#best marshmallow
The turtle tots, but they're the size of real baby turtles
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They're marshmallow-sized.
And here are the references I used:
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rosepompadour · 7 months
Oppressed with sleepiness, she went to bed and was snuggling down in the perfumed sheets when her eyes fell on the little table by the bedside. Someone had set a cup of hot chocolate there; half asleep, she reached out her hand for it and drank it. Her eyes closed and she fell into a delicious slumber where she dreamed of her lover, a prince as handsome as the God of Love in picture-books, and when he spoke it was with a voice that went straight to her heart.
Arthur Quiller-Couch, "Beauty and the Beast" from The Sleeping Beauty and Other Fairy Tales from the Old French (1910)
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makenna-made-this · 8 months
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Kickin' off the first BAWKtober of 2023 with a big one~
BAWKtober Day 1 - Campfire!
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bleh1bleh2 · 11 months
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S'mores !!!!
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transvampireboyfriend · 8 months
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
Eddie's staring. He's throwing twigs into the fire and his eyes are fixed on Steve and Robin across from him, their hands intertwined. He smiles when he sees Steve tugging on them.
He's so sweet. Eddie sounds like a broken record even to himself but he can't help it, Steve is something else.
"So, I see your bandana found its way somewhere unexpected" Nancy teases beside him, probably noticing him staring.
Eddie can feel himself blushing and he's thankful for the hot flames in front of them.
"He took it from me." he tells her, "Felt like I was about to have a heart attack,"
Nancy laughs at him, "I get that. I felt a little overwhelmed sometimes. ...Though maybe not in the best way," she winces.
Eddie winces sympathetically.
He can't exactly relate, being very physical himself, but she's told him about feeling like she was never giving enough in her past relationships, because that kind of closeness just didn't come naturally to her. At least not as much as she felt her partners needed it.
And Eddie knows what is like to try to fake or exaggerate how you feel just because it's expected of you.
This is the kind of seemingly small thing where they find common ground between them, even when they appear so different to everyone else. This is the kind of thing that allowed them to become best friends against all odds.
"Do you... still feel that way?" Eddie asks, now arranging the logs as the fire picks up,
"Like I don't necessarily wanna go around hugging everyone in my path? Yeah," she says,
Eddie snickers, "I meant, with Robs. Do you still feel like it's not enough?"
Nancy looks up to where Steve is now kissing the back of Robin's palms and smiles fondly at them.
"Not really." she says, looking into the fire,"I suspect she might be similar to me, but- I haven't even told her, so," she shrugs, "who knows,"
Eddie hums.
"But it definitely doesn't feel like I have to." she adds, "The way it sometimes felt with other friends who were girls too. And that's good. ...Different. But good."
When she looks back at Eddie, he smiles at her.
From what she's told him she used to be a little bit more open, a little bit more comfortable, before Barb.
Eddie understands that too, unfortunately, the way losing someone like that changes you, without you noticing right away. How it shows up in little things, sneaks up on you, changes you in small irreversible ways.
He's proud of Nancy, and so honored when she does choose to get close to him, like earlier at the lake.
"Good," he repeats, she smiles.
"Well? " she asks, "are you gonna tell me what he said or what?"
Eddie laughs and tells her how Steve stole borrowed his bandana.
"I think he was flirting?" he ventures,
"He was definitely flirting," Nance confirms, "I knew it, I knew he was into you!" she says, reminding Eddie of the many times she's said it before, "You're gonna be great together," she tells him, in her teasing tone again,
"Woah! " Eddie laughs, "We don't even know for sure that he likes me like that!" he says, but his heart still beats a little faster at the prospect of him and Steve being 'together'.
"I do know! For sure." Nance insists,
"Alright, Miss 'I'm not gonna tell my crush I like her ',"
Eddie earns a smack to the back of his head for that one.
"Shut up. I'm not gonna-" she starts,
Eddie knows this talk like the back of his hand by now: she doesn't want to pressure Robin, she's going back out of the state soon, she has no experience with other girls, she doesn't want to ruin what they have and she doesn't want to make Steve uncomfortable.
In the end, it all boils down to 'complicated', but if their tales are to be believed (and Eddie does believe them), their lives have never not been complicated.
"I get it," Eddie offers, but apparently Nancy wasn't heading that way,
"I think I'm... scared." she says, "Of what I'm doing,"
Eddie stops moving the logs and turns to her fully.
