#just luke and marius doing some stupid shit
samsspambox · 2 years
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im so sad idk if this'll make sense inside the fic,,, WAAAA
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yanderelucy2 · 2 years
Since I am currently on my period I have decided to do what Tears of Themis characters would do when you're on your period!!
Includes Artem, Luke, Vyn, Marius, Vincent, Kiki, and Darius!! These are all on romantic terms btw!
f!reader, I am not good at writing btw
!Might not be character accurate!
Artem Wing
He'd be so prepared and patient, kind, just exactly what you need. He will treat you as if you're sick with a cold or fever, he treats you like a princess when you're on your period, well even when you're not.
Any time he's confused he'll search the internet, but if he still doesn't get it he'll just ask Celestine straight up. It will be embarrassing for him, but out of love for you, he will do it.
Luke Pearce
He knows exactly what to do. Not. He does know the basics of like cramps and blood, but he doesn't understand the back pain, the issues with food, and all that. (I tend to throw up because of cramps, so I don't know how to write calmer cramps..)
He'll buy you supplies and buy you snacks, he'll be understanding if you're moody. He just wouldn't exactly understand how much pain you're in, if you throw up he'll make sure you're all cleaned up and that there's a space on his bed just for you to set up comfortably for a nap. Overall he tries his best and succeeds!
Vyn Ritcher
Knows a lot, he's a doctor for crying out loud. (Yes, I know he's a feelings doctor, but he still works with hospitals and has to study basic medicine) He has female patients, and he has doctor friends.
He knows all the possible outcomes that may appear, and he's very prepared. He'll let you lay in his bed all comfy and mopey, making you a nice snack with some warm tea. He'll probably just lay with you in bed and let you sleep in his arms.
Marius Von Hagen
Sadly I think he'd be too busy to physically take care of you, he'd love to but he just doesn't have time to until later on in the day. He would probably send Vincent to send you some things, and then later at night he'd sneak in and just sleep and cuddle you saying sorry.
If he did have a day off, he wouldn't be super prepared or anything he'd know of it and know what happens, he's not stupid. He just wouldn't get it kind of like Luke, but a little more oblivious. He didn't have a mom growing up and wasn't exactly people of the female sex so his knowledge comes from his dad and the internet. He would buy you chocolates like the internet says to do, and just try not to annoy you. He'd probably avoid you a bit to not annoy you until he realizes your personality doesn't change much except for just being a little ruder to inanimate objects. Overall a cute oblivious mess.
Vincent Kim
Since there isn't much info on his home life I don't know if he has a motherly figure.
He would know what to do and be very responsible when doing it, Marius would probably let him take some breaks when the times available for the two of you. Vincent would probably just check up on you every now and then like normally give you whatever you want and get back to work.
If you are having bad cramps or are getting moody at something he'd panic a little, but then just straight ask for you to tell him what to do. He wouldn't want to bother you or do something wrong, I think he'd be so cute about it all too!!
Kiki Bennet
You and Kiki are synced two miserable messes. Overall though you two cuddle and make sure the both of you are okay. Instead of Kiki taking care of you, you end up taking care of her. She's moodier than you on her period, but just being with her helps ease all the pain away. She actually understands the pain and everything. You two watch whatever she wants to watch and you can sleep in her arms while she continues to watch.
Once you both are done with your periods though she always thinks back on how she acted and ends up feeling guilty and saying sorry.
Darius Morgan
He'd be very concerned and understanding, similar to Artem but a little more serious and spends less time with you. Since he's busy quite often there's not enough time for him to put as much effort and well time into you when you're in pain, so instead, he'll call you asking if you need anything and if you are okay.
If you say you miss him he'll try to finish work quicker and say he'll try to be home earlier, if you say you do want something from like the store or something he'll send one of the training officers or something to deliver it to you.
Sorry for not posting as frequently lately! Sorry, this is not well written either. I decided to try writing something including the side characters so I hope you guys enjoyed it!
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pastsaoi · 1 year
NXX Boys and Their Nintendo Ds Games
i recently started playing on my 2ds again and i was like. huh what games would these idiots play bc they never leave my head.
this is the stupidest idea ever but i had to do it it would not leave me alone all day
these are all games that ive played before and i think they'd enjoy But pls pls if u have other ideas Tell Me this is horribly niche but whatever
style savvy. i cannot say much more than this he would have Loved That Shit
Any Pokemon game. look me in the eye and tell me that marius von hagen does not have every single pokemon memorised
Mario Kart 7. i feel like he once spent 8 hours straight just playing mario kart
nintendogs. he would look after those dogs like his life depended on it they had The Best life ever and he would be so good at the tournaments
Ace Attorney. Detective shit yk!! its fun and stressful he'd like that
professor layton too. puzzles n stuff yk
Animal crossing bc him and rosa would play it together All the time their new leaf town was beautiful
Doctor Kawashima's Brain Training. do i need to explain
luke is the yo-kai watch kid to marius the pokemon kid. Arguments over which is better for sure
FIRE EMBLEM AWAKENING. just bc its one of my fav games and i feel like luke would also really like it
i was at first. tempted to leave this blank bc this guy would Not have had a ds However
any kind of picross game. a personal fav of mine and ik vyn would spend ages on these stupid puzzles. He'd be damn good as well, finish them in 20 seconds flat. sanrio picross is his fav
legend of zelda. idk why. i think he'd like the story and link. he has played them all
harvest moon. fun, relatively easy and not very stressful. chill down time game
Hatsune Miku Project Diva. here me out everyone needs at least one stressful game amongst the calm ones and this is his. he gets Intense
Tomodatchi Life. he would love those miis like his own family would try his hardest to make it a nice place for the miis to live. got stressed the first time some miis had kids
rune factory 4. great game. artem loves his farm. he loves all the characters and very much likes the story and vibe
magician's quest. MY FAV GAME. its like animal crossing but it at wizard school and its great artem has spent too long making his dorm look good. love all the characters. thinks its very silly and fun
Order Up. the necessary stress game but he loves it. restaurant and speed cooking.
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deeptrashwitch · 7 months
The second part! Introducing Lieutenant Luke Michaelis!
Lights, camera, action!
The beggining (part 2)
-Who's the first one?-asked Wraith looking at the Captain
Alicia gave the first archive to Dominique, smiling while the other woman read, as well thinking about the first specter.
Almost a month ago
At noon she arrived to Fort Jackson, where she planned a reunion with an old acquaintance to discuss about one of his soldiers, well, now is part of another team. Once she was there a soldier guide her to a conference room, and only seconds later a man entered, he was Drill Sergeant Marius Smith, who she met during an old exercise between Marines and Army. She smiled as they shook each other hands then dat down to talk, with the Drill Sergeant a bit more tense as the woman just looked at him without a word, analizing him.
-Well Marius, why ask me to come here? You know Fort Jackson isn't my favorite place-said with a chuckle
-I know that, really well-answerd him just smirking-but the word spread quickly among us, you are creating a team, aren't you?
