower eyelid with the tip of her forefinger, leaning forward with a perked eyebrow. “Ya’ blin’ o’ somethin’?”
8. How about your hair color?
Gloved fingers run through the thick, black locks of hair. “Ya’re jus’ bloody stupid. Ya’ mum still dress ya’?”
9. Have you any family members?
Evelon nudged the hound resting a her feet with the tip of her boot. “S’ me, m’ houn’s, an’ m’ fiance. I don’t need much mo’e family than tha’.” 
Her smirk suddenly dropped with furrowed brows, her lips puckering in a contemplative pout. “Well.. Actually there s’ a group o’-...Ya’ know wot? Nevermin’.”
10. Oh? What about pets?
“I consider m’ houn’s t’ be mo’e like family than pets. ‘Owever, I did get Makis a lovely Calico cat once when ‘e was returnin’ ‘ome from some business trip. Thin’s ol’ as dust by now, though.”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“Well... Firstly, you. Secondly, I ain’ no fan o’ hypocrisy. Leaves a bitter taste in m’ mouth when a man can’t stan’ by his own convictions, ‘specially when shit gets rough. M’ a liar, a cheater, an’ maybe a fool dependin’ on who ya’ ask...Bu’ I ain’ no hypocrite. If’n life s’ one way, than s’ one way. No bloody exceptions.” 
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“Beside th’ obvious shit? Hrm... I guess I enjoy drinkin’ wit’ some decent company, ‘specially over a game o’ cards. Nappin’ through a warm afternoon wit’ m’ houn’s s’ always enjoyable. A good hunt does well for th’ spirits as well. Mmmm. Wot else....? Oh! M’ never one t’ say no t’ a right good argy-bargy!” 
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“ ‘course I ‘ave! An’ if’n anyone tells ya’ different, then they’re a bloody liar. I can hurt ya’ if’n ya’d like a demonstration?”
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Was m’ job t’ hun’ down bastards and collect their heads. Do I regret i’?”
Evelon paused as she bobbed her head with a short hum. “In a few cases, aye. Bu’ in general, I executed the vile th’ Crown was t’ afraid t’ kill. Dirty work, bu’ someone’s got t’ do i’.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“Oof...” she groaned, rubbing the back of her head as she expelled a long, drawn out sigh. “M’ avoid th’ obvious answer an’ say tha’ I’ve been called a Jack-Ass a number o’ times fo’ i’ not t’ be m’ token animal.”
16. Name your worst habits.
Russet hues steal a glance at the burning cigarette held between her fingers. “I ain’ got any bad habi’s...” she quips, her free hand reaching for the metallic flask at her hip. 
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Ya’ ever heard o’ Bruce Alderstone? ‘E was a prized fighter in Gilneas, an’ I’ve admired ‘is style since I was no taller than this ‘ere chair.” 
“Aside from ‘im,” she added, her chin falling into an open palm. “Then perhaps m’ ol’ man.”  
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“Considerin’ m’ engaged, I’ll go wit’ straight.”
19. Do you go to school?
A boisterous laugh filled the room as Eve threw herself back into her chair. “S’ a good one! School... HA!” 
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“K-kids...?” Her laughter was immediately curt short at the presented postulation. A crimson blush coated her cheeks as she absently scratched the scar spanning across the bridge of her nose with an averted gaze. “Erm... Never really thougt m’self as a mother befo’e.”  
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“I better, wot wit’ everythin’ I’ve done!” she chuffed, puffing out her chest. Once more her lips wield their classic smirk. 
22. What are you most afraid of?
"If’n I told ya’, then ya’d use tha’ against me.”
23. What do you usually wear?
Evelon tugs at the crimson fabric coiled around her neck. “M’ scarf, m’ good ol’ boots an’ wotever leathers ain’ already drenched in sweat.”
24. Do you love someone?
“I do. Very, very much.” With a nonchalant shrug she adds,“ ‘E’s m’ everythin’.”  
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“Eh...” The Huntress clicked her tongue before heaving a sigh, once more a digit reaching up to pick at her scar. “S’ an embarrassin’ story tha’ I’d rather save fo’ another day.” 
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“M’ cigarette s’ burnin’ low.”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
"M’ my own class.” 
28. How many friends do you have?
"I don’ make frien’s. I make connections an’ contacts, bu’ not frien’s. Too much o’ a hassle.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
"I don’t ‘ave much o’ a sweet tooth.”
30. Favorite drink?
Evelon held up her flask in response, swishing around its contents with an enticing waggle. “Spiced rum out o’ a metallic flask on a hot, summer evein’. Tastes best when s’ got a bit o’ age t’ i’.” 
31. What’s your favorite place?
“Right beside m’ family’s ol’ hearth wit’ th’ fire goin’.” Raising her flask, she offered a silent toast. “Really miss tha’ cottage an’ all th’ memories i’ had.” 
