#because they get left behind for reasons
samsspambox · 2 years
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im so sad idk if this'll make sense inside the fic,,, WAAAA
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americankimchi · 2 months
god i wish they hadn't retconned maul's death. i get wanting to explore more of his character because he was, objectively, one of the coolest star wars characters to ever hit the big screen and didn't get much screentime prior to his death, but also his role was fulfilled perfectly within those constraints so i wasn't too upset by it.
but by retconning it and making it so he never died it's like. okay. what now? the whole point (well, to me, ymmv of course) of the theed generator fight was that it was the first ever fight between the jedi and the sith in thousands of years, and that in the end even though the jedi (obi-wan) won the fight, a jedi (qui-gon) and a sith (maul) still died. a master and an apprentice dying together to herald the start of a new age/the return of the sith. perfectly paralleling the way in rotj a master (palps) and an apprentice (anakin/vader) died together to herald the return of the jedi. in both instances, a father figure (qui-gon/vader) dies in the arms of their son (obi-wan/luke) as a sith (palps/maul) is cast down into the abyss to their deaths. (palps being alive in the ST and retconning his death in rotj is also annoying for this reason)
i mean i like maul. don't get me wrong. he's an incredibly compelling character and i enjoy seeing more of him... but there's always the thought hovering in my mind like "he should be dead though. he should 100% be dead. this wouldn't be happening if he was dead, but i honestly would rather it not if it meant that maul was dead."
like the tpm fight just doesn't hit the same knowing that canonically he's just. going to become a robot octopus at some point. (shoutout to palps becoming sith glados in the ST) it cheapens the moment for me. it was supposed to be a moment of triumph marred by the deep and soul-crushing loss of a loved one and it's just... not, anymore. or at least not to the same extent. AUGH i'm just. frustrated. wish star wars as a whole wasn't constantly reframing/retconning what's been established. just puts a bad taste in my mouth.
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worstloki · 1 year
people just ignore Thor was a feral child, huh? like his life goal was probably to demolish another race at age 12 and he was probably begging to go to war and attempted to murder their father for not letting him via telepathy that he didn't have.
#people are like ''loki stabbed thor at age 8'' like im sorry but thor is older and im pretty sure he would've given loki the knife#Frigga was probably like ohhh you can wage war when your brother is old enough to go with you. can't let you two go alone!#and Thor naturally was like ''ok. i will Arm the Child''#like for SURE Thor was the kid eating dirt while Loki just sat next to him looking very confused about it#Thor: Father said we are Part of Asgard and need to Eat To Grow and then one day will be Big Enough to Fight !#he tries to feed Loki the dirt so he'll grow up quicker too but Loki starts crying and now Thor's forgotten about it and trying to calm him#Thor like no no don't cry i'll find us something else to get big with :(#carries him away and gets dirt all over them both because his hands were still dirty#fast forward the bros are sitting on the ground under a table monching on lemon cakes (or whatever) absolutely COVERED in dirt#they have left a dirt trail behind them so their hiding spot won't be effective for long#and also Thor doesn't think voices should get across what is clearly a sturdy table cloth so he's not sure how they were 'discovered'#Frigga: you cannot get dirty and go in the kitchens#Thor: LOKI WAS SAD. AND WE NEED SUSTAINENCE TO GROW MOTHER. WE MUST FEED.#Frigga: -_-''#(Loki is still munching on a lemon tart. the same one despite the room change because he's eating it slowly while Thor reasons with Frigga)#(half of the words anyone is saying go over his head but he is enjoying the expressions being made)
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palossssssand · 5 months
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A short comic about Denchu, the last of the squad members who stayed behind in the domes, and Kanu, who went to the surface in search of the ones who went missing.
Text below in case my handwriting isn’t very legible!
Denchu: Please please please go through…
D: …
Kanu: zzzt…Denchu?
D: Kanu…!! Oh thank cod-
K: Perfect timing! I have something good to show, er, tell you!
D: -sniff- Oh yeah? Tell me all about it…How have you been? What’s new?
K: I just finished putting up my storefront sign!
D: Really?! That’s so great!! So, money hasn’t been too tight?
K: Nah, the folks here have been helpin’ me out. It’s been pretty smooth sailing.
D: I see. Seems like you’ve been doing well.
K: Yup.
K: And also! My beard’s finally coming in!
