#behaviors that are solely misunderstood
aidenwaites · 9 months
What if,, arlo script but instead of taking place on the station its a post-mission diagnosis with a roboticisit "interviewing" Arlo,,
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allhappyandgay · 1 year
Rink O Mania (and the airport scene) from Mikes perspective
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We all know how wills hug got rejected and that he had to third wheel mike and El all day and how miserable it was for him and how he felt like mike wasn’t interested in anything he had to say and just ignored him all day and how mike only called him “maybe a couple times” and how his undying love for mike is unrequited and mikes an asshole that treated will like shit because the duffers just decided to stop writing his character all together for absolutely no reason so now he’s just El’s boyfriend and—
Why doesn’t the vast majority of the ga ever question mikes behavior? I rarely see normal people (non-bylers) consider why he’s been acting different, or that there’s a reason for anything he does. they just take him at face value and write his entire character off as useless, annoying, and torturing our baby will because there’s absolutely no way he’s anything but straight and no way will could ever do anything wrong. everyone I know irl has said that they hope mike dies in s5, which just goes to show how misunderstood his character is, because in reality he is very important to the story! and he’s also just very complex and well written imo
(I know people are supposed to be oblivious to mikes motives so that his arc makes a big impact, i’ve just noticed that most people simply accept his behavior without looking into it at all and then want him to die lmao like no wonder)
There is a reason. A very good reason.
To start us off here’s a list of things we’ve gathered from the show that most of the ga isn’t aware of or didn’t pick up on that are important in putting together mikes pov of these scenes (this is solely based on the limited information we’ve been given—other than mike being gay, that’s based on subtext—even us bylers haven’t uncovered the full mystery that is michael wheeler)
Mike is gay and is in love with will, possibly having fully realized this the last time he saw him before they moved -> mike is aware of his feelings toward will
(Im unsure if Lucas On The Line is canon material but Im adding this anyway because they hint toward it in the show) Mike started spending all his time in his basement playing on his new NES after will moved, depressed, and rarely going outside or seeing his friends -> will moving had a major negative affect on him
Mike and El communicate through letters and (possibly) cerebro exclusively -> mike does not call El and vice versa
Joyce has a new telemarketer job and mike won’t stop whining about it because she’s always on the phone -> mike tries to call will so much that he’s constantly complaining about not getting through
Mike knows will made a painting for someone he likes, which might be a girl according to El’s letter -> mike is aware of the painting and is under the impression that will is straight
now without further ado,
Mike meets the Byers at the airport. He and El hug and kiss, but he keeps the flowers he picked her—ones he couldn’t keep his mind off of will while picking—between them to create some distance right off the bat. He’s putting on a show. Not a very good one though, because the moment he sees will he remembers all the times he waited by the phone for him to pick up his calls, and then all the times will didn’t. Will didn’t reach out. He must’ve made some new friends—joined another party—and didn’t have time for mike anymore, not enough to call, anyway. Mike doesn’t notice the huge smile on will’s face, or maybe he does, but either way he doesn’t know how to act. Maybe it was that Mike couldn’t handle wills physical touch like he used to, or maybe he didn’t want to blow his cover when will obviously didn’t feel the same way, so he opts for a side hug and a shoulder pat rather than throwing himself into wills arms like his heart was telling him to. This is his favorite person, and yet he has no clue where they stand. As mikes eyes journey across will, seeing how much he’s changed in what’s felt like a year, he registers the rolled up painting in his hands immediately. He can’t help it, his jealously is too strong to hide, he has to know what he already does.
“uh, what’s that?”
Will shuts his question down with an “oh it’s nothing, it’s just this painting i’ve been working on.” Cold. It’s not for mike. obviously it’s not for mike. STUPID. Why did he even bring it?? to rub it in his face??
Two can play at that game. Mike wraps his arm around El’s shoulder like he used to do with will, and they make their way through the airport. El’s talking about burritos—or something, he doesn’t really know because will is stuck in his head like a catchy, overplayed song that you secretly like—and oh shit he caught mike looking. Mike does his best to come up with acceptable responses to what El’s telling him, but his focus is elsewhere. Then will speaks, and it’s the clearest voice he’s heard since he got there.
“Angela?” will blurts, panicked all of a sudden in response to El’s mention of her friends. Mike does a double take. Angela. A name to the mysterious cali girl from El’s letter, a name to the paintings recipient, a name to whatever was causing will to have been “acting weird” in Lenora. could this be any more heart wrenching? In an act of spite, mike kisses El on the head and hugs her closer, but he doesn’t know if will noticed. probably not, why would he?
At Rink O Mania Mike has his eyes glued to will. Even when he’s not looking at him, he notices his every move. And what does he see? He sees will rolling his eyes, moping, and is painfully aware of his silence—he’s quiet today. Maybe he’d rather be spending it with Angela. Did he really not miss him at all? Meanwhile mike spent their time apart sulking in his basement playing Nintendo since the second will left. Why’s he being such a douche?? They sit down to put on their roller skates when El tells mike he needs socks, which only reminds them all of his ridiculous facade. Then out of nowhere will brushes his leg to get his attention, the jolt of electricity causing mike to whip his head around at the speed of light.
“they sell them at the counter.” will says, pointing past mike.
“oh, okay,” he responds, heart probably racing. Wills talking to him again! are they cool? back to how they were? Mike makes his way back to will and El, practically throwing himself in wills direction before sitting down (I don’t know why he did this, maybe it was just really crowded so he had to go fast as to not get stuck in the crowd of people? whatever the reason, it’s hilarious and I laugh every time I see him almost crash into will).
