#bigger theatre for bigger audience yes very good very happy about that
tennant-davids · 4 months
oh macbeth in the tiniest most intimate theatre where you're within spitting distance of the macbeths rapidly descending into murder and madness whilst whispering in your ear i already miss you. so much.
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peach-pops · 4 years
Famous S/O HC
This is very self-indulgent cause I’m the type to make up fake scenarios where I’m famous and going on interviews and press tours asfjdks. If you guys want, I’ll make more of these! Oikawa+Tsukishima underneath the cut!
How The Haikyuu Boys Find out that You’re Famous
-Bokuto- (Pro-Athlete) 
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Bokuto knew you were an athlete but he had NO IDEA that you were super famous. Like he always thought it was normal for people to come up to you after your game to ask for pictures or autographs ??? 
I mean that’s why he was so drawn to you because of how much passion you had for your said sport cause duh he could relate
One day when you two were out at the mall, he told you that he needed to get new shoes to work out in and so the two of you went into the Nike store so he could look around
He was looking through the shoe aisle and after almost two hours of looking through the same shelves, he finally found a pair he liked (shopping with him is so time-consuming but that’s for a different day) 
when he found a pair he liked, the two of you made your way to the cashier to pay for his shoes. As the cashier was ringing Bokuto up, his eyes traveled up to the large poster/banner that was directly behind the cashier’s area and smiled to himself
It was a colorful promotional banner with a bunch of top athletes from around the world and as he’s looking at the banner, he sees this girl and he nudged you like,” Babe, she looks like you!” 
You look up from your phone and sure enough, you’re plastered on the wall posing with other athletes
“ Oh yeah, I didn’t think this shoot would come out until next month.”
Bokuto didn’t even process what you just said but my dude behind the cash register stopped scanning the shoes to turn his head to the banner and he turned PALE. 
He even does a double-take cause hold up, is there seriously a pro athlete in front of him?
“ Oh my god...You’re Y/N L/N!”
“ How do you know my…” Bokuto furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the banner again and he even squinted like hold up
“ Y/N? That’s you!” 
“ Yeah-”
Bokuto can’t even believe it and he totally spaced out when you take a selfie with the guy behind the register with the banner in the background like UMMM HIS GIRLFRIEND IS FAMOUS WHAAAAAA
Dude is totally making a scene in this store but he does not give a single fuck
As he’s walking you back home, he’s looking up all of your stats and even watches a compilation called “ 100 times Y/N L/N was a beast!” and he’s just shooketh 
“ I didn’t think it was a big deal I mean, you’re pretty famous too babe.” 
He’s not salty at all he’s just a bit emo cause he felt bad that he never even noticed before
As your fame grows, so does Bokuto’s with his volleyball career. You and him are described as a powerhouse couple and it really hypes the two of you up like THE POWER YALL POSSESS TOGETHER ON AND OFF THE COURT/FIELD/WHATEVER
Lots of training together and joint interviews together like Wired autocomplete or your favorite ~THIRST TWEETS~
“ ~Bokuto could spike a volleyball in my face, crack my nose in two different places, and I’d thank him~ oh my god that’s horrible I would never do that.”
“ I mean, you’ve done it before haven’t you?”
“ That was different anyway, your turn Y/N!” 
*passes that clunky ass bucket*
“ ~Y/N L/N, please tie me up and- oh my god this is too dirty I can’t! My mom will watch this!” 
If you’re a pro volleyball player, you two get compared a lot and it bugged you at first since you felt like you two were two very different in terms of playing style but after a while, you both started to encourage the idea of your own playful rivalries like comparing stats and wins
But if you’re in a different sport, you two get asked questions like who’s sport is harder or what it would be like if you two switched sports like??? But because you two are in different fields, you both have such major respect for each other cause you can’t even imagine how much hard work it is 
He absolutely does not mind it at all when fans approach you two if you guys are on a date. He knows how important your relationship with fans are, especially if they’re younger girls who look up to you as a role model
Bokuto will fall in love with you all over again whenever you crouch down to a younger fan ughhhghgh
He doesn’t care for the paparazzi to be honest. he knows it comes with the territory but he will get a bit protective if they start to get too close to you 
“ Hey, we’re just trying to get back home so just let us through please,” but if it continues, he will not give a single fuck about being nice,” dude, what did I just say? Back off!” 
Mad!bokuto will be the death of me
He knows how stressful it is being a pro athlete but he will always remind you how proud he is of you and if he ever sees you overworking, he will make sure you take a day off even if that means just napping together all day
Long story short, Bokuto would be amazing to have by your side as you’re navigating being in the public eye and you may quote me on that
-Oikawa- (Actress)
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This attention whore I swear 
So Oikawa knows that you act but he doesn’t know that you’re an actress (which is basically the same thing) 
Like as a kid you were in commercials and you had a small role in a tv show but it wasn’t like it was super popular. 
But what Oikawa didn’t know was that a couple months before you two started dating, you were flown out to America to star in an upcoming and highly anticipated movie 
since you were under a contract, you weren’t allowed to talk about it until the trailer dropped and it ate away at you because all you wanted to do was tell people especially your boyfriend 
ANYWAY He decided to take you on a date to the movie theatre and as you two were getting popcorn, these girls came up to you two 
“ Hi! Is it okay if we can get a picture with you?”
“Of course, how could I ever turn down my lovely fans-”
“ No, not you, Y/N!” 
Oikawa is just flabbergasted as the girls hand their phone to him so he can take a photo of you with your fans he deadass thinks it’s some prank
After the girls left, he gave you a weird-ass gaze and asked you what that was about but you just shrugged and told him that maybe it was because of ur mini part in that one tv show
So he thinks nothing about it and teased you that it was so cute how you had a mini fanbase and you weren’t going to lie, it was pretty freaking cool 
You guys entered your theatre and got settled into your seats as the movie trailers started to play. 
(Oikawa loves watching trailers like this dude is the type to take you 45 minutes before the movie actually begins JUST to make sure he doesn’t miss anything)
As you’re chilling in your seat, you see the trailer to your movie so you do your best to keep your eyes on your boyfriend and the screen at the same time cause you want to see his reaction
The trailer plays and Oikawa seemed to be interested in the movie but again, it’s like any normal trailer UNTIL he hears your voice coming from the screen and he immediately sits up in his seat 
“ Wait- was that your voice?”
“ My voice?”
“ Nevermind, I think I’m going crazy-”
AND THEN HE SEES YOU ON THE SCREEN! Since it’s a trailer it was just about five seconds of an intense/dramatic scene but it’s enough for Oikawa to lose his mind
This prompts some people in the audience to shush him but Oikawa doesn’t care
“ Toru oh my god yes that’s me but stop screaming or they’re gonna kick us out!” You whispered loudly as Oikawa clamped his hand over his mouth 
He’s so happy and he’s beaming with pride so he pulls out his phone and  records the trailer to post it in his group chat cause duh he wants to show the boys how proud he is but when he sees you kissing someone else for .6 seconds, Oikawa just (ㆆ_ㆆ) and stops recording
“ Are you okay babe?”
“ Was that real or CGI?”
“ The building crumbling is all CGI-”
“ No...the kiss.”
“ Why didn’t you tell me you were this good?” 
“ I- I was always this good! But I couldn’t say anything, I’m under a contract!”
“ But you could’ve told me! I wouldn’t have told a soul!” 
That’s a whole ass lie, if he knew, he would’ve bragged about it to Iwaizumi 
But foreal, Oikawa is such a supportive boyfriend like as months pass and your following gets bigger, he just gushes cause yep that’s his famous girlfriend ( he will 100% use you sometimes for clout)
this dude LOVES bragging to his friends that he’s dating a famous actress. Like he was always showing you off and hyping you up before but it gives him such an ego boost when people find out the two of you are dating
Oikawa is an attention whore like I said so you know whenever the paparazzi appears, he eats it up and will pose which is SOO embarrassing like pls why do u do this
But there are some days where you don’t want to get recognized and he 100% understands so the two of you will wear disguises as to not get recognized. One time you two ended up getting caught so he just grabbed your hand and the two of you SPRINTED back to the subway
He will have all of your movies on DVD and if your movie is on a streaming service, he will buy a membership JUST so he can watch your movie
Sometimes you’ll come over to his house and he’ll always try to make you watch your movie for the millionth time 
“ Toru, can we please watch something else?” 
“ But my extremely talented and beautiful girlfriend is in this movie why would I watch anything but this?” 
Don’t be fooled he WILL skip through any kissing scenes or scenes where your character shows any type of affection to another character
LOVESSS tagging along with you to photoshoots, interviews, red carpet events ALL OF IT
Red carpet events give him a chance to dress up and lowkey his outfit is always one of the best there. He won’t outshine you per se but fans actually look forward to see what he’ll be wearing and he’s not even in any of the movies I- 
Your schedule gets pretty busy once your career takes off and even though there are certain time periods where you’re across the world, it won’t stop him from sending huge bouquets to your set 
Basically, Oikawa is such a supportive boyfriend and is overall so proud of how you managed to juggle your studies with your acting career 10/10 best boy 
-Tsukishima- ( Musician/Singer)
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You and Tsuki had only been dating for a bit and since it was all still new, he kept it on the down-low because the last thing he needed was his teammates pestering him about a girl 
Tsuki knew you liked to sing and write songs but you never told him about how well known you were simply because he never asked
He just assumed it was a side thing for you UNTIL he showed up to practice and some of his teammates were huddled around Noya watching something on his tablet
“ Move your elbow! I can’t see-”
“ Watch your hand-”
“ Shush! I can’t hear her-”
“ What are you idiots watching?” Tsuki asked as he craned his neck to look at the screen
No one answered him so he started to watch the music video and low and behold, your face popped up on screen singing along to your lyrics that he’s heard a million times
Tsuki is a bit taken aback cause why is his girlfriend in such a high production video and why is his heart feeling some type of way seeing you in that outfit
Like lemme just take off my glasses and see that again ( •_•)>⌐■-■
” Where did you guys get that video?”
“ What do you mean, it’s online? She’s trending right now-”
“ God all of her songs are so good I want to see her live-” 
“ I can’t believe she goes to school with us-”
“ I wish she would step on me-”
“ Hey, don’t talk about my girlfriend like that,” Tsuki said dryly as he glares at the back of Noya’s head, which prompted everyone to turn around
“ You’re dating Y/N L/N? Ha! That’s funny Tsuki!” Tanaka laughed as he slapped Tsuki in the back harshly
At first, even Tsuki was questioning himself like wait, is he even sure you’re dating? cause this girl in the music video was NOT the same girl he was on the phone with last night
 If you had asked Tsuki 10 seconds ago if he would ever reveal to the guys he was dating someone, he would say helllll no but now that he knew about this, he didn’t care about keeping the relationship a secret especially if they were thirsting over his girl
He had all the proof in the world that he was dating you but took the salty approach to prove it to them. He pulled out his phone and shot you a text even though you were in class
Tsuki: Come to the gym right now
Y/N: is everything ok?
Tsuki: just come quickly
You left your class to “use the restroom” and practically rushed to the gym thinking that something was wrong with your boyfriend. You slid into the gym, causing the boys to look up from the tablet and you ignored their shocked faces
“ Where’s Tsukishima?” 
The boys slowly did a doubletake from the music video back to you to make sure they were seeing correctly and even though you were a bit embarrassed to hear your song playing in the background, you were just worried about Tsuki
Tsuki walked out to you from behind the guys and you rushed over to him
“ Babe, what’s wrong?” 
“ BABE?!” 
The boys were shocked and the second years practically FAINTED in your presence 
Tsuki pulled the tablet from Noya’s cold, dead hands and showed you the screen,” Care to explain this?” 
“ I- Um, it’s my music video…”
“Well are you famous or something?” 
“ I wouldn’t say famous…more like upcoming artist?” 
And then the next week you’re a nominee for the VMA’s asjfkghdk
 honestly out of Oikawa and Bokuto, he probably handles it the best on the outside, he doesn’t make too big of a deal out of your fame but on the inside he’s can’t even believe it
He doesn’t go around shouting to the world that he’s dating the Y/N L/N but he has his own ways of supporting you. He’ll listen to your songs whenever he’s walking in the hallway or doing homework at home and he’ll catch himself liking tweets that are about you as long as they’re positive
He’s def the type to argue with people online if they say mean comments and will report/block them before you can even see it 
IDC how much he tries to hide it, he is deadass ur biggest fan. Tsuki will tease you about how nervous you act during interviews/award shows but he will ALWAYS go with you to ease your nerves even if he had prior plans
If you ever write a song for him, he gets SO RED AND EMBARRASSED so pls do that 
Will def call you baka for doing so but deep down, he’ll fall in love with you even more cause you’re able to put into words how he feels about you 
I don’t think he’ll be too comfortable with you posting about him but he knows he can’t do anything about people taking photos of the two of you out together in public
Tsuki would never be rude to your fans though like if you were recognized during a date, he wouldn’t make a fit and will take photos of you and your fans to speed the process along
He HATES HATES HATES the paparazzi’s like it’s one thing for fans to come up to you when yall are in public but he gets mad when the paparazzi harasses you with questions/pictures/comments
“ Y/N! Turn around and give a smile!” 
“ Not right now, I’m sorry.”
“ Oh come on, don’t be shy! Just show the camera a little skin!”
“ How about you shut the hell up before I smack that camera out of your face.”
Head empty, no thoughts, just thinking about Mad!tsuki
It’s a big adjustment for Tsukishima that he has a girlfriend in the entertainment sphere but he knows how hard you’ve worked for it and he would never tell you to stop living your dream 
Sometimes he’ll feel insecure because you’re so successful and he doesn’t want to hold you back but since he can’t imagine being without you, he just pushes those thoughts away and enjoys every minute with you 
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jade-it-queen · 3 years
Jade. The fate of female character in Mortal Kombat
It’s been a while since I posted anything on my blog cause I’ve been busy with my life and rapid changes in it. During this time, I’ve watched the new 2021 Mortal Kombat movie as well as the new animation Battle of the realms and also rewatched the Story Mode of MK11 a few times. As you probably can tell, I have a lot to say.
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Skip this if you don’t want to read my very important (and long as sh*t) rant about female characters in MK.
DISCLAIMER. This thing is going to sound extremely feminist and women-supremacist or whatever. By saying things that I’m going to say, I by no means think that male characters should be weak or lacking. If anything, it would be nice to have some godforsaken EQUALITY. I’ll explain further later.
Part One: Mortal Kombat (2021)
There’s no Jade in this movie. 
The end. That should be the sole reason I dislike it.
However, it might be better this way since the Nitara and Mileena portrayals in this movie are... questionable to say the least. Okay, y’all been robbed. If MY JADE would be brought into this movie to BE THERE for like 4 minutes of screen time only to get absolutely brutal FATALITY I. would. be. pissed.
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More than I already am and that means something.
Sure, there’s a possibility that she’s going to be present in some of the upcoming movies because this one is definitely not the only one they’re going to make. But do I want that? Yes. And no.
Mortal Kombat movies (and Mortal Kombat in general) have a problem with women portrayal in general. The target audience for them are MEN, potentially heterosexual men, who want nothing more than bloody gorey fighting scenes with occasional sex scene here and there. To achieve that, they need a female lead, an attractive, kinda kick-assish but not too much, to not overshadow the absolutely badass men characters. Girls tend to be “independent” (because God forbid they’d want to express interest in the male leads before the time is right), sarcastic, laid back and sometimes even bitchy. Because, you see, they are fighters. And they are Sonya Blade. They need NO MAN. They just need plot armor, bigger than America itself. And if they’re not Sonya Blade, they are... non existent. They are there, but they are never really there. Here, let me walk on screen for a couple seconds. Let me sit beside Very Important Male Character (aka Shang Tsung) for a couple of seconds, looking absolutely gorgeous. Let me have a fight scene in which I make choices so f*cking stupid there’s no potential explanation to it. I exist in this movie to make people that love me (this character) to come into theatres in hopes to see some good action and interesting plot.
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Now, I wasn’t born yesterday, I know how the world works. It’S bEeN LiKe ThAt FoReVeR, gEt OvEr here iT. Yeah, it’s been like that forever and the result is a mediocre movie that pleases neither the casual viewer, nor the actual Mortal Kombat fan. I don’t know, there might be guys who just saw Kung Lao’s fatality on Nitara, thought to themselves “Neat” and went on with their lives. But I exited the cinema with a sour taste in my mouth, feeling like I’ve watched one of the “fighting genre” films based on video games that had nothing worth remembering. Well, besides Kano. He was my favourite part of this movie and I  normally can’t stand the guy :’D
Would it really help if they changed the way the women were portrayed? I mean - is that the ACTUAL problem of the movie? No, women being the eye candy and barely something else (if they’re not Sonya Blade) are not the only problem it suffers from. It’s that MK has been going the same route, retelling the same goddamn story for the millionth time. It’s always THE SAME. The only thing changing is who’s gonna get brutally killed. But - of course - out of the “disposable” character pool. It’s never Sonya (because you need our female lead or else there would be no female characters in the story), who ya know could be killed by Mileena but magically WASN’T. Because Mileena FOR SOME REASON was like: Ya know what? Naaah. Even though Sonya’s from Earthrealm and is actively trying to stop you. If anything, kill her because she annoys you. BUT NAH. It’s never Liu Kang because he’s the Chosen One. But killing Kung Lao is fine, he can die so Liu can awaken or smth. It’s not the main character because how else can you portray THE MAGIC OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP? Ya, that’s what I thought, don’t even think about it.
You have an amazing universe, filled to the brim with SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL. Let go of the same boring plot line and show us Kombat from another perspective. Change something. F*ck, go all feminist route and make a story center around Mileena dominating the world. Try with different versions of the same story, making it center around different character each time. 
Part Two: Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms
Jesus f*cking Christ.
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To say this film was rushed is an understatement. While I was watching it, I was like: TF? Everything happens all at once, we have Kuai Liang-Scorpion story line, we have Outworld’s attack, the tournament, not to mention the final fight that should be whole another movie. I felt like no story line was properly laid out, some of the characters died before I got to even know them and the battles were... disappointing. I believe they needed to push this movie out so they squished in everything they had and just went with it. 
But, again, this movie just repeats the same things as its live action version. Let me lay it down for you:
Kung Lao dies (because yes)
Sonya Blade lives (because yes)
Jade is just there (more of it later)
disposable characters are disposed of
Liu Kang is badass and always wins
You watch it and feel like you’ve already seen it before. Sure, gore is fine, human Raiden is precious and need to be protected at all costs and adrenaline is pumping (I guess).
You know what’s coming.
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My f*cking piece of sunshine, the gorgeous goddess of beauty and kombat, the woman who owns my heart.
She’s there for like not even a minute.
Words can’t describe how f*cking PISSED I am by this portrayal. These motherfrickers put her in EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE SNIPPET OF THIS MOVIE. HER BATTLE WAS IN THE TRAILER, ONE OF THE SNEAK PEEKS WAS A SCENE OF HER AND KITANA.
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I know I’m not the only one riding this trolley. Li Mei was there just to be killed. Kung Lao had a f*cking single dialogue line and then BAM, fatality, buh-bye. But I was watching everything of this movie, being so enormously happy that I will finally see Jade in the movies, FINALLY! Only for her to be present in a single scene, get her ass kicked by Liu Kang (what’s new) and then she’s never seen again, even when the whole f*cking world is breaking apart.
Again. She’s just there. Ladies and gentlemen, one of the best Shao Kahn’s assassins, gets her ass kicked in fourty seconds. They NEVER let her speak ffs. She just spews some general villanous sh*t and proceeds to step on Johnny. Then, she just goes Observer mode as Kitana “betrays” Shao Kahn, gets tied to the column and then the world is ending. 
If you hype me up for her every chance you get, at least GIVE ME what you’re advertising. This is a scam. This is criminal offense. And homophobic. She is more than a revealing outfit and Liu Kang’s punching bag. I’m SO. F*CKING. TIRED. OF THIS. SH*T.
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Kitana. The rebellious princess of Outworld... turned damsel in distress in this movie. Her role is so effing bad it hurts me to my core. You see her as a general being so badass and independent... oh right, we need Liu Kang to save her because he needs to maintain his hero look. And we need two kissing scenes. How do we get there? Oh, right, let him save her, because you know - that’s what makes wahmen kiss you. 
The movie started just fine, with Kitana being in charge with her right hand, Jade. Then, obviously, they water her down and soon she is a princess in a tower (in this case, princess on a column) that needs her buffy sexy man to save her. Oh, and she can’t resist him - you know, every normal girl’s reaction to getting untied is to kiss a guy you’ve known for like a few hours but seen before and you’ve talked like three dialogue lines in total. Sure.
Kitana just gets the unfortunate role of a female main character. She’s Liu’s love interest and that makes her take the role of a strong (but surface level, only) woman who still needs her hero to free her. Classic damsel in distress story, with Kitana being the princess, Liu being the Prince charming and Shao Kahn as the dragon (lul). Of course, they try to cover this up by making Kitana a general, letting her win a few fights but it won’t matter in the end. Some say that women want to believe in fairy tales but the more I see fighting games’ lore, the more I say it’s the men who want to believe them. 
Is it necessarily bad? No. But it’s boring as fuk.
I would like to ask the directors to stop being so afraid of upsetting the target audience. Target audience can change and sometimes it comes out better than originally planned. My Little Pony was designed as a child’s cartoon but it was the creepy men who made it reach the top. Morally? Questionable at best. But business is booming, right? And that’s what they care for, right?
All I’m trying to say is these days women and gays are the future.
Thank you for today, more to come. I’m going to rant about the Story Mode.
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teawaffles · 3 years
There’s No Business Like Show Business: Chapter 3
“Fred. How’s their acting like to you?” Jack asked in a low voice.
They were seated at the edge of the stalls. They could also see Bond from where they were, completely focused on the stage.
“I’m not an actor myself, so this is just my personal opinion — but I think they’re awfully good,” Fred replied.
Jack gazed at the stage with a serious look in his eyes.
“I think so too. I won’t discount the fact that their sets and props look a little homemade, maybe due to a lack of budget; but when it comes to acting, each one of them is highly skilled. I can tell that the performers are all deeply familiar with the intent of the script.”
They were no theatre professionals for sure, but they possessed an eye for the true essence of their art.
The creases near Jack's eyes deepened as he quietly groaned.
“And best of all is that lady.”
“Yeah, I thought so too,” Moran agreed. With Fred included, all of them were focused on the lone person on the stage.
As Jack had pointed out, Maya, the chairwoman, was the standout actress even among the highly-skilled members of her own company.
Although she only held the lead role in “The Little Match Girl”, and was relegated to supporting roles for the other stories, the delivery of her lines, the movements of her body and hands, and even the slight shifts in her gaze — each and every one of her actions was perfectly under her control. They had seen a glimpse of this when she’d stood before her fellow company members previously, but this person on stage was completely different from the one who'd spoken to them at the entrance.
Even accounting for the fact that she had written the script herself, this level of sophistication in acting was not one which could be achieved by some run-of-the-mill actress. Moreover, the lines and pauses in the script had been carefully crafted to make it easy for the audience to relate to the stories.