-I have a guy you might like, an old recruit under my instruction, strong prick if you ask me
-I'm all ears
-The name's Luke Michaelis, came here to became a mechanic and work for us, and I have to tell you, he's real talented, a diamond in the rough
-Oh, that's new, are you praising a soldier? I'm curious
-Yeah well, he became a mechanic but also a Ranger, if you want and need someone who can be a lethal and cold motherfucker in the field but as well cover your six and take you out of any stupid shit you do, he's your boy-said camly-one of the best results I've seen on a physical test, good leader, can follow orders and is really assertive during missions. And this might interest you personally, Alicia, he's also a Lancero
-Is he?-asked trully surprised
-Affirmative, not so long ago he was recommended for the course and did it-said with a dry laugh-I'll tell you, that bastard is good, survived every goddamned thing the colombian army threw at him. Mountain? One of the best, jungle? Kept the pace, tactics? He might be as good as you are. Trust me, he's one of yours
-I'll talk with him, you picked my attention
-Good, and lucky for you, he's here today, if I have the time I'll introduce you
-You smug bastard...
Both of them laughed, but the woman was honestly interested in this guy after hearing a bit of him. Marius gave her the archive and guide her to one of the hangars while she was reading, smiling as she knew more. Once inside Smith whistle and from under a Humvee a man came out, curious as he saw his old Drill Sergeant and a unknown woman who looked at him with a smile.
He saw the rank of that woman, a Captain, so he stood up quickly and salute without thinking of his greased hands. Alicia laughed and walked towards him, giving the Lieutenant a handkerchief as she told him to rest, then taking a look of the Humvee. It was screwd up, but it doesn't seemed to matter to that Lieutenant as he was working on it, then she looked at him.
Luke had short red hair, brilliant green eyes and tanned skin, definitely he could have been a great actor if he wanted, with that face...he would have been the next Hollywood star. And yet here he was, a Ranger, but now what highlight of his face was a long scar that crossed his eye almost until reach his cheek. She smiled once more but remained silent.
Michaelis was analizing that woman as well, the black hair tied on a bun, the brown eyes filled of curiosity and steel, and the brown skin just cracked by her long scars. He noticed some distinctive features, she wasn't from the US, or if she was, her family weren't. The only thing he did was nod, cautious.
-Since I'm fucking busy with the recruits, I'll introduce you and get the hell out of here-said the Drill Sergeant
-Lieutenant Michaelis, she's the Captain Alicia Marchant, Captain Marchant, he's Lieutenant Luke Michaelis
After that the Drill Sergeant went back outside, shouting to the recruits, just leaving the other two inside without opportunity of saying anything.
-Fuckin' asshole-said both of them
They looked eachother and sighed.
-I'm sorry ma'am, as you can see I'm a bit busy-said Luke softly-can I help you with something?
-Don't worry about me, Lieutenant, if It's okay with you we can talk as you work on this
-That would be useful, thank you ma'am
The red-haired men went back to his work under the Humvee, at the same time Alicia just walk around for a little while. After a bit they were on a comfortable silence, but Alicia then decided it was time to talk with him.
-Lieutenant Luke Michaelis, born in Rochester, New York-recited as she watched the men work-joined the Army once you finished your degree in Mercy University. You're one of the best of your kind, an outstanding Ranger as your Drill Sergeant described you earlier
-Smith? Just out of curiosity, ma'am, was he stoned?-scoffed him-I seriously doubt he can say something good of someone
-I thought the same, when we trained together he was so sour
-¿You trained here, ma'am?
-Are you asking me if I'm a Ranger? Well, sorry to pop your bubble, I'm a Raider, just came once because of a joint exercise
-Ah, "the few, the proud", now that make me wonder what brings you here
-You, well, your habilities
-How come?
-There's a team, just created and I'm looking for amazing soldiers who can keep the pace
-What's the team name?
-Officially? Team Charlie
-And unofficially?
-Specters, the 75th Ranger Regiment Specters
-But you are a Raider
-I didn't named it, I just look for the talents-said as she shrugged-back to the point, I've heard about you, Michaelis, and what you are capable of. Crossed hell back and forth, earned being a special forces operator
-Don't we all?
-Ah, yes, but there are some reason why I wanted to talk with you
-May I ask which are those?
-Maybe I'll tell you one day, but for now I wanna offer you being part of the team
-As your secretary?
-As my right hand man, and my conscience
-I'm not sure you want me to be that
-I want you to call me out of the stupid shit I do, and I'll do the same if It's needed-continued with a laugh-we'll be the first two in the team, if something happens to me, you'll have complete authority to lead the team until I came back
-That's a leap of faith, just why?
-Call it a hunch
Luke chuckled but asked for some days to gave her an answer, to which she obliged and decided to go back. There was paperwork to be done. She took the archive with her as she get out of the hangar, but stopped by the entrance and smiled. Waited for a second and then giggled before knock on the metal door.
-I heard something else about you
-What is it?
-Lealtad, valor y sacrificio (loyalty, courage and sacrifice)-repeated in spanish the same way she did in that bridge long ago before letting herself fall into the river
A "thump" broke the silence followed of a lot of cursing before Luke came out again. He was surprised and he didn't even took care of the black spot of oil in his face, just smiling and laughing in disbelief. She showed the badge she always take with her during service, and he recognized instantly, the Lancero badge.
-You're one of them?! How?!
-Volunteered after the opportunity was given, you were recommended, weren't you?
-Most of us were
-Guessed it, anyhow, see you in a couple days! And clean your forehead!
After that she went back, nodding in Marcus' direction as a thank before smiling inside her car. Days later she got the response and by that moment she had the first member of the team, the Lieutenant, and the second in command.
Back into the present
As Dominique read the archive, Alicia smiled a bit and just nodded when the other woman made a sound of awe. She left the papers in a corner of her desk, feeling satisfied, it seemed Alicia had a good eye for these kind of people.
-He's a good one, I just have a question, why just introduce him officially now?
-You wanted me to made official his participation on the team without him and me trusting eachother? I don't think so
-And you trust him now?
Alicia shrugged without taking out her smile which made Wraith role her eyes, then she let the Captain go and as the woman walk down to the yard she looked at a message. The next one was in Norfolk and that one was the next stop, but she couldn't go alone. First she went to Luke's office and knocked to call his attention.
-Captain, what do you need?-asked him when looked at her
-Let's go, we need to get to Norfolk as fast as we can
-Huh, already have the next one, Captain?
-Yeah, but this time I need you to talk with him
-Why? Can't you talk with this guy?
-Negative, he doesn't...trust woman-said as his Lieutenant raised an eyebrow-for a good reason, Michaelis, for a good reason
-Alright, I'll go, who are we looking for?
-A medic, if we're gonna be the team I expect, we'll need a good medic or do you prefer to do the same we did in the Amazonas?
-Hell no!
Alicia laughed as she walked towards her car and Luke followed her muttering something, but saw the book in his bag. Good choice, it'll be a long trip. They wouldn't use the plane yet, for their own reasons, mostly phsycological. Soon enough they'll be able to go once again, but for now...they'll stick to car trip.
