#binary division
mitebmusics · 6 months
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allcalculator · 1 year
A Brief Overview Of Binary Calculator: What Are The Basic Binary Operations? 
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If you talk about a Binary number, it is a number expressed as the base 2 of the numeral system. The binary number system uses two numbers, 0 and 1. The binary number system has positional notation as a radix with a base of 2. A bit is called a single binary digit. 
These days, like all computers, use the binary system so you can use All Calculator.net's Binary Calculator. For example, a decimal is six and can be expressed as 110. Like arithmetic operations, binary operations consist of subtraction, addition, division and multiplication. 
What are the basic Arithmetic Binary operations? 
Commonly, binary numbers are known as numbers with a base of 2. It includes only two digits, such as 0 and 1. These digits of 0 and 1 are called the thread of bits which indicate the two logic states as 'on' and 'off'. Binary numbers can convert into decimal numbers and back and forth. There are mainly four arithmetic operations in the binary system:
Binary Addition: The core base of All Calculator.net's Binary Calculator is a binary addition. It works the same as a decimal addition. It has four key rules 0+0 = 0, 0+1 = 1, 1+0 =1 and 1+1 = 0, carrying 1 to the next bit. 
Binary Subtraction: It executes in two ways, like the complement method wherein you have to replace subtrahend with the two complements and performs a binary addition. The other way is the 'borrow method', similar to the decimal subtraction procedure. 
Binary Multiplication: It is the same as long decimal multiplication based on binary addition. It has four main rules like 0*0 = 0, 0*1 = 0, 1*0 = 0 and 1*1 = 1. 
Binary division: It follows the process of long decimal division. The binary division includes binary subtraction and multiplication steps. Beginning from the left, it is performed once the dividends digit divides with the divisor. 
You can perform the calculations using All Calculator.net's Binary Calculator to get accurate and error-free results. It provides you with correct outputs in a fraction of a second. Use it today and see the difference! 
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marveltournaments · 6 months
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thebluestbluewords · 10 months
I think about so much stupid omegaverse worldbuilding all the time and sometimes I can’t keep it all in my brain anymore, so:
Celia, as it turns out, is an alpha. 
"I'm not sorry about it," the tiny child who is living in Evie's house says. "I refuse to let you box me in based on your preconceived notions about what a female alpha is supposed to look like." 
Evie reaches up to rest her fingers on the bridge of her nose, in a gesture that is both incredibly patient, and a victory in and of itself. Evie's mother never allowed her to touch her face, and that fact that she's comfortable doing so now is a win. 
Mal would never be happy that her girlfriend is exasperated, but it is funny. Objectively. 
"I know that," Evie says, oh-so-patiently. "We are not trying to stifle your self-expression, Celia." 
Celia props her fists on her skinny hips. She's been in Auradon for all of two months, and she's already put on a bit of much-needed weight. She's still skinny as a rail, but her sister Freddie has been in Auradon for close to two years, and she's also built as tall and thin as their father.  The Facilier girls don't look much like each other, but they both look like their dad, in their own ways. 
"Well, it sure feels like it." Celia says, all of fourteen and angry about it. 
Evie stares her down. "We are not. I promise you, on my mother's life, we are not trying to stifle you. We don't like it any more than you do, but there are certain expectations here in Auradon about what an alpha does. I know it's stupid, and you can know that it's stupid, but you are not allowed to join the men's wrestling team just because they added a line to their poster about accepting men and alphas." 
"You'd let Mal join." Celia grumbles. “She’s an alpha and not a boy and you’d let her do it.”
Evie lifts one delicate eyebrow at her. "I don't let Mal do anything. She does what she wants, and damn any consequences. But you, my child, are a minor who has been entrusted by the kingdom of Auradon into my care, and part of that trust is that I actually have to care for you." 
"If you really cared, you'd like me beat up the boys." 
"Celia," Evie says patiently. "Sweetheart. Can you be honest with me for a second?" 
"I'm always honest." Celia lies sweetly, through a deeply insincere expression of innocence. 
"Great. Fine. Now that we've established that nobody is lying," Evie says, turning towards Mal as she says this, so that she's well aware she's included here as well, "I am going to ask you a question. Do you really want to join the men's wrestling team, or do you just want to beat up some Auradon idiots?" 