“So, I asked for vomit green and I got vomit green. Isn’t that awesome?” mike says as he shoots a quick glance toward El, only to then beam at will. He’s testing the waters, looking for something, anything to tell him he was wrong feeling like will was pulling away from him. But will doesn’t respond, he doesn’t even fake a smile like mike does soon after.
The three of them huddle into a booth after skating, mike and El on one side and will on the opposite. Like this, mike can peak at will through his hair easily from across the table. He’s still barely talking, though. Suddenly a group of other teens skate up to their booth and El introduces mike to the blonde girl, seemingly leading the bunch, as Angela.
Mike goes through the pleasantries with them, while still noticing any slight changes in will’s demeanor. He watches will stare at Angela, surprised and nervous, practically jumping out of his seat. So this really is the girl he likes. El’s friends whisk her away to go skate with them, nothing weird about that. As they leave, will gets up out of the booth and gapes at them, probably upset that he missed his chance at giving Angela the painting he made her. Mike sips his milkshake in a jealous chafe, left alone at the table to his own gay devices until—
Will let’s out an apprehensive “oh no,” and mike is instantly by his side at that, despite the distance between them physically and emotionally.
“what?” mikes asks him, interested in anything will has to say. Then the truth comes out. Will goes on to explain to him that El’s been having trouble with bullies in Lenora, and that Angela isn’t actually her friend, but rather, her oppressor. Mike’s attention finally transfers over to El, but not for long, and not before glancing at will’s lips now that the two of them are face to face.
Im gonna end it here because the actual fight scene is kinda overwhelming and I really don’t know what mikes thinking other than realizing what’s been actually going on and that he’s been lied to so it’s hard to write out. but yeah this is how I see these parts of the episode now since I feel like I have a grasp on both will and mike’s perspectives. obviously I could be completely wrong I didn’t write the show but it’s pretty clear to me how much attention mike is paying to will once you look for it!!
kinda off topic but l noticed while watching this episode that blue and yellow lights (mike and will) follow mikes head around during the fight, like he’s got them on his mind, which we already know lol but I thought it was interesting. take a look:
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Right when they start looking for El
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Here as they’re walking, all of those games are blue and yellow and so is the lighting above them
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Here for obvious reasons. notice how will only has blue behind his head, yellow is in between them, but both colors behind mike’s (also peep the exit sign 👀)
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And here. the ‘what about us’ moment. these are from every shot of mike! the colors do not leave his head the whole scene!
anyway thx for reading sorry for the bad quality screenshots lol
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seoafin · 6 months
I crave more text interactions between SaShiSu and rip!mc- she's so oblivious and weird in person I can't imagine how many texts she's misunderstood and how many cryptic/blunt/genuinely bewildering messages she's sent back to them (but of course, all three of them would be able to somewhat translate after awhile of knowing her). Also!!! I genuinely appreciate rip!mc being a gatherer girlie!! I too also stop everything I'm doing when I find a shiny object in the street, an interesting looking stick in the grass, or a funny looking bug I want to help out of the road!!! I simply cannot help myself but appreciate and wonder about the smallest things around me!!! I feel like it gives more meaning to life, even by the smallest, most tiniest degree.
All this to say, I've said before and I'll say it again; rip!mc pls hmu we'd be so happy together.
when i was kitakamakura i was literally the sole person among all the temples and shrines in the area and there was a temple i was in located in a forest and there was a really shiny green bug so i sat down and stared at it for like 5 minutes. i actually think i have a picture of it. anyway it's all about the small things you know. i think ripmc has a difficult time responding to gojo since he's the type to bombard your phone with a succession of text messages and it's too overwhelming for someone who didn't even know what the silent setting on their phone was. therefore gojo gets ignored. shoko n geto r winning the text wars, especially shoko because she'll send ripmc a picture of a corpse with like no context and ripmc will write a really long thought out response (surpassing her text limit lmfao). geto because he spaces out his text in a way that ensures ripmc will see it whenever she's bothered to actually look at her phone. optimal timing. he always texts her that she needs to eat. bf behavior.
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leportraitducadavre · 10 months
I've never seen someone hate or dislike Kakashi before, but looking at your Kakashi posts (which I later realized were "anti Kakashi" posts), I feel like these make some people talk shit about Kakashi for no reason and it also gives me the feeling that even though you read the manga you're just blinded as a defender of Sasuke and that you don't understand Kakashi's character at all, almost always the posts are one-sided, making Sasuke look poor or the only one misunderstood and you make Kakashi look like someone bad or that he liked to manipulate people, you even make him look pro Konoha when many times the anime/manga shows Kakashi disobeying the orders of the Hokage...
I'm not saying this to talk shit about your post, but for you to read more objectively, since I love Sasuke and I don't think Kakashi is bad at all (either in writing or as a character)
You know, I'm a little weirded out by this ask, because your blog has no posts, no likes, and follows no one; so you are either using a side-blog to send this as you don't want me to know who you are... or you created this blog with the sole purpose of communicating with me. Both options are equally weird to me.
I've never seen someone hate or dislike Kakashi before, but looking at your Kakashi posts (which I later realized were "anti Kakashi" posts), I feel like these make some people talk shit about Kakashi for no reason
Are you honestly making me the sole responsible for some people not liking Kakashi? Do you really think I hold that much power over people's views? I provide images of manga panels in order to support my arguments, so you can easily access the panels and pages that led me to my reasoning.
and it also gives me the feeling that even though you read the manga you're just blinded as a defender of Sasuke and that you don't understand Kakashi's character at all
If you like Kakashi's character and you think my judgment of him is unfair, you can easily write your own post analyzing him, I'm not obligated to fit your tastes as I do believe I'm fair in judgment, as I not only write what he did wrong but also the reasoning behind his behavior. You can still think that everything he does is redeemable, but that doesn't reflect my personal beliefs.
almost always the posts are one-sided, making Sasuke look poor or the only one misunderstood and you make Kakashi look like someone bad or that he liked to manipulate people
What are you talking about? Have you honestly read all my posts about Kakashi? Can you back up anything you say with some evidence? I never stated Kakashi likes to manipulate people, I specifically said he does it as it's a tool used by the shinobi system that he was taught and he later on naturalized as a genuine way of communication. The fact that he was a victim during his formative years doesn't mean he isn't perpetuating the same system that oppressed him and others. He's just as guilty as those who wronged him in the past.
you even make him look pro-Konoha when many times the anime/manga shows Kakashi disobeying the orders of the Hokage...