From then on, the three of them enjoyed the rest of the play in silence, marvelling at her exceptional talent. Eventually, the rehearsal came to an end.
“——That concludes our performance. Thank you very much for coming.”
After her closing words, the company lined up on stage, silently waiting for Bond’s comments. While there had not been any flashy moments during the performance, almost all of them had sweat on their foreheads. Each breath they took revealed the depth of their concentration.
For a short while, Bond stared at the stage without saying a word. Growing uneasy at the silence, the company members lowered their gazes slightly.
After what seemed like an eternity, Bond cleared his throat, and adjusted his posture. Seeing that, the company members straightened their backs.
“——If I were to summarise my thoughts, I think your acting has already reached a high standard. I’m sure all of you have put in much time and effort to achieve this.”
Their faces beamed at his compliment. But Bond would not allow them to be satisfied with that alone.
He rose from his seat.
“But that’s also why some bad habits have stood out to me. For example, the witch in ‘The Little Mermaid’: there were times when your movements were too exaggerated. I know that you wanted to emphasise her sinister nature, but the way you did so may turn off the audience.”
The actress who’d been singled out hung her head, perhaps out of shock. But Bond ignored this, and pointed to another woman.
“Now, you played the main character in ‘The Red Shoes’. I watched your steps after putting on the shoes — have you properly studied dance? It’s true that even some stage professionals may think that it’s alright to just mimic the real thing, but if you really want to make your performance more authentic, you must take the time to learn how to do it properly. Your audience will not be satisfied unless you show them a level of skill that will astonish even people in that profession.”
“Understood!” she responded with vigour.
“Next up is you: the way you project your voice——”
Then Bond singled out each of the performers in turn, highlighting in detail what they needed to work on. He only needed to watch their play once to spot areas for improvement at such a fine level of detail — his eye for the arts gave them all a sense of the former professional’s brilliance.
At last, Bond finished addressing every member of the company. But he then swept his gaze over the entire theatre.
“In addition…… this isn’t your fault at all, but your success today was only possible due to the small size of this theatre,” he said, with some distress. “If we were in a bigger venue, the hall would be wider and deeper to accommodate the larger audience. In other words, I’m afraid that with your current performance, your voices simply would not reach the entire audience.”
Maya paled.
“So, in order to accommodate the size of the venue……”
“Yes. The worst-case scenario would be that you have to rework the entire play. By the way, when is the opening night?”
“T—Two weeks later.”
The entire room was enveloped in silence. Even from where they were seated, Moran and the others felt the weight of their despair: all the hard work they had put in thus far, might just have amounted to nothing.
Even Bond, who had revealed this harsh reality, dropped his gaze and grimaced.
“Well, there are a fair number of productions that focus only on the stage, and do not account for the size of the audience, so you may not have to change——”
“——No, we’ll do it.”
Maya sharply interrupted his proposal.
“You’ve seen how I am; I’ve always been timid and hesitant…… but theatre is the one thing I will never compromise on. Especially now — this is a rare opportunity for us. For my fellow company members, for the people who’ve supported us this far, I want to show them something I’ve put every effort into making.”
At her words, the rest of the company nodded in silence.
Even with the actual performance only two weeks away, Maya and her company had steeled their hearts and chosen to start again from scratch. That stubborn determination surprised Bond, and even Moran and the rest.
“U—Um…… Mr Bond, I actually have something I wish to discuss with you……”
Out of the blue, Maya’s voice had grown soft.
“U—Um, if it is alright with you, just for the next two weeks, could you sit in during our rehearsals? A—Ah, actually, just whenever you have the time would be fine……”
Bond chuckled.
Even after being told about all those problems, they refused to stand down, and even continued to ask for help. Their mental fortitude sparked hope in him, and he couldn’t help but let out a grin.
Bond shot the party in the stalls a questioning look. Moran looked to Jack and Fred in turn, before giving him a thumbs-up.
With that, the former flames of passion within Bond burned even hotter. He faced the company members with a determined grin.
“——Okay. But I will be especially tough on you all, so be prepared.”
Then, he called out to Fred.
“Fred-kun. I would like your help as well — is that alright with you?”
“Understood,” he replied, standing up.
“Bond, I’m always happy to teach knife-wielding.”
“And you can always ask me about gun handling.”
“Now that would be helpful,” Bond smiled at Jack and Moran’s jests, then turned back to the stage.
“Well then, everyone — for the next two weeks, let’s do our best together.”
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
“During a performance, you must be always be aware of three things: the audience, the other actors, and yourself. If the feeling of being ‘watched’ becomes too strong for you, first direct your attention within yourself. Then, you will be able to focus on your acting once again.”
“I don’t advocate the idea of getting into a role. In the end, acting is just a skill: what you should focus on instead is how you are moving.”
“Although an effective way of bringing out emotions is to dredge up your past memories, I would advise you to avoid that. Recent memories are too concrete and vivid — if you must do so, use memories from your distant past. And be careful: if you frequently immerse yourself in negative emotions, you will hurt yourself on a spiritual level too.”
In a small theatre in Whitechapel, Bond’s instructions came forth ceaselessly.
He stood on stage together with the company members: carefully reviewing their movements, even acting them out himself as an example on occasion, and putting in every effort to raise the level of their production.
The remaining two weeks were short, but with their foundations already strong to begin with, Maya and her company steadily honed their acting skills to perfection.
One week left until the show. His work as an instructor had finally ended for the day, and he let out a sigh as he sat in the stalls to catch his breath.
“Good work today — fancy a sip?”
Having watched the proceedings from the stalls, Moran handed him a bottle of water. It was a beer bottle — very Moran-like — and Bond accepted it with a smile.
“Thanks, Moran-kun.”
Bond gulped down a single mouthful of water.
“So, how’s the play going?”
“At first I thought we would be hard-pressed for time, but they truly exceeded my expectations. I think we might just make it. ……Scratch that, we will make it.”
Moran nodded.
“That’s right. And they seem to be well-liked by the residents around here. I really hope they can pull it off.”
As Moran gazed off into the distance, a thought just occurred to Bond. He cocked his head.
“Come to think of it, you really didn’t have to tag along with me all this time, you know?”
Ever since the day Bond had agreed to lend his support to the company, his other colleagues had stopped over from time to time to cheer him on. However, Moran had made it a point to come to the theatre every day without fail.
Moran scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

“……Well, it’s not like I have anything else to do when there aren’t any missions. As a senior member of this organisation, I’m just here to see how my junior works.”
“Even though you’ve been skipping out on chores at the mansion?”
“D—Dammit, I told you before: I always do my share of the work, you know.”
Bond had said that half-jokingly, but his words flustered Moran nevertheless. It seemed he had not been entirely wrong about that.
Bond returned his gaze to the stage.
“……Thank you, Moran-kun,” he said quietly.
“Hmm? Didn’t you already say that earlier?”
“This one means something different,” he said, with a hint of mischief in his voice. Moran raised an eyebrow in bemusement, but the presence of a caring senior alone warmed Bond’s heart.
Just then, they heard the sound of the theatre doors opening.
As the two men turned to look, they saw a portly middle-aged man with a magnificent moustache standing at the entrance.
Maya hurriedly bowed in his direction. “T—Thank you so much for your help thus far! What brings you all the way here?”
From her formal manner, it seemed this was the very noble who had asked them to stage the opening act for his theatre.
“Ah, you’ve been working hard, I see,” he said as he stroked his moustache, a big smile on his face.
“Yes; with your assistance, we’ve been able to prepare for the performance in time. I’m sure the audience will be satisfied with——”
“Well, about that.”
The man interrupted Maya, still all smiles.
“——Your performance has been cancelled.”
No one could believe their ears.
Her expression brimmed with confusion.
“U-Um, what do you mean……?”
“What does it mean? Just pretend our conversation back then didn’t happen. That’s all.”
The man made another simple pronouncement, then smiled as if nothing was wrong.
“Honestly, it’s just as well that this has happened, since I’ve also been troubled over your debut. So what I’m saying is, your company doesn’t have to turn up. That’s alright with you, isn’t it?”
The entire company was still in a state of shock. Then, Bond addressed the man directly.
“Now hold on just a moment. What do you mean, you were troubled? Then why did you ask them to perform? What’s more, isn’t it a little late to cancel the performance at this juncture?”
Hearing that, the man sighed in displeasure.
“Who are you, anyway? Someone connected to this company? I’m not happy to be asked so many questions at once.”
“Then I’ll summarise it for you. If you were going to cancel the performance so easily, why bother requesting Maya and her company to perform anyway?”
At Bond’s question, the nobleman shrugged his shoulders.
“Well, that’s simple. I just felt like it.”
Those shocking words froze him to the core.
“I’d heard about a reputable theatre company in the slums. Since there’s this notion of noblesse oblige anyway, I thought a performance would be a good topic for conversation and approached them. But then I grew to realise that the thought of poor people stepping onto the sacred stage of an official theatre just didn’t sit well with me. So yesterday, I finally decided to put an end to this madness.”
“How could you……”
He had asked Maya’s company to perform on a whim, and then cancelled their act on a selfish whim as well. And this was all decided just ‘yesterday’. Even though they had been putting in every effort into their play.
The nobleman continued.
“That’s all I had to say. You poor folk are living off the graces of the nobility, so be grateful that I even bothered to come all this way to talk to you. Now that I’m finished here, I’ll be leaving. The smell here is simply an assault on my senses.”
Right before he walked out, the man spat out one last line.
“Well, at least you all had a nice dream, didn’t you?”
A violent rage surged within Bond. Somehow, he managed to grit his teeth and hold himself back. If he were to retaliate right now, he would be inviting unnecessary reprisal on Maya and her company rather than himself. So all he could do was look daggers at the nobleman’s back as he left.
The theatre was enveloped in a mournful silence. Everyone seemed to have lost their verve, and no one uttered a word. Bond was shaking with frustration.
Amidst the heavy atmosphere, just one man — Moran — gazed upon the situation with composure.
Finally, Maya, the chairwoman, mumbled in a thin voice.
“Um, I’m so sorry. I think, I’m not feeling too well……”
Then, with a hollow expression, she headed to the dressing room, her footsteps shaky.
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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otome0heart · 3 years
[Fanfic] MLQC Secret Santa 2020: The Light at the End of the Tunnel (Victor)
A little late but this is my belated present for @mrs-victor-li for the MLQC Secret Santa ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁) I really hope that you like it.
Also, a big thank you to @ginkgowritings for organising this and being patient with my delay. I really, really appreciated it (灬ºωº灬)♡
Title: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Words: 3786
Notes: Even though I tried to merge it in the Dates timeline, in the end the story diverts from the canon, though it’s set after the Rooftop Date (possible spoilers if you haven’t read it). Also, this was partly inspired by the wonderful analysis of Victor’s character “Waiting for your consent” by @sharinluna. I just had time to revise and edit it once so please, forgive any big mistakes that you see and point them to me so I can correct them ^^ Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy it.
The curtain closed for the last time that evening and the clapping died little by little in the great hall. The audience started gathering their things and the young woman looked at her companion, her joyful expression turning into a  puzzled one, as he sat down again. Victor returned her gaze with a tiny smile playing on his lips and she did the same, beside him.
“Are we waiting for something?”
He crossed his legs, making himself comfortable.
“The corridors are crowded right now, we’ll take the same amount of time to get out whether we’re there or stay here for a while.”
She hummed, a brief musical sound emerging from her throat, just like the ones she had enjoyed not so long ago, her eyes turning back to the now quiet stage and her feet moving in a spontaneous dance to a melody only she knew. At that moment, Victor would have given anything to know what was on her mind. She seemed to have gone to a world of her own though she was just at an arm’s reach and that unsettled him. He studied her profile in the warm-lit box partly hidden from prying eyes by a dark red curtain that framed her delicate features. They were in an impasse in their relationship which made him unsure of where he stood. He had told her of his feelings for her some weeks before but she had not answered him yet. However, as they had continued seeing each other outside work, he had noticed very little changes in her attitude towards him, mixed signals that sometimes led him to think she felt the same, others that gave away a sense of an inner struggle. And he knew why. The fact that his corporation was the main and only investor on hers made her tiptoe around him, not getting closer but not wanting to offend him either.
He pressed his lips in a thin line. He was not blind to the fact of other men appreciating her as well, she was a fine young lady with plenty of good qualities and the owner of a company; but he was also a mature man who separated work and personal clearly, and if she were in love with someone else, he would retire like the gentleman he considered himself to be. And if she thought that he was so petty as to retire his investment because of that, then, maybe she was truly a silly girl.
He breathed a silent sigh, shooking his head and relaxing his features, as the sounds of conversation in the hall started to fade. Whatever the future held for both of them, he was not going to waste his time dwelling in what-ifs. He would enjoy every single occasion he had to be with her at work or out of it until she made her mind up, starting from the fact that that meaningful evening was his alone.
The hall was almost empty by then, and he looked at his watch.
“Shall we go?”
Deeply lost in her thoughts, she startled a little upon hearing his voice.
“Yes, sorry” she smiled lightly and stood up just after him, grabbing the white coat on the back of her chair.
He extended his hand and she doubted for a few seconds just before giving it to him and turning around. As he helped her, he admired her exposed neck and upper back, normally covered by her hair, this time styled up in a braided low bun where she had held a hairpin with some poinsettia flowers. He could not help a smile. She had gone all out for the festivity and wore a dark green knee-length satin dress with some applique work on the body and sleeves, and red ankle-strapped shoes. She could pass as a very elegant dressed elf. A lovely one, he had to admit.
He put on his black coat too, and together, they left the box seat. There were only a few people in the corridors who had probably had the same idea as Victor. Some of them greeted them, glancing curiously at her as they exchanged a few courtesy words with Victor.
Finally, they exited the theatre, a cold gust of wind greeting them. It had snowed heavily while they had been inside and there was a thin layer of white covering the dark coloured pavement and the road. She let out an excited laugh and bounced on her heels, enjoying the sound of the crushed snow under her feet. He shook his head slightly, an amused smile drawing across his mouth and then, offered her his arm, which he was surprised to see she took without hesitation. Probably, she was more worried about falling down and making a fool of herself than about her confused feelings towards him.
At a leisure pace, they walked down the steps of the building and headed to the parking lot where he had left his car, a few blocks from there. They made their way in silence at the beginning, watching some scattered snowflakes fall from the trees lining the road, profusely decorated. From time to time, Victor stole glances at her, enjoying the Christmas lights reflected in her pupils and the expression of awe in her features, as if she saw them for the first time.
‘Childish’ he thought, aware that precisely that earnestness she possessed was one of the things that attracted him to her deeply.
And then, a soft hum reached his ears. Distracted as she was with the ornamentation, she had unconsciously started to sing disconnected fragments of the melodies she had listened to at the theatre, happy ballet songs about sweets and fairies, and dancing snowflakes and flowers. A pleasant feeling filled him inside and he breathed satisfied, focusing on her lovely voice.
No matter how many years she had seen Loveland’s Christmas illumination, it managed to amaze her every single one of them. Beautiful figures, curtains of stars, snowflakes projected on buildings and Christmas trees in the squares, they were all different from the previous ones, bigger and more colourful.
Without barely realising, she had started to hum, the familiar songs that she had heard so many times before that night finding their way from her mind and heart to her throat. Her father had brought her to see The Nutcracker ballet for several years in that same building they had been to that night. When Victor had suggested going to the theatre on Christmas Eve, she had hesitated a bit. Even though they had had lunch and dinner together a few times after his confession, it had never sounded as much as a date as that one, especially given the romantic connotations the day held for most people. It had been when he had told her that he had tickets to attend to The Nutcracker ballet that all her doubts had vanished, replaced by nostalgia and excitement and, as she had watched the dancers on the stage and heard the beautiful, happy melodies of the dances, warm feelings and memories from her childhood had filled her.
The streets were crowded with people of all ages, walking busily from shop to shop in search of a last-minute present or watching the decorations. Here and there, they also passed couples hand in hand, and she wondered if they looked the same to them, holding arms and strolling so close together. She lowered her head a bit, hiding her chin in the fuzzy neck of her coat. Victor declaring his feelings for her so straightforwardly that night a few weeks ago on the roof of LFG had left her confused and unsure. With his fiercely demanding attitude and his mighty position, she had never suspected that he could see her as something more than a “dummy”, a silly girl that stood up to him and that most of the time was never up to his standards at work. In very few moments, he had let her see what was behind his poker face and his tyrannical ways, allowing her to discover a fiercely loyal and protective man with a warm heart who loved his family dearly. And during those glimpses, she had felt closer to him, that the walls between them cracked and collapsed bit by bit, though sometimes, they were rebuilt again in the blink of an eye. She had wondered then if all that was in her imagination and his affection, just a dream. However, his words were deeply engraved in her heart, and his voice, loud and clear like that day, resounded in her mind once again.
I wouldn’t go near another woman. All I want is you…
Heat flushed her cheeks and she side glanced at Victor to see if he had noticed, but he was looking ahead, at the entrance of the car park just a few metres in front of them, across a square, and she breathed, relieved.
He had not mentioned the matter again. Unlike the idea she had of suitors from what she had heard from her friends or watched in films, he had left her space to think, not trying to be a constant presence in her daily life or influence her feelings in any way, not meddling in her bonds with the men who were important to her. His attitude towards her had been the same, overbearing and not giving her a special treatment, and at the same time, considerate and lenient with her whims. True to his word, he was waiting for her to see the light, even at the risk of that never happening.
The atmosphere in the square was very similar to the one in the bustling streets, though the decorations and colours were much subtler, giving the place a cosy, intimate glow, so different from when they had crossed it in the late afternoon on their way to the restaurant where they had a reservation for an early dinner before heading to the theatre, with the hot shades of the sunset reflecting on the glass windows of the nearby buildings, tinting the world as if it was on fire. 
“Everything is so beautiful…” the girl sighed looking at a group of reindeers made with small white lights, except for one which was red. “It’s like stepping into a winter wonderland.”
“Well, I agree that it has its charm and that people feel compelled to spend is a great incentive for business.”
She lifted a brow, regarding him with an incredulous stare.
“I can’t believe you said that… Where’s your Christmas spirit? Don’t you feel anything special seeing so many awesome and creative things made with just garlands and trees and lights, the families walking together and the children so thrilled?”
“Like the one I have beside me?” he replied jokingly, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
She pouted despite clearly seeing that he was trying to provoke her, and turned her head away. However, a second later she forgot about it as her eyes fell on the loveliest decorative ensemble she had seen that day.
“VIctor, look!” the young woman exclaimed as she left him with fast steps, walking to a space between two trees where a string of bulbs in the shape of a holly branch hung. On top of it, two robins, also made with fairy lights were perched, looking at each other, one with its wings slightly opened, the other giving it what looked like a sprout of leaves and small white balls.
A young couple a few meters away from her laughed and she turned in time to see them kiss fully on the mouth, making her flush upon realising what that little sprig in the bird’s beak was.
The two teenagers parted from each other and glanced at her, giggling again and walking away. She looked at Victor, panicked but unable to move from her spot, not knowing what to do. He was just a few meters away, watching her with an unreadable expression that stirred an unknown feeling inside her.
Then, suddenly, everything stilled and there was no more sound of chiming bells moved by the cold breeze, no more rumour of excited voices and nervous chuckles. As if he had decided something, he walked to her, slowly, like a majestic lion, but at the same time, she had the impression that he was giving her a chance to escape, that just a step back would stop him completely, as the suspended time. But for some unknown reason, she could not do it. Her heart was beating strongly in her chest, almost deafening her, her breath coming in short puffs of steam between her slightly parted lips. She lifted her gaze as he stopped in front of her. His mauve eyes, always crystal clear, were darkened by the night and the emotion that glimmered deep inside them. But there was more, a flicker of uncertainty that surprised her. She had never had the impression that he could be insecure about something, and yet, there was so much she did not know about him.
And also, there was her. She could see herself reflected in his pupils and she felt that she was the only one that mattered in his world. That thought alone made her feel an inexplicable spark of happiness and warmth spread inside her chest.
He lifted his hand and slipped it gently behind her head cupping the nape of her neck, and his thumb swept over her cheek, feeling the heat of her skin. She was looking at him with her big eyes, shiny under the Christmas lights and confused at his actions. How he longed to cross the distance, physical and emotional, that separated them and feel finally complete, silence the yearn that surged in his heart each time he saw her. But he had promised her to wait, to leave her space so she could see him as the man who desperately loved her instead of just the powerful CEO that held her future and that of those under her in his hands. So, he would have to settle for just a little display of affection, just for the two of them.
He leant forward and, as she lowered her lids not knowing what to expect, he brushed her forehead with his lips tenderly, lingering just enough to breathe in the floral fragrance of her hair and feel the softness of her skin.
He let go just after his kiss, taking a step back, and suddenly, the young woman found herself missing the heat radiating from him, protective and comforting.
“Shall we go?” he asked, bending his elbow for her to slip her hand around again, as the little bulbs clinked together in the breeze and the atmosphere filled with laughter and noise once again.
The girl nodded, not really trusting her voice, and took his arm, both of them walking straight to the parking lot entrance.
Once they paid and found the car, he opened the door for her, waiting until she had taken off her coat and sat down comfortably to close it. Then, he did the same, leaving his garment on the back seat and took his place on the driver’s seat.
She leant her head back on the headrest as he drove carefully along the snow-covered roads, one of her hands folded over the other, where she still could feel his warmth, as if it wanted to keep it as much as possible. Her mind had been wandering to him quite often during those weeks, when she was not working, trying to decipher what she felt for him, but until that moment, she had not got a clear answer. It was difficult for her to separate the authoritative figure he represented from the caring man whom she was so precious for, as she understood that seventeen years ago, she had made a strong impression on him while she had completely forgotten about his existence. However, he was becoming a crucial figure in her life now, someone who pushed her past her limits and encouraged her to do her best; someone who she could count on and spoiled her just enough to make her feel happy again on a bad day. She was not sure if it was the light he was expecting or not, but the only conclusion she had reached was that she wanted to know more about him, to uncover layer after layer of the pragmatic LFG CEO and see the man behind the finance emperor.
Her eyes fell on her hands again, and a light colour appeared on her cheeks. It had also been the first time they had stood so close together since his confession, making her aware of her masculine presence and his status as a possible lover, someone who would have access to her most private thoughts and feelings, who would expect more than a platonic bond. Her face turned scarlet red at the mere idea of Victor and her crossing the invisible line that until that night had been clearly drawn between them. She recalled the warmth of his hand on her skin and the slight shiver that had run down her spine at the brush of his lips, awakening on its course a million of unfamiliar but thrilling sensations and she bit her lower lip. 
“You're normally not so quiet” he said in a soft voice, his eyes on the road, and she turned her head to him, brusquely brought back to reality, which made silence fall between them for a moment. “Did you not like the performance?”
“I loved it!” he side-glanced at her briefly just enough to see if she was feigning her sudden enthusiasm. “Sorry if it seemed the other way…” she doubted briefly and then, she continued, her nervousness at being caught in her recollections set aside. “You know, my father brought me there several times when I was a child and a teen. it was like a Christmas tradition to see The Nutcracker together around this time. Then, I spent the rest of the winter playing the different melodies on the piano. In spring, I put the scores away until the following December, when we started the circle again. Tonight’s ballet has brought me many memories of those times” she looked at her fingers, still laced together. “It’s been long since I played them, I’ve been too busy…”
He kept silent, but she saw that his brows were knitted together in a frown and she knew that he was doubting his choice.