"How do you mean?" he prompts her,
"Well, I'm doing everything I can not to tell her," she says, "I'm trying my best to keep us from- from just ending up together you know?" she moves her hands as she talks, "but what if- maybe that's the only way we'll be together? maybe I'm wasting our chances to be happy?" she asks, Eddie tilts his head, 
"It won't change a lot." Nancy explains, "Wether I tell her or not, I'll still leave and I'll still come back, but maybe if I tell her, then leaving and staying away and coming back will be better? Easier? God, I'm not making any sense" Nancy finishes,
Eddie huffs, switching from his crouch to sit cross legged in front of her, the same way they've done on both of their bedroom floors countless times.
"I think I can see where you're going" Eddie assures her, "but it doesn't have to make sense to me, if it makes sense to you," he tells her,
She nods.
"I guess," she tries, "I'm saying- my life's better with her. And it's getting harder and harder to convince myself that more of her might be bad,"
"Maybe it wouldn't be." Eddie reminds her.
Nancy sighs "And I'm gonna miss her." she adds, "I'm gonna miss her so much. I already do sometimes,"
Eddie hates the helpless expression on her face,
"Permission to take your hand?" he requests,
It makes Nancy chuckle, "Sometimes i hate you," she tells him jokingly, and offers her hand palm up,
Eddie holds it in his own hand, "I know." he says,
"Look, Nance, I know it's all jumbled up, and I really wish I could untangle it for you..." he tells her, meaning every word, "but I think this is just how it always is? It's always a little messy, a little all over the place, there's never gonna be a clear easy road that leads straight to the right thing."
Eddie squeezes her hand, "But I think there are roads where you can enjoy the ride despite all of the bumps and the detours... because it's worth it to do it with whomever's sitting on the passenger seat, for however long they do," Eddie turns to look at Steve and Robin roasting marshmallows just across from them.
Or trying to.
"They would burn this place to the ground if we let them" Nancy comments, off topic.
Eddies snorts, looking away from the gooey mess all over Robin's hands and back at his best friend.
Trying to contain his laughter, he attempts to get back on track, "My point is," he tries, "if she's making the whole trip better, maybe the bumps and the detours don't really matter that much. Maybe you can still invite her to come with,"
Nancy watches Robin attempt to wipe her hands on Steve's jeans and then chase him down to the lake shore after Steve dodges her. Her smile softens as she turns to Eddie.
"That's smart" she tells him,
Eddie hums " 'm not just a pretty face" he says, wagging his eyebrows and opening his arms like he's offering himself up
Nancy snorts, "Dork." she calls him.
Eddie laughs in response. After a bit, he offers,
"Also, you don't have to 'just end up together'. It can be on purpose, you know?"
Nancy hums, "It's never been that way" she muses.
"It's new." Eddie confirms, nodding.
Nancy smiles, "Yeah, new," she repeats.
She gets up then and steals one of the marshmallow bags from the abandoned log where Steve and Robin were sitting.
She opens it and pops one into her mouth as she comes back to sit down next to Eddie, both of them facing the fire now.
She offers the bag to Eddie and he silently takes one, watching as Steve walks back to them, with Robin trailing after him and shaking water off her hands.
"If I tell her, will you let him know? about your crush?" Nancy attempts,
Steve looks up then, catches Eddie staring and Eddie stops himself from looking away, eager to see how Steve will react.
Steve blinks a few times, and a smile blooms in his reddening cheeks, Eddie smiles back.
"I think he already does," he answers.
Once Argyle and Jonathan are back with two bowls of popcorn, they all bring the big logs closer to the fire and sit down to roast their marshmallows and eat s'mores.
After a bit of easy conversation amongst the group, Argyle turns to his left, where Eddie's sitting.
"Alright," he says, "Types of hat, Eddie. Go." 
"Uhh- Motorcycle helmet" Eddie says, catching on quickly and wiping melted chocolate off the corner of his mouth.
He turns to Nance and raises his eyebrows to prompt her to take her turn,
"Top hat" Nancy says, and looks to Robin, sitting left of her,
"Cap." Robin says, "Baseball cap. Whatever" she adds, chewing on her s'more and elbowing Steve to continue,
"Uh- Backwards cap?" Steve asks, more than says,
Eddie snorts loudly, earning a squint and a mean smile from Steve that makes him want to melt.
