#billy batson is a little shit
rad-batson · 8 months
AU where after 12yo Billy’s identity gets revealed to the JL, Bruce Wayne gives his number to Billy for emergencies or any other situation where he might need an adult (like a get-out-of-jail free card, covering rent, signing a permission slip, advice, anything.) No strings attached. He won’t act controlling. Just in case, you know?
And for a while it’s never used because Billy would rather take his own eye out than ask an adult for help. Until Billy realizes there are a lot more benefits to this than he thought. Now whenever Uncle Dudley is at work and Constantine is too busy running from the magical authorities or (more importantly) he doesn’t want either to know what he’s doing, Bruce is the adult he calls.
Cap, over comms: Hey Bruce, I need advice.
Bruce, already in the zeta tube: Which villain is it?
Cap: You have style, right? What should I wear to the school dance? Because Dudley said a ruffled tuxedo shirt is “a classic” but it sounds ugly and-
Bruce: Oh, it’s that kind of advice.
Bruce: *posing as Billy’s guardian for class registration day*
PTA Mom: Hello sir, is this your son?
Bruce: *looks at Billy*
Billy: *nodding his head*
Bruce: Yes
Billy: Hey Bruce, can you buy something for me?
Bruce: What is it?
Billy: *slowly hands Bruce a copy of The Conjuring*
Bruce: Billy, I don’t think you should—
Billy: You promised :(
Bruce: *whispering* fuck
Cap, over comms: Uhh, Bruce? Do you know Sanskrit?
Bruce: Yeah, why? Is it for a school assignment?
Cap: …Don’t tell Constantine.
Cap: I got kidnapped by an ancient cult, and I need you to help me escape.
Bruce: *crushes the mug of coffee he’s holding*
Bruce: Oh?
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doodlesforfics · 2 years
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Who’s Old Now? by @lirabuswavi​ (um i hope i tagged the right person, cause like im 80% sure you are same ao3 lirabuswavi, if not im sorry <;D)
ok this one-shot literally opened my eyes to sheer chaos possibility of Adult!Fenton adopting kid Billy B. while Teenager!Phantom being mistaken as Shazam’s ward and just ladskjsdk??? superhero/magic/ghost community would not be prepared. amazing fic. such fun.
and some doodles inspired by the fic
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let lil Billy have retired ghost superhero possibly eldritch overpowered being Phantom as protective Dad.
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mortiferumsomnum · 2 years
Excuse Me, Barmaid, I’m Afraid You Brought Me the Wrong Hero
Okay, so... Mayyyyybe Dash should have thought this through. And, Dash would like people to know that he was doing all this out of the goodness of his heart. Phantom was becoming... Tired. Everyone could see it. Even the wacky Fenton parents noticed it, doubling their efforts to catch the only ghost that could defend their home.
And, well, when you find an old book from your grandma's that tells you how to summon heroes, who wouldn't take that chance to help their local hero? At least, until Phantom gets better.
So, yeah. Dash wanted a hero who wouldn't get overshadowed. He wanted a hero who had the might of the gods. He wanted a hero who could also be just a regular person, able to blend in with the crowd.
"Hey, do you have any more food?"
Dash wanted to bash his own head against the wall. Because he didn't summon a hero. He summoned a scrawny, 12-years-old kid who looks like he was randomly picked up from the streets!
His mom cooed at the child.
"Yes, you're welcome to have more, sweetheart."
"Thank you, Mrs. Baxton!"
Yeah, this kid certainly isn't a hero if he's easily stealing all of his mom's love and affection like that.
His mom pinched his cheeks, commenting how polite the child is, before getting started with the dishes.
I LOVE summoning fics and ideas!!! 💙 And because I love them, I wanted to change things around a bit! What if it's the local Amity Parker that ends up summoning heroes from another world/universe? (or they could be in the same universe if you'd like!) HERO SUMMONING! 
- Dash ended up summoning Billy Batson, who could pass as Danny's little brother if the Fentons were willing to take him in.
