pleasejustignore · 7 months
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My bestie has NPD and I'm a Bipolar mess. So we show solidarity thru memes.
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Also this one was made by frien
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healinglilia · 8 months
when the summer hypomania is slowly turning into a depressive episode but it's the end of august and you just know you're going to be sad and tired for the next 8 months until april comes and starts the cycle again
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notabipolarbear · 3 months
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Less than a year and both of our cats have passed away. I feel empty and sad today. I ate some kiwi 🥝 that was nice and had pizza express with a good friend and partner. I still feel down and eating helps. I need to make sure it’s healthy stuff though. Although, I’ve been eating like a pig and still been losing weight… who knows eh… I have a week to myself starting tomorrow. My partner is going back to wales for a week.. I think it’ll be relaxing then boring after a few days lol
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lithiumjunkiie · 1 year
i really feel like a danger to myself and others right about now.
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nerddddthing · 10 months
Being hypomanic and accomplishing nothing has to be the most annoyingly worst thing ever
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stopwarsimscared · 2 months
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Psychotherapy is good for you. Psychotherapy is good for you, even if after that, you come home just to cry, cry, cry
Scream at the top of your lungs, cry out all the tears that are left in you, and then - try once again to love yourself
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barcodeboyz · 2 months
If one more thing goes wrong tonight I’m either gonna have an autistic meltdown, a bipolar meltdown, or both
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jojou2 · 10 months
اضطراب ثنائي القطب **bipolardisorder** 📌 الاضطراب ثنائي القطب ليس حالة مزاجية عابرة 📌 الاكتئاب ليس الشعور بالحزن فقط 📌 نوبة الهوس ليست الشعور بالسعادة ببساطة 📌 الأشخاص المصابين باضطرابات ثنائي القطب ليسو أشخاص غير مستقرين، ومتقلبي المزاج فقط 📌 اضطراب ثنائي القطب هو مشكلة نفسية، تتسم بتقلبات شديدة جداً في المزاج حيث يشعر الشخص بالاكتئاب ويشعرون بالاكتئاب حيناً وبالسعادة المفرطة حيناً آخر مما يؤثر على علاقاتهم العائلية والاجتماعية والعملية، وقد لا يتمكن بعضهم من الحفاظ على علاقات اجتماعية طبيعية أو الاستمرار طويلاً في عملهم مما يزيد الأمر سوءاً 📌 اضطراب ثنائي القطب يمكن أن يؤذي الصحة الجسدية فتقلبات النوم واضطرابات الطعام المرافقة قد تكون شديدة ومزعجة، كما أن الاكتئاب الشديد يمكن أن يدفع المريض إلى الإدمان أو الانتحار ◀◀◀ تذكر أن الدعم الأسري جيد ومهم وفعال لكنه لا يكفي، فالمرض النفسي بحاجة لعلاج
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amrielsapphia · 6 months
More bad news
My fault
I am sitting here willing my heart to stop
For my body to give out for good rather than just tormenting me
I can't do this anymore
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pleasejustignore · 7 months
You know I really wish people would talk about the psycosis that comes with bipolar disorder more often. Because it fuckin SUCKS.
And apparently a great deal of bipolar people do experience psycosis in some capacity. Probably because people think more hallucinations then delusions, but either or both count.
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saigonreviewvn · 5 months
Tìm đến các địa chỉ khám, chữa rối loạn lưỡng cực ở TPHCM uy tín sẽ là một trong những yếu tố tiên quyết giúp bạn phát hiện nhanh và điều trị kịp thời căn bệnh tâm lý nguy hiểm này. Trong bài viết lần này, hãy cùng Sài Gòn Review tìm hiểu thông tin về 10 gợi ý trung tâm, bệnh viện, phòng khám có dịch vụ chẩn đoán và chữa trị rối loạn lưỡng cực tại Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh tốt nhất.
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notabipolarbear · 8 months
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Forgot to say I went to comic con and dressed up as a hobbit with my mum! It was great!! We saw elijah wood from a distance. We waved at him and he waved back, he liked our costumes 😊 made me so happy 😊 I applied for that job I mentioned in my last post. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. We'll see what happens!! It's 1:42am right now, I should be asleep.