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actualbird · 2 years
nxx team at a sleepover low stakes all-nighter stakeout mission or something, bear with me, i just have thoughts on who would last longest in staying awake
this post started out as a joke and then turned into a found family feels fest. bon apple teeth!
wc: 1k
marius is awake nearly the entire time because this is usual shit for him
this mf sleeps 6-5 hours normally w only 5 minute naps in between, so hes been trained via his Hell Schedule for minimal sleep. 
this plus whatever stakes is going on for the stakeout basically ensures hes gonna last a long time. 
he’ll be the 4th to sleep, and if he had ever gone to a sleepover with friends when he was a kid (he hasnt, everybody either hated him or was using him, marius, how come every time u talk about ur childhood it makes me wanna cry?) he’d only pass out at like 4am because hes got a Lot of energy and needs to burn it all before sweet sweet unconsciousness hits him over the head.
artem is awake for a while as well because hes a caffeine addict who has regular insomnia problems 
he is 3rd to sleep, succumbing at around 3am. 
he honestly would have slept earlier but then marius, who was burning off his own energy by asking countless inane philosophical questions, had asked him one of those said inane philosophical questions
marius asks, “hey, do you think worms dream? do you think they wonder about their place in the grand scheme of things?” 
and those questions inexplicably send artem into a spiral of overthinking his place in the universe 
like oh god, do worms dream? do worms also worry constantly about how theyre existing and being fearful that tomorrow theyll make wormy mistakes thatll forever tarnish the record of their whole wormy lives?
when artem passes out, he dreams of cartoon worms in court. the worm judge, who has the voice of his father, says “court is now in session. all writhe.”
vyn is asleep by 8pm. end of sentence.
he is the 1st to sleep. he is not going to be participating in whatever kind of superiority of “ha, i stayed awake longest!” because he thinks thats stupid as hell and hes right, having a fucked up circadian rhythm is Not something to be bragging about. Get Help, People.
he tells mc to wake him up once hes needed or when something important happens and then he curls up into a sleeping bag and sleeps like a fucking rock
nothing is getting through to him the moment hes shut his eyes, with the caveat of mc’s order for him to get up, because for all of the rightful value vyn puts upon sleep, he is also rightfully whipped for her. if she says wake up, he’ll be doing it
doesnt mean he has to enjoy it, but he’ll do it
mc sleeps only after she makes luke PROMISE, CROSS HIS HEART to sleep at some point during all this and let somebody else take a shift
because luke “ive done a ton of stakeouts before, i dont need sleep!” pearce is hugely stressing her out. they will lightheartedly argue about this for HOURS until midnight when mc finally makes him promise. 
marius: oooooh, she got ya there buddy. you gonna break a promise?
artem: thats like breaking the law
luke: what? no it isnt
artem: it is for this situation. and the punishment will be severe
vyn, sleeptalking elegantly: life sentence....
mc: IVE GOT 3 //pauses to look at vyn and his questionable wakefulness. IVE GOT....2.5 WITNESSES. promise! and no breaking it!
luke: fiiiiiinnneeee >:/
so luke promises. That! Is! All!
and mc goes to sleep, the 2nd one of the group to fall asleep, w a smug smile on her face, very happy shes won a battle of Help Luke Not Be Too Much Of A Self Sacrificing Bastard
luke sleeps last, but this surprises him because he wasnt planning on “sleeping” at all 
and he’d like it on record he technically wasnt planning on breaking mc’s promise, he WAS gonna take like some uhhhh micronaps, shut his eyes for 3 minutes at a time. technically thats sleeping, right? so he hasnt broken the law-promise!
(if mc wasnt asleep and artem wasnt trapped in an absurdist worm legal drama dream, they wouldve ripped luke apart)
so hes up for the entire night, until everybodys fallen asleep, and he knows theyre all trying to help but he needs to keep them all safe. he needs to play the role of protector, and with everybody snoozing, the role is solely his
then vyn wakes up and luke is like What
luke: What. i thought you dont get up until the sun is up?
vyn, grumbling: usually, that’s true, but a certain somebody had advised me before all of this that you might be planning on playing arbitrary hero, and unlike you, i do keep my promises to her
marius: oooooohh, nice burn from vyn!
luke: why are YOU awake
marius: i had some of mc’s energy drinks awhile ago, and, in hindsight, that was a mistake! dude, check out how im shaking
luke: oh my god
marius: dyou think worms get the jitters as well?
artem: stop making me think about worms
luke: aaaaand youre awake too. uh you look a bit.....are you ok? 
artem, haunted: no. go to sleep. we’ll cover the rest of the night
and luke is just about to try and find a way out of once more but then mc, in her sleep, attacks luke w a sleepy koala hug. he is trapped. and
well, he cant help but feel all tired and sleepy when hes in her arms. he feels safe. he cant help it. 
mc, sleep mumbling: gotchaaaaa
luke, feeling so much love in his heart for her and also the others for teaming up for this: yeah, okay....you guys got me
luke’s final thought before sleep takes him is that maybe, in this team, they can take turns doing the protecting
bonus, after mc and luke are asleep
vyn: .....what were you saying about worms?
artem: please. please dont ask
marius: is it possible to have a seizure but in slow mo?
vyn: neither of you are healthy individuals
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sirius-lune · 3 years
TOT guys as Puppies/Doggos HC
Artem is quiet and barks when necessary. Cautious. Awkward. Really awkward af. Clumsy. Tries to jump from the sofa to the coffee console and falls into the gap instead. Whines q.q~ Didn't do that anymore after. Doesn't have the guts to ask for pats unless you give him. And see that tail wag for a few hours. Scratch his ears and all is good. Put him in front of the TV with exciting scenes playing and see this guy staring at it for hours. Can be left unsupervised. Typical good boy. But leave him in the open fields and he goes zoom when you throw a Frisbee. He disappears for a while before returning with the Frisbee and an extra stick. Barks at intruders, barks at Marius and Luke to shut them up. Also barks at Vyn because Vyn learns too many tricks and he dislikes that. 
Luke is a happy and super curious af puppy. With the little tongue sticking out and ears flicking. That tail is always wagging. Loves to follow you around like a shadow. Loves to steal snacks. Protective. Barks at any source of danger approaching you. Will bite them even. Sniffs at everything. Digs everywhere. Broke a glass by accident once and he hides under the table after you scolded him. You had to drag him out and give him a cuddle. Glares at the mirror (Tf that other pup is from? Ima fite that intruder!) and snarls at the reflection. Snuggles beside you when you sleep. Like Vyn he enjoys learning tricks. Loves running in garden mazes, dunk himself into the pool and chases after squirrels. 
Marius is the physically clingy and chaotic type. Haughty as well. Glares at his competitors. Bites them. Fights them. Fights with Luke all the time for your attention. Didn't dare to bite Vyn for some unknown reasons. Snobby toward Artem but Artem ignores him, which makes him even madder. Whines alot and do stupid shit for more attention. You wanted to scold him badly but could not bring yourself to do it because, that damn pitiful looking face, you just cannot. Whines more. Alright, you have lost. Now give him more treats and pats. He is all over the place and everywhere. Set him into the fields to play and he comes back with mud art all over his fur and the floors. Always busy, especially in trying to get your full attention. Loves belly rubs. Has tons of toys. Sleeps in others' beds.
