#because immediately I'm like oh this person looks cool oh god what's a good name for them uhhhhh
spanishskulduggery · 7 months
I'm also a million hours into Baldur's Gate 3 and I finally figured out how to change it to Spanish
I have to say the most surprising thing was to see the official non-binary options in an official Spanish dub
Instead of like el elfo or la elfa for "elf", you see le elfe for non-binary; or el clérigo / la clériga for "cleric" it turns to le clérigue for non-binary
And just seeing things like amigue "friend", or une enane "a [NB] dwarf" is just... I don't know quite how to describe it
It's really cool but also so bewildering to see it so... officially?
I tell people about using -E endings of adjectives/professions for non-binary things, or the way people use gender neutral language, but I always have to tell people it's usually not officially accepted, that it's more common in certain circles or online but practically never officially accepted in standard castellano
So to actually SEE it officially recognized and there front and center in a game that's easily a contender for game of the year that's so popular is just... really cool and also leaves me stunned for a few seconds as my brain adjusts
[like I saw the le at first and I immediately assumed oh god it's French somehow, but no, it's el, la, then le non-binary which is cool but I'm going to go through everything thinking it's French or indirect objects]
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Wyll's ideal reclassing is as a bard and God herself couldn't change my mind.
Listen. I do like that Wyll is a ranger if he gets out of the pact but rangers are a lonely class by nature and fuck that. And while I also get the people who reclass him as paladin, I think the last thing he needs after getting out of Mizora's pact is to immediately be bound by a new and different set of rules to another otherwordly being he's sworn his soul to.
And while I understand why the devs didn't do this, since bards are sort of a support class and there are many possible endings for Wyll where he is on his own, I am bound by no such rules because i know that the only real canon ending is that he is with Karlach.
So, bard Wyll.
For starters, the man loves drama. Look no further than his introduction, but I would also like to present to the jury the conversation where he tries to find Gale a Cool Wizard Name. Pretty much the only thing he ever has fun with anymore is his theatrics. He'd love every second of being a bard and using said theatrics to defeat his foes. Especially because Wyll is a sweetheart but when he's angry he is angry, and as a bard he gets to let his mean streak out with spells like vicious mockery and such. "Oh he already has vicious mockery as a warlock if you have the pact of the tome" thank you for further supporting my argument. He was made for this
But there is more! Wyll is a folk hero and his whole thing is that he wants to help the weak and in need, and if that isn't supporter class material, then I seriously don't know what is. Yes, defeating monsters is important; but healing people, restoring balance by weakening those who abuse their strength, entertaining and making them happy are all just as important ways of supporting the weak, if not more important.
And those ways allow him to be closer to people, which he is so desperately starved of.
As a warlock he sort of had to keep his distance because Mizora would make sure he never got close to anyone, either intentionally or just by the fact that the nature of his pact put people off (even more so after the horns). Unbound by Mizora, he has no such problems and can find a community, even if temporary, with the people he saves. "Oh but you just said you want him to be with Karlach and then he's in Hell". Yes, and there are people there. Show me a single place with more people who are weak and unfortunate in need of rescuing and respite. I'm not the first person to say this, but they actually have the chance to turn the House of Hope into an actual house of hope where people can rest and escape the horrors of the Hells. And those people would need respite and happiness, and Wyll "Drama Boy" Ravengard would be delighted to provide and find himself among them.
Also, if no one else, he has Karlach, and there is nothing he wants more than to see her happy and alright. I don't need to justify this one, it's text. So, again, supporter class makes a lot of sense in that context. Warlock/ranger is good for when he's on his own, but he's sworn to help and protect Karlach now, and while fighting side by side obviously qualifies, being able to heal her - make sure she's alright - support her in battle more than just fighting with her, gives them a deeper bond and puts him more at ease, I believe. Plus, they both deserve and desperately need some playfulness in their lives, so, at the very least, he can make her laugh with his insane Vicious Mockery casts. He kind of overcasts that one because 1- he has fun with it, and 2- it makes Karlach smile, but they're both op as fuck so it doesn't matter anyway. It's the closest they can get to lightness and fun while they don't find a definitive cure for Karlach's heart.
And once they do find it and get the fuck out of there, listen. They both deserve some downtime, okay. We're talking about two people who have been thrown into fighting nonstop since they were barely on the cusp of adulthood, and who have more trauma to unpack than years of life. So fuck going straight back to adventures and oaths and nonstop seriousness. Sure, Wyll would want to, but he also wanted to go to fucking Hell for no reason. Even with his father back, even free of Mizora, that's the only thing he can think to do with himself if you let him choose. And he deserves better than that. He deserves to rest and unpack what's happened and find value in himself beyond the Blade of Frontiers, to enjoy the youth that was stolen from him; and the man craves to settle down more than anything, even if he won't admit it even to himself other than the marriage aspect of things. But need I remind everyone that when Wyll had been given a death sentence - the tadpole - what he did was stop at a grove and teach kids how to fight? He thought he would do one last mission and then die, and what he did was that for once he allowed himself to stay and get to know people and be part of a community for a while. Sure, they needed him, but so many people did. And he was supposed to be hunting Karlach, yet he put that aside in order to have a place to belong, just for a little while, before he became a monster and lost his soul (which is fine, really. One way or the other, he knew that would be his fate. It's just coming sooner than expected, that's all) (this is me laying down Wyll's logic. None of this is fine and I'm screaming and crying).
As for Karlach, she never even wanted to be thrown into any of this anyway. Once they're out of Avernus, they will both need to rest and breathe, and that is final. And as a bard, Wyll can settle down. He can find a home and a community, have a place to come back to, have vacations when he needs to, have fun when he wants to. He will never fully give up being a hero - it's who he is, it's who he's always been even before he was the Blade. Someone who cares, someone who wants to be there for others - but he can and should find balance between that and being himself. And what better class to do that than the artsy, dramatic, drawing-strength-from-your-own-self-expression class?
Plus, as a bard, he gets to sing absolutely off the shits songs about the Blade of Frontiers/Avernus while being the Blade of Frontiers/Avernus. The comedy potential is unlimited. You want to see that. You agree. Don't lie to me.
Also, bards' spellcasting modifier is also charisma, so that's just convenient. I know that when you get reclassed in bg3 you can simply change your stats but uhhhhh. Fuck that? And yes, yes, he already has high wisdom because if anyone has a will of iron it's him, but I also feel like Wyll's off the shits charisma is a part of who he is. He is charming, both in the romantic and non-romantic sense. He enjoys being around people, he loves culture more than anything (I am once again thinking about his idle dialogue with Gale at the tollhouse when Gale says that they must have been very rich with all the trade from the Chiontar and Wyll replies, "And they wouldn't have brought just trade goods, but song, dance, and custom. Riches of the mind and the spirit". If that doesn't summarize Wyll's values and love of life I don't know what the fuck does), he likes being social and charming others. And people are drawn to him, people trust him, because he's a goddamn folk hero through and through, and not just because he's the Blade of Frontiers. So keeping his stats and using his charisma to draw his magical strength just makes sense for him
There's no other class that Wyll would enjoy as much, that would allow him to keep his favorite parts of being the Blade while also allowing room to be himself, or that would fit his current stats as well. Wyll was made to be a bard and I'll go to war over this
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redhood414 · 2 months
Authors note: sorry for not posting much lately, life hasn't been easy recently because of also a break up that happened and yeah more stuff I'm not going to explain or else I'd write a book lol. Anyways sorry it was short this one, but I wanted to post it since I know some off you have been waiting for this.
Tags: @animequeen4
Part 4: The Games
(No one's POV)
Everyone introduced them to Y/N and she seemed to immediately make judgements over them. Now it was only Damian's turn, the brothers looked at each other with a knowing look he'll be rude and mean towards you. Or so they thought..?
(Damian POV)
Everyone expects from me that I'll be as rude as always towards *her*, the princess. That's utterly ridiculous. I, myself, wants to also win these games. I stare at her and then walk over slowly. I take her hand and place a soft kiss on her palm as I bow and keep my eyes locked on hers. God, those eyes...ehem. Stay professional here, Damian. She doesn't need to know that. Just be polite. "Princess Y/N, it's such an honor to finally meet you in person. My name is prince Damian, I may the youngest, but I've got better skills then those three over there." She raises an eyebrow at how overconfident and cocky I am. Then I add:" The stories about you certainly didn't dissapoint about your beauty." I say, from my side eyes I take notice of how my brothers are in shock. Y/N blushes. "Oh ...it's a pleasure to meet you too, prince Damian." I could tell my charms worked on her as easy like how I'm going to beat Drake. "Your (y/n eye color) are like the sun and the moon reflecting in it. I could stare into them until my last breath." She gets even more flustered.