32. Are you interested in someone?
“M’ fiance...?” Her brows furrowed as she canted her head, “Wot kind o’ question s’ tha’?”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“Ya’ tell me ya’s an’ I’ll tell ya’ mine.”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“Fook th’ ocean! Ya’ ain’ ever sure wot’s swimmin’ in those depths. If’n I had t’ choose betwixt th’ two, i’d be a lake.��� 
35. What’s your type?
“Mmmmm... M’ type? Huh. Never been asked tha’ one.” Gloved digits intertwine themselves in ebon locks, twisting the strands of hair with an absent smile. “Guess pretty boys are m’ guilty pleasure.”
36. Any fetishes?
The Huntress cackled in response, her russet gaze drifting to look out the window. “Wouldn’t ya’ like t’ know?”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“Changes from time t’ time.” “Particularly wit’ th’ moon phases,” she added, darting her gaze back to her inquirer with a toothy grin.
38. Camping or indoors?
"I prefer t’ sleep ou’doors, bu’ m’ fiance begs t’ differ.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
The burn-out butt of the cigarette was plucked from her lips and flicked at her inquirer. “I’ s’ done.” 
40. Now it’s over! 
“Now fuck off.”
Tag 3 people I will tag as many as I want.
@magemakis @josiehastings @odessii-dragonblade @ashes-black @armont @mr-mammon @gillettemoorcroft @ailsaeverwood @the-1890s-runaway And whoever else would like to do it!!! 
Thanks to @ilephine @drustvar-dragonfly and @redeemed-gunslinger for the tag! <3 <3 <3 
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oh-beyond · 7 years
Sweat AU - One shot [M]
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Suho liked to go to the gym which made him sweaty… I hated it, but I learn that I was wrong…
Suho x reader
Warning: Smut +18
A/N: OK so I am OCD myself, so don’t be bashing me about this one, I think for Suho I might put my anxiety aside...
Birthday feels, happy 26th birthday bunny prince.
“But I told you I could shower there, and you say you don’t like it”
“How can you shower in the gym? All the germs and god knows who used it before”
“But then if I don’t shower there of course I stink, what do you want me to do? Build a shower in the backyard so you don’t get disturbed when I come back home?”
“I didn’t say that Junmyeon. But don’t kiss me when you are dripping sweat, I told you I can’t stand it”
And that is how it went. My relationship with Junmyeon couldn’t be better, everything was perfect. Everything except that he liked to go to the gym too often and I can’t stand the smell of sweat and how sticky he looks when he comes back. It’s beyond me...
Today was his birthday and I was planning something really big for him, I will make extra special... but not just yet.
He wakes me up with a light kiss on my forehead, his feather-like kiss is everything I look forward every morning. Even today that it was his birthday and I was supposed to wake him up with a kiss. He’s done it again.
Being perfect.
“I have late shift today Jun, let me sleep”
“I’ll prepare us breakfast”
He was unbelievable, he was going to make breakfast on his birthday... how lucky was I?
I washed my face and comb my hair and I go downstairs following the fresh bread smell. He even had time to cycle to the bakery and get my favourite pumpkin seed bread.
I sit down and frown when I see that he is again sweaty, he comes over and gives me a kiss on my cheek, I wipe it immediately.
“Junmyeon~~~ don’t touch me when you sweat! OMG like why can’t you memorise this?”
“Sorry baby you just look so inviting and I w-”
“Don’t touch me!” I continued, he watched me as I kept nagging “why can’t you respect my freaking anxious ass? You have no consideration, I told you like a thousand times. Like I don’t even comment on the socks you leave next to the dresser, or the mess you make when you shave. This is not a joke!”
Junmyeon sat down in silence taking a slice of bread “I’m sorry”
Maybe I went a bit overboard, especially as it was his birthday. I mean he’s been doing great and in fairness my anxiety has lessened ever since we had gotten together. 
I did exaggerate, because Junmyeon was one of the most considerate people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. And he was my boyfriend and he loved me and respected me and never questioned or made fun of me.
He was too patient and he loved me too much.
Junmyeon went to work that day a bit too quietly, he did shower and give me my goodbye kiss but he was off. I know it will be perfect when I surprise him today when he comes back home.
Nothing to worry about.
It was already 4 pm and he didn’t call, Junmyeon usually called during his lunch break but today he didn’t. So I decided in calling him instead.
“Hey baby!”
“Why didn’t you call me all day?”
“I’m sorry, they surprised me today at work, so we went to have lunch out”
They had surprised him for his birthday... that birthday that you didn’t acknowledge yet.
Perfect, the more upset he gets the better surprise he will receive.
“Alright don’t be late tho”
“I won’t, I love you”
Candles, petals all over the floor and on the silk sheets, a pretty sexy babydoll, one of those he loved that you were too lazy to wear. Makeup smoky and red lipstick like he liked. And the ponytail that drove him crazy because he loved pulling you from it... everything for him today.
I crossed your legs and looked at your watch. It was already 7 pm and there was no sign of Junmyeon’s car.