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lvicevlk · 6 months
MLC questions because my memory is failing me
A) Does anyone know if there was ever an in story reason given for why Di Feisheng doesn't kill women?
B) I vaguely recall seeing/hearing that Di Feisheng was also poisoned in the battle 10 years back but I can't recall where or when I did, can anyone point me in that direction?
C) I cannot for the life of me remember if we were given any information at all about the third of the Three Kings. Did I just completely blank on this or did they really give us nothing?
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vizthedatum · 1 year
Happy International Women’s Day!! Trans women are women. I’m not a woman. I love you. Y’all deserve respect. Thanks!! 💕
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hazelcephalopod · 9 months
I saw some one say that Rafe Judkins -or someone- said that “souls aren’t gendered” in the adaptions. Now that alone I’m alright with. Tbh I don’t have souls being gendered but it’s an understandable change. And then I saw that the assumption is that which side of the source you channel is based on biological sex. And I hate that orders of amplitude higher. Like. Plz no do not do replace the already kinda bs bioessentialism with even worse bioessentialism. Hopefully that was just that commenters own assumption and does not happen.
Like… this for me is that “No Fear > One Fear” meme. Except I utterly despise the idea.
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biracy · 1 year
Can't rlly think of a good way 2 word this n I'm not trying to stir any pot but like can we stop acting like "allo gays" are "closer to the norm"
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memwazz · 11 months
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Hail my unsufferable genderfluid technopath bitch!
Ginger (he/she/they) is the leader of The Purge, a team of self-proclaimed superheroes who hate the 7th Division and basically... kill people. He's extremely intelligent and has a hiiiigh opinion of themselves, thinking he's a genius brought to life to save the world. So yeah pretty much identifies as a genius more than anything else
Also he's mean and abusive as fuck so let's boo her--
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eldesperadont · 2 years
– Are you thinking of transitioning to heavyweight, as Shingo Takagi and Will Ospreay did shortly after their first G1s?
Phantasmo: Right now, I’m just under 200lbs (90kg). So I’m heavier than I’ve ever been. But I’ve always felt the junior and heavyweight split is pretty stupid. I have more size than guys like Finlay, or Zack Sabre Jr. So I think I’ve been big enough physically, but my style has been better suited in the junior division.
– So in theory you could do both.
Phantasmo: I don’t know if I’m interested in moving up, or staying junior heavyweight. I’m the essence of what the Openweight championships should be in my opinion. Everyone always talks about it, but I think merging the two divisions is a realistic goal for me.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 month
David Tennant saying to transphobes and other bigots: "Fuck off and let people be!" ❤ 😊
David Tennant at the Angels, Demons and Doctors con in Germany, 5.5.2024 (from mandlebougie tiktok <3)
Fan question: I wanted to ask about like, maybe your relationship with like, gender and like, expression like masculinity and femininity. Because I've always noticed, like, even before you and Georgia became more like, vocal about trans rights, that you're always like, not afraid to show like, femininity. And that inspires me to embrace it too, though I'm a bit traumatised by it because I'm trans. I wonder, like, how has that changed over the years, if changed at all? Because I remember also reading something about, like, you in the nineties also being like, not afraid to become gay or something. Yeah. So I wonder, like, in now this environment with like more trans allyship and stuff, like, has that for you personally changed at all?
David: I don't know if it changed that is... I've hopefully learned as that, as that community has found ways of defining itself and has provided a sort of, you know, when I was a kid, the idea of being non binary wasn't something that existed, it wasn't a concept. And I've seen that emerge and people able to express themselves through that and it only ever seems positive as far as I can see. And I think that the kindof the weaponisation of trans rights, gay rights, well, actually, when I was a teenager, I remember gay rights being weaponized politically and that always felt ugly and nasty. And now we look back on that 30 years later and those people are clearly on the wrong side of history. And now there's a sort of similar weaponization of these topics being taken by mostly the right wing or a certain section of society trying to create friction and conflict and division where it needn't be, where it's just about people being themselves and not, you know, you don't need to be bothered about it. Fuck off and let people be! You know, it's just... it's that sense of just wanting people to be allowed to exist. And I think that they're, you know, that there are now ways of expressing gender, identity, sexuality that are more nuanced than they once were. And that only seems to be positive. If that helps people to know who they are and say who theyare and communicate to the world who they are. So why... I mean, my sense of that is that is all just we have to be..., you know, we're.. that's just common sense, really.