While the wild hyperactive puppy vibes from Luke and Marius are evident, Vyn just sits at a side quietly and waits because he is not as hyperactive and demonic as his two little devilish counterparts and also not too overly reserved like Artem. When he is being noticed he will just put a paw on your knee and give you those irresistible puppy eyes. Give him a hug and see that tail spinning. Nuzzles you gently when you are down. Happy to perform tricks for you and be involved in your activities. Growls threateningly goes into a defensive stance in front of you at any source of danger coming at you. Doesn't bite in general but when he does, prepare to lose a limb. Quiet in general but very cuddly. Picks your slippers for you, picks up your newspaper and brings it to you without drooling over it. Loves baths and enjoys grooming, and tons of naps. Loves to take walks with you along the beach or in the gardens. 
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mariuscomehome · 3 years
//minor spoilers for marius character story chapter 2!!! and luke's chapter 2 as well oops
i was going to reblog this onto the moron post i made in the early hours of this morning but it quickly grew way beyond my original intentions, so im annexing it. i promise there's a funny conclusion just give it a little time !! why are there so many words ;-;
that post came about because i was thinking about nxx group dynamics, particularly marius (BIG SURPRISE LOL) and how from what we know of him he doesnt seem to have many close friends. if any. his schedule is incredibly packed from school, running pax, nxx investigations, and his own art, and we know he isn't getting enough sleep, (yknow what zak made a great post analyzing the boys schedules here ya go) to the point that he considers giving up art to make time for his other responsibilities. there's no way he has a social life - i'm sure he did, but it would have been the first thing to go, to make room for everything else in his life. every mention of him attending a social event, iirc, has been directly related to some kind of business venture or obligation, unless he's hanging out with mc, who seems to be the only person he's able (or willing) to make that kind of time for.
which is something he has in common with luke, it seems. lol.
back to marius. i need to do some more research on the timeline, but my understanding is that he was studying overseas and got called back when giann went missing, one or two years ago? to run pax. (which is the official story, more likely to me is that it was completely voluntary as he wanted to look into his brother's disappearance - was he involved with the nxx before then? had he already met artem and vyn, or no? if anyone knows the answers to these questions please please tell me). so in all likelihood he's left his entire social circle in florence, come back to hang out in an office all day, and then go sit in a meeting with vyn, his tutor, and artem, who is eight years older than him. i'm sure normally they get along just fine, but when does marius get to be a kid? when does he mess around with people his own age? he doesnt.
enter mc, who is much closer to him in age, and who he doesn't hesitate to joke around with. she must be a huge relief to him. and he met her right before being accused of murder. can he not rest??
pivot. we're talking about luke now. it goes without saying that luke is, has been, and will be going through some pretty heavy shit, and mc is simultaneously a huge reprieve from that and a bludgeon that he uses to destroy himself emotionally at every single opportunity. the whiplash is insane he's like "haha this is great i'm in love with you and you are my best friend and i am going to die forever changing the trajectory of your life, hurting you and that's unforgivable and i should stay away from you but i can't because i'm a terrible selfish person- haha what's that? no i'm fine! how are you?" i hate him.
yeah so then it's like when does luke get a break? huh? we know he has aaron, who is really good for him and helping him work through his stuff, but his stuff is irreparably tied to his complex feelings about mc and his own mortality etc, etc, and also aaron is literally his doctor. every single one of their conversations is like "luke, try harder" "no. im gonna die soon." "you will with that attitude i will FIX YOU MYSELF, STOP BEING LIKE THIS." "..... still got that expiry date tho" like even the person who is arguably the best for luke's mental state, actually understands what is going on with him and is actively trying to help him at every opportunity to the point of literally robbing him and sending him on a.. scavenger hunt.... aaron what are you doing
luke literally cannot escape his issues. marius cannot escape his work. i think they should, (after spending enough time around each other to kind of figure each other out, become immune to the other's specific brand of annoying, stop being jealous at how effortlessly close the other is to mc- look it might take a little time) be friends, and find that kind of respite in each other, where their other obligations just aren't even relevant and they can just kind of let the facade fall away and do whatever. they're closer in age and they both need more time to be young and impulsive and have other people who they can do that with.
i think they should be stupid young men who do stupid things. they roughhouse. they both like... extreme sports? i think? they drink together. marius, who knows the perfect amount of wine to drink to get just tipsy enough at a work function. luke, who knows where to buy the best, cheapest beer. swapping beverages and immediately getting piss drunk and calling mc together to tell her that shes missing out, she should have come with them, boo, and its four in the morning and she only picks up because she woke up early to add six pages to a report thats due on artems desk at seven, and she still pretends to get annoyed at them but shes really just happy to see them getting along.
vyn, luke, and marius being left alone in the nxx meeting room for some reason. by the end of it, the table is broken clean in two. luke and marius both blame vyn, who asserts that he never touched that table, but doesn't directly disagree with them and offers to buy a new one. (HE'S SO OMINOUS....)
the new table has wheels so when marius and mc get to a meeting early, he tries to lean on it while he's flirting and ends up on his ass. he sprawls out on the floor and tries to keep going as though this was totally intentional (because mc is laughing and its worth it), but of course luke walks in and he gets soooo embarrassed.
let them be morons!!!
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actualbird · 2 years
each nxx boy was Not Like The Other Kids back in elementary to middle school but for like, wildly different reasons
wc: 889
luke pearce: there is a violence in this child somehow
luke is a very much friendly boy but his main issue is that hes ridiculously codependent on mc. one time in middle school she was absent and at home resting off a bad flu and luke looked like he wanted to set the world on fire because how DARE GERMS DO THIS TO HER!!
he also keeps getting his face busted up somehow, it's because he does stupid shit like jump over 4 steps on the stairs at once or he wanted to do a sick wheelie on his bicycle. but the other kids dont know that, they assume he fights bears on the weekends because sometimes luke can get Scary at the drop of a hat, usually when somebody is dumb enough to insult or bully mc, and the nature of kids is to blow everything out of proportion. i heard luke pearce created a hole in the ozone layer. i heard he killed a man with THAT THUMB!
teachers pick up on that hidden energy beneath his straight A grades and sunshiney smile and, to joke-ify this, a text post that applies to luke pearce
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artem wing: awkward to the point many untrue assumptions are made
he works so much, TOO MUCH. many teachers have told his mother "hes a lovely student. please tell him to relax, though"
artem also has the added buff of being intimidating intense even as a 10 year old and he DOESNT MEAN TO he just does NOT know how to interact with the others
i see teen!artem being in a hoodie with the hood up most of the time, hes That Introvert but also hoodies are just nice if one is the type of person who finds comfort from being more covered, clothing wise, and artem seems to be that type of person.
however, the constant hoodie does make him seem even more intimidating and also like, MYSTERIOUS...