The anime isn't canon, If it happened in the anime but not in the manga, then it makes absolutely no difference to me. Anything you say to me that isn't backed up by a manga panel is nothing but mere talk, and I won't take any of it seriously. Show me some evidence for your claims. Also, even if Kakashi did "go against" the Hokage's decision, did he truly go against Konoha's interests or did he argue against his leader somewhat? He was always faithful to the Hokage and Konoha.
I'm not saying this to talk shit about your post, but for you to read more objectively, since I love Sasuke and I don't think Kakashi is bad at all (either in writing or as a character)
I'll reiterate, if you don't agree with my analysis of him you can easily write one of your own, I don't have to cater to your tastes.
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readingrobin · 9 months
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The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
The hero-narrator of The Catcher in the Rye is an ancient child of sixteen, a native New Yorker named Holden Caufield. Through circumstances that tend to preclude adult, secondhand description, he leaves his prep school in Pennsylvania and goes underground in New York City for three days. -Storygraph
I can see why this book is such a divisive title when it comes to classic fiction. It's a work that has been dissected in many a high school classroom, which doesn't do any favors when it comes to appreciating classic fiction. When you spend hours in school brushing a fine tooth comb over something that you are forced to analyze and have some kind of deep opinion about, it's easy to start resenting the title solely because of the amount of work you have to put into it. Luckily, this wasn't something I had to read in school so I didn't go into it with any sort of negative feeling.
And of course, Holden Caulfield has become synonymous for edgy try hard male teens that feel like society has some sort of hidden beef with them and that they are tragically misunderstood to the point of constant woeful lamentation. That gives the book a bit of a disservice as, while Holden is a privileged upper class white boy living in New York City that definitely spends most of his time complaining and being terrible to women, his unlikability is kind of the point. Holden is not the model teen one should aspire to be. He's a hypocrite, displays multiple incidents of bigoted and misogynistic behavior, and generally hates and complains about everything. Absolutely no one in his life wants to be around him because of his attitude and overall personality. He's the result of what happens when someone goes through a great deal of grief and trauma and has had no support system or coping skills whatsoever.
Holden is haunted by his brother's death, experienced numerous implied sexual harassments/assaults, and has no positive relationships other than with his other, distant brother and younger sister. He's maturing in a world that does nothing for him, populated with artificiality and a constant squashing of innocence. He's aimless, floating around New York City not knowing what the hell to do or where the hell to go. When he wants something, he goes and gets it, only to realize he never really wanted it. He's so lost in this path to adulthood and it's easy to see the fear and resentment he has towards the process. I think everyone who has ever been a teen can relate to that, feeling so adrift in a world that doesn't really care for them and desperately clinging to things that haven't been warped by its malice.
Ultimately, I think I enjoyed this book. I liked finally being able to dissect a character that is practically infamous for his teen angst and I can't really say that I'm surprised when I found out that all of that unlikability is coming from a sad place. The writing style feels exactly how a teen would write, which isn't going to appeal to everyone. Honestly, it's a hard book to like, and it's not for everyone, but for those willing to put up with a lot of angst and read a little bit beyond the surface level, you make get a little something out of it.
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 6 months
autistic people, what popular autistic community sayings/behaviors do you hate the most (out of my top five most hated)
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meteorstricken · 6 months
This ask is about the post you reblogged with the Ultima voting and I agree: Ultima is not a perfectly written character at all, but most of his critics are definitely comparing him with other FF Villains.
The funny thing is if he was written like a revisit of characters like Sephiroth, Kefka or even Garland pre or post-Stranger of Paradise; everyone would whine anyway.
Which is ironic, as technically he IS a revisit of a FF villain: The Final Fantasy Tactics' Ultima, who basically acted the exact same way as he did, with the sole exception that she didn't act as a god creator. Said game that some critics also whine that FFXVI isn't: a dark and tragic story for the heroes, realistic politic drama, mysterious conspiracy in the shadows, powerful magical beings- wait what do you mean FFXVI also has that? ...And yet, funnily enough, it was reviled when first released in 1997 because it was a spinoff, had a weird and complicated gameplay and THE new hot stuff FFVII came first.
Life is funny that way. If annoying...
Yeahhhh...There is a long and terrible tradition with Final Fantasy in general where the newest game gets lambasted as awful until the next one comes out, at which point the previous starts to be hailed as a misunderstood masterpiece.
And I'm just not into that. Life is short and the clock is never not ticking. If I dislike a game enough that I'd want to publicly bitch about it, I just stop playing it. No sense in giving it more oxygen, and even less sense in giving others with a different opinion grief.
As for Ultima, my argument was that there's nothing particularly wrong with how he's written, but that some people just don't like him because he's not their favorite archetype. I see a lot of that--people deciding that "not my favorite kind"= "flawed writing". This is annoying to me, because it shows that some folks just don't know how to discern between their personal opinion and objective analysis, or are so attached to their opinions that they treat them as facts, which in my book is a symptom of extreme arrogance. And what usually follows on the heels of this arrogance is mean-spirited behavior towards other fans who don't agree with them...and on and on.