- But the kid, for some reason, doesn't hate him for summoning him and wants to stay with Dash.
- Dash's parents are even considering adopting the kid! As if Dash brought the kid into their home out of the goodness of his heart. (Technically, he did. 😂)
- "Oh, Dash, sweetie. This reminds me of the time you said you wanted a little brother because you found out that little Danny was actually the same age as you!"
- "Mooooom! You promised not to talk about that!"
- "Correction: your dad promised. And I will abuse my power to tease you endlessly!"
- At first, Billy did this to annoy Dash. He knows a bully when he sees one. He also wanted to see how far he could go in annoying Dash before he gets kicked out by him. But as time with the Baxters’ goes by, Billy finds that he's become very fond of this summoner who's slowly becoming like his big brother. Being annoying didn’t feel like a ‘how far could i get away with this’ but has now turned into small teasing between siblings, it was... kinda great...
- But, when Billy encounters his first ghost attack, he suddenly knew exactly why he was summoned. It could have been Superman, or Batman, or Zatanna, or even Wonder Woman! But being the Champion of Magic gave him access to the Infinite Realms, not enough to traverse it, but to at least receive contact from it.
- And so, with a loud SHAZAM! he turns into Captain Marvel and fights alongside the upcoming King to the Ghost Realm.
- Dash... He just witnessed the most insane de-transformation of his life. When lightning struck near his home, he got worried about his parents and, dare he say it, his new little brother. (Dash saw the adoption papers. But also, the kid was growing on him. He gradually stopped being a bully when Billy thought of how cool Dash was, like he was a white Victor Stone or whatever. It made him want to be better, especially when those eyes were genuinely impressed with him. It made it all the better when Danny was weirded out by his character development.)
- But when he saw the newest Hero, Captain Marvel, the very example of what a hero should look like, should act like, and should be like, transform back into his little brother, so many questions started filling Dash's head. Was Billy actually an adult? Or was Captain Marvel really just a child?
- Dash really did summon a hero.
- Dash confronts Billy, because there was no way Dash would be able to pretend he didn't see anything.
- The more Billy talked, though, the more Dash felt... panic rising in his chest. He summoned a hero, yeah, but the hero is an ACTUAL KID who TRANSFORMS INTO AN ADULT.
- That's not what makes him panic, though. What does is that he became so attached to this scrawny kid who keeps raiding his secret sweets stash, who keeps stealing his parents' affection, who Dash has to visit his room at night because he seems to be the only one who can quell the kid's nightmares.
- The newest hero is his kid brother. His annoying little brother. His newest precious little brother who laughs and smiles at him, and calls him the coolest when he manages to throw the football so many meters away.
- It's not about Phantom anymore. Dash needs to be there for his brother.
- He comes to a realizatiom that maybe, maybe, all this time Phantom didn't need another hero to help him. Maybe, all he needed was people who cared to just back him up and give him support. Give him encouragement that he was doing great. That what he was doing was appreciated.
- Because Billy seemed to get better and better when he was told how good he was being in this hero gig. How relaxed and relieved he was when he realized that Dash wasn't going to leave him alone in helping Phantom.
- So, Dash also tells Phantom what he said to Billy, that he has Phantom's back. Phantom didn't seem convinced, most of all Manson and Foley. But Phantom takes it, especially when Dash was being genuine about it.
- And then there's Wes. Nosy and annoying, and bordering on stalkerish. Maybe he might be right about Phantom being Danny Fenton, but he really needs to leave his little brother alone. Dash won't hesitate falling back to old habits if he won't stop.
- "Why are you so calm about all this, Billy?"
- "Oh, well, Batman was more of a stalker than Wes is. Oracle and Red Robin, Batman's hero partners, are actually scarier because they thrive in this. The way he's going about it is actually pretty cute, in comparison."
- Cute? "We need to do something about how desensitized you are about this."