My heart is racing. My mind just quit it's job. I can only stare with bright, red cheeks at him and a shy, stupid smile. He smiles back and it's gorgeous. He doesn't seem so arrogant like others say, or rude, or violent. Or...maybe it's because he's talking to me? Oh God, am I falling in love? No. Okay. Keep your cool..focus. There are still those other three too. "I can't wait to spend more time with you, my lady" Damian says with a polite smile. "Yes, me neither, prince Damian " I say back, getting butterflies in my stomach ones again. He gives me another kiss on my palm and then joins his brothers ones again.
My father looks at me with a smile and seems very pleased. And so am I...
After dinner in my chamber, my maid looks at me with a smirk. She is also my best friend so she can be informal with me. "So, princess, who would you pick? In my opinion prince Jason is quite good looking, don't you think? Both prince Tim and prince Dick certainly got the charms! And oh, not too mention prince Damian" I laugh, finding it hilarious how she's always rambling on about guys. "Lily, make sure you don't fall in love" I tease her and she laughs. "Don't worry. They're all yours" she winks but then smiles. "But seriously, who do you pick? Or would you pick?" I shrug, not knowing really what to answer, after all they've all got the looks...but the personalities are very different.
This isn't going to be easy, is it?
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justporo · 3 months
Hey Poro. I don't recall you ever talking about your Tav. Do you have any posts about them or any cool info you wanna share? (Saw you were open to asks, so I thought I'd drop one hæhæ)
Oh yes, hello! I guess you're right. And that although she's the Tav in most all of my stories (especially my longform fics).
So let me introduce my wonderful girl to you. And yes: her name is indeed just Tav. Don't come for me - I didn't plan for any of this but now here we are. I am just Poro and she is just Tav.
I'm always happy about questions about my girl tho - I do have a background story and all flashed out for her. I just... never talked about it??
Oh, and she's been my profile pic from very early one, I am still in love with the wonderful drawing @azaani-art did of her!
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Full Name: Tav (yes, that's it, maybe she takes on Ancunín sometime, eh?) Race: Woodelf Class: Ranger (Urban tracker background) Height: 5'5 Pronouns: She/Her
More about her personality and backstory below the cut!
Personality: She's witty, rebellious, will stab you if the need arises or pickpocket all your gold if you're mean to her. But she still believes that there's ultimately good in the world. A hope that sometimes makes her take stupid and naive risks. And never has she experienced a love like she has with Astarion - and she's sure she'll never will again. Might be it started as a silly crush because she never experienced someone giving her this kind of attention, but now... She'd kill for him and die for him - although she'd very much prefer the first.
Story: Tav was the daughter to a loveless affair of a very high-up wood elf noble, her father, and her high-elf mother from Baldur's Gate. Immediately abandoned by her mother after birth on the steps of a cloister in the city where she spent the first few years of her life. A life where she was treated harshly from the very first steps on she could take. So still being a child, she fled the abuse and started to live on the streets of Baldur's Gate where she not only had to grow up quickly but learn how to be proficient with sleight of hand, stealth and running away as fast as possible when the former two skills weren't enough. She always did what it takes even though it meant making objectively stupid decisions. She's hardened, cold, with a sharp tongue and violent if need be to those she perceives as a threat because you had to be if you didn't want to be taken advantage off as a woman. But this also means she's made herself unapproachable, so never really has she experienced someone giving her attention for anything but her skillset, complimenting her, wooing her. But to those she perceives as her friends or close ones she's a helpless people-pleaser and pushover rising from a desperate desire to not be left alone again; deeply believing she's only worth as much as she can be of use. She joined a band of thieves for which she and her friends she found there took on highbrow heists - until the day Tav was taken and a parasite in her brain but much more a sassy vampire shook her and her beliefs to the core.
A few more funfacts:
the piercings she has, she's done herself (thank the gods she didn't die of an infection
the tattoos she has she had done very young when she felt rebellious after she first found out about her real father - back then she thought it would make her look fierce; now she knows it was a little stupid but they're a part of her now; Astarion likes to let his thumbs run along them and calls her his "little fiend"
her main role during her thieving times was stakeout and keeping an eye on the others from above with her bow - during long and boring stakeout times she picked up drawing as a hobby: she just drew what she saw, so she could keep an eye on stuff but also busy herself
the scar is from her time when she first fled the cloister and joined a group of street kids (all boys) and she was repeatedly forced to show how brave she was; always having to be at least twice as couragous as the others just to make up for her being a girl
she has a definite problem with authorities
and she could probably drink you under the table
she's not good at taking care of herself, so Astarion calls her his street cat - and has to teach her a thing or two about self-care
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Baby~ when I tell you that I just want to CHOMP into Miguel’s steaming hot buns!~ and to make it better his suit is holo-projected!? And he’s commando so I get Instant access!? This man is a kinky fucker!
me, virginal and ignorant: you know, I keep seeing posts about Miguel being caked up and even someone who worked on the movie said they still toned the ass down, but like, how thick actually IS he?
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me, suddenly 9 months pregnant: oh my god he's 6'5. Oh my god he's 6'5. Oh my god I know that dick is big. Oh my god.
You know I mentioned that idea about him making Reader a suit similar to his own where it can "turn off and on" in full or in pieces but like, I was thinking of the facemask and removal/bathroom/sex purposes, I don't know why I didn't consider his entire suit is projected. It's nanotechnology which means it's probably like, idk, hard light or something or whatever Tony stark uses idk I'm not a huge marvel person, but, it's probably not like he's QUITE running around naked, but.... it's also fitted on him so good and I mean. That ASS. I want to bite it like an apple. I want to spank his bubble butt just to try and tease him and he spins around to "teach me a lesson for being such a little brat" by pinning me to the nearest surface and railing the fuck outta me. Ass man Miguel constantly squeezing/groping/staring/spanking your ass in private, fucking you from behind so he can spank your butt and watch it bounce with every thrust of his hips
God the idea of him just full on having nothing underneath the suit though... The only thing between Miguel losing his cool and freeing his cock to rail into you like he's trying to continue his family name is a line of code, an internal command, and a prayer to god (also I saw he's canon Catholic so, idk, do with that what you will but my mind immediately goes towards like, obviously if he's a breeding kink yandere sorta scenario it's kind of already said and done that he wouldn't, but, especially in this scenario, Miguel absolutely refusing to let you get any abortions if you got pregnant. Shit, him deliberately not using any --maybe even sabotaging YOUR-- forms of birth control, and like, maybe even extra horror if you're like not even in a relationship with him and you're pregnant from like either a one night stand with someone else or a dead boyfriend or ex or whatever and he won't even "let you" abort someone ELSE'S baby, he's just deadass "no let ME be the child's father, and, also like maybe your husband and we can be a happy nuclear family uwu" with unpoken intentions of having you carry HIS child next after he's gotten you to fall in love with him. But also I guess it'd also be like. Scary as fuck, and sexy but, imagine if he's "normal" and it's like, having a one night stand with you and you suddenly being pregnant is what triggers him into being yandere and he's just immediately "well obviously I should take responsibility and marry you" and like yeah, its how he was raised but also, he's, 100% for it, 2099% for it.)
People in the Spider Society just constantly having Awakenings because they'll be on a mission with him and it's like, fellas is it gay if your boss is in a Spider crouch crawling up a surface in front of you and you're behind/below him and you can't stop staring at his impeccably unfathomably deliciously round ass? Whispers in the food court back in Nueva York "yeah I was there at the Miguel incident last week, yeah the hacker attack, did you see how his suit malfunctioned and he was in just his dick protection for a few seconds, I swear he got SO red"
Miguel uncomfortably getting boners around you that are hidden under his suit and he has to pretend he doesn't have because, it's always something with this man, he's so crazy for you. oh god did you get a new costume, that spandex-like material looks so nice and tight, he likes what it does to your silhouette, and he doesn't even realize he's staring at you as he's suddenly lost in thought in a deep personal fantasy of tearing your spidey suit right off your body after a victory and taking you fast and deep while you're both high on adrenaline. Miguel gifting you your own costume he can hack into just so he can get you unclothed or at least expose your most sensitive areas to him when he needs to use them. One minute you're in his cave or whatever, slightly leaning over a table to look at a lit up display or papers or something, and the next, suddenly he's got your pants "disappearing" and he's behind you, bending you over
But we saw in the film there's communal training and gym areas in the Society so picture you just go to try and keep a routine and stay on your toes and you unintentionally walk in on like, him doing squat thrusts, or crunches, or he's just publicly working out, and there's like a small fanclub watching him exercise and fanning themselves because, wow is that body SPICY
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schmirius · 5 months
@focusfixated tagged me for a meme, and I remembered!
