#best friend!chrissy cunningham
pollenallergie · 1 year
18+ only | minors do not read this!! | mdni
getting high with best friend!chrissy would be so much fun because she’d take one puff and suddenly have a gay awakening.
she’d be like, “girls are so lovely… and hot… you’re so hot… and, uh, and lovely too! i mean, you’re just lovely. my lovely best friend! ………. no wait.. you are hot… really fucking hot! even your tummy is hot! and stomachs aren’t supposed to be hot, right? like they’re just stomachs??? but yours is…. especially when you wear that red bikini. you should wear that more often. i know you don’t because you’re insecure, but you shouldn’t be. you’re really hot. plus your bikini lets me see your tummy, and i like your tummy. it also lets me see your boobs, kinda… i really like your boobs…. can i- can i touch them???? …. and maybe eat you out too?”
and you’re just baffled like, “holy shit, girl, you’ve only taken one hit.”
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momotonescreaming · 5 months
Part One
“Jeff. Jeffers.” Eddie starts, as soon as he opens the door to Jeff’s bedroom, ignoring the way it slams into the wall with the force of it. “I am about to lose my shit.”
“So a normal Saturday, then?” Jeff replies, looking up from the music magazine he’s flipping through, not moving from where he’s reclined across his bed.
Navy blue comforter, pale grey sheets, tucked in tight. His mother’s influence, Eddie knows. Jeff’s mom is a good woman, is cool with the band, and the metal, and the DnD — but she’s a total neat freak. So Jeff makes his bed perfectly everyday, so she won’t barge into his room and do it for him. He bought himself a Motorhead poster from a record store in Bloomington once, and his mom framed it.
So there was Eddie’s room, with all his posters and banners haphazardly tacked to the walls and stuck to the mirror; and then there was Jeff’s, with his carefully curated selection of framed posters. Not very metal, Eddie thought. Jeff always said that if that’s what it took for his mom to accept to metal music? He’d take it.
Eddie shuts the door behind him, making sure it closes with a swift kick of his socked foot, before turning back to his best friend.
“Worse than normal, Jeffy-boy.” Eddie says, emphasising with his hands before gripping them tightly. “I bumped into Henderson at Melvalds this morning and he would not shut the fuck up about Harrington the entire time he trapped me in conversation.”
“Ah,” Jeff simply replies, closing his magazine and placing it off to the side, out of the way. “So it’s a Harrington breakdown today? I’ll clear my schedule.”
“Jeff,” Eddie says, trying to sound stern with all the emphasis on the word, but he’s smiling. Watches as Jeff pats an empty spot on the mattress next to him. He rolls his eyes, playing it up, before flopping face first onto the bed beside Jeff. He groans into the mattress, a long, drawn out sound, and can hear Jeff chuckling at the sound of it. “Please.”
Jeff pats his shoulder comfortingly, hand warm and steady, before Eddie rolls over. Stays laying down, and looks up at the swirly patterns of Jeff’s popcorn ceiling.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” Jeff laughs, before turning to look down at Eddie. “So. Harrington.”
Eddie groans again, ignoring the sound of Jeff’s laughter. “I made the mistake of asking Henderson what he was doing later — trying to make fucking small talk, or something — and apparently our little sheepie is hanging out with Steve Harrington.”
“Wait,” Jeff says with a start, his brows furrowing. “Harrington hangs out with freshman nerds? Willingly? And he knows Dustin?”
“Fucking apparently,” Eddie exclaims, throwing his hands up into the air and letting them fall back down onto the mattress with a thump. “Henderson would not shut up about how cool it was Steve was hanging out with him, like he was trying to brag about it to me. Asking me if I fucking knew Steve Harrington like, hello? I live in Hawkins, everyone knows who Harrington is.”
“I was gonna ask if he was lying,” Jeff starts, bringing his hand up to his jaw to absently press and pick at his skin as he thinks. “But you’d think he’s smart enough to lie about something believable, at the very least.”
“He’s definitely lying,” Eddie replies, sighing, letting all the air exit his lungs in one slow exhale. “Because I cannot handle it being the truth. Harrington being hot, rich, charming, and nice to nerds like us? No way.”