D: Aaah what!!! I’ll bet it’s soo cute…What I’d give to see you right now…
K: So, how about you? Still hangin’ in there?
D: Mm. Well, it’s been okay…
D: You have no idea how many times I’ve had to fix this thing.
K: Like…10?
D: More like 20. The damn parts are so fiddly.
K: Yeesh!
D: I don’t get that much time to work on this, y’know. I’m surprised it even went through.
K: Well, you know me. I fix mine up every now and then. I think I know how.
D: How’s the search for Kinoga, Trito, and Agara?
K: …
D: …Kanu?
K: Well, I haven’t seen or heard anything. I promise I have been keeping my eyes out, but, y’know, I’ve been so busy with the shop stuff-and I’m still workin’ on the new arm…so…
D: …Kanu…
D: You can’t go forgetting why you’re up there. They’re important to you, to us. If we don’t find out what happened…then…then.
K: …I know. Sorry, Denchu.
K: I wish you could come see…It’s been so nice up here, I mean, I think you’d love it-
D: Kanu.
K: Maybe you should join me and we can look together-
D: Kanu. I can’t.
D: I have to be here in case they come back. Or else there won’t be anything for them to come back to, okay?
D: Even if they don’t…I have to hope that they might.
D: I don’t get it, Kanu. It’s unlike them to just. Leave. Something must have *happened*.
D: It’s so lonely…I miss everyone so much…I don’t know how much longer I can hold out…
K: Denchu…you’d better not be crying again…I’m gonna feel bad about not being there to comfort you.
D: Well, I am…I can’t help it…-sniff-
D: Nobody higher up wants to listen to me…or investigate…and I know something’s wrong and…and…
D: I can’t do anything about it…!!
D: I feel like it’a a miracle that I’m even talking to you right now.
D: …Sorry.
K: It’s okay, Denchu.
D: I just…I missed hearing your voice. I don’t know when I’ll get to hearing it again.
K: Though, if it’s in a few months, it might get deeper again.
D: Kanu!
K: What! It’s true!
D: Ha ha ha
K: Oop. I’ve just got a shipment of new parts. I gotta go
D: Aw…
D: Okay…Well…I’ll talk to you hopefully soon. I’ll miss you.
K: Okay. Love you.
D: Love you too.
D: And…if you feel like you don’t know what to do…you know where I’ll be.
D: …
D: How am I supposed to leave the only thing I’ve ever known?
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
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Every time I draw Mamagi it does AoE damage (I am also in the area of effect)
Lighthearted bonus:
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#enstars#hiiro amagi#rinne amagi#i don't know if this is a bad time to be amagi-posting given that hiiro's fs2 just dropped but. oh well#also this might be the last thing i draw for a bit because i am in the final stretch of this semester#if you sent in a request. i will get to it and thank you for your patience#anyways i know i'm kinda being like 'haha rinne mama's boy' which like. yeah but also sometimes--#--sometimes you're an adult in their 20s and like. yeah sure you're technically an adult or whatever but you still feel like a kid yeah?#and sometimes you just maybe want your mom to help you when you're lost or confused or when you need someone to tell you it'll be okay#but you won't get that for whatever reason#sincerely: an adult in their 20s#....can you tell why rinne is like. a vibe to me now#anyways i'm not saying mamagi dying was a necessary evil but if hiiro and rinne had an adult who actually loved them at home they probably-#-wouldn't have left and we wouldn't have the main story#if she was alive today tho she'd be going to their lives sorry i don't make the rules (yes i do)#if she ends up being exactly like the rest of their village in some future lore i'm gonna be so sad.#she'd throw hands with niki's parents#imagine leaving your sons behind because you straight up died (couldn't really do anything about that)#meanwhile your son's boyfriend's parents just. up and left him because they could#also posts with her will be tagged mamagi#if you read all that <3#mamagi#she'd adopt all the bees and alkaloid too#imagine if they got their singing skills from her#also mamagi 1 rinniki shipper (also does not care it's not legal)#rinniki
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vicontheinternet · 11 days
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You should’ve see my face when I read ‘feminine’. This is why you will never get me to join that fandom. Do they not know that Shonda Rhimes is a BLACK woman who has made it her mission to be the sole reason why loving v Virgina doesn’t get overturned that woman lovers her a swirl. You’re not going to get a same race relationship out of her for main character. Also Micheal is John’s cousin why would he be white.