Everyone talks at the same time then,
"Already? We just started! We-" Nancy says,
"Dingus! You can't-" Robin protests,
"That is not-" Jonathan starts,
Argyle stands and puts an arm out, like a king demanding silence from his court. A hush immediately falls over them and they all look to him expectantly.
"I'll allow it" Argyle says,
The group erupts into objections to the decision as Steve waves his fist in victory and smirks at Eddie.
Eddie playfully returns his earlier squint and mouths "Favoritism." at him.
Steve lets his jaw drop and puts a hand to his chest. Eddie snickers at his offended expression as Argyle explains his decision,
"It's a different fashion statement. Your whole vibe changes if you're wearing one or the other, therefore they're different hats." he says, sitting back down and looking to his right, prompting Jonathan to continue their game.
"Okay, then, if it's like that," Jon says, "then I'm gonna say bicycle helmet," he states, looking around their circle like he's expecting someone to protest.
Nancy squints, but doesn't say anything, Robin purses her lips, Eddie shrugs and Steve offers Jonathan an encouraging smile.
Argyle says "Yeah, that works!", nodding.
Jonathan shrugs, "Alright, then." he says, putting his hand out in front of Argyle like he's ushering him into a room.
"Beanie" Argyle supplies easily.
All eyes are on Eddie now.
Shoot. He got so caught up in their debate, he's not ready.
"Uuhh-" Eddie stammers,
"Uh-oh" Steve teases across from him,
Eddie automatically flips him the bird while he thinks. He only half hears Steve's answering chuckle.
Fuck. What's a hat?
"20 seconds" Jonathan threatens,
"Eddie?" Argyle prompts at the same time.
Eddie lifts his hand in a stopping gesture,
"No, no, no, no, no, I have one. Wait, wait."
"10 seconds," Nancy says, the traitor,
"Beret!" Eddie exclaims, jumping out of his seat, "A beret!" he repeats excitedly,
"Fuck!" Robin whispers,
To her left, Steve beams up at him. Eddie gets a little lost in it for a bit.
Until Nancy snaps him out of it,
"Does a headband count?" she asks Argyle,
Oh, here we go, Eddie thinks, already excited for more debating,
He takes his seat again as Argyle hums pensively,
"This is not part of my time" Nancy warns,
Argyle hums in agreement, but doesn't say anything yet,
"Because, does it have to be on top of the head or just touching it?" Jonathan asks, like he's somehow broadcasting what Argyle's internal debate is like,
"If it's just touching it, then any hair accessory would count" Robin points out,
"If it has to be on top of the head, some hair accessories would still count" Steve says,
"Stevie's right" Eddie agrees, "if that's what it takes, then my scrunchie counts,"
"That's mine???" Nancy protests,
"Sorry", Eddie amends, "Nancy's scrunchie. That I'm using. Because she so graciously let me borrow it,"
He turns to Nancy for her appproval and she nods.
"Yeah, that's better", she says,
Behind her, Robin's looking at her with a shy smile, but Eddie keeps his mouth shut.
He does catch Steve's eye though, and Steve playfully shoots him an eye roll. Eddie chuckles.
"A fascinator is a hat," Argyle is saying, "but a hair clip can't be a hat"
"A fascinator is not a hat," Robin protests,  "isn't that in like, the definition?"
"But it has a certain hatness to it" Argyle says, to sounds of agreement all around,
"What is a hat?" Eddie voices his earlier thought,
"Jesus, and we're not even high yet" Steve says,
Eddie dissolves into a fit of giggles.
"It has to cover the head." Jon says,
"The whole head?" Argyle asks,
"There are mini top hats" Nancy supplies,
That does not help with Eddie's giggles. In fact, Steve seems to be affected too, chuckling with his nose scrunched up,
"So, not the whole head," Jon concludes, "What about crowns?"
"Oh no," Steve says, burying his face on Robin's shoulder, his giggling getting worse,
"A crown is not a hat!" Robin says,
Nancy gasps and Eddie's giggles die in favor of the drama happening around him,
Steve straightens up again to look at Robin,
"What ?!"
"It's not ! There's a hole in there!" Robin says,
"It goes all around the head!" Steve protests,
Eddie's head is moving back and forth like he's watching a ping pong match.
"So does a headband!"
"But the crown is on top of the head!"