“I’m glad to have reminisced about those moments. It made me appreciate the dancing and the music much more and keep my memories of my father alive” she turned towards him and that grabbed his attention. “Thank you for taking me there, Victor.”
His posture relaxed visibly and the thin line in his forehead disappeared.
“You’re welcome.”
A few minutes later, he parked his car in front of her building. Despite the slight tension still tangible in the cabin, the young woman felt comfortable and wished she could enjoy his company for a while longer. Then, a sudden idea came to her mind.
“Do you want to come up to my place and have some hot chocolate?” she asked on a whim, surprising him.
His slightly widened eyes watched her for a few seconds, his features not revealing any of his thoughts, making her squirm awkwardly and then, shook his head.
“No, thank you. I have a meeting early in the morning.”
She seemed surprised by his rejection but did not feel discouraged and tried again.
“It won’t take long, and it’ll warm you-”
“You don’t need to do this” he interrupted her words, trying to end her struggle and laying his cards on the table.
“To feel pressured. I told you I’d be patient so take all the time you need to sort out your feelings about us. The last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable or obliged with me, so I apologise if I overstepped-”
“I know” she replied with a light nod, interrupting him. “You can be imposing and a tyrant but also, respectful and considerate so I know that you’d never force or rush me to do anything I’m not completely sure about” she stared into his eyes with a serious expression which took him slightly aback. “I trust you.”
Those words reached the deepest part of his thundering heart. Never in his life had he felt so relieved and so right, reassured that his actions were correct and that she appreciated them. He had feared so many times that his confession had only made things between them even more difficult but she was too afraid of offending him. And at the same time, he had been worried about interpreting her acceptance of his advances as something more meaningful than it really was. Knowing that she was considering his feelings carefully and maybe taking baby steps towards a relationship between them filled his chest with even more love for her.
“Thank you for this evening, Victor” she smiled unfastening her seatbelt. “It’s been wonderful.”
He nodded, his features softening upon seeing her returning to her normal self.
And then, she leant forward, putting her hand on his arm to bring him to her and kissed his cheek, a silent touch in the darkness of the enclosed space they were in which left him breathless for a second.
“Goodnight” she whispered, her eyes gazing at him briefly before turning and opening the door of the car.
He watched her run towards the entrance of her building, her coat still in her arms and her green skirt fluttering behind her, still puzzled by how fast everything had happened. She reached the gate and just before disappearing, she looked over her shoulder with a small smile playing on her lips and her cheeks flushed. Then, she was gone.
Victor brought his hand to his face and brushed his cheek with his fingertips. He still could feel the warm pressure of her soft lips on his skin and the caress of her breath sweeping his ear, the subtle fragrance of her perfume surrounding him, giving him a glimpse of what it would be like to have her in his arms.
He closed his eyes and swallowed, breathing deeply trying to calm himself down and focus on the road. He started the car and, using his turn signal, joined the traffic on his way home, a soft smile curving his lips as he started to hum under his breath one of The Nutcracker’s melodies.
It seemed that, even though there was still a long way to go, she was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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thesparkinthefire · 4 years
Ghost - Pedro Pascal x Reader
A/N: I have a one and a half hour breakfast break because my company does not know how to plan, so I thought I might as well upload this now. I am uploading it through my phone and don't know how to proper edit on tumblr so this might look like a mess. English is also not my first language and I never wrote in it before - please point out any mistakes I might have made. I think this is part one of two.
Word count: 1,997
Paaring: Pedro Pascal crushing on musical!Reader ft. Oscar Isaac
Trigger Warning: age gap mentioned, a lot of jealousy
"Though my heart is broken, it keeps breaking every day." - With You, the Ghost cast album
Pedro didn't hate Oscar. It was quiet the opposite – that guy was his best friend. His amigo in the US of A and the wild life of Hollywood. Working with him on Triple Frontier was a dream come true and felt more like a guys-trip than work most of the time. Both of them were part of the Star Wars universe and if it somehow would have been possible they would love for their characters to meet just to work together a little more.
No, Pedro didn't hate Oscar. Except for two things.
First being that one time when he gave him a Wet Willy during that interview when they were answering questions people seem to type into Google – he still cringed whenever he thought back.
The second thing were you. Not exactly you-you because you did absolutely nothing wrong, but for Oscar's relationship with you. 
What an irony, that Pedro had introduced the both of you. You were a young actress from Europe and after you blew up because of your role in a teen-romance movie you were his partner on the second season of The Mandalorian. Your character had been a fan favourite, came into the show half way through the season and was set to stay at least for a few more episodes in the third season.
You were younger than him. A lot. But that had never bothered you. In every interview you had you were asked how working with “an experienced actor like Pedro Pascal” was like – which he found a little offensive, he might have a little lower back-pain but he wasn't that old – you smiled and answered that age was only a number and you two got along very well. And he was more than glad that you saw it that way.
To claim that he had never crushed on one of the actresses he had acted romance with would simply be a lie, but he was a professional. He never told anyone if he did and he did his best at keeping it a secret and not letting his feelings dominate his brain. But it was different with you. The moment he first saw you he thanked god that you had gotten the role. You were stunning in your very own way. Always kind to everybody – it didn't matter whether you were talking to him, the director or the clumsy intern. You always brought yourself to smile in the morning even though getting up early was like torture to you. You stayed focused on set, even when your nerves were killing you. Having a bad day was tough but you always acted kind and polite. You were perfect. In every possible way. Acting romance was the main job for the two of you and that wasn't only hard because he was wearing Din's helmet all the time. No, the problem was that he wasn't acting. He fell madly in love with you. It wasn't even your character. You were just so damn perfect.
You met a bunch of times outside of work, after the second season had aired and press tour had been wrapped. You got along so perfectly well that he sometimes had to ask himself, if he wasn't being too obvious. Maybe he was. But you never told him to step back or just didn't notice it. You should have noticed it by the time he asked you, what you were doing for Christmas. “Probably watching Netflix,” you had answered. “I am not going home until the new year and, yeah, everyone else is with their families.”
“You could join me,” Pedro had said before his mind had really processed the words you had said. “I mean- I am having dinner with a bunch of friends and, yes, we don't have a no-girls rule and you could join me. Us.” He had never seen something as beautiful as you when your eyes lit up in that moment. You happily accepted. That's how you met Oscar Isaac. Pedro's best friend, who he had never hated as much as in the moment when you were kissing him.
Oscar and you had a lot in common. You both loved Star Wars and were more than happy to discus every single theory about Finnpoe, Din Djaren and your character, the Skywalkers and Baby Yoda – just like you and him had so many times before. You both started by playing theatre – just like he did. You learned Spanish when you were still in school and tried your best to hold simple conversations with Oscar while he tried to teach you more – just like Pedro had. The thing that really connected the both of you and that made Pedro feel invisible were musicals. Sure, he had seen a few but singing was just not his thing. Oscar and you, on the other hand spent hours talking about the motifs in Hamilton, the fate of Gleb in Anastasia, the musical adaption of Heathers, the movie adaption of Cats and the harmonies in Dear Evan Hansen. Pedro loved listening to you. You were the most beautiful when you were talking about something you were as passionate about as musicals. You whole face lit up and you started talking with your hands. As much as he loved it, he hated it. Because it wasn't him you were talking with but mainly Oscar. You both loved singing and sooner or later ended up with his guitar, when the three of you were meeting at Oscar's house, or at your piano, when you were in your apartment. Pedro didn't dare to imagine how many hours you had spent in togetherness singing and acting out scenes. Fuck's sake he shouldn't – Oscar was married after all.
The year after you met some genius decided to bring the musical Ghost to California for a four week run and thought that no couple would be a better fit than Oscar and you. That was solely a PR-gig because the same director was about to host a bigger play the month after the run, but Oscar still accepted. So did you. And that hurt Pedro so much.
You had been doing a few musicals before you blew up as an actress and were just perfect for the role for Molly but Oscar, god, out of all people. He didn't know if he could handle seeing the you being in love. Even if it was just on stage.
The day Oscar and you accepted the part the three of you met up and watched the movie the musical was based on. You were crying half of the time and Oscar was visibly touched too but Pedro hated it. Maybe only because of the thought of you kissing his best friend for at least four weeks – rehearsals additional. He watched you from the corner of his eye and when he saw Oscar lean in you direction, he quickly wrapped his arm around you and pulled you in. “You are truly a crybaby,” he mumbled and handed you another tissue. For an hour the world was perfect – you, cuddled into his side while watching a romance.
But it soon got back to the cruel reality when Oscar decided, after the movie ended, the best way to cheer you up was singing Unchained Melody to you.
And now he was standing in the doorway to your rehearsal room in the theatre that you had stared working in a week ago, looking at you somewhat between sitting and laying on the orange couch and Oscar above you. Kissing you. Hands roaming over your body, under your shirt, moving it up. It was like looking at an accident – he didn't want to watch because it horrified him, but at the same time he couldn't look away. His heart was crushing, breaking. And the worst thing was, that the first thing that crossed his mind wasn't, that Oscar is a married man.
“Okay, wait,” you said, pushing him away from you. “Is it weird when I do that?”
“That.” You tapped against his side, which was turned away from Pedro.
“Normally not but the audience can't see that because that side of us is turned to the back of the stage.”
That was a stage kiss. You were practising. That was all part of the rehearsal. Oscar wasn't cheating on his wife and you weren't... well, you weren't doing anything at all because Pedro had never made the god damn move of asking you out. It had been almost a year since he first met you at the table reading for the second Mandalorian season and he never said anything. Why did he never say anything? He was such an idiot. He could have slapped himself, hit his head against the next wall. What the fuck was holding him back?
“Hey Pedro! Didn't hear you coming.” Your voice brought him back to reality. Oscar moved off of you and you sat back up again. God, he had been starring. He had definitely been starring.
“Todo esta bien, amigo?”, Oscar asked.
“Yeah... Yeah, sure. I am just not feeling well.” That was an understatement. He was feeling sick. Fucking sick. He couldn't wait for the premiere. You would be so happy and excited while the knot in his throat was growing minute by minute until he was forced to sit through two hours of you and his best friend being in love. Usually he was good at separating the human from the role they were playing but somehow it was not possible for him this time. His brain couldn't and it made him mad and sad at the same time because he wanted to be happy for you. Ghost was a musical you were talking about before. It was possibly a dream come true and a huge opportunity to be selected for the leading role and he should be happy for you. He wanted to support you and his best friend on their project and give them the acting advice, they asked him for – that's why he even came here – but his heart wanted him to turn around and walk right out the door and never come back. Maybe even drink to get the images out of his head. They were nightmare material to him.
“Well, don't get us sick. We only have two more weeks until the premiere.”
“I will let you know once I know how to control sickness,” he snapped back a bit harsher than the wanted to. That's what it was. Sickness. A virus. Jealousy was poisoning his heart.
All he wanted was to be there for you. Because he knew how anxious premiers made you. Everyone kept asking you about how you were doing and you always smiled and said that you were just as nervous as everybody working on the production but that wasn't the full truth. Pedro saw it in the way your smile faded for a split second, once the question was asked. He noticed it when you took longer and longer to reply to his messages. He noticed, that you were a little more quiet than usual when you were out for dinner. Stress-crying was a thing you did and he would bet that you had already have a few breakdowns.
He wanted nothing more than to comfort you. To pull you in a tight hug, kiss your head and tell you that everything will turn out just fine, because you were gorgeous in every way possible. You were intelligent and strong and beautiful – simply amazing. Why did he never ask you out? It was way too late to do it now, wasn't it? You had grown to be something like best friends and best friends don't date each other.
He had shoot his shot.
And you would never be his.
Part two
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snikker-doooo · 4 years
Road Trip Head cannons (Australian edition)
Due to covid I can’t go roadtripping - so I wrote up some head cannons to pass me over until our state opens back up.(Muriel, Portia and Lucio are under the cut)
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You wake up one day and he has half a bag packed with a few essentials, you need to remind him to take his tooth brush. He suggests you mostly follow the coast but also wants to go inland to some national parks. 
Visits a lot of Indigenous Cultural sites, but is completely respectful the entire time
Ancient forests, and old book shops are his favourite places to stop. But also loves picking up wacky souvenirs, his favourite is a hand painted ukulele with Elvis on the front.
Wants to stop at every small town candy shop and gets two of everything to eat while you take turns driving your beat up sedan.
At the beach he chases you into the ocean and throws you under the water. You laugh because his hair makes him look like a jellyfish. 
Perfectly okay to stay wherever - but reminds you he packed the tent so you end up camping near the beach and having a small campfire - fire restrictions pending
Favourite tourist attractions: Helensburgh Glow Worm tunnel,  Flinders station Ballroom, Melbourne, Mungo National Park, Arumpo
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You suggest he takes a sick week as his beginning to look like the walking dead from all the over time he does at the hospital. He gets stir crazy in the house and suggests it within about 2 hours of being home from work. 
His cars so old it has a cassette player, but still Insists on listening to the local radio station - the music is always horrible country yodeling from the 50s, but somehow, he knows every word to every song
Visits some very unique museums - who ever knew there was a firefighter museum, cricket museum or lawn gnome museum 
Loves small town pubs - no one knows him, the audience loves him, and if he gets too rowdy - doesn’t matter, he’ll be gone in the morning
Eats wherever the locals suggest and this has lead him to eating at some very questionable places but usually getting really good food
Usually chooses pubs that have a bed upstairs - it's easier to stumble to bed drunk that way and it also means more time with the locals
Favourite tourist attractions: The Witches Garden, Mitta Mitta, Santos Museum of Economic Botany, Adelaide, Titanic Theatre Restaurant, Williamstown
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Has planned this getaway for at least two months - has her long service leave saved up and the HR officer has approved it. You’ve packed her four wheel drive as she has a shower and you leave straight after work to get the most time. 
Loves to visit the small artsy towns but also wants to see major cultural players as well.
Small textiles shops get a lot of her attention - especially the homemade ones. She picks up some very unique pieces and is always happy to support local businesses
Will look up cafes and restaurants in advance just to make sure they serve something she's interested in, but is always willing to try some local specialty. 
Is that handmade soap? Yes please. Is it lavender? All the better. 
Has booked a few high end, luxury rooms at various resorts for rest days and some small town bed and breakfasts for the other days
Favourite Tourist attractions: Magnetic Island, Japanese War Cemetery and Garden, Cowra, The Sydney Opera House.
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He goes because you want to go - plus someone needs to make sure you don’t get into too much trouble. Helps you plan the route so you stay out of major city centers but is still an interesting road trip. 
He loves driving along the highway at night - you're the only people for kilometers and it makes the world seem so much bigger. 
Nature based road trip - lots of walks in national parks, caving, and beaches. 
Highlights of the trip include getting his milkshake upgraded (because the waitress said his manners reminded her of her grandson) and seeing that platypus couple in the Snowy River. 
Stops for food wherever has the least amount of people - but also can’t say no to a place with a beer garden. You sit next to the koi pond and get fish and chips to share. You get Muriel some lemon slice in a baggie on the way out for later - he adores it.
Also stops whenever he sees a roadside fruit vendor - comes home with at least two pallets of mangos.
No, we’re not sleeping in a motel, he never fits on the beds - we’re sleeping outside of town on a mattress in the back of his ute a few kilometers out of town so we can stargaze. You both smell like citronella coils for the entire trip. 
Favourite tourist attractions: The Big Marino, Goulburn, Penguin Parade at Phillip Island, the Daintree Rainforest, Queensland,  Insert obvious joke about stopping at Lake Solitude, Tasmania
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It's summer, she's finished uni for the semester, Nadia told her to enjoy her break, and the car was packed the day before work finished. She's just waiting for you to get in. 
Takes turns driving her hatchback with a very loose idea of where you’re going. 
Must have at least one meat pie at every small town bakery that claims to sell the best pie in the state. Has a notebook with each pies rating and specs.
Takes an insane amount of photos of every location you stop at. Also takes cheeky photos of you driving when you think she's asleep and has a few videos of you singing power anthems as you drive down the highway. 
Any trip into the servo to get snacks looks like a ten year old came into a lot of money. 
Stays exclusively at bed and breakfasts - its a room, and a meal, and it's all quite kitsch and sweet. 
Gets one of those collectable spoons whenever she can - she has over 200. 
Favourite tourist attractions: Gnomesville, Wellington Mill, Wycliffe Well, Davenport, Yowie hunting in Kilcoy 
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A coworker got back from their road trip before and showed him some photos of some obscure giant statue - now Lucio needs to visit more ‘the big whatever's’. You have to take your car because he doesn’t want his paint scratched. 
Complains about your CD selection - but shuts up once you suggest going back and taking his car instead.
Gets a cheesy couple photo in front of the big whatever's - the big pineapple, the big ram, the big potato (which he found hilarious and he has no idea why.)
Willing to eat anywhere but always orders the same thing - beef burger with the lot, a side of chips with chicken salt and a coke (no - pepsi is not the same thing)
Willing to do some adventure tourism things - abseiling, caving, cage diving but draws the line at skydiving.
He stays wherever looks best on the website - and usually this works out well. Apart from that one bed and breakfast in Junee which he claims was haunted. 
Favourite tourist attractions: SS Maheno, Fraser Island, Mad Max Museum, Silverton, The Big Banana, Coffs Harbor (Yes, he has one of those perspective photos posing next to it at a suggestive angle)
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curatedkmen · 3 years
“Closer”chapter II
Song rec: Blood Knows - Rhye
“Seonho have you met everyone? This is Bae Sung Woo hyungnim, Park Sodam, and…” Le Dong Ha was introducing everyone to Seonho who just came in the theatre meeting room for a first script reading with the cast of “Closer.”
Closer. The theatre play that leave a huge impression in Seonho’s heart, mind, and body. After the alley accident that happened 6 years ago, Seonho could not get rid of Geunyoung’s image in his head. Well despite the fact that Moon Geunyoung is an actress and she is everywhere on tv so it’s impossible to forget her face but he specifically could not get rid of the image of Geunyoung kissing him and moaning between their kisses while his three fingers were moving deep inside her. That night when he went home, he was feeling a little pain and discomfort on his scrotum. The guy was feeling the symptoms of blue balls from holding that erection for a long time without having an orgasm. He got home riding the subway, went to his room and took a bath, feeling ecstatic from remembering Geunyoung’s face when she came and painful at the same time from his dick. 
A month after that alley accident, yes, Seonho prefered to call it an accident because both can't possibly know that they were gonna make out in an alley with strangers they just met in a club, Seonho went to the military. Fulfilling his duty as a South Korean citizen for 18 months and came back again as a theatre actor. 
He continued to land on offers and more offers for a theatrical role. He was given the nickname “theatre idol” because of how famous he is amongst the theater fans due to his great acting and irresistible dimples. His career gradually grew as he got more important roles and played in biggere auditoriums, which showed how more and more people were expecting his performance on stage. 
He continued with his life and had a couple of girlfriends but no one could ever help him forget Moon Geunyoung. 
One day in April, Seonho received news from his theatre crews about a role in “Closer” stage play that was going to be held in the second half of the year. He was offered the role of Dan.
When he first got a call from the directors, he almost lost his shits. He was so happy because he loved the play so much, the range of emotions, the dialogues, and the build up was so stupidly intense but delicate at the same time so as a theatre freak he was so excited to challenge himself in that role. 
“Kim Seonho-ssi, I’m sure you've heard about the offer, so I just want to confirm if you would like to join us on this year’s “Closer.” I watched you a lot already, I couldn’t watch “True West” but I watched “Almost Maine” and you were brilliant in it.”
“Yes, Director. I would love to join you. It is an honor, really. I have been a fan of “Closer” for a really long time. I would love to challenge myself to bring Dan into life this time.”
“Wonderful, I’m so glad to hear that. Oh did you perhaps watch “Closer” in 2010?”
“Yes, yes I did. It was a month before my enlistment so I couldn’t miss it”
“Actually we will have some of the same actors from “Closer” 2010 but it is still being discussed”
Seonho almost could not believe his ears. Same actors? Don't tell me she’s gonna play as Alice again? I’m not sure I can behave for the second time looking at her in that freaking dress for fuck sake.
“Really? Which actors is it?”
“Bae Sung Woo and I’m not sure again with the others. But I’m sure you’ll see them all in two weeks for our first reading”
“Okay Director, I will see you in two weeks then. Thank you very much again for this opportunity”
Seonho couldn't get the thought out of his mind that Geunyoung might be acting again on this year's closer again but he just decided to not let that thought bother him or even to ask the director about it and see for himself if In two weeks he will find her in the room for their first script reading.
Two weeks went by and he finally met his co-stars on the first group reading when he first entered the room. He quickly screened everyone out to make sure the girl that he would love to see once again but at the same time also the girl that he would hate to see in this setting is not in the room. Thankfully she was not there. 
“Sunbaenim, I actually went and saw ‘Closer’ six years ago and I watched the one where you were acting as Larry. I just wanna say that I admire you as an actor and it is an honor to be able to act in this year’s ‘Closer’ with you” Seonho said to Bae Sung Woo as they wrapped up the script reading session. 
“Thank you Seonho. It is like a fate then that you’re here now acting as Dan six years later. I’m really looking forward to your performance, I’m sure it’s gonna be great” 
Next to Bae Sung Woo was Park Sodam who acted as Alice in the play. She overheard Seonho talking to Sung Woo and jumped into the conversation. 
“You’re so lucky Oppa, I did not watch the Closer in 2010, I wish I did. Did you watch the one where Sung Woo Oppa and Geunyoung Unnie were in it?”
“Uhm yeah actually I watched the one with Moon Geunyoung in it” Seonho answered her question while trying to stay calm.
“Oh gosh, I bet she was amazing as Alice. I should call her and ask for advice.”
Seonho forgot for a second that these people in front of him have been working in the industry for years and it came as no surprise that they knew Geunyoung, the verteran actress. Suddenly, he felt a hand landed on his right shoulder, he looked towards his right, apparently Park Eunsok, the one who was gonna play Dan other than him, now stood beside him. 
“Hey you should invite her to come to our play Sodam-ah. For old time sake. I’m sure she would love to see it. I will contact her as well so she’ll come hahaha. Sung Woo Hyung you should also invite her!” Park Eunseok said eagerly.
Fuck, oh right he worked with her in that drama last year. Why does everyone know her? Well she could come when Park Eunseok plays instead then I’ll be saved. I’ll just see her from far away in the audience seats. 
A month later, after countless practice, they finally had their first show. Seonho had been so busy practicing for his role that he forgot about his worries about the possibility of Geunyoung watching the show for a while. He did a lot of shows already for 2 weeks and he had not seen Geunyoung in sight. He thought maybe she came already when Park Eunseok was playing as Dan and he did not even bother to ask Sodam or Eunseok because he could not even bear saying her name in front of her colleagues or friends. 
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Until one day, in the middle of the show, he was saying his lines for the scene where he was arguing with Alice. He sat on a chair facing towards the right side of the audience. As the emotion built up, among the words of Dan, he spotted those eyes. 