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batboyblog · 11 days
What Joe Biden has Done for LGBTQ+ People
I wanted to list out everything The Biden Administration has done for Queer people in the last 3 and a half years, but according to GLAAD it'd been 337 moves (and I noticed they missed a few things...) there was just no way to list every ground breaking first Queer person ever nominated to fill this or that job, every ally with a historic LGBT rights record nominated for a top job, every beautiful statement of support, every time he tried to get Congress to pass the Equality Act (support it!) So I've gone through and done my best to pick the ones I think were the most important, but everyone should check out the full list!
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Day 1: Signs executive orders banning discrimination and ordering a full review of all federal agencies policies to better include and support LGBT people
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Pete Buttigieg becomes the first openly gay person nominated and confirmed for a cabinet level post as Secretary of Transportation
Revokes Trump’s 2018 ban on transgender military personnel
Department of Housing and Urban Development implements LGBTQ protections in housing, becoming first federal agency to implement Pres. Biden’s executive order
First President to recognize and proclaim Trans Day of Visibility
Department of Justice Civil Rights Division issues an official memo that the Supreme Court's Bostock decision against LGBT workplace discrimination also applies to education through Title IX
HUD withdraws a Trump Administration proposed rule change, and reaffirms trans people's rights to seek shelters matching their gender identity
HHS announces the withdrawal of Trump Administration rules that allowed discrimination by healthcare organizations against LGBT people.
The State Department and later Homeland Security announce babies born to Queer couples overseas will be American citizens if one parent is American, in the past the child only qualified if they were genetically related to the American citizen parent.
The Justice Department files against a West Virginia law banning trans students from school athletics
Department of Veterans Affairs announces it will offer gender confirming surgery for transgender veterans. There are an estimated 134,000 transgender veterans in the U.S. and another 15,000 transgender people serving in the armed forces.
President Biden Signs a law making the Pulse Night Club a national memorial
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The State Department creates an X gender marker for passports and other documents, allowing gender affirming identification for non-binary and intersex people for the first time.
The Census Bureau for the first time issues a Survey with questions about sexual orientation and gender identity
On the 10th anniversary of the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Veterans Administration announces that soldiers discharged for homosexual conduct, gender identity or HIV status qualify for veterans' benefits
Dr. Rachel Levine becomes the first trans person confirmed by the US Senate when she was nominated to be Assistant Secretary for Health, she also became the first trans flag rank officer when she was sworn in as a 4 star Admiral for her job as head of the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, his makes her the highest ranked trans person in government
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Holds the first ever vigil in the White House for Transgender Day of Remembrance
HHS announces rule change to reinstate and expand protections against discrimination in the Affordable Care Act, including denying coverage for gender-affirming care.
Social Security Administration reverses a Trump Administration policy and allows benefits claims by surviving partners in same-sex relationships, whose partner died before marriage equality was legal
President Biden signs the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (a bill he helped originally craft in the Senate) which for the first time has grant programs dedicated to expanding and developing initiatives specifically for LGBTQ survivors of domestic violence
The TSA announces new technology and policy shifts to improve the customer experience of transgender travelers who have previously been required to undergo additional screening due to alarms in sensitive areas.
The Social Security Administration allows people to edit their gender and name on records for the first time without legal and medical documentation
The US Air Force announces it'll offer medical and legal aid to any personnel families affected by state level anti-trans youth bills.