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sexy-raccoons · 1 year
Billy Batson is DC’s version of Ash Ketchum
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mohabertalan · 2 years
i want billy batson to be feral
he is still pure hearted don't get me wrong
but let him bite people, let him run from cops, let him lie to save his own skin, let him tell random people random bursts of wisdom
let him act like the 10 year old (or 15 whichever canon i don't care) he is, who doesn't want to be treated like a child, runs away from being adopted, has walls way up high
but he is still pure of heart, helps others who need it, has a plushie he cuddles with, sits down at a corner or a library, shows up at whiz radio and steals the show, you know the deal
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Because it was Father's Day I suddenly got reminded of the times I've seen people saying Captain Marvel gives off Dad energy and gets Father's Day gifts from the younger heros and now I'm thinking about what the hell he does with them?
Of course he keeps them because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't, but where the hell does he put them? Like do the things he can't use because he isn't actually an adult man just sit in the corner of his place? And what if he suddenly has to evacuate his current hideout because there's officials coming to investigate it?
He'll probably take what he's most attached to and go but if he would feel bad doing it
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pegasister60 · 2 years
Toxic | Withdrawal | Allergic Reaction
(In the end I did not end up talking about the homes Billy’s been in in detail. You’re getting this instead.)
You don’t really remember the Before if you’re being honest. That was always your brother’s to carry.
You’ve been with Liam for as long as you can remember. You’re twins, technically triplets if you count Mary. (And of course you count Mary, you’ll never stop looking—)
You’re not sure which of you came first, but you know you’ll always be the older twin anyway. Liam’s always as young as he’s ever been and you’ve never found that odd. He’s still your little twin brother that you’ll throw hands for.
And you have. Multiple times.
Not all of the foster homes you've been to were garbage, admittedly, but they were never right for Liam. The older you and the body you shared with him became the more strained your foster parent’s relationships with Liam would get.
That, and your foster siblings could be mean as hell. 
Thinking about the amount of times you’ve had to pull Liam away from their bullying to throw hands in his stead still gets a rise out of you. Nothing about those situations struck you as fair at all, but at least they never lasted.
Between Liam’s “oddities” and your aggression, you went through homes like tissues for the better part of a year. Your social worker did try, but she didn’t understand. 
You didn’t really understand it to be honest. You were aware that none of your foster siblings shared a body with anyone, much less a sibling, but it also never bothered you. You didn’t need words for it or to know how it happened (though you did try looking it up once). You had everything you needed.
You had a sibling no one could take from you. Not Uncle Ebenezer, not the state, no one.
And you’d be damned if you let anything happen to him.
So you protected him however you could. You’d hide him away whenever things would get rocky with your foster siblings. You’d take all the not-so-nice memories from the foster homes you lived in and tuck them out of sight.
The memory thing in particular helped so much with keeping Liam safe. It also made for some epic sibling bonding whenever you’d have the time to ask Liam about Before.
You don’t remember your mother’s face or your dad’s laugh, but he could remind you. Liam’s memory is for all the good stuff, you’ve found. And you let Liam believe that all the bad stuff just pours out like a strainer. There’s literally no reason to tell him otherwise.
When you turned nine you were shuffled into foster home number eleventeen and you kept the bar low. Liam was excited to meet your new siblings but you convinced him that he should hang back for a little bit. They shouldn’t overwhelm their new foster family too soon, yeah?
Best decision you’ve ever made. That was the house that convinced you that you could do a better job raising Liam and yourself than any of those people could. You got up in the middle of the night, broke the lock on the pantry, and shoved as much food as you could carry into your worn Superman backpack to take with you for the road.
You didn’t make it more than a week, but that didn’t matter. You left the very next home with a deeper resolve to look after Liam by yourself, a mouth full of someone else’s blood, and four hundred dollars in small bills. You’d learned, you were willing to adapt, and you’d survive. 
For both of you.
And then the subway thing happened.
The Wizard, Shazam, said you had a pure heart. You were eighty-five percent sure he was talking about Liam, because your heart didn’t feel very pure with how desensitized you’d become to committing petty crime (it’s always been for survival’s stake).