"What's a visor then?" Jonathan interjects, everyone turns to him, then back at Robin,
Steve raises his eyebrows,
"Fine." Robin concedes, "but I'm drawing the line at tiaras,"
"Oh, god." Eddie says, putting his head in his hands dramatically, Steve snorts,
Nancy, apparently enjoying torturing them, says
"Okay then, for my turn, I'm choosing headphones,"
Eddie bursts out laughing, Robin giggles a little and everyone else groans,
"I hate this game" Jonathan says.
Nancy giggles too,
"Sorry. Sorry! No. I'll say one of those that the guards in England use,"
"You can't just say it like that, you have to say the name of it," Eddie teases her,
"You all know what I mean!" she protests,
"What's the name of it, Nance?" Eddie insists,
"You don't know what they're called," she accuses,
Eddie gasps, but quickly drops the act,
"Touché." he concedes.
"I know what they're called!" Robin says, but when Nancy turns to her she says, "Actually I don't, no I don't, I've never been to England, how would I know?" she stammers,
Eddie presses his lips together in a hard line to stop himself from laughing.
Nancy shakes her head with a smile,
"You can say it!" she tells Robin.
Robin shakes her head, "Nu-uh." she says, "...And I choose a birthday hat."
"And don't copy me." she adds, softly punching Steve's arm,
"I wasn't going to. Cowboy hat" Steve says, and when he catches Eddie's eyes again he winks.
Jesus fuck. Eddie's not going to think about it. He does not want to see Steve in cowboy boots and a long sleeve button down and tight jeans and a stupid fucking cowboy hat. Goddamn it.
"Hard hat," Jonathan says,
"Straw hat," Argyle follows,
"Pirate hat," Eddie says,
"Detective hat," Nancy says,
"Wait, what's that? "Robin asks,
"Like the old timey ones with the little bow on top?" Nancy explains,
Robin still looks puzzled,
"They're made of tweed usually? and they have flaps on the sides that are pulled up?" Steve supplies, mimicking the flaps with his hands,
He's so cute, Eddie thinks,
"Oh, oh ! Yeah, yeah. I see it." Robin says, then, "That has a name too."
Nancy grins, "What is it?" she asks,
"It's, um, a deerstalker" Robin says, staring at her, "It's used for hunting. Sometimes."
"Cool." Nancy says, she doesn't stop smiling at Robin, "How do you know that?" she asks, making her blush a little,
"Oh, I uh- must've read it somewhere," Robin says, nodding, then, "My turn. Um, sailor hat" she smirks at Steve, finally tearing her eyes awat from Nance.
Steve rolls his eyes again but laughs softly, then says,
"The one the pope wears,"
Jonathan says "Graduation hat",
"Park Ranger hat," Argyle continues,
"What's our stance on things that can be hats but aren't always?" Eddie asks,
The group groans again,
"Everything can be a hat" Nancy says,
"Not everything," Eddie says, turning to her,
"Yes. Everything." Nancy insists, turning to face him fully,
"No. There are things that can't be hats," Eddie counters,
"Like what?"
"Uh- a bird ?"
"A bird can definitely be a hat," Nancy says, to the group's assent,
"A whale?"
"If you're big and strong enough, yeah,"
"A planet?" Eddie tries,
"Again, if you're big and strong enough,"
"A galaxy?"
"Probably, but let's say everything on Earth, then" Nance concedes,
"Shoot." she says,
"Ah-ha! " Eddie points at her, triumphant,
"Everything solid then."
"Ice?" Eddie shoots,
"Yeah, you can make a hat out of ice" Nancy says, no hesitation,
"And wear it?"
"Yeah, in the North Pole or something," she says,
She's good, this is part of why she's his best friend, but Eddie gets distracted by her answer,
"Hmm, are fictional hats allowed?" he asks Argyle,
"Yeah" Argyle nods,
"Ok, Santa hat, then," Eddie says.
"Elf hat," Nancy follows,
"Ms. Claus hat?" Robin tries, looking around uncertainly. Everyone nods.
"A towel" Steve says, to overwhelming approval from the group,
"Oooh" Robin says, impressed,
"Oh wow, yeah." Jonathan agrees,
"Stevie, you're so smart" Eddie says,
"Shudup" Steve counters, used to being made fun of,
"I'm serious! !!" Eddie insists, "I think that one wins,"
"You can't win this game," Jonathan chimes in, "we only lose and then we have to start over,"
"Well, in my heart, you won, Stevie," Eddie says, without thinking,
He should regret it once the group starts snickering and teasing him but, honestly? They're right.
He keeps his eyes on Steve while they all react and smiles at him. Steve beams again.