are you named after anyone? my aunt! who, I want to note, was named after the Catholic saint grandpa devoted himself to
when was the last time you cried? listen, you are polling someone who has one of those Very Loud Feelings diagnoses. I burst into tears for five minutes a couple hours ago. it doesn't happen as frequently as it used to, but hey, it happens.
do you have kids? good with kids but absolutely shouldn't raise them. starting to amass a good collection of nieces and nephews to grow with, as my peers shift into the kid-having stage of life.
what sports do you play/have you played? liked softball a lot before high school! considered getting back into it with some casual adult league, but then: covid agoraphobia
do you use sarcasm? I am *awful* at sincerity. it's not great!
what is the first thing you notice about people? focusfixated's answer was "can’t imagine noticing anything else except what they literally physically look like in front of you. what clothes are they wearing what’s their hair like how tall are they." which makes me think a lot about my answer because I really... don't? let me tell you about my coffee shop jobs where I could not identify regulars and customers just assumed I knew them personally because of my pleasaant customer service manners (they did not know I applied them to everyone). or when I've witnessed stranger crime staring the perpetrators in the face and couldn't tell you a fucking thing besides gender and race afterwards. I'm considering my answer to this one, and I think it's "movement" or something? where are they, what might they be doing, how likely am I to have to deal with them, how could I politely not. or like "people are in tiers": I know them → I'm definitely friendly with them → I'm supposed to be friendly with them but my god it's exhausting → oh awesome, I don't have to care.
what's your eye color? brown babyyy
scary movies or happy endings? weird dichotomy. I'll put in a word for "things that have camp value"
any talents? juggling a lot of tasks at once when situations require immediate action. cleaning the kitchen. rearranging furniture at 3 am to sort out my feelings
where were you born? Texas, where most of extended family is. I have been an expat most of my life but every time I'm there something in my lizard brain relaxes: there are my trees, there's the sky, here's the shitty cement in front of a million identical shopping centers. it feels good every time.
what are your hobbies? pretty much fandom. the thing where I can write and share stories is very cool to me: it was a Big Traumatic Thing from twenty years ago and apparently I've sorted it out a bit!
do you have any pets? rn grieving my first cat. we'll see in future.
how tall are you? in addition to whatever else is loud about me, I was always one of the tallest in school. often these days other adults will remember me as 2 or 3 inches taller than my actual height.
favorite subject in school? see above about Trauma™ , but I enduringly love studying individual languages as well as linguistics.
dream job? please a work from home where I don't have to do my boss's job for them. I don't think it's much to ask for. please. pleeease
tagging IF YOU WANT: @4vvalls, @brigdh, @napneeders, @oatplant, and @andthebluestblue if you can escape horny jail
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otakween · 10 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 1
Dear God...the vibes are immaculate. THIS WAS SO GOOD! So cinematic! So atmospheric! What a fabulous pilot episode. I'm definitely hooked. I'm trying not to overhype this show because the internet has sung its praises to the high heavens and I don't want to be let down. Let's take it one episode at a time and see how it goes :) (so far, so good).
-So many thoughts, so many questions. Firstly, I'm getting the vibe that this is a parallel universe to the worlds of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. In those worlds digimon weren't a fictional concept (as far as I know) before they became real. In this world Takato knows digimon from video games and TCG before he meets one in person. Also. the world isn't aware that digimon are real, so this wouldn't be in the 02 world post-epilogue.
-A very small cast in this one! Only 3 kids (so far). I think this could be a very good thing. Tighter writing and more developed characters. These kids have barely said anything but they already feel more 3 dimensional than the 02 kids lol. Also, their designs are a lot more subdued which I think helps with the realistic feel.
-Culumon was...a little annoying, but cute at the same time. I love his retractable ears and that he asks a zillion questions like a toddler. Just wish he didn't say "culu" ever 2 seconds lol. He looks like a magical girl companion.
-We're still in Tokyo, Shinjuku this time around. Will we ever get a Digimon MC who's a country bumpkin? That could be fun.
-The gamer in me shudders at all of the new digimon that are about to be introduced. Good thing I'm not a "raise them all" kind of completionist.
-Digimon TCG anime debut! When they were like "Option card!" I was like "omg! I know that! I know the rules!" I wonder if the TCG will show up again or if they just used it to kickstart the plot?
-Takato's school DOESN'T have uniforms!? What kind of anime school is this!? (No seriously, I thought that was more of a rural school thing).
-I can relate to Takato designing his own digimon during class. I totally did that in elementary school too (with Pokemon as my inspo tho)
-I'm not in love with the new digivice design (a little bulky), but I like that it has a keychain strap. How practical!
-I'm not sure where Takato is getting the "tamers" vocab from. I don't think that would be referenced too much in the TCG, so he must be getting it from the video games.
-Love that Takato lives above his family's bakery. Give me ALL the anime food!
-I just googled this, but apparently the "guil" in "Guilmon" comes from "guilty." Didn't see that coming. I thought it might be Gila monster lol. Of course we get another stinkin' dinosaur-like digimon for the MC. Oh well. I guess that's what the little boys like. He's kinda cute, I suppose
-I don't know the main girl's name yet, but damn, what a badass! I feel like we haven't gotten this kind of female character yet. Closest would be maybe Hikari in her edgier moments, but she's more on the sweet side. I know that the furries like her partner digimon lol (Renamon, I believe?) To be honest, I'm not sold on her design yet. I think it's a little weird looking. Maybe she'll grow on me.
-When Guilmon's egg hatched I thought he died lol. I forgot that an egg cracked in half can be a good thing too.
-I was kind of giggling when they kept showing the scientists in their cyberpunk chairs and wearing VR headsets. Very 2000s sci-fi vibes (still looks cool, don't get me wrong). When they kept saying "wild one" I was just thinking "hey I heard you were a wild one oooooh~"
-When Jianliang's sister dropped Terriermon on his face I died lol. Why was that so funny? I'm so making a gif later...
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-My guy (Takato) really saw a rat infested tunnel and just crawled right through it. I hope you have a good immune system because Jesus...
-The concept of Takato meeting a digimon and then immediately realizing "oh wait, a fire breathing dinosaur IRL is maybe not a good thing" was great. And of course they had to use it as a cliff hanger! I'm wondering if Guilmon will be able to speak or if he'll be more baby-like.
-Guilmon's existence raises many questions. I guess we technically already knew that people can create digimon, we've seen that happen. However, we haven't seen it happen so casually/easily. Does Takato have some sort of special power or can multiple people do this? Also, if Guilmon was born at child level, what happened to the previous 2 levels. Did Takato draw those in his notebook so they're just coded in there?
(My questions are all rhetorical...I shall wait for the show to answer them, so no spoilers please).
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echotunes · 5 months
First of all, you're a godsend for the 'MCYT writing cheat sheet' - I use it all the time, especially because I struggle with characterization, so thank you a ton!
Second, would you have any tips for someone wanting to create their own version?
I was looking for characterization posts about a certain character but found nothing so i'm taking it into my own hands :D I just don't know where to start lol
Thank you!
npnp!! as for tips hmm. well the way my doc has amassed has just been via me offhandedly noticing things while watching videos/streams and going "oh yeah that's a phrase this person uses often I'll add it to the doc" and if they don't have a section yet I'll add a new one specifically to write down that phrase. and then it just keeps growing as I notice more things. same goes for the little info bullet points, or when I notice something that's noteworthy to how someone acts that I can add as a clip. like I don't really actively sit down and think "okay what advice do I have for how this person talks specifically" it just kind of accumulates whenever I think of single little points. hence why the doc looks so unfinished in places because for some people it just never moves past that stage of "noticing one little thing and starting a new section" yk.
if I was specifically trying to start a new section from scratch I think I'd start with speech patterns by trying to think of words or phrases that I can Hear in their voice. Rendog is of course an extreme example but there's certain words phrases like "diggity dog" and "my dudes" that just IMMEDIATELY pop into my head when I think of him, and there's a couple of those for nearly everyone if you think about it. so I'd say start off that and then figure out more!
if you're lost for where to start on what phrases there could be, think of different "categories" of words/phrases there are! like these:
adjectives/adverbs they use to describe things ("cool", "beautiful", "lovely", "awesome")
common swears or exclamations ("oh my goodness", "holy shit", "oh god")
ways they address people ("my dude(s)", "man", whether they say the name of the person they're talking to a lot, common nicknames they have for people)
whether or not/how often they swear and if so which swear words they tend to use
filler words ("like", "okay okay okay", "alright")
other generally common phrases (these examples are more cc-specific but "if I'm gonna be honest", "oh snappers", "at this point in time" and so on)
you can also pay attention to grammar:
do they speak in lots of short sentences or longer elaborate ones?
do they repeat themselves a lot?
do they use filler words such as "like"?
are there other more specific quirks or technically-incorrect grammar usages (like how Tango will go "sadness is happening" or Bdubs will say things like "I'm very proud of me" )?
especially for the grammar part of things, transcribing sentences they say whlie I'm watching stuff helps a lot. because 1) that makes it easier to understand what I meant with what I wrote and 2) I can compare to the sentences I already have written down which helps me try to hear the sentences I've written in that person's voice and trying to figure out Whether They Would Fucking Say That yk
this got a bit longer than intended but I hope that helps a bit!!! :D
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Trigun Thoughts Vol. 2 Pt. 2
This is actually just miscellaneous reactions I had while reading that I don't want to clog the tag with. Hope it's at least a little funny.