Where was he?
“Yes?” he replied panting.
“Where are you?”
“I am at the gym”
“Why? You didn’t say you would go today”
“I just ate too much cake, just burning some calories”
“You are so obsessed with them calories, have you seen your body? You would need you whole body weight in cake to gain weight, a piece of cake won-”
“Yeah yeah, I’m fucking obsessed with my perfect body, just as fucking obsessed with your fucking bathroom and good smell and fuck”
Who was this?
Perhaps he was upset and it never showed... too much, I had to come up with a solution.
“Come over... pretty please?”
“Yeah in an hour or so”
He terminated the call while I was still talking. 
I put on a hoodie over my lingerie and a pair of sweatpants as fast as you could and drove to the gym. It was deserted, not a soul. But I still looked out of place with all the heavy makeup. There was a group of girls that that looked like they finished their session that shot me some gazes questioning my looks for working out.
I looked around and there he was, on the treadmill, running like there was no tomorrow, wearing a sleeveless blue T, sweat all over, his hair wet and his frown visible.
“Goddamnit, look at him, he is gorgeous, ugh, oh I’d like to taste that sweat”
I heard one of the girls say as they all stared at my boyfriend eating him up with their hungry eyes.
“I wouldn’t mind that and give him some stress relieve, he looks like he needs to unwind, release some. Oh I’d gladly take him all”
I couldn’t keep listening, but I wanted to keep listening? 
I stood there also looking at my boyfriend, the sweat did give him a special look tho in all fairness. He glowed, he was sexy. 
And he was all mine.
Just when I was about to head to talk to him one of the girls went before me. She leaned on the handrail making Junmyeon take off his earphones, slowing the speed.
“Can I help you?”
“Perhaps I could help you pretty boy” she said turning off the treadmill completely.
“Excuse me?”
She moved and joined him on the treadmill “looks like you could use some stress relive. I just know what exactly you might need”
“Is this a club now? Get down I need to finish”
“Oh I’ll get down if that is what you want”
“Alright I’m not interested”
He pushed her away and placed his towel over his shoulders, he walked passed me as I fixed my baseball cap for him not to recognise me.
“Fuck! He must be gay!” announced the girl to her friends.
“Or taken, have you thought about that?”
“Let me discover that, you know no one resists these bad boys” she said confidentially fixing her sports bra.
I follow her ready to punch her pretty shaped ass that looked perfect on those leggings, she just simply goes inside the men’s changing room unhesitantly.
I hear Junmyeon exclaim.
“This is the men’s- oh- wait, what the fuck?”
Sounded serious. I opened the door slowly to see Junmyeon pinned to the lockers.
“It’s a pity to wash off all this sweat”
“Really? First time someone tells me something like this”
Panic run through your system... why wasn’t Junmyeon pushing her away now?
“Well then they are blind because boy you look so fine”
“Is this the appropriate place to approach a guy this way tho?”
“Let’s take a shower together so you can tell me all about this not being appreciated, and how to approach a guy and where” she said as she run her hands down his forearms.
I needed to see this, I wanted to see how far he’d go but I just couldn’t, my feet moved forward opening the door slamming it to the tiled wall, causing the unfortunate tile that came in contact with the door handle to crack.
I took off my baseball cap and crossed my arms over my chest leaning on one leg, my hip moving to the side. I bit the inside of my cheek and eyed this bitch head to toe.
Junmyeon was taken aback, he pressed himself further to the lockers, my appearance must of been comic because this slut was giggling to herself.
“Baby!?” he stuttered.
“Oh you are taken!” “Move your hands off my man if you want to keep that pretty hair”
“I’m not interested in guys that are taken” she stated “but you might wanna take better care of him” she added before taking her leave.
Once we were alone I looked at Junmyeon again, his hands pressed on the locker, his expression still as if he’s just been caught in headlights.
I moved forward scanning his face, I was so close, almost touching his sweaty body, my anxiety levels were on edge, he did smell and I was upset, my stomach churned. But then I saw it, the other side to all this.
My eyes traveled to his jaw and his chin, there was a droplet of sweat dangling, I still don’t know how my hand went all the way to his chin wiping the droplet with my thumb.
“Baby!” he said eyes wide open.
“Shhh, bad birthday boys don’t get to talk” I whisper, my voice coming out the sluttiest I’ve ever spoken in my entire life.
He just admired how I’m rubbing the sweat between my thumb and forefinger, he was amused by it.
He can’t recognise me, also he thinks he’s in trouble, but all this mess can work in his favour after all.
“You do smell... you stink actually, I don’t get it, you shower so much but you still stick”
“Baby, let’s go home, I’m sorry, but believe me nothing happened, she was eyeing me since I came, herself and her friends and I ne-”
“So you knew that there was a group of girls checking you out and what do you do?” I ask trapping him between my arms as my hands rested on the lockers.
“I ignored them”
My eyes travel from his face to his neck and Adams apple that was bobbing nervously, I heard him swallow and it did turn me on, my anger suddenly replaced by a throbbing between my legs.