“I was wondering when the crush was going to make it’s appearance,” Jeff replies, finally letting himself flop down beside Eddie. Rumpling his nicely made sheets, not caring as his abandoned magazine falls to the floor.
“Oh it’s been here the whole time Jeffothy,” Eddie says, stretching his legs out before letting them relax again. Picking at the navy blue fabric beneath him. “As soon as Dustin said Harrington’s name I felt my traitorous heart speed up.”
Eddie wasn’t lying and he a little felt ridiculous about it. Like some leading lady in a rom-com, the second the words Steve Harrington left Henderson’s mouth he felt his heart clench, his pulse quicken, and a horrid combo of shame and wanting curl around his stomach. His crush on Steve was always there, simmering in the recesses of his mind like the burning embers of a fire. Just waiting for something to come along and set it alight.
“And that’s the main reason you’re losing your shit?”
“Yeah,” Eddie sighs, sounding a little defeated, before perking himself up and sitting up, the mattress bouncing beneath him. Pushing those thoughts to the side. Thoughts of Steve Harrington and his amazing hair. His charming smile and warm eyes. Thoughts about him leaning in towards Eddie as they make conversation, so much Eddie can smell his cologne, his shampoo. And Steve will ask him questions about DnD, and actually sound interested about what Eddie would say back. Shaking his head a little, Eddie forces himself to not get lost in the fantasy.  “But enough about me, Sir Jeffington the Just. Any progress with Chrissy?”
Jeff just snorts, looking up at Eddie. “You say that like there’s progress to be had.”
“Come on,” Eddie starts, nudging Jeff’s side. “There’s gotta be something.”
“Not really,” He replies, taking a deep breath. “I stare at her in the halls at school like a lovesick fool and I don’t think she even knows who I am. There’s no way one of the cheerleaders knows my name.”
“You’re being too hard on yourself,” Eddie replies, pushing himself up off of Jeff’s bed and heads over to his desk, pushed up under the window. He had started to feel that itch under his skin, the twitching of his fingers, that feeling that he just couldn’t sit still anymore. So he moves to the desk, seats himself on Jeff’s nice office chair with the wheels, and fidgets with the mini’s he has scattered on the desk. “You’re hot and charming as hell, at least one of them has gotta know your name.”
“Not Chrissy though,” Jeff says, self-deprecating, pushing his socked foot along the carpet from where it hangs off the bed, gathering static. “Come on.”
Eddie sighs, long and drawn out and dramatic — turning into more of a groan at the end. They had done this song and dance before, Eddie hyping Jeff up, and his best friend responding with self deprecation. Jeff was a guy who was confident in himself, in his hobbies and interests — but when it came to love, he faltered.
Eddie could understand. They were both freaks who’ve never dated anyone, with crushes on two of the most popular teens in Hawkins. Peak conformists. It was never gonna happen but Eddie wanted.
“Fine.” He concedes. “We’re both pathetic, happy now?”
“Thrilled,” Jeff snorts, before sobering. “I just don’t want to get my hopes up, y’know? She’s with Jason and she’s not about to dump him to start looking my way.“
“I know,” Eddie replies, voice also sobering, so there’s something quieter about it now. He gently spins on the chair, pushing himself back and forth with his feet. Trying not to fidget too much, trying not to pick and rip at his nails. “I’m just trying to live vicariously through you a little because I am not handling my conversation with Henderson well. Chrissy just seems one step closer to us than Harrington. At least she’s still at Hawkins High and we actually see her on the regular. But what if Henderson is telling the truth and Steve like, picks him up from Hellfire? Leaning on the door frame, swinging his keys around his fingers, raising an eyebrow all sexy-like. Looking at me from across the room.”
“You think Henderson knows Chrissy as well?” Jeff jokes, sitting up and crossing a leg underneath himself. “Think he could put in a good word?”
Eddie snorts, rotating one of Jeff’s minis between his hands. “Definitely. That nerd is slowly collecting all the sexy jocks in Hawkins, just for us.”
There’s a moment of silence, slowly thickening in the air between them before Jeff sighs and looks up at the ceiling. “What would I even say to her? Hey Chrissy, I’m the DnD freak who thinks you’re super hot. I definitely haven’t started daydreaming about going to basketball games just so I can watch you cheer, wanna go out?”