"He sure did," Nancy says, the only one who dares brave the consequences.
Eddie feels his blush color his cheeks again and turns to stick his tongue out at her.
"Okay, whatever." he tells her, before turning to Jon and Argyle,
"Where are the joints?" he asks, effectively moving them along.
part 7
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flowery-laser-blasts · 7 months
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It's that time of the day again, where I just have a conversation with my boyfriend and end up redrawing it as Drakgo.
Have a little break from my November shenanigans.
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loveandleases · 5 months
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-Happy Birthday M -
Looking through the terminal, over the vast amount of people busily walking about, you try to spot M's parents.
You've only seen them twice before, so surely you remember what they look like. At least, you hope so. Scanning for several more minutes you hear two voices yell your name simultaneously.
Turning toward your left you see both of M's moms, each smiling as they speed up to bring you in for a hug. Sybil's shoulder-length blonde hair brushes against your cheeks. You forgot how tall she was when you saw her over the holidays. M's birthmother Marianne, rubs your back gently and hugs you from the side. Her dark hair was pulled into a loose bun, her skin a similar shade to M's, and the same honey-toned eyes. When she smiles you can't help but notice the deep wrinkles that form beside them, holding years of laughter and worry for her only child within them.
"Sorry, I'm a bit late. I was making sure to have your rooms ready for tomorrow." You reach for their bags, with Sybil shaking her head and heading on out. Marianne smiles and hands you her carry-on.
The drive to the hotel is quick, each going over how the flight was. Catching up on months of not seeing one another.
"They've been up all night, finishing a final draft for the editor. I don't even think they knew I left."
You hear Sybil laugh as soon as Marianne starts to sigh heavily. "You would think they would at least take some time off before their birthday." Sybil pats Marianne on the back, assuring her that M will be fine.
You smile at yourself, knowing that M has no idea you've been out and about. Picking up their parents to surprise them over their birthday lunch. They also have no idea that sitting at the very bottom of their bed, under the blanket they keep on a bench sits the one collectible they have been pining for since you two had become friends, and eventually more than that.
Walking back into your shared apartment you see M rubbing their eyes, swearing loudly, that is until they hear you walk over. M has tried to keep that swearing to a minimum. Yet sometimes that sailor's tongue gets the better of them, and honestly you as well.
"Where did you go?" M rubs their glasses along their oversized sweater. One with a large anime figure on the back, the first gift you gave them once you two had finally made things official. A sweater so worn the sleeves were starting to fray ever so slightly. The hem stretched from M's worrying grasp.
"Oh, just out. Looking at some of the holiday lights everyone has up. Just getting some ideas ya know?" You smile at them, in such a way they don't feel the need to question further. M knows you enjoy looking at the streets all lined up, especially after they've been freshly covered in snow.
"This is it. This is the last draft and then…"
You hear the gulp from where you're standing, M is always so nervous before finishing something. Their books, an interview, a list of things to remember to do. Yet this time, you were there to talk them down from their nerves.
"It's going to be amazing. You're amazing, so how could it not be? Don't worry. I'll be with you through it all." You sit on your knees in front of them, holding their hands. Hands that have caressed you in more ways than one, hands that have held you when you thought it impossible to get over your heartache. When you thought it impossible to move on. To someone who truly cares about you.
You notice the watery look in their eyes. M has always had a soft spot for you. Ever since the day you met. You reach to catch the tear but are stopped by M kissing along your jaw. A soft kiss, one of reassurance, and one of hunger. A hunger you knew well, a hunger that would just have to wait until M's parents went back home.
"Alright, time for bed. The story can wait, you have an early morning. It's going to be your birthday after all." Pulling M's hand and walking them to the bedroom they didn't bother to fight knowing very well that you would win this fight.
The following morning, you took M to a ramen shop. Their favorite stop when they were sad. Also, their favorite shop once they saw you eating there on break from work. In between their second order of Ramen, you notice their mothers walking toward the table.
It only took five minutes to get M unchoked from the noodle that lodged itself in their windpipe when Sybil peeked around their shoulder. Only fifteen minutes for M to stop crying shocked their mothers would make it knowing how busy they are. Even more so when they found out you had planned it all without them even noticing.
After hours of hanging out with Sybil and Marianne, and M promising profusely that he will work less in the future you two made your way back home.
M flops down on the armchair, happily eating the leftover cake that their mother sent home.