[cn server spoilers] it's canon that artem got enrolled into high school a little later into the semester and everybody had their cliques already and he was awkward and didnt know how to get his own friends. nobody treated him badly tho. but he just like, looked SO AWKWARD ISOLATED VAGUELY MISERABLE that many teachers thought he was being INTENSELY BULLIED. i posit this has been a pattern ever since artem was in kindergarten
teacher: artem, are the other kids being mean to you? :(
artem: no? what?
teacher: oh you poor thing :(
artem: huh?
marius von hagen: rich kid honor student with a too-cool family
hes extrovert bonanza and also sometimes he likes being the class clown eventually but he puts ppl off bc 1) von hagen and 2) nobody has seen him even look remotely interested in any class sans art and yet he keeps acing everything, it's NOT FAIR
marius' academic excellence + his status = sparks jealousy and regular childlike hatred in some classmates. it's canon that he got picked on by the other kids sometimes and yep, he Does, but any and all bullying simply makes him work so much harder out of SPITE. may cause a vicious cycle of him spite achieving and others getting more and more miffed kJBKSJGS
also kids r always staring in barely concealed awe whenever giann picks him up from school in a REALLY COOL CAR and giann looks REALLY COOL, COOL ADULT VIBES, and marius is always like GIANN!!! DONT RUFFLE MY HAIR, IM NOT A KID ANYMORE!!!
actually u know that scene in Into The Spiderverse? this one?
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giann and marius. it's one of marius' most embarassing moments in his life but nobody picks on him for it because giann is just, and i cannot stress this enough, SO COOL
vyn richter: PEAK Weird Kid representation
of them all, i think vyn would be the best rep for Weird Kids, he was going into the forest to collect pebbles and leaves to dump in a bucket and stir together with rainwater to make a potion but only for his favorite horses at the stable (which the horses drink bc they love vyn). he'd make up elaborate stories for imaginary friends because there werent too many people he liked talking to growing up and this is how he cultivates a habit of talking to himself. also i think he like, Doesnt Blink Much, like a frigging owl. it's mostly bc vyn likes observing but it unnerves the other kids IMMENSELY
all the boys are academic over achievers but vyn REALLY takes the cake because he gets into bougie extracurriculars too: archery, fencing, classical piano. it's wholly impressive but also intimidating kJBJKSD child prodigies, i figure, must be difficult for other kids to connect with. vyn is simultaneously relieved and sad about this bc on one hand, hes scared that tho others will turn on him. but on the other hand, hes a lonely child
back to Weird Kid representation: remember that one scene in lilo and stitch where lilo puts a bunch of fork voodoo dolls into a pickle jar and shakes em up? thats vyn.
vyn's father: son, what...what are you doing?
vyn, shaking the jar VIGOROUSLY: my classmates need to be punished
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actualbird · 3 years
fic where aaron is on vacation and luke needs to find mission injury first aid elsewhere
content warnings: violence, blood, injury, vomiting. luke pearce has a fun life, thats for sure!
wc: 1.2k
i want aaron to go on vacation with his wife (i think he needs a break, pls, surgeons do so much work and need to rest and also i think aaron needs some time to (lovingly) recharge from supporting the shitass mental health of stellis' most depressed detective) and it's a long one, i want him gone for a month doing stupidly romantic and relaxing activities with mrs. yishmir off in a wonderful beautiful location because aaron deserves time off and mrs. yishmir deserves her hot hot husband to shower her in attention
but also luke now doesnt have a doctor he go to when he gets injured
and like LUKE OFC TRIES TO JUST HANDLE EVERYTHING HIMSELF. oh he got stabbed tailing that one person? he'll do the stitches!! got his shoulder dislocated? easy peasy, he'll pop it back in the socket himself!! rib fracture? ehhhhh, so long as the bone didnt pierce his lungs, it's not too bad, honestly
aaron, from his vacation location: .....he's being stupid, i can feel it
mrs. yishmir: hes not your problem right now!!!
but yea luke tries to keep it under wraps but there are some injuries a person cant take care of on their own. luke is maybe just bleeding out in some alley and the pain of having a profusely bleeding wound is NOTHING to the emotional agony of him having to go thru his contacts and figure out whose day he needs to ruin
luke, in a phonecall: hey uh. are you busy? if you are, thats okay, i'll hang up. actually, im hanging up now! bye! im SO SORRY FOR CALLING I'LL---
artem, grumbling: where are you?
artem finds him and is FRIGGING AGHAST AND HORRIFIED and luke explains NO HOSPITALS bc the cases hes on this month are vaguely NSB-adjacent and need to stay off the record for a bit and artem is very very conflicted because Damn It Luke, He's An Attorney, Not A Doctor! but he helps luke out anyway because luke mentioned on that call to bring a roll of duct tape and so he did and luke makes grabby hands for the tape and just
tapes the wound shut
luke: there we go, all better!
artem: NO IT'S NOT
but it works to keep the bleeding at bay until they get to luke's place and luke can do some actual stitches. artem hovers from corner to corner, handing luke everything he needs worriedly and trying not to think about how luke's blood is on his hands (and the floor, and the bedsheets, and---)
once luke is done, he sighs and flops down onto the bed.
luke: thank you so much for helping, artem. im good now, so you can go.
artem: im not going
luke: WHAT.
artem is NOT GOING!!! luke was on death's doorstep an hour ago and artem legit wouldnt be able to fall asleep if he left luke alone right now (actually, hes probably not gonna be able to fall asleep very well for the next month, what with how hes seen not just his friend injured but how hes seen that friend patch himself up with such practiced motions that it's clear to artem that this happens a lot. and that luke always deals with it on his own).
cue luke trying to shoo artem away, his guilt increasing by the second, and artem just refuting all of his arguments and settling on luke's beanbag. luke cant even get artem to take the bed because artem is like "IT'S COVERED IN YOUR BLOOD" and luke is like "okay, fair point" so artem stays
the next morning, luke groggily wakes up to artem making an iron rich breakfast in the kitchen
and also i want this to happen to the other boys in the nxx too
luke gets non lethally poison darted one night and needs to get somewhere he can scream and vomit in safety and the closest place is not his own apartment but marius' art studio. luke has the audacity to kNOCK POLITELY ON THE DOOR and
marius: hey---jesus CHRIST you look like shit
luke: im fiiiine. one sec tho //turns to throw up on the grass
marius stays with luke all throughout the effects of the poison and it's mostly just sitting by luke as he shivers and hurls stomach acid into the toilet. marius keeps things lighthearted by comparing it all to how marius took care of drunk friends back in undergrad and even though luke is dry heaving every other second, marius' words still make him laugh.
once it's over, marius does Not let luke leave. he just pulls out the sofa bed and plops luke onto it and says "if you even TRY to get up im telling miss lawyer and then youre life will be over" and so luke stays and rests
luke HOPED that he'd never have to bother vyn bc usually all his dumbass injuries happen in the dead of the night and vyn Is Asleep but fuck you luke pearce, everybody gets a turn to bandage your wounds fondly and call you an idiot (or something adjacent).
so vyn gets home in the afternoon from his classes and goes to check on his garden and finds an unmoving body in the rose bushes and when he gets closer, he sees it's luke. worryingly unconscious but vyn checks his pulse and sighs with relief. then vyn sees the little note in luke's hand and it says
"hi, vyn! im so sorry! mission stuff happened and i got hit with something thats putting me to sleep and your place was the closest so just let me chill here for a few hours and"
the note cuts off there, the writing turning into unintelligible noodles
vyn sighs, this time not in relief but in "is he serious?" vyn might not be the nicest person but hes not going to leave his friend out cold in the BUSHES (no matter how lovely those bushes are, thank you very much). so vyn has to lug luke's body ("how...are you so heavy...") into his living room and he sets luke onto the couch. luke doesnt seem to be injured anywhere, but the expression on his face is one of distress.
vyn switches on his record player and plays a vinyl. slow and calm music. something that'll hopefully let luke sleep easier.
as the notes play in the air, luke calms, and so vyn calms and just starts doing his work in the living room to watch over him
luke wakes up HOURS later and apologizes profusely and vyn is like "none of your apologies are accepted also stop talking so loud im going to bed. i made you dinner, by the way, it's on the dining table in a plastic container, do not let it go to waste."
luke takes the dinner home and he finds a note in the container. "stop apologizing for needing help." it's curt and to the point but luke wants to cry a little bit at it because he can tell when vyn is showing kindness
by the way, ALL the boys tell mc what happened and she gets worried ofc but also shes just glad luke went to people he trusted. she hopes that one day, he'll trust her too. he'll trust her enough to let her take care of him
but until then, there are people in luke's corner always willing to help
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actualbird · 3 years
Oh god!