The eyes that he could not possibly forget since he first saw them so close six years ago. Moon Geunyoung was amongst the audience. Wearing a black dress and a grey sweater on top of it. Even in the darkness he could see her eyes shining. He was lost in her eyes for a split second as she was also looking at him from her seat before he continued to deliver his lines. His heart was beating so fast he felt like he could explode on that stage in that second. The sudden adrenaline rush has caused him to scream louder when he finally hit the moments where he had to show frustrations to Alice. He thought that maybe letting it all out would reduce the surge of energy that he was feeling after he saw Geunyoung in the audience. 
The show finally ended, successfully, like usual. All casts went backstage to do a short evaluation and to pray once again for another successful show next week. Afterwards, usually the cast’s close friends or colleagues approached them backstage to say congrats and all. 
Seonho was talking to one of his college friends when he saw Geunyoung again, entering the room and went straight to Park Sodam to congratulate her. She had not seen him yet so Seonho had the liberty to stare at her still in disbelief from across the room since he was not able to do it in the auditorium. Not long after, Bae Sung Woo and Park Eunseok approached Geunyoung and Park Sodam. Seonho can see the four of them talking and laughing from where he was standing.
Not long after, his college friend bid him goodbye and so he was finally left alone. He was not able to think straight. He knew that Geunyoung just saw his performance on stage and now she is in the room standing just 7 metres from where he was standing. He did not have the guts to approach her. Not tonight. So he just packed up his stuff hurriedly and when he was finally done, he turned around and he felt like his heart dropped. Park Sodam was standing in front of him. 
“Kkamjjag-iya, why Sodam-ah? What’s wrong?” he said hurriedly while putting his right hand on his chest. 
Park-Sodam looked at him while trying to hide her laugh, “why are you so surprised Oppa? Hahaha you’re so red right now.”
“It’s just, because it’s hot here.”
“Wait are you leaving? No way, I want to introduce you to Geunyoung Unnie first. You’ll love her. You don't know her right?”
“No it’s fine you don't have-” 
Before he could finish his sentence, Sodam was already calling Geunyoung, “Unnie, come here” and she looked towards them. Now he could not possibly just run away. As Geunyoung walked towards them, he could feel his heart beating even faster every time she took a step closer to him. 
“This is Kim Seonho Oppa, he played as Dan earlier. He is good right? He said he saw Closer in 2010 when you were in it. Talking about fate huh and now he is in it”  
Geunyoung was standing in front of him, looking even more dazzling, mature and beautiful from the last time he saw her. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you again Seonho-ssi. It’s been awhile” she offered her hand and he shook it while trying his best to stay calm and to not smile creepily. The moment his hand touched hers, he felt like screaming inside. 
“Wait, you guys know each other? How?” Sodam asked in curiosity. Before he could answer Sodam, Geunyoung spoke.
“We had a drink together after my show in 2010, i met him in that Jazz club near this auditorium.” 
Seonho was so surprised at her answer, he thought she would pretend to not recognize him and besides, forgetting a face of a stranger after 6 years of not meeting them is understandable for him. Even when that stranger fingered you the first time you met. 
“Really? But you guys did not know each other before that? Interesting“ Sodam said as she smiled at both of them cheekily. “Well, you guys should catch up then. I’m gonna talk to Eunseok Oppa for a sec” and so they were left alone. 
“You look so handsome Seonho-ssi. I was enjoying your performance earlier. Dan really suits you. Finally I got to see you on stage six years later huh” Geunyoung broke the silence. She was lying when she said he was handsome. She thought he looked so hot the whole time Seonho was acting as Dan on stage, but she could not bring herself to say that. That suit and tie and the way he delivered his lines and acted out Dan’s emotions was so sexy. She could feel herself as Alice as she fell in love with this Dan on stage. 
“Thank you. You look-” he took a pause to find the appropriate words, “very pretty tonight. Thanks for coming to our show.” 
“When I saw you on stage, I wished I was Alice.” 
Seonho could not believe what Geunyoung just said to him. He stared at her in silence, hoping the woman in front of him would say something but she just stood there smiling at him.
“What do you mean?” 
“I guess I’ve missed you? Can we talk in private?”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Revelation Sunshine, Chapter 3 (Courtney/Vixen) - Veronica
A/N: Honestly, thank you so much to anyone who’s reading this very self-indulgent story. I adore all of you, and especially the creator of Galactica, my lovely friend @theartificialdane. Click here for previous chapters. <3
Last chapter: Long distance relationships are tough, but the girls are trying.
This chapter: Vixen joins Courtney in LA for the VMAs, and then Courtney surprises her in Chicago.
Vixen wasn’t sure why she agreed to this. She was going to be so far out of her depth. But when she told Courtney about a lecture she was giving at UCLA in August, a lecture that happened to be the same weekend as the VMAs, Courtney somehow convinced her to come to the awards show as her date.
“You have to do it,” Asia had informed her, when she heard the hesitation. When she said that she still didn’t know, Mayhem interrupted to give a slightly more forceful message.
“When the fuck are you gonna have the chance to do something like that again?” she demanded. “Come on, stop overthinking like a little bitch.”
Courtney’s cajoling was more gentle. Logical, even—pointing out that it would be great publicity for her book and her podcast.
“It could open you up to a whole new audience. Think of the people that you could reach!”
It was a good point, Vixen conceded. So she agreed, and they casually discussed the logistics. She didn’t really panic until she was in the uber on the way to Courtney’s house. What was she doing? Who did she think she was, showing up at what she was sure would be a gated mansion, to be professionally styled for a red carpet?
It wasn’t a gated mansion. It was a bungalow tucked into the side of the Hollywood Hills, covered in vines and bursting with plants of every type. After giving her a warm, tight hug, Courtney led her into the living room, where someone (a stylist?) was waiting with racks of clothes.
“I didn’t know exactly what you’d want, so I had Jo bring you lots of options,” Courtney said. “We should choose now so that they have time to tailor it while we’re at the spa. Jo, can you show her your favorites?”
Vixen glanced around the room while Jo presented her with wardrobe options and Courtney poured her a glass of lemonade. Without the explosion of clothes, it would have been a cozy, regular living room. Two sofas, some art on the walls. Nothing remotely ostentatious.
“I like your house,” she told Courtney, accepting the drink gratefully. “It’s...uh...not what I was expecting.”
“No?” Courtney asked, head cocked.
“No. Well, I mean, it’s like...a normal house,” Vixen explained.
“And you were expecting, what? A spaceship?” Courtney giggled.
“No, like...I don’t know. Some baroque mansion with columns and a butler and big chandeliers, I guess.”
“Hmm, yeah, sounds like my style,” Courtney said, making Vixen laugh.
“Shut up. You’re rich and you love glitter, okay? So I just thought it would be more…”
“Yes?” Vixen scrunched her face up apologetically.
“I mean, that’s fair. My first house here was a bit of a Swaravski nightmare. Oh, I really like that one!” Courtney exclaimed, looking at the royal blue dress in Vixen’s hands. “Do you want to try it on? You can use the guest room as a dressing room.”
Vixen nodded, relieved that disrobing in front of Courtney and Jo (and a random girl she’d just noticed on the patio, pacing around with a phone to her ear) in the broad daylight wasn’t on the agenda.
After trying on a few choices, Vixen settled on a short, black and turquoise romper - it was fun and sexy, but still classy, and would be comfortable enough to sit around in for hours. Jo was helping her figure out the accessories (with occasional input from Courtney as she pranced around with snacks) when the girl from outside stepped in, carrying Courtney’s fluffy pomeranian under one arm.
“Okay, everything’s all set at the hotel,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Vix, that’s Brianna. Yes, I like those shoes!” She nodded approvingly at the bright yellow pumps Vixen was trying.
“Yeah, hi, sorry. I’m Courtney’s assistant. Brie,” she reached out to give Vixen a firm handshake.
“Ugh, I still hate the word ‘assistant.’ Can’t we come up with a cooler title for you?” Courtney asked.
“Sure, that’ll be my top priority,” Brianna replied sarcastically, then barreled rapidly through the day’s plans. “So, after we wrap up here, we’ll head for the hotel. Massages and manicures at the spa while we set up hair and makeup. We should really start by 2 at the lastest to make sure we can manage something presentable out of...that,” she gestured vaguely in Courtney’s direction with a smirk, everyone laugh, “And then leave at 4 to drive to the theatre and do the red carpet by 4:30 or 5. Then the show, blah blah blah, performance, not my problem, and then we head to Van Nuys for wheels-up at 9. Cool?”
“When do we eat?” Courtney asked.
“You’ll have a meal at the spa. You know, in that area by the dipping pool thing?”
“Oh, okay,” Courtney said.
“And then obviously we’ll have snacks in the room, and we ordered a bunch of stuff for you to have backstage. Don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of food.”
“Um...I have a question,” Vixen said, pausing her perusal of the jewelry table. “Are the hair people gonna be familiar with Black hair?”
Brie turned toward her with a vague eye roll, asking, “Do I look like a moron to you?”
Vixen leveled her gaze, not backing down, and answered, “You look like someone who has never worn a protective hairstyle before.”
“Fair enough,” Brie conceded with a grin. “And don’t worry. We got you good people who are very experienced with protective styles.”
“Thanks, Brie! Ooh, how about ‘Executive Vice President of Human Logistics’?” Courtney suggested.
“Whatever makes you happy, girl,” Brianna said tiredly, giving Courtney a salute as she deposited Kylie onto his bed. “I’m gonna go check your suitcases. Or, should I call them ‘transport need satisfaction receptacles’?”
“Sounds good,” Courtney giggled, and Vixen couldn’t help laughing either.
“That little cracker is hilarious,” Vixen commented, admiring the row of bangles on her arm.
“I know, right?” Courtney laughed.
“Hey!” Brianna said, poking her head back in the room, deadpanning, “That was my nickname in prison. Lil Miz Cracker.”
She grinned, waiting for them all to crack up before disappearing again.
“Before her,” Courtney confided, “I had this other assistant that my agents found, this nervous kid who told me I was beautiful like 8 thousand times a day, and it was just...excruciating.”
“The things you’ve overcome,” Vixen said, shaking her head with mock sincerity. “It’s so inspirational.”
Courtney laughed gaily, handing her a pair of earrings to try, which Jo immediately snatched out of her hand.
“No! Hideous,” they said, handing Vixen a different pair.
In the car to the hotel, Brie asked Vixen if she had a preferred gender for her massage therapist.
“Well, I kind of like a more gentle massage, so…I mean, not to be discriminatory, but…”
“You want someone with soft lady hands?” Courtney asked, a glint in her eye.
“Kind of,” Vixen replied, hanging her head in mock shame.
“You don’t like soft lady hands?” Vixen asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Well I mean...there’s a time and place,” Courtney explained.
Vixen looked into her glittering green eyes, head tilted, as she continued.
“For a massage? I like it deep. So as long as they can put some muscle behind it, everything’s good.”
“You’re right, there is a time and a place,” Vixen said lightly, “I occasionally like it deep as well.”
“Good to know,” Courtney said, giggling delightedly.
The whole day was strange, an almost out of body experience for Vixen. At times, she felt like she was hovering overhead and watching herself get rubbed and plucked and fluffed and painted. Pampered and catered to on a level she never had before.
But the red carpet, that was the most surreal experience by far, just a whirlwind of flashes and shouted questions from reporters. Courtney held her hand the entire time, checking in constantly to make sure she was alright, gently directing her where to look and when to pose.
“My first red carpet was terrifying,” she confessed. “So when you’ve had enough, just tell me.”
She was relieved, at first, for her relative anonymity. No entertainment reporters would know the academic world, or a political science professor.
That is, until Courtney put an arm around Vixen’s waist and dragged her right into the spotlight, introducing her to a reporter as “the brilliant author behind the book ‘Beware White Tears.’”
“Oh!” Recognition dawned in the reporter’s eyes as she brushed her bangs away from her face. “This is the unparalleled genius you’ve been tweeting about all year?”
“Yes ma’am,” Courtney said. “Vixen Taylor.”
“A pleasure,” she said, extending her hand to Vixen and offering a dazzling white smile. “Shea Coulée.”
“Nice to meet you,” Vixen said, shaking her hand. She glanced back at Courtney, who was beaming like a sunflower beside her.
“Shea, you should tell everyone to read her book,” Courtney said, smile growing even bigger as she continued to gush, “And listen to her podcast. She’s so incredibly smart, it’s unreal.”
Shea looked from Courtney to Vixen a few times before asking, “So…what’s the story with you two, then? Are you like, an official thing?”
“Shh, I’m working on it!” Courtney said, giggling, pulling Vixen towards the theatre. Startling her a second later with an ecstatic shriek of, “Adore!”
Vixen wasn’t super familiar with Adore’s music, but she did know her from Courtney’s social media. Apparently a big deal now in the punk rock scene, standing there in what appeared to be the same clothes she’d partied in last night, next to a tall, statuesque, impeccably dressed young redheaded woman. They looked to Vixen to be an absolute mis-match of a couple, Adore’s date classy and serene as Adore squealed and threw her arms around Courtney, the two of them clinging to each other and chattering wildly.
“Omigod, I love that dress-”
“You look like a mess. Gigi, why haven’t you-”
“Don’t blame her, I dress myself.”
“How was Prague?”
“Fuckin’ wild, man!”
“Have you met Vixen?”
Courtney turned toward Vixen, who was overwhelmed by the whole exchange, and grabbed her hand once again.
“Vixen, this is Adore, my best friend for life, and her very patient girlfriend, Gigi.”
“Hi, nice to-”
“Augh!” Adore shrieked. “Courtney! Did you see the pictures of Jinkx and Alaska’s new kid?”
“No, what?! When did they...have? Buy? What word are we using?”
“Yeah, that-another kid?”
Gigi turned to Vixen, sensing her obvious discomfort, and offered a smile.
“They’re always like this. It’s best just to...ride it out,” Gigi finished with a chuckle. “They’re like toddlers. Eventually they’ll get tired and calm down.”
Vixen opted to watch the show from the audience, happy that she had Adore and Gigi to sit with. (Well...Gigi, at least. The jury was still out on Adore.) She knew that Courtney would need to focus on her performance, and sitting alone in her dressing room for large chunks of time seemed nerve-wracking.
But after Courtney’s performance, Brie showed up to escort Vixen backstage. They were only going to have a little time to hang out before Courtney had to leave, getting on a plane to Paris to continue her tour almost immediately after the show.  
Courtney was in the midst of changing when Vixen knocked gently on her door. It was quite a look...track pants and Ugg slippers on the bottom, and a metal corset on top. Brie was helping her out of the corset, and though she didn’t seem remotely self-conscious about being topless, Vixen averted her eyes, waiting until she’d slipped on a t-shirt before addressing her directly.
“You were incredible tonight,” she said honestly.
“Really?” Courtney asked, perching on the arm of the sofa. “I felt like it was a bit of a mess. I could kill Mikey.”
“Who’s Mikey?”
“That dancer who went the wrong way during the second verse? I saw them pounding shots, I think he was hammered. Ugh.”
Vixen smiled softly.
“It’s adorable that you think I was watching the backup dancers.”
In an instant, Courtney’s demeanor changed from professional and annoyed to coy and flirtatious, simpering like a schoolgirl.
“Hmm...who were you watching then?
Brie had slipped away by now, leaving the two of them alone in the dressing room. Vixen stood and walked toward her.
“The camera guys, of course,” Vixen quipped.
Courtney giggled, reaching out for her and pulling her close.
“Oh yeah?” she murmured.
Vixen nodded slowly, then smiled again and shook her head. She slid her hands around Courtney’s waist, gazing unblinking into her hooded green eyes. She leaned in slowly, almost excruciatingly so, pausing for a few moments to enjoy the way her chest rose and fell rapidly, heart pounding in anticipation.
When she finally brushed their lips together, she could feel the hitch in Courtney’s breath, a whimper escaping from the back of her throat. Courtney cupped her cheeks with both hands, pulling her in closer, deepening the kiss, coaxing her mouth open.
Vixen followed her, dazed, onto the sofa, where she dove head-first into the moment, finally able to just enjoy each other for the first time in months. She quickly lost track of time and space, thinking only of the girl in her arms, how soft and delicious she was...how she made Vixen feel so wanted.
She kissed down Courtney’s torso, lifting her t-shirt to trail her lips gently over the angry marks from that horrible corset. She began to pull off her bottoms, pausing just before sliding them over her hips to make sure it was okay. Courtney lifted up slightly, watching Vixen through lidded eyes, legs spreading open once her panties were flung to the side. Vixen paused, breathing her in, making her shiver with anticipation as she spread her thighs even more.
Vixen cleared her throat, fingers dancing up the inside of her thighs.
“Remember, I’m pretty...new at this,” Vixen said, and Courtney nodded vigorously.
“I know, I know. Don’t worry.” Her hand wound its way into Vixen’s hair.
“Okay.” Vixen leaned forward, lips barely brushing against her.
As a soft sigh left Courtney’s lips, Vixen took a deep breath. Her desire to satisfy, to live up to expectations, momentarily overtaken by nerves, until she steeled herself. Just French kiss her pussy, you idiot. Stop freaking out and lick her until she comes.  
Courtney was shockingly easy to please, as it turned out. A hand in Vixen’s hair, guiding her, and breathy, whimpered instructions were all she needed to begin unlocking the mysteries of her body.
“Harder, harder…please…”  
Vixen didn’t know why she was surprised. From that first tweet, Courtney had been utterly direct with her. And even their first time together, she didn’t hold back at all from saying what she wanted. But somehow, the shameless way she buried Vixen’s face into her pussy, rutting against her, moaning out commands...it all just made everything so much hotter.
“What else?” Vixen asked, raising her eyes to take in Courtney’s flushed cheeks, eyes rolled back in her head. “Tell me what else you need…”
“Pinch my nipples,” Courtney gasped, “And...yes, god...suck harder.”
Courtney arched up, thighs now pressing against Vixen’s ears, muffling the sounds when she started to moan. Vixen had a brief concern of “what if someone hears” before deciding that she didn’t fucking care. All she wanted was to make Courtney come—a task that was looking increasingly likely as she writhed and shook in her arms.
She flicked her tongue against Courtney’s clit, shocked at how much she was enjoying the whole experience. Nerves melted away; the only thing on her mind was the girl pressed up against her tongue.
“I love how wet you get,” Vixen said, voice low, moving her mouth to nip lightly at her thigh.
“I love how wet you make me,” Courtney panted, then arched up, whimpering. “Baby...oh, god…”
Something about being called baby in this context gave Vixen a deep, unfeminist thrill; she had to pause and catch her breath, slightly dizzy with the embarrassing, intoxicating thought of being called a good girl. She panted against Courtney’s thigh, felt her quivering on the edge before going back to her clit, tongue circling her gently, coaxing out a broken moan.
God, she was a mess. A beautiful, shuddering mess. Vixen hummed against her, sucking on her clit, soft at first and then harder and harder.
“Fuck, that’s so good, baby, keep going…”
Courtney groaned, hips rolling faster, and Vixen complied, listening to her moans, the best music she’d heard all night. She kept sucking, didn’t stop until Courtney’s muscles went slack, the only sounds coming from her satiated little whimpers.
“Did I do okay?” Vixen asked, looking up at her almost timidly.
“You…” Courtney lifted an arm weakly to caress her cheek. “You are perfect. Come here.”
Vixen crawled forward, squishing herself in beside Courtney on the sofa. And as Courtney wrapped herself around Vixen’s body, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch to cover them both, Vixen found herself buying in completely, at least for the moment, to the delusional fantasy of them. Of what they could be. Of what a shared life would look like.
She was rudely snapped back into reality when Brie opened the door, an uncharacteristically apologetic look on her face. Vixen sprang away from Courtney on the sofa like a guilty teenager, then immediately felt stupid.
“Sorry,” Brie said, “but we gotta get to the plane.”
“Okay. Just give us twenty minutes?” Courtney asked, a resigned note in her voice.
“You can have ten. Setting a timer.” Brie closed the door firmly.
Courtney turned to Vixen, who smiled sheepishly.
“I’m not really sure why I panicked. Lil Cracker just freaks me out.”
“Well…” Courtney appeared to ponder this for a few moments before reaching out, fingers seeking out Vixen’s zipper. “She did give us ten minutes…”
Vixen shook her head, chuckling.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about that. I’m too paranoid about another interruption.”
“But you took care of me. It’s only fair.” Courtney trailed her fingers up Vixen’s arm.
“Yeah, and you worked very hard today,” Vixen said, and off Courtney’s distressed look, wrapped an arm around her again, adding, “You can owe me one.”  
“Well...I guess in that case, I should probably put my knickers back on.”
Vixen laughed, picking her panties up off the floor and handing them over.
“Ugh. It’s so annoying that I have to take off so quickly,” Courtney said. After slipping the panties on, she leaned her head on Vixen’s shoulder. “Do you want me to text Adore? She and Gigi are waiting for you to take you to the after party, so-”
“No, it’s fine,” Vixen said. “I don’t care about the after party.”
“You sure? Because you can totally go. I’m sure it’ll be fun.”
“I’d rather just stay with you until you have to leave,” she admitted. “We don’t have much time, so…”  
“Yeah?” The smile that lit up Courtney’s face was enough to make Vixen’s heart burst with joy.
“Well...you could ride with us to the airport. If you want.”
“Sounds good,” Vixen said, reaching for her hand.
“And don’t worry, I won’t do anything naughty with other people around,” Courtney promised. “We can just...sit in the backseat and hold hands and gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes.”
“That was my whole plan,” Vixen giggled, leaning forward to plant a kiss on Courtney’s cheek.
Vixen had to admit that for once, she posted a picture with an understated, tasteful caption. It was just them on the red carpet, which said, “VMAs with my favorite writer.”
VIXEN: Classy caption there
COURTNEY: That’s not what I wanted to say
COURTNEY: Guess ;)
VIXEN: You’re Too Much
COURTNEY: I’m the perfect amount, actually.
VIXEN: Cocky too, huh?
COURTNEY: It’s also possible that I’m delirious after performing and then taking a 10 hour flight.
VIXEN: I read that as “delicious”
COURTNEY: Oh yeah?
VIXEN: You wouldn’t have been wrong...
COURTNEY: So I’ve been told
COURTNEY: (and cocky)
COURTNEY: And I miss you already
COURTNEY: <3 <3 <3
As much as Courtney loved performing, there were times when she had to admit how lonely tour life could be. First of all, there wasn’t a single person with her that wasn’t on payroll. And while she liked them all, there was something a little depressing about being surrounded 24/7 by people that were paid to be around you and cater to your whims and humor every single thing you said.
She did a reasonably okay job of keeping in touch with her friends, but with the time differences, it was hard to get on the same page. Except for Vixen, who always made sure she was available at some point in the evening. They’d often just text back and forth, but more and more, Courtney’d been convincing Vixen to FaceTime. And seeing her smile, looking into her eyes, hearing her laugh, just made everything infinitely better.