"Hey hun, do you want any befor.."
"No, go ahead and eat it! It's your birthday anyways!"
You walk back into the room, smiling at M as they lick the fork clean. The leftover chocolate ganache now a memory. "M?"
They turn to you brow quirked. Eyes widen as they notice the outfit you're wearing. "What the fuck….what are you…who….when did…"
You smile twirling in your costume. Not daring to let M miss a single piece of the cosplay you're wearing. "Do you like it?" You tilt your head slightly, noticing the blush peppering their cheeks. They nod furiously, blinking owlishly at you.
"Is…that…is…hmm. Did you get that for me?" They stand walking over to you, softly laying a hand on your side, letting the fabric bunch ever so slightly between their fingers.
You nod your response, looking up into those warm honey eyes. "That's not all." You slowly pull the gift out from behind your back. A one of a kind collector edition figure. One that M had talked themselves out of buying six different times that you know of.
"Wait! NO…no no no no.. You didn't, you couldn't have!" M doesn't know what to grab, you or the gift. Their eyes glanced back and forth.
You can't stop the giggle that comes out of your mouth, they look like a kid in a candy store. Though a happy one. "Happy birthday, M. I hope it's everything you wanted."
You can't help but gasp, as M begins to cry, shaking their head back and forth. "Oh no, did you no.." Your words are stopped, by the gentle kiss along your lips. Somewhat salty kiss at that.
"You're more than I could ever hope for. It's not the gift, not the outfit which I love by the way. It's you. Just you."
Happy birthday M.
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elementalladymallorie · 10 months
"I love found family. Found family is fucking great. That's where it's at."
-Ashton Greymoore
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ne-cocoa · 1 year
Heya there! How is goin?? Sooo I've seen that MK likes to give tickly kisses to Red Son and I wonder, does Macaque or Wukong do the same? Can we see some drawing of that moment between them? Thanks a lot!! ♥️♥️
I’m doing great!! Thank you for asking luv 🥰💖 ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ absolutely! Idk which pair is cornier in their romance 😭💖 most certainly Macaque XD
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Examples that show goalies are the best, part sixteen
1: Fleury apologizing after hitting Middsy with a puck.
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2: Rare footage of Juuse Saros communicating with the hockey gods.
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3: Goalie goal! (Jesper Wallstedt)
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4: Price can floor everyone, which is probably why Subban does not look surprised!
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5: Brandon Montour is officially a honourable goalie.
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6: Reading forwards is easy, reading whether or not the coach is trying to pull you is the real challenge. (Artūrs Šilovs)
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7: I just love how wholesome this is. (Philipp Grubauer)
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8: Tanner Rusnak aka Ruzzythesieve knows how to celebrate.
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9: Fire alarms have a decent beat to dance to. (Gavin Legree?)
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{part 15}
>part 16<
{part 17}
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lewkwoodnco · 6 months
idk if its just me but there's smth very weird abt cameron chapman's face? like there's a lot of different lighting throughout the l&c's series that in some scenes I find it hard to believe it's the same person (also why I didn't get a proper good look at him/what he looked like until the kipps library scene thing) like wdym this is the same person?? maybe his bone structure is such that the appearance of his face relies so heavily on shadows?? cuz what
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WHO are these people
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iamjustbread · 23 days
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Have some marshmallows
Have the size of the marshmallows (excuse the use of th enotes app)
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I'm thinking they're just above a block, so 1 meters.
There are no other figures in this sketch.
No sire.
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emeraldsaiyan · 8 months
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I thought I'd share this epic piece that was commissioned by KeynoriamaArt on deviant art in collaboration with @sometimeshector on twitter.
This is based off my wip fanfic Son Gohan The Destroyer https://archiveofourown.org/works/26747353/chapters/65252929 which I will shamlessly plug.
In this story, Gohan becomes a trainee God of Destruction after dying at the Cell Games (taking Cell to the grave with him though, thank you very much!). Whis plucks his soul from its journey to the Otherworld as he realises Gohan's potential. After an ultimatum, Gohan accepts to be trained by Whis, along with other hopefuls for the role of Junior Destroyer.
I know some may think, but wait, Gohan wouldn't become a Destroyer - would he? Well, Gohan is a person who fights for the greater good, so Whis does manage to win him over here. He becomes Lord Beerus' apprentice, but not in the way you might think this story would play out.