“Oh my God, Jeff,” Eddie laughs, wiggling his legs, unable to contain himself.
“I know,” Jeff exhales with a laugh.
“When I asked if there was any progress on the Chrissy front,” Eddie says, laughing. “Why didn’t you tell me this?”
“Because it’s embarrassing! I’m so down bad it’s ridiculous.”
“This is a safe space, Jeffrey,” Eddie adds, nodding sagely. “I told you about how I started selling after games last year just so I could have an excuse to watch Harrington play. Did you see his thighs? Woof.”
“I did not see his thighs because I was busy lying to the others about how you were there because it was prime selling time, and you needed the extra cash to help Wayne,” Jeff adds, laughing., voice dropping into something more coy. Teasing. “And you definitely weren’t there because you were drooling over the idea of Harrington crushing your head in between his thick, sweaty, thighs.”
“As is my right, Jeff!” Eddie exclaims, feeling a little lighter, giddier, electric. A buzzing under his skin. Eddie launches himself off of the chair and towards Jeff — wrapping his arms around his waist and laughing all the while. Sending them both crashing into the mattress, rumpling Jeff’s neatly made bed even further. His face is pressed into Jeff’s chest, fabric of his Black Sabbath shirt soft against Eddie’s skin.
It always makes him feel better, talking about this sort of stuff with Jeff, letting it out, instead of holding it in. Eddie can feel Jeff laughing, his chest shaking underneath him as he wrestles Eddie off. Not hard enough to hurt.
He rolls off of Jeff, letting go of his waist, laughing as Jeff softly kicks him in the leg.
“I really can’t blame you though,” Jeff admits, looking over at Eddie. “Chrissy in that cheerleader skirt of hers is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s all about the thighs, I told you!” Eddie exclaims, laughing as he playfully shoves at Jeff again. Gripping the sleeves of his shirt, gently pushing and pulling him. His best friend lets himself be moved, used to Eddie’s shenanigans by now. “You want to give her a thigh hickey so bad, don’t ya, Jeffrey? Or maybe it’s her ass? All perky and round from cheer.”
Eddie cackles as Jeff covers his face with his hands, groaning, and almost definitely flustered.  He drags his hands down his face, drawing out the groan, before tuning to Eddie.
“I’m trying so hard not to get too gross about this, dude,” Jeff starts. “But you are not helping.”
“Nothing wrong with being a little gross with your friends,” Eddie says, slowly stopping his shoving at Jeff, moving his hand to gently pick at a stray thread. “I know you’re not, like, gonna be gross with her. I mean, unless she likes it.”
“Eddie!” Jeff exclaims, although he’s smiling, as he shoves his best friend off the bed.
Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
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harringroveera · 3 months
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Billy definitely asked Heather and Chrissy for help to flirt with Steve
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
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Summary: You’ve been married to Steve Harrington for over two years and things couldn’t be better, you even someon how managed to convince your childhood bestfriend Eddie Munson and his wife Chrissy to move in next door. You feel like you’re living the dream but slowly you start to notice it’s actually more of a nightmare when Steve begins acting weird, but at least you still have Eddie. But unknown to you Eddie is also beginning to feel like life is too good to be true when his wife starts coming up with excuses to not be home, but at least he has you his bestfriend right next door. This is a series all about how you never really know what’s happening behind closed doors and that love sometimes sneaks up on you when you least expect it.
Type of Story: This is a double feature cheater fic aka Steve and Chrissy both cheat on you and Eddie BUT it has a happy ending.