When he started to actually describe what he was asking of you though, you straightened up. Because it did sound like he was talking to you. Protecting the source of all magic, fighting to contain horrors that should never see the light of day, throwing hands with beings who mean you harm? It all sounded right up your alley even if the scale of the problems you’d face terrified you.
The Wizard assured you that you’d be granted the powers of six gods. The Wisdom of Solomon, the Strength of Hercules, the Stamina of Atlas, the Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles, and the Speed of Mercury.
You politely did not point out that some of those weren’t gods, though mostly because his confidence had you second guessing at the time. 
And in the end it wasn’t much of a contest. The Wizard chose you, your only hang-up had been addressed, and you had nothing else going for you besides looking after Liam. And with the powers of Shazam’s patrons you’d certainly be able to do a better job of it.
And you were right about that, just not how you imagined.
Because all that power? It was heavy. Too much for you to handle and it had nowhere else to go. Something had to give.
So something did. And suddenly the body felt different and your headspace was crowded and you had no idea what the fuck was going on–
And then the headmate you’d later come to learn was named Solomon got to work immediately. He tucked Liam somewhere further back and less stressful, got you acquainted with Achilles who helped with your panic, and started explaining what the fuck just happened.
He also explained it to the Wizard, who had apparently never seen that happen before. First time for everything, hooray!
It took a while for everyone to find out what was working and what wasn’t. In the early days you bounced between co-fronting (the word you learned when Solomon gave you your first taste of the Wisdom of his namesake) and looking after Liam. Though Liam was ecstatic to have more people to hang out with and clung to your new headmates like a baby possum, you supervised those interactions very closely for fear that they wouldn’t like him back.
That fear wasn’t unfounded but it was put to rest. Every single one of your headmates would kill for Liam without hesitation and learning that filled you with so much relief. You started spending more time in front again while your headmates that almost never fronted looked after your twin.
And it’s a good thing you did. Turns out that when a Champion of Magic is chosen every malevolent magic user and their mother shows up wanting a piece of the Rock of Eternity’s magic. There were non-magical villains out and about, yeah, but the fact that they were even weirder than the magic users sometimes was not comforting.
And then there were the trips to hell and the natural disasters and all the things that make you very fucking glad that Liam rarely ever fronts anymore. Courage of Achilles or no, shit gets fucked up sometimes.
And for a little over two years that was your life. Being a part of Captain Marvel, making sure enough food got in your smaller body to keep you going between bouts of crime fighting, and moving from sleeping place to sleeping place.
You thought that joining the Justice League would be like the day you held those powers for the first time: a lot of adapting, awkwardness, and compromising but ultimately the weight you all carry together would be spread more evenly. That you’d become part of a greater whole capable of so much good.
It was sort of like that. You definitely carried your share of slack and then some when it came to magical problems; your teammates helping you fight the Monster Society Of Evil in turn. You went on off-world missions to face threats you never would’ve even heard about if you weren’t in the League. So in that respect it was similar.
The big difference was one you didn’t really anticipate: you couldn’t get close to these people. Or, more accurately, you refused to let them get close to you.
With your headmates there are no secrets. There’s information withheld from you, yeah, but that’s mostly because you’re not able to handle it all the time. And you in turn have been withholding information from Liam since forever, so you understand why it’s necessary.
With the League, you’re not lying by omission to protect them. The secrets you’re keeping and the truths you talk around could’ve been laid bare to them the day you got recruited. But you decided not to tell them and it’s left a one-way wall between you and your teammates.
They’ve opened up to you over time. Hell, you know some of them so well they gave you their names. And it’s not the trust they’re giving you that’s odd, or even that they want to get to know you.
You got to know your headmates. You learned that Mercury is a skilled musician, that Marvel remembers several lifetimes, and that Achilles will go on and on about Patroclus if given half a chance. They’re your headmates, your people, and you care for them all so much.
And you care for the League, really you do.
But you didn’t give them your name, you didn’t tell them about your small form, and you’ll never elaborate on how your powers work.