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Not for long I bet... (look at them. so squishy...)
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Oof. I um. Hm. This means something, I just can't place it right now.
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I adore how perceptive Milly is. I just adore her in general. Actually there's something to be said about Milly as the observer in this series. Meryl is knocked out for much of the ensuing fight against Monev but Milly witnesses all of it. She's also frequently the first to look out a window or to notice things in her environment. Hm. Really interesting.
Knives' face being shadowed is so so good. It's similar to my commentary in Stampede about how the camera doesn't really focus on young Nai in the early flashbacks so you don't see his face a lot at first.
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Vash's awkward smile. Meryl immediately trying to backtrack. I am experiencing secondhand embarrassment. Girl. Please.
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He looks like a jojo character. Actually, I'm super intrigued by Legato. He's really interesting. I wish to study him under a microscope. (Every time someone mentions "blue hair" my brain automatically finishes it with "and pronouns" sjfhbdfh)
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He's so cute. He wants your money.
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This entire scene is so sweet, what the heck???
And now, for a transcript of my live reaction to the page after this: "Yes! See through him! The mortifying ordeal of being known! Get perceived idio- WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS SPINE???"
I'm a little sad about Dominique. She was cool. Also I'm enjoying the way anyone wearing a coat or cloak, regardless of gender, is drawn as. Basically a rectangle. Hjhfvjdfh. This isn't a judgement I really do like it a lot.
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Wolfwood :(
Huh. Knives' literal rebirth is making me. Uncomfortable. :)
(Season 2 of Stampede should definitely give him the long hair here though...)
Meryl cares him so much. GOOD.
Ooh! About the whole "it was the first time he called me by my name" part, it actually wasn't! Vash said her name during the Monev fight but because Meryl was unconscious, she didn't hear it! I think, given how avoidant Vash is, it says a lot that he went from not referring to most people by name to singling out Meryl and Milly and telling them to run because, like it or not, they as individuals (beyond being members of humanity he swore to protect) have become personally important to him.
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Did. Did Legato just get squished???
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Oh my god no no no leave my boy alone
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I have a few thoughts regarding Wolfwood watching all of that happen... but I kind of want to wait for a bit before I comment on it.
The fifth moon thing was incredibly disturbing in the way it played out... Knives' genuine sorrow at seeing that Vash has more scars. Vash rightfully calling him out for hurting him more. Knives immediately switching to blaming Vash for July and implying that he fucking shoot himself if he wants someone to pay what the fuck. Vash showing clear signs of trauma (freezing, loss of memory, panic, anger). Knives grabbing his face and restraining him while forcing his arm to transform. Everyone else trying desperately to get away. Vash crying and having no clue what is happening to his own body. Holy fuck. This is downright horrific.
Uhhh. On to Trimax I guess. I'm sure things can only get better...
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skzswife · 8 months
Taste (Lee Minho)
PT 2 Pt 1 link here
"oh shit sorry dude" Chris says immediately after bumping into the small yet also very big man "It's alright you good?" the man says "Yeah I am just on my way to reception to find our room" Chris responds then another man pipes up "What's the number?" he asks "O-oh umm 143 I think" Chris responds nervously (He has social anxiety) "Oh really? You're right beside us then we can show you if you want!" the buff one says "Really thanks..uhhmmmm" "Bin, call me bin" he responds with a giggle "Ok thanks bin'' a third boy pipes up after looking ahead to you and Gina surrounded by bags "You need this?" he points at the cart he's sitting in "if your not using it, yes please" "get out of there innie" the second boy says blatantly "Fine" He gets out and walks with Chris who has started walking with Bin towards you and Gina "thanks again, innie right?" he looks at Chris "it's what my friends call me you can to i don't care" Chris nods and stops Infront of you "Hey these guys are gonna show us our room because they are right next to us apparently" you nod and look at them "Let me introduce them this is Bin, Innie, and um" "Don't worry about it" he says coldly then locks eyes with you "Min just call me min I don't care" Chris nods "And Min" you nod with a small ah in understanding and they lead you to your room showing you how to work the complicated key "Thank you guys" you say as they go into their own room after being yelled for by someone with an Australian accent. Throwing your stuff down on the bed you prop your head up as Gina starts speaking "We need to get ready the concert is in 2 hours and we still have to drive there" "No we don't" Chris interrupts "what" "Gina the concert is in the stadium like 2 blocks down we can just walk" Gina scoffs "Okay smartass" you giggle and head to the bathroom to get ready finishing in 20 minutes and coming out to them ready already "Huh?" Chris laughs "There's 3 bathrooms" you look around and sure enough there is 2 other bathrooms "Huh that's cool anyway let's go". you all start walking to the stadium with your bags and other things and arrive 1 hour and a half early to the venue so you ask if you can help set up and the workers very much appreciate your help "Hey are you good at makeup?" one of the workers asks "Yes she is" Gina answers for you "Good come with me" She says walking in a direction signaling for you to follow her leading you to some rooms with stars on them labeled stray kids "Oh my god I can't go in there" "Please we are down an artist and Bangchan needs his makeup done" you start pacing "I-I don't know if I can" "Please try, I'm begging you" y6ou nod and she knocks and is answered by 8 familiar voices you take a deep breath as she open the door and it's your luck the second the door open not only are all eyes on you but you lock eyes with Lee Minho and he doesn't break it until Chan says "who's this Jess? (The worker)" "She's a fill in makeup artist" "For?'' Seungmin asks "Bangchan" another girl speaks up "I took his over so she has to do someone else" you start to get more stressed "Hey! Your the girl in the room beside us! y/n right?" you blink a few times "Uh- Yeah" there is no way that Han Jisung knows your name "Oh good eye Han it is her I thought so" Lee know says "I don't have an artist would you do me?" you nod nervously and start walking up to him, The worker Jess shows you what his makeup should look like and you inspect it also inspecting his Beautiful ,face to change it to his facial shape and start working, dipping the brush in the eye shadow and preparing yourself to touch his face starting to apply the makeup in the way the picture you accidentally slip up by saying "God your even more beautiful in person" under your breath but he heard you causing him to chuckle "W-what did you say?" he says between giggles "W-What do you mean?'' he chuckles again "I'm not deaf y/n but I won't make you say it so just keep going" you continue nervously and are the last one going while your working on his perfect kissable lips "Wow! This is actually really good!"
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styrmwb · 7 months
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFVIII)
VIII is a weird game. Everything about it is weird. The plot is weird, the gameplay is weird, the world is weird, the characters are weird, and of course, the sounds are weird. They're unique! Like VII, VIII has a very distinct sound, and I love it. I love VIII for all of its strangeness. I think out of the 3 PS1 games, it's not my Favorite soundtrack, but it's fucking Final Fantasy. There's literally not a bad soundtrack in this entire goddamn series. This shit is B tier AT WORST. Let me tell you about my favorite songs, as I love to do, and you can judge me silently in your transparent gray textboxes if you so wish.
5. Silence and Motion This is a silly song; I love how silly it is. It's perfect for a silly future city ruled by a very silly man. This starts by feeling very strange and cautious, probably like how you would feel if you entered a random futuristic city in the middle of an icy wasteland - and then the circus music starts? and it makes you feel like, oh actually this place is good? Then it speeds up. You feel a sense of rush. A silly sense of rush, but a sense of rush regardless. And Boom, the fuckin super speedy xylophone kicks in, and this song sounds like a busy city, with people running around, it SOUNDS like what a busy news station would sound like. That's my favorite part right there.