I detach myself and tilt my head to keep looking at his body, his drenched sleeveless t-shirt, his forearms that were shiny, his torso and the the t-shirt that gave away too much.
“And what’s with all the heavy makeup? And that lipstick? I never seen you wear red lipstick that dark?”
My eyes meet his again and I unzip my hoodie painfully slow, his ears seem to move almost at the sound of the zipper expectant. It’s halfway open and my hands move the hoodie to the sides, making him see preview of what he was going to get.
“It’s your birthday, and this was going to be one of your presents, but you decided to come to the gym instead” 
Junmyoen gulps again, eyebrows knitting, throwing his head to the locker making a big sound as his head hit the metal door.
“Baby? Are you upset?”
I look around and find the showers “take shower” I order.
“Yes here” he nods and smiles. 
I surprise him by walking behind him.
“Where are you going?”
“To the handicap shower, that is where you are going to shower. And that is where I am going to watch you shower”
My voice. It affects him, I see him tremble as if icy cold air just hit him. He can’t deal with what is happening right now, but my authoritative tone is making him lose his shit.
He takes his gym bag and heads towards the handicap shower, I enter behind him and I have to admit that the place looks decent enough, it even smells like good cleaning products that disguise his sweat odour. This might be easier than what I thought it would.
I lean on the tiled wall and watch how he rids himself from his drenched t-shirt. Oh but one thing was Junmyeon’s torso, and one different thing was Junmyeon’s torso after working out, and hell yes did I have a hot perfect boyfriend or what? I was even learning to like the filthy sticky look.
He was about to pull his shorts down but he raised his head to meet with eyes. I already had my lower lip between my teeth and he knew I was ready to scream his name.
“Baby... this is awkward for me”
“Remove and shower” I demand pointing at his lower body.
He was being so obedient, the most I’ve seen him.
I liked it.
He finally was naked, he didn’t give me the view of his front but his butt cheeks were enough, his back muscles coming to life and he raised his arms to lather the shampoo on his hair.
Ughr, no I can’t, I just can’t. Why can’t I? I mean I’ve seen him naked so many times? Why was this affecting me this much.
I needed friction.
I found myself unzipping my hoodie and pulling my sweats out of the way, I turned off the water while his face was still full of soap.
“Baby- oh-” he moans when he feels my body pressed against his.
I wipe the soap out of his face and kiss him, he is taken by surprise and he just receives the kiss like the good boy he is. He parts his lips and lets me deepen the kiss, all while his hands were to his sides.
I break the kiss panting, I want more, I want Junmyeon.
“Baby? Your lingerie will get ruined, and we are in a public bathroom”
“Rip the fucking lingerie and I don’t care where we are” I say bluntly as I play with his hardening member.
“Holly fuck what happened to you? I’m still all sweaty”
“I don’t care, Junmyeon, I want you” I add stroking him faster.
“Your makeup... is that a mole you drew on your upper lip?”
“Yes to match yours, so you know what yours does to me”
He didn’t add anything to that but I felt his hand inside my thong, cupping my ass before pulling it down. Once it was pooling over my feet he lifts me up and slams me to the cold tiled wall. I moan at the contact on my back, my legs find his waist and I wrap them around him. Next thing I feel is his tip at my clit rubbing finally getting the friction I needed all while his teeth sink in my collarbones.
“How are you so naughty today baby?”
“Inside, now! Do it!”
He wastes no time and he is inside. Finally. He ponds fast an in an erratic manner, the unusual place and my change in behaviour must of done something new to him because he is too hot, he is pounding in me like he’s never done before, he has me seeing stars while I scream his name.
“You like that baby? Rough and dirty like this?”
“Jun~~~ angh~~~ yes”
The tiled surrounding made my voice sound 10 times louder and it was doing wonders to Junmyeon, he lasted and lasted, shamelessly not caring if anyone heard by now.
When I reached my high my legs felt heavy and my body limp, I was catching my breath when finally Junmyeon released with one last hard thrust that felt that hit my brain. He took ownership of my lips sucking hard bringing me closer to him as my legs finally hit the floor.
“Fucking hot, you will drive me crazy one day, I can’t control myself around you”
“That was by far the best”
“Must be the sweat baby”
“Happy birthday Myeonnie, let’s go home I still have many things to show you”
“More that this?”
“There’s a cake that needs to be tasted, and there ain’t no plates” I touch his abdomen and I already see his member twitching again “I thought your chest is a good place to put some cake” 
“Oh babygirl, let’s get home”
A/N: I am Suho’s personal dumpster, I am his trash and he owns my soul... like full ownership...
Thanks for reading.
Happy birthday velvety peachy bunny.
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rparchiveblogxoxo · 7 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like klaine, seblaine, huntbastian, kinn, kunter, and kurtbastian.