It’s not their business. They’re your teammates, your coworkers, but not your people. You would go on a week-long space mission with them despite the consequences your small form would face, but you’d never let them take care of said small form afterwards. Not when you’d rather let Mercury and Marvel take care of it instead.
You trust them with your life but not with your life. And it’s coming back to bite you the way you’ve known it would.
You can’t bring yourself to regret it even now. You were doing what you thought was best to keep your people safe. You would do it again in a heartbeat. You’ve done worse than hold your tongue to protect the people that matter to you, and you’ll probably have to start biting again if you don’t get some fucking space.
Whumptober: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, ALT 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, ALT 1, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
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radiance1 · 7 months
Pariah Dark is finally released from his coffin, most ghosts in the know about this very on edge because he's, well, a literal tyrant king. But contrary to everyone's expectations (except Clockwork), he justs decides to vamoosh from the Infinite Realms entirely.
It's been fine without his active ruling for eons, so surely it wouldn't suddenly go to shit just because he's out of his sleep now. At least that's what he thinks and picks a random earth to go towards- this time surprisingly not for war- and plans to inhabit it.
So, there he was, Pariah Dark, Ghost King of the infinite Realms, one of the most powerful ghosts in existence and bearer of the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage.
Now a humble mortal(disguised) farmer.
And he's surprisingly, never been happier. Well, actually he has been happier than this, on the day of binding between the Ghost King and the Master of Time.
He wonders what his spouse was up to these days. Most likely watching over the multiple timelines, no doubt.
It was on one of those days, where he carried his produce to go sell to a factory for money for more horses, that he ran into a little kid, one with black hair and blue eyes.
That was also, chalked full of magical power and might.
Really, it just escalated from there, if he were to be honest.
Billy Batson did not expect to be sitting in the living room of the giant man he ran into on accident. He was kidnapped, yes, but compared to others this was most certainly tame in comparison.
He was picked up by the back of his collar, placed on that guy's head, and was then just taken back to his house.
At least he makes extremely good cookies.
He should probably leave before he's never seen again, but first, cookies.
And milk.
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coffee-kitty4090 · 3 months
So, Plot Idea.
For one reason or another. Captain Marvel (Aka; non-feral Billy Batson) has to with the JL fight against someone or whatnot. Yet, somehow, he accidentally gets de-aged.
But the twist.
He does not just go back to little sweet mortal Billy Batson; no Captain Marvel form becomes younger. And he not the same age as Billy, it more between the ages of 6-8, instead of Billys actual 10-12 year of age. For the cherry on top is that he is dressed in traditional clothing, as it makes him seem older than he actually is. But since Soloman was like let’s give you something as cool as Eldrich Memory, he remembers everything.
But because he knows what happened doesn’t mean he would not stir shit up.
He looks around confused (playing his role), then the villain starts their monolog. And Billy is like ok, time for some fun, and curb stomps the villain all why laughing. The rest of the JL are just watching in horror as a 6-8 year old is beating the life out of the emery with such ease. When they try to calm the child, only to have a hiss and Billy acting like the true feral cat he is, because he has ‘no idea who they are’.  He even goes as far as speaking a very old and dead language that they don’t understand.
All why this is happening his gods are laughing and egging him on.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
I need a dpxdc Crossover scenario where, somehow, Danny Fenton and Billy Batson end up at the same school. Maybe Danny is a year older but he got held back in a subject, so they’re both in the same bio class. Danny as a Sophomore and Billy as a Freshman. They’re lab partners and they hang out during school, and neither of them have any clue the other is a superhero. Danny is so used to everyone having Kinda Weird vibes from Amity that Billy doesn't ping anything and Billy has the same thing where everyone is Fawcett is a little Off, nothing particularly different about this guy.