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theanimeview · 1 year
[Analysis] The Remarried Empress: A Victim Of Circumstance
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 51
By: Casea Smith | @coffeewithkrow
While the Remarried Empress has been on a well-deserved hiatus, I’ve been reading it over again. I find that re-reading is always interesting because it gives you the chance to see if you might come out with a different opinion or point of view, especially now that you have had some foresight into future events. While I’ve reconsidered my thoughts and feelings on some things in my latest re-read, one thing hasn’t changed and that’s my opinion of Rashta.
Oh, Rashta. The most hated female character in the entire webcomic. Reading the comments wherein she’s often nicknamed “Trashta,” you may be convinced she’s the most hated female character in general. I do understand the criticisms directed at her, however I find it errs toward vitriol and I simply cannot bring myself to the same boiling point when I see her to be a misunderstood victim of her circumstances
Am I saying Rashat is perfect? No.
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Source: The Remarried Empress
The makings of a fairytale became a reality for her. Though I don’t believe she truly loves Sovieshu, the Emperor, love isn’t required in order for her to have been sold on this fantasy. Keep all of this in mind as I believe her character flaws stem from this very point.
Rashta has many character flaws, she certainly puts the “Rash” in her name by making quick decisions without thinking about the consequences of her actions. She’ll impulsively lie and be deceptive for reasons that can be vexing for most. She also puts a lot of stock in what people think of her, often leaning into paranoia rather than self-reflection. Moreover, she will position herself to be pitied and doted on by the Emperor.
Petty and annoying things, assuredly. However I don’t believe that these flaws are worthy of such strong disdain, particularly in the beginning episodes of the webcomic.
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 36
He actively pitted Rashta against the Empress as he would make a scene over every small thing Navier did. He painted it as though the Empress despised Rashta and was scheming to get rid of her from the start. I believe this caused Rashta to feel the need to lie about Navier’s acceptance of her to save face with the nobles, as well as paint the Empress as a villain to Sovieshu.
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 17
Anything she perceives as a risk, no matter how benign it may look on the surface, is detrimental to her well-being, not just a minor concern that can be overlooked. You can find examples of this behavior in Chapters 17 and 18. Viscount Lotteshu, who used to own Rashta, threatened his way into meeting with her after making a scene at the party about her origins.
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 44
Through her experiences as a slave and how she is treated thereafter, I believe this is what shapes her opinion of how nobles and royalty behave. They are either sickeningly sweet or horrendously wicked. They may dote on her one moment and the next be plotting for her downfall–and, for Rashta, it is a very steep fall. She is nearly powerless to her circumstance as she is in a constant state of potentially losing everything.
Yes, Rashta lies. Yes, she’ll do petty things to Navier. Yes, she schemes in order to keep herself in her position. However, she is tortuously navigating her way through a world she had lucked into, a world she was never prepared to enter.
Navier, in stark contrast to Rashta, was raised for the sole purpose of being an Empress. She was taught and prepared to handle issues with a level of decorum and intention behind everything she does. Meanwhile, Rashta never had such training and possibly can’t even begin to grasp these concepts as she attempts to, essentially, cosplay the role of a noble that’s been thrust upon her by current circumstances.
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Source: The Remarried Empress, Chapter 35
Rashta is blinded by her suffering as she impulsively does dishonest and questionable things. Her actions and the actions of Sovieshu are all adding up, plummeting her into a downward spiral in later chapters. Though she never had tact to begin with, her means of avoiding trauma become even more careless and messy. This is a type of hell all on its own, as her attempts to run away from her pain are causing her to careen right toward it. Yet, that’s why I like her as a character, because she is an example of there being no such thing as a “perfect victim.”
Rashta may be flawed, but that doesn’t make her any less of a victim. She has no right to be absolved from any consequences, but I do believe she deserves a little more empathy from readers than what she garners now.
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crosstheveil · 9 months
Attachment Theory: Anxious-Avoidant
Fearful & Preoccupied
Anxious Tendencies
Behavior of protesting.
Engaging in strategies to reignite the desire for reconnection.
Idealizing your partner excessively.
Feeling inferior when juxtaposed with your partner.
Recollecting only positive attributes of your partner post-conflict.
Confusing heightened attachment anxiety with genuine love.
Constantly being in a state of emotional unpredictability.
Thriving on emotional extremes.
Anxious Mindset
Assuming: "They must be planning to leave me."
"I'm never going to find someone else."
"It was inevitable that this good phase would end."
Extreme thought patterns: "I've caused irreparable damage."
"They shouldn't treat me like this. I'll teach them a lesson!"
"It's always something; things never go smoothly for me."
"I need to communicate with them immediately."
"They better show genuine remorse, or it's over."
"If I look more attractive, it may resolve our issues."
"With how great they are, why would they even choose me?"
In conflict, focus solely on partner's negative actions, yet post-argument, remember every kind gesture they made.
Anxious Emotions
Feelings of sadness, resentment, anger, frustration, fear, depression, hopelessness, humiliation, despair, jealousy, uncertainty, agitation, vengefulness, rejection, guilt, loneliness, restlessness, being misunderstood, unease, and feeling unloved or unappreciated.
Anxious Behavior
Desperate attempts to reinitiate contact.
Instigating an argument.
Waiting for the partner to extend the olive branch first.
Threatening to exit the relationship.
Displaying overt hostility, rolling eyes or looking contemptuous.
Efforts to incite jealousy.
Portraying oneself as too occupied or unreachable.
Emotional or physical withdrawal from the partner.
Exhibiting manipulative behaviors.
Dismissive & Fearful
Avoidant Tendencies
Engaging in distancing tactics.
Mistaking not needing anyone for being self-sufficient.