Stranger: Bas, I need advice.-H
You: Alright... -S
Stranger: (delayed) When did you realize that you were into guys?-H
You: Holy shit. -S
Stranger: What?-H
You: Please tell me this is really happening. I've known it was coming. -S
Stranger: Yes. Actually happening. I'm asking about advice cause I'm thinking I might be into guys.-H
You: Amazing. -S Well, I mean, what's making you think you might be into guys? -S
Stranger: There's just the one guy in particular, and I can't stop thinking about him. He's perfect.-H
You: Is he hot? -S
Stranger: Yeah.-H
You: Tell me about him. -S
Stranger: I met him during rehearsal. With his ridiculously green eyes, and cocky attitude. He's perfect. He's the reason I started going to watch lacrosse games.-H
You: ... You should hook up with him. -S
Stranger: You think so?-H
You: Mhm. -S
Stranger: And how would I suggest something like that?-H
You: Just be straightforward about it. -S
Stranger: Just send him a text that says 'I want you to fuck me'?-H
You: Sure. -S
Stranger: (A few moments later)I want you to fuck me.-H
You: Gladly. -S
Stranger: Your dorm or mine?-H
You: Mine. Unless you've got lube and shit ready at yours. -S
Stranger: Alright. I'll be there soon.-H
You: Mhm. See you. -S
Stranger: Hunter was a little nervous when he headed to Sebastian's dorm. Sure, he'd had a thing for Sebastian for a while, but he'd not even kissed a guy. He knocked on his door with a smile.
You: Sebastian got up from his bed when he heard the knock, a little bit surprised by the turn of the conversation but pleased that Hunter wanted him to be his first gay experience. He opened up the door, giving him a smile. "Hey, you."
Stranger: Hunter smiled a little. "Hi." He said sheepishly, as he followed him inside and closed the doo. "So uhm how do we start this?"
You: "For starters, you relax," Sebastian said with a soft chuckle. "This'll be no fun if you're tense, alright?" He moved over to get onto the bed, gesturing for Hunter to join him.
Stranger: Hunter took a deep breath, and tried his best to relax. He sat down on the bed next to him. "Alright. I'm not tense."
You: "Sure, sure," Sebastian said, shrugging. He moved closer to Hunter, leaning in and kissing him.
Stranger: Hunter kissed him back without hesitation. He wasn't aware that kissing Sebastian would feel this good.
You: Sebastian smirked into the kiss as he felt Hunter immediately kissing him back, slowly deepening it.
Stranger: Hunter practically melted against his lips. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian, pulling him close.
You: Sebastian hummed softly, letting his hand slide over Hunter's side, slipping underneath his shirt.
Stranger: Hunter was having to keep himself from tensing up when he felt Sebastian's hand on his skin. He just focused on how good it felt.
You: Sebastian pulled back from the kiss for a moment as he nudged Hunter's shirt up, looking down at him with a small smirk.
Stranger: "W-Want me to take it off?" He asked with a slight smile.
You: "Of course," Sebastian said, chuckling softly and sitting back to watch him.
Stranger: Hunter lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. He flexed a little bit, just wanting to show off a little.
You: Sebastian chuckled softly, grinning as he looked Hunter over with a soft hum. "Not too bad, Clarington."
Stranger: Hunter smiled and blushed a little bit. "Thanks Bas "
You: "I suppose I ought to return the favor," Sebastian said with a soft hum, pulling his own shirt off and setting it aside.
Stranger: Hunter smirked a little. "You look even better than I imagined." He admitted.
You: Sebastian chuckled softly. "You know I work out a lot," he said.
Stranger: Hunter nodded and ran his hand down Sebastian's chest and kissed him again.
You: Sebastian moved back in close to him again, kissing him back and nudging him to lay back against the bed.
Stranger: Hunter did exactly like Sebastian was directing him, and laid back on the bed.
You: Sebastian eventually started to move down, kissing Hunter's jaw and then his neck.
Stranger: Hunter bit his lip with a slight smirk, trying not to moan.
You: Sebastian hummed as he continued to move lower, peppering kisses over Hunter's chest before he reached his waist, his hands coming to undo his pants.
Stranger: Hunter just watched him with a smirk, enjoying the feeling of Sebastian's lips on his skin. "You're amazing." He whispered.
You: Sebastian hummed softly, looking up with him with a smirk. "And we're just getting started."
Stranger: Hunter nodded and helped get his belt undone.
You: Sebastian tapped Hunter's hip to get him to lift them, tugging his pants and underwear down together.
Stranger: Hunter lifted his hips with a grin. He blushed a bit when he was left completely naked and exposed to Sebastian.
You: Sebastian looked down at Hunter, smirking as he wrapped his hand around Hunter's cock. "Impressive."
Stranger: Hunter smirked and finally got truly relaxed. "Thanks."
You: Sebastian smirked at Hunter before bringing his lips to wrap around the head of Hunter's cock.
Stranger: Hunter groaned a bit. He wasn't aware how good this would feel.
You: Sebastian looked up at him as he took him in deeper, starting to bob his head.