Later on, both of them have joined the league as Shazam and Phantom and they still have literally no clue the other is a superhero. Billy doesn't recognize Danny as Phantom because of the altered features and Extremely Weird Vibes and obviously Danny doesn't think to compare the adult man Shazam with his fourteen-year-old buddy Billy. They both think the other is a semi-immortal being and they are both desperately making shit up about past events and praying they got it right. They both are continuously amazed that they're so good at guessing historical facts. They keep having to agree to random historical events that may or may not have happened because the other guy said so. They are both passing World History with flying colors because of the research they have to do to keep the "ruse" up
Eventually, someone's identity gets revealed (I'm thinking Billy) to the League, which is really dramatic and emotional about how Billy lied to everyone about his age and history for so long. And then Danny arrives ten minutes late with a Starbucks like "hey why is everyone freaking out. Why is Superman crying. WHY is B-this random kid here. On the Watchtower. What."
Someone: Phantom, I know you and Shazam were close, did you know he was secretly the fourteen-year-old Billy Batson? He's been lying to us about his past this whole time!
Billy: D:
Phantom: :/ UH so while we're on the subject *transforms from Phantom to Danny* hey Billy!
Billy: DANNY?
Anyways its a whole confusing mess and everyone is yelling and nobody knows what the fuck is going on but eventually its cleared up that yes, both Phantom and Shazam are secretly kids, they apparently know each other but only in their secret IDs, and they have in fact been bullshitting Ancient History facts like there's no tomorrow
But the important part here is that Billy and Danny pass their lab final, because thats what really matters
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rad-batson · 8 months
Headcanon that Billy is not only immune to the magical lightning that helps him transform, but he’s also immune to normal lightning and all other forms of electricity.
At first, the realization is super cool. Billy doesn’t get hurt by static electricity anymore. He’s immune to Freddy’s hand buzzer pranks. He even gets 200 bucks from some big shot teenagers that dared him to touch an electric fence.
The problem comes when he tries to catch the bus in the rain one day and gets struck by REAL lightning. In front of dozens of people. Who are not supposed to know he’s immune to lightning. And Billy is very bad at improv.
Billy: *gets struck by lightning*
Billy: WHAT THE F—
Everyone: O_O
Billy: Oooo ouchh
Billy: I am in so much pain
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
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Intimacy prompt #1: hugging them from behind, laying their heads on the other shoulder.
It wasn’t hard to find Billy when he was cursing up a storm from his place in the living room alongside Eugene, who was blazing through the level without much hassle, where as Billy was struggling to get through his whilst trying to not get shot or blown up like his past two attempts.
However the game they were playing wasn’t known to be merciful for first time players as Billy’s character was subsequently killed as his side of the television became a shade of blood red as the bold lettering of ‘you died’ flashed on screen with the ‘restart level’ and ‘go back to main menu’ were sprawled beneath it in smaller, missable lettering. Billy sighed defeatedly as he put down the controller onto the coffee table, taking the headphone from his head before placing them next to the controller, as he hauled himself out of his armchair muttering about getting a drink from the fridge.
‘Don’t be so hard on yourself Billy,’ you told him as you joined him in the kitchen, ignoring the fact that you heard him scoff, ‘you’ll get the hang of it in due time and soon you’ll be a pro like Eugene.’ You gestured back to the living room, where Eugene had already made it past the last level of the game, was now watching the final cinematic cutscene play out whilst nursing his cramped hands. ‘Don’t fake sympathy for me y/n, I know I’m shit and I doubt I’ll be able to get on Eugene’s level of expertise in gaming.’ Billy replied, taking a sip from his drink as his gaze was firmly lock on the window just over the kitchen sink, that looked out into back garden; Still a tad upset over his amateur loss.
You sighed, already having expected this typical response from him, and moved across the room to cage your arms over his chest, pausing briefly when his muscles stiffened be so your touch before relaxing again as you then tested your head comfortably on his shoulder, where you nuzzled his cheek. ‘What will make you feel better then hmm?’ You asked him softly, your thumbs subconsciously rubbing his sides in reassurance. Wanting nothing more then to provide him a safe place to open up and be comfortable in doing so.