And let me stick this one here talking shit about this fandom I’ll drop this screenshot here. Let’s not try to remember what twitter thread or tweet this was from it’s two years old. Saying that Simon was a dark skin lead is crazy and they knew that not what op meant by dark skin women
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#anti bridgerton#anti bridgerton fans#bridgerton#fandom racism#don’t read to much into to the tags#and ppl wonder why rege jean page left and won’t come back hell marina left because she had to put herself in a mental hospital#but this is the fandom she cultivated and wanted ig#if she wanted a more ‘tame’ fanbase she would’ve adapted a regency era book from a black author not one that was racist#but then again she did create greys anatomy and we all know how that fandom is#they wanna say the quiet part out loud with tiptoeing around so bad#every regency era show with black fans are racist because the buccaneers ppl hate alisha bø’s character for breathing#and someone on tiktok just abt called the mixed dude a slur and told the main character to go with theo so she could live a fantasy#remember when ruby baker (marina) said that the ppl behind the show did nothing to protect amongst other things#and ppl said she was being ungrateful and were chewing her up unintentionally proving her point#you can only see ppl calling and being excited for you characters to die of suicide for so long before it gets to you#remember when ppl were arguing with ppl who said it would be in bad taste to kill off marina via suicide#when her actor was going through mental health struggles then those same ppl when they found out she was leaving#got excited because it meant that the show was sticking to the book and going to kill her off even tho she left for mental health reasons#possibly brought on by this horrible fandom
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mistninja · 1 month
Fitz's performance as a father for his daughters vs his performance as a father to hap
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loptrcoptr · 6 months
Just finished s4 ep 12 of moonlighting and like. I know I say something along these lines after every single episode of this show but what in the cinnamon toasted fuck was that
Never in my life have I sympathized with any human beings more than I sympathize with the folks who watched this shit in real time in 1987 and had to endure this jack fuckery. I literally cannot imagine the screaming I would have done if my ass had waited around through weeks of reruns for stunts like this. Any of yall who did this the first time around are my heroes because I am losing my will over here holy god. Did you break your tv sets? Rip up the tv guide? I felt the ghost of Rage Quitting past as soon as the episode ended like it was imprinted onto the reels from y’all’s original agony lmfao
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thaliagrayce · 10 months
just saw the barbie movie and honestly i can't believe there aren't more posts about Gloria??? like i understand that it was The Barbie Movie and Barbie is the main character and it's About Her, but it's only about her because it's actually deep down about Gloria
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fragmentedblade · 5 months
Also, Ruan Mei was the one who lent the Phase Flame to Ratio, wasn't she?
#That Ratio and her were working together seemed to be the case since we first found him but idk#Ruan Mei plays dumb when we ask about him but I thought it was clear that she did know him#Herta also pretends she doesn't know him for some reason#cringefail acquaintance#Jokes aside I wonder why they did that. Is it because they both are ehm working behind each other's back#(Herta when it comes to the IPC‚ the SU and the bet‚ Ruan Mei kind of with everything)‚ or is it due to some other more complex reason?#Based on we've seen thus far I do think Ratio and Ruan Mei were working together in something#and that she was in the known of at least some things. Perhaps not everything#She seems to care about things beyond her research even less than Herta does#But given what we're told it seems fair to conclude the fire Ratio had was given to him by Ruan Mei#Herta said Ruan Mei needed it for some research. So either she didn't need it anymore and didn't mind giving it to Ratio afterwards#or maybe what Ratio was doing was something she was a part of. Or did Ratio steal it when he was around the seclusion zone?#I'm not inclined to think that tbh it seems to me Ruan Mei must have been knowingly implied. Yet now she owes Herta a favour#Which is more valuable according to Herta. This quest has left me very curious about the development of all this#Screwllum suspected Ratio since the beginning. I wonder if he suspects Ruan Mei too#Ruan Mei's line about Screwllum makes it seem like they don't get along too well I think. I have so many questions xD#I am very curious about all this‚ satisfied and potentially excited. Not yet excited but I sure have hopes for an exciting development haha#Maybe it will all end up being nothing but the relationships between the characters in the Genius Society (especially these three)#seems kind of messy and that intrigues me. The relationship the three of them have with Ratio seems intriguing too#Any iteration of these dynamics seems to be very interesting#Maybe it will all end up being nothing or I may be misreading or seeing more than there is but I am looking forwards to knowing more#I talk too much#Traces
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dayurno · 8 months
No but for real do you think Jean blamed Kevin for leaving him at the Nest?