A/N: I know cheating fics aren’t everyone’s thing and that’s totally fine I understand this can be hard for some people to read so do what’s best for you✨
TW: Cheating, cursing, gaslighting and mentions of divorce
Status: Completed🖤
Tag List: Open
Instagrams: Here
Conversations: Here
Extras: here
*This is a texting series but you’ll find everything in the correct order below*
Part 1: Game Night
Part 2: Gossip
Part 3: Normal
Part 4: Smokes
Part 5: Cuddles
Part 6: Roses
Part 7: Note
Part 8: Exhale
Part 9: Employee of the Month
Part 10: Backyard bonus convo here
Part 11: Relieved bonus convo here
Part 12: Four Days
Part 13: Oil Change
Part 14: Not the First Time bonus convo here
Part 15: Porch
Part 15 part 2: Porch Convo bonus convo here
Part 16: Smooth Sailing bonus convo here convo with Steve and Chrissy here
Part 17: Police Escort
Part 18: Downstairs
Part 19: Open Spaces bonus convo between Eddie and Wayne here
Part 20: Five? bonus convo here
Part 21: Practice Date bonus convo here
Part 22: Sixteen
Part 23: Pizza
Part 24: Reflexes bonus convo here
Part 25: We’re Gonna Be Fine
Part 26: Change
Part 27: Late
Part 28: Trust
Part 29: Traditions
Part 30: Promises
Bonus Content:
That Felt Good
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cunninghamchrissie · 9 months
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she has eddie’s little lunchbox you don’t understand i’ll die if i don’t get her pls 😭😭😭
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
the day Chrissy is introduced to crystals and gems is the day Billy Hargrove starts carrying around a small rose quartz in his left pants pocket
‘it’s for the heart’, is what she said when she placed the pink crystal in his palm, ‘it heals. keep it on you always, okay?’
he hated it, at first. thought it was stupid. but, looking into her eyes, he knew he had no other choice. he’d do anything for her because she only wanted the best for him.
so, it was always in his pocket - jacket or jeans - and he slept with it under his pillow. he held it in his fist when he was stressed or anxious. he put it on his windowsill when it was sunny, to absorb the warmth and cleansing, to shed the negativity it had collected.
and the worst part of it? the stupid little stone helped.
because when he finally got his hands on Steve Harrington, pressing the pretty boy against that ugly wallpaper in his bedroom, Steve grabbed at his ass with both hands and pulled away from the deep kiss when he felt the hard little lump to mutter, ‘what’s that?’
‘rose quartz,’ he hummed absently, kissing down Steve’s throat, not wanting to pull away for even a second now that the tension between them had been cut.
there was a soft laugh, not at Billy, because Steve reached back into his own pocket and pulled out a small stone, showing Billy a nearly identical rose quartz that was his.
Billy glanced down, blinked, and let a slow grin spread across his face when he realized.
‘Chrissy,’ they said in unison, laughing gently together.
of course Chrissy would give them the same crystal, meant for love - for new love.
when their lips met again, Billy promised himself that he’d buy his best friend some pink roses as a thanks.
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joansblondells · 2 years
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hellcheer as textposts (pt 9/?)
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lunastar92 · 1 year
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Joseph & Grace
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museumgiftshoperaser · 11 months
Dandelions and Other Weeds
Chrissy’s pretty sure Robin’s only been scared once. It was the first morning of their junior year. They hadn’t seen each other for weeks, Robin’s parents insisted she joined them to spend the summer with family. Chrissy had been itching to get to school that morning, bouncing her legs up and down on the bus until the girl next to her begged her to stop. When she finally saw Robin, on the far side of the parking lot like a lighthouse in a storm, she looked wrong. Pale despite her tan, with stiff limbs and a clenched jaw. Silent. Robin was never silent. Chrissy dragged her to the bathroom and locked them in the furthest stall. They missed the start of first period by the time Robin was ready to talk.
She met a girl.
Her grandparents had neighbors and those neighbors had a sixteen year old daughter. She was loud and beautiful, with hair cut right above her shoulder and on the last day she kissed Robin on the mouth.
Just like that.
And Robin said she never felt like that before. It was like the movies, like all the magazines told her a first kiss was going to be. Fireworks and fluttering wings and it was with a girl. Am I still your best friend? Robin had asked. Scared for the first and only time. Chrissy lunged forward to hug her, squeezing her tight. Hoping it would convey more than she could say in words. Of course I’m still your best friend, she whispered into Robin’s neck. Are you still mine? She didn’t say that last part out loud. Obviously. This wasn’t about her. She pushed it down. It took her months to admit to herself that the thought of another girl pressing her lips against her best friend’s was terrifying to her. That was Robin. Her Robin.
And the meanest little part of Chrissy’s brain, the part she wouldn’t even write about in her diary, didn’t want to share.