Self-aggrandizing at the expense of belittling your partner.
Overfocusing on your partner's flaws.
Perceiving malintent in your partner's actions.
Overlooking your partner's emotional signals.
Nostalgically thinking about an ex-partner.
Daydreaming about an ideal partner.
Suppressing affectionate feelings and emotions.
Avoidant Mindset
Minimizing: "This confirms they weren't right for me."
"Relationships like this are not meant for me."
"They're controlling every aspect of my life. It's too much."
"I'm losing my autonomy; the compromise is too big."
"I need to escape; I feel trapped."
"If they were truly 'the one,' such issues wouldn't arise."
"With my previous partner, this wouldn't have occurred."
Malicious assumptions: "They're intentionally trying to upset me."
"They aim to control me, this isn't real love."
Fantasies involving intimacy with others.
"I'm better off solo."
"Their dependency is so evident, it's quite sad."
Avoidant Emotions
Feelings of withdrawal, misunderstanding, frustration, resentment, hostility, pressure, detachment, emptiness, deception, tension, scorn, restlessness, self-righteousness, distrust, and contempt.
Avoidant Behavior
Abruptly exiting the situation.
Disparaging your partner.
Showing overt hostility.
Passing judgmental comments.
Mentally or physically distancing.
Reducing physical closeness.
Limiting emotional discourse.
Tuning out your partner or blatantly disregarding them.
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anthromimicry · 1 month
alright, but i shall be posting more in-depth information about misao later, but here's a little headcanon about her: misao is indeed licensed as both a psychiatrist AND an art therapist, though she hasn't really gotten the chance to solely practice art therapy — seeing as arkham itself is an institution that is mainly based around talk therapy and... well, pharmacotherapy, though to a degree that it is unfortunately very corrupt and harmful to its patients. but misao herself often implements the things she learned while she was studying to become an art therapist into her psychotherapy, and she will almost always offer art supplies to her patients when she sees them.
this is because misao herself would argue that it could provide her with a visual representation of some feelings that they may have trouble articulating through words, or simply don't want to say aloud, which would more helpful in allowing her to best treat her patients than just talking to them. and i think i mentioned this in my doc, but that seems to make her kind of confusing in a way. because on one hand, it appears as if misao actually DOES care about the people that come into her office, but then she'll turn around and go do something as horrific as eat them so... you know 😬 misao herself comes off as kind of a walking contradiction BUT another thing about her is, she has this subconscious want to be loved by others and thus, i feel as if even if she might not actually care about her patients — misao does try pretty damn hard to look like it and not just to ' blend in, ' but in hopes that she will successfully charm people and have them speak only good things of her.
sooo yeah,, she is kind of a cake inside of a cake whenever it comes to how many layers there is to her LOL however, you absolutely do NOT want to mistake misao's desire to get people to like her as her having a high tolerance for any kind of digs made at her or aggressive behavior done towards her; and perhaps even behavior that could be misunderstood as negative. because trust me when i say that misao turns into a whole nother person whenever she feels as if she has been treated unfairly / insulted and this is when it seems like her quote unquote ' true colors ' most commonly reveal themselves. other than when others try to make an effort to restrict her freedom in any way, as that is very much a sore spot for her because as a child, although i will once again say that it was no one's fault... misao felt like she could never do anything for herself because she always had to put ryuuji's needs above her own and she only got to experience feeling ' liberated ' whenever she went out on her own.
but yeah. this is also something that is VERY rare for misao to do, but with one or two patients through the years... she has trusted them enough to hold the tarantula she keeps in the terrarium in her office as a sort-of abnormal attempt at pet therapy? so there's also that JSJSJ and yes, she does keep a terrarium in her office that's filled with a bunch of different insects (,: there has yet to be a rule in arkham that says a psychiatrist can't so i guess she figured, if she could do it, then why not... am i right? so, as for those who have characters who are patients in arkham that also have arachnophobia, you mayyy not want to make them look too closely at her terrarium ahahhhh. and this seems like a good stopping point so i'm just gonna leave you with that thought ☠️
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The Daily D/S For 2/01/24:
What misconceptions do you think people face when they begin exploring roles in BDSM and do you feel these myths can turn people away from the lifestyle?
Embarking on a journey into the intricate world of BDSM often comes with a plethora of misconceptions that can shape one's perceptions and, unfortunately, hinder genuine exploration. Whether one is considering a dominant, submissive, or switch role, the weight of these myths can influence how individuals approach and engage with the lifestyle. Today let’s unravel five common misconceptions for dominants, submissives, and switches, shedding light on the potential impact these myths can have on newcomers and their willingness to delve deeper into BDSM.
Common Misconceptions for Dominants:
Dominance Equals Aggression:
Misconception: The belief that dominance in BDSM equates to aggressive behavior.
Impact: This misconception may deter potential dominants who fear being misunderstood or viewed negatively.
Dominants Must Be Stoic and Unemotional:
Misconception: Dominants are expected to be devoid of emotions during scenes.
Impact: Newcomers may feel pressured to conform to an unrealistic stereotype, hindering genuine emotional expression.
Dominants Are Always "In Charge”:
Misconception: The idea that dominance extends into all aspects of life.
Impact: Potential dominants may shy away, fearing an imbalance in their personal relationships.
Dominants Are Always Confident and Decisive:
Misconception: Dominants must always exude confidence and make decisions effortlessly.
Impact: This myth can create an intimidating image, deterring those who may perceive themselves as less confident.
Dominants Must Be Experienced:
Misconception: Dominants must have extensive experience to be effective.
Impact: Newcomers may feel discouraged from exploring their dominant side due to perceived inadequacy.