At first, when she was in Europe, it was late at night, well after Courtney’s show had wrapped for the evening, once she was safely tucked into bed in whatever hotel she was staying. Curled up with her phone or her computer, laughing until her sides hurt at Vixen’s impressions of her grandmother or her crazy cousins. Or, once the tour moved to Asia and Australia, it was in the morning, after she’d finished meditating and before she headed out to meet her trainer. She’d sit on a terrace or in the hotel room with a cup of tea while Vixen sipped an evening glass of wine, head resting on her hands as she listened to Vixen talk about everything from university politics to her chaotic childhood.
Either way, it quickly became her favorite part of the day. It was strange. They’d only met in person three times, but Courtney soon felt like Vixen knew her better than anyone ever had. And as for Vixen—she was admittedly a little guarded most of the time, but Courtney found her to be wonderfully candid. She told stories about her chaotic childhood and her troubled teens. How confused she’d been during most of her college years. Courtney knew all about her large extended family; she was sure she’d be able to recognize them all on sight, based on Vixen’s vivid descriptions and hilarious impersonations.
And then sometimes, when Courtney caught her in a certain mood, or maybe after a second glass of wine, the conversations would turn into something else entirely. Whispered confessions in the dark, voices hoarse, faces flushed with nervous excitement. It never went too far, but it was usually enough to get Courtney good and worked up, close enough that a few seconds with a vibrator after they hung up was enough to finish her off. It was enough that Courtney had lost any desire to be with anyone else, even when she ached with need. She would take a 2D image of Vixen on her screen over a real-life random hookup any day.
Of course, as good as it was, there was always a degree of uncertainty. There were conversations that they probably should be having...what exactly is their relationship, where is it going, are they exclusive? But it had been so long since Courtney liked anyone as much as Vixen, and she had a vague fear that bringing that up too soon would scare her off, so for now, she just dealt with the uncertainty as best she could. After all, the flip side of uncertainly was potential, and that was pretty exciting.
By the time October rolled around, Courtney longed to be home in her own bed, surrounded by her own things. Just the basic familiar comforts of home. When it was time to fly back to the states, she had to stop in New York for some press and a few meetings, and then finally, she was free to return to LA. But at the last minute, on a whim, she decided to make another stop first.  
Vixen had been putting the October symposium together for months. She’d reached out far and wide, planning lectures, panels, open forums, and agendas for the break-out groups over two days. There were a million moving parts, and million things on Vixen’s checklist, a million question marks and potential disasters.
But in all of the planning, never in Vixen’s mind did she imagine a scenario where she’d walk out to the podium on Saturday morning and see Courtney fucking Act sitting in the front row. With a pair of reading glasses and a goddamn notebook, rainbow streaks tucked into a librarian-style bun.
Fortunately, after a momentary stumble that she hoped no one besides her noticed, she was able to recover and get on with the agenda. During the first break, she beelined straight for Courtney, whose face lit up as she approached. Courtney jumped from her seat, throwing her arms around Vixen’s shoulders and pulling her in for a tight embrace.
“Hi...this is incredible!”
“I’m glad you...think...sorry, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane to LA right now?”
“LA can wait,” Courtney said, pulling back to look into her eyes. “And I wanted to surprise you. Was that a terrible idea?”
“No, just...unexpected,” Vixen replied with a grin. “You threw me off a little bit.”
“I’m sorry, I should have told you,” Courtney said, chagrined. “I wasn’t actually sure I’d make it in time, my flight from New York was late, and-”
“I’m glad you’re here.”
“You are?” Courtney squeezed Vixen’s hands, and Vixen nodded, kissing her softly on the cheek.
“Yeah. But now I have to go back and take care of things, so-”
“Of course! I’ll be invisible, I promise. I just really wanted to hear your lecture,” she said, eyes shining.
“I hope you’re not bored,” Vixen chuckled softly, shaking her head. She still couldn’t quite believe that Courtney would be there listening the whole time. But fortunately, there was no time to stress about it, so she just walked back to the stage to keep the program going.
“Impossible!” Courtney called after her, settling back into her seat.
“Go back. Play that part again,” Vixen insisted, tossing Courtney a wicked smirk.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, it’s a really important cinematic moment.”
Courtney giggled, lifting the remote.
Vixen sighed happily, leaning against her shoulder. After Courtney had surprised her at the symposium earlier, they’d discussed a handful of date night possibilities before realizing that all they really wanted was just to curl up in front of a movie in Courtney’s hotel room, basking in the simple pleasure of finally being in the same room with no time pressure, no obligations, nobody standing by to interrupt. So they’d made a quick stop at Vixen’s apartment for a few essentials, and then headed straight to the hotel, getting into comfy clothes and cuddling up in front of the TV.
Partly as a joke, Vixen had selected Glimmer for them to watch, and she was currently making Courtney replay the shot where “Princess Lucie” first took off her helmet. It was an absolute cliché: blonde waves spilling over her shoulders in slow motion in the golden sunset, romantic music soaring on the soundtrack.
“Yeahhh, that’s the stuff,” Vixen leered at the screen as real-life Courtney laughed beside her. “Again!”
“I’ll do you one better,” Courtney giggled, swinging a leg over her to straddle her on the bed. “How about a live show?”
“I’m not gonna say no to that,” Vixen told her, grinning, settling back against the pillows.
Courtney gathered up her hair before slowly releasing it, shaking it out, accompanied by lashes fluttering and lip biting.
Vixen watched the whole over-the-top performance before sighing and shaking her head sadly.
“Real life just never lives up to the movies, does it?”
“Hey!” Courtney scoffed, feigning offense, then leaned forward to brush her lips against Vixen’s temple, murmuring into her ear. “You sure about that?”
“Ummm…I could probably be persuaded to hear a counterpoint...” Vixen trailed her fingers up Courtney’s thighs, smiling up at her. Feeling almost shy as Courtney toyed with the neckline of her top.
Vixen’s heart fluttered wildly as Courtney pressed a soft kiss to her lips. She sighed into it, savoring the moment as Courtney cradled her face.
“It feels like it’s been forever,” Vixen murmured, warmth spreading through her chest all the way down to her toes, to the tips of her fingers. She tilted her head slightly to give Courtney easier access to her neck, where she began to layer soft kisses.
“Next time won’t be so long,” Courtney whispered into her skin. “I promise.”
A soft whimper left Vixen’s lips as Courtney’s kisses turned from gentle and teasing to deep and hot, tongue trailing across her collarbone, moving to the other side of her neck, sucking on her pulse point. Her fingers dug into Courtney’s hips, arching up against her.
The movie still played in the background, neither of them noticing that Princess Lucie had begun to sing one of her solos until the music swelled for the chorus, startling them both.
“Omigod,” Courtney breathed, breaking away from Vixen and turning around to switch off the TV, telling her Princess alter ego to, “Shut up!”
Vixen giggled, trying to catch her breath as Courtney turned back to her, face immediately softening into a dreamy expression as she gazed down at her, making her feel improbably special. She placed her wrists gently on Vixen’s shoulders, a smile tugging at her mouth.
“What?” Vixen asked.
“I just can’t believe we’re finally together again.”
“You can’t believe? I’m in bed with a bona fide princess.”
“I’m not a real princess,” Courtney reminded her.
“Could’ve fooled me.”  
Courtney giggled, hips rolling just enough to make her whimper.  
“How about tonight, you’re the princess?” Courtney murmured, and Vixen felt that dizzying thrill again, the one that she barely ever allowed herself to indulge in. At least, not outside the safe space of her own secret dreams.
She tried to come up with an answer, but her mind seemed to go blank, and so Courtney took her face into her hands, thumbs tracing over her cheekbones, whisper-soft.
“What do you say, princess?”
Vixen couldn’t hold back anymore, cheeks blazing hot as she bit back an embarrassing noise. Courtney sat up, looking both a little surprised and incredibly pleased by her enthusiasm.
“You know...have something that I think...you might like...” Courtney began, biting her lip.
“You have a lot of things I like,” Vixen stated hoarsely.  
Courtney’s smile deepened. She pressed a kiss to Vixen’s temple and then rolled away, digging through a suitcase on the floor. Finally, she produced what she was looking for: a pink canvas bag with a zipper down the side. She placed it between them on the bed, encouraging Vixen to look.
“Anything in there...interesting to you?”
Vixen unzipped the bag curiously, then after a glance inside, looked back up at Courtney, scandalized, stomach twisting with excitement.
“No?” Courtney asked.
“No. I mean, yeah,” Vixen said. “I’m...I think it could be fun. I just—”
“It doesn’t have to be today,” Courtney said, reaching for her hand.
“What if I wanted it to be today?” Vixen asked, tilting her head coyly.
“Then I’d say, your wish is my command.” Courtney kissed her softly. “Princess.”
Vixen felt her heart pick up speed as she melted against the kiss, excitement building inside her. Before she lost herself completely, she pulled away, trying to catch her breath.
“I’m gonna go get ready.”
“Okay.” Courtney placed a kiss to the inside of her wrist before releasing her.
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All Those Things They Couldn’t Say - A Runaway Baudelaires AU
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Chapter Forty-Two - The Heimlich Hospital Fire
It was a few hours later when the henchpeople came for their prisoners. When they came Bertrand and Beatrice were still sobbing, and Quigley was as close to them as he could get, though also curled into a ball on the floor and holding himself, trying to block out the rest of the world. When Beatrice realized there were people in the room, she broke away from her husband, whom she’d been holding, and started screaming and hurling herself at them. They were all a bit concerned, but eventually Olaf came in, angrily informing them that Esme was setting up and they’d have to hurry. When he came, Beatrice looked at him with absolute fire, but she also froze over, the pain in her foot shooting towards her, so by the time Olaf had pulled her back and gotten the handcuffs on it was too late to do much other than glare and cry. 
Her and Bertrand were handcuffed before removed from the wall, and some kind of gag thrown over their mouths. They heard orders and threats whispered around them- don’t make any noise, we’ll give you something to cry about if you don’t shut up, but they barely processed enough to get moving when Olaf gave a kick to Bertrand’s shins to get him to move. He glanced back, too, just once as they left the room, and saw Fernald and the Henchperson heading for Quigley. Something in him calmed slightly when he saw the Henchperson gently touch the boy’s shoulder, whispering something cautious to him, but that thought was gone when he was pushed through the door, and he lost sight of the child. 
Once in the hall, they were moved to another room, where they had some drug or another injected into them- they thought for a while it was the knockout, but after a few minutes their heads got too bleary, and yet their eyes remained open; some kind of opiate, likely. Enough to keep them sedated and unable to do much fighting, but only just enough that they remained awake to see what would happen. 
They lost track of what was happening next- they might’ve been moved again, might’ve been pushed, might’ve been hurt. They only remembered a few things- their minds flashed to Violet, wherever she was, trapped and alone, and how they had to find a way to save her, she was their daughter they had to find her. Then they flashed to Quigley- was he still in the cellar? What had they done to him? And Klaus and Sunny, lost and alone and in so much danger. And at one point, Bertrand managed to slide his hand into his wife’s. They noticed that. 
Then when they gained their attention back, they were being put somewhere- beneath bleachers, Beatrice guessed, she’d been on a soccer team in her youth and remembered hiding under the bleachers to make out with Lemony, and thus recognized the thin strips of light between each row, the thumps and clangs as people started going up and down the seats. Their handcuffs were chained around a support beam, meaning the two of them were a few feet too far from each other. Beatrice didn’t like that, but even if the drugs and the gag weren’t keeping her from voicing her displeasure, the pain that would jolt across her whole body reminded her to keep her mouth shut and her head low. 
When they looked ahead, they could see just enough through the rows to see the room they were in. The hospital’s operating theatre, apparently- large, circular, with crumbling gray walls and a stage just in their viewpoint. They heard a clacking of heels as Esme stepped onstage, waving to the viewers as if they were her delighted fans, and a rolling of wheels as a gurney was pushed onstage. And they both felt their hearts sink as, squinting through the bleachers, they saw their daughter, atop the table. Her hands were strapped to the sides with rope, her legs bound together, and her hair had fallen over her face. Even from the distance, they could tell she looked pale, and was breathing too slowly. 
Bertrand started to cry again, and Beatrice held still. She could sense someone behind them- Olaf? Another henchperson to guard? Probably Olaf, he loved to watch them suffer. The rest of the troupe was probably scattered around the theatre, waiting for the trap to begin. 
And begin it did, as Esme threw up her arms and said, “Friends and enemies, welcome to the Heimlich Hospital Operating Theatre! I am your Nurse, and once our brilliant doctors arrive, we will begin our cranioectomy! The world’s first cranioectomy, attempted on a teenage girl who was all too happy to volunteer.” 
The Baudelaire parents were nearly deafened by cheers from the rows above them. Beatrice wondered if they’d be heard over these people even without the gag. She glanced from side to side, trying to sharpen her mind and knock off the opiate, to figure out a way out. Bertrand, meanwhile, kept his teary eyes locked on Violet. 
That was, until the door opened. They heard the slam, and Beatrice jumped with surprise, and Bertrand shut his eyes for a second, trying to stop the flow of panicked tears. 
“And right on cue.” Esme said, her voice low and sweet. “Our wonderful doctors, here to do their job.” 
Beatrice looked to Bertrand, who still had his eyes shut, and then tuned back towards the stage, trying to peer through. She’d gotten pretty good at looking through bleachers, in case her and Lemony heard something and wanted to make sure they weren’t about to be surprised. Tears sprang to her eyes again as images of Lemony flashed before her, and she struggled to focus. 
“These two associates of mine,” Esme was saying, as they heard more nervous footsteps on the stage, “Are Doctor Tocuna and Nurse Flo. Why don’t you give them a big, wonderful welcome?” 
How could she enjoy this so much? Beatrice wondered as the crowd thundered with applause above and around them. Why would she enjoy causing innocent children to suffer? She peered through the bleachers again and felt her heart stop as she saw the careful shoes of one of the “doctors” approach- oh, God. Oh, Klaus, run, please… 
“Now, as you know,” Esme said, and they heard a paper unrolling- she must be showing a poster, just out of their sight, “A cranioectomy- Nurse Flo, hold this knife and stand over the body. Make sure everyone can see the knife, alright?” A bit of a pause, and then a laugh. “Yes, wouldn’t want that to slip in front of everyone, would you?” 
Beatrice lost sight for a moment as someone in the bleachers leaned down to whisper something to the person in front of them. Beatrice strained at the pole, hoping they’d hear the chains clanking, but they did not, and when they sat up, she only had sight of Esme and a figure behind the gurney. A knife was held above Violet’s body, as if floating. Her whole body tensed up and she felt so, so cold. 
“So, as I was saying,” Esme continued, “A cranioectomy is a procedure in which the patient’s head is removed. Scientists have discovered that many health problems are rooted in the brain, so that the best thing to do with a sick patient is remove it. However, a cranioectomy is as dangerous as it is necessary. There is a chance that our dear, ugly little Laura V Bleediotie…” Esme’s heels clanked as she stepped in front of the gurney, leaning on it and likely smirking down at Violet’s unconscious face. “Well, she could very well die while the operation is being performed. But sometimes one must risk accidents in order to cure illness. Isn’t that right, Doctor?” 
There was a pause, and then a shaky voice. “Of course it’s right, Nurse. A patient’s death would be a terrible accident. One might think we’d want to wait until-” 
“No waiting necessary. This is as safe as it will get.” As Esme threw her hand out, Bertrand shot a quick look to Beatrice. She returned it, her heart pounding. “Come along then, Doctor. Once this is done, we can move on to our next location. To perform more cranioectomies for more distinguished hospitals.” 
“To more patients, some of them much bigger than others- wouldn’t you like to meet such patients-” 
“Yes, yes!” 
“Well, then, why don’t you begin? Slice around her neck- no, Nurse, knife in view. That’s the point of an operating theatre, so everyone can see everything.” 
“We know what an operating theatre is. But my associate cannot hold her hand up forever.” 
“Well, then, you take the knife from her and cut off her head. We don’t want…” a threatening step forward. “We don’t want any accidents to happen. Someone’s head exploding, for instance. Or too much loss of blood. Or someone to walk in and see who is here, hm?” 
“Of course, Nurse.” 
“Now, tell your Nurse to give you the knife so you can give these fine people a show, and then you can leave. Wouldn’t that be nice?” 
Beatrice and Bertrand shared another look as Esme walked a little forwards, spreading her arms for another audience cheer. Though it was hard to see each other in the dark, they could tell they were thinking the same thing. And when they glanced back, they were just in time to see a knife- very, very slowly- cut through the rope between Violet’s legs, before the “nurse” returned to her station behind the gurney.
“Now.” Esme turned, smiling. “Nurse Flo, could you…” 
She paused, and Beatrice almost smiled, then. Her face, which had been triumphant, taunting, now just showed confusion.
There was a long silence, as she stepped forwards, her heels clicking again. Then she pointed a shaky finger at the nurse, and said, “Weren’t you… shorter?” 
The Nurse looked at her, and then smiled. 
“It may not be particularly wise,” she said, her voice rising in the suddenly quiet theatre. 
And with that, the Doctor took another knife from his pocket and cut through the bonds trying Violet’s hands. 
“But it’s a thrill to be disguised.” 
And with that, the girl grabbed the end of the gurney, tossed her knife at Esme, who only barely managed to dodge, and shouted, “Stranger Danger!” 
The boy hopped on the edge of the gurney, ripping his surgeon’s mask from his face, and called out, “That’s all, folks!” 
And then the boy took off running. 
Beatrice tried to let out a muffled cheer, but was unable to even make much noise before another knockout drug was jammed into her arm. 
“Hurry it up, we haven’t got all day!” Duncan shouted. 
“I’m sorry, do you want to push a gurney with two people on it?” Isadora called as she ran the gurney into a door, throwing the doors open. 
“We agreed that I physically could not, which is why you are here.” 
“Then don’t judge, and let’s hurry it up!” 
Duncan nodded, and then slowly lifted Violet, repositioning her so that he could see her face. “Violet, come on. Wake up. Violet…” 
His plan had worked so far, but that didn’t mean it was smooth sailing from here. But it really was their best bet- Olaf’s troupe was expecting a boy and a toddler, not a boy and his triplet sister who could easily get a gurney off a stage. Klaus and Sunny were outside, getting their ride, and as soon as they bust through the front doors… 
Isadora nearly froze, leaping with shock as Olaf’s cold voice rang out across the speakers. But even as she kept running, she and her brother heard the announcement, ringing clear as day. 
“The Library of Records has, unfortunately, set on fire. The blaze was believed to have been begun by five midget children, at least three of whom are in the hospital right now. A reward will be given to those who apprehend these arsonists. Oh, also, you’re… probably going to want to evacuate the patients or something.” 
“Oh, well, that’s just peachy!” Isadora groaned, and she turned a bend so sharply with the cart that it rattled, nearly falling over. 
“Watch the wheels!” 
“I’m trying!” 
Duncan opened his mouth to retort, until he saw a slight stirring under his eyes. He looked down, beaming. “Violet! Violet, wake up, we’re almost out!” 
She was fidgeting slightly, her mouth curled in a look of discomfort. He lifted her and managed to hold her as best he could as the cart rattled through, and Isadora reached the stairwell. “Okay, we’re gonna have to carry her down, there’s no elevator in this place.” 
“Also you shouldn’t use elevators in a fire. You could get stuck.” 
“Duncan, just help me.” 
Duncan nodded and slid from the gurney, flinching as he hit the ground. He managed to pull Violet a little off the table, just enough for Isadora to grab the unconscious teenager and throw her over her shoulders. 
“You got her?” 
“Yeah. Get the door?” 
Duncan held open the door, waited for Isadora to go, and then the two of them charged down, taking the steps three at a time if need be, almost sliding into the walls with how fast they were moving. 
Violet blinked open her eyes when they reached the second floor landing, but she didn’t manage to speak until they were halfway down the stairs. “Wh-what the… what?” 
“Violet!” Duncan cheered, as jumped down to the first floor. “You’re awake!” 
“Wh- what ha- why were you- what?” 
“Don’t talk, you are probably still on a lot of drugs.” Isadora said. Duncan ran for the door, and she kept to his heels. “You’re going to be okay, just-” 
Duncan opened the door, and they instantly ducked down as a giant plume of smoke burst over their heads. 
“Fuck!” Isadora shouted, ducking down just before her or Violet could breathe it in. Duncan threw himself to the ground, shouting as he hit the floor but still instinctively throwing his arms over himself. 
“Okay, okay, new plan.” Isadora muttered. She knelt down, struggling to hold Violet’s weight like this, and peering through the smoke. “Vi-girl, can you move?” 
Violet blinked. “What’s going on?” 
“I’ll take that as a no.” 
“Wh-where’re- where’re-” 
“Klaus and Sunny are outside, we need to crawl just a few feet. We’re close to the entrance.” Isadora promised. “Duncan, we- Duncan!” 
Duncan was still curled on the ground, and when he glanced up at her, Isadora saw the panic in his eyes. 
“Is- Isa- Isa it’s- it’s the fire again- it’s a fire again it’s so much smoke we have to- we have to run- why did we let Dad go back for Quigley and Mom, why couldn’t we- why-” 
Isadora froze, and then her heart broke. 
She scooted over, managing to maneuver a hand over her triplet’s shoulder. “We’re not home, Duncan. We have to run.” 
“I- I can’t go out there-” 
“You can.” Isadora said, her voice breaking. “Duncan Dylan Quagmire, we are not dying here. We have to get to Klaus and Sunny and get Violet out of here.” 
Duncan opened his mouth, glancing between Isadora and Violet on her shoulders. “I…” he started to cry, but he nodded. “I just-” 
“If I recall correctly- and I’m no Quigley, but I’m pretty good with directions-” Isadora said, “We should just have one turn on the hall before we reach the exit. To the right. Do you think you can grab my foot?” 
“I’m going to go through with my head low, to avoid the smoke. You can crawl because you’re not carrying a human person, but you could hold on to me so we don’t split. Can you do it?” 
Duncan hesitantly nodded, then grabbed Isadora’s ankle. 
“Let’s go.” she said. “Violet, hold on.” 
Violet mumbled something and fluttered her eyes shut, and Isadora took off. She moved as fast as she dared with her friend on her back and her brother grabbing at her foot, taking several steps forward and ducking as low as she could. She glanced up every now and again, when she thought it was safe, to see where the smoke was blowing. Hopefully she would be able to tell when the hall ended… wait, better idea. She scooted slightly to the side, moving the group until she could see the thin wall beside her. She picked up the pace some more, and moved until she saw the wall turn into a corner. 
“We’re gonna turn!” she had to shout, as there were sounds of screaming coming from every other hall, the pounding of the smoke bursting past, and what sounded like an alarm, somewhere in the distance. 
She turned, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the front doors of the hospital were open, letting enough smoke out that she could stand a bit more upright. Duncan carefully got to his feet beside her, and Violet muttered something about being able to stand if they held her arms, though they didn’t have time to move her until someone turned around. 
“Hey! Are those the arsonist kids?” 
Isadora shook her head, wordless terror gripping her, and Duncan grabbed her arm. 
Someone started towards them, and then suddenly, there was a burst of smoke before them. Duncan and Isadora jumped, terror hitting them as people starting running and shouting that the fire reached us, keep going! 