Karine Jean-Pierre becomes the first Lesbian to serve as White House Press Secretary
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on 50th anniversary of Title IX The Department of Ed strengthens protections for Students against sexual harassment and discrimination
Veterans Affairs announces survivor benefits now extended to partners from relationships before marriage equality was legalized in 2015
President Biden signs the Respect for Marriage Act into law enshrining protections for marriage equality for same-sex and interracial couples
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The Department of Ed announces new rules around athletic eligibility under Title IX, declaring blanket bans on trans students violate the law and setting up strike standards for schools
The White House announced a suit of new protections for LGBTQ people, including a new job at the Department of Ed to combat book bans, a joint DoJ Homeland Security effort to combat violence and threats and HHS evidence-based guidance to mental health providers for care of transgender kids
President Biden signs an Executive Order directing HHS to protect LGBTQI+ youth in the foster care system, a rule they later passed requiring Queer foster children to be placed in affirming homes
The Biden administration joins families of transgender youth in Tennessee and Kentucky in petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to review and reverse a circuit court ruling allowing a ban on mainstream health care to be enforced
President Biden Signs a EO expanding on past EO on equality and helping underserved communities
The Department of Education's Civil Rights office opens an investigation into the death of Nex Benedict. President Biden in his statement said: "Every young person deserves to have the fundamental right and freedom to be who they are, and feel safe and supported at school and in their communities. Nex Benedict, a kid who just wanted to be accepted, should still be here with us today. Nonbinary and transgender people are some of the bravest Americans I know. But nobody should have to be brave just to be themselves. In memory of Nex, we must all recommit to our work to end discrimination and address the suicide crisis impacting too many nonbinary and transgender children.”
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curly-fried · 1 year
i feel like the gender binary is not only the idea that there are only two genders, but also the idea that these two genders should be socally segregated. Like how men and women should only interact with their own gender except for romantic and sexual encounters
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ms-demeanor · 4 months
I just wrote a thousand word assignment about this illustration, which I am completely, insufferably, unironically in love with.
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It's a representation of an overhead view of a specific performance by the band Joy Division that was created as a print for a fundraising collection commissioned by an artist-run gallery.
It is doing *SO FUCKING MUCH* with a bunch of circles and a line that I kind of want to scream.
It's a totally static image. It's made of two shapes. It's made of two colors. Everything is a binary (everything is *DIVIDED*).
Except that if you look at it for thirty seconds there's an optical illusion that creates motion and more lines that aren't there. And if you look at it then start glancing at different parts of it the sharp contrast of black and white creates afterimages that make the little circles of the audience sway.
It's two values at the extreme ends of the spectrum, except that your brain fills it in. It's two shapes (line and dot) except that the circles make a square and the circles make a diamond and the line makes a rectangle.
It's perfectly balanced if you cut it in half vertically but the weight at the top of the image overwhelms the piece. It's perfectly balanced but the isolation of the band at the bottom makes them stand out and take up more space.
The dots are all the same size but the space around the dots at the bottom makes them bigger, more prominent; they aren't at a grander scale but they exist in a grander scale. But they are dwarfed by the crowd.
The band is the subject of the piece. The crowd is the subject of the piece. You look at the band because they are highlighted and isolated but can't help looking back to the mass of the audience again and again, overwhelmed by the weight. You look at the band and you see the crowd. You look at the crowd and get lost in it. The *performance* is the subject of the piece, both the crowd and the band.
It's circles and lines. It's abstract to the point of absurdity, looking more like a math problem than anything else.
And then you read the title and think about it for a few seconds and maybe need to sit down and scream.
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sexuallyactivepopes · 2 years
the more and more i read the more and more i love the word transsexual ok
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month
hi! have you seen the TTRPGS for Palestine bundle yet? and do you have any recommendations from it
THEME: TTRPGS for Palestine
The TTRPGs for Palestine Bundle is going from April 12 to May 7, so there's not much time left to get it, but here's some recommendations of some really awesome games that you can find in it.
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Gubat Banwa, by makapatag.
GUBAT BANWA is a Martial Arts Tactics and War Drama Tabletop RPG where you play as martial artists poised to change the world: Kadungganan: the cavalry, the wandering swordsmen, the tide turners, the knights-errant, the ones to call in darkest night in a world inspired and centering Southeast Asian folklore.
Witness, grand warriors, honorable gallants that trudge and toil under kings and haloes. Witness, KADUNGGANAN, that refulgent name. That blasted name: WITNESS NOW. The end of days is upon us: and the new world MUST BE BORN. Bear your blades, incant your magicks. Cut open your tomorrow from the womb of violence. Inscribe your name upon the very akasha of this world. 