4. Blue Fields bum bum BUM BUM bum bum bum bum BUM BUM. Going from a silly song into a fun song. Fun, yet also calming. Blue Fields is the perfect name for this song, because to me, the main instrument in the melody reminds me of water? This might be an insane person take but like it sounds like a pool looks to me. But not like a community pool I mean like a classic backyard pool with the good blue siding. I'm rambling worse than I usually do. I do not get sick of listening to this song while walking across the overworld, and it is very important for an overworld song to be something you are not going to get sick of, cause you're going to be ALWAYS listening to it.
3. Balamb GARDEN This song sounds like a school. This is a song of LEARNING. And like sure it's a school where you're learning to be a child soldier but like who cares this is an AMAZING song for where it plays. It feels like school, but it also feels like home (it is home!). I love the strange piano sound it has (again, FFVIII has a very unique sound and I love it for that) and then you get the odd flute/wind instruments as well. As I was starting this list, I was expecting me to put a lot more battle themes, but it turns out I love the overworld themes a lot more than I thought??? Anyways, let's immediately throw that thought away and go into:
2. The Extreme Here's the battle music. The final battle music even. This song starts out so cool, giving you the same FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC "motif" that has been spread through a few points throughout the game, and a somber piano opening before going full into the actual meat of the song, which is INCREDIBLY COOL SOUNDING. It's all like, awesome fuckin synth instruments and a high energy melody and backing that pumps you up as a final boss theme should. I love the part where the synth goes ham up and down the scale towards the middle of the song, and then of course there's the part where it slows down and brings in the choir reminding you of almost like, the core of what this encounter is, against a magic wielding sorceress (who I swear the translation should have been witch but whatever!!!). Banger song.
1. Force Your Way Honest to god contender for best normal boss theme in the whole series (VI might have it beaten out by a slight margin). I LOVE the intro so much; the organ and the heavy string hits building up the atmosphere with the little bwoodooloodooloodoo in the back going into the sickest synth melody you've ever heard in your goddamn life. Throw in a little heavy MIDI guitar and you've got the hypest moment of your life. I can imagine Uematsu had a LOT of fun crafting this one for the game, this is easily the pinnacle of how unique FFVIII's sound is and I hope I've beaten you over the head with this fact that I've made enough. This song should make you feel like you should pick up that Yamaha keyboard your family has sitting in the basement and you should fiddle with it for At Least Like 2 Hours.
Honorable mentions this time go to The Man With The Machine Gun, Maybe I'm a Lion, Fisherman's Horizon, The Castle, and water and water and water water (Don't Be Afraid)
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clonehub · 1 year
Rewatching tbb wish me luck.
First thing I've noticed is that the way tbb fights is really inefficent. It looks cool until you realize they're taking out droids one by one and techs droid poppers are only good for one use each. A normal droid popper would take out maybe like 6 droids at once if they're close enough. Tech used three and got three but we saw the whole sequence of it ig bc it's mean to be cool?
And again like I'm confused bc how much of this is their own skill and how much is access to weapons that regular clones don't have.
Like why does tech insist on getting as close as possible to stick these grenades and droid poppers on droids when the more efficient thing is to throw it from a distance?
"if you're done hiding down there" shut UPPPP oh my god
You know how like. Ppl say the Travis books are mean spirited and the jkr books are mean spirited. This feels mean. Like these are clones who were about to be overrun, who needed help, who relied on you to save them and you're immediately berating them for what?? Needing reinforcements? Waiting for YOU to do YOUR job?
No bc like just how like in s7 tbb gets away with breaking chain of command they do it here too. The captains right to berate them for insubordination like huh.
Caleb's voice has me in tears 😭
Geez the way they converse is so annoying. Wrecker is so annoying. I don't like characters that yell a lot sorry.
Kinda crazy that it took tbb that long to run back.
"talk to the reg captain" he has a name
Again the way they say regs just sounds like a slur.
Also like I feel like episode one is just the beginning of everyone else being rewritten in order to prop up tbb like kanans fans were PISSED his entire story about O66 was rewritten to give something to them.
Ah yes the first instance of Wrecker and tech being the dumb/genius trope.
Now that I think about it it actually feels kinda disrespectful to have like. The goofier/funnier moments of like the food fight and all that in an episode where a genocides just been committed???
And like wrecker isn't funny they don't actually know how to write funny. When that one critic said their personalities had been turned up to an almost caricaturish degree they were right.
And tech here asking that one clone what division he's from and naturally being brushed aside and then using that as evidence that they're still the same. Like huh. You see kaminos lockdown you see the Jedi have all been executed you see ppl got shit to do and you step directly in front of someone to ask them a stupid question like that 😭 like what was even the point of that scene they just screen wiped immediately after 😭
Good lord they're so ugly.
"they manipulated preexisting aberrations in our DNA--" ok so like. An aberration implies something bad. Defect implies something bad. But it's clear these aberrations were good differences taken to their extremes. Because in what world is looking at someone's DNA and seeing there actually a genius (barring that this isn't how this works) like actually a defect. "Oh this guy's strong and this one seems to have stronger senses" that's. They started out good and then were taken further??? Like??? And it was done on purpose too, not like the the Batch were unplanned, the Kaminoans specifically made them this way which is a luxury and privilege like no other clones can have.
Which is what annoys me so much about tbb being bullied by regs for being ~different~ bc that's such a shallow read on what differences exatly would make the regs hate tbb so much. Like no kdy gets bullied for being smart or strong they get bullied for being annoying as hell and being arrogant and derisive to ppl they think are "beneath" them. So the bad batch were bullied for their appearance then and the privilege they have over other clones in clone society. So like. These white boys that were made to be better than everyone else and get rewarded for it all the time look down on the """regs""" why am I meant to side w tbb lbr. Like it looks like hyped up white kids getting bullied by jealous brown kids. Huh. Bffr.
This is so bad. IM ONLY 18 MINUTES IN WHAT--
"you're more machine than man percentage wise" die
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Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 6
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 2901
Warnings: Car Crash, mild PTSD
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: Willow Bless the Broken Road
Annalise groggily opened her eyes, her spinning vision coming to her first. She blinked, hoping it'd stabilize her sight, but it had little to no effect. The angry dinging of her car alarm came into focus next. That couldn't be good. She noticed the deployed airbag and the near-shattered glass of her windshield and driver's side window, and that's when it all came rushing back to her. 
The tow truck. 
The red light he ran. 
Annalise finally lifted her head fully and scanned her surroundings, slightly confused as to why she faced the opposite direction she'd been going in. How hard had he hit her?
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Air. Let's get some air, and then I'll call 911 and Mom. Annalise thought, staying unnaturally calm for the severity of the accident. She fumbled for the door handle and pushed the door open. A warm breeze greeted her and slightly cleared her senses. Phone. Phone. Where's my phone? 
Annalise saw it on the floorboard and reached for it. As she flipped the Razer open, she noticed a man talking on the phone nearby. She couldn't make out much of what he was saying, but something told her it was emergency services. Annalise dialed her home number, waiting for her mom or sister to pick up. Charlie answered on the second ring. "Hey, honey, are you on your way home?"
Don't cause her any panic. Play it cool. Annalise took a deep breath and said casually, "Hey, Mom, I'm going to be late."
"What happened?" Charlie asked immediately.
Shit. Mission failed. "Uh, I got hit by a tow truck outside the school."
"Are you okay?! We're on our way right now. Is an ambulance there yet?"
"I think so. My head hurts, but I don't think anything's broken, and no. No ambulance."
"Okay, we're in the car now. If we don't get to you before they take you to the hospital, call us so we can meet you there."
"Okay, see you soon. Love you."
"Love you, too, sweetie." Charlie hung up, and Annalise decided to assess the damage to her poor car, which more than likely was totaled. She stood up and immediately regretted it. Her vision tunneled, and Annalise gripped the door, praying she wouldn't pass out.
A pair of strong hands grasped her arms, followed by a familiar voice saying, "Easy, Annalise. Let's sit you down."
The person lowered her to the ground but kept a hold of her. She winced, swallowing down the nausea. Once her vision returned to normal, Annalise looked at the kind samaritan helping her and decided right then and there that God had to be playing some terrible trick on her. "Oh, God, it's you."
Jake tilted his head, smiling in confusion. "Uh, hello to you too."
Guess he hasn't heard the rumors. Annalise remarked inwardly, or so she thought, because Jake asked, "What rumors?"
"I-I said that aloud?" Annalise replied, grimacing, trying to drop her head to hide her flushing cheeks. Jake stopped her, keeping his hands firmly on her cheeks.