When the smoke in front of them cleared, however, they saw no fire, but just Klaus, Sunny in one arm and the other hand outstretched. 
“Smokebomb!” he called. “Violet!” 
Isadora ran to him, and he helped her get Violet down, both of them putting an arm under her while Duncan took Sunny. “What are you doing?” he asked. “We said to wait outside!” 
“That was before the hospital caught fire!” 
“You could get hurt!” 
“And so could you!” Duncan reminded him. 
“Eyi!” Sunny groaned. “Argue when we’re not in a burning building, please.” 
They nodded, and started rushing out the doors, eventually managing to mingle among a crowd outside. Duncan grabbed Klaus’s free arm, making the children a decent chain, and Klaus managed to direct them to the street, where a white van had parked half-hazardly against the curb. 
“I’ll drive, get her and Sunny in the backseat.” he said. 
They nodded and Duncan raced to the door, throwing it open. Isadora leapt in, helping Violet up and laying her down on the seat. Duncan passed Sunny to her and then ran to the shotgun seat. Once his door was closed, he said, “What’re we doing now?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“Where are we going?” 
“I don’t know.” Klaus turned in his seat, eyes scanning over the girls. “Violet, are you okay? What’s wrong? What did he do?” 
Violet blinked and shook her head to clear it. Sunny reached over, putting a tiny hand on her hair, helping to push it back. 
“I-” Violet shook slightly. “I- Klaus, we-” 
Duncan glanced out the window, and then said, “Duck!” 
They all ducked down without question, and when Klaus plucked up the courage to peer up, he saw the Hook-Handed Man, carrying something large in his arms, rush to a black car, parked close to the building. 
“We need to go before they see us.” Klaus muttered. “Or before the owner of this car finds it.” 
“We could wait til they drive and go in the opposite direction.” Duncan suggested. 
Violet shook her head, and sat up a bit more; Isadora threw out an arm to put around her. “N-no…” 
“No?” Klaus looked back at her, panic in his eyes. 
“No.” she shook her head, and then managed to say, “I- we have to follow him.” 
“Are you insane?” Isadora snapped. 
“She’s drugged.” Duncan reminded her. 
Violet shook her head, grabbing Sunny’s hand. “I- I can think straight for now, I think. I… we have to go after him.” 
“Violet, we are not-” 
“Klaus.” Violet turned to him, and blinked away tears. “He has our parents.” 
“Violet, I know-” 
“They’re here.” 
Klaus froze. 
Sunny was the one who spoke next. “Amop?” “You saw them?” 
Violet shuddered and nodded. 
“They’re here. And- and someone else, I think- he has them and we need to get them out-” 
Klaus shook his head. “He’ll notice us following him.” 
“We’ll keep our distance. Or we can slash his tires or something.” Violet said. She pulled her hair back, thinking hard. “Once his car’s stopped, we get our parents and kill him.” 
“I know what he can do, Klaus.” Violet said. Slowly, she held up her hand, and Klaus jumped to see a new, fresh slash across her palm. “I know. He’s a monster.” she shook, and then shut her eyes. “So we have to get our parents out of there. We have to kill him before he can kill anyone else.” 
Klaus looked between the Quagmires. After a second, Isadora’s eyes hardened, and she nodded. Duncan sighed, shrugged, and said, “Yeah, let’s go murder the ass.” 
Finally, he looked to Sunny, and Sunny gave him a smile and a thumbs-up. 
“Sometimes I worry about you.” Klaus said to the toddler, who stuck out her tongue. 
As he shifted the car into Drive, watching the window for when the black car would drive off, Sunny reached to the ground and flipped up the top pouch of Klaus’s bag. 
“File.” she said. 
Violet blinked in confusion, and then realized and smiled. 
“We have the file.” she whispered, as Klaus hit the gas. “The Baudelaire file.” 
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Seb!
You have been accepted for the role of non-biography character NDULUE “LU” TRAVERS with the faceclaim of Keiynan Lonsdale! We really enjoyed reading your application and especially loved such a creative way to tie Lu to canon. During these dark times, it only makes sense that muggleborns and other ‘”lower” blood-statuses might hide their background to protect themselves! We also enjoyed your in-depth analysis for Lu’s biases and prejudices! 
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
AGE:  21+ (I’ve turned yet another year older the other day though, can you believe how ordinary I am? Not even aging backwards, like some sort of amateur… )
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I’m still on holiday until mid april and after that I’ll be travelling to uni daily by train so… If anything I’m too active. Will there ever be a time when the poor admins don’t have to suffer through pages and pages of my replies?
ANYTHING ELSE: Love you <3
NAME: Ndulue “Lu” Travers
AGE: 26
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Genderqueer. They/Them. Queer.
Lu does not use the term ‘genderqueer’ themselves. They just know – and have always known – that their body does not fit how they feel inside. They know it’s a good body, and they don’t hate it, in fact, they quite enjoy using it for certain physical activities at times, but they just don’t think it belongs to them more than a handbag does.
They’ve tried living as a traditionally female-presenting woman for a while but it seemed just as wrong. So they’ve decided, especially in the face of war, that there’s bigger things to worry about and to just wear and act and love however they feel like it that day. If modern terminology and information were accessible to them, they’d choose ‘genderqueer’ for themselves and so I’m going with the most widely used ‘they/them’ pronouns as well. I can imagine Lu’s skin crawls when people address them with ‘Mister’ or speak of them with ‘he/him’ pronouns, even if they can’t fully put it into words why, but when it comes to playing into the ideas some people have of them, they’re good at sucking it up.
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn
HOUSE ALUMNI: Not applicable
[Lu’s soul is split into two. Their parents divorced, leaving them and their brother commuting between different counties, educations and opposing moral values. They are of magical blood, no one else in their family is, has been, or will ever be. Their taste is accustomed to luxury and fame, but they themselves have no Knut to their name. To which world do they belong? Who are they really?]
Their personality is best described as vibrant and fun-loving on the one hand and selfish and sly on the other.
Meeting them for the first time, you’ll be confronted with a lot of sass, a lot of cheek, a lot of jokes and shallow remarks. They’re painfully honest about what they think of others – or at least their appearances. There’s something hyper-sensual, hyper-sexual to them even, as though their whole world turns around how to get who to bed. In a way, that’s very much the truth. After all, the person they’ve become can only exist as long as they keep being wanted that way. If they like you, they’ll shower you in gifts and wild adventures, they’ll make you get out of bed at one in the morning for a trip to an underground party where everyone is dressed up in Rococo fashion, and if you don’t want to, they’ll shame you for not living your best life. “These are the golden years of our lives, let’s spray-paint us in glitter to match!”
On the other hand they do have a dark past and a deep-rooted melancholy they can not always shake. Sometimes they use this to get pity-points. You see, even though they didn’t go to Hogwarts but to Beauxbaton, they are the epitome of a Slytherin. They’ll do most anything to protect their kin, foul play never out of the question. Lies are their best friend, and they’re damn good at it. In fact, they don’t just take pride in it but also joy. Imagine Regina George complimenting your bracelet only to turn around a second later and comment to her friend just how ugly it really is. That’s Lu. They found happiness in everything material; fashion, housing, parties, carriages is their life. Flowers are beneath them as they die too quickly. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend is their motto. And if you get on their bad side, you will suffer. You don’t know the bad luck that ensues is coming from Lu, but you will experience it intensely. There’s also an intense need to be appreciated, to be everyone’s number one and win first place in any competition – even those where no one else is aware that it’s a competition.
They can play incredibly sweet. Feed you honey as long as they get what they want, help you succeed, and rid you of all your adversaries. But if they feel insulted or neglected, the venom in their bite shows quickly.
So if it comes to what they’re good at, what they struggle with, it’s two sides of the same coin: being honest. Yes, they’ll use their actual hurt to get attention and some extra loving, but when it comes to facing how it actually makes them feel, how it influences their actions, they’ll put up a fight – or distract. They’re a master of conning, even before they met Mundungus Fletcher who helped them to their current life. They bamboozle and bedazzle their audience – and break when the truth beneath the facade is found out. The world’s a stage, they’re the lead role. But if you catch them behind the scenes, or reduce them to being the audience, a feisty tongue will jab and jab and jab until words turn to actions, indeed quite similar to theatre kids not being cast in the role they want.
What this hurt is, that I mentioned? See the next section.
Lu’s theme – a soul divided into two – has its roots, as for so many, in their past and background.
Muggle Belgium is a country split between a French part and a Dutch part, and most people there are raised bilingual. Lu, with their Nigerian mother, was raised with yet a third language, a third culture to appreciate and respect, a third reason why fitting in was nearly impossible.
Initially, it was a happy childhood, with a baby brother Lu was devoted to, and parents who, despite their differences, managed to show their love to their children. But soon the differences grew too broad, and it didn’t help that each fight they had when they believed their children to be asleep was followed by furniture mysteriously bursting, disappearing, or changing colour. Accusations were thrown, insults were hissed, and soon Lu’s father moved up to Antwerpen, far away from the French language, far away from his family, far away from the open-hearted person he used to be.
He became xenophobic, as though blaming every immigrant to be the cause for his unhappy life. Even his own children, now coming to visit him every second week, weren’t safe from his drunk, racist slurs. But staying with their mother wasn’t an option either, as she soon married again, had two new children, blacker than Lu and their brother Urhie, happier, more normal. To the new husband’s sight, Lu and Urhie were a thorn, a mistake his wife had committed and simply couldn’t make undo, a chore. So every second week, Urhie would take their little brother by the hand, go on a train, and travel yet again across the country. It wasn’t perfect. Neither home felt right, and because of the going back and forth, it was nearly impossible to make proper friends at their two schools. And when they did, and the other kids found out that the Travers were children of divorce, they’d be bullied for it. Leaving one county was always filled with anxiety, wondering what would await them on the other side of this train ride. But at least they had each other.
Urhie was a happy boy. He barely remembered his parents fighting, and while the travelling and bullying, later the lack of parental love as well, took a toll on him, he at least had an older sibling who protected him. There was nothing Lu wouldn’t have done for Urhie. They taught him all the best curse words, helped them with the homeworks, built the best blanket forts and painted the greatest tigers onto their face, read them all the Comic books and stole just so much candy for them. They also took their father’s beatings, and got all the chores for their mother done so that their presence would be at least tolerated. At school, they’d meet each other in the courtyard, and Lu made sure that Urhie never felt lonely. Never felt like all of this was his fault. After all, somehow, Lu always knew that it had been their fault, and their fault alone. All the mysterious little things that had happened, the incidents which their parents used to accuse each other of and which led to the awful arguments – that had been all Lu, hadn’t it?
The famous Beauxbaton Flower Petals proved them right. They flew in through the window, even though Lu had been so sure to close it, and that was the end of their childhood. Everything about Beauxbaton was brilliant. The uniforms, the people, the teachers, the building, and of course the magic. Everything felt like a dream. A beautiful, rare, fantastical dream that had to be true simply because Lu knew their brain could’ve never come up with something like this on its own. Was it hard to believe that they were a Wix? No. Was it hard to tell their parents about it? Oh, yes.
Their father responded with a slap to the face. “Stop with your jokes.” The Beauxbaton Secretary, who came a few days later, performed a few spells and while Lu’s eyes grew wide with wonder, their father’s grew darker and darker. Perhaps it was anger, that his child was even stranger and more different than he had expected. Perhaps it was a form of jealousy. Their mother – forbidden to say anything to her husband – cried and cried until all her tears were out and then cried some more, with a dry face now. No one quite understood why but when she finally stopped after five long days, she also stopped acknowledging Lu’s presence. They had died for her, and in the rare cases she needed something of them, a chore done, she’d speak of them in the third person, detached, as though they were just not in the room, but not even in this realm.
But none of this was bad. Not compared to how it affected Urhie. At first there was eagerness: “So you think I’ll go to Beauxbaton, too, when I’m older?!” But no matter how much they tried to make things change colour, nothing ever happened. And when Lu was about to start their fifth year at Beauxbaton, and no Flower Petals came for Urhie, their relationship changed. Brusquely and irreversibly. Urhie grew quiet, visibly hurt, at first internalising, later placing all the disappointment in his broken life on their sibling. When they were with their mother, they now played with their half-siblings, or did the chores before Lu could do them, wordlessly. When they were with their father, they hid in their room and blasted music, letting Lu face the violence alone, but instead of kissing the wounds afterwards, he now didn’t even acknowledge them.
And the more Lu tried to escape the tension – staying at Beauxbaton over the holidays, ward themselves with spells at night, or spend more time in the Wizarding City of Antwerpen and Liège – the more Urhie resented them. It was a betrayal. Lu was able to live in a world where there was magic, where there was happiness, and he wasn’t. The traitor was Lu. And so they paid for it.
By their seventeenth birthday and their graduation from Beauxbaton, they had no home anymore.
Dancing the Devil’s Tango, you know? Playing the flute, you could say. Knowing how to truly enjoy eating a banana, is another way to phrase it. Practicing throat massages, loving the nightly work out and specific stretching positions, giving people excuses to wash their bed sheets more often. You get the idea, I’m done. No, wait, one more: Horse back riding but without the horse.
Lu thinks they’re losing. They’re not powerful enough, not strong enough, not smart enough to do anything against the upper class society that has always ruled over this country and will always rule over this country. No, they don’t think they’re bad people or acting against the law, but it all seems so futile. Such great efforts for what? Perhaps a few years of peace before the next racist radical group arises? Adapting is the key, not fighting, no revolution has ever gone anywhere productive, and because the Order isn’t even trying to adapt and make use of those inside of it with privilege, Lu is both condescending towards them, as well as mildly bemused by them.
They affiliated themselves nevertheless because they want to be protected.
First, if their secret ever came out, that they’re really a Mudblood, then the Order might be there for Lu until they can get out of the country. Possibly even help them back to Belgium. Secondly, if the Order does win the war, they don’t want to be known as a Death Eater.
They’re not a Death Eater and certainly don’t have the Dark Mark, but you’d be surprised how deep into their dinner-party affairs you can sneak when you’re only considered the hors d’oeuvre. Nevertheless, Lu’s somewhat affiliated. So if the Order wins the war and their affiliation is revealed, it would be best to be in the Order to say, oh no, I was just working as a double agent, I’m not actually a bad person.
So that was why they began helping the Order out, a few months after coming to England. Nothing big, only some very personal information or clear descriptions of locations that could be useful for Order missions. The reason the Order had such a detailed description of the Nott house in December, was because Lu had taken the freedom to ‘get lost on their way to the bathroom’ and have a snoop around. It was their first ‘trial’ to help the Order with something.
For three months now they’d been helping the Order, solely for their own protection. Until. Well. Until this New Years, when the Death Eaters decided to go against Muggles.
Their war against Mudbloods, Lu had always been able to understand, to accept. Muggleborns couldn’t properly fit into the Wizarding World, not without completely getting rid of their Muggle side. And who would want to do that? To split one’s soul for two completely different styles of life… That simply wasn’t healthy.
But Muggles? Those innocent, stupid bastards? What have they done? Who will protect them? Who will protect Urhie? Lu doesn’t let themself think that name, but that’s the source of their fears, isn’t it?
Lu came to England as an extended family member of the Travers family. Their real name is, in fact, Travers, but that’s pure coincidence, and there’s no relation to the famous British pureblood family at all. It was only with Mundungus Fletcher’s information and a bit of conning that Lu made themself pass as a member of the Sacred 28. Well, that, and long eyelashes batting with promise of the kind of night you don’t dare speaking to your wife about.
At first it seemed risky to burst into the Upper Pureblood Society without a proper patron, but soon enough Lu realised that while the British liked to present themselves as quiet and respectable, they were no less naughty than the French. Living in a small country Manor, part of the Travers heritage, there’s rarely ever a day – or rather night – that passes without visit. And because none of those patrons are the kind of people to speak about their private affairs, Lu lives more easily than ever before.
It would probably be very easy to just stay out of the war, play innocent in case the Phoenix side wins. But what if all purebloods get persecuted at the end of the war? So it’s safer to play on both sides. And if the Death Eaters catch Lu meddling with the Order, they can simply say it’s a matter of double-agenting as well. Only properly joining the Order could be a proper risk, and until very recently Lu had absolutely no desire to do that. For what? To get sent into a mission and die? You wish!
But, well, now New Years has happened and sitting still in their country Manor is not as easy anymore, is it? So while everyone is seeking out safety, Lu is, for the first time, leaving their comfortable den, to get themself into trouble. Stupid? Perhaps. Well. Yes, actually. Most definitely very stupid. But… There’s this feeling. This knowledge that danger lies ahead, but that taking a beating or two is all worth it, if at least it will protect Urhie…
In general, Lu is careful not to make close friends.
Oh, their official list of friends is as long as the guest list for a Gatsby Party, sure, but the people that actually know Lu are … non-existent. In the past, whenever there was someone who came too close to Lu, learnt too much and made it hard for them to continue playing the role of luxurious party host and resident play-toy, they’d jump ship. Go to a new country. Find new friends.
At the moment they’re physically very close with a handful of Death Eaters, but none of them ask Lu for private information, only see them as a fun pass-time, and Lu lives for it. There is safety in not being known. Safety in being loved for all the wrong reasons, never hated for all the right reasons.
When it comes to the people of the Order – most of which Lu has yet to meet – they’re rather indifferent to them. Do they have money? Flair? A sense of humour and an ability to hold their liquor? Let’s be friends! Are they bland and all about the war? All right. Let’s focus on the war. They have no interest in being close to any of those people but that doesn’t mean they’re rude to them. They affiliated themselves with the Order for protection, and they are trying to join now to help the Muggles. Much like you treat your local grocery shop lady, Lu is friendly to them, not really trying to play serious or their glamour-card, just interacting in a professional manner. But again, if there are people in the Order who they think could pay for their bling, they will not draw the line just because they’re in the Order. They see the Order the same way they see the Death Eaters: they don’t care much about their ideologies but sees them as individual people.
Suggestions, as discussed with the players:
Peter Pettigrew/Severus Snape: Both of them are Death Eaters, both of them know the faces that hide behind the masks, both of them are wildly aware what that person, who is helping the Order get to personal information about Death Eaters, is properly doing to get to that information. They know Lu’s not a Death Eater, but they also know they’re not fully on the Order’s side. Interestingly enough, they’re the only people Lu’s wary off – on Death Eater side. The Inner Circle of the Order knows that they must be somewhat close to the Death Eaters, but the Death Eaters can under no circumstances learn that Lu’s flirting with the Order. Luckily, both Peter and Severus are also aware of the power that Lu holds against them, so there’s a mutual tension and black-mailing potential going on.
Mundungus Fletcher: Mundungus is the reason why Lu made it to Britain. The two of them met at a bar in Paris, where Mundungus was currently being caught red-handed in a con-gone-awry. Lu helped him and then “I owe you.” “Great. I actually got something I need help with right now.” At first Mundungus seemed irritated that a Muggleborn wants to play Pureblood, but he showed up the next day at Lu’s place anyway, ready to help them con the British Pureblood Society. Their relationship is riddled with quarrels, jabs and insults, but somehow they can’t quite go longer than a week without going out on a drink together again.
Lily Evans: Is reason for great conflict to Lu. On the one hand, she’s a stupid Muggleborn who isn’t even trying to conceal her identity. On the other hand, she’s clearly a talented Witch. Best of her year, they say? So maybe all those prejudices against Muggleborns isn’t actually true? So while at the moment Lu is still facing her with an air of hostility and sceptical arrogance, they do want to know how she’s doing it; finding all this bravery. It might do them well to learn of another Muggleborn’s past. Either because it’ll teach them that not all Muggles are bad, or because it’ll reinforce this idea that Muggles are in fact not suited to know about magic, that the Statue of Secrecy must be kept at all cost.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Lu x Dumbledore only, please. Only supreme Sugar Daddies acceptable for my Lu.
No, but seriously, I’d like for Lu to actually get attached for once. You’ll see, they’re very vain and shallow, but beneath all that there’s a genuinely sweet person who wants to be protected as much as they want to protect. So whether that be someone older who fits their usual prey – homewrecking is their speciality! –, or someone younger who they wouldn’t even consider as a romantic partner, I’m very open to it all.
I think it is safe to say that now that Lu has adopted the Sacred 28 name Travers as their own, they have all the privileges one can only image. They live in a big house with maids and footmen, and while they don’t actually live off the heritage of a long-lost aunt fifth removed like they’ve told the Purebloods they hang out with now, they do have their means to get by. Gain enough money to spend it on all sorts of fun activities.
And because they’ve stopped entering the Muggle world about five years ago, they’re also facing barely any prejudices concerning their skin colour – or extravagant clothes. The former seeming to be a prejudice indeed mostly fostered by a people that took too long to begin travelling the world, the latter a prejudice for a people that has never had a sense of fashion to begin with. The traditional Wizarding costumes are colourful and grand by nature, dramatic in all the right ways, and Lu savours it.
Coming to their own biases and prejudices.
Against Muggles: Stupid, hostile, irrelevant, prejudiced to a painful degree. As the above written paragraph makes it obvious, Lu doesn’t think kindly of their own once-upon-a-time kin – surely because of the way they were treated by them.
Against Muggleborns: Actually, deep down, knowing themselves quite the skilled Magician, they don’t really believe that Muggleblood washes out your powers. However, they do think that every Muggleborn who is still staying in Britain at the moment, without even trying to conceal their identity, is the epitome of stupid.
Against Halfbloods: Barely of any relevance to Lu, but if you’d dug deeper you’d find that they might think any Wizard stupid who thought to marry a Muggle. Can’t be that grand of a family, if there’s traces of dementedness in their blood, right? But mostly they don’t care.
Against Purebloods: In Lu’s opinion, every Pureblood is inherently more powerful than Muggleborns or Halfbloods. I know, I said they know themselves to be incredibly skilled, but those contradictions exist within themselves the same way everything else splits them into two sides. They’ve spent so much time around Purebloods that they can no longer separate the truth from lies, and their beliefs have seeped into their own skin, with a tendency to make them believe they might actually be less skilled at magic as they once thought they were. It’s one of the reasons why they barely ever use magic around Purebloods – simply not to accidentally prove themselves as weak-blooded. They also think all Purebloods are rich.
Against Halfbreeds: Between the horrid prejudices spread by the Pureblood Circles they hang out in, and their own Muggle background, halfbreeds are inherently unhuman to them. In fairy tales, you didn’t see magical creatures be given human emotions. The goblins were greedy, the sirens were sexual predators, the wolves were to devour you. Surely it’s the same in the real world. The house elves love serving, the veelas love dancing on pianos at cocktail parties, and the werewolves want nothing but to kill humans. No matter how much human blood they got in their veins, at the end they’re their fairytale trait… The same way you can’t just shake your Muggleblood, right?
More lovely time with lovely people.
I’m going for Lu because they’re primarily a fun person, their sadness is so deep in that it will be fun to navigate them through a war, maybe bring some ease to the dash!
Lu is currently not in the Order. I’d like for them to make it in, because at the moment that’s their goal. They went from ‘affiliated for personal protection’ to ‘I might actually want to do something good in this war’, which is a pretty big step. The reason for this (wanting to protect their brother) is not something they’ve yet admitted to, and I think if the Order questioned them on why they want to join, it might come to the light of day, and I’d like to see them face their prejudices against Muggles.