Theres a lot of twists and turns, along with an ancient evil trying to stake his claim on the multiverse. Of course, Gohan is the only one who can stand between this menace and his goal.
This particular piece takes place in the early 20s chapters. After Gohan reveals himself to Goku and his friends back on Earth. Goku - of course - challenges Gohan to a friendly spar. But at this point Goku does not know that his son is a Destroyer! THE DRAMA!
I love this piece its so beautiful. Along with long hair Gohan. He is 19 years old here - kids have the chance to grow up in the Otherworld in my fic.
Please enjoy :)
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sporadicpotatoato · 1 month
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Me explaining Inanimate insanity lore to my airy hater friend who wants to know who testie is but doesn't want to watch the first season
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harrywavycurly · 3 months
Not Eddie related but what about some conversations with Narry as our friends? 🥰
Hiiii babes!! Oh this made me emo I miss writing for bestie Narry! I hope you enjoy these extremely random ass conversations with them!💖
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“Why is he in charge of dinner when we all know I’m the better cook?” “Because Harry this is Niall’s house…now what’s on the menu for tonight? I only brought one bottle of wine.” “Nothing fancy just chicken and-” “did you season it properly?” “Oh fuck off with that Harry.” “We all saw the chicken Niall…it looked unseasoned and just…horrid.” “Do you two need to be separated?” “No…I’ll behave…sorry Niall.” “It’s fine just don’t go being a twat…we haven’t even had any wine yet.”
“Two drinks in and we already have to take your phone away? You’ve turned into a lightweight love.” “Oh come off it Harry we all saw you that one night at the pub in London after like three whiskey sours.” “We don’t speak of that night Niall…you know this.” “Ohhhh was that when he tried to get nake-” “I just said we don’t speak of that night.” “You heard him love we aren’t allowed to talk about when he nearly pe-” “why am I friends with you two?…always pickin on me.” “You love us…doesn’t he Niall?” “Oh yeah he totally loves us…don’t ya mate?” “Yeah yeah…I love you…even when you don’t listen.”
“This is the most uncomfortable couch I’ve ever sat on in my life…why do you have this thing?” “Because my super famous and rich pop star bestfriend hasn’t taken me to get a new one.” “You forgot to add he’s also a movie star love…move over…your lanky arse is just taking up the whole thing.” “I’m doing you a favor…this couch is horrible.” “So then let’s go get her a proper one then.” “I was just kidding Niall I don’t need you two to buy me a couch.” “Jesus…this thing really does fucking suck…how is your back not in shambles from this torture device?” “It’s just old and has a few lumps that’s all.” “Lumps? This thing feels like it’s made out of cement it’s so hard…Niall where did you get your monstrosity of a couch? It may be hideous but it’s comfortable.” “My couch isn’t hideous you dick…but I’m not sure the name of the store but I can just take you there.” “Sounds good…now go grab your sunglasses love…we’re going shopping.”
“What does this mask do again? My face feels…tingly.” “It’s a pore clearing one so tingly is good…burning is bad…Harry where is my black nail polish?” “I’m using it…oh can you bring me the silver glitter please?” “Okay now it’s burning…can I take it off now?” “Beauty is pain Niall don’t be a ninny.” “Fuck off Harry that’s easy for you to say all you’re doing is painting your bloody nails.” “Go wash your face in the sink Niall…don’t get water all over the place like you did last time please.” “He’s a proper mess that one…can’t even handle doing a face mask.” “Don’t be rude Harry…remember when I did that apple cider mask on you and you only had it one for two minutes before you were begging me to help get it off you?” “That was different…you didn’t tell me it was going to turn into solid clay and make my face feel like it was actually vibrating…it was scary.” “How do I look? My face feels as smooth as a baby’s bottom.” “You look great Niall…will you let Harry do your nails?” “Yeah but no fucking glitter like you did last time..that stuff stayed on for ages.”
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brooklynisher · 4 months
Probably not canon anymore but it's funny how everyone imagines Peter's face to be scarred or heavily changed when in reality (or at least in 2012) he literally straight up doesn't have a face.
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Like, THAT ISN'T just a covering for his face. That's his actual face
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Could it be lighting? Maybe? But I don't think that's how lighting works. I don't think his face is naturally allergic to light.
I don't think this is canon anymore because The Seventh paints Peter's broken mask as this huge mystery and unless the mystery is about bringing this back, I don't think this is the surprise we might be getting.
BUT HEY this was all borderline if not 100% canon at one point in time
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