Common Misconceptions for Submissives:
Submissives Lack Agency and Independence:
Misconception: Submissives are passive and lack independence.
Impact: Potential submissives may fear loss of autonomy and avoid exploring their submissive desires.
Submissives Are Doormats:
Misconception: Submissives have no say or voice in the dynamic.
Impact: This myth can discourage those who value communication and active participation.
Submission Implies Weakness:
Misconception: Submission is a sign of weakness.
Impact: Individuals may hesitate to embrace their submissive desires due to societal stigma.
Submissives Must Always Be Obedient:
Misconception: Submissives are constantly obedient without question.
Impact: This myth can discourage those who value open communication and negotiation.
Submissives Are Always Passive:
Misconception: Submissives are passive recipients rather than active participants.
Impact: Individuals may feel unfulfilled if they desire a more participatory role.
Common Misconceptions for Switches:
Switches Are Indecisive:
Misconception: Switches are indecisive or unable to commit to a specific role.
Impact: Potential switches may feel misunderstood or struggle with self-identification.
Switches Lack Consistency:
Misconception: Switches cannot maintain consistency in their roles.
Impact: This myth may discourage those who fear inconsistency is viewed negatively.
Switches Are Opportunistic:
Misconception: Switches adjust roles solely for personal gain.
Impact: Potential switches may avoid exploring their diverse desires due to potential judgment.
Switches Are Confused:
Misconception: Switches are confused about their desires.
Impact: This myth may hinder self-acceptance and exploration.
Switches Cannot Fully Embrace Both Roles:
Misconception: Switches cannot fully embrace both dominant and submissive roles.
Impact: This misconception may discourage switches from authentically exploring both aspects of their identity.
The perpetuation of misconceptions within the BDSM community can serve as a significant barrier for individuals exploring deeper into the lifestyle. Beyond inhibiting the exploration of BDSM dynamics, these myths can also dissuade individuals from discovering a role that could potentially be their home within the community. The weight of societal stigma and the fear of judgment can create reluctance, preventing individuals from fully embracing their authentic selves. Dispelling these misconceptions is not only essential for fostering a more inclusive and understanding BDSM community but is also crucial for encouraging exploration, self-discovery, and the formation of healthy and consensual relationships within the lifestyle.
What misconceptions do you think people face when they begin exploring roles in BDSM and do you feel these myths can turn people away from the lifestyle?
Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
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This weekend marks the city of Boston’s 49th annual Pride celebration, when members of the LGBT+ community and their allies will march, dance, sing, and honor their own identities and those of other queer folks in Boston and all over the world. Throughout Pride Week (May 31 to June 9), some have likely referred to the celebration as “gay pride.” The term “gay” is often used as a shorthand that is supposed to capture everyone who isn’t straight or cisgender. Focusing solely on sexuality, referring to the community as “gay” typically includes only those who experience attraction to people of their same gender.
Who is forgotten? What about the “B” in LGBT+, who make up 40 percent of the queer population? Bisexual people, who may be attracted to other people of their own gender as well as those of any and all other genders, are often misunderstood and may experience prejudice based on their sexuality. Like homophobia, the term biphobia refers to the discrimination, oppression, and trauma many bisexual people face, and it can contribute to multiple negative health effects.
As a whole, queer people who come out to their medical providers are able to get care that reflects their specific needs, but this can potentially lead to homophobia if the medical provider or their team are not supportive. This is especially true for bisexual people; almost half of bisexual people report experiencing biphobia in a medical setting. As a result, only about two-thirds of bisexual people come out to their doctor, compared to nearly 90 percent of gay men and lesbians. For some people, the stress isn’t worth it, so they stop seeking preventive medical care. Bisexual people are more likely to have high cholesterol, asthma, cancer, heart disease, and obesity, all health effects that may be helped by seeing a doctor regularly.
Bisexual people are also more likely to have poorer sexual health, often stemming from a lack of resources and education that is specific to their needs. Compared to heterosexual and gay/lesbian people, bisexual people are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior, including lack of condom use, substance use with sexual activity, and not getting tested for STI/HIV. Bisexual women are also at greater risk for intimate partner and sexual violence. A staggering three out of four of bisexual women in the United States have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime; less than half of heterosexual women and lesbians have had such violence enacted upon them. Research indicates that this may be due to male partners fetishizing their female partner’s attraction to women, thereby dehumanizing her and making it easier to justify violence.
Bisexuals are exposed to what’s often referred to as “double discrimination” as well. Simply put, this refers to the fact that biphobia and stigma can come not only from dominant straight culture, but also from other queer individuals. In fact, even at LGBT+ events like Saturday’s Pride Festival, many bisexual people feel unwelcome. Too many nonbisexual people believe that bisexuality isn’t a valid sexual orientation. And sometimes, even If they acknowledge bisexuality is real, biphobic myths that bisexual people are immoral or untrustworthy persist. It’s no surprise that many bisexual people feel cut off from, and unaccepted by, both groups. Most gay men and lesbians come out to their loved ones; most bisexual people never do. This all leads to similar mental health effects that arise with homophobia. The queer population as a whole experiences higher rates of depression, binge drinking, self-harm, and suicidality than the straight population. That said, compared to all other women, bisexual women are more likely to have an eating disorder, experience high levels of stress, and engage in substance use.
So, how can we stop neglecting the bisexual population? For one, we should allocate more resources to bisexual populations. From 1970 to 2010, less than 0.02 percent of funding to LGBT+ organizations went to those focused specifically on bisexual people. Additionally, medical providers can do more to show their support for bisexual people. For example, intake forms can give patients an option to more comfortably come out, leaving space for “other” sexualities than those listed. Providers can also ask patients what kind of sex they are having to better assess risk without forcing patients to label themselves. We can also change the cultural assumptions about bisexuality, both among the straight majority and among fellow members of the LGBT+ community. Allies and advocates can help raise awareness of these health effects and call out biphobia when they see it. Earlier efforts to combat biphobia are working; younger people are much more accepting of bisexuals than older generations. The “B” in LGBT+ deserves to be celebrated and honored. This Saturday at Pride, we can all stand against biphobia and start improving the health of bisexual people.