I really love the poly headcanons they are so sweet.... (or don't but that's part of it and i think the tot boys+MC deserve all the love the world has to give).
But, liking it or not, our 4 beloved boys are kinda complicated (that's what makes them perfect). Plus I never thought about how people get in poly relationships. So i was thinking, how do you think they all get into a polyrelationship together?
(I really have no idea of how that would happen)
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hi, two anons!! im glad you guys liked my nxx team polycule stuff!! i'll answer these in one go, my "headcanon" (in quotes because i think this kinda turned into a character analysis/minific of sorts HAHA) being what first anon asked, How They Get Together.
heads up, wc of this is 1.9k words long so buckle up for a bit of a read jfsjdfkjbf
because first anon, youre right!!! the boys are stupendously complicated which i love so so much but canon has also shown us clearly that each of the boys' quirks and habits and tendencies causes a lot of (mostly played for laughs) friction. the bickering, the backhanded insults, the "im the best one here" preening contests. theyre all SOOOO RIDICULOUS and it is hilarious but yep! the boys r complex!! and that means this beautiful ship, imo, has a lot of phases to get to the actual romantic relationship bit.
how they get together, in my opinion, starts because of mc.
not in the sense that she matchmakes them all, but like.
phase 1 of the nxx team polycule is this:
through being in love with her (which we all know the boys 100% are), each of the boys come to terms with their own flaws and weaknesses. it's very apparent to me in all the story thus far that these boys are flawed as hell, it's very compelling but even more compelling to me is how all of them also do intense mental gymnastics to Not Confront Those Flaws. like, marius is a dickbag always teasing and toeing the line of insincerity, vyn is a controlling mf who always tries to sway situations to his benefit, artem is so repressed to the point that he has genuine trouble with emotions, luke is a self sacrificial bastard and also a huge hypocrite about how no, actually, hes the only one that should be hiding his pain and being dishonest, no dishonesty from other people!! in the beginning of the story, all the boys have their flaws and seem to have just kinda...not addressed how those flaws are harming them and the people around them.
and then mc rolls around and they all fall in love with her. and she sees those flaws and she doesnt let them slide. she challenges the boys in her own ways to see another side of the situation, to acknowledge what theyre doing. she doesnt want to get rid of flaws, thats impossible and also not cool. she just has this beautiful hope for like, all of humanity, that goodness can prevail with the right work. so when she sees her beloved nxx boys, she believes that for them as well.
which leads to phase 2 of the nxx team polycule:
the boys, more aware of themselves, become more aware of each other.
they werent Unaware of the others of course. it's just that they didnt like...truly connect on a personal level just yet. they saw the other teammembers with their emotional armor and flaws and saw a wall that wasnt worth looking past.
but after mc makes them realize that hey, flaws arent the end of the world actually, it's alright and the person behind them may just be worth it, the boys like. end up understanding the others. A LOT OF THIS BIT IS UNINTENTIONAL, ON THEIR PARTS KJDSBFS. like they stumble into understanding each other by accident, they didnt plan it, but over the course of nxx investigations, it's inevitable that they end up seeing the depths of the others. i delve into this a little bit in my fanfic "filler eps of the lost gold" where the boys are just going thru their actions and then trip over another boy's fears or desires and through that, gain a deeper understanding mutually.
and with understanding, sometimes, comes trust.
phase 3 of the nxx team polycule goes like this:
everybody in this team, whether they like it or not, whether they know it or not, has a heart that wants to give love so desperately.
marius lives in a world full of snakes so he cant have his heart on his sleeve for his own protection. vyn wants to be seen as perfect and the heart is inherently messy so he holds it back. artem for a very very long time was focused on work and success and achievement that he neglected his heart. and luke has been giving love all his life in a sense but in a way thats hidden.
all these tendencies that are brought upon their life circumstances results in this: they want to love honestly but they havent been able to do this
until mc. and all of them want to push back whatever fears or patterns their life has instilled in them because they see her and see somebody so unwaveringly good that all their hearts begin giving love to her to make her happy and to make themselves happy as well.
but heres the thing. the boys dont just see mc. by this point, they have connected and understood and come to trust each other as well, and the consequence of that is that They Can See Each Other Now Too, Truly.
and heres the thing. all of the boys are unwaveringly good as well.
one by one, each of the boys realize that what they feel for the other boys in the team starts to...change. yeah theyre all friends, they pick on each other a lot of the time, but the bedrock of the relationship is solid and strong now. but when marius is with luke, marius sees a light inside of luke so bright that he seems unaware that he gives off. when artem is with vyn, artem sees a goodness inside of vyn that hesitates to make itself obvious and known because vyn is scared of getting hurt thanks to it. all of them see the other and their goodness and, unbidden, their hearts want to give love to each other as well.
and because theyre all a bit stupid in their own way theyre like, huh, weird! wonder why this feeling is so familiar! and yet i cant seem to name it...and then they all independently compare these feeling with the feelings they have for mc, a feeling they do know the name of, and theyre like.
which only means one thing: theyve fallen in love with everybody else
marius: //goes to his studio to Think and sees that a bunch of his recent art actually had little crumbs of these feelings already, etched into the brushstrokes and scenes. has an emotional crisis about it
vyn: //records a 1 hour long entry in his audio diary to examine and gain control of his feelings but by the end of the hour all he knows is that he wants to hold these people and be held by them
artem: //quite literally just bluescreens, artem.exe has stopped working, sits at his study and slowly, slowly, thunks his head down onto his desk, valiantly trying to ignore the fast pulse of his heart
luke: //manically vents about it to peanut who, by virtue of being a bird, doesnt get it. just keeps talking at peanut to get a grasp of it all and then lies down on the floor, overwhelmed
mc, sitting in her apartment watching some netflix: ...why do i inexplicably feel as if something very, very important has just happened?
phase 4 of the nxx team polycule is basically:
pining: extreme difficulty level
because pining is already hard when ur pining for one person. what more for an additional 3 more people. and those additional 3 more people are pining back.
and all these boys are SOOOO OBVIOUS with their romantic feelings, in their own special way. the way they show their affection to mc starts to bleed into their interactions with the others and everybody can CLEARLY SEE WHAT IS GOING ON, LOL, but also all the boys are too chickenshit to confront it, because if they confront it, what will even happen??? being in love with each other, all of them, thats going to be such a complicated fucking relationship, holy shit. it's 2030, yeah, being a polyamorous group relationship isnt completely unheard of, but sue them, theyre scared.