"Try not to move your head. I don't think your neck is broken, but I'd rather not find out the hard way. Where does it hurt?"
"Honestly? Just my head," Annalise admitted, pointing to the throbbing spot a few inches above her ear. Jake gingerly placed a hand on the site.
"Yeah, you've got quite the lump there. I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure you'll have a concussion. Does it hurt anywhere else?"
"No, weirdly enough. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at practice?"
"Practice ended a few minutes ago. I was heading to my car when I saw the crash and you trying to get out. Kind of surprised you're talking so coherently."
"Yeah, well, panicking about the situation isn't going to help anything. It'll probably hit me later." Out of the corner of her eye, a policeman, followed by EMTs and firefighters, approached her and Jake. The EMTs replaced her friend, and the policeman questioned her about what had happened. Annalise recalled the story very matter-of-factly, told them where she hurt, and insisted her neck was fine. With that said, the first responders helped her stand and carefully walked with her to the gurney. Annalise tried to see where Jake stood, but she was whisked away to the hospital before she could find him. 
Charlie and Jackie weren't far behind in arriving at the hospital after Annalise, waiting impatiently in her room when she returned from the CT scan. Her mom, barely hiding her panic over the situation, asked shakily, "Are you okay? Where else besides your head hurts?"
"Nothing so far. I think my body might still be in shock."
"We passed the wreck from the freeway," Jackie said, a deathly shade of white. "You're lucky to be alive."
"Miss Blackwood?" The doctor stepped in, smiling kindly at me. "CT scan looks good. No bleeding of the brain from what we could see. You do have a two-inch hematoma on the left side of your head as a result of the impact, and based on your current symptoms, you have a moderate concussion. You'll want to limit strenuous activity, avoid anything that requires too much concentration, and that includes watching TV or being on the computer."
"I'm supposed to start school on Monday. Am I able to go?" Annalise asked, dreading that she may have to start late because of the wreck. She had enough attention on herself from the rumor her sister had started. Annalise didn't want anyone to think she skipped school to avoid people. 
"That will be a judgment call for you. I'll write you a doctor's note in the event you need it for any reason, although I do recommend starting out with half days for now. After today, you'll want to follow up with your regular doctor for further treatment. Do you have any questions for me?"
Annalise shook her head. "No, sir."
That said, the doctor bid them good evening and left the room. Charlie shouldered her purse and instructed, "Jackie, stay here while Annalise changes to make sure she's okay. I'm going to go take care of the payment and insurance."
Before either girl could argue, Charlie strode out of the room. An awkward silence fell over the sisters. Jackie turned around to give Annalise some privacy. While she changed into her shorts and tee, the younger Blackwood asked shortly, "Did you get my text?"
"About the rumor? Yeah."
"I'll fix it."
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"You better. What the hell? You could've done so many other things, but you chose to spread a false rumor about me and Jake Seresin? I can't be invisible when everyone knows my name at school!"
"Why do you want to be invisible so badly?"
"Because we both know Mom and Dad are going to pick up and pack up once we finish the year out and while you're off at college, I'll be starting at another new school. I don't see the point in making friends and getting close to people when I'm going to move away and will probably never see them again."
"Jake's not your friend?" Jackie inquired, turning to face her sister when Annalise placed her folded hospital gown on the table. 
"It was just for the summer. Besides, I'm sure after your little stunt with that rumor, once he catches wind of it, he'll want nothing to do with me. Come on, let's go find Mom."
Annalise turned to walk out, only to be hit by a wave of vertigo. Jackie grabbed her sister before she fell over. Clutching her head, Annalise mumbled a "thank you" and allowed Jackie to escort her out of the hospital room and to their mom. 
Annalise took the backseat of their car, sliding down to hide from the sun and to avoid noticing intersections. She would wince every time they crossed one, expecting a car to come out of nowhere and hit them. Annalise wouldn't rise out of her seat until they arrived home. There, she went into autopilot. Annalise hugged her mom and sister, went upstairs, took a shower, dried her hair, put on her Navy sweatshirt and black leggings, and called her dad to tell him she was okay. Then, Annalise headed downstairs and sat at the dinner table, eating as much as she could stomach before migrating back to her room and into her bed. Annalise attempted laying on her left side, her typical sleeping position, only to jerk in pain when the swollen lump on the side of her head pressed into the pillow. Biting back tears of frustration, she flipped onto her right side, closing her eyes and trying to fall asleep, but it wouldn't come. The throbbing of her head, the flashbacks of the wreck, and the aches suddenly overcoming the rest of her body finally broke the wall holding the rest of her composure. Annalise silently wept into the pillow, overwhelmed by the day's events.
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The tears didn't last long, just enough to be a catharsis for the bottled-up emotions. It took Annalise no time to recognize that sleep wouldn't come easily, so she sat up and leaned against her headboard. The buzzing of her phone with an incoming text caught Annalise's attention. She reached over and grabbed it to see who it was from, genuinely surprised to see the name on the screen: Jake.
On a whim, or perhaps a concussion-induced one, Annalise hit "dial" before she could stop herself. He picked halfway through the first ring. "Hey! Are you okay?"
"Feel like I just got hit by a tow truck," she joked, using humor to cope with the mortification that she'd actually called him and the fact he'd most likely confront her about the rumors.
"I'd say that's about right," he said with equal humor. "It's good to hear you up and talking. That-that was a hell of a wreck. The fact you got out of the car yourself and were talking-"
"It's nothing. Panicking wouldn't have helped."
"You're something else, you know that? Are you going to be up to school on Monday?"
"Doctor said it's up to me if I feel up to it. Guess I'll see Monday morning."
"If you do, if you trust me, I can give you a ride," Jake offered, sounding almost sheepish. 
"Yeah, I mean, after all, isn't that what boyfriends are supposed to do?"
Annalise slid under covers as if hiding under them would make the embarrassment disappear. "Annalise?"
"I swear it wasn't me that said anything."
Strangely, Jake chuckled. "I know. Jackie reached out to me earlier and told me everything. I couldn't resist teasing you about it since you seem so against dating me."
"I'm not against it; it's just not true."
"What exactly did you do to earn that kind of wrath from Jackie?"
Figuring she had nothing else to lose, Annalise told him the entire conversation between her and Jackie that sparked the war between them. Her cheeks flamed when she mentioned the part about Jackie calling him her boyfriend, but Jake started cracking up at what Annalise called Orry. 
"Your humor being intact is a good sign," Jake said. "I think you're going to make a full recovery. Oh, uh, before I forget, I talked the policeman into letting me get the rest of your belongings from your car before they towed it. I can swing by and drop them off. It's only eight o'clock right now, but I'm sure you're not up to it, so I can come by tomorrow."
"Oh, thank you! Uh, you don't have to- I can have my mom pick it up. I don't want to subject you to my sister if she answers the door."
"See, I'd consider that a plus. Would love to meet the person that caused this chaos. On a different note, I'm surprised you're not sleeping."
"Can't. This headache is awful. I should probably find some ibuprofen to see if that helps." Another idea, definitely concussion-induced courage, prompted Annalise to add, "If you really want to, you can come by now. I don't care. I can assure you I'm not going to sleep any time soon."
"Give me five. I'll be right over."
Before Annalise could protest or comprehend what had happened, Jake hung up the phone. She stared at the screen, confused beyond all reason that he'd so readily agreed to her stupid suggestion. What guy did that?
I'm imagining things. That's all. The stupid concussion made me mishear him. He'll probably be here tomorrow. I need to get some ibuprofen. Annalise thought, shaking her head slightly. Rolling out of bed, she made her way downstairs to get the medicine. She could hear her mom on the phone with the insurance company about the wreck. Apparently, it paid to be friends with your agent. Jackie sat on the couch, the back of her head barely visible. Annalise wanted to join, attempting to watch for a few moments from where she stood, but the brightness of the screen hurt her head even from that distance. Annalise decided it'd be best to return to her bedroom, but as her foot hit the first step, the doorbell rang. She froze, unwilling to believe it could be him. Slowly, she turned around in time to see her mom answering it. 
"Hello," Charlie greeted, confusion clear in her voice. "May I help you?"
"Hello, ma'am. I'm Jake Seresin," he said with a charming smile. He offered his hand, and Charlie shook it. "I saw the wreck and convinced the police to let me get Annalise's belongings for her before they towed the car."
"He did more than that," Annalise said, coming to stand beside her mom. "He caught me before I collapsed to the ground and kept my head still while we waited for EMTs in case my neck was broken."
Unless Annalise was mistaken, Jake flushed at her words. "It's, uh, it's what anyone would've done. I think I just beat the others to it."