Billy sighed, putting his bottle of fizzy drink down on the counter to put his hands over your own, rubbing the back of them out of habit. ‘I’d like it if you kept holding me like this a little while longer.’ He said, feeling a tad embarrassed of being so open about how he felt after repressing his emotions for so long, he was still a little rusty but with your help Billy had been able to become a lot more accepting of letting others lending him their aid, without feeling as though it was all just transactional. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to move to somewhere more comfortable?’ Billy’s hands tightening on yours when he felt them began to pull away, bringing them back to where they once were.
‘No, standing here with you is fine enough for me.’ He replied in a soft tone. A smile spread across your lips as you made yourself more comfortable by pressing yourself further into his back, arms holding onto him tight. ‘Okay, don’t blame me when your feet start to ache from standing here for too long, or when Freddy starts belting his rendition of ‘my heart will go on’ by Celine Dion.’ You warned Billy playfully as he could only chuckle, moving his head so he could press a kiss to your forehead, whispering against it, ‘I’ll take my chances.’
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tesalicious2 · 1 year
I’ve gotten into a Billy Batson craze recently. Mostly just him being a teen and cussing and being a little shit. It’s so funny to me, especially with the league.
I especially love the creator kathkin on ao3, just perfect Billy Batson.
Anyway, I thought about Robin Jason meeting Billy. Batman would introduce them and immediately be like, ‘I’ve made a mistake’.
Two street kids bonding and stealing shit together, roasting everyone, and just living the feral child life.
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elvesandlanterns · 11 months
Clark was embarrassed to admit it but the rift between him and thier not so new anymore teammate, Captain Marvel, was probably his fault. Okay, mostly his fault. Clark couldn't help but distrust magic, as one of his weaknesses it was understandable really. Not only that but something about the Captain was just /off/. His heart beat twirled instead of bumped, he smiled all the time without end but it never quite reached his eyes. It was just too off putting.
But Clark was able to admit when he was wrong. And he was definitely able to admit when he had overreacted (unlike some people). The man had even been part of the Justice Society for crying out loud! (Which made Clark even more nervous in turn, just how old is Marvel?). Captain Marvel was a good hero. Flaky and childish sure but that wasn't the point.
The point was, while the two certainly weren’t friends he did find Captain Marvel a trustworthy hero. And as his team mate Clark had taken for granted the idea that he knew /something/ about Marvel.
But oh oh how wrong he was.
—- —- —-
Captain Marvel, Billy Batson Nightingale is a hero. He’s somehow eight and thirty and has been alive since the 50s. He is the Champion of Magic. With the wisdom of Solomon and all of his past lives at his disposal. And he really, really should have seen this coming. After all Dani always did say it was only a matter of time before Vlad dropped his problems onto someone else’s lap. It’s just that he always assumed it wouldnt be his.
Freddy had the audacity to laugh at his side. Wiping down the left side of the bar he smiled, happy and whole and forever thirty, “Come on Billy don’t worry. How hard can taking care of some kids be?” His foster brother had the audacity to laugh again, “Freddy do you remember . What were we like as preteens?”
The laughing stopped “Oh shit you're screwed.”
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
prompts for November 15th. @avaritia-apotheosis
My Masterlist of DP/DC Prompts
Mistaken Identity:
Dick can’t believe his eyes. Babs was in Blüdhaven. Or else… It really looked like it was Babs. This girl's body language was far different. A thick psychology textbook was held firmly in one hand and another grasping her purse that no doubt had a brick in it. The biggest sign that it wasn’t Barbara was that she was walking. This wasn’t Babs but he might as well say hi.
Duke couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Right in front of him was a lady who was the spitting image of his mother. After cautiously asking if she had any relation to Elaine Thomas and getting told that she didn’t, he awkwardly apologized for asking and was about to leave before a hand on his shoulder stopped him. The lady told him that she heard that name before in the victims of the Joker Gas attack a few months back. She was sorry for his loss and she gave him her phone number to talk about it if he ever needed a friendly face to spill his worries. Duke looked at the contact name this lady gave him: Valerie Gray. Little did he know that this was the start of a very strange mentorship
It's tough gaining respect from new League members when they find out one of their superiors is a 14-year-old:
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Booster are kind of miffed that one of the founding members keeps bossing them around and chastising them for mistakes in the field. Who is he to talk shit? He’s like 12 for gods sake. Oh boy do their complaints end quickly when Danny shows the full extent of his powers during a battle
Roy Harper does NOT fuck with having a child as his supervisor for a JL mission. He feels as if this was a rude jab and an insult to his being. Turns out, the kid is in a reverse Shazam situation and he’s actually Roy’s age when he de-ghosts himself. What Roy thought was Phantom faking trying to relate to him was actually genuine conversation. Sucks that he had to find out Danny was actually his age from falling unconscious mid-battle though. That sucked.