Gubat Banwa is designed for fans of 4th edition D&D, with in-depth character abilities that make you feel both unique and powerful, in a colourful and flavourful world full of vibrant cultures and clashing conflicts. The game uses an action economy with different action options carrying different weights, which also reminds me quite a bit of Lancer. If you want a game that pushes you to strategize with your friends and weigh your advancement options carefully, you want Gubat Banwa.
Gun & Slinger, by Nevyn Holmes.
GUN&SLINGER is an RPG geared for short, episodic sessions about a weapon and a wanderer. A Maestro and two players (Gun and Slinger) set out into a dead planet mutated by a god's forgotten child and hunt strange bounties, investigate the world and unlock hidden powers. During play, they seek to learn the nature of what’s hunting the Slinger, figure out why the Gun is sentient and discover how the world died.
This game is specifically for three players, using the rules of Go Fish as a resolution system. Gun & Slinger is all about using your resources to the best of their ability, and your resources might exist on your character sheet, but they also exist as cards in your hand.
What really intrigues me is the lore that’s baked into your character sheets. One of you is a wanderer in a twisted world, tempted by strange powers that guarantee to change you into a monster. One of you is a sentient magical gun, borne by that wanderer and designed to deliver death and pain.
Gun & Slinger has expansions included, allowing you to instead play as a wanderer possessed by a demon, a mech and a pilot fused as one, or someone who bears a cursed sword. I think the fact that it requires a small table and the fact that the characters’ lives are tied together makes this a high-stakes, terribly intimate game.
Apocalypse Frame, by Binary Star Games.
In a ruined and terraformed world where most of humanity is under the yoke of a brutal regime, the former workers of a once-remote factory - now known as The Collective - have risen up to create a future of freedom from oppression. You are an Ace - a highly skilled pilot referred from a Division in The Collective and assigned a humanoid combat vehicle known as a Frame. You and your Strike Team of fellow Aces must take on The Collective’s greatest threats, ensure its survival, and carve a path for its continued success.
Apocalypse Frame takes mechs and fits them into the LUMEN system, which centres competency as well as fast but effective rounds of combat. The game includes a variety of different threats, allowing you to tailor your campaign to your group’s tastes, and the tailoring doesn’t stop there. You choose both a division that your character belongs to, and then one of three mechs within that division, allowing players to share similar fighting styles but differ in weapons. You can also modify your basic frame, adding general modular systems alongside systems and armaments that can come with your mech, making character creation and progression exciting for folks who love tweaking and tailoring to their heart’s content.
If you’re a fan of Armored Core or Battletech, you’ll want to check out Apocalypse Frame.
Here, There Be Monsters!, by wendi yu.
No matter what they tell you, there’s still weirdness and wonder everywhere. You just have to know where to look. At the edges and cracks of ‘normal’ life we exist, we persist, and we resist: the monsters, the magicians, the anomalies, the freaks, and the outcasts. We gather in the shadows, trying our best to live our lives in a world that, when it doesn’t exactly fear or hate us, doesn't even believe in our existence.
here, there, be monsters! is a rules-lite response to monster-hunting media from the monsters' point of view. It's both a love letter and a middle finger to stuff like Hellboy (and the BPRD), the SCP Foundation, the Men in Black, the World of Darkness games and the Urban Fantasy genre in general. It is an explicitly queer, antifascist and anti-capitalist game about the monstrous and the weird, in any flavor you want, not as something to be feared, but to be cherished and protected.
Here, There, Be Monsters is a love-letter to anyone who has been made to feel monstrous, as well as an homage to media such as Hellboy, the SCP Foundation, and Men in Black. It’s urban fantasy meets organized power structures, and as the monsters, you’re here to burn those structures down.
This game uses descriptive tags to slap onto your characters to represent what they can do. You can choose from a number of different monster character backgrounds to give you guidance towards, and there’s plenty of monsters both in the base game and in the game jam wendi ran back in 2022. If you want a game of power, anti-capitalism, and punching up, this is the game for you.
Pale Dot, by Devin Nelson.