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tetsunabouquet · 10 months
Vert's Psyche Headcanon
A/N: Now, this is my first headcanon for the HDN franchise, and we're starting with Vert because I feel like she's the most misunderstood character from the franchise.
-I'm going to start with the criticism of some of the fans, who I feel like misunderstand Vert. First of all, she's not a pedophile. The only character she canonically had romantic feelings for is IF who's an adult. I feel like, her sexuality which is either lesbian or bisexual, is getting mixed up with her current mental health issues that were caused by the introduction of CPU candidates. -Yes, she has been suffering from mental health issues, I find it easy to see why Vert changed from being the most hardworking and responsible goddess, into one that's slacking almost so bad as Neptune and seems even more disinterested in actually being the CPU. -We know she won't be getting a sister because the XBOX has no handheld console, but Vert doesn't. In-universe, Vert doesn't has a sister because the public wasn't satisfied enough to create a share-boom that birthes a sister. Just think of what it would mean, for the most hardworking and dedicated CPU to never actually please her people. No matter how hard Vert works, she's never good enough for the people in Leanbox in-universe. It definitely left her heartbroken. -Just think about how difficult being a CPU is for Vert, on the long run. She's immortal, her people aren't. So far, the only Oracle who's actually been confirmed to be immortal like the CPUs is Histoire, we don't know anything about the actual nature of the other three Oracles. If Chika is human, then Vert is the only immortal being in her country. She's the only one who always sees people dying whilst she never ages a day, she's all alone and she is the founding CPU of her nation unlike Neptune who could at least rely on her predecessors to oversee the building of morbid places like cementeries. Vert had to do all of that, all alone as the sole immortal of her country. Whilst everyone else has siblings, and Planeptune also has Histoire. After a while, this loneliness and the rejection from her people really dug it's way into her psyche. -This is why her gaming addiction, which started somewhat innocent but not too serious prior to the introduction of the sisters, completely spiralled out of control. She's grown to develop depression, that she masks through her gaming addiction, using it as escapism. -I feel like this also plays into her dream, of Vert's sisters being Vert herself and how she actually would like to be a younger sibling. She desperately wants someone to be there to help her and take care of her like Neptune has Nepgear. She doesn't wants to be the CPU or the oldest all the time anymore, she's fed up with always working hard but getting no rewards or appreciation for it. -This is also why Nepgear is her favorite CPU candidate, because she is exactly the kind of little sister she wants: One responsible and reliable enough she can lean on. -This why her banter with Blanc got even worse. Vert is just as hurt and insecure about not having any sibling where Blanc is the only CPU who has TWO, as Blanc is about her body image. Vert's pain is just made fun of so much and body image is such a common struggle that Vert's pain doesn't seems as serious in comparison. -What Vert really wants, is to just feel good enough for her people, and not to be alone in the face of eternity. -But because she's in such a dark place, all of her feelings are muddled and confused, and she crosses the line between appropriate behavior towards the sisters as a result, but I feel like therapy and actually getting a sister would bring her to her senses and the CPU she was in the Super Dimension. -I feel like a more feisty version of Nepgear would suit Vert, this woman should get a sister who clearly reminds Vert what boundaries are supposed to be, but will love her big sister with all of her heart and fight for Vert because only she's allowed to be mean to her big sister. Her acting protective will bring Vert to tears. I've mentioned the Vampire Knight fandom several times on my fandom, and I'm imagening a dynamic between Vert and her sister similar to Yuki and Headmaster Cross, with Headmaster Cross obviously being Vert.
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theklaapologist · 11 months
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No worries! I thought that you probably meant them as the characters you were an expert on (instead of tagging for the person your rbd from) so I wanted to know 👀
Ty for telling me about your characters! I haven't played the game or watched the shows your characters were from, but I am intrigued by the fact your second one (Korekiyo) is misunderstood by the fandom *because* ppl won't acknowledge he is a creep. I looked him up on the wiki and...how do other ppl miss this? Maybe it was because the wiki seemed to outline his crimes and behaviors so it seemed more clear? Or are the murders and behaviors normal for the setting of the game and this is why ppl overlook it?
(I hope you don't mind me invading your ask box, I am still at post limit 🙏💜)
People dont get the fact that Korekiyo was a creep because they decided to blame the incest solely on the sister. Now I genuinely dont mind this take cause it could be interesting and frightening on its own BUT during the entire time, from the moment he opens his mouth, we can tell that this guy is weird yk??? Weird and obsessive and delusional while also somehow being very self-aware and grounded. And I think it would be much more on spot for his character (considering how hes literally the ult anthropologist, ugh when my turn) to have the incest be consensual. Anyway justice for my girl sister and her amazing ghost titties <333
The in game murders are completely normal so yeah they are kinda overlooked BUT the other murders not so much so the fandom also blames them on his sister cause long story short she had no friends and died lonely o he killed girls to give her a huge friend group. 10/10 would let him kill me for her. Anyway again the fandom decided to blame her for the murders cause their sweet innocent bean would never hurt a fly.
also hold on cause i think i misread the post, wdym the person I reblogged this from ijhgghjuhgvhuhghu im so sorry mate holy shit. I think youre an expert on Laito from diabolic lovers, Yuuku from that other detective anime and I genuinely think you would be an expert on Mark Renton (dk of you've read the books tho uwu)
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philiproy1 · 4 months
Unlocking the Power Within: Hypnoclarity's Hypnotherapy Services in Salt Lake City
In the fast-paced world we live in, the need for mental well-being has become more crucial than ever. For those seeking a transformative journey within their minds, Hypnoclarity's Hypnotherapy Services in Salt Lake City offer a unique and empowering experience. This blog post delves into the realm of hypnotherapy, exploring the benefits of this holistic approach and why Hypnoclarity stands out as the go-to destination for hypnotherapy in Salt Lake City.