but mc (who i forgot to mention already knows of the boys' romantic feelings for her, shes just hasnt made a move yet on any of them because SHES IN LOVE WITH ALL OF THEM AS WELL and shes been trying to figure out how the hell to make that work, she cant bear to choose just one of them, she'd be heartbroken over leaving the rest of them behind) sees that the nxx investigation team is now all pining for each other FULLY and she kinda wants to laugh when she realizes whats going on because like, what are the chances? that this would happen? that they all found each other and their feelings fell into just the right place for nobody to be left behind?
theyre all scared, she can tell. and she is as well, she wont lie.
but shes always had a belief that goodness can prevail with the right work.
and love is one of the greatest goods out there.
phase 5 of the nxx team polycule:
It's Time For Communication, Baby!!!!!
the exact scenes of how this happens is a bit vague to me. it could go two ways: mc going to each of the boys independently to talk about feelings, hers about everybodys and his about everybodys as well. OR they have a fucking meeting about it all together and artem literally schedules it in his google calendar, or something.
either way, they like, actually talk about this. starts casual, maybe over a chill date, maybe over dinner at a nice restaurant, maybe over a walk in the park as the sun is starting to set. but where ever it happens, the end result is the same: a heart is laid out bare and it is taken in gentle, grateful hands.
vyn, laughing fondly: has anybody ever told you patience is a virtue? we quite literally just talked it all out.
marius: //needy whining noises
artem, embarrassed: ive...never kissed anybody before
luke, embarrassed but trying to play it Cool: ....same here
mc: kissing is great, you two will love it!
marius: awesome, awesome, so is ANYBODY going to give me a go ahead or WHAT????
phase 6 of the nxx team polycule:
i dont want to say it's happily ever after, once they all get together. thats not really realistic.
they all have their quirks and tendencies and habits. and those will inevitable clash against each other. theyll have their arguments, theyll get upset, theyll sulk and be angry, sometimes. but also...
theyll see each other smile and feel like their love shining so brightly. theyll reach out for another's hand and be held in such a way that makes them think that their heart is in a safe place. theyll love each other and theyll put in the work to continue loving each other. because goodness will prevail.
and they all see each other as the most good people in the world.
so whatever happens, theyll get through it together.
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samsspambox · 3 years
what's the most embarrassing thing they have?
ok ok so i was thinking about artem in an apron (have y'all seen his symphony of the night sr card?? gOOD SHIT) and this popped up lmao
ok so artem's most embarrassing thing he owns is an apron with the saying, "please kiss the cook he's touch starved" that he got from celestine for his birthday. he also got a chef hat that's fuzzy that he refuses to wear for sanitary reasons. celestine made him put on the entire get up once and now has that image as blackmail. ok but he also owns a wattpad account and he refuses to admit it
luke has fuzzy handcuffs. lISTEN LISTEN,,, i feel like as an NSB agent he has to have some type of cuffs (for protocol even tho he prefers brute force and dislocating joints,,, my guy cHILL) anyway he always looses them someplace. he doesn't wanna have them in his pocket bc they're obvious,, and he knows how to do his job,,, but he still keeps them on him and genuinely looses them. so aaron gives him fuzzy hand cuffs in front of the NSB cuz he's like "well, you keep loosing them, i think that's a cover story. these work better" and ofc this man goes rED.
vyn has a hidden collection of nightcore music on record lMAOOO. JK. i feel like he would have some sort of kiddy gardening tool. it's one of those things where it's so god damn stupid lookin that he just has to have it. it's probably like a small ass watering can with googly eyes and you bet his ass tries to justify it for his small plants but that's a lie!!! he just likes it!!! he also has a rubber duck to keep his plants company that looks strangely like marius but nope, it's just a coincidence.
marius has a ton but it depends what your definition of embarrassing is. he has a portrait of the whole nxx team in his art studio that he gets embarrassed to show and no one has ever seen it,,, but he also has a lot of joke art pieces bc having fun is a good way to get rid of art block and shit!! does he have a scale replica of a vaguely realistic ninja turtle? absolutely. deep down tho he tried his hand at writing edgy poetry when he was a teen and his brother made him keep it so he can't really throw it away but he's never showing anyone bc iTS SO BAD
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samsspambox · 3 years
ok ok so here's a brainworm
The dumb shit they did in their childhood
listen,,, i know we all simp for one or multiple of these mfs but i want more comedy/slice of life/backstory so have this
artem probably wrote fan fictions as a teen. i'm really not gonna take criticism in this one. he has enough of an online media presence as a movie reviewer and he's not startled by it so i know damn well he had a fanfic phase. most of his shit is 6/10 at best but he's known for a 400k Slow Burn, friends to lovers fanfic about Tris and Four from divergent and named it "If divergent made sense". He wrote it as a way to prove that he could make a better sci fi story but he unknowingly made it v sappy. his user tag was probably something with Atticus bc tell me this man did not find Atticus attractive in to kill a mockingbird,,, pROVE ME WRONG. ok maybe like atticus_wing (yes he put his last name but also it's a good play on the last name finch) or atticus01 but most likely thewritingsofatticus
luke did stupid shit all the time. he's the equivalent of "ap/honor students are smart, but they're sTUPID" like he literally got A's on all his exams and shit but had to ask "what color is a black panther" like bro cOME HERE COME HERE. anyway the crowning jewel of his stupidity was he somehow pavlov-ed a squirrel on their campus to come to them and they would feed it, right? but one day they didn't and that mf jUMPED ON LUKES HEAD AND WOULDNT GET OUT. all throughout the rest of his schooling he was called squirrel boy and his senior quote was "if you give a squirrel a cookie they get attached and then attack you" the squirrel's name was nutmeg
given that vyn probably had homeschooling or went to a private school or some bougie shit, he really didn't do stupid shit at school, but aT NIGHT. he would sneak out bc i'm sure this man had a rebellious phase. anyway i feel like he would go out exploring at night and i feel like he's solely responsible for any rumors about a ghost in the forest. and you know this man took advantage of that so he started sneaking out with a sheet until one day his sheet got caught on some branches and fell fACE FIRST. broke his arm and probably was grounded a lot after that. 
marius did so much shit but he could get away with it cuz he's the baby of the family (i say this as the oldest of mine)he dabbed unironically. that's just there. but i feel like he has made a fool of himself internationally. idk maybe his dad was on a business trip and took the boys and it was maybe a ranch or something,,, but somehow someway he let out a bunch of pigs and they started chasing him (no, he did not think to throw the corn he had in his hand away thank you very much). his dad was giving this very important interview and all you see in the background is marius full ass spRINTING and a second later this like horde of pigs after him and his dad is looking at him like,,, son why,,, it's a video on the internet called "pig run" which then inspired the game from the same monicker.