Pale Dot is a collaborative storytelling game for 2-5 players about a crew of non-human cosmonauts leaving their planet to explore a strange solar system, finding threads to unravel the unknown along the way. It is fantastical, surreal, and perhaps very unlike humanity’s own ventures in space exploration. Though one thing is universal: leaving home is terrifying, dangerous, humbling, and a catalyst for changing one’s perspective. 
Pale Dot is a GM-less game where players work together to create an alien setting and subsequently envelop it in cosmic mystery, embodying cosmonauts called Dustlings, as well as one of 5 different settings. During their journey they will be able to travel to 24 different locations within their solar system, each with several prompts for improvisational scenes. Each player will also have to manage the integrity of their cosmonaut and their shared ship while avoiding space's many perils.
The cover for Pale Dot gripped me the first time I saw it; a tiny creature in an astronaut suit, looking up in fear at something in the sky, as vegetation blooms inside their helmet. You play as the Dustlings, non-human but sentient species exploring the Cosmos, a strange, horrifying and wonderful universe that changes those who venture into it.
Mechanically, Pale Dot uses a GM-less structure similar to Dream Askew, but there feels to be a much bigger emphasis on the setting your cosmonauts explore, rather than the cosmonauts themselves. Your characters are assembled traits, drives and equipment, almost all of which can be expended to cause or solve problems. Each player is also responsible for at least one setting element, such as The Cosmic Wilderness, The Wondrous Endeavour, or The Omnipresent Danger. As you visit locations, different elements will be prompted to influence the scene, while your cosmonauts try to navigate the scene and try to finish the mission. If you want a game that is collaborative and evocative, I definitely recommend Pale Dot.
Fractal Romance, by Ostrichmonkey Games.
A never ending abstract landscape of rhythm and soft glamour. Wander the halls, rooms, and chambers. Encounter strange Denizens and get to know them better; befriend them, fall in love, just chill. Try and fill out your own blurred edges. Fractal Romance is a tabletop role playing hangout. You will pick up a character to play and explore the Fractal Palace, generating its infinite sprawl and the Denizens that inhabit it, as you play.
Fractal Romance is all about searching; for something you need, something you want, or even for who you are. It feels rather surreal, perhaps like a dream dimension that you are moving through. The game uses a deck of cards to generate rooms, as well as the denizens of this gigantic, dream-like palace. This game uses rather simplistic playbooks, each asking you to choose three descriptive words, and then uses cards to fuel your character’s actions: you have things you can always do, things that cost a card to do, and things that you must do in order to draw another card.
If what you want out of a game is a chill time with friends, moving from one vibe to another, and generating emotional stories for your characters, you might want to check out Fractal Romance.
Himbos of Myth and Mettle, by huge boar.
You are big. Big arms, big tits, big thighs, big brai- you're big where it matters. In addition to a heaving, throbbing body, glistening lightly with a thin sheen of pleasantly fragrant perspirant, you have one singular unifying trait  - come hell or high water, you are going to help.
Himbos of Myth & Mettle is a high fantasy, high camp role playing game of epic proportions (of body), for 2-5 players, one of whom will act as Game Guide.  The rules center around a simple roll under mechanic and prioritize narrative flair and cinematic descriptions. Himbos is inspired by many classic fantasy properties (and could be considered OSR adjacent) , but leans towards a more garish, salacious and queer (gay or odd, pick your fighter) style of play. It is designed with comedy and flamboyance in mind, but is not without it deeper and darker touches. It's definitely not grimdark, but there will probably be blood. Think classic fantasy pulp in style, but contemporary sensibilities, modern rules-lite mechanics, and a player philosophy centred in helping, kindness and being fucking hot.
I’ve heard rave reviews for Himbos, and I think the idea of leading an entire group of well-meaning but possibly over-ambitious adventurers is a great set-up for a game full of laughs. Himbos is very much designed for a light-hearted evening of fun, flirting, and fucking up (but in the best way).
Other Games from the Bundle I've Recommended:
Space Taxi, and Creation Myths, by GothHoblin.
Caltrop Core, by Titanomachy.
Souvenirs, by Rémi Töötätä.
Thunder in Our Hearts, by Marn. S.
Eldritch Courts of Some Repute, by AlanofAllTrades.
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