(being held at gunpoint) ok ok ok ok ill answer officer please
i dont think jean necessarily blames kevin for anything thats happened in the nest, but he's still just a person after all. in such a harsh environment and suddenly alone after hanging so much of his sanity on kevin and their friendship, of course jean resents him for leaving; he doesn't have the time nor the space to process the feeling of loss in any other meaningful way.
but! i think after he is no longer in such peril and can think clearly, jean learns to be angry at the world again. the realization that the anger towards the nest riko beat out of him was actually Rightful and Just like the sword of an angel will also bring the logical explanation that kevin was in no more control than he himself was, and that ultimately it was not his fault. i believe the pain of abandonment for jean comes from a much deeper place though, and that will be something that creates a rift between them even if jean doesn't blame kevin anymore; kevin, because he is too afraid of jean hating him to actually allow them to interact again, and jean, because kevin's avoidance of him makes him angry when he was prepared to absolve kevin of guilt in the first place
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worstloki · 1 month
Jujutsu Kaisen asks many important questions such as: mentally healthy daughters that are happy but racist OR son that isn’t racist but is so mentally unwell he rarely smiles and has no will to live
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
I always find Majima and his time in the hostess business really interesting and sweet- Caring about those girls and bonding with them seemed to come quite naturally to Majima. A lot of them seemed to understand him more than he expected them to, they actually felt safe and comfortable around the scary, one eyed yakuza and it's just a really sweet, underrated part of Majima. Yes he was still gruff and rude but generally he was an extremely understanding and good boss to them.
When Goromi says on her hostess date with Kiryu "It wasn't in my nature to use ladies as a source of income." always stood out to me as well. Like his relationship to women in general is always interesting, especially if you don't consider Majima as cis- but I genuinely think he had to leave the hostess business behind because he truly had such a soft spots for those girls and beyond his feeling like he was "using" them to some degree (even though characters like Yuki show that it really was her passion and she missed Majima when he disappeared, once again he always assumes he's a negaive influence) I think it was something that left him vulnerable. So he once again walked away and Ugh... Majima...
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mwagneto · 9 months
okay google how do i move out of eastern europe but stay in the eu but go somewhere i speak the language but somewhere that has healthcare and somewhere where i dont need to become a construction worker and also somewhere that is not germany. thanks
#i wanna go to aotearoa I've always wanted to but it's so FAR AWAY. also i need somewhere cold also i#love authentic gothic buildings too much to leave europe. but omfggggg#like it's truly so. i dont want to move somewhere where english isnt a main language but the#uk is out and ireland is unlikely and canada is just somewhat nicer french usa and nz is 4 days travel away. blows up#whatever i have 4 semesters of uni left to think about it. it just feels like im#hurtling full speed at the inevitability of living the rest of my life in Germany#i dont want to live in germany idek why but im sooo. like omg nooo 😭😭😭#partly because it's such a cliché but also coz it's such a vacation country for me like we#went there for vacation like. unironically at least 3 times every single year#insert joke abt *getting back at the 10000000000 german tourists that come to hungary every day* that I'm too sleepy to make#it's so . like i used to have a specific goal in mind (uk ☹️) but then SOMEONE had to go and leave the eu#and also the uk sucks fat shit like csöbörből vödörbe omg. but now i have no#real goal so im just drifting w the vague knowledge that any second now I'll have to pack all my#shit up and escape before it's too late. but where 😀😀😀#i have no qualms abt leaving my f*mily behind but I'll miss budapest#and if i left Europe I'd miss it too especially coz even canada feels really far let alone nz which yknow. 3-4 days of travel#it's the lack of goals that's killing me like OMFGG HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK HARD AND#STRIVE FOR SMTG WHEN I HAVE NOTHING SPECIFIC IN MIND...#i mean ''get the fuck out'' is something but it's not Enough. i need to be insane about a#place that's accessible. all the cities/locations im crazy about are inaccessible for one reason or another#bristol and wales are in the uk. nz is on the exact opposite side of the planet. life so sad.#canada is the most likely one honestly but like omgggg. godddddjfdnffnfjfmmf#they should invent a budapest that's not in hungary. they should invent a hungary that isn't comically awful#barking#ok to rb#eastern europe#like im fluent in 3 languages and i can get by in like 10 other ones i Could brush up on any language relatively quickly if it came to that#but it's like. 1. I'd have to pick a location 2. learning a new language also means#getting an entire new personality as well which yknow. idk if i have the capacity for another one rn#i should just become fluent in the ones im somewhat good at but idk which to pick
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cluescorner · 3 months
Started crying over the Batman Beyond Animated Movie concept art. I am so normal.