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actualbird · 3 years
me, scrolling thru ur blog for my daily regularly scheduled serotonin: wow a marluke update! gonna save that for myself as a treat
oh, what’s this ?
what if vyn and artem had tumblr blogs
look what you’ve done to me i’m in sheer pain
HELLO, CLOWN!!! i cant remember if youve messaged before with this designated emoji but the clown after This Whole Ask made me cackle. i honk my clown nose along with you.
man, i KNOW luke was into fandoms. i KNOW he has discord, in fact i have an entire fic draft that has this whole fucking premise, it's titled "→ lukeonthebrightside just slid into the server."
lemme get the rest of it, heres the summary without any scene excerpts:
The year is 2021. Luke Pearce, fifteen years old, is told by the school guidance counselor that he needs more friends. Too shy to interact with his non-Ria classmates, he ends up going online and joining an ACD Sherlock Holmes fandom Discord server.
heres a scene i managed to scribble before i made 85 more tot wips:
thegeekery You can’t be serious. Please tell me you’re not serious. You Cannot be 15 years old, holy shit. How are you 15 years old and in a server for Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock fans. The books. You're messing with us, you are not 15. lukeonthebrightside ? why would i lie about being fifteen? thegeekery To give us an ulcer, like you usually do? I mean this in the most loving way possible, btw. WaffleTime YEAH LMAO, TO PUNK US? it’s not out of character for u lol lukeonthebrightside [attachment.png] thegeekery Uh. WaffleTime BOY??? IS THAT YOUR FUCKING BIRTH CERTIFICATE???? OH MY GOD thegeekery Okay, no, hold up, real talk Luke, you should not. Be sending stuff like this. To a server full of strangers. Actually, can we get a @mod in here? I don’t think I have the EQ to handle this very well. lukeonthebrightside huh why did i do something wrong thegeekery Luke, that has your address on it. jeeperscreepers Give me a moment, I’m backreading. Oh, geez. Hm. lukeonthebrightside meet me in DMs please. WaffleTime ohhhhh somebodys in TROUBLEEEEEE
i got super emo about this wip actually, i wanna go back to it because i wanna explore luke's younger days before super spy training and terminal illness fucked with his head. i am convinced that even before those things, inside of luke, there was like...this want to be with people. and yet this fear that he doesnt deserve to be.
also i just want to write luke being a stupid kid doing stupid kid things on the internet and having a server of very protective fandom adults bonking him on the head and telling him to be safer online and also to be less hard on himself
irt to marius on the internet, i talk about that (and vyn being hilarious on twitter) in these posts!!: nxx boys on social media: part 1 tiktok. part 2 vyn on twitter.
i.....do not believe vyn would be on tumblr. if he did, you will have to give me some time to figure it out. artem, however, i have thought about and to me, it's possible he would have a tumblr.
actually, heres a secret: i was planning on making a STUPIDLY IN CHARACTER artem rp blog. like, not even styled as an rp blog. it's. it's Artem's Blog. the blog title would be "My Thoughts" and his bio is just "Hello. I hope you find this interesting." and his theme is the default theme and all he reblogs are movie reviews and recipes. nothing in the tags ever. and many long posts about his interests with linked and Chicago Manual Of Style cited sources. no pictures. he was born in 2001, the era of "dont even put ur name online."
im....still on the fence whether i wanna do that blog actually kJBSJDKFS IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY
in this entire response, i did not tackle how luke interacts with homestuck. because im saving this for another ask i have in my inbox, asking me what luke's classpect would be. and now i have to become a hermit in the mountains, studying the lore and theses on classpects, to come up with my view and opinion.
youre in pain, clown? i am too.
and ive come to enjoy it :')
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actualbird · 2 years
I hope you're doing well! As always, seeing a notification in my email that you posted another fic is just *chef's kiss*.
The newest story with Luke and Marius is simply - I could just post a bunch of emojis that would probably convey the meaning better but the fact that I read it three times should be another good indicator of how fucking brilliant anything you write is.
Which sorta brings me to my next point and it's something I wanted to ask you for a little while now. How do you just post things? I know it sounds stupid but I would love to be able to post fics, random posts but I just can't. I can't even write it just for myself. And I know that you can post anonymously and no one will know who you are but I still can't do it. I just get paralysed with fear. Not even talking about posting, just creating in general. I am just terrified of judgment and I have no idea what to do. Do you ever feel like this? How do you overcome yourself? Do you have any advice?
Just a desperate Hibiscus anon, who wants to post so so much but is a "little" afraid ♥️🌺♥️
heyyo hibiscus!!! glad to hear from you again and i hope youre doing well too :DDD
and waAAHHH, thank u for reading "beautiful like a forest fire (admire from a distance, don’t get too close)" 🥺 u read it three times??? i think u read it more than i read it when i was proofreading omg. thank u so so much for the kind words <3!!!
as for ur questions, it's not stupid at all. it's a really really valid and pervasive fear and yeah, i still do struggle with this. hell, i feel it like, every other day
tho how i get over it is.....dkjbfkdjgksd in the manner of how i do almost everything in my life, i take it apart and analyse it. and through this dissection, this is how i can get possible solutions
disclaimer that this is what works for My Brain. it might not work for yours, but maybe you can get something from my process that does work for your brain
so yea. in my brain it all starts with the core fear of judgement, right? well, i dont like how judgement is such a broad word. like, judgement is when people come to conclusions based off of info given and the nature of humans is that they can come to a wrong or even hurtful conclusion about info, which, in this case, is fanwork. but i want specificity. if judgement is about hurtful conclusions, what are those conclusions i dont want ppl to come to?
what exactly am i afraid of getting judged for?
the following is not an exhaustive list, but just off the top of my head some specific fears i get in fandom
whenever i post fanfic, my fear is that i'll get judged for it not being written well, for it not being a good story.
whenever i post headcanons or silly memes or drawings or whatever 24/7 nonstop, my fear is that i'll get judged to be an annoying motherfucker.
whenever i post niche weird strange content that doesnt mesh with what the rest of the fandom is doing, my fear is that i'll get judged for not making the correct and expected type of fanwork, that people will think im doing this wrong
personally, when i dug into all of these deeper and found the specific judgement im afraid of, it gets easier to parse through. first one on that bullet point is about not being good enough. second is about being too much. third is about I'm Not Doing This Right, I'm Going To Get A Bad Grade In Fandom.
so with those specifics, i shoot em down.
fanfic not good enough? fuckin hell, im not writing this shit to win a pulitzer, im here to have fun! and someone out there will think it is a good story, even if i dont
im annoying? abso-fuckin-lutely i am! and people who dont like that can just block my username but a lot of people do enjoy that i never shut up and i enjoy it too.
not the correct fanwork? anxiety-brain, show me the rules for fandom concepts. oh, there are no rules? then nothing is correct or incorrect, UNCLENCH! and no matter how niche the thing is, it'll somehow connect with somebody else because humans are neat like that and nobody is the only person into that thing
the whole specificity thing is a little bit more of a thought exercise thats not just helpful for fears of putting creations out into the world, but for a lot of things. specificity, personally, helps me figure out solutions.
but in general for judgements, i figure it can be summarized with:
one way or another, everybody is going to judge you and/or your work. but for every person who judges you wrongly, there will also be another who judges you with admiration.
fandom is already judged as strange from the outside by people who arent in these kinds of communities. in my mind, im like "well, might as well go with the flow then!" and i own it
create unapologetically cuz life feels a loooot better when a person stops being sorry for something they shouldnt be sorry about
and i hope this can help in some way
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