Stranger: Hunter's eyes practically rolled back. He'd thought about this for so long. "Fuck, your mouth is perfect Smythe."
You: Sebastian looked up at him, not stopping to say anything in reply, just humming, sending vibrations through his cock.
Stranger: Hunter's hands gripped the sheet underneath him, quickly becoming a moaning mess.
You: Sebastian pulled back after a little bit longer, looking down at him with a smirk.
Stranger: "That was. Wow..." He said with his eyes closed.
You: Sebastian chuckled softly, moving back up his body to kiss him. "Just you wait."
Stranger: Hunter kissed him back with a smirk. "Mhm it'll be perfect."
You: "I'll admit, I'm a little surprised you wanted to bottom for your first go. But I'm certainly not complaining," he said with a soft hum.
Stranger: Hunter shrugged a little. "Yeah, well every time I jerked off imagining it, it was you fucking me."
You: "Should've been fucking yourself," Sebastian said with a soft chuckle, leaning over to pull a tube of lube out of the drawer beside his bed.
Stranger: Hunter blushed a bit. "Mhm. You're sweet Bas." He muttered with a grin.
You: "Sweet isn't the first word I'd use, but sure," Sebastian said with a soft chuckle.
Stranger: Hunter smiled and looked up at him. "Why are you still wearing pants?" He asked with a smirk.
You: Sebastian chuckled softly. "Good question," he said, standing up for a moment in order to shed his pants and boxers before getting back onto the bed. "There. We're even."
Stranger: Hunter bit his lip and just stayed silent to admire Sebastian's body.
You: Sebastian chuckled, smirking down at him. "Like what you see?"
Stranger: Hunter nodded happily. "Yeah. Definitely."
You: "Glad to hear it," Sebastian said, his hand lazily stroking his cock. "I'd hate to be a disappointment."
Stranger: Hunter shook his head. "Bas ,your body is just, damn. I'm surprised more people don't just casually ask to fuck you."
You: "Well, some do," Sebastian pointed out with a soft laugh, leaning down to kiss him.
Stranger: Hunter happily kissed him back and ran his hand down Sebastian's chest, till he started to cautiously stroke Sebastian's cock.
You: Sebastian let out a soft groan at the touch, looking down to watch him. "C'mon. Just like you're touching yourself."
Stranger: Hunter nodded and started touching Sebastian the same way he would himself.
You: Sebastian moaned softly, closing his eyes for a moment.
Stranger: Hunter smirked, just hearing the noises he was making. He started gently kissing Sebastian's neck.
You: Sebastian tilted his head slightly to make room for him, looking down at him.
Stranger: Hunter was finally completely relaxed, just enjoying getting to touch Sebastian.
You: Eventually, Sebastian nudged Hunter's hand away. "C'mon, let's get to the good part."
Stranger: Hunter nodded and pulled himself away. "Alright gladly."
You: "So, listen, have you ever put anything up your ass before?" Sebastian asked.
Stranger: "A couple fingers, other than that, no." Hi Terry answered sheepishly.
You: "Well, that's better than nothing," Sebastian said, taking the lube and coating his fingers.
Stranger: Hunter took a deep breath, just making sure that he was relaxed, knowing that he needed to be relaxed for this.
You: Sebastian moved his hand down, rubbing his fingertip over Hunter's entrance before slowly starting to press a finger inside of him.
Stranger: Hunter had to bite his lip. He'd been drunk last time he tried this. He just tried his best to stay relax.
You: Sebastian moved to lean in, kissing Hunter as he moved his finger deeper inside of him.
Stranger: Hunter focused on kissing him to distract himself from the pain as Sebastian went deeper.
You: "Tell me if you need me to stop or anything," Sebastian mumbled against his lips as he gradually slipped in another finger.
Stranger: Hunter nodded a little and kept kissing him. "Just keep doing what you're doing."
You: "Alright, alright," Sebastian said, kissing him against as he continued to finger him.
Stranger: Hunter deepened the kiss as the pain quickly turned into pleasure.
You: Sebastian added another finger, shifting his hand and letting his fingertips brush against Hunter's prostate.
Stranger: Hunter groaned louder and kissed him deeper. He couldn't believe how amazing it felt.
You: Sebastian groaned softly, pulling back just slightly. "Feel good, babe?" he breathed out against Hunter's lips.
Stranger: Hunter nodded happily, with his eyes closed. "You're just. Fuck me."
You: "Yeah? You're ready?" Sebastian asked, pulling his hand back.
Stranger: Hunter nodded with a smirk. "Yeah. I am."
You: "Mhm. Perfect," Sebastian said, grabbing a condom and putting it on, lubing up his cock. "Is this position good for you?"
Stranger: Hunter nodded and looked up at him. "Perfect."
You: Sebastian nodded, nudging Hunter's legs apart and settling between them, one hand resting on his hip as he started to enter him.