The Search for a Hypnosis Therapist Near Me:
Embarking on a journey of self-discovery often begins with a simple search for a "hypnosis therapist near me." Hypnoclarity understands the significance of finding the right therapist, one who not only possesses the necessary expertise but also fosters a trusting and supportive environment for clients.
Understanding Hypnotherapy:
Hypnotherapy, often misunderstood, is a therapeutic technique that leverages the power of suggestion and focused attention to induce a state of heightened consciousness, known as hypnosis. In this altered state, the mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions, allowing individuals to explore and address underlying issues, habits, and emotions.
Tailored Hypnotherapy Services:
What sets Hypnoclarity apart is its commitment to providing tailored hypnotherapy services. Recognizing that each individual is unique, their team of skilled hypnotherapists crafts personalized sessions to address specific concerns, be it stress, anxiety, phobias, or habits like smoking or overeating. This personalized approach ensures that clients receive the maximum benefit from their sessions.
Holistic Approach to Mental Wellness:
Hypnoclarity believes in a holistic approach to mental wellness. Rather than focusing solely on symptom relief, their hypnotherapy services aim to uncover the root causes of issues, promoting lasting change from within. By addressing the subconscious mind, clients can experience profound shifts in thought patterns and behaviors, leading to sustainable well-being.
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The success of any hypnotherapy session hinges on the expertise of the therapist. Hypnoclarity takes pride in its team of professional and experienced hypnotherapists who undergo rigorous training and continuous education. This ensures that clients receive the highest standard of care, fostering a safe and supportive environment for their transformative journey.
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In the realm of mental well-being, Hypnoclarity's Hypnotherapy Services in Salt Lake City stand as a beacon of hope and empowerment. From the initial search for a "hypnosis therapist near me" to experiencing personalized, holistic sessions, clients are guided on a transformative journey that unlocks the untapped potential of their minds.
For those seeking hypnotherapy in Salt Lake City, Hypnoclarity emerges as the premier choice. With its commitment to personalized care, a holistic approach to mental wellness, and a team of professional hypnotherapists, Hypnoclarity is set to provide unparalleled hypnotherapy services. Empower your mind and transform your life with Hypnoclarity's hypnotherapy in Salt Lake City – where the journey to self-discovery begins.
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dogwatersoda · 2 years
I'm curious, if you dont mind me asking, why do you associate Tobias with the Frankenstein’s monster entity?
I have been thinking of this constantly since it has been ask on how I could word this bc!!!! essay time (even though it’s more so random thoughts and observations thrown together) babey
Tobias and FM/Frankenstein’s Monster (Who I will switch among referring to as either FM or Adam)
Both contain themes of isolation, misunderstandment, fear, and estrangement/unhealthy relationships with their fathers/creators. Which result in violent behaviors.
Tobias and FM both have to teach themselves how to interact with the outsiders/humankind.
Both Victor and Lucas loathe their children (the first dedicating his life to kill his)
And the thing that they fear is neither Tobi’s or Adam’s fault. Victor literally created and built Adam (I actually have a little theory on Victor’s fascination with bringing something back to life but that’s for another post], and [from what I’ve interpreted/understood so far] Lucas hands Tobias over to Mr. Edburt for some exchange or something. Neither FM or Tobias could consent to any of this whatsoever.
(I can’t remember where I heard this but if I recall correctly doesn’t future/older Tobias try to kill his mother so that he could have the sole attention of his father without any distractions? If that’s true, then both Tobias and FM have either attempted or succeeded in killing their fathers’ spouses)
Also Adam has both killed a kid and saved the life of another and Tobias attempted to save someone and kill another (again) so
Adam and Tobi both lament their existence and speak in a more eloquent manner (although for the previous, it’s because of time-period the story was written in, while the latter adds to the character).
They both end up feared, misunderstood, and rejected by those around him {For Tobias, Ghost Eyes solely.} (Assuming his other siblings [minus Mattias] reject him like in Finger Game)
Minus the parallels between FM/Adam and Tobias and solely onto the other stuff.
There’s a common trope/gag with FM-inspired entities is how occasionally their limbs fall off and they have to re-stitch it again over and over reminds of Tobias. He has to deal with the torment of his Father and Mr Edburt and then it doesn’t get easier from there. Even when/after he falls apart, he tries to stay together and push on to be strong. (Because of this and his love of porcelain dolls, I also associate Tobias with broken/cracked porcelain dolls, as well as haunted/possessed ones)
FM-inspired entities are also built and Tobias was although built together in a more metaphorical/mental way. Tobias’s mindset/nature has been built and sculpted by his environment, his father and his treatment definitely having a major impact on that.
Anyways they have a lot of similarities/parallels and those are the majority of the reasons that Frankenstein’s Monster or FM-inspired entities remind me of Tobias Schneien.
I hope this was this wasn’t too incoherent or too long and sorry for taking a tad bit to respond, have been thinking of all the reasons and parallels to both the original Frankenstein and Ghost Eyes/Cards and how to put them properly into words. If this is completely incomprehensible, I am much willing to retype and reword this for easier comprehension and if you’d like any other clarification, more discussion, any questions, or whatever feel free to ask me :-) :-)
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