"Thank you for helping her," Charlie said sincerely, taking the box from him, "and for returning her stuff. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Annalise has told us so much about you."
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, ma'am. I'm sorry to have bothered you so late. I figured I wouldn't get a chance tomorrow with practice and all, so when Annalise said I could come over, I jumped at the opportunity."
"Not a bother at all. You're always welcome here. Annalise, I'm going to bring your stuff upstairs. I'll be back." Charlie turned around, but not before she discreetly and playfully winked at her daughter.
The two friends fell into an awkward silence. Annalise shifted on her feet, unsure of what to say, so she went with the most logical thing. "Thank you for helping me earlier and for bringing my stuff. You didn't- you didn't have to rush over here."
"Can I be honest with you?" Jake rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't have practice until tomorrow evening. My morning is clear. I just didn't want to have to wait until then to see you. It's- it's really good to see you up and talking."
Annalise cringed at the implication. "That bad, huh?"
"From what I saw, the tow truck hit your driver's side wheel and sent you spinning two lanes over into a semi-truck. How you were awake, let alone trying to stand up and move... it's, uh, it's kind of a miracle you're alive."
An image of a tow truck coming for her flashed in her mind, but she had no memory of it actually hitting her. Annalise hadn't even glanced at the wreck before the EMTs whisked her off to the hospital. "I didn't- I figured it'd been- that explains why everything hurts..."
"Besides the concussion, anything else broken?"
"Not that we found. At least my hard head is good for something, although we'll find out if I need PT when I go to the doctor tomorrow. Wouldn't surprise me if I did. My left shoulder and hip hurt like crazy. My body probably slammed against the side of the car when I got hit, so... strangely, no bruising, although I've never been one to bruise. Kind of hoping it stays that way." Annalise pulled her sleeves over her fists, unsure of what to say next. 
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"I hope so too. I'm g-" Jake cleared his throat- "I should get going. Told my parents I wouldn't be long."
"Yeah, yeah, of course. Thank you again for bringing my stuff. See you soon?"
"Yeah. Text me when you're up to seeing me?"
"Expect one in the morning," Annalise said with a smile. She hesitated, then stepped forward to give him a hug. Jake, unlike her, seemed to hold no reserves and wrapped his arms around her, and although the grasp itself was gentle, she could feel his fingers curling into her.
"I'm really glad you're okay," he whispered.
"Me too. Thank you for being there," she replied, holding him tighter. Annalise had never understood her romance novels when the girls said they felt safe in the arms of the men they loved, but she understood now. Something between them shifted in that moment, and somehow, Annalise knew that no matter what, Jake Seresin would have her back, would be there for no matter what. Forever and always.
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6
If you're on the tag list, it's because I copied from the India Lima Yankee tag list. If you don't wish to be tagged for this story, just let me know! If you're not on the tag list and want to be, comment below :)
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tamarins-lair · 5 months
oh my god i fucking love this movie.
Here are a few reasons why you should watch it, featuring my thoughts while rewatching it:
Current reference counter: Twighlight, Mean Girls,
My favorite actors in GBF:
Number 1: Natasha Lyonne
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
Soledad: "Think of all the other gay kids at this school that are still languishing in the closet!"
Tanner: *immediately looks back at Brent who's been jealously watching in the background the whole conversation*
Mckenzie: *quits their friendship and walks away as only the most fashionable person in this movie can*
Ashley: What's a sodomite?? 🤨
Topher: I think it's like a dust mite, but with sod. 😌
Ashley: 😲
Ashley: *gets her bribery brownies thrown into the trash*
Also Ashley: Carbs make gay people sparkle?
(Also like later in this movie she remembered the whole interaction and it was so cute to me like-)
Okay this isn't a quote but literally Ashley is like a dumber version of Karen and Heather McNamara combined, bc she gets dragged left and right in this movie by every person in it but she does not have the brain cells to even notice like-
She is so genuinely nice to everyone, I love her so much.
Okay again not a quote but here's the match ups to Mean Girls/Heathers
Fawcett/Gretchen/Heather Chandler Except Fawcett is actually cool and isn't a bitch.
Ashley/Karen/Heather McNamara. Except Ashley is nicer than she is dumb. And she's Mormon.
Caprice/Regina/Heather Chandler Except diversity and equality drama kid. She is slay, literally. She will slice your throat with her stiletto heels and look good doing it.
Molly/Janis/Betty Finn. The left behind best friend (more exclusively to Janis with grunge eye makeup and extreme lesbian vibes)
Glenn/Damian. I literally love this tho because the whole movie is about the gay best friend, but Glenn is the token straight friend. I couldn't actually think of a match up from Heather's, but still. Also, Glenn's last name is Cho, so I'm headcanoning the authors intended the similarities to Glenn Coco from Mean Girls.
Hamilton and Topher are Kurt and Ram
The writing in this movie is iconic, but the fashion is chronic. I'm literally dying someone help.
Also she is literally me commenting during movies
Tanner: Maybe everyone secretly want a GBF. Even moms.
Brent: Right now I'd settle for just a BF
Tanner: You mean like a best friend or like boyfriend?
Brent: Either/Or...
Or both.
(i am 2 gay people in a trench coat)
Okay I have to go to bed bc sleep but I'll edit when I finish the movie later <3
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pancake-breakfast · 11 months
Well, it's a good thing I tried to get ahead earlier in the week because it took this long for me to get to the last part.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 4, Chapters 6-7 below.
Chapter 6: The Bystanders
Falling ships and giant worms. Looks like we're off to a great start here.
Ok, I really hope we get a worms-eye view of The Fall in Stampede. I'm not gonna hold my breath given that they've kinda already covered it and they just don't have a ton of episodes to work with, but I love love love the idea that we get this backstory from the perspective of the planet's native, sentient, and very inhuman inhabitants.
You know what, Zazie? I dunno what this face is supposed to be, either.
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Ah, the Japanese inclination to apologize for everything.
Oh, gods. Nightow's gonna intersperse this backstory with the boys fighting, isn't he? *SIGH* I wouldn't normally complain, but Nightow's fights are, far more often than not, hard enough to follow to begin with.
For as twisted as his body is, Hoppered's hands look very normal. I don't know what I was expecting.
Ohhh, Hoppered's beef is about July. Shoot, I saw someone make a comment about one of the cops in Stampede during July, and now that makes sense. Like, at the very least, that cop's line was a callback to this scene.
Ah, the innate trouble with translating the two-syllable Japanese "待って" (ma'tay) to the monosyllabic English word "wait." Personally, I would have gone with "W-- Wait!" but I'm not the one doing translations here.
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Vash is denying it because he can't imagine wanting to destroy a city, but Hoppered is right; he just doesn't know.
Is... is Hoppered crying?
Eyyyy, old-school Hoppered! Looks like he was a bit of an odd one even before he joined up with the Gung-Ho Guns.
Ah, there's that term "independent." But the way Zazie's presenting it is making me think about it in whole new ways. Stampede brought it up in a way that made me think of them as having a freedom other Plants don't, but this interpretation has me thinking of the innate alone-ness of both Vash and Knives, what that means to them, how they deal with it and how they make it a part of their being. Knives revels in it and lets it feed his sense of superiority (much to Legato's dismay, I'm sure). Meanwhile, Vash... I wouldn't say he resents it, but he finds it very lonely, and it doesn't make him feel superior so much as it makes him feel very Other.
And here's the first place we have it straight-up said that they're Plants.
Ah, so the Bystanders referred to in this chapter title are Vash and Knives. I thought it might end up being the worms. But hey, no reason the title can't work both ways.
And then ANGEL ARM?!?! Ohhhh, Zazie's story's being interwoven with Hoppered's. This is July. How was I supposed to know that without metagame knowledge??
Ok, this panel is great, 'cause it was only a few pages back that Zazie noted they have the innate ability to sense others' emotions. It just adds a level of intimidation on the whole thing.
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Hahahaha, Midvalley. I guess I shouldn't laugh at his suffering, but he tried to kill Wolfwood, so eh.
There's something innately ridiculous with him being like, "Time to pull out the BIG GUNS!!!" and then immediately being like, "Aw, man! My instrument's busted or something...."
"He's almost too pathetic to kill at this point." Rude.
Black-suited moron? Wolfwood?
Yeah, it's Wolfwood.
Milly to the rescue! Again!
LOL, he's doing better than he looks.
But not as good as he thinks he's doing.
The Adventures of Big Girl and Short Woman by Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Uhhhh, who's the person with the light?
Hahahaha, Zazie looks sooooo unimpressed with Midvalley right now.