Stranger: Hunter spread his legs a bit so Sebastian could come between them. He smirked when he felt Sebastian start.
You: Sebastian looked down to watch Hunter as he slowly entered him, stopping for a moment when he was fully buried inside of him.
Stranger: Hunter closed his eyes with a smirk. "Fuck this is better than I thought it would be."
You: "Mm, yeah?" Sebastian asked with a small smirk, leaning down and kissing him. "Glad to hear it."
Stranger: Hunter kissed him back happily and ran his hands down Sebastian's back.
You: Sebastian started to move his hips in slow thrusts, groaning in pleasure.
Stranger: Hunter groaned a little and just enjoyed the feeling of Sebastian fucking him
You: "You're crazy fucking tight," Sebastian mumbled, gradually picking up the pace.
Stranger: Hunter nodded. "Yeah, cause you're the first person to fuck me."
You: "Mhm... it's been a while since I've fucked someone practically a virgin," Sebastian said.
Stranger: Hunter blushed a little. "You're the first person I've ever had sex with." He admitted awkwardly.
You: "At all? Ever?" Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow, his hips stilling for a moment.
Stranger: Hunter nodded a little and blushed.
You: "Well fuck, alright," Sebastian said, kissing him again.
Stranger: Hunter went back to kissing him, hoping he hadn't made it awkward.
You: "Should've told me. I would've tried to make this more special or something," he said against his lips, starting to move his hips again.
Stranger: Hunter shook his head. "Seb I've thought about being close to you since the first day in Warblers. This is special." He whispered and kissed him gently.
You: "Still. I could've, fuck, lit some candles or something," Sebastian said with a small shrug, kissing him back.
Stranger: "Yeah, but as nervous as I was I probably would've ended up knocking it over and setting something on fire." Hunter joked.
You: Sebastian let out a slightly breathy laugh. "Mm, fair. Nothing too close to the bed."
Stranger: Hunter kissed him a little bit roughly. "Besides,there's always next time."
You: "Counting on a next time, hm?" Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow.
Stranger: "Well less counting on, more hoping for." He whispered.
You: Sebastian nodded, kissing him again. "Well, we'll see," he teased.
Stranger: Hunter kept kissing him while Sebastian kept moving his hips.
You: Sebastian picked back up the pace, starting to thrust into him harder and faster.
Stranger: Hunter quickly became a moaning mess underneath him,as Sebastian's pace increased.
You: Sebastian kissed Hunter's neck as he fucked him, his hands roaming over his skin.
Stranger: Hunter groaned, and his hands ran all over Sebastian's back. "Fuck Bas I'm close.."
You: Sebastian just groaned in response, moving his hand to stroke Hunter's cock.
Stranger: Hunter groaned louder and quickly came at Sebastian's slightest touch.
You: Sebastian groaned, thrusting into him a few more times before he came as well.
Stranger: Hunter was catching his breath as he felt Sebastian finish as well. "That was..Wow."
You: "Yeah, it was," Sebastian said with a soft chuckle, pulling out of him and getting rid of the condom before settling down beside him.
Stranger: Hunter smirked and laid beside him. "Thank you." He wasn't sure if that was what he was supposed to say, but he went with it.
You: "You're welcome," Sebastian said, laughing softly and wrapping an arm around him.
Stranger: Hunter laid his head on Hunter's chest. "Now I see why everyone always says sex is so great."
You: Sebastian let out a soft laugh. "Of course. Orgasms are the best."
Stranger: Hunter nodded. "Yeah, I know, but that was so much better than jerking off."
You: "Mm. Yeah, it's always better when someone else does it for you," Sebastian said, humming.
Stranger: Hunter tilted his head to look in his eyes. "Yeah, and you were amazing."
You: "Mm, yeah... I like to think so," Sebastian said, grinning.
Stranger: Hunter closed his eyes. "Mhm. Yeah you are." He snuggles closer to him. "Is it cool if I sleep here?"
You: Sebastian chuckled softly. "I feel like it would make you feel incredibly cheap if I kicked you out after taking your virginity," he pointed out.
Stranger: Hunter chuckled a little. "Yeah I know, but I also know your reputation for one night stands."
You: "Mm, true. I'll make an exception for you," Sebastian said, pulling the blanket over them.
Stranger: Hunter grinned and gently kissed his chest. "Aw good to know my ass was that good."
You: Sebastian let out a soft laugh, rolling his eyes fondly. "Yeah, your ass was pretty alright."
Stranger: Hunter chuckled. "Well you're the first person to fuck me, so you'd be the judge."
You: "Mhm... I'll be sure to give you a good review for future suitors," Sebastian said, humming.
Stranger: Hunter laughed and hurried his head against his chest. "Please don't review my ass unless someone asks."
You: Sebastian chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Nope, I have to. It's only right."
Stranger: Hunter blushed furiously. "Please don't go into Warblers proclaiming I'm a good fuck."
You: "But what if any of them were thinking about fucking you, babe?" Sebastian asked, rubbing Hunter's back.