I could also imagine a plot, much much further down the line, of them being found out a Muggleborn. Literally being kicked out of the Travers house, and losing all their patrons, etc, etc, and being about to leave Britain to run home before stopping and maybe deciding to properly serve the Order now.
But before that, the revelation of HOW it comes that they’ve got such easy access to Death Eater’s personal information. Because while Snape has ‘what’s going on’ information, Lu’s got the ‘who’s sleeping in which room, and how many house elves are employed in a household’ kind of information. It would be interesting to see someone questioning how Lu can know all this and then therefore learning what exactly they’re doing to be this close to Death Eaters. I don’t think they’re trying to hide that they’re an – in pg13 words – Escort, but I can imagine that flaunting love affairs with Death Eaters could pose some problems if they want to be trusted by the Order.
ANYTHING ELSE? Yes! Their Order status at the moment is Affiliated.
Once there was nothing more important to Lu than their little brother, Urhie. So when the magical Flower Petals came and invited Lu – and only Lu – to join Beauxbaton, something inside of them broke apart, was left behind, died. Their parents had divorced and for months they had spent commuting back and forth between the two households with Urhie by the hand, protecting them from the bribing, the exhaustion, and the inevitable feeling that they weren’t quite as loved as they should be. And now Urhie was supposed to just do all of this alone? Beauxbaton was splendid, magic was splendid, the life the French Wizarding World offered was splendid – but was it all worth it if they had to do it without Urhie? Unfortunately, going home was soon no longer an option. Their mother had a new family and the man didn’t like her children from the first marriage, and their father had slipped into right-winged circles, throwing slurs at the children the moment alcohol touched his lips. For Lu it was easy, they could stay at Beauxbaton over the holidays, ward themselves with spells or spend more time in Wizarding Liège – but Urhie? Tension between the brothers grew. And then Lu met Ferrari. A Wizard from the Russian high society who drove a very luxurious horse carriage (which earned him the name even if no one but Lu understood), and his offer was simple: Join me. Join me, let me bathe you in riches, let me take you on golden adventures, let me introduce to you the most glistening personalities of the Wizarding World. Join me, and all you have to do from now on is look pretty and kneel before me. Lu accepted – and Urhie never forgave them.
Lu Travers, Pureblood Wix Extraordinaire. That’s how they’re known now. They had quickly become a brilliant gem of the Pureblood Wizarding world, a name people – that is, those with gold piles to their dragon – around the globe knew and invited to their parties hungrily. For years Lu travelled the world, first with Ferrari, then with whoever seemed willing to give them more. And more and more. They were never satisfied. Had the world previously been a crowded train ride between Antwerpen and Liège, it soon turned into the most brilliant and colourful oyster for them to slurp up. Paris, New York, Tokyo, Sydney, Capetown, wherever there were Wix of a pure blood and a decadent culture, Lu went there, lying about where they really came from and soon fitting in more smoothly than most actual Purebloods. Only one world remained closed to them: The Sacred 28 of Great Britain. It was Mundungus Fletcher who reminded Lu that they happened to share a name with one of those Pureblood families, and before they knew it, they were smuggled into London, now on their knees before the most infamous Wizards in history. Lu adores it here. Everything is just the right amount of traditional and elegant, and even though the Sacred 28 are quite careful with keeping the true nature of their relation to Lu a secret, none of them are shy to approach them. They’ve never lived any better. The only problem is this bloody war and the fact that it is, in fact, waging against Lu and their kin. If their secret comes out, it’ll be the end of them. And worse. What if the other side wins? Isn’t there this Phoenix Order? Perhaps it would be best to join them, so that if they win, Lu can say they’ve just played double agent with the Death Eaters? Not that the Order seems to be winning. And Lu doesn’t care – if only his employers hadn’t suddenly decided to kill Muggles…
FC CHOICES: Keiynan Lonsdale (they/them), Chance Pomodoro (he/him), Jordan Fisher (he/him)
“oh damn” – scene change
and the following 40 seconds of that video.
3 notes · View notes
lutraverselemonde · 4 years
NAME: Ndulue “Lu” Travers
AGE: 26
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Genderqueer. They/Them. Queer.
Lu does not use the term ‘genderqueer’ themselves. They just know – and have always known – that their body does not fit how they feel inside. They know it’s a good body, and they don’t hate it, in fact, they quite enjoy using it for certain physical activities at times, but they just don’t think it belongs to them more than a handbag does.
They’ve tried living as a traditionally female-presenting woman for a while but it seemed just as wrong. So they’ve decided, especially in the face of war, that there’s bigger things to worry about and to just wear and act and love however they feel like it that day. If modern terminology and information were accessible to them, they’d choose ‘genderqueer’ for themselves and so I’m going with the most widely used ‘they/them’ pronouns as well. I can imagine Lu’s skin crawls when people address them with ‘Mister’ or speak of them with ‘he/him’ pronouns, even if they can’t fully put it into words why, but when it comes to playing into the ideas some people have of them, they’re good at sucking it up.
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn
HOUSE ALUMNI: Not applicable
[Lu’s soul is split into two. Their parents divorced, leaving them and their brother commuting between different counties, educations and opposing moral values. They are of magical blood, no one else in their family is, has been, or will ever be. Their taste is accustomed to luxury and fame, but they themselves have no Knut to their name. To which world do they belong? Who are they really?]
Their personality is best described as vibrant and fun-loving on the one hand and selfish and sly on the other.
Meeting them for the first time, you’ll be confronted with a lot of sass, a lot of cheek, a lot of jokes and shallow remarks. They’re painfully honest about what they think of others – or at least their appearances. There’s something hyper-sensual, hyper-sexual to them even, as though their whole world turns around how to get who to bed. In a way, that’s very much the truth. After all, the person they’ve become can only exist as long as they keep being wanted that way. If they like you, they’ll shower you in gifts and wild adventures, they’ll make you get out of bed at one in the morning for a trip to an underground party where everyone is dressed up in Rococo fashion, and if you don’t want to, they’ll shame you for not living your best life. “These are the golden years of our lives, let’s spray-paint us in glitter to match!”
On the other hand they do have a dark past and a deep-rooted melancholy they can not always shake. Sometimes they use this to get pity-points. You see, even though they didn’t go to Hogwarts but to Beauxbaton, they are the epitome of a Slytherin. They’ll do most anything to protect their kin, foul play never out of the question. Lies are their best friend, and they’re damn good at it. In fact, they don’t just take pride in it but also joy. Imagine Regina George complimenting your bracelet only to turn around a second later and comment to her friend just how ugly it really is. That’s Lu. They found happiness in everything material; fashion, housing, parties, carriages is their life. Flowers are beneath them as they die too quickly. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend is their motto. And if you get on their bad side, you will suffer. You don’t know the bad luck that ensues is coming from Lu, but you will experience it intensely. There’s also an intense need to be appreciated, to be everyone’s number one and win first place in any competition – even those where no one else is aware that it’s a competition.
They can play incredibly sweet. Feed you honey as long as they get what they want, help you succeed, and rid you of all your adversaries. But if they feel insulted or neglected, the venom in their bite shows quickly.
So if it comes to what they’re good at, what they struggle with, it’s two sides of the same coin: being honest. Yes, they’ll use their actual hurt to get attention and some extra loving, but when it comes to facing how it actually makes them feel, how it influences their actions, they’ll put up a fight – or distract. They’re a master of conning, even before they met Mundungus Fletcher who helped them to their current life. They bamboozle and bedazzle their audience – and break when the truth beneath the facade is found out. The world’s a stage, they’re the lead role. But if you catch them behind the scenes, or reduce them to being the audience, a feisty tongue will jab and jab and jab until words turn to actions, indeed quite similar to theatre kids not being cast in the role they want.
What this hurt is, that I mentioned? See the next section.
Lu’s theme – a soul divided into two – has its roots, as for so many, in their past and background.
Muggle Belgium is a country split between a French part and a Dutch part, and most people there are raised bilingual. Lu, with their Nigerian mother, was raised with yet a third language, a third culture to appreciate and respect, a third reason why fitting in was nearly impossible.
Initially, it was a happy childhood, with a baby brother Lu was devoted to, and parents who, despite their differences, managed to show their love to their children. But soon the differences grew too broad, and it didn’t help that each fight they had when they believed their children to be asleep was followed by furniture mysteriously bursting, disappearing, or changing colour. Accusations were thrown, insults were hissed, and soon Lu’s father moved up to Antwerpen, far away from the French language, far away from his family, far away from the open-hearted person he used to be.
He became xenophobic, as though blaming every immigrant to be the cause for his unhappy life. Even his own children, now coming to visit him every second week, weren’t safe from his drunk, racist slurs. But staying with their mother wasn’t an option either, as she soon married again, had two new children, blacker than Lu and their brother Urhie, happier, more normal. To the new husband’s sight, Lu and Urhie were a thorn, a mistake his wife had committed and simply couldn’t make undo, a chore. So every second week, Urhie would take their little brother by the hand, go on a train, and travel yet again across the country. It wasn’t perfect. Neither home felt right, and because of the going back and forth, it was nearly impossible to make proper friends at their two schools. And when they did, and the other kids found out that the Travers were children of divorce, they’d be bullied for it. Leaving one county was always filled with anxiety, wondering what would await them on the other side of this train ride. But at least they had each other.
Urhie was a happy boy. He barely remembered his parents fighting, and while the travelling and bullying, later the lack of parental love as well, took a toll on him, he at least had an older sibling who protected him. There was nothing Lu wouldn’t have done for Urhie. They taught him all the best curse words, helped them with the homeworks, built the best blanket forts and painted the greatest tigers onto their face, read them all the Comic books and stole just so much candy for them. They also took their father’s beatings, and got all the chores for their mother done so that their presence would be at least tolerated. At school, they’d meet each other in the courtyard, and Lu made sure that Urhie never felt lonely. Never felt like all of this was his fault. After all, somehow, Lu always knew that it had been their fault, and their fault alone. All the mysterious little things that had happened, the incidents which their parents used to accuse each other of and which led to the awful arguments – that had been all Lu, hadn’t it?
The famous Beauxbaton Flower Petals proved them right. They flew in through the window, even though Lu had been so sure to close it, and that was the end of their childhood. Everything about Beauxbaton was brilliant. The uniforms, the people, the teachers, the building, and of course the magic. Everything felt like a dream. A beautiful, rare, fantastical dream that had to be true simply because Lu knew their brain could’ve never come up with something like this on its own. Was it hard to believe that they were a Wix? No. Was it hard to tell their parents about it? Oh, yes.
Their father responded with a slap to the face. “Stop with your jokes.” The Beauxbaton Secretary, who came a few days later, performed a few spells and while Lu’s eyes grew wide with wonder, their father’s grew darker and darker. Perhaps it was anger, that his child was even stranger and more different than he had expected. Perhaps it was a form of jealousy. Their mother – forbidden to say anything to her husband – cried and cried until all her tears were out and then cried some more, with a dry face now. No one quite understood why but when she finally stopped after five long days, she also stopped acknowledging Lu’s presence. They had died for her, and in the rare cases she needed something of them, a chore done, she’d speak of them in the third person, detached, as though they were just not in the room, but not even in this realm.
But none of this was bad. Not compared to how it affected Urhie. At first there was eagerness: “So you think I’ll go to Beauxbaton, too, when I’m older?!” But no matter how much they tried to make things change colour, nothing ever happened. And when Lu was about to start their fifth year at Beauxbaton, and no Flower Petals came for Urhie, their relationship changed. Brusquely and irreversibly. Urhie grew quiet, visibly hurt, at first internalising, later placing all the disappointment in his broken life on their sibling. When they were with their mother, they now played with their half-siblings, or did the chores before Lu could do them, wordlessly. When they were with their father, Urhie hid in his room and blasted music, letting Lu face the violence alone, but instead of kissing the wounds afterwards, he now didn’t even acknowledge them.
And the more Lu tried to escape the tension – staying at Beauxbaton over the holidays, ward themselves with spells at night, or spend more time in the Wizarding City of Antwerpen and Liège – the more Urhie resented them. It was a betrayal. Lu was able to live in a world where there was magic, where there was happiness, and he wasn’t. The traitor was Lu. And so they paid for it.
By their seventeenth birthday and their graduation from Beauxbaton, they had no home anymore.
Dancing the Devil’s Tango, you know? Playing the flute, you could say. Knowing how to truly enjoy eating a banana, is another way to phrase it. Practicing throat massages, loving the nightly work out and specific stretching positions, giving people excuses to wash their bed sheets more often. You get the idea, I’m done. No, wait, one more: Horse back riding but without the horse.
Lu thinks they’re losing. They’re not powerful enough, not strong enough, not smart enough to do anything against the upper class society that has always ruled over this country and will always rule over this country. No, they don’t think they’re bad people or acting against the law, but it all seems so futile. Such great efforts for what? Perhaps a few years of peace before the next racist radical group arises? Adapting is the key, not fighting, no revolution has ever gone anywhere productive, and because the Order isn’t even trying to adapt and make use of those inside of it with privilege, Lu is both condescending towards them, as well as mildly bemused by them.
They affiliated themselves nevertheless because they want to be protected.
First, if their secret ever came out, that they’re really a Mudblood, then the Order might be there for Lu until they can get out of the country. Possibly even help them back to Belgium. Secondly, if the Order does win the war, they don’t want to be known as a Death Eater.
They’re not a Death Eater and certainly don’t have the Dark Mark, but you’d be surprised how deep into their dinner-party affairs you can sneak when you’re only considered the hors d’oeuvre. Nevertheless, Lu’s somewhat affiliated. So if the Order wins the war and their affiliation is revealed, it would be best to be in the Order to say, oh no, I was just working as a double agent, I’m not actually a bad person.
So that was why they began helping the Order out, a few months after coming to England. Nothing big, only some very personal information or clear descriptions of locations that could be useful for Order missions. The reason the Order had such a detailed description of the Nott house in December, was because Lu had taken the freedom to ‘get lost on their way to the bathroom’ and have a snoop around. It was their first ‘trial’ to help the Order with something.
For three months now they’d been helping the Order, solely for their own protection. Until. Well. Until this New Years, when the Death Eaters decided to go against Muggles.
Their war against Mudbloods, Lu had always been able to understand, to accept. Muggleborns couldn’t properly fit into the Wizarding World, not without completely getting rid of their Muggle side. And who would want to do that? To split one’s soul for two completely different styles of life… That simply wasn’t healthy.
But Muggles? Those innocent, stupid bastards? What have they done? Who will protect them? Who will protect Urhie? Lu doesn’t let themself think that name, but that’s the source of their fears, isn’t it?
Lu came to England as an extended family member of the Travers family. Their real name is, in fact, Travers, but that’s pure coincidence, and there’s no relation to the famous British pureblood family at all. It was only with Mundungus Fletcher’s information and a bit of conning that Lu made themself pass as a member of the Sacred 28. Well, that, and long eyelashes batting with promise of the kind of night you don’t dare speaking to your wife about.
At first it seemed risky to burst into the Upper Pureblood Society without a proper patron, but soon enough Lu realised that while the British liked to present themselves as quiet and respectable, they were no less naughty than the French. Living in a small country Manor, part of the Travers heritage, there’s rarely ever a day – or rather night – that passes without visit. And because none of those patrons are the kind of people to speak about their private affairs, Lu lives more easily than ever before.
It would probably be very easy to just stay out of the war, play innocent in case the Phoenix side wins. But what if all Purebloods get persecuted at the end of the war? So it’s safer to play on both sides. And if the Death Eaters catch Lu meddling with the Order, they can simply say it’s a matter of double-agenting as well. Only properly joining the Order could be a proper risk, and until very recently Lu had absolutely no desire to do that. For what? To get sent into a mission and die? You wish!
But, well, now New Years has happened and sitting still in their country Manor is not as easy anymore, is it? So while everyone is seeking out safety, Lu is, for the first time, leaving their comfortable den, to get themself into trouble. Stupid? Perhaps. Well. Yes, actually. Most definitely very stupid. But… There’s this feeling. This knowledge that danger lies ahead, but that taking a beating or two is all worth it, if at least it will protect Urhie…
In general, Lu is careful not to make close friends.
Oh, their official list of friends is as long as the guest list for a Gatsby Party, sure, but the people that actually know Lu are … non-existent. In the past, whenever there was someone who came too close to Lu, learnt too much and made it hard for them to continue playing the role of luxurious party host and resident play-toy, they’d jump ship. Go to a new country. Find new friends.
At the moment they’re physically very close with a handful of Death Eaters, but none of them ask Lu for private information, only see them as a fun pass-time, and Lu lives for it. There is safety in not being known. Safety in being loved for all the wrong reasons, never hated for all the right reasons.
When it comes to the people of the Order – most of which Lu has yet to meet – they’re rather indifferent to them. Do they have money? Flair? A sense of humour and an ability to hold their liquor? Let’s be friends! Are they bland and all about the war? All right. Let’s focus on the war. They have no interest in being close to any of those people but that doesn’t mean they’re rude to them. They affiliated themselves with the Order for protection, and they are trying to join now to help the Muggles. Much like you treat your local grocery shop lady, Lu is friendly to them, not really trying to play serious or their glamour-card, just interacting in a professional manner. But again, if there are people in the Order who they think could pay for their bling, they will not draw the line just because they’re in the Order. They see the Order the same way they see the Death Eaters: they don’t care much about their ideologies but sees them as individual people.
Suggestions, as discussed with the players:
Peter Pettigrew/Severus Snape: Both of them are Death Eaters, both of them know the faces that hide behind the masks, both of them are wildly aware what that person, who is helping the Order get to personal information about Death Eaters, is properly doing to get to that information. They know Lu’s not a Death Eater, but they also know they’re not fully on the Order’s side. Interestingly enough, they’re the only people Lu’s wary off – on Death Eater side. The Inner Circle of the Order knows that they must be somewhat close to the Death Eaters, but the Death Eaters can under no circumstances learn that Lu’s flirting with the Order. Luckily, both Peter and Severus are also aware of the power that Lu holds against them, so there’s a mutual tension and black-mailing potential going on.
Mundungus Fletcher: Mundungus is the reason why Lu made it to Britain. The two of them met at a bar in Paris, where Mundungus was currently being caught red-handed in a con-gone-awry. Lu helped him and then “I owe you.” “Great. I actually got something I need help with right now.” At first Mundungus seemed irritated that a Muggleborn wants to play Pureblood, but he showed up the next day at Lu’s place anyway, ready to help them con the British Pureblood Society. Their relationship is riddled with quarrels, jabs and insults, but somehow they can’t quite go longer than a week without going out on a drink together again.
Lily Evans: Is reason for great conflict to Lu. On the one hand, she’s a stupid Muggleborn who isn’t even trying to conceal her identity. On the other hand, she’s clearly a talented Witch. Best of her year, they say? So maybe all those prejudices against Muggleborns isn’t actually true? So while at the moment Lu is still facing her with an air of hostility and sceptical arrogance, they do want to know how she’s doing it; finding all this bravery. It might do them well to learn of another Muggleborn’s past. Either because it’ll teach them that not all Muggles are bad, or because it’ll reinforce this idea that Muggles are in fact not suited to know about magic, that the Statue of Secrecy must be kept at all cost.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Lu x Dumbledore only, please. Only supreme Sugar Daddies acceptable for my Lu.
No, but seriously, I’d like for Lu to actually get attached for once. You’ll see, they’re very vain and shallow, but beneath all that there’s a genuinely sweet person who wants to be protected as much as they want to protect. So whether that be someone older who fits their usual prey – homewrecking is their speciality! –, or someone younger who they wouldn’t even consider as a romantic partner, I’m very open to it all.
I think it is safe to say that now that Lu has adopted the Sacred 28 name Travers as their own, they have all the privileges one can only image. They live in a big house with maids and footmen, and while they don’t actually live off the heritage of a long-lost aunt fifth removed like they’ve told the Purebloods they hang out with now, they do have their means to get by. Gain enough money to spend it on all sorts of fun activities.
And because they’ve stopped entering the Muggle world about five years ago, they’re also facing barely any prejudices concerning their skin colour – or extravagant clothes. The former seeming to be a prejudice indeed mostly fostered by a people that took too long to begin travelling the world, the latter a prejudice for a people that has never had a sense of fashion to begin with. The traditional Wizarding costumes are colourful and grand by nature, dramatic in all the right ways, and Lu savours it.
Coming to their own biases and prejudices.
Against Muggles: Stupid, hostile, irrelevant, prejudiced to a painful degree. As the above written paragraph makes it obvious, Lu doesn’t think kindly of their own once-upon-a-time kin – surely because of the way they were treated by them.
Against Muggleborns: Actually, deep down, knowing themselves quite the skilled Magician, they don’t really believe that Muggleblood washes out your powers. However, they do think that every Muggleborn who is still staying in Britain at the moment, without even trying to conceal their identity, is the epitome of stupid.
Against Halfbloods: Barely of any relevance to Lu, but if you’d dug deeper you’d find that they might think any Wizard stupid who thought to marry a Muggle. Can’t be that grand of a family, if there’s traces of dementedness in their blood, right? But mostly they don’t care.
Against Purebloods: In Lu’s opinion, every Pureblood is inherently more powerful than Muggleborns or Halfbloods. I know, I said they know themselves to be incredibly skilled, but those contradictions exist within themselves the same way everything else splits them into two sides. They’ve spent so much time around Purebloods that they can no longer separate the truth from lies, and their beliefs have seeped into their own skin, with a tendency to make them believe they might actually be less skilled at magic as they once thought they were. It’s one of the reasons why they barely ever use magic around Purebloods – simply not to accidentally prove themselves as weak-blooded. They also think all Purebloods are rich.
Against Halfbreeds: Between the horrid prejudices spread by the Pureblood Circles they hang out in, and their own Muggle background, halfbreeds are inherently unhuman to them. In fairy tales, you didn’t see magical creatures be given human emotions. The goblins were greedy, the sirens were sexual predators, the wolves were to devour you. Surely it’s the same in the real world. The house elves love serving, the veelas love dancing on pianos at cocktail parties, and the werewolves want nothing but to kill humans. No matter how much human blood they got in their veins, at the end they’re their fairytale trait… The same way you can’t just shake your Muggleblood, right?
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teawaffles · 3 years
There’s No Business Like Show Business: Chapter 2
The next day.
After finishing his work at the mansion, Bond headed to Whitechapel’s Leman Street, where Maya and her company normally held their rehearsals. [1]
Walking down the noisy street was not just Bond, but also three other employees of the Moriarty household. One of them was Fred Porlock.
“It would’ve been fine if only you came along, Fred…… But thanks for joining us anyway, you two.”
Bond directed that to Jack Renfield and Sebastian Moran, who were walking a little behind him.
As Fred was a master of disguise, Bond had asked him to contribute his opinion on the performance too when Jack and Moran decided to tag along. Now the four of them were on their way to the rehearsal — with Louis’ permission of course.
Jack roared with laughter.
“No, you don’t have to thank me. I’ve watched my fair share of theatre, so I thought I could help them out, even if it’s from an amateur’s perspective,” said the old butler, nodding as he reminisced about those good old days.