Mistaken Identity & It's tough gaining respect from new League members when they find out one of their superiors is a 14-year-old:
Shazam was very nervous about this Phantom guy. The dude was immensely powerful but when he transformed into his human side he looked exactly like Billy Batson. Through a series of events, Billy goes into the watchtower without transforming into Captain Marvel and someone mistakes him for Danny. He hopes to god he can keep up the guise for just today or else his secret is out.
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
imagine billy having an identity reveal (probably not willingly) and some league members being assholes about it
billy’s just taking everything for a while until they throw jabs at the tiger plushy he’s holding, because that’s his friend
so he throws tawny at the member who insulted tawnys honour and that member doesn’t think to dodge because it’s a plush thrown by a malnourished little kid, but just before it hits tawny transforms into a giant tiger
i imagine that tawny wouldn’t hurt anyone too bad to not upset billy but the league learns their lesson
This ask has been painting such an awesome scene in my mind and has never left it once, thank you so much for sending this ask!
I can imagine Billy having his identity revealed being an extreme invasion of his privacy and unwanted, but to the league it would represent a huge dramatic event. After sending in what is one of their most powerful powerhouses into battle constantly against foes that rival gods and monsters who eat gods for breakfast, the reveal of that teammate being just a child would shake them to their core.
Captain Marvel being revealed as a child would absolutely make them extremely upset, rightfully, at that. Having to sit him down during a meeting as plain old Billy Batson, to confront him for all the lies of omissions and deceptions with a heavy heart is one thing, but to look at the blue eyed, malnourished child in the eyes and see him holding a stuffed animal tightly would tear them apart.
Billy would understandably be nervous at the whole mind breaking event going on, having summoned Tawky Tawny for emotional support to get him through this chaotic meeting going from talking softly to him to interrogating him. After all, a secret as big as this being exposed would lead to a long meeting being held about his future status on the JL.
Still, no one is outright mad at him. Upset and heartbroken, but no one has made him cry yet. That's good. That's great. Billy was now seen as a child in their eyes, he didn't need any more help on that. He could get through this.
That's when it happens. Someone crosses the line. Billy was defending himself as Captain Marvel aka The Champion of Magic, making his statement that he was more than mature and responsible to handle the burdens he carried so often.
"Ha! Are you shitting me? Listen, kid, we've been here for hours. Let me tell you this. Mature people don't go hugging a stuffed animal when they're about to cry. For fucks sake, what is that anyway? A cat? You can't go hugging that thing when you're out in a battle! Look. I'm not mad at you, no one is mad at you, but I'm going to say it. No one. Can trust you now. Never again. If you think you have a future on the league with that dumb stuffed cat in your arms, you're so grounded-"
"Huh? Kid. Speak up. Don't mumble when you're speaking to an adult."
"I said. He. Is. A. TIGER!"
Before anyone can react or think, the stuffed tiger in Billy's arms begins to stretch and grow, leaping out of his arms and pouncing onto the man. The sudden presence of a growling and gigantic tiger in front of the league startles everybody, to the point no one notices that Billy was currently wiping away the tears that were flowing down his face.
Tawny would have detected that Billy was feeling unsafe and anxious, not wanting to hurt the man in any way, just scare him enough to stop making his friend cry. Whatever happens afterwards is a mystery, but some say....that the league member who made Billy cry that day developed a fear of tigers 🐅
I absolutely adored this idea you sent in! It's helping me through my writer's block right now!
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