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Zazie has a point, but I think he's preaching to the choir here.
Where tf did Midvalley get alcohol from all of a sudden? Also, is the alcohol called "Drifter"? If so, that's kinda cool. Something something meaningful names for alcohol in this series.
Oop, Zazie's worm sense is tingling!
Chapter 7: Hopeless Sinner
CW: Suicidal ideation
Oh, Vash. This look has me really worried for you.
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"Sinner" is generally the word Knives uses for humans in this series. I wonder, though, if it might be being used to apply to Vash here.
Ohhh, babygirl looks soooo troubled. And then looking up and seeing the hole in the moon.... That's not gonna improve his mood.
Ah. He remembers. And... you know... in this shot, he looks amazingly like Knives.
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Heh. Hoppered just... sort of peering over him. Like he's checking on his wellbeing. It's the opposite, but the casualness of it is deceptively calm.
I'm... honestly not quite sure what Hoppered did to silence Vash here. Slap him, I guess?
Ooooof. Vash just straight up embraces the killing urge inside him. He looks it straight in the face and says, "Yeah. This is a part of me." But in the same breath he rejects it, says it's not something he wants because he doesn't want to go down that path. He doesn't want it so bad he'd take his own life to keep it from taking over.
Gods, he's sooooo sad. Even Hoppered feels bad for him.
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Hoppered still wants him dead, and still wants to die, as well. TBH, this feels more like he empathizes with Vash to some degree. Something something double suicide.
Uhhhhh, sudden light??
Yeah, I dunno what happened here, either. Vash got knocked somewhere?
*sigh* Wheeeerrrrre does Wolfwood think he's going???
Did... he just gut-punch Milly????
Yes. Yes, he did.
He deserves booing. But I love how he just... caves. I bet he didn't really want to leave and was only gonna do so to get Milly out of there. But Milly didn't want to go peacefully and so here we are.
I really feel like Midvalley should get a strap for his sax. It seems like that would be useful. And this series can't have too many straps, belts, etc.
If five seconds is all it takes, why isn't Vash dead yet? Hmmmmm???
Uhhhhh, what's with this crazy airship??
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Ohhhhh, shit. I have enough spoilers to know who that is.
This chair, though. It looks like a musical instrument.
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Author Bonus Chapter
I have no idea what Nightow is rambling about here with this Barbarian Bonehead All-Stars nonsense.
Ohhh, so this isn't Kuroneko. This is Nya-Kun. My bad, I got them confused.
"My emotions are overflowing into rambling!!!" Hahahahahaha, I know we all do this from time to time, but it just feels very Nightow.
Ohhhh, something got lost in translation here. I've watched enough Attack on Titan to know that apparently Nightow replaced a word here with the pronunciation for "heart," but there's no corelary on the page.
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I had heard about Nightow's love of action figures.
"They gather at the ocean with pleasant feeling." This sounds like something that was translated too literally from Japan. The phrase doesn't quite work in English.
"The meaning of their name in Japanese is 'omocha buzoku.'" This tells me nothing about the meaning of their name in Japanese. I am very confused.
Ah, he addressed the difference in the planet name from the manga to the anime. Sort of.
Haaaahahahahaha, ok, Story Time. A couple weeks ago I was at Anime Expo with @sweetpotoooooooos, and she went to a panel by Studio Bones (one of the old-timers as studios go) on one of the days when I couldn't attend. She said that during the panel, Bones mentioned that when they first got word of just how popular Fullmetal Alchemist (the original) was in the U.S., they thought they were being lied to. The numbers seemed too high. (As someone who was into anime at that time, I can verify that four of their five titles preceding FMA were talked about in the community, but only Wolf's Rain actually aired on Adult Swim where it could reach a broad audience... and... well, let's just say Wolf's Rain is not as good as FMA. (It does have an excellent Yoko Kanno soundtrack, though.)) FMA was first broadcast on Adult Swim in 2004. Trigun was first broadcast on Adult Swim in '03. The idea that anything anime would be popular enough to warrant action figures in the West would have absolutely been mind-blowing to any mangaka, and much more so one as in love with figures as Nightow.
Mata nee, minna-san!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5
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llycaons · 7 months
ep49 (3/3): lwj dismembering a man and looking so so cool diverts attention away from the true man of the hour (👀👀👀)
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and he's also calling out in concern for wwx now, not just jl! man, this is great. a lot of postres meta relies on them having this horrible twisted relationship after the temple, and they ABSOLUTELY need to work on shit, but jc trusting wwx and being openly concerned for him is huge compared to their previous dynamic
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they love him!!!! his uncles!!! give him open affection and physical comfort!!!
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this panning up was done SO well god he is so fucking cool 😍
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ik wen ning isn't in control of his body but there's something a bit delicious about him stepping on the arm of the man who helped murder his entire family
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ohhh another juicy scene! jc trying to protect jl from wn, and in front of both their eyes they see 1. wwx try to stop him and 2. wn grsab a blade with his bare hands to try to stop himself. he wants so much not to hurt this boy after killing his father 🥺 I'm sure he remembered jyl giving him soup too. I'm sure he did
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lwj's eyes are so pretty...dark brown forever
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and here! lxc warns wwx off about using the STA, but lwj intervenes. convinces him to step back, then gives the green light to wwx. lwj trusts him, and supports him, and will back him up 🥺
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and here!!! jc returning chenqing! wwx's old friend and strongest weapon. it's about trust!! wwx can do what he needs to do and his closest friends and family won't turn on him for it
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pied pipering this sword over here
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uh oh. get some cleansing on ya bud
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it's so funny that ss accuses nhs of doing this to himself because he's literally right, but he looks like a maniac for it
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this is so dramatic and romantic...WAIT THIS IS HOW THE JIANG PARENTS DIED WTF!!!!!
these scene always reminded me (tonally) of the one in iasip where liam was about to fall off the roof and ryan grabbed his wrist like "i've got you, brother" and then frank comes behind him and goes 'no you don't!' and pushes him off the roof with a piece of plywood and ryan screams 'NOOOOOO', obviously it mirrors the cluff scene very closely but the absurd tone is so different I never associated them. this though. this is a kind of pathetic guy dying and his employer using his courtesy name for the first time in like. 30 episodes. a bit silly
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ooof. ough. wwx rubbing his thumb slowly over this powerful tool that saved him and cost him so much. another goodbye, to another part of his former life
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I love you sooo much nhs ♥♥♥♥♥♥
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NHS HORSE MOMENTS god I love saying that. what a great shot
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aww jc patting jl's neck
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nhs tearfully: I'm just a little guy I can't fight I'm just a little birthday boy GOD he's such a good character I love him he's so funny
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oh right significant Look At wwx time
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aw man this fucks
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THE HALF FACE SHOTS!!!!! I go crazy every time I love then so much. they've never been used wrong in this show
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oh god help that is so fucking funny. why was jgy behind them and not tied up at all anyway. also lxc immediately turning and stabbing without realizing jgy was completely motionless and no threat??? a high-level cultivator like lxc didn't even register he had no sword to parry? and why was he working with his back to jgy anyway!!! I mean ik it's all for plot and that's fine but stil. lmao
personal highlights:
all of jgy's excuses are so insane and absurd and infuriating but they contrast wwx's actions and behavior SO nicely. if there was a way to prove wwx is The Good Guy to the gathered sect leaders, this is it. not that he has many people to convince who are here
various asides about lxc's relationship with jgy
"I don't deny it'/"You can't deny it!'
the creepy wedding scene was really well done
jgy making a fake tell for jzx to pick up on is truly a masterstroke
yayyy physical affection and comfort for jl from wwx (and jc)
jgy mockingly bowing after being kicked down the steps really did fuck severely
"I've done so many bad things, yet I still hope for pity' *half face shot 'PSYCH!" *takes jin ling hostage by ripping a string out of his body* what a scene
jc calling on wwx for guidance, trusting him, seeing him protect jl, returning him chenqing. nature is healing. they'll never be exactly what they were before, but that's okay. it's a start
'clan leader, abandon me' 'sure thing lmao'
slow shot panning up from jgy's severed arm to lwj standing tall with bichen fucked SO hard god lwj looks so good esp postres they nailed him
wn stepping on jgy's arm
lwj beautiful dark brown eyes <3
jgy and su she's absurdly dramatic reaching-to-each-other deaths. yes kind of jiang parents of them
wwx bidding farewell to the STA. I love closure and acceptance
all of nhs's shenanigans including eating like a horse from lxc's hand and then the half-face shots
everyone turning around like that meme of the girls at the party but it's because lxc just STABBED jgy
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