It hadn’t even mattered in the end. Robin never saw the girl again. She gave her one life changing kiss and then disappeared forever. All those mean thoughts for nothing. Chrissy hated herself for it. Never really forgave the meanest part of her.
If she remembers correctly, that was about two months before she started dating Jason.
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eddiemunslay · 11 months
someone PLEASE write ‘bettter than revenge (eddie’s version)’ where chrissy steals eddie from reader PLS I NEED ITTTT
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pollenallergie · 7 months
i take back everything i said, this song is so best friend!closeted!chrissy cunningham coded.
like you’re jealous of her because “oh everyone loves her. everyone adores her. she’s perfect” but deep down it’s not actually jealousy… you’re just insanely in love with her but also insanely confused about that and like hardcore repressing it (and possibly even resenting both her and yourself for it) because you just can’t have these feelings.
it’s the 80’s… and you’re in a small rural midwestern town… you’re already enough of an outcast as it is… you can’t feel like this, not about any girl, not here. you’d be relegated to being a social pariah if anyone found out. however, you especially can’t feel this way about her. chrissy would never forgive you if she found out. she’d hate you. she’d think you’re a creep. the idea of your best friend hating you is somehow infinitely worse than the idea of being a social pariah.
… but chrissy could never hate you. she’s told you that a million times, and yet you never seem to really believe her. but it’s true, she could never hate you. that’s why she still sneaks in through your window every thursday night for your secret movie nights. that’s why she still goes to great lengths to hang out with you, even though she’s not really supposed to.
according to her mother, people like chrissy aren’t supposed to fraternize with people like you; frumpy people, homely people, the kind of people that’ll never make it out of this place, the kind of people who can’t afford to. her fellow cheerleaders feel the exact same way. they think you’re weird and off-putting, they can’t imagine why chrissy would’ve ever decided to befriend you in the first place. none of chrissy’s friends like you, they all pick on you, but not chrissy. no, she would never. and she’s always quick to divert their attention away from you before it gets too bad, and quick to apologize (genuinely apologize) for their behavior the next time she sees you… the next time she finds herself sneaking around behind her parents’ backs, behind her friends’ backs, behind her boyfriend’s back, just to spend time with the person she’s had a crush on since the second grade.
some people say that you never forget your first crush… but, in chrissy’s experience, you never get over your first crush. no, she hasn’t gotten over you. frankly, chrissy doesn’t think she ever will. instead she lies to all her friends and family just to spend time with her first crush. and she finds herself getting so incredibly angry on your behalf whenever someone mistreats you, but she also finds herself completely unable to do anything to help you, to make the torment stop, because she’s a coward and she’s scared, scared of what people will think, scared of what her picture perfect family and her picture perfect friends and her picture perfect boyfriend will think, and yet… chrissy often catches herself daydreaming about what it’d be like to hold your hand in public, in front of everyone, to be yours and for you to be hers…
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empress-of-snark · 5 days
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and there’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear
have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
can I go where you go?
can we always be this close forever and ever?
stranger things rarepair collection
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harringroveera · 7 months
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Sometimes you don’t gotta tweet everything you do Billy
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harrywavycurly · 10 months
Trouble Next Door Part 9: Employee of the Month
Masterlist: Here
TW: Mentions of cheating and cursing
Tag List: @sinczir @rach5ive @bruher @kellyxo1 @tiannamortis @makingmunson94 @angelina16torres-blog @tlclick73 @gretavankleep37 @melaninjhs @amira0303 @robyn-118 @idkjoequinn @jaydaaasworld @squidscottjeans @rockstarmunsons @alanamarie @dandelionnfluff @aol19 @eddiesguitarskills @vampdaisy @br66klynbaby @raven-rust @daisyridleyyyy @i-love-ptv @josephquinnsfreckles @mrsjellymunson @hideoutside
A/N: Don’t kill me for how this ended and also I LOVED hearing y’all’s theories on who you thought it was and don’t worry you’ll get to know exactly what NB stands for…eventually✨
*Eddie needs help and you just need to know if purple is too much*
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cunninghamchrissie · 1 year
you ever think abt max who was hurting so much she was even pushing her friends away but still cared enough to try and make sure chrissy was ok when they were in the restroom 😭
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bigdumbbambieyes · 10 months
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they’re in a better place now (the same heart locket)
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