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hypomanicdaydream · 6 months
I wish I could be more open about having bipolar disorder.
I wish it would make people understand.
I'm not stumbling over my words for fun. I take medication that evens my moods, but at the cost of my brain taking like 30 seconds to load before I can speak coherently. And if I don't let it, nonsense comes out.
I'm sorry about that. I can be mildly offensive when I can't get my words out right. And then, because Bipolar disorder is like 60% mood disorder and 40% embarrassment and anxiety, I sit there thinking about how I could have said it if my brain didn't take half a minute to buffer.
But nobody would understand that if I told them. All they would hear is "bipolar" which equates to "crazy" which equates to "dangerous," and nobody wants that.
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writtenwrong · 10 months
Stabilizing the Element
or Even our atoms need each other
When atoms are far apart, they attract each other. This attraction is stronger for some kinds of atoms than others. At the same time, the heat, or kinetic energy, of atoms makes them always move. If the attraction is strong enough, relative to the amount of heat, atoms will form a solid. If the attraction is weaker, they will form a liquid, and if it is even weaker, they will form a gas. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
It's the hot Central Valley summer of the second long distance, the second hand ticking away uncountable minutes, the seconding of everyone in my orbit that I am not quite interesting enough to really bond with. No one said it first, but I am pitifully made aware that I cannot be created nor destroyed, only transmuted transfixed and transformed, the ever unstable element on the table for discussion.
Chemical bonds are the strongest kinds of attraction between atoms. The movement of electrons explains all chemical bonds. Atoms usually bond with each other in a way that fills or empties their outer electron shell. The most reactive elements have an almost full or almost empty outer shell. Atoms with a full outer shell, called noble gases, do not usually form bonds. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
I do not understand my parents, well off and independent of one another. How do you breathe the same oxygen every night and remain unmoved? I cannot help but react and I reach, desperate to fill myself, desperate to fill others, to give and receive. But in this hot Central Valley summer I grasp only air.
There are three main kinds of bonds: ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and metallic bonds.
In an ionic bond, one atom gives electrons to another atom. Each atom becomes an ion: an atom or group of atoms with a positive or negative charge. The positive ion (which has lost electrons) is called a cation; it is usually a metal. The negative ion (which has gained electrons) is called an anion; it is usually a nonmetal. Ionic bonding usually results in a regular network, or crystal, of ions held together. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
I had forgotten what it was like to live on the affluent side of town, to not see people starving, to not have people all around who are unstable, reactive. Knowing they are still here, still reacting, only kept out of this sterile lab environment through aggressive sanitizing of unwanted elements to avoid cross contamination, I am not comforted by comforts. I am lonely.
In a covalent bond, two atoms share electrons. This usually happens when both atoms are nonmetals. Covalent bonds often form molecules, ranging in size from two atoms to many more. They can also form large networks, such as glass or graphite. The number of bonds that an atom makes (its valency) is usually the number of electrons needed to fill its outer electron shell. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
Board games and conversations on the street corner spread conversations far and wide, and everything belongs to everyone on that street corner for the day. I meet a man who asks me if I want a cigarette while beating me thoroughly at chess, a woman who has a little dog wearing a sweater in better condition than her own, a guy who watches each tournament and pulls at his sleeves, someone is writing resources on the community board.
In a metallic bond, electrons travel freely between many metal atoms. Any number of atoms can bond this way. Metals conduct electric current because electric charge can easily flow through them. Atoms in metals can move past each other, so it is easy to bend, stretch, and change the shape of metals. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
Remember the weeks of watching for news of Seattle's community? Of parsing through hyperbole and lies for glimmers of a people committed to radical restructuring? Remember what it felt like to wonder if this was the beginning of something significant? I remember changing and stretching into something new, something I thought was stable but could not have been more reactive. Maybe that isn't a bad thing.
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Some of the most common neurological disorders include:
Stroke: A stroke is a sudden loss of brain function caused by a blood clot or bleeding in the brain.
Multiple sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease that affects the central nervous system. It is characterized by inflammation and damage to the myelin sheath, which is a protective layer that surrounds nerve fibers.
Visit: https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/neurology/
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