“You’re probably just after the young girls from the theatre company, aren’t you old man?” Moran said, half in disgust. “Bond said this Maya chairwoman is a dashing lady in her own right, so I came along to feast my eyes on—— Ow, that hurt!”
Jack had clapped Moran on the head, as a warning to not shoot his mouth off.
“The only one here chasing women is you. Really, you didn’t even finish your chores properly before coming here.”
“I did my part just fine. For once, I’m not skipping out on work.”
“Rubbish — I did a check before we left and found some cigarette butts in the hallway. Don’t you dare annoy Louis any further.”
“……W-Well, the more the merrier, right?”
Listening to their usual argument at the back of the group, Bond smiled wryly, while Fred was silent.
Finally, they had reached their destination. Waiting in front of the theatre was Maya, and her little sister Mae.
“Mister Bond!”
“Hey, haven’t seen you since yesterday.”
Mae waved her arms up and down in excitement, while Bond greeted them with a smile.
“S—sorry. Normally, she would play with the other children near our place, but today she insisted on coming with me…… By the way, um, who might these, d—dignified gentlemen be?”
“Ah, they work at the same household as me. The short one here is Fred. The somewhat scary-looking one is Moran. And this dandy old gentleman is Mr Jack. If you’re alright with it, I thought you could use their input as well.”
As Bond introduced them, the three men also greeted their host. But Maya seemed a little perplexed.
“……Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to come here in a big group,” Bond admitted, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“No, no.” Maya hurriedly waved her hands. “I—I’m really grateful to be able to, hear valuable feedback from, so many people. For now, let’s not stand here to talk, please come in……”
Maya guided them into the theatre, stooped in a self-abasing posture. Her faltering voice was much as the same as from their previous encounter, but today, nerves seemed to have crept in as well.
“She has a sort of shadow about her, but that has its own charm. Like the transient beauty of a young widow, don’t you think?”
“She’s pretty, for sure, but not really my type. More like the kind of woman who complicates things when you break up with her.”
“Um, sorry you two, but if you could just keep your voices down,” chided Bond, as Jack and Moran whispered about the chairwoman behind her back.
Right after the entrance was a cramped space. The box seats above them looked hastily constructed; in truth, the interior decorations made it seem more appropriate to call this place a playhouse, rather than a proper theatre.
But their guide had only praise. “The manager here is, a really nice person; whenever we say we want to practise, he’s always happy to lend it to us. There are performances held at night, so we can only use it during the day.”
“He trusts you, doesn’t he.”
Hearing her speak with such sincere gratitude, Bond was quietly impressed by her character. Perhaps her dark aura easily invited misunderstanding, but she was definitely genuine at heart.
“Speaking of which, Miss Maya, you said that you’re the director for this performance, but surely someone else is responsible for the sets and the arrangements at the other theatre during this time?”
“Another member is in charge of the sets, but the negotiations and the like, w—were handled by me. Even so, the manager of the larger theatre — a nobleman — had actually approached us to be the opening act for another company, and I just accepted his invitation.”
“Still, isn’t it great to be invited to perform on a bigger stage, even if it’s just as an opening act?”
“Yes; for people like us — a theatre company from the slums, we don’t have many chances to show the world what we can do, so everyone’s doing their very best.”
Saying that, Maya secretly clenched her fists. Surely the one working the hardest was none other than Maya herself.
There was no audience in the stalls, and on the stage were a number of men and women — likely the company members themselves — doing light warm-ups and vocal exercises. A few of the children he’d met yesterday were also frolicking about on stage.
One exceptionally tall man on the stage had noticed Bond and the others enter the hall, and spoke up.
“Oh, is that the rumoured theatre master?”
Moran whistled at this unusually grand title.
“Theatre master, eh. A fitting name considering your experience, Bond.”
“Fufu, I’m honoured.”
Bond accepted it with his innate courage and composure. Then, he went onto the stage with Maya, while the other three sat in the stalls at the far end, so as to not stand out and interfere with the rehearsal.
The company members each stopped what they were doing and lined up in wait.
“Everyone, this is Mr Bond, who will be watching our performance today,” introduced Maya.
Right then and there, her voice had become clearer and stronger. A little taken aback by the sudden change in her attitude, Bond took a quick look around the room.
“Hello to you all. I’m looking forward to what you have for me today,” he said solemnly, as he bowed.
“We’ll do our best!” The company members bowed their heads in unison.
From their greeting, Bond could feel the the quality of their bearing, and the strength of their cohesion. Not only that, the tension he himself once felt when he stood on stage came rushing back in waves.
He switched his frame of mind from that of a special agent, to that of an actor, and looked over Maya and her company with an earnest gaze.
“Well then, without further ado, please show me what you’ve got.”
Even though his instructions had been given with no introductory remarks, they asked no unnecessary questions, and jumped straight into preparation. Even though they had only put up plays in cheap theatres, Maya’s company already displayed the high level of professionalism they had developed.
“Miss Maya, what’s the programme for today?” Bond asked, as he moved to the row of seats right in front of the stage.
Maya was also directing Mae and the other children to sit down. “We’re starting with ‘The Red Shoes’, followed by ‘The Little Mermaid’, and lastly, ‘The Little Match Girl’.”
“Hmm, fairytales, I see.”
The unexpected subject matter piqued his interest.
In a time when Shakespeare was all the rage, to perform children’s literature in a proper theatre, and a serious scripted play at that — now this was a bold move.
But as someone who liked to do things unconventionally, that was precisely why their play intrigued Bond. Yesterday’s playful rendition of “The Little Match Girl” was probably inspired by it as well.
Then, the tall man who noticed Bond earlier spoke up.
“Ain’t it interesting? Maya always makes sure to write plays that even us poor dumb folk understand. Today’s script is also entirely her work,” he said cheerfully.
“Weren’t you in charge of creating the play too? You should be able to write at least one decent line of dialogue.”
At the man’s self-satisfied tone, a woman beside him sighed. But he ignored her pointed comment and carried on.
“There were a bunch of people who’d always thought ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Macbeth’ and the like were plain boring; but after Maya broke them down into something easier to follow, they’ve gotten hooked onto Shakespeare.”
“Being able to interpret works in a way that everyone can understand…… A wonderful talent indeed.”
But if you were to put on a proper production of Shakespeare in an unregulated theatre like this, you would be caught by the censors. To avoid that, incorporating music and the like into their productions was a brilliant adaptation on their part.
Bond had said that last part out loud, and the man thanked him for his words of praise. The members of the company had shown their admiration for Maya, but the woman herself took in a deep breath, as if to hide her embarrassment.
In other words, in order to put on a play that everyone could follow, the answer she'd arrived at was “fairytales”. Although it may be the best choice given the short length of the opening act……
“I’m sitting next to Mister Bond!”
“Hey, no fair!”
Bond had been absorbed in thought about the contents of the play. Nearby, the children were scrambling for the best spots. Having won the seat to the left of Bond, Mae asked him a question.
“Mister Bond, do you like ‘fairy tales’?”
That pulled him out of his thought process for a moment, and Mae smiled.
“Yeah. I read them when I was a child.”
“I like them too, because Maya and the rest always read them in a fun way—”
“Me too!” The other children raised their hands and shouted. Reading stories aloud while acting out the roles was indeed a theatrical way of reading to children.
However, Mae immediately pouted in frustration.
“But I really hate that story.”
“……Why is that?”
“The little girl always looks so sad. I tried asking Maya to give it a happy ending, but she just said that we have to ‘respect the intent of the story’ and didn’t listen.”
Her words helped Bond discern the true nature of the incongruity he'd felt.
As Mae had said, all three stories had their protagonists fall into unfortunate circumstances and perish. It was true that many fairytales were cruel, but there were others with happy endings too. Was there some hidden intent behind these choices?
As Bond pondered the new question that surfaced in his mind, Mae leaned in towards him.
“Mister Bond, do you also think it’s important, what Maya said? No matter how sad a story is, can’t we make it happy on our own?”
She asked that question with clear eyes. Bond thought for a few seconds, before responding.
“It’s true that it’s important to understand the intention of the original story. If you change its contents haphazardly, the fans of the story would be upset. I think your sister is the type who would take that very seriously.”
Mae glanced down in disappointment at his level-headed answer, but Bond continued.
“However, if we were all afraid of criticism, then nothing new would ever be made. If you have something you really want to tell others, then I think it’s possible to add a new interpretation to a story. After all, one form of respect is to show the world how you would’ve done it.”
“……Oh I see!”
Mae brightened up, and Bond smiled. Her question was one that had always, and would continue to vex all interpreters of stories. But at the very least, he didn’t want to make a decision on which way was right.
Just as their conversation had come to an end, it seemed the preparations for the performance were now complete.
“Without further ado, let us begin.”
Standing on a platform, Maya gave a bow, and with that the curtain rose.
[1] Leman Street is a little to the north-east of the Tower of London and St. Katharine Docks, and within walking distance of both.
T/N: Is this chapter some meta-level commentary on the series itself?! omg
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msawesomegeek · 5 years
9 good movies with terrible endings
A/N: So I felt like writing some lists and this has been a long way coming. This is of course on endings, so spoiler alert! 
9. Remember Me.
Okay this movies is not particularly spectacular to begin with. But it did have decent enough acting and a fairly simple plot. Seemingly a good old fashioned notebook rip-off. And then it all goes to god damn shit! 
It turns out he works in the twin towers on 9/11, which would have made a great twist. In literally any other movie. It makes this entire thing so god damn pointless! 
8. Lucy
From a romantic drama to sci-fi the only thing Lucy has in common with Remember Me is that they both decide to fuck their audience just before ending. Right so Scarlett Johanson who plays Lucy, gains access to all of her brain capacity (Limitless style, but without the drugs). And then in the end, she just turns into a fucking USB drive! What the hell?????
7. Vampire Academy
Okay, I will admit these first few films are by no means cinematic masterpieces. But up until the end of this film, it actually had a lot going for it. It was everything that Twilight was not. Gory, funny, had some compelling characters (and some that were as dead pan as Kristen Stewart (look at you dude who plays the stalest love interest in recent memory)). But it was a good movie, it does have some problems with its premise, but it would have made an amazing b-teen-vampire-comedy if it wanted to. But at las. The twist does kind of work it is not that bad. It is the same problem that DCEU has. It spends the entire last few minutes of the movie, setting up a sequel that was never to be. Never even explaining any thing about what it means and why it is there? At least they could have saved it till an end credit scene like Marvel does. But they did not, and in stead of leaving this movie feeling entertained and content I was left with more questions than answers. 
6. SpiderMan 3
Now, before you all collectively loose your shit. Yes, I am calling SpiderMan 3 a good movie. Because right up until the end it kind of is. Yes it has a major villain problem, and sandman being uncle Ben’s killer doesn't really make sense. But until then it is objectively a good movie. AND before you say anything, yes I know the dreadful emo sequence. But if you think about it, it is totally in line with Peter Parker’s character. Peter Parker is not cool or an edgy killer guy like Tom Hardy. Finger guns, a dumb haircut and silly singing and dancing is what he would think is cool. And I am willing to fight you on that.
But then there is the villain team up that sort of works and is kind of odd. And hell even Topher Grace agrees that he was a bad Venom so... But go re-watch it, and I guarantee that you will have a good time, until the ending. 
5. Now You See Me
Now, I do actually really like this movie. I am a Harry Potter nerd, so even if there is a trick to it, I do still love the wonders of magic. I loved the actors, I mean I am a sucker for Jesse Eissenberg and Dave Franco on their own, and having those two balanced out by Woody Harrelsson and Isla Fisher, sign me the fuck up.
But even I, a fan of the film, is willing to admit, that the twist ending does not work. I mean I do kind of get it, but then all of it just seems to undermine everything. And were they really getting away with everything or was he just letting them? And why be so cryptic about it and not just contact them instead to tell them? Like I get that he is a secret organisation of magicians that have an image to uphold, but like??? Come on, there is just too much lapse in logic for this to work...
4. 2001 a Space Odessy
Again, a movie I do objectively love. I have no idea how it should have ended, but that weird ass acid trip in the end, was not really what I was hoping. 
Honestly it would have been great and terrifying to end it with: I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can't do that”. And just having him choke to death, hell I would even take the acid as a kind of death sequence. But seriously, while it is set to epic music and I have watched that movie a few times now, I still have no fucking clue what that ending means. 
I know it is what Kubrick wanted, but I would just have cut it...
3. Hereditary
Marked as one of the scariest movies of 2018, and I get it. I was objectively scared in sequences of this movie. But the twist in the end, it just seems so forced.
It seems like a weird way to explain everything that happened without explaining anything. I feel like there is a huge chuck of this movie that I either missed or was cut from the version I saw, because by the end of this movie. I was more confused than I was going in. Like why was the mother seemingly the main character when she just gets offed like its nothing in the end? Is she just crazy? Are the supernatural events we saw real or just fabricated by this cult? Who is the demon king? And why did it first possess Charlie, why couldn't it go directly into the boy. Why do the weird haunting thing? Why the naked people? 
I just have so many questions! I get that there is something scary about the unknown, but I felt like this movie took that feat a little too far.
2. Black Panther
I know everyone is gonna hate me for this. But Black Panther is a Meh movie at best. Like Shuri is fantastic, the villain is one of Marvels better ones. T’challa is a pretty cool protagonist. But I don’t think that it deserved all of the praise and the oscar nod it got. Why? The ending is just plain shitty.
The end fight is just plain stupid and Illogical! Right before Killmonger and T’Challa go to fight, one of the warriors literally says: The dual is not over.
So since T’Challa is not dead, he and Killmonger need to continue fighting till one of them surrenders. Meaning, there is no logical reason the rest of them should be fighting! It is just plain stupid. That and I am sorry, but the CGI for the last fight scene looks like something from a play-station 2 game. If they had just changed a few things about this movie, maybe it could have been great enough to deserve all it got. But I am sorry, but the end fight is just so dumb and badly animated that I can’t call it a perfect film.
1. Kingsman 2 The Golden Circle
Now this movie still infuriates me. On one hand I love it, and it is seemingly another very great movie, almost as good as the first one. And then, the last 5 minutes of the movie happens. I even remember leaving the theatre infuriated with this movie. Obviously they had a bit of a bigger budget and expectations for this movie compared to the first one, because the first one was so good. But it was like as soon as the americans got involved they took everything that was great about the first one and just pissed up and down it. The reason I liked the first one, is that it was cheeky. 
Taron Egerton, is cheeky too arrogant for his own good and compelling through and through. I liked it for having great character dynamics and for not cheapening it by putting in some unnecessary romance plot. It was, in other words everything the second movie wasn't. I loved every bit of it. Up until the marriage and the speech Harry gives about how having relationships are as important as BEING AN INTERNATIONAL SPY! And then he just marries the girl, without thinking about how public a royal wedding is, and how many enemies and henchmen know his face and he will be putting himself Thilde and everyone else in fucking danger! So not only is it a stupid decision, but is also just soooo Hollywood. Having to get married and have that perfect happy ending. It was so sugar sweet that I feel like throwing up just thinking about it. 
Now I could bitch forever about how much I hate that movie ending, but I am stopping myself. If you agree or disagree with what I said I am always willing to discuss or go into depth, or just talk about movies really. 
If not, tell me what list or movie I should review next.
Until next time.
- Geek out.
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sabine-leo · 5 years
Dreadful Silence - Part 13
Tumblr media
Author: @sabine-leo
Rated: M
Genre: Angst, Insecurity, Hurt / Comfort, Humor and Fluff / mentioning of Smut
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston / You
Part: 13/?
Note: I am sorry if it takes a little longer to update at the moment. I am drowning in work currently and can´t find enough time to write. I do hope it soon changes again. 
The arms that engulfed you lifted you up and made you laugh as they twirled you in circles.
“Oh, I am glad!” Tom said and smiled as he slowly let you glide down his body until your feet touched the ground again. You laughed softly and kissed him before you said. “I thank you for the trust in me, but I might need the script if I am to help you out tonight.” Tom stole another kiss and said.
“I think that is no problem at all, but I really think you have her down and will know what to say without the script in your hands.”
 Tom took your hand and let you backstage to see if he could find the script you wanted.
15 minutes later you had gotten the script AND a gown. Tom grinned as he saw you and bowed.
“Well, my lady. Don´t you look good in your attire.” Your nerves had been showing a little, but looking into Tom´s eyes, seeing the spark in them, the trust that you could do it helped. And it was just rehearsals after all. The director called to order and told which scenes he wanted to act out. Not surprisingly it were the scenes where Beatrice was in, because every other could be done without the help of you. “(Y/N)…” The director looked at you. “..Do what comes natural for you. I don´t expect you to know where you need to stand. Just try to interact with the others and we will see where this leads us.” You nodded, thankful that he too took the pressure out of this situation.
 It took you some sentences to forget that some people where looking at you. But soon the other actors pulled you in and you didn´t need to look at the lines very often.
Tom took his cue and faced you.
 BENEDICK: What, my dear Lady Disdain! are you yet living?
You, or better Beatrice looked at him and the banter between those two characters began.
BEATRICE: Is it possible disdain should die while she hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick? Courtesy itself must convert to disdain, if you come in her presence.
BENEDICK: Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain I am loved of all ladies, only you excepted: and I would I could find in my heart that I had not a hard heart; for, truly, I love none.
BEATRICE : A dear happiness to women: they would else have been troubled with a pernicious suitor. I thank God and my cold blood, I am of your humour for that: I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me.
You and Tom danced around each other saying those lines and having so much fun using your natural chemistry that you didn´t recognize the staring director. The scene came to an end and Tom started to grin. “Once more from the beginning!” The director yelled and leaned back with a tiny smile spreading on his face. You walked a bit to the side and put the script down on a little table that held water bottles for everybody. On your cue you were back in the centre of the stage giving your lines...without the script in hand.
Somewhere around 9 the director called it a day and you hadn´t even noticed 4 hours passing that fast. Tom came over and engulfed you in his arms. “Are you alright darling?” He looked into your eyes with a smile. You nodded but leaned your head against his chest. “Time flew by, but now I am tired.. my voice is tired.” Tom stroked your back and kissed your head. “You strained your voice quite a bit tonight. Let´s get you home to rest up for tomorrow.” But neither of you made a move to let the other one go. Tom chuckled. “Another minute like that...then leave?”  “Yes please!” You grinned and closed your eyes. He stroked your back and felt utterly happy and relaxed that the both of you had made it that far together.
Tom and you made your way back home and picked up a pizza on the way instead of needing to cook something yourself. It was late enough anyway. The both of you enjoyed a quiet dinner with some music and Tom insisted to make you a tea to help your vocal cords relax and keep them smooth. Surprisingly it tasted very good. “Told you my tea is the best tea in Britain!” He chuckled as he saw your surprised face after sipping. Tom watched you for a moment and leaned over with hooded eyes. “How about a hot shower and then we cuddle up in bed?!” His voice dropped so low that your stomach made a backflip out of pleasure.
“Soun…” Tom stopped you with a kiss. “Relax your voice darling…no more talking tonight…” He grinned mischievous. “The only thing I will allow is moaning and maybe one gasped Tom!” Rolling your eyes, you laughed but bit your lip. “I´ll take that as a yes!” He grinned and tugged you up and walked you to the shower, undressing you on the way.  
The shower had been hot…and not only because of the water! Tom didn´t even bother to put on some clothes for bed, he just jumped under the blankets and grinned a wicked little smile as you grinned and dried of your hair. “Trouble Tom!” You whispered and got a chuckle out of him.
“Like I said: YOUR trouble Tom!” Climbing into bed after your hair was dry you kissed him and nodded. “Mine” you mouthed without straining your voice any further.
“Good girl!” He grinned and kissed you so lovingly that your heart wanted to burst.
“Now come here and plaster yourself to me!” he winked and held open his arms after getting comfortable. Doing just that you killed the light on your side of the bed and cuddled up to him.
 In the dark of your bedroom you painted a heart onto his chest with your index finger. Tom directly kissed your forehead and said. “I love you too!” He had understood your silence from the moment you two had met. Your not being able to talk had never been an obstacle for him, now you had your speech back but Tom had made it very clear that he would have loved you just the same if it had not come back. Knowing that gave you a sense of calm, and with a smile you slowly drifted of to sleep.
 Morning came all to soon…You slowly came awake, feeling heated hands roam your body, heated lips kissing your bare shoulder, down your spine while you lay on your belly and smiled sleepily. Those hands now turned you and Toms bed hair and sexy smirk came into view.
“Morning Darling!” He said and trapped you with his body, throwing the covers over your heads to hide from the world. You smiled up at him and stroked his naked chest. “Morning!”
What a glorious sight it was to wake up with him naked besides you…or on top of you.
One of his big hands stroked down your leg, bend it at the knee and lifted it.
“I smell trouble!” You said with a grin. Tom chuckled and nudged your nose with his.
“Do you now?” he took a deep breath and grinned wickedly. “I smell breakfast!”
 And down he went to eat you up…
 Tom couldn´t help the grin that spread on his face as the both of you walked into the Theatre that late morning. He loved that you were there with him throughout the whole day, that you would be on stage with him. He knew that you loved the part of Beatrice, but after yesterday’s rehearsals he was thrilled to have you act with him. You did so much right out of instinct that he was sure you would be able to fill the role with life and blow him away with your performance once you accepted that the stage was were you belonged in this particular play. You did not belong behind the stage or in the audience, no Beatrice role should be yours! And if the director couldn´t see it for himself then he had to help him see you with his eyes. Even if he might be a bit biased when it came to you.
 “There you are!” The seamstress and woman in charge of the costumes greeted you and Tom.
“No time to waste, that gown you wore yesterday needs to be tighter, change into it and come back here for me to get the correct measures!” You looked stunned and wanted to ask why you needed a fitting gown for rehearsals but Tom just grinned and walked you to the dressing room with his hands on your shoulders. “You heard her…change!” He said laughing and kissed you.
Tom closed the door in front of your nose before you could say a word and turned on his heals to see the director.
 “Ah, Thomas!” He greeted Tom. “Ian! No auditions?” To asked as he saw the empty theatre and the stage already set up for rehearsals. Ian grinned and shook his head. “Do you think we need further auditions? I think we found a great Hero…” Tom laughed silently. “We did…but what about Beatrice?” Ian rolled his eyes. “Don´t play the fool, you are not good at acting dumb!” Tom laughed “Ehehehe..” Ian smiled and continued. “I think you know full well that your woman is the right choice for that role. She has a natural way of understanding how to speak Shakespeare´s words and did so much right out of instinct. I would be dumb to look any further and not take her!”
 Toms smile had gotten bigger with every word Ian said. His cheeks started to hurt.
“You are quite right Ian!” He said and turned to look at the stage for a moment.
“You and I are on the same page. Now we only have to make (Y/N) believe that she can do this!”
Ian laughed. “I was counting on you about that, but Andrea is also willing to help if we do need a little more persuasion…”
 Tom looked thoughtful for a second. “She needs to want to do it… As much as I want her to be next to me on stage. I am not risking to lose her because we pressured her in to it.”
“Pressure me into what?” Toms head shot around to look at you…
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