Stranger: "Okay, fine if they want to fuck me then sure."
You: "I'm sure they'd want to. You're pretty damn hot," Sebastian said.
Stranger: Hunter blushed. "You're not so bad yourself Smythe."
You: "Oh, I know," Sebastian said with a grin, chuckling.
Stranger: Hunter traced every fine line of Sebastian's chest with his fingertips. "It amazes me really. You're amazing, stunning, and snarky. How is no one in love with you?"
You: Sebastian chuckled softly at his words, shaking his head. "Because I don't let anybody close enough to."
Stranger: Hunter bit his lip. "That's a shame."
You: Sebastian shrugged. "I get by."
Stranger: Hunter smiled a little. "Trust me, being in love is a great, but terrifying feeling."
You: "Well, maybe I'll feel it eventually," Sebastian said with a small smile, shrugging.
Stranger: Hunter rested against his chest. "I hope you do. It's great."
You: "Mhm. Well, we'll see," Sebastian said, running his fingers through Hunter's hair.
Stranger: Hunter practically melted into his touch. "This is nice." He whispered.
You: Sebastian chuckled softly, nodding. "What can I say? I'm full service," he hummed.
Stranger: Hunter grinned and leaned up to kiss him gently. "You're perfect."
You: "Mm, I'm not so bad, yeah," Sebastian said with a soft chuckle.
Stranger: Hunter happily laid close to him and closed his eyes. "I'm gonna head to sleep, I go running every morning."
You: "Alright," Sebastian said, looking at him for a moment before closing his eyes as well. "Goodnight."
Stranger: Hunter happily fell asleep, and woke up the next morning at 6 sharp to his phone alarm. He was trying to get up without waking Sebastian.
You: Sebastian grumbled softly as Hunter moved beside him, still mostly asleep, his arms tightening around him.
Stranger: Hunter bit his lip. He figured he could skip his run once. He smiled and cut off the alarm and curled back up in Sebastian's arms. "I love you." He whispered almost inaudibly.
You: Sebastian let out a soft breath as Hunter curled back up into him, mumbling something incoherent as he relaxed back against him.
Stranger: Hunter knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. He just laid there against Sebastian's chest, enjoying the gentle rise and fall.
You: After a few more hours, Sebastian woke up slowly, yawning and opening his eyes, looking over at Hunter and blinking in surprise.
Stranger: Hunter was gently rubbing circles with his thumb against Sebastian's shoulder. "What?"
You: "You're still here," Sebastian said, stretching out before settling back down against him. "Wasn't expecting that."
Stranger: Hunter shrugged a little. "Yeah, I tried to leave for my run,but you apparently wanted to keep me here, so I stayed. You muttered something, and then I almost fell back asleep."
You: "Oh," Sebastian said, letting out a soft laugh. "Guess I'm a bit of a clinger in my sleep."
Stranger: Hunter shook his head. "Yeah, but I actually kind of like the clingy you."
You: Sebastian chuckled softly and shook his head. "Don't get too used to it."
Stranger: Hunter nodded a little. "Alright. Besides, the sleepy, barely awake incoherent clingy you is adorable." He whispered.
You: "Mhm, well, I'm glad that you enjoyed it," Sebastian said with a soft chuckle.
Stranger: "One thing still puzzled me though."
You: "What might that be?" Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow.
Stranger: "While you were a little bit awake, I said something to you, but I couldn't understand the rest of what you said.." he admitted.
You: "Well, what did you say to me?" Sebastian asked, shrugging.
Stranger: Hunter bit his lip. ,"I said I love you." He admitted awkwardly.
You: Sebastian blinked in surprise, furrowing his brow. "Oh. Huh."
Stranger: Hunter bit his lip and his against his chest. "Yeah.."
You: "So I probably was saying it back," Sebastian said, shrugging.
Stranger: "Thought you didn't feel it." He whispered
You: "I could. Given time," Sebastian said.
Stranger: "Would you be interested in giving us that time?" Hunter asked and grabbed his hand.
You: "I don't know. Maybe. Yeah," Sebastian said, nodding slightly.
Stranger: "Really?" he asked hopefully.
You: "Yeah, really," Sebastian said with a small smile.
Stranger: Hunter grinned and kissed him gently. "So what does this make us?"
You: "Fuck, I don't know. We're us," he said, shrugging.
Stranger: Hunter looked at him curiously. "Can I call you my boyfriend?"
You: "I... If you want to, yeah," he said.
Stranger: Hunter nodded and held his hand. "This is so worth missing my daily run.'
You: Sebastian chuckled softly. "Something tells me you'll be missing a few of those runs."
Stranger: "Or push it from 6 to 8 and coax my adorable sleepy boyfriend to come running with me." Hunter countered.
You: "Why would I put myself through that?" Sebastian asked with a soft chuckle.
Stranger: "My ass in shorts and the promise is smoothies or coffee after." Hi e said.
Stranger has disconnected.
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