#do they want my left or right kidney? they can have that one and my appendix as I don't need those to survive#I'm saving my uterus for Silksong if it needs more funding. I'm not gonna use it so might as well.#/j#about selling my organs not about crying over Batman Beyond Animated Movie#I think a Batman Beyond Animated Movie could fix me. Or make me even more autistic about it. probably both.#Batman Beyond is what got me into Batman. it was the only Batman related thing my library had and I thought it looked cool#so I would just watch Batman Beyond for like 5 hours minimum every day during my surgery recovery#so if you're wondering why I am like this...that's why. Batman Beyond did it. it's still my comfort media and i always go back to it#THAT ONE IMAGE OF INQUE CHASING TERRY?? OH MY GOD IT'S SO GORGEOUS#oh my god I am so ordinary and neurotypical#THE FUCKING PRODUCTION DESIGN GUY ON SPIDERVERSE POSTED THEM??#sav eme Batman Beyond Animated Movie#it will fix me I promise#if it is made I will forgive Bruce Timm for his weird thing for Batman x Batgirl.#SPIDERVERSE OF BATMAN MOVIES?? OH MY GOD#Derek Powers on my movie screen#THE SHIT THEY COULD DO WITH SHRIEK??? HOLY FUCK#I hope to god they still have the cold open on old-man Batman (world-weary and brittle-boned) almost shooting somebody in a panic#because THAT is the only compelling reason I have ever seen for Bruce leaving behind the mantle#I love content where its like 'oh when he gets older he becomes the Alfred to a new Batman' or 'he'll retire because Gotham will be better'#but I'll be honest. I do not think Bruce is capable of retirement. I do not think he would ever hang up the mantle willingly#unless he almost became the very kind of person who got his parents killed: a gun-wielding coward. the pain in his eyes.#I could see that. Bruce realizing that he is incapable of being Batman. That he will do more harm for Gotham than good.#if they don't want it to be the opener that's fine. but I want that damn scene.#ajdfl;dksajfl;kjdsfl;kadjskl;fjds Terry my friend Terry on my movie screen#I am going to explode
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I've been thinking about Drusilla cheating on Spike. I firmly believe that she loved him, so the explanation that she did it because she didn't care about him is not it for me. Now, I definitely don't think cheating is okay and what she did obviously hurt Spike. I just feel like there was some sort of a rationale behind it, it wasn't some random thing she did without any reason.
Since Drusilla was sired, she's always had her family (and everything else they are), the Whirlwind, with her. Angelus killed her human family but then she gained a new one, something she clearly cherished. At first it was her, Darla and Angelus and later she sired Spike.
Then, all of a sudden, Angelus is gone and some time after that Darla leaves as well. I believe Drusilla was definitely hurt by that but she and Spike still had each other.
In Sunnydale Drusilla unexpectedly get's Angelus back and is obviously happy about it. (Their relationship is a whole other topic.) It's her, Spike and Angelus together again but not for too long. After Spike's betrayal – because that's how I imagine she sees it – she loses Angelus again. (Which would hurt her regardless, but – their relationship being what it is – she's likely even more messed up about it.) However, I think Drusilla and Spike's relationship would have survived that situation and they would have stayed together.
But then she starts seeing the Slayer floating all around Spike and he's 'covered with her'. I feel like Drusilla can see at least pieces of where he's headed and she's heartbroken about it. She knows, sees, that they're not going to stay together even though nothing's actually happened yet.
That means Drusilla's going to be truly alone for the first time since she was sired. All of her loved ones are going to be actually gone from her life. At this point Darla's dead and – depending on how much Drusilla knows – Angelus is either dead or resouled. Spike's future leads away from her.
In my opinion, the knowledge that she's going to lose the last person remaining in her family, someone she truly loves, is too much for her and that's what drives her to cheat on Spike. Her family's broken and she's going to be on her own, abandoned. From her perspective, Spike is, in a way, already gone and she needs to figure out how to go on by herself. I also feel like maybe she finds someone first so that she can't be the one who's left behind, all alone.
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